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DCN Next Generation  
Automatic Camera Control  
en Software User Manual  
LBB 4162/00  
LBB 4188/00  
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Table of contents  
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There are also minor differences in functionality  
between the two software versions. These are  
described elsewhere in this manual.  
1 Automatic camera control  
1.1 About Automatic Camera Control  
1.3 Overview of Automatic Camera  
An overview of the procedure for using the  
1.1.1 What is Automatic Camera Control?  
The Automatic Camera Control software is designed  
to interface DCN Next Generation congress systems  
with Bosch Allegiant switchers or a single Bosch  
AutoDome camera. It selects fixed or pre-positioned  
cameras to be activated to display the current active  
speaker at a conference.  
Automatic Camera Control software is given below.  
1.3.1 Systems using Control PC  
The Automatic Camera Control software is installed  
on the control PC. The control PC is connected to  
the CCU, which in turn is connected to delegates’  
contribution units. The CCU is also connected to a  
single AutoDome camera or an Allegiant video  
switcher, which in turn is connected to the cameras  
and monitors in the system. After connecting the  
system, the Automatic Camera Control software is  
used to configure the cameras. The control PC  
remains connected to the CCU while the system is  
being used.  
1.1.2 Camera Control in congress applications  
When a chairman’s or delegate’s microphone is  
activated on the equipment, the camera assigned to  
that position is activated. When no microphones are  
active, an overview camera is automatically selected.  
The image can be displayed on hall displays or other  
monitors together with information about the current  
speaker if required (such as delegate identification).  
The system operator has a monitor, which also  
displays information about which camera is active.  
This system provides an extra dimension to congress  
and conference proceedings.  
1.3.2 Stand-alone systems  
In stand-alone systems, a temporary PC connection  
to the CCU and AutoDome camera or Allegiant  
video switcher is needed during camera installation.  
The numbers assigned to the contribution units  
during system initialisation are coupled to camera  
positions. After configuration is complete, the PC is  
disconnected from the system, and a direct  
connection from the CCU to the AutoDome camera  
or the Allegiant video switcher is made. Operational  
camera control by the CCU is enabled during  
installation. To disable operational camera control, it  
is necessary to re-connect the installation PC and  
open the Camera Installation file.  
The Allegiant video control switcher cannot  
display graphic characters that are used in  
certain non-European and non-US languages  
such as Chinese.  
1.2 Stand-alone and PC controlled  
system versions  
There are two versions of DCN Automatic Camera  
Control software:  
PC controlled version is for systems with a CCU  
and a control PC. The activation and installation  
of the cameras is integrated into the PC control  
For details on connections refer to the DCN  
Next Generation Installation and User  
Standalone version is for stand-alone systems  
without PC control.  
1.2.1 Differences between stand-alone and PC  
controlled systems  
The main difference is that the stand-alone version  
operates without a control PC. A PC needs only be  
connected for programming the CCU. The PC  
running the stand-alone software is disconnected  
from the CCU after the software has been used, but  
in a DCN Next Generation system with control PC,  
the PC remains connected to the CCU.  
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Names file - containing information about the  
2 Getting started  
name, seat number and other conference and  
personal details of participating delegates. Names  
files are created using Delegate Database.  
2.1 Starting the Automatic Camera  
Control software  
The seat numbers defined in System Installation are  
used to assign cameras connected to the system. The  
seat numbers are assigned using the System  
Installation software (LBB4185).  
2.1.1 The Startup screen  
The Automatic Camera Control program is started  
from the Startup screen (shown below).  
An installation file must be open before camera  
installation is possible. However, the Automatic  
Camera Control software can be started  
without an installation file being open.  
The stand-alone version of the Automatic  
Camera Control software does not use other  
software modules.  
Selecting an installation (and a names) file  
For details on selecting an installation (and a names)  
file, please refer to the Startup user manual (LBB  
The Automatic Camera Control icon  
For details on the Automatic Camera Control icon  
and how to start Automatic Camera Control from  
Startup, please refer to the Startup user manual (LBB  
Figure 1 The Startup screen.  
