Ohlins 07235 01a5lP65 User Manual

Cannondale P/N 951-6001126  
Safety signals  
Important information concerning safety is  
distinguished in this manual by the  
following notations:  
All of Öhlins advanced suspension products are  
adepted to the brand and model. This means that  
length, travel springaction and damping charac-  
teristics, are tested individually just for the vehi-  
cle that you have decided to fit with Öhlins sus-  
1. Installing a shock absorber, that is not  
approved by the vehicle manufacturer, may  
affect the stability of your vehicle. Öhlins  
Racing AB cannot be held responsible for  
any personal injury or damage whatsoever  
that may occur after fitting the shock  
absorber. Contact an Öhlins dealer or other  
qualified person for advice.  
The Safety alert symbol means:  
Caution! Your safety is involved.  
Before installation  
2. Please study and make certain that you  
fully understand all the mounting instructions  
and the owners manuals before handling this  
shock absorber kit. If you have any questions  
regarding proper installation procedures,  
contact an Öhlins dealer or other qualified  
Öhlins Racing AB can not be held responsible for  
any damage whatsoever to shock absorber or  
vehicle, or injury to persons, if the instructions for  
fitting and maintenance are not followed exactly.  
Similarly, the warranty will become null and void  
if the instructions are not adhered to.  
Failure to follow warning instructions  
could result in severe or fatal injury  
to anyone working with, inspecting or  
using the suspension, or to bystanders.  
Caution indicates that special pre-  
cautions must be taken to avoid dam-  
age to the suspension.  
3. The vehicle service manual must be  
referred to when installing the Öhlins shock  
Saftey signals ................................................ 2  
Tuning the suspension ................................... 3  
Design ........................................................... 3  
Function ........................................................ 4  
Compression damping ................................ 4  
Rebound damping ....................................... 4  
Settings ......................................................... 5  
Preload adjustment ....................................... 6  
Setting the damping ...................................... 7  
Setting your vehicle: ...................................... 7  
Start with rebound damping ........................ 8  
Compression damping ................................ 8  
Inspection and maintenance ......................... 9  
This indicates information that is of  
importance with regard to procedures.  
Öhlins products are subject to continual improve-  
ment and development. Consequently, although  
these instructions include the most up-to-date  
information available at the time of printing, there  
may be minor differences between your suspen-  
sion and this manual. Please consult your Öhlins  
dealer if you have any questions with regard to  
the contents of the manual.  
© Öhlins Racing AB.  
All rights reserved.  
Any reprinting or unauthorized use  
without the written permission of  
Öhlins Racing AB is prohibited.  
Printed in Sweden.  
Shock absorber position  
Gas and  
Shock absorber  
1. External reservoir with hose connection  
2. External piggyback reservoir  
3. Internal gas reservoir  
4. Emulsion shock absorber  
Tuning the suspension  
is controlled accordingly. The shock absorbing  
effect is therefore independent of the tempera-  
gas and the fluid are kept apart by a separating ture.  
Öhlins shock absorbers provide the possibility  
separate fluid reservoir, connected by hose (Fig.1) for adjustment, making them adaptable to most  
or fixed direct on top of the shock absorber (Fig.2) vehicles, drivers and ranges of use. All of the  
Most of Öhlins suspensions are of the De Carbon  
type. The fluid is put under gas pressure and the  
Road holding qualities  
All vehicles are designed with a suspension ge-  
ometry that includes wheel movements and an-  
gles. The changing of components can affect this  
and it is therefore essential that both the rear and  
the front ends match each other.  
piston. The separating piston is often fitted in a  
shock absorbers, equipped with springs, have  
Changing to Öhlins suspension gives optimum  
performance only when both the front and the  
rear suspension interact properly. It is of greatest  
importance that the front and rear loaded height  
(ride height sag) are within the specified values  
in the Mounting instructions.  
There are also models where the separating adjustable preloading of the spring action. The  
piston is fitted inside the main shock absorber (Fig.3) more advanced models permit individual adjust-  
(internal gas reservoir). Öhlins even manufacture a ment of compression damping and rebound  
small number of emulsion shock absorbers that do damping.  
not have a separating piston (Fig.4).  
