Fisher Metal Detector GEMINI 3 User Manual

Q U A L I T Y  
Fisher detectors are renowned for their quality.  
Each detector is hand crafted in the USA with pride.  
Deep Search, Two Box Metal and Mineral Detector  
Treasure Hunters worldwide rely on Fisher.  
Our detectors are durable, dependable, and search deeper..  
Fisher produced the first patented metal detector in 1931. For  
over 70 years, the Fisher logo has been a mark of excellence.  
S E R V I C E  
Fisher is committed to providing their valued customers, with  
superior service. Each and every instrument is rigidly tested and  
carefully inspected during assembly and before shipment.  
Should you have any questions or problems, contact:  
200 West Willmott Roa d  
Los Ba nos, C a lifornia 93635  
Tel 209.826.3292 Fa x 209.826.0416  
Operating Manual  
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6/13/06 2:52:51 PM  
Two-box metal detectors have long been used by  
prospectors, geologists, treasure hunters and public utility  
companies to locate large, deep objects, ore vein, pipes  
and cables. Fisher Research Laboratory is the recognized  
leader in the field, in fact, they were granted the first two-box  
metal detector patent over 60 years ago.  
Length on handle............................................................49 1/2 inches  
Transmitter-Receiver Box Assembly  
.................................................9 1/4 x 12 x 6 inches(23.5 x 30 x 15 cm)  
Complete ...........................................................................7 lbs. (3.2 k)  
Transmitter ........................................................................2.4 lbs. (1.1 k)  
Receiver ...........................................................................2.9 lbs. (1.3 k)  
Handle ..............................................................................1.7 lbs. (.75 k)  
You might think it would be difficult to improve on a product  
that has been in a constant state of development for so many  
years. But the fact is, the GEMINI-3 is probably the biggest  
leap forward in two-box design since it replaced vacuum  
tubes with transistors back in the 1950s.  
RF Search and Trace ............................81.92 KHz Crystal Controlled  
Audio Target Response (VCO)3  
The new GEMINI-3 goes 10 to 20 percent deeper than its  
predecessor. It will trace most pipes and ore veins at least  
50 percent farther, and the new crystal controlled circuitry  
is rock stable. The old metal-rim antenna is gone and so  
are the hard-to-get batteries. The GEMINI-3 is easier to use,  
two pounds lighter, & features Voltage Controlled Oscillator  
(VCO), audio target response for precision pinpointing.  
Operating Modes  
1. Narrow Scan, Inductive  
2. Wide Scan, Inductive  
1. Inductive  
2. Conductive4  
Your Fisher GEMINI-3 is a high quality, precision instrument  
engineered by the oldest and proudest name in metal  
detectors. Treat it right, read this instruction manual thoroughly  
and practice often. Who knows, with skill, patience and a  
little luck, you may find the BIG ONE.  
Target Response  
Meter ...................................................... 2 1/4 x 1 3/4 inches, Analog  
Speaker ............................................................2 1/4 inches, 100 ohm,  
Moisture Proof Cone  
Headphones5 .......................................... 1/4 inch Jack, 8-16 ohms,  
Drop us a line if you have any questions, comments or  
exciting GEMINI-3 stories. In the meantime . . .  
Receiver.............................................................................. (8) AA 1.5V  
Transmitter .......................................................................... (8) AA 1.5V  
Life.2..6........................................Carbon Zinc ............................ 30 Hours  
Happy hunting,  
.................................................Alkaline .................................... 50 Hours  
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Where To Use Your Metal Detector In The U.S.  
National Forest and Federal Lands—Metal detecting is allowed  
only by special permit acquired from the federal government.  
Each area has a district office.  
The GEMINI-3 was engineered to detect conductivity  
changes in the earth over which it is carried. Hence, a positive  
response by the GEMINI-3 indicates the presence of a metal  
object, ore vein or mineral that is more conductive than the  
surrounding rock or soil.  
