Xilinx Computer Hardware UG133 User Manual

Reference Design  
User Guide v1.3.1  
UG133 v1.3.1 January 7, 2005  
Download from Www.Somanuals.com. All Manuals Search And Download.  
MicroBlaze Microcontroller Ref Des User Guide  
UG133 v1.3.1 January 7, 2005  
The following table shows the revision history for this document.  
Initial Xilinx release.  
Edited content; imported new images  
Reconfigured book; added new chapter; incorporated edits  
Reformatted book to consist of chapters for Overview and RefDes1  
Made minor non-technical changes only.  
UG133 v1.3.1 January 7, 2005  
MicroBlaze Microcontroller Ref Des User Guide  
Download from Www.Somanuals.com. All Manuals Search And Download.  
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1  
Guide Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1  
Additional Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2  
Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2  
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1  
MicroBlaze Microcontroller  
Reference Design Number 1  
Reference Design Building Blocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2  
Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2  
Features: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3  
Getting Started. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4  
Downloading the Design and Launching XPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4  
after the FPGA is Configured and the Processor is Running. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8  
Additional MicroBlaze and EDK Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11  
UG133 January 7, 2005  
MicroBlaze Microcontroller Ref Des User Guide  
Download from Www.Somanuals.com. All Manuals Search And Download.  
About This Guide  
This user guide contains information on how to integrate the stand-alone, prebuilt,  
MicroBlaze Microcontroller reference design into an FPGA. Although this design is  
targeted initially for the Xilinx Spartan-3 Starter Kit Board, the design may be modified  
readily for any Xilinx or third party platform.  
This guide is an aid in getting started and learning how to use the Xilinx Embedded  
Development Kit (EDK) tools. It does this through examples, which show how multiple  
software images can be run on a defined soft Microcontroller hardware configuration. This  
guide show how an FPGA with a soft processor can be used the same way an engineer  
would select an off the shelf microcontroller. This guide will provide examples of a  
number of different microcontroller configurations from which an engineer can choose.  
The soft microcontroller features and peripherals in the FPGA may be used without  
modification, or may be modified and customized using the Xilinx EDK Platform Studio  
tools. This guide will cover the flow where multiple software images are load on an  
unmodified hardware configuration.  
The MicroBaze Microcontroller is an integrated solution intended for implementation of  
an embedded controller in FPGA by a user without extensive knowledge of the Xilinx  
Embedded Development Kit (EDK) and the Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS). The solution  
offered in this document is a minimal implementation that can be expanded easily to  
include other peripherals and application software for different usage.  
All the necessary documentation, references, HDL code, sample codes, software drivers  
and application software are included in the tools or provided with this design.  
Guide Contents  
This manual contains the following sections:  
MicroBlaze Microcontroller Ref Des User Guide  
UG133 January 7, 2005  
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Additional Resources  
Additional Resources  
For additional information, go to http://support.xilinx.com. The following table lists some  
of the resources available from this website. You can also directly access these resources  
using the provided URLs.  
Tutorials covering Xilinx design flows, from design entry to  
verification and debugging  
Answer Browser  
Database of Xilinx solution records  
Application Notes Descriptions of device-specific design techniques and approaches  
Data Sheets  
Device-specific information on Xilinx device characteristics,  
including readback, boundary scan, configuration, length count,  
and debugging  
Problem Solvers  
Tech Tips  
Interactive tools that allow you to troubleshoot your design issues  
Latest news, design tips, and patch information for the Xilinx  
design environment  
This document uses the following conventions. An example illustrates each convention.  
The following typographical conventions are used in this document:  
Meaning or Use  
Messages, prompts, and  
program files that the system speed grade: - 100  
Courier font  
Literal commands that you  
ngdbuild design_name  
enter in a syntactical statement  
Courier bold  
Commands that you select  
File Open  
from a menu  
Helvetica bold  
Keyboard shortcuts  
MicroBlaze Microcontroller Ref Des User Guide  
UG133 January 7, 2005  
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Meaning or Use  
Variables in a syntax  
statement for which you must ngdbuild design_name  
supply values  
See the Development System  
Reference Guide for more  
Italic font  
References to other manuals  
Emphasis in text  
If a wire is drawn so that it  
overlaps the pin of a symbol,  
the two nets are not connected.  
