Wintal DVR 1080I User Manual

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1. Be sure to read this user manual before operaꢀng your PVR.  
2. Never open the cover. It is very dangerous to touch the inside of the unit due to  
possible electric shock.  
3. When not using your PVR for a long ꢀme, please pull the power cord from the outlet.  
4. Ensure that there is no damage to your power cord.  
5. Do not touch the unit with wet hands. If there is liquid flowing into the unit, pull out the  
power cord immediately because it may cause fire or electric shock.  
6. Place the unit in a well venꢀlated environment.  
7. Install the unit horizontally. Unbalanced installaꢀon may cause damage to the unit.  
8. When the unit is suddenly moved to a hot area from a cold area, it may cause problems.  
In that case, turn off the power, and turn on aſter 1-2 hours.  
9. Install the unit in a place with: good venꢀlaꢀon, suitable temperature, away from direct  
sunlight, and low humidity.  
10. Do not put heavy objects on the unit.  
This symbol indicates there is a dangerous voltage within the PVR, which may have sufficient  
magnitude to consꢀtute a risk of electric shock if not handled correctly. To avoid the risk of  
electric shock, do not open the housing at any ꢀme.  
Danger Symbol  
The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert  
the user to the presence of dangerous voltage in the unit.  
Warning Symbol  
The exclamaꢀon point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the  
presence of important operaꢀon and maintenance (servicing) instrucꢀons in the manual  
accompanying the unit.  
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WARRANTY INFORMATION ���������������������������������������������������������������������������35  
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• Recording Time: 120hrs SD/ 75 hours HD  
• Variable Forward Play Speed: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8  
• Variable Reverse Play Speed: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8  
• Fast Schedule: Support Once/Daily/Weekly mode  
• Chase Play  
Congratulaꢀons on your purchase of the Wintal PVR2HD.  
Your HD PVR is equipped with the latest technology and design; it can decode high and  
standard definiꢀon digital TV programs, and can also record and playback terrestrial digital  
broadcasts. You can view a variety of programs provided through terrestrial transmission.  
Simply pressing the power buꢂon on your remote control will provide you with crystal clear  
picture and DVD quality sound.  
• Region Selecꢀon for Replay  
• Variable Combinaꢀon of Watching and Recording Simultaneously  
• Live Watching or Recording + Live Watching or Recording or HDD Playback  
• Grouping for Cascade Playing  
• Assist Key to make operate more convenient  
Throughout this manual you will noꢀce that operaꢀng your HD PVR is easy.  
In case you experience any difficulꢀes using this product, please consult the relevant secꢀon of  
the manual for assistance.  
Please check the following accessories are enclosed  
• 1 x User Manual  
• 1 x Remote Control Unit  
• 1 x AV lead  
• 2 x AAA Baꢂeries  
• 1 x RF Male to RF Female Cross Cable  
• MPEG-2 HD/SD decoding (MP@HL/ML)  
• Fully DVB-T & MPEG-2 compliant  
• Down-mixes 5.1 AC3 to two channels encoded with Dolby Prologic Surround, also Support  
PCM digital audio output (Bitstream)  
• 5000 Editable Channels  
If any of the accessories listed above are missing, please contact the dealer where this product  
was iniꢀally purchased.  
• Auto or Manual installaꢀon  
• Electronic Program Guide and Informaꢀon Plate (EPG)  
• RF modulator for TV standard (PAL B/G, NTSC)  
• Digital Audio Output S/P DIF  
• Signal level & quality indicator  
• Composite video output  
• Soſtware upgradeable via RS-232 serial port  
• Auto PAL/ NTSC conversion  
• Standby with low power consumpꢀon  
• Clock adjustment  
• Excellent Performance  
• Fast Channel Change  
Throughout this manual you will noꢀce that the everyday operaꢀon of your Wintal PVR2HD  
is based on a series of user friendly on screen display and menus. These menus will help you  
get the most from your PVR, guiding you through installaꢀon, channel organizing, viewing and  
many other funcꢀons.  
All funcꢀons can be carried out using the buꢂons on the RCU (Remote Control Unit), and some  
of the funcꢀons can also be carried out using the buꢂons on the front panel.  
Should you experience any difficulꢀes with the operaꢀon of your unit, please consult the  
relevant secꢀon of this manual, including “Problem Shooꢀng”, or alternaꢀvely call your dealer  
or a customer service adviser.  
