Ayre Acoustics CD Player CX 7EMP User Manual

Ayre CX-7eMP  
Owner’s Manual  
Compact Disc Player  
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Table of  
Welcome to  
Ayre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2  
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3  
Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6  
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14  
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12  
Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18  
Connections and  
Controls and  
Numbers and  
Statement of  
A Place for  
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Welcome to  
Your Ayre CX-7eMP offers a significant advance in  
the musical performance of high-fidelity equipment.  
The warmth and immediacy of a live performance  
are apparent from the first listening. The  
combination of superb resolution and a natural,  
relaxed quality will draw you into the music, time  
and time again.  
This degree of performance has been implemented  
using the highest levels of workmanship and  
materials. You can be assured that the Ayre  
CX-7eMP will provide you a lifetime of musical  
To our North American customers, please be  
sure to mail your warranty registration card and  
photocopy of your original sales receipt within 30  
days in order to extend the warranty to five  
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Connections and  
The Ayre CX-7eMP is easy to connect and use. The  
following guidelines will ensure that the installation  
goes smoothly.  
The infrared beam of the  
remote control will also travel  
through glass.  
A good location for your CD player is at an easily  
accessible height in an open-backed cabinet or on a  
shelf. The receiver for the infrared remote control is  
mounted behind the display lens on the front panel.  
A direct line of sight from the listening position  
will ensure the maximum range. However, the  
infrared beam will also reflect off of most wall  
surfaces with a reduced range.  
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Analog Outputs  
It is not normally  
recommended to use both sets of  
analog outputs  
The Ayre CX-7eMP offers both balanced and  
single-ended outputs. Balanced connections are  
made via three-pin XLR connectors, while  
single-ended connections are made via RCA  
When you have a choice, a balanced connection  
will offer slightly higher sound quality than a  
single-ended connection.  
Digital Filter  
The digital filter of the Ayre CX-7eMP features two  
user-selectable algorithms. A selector switch is  
located on the rear panel. One algorithm produces  
greater accuracy in the time domain and is labeled  
“Listen”. The other algorithm produces greater  
accuracy in the frequency domain and is labeled  
It is recommended that the selector switch be set  
to the “Listen” position. However some listeners  
may prefer the additional high-frequency energy  
provided by the “Measure” position.  
Digital Output  
The Ayre CX-7eMP features a balanced AES/EBU  
digital audio output on the rear of the unit. This  
may be used when connecting to a digital recording  
unit or other device, such as an external  
digital-to-analog converter (DAC). A switch on the  
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rear panel allows the digital audio output to be  
turned off when its use is not required.  
An adapter is available from Ayre should you  
need to connect the digital output to an S/PDIF  
input that uses an RCA connector.  
AC Power  
The CX-7eMP may be plugged directly into an  
unswitched wall outlet. Although proprietary RFI  
(radio-frequency interference) filtering is built into  
the CD player, in some situations an AC power-line  
filter (such as those offered by Ayre) may provide  
additional sonic benefits.  
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Controls and  
The Ayre CX-7eMP CD player may be controlled  
using either the front panel buttons or the included  
remote control handset. Basic functions are available  
at both locations, while additional functions are  
available only at the remote control handset.  
Remote Control  
The supplied remote control handset can operate  
both the CX-7eMP CD player as well as an Ayre  
preamplifier or integrated amplifier. The controls to  
operate the CD player are grouped towards the top  
of the handset, while those for the preamplifier or  
integrated amplifier are grouped towards the  
The remote control handset uses 2 x AAA batteries,  
which must be installed before use. Access to the  
battery compartment is achieved by sliding the  
cover on the rear of the unit.  
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The “Standby/Operate” button toggles the unit  
between normal operation and standby mode. When  
in standby mode a green status LED is illuminated,  
and the critical internal circuitry remains powered.  
This ensures optimal sound quality with a  
minimum of warm-up time.  
If a disc is in the player when it is turned on, it will  
read the disc’s Table of Contents (ToC) and display  
the total disc time and total number of tracks  
Pressing either the “Open/Close” or the “Play”  
buttons will also bring the unit out of standby  
The “Open/Close” button opens and closes the CD  
An open drawer may also be closed with either  
the “Standby” or “Play” buttons.  