For starting the Startup program from an icon  
in the desktop, refer to the Startup user  
2.2 Installing the stand-alone version  
2.2.1 PC requirements and settings  
For information about PC requirements and settings,  
please refer to the DCN Next Generation Installation  
and User Instruction.  
The standalone version of the Automatic  
Camera Control software is started from the  
windows ‘Start Programs’ menu.  
2.2.2 Installing the stand-alone software  
To install the stand-alone version of the Automatic  
Camera Control software:  
The Automatic Camera Control PC controlled  
version uses two user-created files that contain  
important information about the installed hardware  
configuration and about delegates’ names. These files  
Insert the CDROM with type number LBB  
Select ‘Run...’ from the ‘Start’ menu on the  
Windows desktop.  
Type d:\setup (where d is the CDROM) on the  
command line which appears.  
Follow the on-screen instructions.  
Installation file - containing information about  
channel assignment and the numbers that have  
been assigned to all microphones connected to  
the system. These seat numbers are assigned  
using the System Installation software module  
LBB 4185/00.  
When installation has been successfully completed, a  
new program group called Standalone Camera  
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Control Installation is created. Please refer to  
paragraph 2.1, for information about starting the  
A list of different key types is given. For more  
information on any key type contained in the list:  
Click on the required key type in the list.  
An on-screen page with the requested information  
will appear.  
Before beginning camera installation, it is  
important to make sure that the Allegiant video  
switcher, system cameras and monitors are  
properly connected and installed. For more  
information, refer to the DCN Next Generation  
Installation and User Instructions.  
2.3.4 Commands  
This gives information on all menu options, covering  
the ‘File’, ‘Edit’, ‘View’, ‘Settings’ and ‘Help’ menus.  
To access the ‘Commands’ help facility:  
Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on  
2.3 Using Help  
A list of menu groups is given. For more information  
on any menu group contained in the list:  
2.3.1 The Help menu  
Click on the required menu group in the list.  
The ‘Help’ menu in the title bar contains commands  
for an on-screen help facility. This help facility  
contains information on all commands in the ‘File’  
menu, on which keyboard keys are functional, a  
description of how to use the software, information  
on how to use the help facility itself, plus an index  
and a glossary of terms. All information contained in  
this user manual is also found in the Help’ facility.  
A list of options in the selected menu group is given.  
For more information on any option contained in the  
Click on the required option in the list.  
An on-screen page with the requested information  
will appear.  
The ‘Help’ facility contains the following options:  
2.3.5 Procedures  
This gives information on how to use the software.  
To access the ‘Procedures’ help facility:  
Using Help  
Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on  
A list of topics is given. For more information on any  
topic contained in the list:  
2.3.2 Index  
To access the index:  
Click on the required topic in the list.  
A list of options for the selected topic is given. For  
more information on any option contained in the list:  
Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on ‘Index’.  
A full list of subjects covered by the help facility is  
given in alphabetical order. For more information on  
any subject contained in the index:  
Click on the required option in the list.  
An on-screen page with the requested information  
will appear.  
Click on the required subject in the index.  
2.3.6 Glossary  
To access the glossary:  
An on-screen page with the requested information  
will appear.  
Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on  
2.3.3 Keyboard  
This gives information on which keys on your  
keyboard can be used with the software. This  
includes using keys to activate menu items, to move  
around in dialogue boxes, for short cuts, and to select  
options from the main window. To access the  
‘Keyboard’ help facility:  
A list of terms used in the help facility is given in  
alphabetical order. For more information on any  
term contained in the glossary:  
Click on the required subject in the index.  
A window with the requested information will appear.  
Select the Help’ menu and click on  
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2.3.7 Using Help  
This gives information on how to use the help facility.  
To access the ‘Using Help’ facility:  
Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on Using  
A list of topics is given. For more information on any  
topic contained in the list:  
Click on the required topic in the list.  
