Operaꢀng Manual
Manual number 1.6.1
(Firmware version 7.7 and greater)
This manual explain CuddeLink operaꢀon for all CuddeLink cameras,
CuddeLink Cell, and CuddeLink Home.
For online video training scan QR code
with your cell phone or visit
2. Enable the CL LEVEL menu and wait for a signal level
to appear (- - means no signal, and a number
indicates a signal. If you do not get a signal within 3
or 4 minutes or signal is less than 15 you must move
closer to the HOME camera or closest Remote
3. Set the camera seꢁngs (date, ꢀme, delays, etc.)
4. Deploy and ARM the REMOTE camera
5. Repeat these 4 steps for all your REMOTE cameras
STEP 5. Deploy addiꢀonal REMOTE CAMERAS
1. Repeat Step 4 for all your REMOTE cameras
STEP 6. Read this manual
1. Read this manual for full details on performing the
above steps, and for detailed instrucꢀons.
The difficulty with explaining CuddeLink concepts is it is
easier to use CuddeLink then it is to explain. We
recommend you read this manual twice. Aſter which you
will find setup and deployment very easy.
Online Videos
We also recommend you watch our tutorial videos at
Email Support
Due to the advanced nature of this technology we do not
offer phone support. All support must be via email. Visit
www.cuddeback.com/support/contact to email us and
your quesꢀons will be answered by the engineers and
technicians who designed CuddeLink.
SD Card
Every CuddeLink camera must have an SD card installed.
Any size card from 2GB to 32GB can be used. We
recommend you use name brand quality SD cards.
CuddeLink requires more power than a convenꢀonal trail
use name-brand, from-the-store-new baꢂeries.
This wireless transmission does not have sufficient
bandwidth to send videos. For this reason CuddeLink
does not send videos and video mode is disabled when
CuddeLink is enabled.
What CuddeLink Does
Hunters know the importance and benefits of using
mulꢀple trail cameras. But checking these cameras can
be a ꢀme consuming task that takes away from hunꢀng
ꢀme and pollutes the area with human scent.
Cuddeback’s patent pending CuddeLink eliminates
checking mulꢀple cameras and uꢀlizes 1 camera as an
image depository for up to 15 remote CuddeLink
CuddeLink is a wireless network of cameras that transmit
their images to 1 camera. The image collecꢀon camera is
called the HOME camera, and the transmiꢁng cameras
are called REMOTE cameras.
The cameras can be deployed in any arrangement with
the only requirement being that each camera must be in
radio contact with another camera and have a link back
to Home. Transmission range is highly terrain dependent,
but in a forest a range of over 1/3 mile is common,
allowing for an end-to-end link of over 4 miles. In open
terrain we have tested camera-to-camera transmission to
over 1 mile.
Typical Range
One CuddeLink equipped camera must be the HOME camera.
HOME is the camera that collects images from the REMOTE
What CuddeLink Cell Does
There is 2 cell modes that are automaꢀcally set by the
camera based upon how you use the camera.
CuddeLink Cell Mode
Images from all cameras on a CuddeLink network are sent
to the user’s email address. Only 1 cell service is required
for up to 16 cameras. Cell product sold separately.
Standalone Cell Mode
CuddeLink Cell also operates in
standalone mode where only
images taken by the camera are
sent to the user’s email. This
mode is used when the cell
camera is not part of a CuddeLink
network. Cell product sold
CuddeLink is Cuddeback’s trademark name for
Cuddeback’s network enabled trail cameras.
CL is an abbreviaꢀon for CuddeLink.
Network refers to a collecꢀon of CuddeLink cameras that
are in radio contact with each other.
Home refers to the camera or device that collects all
Remote refers to cameras that transmit images to the
Repeater refers to a device that acts as a relay staꢀon on
a CuddeLink network. The REPEATER does not take
pictures, it only transmits images from one node to the
next node.
Node is a general name for any home, remote and
repeater on the network.
Chain is 2 or more cameras that are linked together via
the CuddeLink network.
