Roberts Radio ZoomBox User Manual

DAB / FM RDS digital radio and CD / SD player  
with MP3 / WMA and LCD Zoom  
Please read this manual before use  
1. SD card slot  
2. Function switch  
3. Speaker x 2  
4. On indicator light  
5. Telescopic aerial stud  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
6. Album Up / Memory Up button  
7. Album Down / Memory Down button  
8. LCD display  
11. Headphone socket  
12. CD Open / Close  
13. Tuning Down / Rewind button  
14. Zoom button  
15. Play / Pause / Select button  
16. Tuning Up / Fastforward button  
17. Stop / Memory button  
9. Volume control  
18. Mode / Menu / Info button  
10. Deep bass boost button  
(Left side)  
(Right side)  
19. Handle  
21. DAB / FM switch  
20. Mains power socket  
22. Battery compartment  
Aerial assembly  
1. Before using your radio, screw the telescopic aerial on to the protruding aerial stud by  
rotating the body of the aerial in a clockwise direction (as viewed from above). Only  
rotate the aerial by hand. Do not use pliers or any other tools as this may damage  
the aerial.  
2. When it is fully screwed in place, pull the body of the aerial upwards slightly to lift the  
aerial stud and reveal its hinge. Then lay the aerial flat and rotate it further to tighten  
it fully. The hinge will also allow the aerial to be positioned at an angle or collapsed  
and laid flat when not in use.  
3. For best radio reception the aerial should be restored to a vertical orientation and  
fully extended.  
4. The aerial may be removed for storage if necessary by collapsing the aerial and then  
rotating the aerial body in an anti-clockwise direction (as viewed from above).  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Battery operation  
1. Slide the battery cover catch in the direction of the arrow. Open the  
battery cover.  
2. Fit six LR14 (C size) batteries into the spaces in the compartment.  
Take care to ensure all batteries are inserted with the correct polarity  
as shown on the outside of the battery compartment. Replace the  
battery cover.  
3. Reduced power, distortion and a 'stutturing' sound are all signs that  
the batteries may need replacing. If your DAB/FM CD player is not to  
be used for a prolonged period of time, remove the batteries to avoid  
damage by battery leakage.  
We would recommend for economy that the ZoomBox is used on  
the mains whenever possible with battery operation for occasional or  
stand-by use only.  
IMPORTANT: The batteries should not be exposed to excessive heat  
if possible be taken to a suitable recycling centre. On no account  
should batteries be disposed of by incineration.  
Mains operation  
1. Place your CD player on a flat surface.  
2. Plug the mains lead into the Socket located on the left hand side of  
your cd player ensuring that the plug is pushed fully into the socket.  
3. Plug the other end of the mains lead into a wall socket and switch on  
the wall socket.  
IMPORTANT: The mains plug is used as the means of connecting the  
radio to the mains supply. The mains socket used for the radio must  
remain accessible during normal use. In order to disconnect the radio  
from the mains, the mains plug should be removed from the mains  
socket outlet completely.  
4. The On Indicator will light when the CD player is switched on.  
Operating your radio - DAB  
1. Carefully extend the telescopic aerial (see page 4).  
2. Slide the DAB/FM switch to the 'DAB' position. Switch on the unit by  
rotating the Function switch to the Radio position. The 'On' indicator  
will light.  
3. Thedisplaywillshow'Welcome'forafewsecondsandtheDABsymbol  
will appear in the display.  
4. If this is the first time the radio is used a full scan of the UK band III  
DAB channels will be carried out. If the radio has been used before  
the last used station will be selected.  
5. The autotune takes around 30 seconds. The display will continue to  
show 'Welcome'. The lower line will show the progress of the scan.  
6. WhentheAutotuneiscompletetherststation(innumeric-alphaorder  
0...9...A....Z) will be selected.  
7. If the station list is still empty after the Autotune you radio will display  
"No Serv ready".  
8. If no signals are found it may be necessary to relocate your ZoomBox  
to a position giving better reception.  
