Sony Satellite Radio 3 873 945 12 1 User Manual

3-873-945-12 (1)  
Digital Wireless  
The supplied CD-ROM includes the Operating Instructions for the DWT-B01  
digital wireless transmitter (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and  
Japanese versions) and the frequency lists (English and Japanese versions)  
in PDF format.  
Operating Instructions  
Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly  
and retain it for future reference.  
© 2008 Sony Corporation  
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Take care not to burn your fingers when  
removing the battery holder as the batteries  
may be very hot at this time.  
For customers in Canada  
This Class B digital apparatus complies  
with Canadian ICES-003.  
For the customers in Canada  
N’exposez pas les batteries à une chaleur  
excessive, au soleil ou près d’un feu par  
Operation is subject to the following two  
conditions: (1) this device may not cause  
interference, and (2) this device must accept  
any interference, including interference that  
may cause undesired operation of the  
Pour les utilisateurs au Canada  
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est  
conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.  
The term “IC” before the radio certification  
number only signifies that Industry Canada  
technical specifications were met.  
L’utilisation doit répondre aux deux  
conditions suivantes : (1) ce matériel ne doit  
pas provoquer de brouillage et (2) il doit  
accepter tout brouillage, même celui qui est  
susceptible d’affecter son fonctionnement.  
To reduce potential radio interference to  
other users, the antenna type and its gain  
should be so chosen that the equivalent  
isotropically radiated power (EIRP) is not  
more than that required for successful  
La mention « IC: » devant le numéro de  
certification/ homologation signifie  
uniquement que les spécifications  
techniques d’Industrie Canada sont  
This device has been designed to operate  
with an antenna having a maximum gain of  
0 dB.  
Antenna having a higher gain is strictly  
prohibited per regulations of Industry  
Pour réduire les interférences radio  
potentielles pour les autres utilisateurs, le  
type d’antenne et son gain doivent être  
choisis de sorte que la puissance isotrope  
rayonnée équivalente (PIRE) ne soit pas  
supérieure à la puissance requise pour  
assurer la communication.  
The required antenna impedance is 50  
Notice for customers in Canada:  
Use of Sony wireless devices is regulated  
by the Industry Canada as described in their  
Radio Standard Specification RSS-123.  
A licence is normally required. The local  
district office of Industry Canada should  
therefore be contacted. When the operation  
of the device is within the broadcast band,  
the licence is issued on no-interference,  
noprotection basis with respect to broadcast  
Ce dispositif a été conçu pour fonctionner  
avec une antenne à gain maximum de 0 dB.  
L'emploi d’une antenne à gain supérieur est  
strictement interdit par les règles  
d’Industrie Canada.  
L’impédance d’antenne requise est de 50  
Remarque à l’intention des  
utilisateurs au Canada:  
L’usage des appareils sans fil Sony est  
réglementé par l’Industrie Canada comme  
décrit dans leur Cahier des Normes  
Radioélectriques CNR-123.  
Une licence est normalement requise.  
Le bureau de l’Industrie Canada doit être  
contacté. Lorsque le fonctionnement de  
For the customers in Europe  
If the transmitter develops an abnormally  
high temperature, a burning odor or smoke  
during use, remove the battery holder and  
stop using the transmitter immediately.  
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l’appareil respecte les limites de la bande de  
radiodiffusion, la licence est accordée sur la  
base d’une non-interférence, non-  
protection pour les signaux de  
Para los clientes de Europa  
Si el transmisor desprende temperaturas  
altas no normales, olor a quemado o humo  
durante su uso, quite el soporte de las pilas  
y detenga el uso del transmisor  
Pour les clients en Europe  
Tenga cuidado de no quemarse los dedos  
cuando quite el soporte de las pilas pues las  
pilas pueden estar bastante calientes en este  
Si l’émetteur dégage une température  
anormalement élevée, une odeur de brûlé  
ou de la fumée pendant son utilisation,  
enlevez le support de piles et arrêtez toute  
utilisation immédiatement.  
Attention à ne pas vous brûler les doigts  
lorsque vous retirez le support de piles car  
celles–ci peuvent être brûlantes.  
This model has an RF module of the  
FCC/IC approval built-in.  
FCC ID: AK8RM215  
IC: 409B-RM215  
Akkus dürfen keinesfalls übermäßiger  
Wärmeeinwirkung ausgesetzt werden, wie  
z.B. Sonneneinstrahlung, Feuer o. ä.  
For the customers in the U.S.A.  
This device complies with part 15 of the  
FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the  
following two conditions: (1) this device  
may not cause harmful interference, and (2)  
this device must accept any interference  
received, including interference that may  
cause undesired operation.  
Für Kunden in Europa  
Wenn der Sender eine abnorm hohe  
Temperatur, einen Geruch nach  
Verbranntem oder Rauch entwickelt,  
entnehmen Sie den Batterie-Halter und  
stoppen Sie sofort den Betrieb des Senders.  
Achten Sie bei der Entnahme des Batterie-  
Halters darauf, sich nicht die Finger zu  
verbrennen, denn die Batterien könnten  
sehr heiß zu diesem Zeitpunkt sein.  
470 - 862 MHz  
470 - 606 MHz, 614 -  
862 MHz  
Le batterie non devono essere esposte a  
fonti di calore eccessivo come luce solare  
diretta, fuoco, ecc.  
Luxembourg 470 - 862 MHz  
800 - 820 MHz  
470 - 862 MHz  
800.100 - 819.900 MHz  
470 - 830 MHz  
470 - 854 MHz  
470 - 862 MHz  
790 - 862 MHz  
790.100 - 821.900 MHz,  
854 - 862 MHz  
Per i clienti in Europa  
Se il trasmettitore si surriscalda  
eccessivamente, rilascia odore di bruciato o  
del fumo, rimuovere il porta-pile e smettere  
di usare il trasmettitore immediatamente.  
Fare attenzione a non bruciarsi le dita  
quando si rimuove il porta-pile poiché le  
pile potrebbero essere molto calde.  
470 - 862 MHz  
470 - 862 MHz  
No se deben exponer las baterÌas a una  
fuente de calor excesivo como la luz del sol,  
el fuego o similar.  
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requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni  
pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/  
Per ulteriori dettagli, si prega di consultare  
il seguente URL:  
For the customers in Europe  
Hereby, Sony Corporation, declares that  
this DWT-B01 is in compliance with the  
essential requirements and other relevant  
provisions of the Directive 1999/5/EC.  
For details, please access the following  
Questo prodotto è destinato all’uso nei  
seguenti paesi: Regno Unito, Germania,  
Norvegia, Lussemburgo, Belgio,  
Danimarca, Francia, Italia, Svezia,  
Svizzera, Finlandia, Islanda e Turchia.  
This product is intended to be used in the  
following countries : United Kingdom,  
Germany, Norway, Luxembourg, Belgium,  
Denmark, France, Italy, Sweden,  
Switzerland, Finland, Iceland, Turkey, and  
Czech Republic.  
Para los clientes de Europa  
Por medio de la presente Sony Corporation  
declara que el DWT-B01 cumple con los  
requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras  
disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la  
Directiva 1999/5/CE.  
Para mayor información, por favor consulte  
el siguiente URL:  
Pour les clients en Europe  
Par la présente Sony Corporation déclare  
que l'appareil DWT-B01 est conforme aux  
exigences essentielles et aux autres  
dispositions pertinentes de la directive  
Pour toute information complémentaire,  
veuillez consulter l’URL suivante:  
Este producto está destinado a utilizarse en  
los siguientes países: Reino Unido,  
Alemania, Noruega, Luxemburgo, Bélgica,  
Dinamarca, Francia, Italia, Suecia, Suiza,  
Finlandia, Islandia y Turquía.  
Ce produit est prévu pour être utilisé dans  
les pays suivants: Royaume-Uni,  
Allemagne, Norvège, Luxembourg,  
Belgique, Danemark, France, Italie, Suède,  
Suisse, Finlande, Islande et Turquie.  
Voor de klanten in Europa  
Hierbij verklaart Sony Corporation dat het  
toestel DWT-B01 in overeenstemming is  
met de essentiële eisen en de andere  
relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/  
Nadere informatie kunt u vinden op:  
Für Kunden in Europa  
Hiermit erklärt Sony Corporation, dass sich  
das Gerät DWT-B01 in Übereinstimmung  
mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und  
den übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen  
der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet.  
Weitere Informationen erhältlich unter:  
Dit product is bedoeld om in volgende  
landen gebruikt te worden: Verenigd  
Koninkrijk, Duitsland, Noorwegen,  
Luxemburg, België, Denemarken,  
Frankrijk, Italië, Zweden, Zwitserland,  
Finland, IJsland en Turkije.  
Dieses Produkt ist für den Gebrauch in den  
Königreich, Deutschland, Norwegen,  
Luxemburg, Belgien, Dänemark,  
Frankreich, Italien, Schweden, Schweiz,  
Finnland, Island und Türkei.  
For kunder i Europa  
Härmed intygar Sony Corporation att denna  
DWT-B01 står I överensstämmelse med de  
väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga  
relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av  
direktiv 1999/5/EG.  
