Famous Trails Marauder Night Vision Monocular Ft 380 User Manual

Our Return Policy  
In the rare case that your unit should malfunction,  
please call (877) 97-SCOPE for assistance. Rather than go  
through the trouble of returning it to the point of purchase,  
call Famous Trails Inc. first. We’ll be able to assist you and  
correct your problem with minimal inconvenience.  
A Quick Start Guide  
This is an advanced night vision device. Therefore, never  
use it in bright light. If your particular unit requires a battery/  
batteries for use, install it/them now. While in dimly lit  
surroundings, remove the lens cap and push the energizer button  
for 1–2 seconds and release it. The unit will stay illuminated  
for a short period of time as the energy slowly dissipates from  
the intensifier. Remember that there are two focus rings on all  
of our units. One is on the front lens, and the other is located at  
the rear ocular (where you put your eye). Remember to handle  
your new Famous Trails Inc. night vision device with some  
degree of care; it’s a high-end piece of electronics. Keep it away  
from water, and always utilize the hand strap/ wrist lanyard to  
avoid any accidents. Enjoy!  
Famous Trails Inc. Promise of Quality  
Famous Trails Inc. is committed to satisfying ALL of our  
customers. If for any reason you are dissatisfied with any of our  
products, please contact our corporate offices. We promise that  
we’ll do anything within our power to completely satisfy you.  
It’s important to the Famous Trails team that we build a solid  
customer base, and this is done the old fashioned way, one  
happy customer at a time.  
Thank you for choosing Famous Trails,  
and supporting our quest towards excellence.  
Now Blaze your own Famous Trail!  
Owners Manual  
Thank you for purchasing this night vision device brought to  
you by Famous Trails. We hope it will bring you many years  
of viewing pleasure.  
“ Starlight” or “ Night Vision” devices work by amplifying  
ambient light thousands of times to create a visible electronic  
image. Even starlight or partial moonlight can often provide  
enough light to allow for viewing. However, please remember that  
your starlight device is a sophisticated opto-electronic instrument  
and should be used with the following in mind:  
Getting Started  
1. Load batteries in battery compartment, either on top or side  
depending on the unit. Use either AAA or AA batteries.  
2. To use, depress the Energizer button, and release. A gradual  
fading of the image is typical. Press the Energizer button  
again to re-power. If your unit includes a self-energizing  
power source (i.e., does not require batteries), simply depress  
and release the top lever one time and repeat as necessary.  
3. The infrared (IR) illuminator works to enhance the available  
ambient light in areas of extreme darkness, or brighten the  
electronic image in very dim ambient light. Utilize as needed  
by depressing the IR button (next to the Energizer button on  
most units). Also, please note that on self-energizing units  
only, the detachable IR illuminator requires a 3-volt lithium  
battery (Radio Shack® #23265, Duracell® DL1/3N,  
Eveready® 2L-76).  
*The above-mentioned names hold their own trademarks and have no association with  
Famous Trails®.  
4. To focus, first utilize the eyepiece-focusing ring to bring the  
image into approximate focus, then fine focus with the  
objective lens focusing ring. If only (1) focusing mechanism  
is present on your unit, then simply focus as necessary.  
5. Batteries are not included.  
Things to remember  
1. The purpose of the pinhole at the center of the lens cover is  
to dramatically reduce ambient lighting and thereby simulate  
a nighttime environment. The unit can thus be tested during  
the daytime with the lens cover in place. However, activat-  
ing the unit during the daylight without the protection of the  
lens cover will cause too much light to hit the intensifier and  
can result in permanent damage. There is a built-in “anti-  
bloom” function to protect against such an event, but if the  
unit “flashes” upon being activated in a well-lit environment,  
it may require several minutes for the instrument to re-set  
itself before it can be used.  
2. You may see very small black spots in your field of view;  
this is common to many night vision devices. However, such  
spots will not increase in size nor will they affect optical  
3. All Famous Trails night vision devices are covered by a one-  
year limited warranty. Please see the enclosed warranty card  
for more information.  
4. Finally, please treat your Famous Trails monocular as you  
would your camera or binocular.  
