Mpc Atd Actuator 50 Atd 313186 User Manual

ATD Actuator®  
Automatic Door Drive  
Model 50 ATD-313186  
Operating and Installation Instructions  
Milwaukee Protective Covers  
2300 South Calhoun Road  
New Berlin, WI 53151  
Phone: 414-906-4000  
Fax: 414-906-4100  
© 1998 Milwaukee Protective Covers  
ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
Operation...................................................................... 19  
11.1 Calibration Run............................................................ 19  
11.2 Door Movements......................................................... 20  
11.3 Reversing Motion........................................................ 20  
Memory and System Layout...................................... 21  
Technical Data.............................................................. 22  
Electrical Wiring Diagram........................................... 24  
Physical Dimensions................................................... 25  
Trouble Shooting Guide......................................... 26  
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ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
1 Explanation of symbols  
This symbol warns of general hazards and of possible damage to the equipment.  
This symbol warns of dangerous electrical voltages or current  
2 General Safety Instructions  
Before beginning installation or start-up, read and follow these  
instructions. Damage to the unit and personal injury may result  
from not following these instructions.  
Keep fingers away from all moving parts. Be especially careful to install guards or shield  
to protect personnel from the moving drive belt and pulleys.  
Be sure the electrical power is disconnected and locked-out when working  
on the ATD 50 Actuator®.  
Install the electrical cables and power only after the mechanical installation of the  
Turn on the power to the ATD 50 Actuator® only after all internal cables are  
connected. Do not connect cables while the unit is powered.  
Always use the correct tools for installation and repair.  
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ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
2.1 Correct Use  
The ATD 50 Actuator® is designed for operating automatic doors on machine tools  
and industrial equipment. It is intended to automatically open and close doors,  
detect obstructions, and hold the door when closed. Vertical doors must be  
installed using a counter-weight system since the ATD 50 Actuator® is not intended  
to lift or hold the weight of a door.  
Any other use for the ATD 50 Actuator® is the judgement and risk of the installer.  
The brake on the ATD 50 Actuator® is intended to help prevent  
accidental opening of the door. The brake is not an absolute  
positive lock and can be overcome by a strong pull of the door.  
The machine designer and/or installer must decide if additional  
positive latches are required to insure proper machine safety.  
Use the ATD 50 Actuator® system only when it is operating properly and as  
designed. Any problems or malfunctions should be repaired immediately. The  
safety systems of the ATD 50 Actuator® unit depend upon correct operation.  
2.2 Design and Installation Personnel Requirements  
The design and installation of the guard door system, including the ATD 50  
Actuator® must be completed by qualified personnel with training and experience in  
the area of power-operated doors. The personnel must be familiar with relevant  
work safety regulations, accident prevention guidelines, and generally accepted  
technical practices.  
2.3 General Information  
The operating, maintenance, and installation instructions provided by Milwaukee  
Protective Covers must be observed. The drive must be maintained and repaired  
only by qualified technicians who are familiar with the ATD 50 Actuator® and have  
been instructed about the possible dangers.  
2.3 continued on next page  
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ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
2.3 General Information (cont.)  
The purchaser, designer, and/or installer is responsible to insure the correct and  
safe application of the ATD 50 Actuator®. These personnel must insure that all  
Federal, State, and Local laws and regulations regarding workplace safety are  
observed. OSHA and other safety regulations must be observed when completing  
an installation.  
Milwaukee Protective Covers is not responsible for incidental and/or consequential  
damages resulting from the use or application of the ATD 50 Actuator®. Our  
maximum liability under warranty is for only the cost of the product sold. Milwaukee  
Protective Covers makes no claims for merchantability or fitness of use for specific  
machine guarding applications. The purchaser, designer, and/or installer of the  
ATD 50 Actuator® must decide if the drive is applicable to a given machine  
application. In addition, Milwaukee Protective Covers specifically declines any  
responsibility for damage or injury resulting from unauthorized changes to the drive,  
including software parameter changes. No employee of Milwaukee Protective  
Covers is authorized to modify this warranty without the specific written approval of  
a company officer.  
