Nokia COMMUNICATOR 9210i User Manual

Software on CD-ROM  
Electronic user's guide released subject to "Nokia User's Guides Terms and  
Conditions, 7th June, 1998"  
Table of Contents  
Software on CD-ROM...............................................................9  
To install software from the CD-ROM ............................................................. 9  
Remote synchronisation....................................................................................... 10  
Unit converter ......................................................................................................... 14  
File viewer ................................................................................................................ 16  
Notes.......................................................................................................................... 23  
Multimedia converter ........................................................................................... 27  
Games........................................................................................................................ 30  
Others........................................................................................................................ 42  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
Read these simple guidelines. Breaking the rules may be dangerous or illegal.  
Further detailed information is given in this manual.  
Do not switch the phone on when wireless phone use is prohibited or  
when it may cause interference or danger.  
ROAD SAFETY COMES FIRST Don't use the communicator while driving.  
INTERFERENCE All wireless phones may get interference, which could  
affect performance.  
SWITCH OFF IN HOSPITALS Follow any regulations or rules. Switch the  
phone off near medical equipment.  
SWITCH OFF IN AIRCRAFT Wireless devices can cause interference in  
SWITCH OFF WHEN REFUELLING Don't use the phone at a refuelling  
point. Don't use near fuel or chemicals.  
SWITCH OFF NEAR BLASTING Don't use the phone where blasting is in  
progress. Observe restrictions, and follow any regulations or rules.  
USE SENSIBLY Use only in the normal position. Don't touch the antenna  
QUALIFIED SERVICE Only qualified personnel may install or repair phone  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
accessories and batteries. Do not connect incompatible  
WATER-RESISTANCE Your communicator is not water-  
resistant. Keep it dry.  
BACKUP COPIES Remember to make backup copies of all  
important data.  
CONNECTING TO OTHER DEVICES When connecting to any  
other device, read its user's guide for detailed safety  
instructions. Do not connect incompatible products.  
CALLING Close the cover and ensure the phone is switched on  
and in service. Enter the phone number, including the area  
code, then press  
call, press  
. To end a call, press  
. To answer a  
EMERGENCY CALLS Close the device cover. Ensure the phone  
is switched on and in service. Press as many times as  
needed (e.g. to exit a call, to exit a menu, etc.) to clear the  
display. Enter the emergency number, then press  
your location. Do not end the call until told to do so.  
. Give  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
1. Software on CD-ROM  
This guide contains information about software that you can install from the CD-  
ROM found in the sales package. These applications are located in the ‘Software  
Tip: For more  
information on installing  
for the communicator’ and ‘Software for PC’ sections. Please note that some add- software, see the User’s  
on programs have their own user’s guides. They are located next to the programs  
on the CD-ROM.  
To install software from the CD-ROM  
The applications and files on the communicator’s CD-ROM are ready to be installed  
or moved to the communicator. Proceed with installation as follows:  
1 Ensure that you have installed PC Suite on your computer. You can find this  
program on the CD-ROM in the sales package.  
2 Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of your computer.  
3 Connect your communicator to your computer using the adapter cable supplied  
in the sales package or prepare the communicator and the computer for an  
infrared connection. For more information, see the User’s Guide.  
4 The CD-ROM opens automatically. If not, open the CD-ROM user interface by  
double-clicking the file ‘Nokia9210i.exe’ in the CD-ROM file structure.  
5 Locate and select a program you want to install from the CD-ROM user  
interface and click ‘Install’.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
Tip: Use a memory card  
to gain more space for the  
different applications and  
files on the CD-ROM.  
Note: Remember to install the add-on applications in the same language as  
your communicator.  
Remote synchronisation  
The Remote synchronisation application for the Nokia 9210/9210i Communicator  
enables you to synchronise your calendar and contacts over a GSM data call with  
various Internet calendar and address book applications as well as multiple  
corporate office solutions such as Lotus Notes. The synchronisation application  
uses SyncML technology for synchronisation.  
Remote server settings are called synchronisation profiles. You can create several  
profiles if you need to synchronise with multiple servers or applications.  