Per i clienti in Europa  
Con la presente Sony Corporation dichiara  
che questo DWT-B01 è conforme ai  
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För ytterligare information gå in på följande  
Tämä tuote on tarkoitettu käytettäväksi  
seuraavissa maissa: Yhdistynyt  
kuningaskunta, Saksa, Norja, Luxemburg,  
Belgia, Tanska, Ranska, Italia, Ruotsi,  
Sveitsi, Suomi, Islanti ja Turkki.  
Den här produkten är avsedd för  
användning i följande länder:  
Storbritannien, Tyskland, Norge,  
Luxembourg, Belgien, Danmark,  
Frankrike, Italien, Sverige, Schweiz,  
Finland, Island och Turkiet.  
For kundene i Europa  
Sony Corporation erklærer herved at  
utstyret DWT-B01 er i samsvar med de  
grunnleggende krav og øvrige relevante  
krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.  
For flere detaljer, vennligst se:  
Para os clientes da Europa  
Sony Corporation declara que este DWT-  
B01 está conforme com os requisitos  
essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva  
Para mais informacoes, por favor consulte a  
seguinte URL:  
Dette produktet er ment for bruk i følgende  
land: Storbritannia, Tyskland, Norge,  
Luxemburg, Belgia, Danmark, Frankrike,  
Italia, Sverige, Sveits, Finland, Island og  
Este produto destina-se a ser usado nos  
seguintes países: Reino Unido, Alemanha,  
Noruega, Luxemburgo, Bélgica,  
Dinamarca, França, Itália, Suécia, Suíça,  
Finlândia, Islândia e Turquia.  
Για τꢀυς πελάτες στην Eυρώπη  
Με την παρꢀύσα η Sony Corporation  
δηλώνει ꢁτι DWT-B01  
συμμꢀρφώνεται πρꢀς της ꢀυσιώδεις  
απαιτήσεις και τις λꢀιπές σꢂετικές  
διατάꢃεις της ꢀδηγίας 1999/5/ΕΚ..  
Για λεπτꢀμέρειες παρακαλꢀύμε  
ꢁπως ελένꢃετε την ακꢁλꢀυθη  
σελίδα τꢀυ διαδικτύꢀυ:  
For kunder i Europa  
Undertegnede Sony Corporation erklærer  
herved, at følgende udstyr DWT-B01  
overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige  
relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.  
For yderligere information gå ind på  
følgende hjemmeside:  
Τꢀ πρꢀϊꢁν πρꢀꢀρί%εται για ꢂρήση  
στις εꢃής ꢂώρες: Ηνωμένꢀ Βασίλειꢀ,  
Γερμανία, Νꢀρ)ηγία,  
Dette produkt er beregnet til brug i de  
følgende lande: Storbritannien, Tyskland,  
Norge, Luxembourg, Belgien, Danmark,  
Frankrig, Italien, Sverige, Schweiz,  
Finland, Island og Tyrkiet.  
Λꢀυꢃεμ)ꢀύργꢀ, Βέλγιꢀ, Δανία,  
Γαλλία, Ιταλία, Σꢀυηδία, Ελ)ετία,  
Φινλανδία, Ισλανδία και Τꢀυρκία.  
Euroopassa oleville asiakkaille  
Sony Corporation vakuuttaa täten että  
DWT-B01 tyyppinen laite on direktiivin  
1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä  
koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen  
Halutessasi lisätietoja, käy osoitteessa:  
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Ez a termék a következő országokban  
használható: Egyesült Királyság,  
Németország, Norvégia, Luxemburg,  
Belgium, Dánia, Franciaország,  
Olaszország, Svédország, Svájc,  
Finnország, Izland és Törökország.  
Pro zákazníky v Evropě  
Sony Corporation tímto prohlašuje, že  
tento DWT-B01 je ve shodě se  
základními požadavky a dalšími  
příslušnými ustanoveními směrnice  
Podrobnosti lze získat na následující  
Tento produkt je určen k použití v  
následujících zemích: Spojené  
království, Německo, Norsko,  
Lucembursko, Belgie, Dánsko, Francie,  
Itálie, Švédsko, Švýcarsko, Finsko,  
Island a Turecko.  
Euroopa klientidele  
Sony Corporation kinnitab käesolevaga  
seadme DWT-B01 vastavust 1999/5/EÜ  
direktiivi põhinõuetele ja nimetatud  
direktiivist tulenevatele teistele  
asjakohastele sätetele.  
Üksikasjalikum info:  
See toode on ettenähtud kasutamiseks  
järgmistes riikides: Suurbritannia,  
Saksamaa, Norra, Luksemburg, Belgia,  
Taani, Prantsusmaa, Itaalia, Rootsi, Šveits,  
Soome, Island ja Türgi.  
Dotyczy klientów z Europy  
Niniejszym Sony Corporation  
oświadcza, że DWT-B01 jest zgodne z  
zasadniczymi wymaganiami oraz innymi  
stosownymi postanowieniami  
Európai vásárlóink fi gyelmébe  
Alulírott, Sony Corporation  
nyilatkozom, hogy a(z) DWT-B01  
megfelel a vonatkozó alapvető  
követelményeknek és az 1999/5/EC  
irányelv egyéb előírásainak.  
További információkat a következő  
weboldalon találhat:  
Dyrektywy 1999/5/WE.  
Szczegółowe informacje znaleźć można  
pod następującym adresem URL:  
Ten produkt jest przeznaczony do  
użytku w następujących krajach:  
Wielkiej Brytanii, Niemczech, Norwegii,  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
Luksemburgu, Belgii, Danii, Francji,  
Włoszech, Szwecji, Szwajcarii, Finlandii,  
Islandii i Turcji.  
Note for customer in UK:  
The use of this equipment is subject to  
individual license granted by the National  
Frequency Administration Authority.  
Pentru clienţii din Europa  
Prin prezenta, SonyCorporation declară  
că acest DWT-B01 respectă cerinţele  
esenţiale și este în conformitate cu  
prevederile Directivei 1995/5/EC.  
Pentru detalii, vă rugăm accesaţi  
următoarea adresă:  
Hinweis für Kunden in  
Der Gebrauch dieses Geräts unterliegt einer  
entsprechenden Lizenz von der nationalen  
Merknad for kundene i  
Bruken av dette utstyret er underlagt en  
spesiell lisens som utstedes av nasjonale  
Acest produs este destinat utilizării în  
următoarele ţări: Regatul Unit,  
Germania, Norvegia, Luxemburg,  
Belgia, Danemarca, Franţa, Italia,  
Suedia, Elveţia, Finlanda, Islanda și  
Remarque pour les clients  
résidant au Royaume-Uni:  
L’utilisation de cet équipement est soumise  
à la licence individuelle accordée par les  
autorités d’administration des fréquences  
Pre zákazníkov v Európe  
Sony Corporation týmto vyhlasuje, že  
DWT-B01 spĺňa základné požiadavky a  
všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice  
Opmerking voor klanten in het  
Verenigd Koninkrijk:  
Podrobnosti získate na nasledovnej  
webovej adrese:  
Het gebruik van deze apparatuur is  
onderhevig aan een afzonderlijke licentie  
die is verleend door de nationale autoriteit  
voor frequentiebeheer.  
Tento produkt je určený na používanie v  
nasledovných krajinách: Veľká  
Británia, Nemecko, Nórsko,  
Luxembursko, Belgicko, Dánsko,  
Francúzsko, Taliansko, Švédsko,  
Švajčiarsko, Fínsko, Island a Turecko.  
Bemærkning til kunder i  
Brugen af dette udstyr er underlagt  
individuel licens givet at  
Za stranke v Evropi  
Sony Corporation izjavlja, da je ta  
DWT-B01 v skladu z bistvenimi  
zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi  
določili direktive 1999/5/ES.  
Za podrobnosti vas naprošamo, če  
pogledate naURL:  
Nota per i clienti nel Regno  
L’uso di questo apparecchio è soggetto ad  
una licenza individuale accordata  
dall’Autorità per l’amministrazione delle  
frequenze nazionali..  
Izdelek je namenjen za uporabo v  
naslednjih državah: Veliki Britaniji,  
Nemčiji, Norveški, Luksemburgu,  
Belgiji, Danski, Franciji, Italiji, Švedski,  
Švici, Finski, Islandiji in Turčiji.  
För kunder i Storbritannien:  
Användandet av den här utrustningen sker  
under enskilda licenser som utfärdas av den  
nationella myndighet som handhar  
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L’utilisation de cet équipement est soumise  
à la licence individuelle accordée par les  
autorités d’administration des fréquences  
Ilmoitus Yhdistyneessä  
kuningaskunnassa asuville  
Laitteiston käyttöön tarvitaan paikallisen  
viestintäviranomaisen myöntämä  
henkilökohtainen lupa.  
Opmerking voor klanten in  
Volgens de Duitse wetgeving mag deze  
apparatuur alleen werken in kanalen  
(opgeven welke kanalen zijn toegestaan).  
Het gebruik van deze apparatuur is  
onderhevig aan een afzonderlijke licentie  
die is verleend door de nationale autoriteit  
voor frequentiebeheer.  
Bemærkning til kunder i  
I henhold til tysk lovgivning kan dette  
udstyr kun fungere i kanaler (angiv, hvilke  
kanaler, der er tilladt).  
Brugen af dette udstyr er underlagt  
individuel licens givet at  
Note for customer in Germany:  
According to German regulation this  
equipment can only operate in channels  
(specify which channels are allowed).  
