ACR Electronics Marine GPS System 2897 User Manual

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Thank you for purchasing from ACR Electronics, Inc. We design, manufacture and distribute quality products knowing  
they are used to save lives. Many of our products are required to be tested and approved by regulatory bodies  
worldwide. We believe in going beyond those specifications to insure our products work when needed in real world  
conditions. With proper care and maintenance your ACR product will last for years. It is important that you thoroughly  
read this product support manual to understand the proper care and use of your ACR product.  
ACR is proud to be certified to ISO 9001:2000, the International Standard for Quality.  
ACR Electronics diligently works to provide a high quality Product Support Manual, however, despite best efforts,  
information is subject to change without notice, and omissions and inaccuracies are possible. ACR cannot accept  
liability for manual contents. To ensure that you have the most recent version of the Product Support Manual, please  
visit the ACR website at  
Table of Contents  
SECTION 1 PRODUCT FEATURES.......................................................................................................................................3  
1.1 Getting To Know Your Beacon...................................................................................................................................3  
SECTION 2 REGISTRATION OF 406 MHZ BEACONS .........................................................................................................3  
2.1 Registration Importance (Registration is FREE and can be updated as many times as you want)....................3  
2.2 Where to Register........................................................................................................................................................3  
2.3 Registration in the United States...............................................................................................................................4  
2.4 Registration in Canada ...............................................................................................................................................4  
2.5 Registration in Other Countries.................................................................................................................................4  
2.6 Change of Ownership or Contact Information..........................................................................................................5  
2.7 Lost or Stolen Beacons ..............................................................................................................................................5  
SECTION 3 FALSE ALERTS..................................................................................................................................................5  
3.1 Prevention of False Alerts ..........................................................................................................................................5  
3.2 Reporting of False Alerts............................................................................................................................................5  
SECTION 4 OPERATION........................................................................................................................................................6  
4.1 Activation (406 MHz and 121.5 MHz)..........................................................................................................................7  
4.2 406/121.5 Antenna Position........................................................................................................................................7  
4.3 Activation with GPS ....................................................................................................................................................7  
4.4 GPS Receiver Orientation...........................................................................................................................................8  
4.5 Deactivation .................................................................................................................................................................8  
4.6 Self Test........................................................................................................................................................................8  
4.7 Battery Witness Seal Life............................................................................................................................................8  
4.8 GPS Testing .................................................................................................................................................................8  
SECTION 5 ACCESSORIES...................................................................................................................................................9  
5.1 Multi-Function Belt Clip ..............................................................................................................................................9  
5.2 Attachment Clip.........................................................................................................................................................10  
5.3 Flotation Pouch .........................................................................................................................................................10  
SECTION 6 CARE AND MAINTENANCE.............................................................................................................................10  
6.1 Routine Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................10  
6.2 Battery Replacement.................................................................................................................................................11  
SECTION 7 THE SEARCH AND RESCUE SYSTEM ...........................................................................................................11  
7.1 General Overview ......................................................................................................................................................11  
7.2 Satellite Detection .....................................................................................................................................................11  
7.3 Global Positioning System (GPS)............................................................................................................................12  
SECTION 8 TECHNICAL INFORMATION............................................................................................................................12  
8.1 Characteristics...........................................................................................................................................................12  
8.2 Applicable Documents..............................................................................................................................................12  
8.3 Specifications ............................................................................................................................................................13  
WARNING: Contains Lithium Battery  
To avoid possible fire, explosion, leakage or burn hazard, do not open, recharge,  
disassemble or heat beacon above +70ºC (+158ºF) or incinerate.  
These products may contain lithium in the form of a battery. Shipping of hazardous materials requires special handling  
and documentation. MSDS sheets, along with shipping information, can be found on our website at  
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The PLB-300™ (referred to as “beacon”) is available in various configurations, as shown in the table below.  
The ResQFix™ includes accessories oriented for marine/boating use and the MicrOFix™ includes accessories  
more commonly used in outdoor and aviation activities.  
Belt Clip  
Model Number  
Product Number  
Getting To Know Your Beacon  
Antenna: Wrapped  
around beacon.  
UIN Label: Applied at the  
factory, the 15 character  
hexadecimal number is unique  
to each beacon.  
Activation Button  
Registration Decal Supplied By  
Some Countries: Once the beacon  
is registered, the label goes here.  