• Conversion between SD programs and HD programs  
• YPbPr Output: supporꢀng 1080i  
• HDMI output: supporꢀng 1080i  
• Digital Recepꢀon covers through VHF & UHF band  
• Wide screen 16:9 and normal 4:3 Aspect Raꢀo  
• Bandwidth of 6MHz & 7MHz & 8MHz Supported  
• TeleText / Bitmap subꢀtle, compliant with ETSI/EN300 472  
• S/P DIF (Digital Audio or Dolby AC3 Stream out)  
• RTC (Real Time Clock) Timer  
• 65536 Colour Graphic  
• 8 Favourite Channel List  
• Channel Ediꢀng Capability (Move, Delete, complied Lock and etc.)  
• PVR Funcꢀons and Twin Tuner Funcꢀon  
• Time shiſt (buffering): 1 Hours  
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3. REMOtE COntROl UnIt  
Press to switch between Operaꢀon and Standby modes  
Press to temporarily cut off the sound  
Press to switch the audio channel among the  
Leſt, Right and Stereo modes  
Press to enter required numbers in the input  
box or select a channel to watch  
Press to enter the teletext window  
Used to turn Closed Capꢀon subꢀtles on or  
1. FROnt PanEl  
Returns to previous program.  
Press to show informaꢀon of the current  
Move cursor up/down/leſt/right, Page up/  
down, Volume +/-  
CH+/ CH-  
Switch between operaꢀon and standby modes  
Change channel  
Press to execute the selected item in the  
menu, or to confirm the desired value in input  
2. REaR PanEl  
Press to display the Main Menu on the screen  
Press to display EPG (Electronic Program  
Guide) menu  
Press to display the FAV list  
Press to return to the previous menu or  
escape from the item  
PVR funcꢀons:  
From leſt to right:  
Press to display the Recorded Program List.  
Press to display the PVR Assist window.  
Change file playback posiꢀon (backward).  
Set the bookmark in playback progress bar.  
Press to jump to the next bookmark in  
playback progress bar.  
Change file playback posiꢀon (Forward).  
Return to Normal Speed Playback from FF/FR/  
Slow/Paused mode.  
Pause from live video or playback, and step  
when playback in Paused mode.  
Stop playback when playback or stop  
recording when recording.  
Record current service or set stop recording  
ꢀme when recording.  
ant 2 In  
ant 1 In  
lOOP OUt 2  
lOOP OUt 1  
Connect to terrestrial antenna  
Connect to terrestrial antenna  
RF Loop through output to 2nd receiver  
RF Loop through output to 2nd receiver  
HDMI video output [Supports high definiꢀon output]  
Connect to amplifier for digital audio output  
Serial port used for soſtware upgrade  
Component video output [Supports high definiꢀon output]  
Right audio output  
Leſt audio output  
Composite video output  
Power supply  
Main power switch  
Fast rewind  
Fast forward  
Press to slow at 1/2, 1/4, speed  
TIMER RECORD Shortcut to schedule recording  
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Your PVR remote has four learning keys plus a self-coding funcꢀon. The keys can be used for  
the STB remote to funcꢀon as any of the four keys on your TV remote.  
The recommended keys to use are “TV POWER”, the two grey keys below “TV POWER” ”TV/  
AV”, and “SET”. The idenꢀficaꢀon of ”TV/AV” key varies with the TV type. For example,  
idenꢀfying AV INPUT 1 2 3, etc.  
There are various ways to connect your PVR to your TV.  
The recommended opꢀons to obtain high definiꢀon picture is via HDMI, followed by  
Component (YPbPr).  
You do not need to use your TV remote when watching the digital TV program and services  
once your PVR remote has been set up to turn on your TV and change to the correct AV  
Important: To make use of the twin tuner funcꢀonality built-in to your PVR, you must ensure  
that you connect the supplied RF crossover lead from Loop Out 1 to Ant in 2.  
HDMI is the recommended connecꢀon for your PVR (if you have a TV with an HDMI input). An  
HDMI connecꢀon will allow you to transmit 1080i digital video and digital audio signals using a  
single lead.  
Instrucꢀons to use the STB RCU learning keys:  
1. Press and hold the “SET” key on your remote for three seconds, indicator light will keep on;  
2. Aim your TV remote to the “receiving window” on the back of your PVR remote while  
pressing the key you want it to learn (eg. the Power buꢂon on your TV remote).  
3. The indicator light of the STB RCU flashes three ꢀmes, and it indicates that the STB RCU has  
received the signal from your TV remote;  
• Connect the antenna to ANT IN of the STB  
• Connect one end of your HDMI lead to the PVR and the other end to the HDMI port on  
your TV.  