The use of this equipment is subject to  
individual license granted by the National  
Frequency Administration Authority.  
Nota per i clienti in Germania:  
In base alle norme vigenti in Germania, il  
presente apparecchio può essere utilizzato  
solo su canali (specificare i canali  
L’uso di questo apparecchio è soggetto ad  
una licenza individuale accordata  
dall’Autorità per l’amministrazione delle  
frequenze nazionali.  
Hinweis für Kunden in  
Gemäß den Vorschriften in Deutschland  
kann dieses Gerät nur auf bestimmten  
Kanälen betrieben werden (zulässige  
Kanäle angeben).  
Der Gebrauch dieses Geräts unterliegt einer  
entsprechenden Lizenz von der nationalen  
För kunder i Tyskland:  
Enligt tysk lagstiftning får den här  
utrustningen endast användas med följande  
kanaler (ange vilka kanaler som är tillåtna).  
Användandet av den här utrustningen sker  
under enskilda licenser som utfärdas av den  
nationella myndighet som handhar  
Merknad for kundene i Tyskland:  
I henhold til tyske forskrifter kan dette  
utstyret kun brukes i kanal (angi hvilke  
kanaler som er tillatt).  
Bruken av dette utstyret er underlagt en  
spesiell lisens som utstedes av nasjonale  
Ilmoitus Saksassa asuville  
Saksassa voimassa olevien määräysten  
mukaan tätä laitetta saa käyttää ainoastaan  
kanavilla (ilmoita sallitut kanavat).  
Remarque pour les clients  
résidant en Allemagne:  
Conformément à la réglementation  
allemande, cet équipement fonctionne  
uniquement avec des canaux (spécifiez les  
canaux autorisés).  
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Laitteiston käyttöön tarvitaan paikallisen  
viestintäviranomaisen myöntämä  
henkilökohtainen lupa.  
Remarque pour les clients  
résidant en Norvège:  
Conformément à la réglementation  
norvégienne, cet équipement fonctionne  
uniquement avec des canaux (spécifiez les  
canaux autorisés) ayant une puissance de  
sortie RF maximale de 20 mW.  
L’utilisation de cet équipement est soumise  
à la licence individuelle accordée par les  
autorités d’administration des fréquences  
Opmerking voor klanten in  
Volgens de Noorse wetgeving mag deze  
apparatuur alleen werken in kanalen  
(opgeven welke kanalen zijn toegestaan)  
met een maximaal RF-uitgangsvermogen  
van 20 mW.  
Het gebruik van deze apparatuur is  
onderhevig aan een afzonderlijke licentie  
die is verleend door de nationale autoriteit  
voor frequentiebeheer.  
Note for customer in Norway:  
According to Norwegian regulation this  
equipment can only operate in channels  
(specify which channels are allowed) with a  
maximum RF output power of 20mW.  
The use of this equipment is subject to  
individual license granted by the National  
Frequency Administration Authority.  
Bemærkning til kunder i Norge:  
I henhold til norsk lovgivning kan dette  
udstyr kun fungere i kanaler (angiv, hvilke  
kanaler, der er tilladt) med en maksimal RF-  
udgangseffekt på 20 mW.  
Brugen af dette udstyr er underlagt  
individuel licens givet at  
Hinweis für Kunden in  
Gemäß den Vorschriften in Norwegen kann  
dieses Gerät nur auf bestimmten Kanälen  
betrieben werden (zulässige Kanäle  
angeben), und zwar mit einer maximalen  
HF-Ausgangsleistung von 20 mW.  
Der Gebrauch dieses Geräts unterliegt einer  
entsprechenden Lizenz von der nationalen  
Nota per i clienti in Norvegia:  
In base alle norme vigenti in Norvegia, il  
presente apparecchio può essere utilizzato  
solo su canali (specificare i canali  
consentiti) con una potenza di uscita RF  
massima di 20mW.  
L’uso di questo apparecchio è soggetto ad  
una licenza individuale accordata  
dall’Autorità per l’amministrazione delle  
frequenze nazionali.  
Merknad for kundene i Norge:  
I henhold til norske forskrifter kan dette  
utstyret kun brukes i kanal (angi hvilke  
kanaler som er tillatt) med maksimal RF-  
utgangseffekt på 20 mW.  
Bruken av dette utstyret er underlagt en  
spesiell lisens som utstedes av nasjonale  
För kunder i Norge:  
Enligt norsk lagstiftning får den här  
utrustningen endast användas med följande  
kanaler (ange vilka kanaler som är tillåtna)  
med en maximal RF-uteffekt på 20 mW.  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
Användandet av den här utrustningen sker  
under enskilda licenser som utfärdas av den  
nationella myndighet som handhar  
Merknad for kundene i  
Bruken av dette utstyret er underlagt en  
spesiell lisens som utstedes av nasjonale  
Ilmoitus Norjassa asuville  
Remarque pour les clients  
Norjassa voimassa olevien määräysten  
mukaan tätä laitetta saa käyttää ainoastaan  
kanavilla (ilmoita sallitut kanavat) ja siten,  
että RF-lähetysten enimmäisteho on 20  
Laitteiston käyttöön tarvitaan paikallisen  
viestintäviranomaisen myöntämä  
henkilökohtainen lupa.  
résidant au Luxembourg:  
L’utilisation de cet équipement est soumise  
à la licence individuelle accordée par les  
autorités d’administration des fréquences  
Opmerking voor klanten in  
Het gebruik van deze apparatuur is  
onderhevig aan een afzonderlijke licentie  
die is verleend door de nationale autoriteit  
voor frequentiebeheer.  
Bemærkning til kunder i  
Brugen af dette udstyr er underlagt  
individuel licens givet at  
Nota per i clienti in  
L’uso di questo apparecchio è soggetto ad  
una licenza individuale accordata  
dall’Autorità per l’amministrazione delle  
frequenze nazionali.  
För kunder i Luxemburg:  
Note for customer in  
The use of this equipment is subject to  
individual license granted by the National  
Frequency Administration Authority.  
Användandet av den här utrustningen sker  
under enskilda licenser som utfärdas av den  
nationella myndighet som handhar  
Ilmoitus Luxemburgissa asuville  
Laitteiston käyttöön tarvitaan paikallisen  
viestintäviranomaisen myöntämä  
henkilökohtainen lupa.  
Hinweis für Kunden in  
Der Gebrauch dieses Geräts unterliegt einer  
entsprechenden Lizenz von der nationalen  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
nationella myndighet som handhar  
Ilmoitus Belgiassa asuville  
Laitteiston käyttöön tarvitaan paikallisen  
viestintäviranomaisen myöntämä  
henkilökohtainen lupa.  
Note for customer in Belgium:  
The use of this equipment is subject to  
individual license granted by the National  
Frequency Administration Authority.  
Hinweis für Kunden in Belgien:  
Der Gebrauch dieses Geräts unterliegt einer  
entsprechenden Lizenz von der nationalen  
Merknad for kundene i Belgia:  
Bruken av dette utstyret er underlagt en  
spesiell lisens som utstedes av nasjonale  
Note for customer in Denmark:  
According to Danish regulation this  
equipment can only operate in channels  
(specify which channels are allowed).  
The use of this equipment is subject to  
individual license granted by the National  
Frequency Administration Authority.  
Remarque pour les clients  
résidant en Belgique:  
L’utilisation de cet équipement est soumise  
à la licence individuelle accordée par les  
autorités d’administration des fréquences  
Hinweis für Kunden in  
Gemäß den Vorschriften in Dänemark kann  
dieses Gerät nur auf bestimmten Kanälen  
betrieben werden (zulässige Kanäle  
Der Gebrauch dieses Geräts unterliegt einer  
entsprechenden Lizenz von der nationalen  
Opmerking voor klanten in  
Het gebruik van deze apparatuur is  
onderhevig aan een afzonderlijke licentie  
die is verleend door de nationale autoriteit  
voor frequentiebeheer.  
Bemærkning til kunder i Belgien:  
Brugen af dette udstyr er underlagt  
individuel licens givet at  
Merknad for kundene i Danmark:  
I henhold til danske forskrifter kan dette  
utstyret kun brukes i kanal (angi hvilke  
kanaler som er tillatt).  
Bruken av dette utstyret er underlagt en  
spesiell lisens som utstedes av nasjonale  
Nota per i clienti in Belgio:  
L’uso di questo apparecchio è soggetto ad  
una licenza individuale accordata  
dall’Autorità per l’amministrazione delle  
frequenze nazionali.  
Remarque pour les clients  
résidant au Danemark:  
Conformément à la réglementation danoise,  
cet équipement fonctionne uniquement  
För kunder i Belgien:  
Användandet av den här utrustningen sker  
under enskilda licenser som utfärdas av den  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
avec des canaux (spécifiez les canaux  
L’utilisation de cet équipement est soumise  
à la licence individuelle accordée par les  
autorités d’administration des fréquences  
Laitteiston käyttöön tarvitaan paikallisen  
viestintäviranomaisen myöntämä  
henkilökohtainen lupa.  
Opmerking voor klanten in  
Volgens de Deense wetgeving mag deze  
apparatuur alleen werken in kanalen  
(opgeven welke kanalen zijn toegestaan).  
Het gebruik van deze apparatuur is  
onderhevig aan een afzonderlijke licentie  
die is verleend door de nationale autoriteit  
voor frequentiebeheer.  