(discussed in  
section 4)  
Multi Language Label: This  
optional label may be applied  
for ease of use.  
GPS Antenna  
Battery expiration label with the  
month/year the battery needs  
to be replaced.  
Figure 1  
NOTE: The appearance of your beacon may vary slightly from this picture.  
Registration Importance (Registration is FREE and can be updated as many times as you want)  
It is mandatory that the owner of this 406 MHz beacon registers it with the national authority*. All 406 MHz  
beacons transmit a Unique Identifier Number (UIN) when activated. This UIN is programmed in the PLB based  
on the country in which the beacon was purchased. Registration provides the Search and Rescue (SAR)  
forces with emergency contact information, and will speed the launch of a rescue operation. The National  
Authorities use the information to verify if an actual emergency exists. Valuable Search and Rescue personnel  
are put at risk and resources are wasted every year responding to false alerts. For beacons that are not  
registered, SAR authorities will not know who you are, or who to contact regarding additional information about  
your current situation. This could delay the launch of a rescue operation.  
*The national authority is the governmental body that is responsible for Beacon Registration Database  
administration in the country for which the beacon is programmed.  
Where to Register  
You must register your beacon with the national authority of your resident country. Verify that your beacon’s  
UIN is programmed for your resident country, regardless of where you do your adventuring. To verify the  
country for which a beacon is programmed, see the label with the UIN on the back of the unit. Units that do not  
have a country specified on the UIN label are programmed for the United States. If you should move to a new  
country, you must register your beacon with the national authority of that country and have the UIN  
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reprogrammed for that country (if necessary). For a list of the national authorities in your area, please view  
Registration in the United States  
It is your responsibility to register your 406 MHz beacon(s) that are programmed for and purchased in the  
United States. The national authority that accepts registrations in the United States is the National Oceanic  
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).  
There are three options by which the beacon can be registered:  
A. The fastest and easiest way to register your beacon with NOAA is to use the online registration database.  
For the fastest service, register online!  
In the United States:  
B. If the internet is not accessible to you, complete the enclosed registration form. Do not confuse this with  
the ACR Electronics warranty card. Mail with the pre-addressed, postage paid envelope to:  
NOAA SARSAT Beacon Registration  
4231 Suitland Road  
Suitland, MD 20746  
C. Faxing your registration is also acceptable. Fax the registration form to fax # +1 (301) 817-4565.  
Note that the information you provide on the registration form is used only for rescue purposes. Complete and  
send the registration immediately. All registration forms will be entered in the 406 MHz beacon registration  
database within 48 hours of receipt.  
A confirmation letter, a copy of the actual registration and a proof-of-registration decal will be mailed to you  
within two weeks. When you receive these documents, please check the information carefully, then affix  
the decal to your beacon in the area marked “BEACON DECAL HERE.” If you do not receive confirmation  
back from NOAA in the expected timeframe, call toll free +1 (888)-212-7283 for assistance.  
Registration in Canada  
The national authority in Canada is the NSS (National Search & Rescue Secretariat). Canadian residents can  
register online at For more information please contact the NSS at +1 (613) 966-1504  
or +1 (800) 727-9414.  
National Search and Rescue Secretariat  
400-275 Slater Street  
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K2  
Registration in Other Countries  
In countries other than the United States and Canada, 406 MHz beacons are registered with that country’s  
national authority at the time of purchase. The sales agent should assist in filling out the forms and sending to  
that country’s national authority. To verify that the unit is properly programmed for that country, view the UIN  
label on the side of the unit. In the event that the beacon is not programmed for the country it has been  
purchased in, the sales agent, (if properly equipped) can reprogram the unit for that country.  
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Change of Ownership or Contact Information  
It is your responsibility to advise the national authority of any change in the information on the registration  
form. If the current owner of the beacon is transferring the beacon to a new owner, the current owner is  
required to inform the national authority by using their online database or by letter, fax or telephone, of the  
name and address of the new owner. The new owner of the beacon is required to provide the national  
authority with all of the information requested on the registration form. This obligation transfers to all  
subsequent owners. Registration forms for the United States are available from NOAA by calling  
1 (888) 212-7283 or by visiting our website at  
Lost or Stolen Beacons  
Things you need to do if your beacon is stolen:  
Report to your local authorities that the beacon has been lost or stolen.  