Note: that radio station name and frequency displays shown in this user  
guide may differ from those that you see on your radio. Broadcasters may  
change radio station names that are transmitted, and the frequencies  
used for DAB and FM radio stations may not be the same in all parts of  
the country.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Selecting a station - DAB  
1. WhentheunitisinDABmodetheupperlineofthetextdisplaynormally  
shows the name of the station currently tuned.  
2. Repeatedly press the Tuning Up or Down buttons to scroll through  
the list of available stations on the lower line of the text display. Stop  
pressing the Tuning buttons when you find the station that you wish  
to hear.  
3. Press and release the Select button to cause the radio to tune to the  
chosen station. The display may show "Tuning" while your radio finds  
the new station.  
The use of memory presets is described on page 15.  
4. Adjust the Volume to the required setting.  
If after selecting a station the display shows "No Serv ready" it may be  
necessary to relocate your radio to a position giving better reception.  
Secondary services - DAB  
1. Certainradiostationshaveoneormoresecondaryservicesassociated  
with them. If a station has a secondary service associated with it then  
the secondary service will be shown directly after the primary service  
as you press the Tuning Up button.  
2. Press and release the Select button to select the station.  
Most secondary services do not broadcast continually and if the selected  
service is not available the radio will re-tune to the associated primary  
Display modes - DAB  
Your radio has a range of display modes:-  
1. Press the Info button to cycle through the various modes.  
a. Scrolling text  
Displays scrolling text messages such  
as artist/track name, phone in number,  
b. Programme type  
c. Multiplex Name  
Displays type of station being listened to  
e.g. Pop, Classic, News, etc.  
Displays name of multiplex to which  
current station belongs.  
d. Time  
Displays current time.  
e. Frequency  
Displays the current frequency.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Display modes - DAB cont.  
f. Bit rate  
Displays the digital bit rate.  
g. Signal error  
listened to. (The lower numbers mean  
that the radio is receiving a better signal).  
Finding new stations - DAB  
As time passes new stations may become available. To nd new stations  
proceed as follows:-  
1. Press and hold the Tuning Up or Down buttons, the display will show  
"Scan...". Your radio will perform a scan of the UK DAB frequencies.  
As new stations are found the station counter on the right-hand side  
of the display will increase and stations will be added to the list.  
2. To carry out a full scan of the entire DAB Band III frequencies press  
and hold down the Menu button. Then press the Tuning Up or Down  
buttons until the display shows 'SELECT Scan'.  
3. Press and release the Select button the display will show "Scan...".  
As new stations are found the station counter on the right-hand side  
of the display will increase and stations will be added to the list.  
Manual Tuning - DAB  
Manual tuning allows you to tune directly to the various DAB (Band III)  
channels. UK DAB stations are located in the range 11B to 12D.  
1. Press and hold the Menu button so that the display shows "SELECT  
2. Press and release the Select button.  
3. Press the Tuning Up or Down buttons to select the required DAB  
channel. (Frequency display is in MHz).  
4. Press and release the Select button. The signal indicator in the top  
left corner shows the signal strength received.  
5. Press the Select button twice to select the station and to return to  
normal tuning.  
6. When a DAB signal is found, the display will show the name of the  
station. Any new radio stations found will be added to the list stored  
in the radio.  
7. Press the Select button to exit. The radio may then display 'Slt Serv'  
(Select Service). Press the Tuning Up or Down buttons followed by  
the Select button to choose a radio station to listen to.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Dynamic Range Control (DRC) settings - DAB only  
DRC can make quieter sounds easier to hear when your radio is used in  
a noisy environment. This function is only for the DAB waveband.  
1. Switch the unit on by rotating the Function switch to the Radio  
2. Slide the DAB/FM switch to the 'DAB' position. 'DAB' will show on  
the display.  
3. Press and hold the Menu button until 'SELECT Manual' appears on  
the display.  
4. Press and release the Tuning Up or Down buttons until the display  
shows 'SELECT DRC'.  
5. Press and release the Select button to enter adjustment mode.  
6. Press and release the Tuning Up or Down buttons to select required  
DRC setting (default is 0) .  
DRC 0 DRC is switched off, Broadcast DRC will be ignored.  
DRC 1/2 DRC level is set to 1/2 that sent by broadcaster.  