Your service provider may be able to send some, or all, of the required settings to  
you via a special short message called Over The Air (OTA) message. After you have  
received and accepted the settings, you can start using the Remote sychronisation  
application for synchronisation or edit the profiles as described below.  
Note: For information on SyncML compatibility, please contact your service  
provider or company help desk.  
Note: This product includes software developed by The SyncML Initiative.  
To create a new synchronisation profile  
When you start Remote synchronisation, the current synchronisation profile is  
displayed in the main view, under the title Remote Synchronisation. If no profile has  
been created, the text ( No profiles defined ) is displayed.  
To create a new profile, proceed as follows:  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
Figure 1  
1 If no profiles have been defined, press New. A dialog opens. Continue with step  
Tip: When adding a new  
profile based on an old one,  
select the profile whose  
values are closest to the  
2 If at least one profile has already been defined, press Profile Settings in the  
main view to view available profiles.  
3 To create a new profile based on the settings of an old one, select the one to be values of the new profile.  
used as a base and click New. A dialog opens.  
4 Define the following:  
General page  
Default profile : At least one of the available synchronisation profiles must be  
Tip: For ease-of-use, set  
defined as the default profile. To define the current profile as the default the most used profile as the  
one, choose Yes. The default profile is shown in the main view for quick  
default profile.  
Profile name: Type a descriptive name for the profile. Example: “My Office  
Calendar.” Each profile must have a unique profile name.  
Use/Internet access/WAP access/Host address/Port/HTTP Authentication: Refer to your  
service provider or system administrator for the correct values.  
User name: Your user ID for the synchronisation server. Refer to your service  
provider or system administrator for your correct ID.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
Password: Type your password here. For security reasons, the password is shown  
with asterisks (*****). Refer to your service provider or system  
administrator for your correct password.  
Data page  
Figure 2  
On this page, you can select which data to synchronise with a server.  
1 Select the application with the Arrows key and click Change to choose Yes or  
No. If you choose Yes a dialog opens.  
2 Define the following:  
Calendar file/Contacts file: Press Browse to select the correct database in your  
Remote calendar/Remote contacts: Refer to your service provider or system  
3 Click Close and confirm that you want to create this new profile.  
Note: Before you can synchronise calendar data, a calendar file must exist in  
your communicator. Use the Calendar application to create a calendar  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
To synchronise data  
1 In the main view, check that you have selected the correct profile. Press Sync  
to start the synchronisation. The status of the synchronisation is displayed at  
the bottom of the screen.  
2 To cancel the synchronisation before it is finished, press Cancel.  
3 You are notified when the synchronisation has been completed. Press View log  
to open a log file or Close to return to the main view.  
To edit existing server profiles  
1 In the main view, press Profile Settings. A list of server profiles is displayed.  
2 Select a profile to edit with the Arrows key and press Edit.  
3 Edit the profile as necessary. Refer to your service provider, system  
administrator, or manual for correct values. For setting details, see ‘General  
page’ on page 11 and ‘Data page’ on page 12.  
4 Click Close to accept changes and close the dialog.  
To delete existing server profiles  
1 In the main view, press Profile Settings. A list of server profiles is displayed.  
2 Select a profile to delete with the Arrows key and press Delete.  
To synchronise with another server  
1 In the main view, press Profile Sync. A list of server profiles is displayed.  
2 Select a profile and press Sync.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
To view synchronisation logs  
You can view a profile’s last synchronisation log.  
1 In the main view, press Profile Sync. A list of server profiles is displayed.  
2 Select a profile and press View Log. The log shows you the number of updated,  
added, or deleted items.  
Unit converter  
You can use the Unit converter for the Nokia 9210/9210i Communicator to convert  
units of measurements.  
Figure 3  
To open the conversion tool, select the conversion category in the main view and  
press Open.  
The conversion categories and units are the following:  
Conversion category  
Unit A  
Unit B  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
gal (US)  
The conversion tool for a particular conversion category has two frames, see Figure  
Only one frame can be active at a time. The frames always have corresponding  
values; if the value in either of the two frames is changed, the other frame is  
automatically updated.  