Bemærkning til kunder i  
I henhold til dansk lovgivning kan dette  
udstyr kun fungere i kanaler (angiv, hvilke  
kanaler, der er tilladt).  
Brugen af dette udstyr er underlagt til  
individuel licens givet at  
Note for customer in Italy:  
According to Italian regulation this  
equipment can only operate in channels  
(specify which channels are allowed).  
The use of this equipment is subject to  
individual license granted by the National  
Frequency Administration Authority.  
Nota per i clienti in Danimarca:  
In base alle norme vigenti in Danimarca, il  
presente apparecchio può essere utilizzato  
solo su canali (specificare i canali  
L’uso di questo apparecchio è soggetto ad  
una licenza individuale accordata  
dall’Autorità per l’amministrazione delle  
frequenze nazionali.  
Hinweis für Kunden in Italien:  
Gemäß den Vorschriften in Italien kann  
dieses Gerät nur auf bestimmten Kanälen  
betrieben werden (zulässige Kanäle  
Der Gebrauch dieses Geräts unterliegt einer  
entsprechenden Lizenz von der nationalen  
För kunder i Danmark:  
Enligt dansk lagstiftning får den här  
utrustningen endast användas med följande  
kanaler (ange vilka kanaler som är tillåtna).  
Användandet av den här utrustningen sker  
under enskilda licenser som utfärdas av den  
nationella myndighet som handhar  
Merknad for kundene i Italia:  
I henhold til italienske forskrifter kan dette  
utstyret kun brukes i kanal (angi hvilke  
kanaler som er tillatt).  
Bruken av dette utstyret er underlagt en  
spesiell lisens som utstedes av nasjonale  
Ilmoitus Tanskassa asuville  
Tanskassa voimassa olevien määräysten  
mukaan tätä laitetta saa käyttää ainoastaan  
kanavilla (ilmoita sallitut kanavat).  
Remarque pour les clients  
résidant en Italie:  
Conformément à la réglementation  
italienne, cet équipement fonctionne  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
uniquement avec des canaux (spécifiez les  
canaux autorisés).  
L’utilisation de cet équipement est soumise  
à la licence individuelle accordée par les  
autorités d’administration des fréquences  
Laitteiston käyttöön tarvitaan paikallisen  
viestintäviranomaisen myöntämä  
henkilökohtainen lupa.  
Opmerking voor klanten in Italië:  
Volgens de Italiaanse wetgeving mag deze  
apparatuur alleen werken in kanalen  
(opgeven welke kanalen zijn toegestaan).  
Het gebruik van deze apparatuur is  
onderhevig aan een afzonderlijke licentie  
die is verleend door de nationale autoriteit  
voor frequentiebeheer.  
Bemærkning til kunder i Italien:  
I henhold til italiensk lovgivning kan dette  
udstyr kun fungere i kanaler (angiv, hvilke  
kanaler, der er tilladt).  
Brugen af dette udstyr er underlagt  
individuel licens givet at  
Note for customer in Sweden:  
According to Swedish regulation this  
equipment can only operate in channels  
(specify which channels are allowed).  
The use of this equipment is subject to  
individual license granted by the National  
Frequency Administration Authority.  
Nota per i clienti in Italia:  
In base alle norme vigenti in Italia, il  
presente apparecchio può essere utilizzato  
solo su canali (specificare i canali  
L’uso di questo apparecchio è soggetto ad  
una licenza individuale accordata  
dall’Autorità per l’amministrazione delle  
frequenze nazionali.  
Hinweis für Kunden in  
Gemäß den Vorschriften in Schweden kann  
dieses Gerät nur auf bestimmten Kanälen  
betrieben werden (zulässige Kanäle  
För kunder i Italien:  
Der Gebrauch dieses Geräts unterliegt einer  
entsprechenden Lizenz von der nationalen  
Enligt italiensk lagstiftning får den här  
utrustningen endast användas med följande  
kanaler (ange vilka kanaler som är tillåtna).  
Användandet av den här utrustningen sker  
under enskilda licenser som utfärdas av den  
nationella myndighet som handhar  
Merknad for kundene i Sverige:  
I henhold til svenske forskrifter kan dette  
utstyret kun brukes i kanal (angi hvilke  
kanaler som er tillatt).  
Bruken av dette utstyret er underlagt en  
spesiell lisens som utstedes av nasjonale  
Ilmoitus Italiassa asuville  
Italiassa voimassa olevien määräysten  
mukaan tätä laitetta saa käyttää ainoastaan  
kanavilla (ilmoita sallitut kanavat).  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
Remarque pour les clients  
Ilmoitus Ruotsissa asuville  
résidant en Suède:  
Conformément à la réglementation  
suédoise, cet équipement fonctionne  
uniquement avec des canaux (spécifiez les  
canaux autorisés).  
L’utilisation de cet équipement est soumise  
à la licence individuelle accordée par les  
autorités d’administration des fréquences  
Ruotsissa voimassa olevien määräysten  
mukaan tätä laitetta saa käyttää ainoastaan  
kanavilla (ilmoita sallitut kanavat).  
Laitteiston käyttöön tarvitaan paikallisen  
viestintäviranomaisen myöntämä  
henkilökohtainen lupa.  
Opmerking voor klanten in  
Volgens de Zweedse wetgeving mag deze  
apparatuur alleen werken in kanalen  
(opgeven welke kanalen zijn toegestaan).  
Het gebruik van deze apparatuur is  
onderhevig aan een afzonderlijke licentie  
die is verleend door de nationale autoriteit  
voor frequentiebeheer.  
Bemærkning til kunder i Sverige:  
I henhold til svensk lovgivning kan dette  
udstyr kun fungere i kanaler (angiv, hvilke  
kanaler, der er tilladt).  
Brugen af dette udstyr er underlagt  
individuel licens givet at  
Note for customer in  
According to Swiss regulation this  
equipment can only operate in channels  
(specify which channels are allowed).  
The use of this equipment is subject to  
individual license granted by the National  
Frequency Administration Authority.  
Nota per i clienti in Svezia:  
In base alle norme vigenti in Svezia, il  
presente apparecchio può essere utilizzato  
solo su canali (specificare i canali  
L’uso di questo apparecchio è soggetto ad  
una licenza individuale accordata  
dall’Autorità per l’amministrazione delle  
frequenze nazionali.  
Hinweis für Kunden in der  
Gemäß den Vorschriften in der Schweiz  
kann dieses Gerät nur auf bestimmten  
Kanälen betrieben werden (zulässige  
Kanäle angeben).  
Der Gebrauch dieses Geräts unterliegt einer  
entsprechenden Lizenz von der nationalen  
För kunder i Sverige:  
Enligt svensk lagstiftning får den här  
utrustningen endast användas med följande  
kanaler (ange vilka kanaler som är tillåtna).  
Användandet av den här utrustningen sker  
under enskilda licenser som utfärdas av den  
nationella myndighet som handhar  
Merknad for kundene i Sveits:  
I henhold til sveitsiske forskrifter kan dette  
utstyret kun brukes i kanal (angi hvilke  
kanaler som er tillatt).  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
Bruken av dette utstyret er underlagt en  
spesiell lisens som utstedes av nasjonale  
nationella myndighet som handhar  
Ilmoitus Sveitsissä asuville  
Remarque pour les clients  
résidant en Suisse:  
Sveitsissä voimassa olevien määräysten  
mukaan tätä laitetta saa käyttää ainoastaan  
kanavilla (ilmoita sallitut kanavat).  
Laitteiston käyttöön tarvitaan paikallisen  
viestintäviranomaisen myöntämä  
henkilökohtainen lupa.  
Conformément à la réglementation suisse,  
cet équipement fonctionne uniquement  
avec des canaux (spécifiez les canaux  
L’utilisation de cet équipement est soumise  
à la licence individuelle accordée par les  
autorités d’administration des fréquences  
Opmerking voor klanten in  
Volgens de Zwitserse wetgeving mag deze  
apparatuur alleen werken in kanalen  
(opgeven welke kanalen zijn toegestaan).  
Het gebruik van deze apparatuur is  
onderhevig aan een afzonderlijke licentie  
die is verleend door de nationale autoriteit  
voor frequentiebeheer.  
Bemærkning til kunder i  
I henhold til schweizisk lovgivning kan  
dette udstyr kun fungere i kanaler (angiv,  
hvilke kanaler, der er tilladt).  
Brugen af dette udstyr er underlagt  
individuel licens givet at  
Note for customer in Finland:  
According to Finnish regulation this  
equipment can only operate in channels  
(specify which channels are allowed).  
The use of this equipment is subject to  
individual license granted by the National  
Frequency Administration Authority.  
Nota per i clienti in Svizzera:  
In base alle norme vigenti in Svizzera, il  
presente apparecchio può essere utilizzato  
solo su canali (specificare i canali  
L’uso di questo apparecchio è soggetto ad  
una licenza individuale accordata  
dall’Autorità per l’amministrazione delle  
frequenze nazionali.  
Hinweis für Kunden in Finnland:  
Gemäß den Vorschriften in Finnland kann  
dieses Gerät nur auf bestimmten Kanälen  
betrieben werden (zulässige Kanäle  
Der Gebrauch dieses Geräts unterliegt einer  
entsprechenden Lizenz von der nationalen  
För kunder i Schweiz:  
Enligt schweizisk lagstiftning får den här  
utrustningen endast användas med följande  
kanaler (ange vilka kanaler som är tillåtna).  
