Instruction Manual
resIdentIal Gas water heaters
power vented Gas Models w/hot surface IGnItIon
Model 6 50YtvIt serIes 100
Low Lead Content
• for Your safety •
Keep thIs Manual In the pocKet on heater for future reference
whenever MaIntenance adjustMent or servIce Is requIred.
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General safetY InforMatIon
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General safetY InforMatIon
at least 18"(45.7cm) above the floor. This
will reduce, but not eliminate, the risk
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taBle of contents
SAFE INSTALLATION, USE AND SERVICE................................................2
Filling the Water Heater ................................................................17-18
Vent Pipe Assembly...........................................................................18
Vent Pipe Termination........................................................................19
Planning the Vent System..................................................................20
Condensate ..................................................................................20-21
Blower Assembly Installation .............................................................21
Installation of Vent System ................................................................21
Vent Terminal Installation, Sidewall...............................................21-22
Installation of Vent System, Sidewall.................................................23
Installation of Vertical Vent System....................................................23
Vent Attenuation Assembly Installation Instructions......................24-25
Vent Pipe Preparation...................................................................26-27
LIGHTING & OPERATING LABEL.............................................................28
TEMPERATURE REGULATION ................................................................29
FOR YOUR INFORMATION.......................................................................30
Start Up Conditions............................................................................30
Operational Conditions ......................................................................30
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE..................................................................30-33
Venting System Inspection ................................................................30
Burner Operation and Inspection.......................................................31
Burner Cleaning.................................................................................31
Anode Rod Inspection .......................................................................31
Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve Test............................................32
Draining and Flushing........................................................................32
LEAKAGE CHECKPOINTS........................................................................33
REPAIR PARTS LIST.................................................................................34
TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDELINES....................................................35-37
NOTES .......................................................................................................38
LIMITED WARRANTY................................................................................39
GENERAL SAFETY INFORMATION.........................................................3-4
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................5
Qualified Installer or Service Agency ...................................................5
Preparing for the Installation................................................................5
OF MASSACHUSETTS................................................................................6
TYPICAL INSTALLATION..........................................................................7-9
Mixing Valves.......................................................................................9
LOCATING THE NEW WATER HEATER..............................................10-13
Facts to Consider About Location.................................................10-11
Insulation Blankets............................................................................. 11
Air Requirements..........................................................................11-12
Unconfined Space .............................................................................12
Confined Space .................................................................................12
Fresh Air Openings for Confined Spaces ..........................................12
Outdoor Air Through Two Openings ..................................................12
Outdoor Air Through One Opening...............................................12-13
Outdoor Air Through Two Horizontal Ducts .......................................13
Outdoor Air Through Two Vertical Ducts............................................13
Air from Other Indoor Spaces............................................................13
INSTALLING THE NEW WATER HEATER ...........................................14-27
Chemical Vapor Corrosion.................................................................14
Water Piping ......................................................................................14
Space Heating & Potable Water System ...........................................14
Closed Water Systems ......................................................................14
Thermal Expansion............................................................................15
Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve ..............................................15-16
High Altitude Installation ....................................................................16
Gas Piping ....................................................................................16-17
Sediment Traps..................................................................................17
thank You for purchasing this water heater. Properly installed and
This manual contains instructions for installation, operation,
and maintenance of the gas-fired water heater. It also contains
warnings throughout the manual that you must read and be
aware of. All warnings and all instructions are essential to proper
operation of the water heater and your safety. Since we cannot
put everything on the first few pages, read entIre Manual
Before atteMptInG to Install or operate the
water heater.
maintained, it should give you years of trouble free service.
Abbreviations Found In This Instruction Manual:
• CSA - Canadian Standards Association
• ANSI - American National Standards Institute
• NFPA - National Fire Protection Association
• ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
• GAMA - Gas Appliance Manufacturer’s Association
• UL - Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
2. The installation must conform with these instructions and local
code authority having jurisdiction. In absence of local codes,
installation must comply with current editions of the National Fuel
Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 and National Electrical Code,
NFPA 70. All documents are available from Canadian Standards
Association, 8501 East Pleasant Valley Road, Cleveland, OH
44131. NFPA documents are also available from National Fire
Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.
This gas-fired water heater is design certified by Underwriters
Laboratories Inc. under American National Standard/CSA Standard
for Gas Water Heaters ANSI Z21.10.3 • CSA 4.3 (current edition).
qualIfIed Installer or servIce aGencY
Installation and service of this water heater requires ability equivalent
to that of a Qualified Agency (as defined by ANSI below) in the field
involved. Installation skills such as plumbing, air supply, venting,
gas supply and electrical supply are required in addition to electrical
testing skills when performing service.
3. The water heater when installed must be grounded in accordance
with the local codes, or in the absence of local codes: the National
Electrical Code (NFPA 70).
4. If after reading this manual you have any questions or do not
understand any portion of the instructions, call the local gas utility or
the manufacturer whose name appears on the rating plate.
ansI Z223.1 2006 sec. 3.3.83: “Qualified Agency” - “Any individual,
firm, corporation or company that either in person or through a
representative is engaged in and is responsible for (a) the installation,
testing or replacement of gas piping or (b) the connection, installation,
testing, repair or servicing of appliances and equipment; that is
experienced in such work; that is familiar with all precautions required;
and that has complied with all the requirements of the authority
having jurisdiction.”
5. Carefully plan the place where you are going to put the water heater.
Correct combustion, vent action, and vent pipe installation are
very important in preventing death from possible carbon monoxide
poisoning and fires, see Figures 1 and 2.
Examine the location to ensure the water heater complies with the
“Locating the New Water Heater” section in this manual.
If you are not qualified (as defined by ANSI above) and licensed or
certified as required by authority having jurisdiction to perform a given
task do not attempt to perform any of the procedures described in this
manual. If you do not understand the instructions given in this manual
do not attempt to perform any procedures outlined in this manual.