Corps of Engineers, Lakes, Shorelines and Lands—Permission has  
been granted only on predisturbed sites, such as beaches and  
attached swimming areas. New Corps lakes and lands must be  
okayed by the main office of the Army Corps of Engineers. Each  
area has a district office.  
The function of the GEMINI-3 Transmitter is to send a radio  
frequency (RF) signal down to a conductive object and  
generate an electromagnetic field around that object.  
When used in any of the Inductive modes, the RF signal  
travels through the ground to the object. When used in  
the Conductive Trace mode (see page 13), the signal is  
transmitted directly through a wire attached to an exposed  
portion of the object.  
State Parks and Lands—Some state parks are open to metal  
detecting, but some are not. Always check with the park ranger  
before attempting to use your detector.  
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Lands—Some areas are  
open for metal detecting, and some are not. Always check with  
the district office.  
City or County Park Lands—Most are open to metal detecting  
unless notice is given by a sign or city ordinance. When in doubt,  
always check with the city’s Parks and Recreation Department.  
Public School Grounds—Most are open to metal detecting unless  
notice is given by a sign, city ordinance, law enforcement official,  
or school employee. You should always check with the school  
office first.  
The function of the GEMINI-3 Receiver is to locate the  
object by detecting the electromagnetic field around it and  
responding with audio and visual signals.  
Privately Owned Lands (Private Property)—Permission required. It  
is always best to have the permission in writing.  
Historically Marked Lands or SitesMetal detecting is not  
allowed. Don’t even think about it.  
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The GEMINI-3 was designed to locate large, deep objects such  
as an iron chest, pipe or an ore vein. It will not detect small coin-  
sized objects. A quart jar full of coins, however, may be detected  
one-to-three feet deep. A 55-gallon drum may be detected as  
deep as 10 feet. A very large object, like an automobile, may be  
detected at 20 feet or more.  
Laws governing the use of metal detectors are becoming  
more and more common. In many countries, the use of metal  
detectors is illegal or severely restricted. Don’t let this happen in  
your area.  
The ability of the GEMINI-3 to detect objects at various depths  
depends on several factors:  
ALWAYS get permission to hunt on private property.  
ALWAYS leave a site cleaner than you found it. Take at least  
some trash with you or, if you can, take it all.  
ALWAYS fill in your holes neatly whether you’re in a city park  
or remote wildernessness. Leave the land as it was before you  
disturbed it.  
1. Ground Mineralization: The penetrating power of the  
GEMINI-3 is adversely affected by the presence of  
magnetite (a black iron oxide) and wet conductive  
mineral salts. For example, an object that can be  
detected at 15 feet in neutral ground may be  
detected no deeper than 5 feet in highly mineralized  
2. Size and Depth of Object: A 4-inch diameter target  
will produce signal 64 times stronger than a similar  
1-inch diameter target at the same depth. An object  
1-foot underground will produce a signal 4,000 times  
greater than the object 4 feet deep.  
ALWAYS obey all laws relating to Treasure Hunting.  
ALWAYS return valuable property if you can locate the original  
ALWAYS do whatever you can to give the hobby of Treasure  
Hunting the good image it needs and deserves.  
3. Length of Time Object is Buried: An object that has  
been buried for a long time may be easier to detect  
than a newly buried object. Rust and other oxides as  
well as mineralization caused by the interaction of  
the metal with soil chemicals are good conductors  
and aid detection.  
4. Shape of an Object: Ring or looped shaped objects  
lying flat produce the best results. Flat or dish shaped  
targets are also easy to detect. Rod shaped objects,  
especially when scanned on end, are very difficult  
to detect.  
5. Operator Skill: Probably the most important factor of  
all, practice over known buried targets is essential.  
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Power Switch: Pull out switch turns on power.  
Ground Plate Jack: Used with the optional Ground Plate Assembly  
for the Conductive Trace Mode.  
1. Turn either instrument (Transmitter and Receiver) over  
blade screwdriver.  
