Elation Professional Binding Machine 10 24 004 1631 User Manual

DMX Partner  
Version 1.0 24-004-1631  
Elation Professional · Los Angeles, Ca 90058 · www.elationlighting.com  
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Section 1: General introduction  
Thank you for purchasing the Elation DMX Partner. This unit is a professional DMX recorder and  
playback device with high performance and advanced capabilities. This device was designed to  
accept information from any universal DMX controller availible on the market today. Any group of  
scenes that have been programmed into a universal DMX controller can simply be downloaded into  
the DMX Partner for easy playback. In many cases, the DMX Partner is pre-programmed at the  
factory when sold in system packages. This unit is made up of two control sections - one part for  
effect lighting and the other for playback of dimmers and moving lights. The two parts run completely  
independent of one another allowing you more flexibility when playing back chases and shows or  
turning effects on and off.  
Every unit has been thoroughly tested and carefully packed before shipment. Unpack the shipping  
carton and inspect thoroughly saving the carton and all packing materials for possible use later.  
Check carefully and make sure your product is not damaged and that no included accessory is  
missing. If your product appears to be damaged or missing something, please do not use it- contact  
our customer support staff at (800) 322.6337 ext-401 for instructions on what to do.  
Section: 2 Safety Information & Maintenance  
Please read through this manual carefully and thoroughly, as it gives important information regarding  
safety, use and maintenance. Keep this manual with the unit for possible future reference. Please  
read all instructions prior to mounting, and operating your DMX Partner. To protect against fire,  
electric shock and injury to persons, please follow the safety precautions listed below and observe all  
warnings in this manual and warnings printed on the console. The following rules give important  
information regarding safety during operation and maintenance for long term use. If you have any  
questions regarding operation of this console, please contact our customer support staff at (800) 322-  
6337 ext-401.  
Use only a source of AC power that complies with local building and electrical codes  
and has both overload and ground-fault protection.  
To reduce the risk of fire or electrical shock, do not expose this unit to rain or high  
levels of moisture. Do not use this unit near water.  
Do not operate this unit if the ambient temperature exceeds 45°C.  
Refer any service operation not described in this manual to a qualified technician.  
Do not dismantle or modify this unit as there are no user serviceable parts inside. Refer  
all service related issues to a qualified technician.  
Use this unit only as described.  
Handle this unit carefully. Any strong shock or vibration may result in malfunction.  
Do not operate this unit when front face panel is removed.  
Any damaged or crimped AC cable should be replaced immediately. Protect the power  
supply cable from being walked on or pinched.  
Do not allow children to play with this unit.  
Keep these instructions for future use.  
Heed all warnings.  
Follow all instructions.  
Clean only with dry cloth.  
Do not install near any heat sources such as heaters, stoves, amplifiers or any other  
heat generating apparatus.  
Only use attachments and accessories specified by Elation Professional.  
Unplug this unit during lighting storms or when unused for long periods of time.  
In order to keep your DMX Partner in good working condition, please follow these  
simple steps for safety and maintenance.  
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Section: 3 Information Notice  
Product Modification Warning:  
Elation Professional products are designed and manufactured to meet the requirements of United  
States and International safety regulations. Modifications to the product could affect safety and render  
the product non-compliant to relevant safety standards.  
Updates & Changes:  
Information and specifications in this manual are subject to change without notice. Elation  
Professional assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in  
this manual.  
© 2004 Elation Professional  
All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without  
permission in writing from Elation Professional.  
It is of great benefit to keep this user manual for future reference.  
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Section 4: Front Panel Overview  
1. 1-4 Chase Buttons- used to store and playback  
chases. Up to 99 steps can be stored into each chase  
button. Chases can be played back in one of two  
modes- sequential or mixed. A chase will incorporate  
the same hold and fade time for each step.  