DRC 1 DRC is set as sent by broadcaster.  
7. PressandreleasetheSelectbuttontoconfirmthesetting.Thedisplay  
will return to radio mode.  
Note: Not all DAB broadcasts are able to use the DRC function. If the  
broadcast does not support DRC then the DRC setting in the radio will  
have no effect.  
Operating your radio - Search tuning FM  
1. Carefully extend the telescopic aerial (see page 4).  
2. Switch on the unit by rotating the Function switch to the Radio  
position. The 'On' indicator will light.  
3. Slide the DAB/FM switch to the 'FM' position, 'FM RADIO' will appear  
in the display.  
4. PressandholdtheTuningUpbuttonyourradiowillscaninanupwards  
direction (low frequency to high frequency) and stop automatically  
when it finds a station of sufficient strength.  
5. After a few seconds the display will update. The display will show the  
frequency found. If the signal is strong enough and there is RDS data  
present then the radio will display the station name.  
6. To nd other stations press and hold the Tuning Up button as  
7. To scan the FM band in a downwards direction (high frequency to low  
frequency) press and hold the Tuning Down button.  
8. Whenthewavebandendisreachedyourradiowillrecommencetuning  
from the opposite waveband end.  
9. Adjust the Volume to the required settings.  
10. To switch off your radio rotate the Function switch to the 'Off'  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Manual tuning - FM  
1. Carefully extend the telescopic aerial (see page 4).  
2. Switch on the unit by rotating the Function switch to the Radio  
position. The 'On' indicator will light.  
3. Slide the DAB/FM switch to the 'FM' position, 'FM RADIO' will appear  
in the display.  
4. RepeatedlypresstheTuningUporDownbuttonstotunetoastation.  
The frequency will change in steps of 50kHz on FM.  
5. When the waveband end is reached the radio will recommence tuning  
from the opposite waveband end.  
6. Set the Volume to the desired settings.  
7. To switch off your radio rotate the Function switch to the 'Off'  
Display modes - FM  
Data System (RDS) is a system in which inaudible digital information is  
transmitted in addition to the normal FM radio programme. RDS offers  
several useful features.  
1. Press the Info button to cycle through the various modes.  
a. Scrolling text  
Displays scrolling text messages such  
as artist/track name, phone in number  
b. Programme Type  
Displays type of station being listened to  
e.g. Pop, Classic, News, etc.  
c. Time  
Displays current time.  
d. Frequency  
Displays frequency of the station being  
listened to.  
Note: If no RDS information is available, the radio will be unable to display  
the station name, scrolling text and programme type.  
If the radio cannot display the programme type it may display 'NO PTY'.  
If the radio cannot display the time it may display 'NO CT'.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
FM stereo / mono  
1. If an FM station is received with a weak signal some hiss may be  
audible. To reduce the hiss press and hold the Select button the  
display will show 'Mono'. Your radio will switch to mono mode.  
2. To return to stereo mode press and hold the Select button the  
display will show 'Auto'. The radio will switch to stereo mode.  
Presetting stations  
There are 20 memory presets on each of the DAB and FM wavebands.  
1. Switch on the unit by rotating the Function switch to the Radio  
2. Switch to the desired waveband and tune to the required station as  
previously described.  
3. Press the Memory Up or Down buttons to select the desired preset  
number under which you wish to store the station.  
4. Press and hold down the Stop / Memory button until the display  
shows e.g. 'P2 saved'. The station will be stored under the chosen  
preset. Repeat this procedure for the remaining presets.  
5. Stations stored in preset memories may be overwritten by following  
the above procedure.  
Recalling a preset station  
1. Switch on the unit by rotating the Function switch to the Radio  
2. Select the required waveband as previously described.  
3. In FM mode, momentarily press the Memory Up or Down buttons  
to recall the stored preset station. The display will show the preset  
number e.g. 'Preset 1'.  
In DAB mode, press the Memory Up or Down buttons to recall the  
stored station preset. The display will show the station name of the  
preset station.  
4. Your radio will then tune to the station stored in the chosen preset  
If no station has been stored in memory the display shows e.g.  