4. And press corresponding learning key on “TV key” window of your PVR remote again (such  
as the TV power key), the indicator light will flash three ꢀmes. This indicates that the key  
has been learnt successfully and is ready to use.  
5. When pressing keys on the “TV key” secꢀon on your PVR remote, the indicator light will  
flash. This indicates that your PVR remote is sending control signals to your TV. It is the  
same as the VOL+, VOL- and TV/AV keys.  
1. When watching TV pressing the “INFO” key on your remote will bring up the informaꢀon of  
the current and next program, such as name, starꢀng ꢀme and ending ꢀme. This message  
will disappear automaꢀcally aſter several seconds.  
2. The descripꢀon informaꢀon of the current channel will be displayed on the screen for  
several seconds by pressing the “INFO” buꢂon again.  
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• Connect the antenna to ANT IN of the STB.  
• Connect to TV as shown.  
• Connect the antenna to ANT IN of the STB  
• Connect to TV by using the supplied AV lead as shown:  
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For beginners the Auto Search feature is the best choice. First use the keys to select Auto  
Search from the Installaꢀon menu. Then press OK to enter the Auto Search sub-menu. The  
System will automaꢀcally search programs under Channel Edit. Once the search is complete,  
the newly found programs will be added to the TV program list and your PVR will automaꢀcally  
display the first found channel.  
Pressing the MENU key when there is no other dialogue window open, will display the main  
The main menu consists of five menu items as shown below.  
During the search process you may press the EXIT key to stop or press the OK key to skip. Press  
the EXIT key again to exit from this window.  
• 1. Installaꢀon  
• 2. Program Guide  
• 3. Program Manage  
• 4. Program Select  
• 5. PVR  
• 6. System Seꢁng  
Use the keys to move up or down from one item to another. Press the OK key on your  
remote to enter the selected sub-menu.  
To exit the menu system at anyꢀme, press EXIT on your remote.  
You can set parameters in Manual Search window if you are familiar with relevant parameters  
(such as specific transmission frequencies for specific channels). In this mode, only one channel,  
whose necessary parameters are set in Manual Search window by hand, can be searched.  
Channel No.: Press the ◄► keys to select proper opꢀon among the Channel List that you can  
edit in the Channel Edit window.  
Note: When in sub-menus, pressing the EXIT key will take you back one-step through the sub-  
menus. To completely exit from the menu, keep pressing the EXIT key on your remote.  
Frequency: The value varies with what you have selected in Channel No.  
Bandwidth: Press the ◄► keys to choose 6M, 7M or 8M.  
At the boꢂom of this window, there are two dynamic colour bars reflecꢀng the signal’s quality  
and strength. You can check whether you have set your antenna well by these two bars.  
Aſter modifying, press the OK key to start searching. If the search is completed successfully  
your PVR will turn to view the first searched program automaꢀcally. During the whole process,  
you can press EXIT key at any ꢀme to exit.  
1�3 ChANNEl EDIT  
The Installaꢀon menu allows two ways to search for programs: Auto Search and Manual  
Select Channel Edit item in the Installaꢀon menu and press the OK key. The Channel Edit  
window will be displayed on the screen. From here, new channels can be added and the  
exisꢀng ones can be edited or deleted.  
You can use the colour keys on your remote to execute the corresponding command shown at  
the boꢂom of this window.  
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NOTE: Aſter restoring default, all programs you have searched will be erased and all parameters  
will return to the factory default. Please use this operaꢀon with care.  
Add (Red key)  
Delete (Green key)  
Modify (Yellow key)  
Aſter pressing red key on your remote, the Add Channel window, where you can set necessary  
parameters of the new channel, will be displayed on the screen.  
NOTE: Pressing the EPG key on your remote will also enter the Program Guide window directly.  
Frequency: You can input values referring to above by using the number keys on your remote.  
Bandwidth: Press the ◄► keys to choice 6M, 7M or 8M.  
Aſter seꢁng all the parameters, press the OK key to confirm and exit from the Add Channel  
window. In Channel Edit window, you can find that the new channel has been added to the end  
of the list.  
The leſt hand of this screen displays the available channels. You can see a preview of the  
channel and the EPG informaꢀon on the right hand side.  
Press the “Recall” key to switch between several days of EPG for that channel.  
Press the FAV key to change the group.  
Press the Green colour key to enter into the program schedule window.  
Press the EXIT key to return to main menu.  
This command allows you to delete one or more unwanted channels. Select the channel you  
want to delete and press the green key on your remote.  
Note: EPG informaꢀon is enꢀrely based on what the broadcaster chooses to broadcast. And  
may not necessarily be accurate.  