3 Theory of Operation  
The ATD 50 Actuator® is controlled using a built-in microprocessor computer. The  
microprocessor is programmed to provide optimum motion control and safe  
response to obstructions. Internal parameters can be changed by authorized  
service personnel to customize the installation. The software can be modified for  
each installation.  
The ATD 50 Actuator® is completely self-calibrating. Upon power-up, the unit  
automatically adjusts to the opening width of the machine. During the OPEN and  
CLOSE motion, the unit finds the end-stop positions of the door. Therefore, the  
door width is not limited in any way.  
The internal drive motor is operated by a variable frequency converter which  
provides the optimal speed and torque for each movement. The motor speed and  
torque are continuously monitored thereby providing a sensitive and accurate  
electronic reversing feature ( see Section 11.3).  
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ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
4 Design Information  
4.1 Mechanical  
All components in the system must be designed and installed to withstand the  
forces produced by the system. This includes the door itself, all mounting brackets,  
the idler pulley, the connector between the door and belt, and the door end stops.  
Maximum tensile force of the belt  
Weight of the ATD 50 Actuator® unit  
30 lbs (130 N)  
31 lbs (14Kg)  
4.1.1 The Door  
The door must have fixed positive stops at each end of travel. The stops must be  
able to withstand the maximum pressure of the driving force (30lbs /130 N).  
Smooth door movement is the most important criteria to insure correct operation.  
The door should have a consistent drag force over its complete travel. The door  
guides should provide as low a drag resistance as possible. This will insure  
trouble-free operation and will increase the drives’ sensitivity to any obstructions.  
4.1.2 Installation Position  
The ATD 50 Actuator® can be installed in any position and any orientation  
according to the specific application. The drive belt, idler pulley, and ATD 50  
Actuator® should be installed so that the moving parts do not touch or rub on any  
other part of the machine. Also, the drive pulley and idler must be properly aligned  
to insure correct belt travel. Failure to align the drive belt properly will result in  
excessive belt wear and shortened belt life.  
The ATD 50 Actuator® unit and the drive belt should be installed outside the area of  
contamination. If the unit must be installed inside the area of contamination, the  
drive belt must be protected from chips, coolants, or other debris.  
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ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
4.1.3 Installation  
The ATD 50 Actuator® internal frame is mounted into the metal enclosure with 6  
screws. (There are two screws on the back of the unit and four button-head cap  
screws on the top.) For installation, only the four screws on the top OR the two  
screws on the back should be used.  
Never loosen all 6 screws at the same time! Otherwise the internal frame will be  
loose inside the metal housing. If the internal frame is allowed to move inside the  
metal housing, the drive shaft can be damaged by scraping against the sealing  
Under no circumstances should the large hexagonal screw on the drive pulley  
be loosened!  
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ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
4.2 Electrical  
Internal View of ATD 50 Actuator¨  
4.2.1 Main Power Connection  
The main power supply can be switched between 115 volts and 230 volts and with 50  
or 60 Hz AC power. There is an internal switch on the main power connection to  
select 115V or 230V.  
The main power must be externally protected with a 10 amp fast-blow fuse and  
a system disconnect.  
Verify that the power selection switch is set to the correct voltage before start-up!  
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ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
4.2.2 Control Connection  
The ATD 50 Actuator® has a versatile microprocessor controller that interfaces with  
the machine control unit. The parameters are factory-set. However, a  
knowledgeable service technician can change the parameter settings using the  
Microsoft Windows® ‘95 based SERsoft programming software.  
An input is activated when an input terminal (IN) is connected to ground (GND).  
This connection must be made using potential-free contacts. No external power  
supply must be used to activate inputs.  
Six (6) potential free output relays are provided. Three (3) relays are wired as  
normally open and three (3) are wired as normally closed. (See page 24)  
5 Start-up Procedure  
5.1 Preparation  
Prepare the ATD 50 Actuator® by completing the following steps:  
Mount the drive box on a rigid base in a suitable position.  
Install the idler pulley to a rigid base on the machine.  
Cut the drive belt to length and splice together using the supplied clamp.  
Tension the drive belt by adjusting the idler pulley.  