Link is 1 connecꢀon from 1 camera to the next camera.
High Resoluꢀon Image is the full size image recorded by
the camera. These images are always saved on the
camera’s SD card.
Thumbnail Image is a compressed image that is much
smaller than the original image taken by the camera.
These are the images transferred to Home. The full
resoluꢀon image is available on the Remote camera so
you do have access to it if needed.
Geꢂng Started with CuddeLink
All CuddeLink cameras must have an SD card installed.
The HOME camera saves the images it records & images
from the Remotes cameras on the SD card. We
recommend a 4 or 8GB card. A 4 GB card will hold 10s of
thousands of CuddeLink images.
The REMOTE cameras saves high resoluꢀon images on the
SD card and saves a thumbnail image in a TX_QUEUE
where they are queued for transmission to HOME. A 2GB
card or bigger should be used.
This guide assumes you know how to navigate the
camera’s user interface. All the seꢁngs explained in this
secꢀon are in the LINKMENU item. To access the
LINKMENU press MODE unꢀl COMMANDS is selected,
then press MORE unꢀl LINKMENU appears, then press
Press MODE then press
Set up HOME camera
Set the normal camera parameters as explained in the
camera’s manual. Date, ꢀme, camera delays, etc.
Set CL MODE to HOME by pressing UP as needed.
Press UP or DOWN to
select Home
Aſter CL MODE is set to HOME, press MORE to conꢀnue.
Set CL LOC to 001. This is a Locaꢀon ID number used to
idenꢀfy each camera. We recommend HOME always be
set to 001.
Press UP to set CL LOC to 001
Skip over CL INFO by pressing MORE
Set CL CHAN to any number. You can leave this at 1 but
we recommend you change this. Pick any channel, but
remember what you selected as all cameras must be set
to the same channel.
Set CL CHAN to any number
That is all you need to do. The HOME camera is now
setup properly. Deploy and ARM the Home camera
(Press MODE unꢀl ARM is selected).
Note—the Home camera must be armed for the CuddeLink network
to funcꢀon.
Set up the REMOTE camera
Set the normal camera parameters as explained in the
camera’s manual. Date, ꢀme, camera delays, etc.
Set CL MODE to REMOTE then press MORE.
Press UP or DOWN to
select Home
Set CL LOC to 002. IMPORTANT – all cameras should
have a unique CL LOC (locaꢀon) number. We
recommend you set Home to 1 and set remotes as 2, 3, 4
and so on.
Press UP to set CL LOC to
Set CL CHAN to the same channel you set on the HOME
camera. IMPORTANT – all cameras must be set to the
same channel.
Set CL CHAN to same
channel as HOME
Leave CL DELAY and CL COUNT in the default seꢁngs of
CL DELAY 5 and CL COUNT 250.
Leave these set to
Press MORE to view CL LEVEL and observe the display. At
first - - - - will be displayed to indicate no signal. Aſter a
minute or 2 a number will appear that represents the
signal strength. If the strength is displayed you can ARM
and deploy the camera.
Signal will be displayed as GOOD or WEAK. Dashes indicate no signal is received.
If a signal is not displayed within a few minutes you may
be too far from the HOME camera, or HOME may not be
IMPORTANT – CuddeLink transmission distance varies with terrain
and distance and can be from 2/10 of a mile to over a mile. Typical
range in a forest is 1/4 mile. You must use CL LEVEL to verify you
have a signal before you deploy a remote camera.
Aſter a signal is received you must ARM the camera
before deploying addiꢀonal remote cameras. (Press
MODE unꢀl ARM is selected).
Conꢀnue to deploy all your Remote cameras in a similar
manner. When deploying a Remote it is good pracꢀce to
enable CL LEVEL while next to a Home or Remote camera
that has been successfully deployed and armed. When a
CL LEVEL appears on the camera begin moving to the
new locaꢀon. This method makes it easy to monitor the
connecꢀon status as you move about.
CL INFO. It is good pracꢀce to verify that all your cameras
connect to Home. Aſter deploying your remotes you
should return to the Home camera and use CL INFO.
