Cuisinart Toaster 07CU26323 User Manual

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CuisinartBrick Oven  
BRK Series  
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Banana Pecan Crumb  
Orange-Anise Scones  
High in calcium, these scones are a perfect  
way to jump start the day.  
These muffins are a great way  
to use over-ripe bananas.  
Makes 8 scones  
cups unbleached, all-purpose flour  
tablespoons granulated sugar,  
teaspoons baking powder  
teaspoons freshly ground star anise  
(4 pods)*  
teaspoon table salt  
tablespoon orange zest (1 orange)  
tablespoons unsalted butter, cold  
and cubed  
cup fresh or frozen blueberries  
Makes 6 large muffins  
cooking spray  
Crumb topping:  
cup unbleached, all-purpose flour  
tablespoons light brown sugar  
tablespoons unsalted butter, cold  
and cubed  
teaspoon ground cinnamon  
cup pecans, toasted and chopped  
pinch table salt  
Muffin batter:  
cup buttermilk  
cup unbleached, all-purpose flour  
teaspoons baking powder  
teaspoon table salt  
teaspoon ground cinnamon  
small, ripe banana, mashed  
cup packed light brown sugar  
cup whole milk  
cup vegetable oil  
large egg, slightly beaten  
cup pecans, toasted and chopped  
large egg  
tablespoons heavy cream  
Preheat the CuisinartBrick Oven to 350°F  
on the bake setting with the rack in position  
A. Line the baking tray with parchment paper.  
Place the flour, 3 tablespoons of sugar, baking  
powder, star anise, salt, and zest in the work  
bowl of a Cuisinart® Food Processor fitted with  
the metal chopping blade. Process 10 seconds.  
Add the butter to the work bowl and pulse until  
the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.  
Preheat CuisinartBrick oven to 400°F on  
the bake setting with the rack in position A.  
Lightly coat a 6-cup regular muffin pan with  
nonstick cooking spray.  
Pour the mixture onto a clean counter/large  
cutting board and add the blueberries. Make  
a well in the center of the dry mixture. Whisk  
the buttermilk and egg together and slowly  
pour the mixture, ¼ at a time, into the well of  
the dry ingredients. After each addition use  
a pastry cutter to mix the dough together.  
Continue to slowly add the liquids to the  
dough and mix until the mixture is moist, but  
not a wet dough.  
Prepare the crumb topping. In a small bowl,  
mix the first 6 ingredients together with a  
fork, and reserve.  
In a small bowl, mix the flour, baking powder,  
salt, and cinnamon; reserve.  
In a large bowl, mix the banana, brown  
sugar, milk, oil and egg using a Cuisinart®  
Hand Mixer. Mix on medium speed until well  
blended. Add the flour mixture and nuts and  
mix with a fork until just mixed. Spoon evenly  
into prepared muffin cups and top with the  
reserved crumb topping.  
Form the dough into a 10-inch long cylinder.  
Using a sharp knife, cut into 8 even pieces.  
Place on prepared baking sheet. Brush each  
scone with heavy cream and the reserved  
sugar. Bake in preheated oven for about 20  
minutes or until golden brown. To ensure even  
color, turn baking tray halfway through baking.  
Bake in the preheated oven for about 15 to  
20 minutes, or until a cake tester inserted  
comes out clean. To ensure even color, turn  
muffin pan halfway through baking.  
Let cool before serving.  
*May substitute allspice if star anise is  
Nutritional information per muffin:  
Calories 364 (50% from fat) • carb. 41g • pro. 5g  
• fat 21g • sat. fat 4g • chol. 47mg • sod. 274mg  
• calc. 42mg • fiber 2g  
Nutritional information per scone:  
Calories 278 (36% from fat) • carb. 39g • pro. 6g  
• fat 11g • sat. fat 7g • chol. 56mg • sod. 448mg  
• calc. 110mg • fiber 1g  
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Bake in preheated oven for 50 to 60 minutes,  
or until a cake tester inserted into the cake  
comes out clean.  
Buttermilk Blueberry  
Crumb Cake  
Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 243 (35% from fat) • carb. 37g • pro. 3g  
• fat 10g • sat. fat • 6g • chol. 42mg • sod. 182mg  
• calc. 23mg • fiber 1g  
Makes one 8-inch cake, or 12 servings  
cooking spray  
Crumb topping:  
cup unbleached, all-purpose flour  
cup packed light brown sugar  
cup granulated sugar  
teaspoon ground cinnamon  
pinch table salt  
teaspoon vanilla extract  
tablespoons unsalted butter, cold  
and cubed  
Roasted Eggplant and  
Sweet Pepper Crostini  
Makes 12 crostini  
tablespoons extra virgin olive oil,  
small Italian eggplant, about 8  
ounces, cut into ½-inch dice  
Muffin Batter:  
large red bell pepper (about 3 to 4  
ounces), cut into ½-inch dice  
large yellow bell pepper (about 3 to  
4 ounces), cut into ½-inch dice  
ounces sweet onion, cut into  
½- inch dice  
garlic cloves, divided and smashed  
teaspoon kosher salt  
teaspoon freshly ground pepper  
tablespoon basil, very thinly sliced  
(or chiffonade)  
½-inch slices of rustic Italian bread  
with a tight crumb  
cups unbleached, all-purpose flour  
teaspoon baking soda  
teaspoon table salt  
cup unsalted butter, cut into 5  
cup + 3 tablespoons granulated  
large egg  
teaspoon vanilla extract  
cup buttermilk  
cups fresh blueberries  
Preheat the CuisinartBrick Oven to 350°F  
on the bake setting with the rack in position  
A. Lightly coat an 8-inch square baking pan  
with nonstick cooking spray. Reserve.  
Preheat CuisinartBrick Oven to 375°F on  
bake with rack in position B. Line the baking  
tray with aluminum foil and coat with 2  
teaspoons of olive oil.  
Combine the first 7 ingredients in the work  
bowl of a Cuisinart® Food Processor fitted  
with the metal chopping blade. Pulse 3 to  
4 times, until the mixture is just combined.  
Toss the eggplant, red pepper, yellow pepper,  
onion, and 2 of the garlic cloves in a mixing  
bowl with 2½ tablespoons of olive oil, salt,  
and pepper. Pour out onto prepared baking  
sheet. Bake for about 40 to 50 minutes,  
tossing vegetables every 10 to 15 minutes.  
Vegetables should be very soft and slightly  
In a small bowl, mix together the flour, baking  
soda, and salt. Reserve.  
Place the butter and sugar in a medium bowl  
and mix with a Cuisinart® Hand Mixer until  
light and fluffy, about 1 minute. Add the egg  
and vanilla and beat until fully combined. Add  
Once vegetables are done cooking toss with  
chopped basil in mixing bowl. Taste and  
adjust seasonings accordingly.  
the reserved dry ingredients, 3 at a time, and  
the buttermilk, 3 at time, alternating the two  
Rub bread slices with remaining garlic clove  
and brush with remaining olive oil. Toast  
slices in oven-flipping bread once so that the  
crostini are an even golden brown on both  
sides, approximately 3 to 4 minutes per side.  
starting with the buttermilk and ending with  
the dry ingredients. Pour the batter into the  
prepared pan. Make a layer of the blueberries  
on top of the batter, slightly pressing them  
down. Cover evenly with the reserved crumb  
Top crostini with warm eggplant and pepper  
topping and serve immediately.  
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Note: Eggplant can be made ahead and  
stored in refrigerator tightly sealed. For best  
results, bring eggplant to room temperature  
before serving.  
to 30 minutes, or until just browned on top  
and heated through.  
Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 61 (56% from fat) • carb. 3g • pro. 4g  
• fat 4g • sat. fat 2g • chol. 9mg • sod. 231mg  
• calc. 86mg • fiber 1g  
Nutritional information per 2 crostini:  
Calories 255 (57% from fat) • carb. 21g • pro. 7g  
• fat 16g • sat. fat 3g • chol. 7mg • sod 384mg  
• calc. 125mg • fiber 2g  
Although Gruyère is the classic ingredient  
for gougères, you may substitute your  
favorite cheese.  