Användandet av den här utrustningen sker  
under enskilda licenser som utfärdas av den  
Merknad for kundene i Finland:  
I henhold til finske forskrifter kan dette  
utstyret kun brukes i kanal (angi hvilke  
kanaler som er tillatt).  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
Bruken av dette utstyret er underlagt en  
spesiell lisens som utstedes av nasjonale  
nationella myndighet som handhar  
Ilmoitus suomalaisille  
Suomessa voimassa olevien määräysten  
mukaan tätä laitetta saa käyttää ainoastaan  
kanavilla (ilmoita sallitut kanavat).  
Laitteiston käyttöön tarvitaan  
Remarque pour les clients  
résidant en Finlande  
Conformément à la réglementation  
finlandaise, cet équipement fonctionne  
uniquement avec des canaux (spécifiez les  
canaux autorisés).  
Viestintäviraston myöntämä  
L’utilisation de cet équipement est soumise  
à la licence individuelle accordée par les  
autorités d’administration des fréquences  
henkilökohtainen lupa.  
Opmerking voor klanten in  
Volgens de Finse wetgeving mag deze  
apparatuur alleen werken in kanalen  
(opgeven welke kanalen zijn toegestaan).  
Het gebruik van deze apparatuur is  
onderhevig aan een afzonderlijke licentie  
die is verleend door de nationale autoriteit  
voor frequentiebeheer.  
Bemærkning til kunder i Finland:  
I henhold til finsk lovgivning kan dette  
udstyr kun fungere i kanaler (angiv, hvilke  
kanaler, der er tilladt).  
Brugen af dette udstyr er underlagt  
individuel licens givet at  
Note for customer in Iceland:  
The use of this equipment is subject to  
individual license granted by the National  
Frequency Administration Authority.  
Nota per i clienti in Finlandia:  
In base alle norme vigenti in Finlandia, il  
presente apparecchio può essere utilizzato  
solo su canali (specificare i canali  
Hinweis für Kunden in Island:  
Der Gebrauch dieses Geräts unterliegt einer  
entsprechenden Lizenz von der nationalen  
L’uso di questo apparecchio è soggetto ad  
una licenza individuale accordata  
dall’Autorità per l’amministrazione delle  
frequenze nazionali.  
Merknad for kundene på Island:  
Bruken av dette utstyret er underlagt en  
spesiell lisens som utstedes av nasjonale  
För kunder i Finland:  
Enligt finsk lagstiftning får den här  
utrustningen endast användas med följande  
kanaler (ange vilka kanaler som är tillåtna).  
Användandet av den här utrustningen sker  
under enskilda licenser som utfärdas av den  
Remarque pour les clients  
résidant en Islande:  
L’utilisation de cet équipement est soumise  
à la licence individuelle accordée par les  
autorités d’administration des fréquences  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
Opmerking voor klanten in  
Het gebruik van deze apparatuur is  
onderhevig aan een afzonderlijke licentie  
die is verleend door de nationale autoriteit  
voor frequentiebeheer.  
Bemærkning til kunder i Island:  
Brugen af dette udstyr er underlagt  
individuel licens givet at  
Nota per i clienti in Islanda:  
L’uso di questo apparecchio è soggetto ad  
una licenza individuale accordata  
dall’Autorità per l’amministrazione delle  
frequenze nazionali.  
För kunder i Island:  
Användandet av den här utrustningen sker  
under enskilda licenser som utfärdas av den  
nationella myndighet som handhar  
Ilmoitus Islannissa asuville  
Laitteiston käyttöön tarvitaan paikallisen  
viestintäviranomaisen myöntämä  
henkilökohtainen lupa.  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
Table of Contents  
Reading the CD-ROM  
Setting the encrypted  
(ENCRYPTION) ....................34  
Generating an internal signal  
Using the wireless remote control  
Using the encrypted transmission  
Using secure key mode (SECURE  
Using password mode  
Locking the power switch  
Wireless remote control function  
Setting the brightness of the  
Automatic dimming of the display  
Resetting parameters to their  
PRESET) ................................35  
Displaying the software version  
Notes on using the  
Naming of transmitter  
Selecting the group/channel (GP/  
Selecting the frequency band  
Setting the RF Output Power (RF  
Setting the audio input level  
Power save setting (POWER  
Displaying the accumulated use  
Table of Contents  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
band. This remarkably wide coverage on a  
single model offers cost efficiency and  
operational convenience, because it allows  
one transmitter to be operated in many  
different areas.  
The DWT-B01 is a digital wireless  
transmitter for a UHF synthesized wireless  
microphone system to be used for broadcast  
or movie production purpose. This  
transmitter is suitable for Electronic News  
Gathering (ENG) and Electronic Field  
Production (EFP).  
Compact, lightweight, and  
rugged design  
The DWT-B01 is designed to be extremely  
compact and lightweight, essential qualities  
for use by artists in fast-moving TV and  
outdoor productions.  
What are the strengths of a  
Digital Wireless Microphone  
This system has the following special  
features and qualities:  
• High-quality audio signal transmission  
approaching to the quality of wired  
• Extremely tolerant to interference waves  
and secure wireless transmission  
• Simultaneous multi-channel operation  
• Encrypted transmission  
Switchable mic or line input  
level and adjustable  
The audio input level of the DWT-B01 is  
selectable from either MIC or LINE.  
When MIC is selected, the attenuator can be  
adjusted in 3-dB steps from 0 dB to 48 dB.  
The reference input level of the MIC and  
LINE is –58 dBu (–60 dBV) and +4 dBu,  
• Metadata transmission.  
Selectable RF output power:  
1 mW, 10 mW, and 50 mW  
The 1 and 10 mW output is suitable for  
multi-channel operations, while the 50 mW  
output is intended for long-distance.  
Note that the DWT-B01 digital wireless  
transmitter cannot be used to transmit to  
analog wireless receivers.  
The features of this transmitter are  
described below.  
Power sleep mode  
The DWT-B01 is equipped with a power  
sleep/wake up mode that can be wirelessly  
controlled from an optional digital wireless  
Wide RF carrier frequency  
The DWT-B01 transmitter covers an  
extremely wide RF carrier frequency range.  
The U3040 and U4250 models (US models)  
can cover a 66-MHz band and 60-MHz  
band respectively — much wider than 24-  
MHz of the analog wireless microphone  
system, while the CE6267 model  
Digital low-cut filter  
Equipped with a digital low-cut filter, the  
DWT-B01 can reduce the effects of  
undesired ambient noise.  
(European model) can cover a 48-MHz  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
Easy-to-see, full dot-matrix  
OLED (Organic Light-Emitting  
Diode) Display  
The quick response of the OLED display  
enables real-time operating conditions to be  
displayed clearly and accurately.  
Using the CD-  
ROM manual  
The supplied CD-ROM includes the  
Operating Instructions for the DWT-B01  
(English, French, German, Italian, Spanish,  
and Japanese versions) and the frequency  
lists (English and Japanese versions) in  
PDF format.  
The following program must be installed on  
your computer in order to read the  
Operating Instructions contained on the  
• Adobe Reader Version 6.0 or higher  
If Adobe Reader is not installed, you can  
download it from the following URL:  
Adobe and Adobe Reader are trademarks of  
Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States  
and/or other countries.  
Reading the CD-ROM  
To read the Operating Instructions and  
frequency lists contained on the CD-ROM,  
do the following.  
Insert the CD-ROM in your CD-ROM  
A cover page appears automatically in  
your browser.  
Using the CD-ROM manual  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
If it does not appear automatically in  
the browser, double-click on the  
index.htm file on the CD-ROM.  
Select and click on the Operating  
Instructions or the frequency lists that  
you want to read.  
This opens the selected PDF file.  
The files may not be displayed properly,  
depending on the version of Adobe Reader.  
In such a case, install the latest version you  
can download from the URL mentioned in  
If you have lost or damaged the CD-ROM,  
you can purchase a new one to replace it.  
AF (audio input level) /PEAK  
Lights up green when the signal input is  
stronger than the reference level.  
Lights up red when the signal input is 3 dB  
below the level at which distortion begins.  
POWER indicator  
Lights up green when the transmitter is  
turned on. When the battery is exhausted,  
the indicator starts flashing.  
Audio input connector (SMC9-4S)  
Connects the output plug from the optional  
lavalier microphone.  
This connector also accepts the input from  
another wired microphone connected  
through the supplied microphone cable, or  
the audio output from a mixer, etc.  
Parts identification  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
using key operations. By connecting the  
digital wireless receiver to this connector  
with the supplied USB cable, you can  
exchange the encryption key for encrypted  
transmission function.  
To connect a microphone  
Display section  
Microphone (optional)  
To secure the microphone cable  
connection, be sure to turn and lock  
the connector cover.  
RF transmission indication  
Indicates the current transmission status.  
: Currently transmitting  
—: Transmission stopped  
+ or – button  
Selects functions or values shown on the  
RF (radio frequency) transmission  
power indication  
Holding down the – button while switching  
on the transmitter activates the pairing  
operation for the wireless remote control  
Indicates the current transmission power  
setting. You can change the setting with the  
RF transmission power setting function.  
