GE ZGU36GG User Manual

36Gas-on-Glass Cooktop  
Model ZGU36GG  
AVERTISSEMENT : Si les informations de  
ce manuel ne sont pas suivies à la lettre, un incendie ou  
une explosion peut résulter et causer des dommages  
matériels, des blessures ou la mort.  
— Ne stockez pas ou n’utilisez pas de l’essence ou d’autres  
vapeurs ou liquides inflammables à proximité de cet  
appareil électrique ou de tout autre.  
• N’essayez pas d’allumer un appareil quelconque.  
• Ne touchez aux interrupteurs électriques ; n’utilisez pas  
les téléphones de votre immeuble.  
• Appelez immédiatement votre fournisseur de gaz à  
partir du téléphone d’un voisin. Suivez les instructions  
du fournisseur de gaz.  
• Si vous ne pouvez pas contacter votre fournisseur de  
gaz, appelez les pompiers.  
— L’installation et l’entretien doivent être effectués par  
un installateur qualifié, une agence d’entretien ou le  
fournisseur du gaz.  
Consumer Information  
Gas Cooktop  
Read this manual carefully. It is intended to  
help you operate and maintain your new  
cooktop properly.  
If you don’t understand something or need  
more help, there is a list of toll-free consumer  
service numbers included in the back section  
of this manual.  
using your  
Keep it handy for answers to your questions.  
Visit our Website at:  
You’ll find them on a label under the cooktop.  
Before sending in the card, please write the  
numbers here:  
down the  
model &  
Fill out and return the Consumer Product  
Registration Card that is packed with this  
product. If you cannot find it, please send in  
the duplicate card printed in the back of this  
Model Number  
Serial Number  
Use these numbers in any correspondence or  
service calls concerning your cooktop.  
Immediately contact the dealer (or builder)  
that sold you the cooktop.  
If you  
received a  
Read this manual. Inside you will find many  
helpful hints on how to use and maintain your  
cooktop properly. Just a little preventive care on  
your part can save you a great deal of time and  
money over the life of your cooktop.  
You’ll find many answers to common problems  
in the Before You Call for Service section. If you  
review our chart of Troubleshooting Tips first,  
you may not need to call for service at all.  
Save time  
& money  
To obtain service, see the Consumer Services  
page in the back of this manual.  
NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write all the  
details—including your phone number—to:  
If you  
We’re proud of our service and want you to be  
pleased. If for some reason you are not happy  
with the service you receive, here are some  
steps to follow for further help.  
Manager, Customer Relations  
GE Appliances  
Appliance Park  
Louisville, KY 40225  
FIRST, contact the people who serviced your  
appliance. Explain why you are not pleased.  
In most cases, this will solve the problem.  
• Do not leave children alone or unattended  
where a cooktop is hot or in operation.  
They could be seriously burned.  
• The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic  
Items of interest to  
Enforcement Act requires the Governor of  
California to publish a list of substances  
known to the state to cause cancer, birth  
defects or other reproductive harm,  
children should not be stored in cabinets  
above a cooktop—children climbing on the  
cooktop to reach items could be seriously  
and requires businesses to warn customers  
of potential exposure to such substances.  
• Clean the cooktop with caution. If a wet  
sponge or cloth is used to wipe spills on a hot  
cooktop, be careful to avoid steam burns.  
• Do not clean the cooktop with flammable or  
volatile cleaning fluids.  
• Do not clean the cooktop when the appliance  
is in use.  
• Avoid scratching the cooktop with sharp  
instruments, or with rings and other jewelry.  
• Gas appliances can cause minor exposure to  
four of these substances, namely benzene,  
carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and soot,  
caused primarily by the incomplete  
combustion of natural gas or LP fuels.  
Properly adjusted burners, indicated by  
a bluish rather than a yellow flame, will  
minimize incomplete combustion. Exposure  
to these substances can be minimized further  
by venting with an open window or using the  
ventilation fan.  
• Let the burner grates and other surfaces cool  
before touching them or leaving them where  
children can reach them.  
• When you get your cooktop, have the installer • Never use the cooktop as a cutting board.  
show you the location of the gas shut-off valve  
and how to shut it off if necessary.  
• Never wear loose-fitting or hanging garments  
while using the appliance. Be careful when  
reaching for items stored in cabinets over the  
cooktop. Flammable material could be ignited  
if brought in contact with flame or hot  
• Have your cooktop installed and properly  
grounded by a qualified installer, in  
accordance with the installation instructions.  
Any adjustment and service should be  
performed only by qualified gas range  
installers or service technicians.  
surfaces and may cause severe burns.  
• For your safety, never use your appliance for  
warming or heating the room.  
• Plug your cooktop into a 120-volt grounded  
outlet only. Do not remove the round  
grounding prong from the plug. If in doubt  
about the grounding of the home electrical  
system, it is your personal responsibility and  
obligation to have an ungrounded outlet  
replaced with a properly-grounded three-  
prong outlet in accordance with the National  
Electrical Code. Do not use an extension cord  
with this appliance.  
• Be sure all packing materials are removed  
from the cooktop before operating it  
to prevent fire or smoke damage should  
the packing material ignite.  
• Be sure your cooktop is correctly adjusted  
by a qualified service technician or installer  
for the type of gas (natural or LP) which is  
to be used.  
• Do not attempt to repair or replace any part  
of your cooktop unless it is specifically  
recommended in this manual. All other  
servicing should be referred to a qualified  
• Do not use water on grease fires. Never pick  
up a flaming pan. Turn the controls off.  