Spinach, Gorgonzola,  
Artichoke Dip  
Makes one hundred 1-inch gougères  
Our French Boule (recipe on page 7) is a  
perfect match for this delicious dip.  
cup water  
tablespoons unsalted butter  
teaspoon fine sea salt or table salt  
teaspoon sugar  
cup + 2 tablespoons unbleached,  
all-purpose flour  
large eggs, + 2 more if necessary  
cup Gruyère cheese, shredded and  
Makes 2 quarts, approximately 32 servings  
cooking spray  
ounces Parmesan, cut into ½-inch  
clove garlic  
ounce shallots  
ounces cream cheese, room  
temperature, cut into 1-inch pieces  
cup evaporated milk  
ounces frozen spinach, thawed and  
dried thoroughly  
teaspoon fine sea salt or table salt  
teaspoon black pepper  
teaspoon cayenne  
teaspoon paprika  
ounces Gorgonzola, crumbled  
cans (15 ounces each) artichoke  
hearts, drained and dried thoroughly  
Preheat the Cuisinart® Brick Oven to 500°F  
on the convection bake setting with the  
baking stone on the bottom rack in position  
A. Preheat baking stone for at least 30  
minutes. Line the baking tray with parchment  
teaspoon red pepper flakes  
Preheat the CuisinartBrick Oven to 375°F  
on the bake setting with the rack in position  
A. Lightly coat a 2-quart ceramic soufflé/  
baking dish with non-stick cooking spray.  
Place the water, butter, salt and sugar in a  
medium saucepan and set over medium heat.  
Once the mixture comes to a boil, remove  
from heat and stir in all of the flour. Return  
to the burner and raise the heat to medium-  
high. Using a wooden spoon, continuously  
stir the mixture until it dries out. You will  
know it is done when the dough leaves a  
thick hard film on the bottom of the pot.  
Assemble a Cuisinart® Food Processor with  
the metal chopping blade. With the machine  
running, drop the Parmesan through the  
feed tube and process until finely chopped;  
place in small bowl and reserve. With the  
food processor running, add the garlic  
and shallot through the feed tube; process  
until chopped. Add the cream cheese and  
evaporated milk; process until creamy and  
smooth. Crumble the spinach over the cream  
cheese. Add the reserved Gorgonzola and  
23 of the Parmesan; pulse about 10 times,  
or until well blended. Scrape the work bowl.  
Add the reserved artichoke hearts and red  
pepper flakes; pulse another 10 times.  
Remove from heat and put mixture into a  
medium-large mixing bowl. Beat the dough  
with a Cuisinart® Hand Mixer on a low speed  
to release steam and cool. Once the dough  
has cooled, after about 2 to 3 minutes, start  
adding the eggs, one at a time, mixing each  
until fully incorporated before adding the  
next. The dough is ready when it becomes  
a pale yellow color, and will drop from the  
beater in a slow and steady stream. If the  
dough is too thick, beat the remaining two  
Transfer the mixture to the prepared dish;  
sprinkle with the remaining Parmesan. Place  
in the preheated oven and bake for about 20  
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eggs together and slowly begin to add them  
with the beaters running. Be sure not to  
make the dough too runny or it will not hold  
its shape.  
dough evenly all over but make sure not to  
go entirely through the dough. Line the shell  
with parchment and weigh down with dried  
beans or rice. Bake in preheated oven for 15  
to 20 minutes, or until the dough underneath  
the parchment is no longer wet. Remove  
the beans/rice and parchment and continue  
baking until the shell is golden brown.  
Remove; chill; reserve.  
Stir in ½ cup of Gruyère and the spices. Pour  
the batter into a large pastry bag fitted with  
a small to medium sized round tip. Pipe the  
gougère dough into 1-inch rounds, leaving  
½-inch around each one on the prepared  
baking sheet. Top each one with a pinch of  
the reserved Gruyère. Place the tray on the  
preheated stone in the oven, and turn the  
oven off. Let the gougères sit in the oven  
for 10 minutes. Lower the heat to 300°F and  
turn the oven back on. Let bake for 20 to  
25 minutes, or until the gougères are hollow  
and nicely browned, and not wet inside. To  
ensure even color, turn baking sheet halfway  
through baking.  
While the shell is baking, place the butter/  
olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add  
the asparagus and mushrooms and sauté  
over medium-high heat for 4 to 5 minutes,  
or until the asparagus is bright and just  
softened. Reserve.  
In a medium bowl, mix the milk, cream,  
eggs, salt and pepper. Using a Cuisinart®  
Hand Mixer fitted with the whisk attachment,  
whip the mixture on high for 30 seconds  
to 1 minute. Spread the asparagus and  
mushrooms evenly on the bottom of the  
cooled tart shell. Pour in the liquid mixture  
and top with the fontina.  
Serve immediately.  
Nutritional information per serving (five, 1-inch gourgès):  
Calories 82 (66% from fat) • carb. 3g • pro. 4g  
• fat 6g • sat. fat 4g • chol. 19mg • sod. 97mg  
• calc. 116mg • fiber 0g  
Bake on the preheated baking stone for 40 to  
60 minutes, or until the quiche has browned  
on top and is just set.  
Asparagus, Mushroom  
& Fontina Quiche  
Nutritional information per serving (based on 12 servings):  
Calories 215 (68% from fat) • carb. 11g • pro. 7g  
• fat 16g • sat. fat 8g • chol. 115mg • sod. 233mg  
• calc. 106mg • fiber 1g  
Great for a Sunday brunch, this quiche will  
please any crowd.  
Makes one 9-inch deep-dish quiche, 8-12  
Pair this easy side dish with our  
Standing Rib Roast (page 13), using  
the roast’s fat drippings instead of butter.  
recipe pâte brisée dough (page 17)  
tablespoons unsalted butter,  
or olive oil  
cup asparagus, cut into ½-inch  
cup mushrooms, halved and sliced  
cup whole milk  
cup heavy cream  
large eggs  
teaspoon table salt  
teaspoon black pepper  
ounces fontina  
Makes 6 popovers  
cup unbleached, all-purpose flour  
cup evaporated fat-free milk, or  
reduced fat milk  
large eggs  
tablespoon butter, melted (may  
substitute with fat from rib roast)  
teaspoon of salt  
Place all ingredients into a medium-sized  
bowl. Using a Cuisinart® Hand Mixer, mix  
on low for about 10 seconds. Increase the  
speed to high and beat until the batter is  
smooth. Cover; let sit for 30 to 40 minutes.  
Preheat CuisinartBrick Oven to 350°F on  
the bake setting fitted with the baking stone  
on a rack in position A. Preheat stone for  
at least 30 minutes. Roll out the dough into  
a 10-inch disc that is about 8 inch thick.  
Preheat the CuisinartBrick Oven to 450°F  
on the convection bake or bake setting fitted  
with the baking stone on a rack in position A.  
Fit into an ungreased 9-inch, 1½ quart,  
ceramic pie baker. Chill in refrigerator for  
about 20 minutes. Using a fork, prick the  
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Preheat stone for at least 30 minutes. Heavily  
butter, or coat with nonstick cooking spray,  
six 5-ounce ramekins. Fill each ramekin  
Using a serrated knife, cut a cross ¼-inch  
deep on the top of the loaf.  
Bake for 40 to 50 minutes, or until nicely  
browned and sounds hollow when tapped.  