H: transmitting at 50 mW  
M: transmitting at 10 mW  
L: transmitting at 1 mW  
POWER switch  
Turns the transmitter ON or OFF.  
Audio input level meter  
Battery compartment  
Indicates the input signal level of the audio  
input connector  
Accommodates two LR6 (size AA) alkaline  
Reference level gauge  
For details on how to insert the batteries, see  
Indicates the reference input level. When  
the attenuation is 0 dB with the input level  
set to “mic”, –58 dBu (–60 dBV) is  
indicated. When the line level is set, +4 dBu  
is indicated.  
SET button  
Adjusts displayed function settings and  
enters the value.  
Holding down the SET button while  
switching on the power turns the transmitter  
on without sending a signal.  
Peak indicator  
Warns of excessive input by lighting up  
when the signal is 3 dB below the level at  
which distortion begins.  
USB connector (Micro USB)  
Use this connector to connect an optional  
USB keyboard to carry out menu functions  
Parts identification  
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Power switch lock indicator  
Indicates that the power switch is locked,  
preventing the transmitter from being  
accidentally turned off or on.  
Power supply  
The transmitter can operate on two LR6  
(size AA) alkaline batteries continuously  
for about 3.5 hours at 25°C (77°F).  
Wireless remote control condition  
Indicates the signal transmission condition  
of the wireless remote control function (4  
Installing the batteries  
Squeeze the battery-holder tabs inward  
(in the direction of the arrows) and  
slide out the battery holder.  
: Good transmission  
: Somewhat good transmission  
: Somewhat poor transmission  
: Poor transmission  
: Unable to communicate with paired  
When the wireless remote control function  
is off, this indication does not appear.  
Battery indication  
Shows the battery condition.  
Insert new batteries, making sure the  
polarities are correct, and then return  
the battery holder to its original  
Menu display section  
The status of 16 different functions are  
displayed here. To select the function, press  
the + or – button repeatedly.  
Battery indication  
The power status is indicated by eight level  
Replace both batteries when the battery  
indication starts to flash.  
Power supply  
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Be sure to check the expiration date printed  
date on the new batteries before using them.  
Setting the  
The indication is based on the use of new  
LR6 (size AA) Sony Alkaline batteries. An  
incorrect indication may result when a  
different kind of batteries, a different brand  
of batteries or old batteries are used. If you  
plan to use the transmitter for a long period  
of time, it is recommended that you replace  
the batteries with brand new ones.  
The transmitter provides groups of  
interference-free channels. When using  
multiple microphones and transmitters at  
the same time (simultaneous multi-channel  
operations) within the same area, selecting  
the same group and using a channel within  
that group can prevent signal interference.  
To set the transmission channel on the  
transmitter, first you select the group and  
channel using the RF indicator and  
scanning functions on the receiver. Next  
you set the group and channel parameters to  
match the setting on the receiver.  
Selecting the group/  
• Before doing this procedure, use the  
BAND function (see page 33) to set the  
transmitter to the bandwidth of the  
receiver you are using.  
• The setting for this function cannot be  
changed during actual signal  
Set the transmitter group (GP) and channel  
(CH) as follows:  
For details on groups and channels, refer to “Sony  
Digital Wireless Microphone System Frequency  
Lists” on the supplied CD-ROM.  
For details on menu operation, see “Basic menu  
Setting the transmission channel  
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Turn off the power, and then while  
holding down the SET button, turn the  
power on.  
remote control  
The signal transmission stops.  
Press the + or – button repeatedly until  
the GP/CH indication is displayed.  
Hold down the SET button until the  
item to be set flashes.  
This transmitter is equipped with a wireless  
remote control function that can be used to  
set the parameters (low-cut filter,  
attenuation operation, power save mode,  
etc.) of the transmitter through the receiver  
or other devices. This function makes it  
easier to operate and manage the  
Press the + or – button repeatedly to  
select a group.  
Press the SET button to enter the  
microphone system while in the field.  
This wireless control is 2.4 GHz  
The channel indication starts flashing.  
IEEE802.15.4 compliant and has no effect  
on the RF band of digital wireless audio.  
This function is activated when pairing is  
established between the transmitter and the  
receiver using the RF REMOTE function.  
Pairing must be done first before the  
wireless remote control function can be  
Press the + or – button repeatedly to  
select a channel.  
Press the SET button to enter the  
To set the group/channel  
using the pairing mode of the  
wireless remote control  
When the transmitter is paired with the  
receiver, the transmission channel of the  
transmitter is set to the receiving channel on  
the receiver automatically.  
Pairing with a receiver  
Pairing links the transmitter with the  
receiver which the wireless remote control  
function is to be used.  
When the transmitter has been paired with a  
receiver through the receiver operation,  
turning on the transmitter while holding  
down the – button establishes the pairing  
To carry out pairing through menu  
operations on the transmitter, do the  
Set the receiver to be used for  
controlling the transmitter to pairing  
Using the wireless remote control function  
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For details, refer to the operating instructions  
supplied with the receiver.  
• RF transmission power setting  
• Attenuator for the audio input setting  
• Low-cut filter setting  
Press the + or – button repeatedly until  
the RF REMOTE indication is  
• Power save setting  
For details on menu operation, see “Setting menus”  
Hold down the SET button until the  
item to be set flashes.  
To cancel the wireless remote  
control function  
Press the + or – button repeatedly to  
select PAIRING.  
In the RF REMOTE indication, select OFF.  
Press the SET button to enter.  
Notes on the wireless remote  
control function  
The wireless remote control function on the  
transmitter uses the 2.4-GHz band and may  
thus be subject to interference from other  
• When pairing fails (“Pairing fail” is  
displayed), successful communication  
between the transmitter and the receiver  
has not occurred within a given amount  
of time. Pairing may be harder to do  
when another receiver is engaged in  
pairing nearby.  
The transmitter sends a pairing request  
to the receiver which is on pairing  
Before established pairing, if you press  
any operation key on the transmitter,  
pairing mode will be cancelled.  
When pairing has been established, the  
wireless remote control condition level  
(indicated by  
) goes up, RF  
REMOTE turns on, and the remote  
control function becomes operative.  
To use the wireless remote  
control function with a  
previous pairing  
• When it becomes hard to use the remote  
control, the remote control may be  
improved by switching the wireless  
remote control function off, then on again  
in the RF REMOTE display, then re-  
pairing with the transmitter (change to a  
channel with less interference).  
In the RF REMOTE indication, select ON.  
• When you set RF REMOTE to ON, the  
transmitter will communicate with the  
receiver to which it was previously  
paired. To use the wireless remote  
control function with another receiver,  
you must perform the pairing procedure  
for that receiver.  
• Multiple transmitters cannot be paired  
with the same receiver.  
The following transmitter settings  
can be done from the wireless  
remote control:  
• Group/channel/BAND setting  
Using the wireless remote control function  
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The encryption key used by the transmitter  
and receiver is newly generated for each  
key transmission, resulting in highly secure  
The encryption key used between the  
transmitter and the receiver is saved when  
the power is turned off, so the encrypted  
transmission can be resumed the next time  
the power is turned on.  
Using the  
Preparing the transmitter (this unit)  
To prevent hacking of the signal, the  
transmitter scrambles the signal during  
transmission. To use this function, select  
one of the following encrypted transmission  
Hold down the SET button until  
the item to be set flashes in  
ENCRYPTION indication on the  
Press the + or – button repeatedly  
to select SECURE KEY, and then  
press the SET button.  
Secure key mode: An encryption key  
that is automatically generated by the  
transmitter is used by both the transmitter  
and receiver in this one-to-one encrypted  
transmission method.  
Preparing the receiver  
Select SECURE KEY on the receiver  
that receives the encryption key.  
Password mode: You choose a  
password of up to eight characters that can  
be set for multiple transmitters and  
receivers. This enables encrypted  
transmission within a group.  
For details on receiver operations, refer to the  
operating instructions supplied with the  
Exchanging the encryption key  
On the receiver, select USB or  
REMOTE (wireless remote) as the  
method for encryption key exchange.  
When the RF REMOTE function is  
off, REMOTE cannot be selected.  
Make sure the same mode is set on the  
transmitter and receiver.  
Using secure key mode  
When you select USB:  
Connect the transmitter to the receiver  
with the supplied USB cable and USB  
adapter cable.  
Use this mode for one-to-one encrypted  
transmission between one transmitter and  
one receiver.  
An encryption key that cannot be read from  
the outside is automatically generated by  
the transmitter. This key is transmitted to  
the receiver through a USB connection or  
the RF REMOTE function, enabling  
encrypted transmission to take place.  
Using the encrypted transmission function  
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Press the + or – button repeatedly to  
select PASSWORD, and then press the  
SET button.  
USB cable (supplied)  
Input a password of up to eight  
characters on the transmitter.  
To enter a password, use the procedure  
USB adapter  
Set the encrypted transmission  
function setting on the receiver to  
For details on receiver operations, refer to the  
operating instructions supplied with the  
Set the same password that was set on  
the transmitter.  
When you select REMOTE:  
The transmitter searches for a receiver  
that it has been paired with. After the  
transmitter detects the receiver, the  
transmitter exchanges the encryption  
key with receiver and encrypted  
transmission begins.  
For details on receiver operations, refer to the  
operating instructions supplied with the  
It is recommended that you change the  
password periodically.  