2. 1-2 Show Buttons- used to store and playback  
shows. Up to 99 steps can be stored into each show  
button. Shows can be played back in one of two modes-  
sequential or mixed. However, unlike chases, shows  
can incorporate different hold and fade times for each  
3. 5-8 Chase Buttons- used to store and playback  
chases. Up to 99 steps can be stored into each chase  
button. Chases can be played back in one of two  
modes- sequential or mixed. A chase will incorporate  
the same hold and fade time for each step.  
4. Joystick- used to control Pan & Tilt movement of a  
moving light on the fly.  
5. Send Button- used to send memory data file to  
another DMX Partner or PC. (See Section 16 for  
additional data transfer information).  
6. Fade Button- used to adjust chase or show fade times. When selected, a chase or show fade time  
can be changed with the UP/Down buttons.  
7. Receive Button- used to receive a memory data file from another DMX Partner or PC. (See Section  
16 for additional data transfer information).  
8. Speed Button- to adjust chase or show hold times. When selected, a chase or show hold time can  
be changed with the UP/Down buttons.  
9. Display- display’s chase/show times and current operation mode.  
10. Record Button- used to record chase and show steps. Also used to engage record mode.  
11. Mode Button- used to select between DMX, Audio or Manual operation modes.  
12. Delete Button- used to delete chase and show steps when in record or record edit modes.  
13. Blackout Button- used to blackout all selected chases and shows.  
14. Pan/Tilt Button- used when assigning joystick to fixtures and to select assigned fixture or fixtures for  
joystick control.  
15. Strobe Button- quick access strobe effect during chase or show playback. Any selected chase or  
show will incorporate a strobe effect when this button is selected.  
16. Up/Down Buttons- these button are used to increase or decrease chase and show step and fade  
times. Also used when in record edit mode to increase or decrease selected chase or show step.  
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Section 5: Rear Panel Overview  
1. Power Supply DC Input- plug the supplied 9 DC-1000mA  
minimum power supply into this input.  
2. DMX Input- connect a universal DMX controller into this input for  
scene uploading.  
3. DMX Output- connect to moving lights or dimmers for chase and  
show playback of uploaded scenes. This output works in conjunction  
with the 1-8 chase buttons, strobe button and the two (2) show  
4. DB9 Pin RS-232 input connector- connect to a another DMX  
Partner, lap top or PC to transfer or load a data file. Use a standard  
RS-232 serial lap link type cable to connect between DMX Partner  
and other device. Must use Elation RS-232 software to transfer data  
between DMX Partner and lap top or PC- software availible at  
www.elationlighting.com . (See section 10 for additonal data transfer  
5. Power switch- switches the units power on or off.  
Section 6: Assigning Joystick  
1. Connect from your DMX controllers output to the DMX input of your DMX Partner.  
2. Press the “Pan/Tilt“ button so that its LED turns ON.  
3. On your DMX Controller, adjust all DMX values to zero.  
4. Press and hold down the “Record“ button and simultaneously press chase buttons 1, 6, 8,1, 6, 8  
in sequence. As a result, the Record LED will illuminate. (Note: if you do not have a DMX  
controller connected to the DMX input of the DMX Partner as described in the previous step, you  
will not be able to access Record mode).  
5. On your DMX Controller, adjust your Pan channel to any value between 30-127. For example- If  
Pan is on channel # 1, you would adjust channel 1 to any value betwen 30-127. (It is very  
important that you do not adjust any other channel during this process. In doing so you may  
assign unwanted channels to the joystick).  
6. Press the “Pan/Tilt“ button to confirm and save your Pan setting.  
7. On your DMX Controller, adjust your Tilt channel to any value between 128-255. For example- If  
Tilt is on channel # 2, you would adjust channel 2 to any value betwen 128-255. (It is very  
important that you do not adjust any other channel during this process. In doing so, you may  
assign unwanted channels to the joystick).  