Smother a flaming pan on a surface burner  
by covering the pan completely with a well-  
fitting lid, cookie sheet or flat tray. Use a  
multi-purpose dry chemical or foam-type  
fire extinguisher.  
Flaming grease outside a pan can be put  
out by covering it with baking soda or, if  
available, by using a multi-purpose dry  
chemical or foam-type fire extinguisher.  
• Do not store flammable materials near the  
cooktop. Do not store or use gasoline or  
other flammable vapors and liquids in the  
vicinity of this or any other appliance.  
• Do not let cooking grease or other flammable  
materials accumulate on or near the cooktop.  
• Never leave surface burners unattended at  
high flame settings. Boilovers cause smoking  
and greasy spillovers that may catch on fire.  
• Adjust surface burner flame size so it does  
not extend beyond the edge of the cookware.  
Excessive flame is hazardous.  
• Use only dry pot holders—moist or damp pot • Keep all plastics away from burners.  
holders on hot surfaces may result in burns  
from steam. Do not let pot holders come near  
open flames when lifting cookware. Do not  
use a towel or other bulky cloth in place of a  
pot holder.  
• To minimize the possibility of burns, ignition  
of flammable materials and spillage, turn  
cookware handles toward the side or center of  
the cooktop without extending over adjacent  
burner or vent area.  
• Always turn the surface burners to OFF  
before removing the cookware.  
• Foods for frying should be as dry as possible.  
Frost on frozen foods or moisture on fresh  
foods can cause hot fat to bubble up and over  
the sides of the pan.  
• To avoid the possibility of a burn, always be  
certain that the controls for all burners are at  
the off position and all grates are cool before  
attempting to remove a grate.  
• If the cooktop is located near a window,  
do not use long curtains which could blow  
over the burners and create a fire hazard.  
• If you smell gas, turn off the gas to the  
cooktop and call a qualified service  
technician. Never use an open flame to locate  
a leak.  
• Do not cover or block the area around the  
cooktop knobs. This area must be kept clear  
for proper ventilation and burner  
• Cook meat and poultry thoroughly—meat to  
at least an INTERNAL temperature of 160°F  
and poultry to at least an INTERNAL  
temperature of 180°F. Cooking to these  
temperatures usually protects against  
foodborne illness.  
• Use least possible amount of fat for effective  
shallow or deep-fat frying. Filling the pan too  
full of fat can cause spillovers when food is  
• Carefully watch foods being fried at high  
flame setting.  
• If a combination of oils or fats will be used in  
frying, stir together before heating, or as fats  
melt slowly.  
• Always heat fat slowly, and watch as it heats.  
• Use a deep-fat thermometer whenever  
possible to prevent overheating fat beyond  
the smoking point.  
• Use proper pan size—avoid pans that are  
unstable or easily tipped. Select cookware  
having flat bottoms large enough to properly  
contain food and avoid boilovers and  
spillovers, and large enough to cover burner  
grate. This will both save cleaning time and  
prevent hazardous accumulations of food,  
since heavy spattering or spillovers left on  
cooktop can ignite. Use pans with handles  
that can be easily grasped and remain cool.  
Clean the cooktop with caution. If a wet  
sponge or cloth is used to wipe spills on a hot  
surface, be careful to avoid steam burns. Some  
cleansers can produce noxious fumes if  
applied to a hot surface.  
Do not touch glass surface while cooking. This  
surface may be hot enough to burn. During  
and after use, do not touch, or let clothing or  
other flammable materials contact the  
NOTE: We recommend that you avoid wiping  
any surface unit areas until they have cooled  
and the indicator light has gone off. Sugar  
spills are the exception to this. Please see the  
Glass Cooktop Cleaning section.  
Hot surfaces may include both the cooktop  
and areas facing the cooktop.  
Avoid scratching the glass cooktop. The  
cooktop can be scratched with items such  
as sharp instruments, rings or other jewelry  
and rivets on clothing.  
Large scratches or impacts to glass cooktops  
can lead to broken or shattered glass.  
When the cooktop is cool, use only CERAMA  
BRYTE Ceramic Cooktop Cleaner and the  
CERAMA BRYTE Cleaning Pad to clean the  
Never use the glass cooktop surface as a  
cutting board.  
To avoid possible damage, do not apply the  
cleaning cream to the glass surface when it  
is hot.  
After cleaning, use a dry cloth or paper towel  
to remove all the cleaning cream residue.  
Be careful when placing spoons or other  
stirring utensils on glass cooktop surface when  
it is in use. They may become hot and could  
cause burns.  
To minimize the possibility of burns, always  
be certain that the controls for all surface  
units are at the OFF position and the entire  
glass surface is cool before attempting to  
clean the cooktop.  
Do not place or store items on top of the  
glass cooktop surface even when it is not  
in use.  
Read and follow all instructions and warnings  
on the cleaning cream labels.  
Do not operate the glass cooktop if the glass is  
broken. Spillovers or cleaning solution may  
penetrate a broken cooktop and create a risk  
of electrical shock. Contact a qualified  
technician immediately should your glass  
cooktop become broken.  
Use care when touching the cooktop. The  
glass surface of the cooktop will retain heat  
after the controls have been turned off.  
Do not stand on the glass cooktop.  
• Assurez-vous que la cuisinière est ajustée  
correctement par un technicien de service ou  
un installateur qualifié en fonction du type de  
gaz (naturel ou PL) qui sera utilisé.  
• N’essayez pas de réparer ou de remplacer  
toute pièce de la cuisinière sauf si cela est  
spécifiquement recommandé dans ce manuel.  