Connect the drive belt to the door by fixing a bracket from the clamp to the door.  
End-user must supply their own bracket.  
Verify that the door runs freely to both end-stops.  
Connect the input and output control cables and attach to the machine controller.  
Connect the main power cable. Do not apply power at this time!  
The drive is now ready!  
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ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
5.2 Start-up  
Check the main power voltage selection switch for proper supply voltage (230V /  
Check the control connections and verify they are correctly installed  
Beware of Electrical Voltages!  
Switch on the main power supply to the drive.  
Start the calibration run (see section below).  
Check and test all functions to be used.  
If required, re-adjust door-specific parameters (opening and closing speeds,  
braking distance, etc.) using the SERsoft programming software.  
Test the complete system.  
6 Check List for Functional Tests  
During the functional tests the door travel path must be free of obstructions. The only  
limits to door travel should be the two end-stops. Test the unit according to the  
following steps:  
TEST 1:  
Energize the main power to the ATD 50 Actuator®  
No door movement.  
Green LED on the Control Board illuminates.  
Door is freely moveable.  
No errors displayed on LED’ at terminals D5 - D9 (if  
No errors displayed in theSERsoft Diagnostic Display.  
TEST 2:  
Apply momentary or maintained contact between OPEN  
input (A2) and Ground (A1).  
Door moves slowly to open position and pushes against  
Open position is now set in the microprocessor.  
Apply momentary or maintained contact of CLOSE input  
(A7) and Ground (A1).  
Door moves slowly to closed position and pushes  
against end-stop.  
Closed position is now set in the microprocessor.  
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ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
6 Check List for Functional Tests (cont.)  
TEST 3:  
Operate the door for two (2) complete open and close  
Door should open and close normally. The  
microprocessor measures the torque and sets the  
internal speed and torque references. These references  
are used as safety thresholds for detecting obstructions.  
NOTE: The safety reversing function is not active  
during the first two (2) open and close cycles!  
See Sec. 11.1.  
TEST 4:  
Activate all connected functions and options such as  
CNC, PLC, pushbuttons, photoeyes, etc.  
Door should operate normally per feature definitions.  
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ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
7 Error Diagnosis  
There are 10 error conditions that can be detected by installing LED’s to specific “B  
TERMINAL STRIP” outputs inside the ATD 50 Actuator®.  
The errors are indicated  
according to the following code:  
Software Error Number  
Calibration run is taking place. Wait until door is closed for error to clear  
Main power failure.  
Microprocessor error or drive type not specified. Contact Factory.  
Emergency stop activated.  
Motor overheated. Allow motor to cool for reset or Contact Factory.  
Power module faulty or low mains voltage.  
No movement is detected from the door. Possibly the encoder, cable,  
motor, or belt is defective. Door is possibly blocked.  
Door is in reversing mode because it has encountered an obstruction.  
Wait until door is closed.  
External reversing on closing.  
External reversing on opening.  
NOTE: The software errors can also be detected using theSERsoft programming  
software. The errors are displayed in the Error Window in the Diagnostic Menu.  
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ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
8 Hardware Error Displays  
The microprocessor controller has a red and green LED light in the lower right corner.  
The LED lights indicate the general status of the microprocessor.  
The microprocessor controller is operating correctly.  
Any of the following conditions:  
A software error is detected  
The emergency stop is active  
E-Stop Jumper connection between terminals D1 & D2 is missing  
The motor is overheated  
Controller Failure  
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ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
9 Standard Input Functions  
The ATD 50 Actuator® can accept either momentary or maintained contacts. The factory  
default is momentary. If additional safety requirements are desired, you can specify  
MAINTAINED CONTACT for the input signals. Maintained Contact Signals can be  
programmed in the Basic Functions Menu in the SERsoft programming software.  
If you desire to use maintained contacts for input signals, we suggest using the  
following logic in your PLC or CNC:  
The error signals for All Errors (General Error 1 - Relay 1 - E1 to E2) and  
General Errors (General Error 2 - Relay 4 - E7 to E8) are activated during  
calibration runs. The maintained contact can be held until the errors clear. In  
this situation, the machine controller can monitor Relay 1 or 2 and maintain  
the inputs to A2 and A7 until the errors clear.  