8. Press the “Pan/Tilt“ button to confirm and save your Tilt setting.  
9. Press “Blackout“ twice to exit.  
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Section 7: Recording Chases  
1. Connect from your DMX controllers output to the DMX input of your DMX Partner. (When  
programming moving lights, it is recommended that you pre program scenes into your DMX controller  
before recording chases into the DMX Partner. If your programming conventional dimmers, you can  
record them in real time using your controllers dimmer channels).  
2. Press and hold down the “Record“ button and simultaneously press chase buttons 1, 6, 8,1, 6, 8 in  
sequence. As a result, the Record LED will illuminate. (Note: if you do not have a DMX controller  
connected to the DMX input of the DMX Partner as described in the previous step, you will not be  
able to access Record mode).  
3. Select the Chase button 1-8 that you want to record into. Once selected, the chase LED will  
continually flash and the LCD will display the current chase step- “CH:00“.  
4. From your DMX controller, select the scene or maually adjust the channels you want included into  
your first chase step.  
5. To record the step, press “Record“. All eight chase LED’s will momentarily flash and the LCD will  
display the next chase step confirming that your step has been recorded.  
6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 up to 99 times per chase.  
7. Press “BLACK-OUT“ twice to exit record mode.  
Section 8: Editing Chases  
8a. Adding steps to an existing chase  
1. Press and hold down the “Record“ button and simultaneously press chase buttons 1, 6, 8,1, 6, 8 in  
sequence. As a result, the Record LED will illuminate. (Note: if you do not have a DMX controller  
connected to the DMX input of the DMX Partner as described in the previous step, you will not be  
able to access the Record mode).  
2. Select the chase 1-8 you want to edit. The chase LED will flash and the LCD will display the total  
amount of chase steps included into the selected chase- “CH:xx“.  
3. To view the previously recorded steps, press the same chase button, both chase and record LED’s  
will be lit. Use the “Up/Down“ buttons to scroll to the step you would like to add a new step after.  
Once you find the step, press the same chase button again so that the chase LED is flashing. (You  
must exit this preview mode before you can record or add the new step).  
4. From your DMX controller, select the scene to be added or adjust the dimmer channels to your  
desired setting.  
5. To record the new step, press “Record“. All eight chase LED’s will momentarily flash and the LCD  
will display the new chase step confirming that your step has been recorded.  
6. Repeat steps 3 – 5 to add additional chase steps.  
7. Press “BLACK-OUT“ twice to exit record mode.  
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8b. Deleting chase steps  
1. Press and hold down the “Record“ button and simultaneously press chase buttons 1, 6, 8,1, 6, 8 in  
sequence. As a result, the Record LED will illuminate. (Note: if you do not have a DMX controller  
connected to the DMX input of the DMX Partner as described in the previous step, you will not  
be able to access the Record mode).  
2. Select the chase 1-8 you want to delete. The chase LED will flash and the LCD will display the total  
amount of chase steps included into the selected chase- “CH:xx“.  
3. To view the previously recorded steps, press the same chase button, both chase and record LED’s  
will be lit. Use the “Up/Down“ buttons to scroll to the step you would like to delete. Once you find the  
step, press the same chase button again so that the chase LED is flashing. (You must exit this  
preview mode before you can delete the step).  
4. Press the “DELETE“ button. All eight chase LED’s will momentarily flash and the LCD will display  
the previous chase step confirming that the step was deleted.  
5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 to delete additional chase steps.  
6. Press “BLACK-OUT“ twice to exit record mode.  
8c. Deleting chases  
1. Press and hold down the “Record“ button and simultaneously press chase buttons 1, 6, 8,1, 6, 8 in  
sequence. As a result, the Record LED will illuminate. (Note: if you do not have a DMX controller  
connected to the DMX input of the DMX Partner as described in the previous step, you will not  
be able to access the Record mode).  
2. Press and hold down the “Delete“ button, then press the Chase button 1-8 you want to delete. All  
eight chase LED’s will momentarily flash and the chase button you selected will not be lit anymore  
confirming that the chase has been deleted.  