Let cool completely before serving.  
with about 3 cup of batter. Place in the  
oven directly on the stone and bake for 30  
minutes. Lower the heat to 350°F and bake  
an additional 20 minutes. Remove from oven  
and carefully unmold from ramekins. Serve  
Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 153 (3% from fat) • carb. 32g • pro. 5g  
• fat 0g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 224mg  
• calc. 7mg • fiber 1g  
Nutritional information per popover:  
Calories 124 (28% from fat) • carb. 16g • pro. 6g  
• fat 4g • sat. fat 2g • chol. 76mg • sod. 170mg  
• calc. 104mg • fiber 0g  
Walnut Rosemary Bread  
with Raisins  
French Boule  
Makes 1 large round loaf, approximately  
12 servings  
Makes 1 small round loaf, approximately 16  
teaspoon active dry yeast  
cup + 2 tablespoons warm water  
cups unbleached, bread flour, plus  
more for dusting  
cup whole wheat flour  
tablespoons rye flour  
teaspoon fine sea salt or table salt  
teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil  
cup golden raisins, or any similar  
dried fruit  
cup chopped walnuts  
tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary  
cornmeal for dusting  
teaspoons active dry yeast  
cup warm (105°-110°F) water  
cups unbleached, all-purpose flour  
teaspoons fine sea salt or table salt  
cup cold water  
cornmeal for dusting  
Dissolve the yeast in the 3 cup of warm  
water. Let stand 3 to 5 minutes, or until  
mixture is foamy. Add the flour and salt to the  
work bowl of the Cuisinart® Food Processor  
fitted with the dough blade. Process for 10  
seconds. With the machine running, add the  
warm water with yeast and then the cold  
water in a slow stream and process until a  
dough ball forms. Continue processing for  
1 to 2 minutes to knead the dough.  
Dissolve the yeast in the warm water. Let  
stand 3 to 5 minutes, or until mixture is  
foamy. Add the flours, salt, and olive oil  
to the work bowl of the Cuisinart® Food  
Processor fitted with the dough blade.  
Process for 10 seconds. With the machine  
running, slowly add the water and yeast  
mixture through the feed tube and process  
until it forms a dough ball. Continue  
processing for 1 to 2 minutes to knead the  
Lightly flour the top of the dough and remove  
from bowl. Shape it into a smooth ball and  
place in a lightly floured 1-gallon sealable  
plastic bag. Squeeze the air out and seal  
the bag. Let rise in a warm place until it has  
doubled, about 1 to 1½ hours.  
Put the dough on a lightly floured table and  
punch it down to release air. Let it rest 5  
minutes. Shape into a round loaf and place  
on a cornmeal-dusted baking sheet or peel.  
Cover lightly with oiled plastic wrap and  
allow to rise until doubled, about 30 to 40  
Lightly flour the top of the dough and remove  
from bowl. Shape it into a smooth ball and  
place in a lightly floured 1-gallon sealable  
plastic bag. Squeeze the air out and seal  
the bag. Let rise in a warm place until it has  
doubled, about 1 to 1½ hours.  
Put the dough on a lightly floured table and  
punch it down to release air. Let it rest 5  
minutes. Stretch the dough into an 8-inch  
square. Place the raisins and walnuts on top  
and knead until fully incorporated, 2 to 4  
minutes. Shape into a round loaf and place  
Preheat the Cuisinart® Brick oven to 400°F  
on the convection bake or bake setting fitted  
with the baking stone on a rack in position  
A. Preheat the baking stone for at least 30  
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on a cornmeal-dusted baking sheet or peel.  
Cover lightly with oiled plastic wrap and  
allow to rise until doubled, about 30 to 40  
process until a dough ball forms. Continue  
processing for 1 to 2 minutes to knead the  
Lightly flour the top of the dough and remove  
from bowl. Shape it into a smooth ball and  
place in a 1-gallon sealable plastic bag.  
Squeeze the air out and seal the bag. Let rise  
in a warm place until it has doubled, about 1  
to 2 hours.  
Preheat the CuisinartBrick Oven to 450°F  
on the convection bake or bake setting fitted  
with the baking stone on a rack in position  
A. Preheat stone for at least 30 minutes.  
Using a serrated knife cut a star, ¼-inch  
deep, on the top of the loaf. Bake on the  
preheated stone for 30 minutes. Reduce the  
temperature to 425°F and continue to bake  
for an additional 15 to 20 minutes, or until  
the loaf sounds hollow when tapped and  
the internal temperature reads 205°F on an  
instant-read thermometer.  
Put the dough on a lightly floured table  
and punch it down to release air. Let it rest  
5 minutes. Stretch the dough into a large  
square. Place the raisins and walnuts on top  
and knead until fully incorporated, 2 to 4  
minutes. Shape into a round loaf and place  
on a cornmeal-dusted baking sheet or peel.  
Cover lightly with oiled plastic wrap and  
allow to rise until doubled, about 30 to 40  
Let bread fully cool before serving.  
Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 73 (18% from fat) • carb. 13g • pro. 2g  
• fat 1g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 147mg  
• calc. 9mg • fiber 1g  
Preheat the CuisinartBrick Oven to 350°F  
on the convection bake or bake setting fitted  
with the baking stone on a rack in position  
A. Preheat stone for at least 30 minutes.  
Using a serrated knife cut a star, ¼-inch  
deep, on the top of the loaf. Bake for 50 to  
60 minutes, until bread sounds hollow when  
tapped and measures 205°F when tested  
with an instant read thermometer. Transfer to  
a rack to cool.  
Pumpernickel Raisin  
Makes 1 large loaf, approximately  
24 servings  
Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 105 (12% from fat) • carb. 21g • pro. 3g  
• fat 1g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 0g • sod. 589  
• calc. 15mg • fiber 1g  
teaspoons active dry yeast  
cups warm (105°-110°F) water  
cup molasses  
cups unbleached bread flour  
cup whole wheat flour  
cup rye flour  
Buttery Dinner Rolls  
cup cornmeal  
tablespoons unsweetened cocoa  
teaspoon instant espresso powder  
tablespoons vital wheat gluten  
teaspoons fine sea salt, or table salt  
tablespoons vegetable oil  
cup raisins  
Makes 16 rolls  
cup whole milk, plus 1 tablespoon  
for brushing  
cup unsalted butter, plus  
2 tablespoons for brushing  
cup granulated sugar  
teaspoon fine sea salt, or table salt  
teaspoons active dry yeast  
cup warm (105°-110°F) water  
cups unbleached bread flour  
large egg  
teaspoons caraway seeds  
Dissolve the yeast in the warm water with the  
molasses. Let stand 3 to 5 minutes, or until  
mixture is foamy. Add the flours, cornmeal,  
cocoa and espresso powders, wheat gluten,  
salt, and vegetable oil to the work bowl of  
the Cuisinart® Food Processor fitted with the  
dough blade. Process for 10 seconds. With  
the machine running, slowly add the water  
and yeast mixture through the feed tube and  
In a microwave-safe container, scald the milk  
in the microwave; stir in the ½ cup butter,  
sugar and salt; reserve.  
Dissolve the yeast in the warm water. Let  
stand 3 to 5 minutes, or until mixture is  
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foamy. Add the flour to the work bowl of the  
Cuisinart® Food Processor fitted with the  
dough blade and process for 10 seconds.  
With the machine running, slowly add the  
liquids through the feed tube and process  
until a dough ball forms. Continue processing  
for 1 to 2 minutes to knead the dough. Shape  
it into a smooth ball and place in a 1-gallon  
sealable plastic bag. Squeeze the air out and  
seal the bag. Let rise in a warm place until it  
has doubled, about 45 to 60 minutes.  
Place flour and 1 teaspoon of salt in the work  
bowl of a Cuisinart® Food Processor fitted  
with the dough blade; process 10 seconds to  
combine. Add cold water and 2 tablespoons  
of oil to the yeast mixture.  
With the machine running, slowly pour the  
liquid through the feed tube. Process until  
a dough ball forms. Continue to let the  
machine run another minute to knead.  
Place the dough in a lightly floured sealable  
plastic bag. Let rise in a warm place until  
doubled in size, about 45 minutes to 1 hour.  
Preheat the CuisinartBrick Oven to 450°F  
on the convection bake or bake setting fitted  
with the baking stone on a rack in position  
A. Preheat the stone for at least 30 minutes.  
Lightly butter a 10-inch round baking pan.  
Divide the dough into 16 equal pieces, about  
2¼ ounces each. Roll into smooth rounds  
and arrange in the prepared pan. Cover with  
plastic wrap and let rise until about doubled,  
about 30 to 40 minutes. Combine remaining  
tablespoon of milk and butter and heat until  
the butter has melted. Just before baking,  
gently brush the rolls with the butter/milk  
mixture. Place in preheated oven and bake  
until golden brown, about 25 to 30 minutes.  