A list of options for the selected topic is given. For  
more information on any option contained in the list:  
Click on the required option in the list.  
An on-screen page with the requested information  
will appear.  
2.3.8 About  
This provides software release information. To  
display the ‘About...’ window:  
Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on  
‘About ...’.  
The following window appears:  
Figure 2 The ‘About’ window  
To remove this window:  
Click on the ‘OK’ push button.  
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Camera specification edit fields for entering  
camera number, camera ID, and the type of  
camera (fixed or preposition)  
3 Using Automatic Camera  
When installation mode is entered (by pressing the  
Start push button) for the first time i.e. when no  
cameras have yet been assigned to seat numbers, or  
when camera 1 is selected from the ‘Assignments’ list  
the installation window appears as follows:  
3.1 The camera installation main window  
The Camera Installation main window is used to  
assign fixed cameras and camera positions (on  
preposition cameras) to DCN Next Generation units.  
There are two main types of camera recognized by  
the Automatic Camera Control software. Fixed  
cameras are positioned before the conference begins,  
and they remain in the same position during the  
conference. Dome cameras can adjust their position  
automatically in response to conference activity. For  
example, a dome camera normally has several  
prepositions, determined during configuration, each  
covering a different delegate or group of delegates.  
The camera will automatically change position to  
cover the delegate who is speaking. The Camera  
Installation window at startup is shown below.  
Figure 4 The Camera Installation window  
If a camera with prepositions (such as a dome  
camera) is selected, the number of  
prepositions available, and the selected  
preposition is also entered in this area.  
‘Selected preposition:’ edit field (only displayed if  
the camera is a preposition type)  
Seat (or unit) edit fields for selecting a seat (or  
unit) number and entering one or two lines of  
seat/unit text  
Figure 3 The Camera Installation window (at startup)  
‘Insert’ button for entering the camera and unit  
assignments specified (it then appears in the  
‘Assignments’ list on the right side of the main  
‘Delete’ button for removing camera and unit  
assignments from the ‘Assignments’ list.  
‘Assignments’ list for displaying assigned camera  
The System Installation file is required for using  
Automatic Camera Control with a software-  
controlled DCN Next Generation system. This  
file is loaded from the Startup screen. In the  
example used in this manual, 10 seats have  
been assigned in the System Installation file.  
In the stand-alone version of the software,  
‘seats’ are referred to as ‘units’.  
The Camera Installation window contains the  
following elements:  
Start/Stop push button. This is used to enter and  
exit Installation mode.  
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In this window must be select if an Allegiant video  
switcher is used or not.  
If ‘Yes’ is chosen the Allegiant Video Switcher (AVS)  
mode is selected. If ‘No’ is chosen the Direct Camera  
Control (DCC) mode is selected.  
3.1.1 The menu bar  
All menu options referred to in this user manual are  
contained within the menu bar located under the title  
bar at the top of the Camera Installation window.  
The full list of menu options is as follows:  
In case of AVS several cameras are connected via a  
Allegiant video switcher to the system and  
screenlines can be added to the camera images.  
In case of DCC the camera is directly connected to  
the system and only images with the addition of  
screen lines can be used.  
Settings!... Configuration! Camera List!... Help  
Camera Activity  
Clear all  
If you want to change the control mode at any  
other time go to Configuration!... in the menu.  
Using Help  
If there is no communication between the CCU and  
the Allegiant video switcher, the following error  
message appears:  
3.2 Assigning cameras to seat/unit  
Before you start the installation process make  
sure that the configuration is correctly set.  
To start the camera installation process:  
Figure 7 No connection to video switcher error  
Click on the ‘Start’ button.  
Click on ‘OK’ and ensure that the connection,  
cable and communication settings between the  
Allegiant video switcher and the CCU are  
correctly made.  
The ‘Start’ button toggles to a ‘Stop’ button  
when activated. During camera installation, all  
conference activities will be stopped.  