Tip: To move between  
the frames, use the Tab key.  
Note: The calculator has limited accuracy and rounding errors may occur.  
To change units  
You may want to change the units used in a particular conversion category. For  
example, instead of converting from USD in the currency category, you may want  
to convert from FRF.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
1 Press Change unit in the conversion tool view for the particular conversion  
category. A dialog opens.  
2 Choose from the list or search the list by typing a string in the search field.  
3 Press Select to accept the change or Cancel to dismiss it.  
To add and edit currency units  
Note: Only currency units can be edited, deleted, and added.  
Tip: To delete a currency, 1 Select and open the currency category.  
select it and press the Menu 2 To edit a currency, select it and press Open.  
key; select File > Delete  
To add a currency, press the Menu key and select File > New currency....  
currency.... Press Delete.  
A dialog opens.  
3 Define the following:  
Name: The name of the currency unit.  
Symbol: An abbreviation of the currency unit.  
4 Press Calculate ratio to define the following:  
Ratio: The rate of conversion defined by the base unit.  
A dialog opens.  
5 Define the values of the new and base currency units and press Cancel.  
6 Press Close to accept the changes.  
File viewer  
File viewer enables you to view several text editor formats, graphic formats, and  
other file formats. Furthermore, you can open and extract archived files.  
Note: These viewers do not support all file formats or variations of a file format.  
For example, only the following TIFF formats are supported:  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
• grayscale 8-bit with no compression, LZW compression, or PackBits  
• color RGB 24-bit with LZW compression or no compression  
Figure 4  
Supported formats  
The CD-ROM contains five installation files that support different file formats.  
Below is the list of available installation files and the corresponding supported file  
Installation file  
Supported file formats  
Plain text  
Supported file extensions  
Windows bitmap  
All installation files  
Portable Network Graphics  
Windows Metafile  
Microsoft PowerPoint 3/4/7/97/  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
Microsoft Excel 2/3/4/5/7/97/98/  
Microsoft PowerPoint 3/4/7/97/  
Microsoft Excel 2/3/4/5/7/97/98/  
Microsoft Word 1/2/4/5/6/7/97/  
Lotus 1-2-3 v. 1/2/3/4/5/97/  
WQ1, WKU, WK1, WK3, WK4,  
WK5, WK6, 123  
Lotus Ami Pro  
WordPerfect 4/5/6/7/8  
WordPerfect Graphic  
Lotus Ami Draw  
Computer Graphics Metafile  
Compuserve GIF  
Viewer5: Image formats  
Tagged Image File Format  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
Internet Hypertext Markup  
Plain text  
Viewer5: Text formats  
Viewer5: Archived files  
Rich text format  
Winzip, PKZIP  
Unix Gzip  
Unix Compress  
Microsoft project  
Viewer5: Other formats  
To view files  
Note: The menu options and commands available depend on the type of file  
that is viewed.  
1 Select File viewer in the Extras application main view and press Enter.  
The Open dialog appears.  
3 Press Browse to locate a supported file and press OK. The file opens. Depending  
on the file type, you have the following options:  
All files  
• Press Zoom in and Zoom out to change the view.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
• Press the Menu key and select View > Full screen mode to display only the  
document or file contents on the screen.  
• To send the file, press Send. The Send dialog opens. The options are As a mail /  
Via infrared. Press Send to confirm sending.  
• To close File viewer, press Close.  
Text documents and images  
• Press the Menu key and select Picture/Document > Fit to width to zoom the file  
so that it fits the screen width.  
• Select Picture/Document > Fit to window to zoom the file so that it fits to the  
Text documents and spreadsheets  
The Document or Spreadsheet menu contains several viewing options:  
Draft view: To select draft view, press the Menu key and select Document > Draft  
view or Spreadsheet > Draft view. In draft view, the text of the document or  
spreadsheet file is displayed in a single font. Character formatting, paragraph  
alignment, spacing, and tabs are also displayed. Embedded objects are not  
displayed in draft view.  
