Agilent Technologies Recording Equipment E6432A User Manual

Agilent E6432A  
VXI Microwave Synthesizer  
Product Note  
An Introduction to the  
Agilent E6432A plug&play Driver  
High performance microwave  
capability in VXI  
10 MHz to 20 GHz  
–90 dBm to +20 dBm  
< 400 µs frequency switching time  
1 Hz frequency resolution  
AM, FM and Pulse modulators  
VXI plug&play driver  
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National Instruments has two ver-  
sions of the MXI interface that are  
usable in a host controller. The older  
VXI-MXI-1 slot 0 controller and its  
host card (the AT-MXI interface) do  
not operate correctly with E6432A,  
due to the AT-MXI interface’s inabili-  
ty to access more than 64k of A24  
address space. (Remember, a mini-  
mum of 256k is required.) The  
newer MXI interface from National  
Instruments (the VXI-MXI-2 inter-  
face) and its host controller card  
(the PCI-MXI interface) work  
In the programming examples shown  
later, we will show that in VEE,  
the ViInitialize function call is sent  
automatically at the first call to  
the instrument. In NI LabView, the  
ViInitialize function call must be  
sent explicitly as the first call to  
the instrument.  
Initializing the Instrument  
After installing the interfaces and  
drivers using the procedures given in  
the user documentation, it is time to  
apply power to the VXI mainframe  
and check out the system.  
Register-based devices typically  
do not contain a processor and  
firmware that perform bootstrap and  
self-test functions at power on. These  
functions are jointly executed by the  
host controller and the device. For  
the E6432A, the functions are per-  
formed when the host controller  
issues the ViInitialize function call  
through the plug&play driver. When  
power is first applied to the E6432A,  
the red FAIL LED is lit. This LED  
remains lit until a successful  
The Soft Front Panel  
All functions of the E6432A are  
represented in the soft front panel  
(SFP). The online help system docu-  
ments the SFP and the plug&play  
driver completely. The E6432A SFP  
is accessed through the Start menus  
of Windows NT. If no VXI interface  
is installed on the computer, or the  
hardware is not present, the SFP  
may be run in Demo Mode as a  
learning and demonstration tool.  
The online help system will be  
fully functional.  
properly with all of the application  
programs listed.  
A new serial interface for VXI based  
on IEEE-1394 is available from  
Agilent (the E8491A). This interface  
has nearly the same performance as  
MXI-2 in many applications. The  
E8491A is supported for use with  
the E6432A.  
completion of the ViInitialize  
function call. Within this function  
call are commands that:  
issue the bootstrap commands  
to initialize the onboard assist  
Embedded controllers are available  
from both Agilent and National  
Instruments. Those controllers that  
contain the Intel Pentium® processor  
and run Microsoft Windows NT 4.0  
are supported for use with the  
perform a comprehensive  
digital self-test  
perform a limited analog self-test  
preset the instrument to  
a known state  
query the error buffers for  
any error conditions  
issue the command to extinguish  
the red FAIL LED after a  
successful completion  
Pentium is a U.S. registered trademark of Intel Corporation.  
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Table 1  
Features of the plug&play Driver  
Set RF Output (On/Off)  
Get RF Output (On/Off)  
Set Freq, ALC, Atten, Bit  
Set Freq, ALC, Atten  
Get Freq, ALC, Atten  
Set Frequency  
Driver functions are divided into  
these major categories:  
Initializing the instrument  
Setting and enabling frequency  
and power  
Selecting and enabling  
Set ALC, Atten  
modulation types  
Set Output Power  
Power Search  
Selecting and enabling  
trigger modes  
Set Reference Source (Int/Ext)  
Get Reference Source (Int/Ext)  
Set Dwell Time  
Selecting operation modes  
Managing the list  
Querying status and errors  
Get Dwell Time  
Set Settling Time  
Table 1 is a list of instrument  
functions available for setting  
output functions.  