'Empty 1' when pressing the Memory Up or Down buttons.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Compact discs  
Use only Digital Audio CDs which have the  
Never write on a CD or attach any sticker to the CD. Always hold the CD  
at the edge and store it in its box after use with the label facing up.  
To remove dust and dirt, breathe on the CD and wipe it with a soft, lint free  
cloth in a straight line from the centre towards the edge.  
Cleaning agents may damage the CD.  
Do not expose the CD to rain, moisture, sand or to excessive heat. (e.g  
from heating equipment or in motor cars parked in the sun).  
CD-R/CD-RW discs  
Your CD player can playback CD-DA format audio CD-R/CD-RW discs  
that have been finalised* upon completion of recording.  
Your CD player may fail to playback some CD-R/CD-RW discs due to poor  
recording and wide variation in quality of the CD-R/CD-RW disc.  
*Finalising enables a CD-R/CD-RW disc to playback on audio players  
such as your ZoomBox.  
MP3 / WMA CD Mode  
The ZoomBox is able to play CD-R and CD-RW discs containing MP3 /  
WMA files.  
CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT means that the laser's construction makes  
it inherently safe so that the legally prescribed maximum permissible  
radiation values can never be exceeded.  
In MP3 / WMA mode the terms “album” and “file” are very important.  
“Album” typically corresponds to a folder on a PC, “File” to a PC or a  
CD-DA track. The device reads MP3 or WMA files with a maximum  
of 255 files per album or folder. An MP3 / WMA CD may not contain  
more than a combined total of 511 files and folders. MP3 and WMA files  
must be created with an audio sample rate of 44.1kHz (this is normal  
for files created from CD audio content). Folders may be nested but to  
a maximum of 8 levels. Folder and file names should be less than 30  
characters (longer names are possible but reduce the above maximum  
limits). ID3 tags for title / artist / album should be less than 30 characters  
(longer tags are possible, but are truncated when displayed). Within any  
one folder, files or folders written earlier will have higher priority than  
those written later. Within any one folder, files have higher priority than  
nested folders. The priority of folders when playing is based on the level  
in the directory tree. The higher level the higher priority.  
Caution: Using any equipment or devices other than those described and  
specified in these operating instructions, or tampering with the unit in any  
way, can result in dangerous exposure to radiation.  
When burning CD-R and CD-RW discs with audio files, various problems  
may arise which could lead to interference in playback. This can be  
caused by faulty software or hardware settings or by the CD being used.  
Should such problems arise, contact the customer services of your CD  
burner or software manufacturer or look for relevant information, for  
example on the internet. When you are making audio CDs, observe  
all legal guidelines and ensure that the copyright of third parties is not  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Inserting a CD  
1. To open the CD compartment, push the OPEN/CLOSE button on the  
top panel.  
2. Put the CD on the spindle until it clicks into place and close the CD  
Playing a CD  
1. Rotate the Function switch to choose CD as the input source.  
on the display.  
Audio CD: the total number of tracks and total playing time will appear  
on the display.  
MP3 / WMA CD: The total number of files and folders will appear on  
the display.  
2. Press the Play/Pause button to start playback. The display will  
show the first track number and the play symbol will appear on the  
Audio CD: The current track number and elapsed playing time.  
MP3 / WMA CD: The current file number for 3 seconds, then change  
to show the file name, ID3 tag and the elapsed playing time.  
3. Adjust the Volume to the required settings.  
4. To pause playback press the Play/Pause button, the pause symbol  
will appear on the display.  
The current track number and the elapsed playing time stay on the  
5. To resume playback press the Play/Pause button again.  
6. To stop playback, press the Stop button.  
To take out the CD, push the OPEN/CLOSE button on the top panel of  
the device. The CD door should only be opened when the CD is in stop  
Selecting a track  
1. Audio CD: Whilst the CD is playing, press either the Fastforward or  
Rewind buttons to change the desired track. You can skip tracks  
when the player is in stop mode. Press the Play/Pause button to  
play the selected track.  