6. For California installation this water heater must be braced,
anchored, or strapped to avoid falling or moving during an
earthquake. See instructions for correct installation procedures.
Instructions may be obtained from California Office of the State
Architect, 400 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.
preparInG for the InstallatIon
7. Massachusetts Code requires this water heater to be installed in
accordance with Massachusetts 248-CMR 2.00: State Plumbing
Code and 248-CMR 5.00.
1. Read “General Safety Information” section, page 3 and 4 of this manual
first and then entire manual carefully. If you don’t follow safety rules,
the water heater will not operate properly. It could cause DEATH,
8. Complies with SCAQMD rule #1146 and districts having equivalent
NOx requirements.
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InstallatIon requIreMents for the coMMonwealth of Massachusetts
coMMonwealth of Massachusetts
The state or local gas inspector of the side wall horizontally
vented gas fueled equipment shall not approve the installation
unless, upon inspection, the inspector observes carbon monoxide
detectors and signage installed in accordance with the provisions
of 248 CMR 5.08(2)(a) 1 through 4.
For all side wall terminated, horizontally vented power vent, direct
vent, and power direct vent gas fueled water heaters installed in
every dwelling, building or structure used in whole or in part for
residential purposes, including those owned or operated by the
Commonwealth and where the side wall exhaust vent termination
is less than seven (7) feet above finished grade in the area of
the venting, including but not limited to decks and porches, the
following requirements shall be satisfied:
The following equipment is exempt from 248 CMR 5.08(2)(a)1
through 4:
InstallatIon of carBon MonoXIde detectors
1. The equipment listed in Chapter 10 entitled “Equipment Not
Required To Be Vented” in the most current edition of NFPA
54 as adopted by the Board; and
At the time of installation of the side wall horizontal vented
gas fueled equipment, the installing plumber or gasfitter shall
observe that a hard wired carbon monoxide detector with an
alarm and battery back-up is installed on the floor level where
the gas equipment is to be installed. In addition, the installing
plumber or gasfitter shall observe that a battery operated or
hard wired carbon monoxide detector with an alarm is installed
on each additional level of the dwelling, building or structure
served by the sidewall horizontal vented gas fueled equipment.
It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to secure the
services of qualified licensed professionals for the installation of
hard wired carbon monoxide detectors.
2. Product Approved side wall horizontally vented gas fueled
equipment installed in a room or structure separate from the
dwelling, building, or structure used in whole or in part for
residential purposes.
Manufacturer requIreMents - Gas
equIpMent ventInG sYsteM provIded
vented gas equipment provides a venting system design or
venting system components with the equipment, the instructions
provided by the manufacturer for installation of the equipment
and the venting system shall include:
In the event that the side wall horizontally vented gas fueled
equipment is installed in a crawl space or an attic, the hard wired
carbon monoxide detector with alarm and battery back-up may
be installed on the next adjacent floor level.
1. Detailed instructions for the installation of the venting system
design or the venting system components; and
2. A complete parts list for the venting system design or venting
In the event that the requirements of this subdivision can not be
met at the time of completion of installation, the owner shall have
a period of thirty (30) days to comply with the above requirements
provided that during said thirty (30) day period, a battery operated
carbon monoxide detector with an alarm shall be installed.
Manufacturer requIreMents - Gas
equIpMent ventInG sYsteM not provIded
When the manufacturer of a Product Approved side wall
horizontally vented gas fueled equipment does not provide the
parts for venting the flue gases, but identifies “special venting
systems,” the following requirements shall be satisfied by the
approved carBon MonoXIde detectors
Each carbon monoxide detector as required in accordance with
the above provisions shall comply with NFPA 720 and be ANSI/
UL 2034 listed and CSA certified.
1. The referenced “special venting system” instructions shall
be included with the appliance or equipment installation
instructions; and
2. The “special venting systems” shall be Product Approved by
the Board, and the instructions for that system shall include a
parts list and detailed installation instructions.
A metal or plastic identification plate shall be permanently
mounted to the exterior of the building at a minimum height of
eight (8) feet above grade directly in line with the exhaust vent A copy of all installation instructions for all Product Approved
terminal for the horizontally vented gas fueled heating appliance side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment, all venting
or equipment. The sign shall read, in print size no less than one- instructions, all parts lists for venting instructions, and/or all
half (1/2) inch in size, “Gas vent dIrectlY Below. Keep venting design instructions shall remain with the appliance or
clear of all oBstructIons.”
equipment at the completion of the installation.
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tYpIcal InstallatIon
Get to Know Your water heater - Gas Models
vent pipe
h h Bushing
rating plate
II nipple
hot water outlet
Outlet (120 VAC)
Gas supply
Main Manual Gas shuttoff valve
Ground joint union
dirt leg
outer door
Inlet water shuttoff valve
cold water Inlet
Inlet dip tube
temperature & pressure
relief valve
jj condensate tee
KK adapter
ll plug
vent terminal
drain valve
Igniter and Main Burner
drain pan
Gas control valve
control harness*
MM vent pipe assembly #1
nn vent pipe assembly #2
oo vent pipe assembly #3
pp side recirculation loop
qq side recirculation loop
Outlet*** (not shown)
rr vent attenuation
Assembly (VAA) (Optional)
ss access door
aa Motor & Blower
cc condensate fitting
(4 Places Shown)**
dd plastic top
ee on/off switch
ff exhaust tee
GG elbow
replaceMent parts and delIMInG
Replacement parts and recommended delimer may be ordered through
authorized servicers or distributors. When ordering parts, provide complete
model and serial numbers (see rating plate), quantity and name of part
desired. Standard hardware items may be purchased locally.
condensate asseMBlY
wIth IGnIter asseMBlY
sIde vIew
6 (15cm)
vacuuM relIef
*Install per
local codes
* cautIon harness has 120 vac. In operatIon.