2. Lift the battery pack out carefully. Turn the battery  
pack slightly, unsnap the battery connector and slip  
off the sleeve. Change all eight batteries. Slip the  
sleeve back on, then reattach the connector to the  
pack. Slipthebatterypackbackintoitscompartment  
and do a battery test. Refasten the access plate.  
Both the transmitter and receiver will work from 30 to  
40 hours on a set of 8 standard quality, carbon-zinc  
batteries. Alkaline batteries will give substantially  
longer life and in cold weather will perform much  
Battery Level Meter: Gives a visual indication of battery strength.  
Replace batteries if below 5 on meter.  
better than standard carbon zinc batteries.  
NOTE: As supplied from the fac tory, the battery pac k is  
surrounded by a plastic sleeve to retain the batteries during  
possible rough handling and shipping. As a prec aution, always  
reinstall the sleeve after battery replac ement.  
Battery Level Meter  
Power Switch  
Ground Plate  
Figure 2. Tra nsmitter  
Figure 10. Changing Batteries  
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Sources of Error  
Speaker: Provides audible indication of the receiver signal for  
balancing and detecting.  
The most common nonproductive zones of  
conductivity are:  
Meter: Provides visual indication of the Receiver signal response for  
balancing and detecting. Also used as a battery test indicator.  
Sensitivity Control: Used to control sensitivity level. The circled “7”  
indicates the starting level used for Narrow Scan Inductive Search  
1. Dissolved mineral salts - Mineral salts become  
conductive when dissolved in water. As a result, the  
presence of saline water or water saturated soil high  
in salt content, may render the GEMINI-3 useless.  
2. Rough terrain - In very rough terrain it may be difficult  
to maintain the GEMINI-3 parallel to the ground,  
resulting in frequent false signals.  
3. Irregularities in the overburden bedrock - The GEMINI-  
3 may detect sharp changes in conductivity which  
are of no important geological significance.  
Headphone Jack: Accepts stereo or monaural headphones and  
silences speaker when headphones are plugged in. (Stereo/mono  
headphones should be in “stereo” position.)  
Power Switch: Pulling switch out turns on receiver.  
4. Fault zones - Fault zones often give positive indications  
concentrations of water and minerals.  
5. Alluvial deposits along creek bottoms - Conductive  
deposits along creek beds usually have no economic  
value or importance in determining the geology.  
6. Conductive debris - Unexpected high readings are  
often due to highly conductive debris near the  
surface such as scrap iron, tin cans, etc.  
7. Magnetite - Heavy concentrations of magnetite will  
cause false signals and/or loss of penetrating power.  
C ontrol  
It is obvious from the above that every response  
by the GEMINI-3 does not indicate the presence  
of valuable ore, but rather an indication that the  
earth’s conductivity has changed. It remains for the  
operator to properly interpret this data. The successful  
prospector will have some understanding of the ore  
The successful operator will also have studied that  
area and will know in advance what ore he is seeking  
and where the best opportunity exists for locating it.  
Under these conditions, the GEMINI-3 can provide  
valuable information. On the other hand, random  
wandering and prospecting for no ore in particular  
can be an expensive waste of time.  
Test Switch  
Power Switch  
Headphone Jack  
Figure 3. Receiver  
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Narrow Scan Inductive Search  
This mode of operation is performed by a single operator using  
the 3-piece handle. It is the best method for locating small or short  
objects (chest, coin-jar, rifle, etc.). However, it is also an effective  
way to locate pipes, cables and ore veins.  
Set Up  
When an area of high conductivity is encountered,  
outline and stake it by crossing and recrossing, using  
the Narrow Scan Inductive Search mode. It will be  
noted that in and near the conductive zone, a  
maximum indication will be received in only one  
definite direction when the operator stands at one  
of the ground. Record the meter readings as read  
in the maximum directions, at various points along  
the zones. Note the character of the overburden,  
outcrops and topographic features.  
completely covered and all of the conductive zones  
have been staked, these zones are surveyed and  
plotted on a map. The map should include all creek  
bottoms, gullies, outcropsandother physicalfeatures.  