Contact NOAA at 1-888-212-SAVE (7283), or your national authority, with the following information so  
your beacon registration information can be updated with the appropriate remarks:  
Police Department Name  
Police Phone Number  
Police Case Number  
If the beacon were to be activated, the information you provided will be forwarded to the appropriate search  
and rescue authorities who will ensure that your beacon gets back to you. If someone attempts to register an  
beacon reported as stolen, NOAA or your national authority will notify the appropriate police department. Visit for more detailed information.  
The personal locator beacon is a distress signaling device of last resort, for use when all other means of self-  
rescue have been exhausted; where the situation is grave and imminent, and the loss of life, limb, eyesight or  
valuable property will occur without assistance. Deliberate misuse may incur a severe penalty.  
Prevention of False Alerts  
A false alert is any activation of the beacon, intentional or otherwise, that does not result from a situation of  
grave and imminent danger.  
Be sure to do the following:  
Register your beacon. This does not reduce false alert rates; however, it does have a dramatic effect  
on the impact of a false alert. When the beacon is properly registered, the situation can be resolved  
with a phone call.  
Be careful who you leave your beacon with. Make sure that they how to use it, and that they  
understand the ramifications of causing a false alert. A lot of false alerts are generated by curious  
individuals. If you notice the beacon is flashing the red or green LED and BEEPING periodically on its  
own, this likely means it has accidentally been activated and needs to be shut off and reported.  
The COSPAS - SARSAT satellites detect distress beacon transmissions immediately. These satellites will  
locate the transmission within a few minutes of the beacon activation. If you're not in distress, you just  
generated a false alert.  
NOTE: If you report a false alert and the authorities have not received the signal, don’t worry. This may mean  
the beacon was deactivated before transmitting the signal.  
Reporting of False Alerts  
A false alert must be reported to the nearest search and rescue authorities. The information reported must  
include the beacon Unique Identifier Number (UIN), date, time, duration and cause of activation, as well as  
location of beacon at the time of activation. If the beacon is registered outside of the United States, contact  
your national authority.  
United States Air Force Rescue  
Coordination Center (AFRCC)  
Tel: 1-800-851-3051  
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False alerts that are rectified must be reported to the AFRCC to let them know that the situation has been  
corrected and everything is fine. Responsibly reporting these events to the AFRCC or your proper authority will  
not incur a penalty, but deliberate misuse or not notifying the proper authority may incur a severe penalty.  
The ResQFix™ and MicrOFix™ 406 GPS beacon models are designed to be manually deployed and  
activated. They are only to be activated when all other means of self-rescue have been exhausted. When  
properly registered as required, the activation of the beacon tells Search and Rescue who you are, where you  
are, and that you are facing a life threatening situation.  
Activation Diagram  
ON / OFF Button  
When activated:  
(Red LED) 406 MHz Only  
(Green LED) 406 MHz  
includes GPS data  
Self Test / GPS Test  
(IR LED) Programming Interface  
(Not owner accessible)  
NOTE: If you notice the PLB is flashing the red or green LED and BEEPING periodically on its own, this  
likely means it has accidentally been activated and needs to be shut off and reported.  
Figure 2 - Key Pad Functions  
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Activation (406 MHz and 121.5 MHz)  
To activate your beacon in a distress situation, follow these steps:  
1) Unfasten the antenna from the case.  
2) Move it into the upright position (see figure 3 below).  
3) Depress the ON/OFF  
button for 1 full second.  
You will hear a BEEP and your beacon is now activated. While transmitting your distress signal, the red LED  
will flash once every 2 seconds alerting you that your beacon is active. An additional BEEP will sound every  
time your beacon transmits data to the satellites (roughly every 50 seconds).  
406/121.5 Antenna Position  
For maximum performance you must deploy the beacon antenna into the proper position (see figure 3). If at all  
possible, be sure the antenna is positioned facing the sky and avoid submerging in water. This device is  
intended to operate on or above the ground or while attached to your person above the water line.  
Activation with GPS  
Your beacon is equipped with an internal GPS receiver. Once activated, the GPS engine will start up and  
search to find your LAT/LON and incorporate it into your 406 MHz signal. As soon as the GPS receiver  
acquires good positioning data the red LED will stop blinking and the green LED will begin flashing once every  
2 seconds.  