2. MP3 / WMA CD: Whilst the CD is playing, press either the Album/  
Memory Up or Down buttons to change to the desired album, then  
press either the Tuning Up or Down buttons to change to the desired  
track. You can also skip albums or tracks when the player is in stop  
mode. Press the Play/Pause button to play the selected track.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Search function  
1. Whilst the CD is playing, press and hold down either the Tuning Up  
or Down buttons. Release the button when the desired part of the  
track is reached.  
CD repeat mode  
1. Whilst the CD is playing press the Mode button.  
Audio CD: Repeat 1  
Normal Play  
Repeat ALL  
Random RAN  
MP3 / WMA: Repeat 1  
Repeat Album/Folder  
Random RAN  
Repeat ALL  
Normal Play  
CD Random play  
1. Whilst the CD is playing, repeatedly press the Mode button to play all  
tracks on the CD in random order. 'RAN' will appear on the display.The  
tracks are played in random order until all tracks have been played.  
2. PresstheModebuttonagaintoreturntonormalplay.'RAN'disappears  
from the display.  
CD Intro mode  
1. When in the stop mode, press the Mode button twice to play the first  
10 seconds intro of all the tracks on the disc. 'Intro' appears on the  
2. To cancel intro, press the Stop button.  
Creating a play list (Programme Play - CD & SD only)  
By programming the player you can play up to 60 tracks in any desired  
1. Whilst the CD is in Stop mode, press and release the Mode button.  
The display will show 'P-01'.  
"MEM" will flash on the display. Store this track by pressing the Mode  
2. Repeat the above steps until you have completed your programme.  
3. Press the Play/Pause button to commence play of selected tracks.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Checking and Editing a programme  
Whilst the CD is in stop mode, you can check and edit the programme.  
1. Press and release the Mode button. The display will show the play  
list that you have have already programmed.  
2. You can edit the playlist. When the desired track that you want to edit  
is reached, follow the procedure for creating a playlist page above.  
Erasing a programme  
1. Press the Stop button to erase the program. Programmes are also  
erased by switching to off, radio or SD mode.  
Using SD cards  
Secure Digital (SD or SDHC) cards can be used with the ZoomBox for  
playback of MP3 or WMA files.  
The ZoomBox has been tested with a range of SD cards. SD cards up to  
2GBandSDHCcardsupto16GBaresupported. However, therearemany  
different card variants available and not all cards can be guaranteed to  
work in the ZoomBox. SD/SDHC cards must be formatted using the FAT  
or FAT32 filing system in order to operate with the ZoomBox.  
SD card slot is located at the front of the unit.  
Inserting and removing a card  
and gold contacts first into the SD card slot on the front of your CD  
player until it clicks.  
To remove the card push the card in slightly and it will pop out allowing  
1. To select SD card mode rotate the Function switch to 'SD'.  
Playback control in SD card mode is similar to CD MP3 / WMA mode see  
page 19. MP3 / WMA files are played back in the order that they are written  
to the SD card by your computer, except when Random mode is used.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Software version  
The software display cannot be altered and is just for your reference.  
1. To view which software version your ZoomBox has ensure your CD  
player is in DAB or FM mode and press and hold the Menu button  
to enter the menu setup.  
2. Press the Tuning Up or Down buttons until 'Version' together with  
the Version number appears on the display.  
Zoom display function  
Your CD player has a zoom button which can be used to enlarge the size  
of fonts on the display.  
1. Press the Zoom button to enlarge the upper line of the display.  
2. Press the Zoom button again to enlarge the lower line of the  
3. Press the Zoom button once more to return to the normal two-line  
Deep Bass Boost  
1. Press the Deep Bass Boost button to enhance bass sounds.  
2. Press the Deep Bass Boost button again to return to normal  
System Reset  
If your radio fails to operate correctly, or some digits on the display are  
missing or incomplete, carry out the following procedure.  
1. Whilst in DAB mode press and hold the Menu button and then  
repeatedly press the Tuning Up or Down buttons until the display  
shows 'SELECT Factory'.  
2. PressandreleasetheSelectbutton,'ConfirmReset'willbedisplayed.  
Press the Select button again to confirm reset.  
A full reset will be performed and the station list together with any preset  
stations will be erased.  