Toutes les autres actions de service doivent  
être référées à un technicien qualifié.  
• Ne laissez pas les enfants seuls ou non  
surveillés lorsqu’une cuisinière est chaude  
ou en marche. Ils pourraient être brûlés  
• La loi de l’état de Californie sur l’eau potable  
sécurisée et l’application des lois sur les  
produits toxiques exige que le Gouverneur de  
Californie publie une liste de substances qui,  
selon les connaissances de l’état, causent le  
cancer, les maladies congénitales ou autre  
lésion reproductive, et exige que les  
entreprises avertissent leurs clients de leur  
exposition potentielle à de telles substances.  
• Les appareils à gaz peuvent causer une  
exposition mineure à quatre de ces  
Les articles  
substances, soit le benzène, le monoxyde de  
carbone, le formaldéhyde et la suie, surtout à  
cause de la combustion incomplète du gaz  
naturel ou des carburants PL.  
Des brûleurs correctement ajustés, ce qui est  
indiqué par des flammes bleuâtres plutôt que  
jaunes, réduiront au minimum la combustion  
incomplète. L’exposition à ces substances  
peut être réduite davantage en aérant avec  
une fenêtre ouverte ou en utilisant le  
ventilateur d’aération.  
• Lorsque vous recevez votre cuisinière,  
demandez à l’installateur de vous montrer  
l’emplacement de la soupape d’arrêt et la  
façon de la fermer en cas de besoin.  
• Demandez à un installateur qualifié d’installer  
et de mettre à la terre correctement votre  
cuisinière, conformément aux instructions  
d’installation. Tout ajustement ou entretien  
doit être effectué seulement par des  
installateurs de cuisinière à gaz qualifiés  
ou des techniciens de service.  
suscitant l’intérêt des enfants ne doivent pas  
être rangés dans les armoires au-dessus de la  
cuisinière—les enfants grimpant sur la  
cuisinière pour saisir ces articles pourraient  
être grièvement blessés.  
• Nettoyez la cuisinière avec précaution. Si une  
éponge ou un chiffon mouillé est utilisé pour  
essuyer les renversements sur une cuisinière  
chaude, faites attention d’éviter les brûlures  
causées par la vapeur.  
• Ne nettoyez pas la cuisinière avec des  
nettoyants inflammables ou volatils.  
• Ne nettoyez pas la cuisinière lorsqu’elle est  
en marche.  
• Evitez de rayer la cuisinière avec des  
instruments pointus ou avec des bagues  
ou d’autres bijoux.  
• Laissez refroidir les grilles des brûleurs et les  
autres surfaces avant de les toucher ou de les  
laisser là où les enfants peuvent les atteindre.  
• N’utilisez jamais la cuisinière comme planche  
à découper.  
• Ne portez jamais de vêtements lâches ou  
amples lorsque vous utilisez cet appareil.  
Faites attention pour saisir des articles rangés  
dans les armoires au-dessus de la cuisinière.  
La matière inflammable peut s’enflammer  
si elle entre en contact avec les flammes ou  
les surfaces chaudes et peut causer des  
brûlures graves.  
• Branchez votre cuisinière seulement sur une  
prise de 120 volts mise à la terre. Ne retirez  
pas la broche ronde de mise à la terre de la  
prise. En cas de doute concernant la mise à la  
terre du système électrique de la résidence,  
vous assumez la responsabilité et l’obligation  
personnelles de faire remplacer toute prise  
non mise à la terre par une prise à trois  
broches correctement mise à la terre  
conformément au Code national de  
l’électricité. N’utilisez pas de rallonge de  
câble avec cet appareil.  
• Pour votre sécurité, n’utilisez jamais votre  
appareil pour chauffer ou réchauffer la pièce.  
• Assurez-vous que tous les matériaux  
d’emballage sont retirés de la cuisinière avant  
de la mettre en marche, pour empêcher les  
dommages d’incendie et de fumée au cas où  
le matériau d’emballage s’enflammerait.  
• N’utilisez pas de l’eau sur les incendies de  
graisse. Ne saisissez jamais une poêle  
enflammée. Arrêtez les contrôles. Etouffez les  
flammes d’une poêle placées sur un brûleur  
de surface en la recouvrant entièrement d’un  
couvercle bien ajusté, d’un plateau à gâteau  
ou d’un plateau plat. Utilisez un extincteur à  
produit chimique sec multi-usages ou du type  
à mousse.  
Le graisse enflammée à l’extérieur d’une  
poêle peut être éteinte en la couvrant de  
bicarbonate de soude ou, s’il est disponible,  
en utilisant un extincteur à produit chimique  
sec multi-usages ou du type à mousse.  
• Ne stockez pas de matière inflammable près  
de la cuisinière. Ne stockez pas et n’utilisez  
pas d’essence ou d’autres vapeurs ou liquides  
inflammables à proximité de cet appareil ou  
de tout autre.  
• Ne laissez pas la graisse de cuisson ou autre  
matière inflammable s’accumuler sur ou près  
de la cuisinière.  
• Observez avec soin les aliments frits sur  
flammes hautes.  
• Si un mélange d’huile et de matières grasses  
va être utilisé pour la friture, mélangez avant  
le chauffage ou à mesure que les matières  
grasses fondent lentement.  
• Réchauffez toujours lentement les matières  
grasses et observez leur réchauffement.  
• Utilisez un thermomètre de friteuse  
lorsque cela est possible pour empêcher de  
surchauffer les matières grasses au-delà de  
leur point de fumée.  