Using password mode  
Set this mode when multiple transmitters  
are paired with multiple receivers for  
encrypted transmission.  
If both transmitters and receivers are set  
with the same user-designated password,  
the audio signal can be decoded. This mode  
is useful when multiple transmitters and  
receivers are used as a single group, or  
when the audio signal from one transmitter  
is received by multiple receivers at the same  
Hold down the SET button until the  
item to be set flashes in the  
ENCRYPTION indication on the  
Using the encrypted transmission function  
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Characters that can be entered from  
a USB keyboard: (space), 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,  
6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L,  
M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, !,  
#, &, $, @, +, -, =, _, (, ), [, ]  
Using a USB  
(Passwords may consist of the numbers 0 to  
9 and letters A to Z only.)  
Connecting an optional USB keyboard to  
the transmitter allows you to perform menu  
operations and enter your name and  
password for the encrypted transmission  
function from the keyboard.  
Special key: Backspace (BS) and Delete  
(DEL) keys.  
• The number keys on the keyboard cannot  
be used.  
A Micro USB connector is used on the  
transmitter. For this reason, use the supplied  
USB adapter cable.  
• This transmitter is compatible with  
English-language keyboards only.  
• USB keyboards with multiple functions,  
such as USB hub and pointing device,  
cannot be used.  
USB adapter cable (supplied)  
• Power to the connected keyboard is  
supplied by the USB connector on the  
transmitter. The power rating is 100 mA.  
Keyboards that consume more power  
than that cannot be used.  
• Do not leave the transmitter connected to  
the keyboard when not in use. If you do,  
the batteries in the transmitter will be  
drained more quickly.  
Menu operations with a USB  
• Text editing should be done with the  
alphabet, BS, DEL, and Enter keys.  
You can use a USB keyboard to perform the  
same menu operations that you do on the  
The transmitter buttons correspond to the  
following keys on a USB keyboard:  
Buttons on the  
USB keyboard  
To enter a text  
With a USB keyboard, you can enter names  
and passwords for encrypted transmissions.  
Using a USB keyboard  
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• BRIGHTNESS (display brightness)  
• DIMMER MODE (automatic dimming  
of the display) setting  
• FACTORY PRESET (factory setting)  
Basic menu  
• VERSION (software version) indication  
Function name  
Item to be set  
Press the + or – button repeatedly until  
the function to be set appears.  
Hold down the SET button until the  
item to be set flashes.  
Press the + or – button to change the  
Press the SET button to enter the  
Types of menu:  
• NAME (transmitter name) setting  
• BAND (frequency band) selection  
• GP/CH (group/channel) selection  
• RF POWER (RF transmission power)  
• INPUT LEVEL (audio input level)  
• LCF (low-cut filter) setting  
• POWER SAVE setting  
• TIME (accumulated use time) indication  
• ENCRYPTION (encrypted transmission  
function) setting  
• INTERNAL SG (internal signal  
• POWER SW LOCK (power switch lock)  
• RF REMOTE (wireless remote control)  
Basic menu operations  
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Selecting the group/  
channel (GP/CH)  
Setting menus  
The factory settings are as follows:  
The functions and parameters of the settings  
menu are explained here. Underlined items  
are the factory setting.  
US models  
U3040: 00 3001 566.125MHz  
U4250: 00 4201 638.125MHz  
European model  
CE6267: 00 6201 798.125MHz  
Naming of transmitter  
You can specify a transmitter name of up to  
16 characters. The factory setting for the  
transmitter name is the model name and  
serial number. The transmitter name is sent  
to the receiver as metadata and is used by  
the receiver to distinguish between different  
Selecting the frequency  
band (BAND)  
Matches the frequency range on this  
transmitter to that of the Sony digital  
wireless receiver.  
The frequency range that can be set for the  
optional receiver combined with this  
transmitter differs as follows:  
+: The first press on the + button displays  
the character set. You can then use the + and  
– buttons to select the desired character.  
And then, pressing the SET button adds the  
selected character to the end of the current  
– : Deletes the last character in the current  
SET: Enters the character or edited name.  
US models  
TV30-33, TV34-36, TV38-41  
Not available for TV37  
TV42-45, TV46-49, TV50-51  
European model  
TV62-64, TV67-69  
Not available for TV65 and TV66  
You cannot insert or delete a character in  
the middle of the name.  
To edit with a keyboard  
You can enter data from an optional  
keyboard connected to the USB connector.  
For details about the frequency range of each band,  
refer to “Sony Digital Wireless Microphone System  
Frequency Lists” on the supplied CD-ROM.  
The setting for this function cannot be  
changed during actual signal transmission.  
To change the setting, turn off the  
transmitter first. Then, while holding down  
Setting menus  
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the SET button, turn the power on. Then  
change the setting after the signal  
transmission has stopped.  
transmitter first. Then, while holding down  
the SET button, turn the power on. And  
then, change the setting after the signal  
transmission has stopped.  
Setting the RF Output  
Setting the audio input  
level (INPUT LEVEL)  
Power (RF POWER)  
You can set the RF output power.  
You can set the input level to an analog  
head amp.  
Select LINE or MIC, depending on the  
audio source connected to the audio input  
1 mW (LOW): transmitted by 1 mW  
10 mW (MID): transmitted by 10 mW  
50 mW (HIGH): transmitted by 50 mW  
Using wireless remote control, this function  
can be controlled from the receiver and  
other devices.  
When MIC is selected, the ATT  
(attenuation) level will flash next. With the  
microphone connected, speak into the  
microphone as you monitor the input level  
meter and press the + or – button repeatedly  
to select the appropriate attenuation level.  
The reference levels for the various settings  
are as follows:  
The setting for this function cannot be  
changed during actual signal transmission.  
To change the setting, turn off the  
Reference input Maximum input Headroom (dB)  
level (dB)  
level (dBu)  
3 dB step  
3 dB step  
3 dB step  
With the wireless remote control function, the attenuation level can be changed from the  
receiver and other devices.  
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100  
120 140 160 180 200 220 (Hz):  
Low-cut filter is set according to the  
Low-cut filter setting (LCF)  
The frequency of the low-cut filter can be  
selected frequency.  
OFF: Turns off the low-cut filter.  
Setting menus  
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Using wireless remote control, this function  
can be controlled from the receiver and  
other devices.  
Setting the encrypted  
transmission function  
Power save setting (POWER  
You can set the encrypted transmission  
To conserve power, this setting allows you  
to put all transmitter functions to sleep.  
SECURE KEY: Sets the secure key  
PASSWORD: Sets the password method.  
OFF: The encrypted transmission function  
is not used.  
ACTIVE: The transmitter operates  
SLEEP: The sleep function is on. During  
sleep, the POWER indicator flashes at 2-  
second intervals.  
Generating an internal  
signal (INTERNAL SG)  
To change back to normal  
During sleep, press the SET, +, or – button.  
This transmitter generates a 1-kHz  
reference level sine wave that can be used to  
adjust or check the audio level of the  
receiver or the system that you are using.  
This internal signal is outside the control of  
the attenuator.  
You can also use the wireless remote  
control to change the receiver back to  
normal operation.  
For details on wireless remote control function, see  
1 kHz: A 1-kHz internal signal is  
OFF: An internal signal is not generated.  
Displaying the  
accumulated use time (TIME)  
If the transmitter is turned off while the  
reference signal function is on, the function  
will turn off automatically.  
You can display the accumulated battery  
use time as a rough estimate of total  
transmitter usage.  
The factory setting is “00:00”.  
Locking the power switch  
To reset the accumulated time  
The power switch can be locked to prevent  
the transmitter from being accidentally  
turned off or on.  
Even when the power switch is locked, all  
parts of the transmitter other than the power  
switch remain functional.  
Hold down the SET button until the  
time indication flashes.  
Press the – button so “00:00 RESET”  
appears, and then press the SET  
UNLOCK: The power switch is not locked.  
Setting menus  
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LOCK: The power switch is locked.  
When LOCK is selected, the power switch  
lock icon appears in the display.  
ALWAYS ON: The display stays on at the  
brightness level set with the BRIGHTNESS  
Wireless remote control  
Resetting parameters to  
their factory settings  
function (RF REMOTE)  
This function must be set to allow the  
wireless remote control function to be used  
between the transmitter and receiver.  
All parameter settings can be returned to  
their factory settings.  
Holding down the SET button until a  
message appears asking for confirmation.  
Press the + or – button repeatedly to select  
YES, and then press the SET button to  
enter. The transmitter parameters are reset  
to their factory settings.  
OFF: Stops the wireless remote control  
ON: Starts the wireless remote control  
function with the previously paired  
PAIRING: Executes a new pairing.  
The setting for this function cannot be  
changed during actual signal transmission.  
To change the setting, turn off the power  
first. Then while holding down the SET  
button, turn the power on. Then change the  
setting after the signal transmission has  
Setting the brightness of  
the display (BRIGHTNESS)  
Ten levels of brightness can be selected for  
the organic light-emitting diode display.  
The selectable settings are the following:  
(Dark) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Bright)  
Displaying the software  
version (VERSION)  
Automatic dimming of the  
display (DIMMER MODE)  
The version of the transmitter software can  
be displayed.  
The organic light-emitting diode display  
can be set to dim or turn off after a certain  
amount of time.  