Remove from pan and let cool on a rack for  
about 10 minutes for serving.  
Preheat CuisinartBrick Oven to 400°F on  
the convection bake or bake setting fitted  
with the baking stone on a rack in position A.  
Lightly coat the baking sheet with a non-stick  
cooking spray.  
Turn the dough out onto a floured surface.  
Roll out into a rectangle and then fit onto  
the prepared pan, stretching the ends of  
the dough to meet the edges of the baking  
tray. Using your fingers, make indentations  
in the dough over the entire surface. Brush  
the dough with the remaining olive oil, and  
sprinkle the salt and rosemary to cover.  
Cover with plastic wrap and let rise until  
puffy, about 20 minutes  
For a softer roll, brush each with melted  
butter just after removing from oven.  
Bake until golden and crisp, about 20 to 25  
minutes. Let cool slightly on wire rack.  
Nutritional information per serving (1 roll):  
Calories 209 (38% from fat) • carb. 28g • pro. 5g  
• fat 9g • sat. fat 5g • chol. 34mg • sod. 160mg  
• calc. 23mg • fiber 1g  
Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 131 (23% from fat) • carb. 22g • pro. 3g  
• fat 3g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 224mg  
• calc. 10mg • fiber 1g  
Focaccia Romana  
For another version of this Italian staple,  
throw on some chopped kalamata olives.  
Makes 18 servings  
teaspoons active dry yeast  
teaspoon granulated sugar  
cup warm (105°-110°F) water  
cups unbleached, all-purpose flour  
teaspoons kosher salt, divided  
cup cold water  
tablespoons extra virgin olive oil,  
tablespoons fresh rosemary  
Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the warm  
water. Let stand 3 to 5 minutes, or until  
mixture is foamy.  
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Making pizza is easy in the Cuisinart™ Brick  
Grape Tomato  
Margherita Pizza  
For best results, we recommend baking pizzas  
and focaccia directly on the baking stone.  
Always preheat the stone.  
So easy to prepare – let the kids help out  
with putting on the toppings.  
We strongly recommend using a pizza peel  
dusted with cornmeal to place or remove pizza  
in or out of the brick oven.  
Makes three 12-inch pizzas, or eight  
4-inch pizzas  
recipe pizza dough  
cup extra virgin olive oil  
cups grape/cherry tomatoes, halved  
cup fresh basil, torn into pieces  
ounces fresh mozzarella,  
torn into pieces  
If a peel is not available, carefully place the  
pizza directly on the preheated stone dusted  
with cornmeal or prepare and bake pizza in the  
provided baking tray, both methods produce  
excellent results.  
To prepare in baking tray: Roll and stretch  
dough to desired shape to fit baking tray.  
Brush with olive oil and top accordingly. Place  
baking tray directly on preheated stone.  
Preheat CuisinartBrick Oven to 425°F on  
the convection bake or bake setting fitted  
with the baking stone on a rack in position A.  
Preheat stone for at least 30 minutes.  
Pizza Dough  
This dough freezes very well.  
Roll and stretch dough to desired shape.  
Brush liberally with olive oil. Place on top  
of preheated stone and bake for about 10  
minutes, or until dough is lightly golden.  
Makes three 12-inch pizzas - 24 servings  
teaspoons active dry yeast  
teaspoon granulated sugar  
cup warm (105°-110°) water  
cups unbleached, all-purpose flour,  
plus more for dusting  
Remove dough from oven. Brush dough with  
olive oil. Arrange tomatoes and basil evenly  
around the dough. Top with the mozzarella.  
Return to preheated oven and bake an  
additional 15 to 20 minutes, or until desired  
doneness has been achieved.  
teaspoons kosher salt  
tablespoon extra virgin olive oil  
cup cold water  
Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 355 (32% from fat) • carb. 48mg  
• pro. 12g • fat 13g • sat. fat 3g • chol. 12mg  
• sod. 357mg • calc. 157mg • fiber 2g  
Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the warm  
water. Let stand 3 to 5 minutes, or until the  
mixture gets foamy.  
Place the flour, salt and olive oil in the work  
bowl of a Cuisinart® Food Processor fitted  
with the dough blade. Pulse about 5 times to  
mix; scrape down the sides of the bowl.  
Neapolitan Pizza  
Makes one 12-inch pizza  
Add the cold water to the yeast mixture. With  
the motor running, slowly pour the liquid  
yeast mixture through the feed tube. Process  
until a dough ball forms. Continue to let  
the machine run for an additional minute to  
knead. Dough will be slightly sticky.  
yellow cornmeal for dusting  
recipe pizza dough  
tablespoon extra virgin olive oil  
ounces fresh mozzarella, sliced  
large basil leaves,  
or about 20 small leaves  
cup pizza sauce  
Lightly dust a sealable plastic bag with flour.  
Dust dough with flour. Place the dough into  
the floured bag; squeeze out all of the air and  
seal. Let rise in a warm place for 45 minutes  
to 1 hour.  
Preheat the CuisinartBrick Oven to 425°F  
on the convection bake or bake setting fitted  
with the baking stone on a rack in position A.  
Preheat stone for at least 30 minutes.  
Nutritional information per serving (based on 1 slice  
pizza assuming 8 slices per pie):  
Calories 228 (9% from fat) • carb. 44g • pro. 7g  
• fat 2g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 253mg  
• calc. 12mg • fiber 2g  
Roll out dough on a cornmeal-dusted surface  
into a 12-inch circle. Brush the outer edge of  
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Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 286 (53% from fat) • carb. 17g • pro. 16g  
fat 17g • sat. fat 9g • chol. 51mg • sod. 434 mg  
calc. 346mg • fiber 1g  
the dough with olive oil. Lay the mozzarella  
evenly on the dough, leaving a 1-inch border.  
Scatter the basil on top of the cheese and  
then finish with a layer of sauce.  
Carefully transfer prepared pizza to the stone  
in the preheated brick oven (a pizza peel  
may be helpful). Bake for about 20 minutes,  
until the dough is nicely browned and the  
cheese is completely melted. Remove the  
pizza from the oven. Cut into slices and serve  
Pizza with Italian Sweet  
Sausage and  
Garlic Spinach  
Makes one 12-inch pizza  
Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 176 (45% from fat) • carb. 16g • pro. 8g  
fat 9g • sat. fat 4g • chol. 22mg • sod. 207mg  
calc. 155mg • fiber 1g  
teaspoons olive oil  
ounces fresh Italian sweet sausage,  
casings removed  
3 to 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped  
packed cups fresh spinach,  
washed and dried  
teaspoon kosher salt  
teaspoon crushed red pepper  
cup dry white wine  
yellow cornmeal for dusting  
recipe pizza dough  
Pizza Bianca  
A favorite for all cheese lovers.  
Makes one 12-inch pizza  
cups ricotta  
ounces Parmesan, grated  
medium cloves garlic, finely  
pinch kosher or sea salt  
cup pizza sauce  
ounces mozzarella, shredded  
ounce Parmesan, grated  
extra virgin olive oil for brushing  
teaspoon freshly ground black  
yellow cornmeal for dusting  
recipe pizza dough  
tablespoon extra virgin olive oil  
ounces mozzarella, shredded  
Heat olive oil in a 12-inch skillet over medium  
heat. When oil shimmers across the pan  
add the sausage. Break up sausage into  
small pieces with a wooden spoon while it is  
cooking. Once sausage is completely cooked  
through, remove from pan and reserve.  
Preheat the CuisinartBrick Oven to 425°F  
on the convection bake or bake setting fitted  
with the baking stone on a rack in position A.  
Preheat stone for at least 30 minutes.  
Pour off all but 1 teaspoon of fat and add  
the chopped garlic to the pan and place over  
medium low heat. Stir for one minute, until  
garlic is fragrant, being careful not to burn.  
Stir in spinach until wilted and add the salt  
and crushed red pepper. Stir in the white  
wine, scraping up any browned bits that have  
been left behind in the pan. Continue cooking  
over medium heat until wine has been almost  
completely reduced. Remove from heat and  
In a medium-sized bowl, mix the ricotta,  
Parmesan, garlic, salt and pepper until well  
combined. Reserve.  