The same GPS data will be sent with each 406 MHz signal for the next twenty minutes. At that time the  
internal GPS will start up again, search to find your LAT/LON and incorporate it into your next 406 MHz signal.  
If for any reason the internal GPS cannot update your LAT/LON, your last position will be used for the next  
four hours. At that time the green LED will stop blinking and the red LED will flash once every 2 seconds until  
new GPS data is obtained.  
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GPS Receiver Orientation  
When activated it is critical that you do not cover the  
beacon with any body part, water, clothing, etc. The GPS  
receiver is located under the bottom portion of the case  
behind the ResQFix™ or MicrOFix™ logo (see figure 4).  
To ensure optimum performance of the GPS receiver, the  
beacon needs to have an unobstructed view of the sky.  
Avoid submerging the GPS receiver in water if possible.  
Water will shield and inhibit the GPS receiver and may  
cause difficulties obtaining your GPS coordinates. Avoid  
leaning over the beacon to view blinking LED as you may  
shield the GPS reception.  
Figure 4 GPS Receiver Location  
To deactivate your beacon, depress the ON/OFF  
blinking LED’s will stop signifying that the beacon is no longer sending your distress message.  
button for 1 second. Once the beacon is deactivated, all  
Self Test  
ACR strongly recommends performing the self test once per month, or at least two weeks prior to a trip  
allowing enough time for service should your beacon require it.  
A self test is initiated by holding the self test button  
for at least ½ second and less than 5 seconds. Your  
beacon will sound an initial beep and flash the green LED to signify the test has begun. The green LED will  
flash a second time to indicate that the self test was successful.  
NOTE: The beep is a very high pitch that many people are unable to hear.  
Components Tested: Data Integrity and Memory; 406 MHz Synthesizer; RF Power/Battery; GPS header  
If a RED LED flashes at the completion of the self test, your beacon has failed. Repeat the self test. If the  
failure persists, contact ACR Electronics or an authorized Battery Replacement Center for servicing of your  
NOTE: During a self test your beacon will send a 406 MHz signal coded as self-test to the satellite system.  
The 121.5 MHz homing signal is inhibited during self test; this allows you to test your beacon any time during  
the day without causing false alerts.  
Self Test Sequences  
Self Test Guide ( Green LED  
Red LED)  
Green LED, 4 BEEPS,  
Green LED  
Red LED  
Successful Self Test  
Failed Self Test Return beacon to ACR  
Green LED, Less than 4 BEEPS,  
Successful Self Test At least 1 hour of battery  
power has been depleted, have battery replaced.  
Red LED, 4 BEEPS,  
Green LED  
Failed self test Return unit to ACR for service.  
Red LED, Less than 4 BEEPS,  
Red LED  
Battery Witness Seal Life  
If your beacon flashes an initial Red LED at the beginning of the Self Test, this indicates that your electronic  
witness has been broken and you have used more than 1 hour of battery life. While the beacon will still  
operate normally in a distress situation, ACR strongly recommends you have your battery replaced and the  
electronic witness reset to ensure that you will have 24 hours of battery power.  
GPS Testing  
This test is NOT required as 100% of all GPS receivers that leave ACR have been tested to ensure they  
perform correctly. However, if you would like to ensure your GPS receiver is working, please follow these  
instructions very closely.  
CAUTION: To conserve battery power the following test should not be performed more than once during the  
five-year life of the battery pack!  
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NOTE: The GPS receiver is located under the front portion of the case (see figure 4). It is imperative that the  
receiver is not obstructed during self test or activation to ensure that the GPS receiver is acquiring your  
latitude (LAT) and longitude (LON) position. This test must be performed outside with a clear view of the sky.  
Press the self-test button for greater than 5 seconds. Observe the beacon for the entire GPS test. A BEEP and  
green LED will indicate that the GPS has been turned ON. The beacon will BEEP every 5 seconds and the  
GPS will remain ON until LAT/LON coordinates have been obtained or until 10 minutes have elapsed. If good  
LAT/LON data has been obtained, the GPS will be turned OFF and the green LED will light for at least 3  
seconds along with a long beep. This LAT/LON data is not saved for use. The green LED is proof that the  
GPS is functioning properly and that the beacon is in a location or environment where it can receive the  
necessary signals from satellites. If the GPS does not acquire good LAT/LON data, the GPS will turn OFF  
after 10 minutes and a RED LED will light for 3 seconds along with a long beep.  