Pressurization of the fluid is made with nitrogen.  
The pressurization prevents cavitation of the fluid  
and the shock absorbing action is therefore more  
even. The external fluid reservoirs also contribute  
to better cooling of the fluid, giving longer service  
life to both the fluid and components.  
Öhlins shock absorbers have integrated  
temperature compensation. As the temperature  
increases and the fluid flows more easily the flow  
All vehicles are designed with a suspension  
geometry that includes wheel movements and  
angles. The changing of components can affect  
this and it is therefore essential that both the rear  
and the front ends match each other. Changing to  
Öhlins suspension gives optimum performance  
only when both the front and the rear suspension  
interact properly.  
Compression flow Rebound flow  
Stop washer  
Shims stack  
7. Shim stack  
5. Flow through  
needle valve  
6. Flow through piston  
8. Shim stack  
Compression damping  
Rebound damping  
The function, in principle, is that fluid is forced  
through needle valves at a low rate of flow (Fig.5)  
When movement of the vehicle causes compres- When the spring presses the shock absorber out  
and through a number of apertures in the piston sion in the shock absorber, the fluid flows through again, the fluid flows back through the needle  
at a high rate of flow (Fig.6). The flow through these the needle valve (combined compression and return valve in the piston rod. The fluid flowing into the  
apertures is regulated by shims (thin steel wash- valve) in the piston rod. If velocity of the piston is chamber is forced by the pressure of the gas back  
ers) that at high pressure are deflected to open for high, ie, in the case of rapid compression, this will into the shock absorber via a separate non return  
the fluid (Fig.7). On some models the needle valves not be sufficient and consequently the shims valve. If velocity of the piston is high, the shims  
can be set individually (illustration).  
By altering the size of the shims-stack (ie, rate of flow.  
underneath the piston will open to allow a greater on top of the piston will also open to allow the  
fluid to flow though.  
number, thickness, diameter) (Fig.8) the  
The fluid that is displaced by the volume of the  
characteristics of the damping action can be varied piston rod is forced into the external fluid chamber  
(this shall only be done by Öhlins authorized via a separate compression valve. Even this valve  
service workshops).  
is fitted with shims that open at high piston  
velocity. The separating piston is displaced, thus  
increasing the gas pressure.  
9. Adjustment possibilities  
10. ATV, steering by sliding  
Steering by  
sliding rear end  
Normal vehical  
steering by  
turning the  
front wheels in  
the intended  
As an ATV has a rear axle without differential it is Therefore it is extremely hard to recommend  
forced to turn mostly by sliding (Fig.10). There- specific settings. The best recommendation is to  
Basic settings  
Always ensure that the basic setting made by  
Öhlins is correct. It is adapted to the specific make fore excessively good road holding capabilities proceed by trial and error.  
and model (in its original state) and for a rider of is undesirable. The rear end must be able to eas-  
However, good understanding of suspension  
ily break loose to slide and the front wheels must design and function will give you the best chance  
not have too sharp turning radius, as this could to take advantage of the adjustment possibilities.  
cause the ATV to flip over. This is why we only give basic and simple advice  
The tires are also a very important factor to the on how to set the dampers/shock absorber.  
ATV's road holding capabilities. Pattern, sidewall Read the manual carefully and start your work.  
average weight.  
These adjustments are made to  
optimize the suspension: (Fig.9)  
1. SPRING PRELOAD is when you adjust the  
spring to match your body weight and weight  
of your equipment.  
flexibility and air pressure affects these characteris- The Öhlins shock absorber will give you all possibili-  
tics. Changing the dimensions of A-arms, swing ties for fine adjustment to fit you personal desire.  
arm and linkage will also affect the vehicle's  
Because of this it is vital that the suspension is  
adjustable. Any change of components will  
demand different settings.  
To complicate the situation, the technique and  
skill of the driver will affect the perfomance of  
the machine.  
2. COMPRESSION DAMPING controls how fast  
the shock absorber compresses when you hit  
a bump.  
1. ATVs are extremly depending on which kind of  
tires are beeing used. Soft versus hard tires can  
completely alter the road holding abilities. The  
suspension must be tuned in after each change  
of tires.  