Normal view: To select normal view, press the Menu key and select Document >  
Normal view or Spreadsheet > Normal view. In normal view also all fonts and  
embedded objects are displayed as in the original document.  
Page view: To select page view, press the Menu key and select Document > Page  
view or Spreadsheet > Page view. In page view the text of the document or  
spreadsheet file is displayed as in the original document, including all line  
wrapping, columns, page margins, headers, footers, and annotations.  
Tip: When viewing a text  
document, you can select  
text, copy it to the clipboard,  
and paste it in other  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
• Press the Menu key and select Picture > Fit to width to zoom the image so that  
it fits the screen width.  
• Select Picture > Fit to window to zoom the image so that it fits to the screen.  
• Select Picture > Rotate to rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise.  
• Select Picture > Reset to original to view the picture as it was viewed when  
Archived files  
• To extract selected files, press Extract. A target folder dialog opens.  
• To extract all files in an archive, press Extract all.  
• To view a file in an archive, press View.  
You can also sort the items in an archive.  
• Select Edit > Sort by to define the sorting criteria. The options are Name/ Date/  
• Select Edit > Sort Order to define the sorting order. The options are Ascending/  
PowerPoint presentations  
To view slides, press the Menu key and select Slide > Next slide / Previous slide. The  
other menu commands in the Slide menu work exactly as in the Picture menu.  
Tip: The keyboard  
shortcuts for Next slide /  
Previous slide are Shift-Ctrl-  
N and Shift-Ctrl-P.  
To configure File viewer options  
Press the Menu key and select View > Options. A dialog with two pages opens.  
Define the following:  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
View page  
Default font: To select the default font, press Change. The font dialog opens.  
View unknown as: Defines how the viewer handles unknown file types. The options  
are Text/Hexadecimal/Do not view.  
Unsupported files as: Defines how the viewer handles unsupported file types. The  
options are Ask user/Open in registered app/View as unknown.  
Other page  
Show gridlines: Select the default setting for spreadsheet gridlines. The options are  
Sort archives by: Select the default sorting criterion for archive files. The options are  
Archives sort order: Select the default sorting order. The options are Ascending/  
To close the dialog, press Close.  
Figure 5  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
Notes is a simple text editor for typing quick notes and creating note lists. You can  
make several notes to create a note list. You can sort a list in multiple ways and  
save a list as a notebook. Notes includes many of the standard commands found  
in word processors.  
Notes is available in English only.  
To add and delete notes and notebooks  
To add a new note, press New note.  
To delete a note, press the Menu key and select File >Delete note.  
To add a new notebook, press the Menu key and select File>New file. You can have  
separate notebooks for different topics.  
You can view the contents of a note or both a note and a note list. To choose a  
Tip:Note view is good for  
editing large amounts of  
text. Split View is good for  
browsing a notebook.  
view, press the Menu key and select View > Split view/Note view.  
To move between the views in split view, press Change focus.  
To display the current view in full-screen mode, press the Menu key and select View  
> Full screen. To return to normal view, select Full screen again.  
To format the note text  
1 Select the text you want to modify.  
2 Press the Menu key and select the options you want in the Format menu:  
Select Font... to change the font used in the text. To select bold, italics,  
underlining, or bulleted text, select the corresponding options  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
To count the words in a note  
Tip: The word count  
feature is useful when you  
want to send a note as a  
short message. Short  
messages must be no longer  
than 160 alphanumeric  
Press the Menu key and select Tools > Word count.  
To spell check a note  
If you have installed the spell checker application, you can check the spelling of a  
note as follows:  
1 Press the Menu key and select Tools > Spell check.  
2 For more suggestions on a unknown word, highlight Suggestions and select  
To sort notes  
You can sort notes within a notebook as follows:  
1 Press the Menu key, select Tools > Sort by and choose the sort criteria. The  
options are Creation date/Last modified date/Title.  
2 To choose the sorting order, press the Menu key, select Tools >Sorting order, and  
choose Ascending or Descending.  