The ideal map on which to plot the conductive zones  
is a topographic and geological map of the proper  
scale. In this way it is possible to correlate the zones  
directly with the topography and geology, and thus  
determine the possible reasons for the presence of  
the various conductive zones.  
1. Assemble the 3-piece handle by inserting each  
end piece into the center handle section. Tighten  
the two center knobs finger tight until there is no  
wobble. Place the transmitter on its back and  
insert the end of the handle with the single brass  
shaft into the V-shaped slot. Turn the knob until it is  
finger tight and the handle is firmly in the slot.  
2. Align the receiver panel holes with the upper-  
handle threaded shafts. Tighten the lower black  
knob until it is finger tight.  
3. Turn the balance knob (with white arrow) until the  
spring is under tension (at least 10 turns).  
Locating Placer Deposits  
A lot of prospectors have told us they would like to  
use a two-box for locating placer gold. In general,  
these deposits contain such a small amount of gold  
that it cannot be detected. Placer gold, however,  
is usually associated with a certain amount of black  
sand, and some placer deposits carry iron sulphide.  
Both of these mineral substances are definitely  
conductive, and may be detected by the GEMINI-3.  
It is through the detection of these minerals that the  
placer gold may be located.  
Figure 5. Assembly for Narrow Scan Inductive Search  
Figure 4. Narrow Scan  
Inductive Search  
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1. Set the transmitter:  
1. Set the transmitter:  
Power: ON  
Power: ON  
2. Set the Receiver:  
2. Set the receiver:  
Power: ON  
Power: ON  
Sensitivity: 7  
Sensitivity: ZERO  
You should get a strong audio tone and meter  
indication at this point.  
CAUTION: Never attempt to tune the GEMINI-3 in the  
presence of metal objects likes cars, metal walls, roofs  
or heavy metal reinforcements in any structure. Their  
presence will make proper balancing impossible.  
3. Slowly increase the SENSITIVITY control until the  
audio signal is heard, then reduce SENSITIVITY until  
the audio just disappears. This is the point at which  
air coupling has been eliminated.  
3. Pick the unit up by the handle and balance it so that  
it is level with the ground and at normal carrying  
height (arm’s length). Five cm higher in the front is  
OK. For a deeper search, attach the fully lengthened  
carrying strap to the eyelets at the ends of the handle  
(see illustration on page 9). You will need to hold  
the instrument at this lower level while tuning if you  
plan to use it lowered. On some highly mineralized  
ground and some asphalt, you may not be able to  
use it with the strap fully lengthened. You will know  
this during tuning if you cannot reach a silence (null).  
Not reaching a null can also indicate the presence of  
nearby metal. If this is the case, move away from the  
metal to balance your GEMINI-3 to the ground only.  
1. Locate the buried pipe by circling the contact  
point, keeping the receiver in line with the contact at  
all times. Stay at least 30 feet from the transmitter.  
2. Once the pipe has been located by a sharp  
increase in audio and meter signals, the pipe may be  
traced exactly as described in the operating section  
of the Inductive trace instructions.  
3. Be aware that a nonconductive gasket in the pipe  
will terminate the RF signal from the transmitter.  
4. Still holding the GEMINI-3 parallel to the ground, slowly  
turn the BALANCE knob (with arrow) on the three-  
piece handle counterclockwise until you get silence  
(null) and zero meter reading. At this point there  
should be no sound as you rotate the knob 1/8- to  
1/4-turn further counterclockwise before reaching  
sound and meter reading again.  
5. Ifyoucannot nulltheaudio or your nullpoint islessthan  
1/8 turn, reduce SENSITIVITY slightly and try again.  
6. If you can turn the BALANCE knob more than 1/4 turn  
without an increase in the sound or meter, increase  
SENSITIVITY slightly and try again. Keep adjusting as  
described until 1/4 turn of silence (null) is achieved.  