3. Repeat step 2 to delete additional chases.  
4. Press “BLACK-OUT“ twice to exit record mode.  
Section 9: Recording Shows  
1. Connect from your DMX controllers output to the DMX input of your DMX Partner. (When  
programming moving lights, it is recommended that you pre program scenes into your DMX controller  
before recording chases into the DMX Partner).  
2. Press and hold down the “Record“ button and simultaneously press chase buttons 1, 6, 8,1, 6, 8 in  
sequence. As a result, the record LED will illuminate. (Note: if you do not have a DMX controller  
connected to the DMX input of the DMX Partner as described in the previous step, you will not  
be able to access the Record mode).  
3. Select the Show button 1 or 2 that you want to record into. Once selected, the show LED will  
continually flash and the LCD will display the current show step- “SH:00“.  
4. From your DMX controller, select the scene or manually adjust the channels you want included into  
your first show step.  
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Recording Shows (Cont.)  
5. Adjust the steps hold time by pressing the “SPEED“ button. Next, use the “UP/DOWN“ buttons to  
select the hold time ranging from 0.1 (one tenth of a second) to 10:00 (ten minutes).  
6. Adjust the steps fade time by pressing the “FADE“ button. Next, use the “UP/DOWN“ buttons to  
select the fade time ranging from 0.1 (one tenth of a second) to 10:00 (ten minutes).  
7. To record the step, press “Record“. All eight chase LED’s will momentarily flash and the LCD will  
display the next show step confirming that your step has been recorded.  
8. Repeat steps 4-7 up to 99 times per show.  
9. Press “BLACK-OUT“ twice to exit record mode.  
Section 10: Editing Shows  
10a. Adding steps to an existing show  
1. Press and hold down the “Record“ button and simultaneously press chase buttons 1, 6, 8,1, 6, 8 in  
sequence. As a result, the Record LED will illuminate. (Note: if you do not have a DMX controller  
connected to the DMX input of the DMX Partner as described in the previous step, you will not  
be able to access the Record mode).  
2. Select the show you want to edit by pressing show button 1 or 2. The show LED will continually  
flash and the LCD will display the total amount of show steps included into the selected show-  
3. To view the previously recorded steps, press the same show button, both show and record LED’s  
will be lit. Use the “UP/DOWN“ buttons to scroll to the step you would like to add a new step after.  
Once you find the step, press the same show button again so that the show LED is flashing. (You  
must exit preview mode before you can record or add the new step).  
4. From your DMX controller, select the scene to be added or manully adjust the channels to your  
desired setting.  
5. Adjust the steps hold time by pressing the “SPEED“ button. Next, use the “UP/DOWN“ buttons to  
select the hold time ranging from 0.1 (one tenth of a second) to 10:00 (ten minutes).  
6. Adjust the steps fade time by pressing the “FADE“ button. Next, use the “UP/DOWN“ buttons to  
select the fade time ranging from 0.1 (one tenth of a second) to 10:00 (ten minutes).  
7. To record the new step, press “Record“. All eight chase LED’s will momentarily flash and the LCD  
will display the new show step confirming that your step has been recorded.  
8. Repeat steps 3 -5 to add additional show steps.  
9. Press “BLACK-OUT“ twice to exit record mode.  
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10b. Deleting show steps  
1. Press and hold down the “Record“ button and simultaneously press chase buttons 1, 6, 8,1, 6, 8 in  
sequence. As a result, the Record LED will illuminate. (Note: if you do not have a DMX controller  
connected to the DMX input of the DMX Partner as described in the previous step, you will not  
be able to access the Record mode).  
2. Select show you want to edit by pressing show buttons 1 or 2. The show LED will continually flash  
and the LCD will display the total amount of show steps included into the selected show- “SH:xx“.  
3. To view the previously recorded steps, press the same show button, both show and record LED’s  
will be lit. Use the “UP/DOWN“ buttons to scroll to the step you would like to delete. Once you find the  
step, press the same show button again so that the show LED is flashing. (You must exit preview  
mode before you can delete the step).  