To view Notes preferences, press the Menu key and select Tools > Preferences. A  
two-page dialog opens. Define the following:  
View Preferences  
Show title of entries on - Define whether to display the list view on the left or on the  
right side in split view.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
Note width - Define the width of the note in split view. You can choose a value  
between 10 and 80%.  
Display - Define the date format in the status bar at the bottom of the screen.  
Options are last update date /creation date.  
Note Preferences  
Always start on a new note - Lets you decide whether Notes should automatically  
create a new note for the user. The options are No / Yes / Only when switched on.  
Include in list - Lets you define how much text is displayed in the note list in split  
view. The options are First line / All text. The First line option displays only the first  
line of the note. All text displays as much text as possible.  
To print notes  
To print a note, press the Menu key and select File > Printing > Print....  
To define the page layout, press the Menu key and select File > Printing > Page  
To preview the page on the screen before printing, press the Menu key and select  
File > Printing > Page preview....  
To find notes  
The Find dialog helps you to find or replace text within the whole notebook quickly  
and easily.  
1 Press the Menu key and select Edit > Find.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
2 Type in the text you want to find. Press Replace to type the text you want to  
use as the replacement text.  
3 Press Options to refine your search by selecting a case sensitive match and to  
match whole words or just parts of a word.  
4 Press Find. Notes searches the current note, then the rest of the notes in the  
5 To find the next occurrence, press Find next.  
Multimedia converter  
Tip: NIM stands for  
“Nokia Interleaved  
Multimedia” file format.  
The Multimedia converter is a PC application. With Multimedia converter, you can  
convert common video file formats to NIM format playable on the Nokia 9210/  
9210i Communicator. You can also convert common audio file formats to WAV  
format and optimise existing WAV format sound files for use with the Nokia 9210i  
Communicator. You can use converted WAV files as ringing tones, for example.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
Figure 6  
There are major advantages in using the converter:  
• When converting a file, the size of the converted audio or video file is usually  
much smaller than the size of the original file. Therefore the playback on the  
communicator does not require much processing power and is more fluent. In  
fact, many files cannot be played at all on the communicator without  
• When playing back a WAV file with your communicator, the quality of the  
sound is better.  
Note: Multimedia converter supports most files that you can play in Windows  
Media Player. The exact set of supported files depends on the version of  
Media Player installed in your system and on the installed audio and  
video codecs. Typically, Multimedia converter is able to support most AVI,  
WAV, MPG, and MP3 files.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
To optimise an audio-only file  
1 In the menu, select File > Open. A dialog opens.  
2 Browse to the audio file you want to convert and click OK. The file information  
is transferred to the Original file fields on the left side of the window. The fields  
display the file type, file size, and playback time.  
3 Select one of the two options in the Audio format field:  
Low compression: For the best sound quality  
Normal compression: For slightly lower sound quality but considerably smaller  
file size  
4 Click Convert. The file information of the converted file is transferred to the  
Converted file fields on the right side of the window.  
5 In the menu, select File > Save as to save the new file.  
To convert a video file  
Tip:Frame rateindicates 1 In the menu, select File > Open. A dialog opens.  
the rate at which frames,  
the individual pictures that  
in sequence create the  
2 Browse to the video file you want to convert and click OK. The file information  
is transferred to the Original file fields on the left side of the window. The fields  
display the file type, file size, and playback time.  
illusion of motion, are  
3 Select one of the two options in the Video quality field:  
Smooth motion, small image size: For the maximum achievable frame rate.  
Normal motion, normal image size : For normal image size and slightly less fluent  
4 If the file contains both video and sound, select one of the two options in the  
Audio format field:  
displayed in a film or video.  
Frame rate is measured in  
frames per second (fps). The  
less frames are used, the  
more the video stutters.  
Music, normal compression: Use this if the source file contains music or another  
type of material that requires high quality sound.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
Voice, high compression: If the original file contains only speech or if small file  
size is more important than the sound quality.  
5 Click Convert. The file information of the converted file is transferred to the  
Converted file fields on the right side of the window.  