3. REBOUND DAMPING controls how fast the  
shock absorber returns to its normal position  
after it has been compressed.  
2. Every change in suspension geometry, i e  
change of a-arms etc, must be followed by new  
settings of the shock absorbers.  
11. Measuring of ride height sag  
Preload Adjustment  
Setting the spring preload,  
Rear end  
Front end  
adjusting procedures:  
1. Lift the rear wheels up off the ground.  
Use the same procedure to measure the sag for  
the front end. Adjust the spring preload to  
recommended settings.  
By turning the rings on the shock absorber body  
you can adjust the springs tension to suit your  
weight. Hold the upper ring and adjust the lower  
one to the desired position. Then lock with the  
upper ring. To make this adjustment properly you  
must measure the ride height sag (Fig.11).  
2. With the wheels off the ground, measure the dis-  
tance from the top center of the rear axle to a  
point straight above it on the frame of the ATV. (A)  
3. Wear all your riding gear. Sit on the seat with  
your feet on the pegs in correct riding posi-  
tion. Have someone to repeat the measuring  
procedure (B). The difference between the first  
and the second measurement ride height sag  
Preload on the spring/springs is very important,  
because it affects the height of the vehicle and  
the wheel angles. Consequently, road holding  
characteristics can be changed, even negatively.  
4. Adjust your spring preload so that your ride  
height sag is within the limits below or are  
according to the recommended settings in  
your Mounting instructions.  
For very light or very heavy drivers, spring change  
may be needed to receive correct spring preload.  
= more damping  
= less damping  
12. Rebound damper adjuster  
13. Compression damping adjusters  
Setting the damping  
Setting your vehicle  
The adjusting possibilities of the advanced Öhlins  
shock absorbers facilitate fine setting. You can  
optimize adjustments to suit your own vehicles  
weight and equipment, your individual way of  
driving and the condition of the road. To be able  
to improve the road holding qualities it is of the  
utmost importance that you fully understand the  
functioning of the shock absorbers. Then you can  
learn by trial and error how they affect the vehicle.  
Depending on the model there are adjustments  
for rebound damping and compression damping.  
They have a normal right-hand thread. By turn-  
ing clockwise they increase the damping action  
and counterclockwise they reduce it, see illus-  
trations above. The knobs has definite positions  
with a noticeable “click”, so it is easy to count to  
the right setting.  
located at the bottom on the piston rod (Fig.12).  
It can be adjusted in about 40 steps.  
Compression damping is set with a knob or a  
screw on top of the external reservoir (Fig.13).  
This can be adjusted in about 25 steps.  
Always begin with the basic settings recommended  
by Öhlins. Always make notes, adjust in small steps  
and make only one adjustment at a time.  
Adjustments should be made in small steps (few  
clicks) at a time.  
When making new adjustments it is easiest to go  
fully closed and then count forward to the new  
setting. The adjusting knobs should not be turned  
in too hard. Use fingers only when possible. The  
adjustment should be made when the shock  
absorber is cold.  
By utilizing the adjustment possibilities you can  
test by trial and error, and learn how they affect  
your vehicle.  
Always begin by test driving with all adjustments  
at their basic setting. Choose a short run of varying  
character, ie, long and sharp bends, hard and soft  
bumps. Keep to the same run and make only one  
adjustment at a time.  
If no “click” is felt, the shock absorber must be  
inspected by an authorized service workshop. It  
could be due to incorrect or lack of gas pressure.  
Rebound damping action affects the charac-  
teristics of the vehicle most. The setting knob is  
14. Rebound damping  
15. Compression damping  
• Unstable  
• Loose  
• Hard  
• Bumpy  
• Soft  
• Low  
• Harsh  
• Hard  
• Bouncy  
• Bottom  
Start with the rebound damping (Fig.14)  
Compression damping (Fig.15)  
If the vehicle feels unstable, loose and rather bouncy If the vehicle feels soft, has low riding position  
then the rebound damping should be increased. and a tendency to bottom easily in long dips then  
Begin by turning the adjusting knob 4 steps (clicks) the compression damping should be increased.  
clockwise, according to page 7. Test run again and Screw clockwise 4 steps and test run again. If  
adjust two steps back if it feels too hard and bumpy. this was too much then turn back two steps  
If the vehicle is hard and bumpy, especially over a (counter-clockwise).  