** see “plannInG the vent sYsteM”, “condensate” and “Blower asseMBlY InstallatIon” for more
***the side recirculation loop connections may not be used as the primary water inlet and outlet connections.
For your convenience, plugs are installed in these fittings at the factory. Remove these plugs if needed for
your specific installation. Otherwise (as with all connections) check for leaks while filling the tank with water
and after completing the installation.
fIGure 1
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tYpIcal InstallatIon
condensate hose and draIn pan
fIGure 1a.
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tYpIcal InstallatIon
MIXInG valve / therMal eXpansIon tanK usaGe and space heatInG
fIGure 2.
heater (see Figure 3) or at hot water taps to further reduce system
water temperature.
MIXInG valves
Mixing valves are available at plumbing supply stores. Consult a
Qualified Installer or ServiceAgency. Follow mixing valve manufacturer’s
instructions for installation of the valves.
Water temperature over 125°F (52°C)
can cause severe burns instantly
resulting in severe injury or death.
taBle 1.
Children, the elderly and the physically
or mentally disabled are at highest risk
for scald injury.
Time for Permanent Burns
Time for 1st Degree Burns
Water Temperature °F
2nd & 3rd Degree
(Less Severe Burns)
(Most Severe Burns)
(normal shower temp.)
(pain threshold)
35 minutes
Feel water before bathing or showering.
Temperature limiting devices such as
mixing valves must be installed when
required by codes and to ensure safe
temperatures at fixtures.
45 minutes
5 minutes
25 seconds
5 seconds
2 seconds
1 seconds
1 minute
5 seconds
2 seconds
1 second
Water heated to a temperature which will satisfy clothes washing, dish
washing, and other sanitizing needs can scald and cause permanent
injury upon contact. Short repeated heating cycles caused by small
hot water uses can cause temperatures at the point of use to exceed
the water heater’s temperature setting by up to 20°F (11°C).
(U.S. Government Memorandum, C.P.S.C., Peter L. Armstrong, Sept. 15, 1978)
12” TO 15”
(30-38 cm)
Some people are more likely to be permanently injured by hot water
than others. These include the elderly, children, the infirm and the
physically/mentally disabled. Table 1 shows the approximate time-
to-burn relationship for normal adult skin. If anyone using hot water
provided by the water heater being installed fits into one of these
groups or if there is a local code or state law requiring a certain
water temperature at the point of use, then special precautions
must be taken.
In addition to using lowest possible temperature setting that satisfies
demand of application a Mixing Valve should be installed at water
fIGure 3.
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locatInG the new water heater
facts to consIder aBout the locatIon
Carefully choose an indoor location for the new water heater, because
the placement is a very important consideration for the safety of the
occupants in the building and for the most economical use of the
appliance. this water heater is not for use in manufactured
(mobile) homes or outdoor installation.
Whether replacing an old water heater or putting the water heater in
a new location, the following critical points must be observed:
1. Select a location indoors as close as practical to the vent terminal or
and as centralized with the water piping system as possible.
2. Selected location must provide adequate clearances for servicing
and proper operation of the water heater.
Installation of the water heater must be accomplished in such a manner
that if the tank or any connections should leak, the flow will not cause
damage to the structure. For this reason, it is not advisable to install
the water heater in an attic or upper floor. When such locations cannot
be avoided, a metal drain pan should be installed under the water
heater. Drain pans are available at your local hardware store. Such
a drain pan must have a clearance of at least 1.0” (2.5cm) greater
than any point on the water heater’s outer jacket and must be piped
to an adequate drain. The pan must not restrict combustion air flow.
For example, if a circular pan is used, it must be a minimum of 27”
(69cm) in diameter. See Figure 1.
Water heater life depends upon water quality, water pressure and
the environment in which the water heater is installed. Water heaters
are sometimes installed in locations where leakage may result in
property damage, even with the use of a drain pan piped to a drain.
However, unanticipated damage can be reduced or prevented by
a leak detector or water shuttoff device used in conjunction with a
piped drain pan. These devices are available from some plumbing
supply wholesalers and retailers, and detect and react to leakage
in various ways:
• Sensors mounted in the drain pan that trigger an alarm or turn off the
incoming water to the water heater when leakage is detected.
• Sensors mounted in the drain pan that turn off the water supply to
the entire building when water is detected in the drain pan.
• Water supply shuttoff devices that activate based on the water
pressure differential between the cold water and hot water pipes
connected to the water heater.
• Devices that will turn off the gas supply to a gas water heater while
at the same time shutting off its water supply.
liquids (such as gasoline, solvents, propane (LP or butane, etc.) and
other substances (such as adhesives, etc.) emit flammable vapors
which can be ignited by a gas water heater’s hot surface igniter or
main burner. The resulting flashback and fire can cause death or
serious burns to anyone in the area.
This water heater must not be installed directly on carpeting.
Carpeting must be protected by metal or wood panel beneath the
appliance extending beyond the full width and depth of the appliance
by at least 3” (7.6 cm) in any direction, or if the appliance is installed
Also, the water heater must be located and/or protected so it is not
subject to physical damage by a moving vehicle.
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in an alcove or closet, the entire floor must be covered by the panel.
Failure to heed this warning may result in a fire hazard.
If this water heater will be used in beauty shops, barber shops,
cleaning establishments, or self-service laundries with dry cleaning
equipment, it is imperative that the water heater or water heaters
be installed so that combustion and ventilation air be taken from
outside these areas.
Propellants of aerosol sprays and volatile compounds, (cleaners,
chlorine based chemicals, refrigerants, etc.) in addition to being highly
flammable in many cases, will also react to form corrosive hydrochloric
acid when exposed to the combustion products of the water heater.
The results can be hazardous, and also cause product failure.
InsulatIon BlanKets
Insulation blankets are available to the general public for external
use on gas water heaters but are not necessary with these products.
The purpose of an insulation blanket is to reduce standby heat loss
encountered with storage tank heaters. Your water heater meets or
exceeds the Energy PolicyAct standards with respect to insulation and
standby loss requirements, making an insulation blanket unnecessary.