4. Press the “DELETE“ button. All eight chase LED’s will momentarily flash and the LCD will display  
the previous show step confirming that the step has been deleted.  
5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 to delete additional steps.  
6. Press “BLACK-OUT“ twice to exit record mode.  
10c. Deleting Shows  
1. Press and hold down the “Record“ button and simultaneously press chase buttons 1, 6, 8,1, 6, 8 in  
sequence. As a result, the Record LED will illuminate. (Note: if you do not have a DMX controller  
connected to the DMX input of the DMX Partner as described in the previous step, you will not  
be able to access the Record mode).  
2. Press and hold down the “Delete“ button, then press the show button 1 or 2 you want to delete. All  
eight chase LED’s will momentarily flash and the show button you selected will not be lit anymore  
confirming that the show has been deleted.  
3. Repeat step 2 to delete additional shows.  
4. Press “BLACK-OUT“ twice to exit record mode.  
Section 11: Strobe Function Assign  
1. Press and hold down the “Record“ button and simultaneously press chase buttons 1, 6, 8,1, 6, 8 in  
sequence. As a result, the Record LED will illuminate. (Note: if you do not have a DMX controller  
connected to the DMX input of the DMX Partner as described in the previous step, you will not  
be able to access the Record mode).  
2. From your DMX controller, select a pre programmed strobe scene, or manually set your strobe or  
shutter channel to strobe at the flash rate that you desired. (It is important that you set the scene  
exactly the way you want it played back as it will override any chase or show when selected).  
3. Press the “STROBE“ button to record and store the scene. All eight chase LED’s will flash  
momentarily confirming that the strobe scene was saved.  
4. To exit, press “BLACK-OUT“ twice.  
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Section 12: Chase Playback  
Chases can be played back in two modes- “Sequence“ or “Mix“. Sequence mode allows for chases to  
be played back one at a time. All eight chases can be selected at one time. However, the chase with  
the flashing LED is the only active chase running at the given time. Once that chase has finished, the  
next selected chase will automatically begin to run and it’s LED will begin to flash until it finishes. This  
sequence mode will automatically loop all selected chases. Mix mode allows up to eight chases to be  
played back at any one time. This mode allows for the highest values to take effect over a given  
channel. For example, if one chase contains a value of 126 for channel 2 and another chase contains  
a value of 246 for channel 2 then the chase containing the value of 246 will take precedence because  
it is a higher value.  
12a. Sequencing Chase Playback  
1. Press the chase buttons, 1-8, that you wish playback. The active chase LED flash continuously  
and the LCD will display the selected chase number followed by the sequencing chase steps- “C1-  
8:1-99“. (Note: if more than one chase was selected, the chases will continue to sequence from one  
to the next in the order they were selected).  
2. Press the “SPEED“ button to adjust the chase rate. Use the “UP/DOWN“ buttons to set the chase  
rate ranging from 0.1 (one tenth of a second) to 10:00 (ten minutes).  
3. Press the “FADE“ button to adjust the chase fade time. Use the “UP/DOWN“ buttons to set the  
fade time ranging from 0.1 (one tenth of a second) to 10:00 (ten minutes).  
4. To disengage a chase, press the chase button that you wish to switch off. The chase button LED  
will turn off confirming that it will no longer be included in the sequence.  
12b. Mixed Chase Playback  
1. Press and hold down any recorded chase button 1-8, then select other chases you want included  
in your mixed chase playback. All selected chases will then flash continuously indicating that they are  
part of the mixed chase playback.  
2. Press the “SPEED“ button to adjust the chase rate. Use the “UP/DOWN“ buttons to set the chase  
rate ranging from 0.1 (one tenth of a second) to 10:00 (ten minutes).  
3. Press the “FADE“ button to adjust the chase fade time. Use the “UP/DOWN“ buttons to set the  
fade time ranging from 0.1 (one tenth of a second) to 10:00 (ten minutes).  