An optional entry or  
parameter. However, in bus  
specifications, such as  
ngdbuild [option_name]  
Square brackets [ ]  
Braces { }  
bus[7:0], they are required.  
A list of items from which you  
must choose one or more  
lowpwr ={on|off}  
lowpwr ={on|off}  
Separates items in a list of  
Vertical bar  
IOB #1: Name = QOUT’  
IOB #2: Name = CLKIN’  
Vertical ellipsis  
Repetitive material that has  
been omitted  
Repetitive material that has  
been omitted  
allowblock block_name  
loc1 loc2 ... locn;  
Horizontal ellipsis . . .  
Online Document  
The following navigation conventions are used in this document:  
Meaning or Use  
See the section “Additional  
Resources” for details.  
Cross-reference link to a  
location in the current  
Blue text  
Refer to “Title Formats” in  
Chapter 1 for details.  
Cross-reference link to a  
location in another document Handbook.  
See Figure 2-5 in the Virtex-II  
Red text  
for the latest speed files.  
Blue, underlined text  
Hyperlink to a website (URL)  
MicroBlaze Microcontroller Ref Des User Guide  
UG133 January 7, 2005  
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Microcontroller Reference Design  
When selecting an embedded microcontroller, typically an engineer will list the required  
features and then select a stand alone, off the shelf microcontroller or processor that has  
those features. In most cases there are additional features or peripherals that are not need,  
but are included non-the less. When using a Soft Processor in an FPGA an engineer has an  
opportunity to select from pre-created microcontroller hardware images, or modify and  
customize the features and peripherals.  
This guide is provided as an aid in getting started and learning how to use the Xilinx  
Embedded Development Kit (EDK) tools. It does this through examples, which show how  
multiple software images can run on a defined soft microcontroller hardware  
configuration. This guide show how an FPGA with a soft processor can be used the same  
way an engineer would select an off the shelf microcontroller. This guide will provide  
examples of a number of different microcontroller configurations from which an engineer  
can choose. The soft microcontroller features and peripherals in the FPGA may be used  
without modification, or may be modified and customized using the Xilinx EDK Platform  
Studio tools. This guide will cover the flow where multiple software images are loaded on  
an unmodified hardware configuration.  
MicroBlaze Microcontroller Ref Des User Guide  
UG133 January 7, 2005  
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Reference Design Building Blocks  
MicroBlaze Microcontroller  
Reference Design Number 1  
Reference Design Building Blocks  
The block diagram of the MicroBlaze Microcontroller used in this MicroBlaze  
Microcontroller Reference Design is shown in Figure 2-1. The design includes an Internal  
Block RAM memory, an RS232 UART, 4 GPIO blocks, and a JTAG_UART used for software  
debugging. This configuration utilizes approximately 50% of a Spartan-3™ XC3S200  
Figure Top x-ref 2-1  
MicroBlaze DOPB  
JTAG Ports  
Dual Ported  
Figure 2-1: MicroBlaze Microcontroller Block Diagram  
Some applications for the MicroBlaze processor include:  
Industrial Controller  
Consumer Application  
Office Automation  
Data Communication  
MicroBlaze Microcontroller Ref Des User Guide  
UG133 January 7, 2005  
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MicroBlaze Microprocessor  
50 MHz on the Spartan-3 Starter Kit Board, derived from the 50 MHz crystal on  
Instruction cache and data cache options disabled  
32 32-bit general purpose registers with 32-bit address and 32-bit data buses  
Single cycle execution  
Direct access to the register file using Fast Simplex Link (FSL)  
Unified instruction and data BRAM into single memory for both instruction and data  
Dual port 16 KB internal blockRAM memory structure  
2-cycle read access from BRAM via the Local Memory Bus (LMB)  
RS232 UART Controller  
Pre-configured for 57600 baud rate  
General purpose input/output ports (GPIO)  
8-bit GPIO configured as output ports to drive LED  
12-bit GPIO configured as output ports to drive the 7-segment LEDs on the board  
8-bit GPIO configured as input ports to read onboard dip switches  
3-bit GPIO configured as input ports to read push buttons  
JTAG_UART core with Xilinx Microprocessor Debugger (XMD) and GDB debugger to  
provide application/software debugging capabilities  
XMD uses a JTAG_UART to communicate with xmdstub on the board  
xmdstub is an executable software loaded into local system memory at startup  
Supports run time control, such as Run, Single Step, Breakpoint, View Registers,  
and View Memory, as well as debug parameters  
Note: Interrupts are not used in this design. For an example on how to use interrupts, see  
the Microblaze design using an OPB interrupt controller and an OPB microprocessor  
debug module (MDM) reference design available on the Embedded Design Kit web site at  
For documentation on interrupts, see the MicroBlaze Processor Reference Guide in the EDK  
MicroBlaze Microcontroller Ref Des User Guide  
UG133 January 7, 2005  
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Getting Started  
Getting Started  
System Requirements  
The following software must be installed on your PC to utilize this reference design:  
Windows 2000 SP2/Windows XP  
EDK 6.3 or later (Must be the same version as ISE)  
ISE 6.3i or later  
To download the completed reference design, the following hardware is required:  
Xilinx Spartan-3 Evaluation Board. For information on the evaluation board, see  
Xilinx Parallel Cable used to program and debug the device  
Serial Cable for connection to the RS232 UART via HyperTerminal  
The next sections of this document will discuss:  
Downloading the reference design and test application  
Launching Xilinx Platform Studios (XPS)  
Downloading the Reference Designs  
Go to the MicroBlaze lounge at http://www.xilinx.com/microblaze_mcu_refdes1.  