Minimum clearances between water heater and combustible
construction are 0 inch at the sides and rear, 5.5” (14.0 cm) from the
front and 12” (30.5 cm) from top. (Standard clearance.) If clearances
stated on the heater differ from standard clearances, install water
heater according to clearances stated on the heater.
Should you choose to apply an insulation blanket to this heater, you
should follow these instructions (For identification of components
mentioned below, see Figure 1). Failure to follow these instructions can
restrict the air flow required for proper combustion, potentially resulting
in fire, asphyxiation, serious personal injury or death.
Adequate clearance 24” (61.0 cm) for servicing this appliance should
be considered before installation, such as changing the anodes, etc.
A minimum clearance of 5.5” (14.0 cm) must be allowed for access
to replaceable parts such as thermostats, drain valve, relief valve
and condensate drain.
When installing the heater, consideration must be given to proper
location. Location selected should be as close to the wall as practicable
and as centralized with the water piping system as possible.
• Do not apply insulation to the top of the water heater, as this will
interfere with safe operation of the blower assembly.
• Do not cover the outer door, thermostat or temperature & pressure
relief valve.
• Do not allow insulation to come within 2” (5.1 cm) of the floor to
prevent blockage of combustion air flow to the burner.
• Do not cover the instruction manual. Keep it on the side of the
water heater or nearby for future reference.
Agas water heater cannot operate properly without the correct amount
of air for combustion. Do not install in a confined area such as a closet,
unless you provide air as shown in the “Locating The New Water
Heater” section. Never obstruct the flow of ventilation air. If you have
any doubts or questions at all, call your gas supplier. Failure to provide
the proper amount of combustion air can result in a fire or explosion
and cause death, serious bodily injury, or property damage.
• Do obtain new warning and instruction labels from the manufacturer
for placement on the blanket directly over the existing labels.
• Do inspect the insulation blanket frequently to make certain it
does not sag, thereby obstructing combustion air flow.
aIr requIreMents
For safe operation an adequate supply of fresh uncontaminated
air for combustion and ventilation must be provided.
An insufficient supply of air can cause recirculation of combustion
products resulting in contamination that may be hazardous to life.
fIGure 5.
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Such a condition often will result in a yellow, luminous burner
flame, causing sooting of the combustion chamber, burners and
flue tubes and creates a risk of asphyxiation.
free area and metal louvers and grilles will have 75% free area. Non
motorized louvers and grilles should be fixed in the open position.
fresh aIr openInGs for confIned spaces
Do not install the water heater in a confined space unless an
adequate supply of air for combustion and ventilation is brought in
to that space using the methods described in the Confined Space
section that follows.
The following instructions should be used to calculate the size,
number and placement of openings providing fresh air for combustion,
ventilation and dilution in confined spaces. The illustrations shown in
this section of the manual are a reference for the openings that provide
fresh air into confined spaces only. Do not refer to these illustrations
for the purpose of vent installation. See Installation of Vent System on
pages 18-27 for complete venting installation instructions.
Never obstruct the flow of ventilation air. If you have any doubts or
questions at all, call your gas supplier. Failure to provide the proper
amount of combustion air can result in a fire or explosion and cause
property damage, serious bodily injury or death.
outdoor aIr throuGh two openInGs
unconfIned space
An Unconfined Space is one whose volume is not less than 50 cubic
feet per 1,000 Btu/hr (4.8 cubic meters per kW) of the total input
rating of all appliances installed in the space. Rooms communicating
directly with the space, in which the appliances are installed, through
openings not furnished with doors, are considered a part of the
unconfined space.
Makeup air requirements for the operation of exhaust fans, kitchen
ventilation systems, clothes dryers and fireplaces should also be
considered in determining the adequacy of a space to provide
combustion, ventilation and dilution air.
unusuallY tIGht constructIon
In unconfined spaces in buildings, infiltration may be adequate to
provide air for combustion, ventilation and dilution of flue gases.
However, in buildings of unusually tight construction (for example,
weather stripping, heavily insulated, caulked, vapor barrier, etc.)
additional air must be provided using the methods described in the
Confined Space section that follows.
confIned space
fIGure 6.
A Confined Space is one whose volume is less than 50 cubic feet
per 1,000 Btu/hr (4.8 cubic meters per kW) of the total input rating
of all appliances installed in the space.
The confined space should be provided with two permanent
openings, one commencing within 12 inches (300 mm) of the top
and one commencing within 12 inches (300 mm) of the bottom of
the enclosure. The openings should communicate directly with
the outdoors. See Figure 6.
Openings must be installed to provide fresh air for combustion,
ventilation and dilution in confined spaces. The required size for the
openings is dependent on the method used to provide fresh air to
the confined space and the total Btu/hr input rating of all appliances
installed in the space.
Each opening should have a minimum free area of 1 square inch
per 4,000 Btu/hr (550 mm2 per kW) of the aggregate input rating
of all appliances installed in the enclosure. Each opening should
not be less than 100 square inches (645 cm2).
dIrect vent applIances
outdoor aIr throuGh one openInG
Appliances installed in a Direct Vent configuration that derive all
air for combustion from the outdoor atmosphere through sealed
intake air piping are not factored in the total appliance input Btu/hr
calculations used to determine the size of openings providing fresh
air into confined spaces.
eXhaust fans
Where exhaust fans are installed, additional air should be provided
to replace the exhausted air. When an exhaust fan is installed in
the same space with a water heater, sufficient openings to provide
fresh air must be provided that accommodate the requirements for
all appliances in the room and the exhaust fan. Undersized openings
will cause air to be drawn into the room through the water heater’s
vent system causing poor combustion. Sooting, serious damage to
the water heater and the risk of fire or explosion may result. It can
also create a risk of asphyxiation.
louvers and GrIlles
in to account presence of louvers, grilles or screens in openings.