Note: Aſter you choose to delete the channel (by pressing the green key), the system won’t ask  
you to confirm your deleꢀon. So please make sure before you delete the channel.  
Select the channel you want to edit first and then press the yellow key to display the “Modify  
Channel” window. The operaꢀons are the same as “Add”.  
Through this window, you can edit programs according to your requirements. The three colour  
keys on your remote have the following funcꢀons.  
Delete (Red key) | Move (Green key) | Rename (Blue key)  
In Installaꢀon menu, move the selecꢀon to Factory Default and press the OK key, a warning  
message box will be displayed on the screen, press OK key to confirm your selecꢀon.  
Delete allows you to delete one or more unwanted programs permanently. First select the  
program you want to delete and press the red key on your remote.  
You can conꢀnue to select other unnecessary programs and mark them (shown with a red  
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cross) and finally press OK key to delete all of them from the list.  
How to define a favourite group  
Press the Red key on your remote, and a on screen keypad will pop up where you can define a  
favourite group name.  
In this keypad window, select your required character by using the direcꢀon keys on your  
remote and press OK key.  
Only one program item can be moved up or down each ꢀme. Press the keys to select the  
program you want to move and press the green key on your remote. An Up-Down-Pointed  
arrow will be displayed right of the selected program. You can press the keys to move this  
program to where you want. Press the green key again to confirm the new locaꢀon.  
Then the selected character will be shown in the ꢀtle bar at the top of this keypad window. To  
switch between capital and lowercase leꢂers, please select Caps On command and press the  
OK key on your remote. The Back command allows you to erase the unwanted character in the  
ꢀtle bar. Move cursor to the OK command and press the OK key on your remote. The keypad  
will disappear and the new name will be shown in the fav column. You can define several  
favourite groups in the same way.  
How to modify a favourite group  
In the FAV column, use the keys to select one that you want to modify and press the  
yellow key. Once the on screen keyboard pops up refer to the above instrucꢀons to make your  
Use the keys to select the program you want to rename, press the blue key on your  
remote, and a on screen keypad will pop up where you can rename the program name.  
In this keypad window, select your required character by using direcꢀon keys on your remote  
and press OK key.  
The selected character will be shown in the ꢀtle bar at the top of this keypad window. To  
switch between capital and lowercase leꢂers, please select Caps On command and press the  
OK key on your remote. The Back command allows you to erase the unwanted character in the  
ꢀtle bar. Move cursor to the OK command and press the OK key on your remote. The keypad  
will disappear and the new name will be shown in the program name column. You can define  
several program names in the same way.  
How to delete a favourite group  
In the FAV column, the selected favourite group will be deleted from the list aſter the green  
colour key on your remote is pressed.  
Note: Aſter you choose to delete the group (by pressing the green key), the system won’t ask  
you to confirm your deleꢀon. So please make sure before you delete the group.  
How to add programs into a favourite group  
This window includes the three columns of FAV, Selected, and Programs. While there are no  
prepared favourite groups in FAV column, you can define and modify favourite groups name by  
using the corresponding colour keys on your remote. Addiꢀonally, you can add programs to any  
favourite group.  
The ◄► keys are used to switch among the three columns, and the keys are used to  
select items in each column. Noꢀce that what will be shown in the Selected and Programs  
column varies with the favourite group that you have selected in the FAV column.  
Select one favourite group (for example Sports favourite group that you have just defined) in  
the FAV column, and then move the cursor to the Programs column. In the Programs column,  
select programs that have a relaꢀon with Sports and press OK key, and then those programs  
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will be added into Sports favourite group and shown in the selected column.  
If you want to deselect one program in Sport favourite group, move cursor to program that you  
want to delete from selected column and press the OK key, and then this designated program  
will disappear in selected column.  
In the Main Menu, use the keys to select the Program List item, and press the OK key to  
enter into the Program List menu. From here, the default mode is “TV” mode.  
In program list, the ◄► keys are used to select the desired program and pressing the OK key  
allows you to view the selected program.  
Rename: Press the Yellow key to display the on screen keyboard. You can edit the file name  
using the arrow keys on your remote  
For example, let’s say you set up 2 favourite Groups:  
1� All HD channels 2� All SD channels  
Lock: Press the Blue key on the selected file name. This feature will prevent you from  
accidentally deleꢀng the selected recording.  
To watch only the selected favourite channels (see secꢀon: Favourite Edit), you can use the leſt  
and right arrow buꢂons to select how the program list is displayed. You can choose between  
show ALL, or only HD or SD groups (which you created earlier).  