This command will move the door to the full open position.  
Input terminal:  
Type of signal:  
Active level  
Momentary or maintained contact A2 to Ground A1.  
Connection is normally open.  
Close connection to activate.  
Calibration run:  
After a software reset or a loss of main power, the first  
portion of the calibration run is started with this command.  
This command will move the door to the closed position.  
Input terminal:  
Type of signal:  
Active level  
Momentary or maintained contact A7 to Ground A1.  
Connection is normally open.  
Close connection to activate.  
Calibration run:  
After a software reset or a loss of main power, the second  
portion of the calibration run is started with this command.  
The calibration run is completed when the door reaches the  
closed position.  
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ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
This command causes the door to open to a preset position from the closed position only.  
Reason for use:  
This command is used when a completely opened door is not  
required. (Operator may wish to access inside of machine briefly).  
Momentary or maintained contact C4 to Ground A1.  
Connection is normally open.  
Input terminal:  
Type of signal:  
Active level  
Close connection to activate.  
This command releases the internal brake allowing manual door movement.  
Reason for use:  
This command will release the brake and allow the operator to  
manually move the door. While this signal is present, no other  
command will be carried out.  
Input terminal:  
Type of signal:  
Active level  
Momentary or maintained contact C7 to Ground A1.  
Connection is normally open.  
Close connection to activate.  
This command reverses the door movement when closing. The door will reverse direction  
and move to the full open position.  
Reason for use  
A secondary safety device such as a ribbon switch or light curtain can  
be installed into the system. The secondary device would be wired  
into this command to give a faster REVERSE signal. This is  
independent from the automatic sensing feature.  
Input terminal:  
Type of signal:  
Active level  
Momentary or maintained open contact C9-to-Ground A1.  
Connection is normally closed.  
Open connection to activate.  
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ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
This command sets the reduced door open position.  
Reason for use:  
The reduced open position can be manually set by using the input  
command at terminal F2. You must be able to manually move the  
door to the desired position before activating this input command.  
The distance can be set using theSERsoft programming software.  
Input terminal:  
Type of signal:  
Active level  
1 second contact of F2 to Ground F1.  
Connection is normally open.  
Close connection to activate (program the position).  
This command will instantly stop all door movement.  
Reason for use:  
Input terminal:  
Type of signal:  
Active level  
To interface to your machine’s E-stop circuit.  
D1 & D2  
Momentary or maintained open between D1 and D2.  
Connection is normally closed.  
Open connection to activate (stop door movement).  
10 Standard Output Functions  
The output signals are connected to the six (6) relays inside the ATD 50 Actuator®  
This output contains all error messages with the exception of the  
internal and external reversing motions. This means any problem  
except an obstruction is present in the door path. (Error numbers 16,  
29, & 30 are not active).  
Output terminal:  
Active level:  
E1 & E2 (Relay 1).  
Contact is normally open (no error).  
Closed contact when activated (error present)  
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ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
This output is active when the internal and external reversing motions  
are initiated, usually due to an obstruction. (Error numbers 16, 29, or  
30 active).  
E3 & E4 (Relay 2).  
Contact is normally open (no error).  
Output terminal:  
Active level  
Closed contact when activated (error present).  
This output is active when the door is in the closed position 1/8 inch.  
The output is active also when the door is manually moved to the  
closed position.  
E5 & E6 (Relay 3).  
Output terminal:  
Active level  
Contact is normally open.  
Closed contact when activated.  
This output is active when the door is in the open position 1.5 inch.  
The output is active also when the door is manually moved to the  
open position.  
Output terminal:  
Active level  
I1 & I2 (Relay 4.)  
Contact is normally closed.  
Open contact when door is in the full open position.  
This output is active when the door has been calibrated and is ready  
for normal operation.  
I3 & I4 (Relay 5).  
Contact is normally closed.  
Open contact when door is calibrated.  
Output terminal:  
Active level:  
Door at Reduced Open Position  
This output is active when the door has reached the Reduced Open  
Position or when the door is in the full open position.  