4. Press any chase button twice to exit mixed chase playback mode.  
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Section 13: Show Playback  
Shows can be played back in two modes- “Sequence“ or “Mix“. Sequence mode allows for shows to  
be played back one at a time. Both shows can be selected at one time. However, the show with the  
flashing LED is the only active show running at the given time. Once that show has finished, the next  
selected show will automatically begin to run and it’s LED will begin to flash until it finishes. This  
sequence mode will automatically loop both shows continuously. Mix mode allows both shows to be  
played back at any one time. This mode allows for the highest values to take effect over a given  
channel. For example, if one show contains a value of 161 for channel 3 and the other show contains  
a value of 223 for channel 3 then the show containing the value of 223 will take precedence because  
it is a higher value. This mode works very well with moving lights.  
13a. Sequencing show playback  
1. Press show buttons 1 & 2. The active show LED will flash continuously and the LCD will display  
the selected show number followed by the sequencing show steps- “S1-2:1-99“. (Note: in this mode  
the shows will continue to loop from one to the other. Speed and Fade buttons do not have any effect  
in show playback as speed and fade times were recorded in show record mode).  
2. To disengage a show, press the show button you wish to turn off. The show button LED will turn  
off confirming that it will no longer be included in the sequence.  
13b. Mix show playback  
1. Press and hold down either recorded show button 1 or 2, then press the other show button and  
release both simultaneously. Both show LED’s will then flash continuously indicating that they are in  
mix show playback mode.  
2. To exit this mode, press either show button twice.  
Section 14: Strobe Playback  
Selecting the strobe button will activate the strobe scene and override any chase or show that was  
1. Press the “STROBE“ button when effect is desired.  
2. Press the “STROBE“ button again when you want the strobe effect switched OFF. (Any selected  
chases or shows that were running prior to selecting the strobe function will resume playback).  
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Section 15: Audio / Manual  
When running chases or shows, you can select between running them in audio or manual modes.  
15a. Activating Audio Mode  
1. While playing chases or shows back, press the “RECORD“ button. An indicator light will illuminate  
in the LCD next to the AUDIO silk screen. This confirms you are in audio or sound active mode. Your  
chases and shows will now be triggered to sound via an internal microphone in the DMX Partner.  
2. To exit audio mode, press the “RECORD“ button twice. Your chases and shows will now return to  
the default speed and fade times.  
15b. Activating manual mode  
1. While playing chases or shows back, press the “RECORD“ button twice. An indicator light will  
illuminate in the LCD next to the MANUAL silk screen. This confirms you are in manual mode. Your  
chases and shows can now be triggered manually by using the “UP/DOWN“ buttons. The UP button  
will advance your chase or show one step each time it is pressed and the DOWN button will go back  
one step each time it is pressed.  
2. To exit manual mode, press the “RECORD“ button once. Your chases and shows will now return  
to the default speed and fade times.  
Section 16: Send & Receive  
Send and Receive are two functions used when wanting to transfer data from one DMX Partner to  
another or from a DMX Partner to your PC or laptop via our RS232 software program availible on our  
16a. Transfer data from a master DMX Partner to a slave DMX Partner.  
1. Using a 9 pin serial lap link cable, connect from the RS232 connector on the rear of your master  
unit (unit that contains the programs) into the RS232 connector on the rear of your slave unit (unit that  
contains nothing or something you wish to overwrite).  
2. On your master unit, press and hold down the “SEND“ button and simultaneously press chase  
buttons 1, 6, 8, 1, 6, 8 in sequence. As a result, the send LED will illuminate and the LCD will display  
“SEnd“ indicating it is ready to send information.  
3. On your slave unit, press and hold down the “RECEIVE“ button and simultaneously press chase  
buttons 1, 6, 8, 1, 6, 8 in sequence. As a result, the receive LED will illuminate and the LCD will  
display “IN“ and is now ready to receive information.  