Download the reference design, starting with the MB_MCU_RefDes1.zip archive.  
Downloading the Design and Launching XPS  
1. Go to the MicroBlaze lounge at http://www.xilinx.com/microblaze_mcu_refdes1 and  
download the “MB_MCU_RefDes1.zip” archive.  
2. On the target drive, unzip “MB_MCU_RefDes1.zip”. This will automatically create a  
subdirectory for the project “MB_MCU_RefDes1.zip”. Assuming that the Xilinx  
Platform Studio (XPS) has been installed, launch XPS at this time using  
Start>Programs>Xilinx Platform Studio>Xilinx Platform Studio  
3. Once in XPS, select the menu option File>Open Project  
4. Using the browser, navigate to where the project exists and double-click on  
The system showing the prebuilt MicroBlaze Microcontroller Reference System  
configuration is shown in Figure 2-2.  
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UG133 January 7, 2005  
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Downloading the Design and Launching XPS  
Figure Top x-ref 2-2  
Figure 2-2: Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS)  
Updating and Generation Hardware Files  
At this point XPS is open with the selected hardware application. No modifications are  
needed to run this design. All the hardware features and peripherals have been pre-loaded  
and pre-set. The Hardware Application can run any number of Software Applications.  
When the Base System Wizard is used to create a Hardware System, it also will create a  
simple Software Application to test the selected Hardware features and peripherals  
To be sure that all the Hardware files have been created, in XPS, please select  
Tools>Update Bitstream”. This will run any of the programs needed to generate the  
Hardware Application for this reference design.  
The message panel should read:  
Memory Initialization completed successfully.  
MicroBlaze Microcontroller Ref Des User Guide  
UG133 January 7, 2005  
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Downloading the Design and Launching XPS  
or, if all files are up to date, then it will say:  
make: Nothing to be done for `init_bram'.  
Downloading Design Files to the FPGA  
The following two sections illustrate two methods of downloading a Software Application  
into the FPGA. The first method is when the Software Application can be incorporated into  
the FPGA bitstream. The second method illustrates loading a selected application into the  
FPGA using the GDB debugger for software development and debugging.  
Selecting a Software Application to Run When the FPGA is Configured  
In this step the Software Application that will be loaded when the FPGA is initially loaded  
with a new bitstream will be selected. Please select the XPS Software Application tab.  
There are 3 options that can be selected when choosing the Software Application. This first  
example will show how a Software Application can be initially added to the FPGA  
bitstream. This will configure the MicroBlaze Microcontroller program and Data memory  
with the software application already pre-loaded. This means that as soon as the FPGA has  
been successfully configured, the MicroBlaze Microcontroller Software Application will  
already be running on the MicroBlaze Microcontroller Hardware Application.  
In this case, although multiple software applications could overlap in the Bram, only one  
software application can be selected at one time. To select the desired application, perform  
the following steps:  
1. Select the Application tab the XPS window.  
2. Right click on Project: Calculator_App.  
3. Set “Mark to Initialize BRAMs”. The Project: Calculator_App will have a small green  
arrow appear to the left of the text.  