• Utiliser des poêles de taille appropriée—  
évitez les poêles qui sont instables ou qui  
peuvent basculer facilement. Sélectionnez  
des ustensiles de cuisine avec des fonds  
plats, suffisamment grands pour pouvoir  
correctement contenir les aliments et éviter  
les débordements et les déversements, et  
suffisamment grands pour recouvrir les grilles  
des brûleurs. Cela réduira le temps de nettoyage  
et empêchera les accumulations dangereuses  
d’aliments, étant donné que les éclaboussures  
ou les déversements importants laissés sur la  
cuisinière peuvent s’enflammer. Utilisez des  
poêles avec des poignées qui peuvent être  
facilement saisies et qui restent froides.  
• Ne laissez jamais les brûleurs de surface sans  
surveillance lorsqu’ils sont réglés pour des  
flammes hautes. Les débordements excessifs  
causent de la fumée et des renversements  
graisseux qui pourraient s’enflammer.  
• Ajustez la taille des flammes des brûleurs de  
surface pour qu’elles ne dépassent pas du  
bord du conteneur. Les flammes excessives  
sont dangereuses.  
• Utilisez seulement des gants secs pour saisir  
les plats—les gants humides ou mouillés  
placés sur des surfaces chaudes peuvent  
causer des brûlures dues à la vapeur. Ne  
mettez pas les gants près des flammes vives  
pour soulever les plats. N’utilisez pas de  
serviette ou autre chiffon encombrant au lieu  
des gants de plat.  
• Pour réduire au minimum la possibilité de  
brûlures, d’inflammation de matière  
inflammable et de renversement, tournez les  
poignées des plats vers le côté ou le centre de  
la cuisinière, sans les placer au-dessus d’un  
brûleur adjacent ou une zone d’aération.  
• Eloignez tous les matériaux en plastique  
des brûleurs.  
• Pour éviter les risques de brûlures, assurez-vous  
toujours que les contrôles des brûleurs sont à la  
position d’arrêt et toutes les grilles sont froides  
avant d’essayer de retirer une grille.  
• Si la cuisinière est située près d’une fenêtre,  
n’utilisez pas de longs rideaux qui pourraient  
être projetés au-dessus des brûleurs et  
constituer un risque d’incendie.  
• Si vous sentez du gaz, coupez l’arrivée du gaz  
à la cuisinière et appelez un technicien de  
service qualifié. N’utilisez jamais de flamme  
vive pour rechercher les fuites.  
• Ne couvrez pas et ne bloquez pas la zone  
autour des boutons de la cuisinière. Cette  
zone doit rester dégagée pour assurer une  
bonne ventilation et une bonne performance  
des brûleurs.  
• Cuisez la viande et la volaille complètement—  
la viande à une température INTERNE d’au  
moins 160°F, et la volaille à une température  
INTERNE d’au moins 180°F. La cuisson à ces  
températures protège en général contre les  
maladies causées par les aliments contaminés.  
• Arrêtez toujours les brûleurs de surface avant  
de retirer les plats.  
• Les aliments à frire doivent être aussi secs  
que possible. Le gel des aliments congelés ou  
l’humidité des aliments frais peut causer le  
bouillonnement des matières grasses chaudes  
et leur déversement sur le côté de la poêle.  
• Utiliser la quantité de graisse la plus faible  
possible pour la friture à la poêle ou à la  
friteuse. Si l’ustensile est trop rempli de  
graisse, celle-ci peut déborder lorsque les  
aliments sont ajoutés.  
Faites attention quand vous nettoyez la table  
de cuisson. Si vous utilisez une éponge ou un  
linge humide pour essuyer des éclaboussures  
sur la surface de cuisson chaude, faites  
attention d’éviter les brûlures dues à la  
vapeur. Certains nettoyants peuvent produire  
des émanations délétères s’ils sont mis sur des  
surfaces chaudes.  
NOTE : Nous vous recommandons d’éviter  
d’essuyer la surface de cuisson tant qu’elle  
ne s’est pas refroidie et que la lumière  
indicatrice ne s’est pas éteinte. Les  
seules exceptions à cette règle sont les  
débordements de sucre. Veuillez consulter la  
section «Nettoyage de la table de cuisson en  
Ne touchez jamais la surface en vitro quand  
vous cuisinez. Cette surface peut être assez  
chaude pour vous brûler. Pendant et après  
utilisation, ne touchez pas ou ne laissez aucun  
vêtement ou matériau inflammable entrer en  
contact avec la table de cuisson.  
Les surfaces chaudes peuvent être la table de  
cuisson elle-même, ainsi que la surface qui se  
trouve devant la table de cuisson.  
Évitez de rayer la vitrocéramique de la table  
de cuisson. Vous pouvez rayer la table de  
cuisson avec un petit article comme un  
instrument aiguisé, une bague, un bijou ou  
un accessoire de vêtement.  
De grandes rayures ou des chocs sur la table  
de cuisson peuvent provoquer une cassure de  
la vitrocéramique et occasionner des éclats.  
Lorsque la surface de cuisson a refroidi,  
n’utilisez que la crème nettoyante CERAMA  
BRYTE®‚ pour table de cuisson en  
N’utilisez jamais la surface de la table de  
cuisson en vitrocéramique comme planche  
à découper.  
vitrocéramique, et l’éponge CERAMA  
BRYTE® pour nettoyer la table de cuisson.  
Faites attention quand vous placez des  
cuillères ou d’autres ustensiles de cuisine  
sur la surface de la table de cuisson en  
vitrocéramique quand vous l’utilisez.  