6 In the menu, select File > Save as to save the new file.  
Tip: You can play the  
original file before the  
conversion and the  
converted file after the  
conversion. Use the controls  
below the preview screens  
to start, pause, and stop the  
Note: During the conversion you cannot start the playback of files.  
You can use PC Suite for Nokia 9210i Communicator to copy the converted files to  
your communicator. For more information, see the PC Suite Guide found on the  
sales package CD-ROM.  
The communicator is not only an efficient business tool, but it also provides you  
with exciting entertainment for your leisure time. In this section, you will find  
fantastic games that you can play on your Nokia 9210i Communicator.  
Tip: For Nokia game  
services, join Club Nokia at  
Ensure that your Nokia 9210i Communicator is connected to your PC. Start the CD-  
ROM, select the game you wish to install from the folder ‘Software for the  
communicator/Games’, and press Install.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
Bounce is a game in which you control a small ball in a dangerous world. You  
bounce and roll the ball around each level, avoiding hazards and collecting the  
hoops you need to unlock the exit to the next level. Use rubber blocks to bounce  
higher or even reverse gravity to get those hard to reach hoops. Instructions are  
available within the game. Bounce is in English only.  
Figure 7  
Bounce requires at least 1.5 Mb of free memory and 800 kb of free disk space on  
your Nokia 9210i Communicator or on a memory card.  
To start playing Bounce  
1 Select the Bounce icon from the Extras list using the Arrows key, and press  
When you see the animated bounce logo, press anykey to move to the main  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
3 To select items from the menus, use the Arrows key to move the highlight to  
the required item and press the Enter key.  
Main Screen  
The Main Screen menu has five choices: StartGame, Online, Options, HighScores, and  
To select Quit, press the > arrow on the Arrows key and press Enter or the  
lowermost command button.  
Start Game  
The Start Game menu has four options: New Game, Continue, Instructions, and Back.  
New Game starts a new game from level 1.  
Continue takes you to the Continue menu.  
Instructions starts an automatic demonstration of the game's features.  
Back returns you to the main screen.  
The Continue menu has four slots for previously saved games. Each slot shows the  
level number of the saved game, and the number of remaining lives. Selecting a  
slot will restart the game at the beginning of the saved level, with the number of  
lives left that you had when you saved the game. When you load a saved game,  
your score will be zero, so the only way to get a maximum score is to play every  
level of the game in one go! Back returns you to the main screen.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
Selecting the Online option allows you to connect to the Nokia 9210i  
Communicator games home page. Note that you must have your communicator  
configured to access the Internet for this to work. When you close the browser, you  
will return to the Bounce main menu. Keep checking the home page for hints, tips,  
and news about this and other games.  
Note: Your communicator’s phone must be on to use this function. Do not  
switch the phone on when wireless phone use is prohibited or when it  
may cause interference or danger.  
The Options menu has three options, Change Keys, Change Sound, and Back. Change  
Keys allows you to redefine your control keys. Change Sound allows you to set the  
volume of sound effects. Back returns you to the main screen.  
High Scores  
The High Scores option displays a list of your highest scores in Bounce. Select Back  
to return to the main screen.  
The < and > arrows on the Arrows key move the ball left and right. You can make  
the ball jump with the space bar. You can change the control keys using the Change  
Keys option in the Options menu.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
Changing size  
Your ball can change size if it touches the right objects. A large ball jumps higher  
and moves faster than a small ball and can also float in water. The small ball can  
squeeze through small gaps.  
There are many different elements in the game. You can see a rolling demo of the  
game's features by selecting Instructions from the Start Game menu. You can exit  
the demo at any time by pressing any key.  
Pausing the game  
Pressing either the Esc key or any of the command buttons will pause the game.  
When the game is paused, you can go to the Options menu to redefine keys and  
change the volume. You can also end the game or resume play.  
Between levels  
At the end of a level, you get the option to save the game, change the game  
options, exit the game, or continue. Saving a game brings up a list of four saved  
game slots, which contain the level numbers of any existing saved games.  