The following warning appears:  
In case of Direct Camera Control there is no  
warning when there is no connection between  
the AutoDome and the CCU.  
The following window appears:  
Figure 5 Camera installation warning  
Click on ‘OK’ to continue with camera  
The following window appears:  
Figure 8 The Camera Installation window  
Figure 6 Configuration window  
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3.2.1 Specifying the overview camera  
For Allegiant Video Switchers (AVS) Camera 1 is  
always reserved for the overview. For Direct Camera  
Control (DCC) the highest pre-position is reserved  
for the overview. The overview gives a general  
overview of the conference venue when all the  
microphones are off (and therefore no conference  
participant is on camera). In case of AVS the  
overview camera can also be used when a dome  
camera is moving from one preposition to another. It  
acts as the default camera, and is activated when no  
other camera is selected by the Allegiant video  
switcher in response to conference activity.  
The Automatic Camera Control software will  
automatically propose a seat or unit number in the  
‘Seat nr:’ edit field of the Camera Installation  
window. It is possible to accept this number, or to  
change it using the up and down arrow keys of the  
edit field. Alternatively, it is possible to press the  
microphone button or any of the soft keys on a  
contribution unit. This will automatically result in the  
seat or unit number and any other entered  
parameters appearing in the Camera Installation  
The overview camera can be either a fixed or dome  
camera. However, in single-camera configurations,  
the overview camera is always a dome camera with  
its last preposition showing the overview.  
Selecting a seat or unit number causes the  
LEDs of the soft keys, and the microphone LED  
on the corresponding contribution unit to flash.  
When a dome camera is used as the overview  
camera, the ‘Camera movement time’ option  
is disabled.  
After pressing the ‘Insert’ push button, the  
software automatically loads the next seat or  
unit number which has not been assigned to a  
If a fixed camera is used, the edit fields for seat (or  
unit) number and text are not displayed. It is not  
possible to assign this camera to a seat or unit. The  
following screen text is displayed:  
The total number of seats (or units) which have not  
yet been assigned to a camera is displayed in the  
Camera Installation main window in the lower right-  
hand corner:  
‘This camera is reserved for the overview’  
‘n seats without camera assignment’  
The camera ID for camera 1 is ‘greyed’ and  
cannot be edited.  
Where ‘n’ is the number of seats (or units).  
Only seat (or unit numbers) without camera  
assignment can be selected.  
More detailed information about defining cameras is  
given later in this section. After defining the overview  
camera, it is necessary to save the setting. To do so:  
Click on the ‘Insert’ button.  
During installation, the audience monitor  
continues to show the image from the overview  
camera, except in one-camera configurations  
where it will show the same view as the  
operator monitor. The operator monitor shows  
the selected camera picture.  
The overview camera information will appear in the  
‘Assignments’ list of the Camera Installation window.  
The next seat or unit number which has not yet been  
assigned to a camera will appear in the edit fields of  
the Camera Installation window.  
3.2.2 Selecting a seat (or unit) number  
3.2.3 Selecting camera number  
In systems with PC control, the Automatic Camera  
Control software takes the seat numbers from the  
current installation file. In systems with a stand-alone  
CCU, the Automatic Camera Control software uses  
‘unit’ numbers instead of ‘seat’ numbers.  
To continue with the camera installation, a camera  
number should be assigned to each seat or unit  
number. To do so:  
Select the number of the camera you want to  
To enter or change the camera control settings for a  
delegate’s contribution unit, it is first necessary to  
select that unit’s seat or unit number. There are two  
ways of selecting a seat or unit number.  
3.2.4 Editing camera ID  
Each camera can have a descriptive ID (maximum  
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16 characters) entered in the ‘Camera ID:’ edit field.  
This, for example, could be used to give each camera  
a descriptive ID relating to the position of the camera  
in the conference venue. This text appears on the  
operator monitor but not on audience monitors.  