The required size of openings for combustion, ventilation and dilution
air should be based on the “net free area” of each opening. Where
the free area through a design of louver or grille or screen is known, it
free area specified. Where the louver and grille design and free area
are not known, it should be assumed that wood louvers will have 25%
fIGure 7.
Alternatively a single permanent opening, commencing within 12
inches (300 mm) of the top of the enclosure, should be provided. See
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Figure 7. The water heater should have clearances of at least 1 inch The confined space should be provided with two permanent vertical
(25 mm) from the sides and back and 6 inches (150 mm) from the front
of the appliance. The opening should directly communicate with the
outdoors or should communicate through a vertical or horizontal duct
to the outdoors or spaces that freely communicate with the outdoors
and should have a minimum free area of the following:
ducts, one commencing within 12 inches (300 mm) of the top and
one commencing within 12 inches (300 mm) of the bottom of the
enclosure. The vertical ducts should communicate directly with the
outdoors. See Figure 9.
Each duct opening should have a minimum free area of 1 square inch
per 4,000 Btu/hr (550 mm2 per kW) of the aggregate input rating of
all appliances installed in the enclosure.
1. 1 square inch per 3000 Btu/hr (700 mm2 per kW) of the total input
rating of all appliances located in the enclosure, and
2. Not less than the sum of the areas of all vent connectors in space.
When ducts are used, they should be of the same cross sectional
area as the free area of the openings to which they connect. The
minimum dimension of rectangular air ducts should be not less than
3 inches.
outdoor aIr throuGh two horIZontal ducts
aIr froM other Indoor spaces
fIGure 8.
Confined space should be provided with two permanent horizontal
ducts, one commencing within 12 inches (300 mm) of top and one
commencingwithin12inches(300mm)ofbottomofenclosure. Horizontal
ducts should communicate directly with outdoors. See Figure 8.
Each duct opening should have a minimum free area of 1 square inch
per 2,000 Btu/hr (1100 mm2 per kW) of the aggregate input rating of all
appliances installed in the enclosure.
fIGure 9a.
The confined space should be provided with two permanent
openings, one commencing within 12 inches (300 mm) of the top
and one commencing within 12 inches (300 mm) of the bottom of
the enclosure. See Figure 9A.
When ducts are used, they should be of the same cross sectional area
as the free area of the openings to which they connect. The minimum
dimension of rectangular air ducts should be not less than 3 inches.
outdoor aIr throuGh two vertIcal ducts
Each opening should communicate directly with an additional room(s)
of sufficient volume so that the combined volume of all spaces meets
the criteria for an Unconfined Space.
The illustrations shown in this section of the manual are a reference for
the openings that provide fresh air into confined spaces only.
Each opening should have a minimum free area of 1 square inch per
1,000 Btu/hr (1100 mm2 per kW) of the aggregate input rating of all
appliances installed in the enclosure. Each opening should not be
less than 100 square inches (645 cm2).
Do not refer to these illustrations for the purpose of vent installation.
See Installation of Vent System on pages 18-27 for complete venting
installation instructions.
fIGure 9.
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InstallInG the new water heater
This water heater should not be connected to any heating systems or
component(s) used with a non-potable water heating appliance.
cheMIcal vapor corrosIon
All piping components connected to this unit for space heating
applications should be suitable for use with potable water.
Toxic chemicals, such as those used for boiler treatment should not
be introduced into this system.
Spray can propellants, cleaning solvents, refrigerator and air
conditioning refrigerants, swimming pool chemicals, calcium and
sodium chloride (water softener salt), waxes, and process chemicals
are typical compounds which are potentially corrosive.
When the system requires water for space heating at temperatures
higher than required for domestic water purposes, a mixing
valve must be installed. Please refer to Figure 2 for suggested
piping arrangement.
Do not store products of this sort near the heater. Also, air which is
brought in contact with the heater should not contain any of these
chemicals. If necessary, uncontaminated air should be obtained from
remote or outside sources. The limited warranty is voided when failure
of water heater is due to a corrosive atmosphere. (See limited warranty
for complete terms and conditions).
space heatInG and potaBle water sYsteM
This appliance has been design certified as complying with
American National Standard/CSA Standard for water heaters
and is considered suitable for Water (Potable) Heating and
Space Heating.
water pIpInG
Your water heater is equipped with inlet/outlet connections
for use in space heating applications (see Figure 2). If this
water heater is to be used to supply both space heating and
potable (drinking) water, the instructions listed below must
be followed:
Water temperature over 125°F (52°C)
can cause severe burns instantly
resulting in severe injury or death.
Children, the elderly and the physically
or mentally disabled are at highest
risk for scald injury.
• Be sure to follow the manual(s) shipped with the air handler or other
type heating system.
Feel water before bathing or showering.
• This water heater is not to be used as a replacement for an existing
boiler installation.
Temperature limiting valves are
• Do not use with piping that has been treated with chromates, boiler
seal or other chemicals and do not add any chemicals to the water
heater piping
Read instruction manual for safe
temperature setting.
• If the space heating system requires water temperatures in excess of
120°F (49°C), a mixing valve must be installed per the manufacturer’s
instructions in the potable hot water supply to limit the risk of scald
Water heaters are intended to produce hot water. Water heated to
a temperature which will satisfy space heating, clothes washing,
dish washing, cleaning and other sanitizing needs can scald and
permanently injure you upon contact. Some people are more likely
to be permanently injured by hot water than others. These include
the elderly, children, the infirm, or physically/mentally handicapped.
If anyone using hot water fits into one of these groups or if there is
a local code or state law requiring a certain temperature water at the
hot water tap, then you must take special precautions. In addition to
using lowest possible temperature setting that satisfies your hot water
needs, a means such as a mixing valve, should be used at hot water
taps used by these people or at the water heater, see Figure 2. Valves
• Pumps, valves, piping and fi ttings must be compatible with potable
• A properly installed flow control valve is required to prevent
thermosiphoning. Thermosiphoning is the result of a continuous
flow of water through the air handler circuit during the off cycle.