Ils peuvent se réchauffer et occasionner  
des brûlures.  
Pour réduire la possibilité de brûlure,  
assurez-vous toujours que les commandes  
pour toutes les unités de surface soient en  
position OFF (arrêt) et que toute la surface  
en vitrocéramique soit froide avant d’essayer  
de nettoyer la table de cuisson.  
Ne placez ou ne conservez jamais d’objet sur  
la surface de votre table de cuisson même  
quand vous ne l’utilisez pas.  
Faites attention quand vous touchez la table  
de cuisson. La surface de vitrocéramique de  
votre table de cuisson peut rester chaude  
après que vous l’ayez réglée en position OFF  
Pour éviter tout dommage, n’utilisez jamais  
de crème nettoyante sur la surface de  
vitrocéramique quand elle est chaude.  
Après avoir nettoyé, utilisez un linge sec ou  
une serviette de papier pour enlever toute  
trace de crème nettoyante.  
Lisez et suivez toutes les instructions et les  
avertissements inscrits sur les étiquettes de la  
crème nettoyante.  
Ne faites jamais fonctionner la cuisson en  
vitrocéramique si la vitrocéramique est cassée.  
Des éclaboussures ou de la solution  
nettoyante peuvent pénétrer dans une table  
de cuisson cassée et peuvent occasionner un  
risque de secousse électrique. Appelez  
immédiatement un technicien qualifié si la  
vitrocéramique de votre table de cuisson se  
Ne montez jamais sur la table de cuisson en  
Features of Your Cooktop  
Gas Cooktop  
(Throughout this  
manual, features and  
appearance may vary.)  
Feature Index (features and appearance may vary)  
Maximum Output Spillproof Burner  
High Output Spillproof Burner  
Medium Output Spillproof Burner  
Simmer Spillproof Burners  
12, 14, 15, 16  
12, 14, 15, 16  
12, 14, 15, 16  
12, 14, 15, 16  
Tactile-Touch Control Knobs (One for Each Surface Burner)  
Interlocking Grates  
Your cooktop is shipped from the factory set to  
operate only with Natural Gas.  
LP conversion  
If you wish to use your cooktop with Liquefied  
Petroleum Gas, you must follow the Installation  
Instructions packed with your cooktop. See LP  
Gas Adjustments.  
Using Your Cooktop  
Gas Cooktop  
Your surface burners are lit by electric ignition, In case of a power outage, you can light the  
eliminating the need for standing pilot lights  
with constantly burning flames.  
surface burners on your cooktop with a match.  
Hold a lighted match to the burner; then turn  
the knob to the HIGH position. Use extreme  
caution when lighting burners this way.  
All five igniters make clicking sounds and spark  
even when only a single burner is being turned  
on. Do not touch any of the burners when the  
igniters are clicking.  
Surface burners in use when an electrical  
power failure occurs will continue to operate  
All of the burner igniters spark while a burner  
is relighting.  
Push the control knob down and turn it  
counterclockwise to the LITE position.  
Do not operate a burner for an extended  
period of time without cookware on the  
grate. The finish on the grate may chip  
without cookware to absorb the heat.  
To light  
a burner  
After the burner ignites, turn the knob in  
either direction to adjust the flame size from  
HI to LO.  
Be sure the burners and grates are cool  
before you place your hand, a pot holder,  
cleaning cloths or other materials on them.  
To turn a burner off, turn the knob clockwise,  
as far as it will go, to the OFF position.  
Be sure you turn the control knob to OFF  
when you finish cooking.  
All of the burners can be used for general  
The front right burner is the maximum  
output burner best for larger pans and to  
bring liquids to a boil faster.  
The smaller burners (center and right rear)  
will give the best simmer results. They offer  
precise cooking performance for delicate  
foods, such as sauces or foods which need to  
cook over low heat for a long time. They can  
be turned down to a very low simmer setting.  
Watch the flame, not the knob, as you  
reduce heat.  
How to  
flame size  
The flame size on a gas burner should be  
approximately the same diameter of the  
cookware you are using.  
SIDES OF THE COOKWARE. Any flame larger  
than the bottom of the cookware is wasted and  
only serves to heat the handle.  
Aluminum: Medium-weight cookware is  
recommended because it heats quickly  
and evenly. Most foods brown evenly in an  
aluminum skillet. Use saucepans with  
tight-fitting lids for cooking with minimum  
amounts of water.  
Heatproof Glass-Ceramic: Can be used for  
either surface or oven cooking. It conducts  
heat very slowly and cools very slowly. Check  
cookware manufacturer’s directions to be sure  
it can be used on gas cooktops.  
Stainless Steel: This metal alone has poor  
heating properties, and is usually combined  
with copper, aluminum or other metals for  
improved heat distribution. Combination metal  
skillets generally work satisfactorily if they are  
used at medium heat as the manufacturer  
Cast Iron: If heated slowly, most skillets will  
give satisfactory results.  
Enamelware: Under some conditions, the  
enamel of some cookware may melt. Follow  
cookware manufacturer’s recommendations for  
cooking methods.  
Glass: There are two types of glass cookware—  
those for oven use only and those for surface  
cooking (saucepans, coffee and teapots).  
Glass conducts heat very slowly.  
We recommend that you use a flat-bottomed wok,  
available at your local retail store.  
Wok this way  
Only a flat-bottomed wok should be used.  
Do not use a flat-bottomed wok on a support  
ring. Placing the ring over the burner or grate  
may cause the burner to work improperly,  
resulting in carbon monoxide levels above  
allowable current standards. This could be  
dangerous to your health.  