5 & I6 (Relay 6.)  
Connection is normally closed.  
Open connection when activated.  
Output terminal:  
Active level:  
Page 18  
ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
11 Operation  
11.1 Calibration Run  
The first movements after a power-up or system reset are the self-calibration  
reference moves. The door travels to each end-stop and records the distance  
traveled and torque needed for movement. The door can be freely moved before a  
Calibration Run.  
NOTE: The automatic reversing feature is disabled during the calibration cycles!  
The calibration cycle must be started by the external input signals. The calibration  
steps are:  
Power-up or system reset erases the previous calibration.  
An OPEN signal must be given to the ATD 50 Actuator® by a momentary or  
maintained contact from A2 to Ground A1.  
The door moves slowly to the extreme open end-stop. It pushes against the end-  
stop with full force, then stops. The open position is now set.  
A CLOSE signal must be given to the ATD 50 Actuator® by a momentary or  
maintained contact from A7 to Ground A1.  
The door moves slowly to the extreme closed end-stop. The door pushes against  
the end-stop with full force, then stops. The door closed position is now set.  
The door must contact the end-stop using the ATD 50 Actuator® power. If the door  
is interrupted during the calibration cycle, the calibration procedure must be  
repeated. The calibration cycle must begin with an “OPEN” signal followed by a  
“CLOSE” signal.  
During the calibration run, the drive runs with full torque. The  
safety reverse feature is disabled and the internal reversing  
motion is not active!  
It is imperative that the machine designer and installer notify all machine operators  
that the reversing safety feature is not active during the first two OPEN and CLOSE  
motions after power-up or system reset. During these first movements the ATD 50  
Actuator¨ automatically calibrates itself to determine the required reference torques.  
Any obstruction is interpreted as “normal” by the controller and is recorded as the  
required torque at that point of travel.  
Page 19  
ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
11.2 Door Movements  
The input signals for OPEN, CLOSE and REDUCED OPEN can be given as  
momentary or maintained contacts.  
The door moves freely when in the open position. When open, the drive waits for  
the next input command signal.  
The door is locked with an internal brake ONLY when in the closed position. When  
closed, the door waits for the next input command. The brake can be released by  
giving a FREE WHEEL command using input A1 to C7 or an OPEN command  
using input A1 to A2.  
If the door is opened to the reduced position, it can be fully opened with the OPEN  
command or closed and locked with the CLOSE command.  
11.3 Reversing Motion  
Obstructions are detected using three variables: 1) Stall Time 2) Speed and 3)  
Motor Torque. An obstruction is assumed if 1) The door stalls for more then one  
second, 2) The speed of travel is slower than a predetermined threshold, and 3)  
The torque needed is greater than the reference torque.  
If an obstruction is encountered during a CLOSE movement, the door reverses  
direction and moves to the full open position. The ATD 50 Actuator® waits until it  
receives a new CLOSE command.  
If an obstruction is encountered during an OPEN movement, the door reverses  
direction, moves about one inch (25 mm) away from the obstruction and stops.  
The ATD 50 Actuator¨ waits until it receives a new command.  
During the next motion after encountering an obstruction, the door moves at 50%  
speed toward the obstruction point. The motor torque variable is disabled during  
this “second attempt”. Therefore, the ATD 50 Actuator® is less sensitive to an  
obstruction. If no obstruction is encountered, then the motion continues as normal  
and the three variables are monitored again.  
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ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
12 Memory and System Layout  
The heart of the ATD 50 Actuator® is a Motorola 68HC11 microprocessor. The  
microprocessor accesses an EPROM and EEPROM for specific software  
instructions and parameters. The general software instructions are stored in the  
EPROM. The application and door specific parameters are stored in the EEPROM.  
The universal operating software with general functions and instructions is stored in  
the EPROM. These instructions, alone, are not enough to correctly operate the  
ATD 50 Actuator®.  