Say you choose HD favourite group, you will see the Channels you added into this favourite  
group. If you highlight one of these channels and pressed OK, the PVR2HD will go back to  
normal viewing mode, but each ꢀme you change channel, you will only cycle through channels  
within your HD favourite group. To get back to all channels, simply press OK buꢂon and get the  
program list back up, and use the Leſt and Right arrow keys to change the Program list choice  
back to ALL.  
5� PVR  
groupManager: The Group Manager allows you to make groups of your recordings for easy  
locaꢀon. Press the Green key to create a new group list. You can press the OK key to add a  
recorded file to the group. Red key cancels an exisꢀng group and the Yellow Key modifies its  
You can edit recorded channels in this menu.  
Delete: Select a recorded file you want to delete, and press the Red key.  
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5.2 Schedule  
Select the Schedule menu item and enter it by pressing the OK key. The Schedule Programs list  
window will be shown.  
Schedule mode: Once / Daily / Weekly.  
Once: The task will acꢀvate only on the selected date and ꢀme.  
Daily: The task will be acꢀvated every day on the selected start and end ꢀmes.  
To add a new Scheduled task, press the Green key on your remote.  
To delete exisꢀng scheduled tasks: press the Red key to delete an individual task, or press the  
Blue key to delete all the exisꢀng tasks. You will have to confirm your decision once you press  
Weekly: The task will be acꢀvated every week on the selected day(s)  
When you choose the “Weekly” mode and press the OK key on your remote, you will see the  
opꢀon to choose the week day/s, select the days you want and press the OK key to back.  
Press the EXIT or MENU keys to exit.  
5.2.1 Adding Scheduled Tasks  
Channel Name: Select the desired channel you wish to record or have your PVR2HD start  
In Add Schedule, there are parameters below to be set.  
Schedule Type: Rec or Play  
You can either have the PVR2HD start recording, or automaꢀcally switch a selected channel at a  
desired ꢀme.  
Schedule start ꢀme offset: Schedule record or play to start earlier or later. This is to  
compensate for programs that have an earlier or later than adverꢀsed start ꢀme.  
Schedule stop ꢀme offset: Schedule record or play to stop earlier or later.  
Remind before schedule start: Remind you before schedule is going to start.  
Divide Record By EPG Event: Select on or off.  
If set to On, recordings will be broken up to individual entries based on the program name  
transmiꢂed via the EPG.  
Schedule Start Time: Input wanted ꢀme by using the number keys on your remote, or press OK  
to enter the sub-menu to set the date and ꢀme (The FAV key on your remote is used to switch  
between date and ꢀme)  
PVR Icon Time Out: Select the ꢀme that the PVR icon is displayed on the screen by using the  
◄► keys.  
Schedule End Time (hh:mm): Input wanted ꢀme to stop recording, or playback using the  
Default Recording Duraꢀon: the default duraꢀon for manual record (when you press the REC  
buꢂon on the remote during an ongoing program).  
number keys on your remote.  
Time shiſt Start Mode:  
The available opꢀons are: Never, Always and Pause key. Changing this seꢁng comes into effect  
aſter playing a new service (ie. changing channels).  
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Always: Timeshiſt, when set to Always ensures that the PVR2HD is always recording in the  
background. This will allow you to pause, and rewind live TV, as the PVR2HD buffer will have a  
certain amount of pre-recorded content.  
In the Main Menu, use the keys to select the System Seꢁng menu item, and press the OK  
key to enter. This menu consists of five items. You can access the sub-menus by highlighꢀng  
your selecꢀon and pressing the OK key.  
Pause key: If this opꢀon is selected, Timeshiſt will only begin when you press the Pause key on  
your remote. This is useful when you need to answer a phone call or the door while watching a  
TV, so that you can resume watching from where you leſt.  
Never: Will disable the ꢀme shiſt feature.  
When there is a recording, you can see the light down leſt on the front panel blinking. And  
you can enter the Recording info. If there are no recordings currently in place, there will be a  
message warning you that there are currently no recordings.  
When there is a recording happening and you press the Info buꢂon on your remote the  
recording info box will tell you the recording informaꢀon as follows:  
Index: R1 or R2  
Transparency: This effects the transparency of the closed capꢀons. The value is from 0 to 30%.  
banner Time: Determines the display ꢀme of info boxes before they disappear.  
Mode: Quick or Schedule  
Channel Name  
Aſter making your selecꢀons, press the OK or EXIT key to save and exit.  
File Name: you can change the name by pressing OK key.  
Valid Record Time: the real recording ꢀme  
Past Time:  
Duraꢀon: Showing you how long there is leſt ꢀll the recording stops.  