Roll out dough on a cornmeal-dusted surface  
into a 12-inch circle. Brush the outer edge of  
the dough with olive oil. Spread the ricotta  
mixture evenly over the dough, leaving a 1-  
inch border. Top the ricotta with mozzarella.  
Preheat the CuisinartBrick Oven to 425°F  
on the convection bake or bake setting fitted  
with the baking stone on a rack in position A.  
Preheat stone for at least 30 minutes.  
Carefully transfer the prepared pizza to the  
stone in the preheated brick oven (a pizza  
peel may be helpful). Bake for about 20  
minutes, or until the dough is nicely browned  
and the cheese is completely melted and  
bubbling on top. Carefully remove the pizza  
from the oven. Cut into slices and serve  
Roll out dough on a cornmeal-dusted surface  
into a 12-inch circle. Pour pizza sauce in the  
middle of the dough and spread out over the  
circle, leaving a  
1-inch border. Place reserved sausage  
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Calories 161 (41% from fat) • carb. 18g • pro. 7g  
fat 7g • sat. fat 2g • chol. 11mg • sod. 155mg  
calc. 86mg • fiber 1g  
and garlic spinach evenly over pie. Scatter  
mozzarella and Parmesan evenly over pie as  
well. Brush olive oil along the border.  
Carefully transfer the prepared pizza to the  
stone in the preheated brick oven (a pizza  
peel may be helpful). Bake until the crust is  
golden and the cheese is melted, about 15 to  
20 minutes. Using the pizza peel, remove the  
pizza from the oven. Cut into slices and serve  
Pizza with Sun-dried  
Tomatoes, Artichokes,  
Goat Cheese and Fresh  
Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 298 (48% from fat) • carb. 23g • pro. 14g  
fat 16g • sat. fat 7g • chol. 41mg • sod. 527 mg  
calc. 259mg • fiber 2g  
Makes one 12-inch pizza  
yellow cornmeal for dusting  
recipe whole wheat pizza dough  
extra virgin olive oil for brushing  
Veggie Pizza  
tablespoons sun-dried tomatoes  
packed in oil, chopped  
can (15 ounces) artichoke hearts,  
drained and dried thoroughly and  
basil leaves  
ounces fresh goat cheese  
(like Montrachet)  
Makes one 12-inch pizza  
tablespoons olive oil, divided  
large cloves garlic, finely chopped  
cups mixed bell peppers, sliced  
cup mushrooms, sliced  
tablespoons fresh basil  
yellow cornmeal for dusting  
recipe pizza dough  
ounces fresh mozzarella, sliced  
Preheat the CuisinartBrick Oven to 425°F  
on the convection bake or bake setting fitted  
with the baking stone on a rack in position A.  
Preheat stone for at least 30 minutes.  
cup pizza sauce  
ounces mozzarella, shredded  
Preheat the CuisinartBrick Oven to 425°F  
on the convection bake or bake setting fitted  
with the baking stone on a rack in position A.  
Preheat stone for at least 30 minutes.  
Roll out dough on a cornmeal-dusted surface  
into a 12-inch circle. Brush the entire surface  
of the dough with olive oil. Scatter the  
chopped sun-dried tomatoes and artichoke  
heart quarters over the surface of the pizza  
dough, leaving a 1-inch border around the  
outside. Tear the basil leaves in pieces and  
scatter over the toppings. Add liberal dollops  
of goat cheese evenly over the surface of the  
pizza. Place mozzarella slices evenly over  
surface of pizza as well.  
Heat a large sauté pan with 1 tablespoon of  
olive oil over medium heat. When hot, add  
the garlic, peppers, mushrooms and basil  
and cook until peppers are bright and slightly  
Roll out dough on a cornmeal-dusted surface  
into a 12-inch circle. Brush the outer edge of  
the dough with olive oil. Pour pizza sauce in  
the middle of the dough and spread out over  
the circle, leaving a 1-inch border. Evenly  
scatter mozzarella, and top with vegetables.  
Carefully transfer the prepared pizza to the  
stone in the preheated brick oven (a pizza  
peel may be helpful). Bake for about 20  
minutes, until crust is nicely browned and the  
cheese has melted. Carefully, remove the  
pizza from the oven. Cut into slices and serve  
Carefully transfer the prepared pizza to the  
stone in the preheated brick oven (a pizza  
peel may be helpful). Bake for about 20  
minutes, until crust is nicely browned and  
cheese has fully melted  
Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 140 (35% from fat) • carb. 17g • pro. 6g  
fat 5g • sat. fat 3g • chol. 10mg • sod. 273mg  
calc. 58mg • fiber 2g  
on top.  
Carefully, remove the pizza from the oven.  
Cut into slices and serve immediately.  
Nutritional information per serving:  
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Place the heavy cream, crushed garlic, and  
rosemary branch in a small saucepan. Bring  
the cream to almost a boil and reduce the  
heat to maintain a low simmer. Simmer cream  
for about 15 to 20 minutes.  
Roasted Asparagus  
Asparagus is delicious roasted, plus it is very  
simple to prepare.  
Makes 4 servings  
Using the shredding disc in the Cuisinart®  
food processor, shred the Gruyère. Remove  
and reserve. Insert the medium (4-mm)  
slicing disc. Slice the butternut squash using  
medium-hard pressure. Remove and reserve.  
Slice the potatoes as well using medium  
pound asparagus  
teaspoon olive oil  
teaspoon kosher salt  
teaspoon crushed black pepper  
Preheat CuisinartBrick Oven to 425°F on  
the convection bake or bake setting with rack  
in position B.  
Arrange a layer of the potatoes in concentric  
circles in the prepared baking dish followed  
by a similar layer of the butternut squash.  
Sprinkle with some salt, a pinch of pepper  
and some of the Gruyère. Repeat layers of  
sliced potatoes and squash with seasonings  
and cheese, finishing with a top layer of  
neatly arranged butternut squash, seasoned  
with the remaining cheese scattered on  
top. If there is any salt left over, stir into  
the warm cream. Discard the rosemary and  
garlic and carefully pour the cream over the  
top of the potatoes. Cover the baker tightly  
with aluminum foil that has been sprayed  
with cooking spray and set on the prepared  
baking tray. Bake for 1 to 1½ hours, until  
the potatoes are tender when pierced with a  
knife. Uncover, and broil until browned and  
bubbly, about 5 to 7 minutes. Remove from  
the oven and let stand for 10 minutes before  
Wash and thoroughly dry asparagus. Trim the  
rough ends off of the asparagus.  
Place asparagus in a mixing bowl and toss  
with the teaspoon of olive oil, salt and  
Line asparagus on the baking sheet and bake  
on the upper rack for 10 to 15 minutes, until  
the asparagus is tender.  
Serve immediately.  
Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 36 (28% from fat) • carb. 5g • pro. 3g  
• fat 1g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 86mg  
• calc. 24mg • fiber 2g  
Butternut Squash and  
Nutritional information per serving  
(based on 8 servings):  
Calories 223 (61% from fat) • carb. 16g • pro. 7g  
• fat 16g • sat. fat 10g • chol. 56mg • sod. 231mg •  
calc. 190mg • fiber 2g  
Potato Gratin  
A nice twist to a great traditional side dish.  
Makes 6 to 8 servings  
cooking spray  
cup heavy cream  
cloves garlic, crushed and peeled  
branch fresh rosemary  
Roasted Stuffed  
ounces Gruyère cheese  
Makes 4 servings  
pound butternut squash, peeled  
pound Yukon Gold potatoes  
teaspoon kosher salt  
medium-large red bell peppers,  
small eggplant, peeled and cut into  
½-inch dice  
teaspoon freshly ground pepper  
cup grape tomatoes  
cloves garlic  
teaspoon fine sea salt, or table salt  
teaspoon freshly ground black  
Lightly coat a Cuisinart® 9½-inch  
(1¼ quart) Open Oval Baker with cooking  
spray. Place the baking tray lined with  
aluminum foil on a rack in position A. Preheat  
the CuisinartBrick Oven to 350°F on the  
bake setting.  
tablespoons extra virgin olive oil  
teaspoons dried basil  
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cups couscous, cooked  
tablespoons chopped fresh parsley  
cups crumbled feta, divided  
4 to 4½ pound chicken, rinsed and  
patted dry  
cloves garlic, smashed  
Line the CuisinartBrick Oven’s baking tray  
with foil.  