Get Settling Time  
List Modes, Trigger Modes and  
In many instances, the systems  
programmer has a predefined list  
of test frequencies, amplitudes, and  
marker events that are defined by the  
needs of the test program. Often, sig-  
nal sources and measuring receivers  
must be coordinated to be at the  
same test frequencies simultaneously  
to make measurements. Users want  
to minimize system time between  
measurements, since performing  
precision measurements can be  
time consuming.  
To assist the programmer with  
efficient synchronization between  
signal source and measuring receiver,  
the E6432A implements a list mode  
that holds up to 128k list entries.  
Each entry may hold a frequency  
value, an ALC value, an attenuator  
value, and a mode byte that sets  
various conditions at that entry  
point. For example, the mode byte  
has bits for enabling or disabling RF  
blanking at that entry point, putting  
out a sync marker at that entry, or  
enabling long blanking to provide  
extra settling time at that entry.  
The E6432A plug&play driver  
includes a comprehensive online  
help system, with complete  
documentation that should be used  
as the primary reference source for  
the instrument. All aspects of using  
and programming the E6432A and  
the SFP are fully documented. The  
help system may be installed and  
run on a separate computer without  
other modules of the plug&play  
driver installed.  
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Table 2  
To make the most of this list mode,  
comprehensive triggering is available  
for executing the list entries in the  
most useful way for the test program.  
Input triggering can be from the front  
panel SMB connector, over the VXI  
TTL backplane triggers, VXI0-VXI7,  
or manually via the SFP. Any one  
of the backplane triggers can be  
assigned to Trigger In. The Trigger  
Out, or settled marker, is a synchro-  
nization signal that can be used as a  
data-ready flag, a trigger to a meas-  
uring receiver, or a timing signal for  
the host controller. It is always avail-  
able at the front panel. Any one of  
the VXI backplane triggers can be  
assigned to Trigger Out.  
Trigger In  
Automatic (default)  
trigger once  
Trigger In disabled  
wait for trigger, then run list once  
wait for trigger to advance to next list entry  
settled marker - always enabled  
Sync In disabled  
Trigger Out  
Sync In  
auto (default)  
wait for sync to start list  
abort list and restart from beginning  
combines wait for start and abort/restart  
wait for start/restart  
disabled (default)  
Sync Out  
list entry does not generate sync marker on  
settled (Trigger Out still enabled)  
list entry generates sync marker on settled  
(and Trigger Out marker)  
run list continuously until aborted  
enabled (default)  
blank RF while tuning (minimum 270 µs  
settling time on frequency changes)  
do not blank RF while tuning  
Long blanking  
disabled (default)  
frequency settled to within 50 kHz when  
Trigger Out edge occurs  
Sync In is a reset trigger. It may be  
set to abort a list and reset the list  
pointer to the beginning of list mem-  
ory. It may be used to run a list. It  
may be disabled. Any one of the VXI  
backplane triggers may be assigned  
to Sync In. Sync Out is the program-  
mable marker. Any entry in the list  
mode may enable the Sync Out mark-  
er. If enabled, it will coincide with  
the Trigger Out, or settled marker,  
for that list entry. Any one of the VXI  
backplane triggers may be assigned  
to Sync Out.  
RF blanking extended to 350 µs. Frequency  
settled to noise level when Trigger Out edge  
Attenuator switch  
blanking always extended to 20 ms  
An example function call to down-  
load an array of list entry points is:  
Once downloaded, the list is execut-  
ed by calling Hpe6432_run_list().  
Depending on the trigger mode set,  
the list is run all the way through,  
repeated until aborted, or executed  
one entry per input trigger.  
ViSTATUS HPE6432_WriteListPoints  
(ViSession instrumentHandle,  
ViUInt32 startingPoint ViReal64  
Frequency[], ViReal64 ALC_value[],  
ViInt16 Attenuator[], ViInt16  
featureBits[], ViInt16 alcOffset[],  
ViUInt32 numberOfPoints);  
Table 2 summarizes the trigger,  
marker, and blanking modes.  