5�5 hDD FORMAT  
Screen Type: 4:3 or 16:9  
Aspect Raꢀo: Full Screen / Leꢂerbox / Pan Scan  
Resolve: AUTO / 1080I / 576P / 720P  
Please be extra careful when using this feature as it will completely erase your hard drive and  
you will lose any previously recorded content. For security purposes you will be asked to enter  
the password to confirm your decision (Default password is: 0000).  
Audio Channel Mode: Stereo / leſt / right  
Decoder: MPEG or AC3  
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be displayed on the up-right corner of your TV screen. Volume can be restored by pressing the  
MUTE key again.  
73 TElETExT  
You can press the CC key on your remote to enter the TeleText or Closed Capꢀon windows. This  
feature will only become acꢀve if the channel broadcast contains Teletext or Closed Capꢀons.  
To exit TeleText, press the EXIT key. To exit Closed Capꢀons press the CC key again on your  
When watching a channel, pressing the INFO key buꢂon will display a simple EPG dialogue box  
that includes current and next program informaꢀon.  
This screen allows you to adjust the ꢀme zone seꢁngs to suit your locaꢀon. Press the keys  
to change between states and use the ◄► keys to select between “Daylight Saving On” and  
“Daylight Saving Off” for daylight saving seꢁngs.  
Note: The duraꢀon of info windows on your PVR2HD can be adjusted to be longer or shorter.  
Refer to 6.1 Common Set > Banner Time.  
Press OK or EXIT key to save and exit.  
An SD or HD icon will also display at top-right corner of this window that will show you whether  
you are watching a SD or HD channel.  
The system informaꢀon screen displays general and version informaꢀon relaꢀng to your  
hardware and soſtware.  
Your PVR2HD remote comes with dedicated keys to make accessing certain features on your  
PVR easily accessible. Refer to the following secꢀon:  
7�1 AUDIO  
Press Audio key to display the Audio Selecꢀon window.  
Press the ◄► keys to switch among Leſt, Right, Stereo, and mix. Select the best audio channel  
output for the current program.  
Pressing the INFO key again on this screen will pop up a bigger window showing more details  
about the current program. By pressing the INFO key again on your remote you can conꢀnue  
reading the next program informaꢀon. Press INFO key once again to return to the iniꢀal view  
During the whole operaꢀon, press the EXIT key to exit from this window at any ꢀme.  
7�5 EPg AND EPg SChEDUlE  
For more informaꢀon on EPG, see 2. Program Guide.  
To schedule recordings from the EPG window:  
When you select a parꢀcular program in the EPG window and press the OK key on your remote,  
you can enter the EPG Schedule window. This will allow you to assign Recording or Playback  
tasks based on the selected program– see 5.2.1 Adding Scheduled Tasks for informaꢀon on  
each opꢀon.  
NOTE: The available selecꢀons in the audio language dialogue window depend on the channel  
broadcast. If the service provides several audio languages, use keys to select appropriate  
language and press the OK key to confirm.  
When you are done with seꢁng up your opꢀons, press the OK key on your remote to save your  
changes, or press the EXIT key to exit without saving.  
72 MUTE  
Press the MUTE key on your PVR2HD buꢂon to cut off the sound completely; a MUTE icon will  
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If you schedule a recording via this method, you will noꢀce a ꢀmer icon next to the selected  
program, indicaꢀng it is scheduled to record (or play).  
7�9 TIME ShIFT  
7.9.1 Start Time shiſt  
When Time shiſt Start Mode is Always, you can press the Red, Blue Key or Pause Key to start it.  
When the mode is Pause, you can only start it by pressing Pause Key.  
You can’t start ꢀme shiſt when the mode is never.  
Press the FAV key to recall a stored favourite channel.  
Favourite channels are programmed and stored in the Program list menu.  
See 3.2 Favourite Edit for more informaꢀon on seꢁng up favourites.  
You can change the TimeShiſt mode in PVR Seꢁngs– see 5.3 PVR Seꢁngs.  
7.9.2 Change ꢀme shiſt speed  
Press the HDD key on your PVR2HD remote to view a list of all the recordings available on your  
Aſter pressing the REW, FF, Slow or Pause keys to change ꢀme shiſt speed, a speed icon will be  
displayed on the upper leſt corner of the screen.  
You can see the used percentage of hard disk space on the boꢂom leſt corner of this screen.  
7.9.3 Change ꢀme shiſt playing posiꢀon  
Press the Red or Blue keys to display ꢀme shiſt process bar. You can change the ꢀme shiſt  
playing posiꢀon.  