GPS Test Sequences (max. 10 minutes)  
GPS Test Guide  
Green LED and BEEP at start followed by continuous  
Successfully acquired GPS data  
BEEPS every 5 seconds,  
Green LED & Long BEEP  
Green LED and BEEP at start followed by continuous  
BEEPS every 5 seconds, Red LED & Long BEEP  
GPS data was not successfully acquired  
5.1 Multi-Function Belt Clip  
The MicrOFix™ comes standard with a multi-function belt clip. To  
install the clip, simply align the bottom tabs on the clip with the insert  
holes located on the bottom of the beacon. Snap the clip in place by  
pressing the top of the clip so that the two top tabs engage in the two  
insert holes on the top of the beacon (see figure 5). To remove the  
clip, push up and back on the top tabs one at a time to disengage the  
clip from the beacon.  
The MicrOFix™ clip has been designed to accommodate your  
extreme adventures. You can secure your beacon directly to backpack  
webbing straps, life jackets or belts to ensure the beacon is close at  
hand. ACR recommends that you secure your beacon someplace on  
your person that is easily accessible in case of an emergency for rapid  
activation. Ensure the beacon is secured firmly and is protected before  
heading out to avoid damage or loss.  
NOTE: ACR recommends that once you have clipped your beacon  
in place that you also anchor the beacon with the lanyard to your life  
jacket, backpack, etc. to ensure the unit will not be lost if it should  
break out of the clip.  
Figure 5 - Belt Clip  
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Attachment Clip  
The ResQFix™ comes standard with an attachment clip. To  
install the clip, simply align the bottom tabs on the clip with the  
insert holes located on the bottom of the beacon. Snap the clip in  
place by pressing the top of the clip so that the two top tabs  
engage in the two insert holes on the top of the beacon (See  
figure 6). To remove the clip, push up and back on the top tabs  
one at a time to disengage from the beacon.  
The ResQFix™ clip has been designed to secure your beacon  
directly to life jacket webbing straps or belts to ensure the beacon  
is close at hand. ACR recommends that you have a strap on your  
life jacket in the shoulder area for attachment of the ResQFix™.  
The beacon should hang with the GPS receiver up in order to  
give it the best possible view of the sky. It is also recommended  
that you try your life jacket on in the water to see how you float in  
it and where to best locate the beacon so that the beacon is not  
in the water. You may choose to carry your beacon in a pocket  
but you should have a strap installed on your life jacket to attach  
the beacon when it is activated. This will leave your hands free  
while treading water.  
Figure 6- Attachment Clip  
NOTE: ACR recommends that once you have clipped your  
beacon in place that you also secure the beacon with the  
lanyard to your life jacket, backpack, etc. to ensure the unit will  
not be lost if it should break out of the clip.  
Flotation Pouch  
The ResQFix™ is a Category I beacon thanks to the neoprene flotation  
pouch attached to the lanyard. The pouch has been designed to work with  
and without the attachment holster. Simply open the bottom of the pouch  
using the Velcro and slide the top of the ResQFix™ into the pouch with the  
GPS receiver exposed through the special cut out hole on the front  
underneath the ACR logo.  
The neoprene flotation pouch will accommodate the ResQFix™ and the  
attachment clip. The neoprene pouch is designed to float the beacon if it is  
dropped in the water.  
Figure 7 - Flotation Pouch  
CAUTION: If you secure additional objects to the neoprene pouch it may sink.  
WARNING: The ResQFix™ must be removed from its pouch when used in an emergency.  
Routine Maintenance  
Carefully inspect the beacon case for any visible cracks. Cracks may admit moisture, which could falsely  
activate the beacon or otherwise cause a malfunction. Any cracking observed should be immediately referred  
to ACR for evaluation by calling 1-800-432-0227 in the US, or +1-954-981-3333 elsewhere. ACR technical  
support can also be reached by sending an email to [email protected].  
After checking the beacon case for cracks, it may be wiped down with a clean, damp cloth. Do not use any  
type of cleaner on your beacon.  
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Battery Replacement  
The battery must be replaced by the date indicated on the beacon or every five (5) years. At each inspection,  
check the time remaining until replacement is required. The battery should be replaced if the beacon has been  
activated for any use other than the self test. Always refer all long life battery replacement and other beacon  
service to a factory authorized service center. Battery replacement includes servicing the beacon by replacing  
all o-rings, testing the water seal and the electrical properties.  