Make a paste with the olive oil, dried and  
fresh herbs, salt, and pepper by mixing  
ingredients together in a small bowl.  
Cut one of the peppers into 1-inch strips.  
Toss pepper strips, eggplant, tomatoes,  
garlic in a mixing bowl with salt, pepper,  
and olive oil. Arrange vegetables in one  
layer on the prepared baking tray. Place in  
oven on a rack in position A and turn on  
the broil function to roast vegetables for  
about 40 minutes, tossing a few times, or  
until vegetables are soft and the skin on the  
peppers begins to peel off. Remove from  
oven and reserve in a medium-sized bowl.  
Squeeze lemon all over outside and inside  
chicken. Stuff the chicken with the lemon  
halves and garlic cloves. Rub the herb paste  
all over the skin of the chicken.  
Preheat Cuisinart® Brick Oven to 375˚ on  
convection bake or bake setting with a rack  
in position A.  
Place prepared chicken on baking sheet lined  
with parchment paper. Roast for 1 hour 15  
minutes to 1 hour 25 minutes in preheated  
oven, until the juices run clear when the thigh  
is pierced.  
While the vegetables are roasting, cut the  
tops off of the remaining peppers, and  
clean out the seeds. Trim the bottom of  
the peppers if necessary, so that each one  
stands evenly on a plate. Place peppers lying  
down on the baking sheet. Once roasted  
vegetables are finished, broil peppers in brick  
oven for about 10 to 15 minutes, until slightly  
blackened but not too soft.  
Nutritional information per serving  
(based on 6 servings):  
Calories 232 • (61% from fat) • Carb. 3g • pro. 31g •  
fat 10g • sat. fat 3g • chol. 96mg • sod. 316mg  
• calc. 42mg • fiber 0g  
While the peppers are roasting, toss the  
reserved vegetables with the basil, couscous,  
and 1 cup of feta.  
Hoisin Glazed  
Cornish Hens  
This marinade is very versatile. Try it brushed  
on salmon or chicken pieces and simply  
roast in the oven.  
Remove peppers from oven and evenly  
divide the couscous/vegetable mixture  
among the peppers. Top each stuffed pepper  
with 2 tablespoons of feta. Return to brick  
oven and broil for 10 minutes, or until feta  
has browned slightly.  
Makes 2-4 servings  
cup hoisin sauce  
tablespoon honey  
tablespoon soy sauce  
tablespoon fresh ginger, finely  
Serve immediately.  
Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 432 (52% from fat) • carb. 36g • pro. 17g • fat  
25g • sat. fat 14g • chol. 76mg  
• sod. 1548mg • calc. 459mg • fiber 5g  
cloves fresh garlic, finely chopped  
cornish game hens, 1- 1¼ pounds  
each, rinsed and patted dry  
Herb Roasted Chicken  
Serves 4 to 6  
In a mixing bowl stir together, the hoisin,  
honey, soy, ginger, and garlic.  
tablespoon olive oil  
teaspoon dried basil  
Place the hens in a sealable plastic  
bag. Pour the marinade into the bag  
and refrigerate for at least an hour up to  
teaspoon dried thyme  
tablespoon fresh chopped rosemary  
teaspoon kosher salt  
teaspoon freshly ground black  
Preheat brick oven to 400°F on the  
convection bake or bake setting with a rack  
in position A.  
lemon, cut in half  
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Place hens on the baking tray lined with  
aluminum foil. Roast for 35 to 45 minutes, or  
until juices run clear when thigh is pierced  
with the tip of a knife.  
then reduce heat to 350°F and roast for 13  
minutes per pound. The total time is about 1  
hour 20 minutes to 1 hour and 40 minutes.  
Internal temperature when checked with a  
thermometer should be about 120-125°F.  
Meat will continue to cook as it rests, and the  
internal temperature will go up another 5 to  
10 degrees. Let roast rest at least 10 to 20  
minutes before carving.  
Serve with steamed rice.  
Nutritional information per serving  
( based on 4 servings):  
Calories 408 (35% from fat) • carb. 7g • pro. 57g  
• fat 16g • sat. fat 4g • chol. 178mg  
• sod. 776mg • calc. 37mg  
*A “butcher’s cut” standing rib roast is the  
easiest to carve. The butcher removes the  
chine bone and separate the meat from the  
bones to create a boneless rib roast. Then  
the meat is tied onto the bone cradle with  
butcher’s twine for roasting. This allows for  
the flavor from the bones, and keeps the  
meat moist. Fat should be trimmed to a ¼-  
inch thickness.  
Standing Rib Roast  
This dish is a real treat. Be sure to serve it  
with popovers (page 7).  
Makes 6 to 10 servings  
Nutritional information per serving  
(based on 10 servings):  
Calories 560 (75% from fat) • carb. 2g • pro. 32g  
• fat 46g • sat. fat 18g • chol. 123mg  
• sod. 492mg • calc. 33mg • fiber 0g  
5 to 6 pound standing rib roast  
(2 to 3 ribs), butcher’s cut*  
cloves garlic, peeled  
tablespoon coarsely ground or  
cracked black pepper  
tablespoon kosher or coarse sea  
Rack of Lamb  
tablespoons fresh thyme leaves  
tablespoon fresh rosemary leaves  
tablespoon extra virgin olive oil  
large onions, roughly chopped  
large carrots, peeled and roughly  
with Parmesan and  
Herb Crust  
An impressive special occasion meal.  
Serves 2  
rack of lamb, frenched to the bone**  
(approximately 1.5 pounds)  
Remove roast from refrigerator 1 hour before  
roasting. Thirty minutes before roasting,  
preheat oven to 450°F.  
ounce Parmesan cheese  
tablespoon fresh rosemary leaves  
tablespoon fresh thyme leaves  
cup Japanese bread crumbs (panko)  
teaspoon roasted garlic purée***  
teaspoon kosher salt  
teaspoon freshly ground pepper  
tablespoons extra virgin olive oil  
tablespoon Dijon mustard  
Insert the metal chopping blade into the  
Cuisinart® Food Processor. With the machine  
running, drop the garlic through the feed  
tube and process to chop, about 5 seconds.  
Scrape the work bowl and add the pepper,  
salt, fresh herbs and olive oil. Process for  
10 seconds. Rub this mixture all over the  
exterior of the meat and let stand. (This may  
be done ahead and rubbed on the meat.  
Cover and refrigerate until 1 hour prior to  
Preheat CuisinartBrick Oven to 425°F  
on convection bake or bake setting with a  
rack in position A. Line the baking tray with  
aluminum foil.  
Preheat CuisinartBrick Oven to 400°F on  
convection bake or bake setting with a rack  
in position A.  
Insert metal chopping blade in Cuisinart®  
Food Processor. With the machine running,  
drop the Parmesan through the feed tube  
until finely chopped. Add the rosemary and  
thyme. Turn machine on for about 30 to 45  
seconds until the herbs are finely chopped.  
Scatter the chopped onion and carrot on  
the baking sheet lined with aluminum foil.  
Arrange roast, bone side down, fat side  
up, on top of the vegetables on the baking  
sheet. Roast in preheated for 30 minutes and  
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Add the garlic purée, salt, pepper, and  
panko and pulse so that ingredients are  
incorporated. With the machine running, add  
the olive oil in a slow stream so that crumb  
mixture is moistened and comes together  
somewhat. Reserve.  
Add the Parmesan and pulse again until  
the cheese is chopped. Pulse in the  
breadcrumbs and ¼ teaspoon of salt and  
¼ teaspoon of pepper. With the machine  
running, add the olive oil through the feed  
tube until the mixture comes together.  