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If the drawer is open, pressing  
“Play” will close the drawer.  
The “Play” button initiates playback of the disc. The  
table of contents (ToC) is read, and playback begins  
at the first track.  
If the disc is paused, pressing “Play” will un-pause  
the disc  
The “Pause” button will temporarily halt the disc.  
Playback may be resumed either by pressing either  
the “Pause” button again or the “Play” button.  
The track number in the display will flash to show  
that the pause mode has been engaged.  
The “Stop” button will stop disc playback.  
The “Previous” button will back to the start of the  
current track. Additional presses will move to  
previous tracks.  
The “Previous” button on the front panel can  
activate two separate functions, depending on  
how long the button is pressed. A quick button  
press (less than about ½ second) will activate the  
“Previous” function. A longer button press will  
activate the “Reverse Scan” function.  
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The “Next” button will move to the start of the next  
track. Additional presses will move to subsequent  
The “Next” button on the front panel can  
activate two separate functions, depending on  
how long the button is pressed. A quick button  
press (less than about ½ second) will activate the  
“Next” function. A longer button press will  
activate the “Forward Scan” function.  
Reverse Scan  
The “Reverse Scan” button will scan backward  
through the music.  
The “Previous” button on the front panel can  
activate two separate functions, depending on  
how long the button is pressed. A quick button  
press (less than about ½ second) will activate the  
“Previous” function. A longer button press will  
activate the “Reverse Scan” function.  
Forward Scan  
The “Forward Scan” button will scan forward  
through the music.  
The “Next” button on the front panel can  
activate two separate functions, depending on  
how long the button is pressed. A quick button  
press (less than about ½ second) will activate the  
“Next” function. A longer button press will  
activate the “Forward Scan” function.  
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The display of the Ayre CX-7eMP has a time section  
on the left, a track section in the center, and a status  
indicator section on the right. When the disc is  
stopped, the display will indicate the total disc time  
and the total number of tracks. When the disc is  
playing, the display will indicate the elapsed time in  
the current track and the track number being  
Normally all three sections are illuminated. Pressing  
the “Display” button once will change the time  
section to a “Time Remaining” mode that shows the  
time remaining in the current track.  
The right-most decimal point in the time display  
will illuminate to indicate that it is currently in the  
“Time Remaining” mode.  
Pressing the “Display” button again will turn off the  
time section of the display altogether. Pressing the  
“Display” button a third time will turn off all  
sections, except for a blue status LED that indicates  
the display is off.  
When the display is off, pressing any key will  
wake up the display for a few seconds. If the disc  
is playing, pressing “Play” will wake the display  
momentarily without affecting playback.  
Pressing the “Display” button once more will restore  
normal operation.  
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Additional Functions  
The following functions are available only via the  
remote control handset.  
Number Keys  
The number keys allow quick navigation to the  
desired point on the disc.  
To enter a number greater than “9”, simply press  
the desired number keys in order. For example,  
to enter “23”, first press “2” and then “3”.  
Pressing the number keys for the desired track will  
begin play of that track, even if the disc is stopped.  
Pressing the “Repeat” button scrolls through normal  
mode, “Repeat Disc” mode, and “Repeat Track”  
mode. The repeat modes are indicated by red LEDs  
on the right side of the display area.  
The “Repeat Disc” mode is indicated by an arrow  
in the shape of a loop. The “Repeat Track” mode  
is indicated by the looping arrow combined with  
the number “1”.  
The “Repeat” mode will be cleared when the disc is  
stopped, the drawer is opened, or the unit is placed  
in “Standby”.  
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Pressing the “Random” button will play the tracks  
on the disc in random order. Play will commence as  
soon as the “Random” button is pressed.  
The “Random” mode is indicated by a decimal  
point after the track number.  
When the “Random” mode is selected, a  
randomized play list is generated. The “Previous”  
and “Next” buttons will navigate through this  
randomized play list in the normal fashion.  
To exit the “Random” mode, press the “Random”  
button again. Pressing either the “Stop” button or  
the “Open/Close” button will also exit the  
“Random” mode.  
If the unit is played in both “Repeat Disc” and  
“Random” modes simultaneously, the same  
randomized play list will be repeated  
continuously. Exiting and entering the “Random”  
mode will generate a new randomized play list.  