NOTE: There are no user serviceable items inside the beacon. DO NOT OPEN THE BEACON.  
For the nearest location of a Battery Replacement Center, visit our website at  
The beacon may or may not require special shipping instructions due to the lithium batteries and changes in  
shipping regulations. Call ACR’s customer service department at +1 (954) 981-3333 ext. 2110 for proper  
shipping instructions.  
General Overview  
Beacons provide distress alerts via radio transmission on 406 MHz to the LEOSAR satellites of the COSPAS -  
SARSAT network. The ResQFix™ and MicrOFix™ can also transmit a distress alert (acquired by the internal  
GPS) to the GEOSAR network that includes GPS latitude and longitude coordinates.  
The message transmitted is unique for each beacon, which provides identification of the transmitter through  
computer access of registration files maintained by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or  
other national authority*. Remember, SAR forces will know who you are and who to contact that might know of  
your current situation only if your beacon has been properly registered. This will help expedite the launch of a  
rescue operation.  
NOTE: 406 MHz beacons are required to have their registration updated every two years.  
*The national authority is the governmental body responsible for beacon registration database administration  
for the country for which the beacon is programmed.  
Once the 406 MHz signal is relayed through the LEOSAR and/or GEOSAR network, SAR forces determine  
which SAR group is closest. This group proceeds to the beacon using the 121.5 MHz homing frequency.  
Satellite Detection  
Beacons transmit to the satellite portion of the COSPAS - SARSAT system. COSPAS - SARSAT is an  
international system that utilizes Russian Federation and United States’ low altitude, near-polar orbiting  
satellites (LEOSAR). These satellites assist in detecting and locating activated 406 MHz satellite beacons.  
COSPAS and SARSAT satellites receive distress signals from beacons transmitting on the frequency of 406  
MHz. The COSPAS - SARSAT 406 MHz beacon signal consists of a transmission of non-modulated carriers  
followed by a digital message format that provides identification data. The 406 MHz system uses Satellite-  
borne equipment to measure and store the Doppler-shifted frequency along with the beacon’s digital data  
message and time of measurement. This information is transmitted in real time to an earth station called the  
Local User Terminal (LUT), which may be within the view of the satellite, as well as being stored for later  
transmission to other LUTs.  
The LUT processes the Doppler-shifted signal from the LEOSAR and determines the location of the beacon,  
then the LUT relays the position of the distress to a Mission Control Center (MCC) where the distress alert and  
location information is immediately forwarded to an appropriate Rescue Coordination Center (RCC). The RCC  
dispatches Search and Rescue (SAR) forces.  
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The addition of the GEOSAR satellite system greatly improves the reaction time for a SAR event. This satellite  
system has no Doppler capabilities at 406 MHz, but will relay the distress alert to any of the LUT stations.  
When there is GPS data included in the distress message, SAR authorities instantly know your location to  
within 110 yards (100 m). This speeds up the reaction time by not having to wait for one of the LEOSAR  
satellite to pass overhead. Because most of the search and rescue forces presently are not equipped to home  
in on the 406 MHz Satellite beacon signal, homing must be accomplished at 121.5 MHz.  
Figure 7- Satellite Coverage  
Figure 8- GEOSAR Satellite Orbits  
Global Positioning System (GPS)  
The GPS system is a satellite group that enables a GPS  
receiver to determine its exact position to within 30 m (100  
ft.) anywhere on earth. With a minimum of 24 GPS satellites  
orbiting the earth at an altitude of approximately 11,000 miles  
they provide users with accurate information on position,  
velocity, and time anywhere in the world and in all weather  
conditions. The ResQFix™ and MicrOFix™ store this data  
into its distress transmission allowing search and rescue  
forces to narrow the search into a very small area and thus  
minimize the resources required, dramatically increasing the  
effectiveness of the overall operation.  
Figure 9 GPS Satellite Orbits  
8.1 Characteristics  
The ResQFix™ and MicrOFix™ are battery operated Personal Locator Beacons. The beacon case, with its  
antenna, is waterproof, while semiconductor circuits are mounted within the case assembly which also  
contains the battery power supply. Keypads with “self test” and “ON” buttons are installed on the case, along  
with an internal beeper and three LEDs. The beacon contains a GPS receiver that will acquire your LAT/LON  
located under the bottom of the front case.  