Apply an even coating of Dijon mustard all  
over the meat of the lamb. Press the crumb  
mixture onto the mustard-coated portion of  
lamb so it adheres evenly on both sides.  
Lay the lamb cut side up; evenly spread the  
stuffing over the surface of the lamb. Fold  
the sides of the lamb in and then roll the  
lamb. Secure well with butcher’s twine and  
tie in 1 to 2 inch intervals. Salt and pepper  
the outside of the lamb.  
Place lamb rack on foil-lined baking tray  
fat side up. Roast for 15 to 20 minutes.  
Lamb is medium rare when an instant read  
thermometer reads 130˚F. Remember, lamb  
will continue to cook about 5 extra degrees  
once removed from oven.  
Preheat CuisinartBrick Oven to 375°F on  
the convection bake or bake setting with  
a rack in position A. Line the baking tray  
with aluminum. Place the prepared lamb  
on tray and roast for 45 to 55 minutes until  
thermometer reads 130°F for medium rare.  
Allow lamb to rest 5 minutes before slicing  
and serving.  
Nutritional information per serving  
(based on 12 servings):  
** Any butcher can prepare lamb this way.  
Calories 175 (39% from fat) • carb. 8g • pro. 18g  
• fat 7g • sat. fat 2g • chol. 54mg • sod. 156mg  
• calc 29mg • fiber 0g  
*** To roast whole head of garlic: cut top  
off, drizzle lightly with olive oil and loosely  
wrap bulb in foil. Place in a 400˚F oven for  
45 minutes. Once cool, squeeze the roasted  
cloves out and purée in blender.  
Rosemary Sage  
Pork Roast  
Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 683 ( 40% from fat) • carb. 54g • pro. 47g  
• fat 30g • sat. fat 8g • chol. 133mg • sod. 1160mg  
• calc. 194mg • fiber 3g  
This delicious pork roast is a great and easy  
main dish for entertaining.  
Serves 6 to 10  
Herb Roasted Leg  
cup kosher salt  
cup granulated sugar  
quarts water  
3 to 4 pound pork roast  
garlic cloves  
tablespoon fresh rosemary  
tablespoon fresh sage  
tablespoon Dijon mustard  
teaspoon kosher salt  
teaspoon freshly ground pepper  
tablespoons extra virgin olive oil  
of Lamb  
Serves 8 to 12  
2 to 3 cloves garlic  
tablespoon fresh rosemary  
tablespoons fresh parsley  
tablespoon fresh thyme  
ounce Parmesan cheese  
cup panko (Japanese breadcrumbs)  
teaspoon kosher salt, divided  
teaspoon freshly ground pepper,  
tablespoons olive oil  
Dissolve salt and sugar with the water in  
a large mixing bowl that will fit into your  
refrigerator. Submerge the roast in the brine  
solution and refrigerate up to 4 hours.  
small boneless leg of lamb,  
butterflied, approximately 3½  
While roast is soaking, prepare the marinade.  
Place the metal chopping blade into the  
Cuisinart® food processor. With the machine  
running, drop the cloves of garlic through  
the feed tube and run until finely chopped.  
Place garlic cloves, rosemary, parsley, and  
thyme in the workbowl of a Cuisinart® Food  
Processor fitted with the metal chopping  
blade. Pulse until all is finely chopped.  
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Add the fresh rosemary and sage and pulse  
until chopped. Add the Dijon mustard, salt  
and pepper. Turn the processor on and with  
it running, pour the olive oil through the feed  
Slice the fennel bulb into ¼-inch lengthwise  
strips. Toss fennel with olive oil and salt in a  
mixing bowl.  
Place fennel on prepared baking tray and  
place into oven. Roast for 10 to 15 minutes,  
flipping vegetables once half way through  
roasting time.  
Preheat brick oven to 400°F and turn to  
convection bake or regular bake setting with  
a rack in position A.  
While fennel is roasting, prepare the salmon.  
Rub the olive oil, salt and pepper all over the  
flesh of the salmon.  
Once the roast has soaked, run it well under  
cold water and dry thoroughly. Sprinkle the  
roast all over with kosher salt and freshly  
ground pepper. Slather the marinade all over  
the roast and let stand at room temperature  
for ½ hour.  
Once fennel has roasted, remove, and place  
salmon on top of fennel.  
Switch rack to position B and return to the  
oven. Roast salmon for an additional 18 to  
20 minutes until desired doneness has been  
Tie the roast evenly with butcher’s twine for  
even roasting.  
Place tied roast on baking tray and place in  
preheated oven.  
Serve immediately.  
Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 223 (61% from fat) • carb. 16g • pro. 7g  
• fat 16g • sat. fat 10g • chol. 56mg • sod. 231mg  
• calc. 190mg • fiber 2g  
Begin checking the pork roast at about 50  
minutes with a meat thermometer to achieve  
desired doneness. The internal temperature  
should be 145°F for medium. Allow to rest 5  
minutes before carving.  
For all roast methods, baste roast during  
cook time.  
Pâte Sucrée  
Have leftover dough? Use this sweet dough  
for simple cookies. Just roll and cut into your  
favorite shapes.  
Nutritional information per serving  
(based on 10 servings):  
Calories 389 (46% from fat) • carb. 1g • pro. 50g  
• fat 19g • sat. fat 6g • chol. 143mg • sod. 289mg  
• calc. 51mg • fiber 0g  
Makes two 9-inch single tarts/pies, or one  
double-crusted pie  
cups unbleached, all-purpose flour  
tablespoons granulated sugar  
teaspoon table salt  
cup (12 tablespoons) unsalted  
butter, room temperature  
Simply Roasted Salmon  
and Fennel  
Don’t let the simple preparation of the  
salmon fool you – it is really delicious!  
large egg yolks  
tablespoon cold water  
teaspoon lemon zest (optional)  
teaspoon vanilla extract  
Serves 4  
ounces fennel bulb  
teaspoon olive oil  
pinch kosher salt  
In the work bowl of a Cuisinart® Food  
Processor fitted with the metal chopping  
blade, process the flour, sugar and salt for  
10 seconds. Add the butter and process until  
combined. With the machine running, add  
the yolks, one at a time, and process until  
incorporated. Add the water, zest and vanilla;  
pulse 3 to 4 times, until combined.  
pounds fresh salmon, preferably  
wild, skin removed (one whole piece  
or cut into individual fillets)  
teaspoon olive oil  
teaspoon kosher salt  
teaspoon freshly ground pepper  
Form dough into 2 flat discs. Wrap in plastic;  
chill in refrigerator until ready to use.  
Preheat CuisinartBrick Oven to 425°F on  
convection or regular bake setting with a  
rack in position A. Line the baking tray with  
parchment paper.  
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Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 47 (10% from fat) • carb. 9g • pro. 1g  
• fat 1g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 18mg • sod. 50mg  
• calc. 4mg • fiber 0g  
vanilla and mix to combine. Add the heavy  
cream ⁄3 cup at a time, mixing well between  
Pour the mascarpone mixture into the  
prepared shell. Smooth the top, making  
a small dome in the center, using a small  
offset spatula. Arrange berries in any desired  
Fresh Berry Tart  
Use one, or a mix of all four berries, for this  
delicious summer treat.  
Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 330 (63% from fat) • carb. 27g • pro. 5g  
• fat 24g • sat. fat 13g • chol. 78mg • sod. 151 mg  
• calc. 65mg • fiber 3g  
Makes one 9-inch tart, 8-12 servings  
recipe Pâte Sucrée  
ounces bitter/semisweet chocolate,  
ounces cream cheese, room  
temperature, cut into 4 pieces  
cup + 1 tablespoon granulated sugar  
pinch table salt  
ounces mascarpone, room  
teaspoon vanilla paste or ½ vanilla  
bean, scraped  
Pâte Brisée  
This versatile dough can be used for sweet  
or savory treats. Makes two single crust  
9-inch tart/pie, or one double-crust pie  
cups unbleached, all-purpose flour  
teaspoon table salt  
pound unsalted butter, cold and  
cup heavy cream  
tablespoons ice water  
cups mixed berries (raspberries,  
strawberries, blueberries,  
Place flour and salt in a Cuisinart® Food  
Processor fitted with the chopping blade.  