Acꢀvate the LINKMENU as previously explained, then
press MORE unꢀl CL INFO. The first CL INFO display will
show CL INFO and the number of cameras on the
These 2 displays will
network. From the main CL INFO display press UP and the
status of the first camera will be displayed. Conꢀnue to
press UP to display the status of each camera.
Note - depending upon how many cameras you deployed it may take
several hours for the CL INFO to update. If all Remotes are not shown
you should wait a few hours and check again. If a camera fails to
display see the Troubleshooꢀng secꢀon of this manual.
1st Screen
2nd Screen
1st node is HOME with CL
LOC 001. Baꢂery is OK.
01 / HOME
001 OK
2nd node is a remote
camera with CL LOC 005,
baꢂery OK.
02 / CAM
03 / CAM
005 OK
003 LO
3rd node is a remote
camera with CL LOC 003,
baꢂery LO.
Note—CL INFO is also available in the ARMED INFO menu
which is accessed by pressing MORE, UP, or DOWN when the
camera is armed. See camera’s operaꢀng manual for details.
Checking the HOME camera
Checking the CuddeLink HOME camera is similar to
checking a convenꢀonal trail camera.
Press UP to put the camera into Armed-Info mode.
DO NOT turn off the camera!
If you conꢀnue to press UP status of the Home
camera will be displayed.
Remove the SD card and use your normal image
viewing method.
On the SD card is folder named \\DCIM\400CUDDY.
Within this folder are images from the CuddeLink remote
cameras. If you used a unique CL LOC then each remote
camera’s images will be in a different folder within the
400CUDDY folder.
The images taken with the HOME camera are in the
\\DCIM\100CUDDY folder.
Above - Contents of Home SD card. Images from Remote
cameras are in the LOC__### folders.
The LINKMENU items will differ depending upon if a
camera is configured as a HOME, REPEATER or REMOTE.
Home Menu Items
One camera must be set to HOME. All other
cameras must be REMOTE or REPEATER.
This assigns a LOCATION ID to each camera.
Assign each camera a unique idenꢀficaꢀon
000 thru 999
Every camera on the network must be set to
the same channel.
CL CHAN 1 thru 16
Displays status informaꢀon for each remote
camera that is connected. Press UP or
DOWN to cycle thru the cameras.
Not applicable
Repeater Menu Items
One camera must be set to HOME. All other
cameras must be REMOTE or REPEATER.
This assigns a LOCATION ID to each camera.
Assign each camera a unique idenꢀficaꢀon
000 thru 999
Every camera on the network must be set to
the same channel.
CL CHAN 1 thru 16
Signal strength Use this to verify the camera is on the
- - - - to 99
network and how strong the signal is.
Remote Menu Items
One camera must be set to HOME. All
other cameras must be REMOTE or
This assigns a LOCATION ID to each camera.
Assign each camera a unique idenꢀficaꢀon
000 thru 999
1 thru 16
Every camera on the network must be set
to the same channel.
Sets the maximum number of images that
will be queued to send. Deletes the oldest
images to make room for the newest.
ALL, 25, 50, 100,
Use this to verify the camera is on the
network and how strong the signal is.
Signal strength
- - to 99
Press UP and all images queued to transmit
will be erased.
CL CLEAR Not Applicable
Cauꢀon! Make absolutely sure of the following:
1. All your cameras* are set to the same CL CHAN
2. Each camera has a unique CL LOC number
3. You have a CL LEVEL when you deploy a remote or
* Cameras also refers to Repeaters and Home Plus
CL MODE sets the camera’s CuddeLink mode. Choices
DOWN to select, then press MORE to conꢀnue
programming addiꢀonal CuddeLink seꢁngs.
OFF – use this if you do not want this camera to be part
of a CuddeLink network. The CuddeLink radio will be
HOME – Set Home on the camera that collects images.
Only 1 camera can be set to HOME.
REMOTE – Set Remote on the cameras that take pictures
and transmit the pictures to the HOME camera.