The ResQFix™ and MicrOFix™ meet the requirements of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Part  
95 Subpart K; and European R&TTE Directive.  
Applicable Documents  
ETSI 302 152-1  
Specification for 406 MHz Distress Beacons  
406 MHz Distress Beacon Type Approval Standard  
Technical Characteristics of 406 MHz Satellite PLBs  
RTCM Recommended Standards for 406 MHz Satellite PLBs  
Radio Standards Specification for EPIRBs, ELTs and PLBs  
NSS Performance Standard fro 406 MHz PLB  
RTCM Paper 76-2002/SC110-STD  
Industry Canada RSS-287  
Canadian NSS-PLB 06  
Australia/New Zealand AS/NZS 4280.2  
406 MHz Satellite Distress Beacons; Part 2: PLBs  
NOTE: For all other type approval information, please visit our website at  
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406 MHz Transmitter  
406 MHz  
Output Power  
Frequency Stability  
Digital Message:  
5 watts  
±2 parts per billion/100ms  
Long message/ Serialized1*  
Message protocol  
Standard Location  
520 ms  
400 bps  
Biphase L  
±1.1 radians peak  
1* Beacons are shipped from ACR with a Serialized code but can be reprogrammed at a service center to  
other coded formats including nationality of registration.  
121.5 MHz Transmitter  
121.5 MHz  
Frequency Tolerance  
Output Power  
Morse Code “P” ID  
±50 ppm  
50 mW PEP  
Every 50 seconds (approximately) (U.S. Protocol)  
Sweep Range  
Sweep Rate  
AM (3K20A3N)  
400 to 1200 Hz  
3 Hz  
Duty Cycle  
Morse P  
AM (2K00A2A) (U.S. Protocol)  
406 & 121.500 MHz  
Less than 1.5/1  
Minimum Battery Operating Life  
Battery Replacement Interval  
+24 hours minimum @ -20°C to +55°C (-4°F to +131°F)  
5 years, after use in an emergency, or expired battery witness seal  
*Batteries meet the UN Classification for Non-dangerous goods  
Size of beacon less Antenna  
1.25 x 5.81 x 2.31 in (3.71 x 14.75 x 5.8 cm)  
High impact and UV resistant plastic  
ACR-treuse™ (High Visibility Yellow)  
9.8 oz (277 grams) w/o holster  
Factory Tested to 3.28 ft (1 m) for 1 hour and to 32.8 ft (10 m) for  
10 minutes, both at room temperature  
The beacon will not float without ACR pouch, included with the  
ResQFix™ and not sold separately.  
Temperature Range  
-20°C to +55°C (-4°F to +131°F)  
-40°C to +70°C (-40°F to +158°F)  
Y1-03-0228 Rev. B  
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ACR Electronics hereby declares that the following products are in conformity with Directive  
1999/5/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 1999 on Radio Equipment  
and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (R&TTE), and has been type examined as  
described in this Declaration. In accordance with the Directive, the product will be marked with the  
CE conformity marking as follows:  
Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) with GPS Receiver  
Trade Names: ResQFix and MicrOFix  
Model: PLB-300  
Notified Body:  
QinetiQ (UK) Notified Body No. 0191  
Cody Technology Park  
Ively Road, Farnborough  
Hampshire, GU14 0LX, United Kingdom  
Certificate No. QQ-RTTE-02/07-01  
Regulations and IEC EN 60945: 2002  
ETSI EN 302 152-1: V1.1.1 (2003-11)  
COSPAS - SARSAT C/S T.001 Issue 3 - Revision 7  
COSPAS - SARSAT C/S T.007 Issue 4 - Revision 0  
ACR Electronics Inc.  
5757 Ravenswood Road  
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312  
ACR Electronics Inc.  
(European Office)  
1 Rose Cottages, Pitmore Lane,  
Sway, Lymington, Hampshire SO41  
6BX UK  
Signed on behalf of ACR Electronics Inc.  
Signed: ________________________________________  
Kerry Greer  
Executive Director -  
Research & Development  
Date: July 1, 2009  
Document PLB-300-003  
This Declaration complies with  
ISO/IEC 17050-1:2004  
ACR Electronics, Inc. is registered by UL to ISO 9001:2000  
Y1-03-0228 Rev. B  
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