Figure 11 Camera edit fields for preposition cameras  
The ‘Number of Prepositions’ edit field (default 99)  
and the ‘Selected preposition’ edit field appear. To  
assign a preposition to a seat (or unit):  
Figure 9 Camera ID editing  
Click on the scroll-up or scroll-down button on  
the ‘Selected preposition’ edit field.  
To enter or edit the camera ID:  
Select the ‘Camera ID’ edit field.  
Enter the required text.  
When a preposition is changed, the operator  
monitor displays the image assigned to that  
preposition number using the Allegiant video  
3.2.5 Specifying camera type  
For AVS the type of camera (fixed or preposition)  
must be specified. To specify a fixed camera:  
Once the preposition is selected it must be defined  
using the joystick on the Allegiant or virtual  
keyboard. For more information, refer to the user  
documentation for the Allegiant or virtual Keyboard.  
When you have defined the preposition:  
Click on the ‘Fixed:’ check box.  
Click on ‘Insert’ to enter the setting.  
If a preposition that is already in use is selected, the  
following warning appears when the ‘Insert’ button is  
Figure 10 Camera edit fields for fixed cameras  
A tick mark () appears to indicate that a fixed  
camera type has been selected been selected. (This  
option is not available for DCC).  
Click on the ‘Fixed:’ check box again to deselect  
Figure 12 Preposition in use warning  
When the ‘Fixed:’ check box is not ticked the  
Number of prepositions:’ and ‘Selected  
preposition:’ edit fields are visible.  
In case of DDC this warning is not shown.  
3.2.6 Entering seat (or unit) text  
The camera edit fields now appear as follows:  
One or two lines of text can be entered for each seat  
(or unit). The text appears on both the operator  
monitor and audience monitors. To enter seat (or  
unit text):  
Select the ‘Seat nr:’ edit field, and enter the  
required text.  
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If ‘Double Seat Text’ is selected in the  
Settings’ dialogue box, two lines of text can be  
Figure 13 Seat (or unit) text editing  
In case of DDC is is not possible to enter a  
seat text.  
3.2.7 Inserting seat (or unit) numbers and camera  
When the seat (or unit) and camera settings are  
correct, the camera can be assigned to the seat (or  
unit). To do so:  
Click on the ‘Insert’ button.  
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The Seat number, camera number, preposition  
number (if applicable) and screen text is stored and  
displayed in the ‘Assignments:’ list. An example of the  
‘Assignments:’ list is shown below.  
The following window appears:  
Figure 15 The Camera List window  
This window gives an overview of all installed  
cameras and their settings. To delete a camera and its  
Click on the entry in the ‘Camera List’ to be  
Figure 14 Complete assignment list  
The text becomes highlighted.  
3.2.8 Editing entries in the ‘Assignments:’ list  
It is possible to recall entries in the ‘Assignments:’ list.  
This allows you to change their settings. To do so:  
Click on the ‘Delete’ button.  
Click on the ‘Close’ button.  
Double-click on the entry in the ‘Assignments:’  
list to be edited.  
The entry is removed from the list.  
The chosen entry and its settings will appear on the  
left-hand side of the ‘Camera Installation’ window.  
The seat (or unit) numbers which have not  
been assigned to a camera are automatically  
3.2.9 Deleting a camera assignment from the  
‘Assignments:’ list  
When the seat (or unit) and camera settings are  
incorrectly entered or have been changed, an entry  
in the list can be deleted. To do so:  
3.3 System setting  
The Automatic Camera Control module has the  
following system settings:  
Click on the entry in the ‘Assignments:’ list to be  
Screenline usage (DCN with control software and  
names file only)  
Double seat text  
Camera override  
Camera movement time  
The text becomes highlighted.  
Click on the ‘Delete’ button.  
The entry is removed from the list.  
Number of audience monitors  
It is also possible to delete an entry from the  
‘Assignments:’ list by using the ‘Camera List!’ option  
on the main menu bar. To do so:  
For AVS the above system settings are all  
active in installation mode. In case of DCC only  
the option Camera Override is available.  