Use a flat-bottomed wok.  
Do not use stove top grills on your sealed gas  
burners. If you use the stove top grill on the  
sealed gas burner it will cause incomplete  
combustion and can result in exposure to  
carbon monoxide levels above allowable  
current standards. This can be hazardous to  
your health.  
Stove top  
Care and Cleaning  
Gas Cooktop  
Proper care and cleaning are important  
so your cooktop will give you efficient and  
satisfactory service. Follow these directions  
carefully in caring for it.  
Before cleaning any part of your cooktop,  
be sure all burners are off and cool.  
THE COOKTOP at the fuse box or circuit  
breaker panel, or pull the cooktop power plug,  
located beneath the cooktop and inside  
the cabinets.  
Some cooktop models are provided  
with cleaners. Follow the instructions  
on the containers.  
The control knobs may be removed for  
Wash the knobs in soap and water but do not  
soak. Avoid getting water down into the knob  
stem holes.  
To remove knob, pull it straight up.  
Replace the knobs after cleaning.  
The knobs have a tactile grip surface, but no  
special cleaning is required.  
NOTE: The knob stem is D-shaped. Replace  
the flat side of the knob onto the flat side of  
the stem.  
Turn all controls OFF before removing the  
burner parts.  
Sealed burner  
The burner grates, caps and burner heads can be  
lifted off, making them easy to clean.  
The electrode of the spark ignitor is behind  
each burner. When one burner is turned to  
LITE, all the burners spark. Do not attempt to  
disassemble or clean around any burner while  
another burner is on. An electric shock may  
result, which could cause you to knock over hot  
Burner cap  
Burner head  
Burner base  
CAUTION: Do not operate the burner without  
all burner parts in place.  
Burner caps  
and heads  
NOTE: Before removing the burner caps and  
heads, remember their size and location. Replace  
them in the same location after cleaning. The  
burner heads and burner bases are labeled B, C,  
D and H to aid reassembly.  
The burner heads and burner bases are labeled  
B, C, D and H to aid reassembly.  
and cap  
and cap  
and cap  
Burner caps  
Lift off when cool. Wash burner caps in hot,  
soapy water and rinse with clean water. You may  
scour with a plastic scouring pad to remove  
burned-on food particles.  
Burner heads  
The slits in the burner heads of your cooktop must be  
kept clean at all times for an even, unhampered  
You should clean the burner caps, burner  
heads and burner bases routinely, especially  
after bad spillovers, which could clog the  
openings in the burner heads. Lift off when  
Front of cooktop  
and cap  
and cap  
To remove burned-on food, soak the burner  
heads in a solution of mild liquid detergent  
and hot water for 20–30 minutes. For more  
stubborn stains, use a toothbrush.  
Replace the burner heads on the bases  
matching the letters. Replace the caps on the  
heads. Make sure that the caps and heads are  
replaced in the correct location. There are two  
small (H), one medium (B), one large (C) and  
one extra large (D) head and cap.  
After cleaning  
Before putting the burner caps and heads  
back, shake out excess water and then dry  
them thoroughly by setting in a warm oven for  
30 minutes.  
Pin slots  
When replacing, make sure the locator pins in the burner head  
are seated in the pin slots of the burner base. Rotate the burner  
head around the burner base until it is level and securely seated.  
Care and Cleaning  
Gas Cooktop  
Cast-iron burner grates should be washed  
regularly and especially after spillovers.  
Wash them in hot, soapy water and rinse  
with clean water. Dry the grates with a cloth—  
don’t put them back on the cooktop wet.  
The grates may also be cleaned in a  
After cleaning, replace the center grate first  
with its locking side tabs toward the front.  
Replace the side grates so that their side edges  
lock over the tabs on the center grate. Make  
sure the grates are positioned securely over the  
burners and that they are stable and level.  
Although they are durable, the grates will  
gradually lose their shine, regardless of the  
best care you can give them. This is due to  
their continual exposure to high temperatures.  
Do not operate a burner for an extended  
period of time without cookware on the grate.  
The finish on the grate may chip without  
cookware to absorb the heat.  
Rubber Grate Feet  
For stability, your cooktop has rubber feet on  
the burner grates. If any of these rubber feet  
should become damaged or lost, replace them  
To order replacement rubber grate feet, please  
call our toll-free number:  
National Parts Center . . . . . . . . . .800.626.2002  
Rubber Grate Feet . . . . . . . . . . . .#WB02T10101  
Glass Cooktop Surface Cleaning  
Gas Cooktop  
ONLY use CERAMA BRYTE Ceramic Cooktop  
4. Use a paper towel or CERAMA BRYTE  
Normal daily  
use cleaning  
Cleaner on the glass cooktop. Other creams may  
not be as effective.  
Cleaning Pad for Ceramic Cooktops to clean  
the entire cooktop surface.  
To maintain and protect the surface of your glass  
cooktop, follow these steps:  
5. Use a dry cloth or paper towel to remove all  
cleaning residue. No need to rinse.  
1. Before using the cooktop for the first time,  
NOTE: It is very important that you DO NOT heat  
the cooktop until it has been cleaned thoroughly.  
remove the burner grates and clean the  
cooktop with CERAMA BRYTE Ceramic  
Cooktop Cleaner. This helps protect the top  
and makes cleanup easier.  
2. Daily use of CERAMA BRYTE Ceramic  
Cooktop Cleaner will help keep the cooktop  
looking new.  