Weeping (blow off) of the temperature and pressure relief valve
(T & P) or higher than normal water temperatures are the first signs
of thermosiphoning.
for reducing point of use temperature by mixing cold and hot water are • The hot water line from the water heater should be vertical past
also available:
any mixing valve or supply line to the heating system to remove air
bubbles from the system.
Consult a Qualified Installer or Service Agency. Follow manufacturer’s
instructions for installation of valves. Before changing the factory setting
on thermostat, read “Temperature Regulation” section in this manual.
• Do not connect the water heater to any system or components
previously used with non-potable water heating appliances when
used to supply potable water.
closed water sYsteMs
Water supply systems may, because of code requirements or such
conditions as high line pressure, among others, have installed
devices such as pressure reducing valves, check valves, and back
flow preventers. Devices such as these cause the water system to
be a closed system.
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duct tape, electrical tape, or equivalent. IMPORTANT: The insulation
and tape must not block the discharge opening or hinder access to the
manual relief lever (Figure 11). Ensure a discharge pipe is installed into
the T&P valve discharge opening per the instructions in this manual.
4. Locate the hot water (outlet) & cold water (inlet) pipes to the water heater.
5. Locate the slit running the length of a section of pipe insulation.
6. Spread the slit open and slip the insulation over the cold water (inlet)
pipe. Apply gentle pressure along the length of the insulation to ensure
that it is fully seated around the pipe. Also, ensure that the base of
the insulation is flush with the water heater. Once seated, secure the
insulation with duct tape, electrical tape, or equivalent.
therMal eXpansIon
As water is heated, it expands (thermal expansion). In a closed system
the volume of water will grow when it is heated. As the volume of water
grows there will be a corresponding increase in water pressure due to
thermal expansion. Thermal expansion can cause premature tank failure
(leakage). This type of failure is not covered under the limited warranty.
Thermal expansion can also cause intermittent Temperature-Pressure
Relief Valve operation: water discharged from valve due to excessive
pressure build up. This condition is not covered under the limited warranty.
The Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve is not intended for constant relief
of thermal expansion.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the hot water (outlet) pipe.
A properly sized thermal expansion tank must be installed on
all closed systems to control the harmful effects of thermal
expansion. Contact a local plumbing service agency to have a
thermal expansion tank installed.
8. Add additional sections of pipe insulation as needed.
note: to protect against untimely corrosion of hot and cold water
fittings, it is strongly recommended that di-electric unions or couplings
be installed on this water heater when connected to copper pipe.
All gas piping must comply with local codes and ordinances or with the
National Fuel Gas Code (ANSI Z223.1/ NFPA-54). Copper and brass tubing
and fittings (except tin lined copper tubing) should not be used.
fIGure 11.
teMperature-pressure relIef valve
Explosion Hazard
Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve
must comply with ANSI Z21.22-
CSA 4.4 and ASME code.
Properly sized Temperature-Pressure
Relief Valve must be installed in
opening provided.
Can result in overheating and
excessive tank pressure.
Can cause serious injury or death.
This water heater is provided with a properly rated/sized and certified
combination Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve (T&P valve) by the
manufacturer. The valve is certified by a nationally recognized testing
laboratory that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed
equipment of materials as meeting the requirements for Relief Valves
for Hot Water Supply Systems, ANSI Z21.22 • CSA 4.4, and the code
requirements of ASME.
If replaced, the new T&P valve must meet the requirements of local
codes, but not less than a combination Temperature-Pressure Relief
Valve rated/sized and certified as indicated in the above paragraph.
The new valve must be marked with a maximum set pressure not to
exceed the marked hydrostatic working pressure of the water heater
(150 psi = 1,035 kPa) and a discharge capacity not less than the water
heater Btu/hr or kW input rate as shown on the water heater’s model
rating plate.
Note: In addition to the factory installed Temperature-Pressure Relief
Valve on the water heater, each remote storage tank that may be
installed and piped to a water heating appliance must also have its
own properly sized, rated and approved Temperature-Pressure Relief
Valve installed. Call the toll free technical support phone number listed
on the back cover of this manual for technical assistance in sizing a
Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve for remote storage tanks.
fIGure 10.
Figure 10 shows typical attachment of water piping to the water heater.
The water heater is equipped with 3/4 inch NPT water connections.
note: If using copper tubing, solder tubing to an adapter before
attaching the adapter to the water heater connections. do not solder
the water lines directly to the water heater connections. It will harm
the dip tube and damage the tank.
For safe operation of the water heater, the Temperature-Pressure
Relief Valve must not be removed from its designated opening nor
plugged. The Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve must be installed
directly into the fitting of the water heater designed for the relief
valve. Install discharge piping so that any discharge will exit the
pipe within 6 inches (15.2 cm) above an adequate floor drain,
or external to the building. In cold climates it is recommended
that it be terminated at an adequate drain inside the building. Be
certain that no contact is made with any live electrical part. The
t & p valve and pipe Insulation
1. Locate the temperature and pressure relief valve on the water heater
(also known as a T&P relief valve). See Figure 11.
2. Locate the slit running the length of the T&P relief valve insulation.
3. Spread the slit open and fit the insulation over the T&P relief valve. See
Figure 11. Apply gentle pressure to the insulation to ensure that it is fully
seated on the T&P Relief Valve. Once seated, secure the insulation with
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discharge opening must not be blocked or reduced in size under any
circumstances. Excessive length, over 30 feet (9.14 m), or use of
more than four elbows can cause restriction and reduce the discharge
capacity of the valve.
hIGh altItude InstallatIon
No valve or other obstruction is to be placed between the
Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve and the tank. Do not connect
discharge piping directly to the drain unless a 6” (15.2 cm) air gap is
provided. To prevent bodily injury, hazard to life, or property damage,
the relief valve must be allowed to discharge water in adequate
quantities should circumstances demand. If the discharge pipe is
not connected to a drain or other suitable means, the water flow
may cause property damage.