REPEATER – use this when you need a repeater to
transmit images, but you do not want the camera to
record images. Refer to REPEATER secꢀon laꢂer in this
CL LOC (LOCATION) assigns a unique number to each
camera on the network. We strongly recommend each
camera has a unique number. Refer to secꢀon CAMERA
NAMING for our recommendaꢀons on how to use this
CL CHAN (CHANNEL) sets the radio frequency the
cameras use to transmit images. All cameras on your
network must be set to the same channel. CuddeLink
has 16 available channels numbered 1 thru 16. You can
choose any number you like, but do not choose a
channel number used by another network in the
immediate area.
Neighbors. If an adjacent land owner is using CuddeLink
you must be on different channels. To determine if a
neighbor is using CuddeLink turn off your Home camera
and use the RF LEVEL on a Remote camera to listen for
radio traffic. If a numerical signal is displayed you must
select a different channel. With 16 channels available
you should be able to find a clear channel.
More than 16 cameras. A single CuddeLink network is
limited to 16 cameras. If you require more than 16
cameras you can deploy addiꢀonal networks. Each
network must be assigned a unique CL CHANNEL.
CL LEVEL (Remote only). CL LEVEL is a signal strength
meter. The range is 10 (poor) to 99 (best). A level
above 20 is sufficient for reliable image transmission.
We have successfully deployed networks with signal
level as low as 10, however, for best performance try to
keep the levels at 20 and above.
A display of - - - - indicates no signal is received.
It may take up to 2 minutes for the CL LEVEL to
detect a signal. If a signal is not received within a
few minutes you must move closer to the nearest
acꢀve camera.
It is good pracꢀce to enable CL LEVEL while next to a
deployed camera and then move away from that
camera with the CL LEVEL displayed. This allows you
to monitor the level as you move further from the
deployed camera.
CL LEVEL will vary and you may see the level
fluctuate as you are observing and from day to day.
If a signal cannot be received you will need to move
closer to a connected camera. If you never receive a
signal verify the HOME camera is ARMed and the CL
CHAN is set to the same number on all cameras.
CL INFO (Home only) displays the status of nodes on the
CuddeLink network. This was previously discussed in the
Geꢂng Started secꢀon.
CL INFO file. A detailed status report is available on the
Home camera’s SD card. Click the file Cuddelink.html in
the DCIM\400CUDDY folder. Your computer’s web
browser will display a report that shows detailed status of
all cameras on the network.
Look for red & yellow ! symbols on the chart. Those are warnings for
signal strength, baꢁery or SD card potenꢀal issues. Calculaꢀng…
indicates that the signal level is not known yet. Links indicates how
many other cameras the images route to get Home.
Camera Naming: using CL LOC & CAM ID
Keeping track of the physical locaꢀon and images from
15 remote cameras is not easy. CuddeLink has 2 features
to simplify camera/image management.
CL LOC. You probably do not want images from 15
cameras saved in one folder on your SD card. The Home
camera saves the images from each camera in unique
folders based upon the remote camera’s CL LOC seꢁng.
We recommend you assign each remote camera a
unique CL LOC number which will determine where
images are saved on the HOME camera’s SD card. For
DCIM/400CUDDY/LOC__001 this is the folder where
images from camera CL LOC 001 are saved.
DCIM/400CUDDY/LOC__002 this is the folder where
images from camera CL LOC 002 are saved.
DCIM/400CUDDY/LOC__003 this is the folder where
images from camera CL LOC 003 are saved.
(Visit CuddeLink.com Learn secꢀon for using CL LOC to
idenꢀfy remote cameras when you move them).
CAM ID. With 15 remote cameras it can be difficult to
determine where an image was taken. We recommend
you use CAM ID to define the locaꢀon of the camera as
this will make it easy for you to determine where the
images were taken. Each ꢀme you move the camera you
should assign a new CAM ID that defines the new
locaꢀon. Some examples of names that we have used
printed on the image and makes it easy to determine
where an image was taken.
See the camera’s operaꢀng manual for instrucꢀons on
how to set CAM ID.