In case of malfunction for any reason, just reset the product to resume  
normal operation. It may be necessary in some cases to disconnect the  
mains power and remove batteries, then reconnect after 10 seconds.  
In case of malfunction due to electrical fast transient (Burst), just reset the  
product (reconnect of power source may be required) to resume normal  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Headphone socket  
1. A3.5mmHeadphoneSocketlocatedonthelefthandsideofyourradio  
is provided for use with headphones. Inserting a plug automatically  
mutes the internal loudspeaker.  
can cause hearing loss.  
Mains supply  
The ZoomBox will operate from a supply of AC 230 volts,  
The wire coloured BLUE must be connected to the terminal marked N or  
coloured BLACK.  
The wire coloured BROWN must be connected to the terminal marked L  
or coloured RED.  
DO NOT cut off the mains plug from this equipment. If the plug fitted  
is not suitable for the power points in your home or the cable is too short  
to reach a power point, then obtain an appropriate safety approved exten-  
sion lead or adaptor. If in doubt consult your dealer.  
If nonetheless the mains plug is cut off, remove the fuse and dispose of  
the plug immediately to avoid a possible shock hazard by inadvertent  
connection to the mains supply.  
If this product is not supplied with a mains plug, or one has to be fitted,  
then follow the instructions given below:  
IMPORTANT. DO NOT make any connection to the larger terminal which  
is marked with the letter E or by the safety earth symbol  
Green or Green-and-yellow.  
or coloured  
The wires in the mains lead are coloured in accordance with the following  
codes :-  
When replacing the fuse only a 3AASTAapproved to BS1362 type should  
be used and be sure to re-fit the fuse cover.  
Replacement fuse holders are available from Roberts Radio Technical  
Services at the address shown on the rear of this manual.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and  
that no objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on  
the apparatus.  
It is recommended to operate the product such that there is a minimum  
distance (10cm recommended) to adjacent objects in order to ensure  
good ventilation.  
The ventilation of the product should not be restricted by covering it or  
its ventilation openings with items such as newspapers, table-cloths,  
curtains etc.  
Do not allow this CD player to be exposed to water, steam or sand. Do  
not leave your CD player where excessive heat could cause damage. It  
is recommended that the DAB band be used wherever possible as better  
results in terms of quality and freedom from interference will usually be  
obtained than on the FM band.  
The name plate is located on the underside of your CD player.  
No naked flame sources such as lighted candles should be placed on  
the product.  
It is recommended to avoid using or storing the product at extremes  
of temperature. Avoid leaving the unit in cars, on window sills in direct  
sunlight etc.  
Power Requirements  
Circuit features  
AC 230 volts, 50Hz  
6 x LR14 (C size)  
2 x 76 mm 8 ohms  
2 x 1 Watt  
Power output  
Battery life  
25 - 35 hours depending on operating mode.  
Headphone socket  
3.5mm dia  
Frequency Coverage  
174.928 - 239.200MHz  
Aerial System  
Telescopic aerial  
Telescopic aerial  
The Company reserves the right to amend the specification without notice.  
This instrument is guaranteed for twelve months from the date of delivery to the original owner against failure due to faulty workmanship or component  
breakdown, subject to the procedure stated below. Should any component or part fail during this guarantee period it will be repaired or replaced free  
of charge.  
The guarantee does not cover:  
1. Damage resulting from incorrect use.  
2. Consequential damage.  
3. Receivers with removed or defaced serial numbers.  
N.B. Damaged or broken telescopic aerials will not be replaced under guarantee.  
Any claim under this guarantee should be made through the dealer from whom the instrument was purchased. It is likely that your Roberts' dealer  
will be able to attend to any defect quickly and efficiently but should it be necessary the dealer will return the instrument to the Company’s service  
department for attention. In the event that it is not possible to return the instrument to the Roberts' dealer from whom it was purchased, please contact  
Roberts Radio Technical Services at the address shown overleaf.  
These statements do not affect the statutory rights of a consumer.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
97-99 Worton Road  
TW7 6EG  
Technical Helpline :- 020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri during office hours)  
© 2009 Roberts Radio Limited  
Issue 1  

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