Selecting Options will bring up the same list as the Options menu on the main  
screen. End game quits the current game in progress and returns you to the main  
screen. Continue moves you on to the next level.  
Game over  
The game is over when you either complete all available levels or lose all your lives.  
If your score is high enough when a game ends, you will be given the option to add  
your name to the high-score table.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
Triple Pop  
Triple Pop is a fast-paced puzzle game where different coloured balls fly in from  
the sides of the screen and form a heap at the centre. By rotating the heap, you  
can make the free-flying balls land where you want. When you get three balls of  
the same colour next to each other, they pop! If you're not fast enough, the heap  
grows outside the threshold and you lose. Triple Pop is in English only.  
Figure 8  
Triple Pop requires at least 1.5 Mb of free memory and 800 kb of free disk space  
on your Nokia 9210i Communicator or on a memory card.  
To start playing Triple Pop  
1 Select the Triple Pop icon from the Extras list using the Arrows key, and press  
2 When you get to the animated Triple Pop logo, press a key to move to the main  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
3 To select items from the menus, use the Arrows key to move the highlight to  
the required item and press the Enter key to select.  
Main Screen  
The Main Screen menu has five choices: StartGame, Online, Options, HighScores, and  
Quit. To select Quit, press the > arrow on the Arrows key and press Enter, or the  
lowermost command button.  
Start Game menu  
The Start Game menu has four options: New Game, Change Skill, Instructions, and  
Back. New Game starts a new game at the current skill level. Change Skill takes you  
to the Skill Options screen where you can change this skill level, and Instructions  
takes you to the playing instructions. The Back option returns you to the main  
To change the skill level  
The Skill Options menu displays the three possible skill levels (Easy, Medium, and  
Hard) along with a Back option to return to the main screen. The currently selected  
skill level is highlighted.  
Selecting the Online option allows you to connect to the Nokia 9210/9210i  
Communicator games home page. Note that you must have your communicator  
configured to access the Internet for this to work. When you close the browser, you  
will return to the Triple Pop main menu.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
Note: Your communicator’s phone must be on to use this function. Do not  
switch the phone on when wireless phone use is prohibited or when it  
may cause interference or danger.  
The Options menu has three options, Change Sound, Change Keys, and Back. Change  
Sound allows you to set the volume of sound effects. Change Keys allows you to  
redefine your control keys, and Back returns you to the main screen.  
High scores  
The High Scores option displays a list of your highest scores in Triple Pop. Select  
Back to return to the main screen.  
You are in control of a heap of balls which has a black stone at its centre. During  
the game, balls appear from the left and right, moving towards the centre and  
sticking to the heap.  
The heap can be rotated with the Arrows key by using the < and > arrows, allowing  
you to change where the incoming balls will hit it. The heap grows until it crosses  
the circular boundary, at which point the game is over.  
There are four ball colours: red, green, yellow, and blue. Chains of three or more  
balls of the same colour pop and vanish, scoring 5 points for each popped ball.  
Later on, watch out for inert balls. Chains of inert balls do not pop by themselves,  
but pop if another colour propagates through them.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
As the wheels of time grind slowly on, balls in the heap start to flash and  
eventually turn to stone. These stones can only be destroyed by launching special  
bonus balls at them.  
At the start of the game, you will see an empty bonus balls gauge. You can fill it  
by popping four or more balls at once. The longer the chain the bigger the bonus.  
As the gauge fills up, the icons illuminate to indicate which bonus ball will be  
launched when you press the <fire> key. There are four different bonus balls, each  
of which has a different effect on the heap:  
These effects are:  
• one bonus ball pops balls adjacent to where it hits the heap,  
• one bonus ball pops balls where it hits the centre stone,  
• one bonus ball pops a ring of balls around the heap where it hits, and  
• one bonus ball pops all balls in and above the ring that it hits.  
If your score is high enough when a game ends, you will be given the option to add  
your name to the high-score table.  