Understanding Transmission Range
The CL LEVEL command is a signal strength meter you use
to verify radio recepꢀon. The range is - - - - to 99 with
descripꢀve words to simplify the meaning. A signal of
GOOD is sufficient to assure image transmission. It is ok
to have a signal of POOR, but we recommend you try to
not use POOR unless at the end of a chain.
We recommend using a map based GPS or online aerial
photos to help deploy cameras. A map will allow you to
check distance between cameras and observe actual
arrangement of cameras.
Note – Google My Maps is an excellent tool to manage
camera locaꢀon. My Maps uses aerial photos and allows
you to place pins where cameras are located and measure
the distance between cameras. Use your web browser
and search for Google My Maps for more informaꢀon.
We have successfully tested transmission to nearly ½ mile
in heavy forest and to over 2 miles in open terrain. Trees,
foliage, elevaꢀon, terrain, hills, even humidity can affect
transmission range. You will need to experiment and use
your GPS, maps, and the CL LEVEL to determine opꢀmum
Note—transmission range is not predictable and can
only be determined by field deploying cameras.
If you discover that your cameras are too far apart to
connect you will be required to insert another camera or
repeater in-between to connect these cameras.
REPEATER. Throughout this manual we menꢀon using a
Repeater to extend transmission range. There are 2
products which can be used as a repeater.
Use a CuddeLink camera in Repeater Mode. Set CL
Use the CuddeLink Home Plus in the Repeater Mode.
The advantage of this is that it is lower cost than using
a camera. See CuddeLink.com for informaꢀon on the
CuddeLink Home Plus.
Use a repeater to extend range. A repeater is the
best way to transmit over a hill or ridge.
Network Backbone. Deploy REPEATERS on your property
to establish a highway-type network that your CuddeLink
cameras connect to. You would place the Repeaters in
strategic and permanent locaꢀons. Then you can move
the remote cameras without breaking connecꢀons.
Use cameras or repeaters to create a Network Backbone. A Backbone allows
cameras to be moved without breaking links to other remote cameras
Mulꢀple networks can be used to localize cameras. For
example, say you have a large piece of property which
would require too many cameras to connect end to end.
Break the property into smaller areas and deploy a
network in each area. You will be required to check
mulꢀple cameras, but far less than if you had to check all
the cameras.
On large properꢀes you can deploy mulꢀple networks.
If you require more then 15 remote cameras you can deploy 2
networks on different channels. The Home cameras can be near
each other.
Moving a Remote
Moving a REMOTE camera can disrupt or break your
network. Think of your network as a chain of links and
you can see that removing one link may break the chain.
This means you need to take precauꢀons when moving
cameras to assure your network remains funcꢀoning.
By moving remote R2 the connecꢀon to R3 was broken.
To move a camera we recommend this process:
Disarm the camera you want to move and enable CL LEVEL.
Move the camera to the new locaꢀon and verify CL LEVEL is
Moving the camera may have broken links to other
cameras. If you think a link may have been broken you
must visit the other cameras to verify their CL LEVEL.
Network Control – Overview
If you have 8 or less cameras on the network these
seꢁng are probably not important and you can leave
them in the default seꢁng. These seꢁngs may only
need to be adjusted if you are taking more than 500
images per day or your images are taking longer than
desired to get Home.
This informaꢀon can be confusing for first ꢀme users. You may
want to use the default CL COUNT seꢂng for the first few
weeks and then review this secꢀon aſter you have spent ꢀme
using CuddeLink.
Background. The CuddeLink network, like all wireless
networks, has limits to how much data can be
transmiꢂed in a specific amount of ꢀme. Think of the
CuddeLink network as highway where only so much
traffic can pass in a given amount of ꢀme and the more
traffic on the highway the slower it moves and the longer
it takes to reach a desꢀnaꢀon. Your cameras can send all
the images they record, but this can create a traffic jam
of images that will require more ꢀme to transfer HOME.