4. Press “SEND“ on your master unit and the information will begin to transfer to your slave unit.  
Once complete, the LCD on both your master and slave units will display “END“ indicating that the  
transfer is complete.  
5. Press “BLACK-OUT“ to exit.  
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Send & Receive (Cont.)  
16b. Transfer data from a DMX Partner to a PC or laptop. (NOTE- You must first  
install our RS232 software before doing anything else. The software is availible at  
www.elationlighting.com in the downloads section or DMX Partner product page.  
1. Using a 9 pin serial lap link cable, connect from the RS232 connector on the rear of your master  
unit and into the serial port of your PC or laptop.  
2. In your PC or laptop, open the RS232 program, set the Baud transfer rate to 38400 and select the  
com port associated with your serial port. Every computer is different- if you don’t know which com  
port it is, select com port 1 and go to step 3. If the transfer doesn’t go through, select com port 2 and  
repeat steps 3 & 4.  
3. On your DMX Partner, press and hold down the “SEND“ button and simultaneously press chase  
buttons 1, 6, 8, 1, 6, 8 in sequence. As a result, the send LED will illuminate and the LCD will display  
“SEnd“ indicating it is ready to send information.  
4. On your PC or laptop, select the “RECEIVE“ button from the RS232 program. As a result, the  
program will notify you that it is receiving a new file.  
5. Once complete, the LCD on your DMX Partner will display “END“ indicating that the transfer is  
6. Press “BLACK-OUT“ to exit.  
16c. Transfer data from your PC or laptop into a DMX Partner. (NOTE- You must  
first install our RS232 software before doing anything else. The software is  
availible at www.elationlighting.com) in the downloads section.  
1. Using a 9 pin serial lap link cable, connect from the RS232 connector on the rear of your master  
unit and into the serial port of your PC or laptop.  
2. In your PC or laptop, open the RS232 program, set the Baud transfer rate to 38400 and select the  
com port associated with your serial port. Every computer is different- if you don’t know which com  
port it is, select com port 1 and go to step 3. If the transfer doesn’t go through, select com port 2 and  
repeat steps 3 & 4.  
3. On your DMX Partner, press and hold down the “RECEIVE“ button and simultaneously press  
chase buttons 1, 6, 8, 1, 6, 8 in sequence. As a result, the receive LED will illuminate and the LCD will  
display “IN“ indicating it is ready to receive information.  
4. On your PC or laptop, select the “SEND“ button from the RS232 program and select the file that  
you wish to transfer into the DMX Partner.  
5. As a result, the program will notify you that it is sending the selected file and the DMX Partner will  
also display a receiving track in its LCD.  
6. Once complete, the LCD on your DMX Partner will display “END“ indicating that the transfer is  
7. Press “BLACK-OUT“ to exit.  
Download from Www.Somanuals.com. All Manuals Search And Download.  
Section 17: Blackout Setup  
This feature allows you to set your DMX Partner to activate or deactivate black out on power up.  
Deactivating allows you to automatically begin playback of chases and shows on power up.  
1. Flip the power switch to the “OFF“ position.  
2. Press and hold the “FADE“ and “SHOW 2“ buttons simultaneously and flip the power switch to the  
“ON“ position. As a result, the LCD will display “Y-BO“ or “N-BO“ depending on the current active  
3. If you wish to have blackout active on power up, press the “FADE“ button so the LCD display’s “N-  
BO“. If you wish to deactivated black out on power up, press the “FADE“ button so the LCD display’s  
4. To confirm your blackout setting, press the “BLACK-OUT“ button.  
Section 18: Erase All Memory  
Use this function only if you wish to completely erase all chases and shows currently stored in your  
DMX Partner.  
1. Flip the power switch to the “OFF“ position.  
2. Press and hold the “RECORD“, “SPEED“, “SHOW 1“ and “BLACK-OUT“ buttons and  
simultaneously flip the power switch to the “ON“ position. All memory will now be erased.  
Download from Www.Somanuals.com. All Manuals Search And Download.  

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