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Programming Examples  
Figure 1  
A typical VEE  
program for  
controlling a signal  
source in a test  
Figure 2  
A LabView program  
that initializes the  
Agilent E6432A,  
sets frequency and  
amplitude, enables or  
disables pulse  
modulation, and  
closes the session.  
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A Visual Basic  
example calling the  
initialization routine.  
Note that all functions  
return VI_SUCCESS,  
which is zero for  
success and non-zero  
for error conditions.  
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Agilent Technologies' Test and Measurement  
Support, Services, and Assistance  
Warranty Information  
All Agilent products described in  
this document are warranted against  
defects in material and workmanship  
for a period of one year from date of  
Agilent Technologies aims to maximize the  
value you receive, while minimizing your risk and  
problems. We strive to ensure that you get the test  
and measurement capabilities you paid for and  
obtain the support you need. Our extensive support  
resources and services can help you choose the  
right Agilent products for your applications and  
apply them successfully. Every instrument and  
system we sell has a global warranty. Support is  
available for at least five years beyond the produc-  
tion life of the product. Two concepts underlie  
Agilent's overall support policy: "Our Promise"  
and "Your Advantage."  
Related Agilent Literature  
Creating Frequency Lists  
Using a Spreadsheet and  
ActiveX Product Note  
Our Promise  
literature number 5968-8434E  
Our Promise means your Agilent test and  
measurement equipment will meet its advertised  
performance and functionality. When you are  
choosing new equipment, we will help you with  
product information, including realistic performance  
specifications and practical recommendations from  
experienced test engineers. When you use Agilent  
equipment, we can verify that it works properly, help  
with product operation, and provide basic measure-  
ment assistance for the use of specified capabili-  
ties, at no extra cost upon request. Many self-help  
tools are available.  
E6432A Configuration Guide  
literature number 5967-6272E  
E6432A Product Overview  
literature number 5967-6178E  
E6432A Technical Specifications  
literature number 5968-1242E  
Your Advantage  
High Performance Microwave  
Capability in VXI Brochure  
literature number 5967-6313E  
Your Advantage means that Agilent offers a wide  
range of additional expert test and measurement  
services, which you can purchase according to  
your unique technical and business needs. Solve  
problems efficiently and gain a competitive edge  
by contracting with us for calibration, extra-cost  
upgrades, out-of-warranty repairs, and on-site  
education and training, as well as design, system  
integration, project management, and other profes-  
sional engineering services. Experienced Agilent  
engineers and technicians worldwide can help  
you maximize your productivity, optimize the return  
on investment of your Agilent instruments and  
systems, and obtain dependable measurement  
accuracy for the life of those products.  
Test Systems and  
VXI Products Catalog  
literature number 5980-0307E  
Visit our websites:  
Agilent Aerospace and Defense  
Information —  
By internet, phone, or fax, get assistance  
with all your test & measurement needs  
Online assistance:  
Agilent Signal Sources Information —  
Phone or Fax  
United States:  
(tel) 1 800 452 4844  
Latin America:  
(tel) (305) 269 7500  
(fax) (305) 269 7599  
Agilent VXI Product Information —  
(tel) 1 877 894 4414  
(fax) (905) 282 6495  
(tel) 1 800 629 485  
(fax) (61 3) 9210 5947  
(tel) (31 20) 547 2323  
(fax) (31 20) 547 2390  
New Zealand:  
(tel) 0 800 738 378  
(fax) 64 4 495 8950  
(tel) (81) 426 56 7832  
(fax) (81) 426 56 7840  
Asia Pacific:  
(tel) (852) 3197 7777  
(fax) (852) 2506 9284  
Product specifications and descriptions in this  
document subject to change without notice.  
Copyright © 1999, 2001 Agilent Technologies  
Printed in U.S.A. March 26, 2001  
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