The application parameters and instructions are stored in the EEPROM. The  
EEPROM contains all parameters which are entered or modified using theSERsoft  
programming software. The more specific instructions for the ATD 50 Actuator® are  
stored in the EEPROM. The parameters and instructions stored in the EEPROM  
can be saved in a SERsoft programming software file. Contact MPC for more  
The microprocessor follows the general (operational) instructions of the EPROM  
while accessing the EEPROM for application specific parameters.  
After a system-wide initialization all parameters and instructions in the EEPROM  
are deleted. Only the operating software in the EPROM remains. Therefore, the  
ATD 50 Actuator® will not operate  
A system-wide initialization is started by any one of the following:  
1) Removing the EEPROM; or  
2) Selecting the menu "Software Reset" or  
3) Selecting the menu "Factory Settings" in the SERsoft programming software.  
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ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
13 Technical data  
Connection Voltage  
115 / 230V AC (selected with an  
internal switch) 50 / 60 Hz  
Power Consumption  
max. 160 W  
4 W  
Motor Nominal Speed  
1600 rpm  
Motor Nominal Torque  
9 inch-lbs (1 Nm)  
443 rpm  
Maximum Drive Speed  
Maximum Tensile Force of Belt  
Maximum Drive Torque  
30 lbs (130 N )  
32 inch-lbs (3.6 Nm)  
40 inches / second (1000 mm/sec)  
40 inches / second (1000 mm / sec)  
265 lb (120 kg)  
Absolute Maximum Opening Speed  
Absolute maximum Closing Speed  
Maximum Permissible Door Weight  
(total weight of all leafs)  
Weight of ATD Actuator®  
Serial Interface  
31 lbs (14kg)  
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ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
Technical Data (cont.)  
Contact load  
Contact protection  
28VDC @ 1A or 120VAC @ 0.5A  
Must be externally connected.  
Required for inductive loads.  
RC-element for AC loads. Diode (1N4007) for  
DC load.  
E1 - 6 & I1 - 6. Refer to electrical wiring  
Available Internal Power Supply +24VDC  
Overload Protection  
2.0A Max current (protected by Fuse 1)  
Maximum Load for all Output Voltages COMBINED is 12 watts!  
Output: Transistor Output  
Overload protection  
Imax = 100mA for error LEDs  
Time-limited protection available  
B5 through 9  
Signal Type:  
All inputs must be from potential free contacts.  
A2 & 7, C4, 7, & 9, D2, F2  
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ATD 50 Actuator® Operating Instructions  
14 Electrical Wiring Diagram  
Page 24  
ATD Actuator Troubleshooting Guide  
Door does not move  
1) Check Power to Unit  
xꢀ Blown Supply Fuse supplying power to ATD  
xꢀ Power Cable plugged into selector switch inside  
xꢀ Selector switch set to correct voltage (115 or 230  
VAC). If wrong voltage is selected the control or  
power module will be damaged!  
xꢀ Is the supply voltage too high or too low (+/- 10%)  
2) Correct Wiring  
xꢀ Correct signals to correct wiring terminals  
xꢀ External wiring error from relay, pushbutton, etc.  
xꢀ Is relay, pushbutton, etc. working correctly  
xꢀ Check to verify that no external voltage is present on  
the signal wires  
xꢀ The signal wire is properly connected to the terminal  
xꢀ Verify that the wires are not damaged  
xꢀ Is the ribbon cable from the input signal board to the  
ATD control module (ATD 50 and 101) plugged in  
xꢀ Are the quick-connect wire terminals plugged in  
xꢀ Are the quick-connect terminals plugged into the  
correct location  
Control Module Functioning Properly  
xꢀ Are all the cables (encoder, brake, output relay  
module) all plugged into the Control Module  
xꢀ Is the Green LED Lighted (ATD 50 and 101 on Control  
Module. ATD 100 on Power Module)  
xꢀ Yes – Go to #2 below  
xꢀ No – Is Red LED Illuminate  
xꢀ Yes – Emergency Stop is active or there is  
a problem with the Control / Power Module.  