Water Damage Hazard
Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve discharge
pipe must terminate at adequate drain.
This heater is approved for operation up to 5,300 feet (1,615 m)
without alteration. High altitude models are available from the factory
for elevations between 5,300 feet (1,615 m) and 10,100 feet (3,079
m). For elevations above 10,100 feet (3,079 m) the input rating
should be reduced at the rate of 4 percent for each 1,000 feet (305
m) above sea level which requires replacement of the burner orifice
in accordance with National Fuel Gas Code (ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54).
Contact your local gas supplier for further information.
t&p valve discharge pipe requirements:
• Should not be smaller in size than the outlet pipe size of the valve, or
have any reducing couplings or other restrictions.
• Should not be plugged or blocked.
• Should not be exposed to freezing temperatures.
• Should be of material listed for hot water distribution.
Failure to replace standard orifice with a high altitude orifice when
installed above 10,100 feet (3,079 m) could result in improper and
inefficient operation of the appliance, producing carbon monoxide
gas in excess of safe limits, which could result in serious injury or
death. Contact your gas supplier for any specific changes which
may be required in your area.
• Should be installed so as to allow complete drainage of both the
Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve and the discharge pipe.
• Must terminate a maximum of six inches above a floor drain or external
to the building. In cold climates, it is recommended that the discharge
pipe be terminated at an adequate drain inside the building.
• Should not have any valve or other obstruction between the relief
valve and the drain.
Gas pIpInG
• Burn hazard.
Fire and Explosion Hazard
• Hot water discharge.
Do not use water heater with any
gas other than the gas shown on
the rating plate.
• Keep clear of Temperature-
Pressure Relief Valve
discharge outlet.
Excessive pressure to gas control
valve can cause serious injury or death
Turn off gas lines during installation.
Contact qualified installer or
service agency.
TheTemperature-Pressure Relief Valve must be manually operated at
least twice a year. Caution should be taken to ensure that (1) no one
is in front of or around the outlet of the Temperature-Pressure Relief
Valve discharge line, and (2) the water manually discharged will not
cause any bodily injury or property damage because the water may be
extremelyhot. Ifaftermanuallyoperatingthevalve, itfailstocompletely
reset and continues to release water, immediately close the cold water
inlet to the water heater, follow the draining instructions in this manual,
and replace the Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve with a properly
rated/sized new one.
Make sure the gas supplied is the same type listed on the model
rating plate. The inlet gas pressure must not exceed 14 inch water
column (3.5 kPa) for natural and propane gas (L.P.). The minimum
inlet gas pressure shown on the rating plate is that which will permit
firing at rated input.
All gas piping must comply with local codes and ordinances or with the
National Fuel Gas Code (ANSI Z223.1/ NFPA-54). Copper or brass
tubing and fittings (except tin lined copper tubing) should not be
note: The purpose of a Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve is to
prevent excessive temperatures and pressures in the storage tank.
The T&P valve is not intended for the constant relief of thermal
expansion.Aproperly sized thermal expansion tank must be installed
on all closed systems to control thermal expansion, see Closed Water
Systems and Thermal Expansion on page 14 and 15.
If the gas control valve is subjected to pressures exceeding 1/2 psi
(3.5 kPa), the damage to the gas control valve could result in a fire
or explosion from leaking gas.
If the main gas line Shuttoff serving all gas appliances is
used, also turn “off” the gas at each appliance. Leave all
gas appliances shut “off” until the water heater installation
is complete.
If you do not understand these instructions or have any questions
regarding the Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve call the
toll free number listed on the back cover of this manual for
technical assistance.
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A gas line of sufficient size must be run to the water heater.
Consult the current edition of National Fuel Gas Code (ANSI
Z223.1/NFPA 54) and your gas supplier concerning pipe size.
sedIMent traps
There must be:
• A readily accessible manual shuttoff valve in the gas supply line
serving the water heater, and
• A drip leg (sediment trap) ahead of gas control valve to help prevent
dirt and foreign materials from entering the gas control valve.
• Aflexible gas connector or a ground joint union between the shuttoff
valve and control valve to permit servicing of the unit.
Be sure to check all the gas piping for leaks before lighting the water
heater. Use a soapy water solution, not a match or open flame. Rinse
off soapy solution and wipe dry.
A sediment trap should be installed as close to the inlet of the
water heater as practical at the time of water heater installation.
The sediment trap should be either a tee fitting with a capped
nipple in the bottom outlet or other device recognized as an
effective sediment trap. If a tee fitting is used, it should be
installed in conformance with one of the methods of installation
shown in Figures 12 and 13.
Contaminants in the gas lines may cause improper operation
of the gas control valve that may result in fire or explosion.
Before attaching the gas line be sure that all gas pipe is clean
on the inside. To trap any dirt or foreign material in the gas
supply line, a drip leg (sometimes called a sediment trap) must
be incorporated in the piping. The drip leg must be readily
accessible. Install in accordance with the “Gas Piping” section.
Refer to the current edition of the National Fuel Gas Code
(ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54).
Use pipe joint compound or teflon tape marked as being resistant
to the action of petroleum [Propane (L.P.)] gases.
The appliance and its gas connection must be leak tested before
placing the appliance in operation.
The appliance and its individual Shuttoff valve should be disconnected
from the gas supply piping system during any pressure testing of that
It should be isolated from the gas supply piping system by closing its
individual manual Shuttoff valve during any pressure testing of the gas
supply piping system at test pressures equal to or less than 1/2 pound
per square inch (3.5 kPa).
Connecting gas piping to the gas control valve of water heater can be
accomplished by either of two methods shown in Figures 12 and 13.
fIGure 12. Gas pIpInG wIth
fleXIBle connector.
fIllInG the water heater
fIGure 13. Gas pIpInG wIth all
BlacK Iron pIpe to Gas control.