AUTO OFF: The display turns off after 30  
seconds. The display goes on again when  
you press the SET, +, or – button.  
AUTO DIMMER: The display dims after  
30 seconds. The display becomes bright  
again when you press the SET, +, or –  
Setting menus  
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Attaching with the  
soft case  
The transmitter can be attached to the user  
with the supplied soft case.  
All operations are possible when the  
transmitter is attached with the soft case.  
The clip can be attached to the soft case at  
an angle of 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees,  
allowing you to attach the transmitter in a  
variety of positions.  
Removing the clip  
Remove the transmitter from the soft case  
before attaching or removing the supplied  
Remove the transmitter from the soft  
Insert your fingers between the clip  
and the soft case as shown in the  
illustration and pull the clip in the  
direction of the arrow.  
Press down on the clasp as shown in  
the illustration and slide the clip in the  
direction of the arrow.  
Attaching with the soft case  
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Block diagram  
1: NC  
2: Hot  
3: Cold  
4: GND  
Digital signal processor  
Head amp.  
Low-cut filter  
A/D converter  
Internal SG  
Block diagram  
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If you encounter a problem using this transmitter, use the following checklist to find a  
solution. For any problems with the receiver or adapter, refer to the operating instructions  
supplied with the respective device. If the problem persists, consult your Sony dealer.  
The transmitter The batteries are inserted  
Reinsert the batteries with the  
correct orientation.  
does not turn  
backwards in the battery  
The batteries are exhausted.  
Replace the batteries with new  
The batteries  
drain quickly.  
Manganese batteries are being Use alkaline batteries.  
The transmitter is being used  
under cold conditions.  
The batteries drain quickly under  
cold conditions.  
Interruptions in The transmitter is too far from  
Decrease the distance to the  
the reception  
the receiver.  
receiver and check the reception.  
The transmission power setting Increase the transmission power.  
is set to “L: 1mW”.  
There is no  
The channel setting on the  
transmitter is different from that both the transmitter and receiver.  
on the receiver.  
Use the same channel setting on  
The setting of the encrypted  
transmission function on the  
Confirm that the setting of the  
encrypted transmission function is  
receiver is different from that on the same on both the transmitter  
the transmitter.  
and the receiver.  
The sound is  
The audio input level of the  
transmitter is set to LINE or the the transmitter, set the audio input  
If a microphone is connected to  
attenuation level is too high.  
to MIC. While monitoring the audio  
input level meter, set the  
attenuator to an appropriate level.  
There is  
The attenuator is set too low for While monitoring the audio input  
distortion in the the audio input level of the  
level meter, set the attenuator to a  
level that does not produce  
The bass is  
The frequency of the low-cut  
filter is set too high.  
While monitoring the sound,  
decrease the low-cut filter  
frequency to a level that produces  
the proper sound quality.  
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There is too  
much bass.  
The microphone connected to  
the transmitter produces  
excessive bass because the  
frequency response of the  
transmitter extends into the low  
20-Hz range.  
Use the low-cut filter to cut the  
The power  
The power switch is locked.  
Turn off the POWER SW LOCK  
does not turn  
off even though  
the power  
switch is turned  
to OFF.  
Pairing has not been established Carry out pairing (see page 26).  
remote control between the transmitter and  
is not possible. receiver.  
The receiver is too far from the  
Check the wireless remote control  
transmitter for communication to condition level. If it is low,  
decrease the distance between  
the transmitter and the receiver.  
The transmitter that was paired On the receiver, carry out pairing  
with the receiver has been  
paired with another receiver.  
again with the transmitter that you  
want to control.  
The USB  
You are using a USB keyboard  
Check the conditions for using a  
USB keyboard with the transmitter  
(see page 30).  
keyboard does that is not compatible with the  
not work.  
The display is  
too dark.  
The display brightness is set to  
Adjust the brightness of the display  
(see page 35).  
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after use. Lengthy use of the transmitter  
in such places or not cleaning it after its  
use in such places may shorten its life.  
• Clean the surface and the connectors of  
the transmitter with a dry, soft cloth.  
Never use thinner, benzene, alcohol or  
any other chemicals, since these may mar  
the finish.  
Important notes  
on operation  
Notes on using the  
Notes on simultaneous multi-  
channel operation  
• The digital wireless microphone system  
product must be used within a  
temperature range of 0°C to 50°C (32°F  
to 122°F).  
• Keep the transmitter at least 30  
centimeters (11 / inches) away from  
another transmitter.  
• Operating the transmitter near electrical  
equipment (motors, transformers, or  
dimmers) may cause it to be affected by  
electromagnetic induction. Keep the  
transmitter as far from such equipment as  
• The presence of the lighting equipment  
may produce electrical interference over  
the entire frequency range. Position the  
transmitter so that interference is  
• To avoid degradation of the signal-to-  
noise ratio, do not use the transmitter in  
noisy places or in locations subject to  
vibration, such as the following:  
- near electrical equipment, such as  
motors, transformers or dimmers  
- near air conditioning equipment or  
places subject to direct air flow from  
an air conditioner  
• When only digital wireless microphones  
are being used, keep the transmitter at  
least 4 meters (13 feet) away from the  
antenna of a receiver for up to 10  
channels, and at least 6 meters (20 feet)  
away for 11 or more channels.  
• When a mixture of digital and analog  
wireless microphones is being used, keep  
the transmitter at least 6 meters (20 feet)  
away from the antenna of a receiver.  
• This system should be kept at least 100  
meters (328 feet) away from any analog  
wireless systems using the same  
frequency when both are being used in a  
wide area with no walls or obstructions.  
• If you experience noise, increase the  
distance between the transmitter and  
receiver or decrease the transmission  
power on the transmitter.  
- near public address loudspeakers  
- where adjacent equipment might  
knock against the tuner  
Keep the transmitter as far from such  
equipment as possible or use buffering  
Note on microphone and  
transmitter combinations  
It is recommended that you use the ECM-  
77BC/9X Sony lavelier microphone with  
this transmitter. The transmission signal  
may cause noise on some microphones. If  
you experience noise, you may be able to  
reduce it by changing the position of the  
microphone cable, moving the microphone  
On cleaning  
• If the transmitter is used in a very humid  
or dusty place or in a place subject to an  
active gas, clean its surface as well as the  
connectors with a dry, soft cloth soon  
Important notes on operation  
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connection away from the antenna, or  
lowering the transmission power.  
To prevent electromagnetic  
interference from portable  
communication devices  
The use of portable telephones and  
other communication devices near  
the DWT-B01 may result in  
malfunction and interference with  
audio signals. It is recommended that  
portable communication devices near  
the DWT-B01 be turned off.  
Transmitting section  
Oscillator type  
Crystal-controlled PLL synthesizer  
Carrier frequencies  
US models:  
U3040: 566 to 607 MHz (TV-30 to  
TV-36 channels); 615 to 638  
MHz (TV-38 to TV-41  
U4250: 638 to 698 MHz (TV-42 to  
TV-51 channels)  
European model:  
CE6267: 798 to 822 MHz (TV-62  
to TV-64 channels); 838 to 862  
MHz (TV-67 to TV-69  
Channel step  
US models:  
U3040/U4250: 125 kHz  
European model:  
CE6267: 25 kHz  
RF power output  
1 mW/10 mW/50 mW (e.r.p)  
Antenna type  
λ/4 flexible wire  
Occupied RF bandwidth  
192 kHz or less  
Audio delay  
1.5 ms  
Transmission frequency stability level  
6.5 ppm  
Type of emission  
G1E or G1D  
Modulation method  
π/4 Shift QPSK  
Audio section  
Maximum input level  
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MIC: –22 dBu (with 0 dB  
Dimensions (unit: mm (inches))  
LINE: +24 dBu  
Audio attenuator adjustment range (pad)  
0 to 48 dB (3dB steps, MIC input  
mode only)  
Microphone input connector  
Sony 4-pin (SMC9-4S) (female)  
Input impedance  
4.7 kohms or more  
Frequency response  
20 Hz to 22 kHz  
T.H.D 0.03% or less  
Dynamic range  
106 dB or more  
0 dBu = 0.775 V  
Operating voltage  
3 V DC, with two LR6 (AA)  
alkaline batteries  
Battery life  
* CE6267 model: 169 (6 / )  
3040U model: 206 (8 / )  
4250U model: 188 (7 / )  
Continuous operating time  
3.5 hours (at 25 °C (77 °F), 10-mW  
output using Sony LR6 (AA)-  
size alkaline batteries with the  
wireless remote control  
function off and the display set  
to AUTO OFF)  
Mass Approx. 125 g (4 oz) including  
Supplied accessories  
Spare battery case (1)  
Soft case (1)  
Microphone cable (4-pin to XLR-  
type 3-pin) (1)  
Operating temperature  
0 to 50 °C (32 to 122 °F)  
Storage temperature  
USB adapter cable (1)  
USB cable (1)  
–20 to +60 °C (–4 to +140 °F)  
Wireless remote control  
2.4-GHz 1EEE802.15.4 compliant  
Carrying case (1)  
Scribble sheet (1)  
Operating Instructions (1)  
CD-ROM (1)  
Optional accessories  
ECM-77BC/9X lavalier  
Design and specifications are subject to  
change without notice.  
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Always verify that the unit is operating  
properly before use. SONY WILL NOT  
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Sony Corporation  
Printed in Japan  
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