The default controls are:  
• Left - < arrow on the Arrows key  
• Right - > arrow on the Arrows key  
• Fire - space bar  
To pause the game  
Pressing either the Esc key or any of the command buttons will pause the game.  
When the game is paused, you can go to Game Options to redefine keys and  
change the volume. You can also end the game or resume play.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
Card Deck  
Solitaire card games are perhaps some of the most familiar and popular card  
games. Card Deck for the Nokia 9210i Communicator offers you exciting  
entertainment and a variety of solitaire card games.  
Figure 9  
Card Deck requires about 1.2 Mb of free memory and 400 kb of free disk space on  
your Nokia 9210i Communicator or on a memory card.  
To start Card Deck  
1 Select the Card Deck icon from the Extras main view using the Arrows key, and  
press Open.  
2 When you get to the Card Deck start screen, press Play and select a game from  
the list. To learn more about the rules of the games, press Ctrl + H.  
• To move the cursor, press the Arrows key.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
• To move from one deck to another, press the < or > arrow on the Arrows key.  
• To move within a deck, press the up or down arrows.  
• To pick and drop a card, press the space bar or the <Z> key.  
• To have new cards dealt on the table, press the Enter key.  
games/92xx for hints and tips about this and other games.  
Snake EX  
Snake EX is an enhanced version of the classic Nokia Snake game for the Nokia  
9210/9210i Communicator.  
Figure 10  
Snake EX requires about 1.2 Mb of free memory and 650 kb of free disk space on  
your Nokia 9210i Communicator.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
To start playing Snake EX  
1 Select the Snake EX icon from the Extras list using the Arrows key, and press  
2 When you get to the animated Snake EX start screen, press Settings and Mode  
to select controls, difficulty, and multiplayer settings.  
3 Press Play to start a new game.  
Make the snake grow longer by directing it to the food. You cannot stop the snake  
or make it go backwards. Try not to hit the walls or the tail. In addition to the food,  
there are some powerups on the playground. Powerups can either help your game  
or temporarily make the game more difficult. They appear as question marks on the  
screen. Their effect remains a mystery until the snake eats them.  
The game has two modes. In classic mode, you can choose the maze where you play  
and the speed at which the snake moves. In extreme mode, you advance from one  
maze to another when you have reached a particular score.  
You can challenge your friend to the game. You can play either with one device or  
with two devices over an infrared connection.  
Controls and tongue  
You can control the snake in three different ways:  
• Direct - use the Arrows key  
• Relative - use the < and > arrows on the Arrows key. The snake turns clockwise  
or counterclockwise.  
• Diagonal - use diagonal arrows. The upper left arrow turns the snake up or left  
and the bottom right arrow turns the snake down or right, for example.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
The snake has a tongue. You can use it to catch food from a distance. Use the space  
bar to control the tongue.  
Levels of difficulty  
The game has five levels of difficulty. On the first level, the snake moves slowly and  
it is easy to control. At higher levels, the snake moves faster, but eating food scores  
more points.  
In the classic mode, you can choose the maze where you want to play at the  
beginning of the game. Mazes have different sets of food and powerups. Extreme  
mode starts from the first maze and advances to a more difficult maze after you  
have reached a particular score.  
The game has seven different powerups. They can make your game easier or more  
difficult temporarily. You never know what the powerup is beforehand.  
• Foodfest: some additional food appears on the playground.  
• Invincibility: Snake can go trough walls and its tail without dying.  
• Reducer: makes Snake shorter. The effect is permanent.  
• Relax: slows down Snake.  
• Reverse: reverses your game controls.  
• Tongue: doubles the length of the tongue.  
• Turbo: increases Snake’s speed.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  
Extra fonts to increase the number of character styles are available for your  
communicator in the ‘Others’ subfolder.  
Spell checker  
If you install the Spell checker application to your Nokia 9210i Communicator, you  
can check words and text for spelling in the applications where Spell check... is  
available on the Menu list, for example, in Word Processor. For detailed  
information on spell checking, see ‘To check spelling’ on page 31 of the User’s  
Note: You can spell check only English text and words.  
©2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.  

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