7.9.4 Stop ꢀme shiſt  
Method 1: Press the Stop key to stop ꢀme shiſt and return back to watching the live broadcast.  
Method 2: If you switch channels, the ꢀme shiſt buffer for the previous channel will be replaced  
by the new channel.  
7�10 REC  
7.10.1 Start record  
Pressing the ◄► keys to change view between group list and file list.  
When File list is on focus, its program name, start ꢀme and duraꢀon will be displayed, and you  
can operate as follows:  
Press INFO key to see the informaꢀon of this file, when there is no informaꢀon, it will display  
“this file has no descripꢀon.” Press the INFO key again to remove this window.  
Press the OK key to playback this file.  
Press the RECORD key to start recording. A record icon is displayed on the top leſt part of the  
screen and the recording light on the front panel of your PVR2HD will start flashing to indicate a  
recording is in progress.  
The record icon displays recording number, duraꢀon and recording name. Recording name is in  
the form of Channel Name-Event Name.  
7.10.2 Change recording informaꢀon  
See 5.4 Recording Info for more informaꢀon on this feature.  
7.10.3 EPG record and Common scheduled record  
If scheduled EPG or scheduled REC is reached, a new record can also be started. For more  
informaꢀon, refer to Scheduled list.  
7.10.4 Recording file informaꢀon  
If current recording service has EPG informaꢀon, recorded file is parꢀꢀoned automaꢀcally  
according EPG items. Recorded file name is program name, file duraꢀon is program duraꢀon  
and file descripꢀon is program descripꢀon. If current recording service has no EPG informaꢀon,  
recorded file name is channel name and it will not be parꢀꢀoned.  
The PVR Assist feature is a convenient funcꢀon that will display all the PVR operaꢀon according  
to the current situaꢀon. Press OK key to start a on-screen tutorial from the available list.  
7.10.5 Stop record  
Press the STOP key to stop recording. You will be asked to confirm.  
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7�11 FIlE PlAYbACk  
3. Specify your start posiꢀon with the GREEN key, and your end posiꢀon with the YELLOW key.  
Finally, press the OK key to confirm.  
7.11.1 Change file playback speed  
Press the REW, FF, SLOW keys to change file playback speed, a speed icon is displayed in the top  
leſt of the screen.  
4. Select the OK buꢂon to cut or the CANCEL buꢂon to cancel the operaꢀon.  
7.11.2 Change file playback posiꢀon  
Press the Play, Red or Blue keys to display playback progress bar. You can press the Red or Blue  
keys to change file playback posiꢀon.  
7.11.3 Display playing file informaꢀon  
Press the INFO key to pop up a bar to show informaꢀon on the current playback.  
7.11.4 Jump file playback ꢀme  
In the playback progress bar, you can press the number keys on your remote to input a ꢀme,  
then press the OK key or wait for a while, playback will skip to your selected ꢀme (if ꢀme seꢁng  
is valid).  
7�12 bOOkMARk  
The bookmark funcꢀon allows you to quickly jump to specified posiꢀons in your recording with  
the press of a buꢂon. Follow the instrucꢀons below:  
7.11.5 Cut out and Save Selected Region  
Follow the instrucꢀons below to cut out certain secꢀons of your recording.  
1. Start playback of a recording.  
7.12.1 Add a bookmark  
To add a bookmark, press the GREEN key at the posiꢀon you want to add it into the playback  
progress bar. You can bookmark a maximum 20 posiꢀons per recording.  
2. Press the Play, Red, or Blue buꢂon on your remote to display the Playback progress bar; press  
the OK key twice which will bring up the following prompt: “Please add a start or an end mark  
posiꢀon, then confirm to cut!”.  
7.12.2 Go to a bookmark  
Press the YELLOW key to jump to the next bookmark in the playback progress bar. The file will  
start playing from the bookmarked posiꢀon.  
7.12.3 Delete a bookmark  
To remove a bookmark, you should jump to the bookmarked posiꢀon by pressing the YELLOW  
key and then press the GREEN key to delete the bookmark.  