3. Shake the cleaning cream well. Apply a few  
drops of CERAMA BRYTE Ceramic Cooktop  
Cleaner directly to the cooktop.  
Clean your cooktop after each  
spill. Use CERAMA BRYTE®  
Ceramic Cooktop Cleaner.  
WARNING: DAMAGE to your glass surface may  
occur if you use scrub pads other than the pad  
included with your cooktop.  
4. If any residue remains, repeat the steps listed  
above as needed.  
5. For additional protection, after all residue  
votre surface en vitrocéramique si vous utilisez des  
éponges de récurage autres que celles comprises avec  
votre appareil.  
has been removed, polish the entire surface  
with CERAMA BRYTE Ceramic Cooktop  
Cleaner and a paper towel.  
1. Allow the cooktop to cool.  
2. Remove the burner grates. Spread a few  
drops of CERAMA BRYTE Ceramic Cooktop  
Cleaner on the entire burned residue area.  
Use a CERAMA BRYTE® Cleaning  
Pad for Ceramic Cooktops or a  
Scotch-Brite® Multi-Purpose No  
Scratch blue scrub pad.  
3. Using the included CERAMA BRYTE  
Cleaning Pad for Ceramic Cooktops, rub the  
residue area, applying pressure as needed.  
1. Allow the cooktop to cool.  
4. For additional protection, after all residue  
has been removed, polish the entire surface  
2. Remove the burner grates. Use a single-edge  
razor blade scraper at approximately a 45°  
angle against the glass surface and scrape  
the soil. It will be necessary to apply pressure  
to the razor scraper in order to remove the  
with CERAMA BRYTE Ceramic Cooktop  
Cleaner and a paper towel.  
3. After scraping with the razor scraper, spread  
a few drops of CERAMA BRYTE Ceramic  
Cooktop Cleaner on the entire burned residue  
area. Use the CERAMA BRYTE Cleaning Pad  
to remove any remaining residue.  
The CERAMA BRYTE® Ceramic Cooktop  
Scraper and all recommended supplies are  
available through our Parts Center. See  
instructions under “To Order Parts” section  
on next page.  
NOTE: Do not use a dull or nicked blade.  
Glass Cooktop Surface Cleaning  
Gas Cooktop  
1. Be careful not to slide pots and pans across  
your cooktop. It will leave metal markings on  
the cooktop surface.  
This should be removed immediately  
before heating again or the discoloration  
may be permanent.  
Metal marks  
and scratches  
WARNING: Carefully check the bottom of pans for  
These marks are removable using the CERAMA  
roughness that would scratch the cooktop.  
BRYTE Ceramic Cooktop Cleaner with the  
CERAMA BRYTE Cleaning Pad for Ceramic  
AVERTISSEMENT: Vérifiez soigneusement les  
fonds de vos casseroles pour vous assurer qu’ils  
n’aient aucune aspérité qui puisse endommager  
la surface de la table de cuisson.  
2. If pots with a thin overlay of aluminum or  
copper are allowed to boil dry, the overlay  
may leave black discoloration on the  
Glass Surface – Potential for Permanent Damage  
Our testing shows that if you are cooking high  
sugar mixtures such as jelly or fudge and have a  
spillover, it can cause permanent damage to the  
glass surface unless the spillover is immediately  
3. Any remaining spillover should be left until  
Damage from  
sugary spills  
and melted  
the surface of the cooktop has cooled.  
4. Don’t use the surface units again until all of  
the residue has been completely removed.  
NOTE: If pitting or indentation in the glass surface  
has already occurred, the cooktop glass will have to  
be replaced. In this case, service will be necessary.  
1. Turn off all surface burners. Remove hot  
pans and grates.  
2. Wearing an oven mitt:  
a. Use a single-edge razor blade scraper  
(CERAMA BRYTE Ceramic Cooktop  
Scraper) to move the spill to a cool area  
on the cooktop.  
b. Remove the spill with paper towels.  
To order CERAMA BRYTE Ceramic Cooktop  
To Order Parts  
Cleaner and the cooktop scraper, please call our  
toll-free number:  
National Parts Center  
Cooktop Cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . .# WX10X300  
Cooktop Scraper . . . . . . . . . . .# WX10X0302  
Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .# WB64X5027  
(Kit includes cream and cooktop scraper)  
Pads for Ceramic Cooktops . .# WX10X350  
Before You Call For Service  
Gas Cooktop  
Before you  
call for  
Make sure electrical plug is plugged into a live power outlet.  
Burner parts not replaced correctly.  
Slits in the burner heads may be clogged.  
Burner parts not replaced correctly. See the sealed burner assemblies  
The combustion quality of burner flames needs to be determined  
A. Yellow flames: Call for  
B. Yellow tips on outer cones:  
Normal for LP gas.  
C. Soft blue flames: Normal  
for natural gas.  
If burner flames look like (A), call for service. Normal burner flames  
should look like (B) or (C), depending on the type of gas. With LP  
gas, some yellow tipping on outer cones is normal.  
If cooktop is connected to LP gas, contact the person who installed  
your cooktop or made the conversion.  
When the knob is at the OFF position, it must be pushed in before  
it can be turned, and it can only be turned in a counterclockwise  
direction. When the knob is at any other position, it can be turned  
in either direction without being pushed in.  
• Incorrect cleaning methods have been used. Scratches are not  
removable. Tiny scratches will become less visible in time as a  
result of cleaning.  
(may appear as cracks)  
• Cookware with rough bottoms being used or coarse particles  
(salt or sand) were between the cookware and the cooktop surface.  