Ensure that the springs are properly preloaded be-  
fore attempting to make any adjustments. A simple  
rule is that increased preload of the spring should  
be followed by an increase of rebound damping.  
series of bumps, then the rebound damping should  
If the vehicle feels harsh and has hard resil-  
When you feel that you have achieved an im-  
provement, go back to where you started and  
check once more. Be observant of other relevant  
factors such as tires, temperature, etc. Test run  
to make sure whether further fine adjustment  
should be made.  
be reduced. Turn counter-clockwise 4 steps, test ience, e.g., over changes in the riding surface,  
run and make any necessary correction by 2 steps. then the compression damping must be reduced.  
Turn anticlockwise 4 steps. Test run and make  
any necessary correction to two steps.  
When you have sufficient feel of the vehicle  
then you can make further fine adjustments. It is  
feeling and experience that counts.  
Never alter gas pressure. Special purpose charg-  
ing equipment and access to a nitrogen source  
is required. The gas pressure should normally  
never be altered.  
16. Lift the bump rubber  
and clean the area below.  
17. Inspection points:  
Inspection and maintenance  
Clean the shock absorbers externally with a soft  
detergent . Use compressed air . Be careful that  
all dirt and debris is removed.  
Lift the bump rubber and clean the area below  
Keep the shock absorbers clean and always  
spray them with oil (QS 14, WD40 or CRC 5-56  
or similar) after washing the vehicle.  
Inspection points: (Fig.17)  
1. Check ball joints for possible excessive play.  
Recommended inspection and  
maintenance intervals:  
2. Check the piston shaft for leakage and damage.  
Normal use  
Race track  
2 - 3 times a year  
Every ten hours  
3. Check the shock absorber body and for  
external damages.  
4. Check the external reservoir for damages that  
can restrict the floating piston from moving freely.  
Once a year, general:  
Change shock absorber oil.  
Use Öhlins shock absorber oil only.  
5. Excessive wear of rubber components  
Never use detergents that can damage the sur-  
faces of the shock absorber. Use of thinner and  
brake cleaner will dry the surfaces too much..  
6. Fastening to the vehicle  
Preventive maintenance and regular inspection  
reduces the risk of functional disturbance. If there  
is any need for additional service, please get in  
touch with an authorised Öhlins service workshop.  
There they have the necessary tools and know-  
how for whatever you need.  
Make certain that your shock absorber are always  
filled with Öhlins High performance shock ab-  
sorber oil  
Product guide  
Shock absorber type  
Adjustment features Steering dampers  
Front fork springs  
Road & Track, MX & Enduro  
Road & Track  
36, 46  
Piston diameter in mm.  
Adjustable compression  
Emulsion type of shock  
Adjuster wheel on the  
De Carbon type of shock  
absorber with internal res-  
ervoir in the main body.  
Adjustable rebound damp-  
Adjuster wheel on the piston  
shaft above the end eye.  
Spring preload  
De Carbon type of shock  
absorber with external  
”piggy back” reservoir.  
Front forks  
Hose mounted hydraulic  
MX & Enduro, Road & Track  
Superbike & RR  
Road & Track kits  
spring preload adjuster.  
De Carbon type of shock  
Adjuster wheel on the hose.  
mounted external reservoir.  
Integrated hydraulic spring  
preload adjuster.  
Spring preload  
Shock absorber delivered  
without spring.  
Adjuster wheel on the  
Emulsion type of shock  
absorber for cruiser bikes.  
Adjustable length.  
Adjuster nuts above the  
end eye.  
Progressive damping shock  
Front fork fluids  
MX & Enduro  
absorber with two pistons.  
Road & Track, MX & Enduro  
Your shock absorber may look differ-  
ent from the once pictured.  
Spring preload  
On type 46P the compression ad-  
justment knob sometimes is a screw.  
The reservoir could be angled to fit  
your bike and a horizontal reservoir  
is used on some models.  
Öhlins Racing AB, Box 722, S-194 27 Upplands Väsby, Sweden.  
Phone +46 8 590 025 00, fax +46 8 590 025 80.  

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