4. Confirm that “Mark to Initialize BRAMs” is not checked for the other projects and  
default applications. The Graphic to the left of each other application should appear as  
a green arrow with a red ‘X’ over it. Verify that this is the case for  
‘microblaze_0_bootloop’, ‘microblaze_0_xmdstub’, and ‘Project: TestApp’. If any are  
set, please Right click and confirm that “Mark to Initialize BRAMs” is not checked. If  
checked, click to deselect it. The green arrow should then appear with a red “X”.  
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UG133 January 7, 2005  
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Downloading the Design and Launching XPS  
Figure 2-3: Software Selection when FPGA is Configured  
Loading the “Calculator_App” Software Application  
To configure the hardware system and to load the software application into the Spartan-3  
Evaluation Board using the Digilent JTAG3 cable, perform the following steps:  
1. Connect the Digilent JTAG3 cable to the J7 header on the Spartan-3 Evaluation Board  
and connect the other end to the parallel port of the PC. If using the Parallel Cable IV,  
make sure that the ‘status’ light is lit on the cable.  
2. Connect the Serial cable to J2 on the Spartan-3 Evaluation Board and to the serial port  
of the PC. On the PC, using hyperterminal, make certain that the bit rate is set for 57600  
bps on the serial port.  
3. Turn on the power on to the Spartan-3 Evaluation Board.  
4. In XPS, to make sure that the ELF file is up to date, use Tools>Update Bitstream”.  
There may be a warning “Processor microblaze_0 has XMDSTUB-mode application,  
but xmdstub.elf is not marked for download, do you want to continue?” Click ‘YES’  
5. In XPS, select “Tools>Download” to download the new bitstream into the FPGA. The  
xmd-stub warning will appear again. Please click ‘YES’.  
Note: Close all other XMD and GDB windows prior to downloading a configuration  
Running the Calculator_App program  
After the Calculator_App has been loaded, the hyperterminal should show:  
Simple Calculator App for Spartan-3 Starter Kit  
Push button to start math operation...  
MicroBlaze Microcontroller Ref Des User Guide  
UG133 January 7, 2005  
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Selecting a Software Application to be Loaded with a BOOT Loader after the FPGA is  
The Calculator_App is a simple 3 function calculator. The 3 right most push button  
switches are Add (BTN0), Sub (BTN1), Mult (BTN2). The left most push button switch  
(BTN3) is a program reset, which will clear the calculator program. If the reset is pushed at  
this time, then the FPGA will need to be re-loaded.  
The eight toggle switches directly under the 7-Segment display are divided into two 4 bit  
words. When the Add, Sub, or Mult push button switches are pushed, the selected  
calculator operation will be performed on the value of the toggle switches. If the toggle  
switches are set to:  
Sw7=off, Sw6=off, Sw5=off, Sw4=off, Sw3=off, Sw2=off, Sw1=off, Sw0=off  
Where Word 1 is 0 and Word 0 is 0  
Add: 0+0=0  
Sub: 0-0=0  
Mult 0*0=0  
If the toggle switches are set to:  
Sw7=off, Sw6=off, Sw5=off, Sw4=ON, Sw3=off, Sw2=off, Sw1=ON, Sw0=ON  
Where Word 1 is 1 and Word 0 is 3  
Add: 3+1=4  
Sub: 3-1=2  
Mult 3*1=3  
Each time one of the Push Button switches is pressed, the result should be displayed in  
‘decimal’ on the 7-Seg display, and it will also be sent to the hyperterminal through the  
UART. The hyperterminal display should show:  
3 + 1 = 4  
Push button to start math operation...  
3 - 1 = 2  
Push button to start math operation...  
3 * 1 = 3  
Push button to start math operation...  
The next section will show how to load this same program after the FPGA has been  
Selecting a Software Application to be Loaded with a BOOT  
Loader after the FPGA is Configured and the Processor is Running  
This step will show an example of how a Hardware Application can be initially loaded  
with a “Stub” program. This will configure the MicroBlaze Microcontroller where it is  
waiting to be loaded with the actual Software Application.  