100 to 500 hours of music  
played through the system will  
ensure full break-in.  
Due to the manufacturing processes used for the  
printed circuit boards, wires, and capacitors, a  
break-in period is necessary for the CD player to  
reach its full sonic potential.  
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The upper section of the remote  
control supplied with the Ayre  
CX-7eMP is used to control  
the CD player functions.  
The lower section of the remote  
control (shown with  
greyed-out buttons) may be  
used to control an Ayre  
preamplifier or integrated  
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Numbers and  
Maximum Output Level  
2.25 V rms – unbalanced outputs  
4.50 V rms – balanced outputs  
Analog XLR Output Polarity  
Pin 1 = Ground  
Pin 2 = Non-inverting (Positive)  
Pin 3 = Inverting (Negative)  
Frequency Response  
Power Consumption  
DC - 20 kHz  
30 watts  
17-¼" W x 13-¾" D x 4-¾" H  
44 cm x 35 cm x 12 cm  
25 pounds  
11.5 kg  
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Statement of  
North American Warranty  
Your Ayre CX-7eMP CD player is warranted against  
defects in workmanship and materials for a period of  
ninety days from the date of original purchase. This  
ninety-day coverage is automatic upon acceptance of  
delivery and no registration is required.  
Additionally you have the option, at no cost, to  
extend the warranty for a period of five years from  
the date of purchase (except for the disc transport  
mechanism, which will be warrantied for a period of  
two years from the date of purchase) by returning  
the completed Optional Warranty Registration Card  
and a photocopy of your original purchase receipt in  
the enclosed postage-paid envelope to Ayre within  
thirty days of product delivery. This optional  
warranty is only available to the original purchaser  
and only within the thirty-day registration period.  
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North American Warranty Statement  
1. If any defects are found in the materials or  
workmanship of this Ayre product within the  
warranty period, the unit will be repaired or  
replaced by Ayre Acoustics, Inc. (Ayre) or its  
authorized agent.  
2. Purchaser must return the product, packed in the  
original shipping carton, freight prepaid to:  
Ayre Acoustics, Inc.  
2300-B Central Avenue  
Boulder, Colorado 80301  
or to Ayre’s authorized agent. The product must be  
accompanied by a written description of the defect  
and a photocopy of your original purchase receipt.  
Ayre will not be responsible for any shipping  
damage and strongly recommends the purchase of  
shipping insurance.  
3. Ayre reserves the right to inspect any product  
that is the subject of any warranty claim prior to  
repairing or replacing it. Final determination of  
warranty coverage lies solely with Ayre.  
Out-of-warranty claims will be billed for labor,  
materials, return freight, and insurance as required.  
Any product for which a warranty claim is accepted  
will be returned to the purchaser and the cost of  
shipping and insurance will be factory prepaid  
within the boundaries of the USA. Units to be  
shipped outside of the USA will be shipped freight  
collect only.  
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4. Ayre strives to manufacture the finest possible  
equipment, and therefore reserves the right to make  
improvements on its products, without necessarily  
assuming any obligation to retrofit such changes  
upon its previously manufactured models.  
5. The above warranty is the sole warranty given by  
Ayre, and is in lieu of all other warranties. All  
implied warranties, including warranties of  
merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose  
shall be strictly limited to the duration of the above  
warranty. Ayre shall have no further obligation of  
any kind, whether express or implied. Further, Ayre  
shall in no event be obligated for any incidental or  
consequential damages as a result of any defect or  
any warranty claim, whether express or implied.  
6. Ayre does not authorize any third party,  
including any dealer or sales representative, to  
assume any liability of Ayre or make any warranty  
for Ayre. The unit must not have been altered or  
improperly serviced. The serial number on the unit  
must not have been altered or removed.  
7. This warranty is for the sole benefit of the  
original purchaser of the covered product and shall  
not be transferable to any subsequent purchaser.  
International Warranty  
Warranty terms outside of North America may vary.  
Please contact the authorized Ayre distributor in  
your country of purchase for the terms of warranty  
and also the service itself.  
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A Place for  
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Rev. 3.0  
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Ayre Acoustics, Inc.  
2300-B Central Avenue  
Boulder, Colorado 80301  
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