Figure 9. Conductive Trace  
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7. You are ready to search when the BALANCE knob  
is adjusted within the 1/8- to 1/4-turn silence (null)  
space. This is extremely important! If this procedure  
is not followed correctly, the GEMINI-3 will either  
constantly give false audio and meter readings  
(sensitivity too high), or no signals at all (sensitivity  
too low). The sensitivity will be correctly set and your  
GEMINI-3 will operate properly only when a 1/4- to  
1/8-turn null has been achieved. If you lower or raise  
your GEMINI-3, you may have to retune by making  
repeated adjustments to the BALANCE knob and/or  
the SENSITIVITY control.  
1. Oncethetwo starting pointshavebeen establishedand  
the receiver tuned, walk away from the transmitter in  
the assumed direction of the buried conductor.  
2. Hold the receiver vertically to maintain a peak signal  
or horizontally, face up, to maintain a null or minimum  
signal. Either method indicates that you are over the  
object and tracing its path.  
3. As the distance from the transmitter increases, the  
signal will fade. As this occurs, increase the SENSITIVITY  
as required.  
4. When the signal becomes too weak to trace, stop  
and move the transmitter closer.  
5. Be aware that if you are tracing a pipe, each time a  
“T” junction or lateral is encountered, the signal will  
split and weaken.  
1. Test your GEMINI-3 in an area you are reasonably sure  
is free of large buried objects. Scatter some metal  
objects, such as a tool box, piece of pipe.  
2. With the instrument properly tuned and held in the  
hand or suspended by the strap, slowly walk directly  
toward your test object. Keep the handle as level  
and steady as possible while in motion or the tuning  
may change and you’ll receive false signals and/or  
lose sensitivity.  
Conductive Trace  
presence of other pipes. A portion of the pipe must be  
exposed in order to energize it by direct connection  
utilizing the optional Ground Plate Assembly or  
Ground Rod Assembly.  
3. As you approach your target, the speaker sound  
and meter indication will increase. They will reach  
maximum readings when you are directly over the  
conductor (target). Remember, on the GEMINI-3,  
unlike earlier models, the sound volume and pitch  
continue to increase after the meter pegs. This allows  
you to pinpoint without constantly readjusting the  
Set Up  
1. If possible, clean the contact point of the pipe with  
a wire brush.  
2. Connect the ground plate clamp to the contact point.  
3. Plug the Ground Plate Assembly or Ground Rod  
Assembly into the transmitter Ground Plate Jack.  
4. Set the transmitter on the ground and in an upright  
position as far away from the contact point as  
possible, at right angles to the assumed direction of  
the pipe or cable. Insert the Ground Plate or Ground  
Rod Assembly in the ground as far away from the  
transmitter as possible. Lay the Ground Plate flat on  
paved surfaces. Placing it in a puddle of water and  
weighing it with a rock will help conductivity.  
5. Hold the receiver vertically, in line with the contact  
point of the pipe at least 30 feet away.  
4. As you cross the target, the signal indications will begin  
to decrease because you are moving away. To get a  
precise fix on the location, make a mark at your feet  
when readings reach their maximum. Cross over the  
target, turn around and come back. Make a second  
mark when readings return to maximum. Your target  
will be centered between the two marks.  
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5. For even more accurate pinpointing of short objects,  
(i.e., a pipe, cable, etc.) approach the test object  
at right angles from your previous direction. Mark the  
ground as you did before. Your test object should be  
about centered between four marks.  
Inductive Trace  
The Inductive Trace mode is usually used to trace  
a long object (pipe, ore vein, etc.) that shows no  
exposed portions, but two starting points are known.  
Set Up  
6. To establish the path of a pipe, cable, or other long  
conductor, pinpoint two more locations 15-20 feet  
apart. From these three locations you should be able to  
drawastraightline(unlessthepipeisn’tstraight). Careful  
of underground lines) of the area are available.  