Check the Diagnostics Screen for  
Door does not move  
2) Mechanically Related  
xꢀ Does the door move freely when connected to drive  
xꢀ No - Does the output sheave turn without excessive  
effort? (The sheave will require some effort to  
rotate. Sheave will not “spin”!)  
xꢀ No – loosen the four screws around the drive  
sheave up to 1 full turn. Turn output sheave by  
hand until sheave rotates freely. Retighten all  
four screws.  
xꢀ Yes- does the motor shaft rotate but the drive  
sheave does not?  
xꢀ Belt between the motor to output sheave is  
either broken or came off the sheaves  
xꢀ Is the door too heavy for the ATD?  
3) Software Related  
xꢀ Connect SERsoft and establish ON-LINE Connection.  
Make sure you are using correct SERsoft version!  
(V1.2 for ATD 100 and V1.5 for ATD 50 and 101)  
xꢀ Check Diagnostics Screen for any errors  
xꢀ Verify the correct “Actuator Type” is programmed  
in the “Basic Functions” screen.  
xꢀ ATD 50 – Should display MxP 50 / ATD 50  
xꢀ ATD 100 – Should display MxP 100 / ATD 100  
xꢀ ATD 101 – Should display MxP 101 / ATD 101  
See “Reprogramming ATD Actuator Type” Instructions for Solution  
Door “does not stay closed” 1) Is there an obstruction present?  
2) Go to “Motion Control” Screen and check the  
“End Stop Tolerance” Value?  
If the door has a seal that is not compressing  
consistently, the “End Stop Tolerance” value may  
need to be increased.  
3) “Reverse Closing” input missing  
ATD 50 / 101 - Install Jumper between C8 and C9  
ATD 100 - Install jumper between H1 and H7  
Door begins to close (or  
open) but reverses  
1) Mechanical Observations  
xꢀ Check door path for any obstructions such as large  
debris, chips, tool, “rough” spot in door track, etc.  
xꢀ Does door bind or twist when ATD moves door  
xꢀ Is door staying in it’s door path and not being “lifted”  
by ATD drive belt and causing an “obstruction” error  
Door nearly fully closed  
(or open) but reverses  
1) Incorrect Speed Parameters  
xꢀ Check “Diagnostics”  
xꢀ Error 1602 or 1603 “Torque Reversing” – ATD  
Cannot decelerate the door to the desired speed  
within the designated distance  
xꢀ Increase the “Braking Distance” in the “Motion  
Control” screen  
AND / OR  
xꢀ Decrease the “Opening” or “Closing Speed” in  
the “Basic Functions” Screen  
2) Is this an ATD 101?  
xꢀ Increase “Braking Distance” to at least 400mm  
xꢀ Possible fix - Turn off only the “Speed Lagging” Option  
in the “Motion Control – Reversing Options” Menu  
xꢀ Possible fix - Turn off only the “Force Reversing”  
Option in the “Motion Control – Reversing Options”  
Door moves very short distance  
and stops. Error 1301 –  
“Door Opening too small”  
1) Mechanically Related  
xIs the door mechanically binding such that it cannot  
move more than a few inches?  
xIs the door too heavy for the ATD?  
xDid the internal drive belt come off the motor to drive  
sprocket? (Controller is not sensing any encoder  
2) Encoder Related problem  
xIs the encoder cable properly connected at both ends?  
xGo to SERsoft Diagnostics – Informations  
xꢀ Monitor the Encoder / Door Position information  
and determine if the encoder is sensing door  
movement. If not, Replace Encoder  
ATD 50 does not sense an  
1) Sensitivity was changed from “High” to “Low” or “No”.  
2) Change was made with SERsoft V1.2 to ATD 50 with  
EPROM T3197. Use SERsoft V1.5 to correct.  
Door “Slams or Runs  
Slow” against end stop  
1) “Open End Stop Tolerance” in Motion Control set to  
a small distance or zero  
2) “Homing in Speed” set too high (slamming) or too  
low (door moves slowly)  
3) “Homing in Distance” set too long (door too slow)  
4) “Homing in Distance” set too short (door slams)  
5) “Braking Distance” too short  
6) “Opening Dampening” set to “Hard”  
7) For ATD 101 ONLY (In opening Direction)  
enter the following into DIRCOM: P,130,0,W,31  

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