Updating and Generation Hardware Files  
Please select the XPS software Application tab. There are 3 options that can be selected  
when choosing the Software Application. This example will show how a Software  
Application can be loaded after the FPGA is configured. A Software Applications can be  
MicroBlaze Microcontroller Ref Des User Guide  
UG133 January 7, 2005  
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Selecting a Software Application to be Loaded with a BOOT Loader after the FPGA is  
loaded and run, and then a different Software Application can be loaded and run. In this  
example the MicroBlaze processor must be loaded with a Software Application through  
the use of a stub program.  
To select the stub application, perform the following steps:  
1. Select the Application tab the XPS window.  
2. Right click on Default: microblaze_0_xmdstub.  
3. Set “Mark to Initialize BRAMs”. The Default: microblaze_0_xmdstub will have a little  
Green Arrow appear to the left of the text.  
4. Confirm that “Mark to Initialize BRAMs” is not checked for the other projects and  
default applications. The Graphic to the left of each other application should appear as  
a green arrow with a red ‘X’ over it. Verify that this is the case for  
‘microblaze_0_bootloop’, ‘Project: TestApp’ and Project: Calculator_App. If any are  
set, please Right click and confirm that “Mark to Initialize BRAMs” is not checked. If  
checked, click to deselect it. The little green arrow should then appear with a red “X”.  
Figure 2-4: Software Selection with a BOOT loader  
Loading the “microblaze_0_xmdstub” Software Application  
To configure the hardware system and to load the software application into the Spartan-3  
Evaluation Board using the Digilent JTAG3 cable, perform the following steps:  
1. Connect the Digilent JTAG3 cable to the J7 header on the Spartan-3 Evaluation Board  
and connect the other end to the parallel port of the PC. If using the Parallel Cable IV,  
make sure that the ‘status’ light is lit on the cable.  
2. Connect the Serial cable to J2 on the Spartan-3 Evaluation Board and to the serial port  
of the PC. On the PC, using hyperterminal, make certain that the bit rate is set for 57600  
bps on the serial port.  
3. Turn on the power on to the Spartan-3 Evaluation Board.  
MicroBlaze Microcontroller Ref Des User Guide  
UG133 January 7, 2005  
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Selecting a Software Application to be Loaded with a BOOT Loader after the FPGA is  
4. In XPS, to make sure that the ELF file is up to date, please Tools>Update Bitstream”.  
Note: Close all other XMD and GDB windows prior to downloading a configuration  
5. In XPS, select “Tools>Download” to download the hardware configuration and load  
xmdstub into the BRAM memory.  
Note: Close all other XMD and GDB windows prior to downloading a configuration  
6. In XPS, select “Tools>XMD” to open an XMD utility.  
XMD is a JTAG utility that can be used to download and debug software. XMD is also  
a server for GDB, the GNU debugging utility.  
Loading the “TestApp” Software Application with XMD_STUB  
1. In XPS, select “Tools>Software Debugger” to open the GDB interface (Source  
2. Choose TestApp from the User Application window.  
3. In GDB, select the “File>Target Settings” to display the Target Selection dialog box as  
shown in Figure 2-3.  
4. Configure the Target Selection dialog box to match Figure 2-3, then click OK.  
5. In Source Window>Run, click RUN, This will download the executable.elf file located  
at TestApp directory into the device.  
6. In Source Window, the user can select Continue, Single Step, Set Break Point, and view  
source code, registers and memory contents.  
7. From Control Tag, select “Continue”.  
If the Spartan-3 Evaluation Board executes the application test program properly, you  
will see flashing LEDs on the board in the Hyper Terminal (57600bps, 8N1).  
Note: Begin from step 2 to configure the device prior to loading a new application program and  
debugging. Make certain to close all XMD and GDB windows.  
Figure Top x-ref 2-3  
Figure 2-5: Target Selection for Software Debugger  
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UG133 January 7, 2005  
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Additional MicroBlaze and EDK Information  
Loading the “Calculator_App” Software Application with XMD_STUB  
To download and execute the Calculator_App demonstration program, repeat the  
procedure in section ‘Loading the “TestApp” Software Application with XMD_STUB’ Start  
with step 1 and choose Calculator_App in step 5 instead of TestApp. See Running the  
Calculator_App program  
Additional MicroBlaze and EDK Information  
Congratulations, you have successfully integrated a MicroBlaze Microcontroller into an  
FPGA and executed software code.  
For additional information on MicroBlaze and the EDK tools, go to  
MicroBlaze Microcontroller Ref Des User Guide  
UG133 January 7, 2005  
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