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4 Digits LED Display  
8 Keys  
Channel Number Display  
Standby, Menu, Select, Exit, Channel , VOL  
Rear Panel  
2 Input Connector  
Signal Level Input  
F-type, IEC 169-2  
IF Input  
F-type Connector  
F-type Connector  
YPbPr/CVBS, Audio L/R  
-20 ~ +20 dBm  
IF Loop Through Output  
TV output  
6 ~ 8 MHz Auto Soſtware Seꢁng  
75 Ohms  
Input Impedance  
Carrier Mode  
HDMI output  
Digital Audio Out Modulator  
RS232 Serial Port  
Remote Control  
2K / 8K  
S/P DIF or AC-3 Opꢀcal  
9 Pin D-sub Type  
FEC Code Rate  
Fully DVB-T MPEG-2 Compliant  
(QPSK,16 and 64 QAM)  
1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4  
ISO13818-1, 2 * MPEG-2, MP@ML  
Constellaꢀon Auto  
Guard Interval Modes  
Transport Stream  
Mpeg transport stream & A/V decoding  
Infra-red (Carrier Freq: 38 KHZ)  
2×1.5V AAA Type  
320GB, Recording up to 120 hours (@4Mbps)  
SD, 75hrs for HD  
Fully DVB-T MPEG-2 Compliant  
@ 4Mbps Stream  
Record Stream  
Aspect Raꢀo  
4:3, 16:9 Leꢂer Box  
Video Resoluꢀon  
Audio Decoding  
Audio Mode  
1920*1080i MAX  
MPEG layer I and II  
Single / Dual Channel, Stereo, Joint Stereo  
32, 44.1, 48KHz  
Audio sampling frequency  
Microprocessor & Memories  
Main Processor  
CPU Clock  
200 MIPS  
8 Mbyte  
Flash Memory  
32 Mbyte*4  
Data Port  
9 Pin D-Sub type  
RS232 asynchronous  
Max. 19.2 kbps  
Data Rate  
RF Modulator  
IEC 169-2, Male / Female  
47 MHz to 862 MHz  
TV Standard  
LNB power supply  
Front Panel  
13V/18/OFF, Imax=400mA  
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The table below covers some of the more common reasons for abnormal PVR funcꢀon.  
Likely Causes  
Can’t record 2 channels  
The RF Cross over lead is not Connect the supplied Cross  
over lead from RF Loopout 2  
to ANT In 1.  
this product is warranted for 12 months from the date of purchase.  
Subject to the conditions of this warranty, the Customer Care Centre will perform  
necessary service on the product without charge for parts, or labour if, in the  
opinion of the manufacturer/ manufacturer’s agent, the product is found to be  
faulty within the warranty period.  
Front LED’s do not light  
AC power cord disconnected Connect power cord properly  
to the power socket  
No picture or sound  
Connecꢀon of Video or  
Audio to input terminals is  
Check your choice of AV or RF  
is right. Check each AV lead  
at each end.  
This warranty only applies if the product has been installed and used in accordance  
with the manufacturer’s recommendations (as noted in the operating instructions)  
under normal use and reasonable care. The warranty covers normal domestic use  
only and does not cover damage, malfunction or failure resulting from use of  
incorrect voltage, accident, misuse, neglect, build-up of dirt or dust, abuse, mis-  
adjustment of customer controls, mains supply problems, thunderstorm activity,  
infestation by insects or vermin, tampering or repair by unauthorised persons  
(including unauthorised alterations), exposure to abnormally corrosive conditions  
or any foreign object or matter having entered the product.  
Antenna cables incorrectly  
Check the RF path from  
antenna through both tuners  
to modulator and RF OUT  
Antenna not delivering clear Check cable connecꢀons, or  
adjust the antenna  
No signal or weak signal  
Call an antenna specialist  
from local paper or similar.  
If warranty service is required you should:  
Wrong Channel Informaꢀon  
Type values again carefully  
Telephone the Customer Care Centre on 1300 662 946  
Provide a copy of your purchase receipt that shows retailers identity and  
date of purchase.  
Send or bring the product to your Customer Care Centre.  
Please note that freight to and/or from your Customer Care Centre  
must be arranged by you.  
in menu  
Black and white screen or  
Your TV or PVR picture mode Check that screen shape best  
does not match broadcast  
matches your screen and PAL  
B/G is selected.  
Your remote Control Unit is  
not working  
Baꢂery exhausted  
Replace remote baꢂeries  
with new ones  
The warranties hereby conferred do not extend to any costs associated with the  
delivery, handling, freighting or transportation of the product or any part thereof  
or replacement of and do not extend to any damage or loss occurring during, or  
associated with transit.  
Fluorescent light interfering  
with remote control signals  
Switch light Off  
Remote control is incorrectly Point front of RCU carefully  
towards PVR.  
Distorted Menu Screen  
Not working  
Brightness or Contrast level  
of TV set too high  
Adjust Brightness and  
Contrast to lower levels  
Processor stopped  
Remove the power cord or  
switch AC OFF and ON  
1300 662 946  
Customer Care Centre  
562 Spencer Street, West Melbourne  
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