1580 N. Harmony Circle, Anaheim, CA 92807  
(714) 701-9671 • (877) 97-SCOPE (977-2673)  
Night Vision  
Light Intensification  
Image Magnification  
5.9˝(l) x 2˝(w) x 3˝(h)  
5.5˝(l) x 3˝(w) x 4˝(h)  
5.9˝(l) x 2˝(w) x 3˝(h)  
IR illuminator (23265)  
Radio Shack  
IR illuminator only  
20 degrees (min)  
+/- 4 diopters  
4 to 300 ft  
62 mm  
2 AAA  
Field Of View  
Eyepiece Adjustment  
Focus Range  
15 degrees (min)  
+/- 4 diopters  
4.4 to 300 ft  
50 mm w/P20 phosphor  
f l.5  
15 degrees (min)  
+/- 4 diopters  
4.5 to 300 ft  
58 mm  
Objective Lens Focal Length  
Objective Lens Aperture  
IR Illuminator  
f 2.0  
f 2.0  
Built In  
1 year  
1 year  
1 year  
System Gain  
Light Intensification  
Image Magnification  
7.75˝(l) x 3.8˝(w) x 2.6˝(h)  
6.5˝(I) x 3.8˝(w) x 2.6˝(h)  
9.4˝(I) x 3.6˝(w) x 2.4˝(h)  
2 AA  
2 AA  
1 AA  
Field Of View  
15 degrees (min.)  
+/- 4 diopters  
12 ft. to 350 ft.  
15 degrees (min.)  
+/- 4 diopter  
12 ft. to 350 ft.  
50mm w/P20 phosphor  
15 degrees  
+/- 4 diopter  
15 ft. to infinity  
Eyepiece Adjustment  
Focus Range  
Objective Lens Focal Length  
Objective Lens Aperture  
IR Illuminator  
Built In  
Built In  
Built I n  
1 year  
1 year  
1 year  
System Gain  
An Introduction for Consumers  
Famous Trails® night vision scopes enable the user to view  
objects when it is normally too dark to see with the naked eye.  
The device amplifies the photons from any available light by  
collecting it through the objective lens and focusing it on the  
image intensifier. A photocathode within the intensifier converts  
the photon energy into electrons; they in turn move with increas-  
ing speed across an electrostatic field and hit a phosphor screen.  
This increasing speed of the electrons provides gain and creates  
a visible image, which is displayed on the phosphor screen.  
Famous Trails® systems make it easier to view objects when  
there is very little light, but cannot work in total darkness. In this  
situation an infrared illuminator can be used to provide light,  
enabling the Famous Trails® system to amplify it. The infrared  
illuminator can also be used in lowly lit areas, enhancing images  
in changing light conditions with consistent performance. These  
infrared illuminators are available on all of Famous Trails® night  
vision products.  
When testing night vision products, Famous Trails® measures  
the quality of the image, the range of the product and gain.  
Because it is difficult to make out smaller details if long distances  
or low lighting are factors, systems with extreme gain and high  
resolution are enormously expensive. The reasonably priced  
Famous Trails® system was created to suit a user’s most common  
needs providing a viewer with a clear, detailed image. Take a  
night vision device along on your camping or boating trips to  
enable you to view wildlife with amazing clarity or use it to  
enhance security around your home.  
As you review the literature for products like Famous Trails®  
system, you will find that understanding the specifications of  
how our system measures up is sometimes difficult, especially  
when talking about actual use in the field. It is important to  
understand what is meant by terms like distortion, spectral  
response, optical speed, gain and more. It is also important to  
note that each product was tested with consistent reliable methods  
to insure the valid comparison of specifications. This is an area  
where comparison becomes especially difficult, as there are a  
great number of equipment manufacturers but little published  
specs comparing products from various companies. The bottom  
line is that even with technical specs it is hard to tell if the item  
will perform the way you need it to.  
The best way to measure the performance of a Famous Trails®  
product is to try it out at home. Most dealers will allow you to  
return or exchange a product if you find it isn’t a perfect match  
for your needs. Usually areas surrounding a city or housing  
development are well lit, so you probably won’t need a higher-  
end piece of equipment. If you are using a device in a poorly lit  
area such as the woods or desert, you may need a device with  
higher power especially if you need greater range with little or no  
moonlight. You won’t need to worry about range if the product is  
used in total darkness, but you will need an infrared illuminator.  
We previously explained that the quality of the image, the  
range of the product, and the gain are all key in measuring how  
a Famous Trails® product performs. Here is a breakdown of  
how each area ties in with the operation of a product.  
GAIN—As conditions get darker, it becomes more difficult for  
the Famous Trails system to create a clear, well-defined image.  
As the light decreases or if there is a longer range, it becomes  
necessary to increase the gain. Additionally if you are using a  
longer lens for distance viewing you’ll need higher gain, as  
longer lenses do not transfer light as well as the shorter lenses.  