Process for 10 seconds. Add butter to work  
bowl and pulse until the mixture resembles  
coarse crumbs. Pour in water, 1 tablespoon  
at a time, and pulse until a dough is just  
forms. Form dough into 2 flat discs; wrap in  
plastic and refrigerate until ready to use.  
Preheat CuisinartBrick Oven to 350°F on  
the bake setting fitted with the baking stone  
on a rack in position A. Preheat stone for at  
least 30 minutes.  
Roll out the sucrée dough into a 10-inch  
disc. Fit into an un-greased tart ring. Chill  
for about 20 minutes. Using a fork, prick  
the dough evenly all over but make sure  
not to go entirely through the dough. Line  
the shell with parchment and weigh down  
with dried beans or rice. Bake at 350°F for  
about 15 to 20 minutes, or until the dough  
is dry underneath the parchment. Remove  
the beans/rice and parchment, and bake the  
tart shell for an additional 5 to 10 minutes,  
or until the shell is nicely browned. Remove  
from oven, cool and reserve.  
Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 39 (6% from fat) • carb. 8g • pro. 1g  
• fat 0g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 98mg  
• calc. 2mg • fiber 0g  
*For a sweet Pâte Brisée, follow the same  
recipe as above except add ¼ cup of  
granulated sugar to the dry ingredients in the  
work bowl.  
Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 47 (5% from fat) • carb. 10g • pro. 1g  
• fat 0g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 98mg  
• calc. 2mg • fiber 0g  
In a heatproof bowl over a pot of simmering  
water, melt the chocolate. Pour into reserved  
tart shell and smooth with a rubber spatula.  
Chill tart shell in freezer for about 5 minutes,  
or until hardened. Reserve.  
Classic Apple Pie  
Makes one 10-inch deep-dish pie, 8-12  
recipe sweet brisée dough  
Cream the cream cheese, sugar and salt with  
a Cuisinart® Hand Mixer until light and fluffy,  
about 30 seconds. Add the mascarpone and  
beat until combined. If the mixture is lumpy,  
beat on high until it is smoothed out. Add the  
large apples (Golden Delicious,  
Ginger Gold, or other similar apples),  
peeled, cored, halved and very thinly  
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juice of 2 lemons  
teaspoon vanilla paste  
cup granulated sugar  
large egg  
pinch table salt  
cup unbleached, all-purpose flour  
whipped cream (optional)  
fresh strawberries, hulled and sliced  
large egg yolk  
pinch table salt  
Preheat CuisinartBrick Oven to 375°F on  
the convection bake or bake setting with a  
rack in position A.  
Preheat CuisinartBrick Oven to 350°F  
on the bake setting fitted with the baking  
stone on a rack in position A. Roll out ½  
of the dough into a 10-inch disc. Fit into  
an ungreased, 9-inch, 1½-quart ceramic  
pie shell. Chill in refrigerator for about 20  
minutes. Roll out remaining half of dough into  
a 10-inch disc on a piece of parchment. Cut  
into ¼ to ½-inch strips. Chill in refrigerator  
until needed.  
Butter a 10x3-inch round cake pan. Cut a  
circle of parchment paper to line the bottom  
of the pan; butter the parchment; dust entire  
pan with sugar. Clean the lip of the pan so no  
butter or sugar is on it. Reserve.  
In a heat-proof bowl over a pot of simmering  
water, melt the chocolate and butter. Keep  
warm; reserve.  
In a large bowl, toss the apples, lemon juice,  
vanilla, and sugar together. Fan the apples in  
the reserved pie baker in layers.  
In a large bowl, mix the egg yolks and ¾  
cup of sugar, using a Cuisinart® Hand Mixer  
fitted with the whisk attachment, until pale  
and thickened. Whisk in the cooled chocolate  
mixture. Reserve.  
Make an egg wash by mixing the egg, yolk,  
and salt together with a fork. Brush on the  
outer rim of the pie shell. Using reserved  
brisée strips, weave the strips into a lattice-  
work design over the apples. Brush lattice  
with egg wash. Bake directly on the baking  
stone at 350° for 40-50 minutes, or until the  
top of the pie is a dark golden brown.  
Wash and dry the whisk attachment well and  
whip all of the egg whites, water and salt  
until foamy, about 1 to 2 minutes. Slowly add  
the remaining sugar and  
whip to a medium-stiff peak, about  
3 to 4 minutes.  
Nutritional information per serving  
(based on 12 servings):  
Calories 166 (8% from fat) • carb. 36g • pro. 3g  
• fat 1g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 36mg • sod. 225mg  
• calc. 10mg • fiber 2g  
Stir a very small amount of the egg whites  
into the chocolate/yolk mixture. Gently fold  
¾ of the whites into the lightened chocolate/  
yolk mixture using a large rubber spatula until  
the ingredients are incorporated. Sift in the  
flour and gently fold into mixture. Gently fold  
the remaining whites.  
Soufflé Cake  
Pour into prepared pan and bake in the  
preheated oven for 35 to 45 minutes until  
cake has puffed and appears dry, but still  
soft to the touch.  
This rich cake is best served right  
out of the oven. Top with freshly  
whipped cream and sliced strawberries for an  
elegant addition.  
Turn cake out onto serving plate and remove  
pan and parchment. Top with whipped  
cream and strawberries, if desired. Serve  
Makes one 10-inch cake, 12-16 servings  
ounces bittersweet chocolate,  
tablespoons unsalted butter,  
chopped, plus more to dust the cake  
Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 194 (43% from fat) • carb. 25g • pro. 5g  
• fat 10g • sat. fat 5g • chol. 123mg • sod. 43mg  
• calc. 23mg • fiber 1g  
large eggs, separated  
cup granulated sugar, divided, plus  
more to dust cake pan  
large egg whites  
tablespoon water  
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Mascarpone Lemon  
A twist on a classic, these lemon squares  
will disappear fast!  
Makes 16 servings  
cup pine nuts, toasted  
cup unbleached, all-purpose flour,  
cup confectioners’ sugar, plus more  
for finishing  
teaspoon salt, divided  
teaspoons lemon zest, divided  
(1 lemon)  
large eggs  
cup granulated sugar  
cup freshly squeezed lemon juice  
(about 3 medium lemons)  
teaspoon vanilla extract  
teaspoon baking powder  
cup mascarpone, room temperature  
Preheat CuisinartBrick Oven to 350°F on  
the bake setting with a rack in position A.  
Coat a 9-inch square baking dish with non-  
stick cooking spray; line with 2 pieces of  
parchment, leaving a 1 to 2-inch overhang on  
each side. Reserve.  
Pulse pine nuts in a Cuisinart® Food  
Processor fitted with the metal chopping  
blade until ground. Add 1 cup flour,  
confectioners’ sugar, ½ teaspoon salt and 1  
teaspoon zest. Pulse until mixture resembles  
coarse crumbs. Press into prepared baking  
dish. Bake at 350°F for about 20 minutes, or  
until lightly browned. Remove and reserve.  
In a medium bowl, beat eggs with a  
Cuisinart® Hand Mixer until lightened, about  
30 seconds. Add the sugar and beat until  
light and thickened, another 30 seconds  
to 1 minute. Add lemon juice, vanilla and  
remaining zest and mix to incorporate. Add  
baking powder, remaining salt, and remaining  
¼ cup of flour and mix to incorporate. Gently  
beat in the mascarpone. Pour on top of  
prepared crust. Bake at 300° for 25 to 30  
minutes, or until set.  
©2007 Cuisinart  
Cuisinart® is a registered  
trademark of Cuisinart  
150 Milford Road  
East Windsor, NJ 08520  
Printed in China  
Dust with confectioners’ sugar before serving.  
Any trademarks or service marks of third  
parties used herein are the trademarks or  
service marks of their respective owners.  
Nutritional information per serving:  
Calories 178 (49% from fat) • carb. 19g • pro. 4g  
• fat 10g • sat. fat 4g • chol. 70mg • sod. 182mg  
• calc. 29mg • fiber 0g  
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