Locate two points along the conductive object at  
least 30 feet apart as described in the Wide Scan  
or Narrow Scan Inductive Search sections. The  
transmitter and receiver should be in line with each  
other, both facing the same direction. The transmitter  
should be on the ground and the receiver should be  
held by the operator.  
7. It may be necessary to reduce sensitivity with the  
SENSITIVITY knob when the pipe or cable is large and/  
or shallow. Ifthemeter needlehas peaked and sound  
is at a high level, you will want to bring the sensitivity  
down to see the peak of the needle at a point less  
than 100 as you move in half or quarter steps back  
and forth to get your peak reading.  
Figure 8.  
Inductive Trace  
8. If at all possible, practice over some  
buried targets of known size and depth.  
9. There are several things to consider  
when locating buried objects:  
a. Precise location depends on operator skill.  
b. Position of the ground marks does not  
indicate size of the object or its path.  
c. More than one metal object may cause  
a wider or stronger response than  
d. Deeper targets may not produce a signal  
until the operator has passed directly over  
1. Set the transmitter:  
Power: ON  
2. Set the receiver:  
Power: ON  
Sensitivity: ZERO  
e. Reducing the receiver SENSITIVITY control  
will narrow the area between the ground  
marks for more precise pinpointing.  
f. Small or deeply buried objects such as a  
3. Increase the receiver SENSITIVITY control until you have  
an audio response and at least a mid-scale meter  
Figure 6. Handle strap: Using  
the handle strap increases  
depth; however, it may be  
difficult to tune the GEMINI-3  
this close to highly mineralized  
4. Determine that you are not direct air coupling by  
moving the receiver back and forth. The audio meter  
indications should peak over the object. No peak  
will be observed if the receiver is too close to the  
transmitter and direct air coupling is occurring.  
cache of coins, require a tight, closely  
traversed search pattern. Large or shallow  
objects can be located successfully with  
a larger, more widely traversed search  
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Wide Scan Inductive Search  
3. Slowly increase the SENSITIVITY control until the audio  
signal is heard, then reduce SENSITIVITY until the audio  
just disappears. This is the point at which “air coupling”  
has been eliminated.  
This mode of operation is the preferred method for  
searching a large area quickly. Two operators are  
required and the handle assembly is not used.  
The Wide Scan Inductive Search mode is practical  
only when searching for ore veins, pipes or cable  
40 feet long or more. If the operators are too close  
together, direct air coupling” will result, meaning  
the receiver is detecting the Transmitter signal  
directly through the air instead of through a buried  
1. Keeping the receiver and transmitter sections in line,  
the two operators can now walk their predetermined  
search pattern. The SENSITIVITY control should be  
checked periodically to ensure that the receiver is  
tuned just below the “air coupling” threshold.  
2. If both operators cross the same conductive body  
(pipe, cable, ore vein, etc.) at approximately the  
same time, the receiver tone and meter will rise to  
indicate its presence. The receiver operator should  
a conductive object.  
Figure 7. Wide Scan  
Inductive Search  
3. The receiver operator should then hold his position  
while the transmitter operator moves back and forth  
for the strongest receiver response. At this point,  
the transmitter operator should stop and place the  
instrument on the ground with the handle grip on  
4. The receiver operator can then pinpoint the buried  
object by moving the receiver back and forth in line  
with the transmitter. The object should be directly  
beneath the point of maximum response.  
5. The receiver operator may then trace the signal along  
the length of the unseen object as described in the  
Inductive Trace section (page 12).  
Set Up  
Twooperatorslineupatleast20feetapart, onewith  
the receiver and one with the transmitter, parallel to  
the assumed direction of the buried conductor. The  
transmitter and receiver should be in line with each  
other, facing the same direction.  
1. Set the transmitter:  
Power: ON  
2. Set the receiver:  
Power: ON  
Sensitivity: ZERO  
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