Cookware has been slid across the cooktop surface. To avoid scratches,  
use the recommended cleaning procedures. Make sure bottoms of  
cookware are clean before use, and use cookware with smooth  
• Food spillovers not cleaned before the next use. See the Glass  
Cooktop Surface Cleaning section.  
• Hot cooktop came into contact with plastic placed on the hot  
cooktop. See the Glass surface – Potential for permanent damage section  
in the Glass Cooktop Surface Cleaning section.  
• A hot sugar mixture was spilled on the cooktop. Call a qualified  
technician for replacement.  
Consumer Services  
With the purchase of your new Monogram appliance, receive the  
assurance that if you ever need information or assistance from GE,  
we’ll be there. All you have to do is call—toll-free!  
Whatever your question about any Monogram major appliance, GE Answer Center®  
information service is available to help. Your call—and your question—will be answered  
promptly and courteously. And you can call any time. GE Answer Center® service is open  
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  
GE Answer  
Visit our Website at:  
A GE consumer service professional will provide expert repair service, scheduled at a time  
that’s convenient for you. Many GE Consumer Service company-operated locations offer you  
service today or tomorrow, or at your convenience (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. weekdays, 9:00 a.m.  
to 2:00 p.m. Saturdays). Our factory-trained technicians know your appliance inside and out—  
so most repairs can be handled in just one visit.  
In-Home Repair  
GE offers, free of charge, a brochure to assist in planning a barrier-free  
kitchen for persons with limited mobility.  
For Customers  
With Special  
Consumers with impaired hearing or speech who have access to a  
TDD or a conventional teletypewriter may call 800.TDD.GEAC  
(800.833.4322) to request information or service.  
You can have the secure feeling that GE Consumer Service will still be there after your  
warranty expires. Purchase a GE contract while your warranty is still in effect and you’ll  
receive a substantial discount. With a multiple-year contract, you’re assured of future  
service at today’s prices.  
Service Contracts  
Individuals qualified to service their own appliances can have parts or accessories sent directly  
to their home. The GE parts system provides access to over 47,000 parts…and all GE Genuine  
Renewal Parts are fully warranted. VISA, MasterCard, and Discover cards are accepted.  
Parts and  
User maintenance instructions contained in this manual cover procedures intended to be  
performed by any user. Other servicing generally should be referred to qualified service  
personnel. Caution must be exercised, since improper servicing may cause unsafe operation.  
Gas Cooktop  
Gas Cooktop  
Staple sales slip or cancelled check here. Proof of original purchase  
date is needed to obtain service under warranty.  
For one year from date of original purchase, we will provide, free of charge, parts and service labor in  
your home to repair or replace any part of the cooktop that fails because of a manufacturing defect.  
From the Date  
of the Original  
This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products  
purchased for ordinary home use in the 48 mainland states, Hawaii, Washington, D.C. or Canada.  
In Alaska the warranty is the same except that it is LIMITED because you must pay to ship the  
product to the service shop or for the service technician’s travel costs to your home.  
All warranty service will be provided by our Factory Service Centers or by our authorized Customer  
Care® servicers during normal working hours.  
Should your appliance need service, during warranty period or beyond, in the USA call  
800.444.1845. In Canada: 888.880.3030.  
• Service trips to your home to teach you how to  
use the product.  
• Replacement of house fuses or resetting of  
circuit breakers.  
• Damage to the glass cooktop caused by the use  
of cleaners other than the recommended  
cleaning creams and pads.  
• Damage to the glass cooktop caused by  
hardened spills of sugary materials or melted  
plastic that are not cleaned according to the  
directions in the Owner’s Manual.  
• Damage to the product caused by accident,  
fire, floods, or acts of God.  
• Failure of the product if it is abused, misused,  
or used for other than its intended purpose or  
used commercially.  
• Improper installation.  
• Incidental or consequential damage caused by  
possible defects with this appliance.  
Some states/provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential  
damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific  
legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state/province to province.  
To know what your legal rights are in your state/province, consult your local or state/provincial  
consumer affairs office or your state’s Attorney General.  
Warrantor in USA: General Electric Company,  
Louisville, KY 40225  
Warrantor in Canada: Camco Inc.  
o d a y M a i l T t a n t I m p o r  
e g i s t r a t i o n O w n e r s h i p R  
o d u c t C o n s u m e r P r  
G E A p p l i a n c e s  
1st Class  
General Electric Company  
Warranty Registration Department  
P.O. Box 32150  
Louisville, KY 40232-2150  
Consumer Product Ownership Registration  
Dear Customer:  
Thank you for purchasing our product and thank you for placing your confidence in us. We are proud to  
have you as a customer!  
Follow these three steps to protect your new appliance investment:  
Complete and mail  
your Consumer  
After completing this  
registration, write your  
model and serial  
numbers in this  
manual. You will need  
this information  
should you require  
service. The service  
number in the USA:  
Read your Owner’s  
Manual carefully.  
It will help you  
operate your new  
appliance properly.  
Product Ownership  
Registration today.  
Have the peace of mind  
of knowing we can  
contact you in the  
unlikely event of a  
safety modification.  
In Canada:  
Important: To ensure that your product is registered, mail the separate product registration card.  
If the separate product registration card is missing, fold and mail the form below. No envelope is needed.  
Consumer Product Ownership Registration  
Gas Cooktop  
Mr. Ms. Mrs. ꢀ  
Apt. #  
Date Placed  
In Use  
General Electric Company  
Louisville, KY 40225  
05-02 JR  
Printed in the United States  

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