Be aware that increasing the gain will not always increase the  
clarity or range of your view. In areas such as housing complexes,  
street or house lights will overload the system and actually  
decrease your viewing abilities. For less populated areas with little  
light, a Famous Trails scope will allow you a substantial and clear  
view for a very reasonable sum.  
RANGE—To be able to view an object from a certain distance  
involves the system’s ability to magnify an image, its resolution,  
how much light is available, and the gain of the product. A long,  
powerful lens will increase magnification, but as mentioned  
above will not transfer light well. In conditions with less light,  
more gain is required to view objects farther away so using a  
high-speed lens with less magnification will allow more light to  
be captured and will increase the product’s range abilities.  
Generally most users don’t need long-range capabilities in  
their products and are satisfied with 1x to 3x the normal image  
size. For example, a Famous Trails product made for viewing  
objects at a fairly close range 1x image size. This makes it easy  
for the user to view the subject without becoming disoriented.  
IMAGE QUALITYThe best image to have is one with little  
distortion, high definition and excellent resolution. The Famous  
Trails device displays a green monochrome image that is clearest  
in the center, with blurring towards the edges. The human eye is  
able to perceive contrasts in green more easily than in other colors  
so this further enhances image quality. With less distortion you’ll  
see a flatter, less rounded view with a higher definition.  
Additionally the contrasts will enable you to perceive dark objects  
against darker backgrounds and the increased resolution will allow  
you to see identifying details clearly instead of mere shapes.  
Buying a Famous Trails® Product  
Before purchasing a Famous Trails product, think about how  
you want to use it and select the device that best matches that  
use. A scope with moderate gain and a short lens with a 1x  
magnification would be appropriate for populated areas such as a  
housing complex. If you are using the scope in a forest with little  
light, increased gain would enable you to see more clearly and a  
longer lens would allow for viewing at a greater distance. Inside  
a building or warehouse a user would want to use an infrared  
illuminator and would probably not need long-range capabilities.  
There are other considerations to be made before choosing  
your Famous Trails product:  
ERGONOMICSIf you will be viewing for a long period of time,  
a lighter product will be more comfortable. Also, where you  
wish to carry your device will make a difference when deciding  
on what size to purchase.  
PRACTICALITYIf you will be using your system on camping  
trips and other places where electricity is unavailable, make  
sure the battery corresponding to that system is easily available  
for purchase.  
PRICEFamous Trails specializes in creating affordable prod-  
ucts for their users, but prices can range from $199 to $10,000.  
Think about how often and in what way you will be using your  
product and thus how much you want to spend. A scope or  
monocular for $2,500 would be a fantastic piece of equipment  
to own, but you could also purchase a high definition system  
that will satisfy all your needs for under $500.  
A Glossary of Night Vision Terms  
ANGLE OF VIEWthe angle (in degrees) of your field of view  
when looking through a device.  
BINOCULARa device that contains two connected sets of  
image intensifiers and optics that share a power source.  
BLACK SPOTSblack spots on an image possibly caused by  
foreign substances on the surface of the lenses or marks within  
the image intensifier.  
BLOOMINGa situation where a part of the projection has been  
overloaded with too much light.  
decrease or shut off power to a product when over-lighting  
occurs, protecting the image intensifier. (Over-exposure to bright  
light sources can decrease the life of your image intensifier)  
Normal viewing will resume within one to two minutes.  
DIOPTERa measurement unit for the refractive power of a  
lens, either for a device or for the human eye.  
DIOPTER ADJUSTMENTan adjustment of a device to a user’s  
eyesight. The range for adjustment is usually plus or minus  
4 Diopters.  
DISTORTIONany variation of the display from the accurate  
reproduction of an image.  
EYE RELIEFthe required distance between a user’s eye and the  
lens of a device to enable a full view of the object. Usually a  
longer eye relief will afford a more comfortable view, especially  
for people who wear glasses.  
FIELD OF VIEWthe measured view a user sees when looking  
through a device standing 1,000 yards away from an object.  
FIXED-PATTERN NOISEa light, immobile pattern seen on a  
viewed image caused by a microchannel plate.  
GAINthe number of times amplification of light by a device  
occurs. Tube gain is amplification taking place exclusively in  
the intensifier tube and it can reach 50,000 times or more. It is  
not as useful a measurement as System gain, which combines  
tube gain, the power supply and optics. System gain can register  
at 1,000 to 15,000.  