Click on the ‘Camera List!’ option on the main  
menu bar.  
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To enable the settings window:  
A tick mark () appears to indicate that this option  
has been enabled. The ‘Seat (or Unit) text:’ edit field  
now appears as follows:  
Click on the ‘Settings…’ menu.  
The following window appears.  
Figure 17 Two lines of screen text for seat (or unit)  
3.3.3 Camera override  
The ‘Camera override’ option allows you to determine  
whether a newly switched on microphone  
automatically activates the camera covering its  
position, or whether the camera is only activated  
when the current microphone is switched off. To  
activate this option:  
Figure 16 The ‘Settings’ window  
Click on the ‘Camera override’ check box.  
3.3.1 Screenline usage  
When enabled, this option takes the screenline (text  
displayed on the audience monitor) as defined in the  
Delegate Database software. The option is enabled  
by default. To enable/disable this option:  
3.3.4 Camera movement time  
To hide camera movement (as a preposition camera  
moves from one position to the next), the overview  
camera can be activated and displayed during the  
movement. This option enables the period for which  
the camera movement is hidden to be set between  
0.5 seconds and 60 seconds in 0.5 second steps. The  
default is 1 second. To alter the camera movement  
Click on the ‘Screenline usage’ check box.  
A tick mark () appears to indicate that this option  
has been enabled.  
Use the up and down arrow keys to select the  
required setting.  
If the ‘Double text’ option is selected, two lines  
of 16 characters can be displayed. Otherwise,  
only one line of 16 characters can be shown.  
This function can only be activated if the  
overview camera is a fixed camera. A setting of  
0 seconds disables the option.  
If no names file is currently open (as specified  
in Delegate Database) or this option is de-  
selected (off), the seat text (as specified in the  
main window) is displayed. The Automatic  
Camera Control software for standalone CCU  
systems always displays the unit text (the  
Screenline usage’ option is not displayed).  
3.3.5 Number of audience monitors  
The number of audience monitors (excluding the  
operator monitor) can be set to between 1 and 4. All  
audience monitors show the same picture. The  
default is 1 audience monitor. To alter the number of  
audience monitors:  
3.3.2 Double seat (or unit) text  
An additional line of text can be entered for each  
seat (or unit). The text appears on both the operator  
monitor and audience monitors. By default, this  
option is not enabled. To enable the option:  
Use the up and down arrow keys to select the  
required setting.  
Click on the ‘Double seat (or unit) text’ check  
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Select ‘File’ and click on ‘Clear All’.  
It is recommended that the number selected  
corresponds to the actual number of audience  
monitors present in the venue. If the number  
selected is higher than this, there may be some  
reduction in system performance.  
3.4.3 Printing  
It is possible to print a hard copy of the current  
Camera Installation file. To do so:  
Select ‘File’ and click on ‘Print’.  
The following dialogue box appears:  
After you have made all the required settings:  
Click on the ‘OK’ push button.  
The settings will be saved, and you will return to the  
‘Camera Installation’ window. To exit the ‘Settings’  
window without saving any changes:  
Click on the ‘Cancel’ push button.  
In stand-alone systems, when all settings have  
been specified and the Camera Control  
software has been exited, it is necessary to  
make a direct connection between the CCU  
and the Allegiant video switcher to enable  
camera control by the system. For information  
concerning the required connections, refer to  
the DCN Next Generation Installation and User  
Figure 18 The ‘Print’ dialogue box  
It is possible to specify that seat assignments are  
included in the printout. To do so:  
Click on the ‘Seat assignments’ check box.  
A tick mark () appears to indicate that this option  
has been enabled. You can also specify that camera  
definitions are included in the printout. To do so:  
3.4 The file menu  
The file menu contains the following:  
Camera Activity  
Click on the ‘Camera definitions’ check box.  