The daily network limit is about 24MB (about 1000
images). If you deploy 5 cameras this averages to 200
images per camera per day. For 10 cameras the average
is 100 images per day per camera. Actual throughput will
vary with network setup and image size.
When a camera records an image the full size image is
placed on the SD card, and a compressed image is placed
into a transmission outbox where the image waits its turn
to transmit home. Cameras can queue up 100s or even
1000s of images that will eventually be transmiꢂed
However, sending all images is not necessarily best. The
network of cameras may record more images then can be
transmiꢂed in a reasonable amount of ꢀme, resulꢀng in
hours or even days for an image to get transmiꢂed home.
You will want to control how much image traffic you put
on your CuddeLink network. The CL COUNT seꢁng
controls the number of images a remote camera send
Note – all images the camera records are saved on the
remote camera’s SD card. This discussion only applies to
images transmiꢁed to the HOME camera.
Remotes can take more images than can be sent Home
in a reasonable amount of ꢀme. In the example above
all cameras are taking 100 or more images per day
which exceeds the capacity of the network.
Network Control - CL COUNT (Remote only)
CL COUNT allows you to set a maximum number of
images that the camera can place in its transmit outbox.
Think of this as a safety net to prevent overloading the
network and assures you get the most recent images in a
ꢀmely manner. Available seꢁngs are ALL, 25, 50, 100,
250, 500. Once this limit is reached the oldest images are
removed from the outbox to make room for newer
Remote cameras
place images in an
outbox to wait to
be transmiꢁed
home. If the
outbox is full the
oldest image is
deleted to make
room for the
newest. The size
of the outbox is
set by CL COUNT.
For example: Say a nuisance animal stops in front of your
camera and the camera records 200 images of the
nuisance animal. Then the animal leaves and the camera
begins capturing deer as they walk past the camera. The
camera will first send all the images of the nuisance
animal and the images of the deer will have to wait.
Depending upon the other cameras on the network, this
could require many hours before the newer images are
sent home. However, if you set CL COUNT to 50 or 100,
you are assured that your camera’s image outbox will
not get overloaded with excessive images.
Recommendaꢀon – we recommend using the formula
1000 divided by the number of cameras. For example, if
you have 10 cameras deployed, then 1000/10 = 100. Set
CL COUNT to 100 on all cameras. An advantage of this
feature is that you can reduce the CL Delay to as low as 5
seconds and not be concerned that a camera will
overload the network because CL Count will control the
number of images queued for transmission and assure
the most recent images are prioriꢀzed.
Don’t get greedy trying to send all REMOTE images to
the HOME. Doing so can overload the network and limit
how fast images get Home..
The most common issues are:
Cameras not connecꢀng to Home or other Remotes
Images not geꢁng home
Cameras not displayed on CL INFO or status report
All of these problems are the result of a camera not
connecꢀng to the network or having intermiꢂent
connecꢀon problems. To solve these issues:
1. Verify baꢂeries in ALL cameras are good.
2. Verify the CL LEVEL on all cameras.
3. Make sure all cameras have an SD card installed.
For addiꢀonal troubleshooꢀng and support visit our
support website.
For support scan QR code with your cell phone or visit
FCC Noꢀce
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operaꢀon is
subject to the following two condiꢀons: (1) this device may not
cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operaꢀon.
Changes or modificaꢀons not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate
the equipment. This equipment has been tested and found to
comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15
of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protecꢀon against harmful interference in a residenꢀal installaꢀon.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instrucꢀons, may cause harmful interference to radio
communicaꢀons. However, there is no guarantee that interference
will not occur in a parꢀcular installaꢀon. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television recepꢀon, which
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separaꢀon between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that
to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
IC Noꢀce
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS
standard(s). Operaꢀon is subject to the following two condiꢀons: (1)
this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference, including interference that may cause
undesired operaꢀon of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada
applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitaꢀon est
autorisée aux deux condiꢀons suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas
produire de brouillage, et (2) l'uꢀlisateur de l'appareil doit accepter
tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est
suscepꢀble d'en compromeꢂre le foncꢀonnement.