GALLIUM ARSENIDE (gaAs)a semiconductor substance used  
in a photocathode of Generation III night vision devices that  
contributes to increased photosensitivity.  
GENERATIONa four-tiered classification of image  
• Generation 0needs an infrared illuminator for operation.  
Operates best in infrared conditions and was designed for  
long-range viewing. Electron acceleration enables gain to be  
• Generation Idoes not need an infrared illuminator for  
operation. Operates best during normal ambient light  
conditions and was designed for many professional and  
home uses. Electron acceleration enables gain to be  
• Generation IIcontains a microchannel plate for increased  
gain. Generation II devices were designed for more difficult  
viewing situations and are mostly used by military or scientific  
Generation IIIcontains a gallium arsenide photocathode  
and a microchannel plate. Generation III devices are  
designed for applications such as special military operations  
due to their high light sensitivity and clear viewing in the  
darkest conditions.  
Trails night vision system that gathers and increases light to show  
a viewable image. See “Generation” for the different image inten-  
sifier designs.  
INFRARED (IR) ILLUMINATORa source of light (such as an  
LED display) that outputs in the near-infrared range (750nm to  
LENS SPEEDthe ratio of the focal length to the diameter of the  
lens. A lower lens speed produces brighter images. (Expressed  
as f number.)  
MICROCHANNEL PLATE (MCP)the component located behind  
the photocathode that increases gain in Generation II and III  
Famous Trails systems by multiplying electrons.  
MONOCULARa device that contains an image intensifier and  
optic set for use with one eye.  
MULTIALKALIa semi conductive substance that coats  
Generation I and Generation II photocathodes.  
NEAR-INFRAREDthe wavelength of light most present at night  
and invisible to the human eye. Its range is between 750nm and  
3um, the lowest in the infrared category. For more information,  
look up “Photonic Spectrum”.  
NOISEalso called video noise or scintillation, it appears as a  
slight sparkling within a Famous Trails image.  
OBJECTIVE LENSsee optics  
OCULARsee optics  
OPTICSthe collective term for all optical parts of a Famous  
Trails system which includes the objective lens and the ocular.  
• The ocular increases projection size of the image.  
• The objective lens gathers ambient light, focusing it onto the  
image intensifier. Can also provide an increase in size of  
image view. Short focal lengths (image size is 5x or less) and  
high-speeds (f2 or faster) are found on the best objective  
lenses. They are coated for the best efficiency in the near-  
infrared bandwidth.  
PHOSPHOR SCREENrenders a visible green image by exhibiting  
fluorescence when impinged by the electron flow in the intensifier  
tube. (The human eye picks up on contrasts in green more easily  
than other colors) The phosphor screen is positioned at the back  
of the intensifier tube.  
PHOTONIC SPECTRUMthe span of electromagnetic energy  
ranging from 0.1mm (x-ray) to 1,000mm (far-infrared). The  
visible range within this span is from 400 to 750nm.  
PHOTOCATHODEa component that changes light (photon  
energy) into electrons (electrical energy) which in turn move with  
increasing speed in the intensifier tube. The objective lenses point  
light on the photoelectric surface of the photocathode, which is  
excited and passes electrons through the intensifier tube.  
PHOTOSENSITIVITYthe measure of the photoelectric  
current from the photocathode per the input light flux from a  
tungsten lamp. It is expressed in microamperes per lumen and  
indicates the photocathode’s sensitivity to light.  
RESOLUTIONhow well an image is rendered and displayed  
by a Famous Trails device. A constant, it can be expressed as the  
maximum number of lines per millimeter (lp/mm) that can be  
distinguished when a white-and-black striped pattern is focused  
on the photocathode. The best resolution in most Famous Trails  
systems is at the center of the view, with blurring towards the edges.  
SCOPEa Famous Trails device with one ocular system.  
SPECTRAL RESPONSEthe numeric range of wavelengths  
in the phototonic spectrum amplifiable by a Famous Trails  
device. While the human eye can see from 400nm to 750nm,  
a Famous Trails system can pick up and amplify wavelengths  
up to 900nm and project an image of the viewed object onto  
its phosphor screen.  
SPECTRUMsee phototonic spectrum  
WAVELENGTHthe distance covered by one cycle of a wave.  
Electromagnetic energy is transmitted in sinusoidal waves.  
Nanometers (nm) and Micrometers (mn) are units of measure  
in the photonic spectrum.  

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