Clear all (resets complete Assignment list)  
Print… (prints out camera and seat (unit) data  
Import…(imports a Camera Installation  
configuration file)  
Export… (exports a Camera Installation  
configuration file)  
A tick mark () appears to indicate that this option  
has been enabled. Up to nine copies of the Camera  
Installation file can be printed. To select the number  
of copies:  
Use the up and down arrow keys to select the  
required number.  
Exit (closes the Camera Installation program)  
After selecting the print settings:  
Click on the ‘OK’ push button.  
To exit the dialogue box without printing anything:  
Click on the ‘Cancel’ push button.  
3.4.1 Camera activity  
When activated, this function transmits control  
commands to the Allegiant switcher (AVS) or the  
AutoDome camera (DCC). If switched off, the CCU  
ill not transmit these commands. This function is  
useful if you wish to disable camera control  
functionality in the DCN CCU. By default, camera  
activity is enabled.  
You will return to the main window.  
To disable this function:  
3.4.4 Importing and exporting Camera Installation  
Select ‘File’ and click on ‘Camera Activity’.  
It is possible to import and export Camera  
Installation files containing information about the  
configuration and settings of the Automatic Camera  
Control software. For systems where a DCN control  
PC is used, this information is automatically stored in  
the current installation file. However, importing and  
exporting Camera Installation files may be useful in  
A tick mark appears to indicate that this option has  
been enabled.  
3.4.2 Clear all  
This menu command clears all entries in the  
assignment list. To enable this function:  
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situations where you wish to use more than one  
configuration with an installation file.  
Click on the ‘OK’ push button.  
The Camera Installation file will be imported into the  
Automatic Camera Control software.  
The DCN control PC can only import  
information relating to seat numbers which are  
present in the current System Installation file.  
The information imported into the Automatic  
Camera Control software will overwrite the  
current settings.  
3.4.6 Exporting Camera Installation files  
The Export function allows configuration files to be  
saved in a file location of your choice. To do so:  
In stand-alone systems, configuration settings  
are saved automatically on the PC and on the  
DCN CCU. These settings reappear when the  
PC is switched on. The import/export functions  
are a useful way of making backups, and  
saving/retrieving configuration settings.  
Select ‘File’ and click on ‘Export...’  
The following window appears:  
Only files valid for the used (AVS or DCC)  
system configuration can be imported.  
3.4.5 Importing Camera Installation files  
The Import function allows configuration files to be  
retrieved in .txt or .csv formats.  
Figure 20 The ‘Export Camera Installation file’  
The ‘Import...’ option is only active in  
installation mode. Only files valid for the used  
(AVS or DCC) system configuration can be  
Select the name and location of the file you wish  
to export.  
To import a configuration file:  
Select ‘File’ and click on ‘Import...’.  
By default, the location for exporting camera  
installation files is \dcnng\export  
The following window appears:  
Click on the ‘OK’ push button.  
The Camera Installation file will be exported to the  
selected location.  
3.5 Exiting Automatic Camera Control  
3.5.1 Temporarily exiting Automatic Camera  
It is possible to temporarily leave Automatic Camera  
Control without closing it down completely. To do  
Figure 19 The ‘Import Camera Installation file’  
Select the Camera Installation file you wish to  
Click on the minimize button situated at the top  
right of the application window.  
The Automatic Camera Control program will  
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become iconized in the Windows taskbar. To re-enter  
Automatic Camera Control:  
Click on the Automatic Camera Control module  
3.5.2 Permanently exiting Automatic Camera  
If you wish to exit Automatic Camera Control  
Select the ‘File’ menu and click on ‘Exit’.  
By closing the Startup program, all DCN  
applications – including Automatic Camera  
Control - will close.  
If ‘Camera Activity’ is enabled camera control  
remains active when the software is closed.  
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For more information please visit  
© 2005 Bosch Security Systems B.V.  
Data subject to change without notice  
January 2005 | 9922 141 70491  
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