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Neverusethiswaterheaterunlessitiscompletelyfullofwater. Toprevent see Figure 16. Disassemble the parts and cement back together
damagetothetank,thetankmustbefilledwithwater.Watermustflowfrom using the alignment marks. After the cement dries, attach the
the hot water faucet before turning “ON” gas to the water heater.
assembly to the blower and the water heater exhaust using the
supplied rubber boots and hose clamps.
To fill the water heater with water:
1. Close the water heater drain valve by turning handle to the right
(clockwise). The drain valve is on the lower front of water heater.
2. Open the cold water supply valve to the water heater.
note: the cold water supply valve must be left open when the
water heater is in use.
See the CONDENSATE section of this manual for further details.
3. To insure complete filling of the tank, allow air to exit by opening nearest
hot water faucet. Allow water to run until a constant flow is obtained.
This will let air out of the water heater and the piping.
4. Check all water piping and connections for leaks. Repair as needed.
vent pIpe asseMBlY
There are three parts of the vent pipe assembly that connect the water
heater exhaust (located on lower back side of water heater) to inlet of the
blower assembly (mounted on top of water heater) as shown in Figure
1. These parts will need to be assembled according to the instructions
in the VENT PIPE PREPARATION section of this manual. These PVC
parts should be assembled with ASTM D-2564 grade cement.
Assemble Vent Pipe Assemblies #1, #2 and #3 (See Figure 1) prior
to cementing. The preferred orientation of Vent Pipe Assembly #1
(Condensate U-Assembly) is shown in Figure 16. However this
assembly may be rotated to a different orientation as needed for the
specific installation requirements. Note the rotational orientation of
each part by marking a line several inches long across the joints.The
long tube of Vent Pipe Assembly #2 should be approximately
vertical. If it is found that either of the two pieces of pipe in Vent
Pipe Assembly #2 are too long for proper fit-up, then remove as
little material as possible to improve the fit-up. Keep in mind that
the pipes will insert slightly further into the elbows when cement
is applied as it acts as a lubricating agent. The vertical distance
from the bottom of the Condensate U-Assembly to the floor that
supports the water heater should be approximately 0.25” (0.64 cm),
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terMInatIon clearances sIdewall power vent
(using room air for combustion)
fIGure 15.
Vent terminal clearances for “Power Vent” installations. Power Vent configurations use room air for combustion.
us InstallatIons
us InstallatIons
Clearance above grade, veranda, porch,
deck or balcony
Clearance to each side of center line
extended above meter/regulator assembly
3 feet (91 cm) within a height 15 feet (4.5 m)
above the meter/regulator assembly*
12 inches (30 cm)
Clearance to window or door that may
be opened
4 feet (1.2 m) below or to side of opening; 1
foot (30 cm) above opening
Clearance to service regulator vent outlet
3 feet (91 cm)*
4 feet (1.2 m) below or to side of opening;
1 foot
(30 cm) above opening.
Clearance to a non mechanical air supply
inlet into building or combustion air inlet to
any other appliance
Clearance to permanently closed window 12 inches (30 cm)*
Vertical clearance to ventilated soffit
located above the terminal within a
horizontal distance of 2 feet (61 cm) from
the center line of the terminal
3 feet (91 cm) above if within
10 feet (3 m) horizontally
12 inches (30 cm)*
Clearance to a mechanical air supply inlet
Clearance above paved sidewalk or paved
driveway located on public property
7 feet (2.13 m) †
Clearance to unventilated soffit
12 inches (30 cm)*
Clearance under veranda, porch, deck, or
Clearance to outside corner
Clearance to inside corner
2 feet (60 cm)*
12 inches (30 cm) ‡
18 inches (45 cm)*
In accordance with the current ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, National Fuel Gas Code.
† A vent shall not terminate directly above a sidewalk or paved driveway that is located between two single family dwellings and serves both dwellings.
‡ Permitted only if veranda, porch, deck, or balcony is fully open on a minimum of two sides beneath the floor.
* Clearance in accordance with local installation codes and the requirements of the gas supplier and the manufacturer’s installation instructions.
Instructions on proper installation through a sidewall are provided
in Figure 15.
vent pIpe terMInatIon
The first step is to determine where the vent pipe will terminate.
See Figures 15, 20 and 21. The vent may terminate through a
sidewall as shown in Figure 20 or through the roof as shown
in Figure 21.
Plan the vent system layout so that proper clearances are
maintained from plumbing and wiring.
Vent pipes serving power vented appliances are classified by
building codes as “vent connectors”. Required clearances from
combustible materials must be provided in accordance with
information in this manual under LOCATING THE NEW WATER
National Fuel Gas Code and local codes.
The vent system must terminate so that proper clearances are
maintained as cited in local codes or the current edition of the
National Fuel Gas Code, (ANSI Z223.1, 12.9.1 through 12.9.4).
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of cracks or fractures, particularly at joints between elbows and other
fittings and straight runs of vent pipe. Check system for signs of sagging
or other stresses in joints as a result of misalignment of any components
in system. If any of these conditions are found, they must be corrected in
accordance with venting instructions in this manual before completing
installation and putting water heater into service.
plannInG the vent sYsteM
Plan the route of the vent system from the discharge of the blower
to the planned location of the vent terminal. Refer to VAA instruction
on page 26 while planning the vent system.
1. Layout total vent system to use a minimum of vent pipe and elbows.
note: a. For water heaters in locations with high ambient
temperatures (above 100°F) it is recommended that CPVC or ABS
pipe and fittings be used. B. A 22.5 degree elbow (2” vent pipe) or a
45 degree elbow (3” and 4” vent pipe) with an installed screen VENT
TERMINAL must be used in all cases.
2. This water heater is capable of venting flue gases equivalent to
25’ (7.6 m) of 2” pipe, 65’ (19.8 m) of 3” pipe, or 128’ (39.0 m) of
4” pipe as listed in Table 2.
taBle 2.
4. There will be some installations where condensate will be formed
in the horizontal runs of the vent system. This condensate will
run into the condensate boot attached to the blower and out the
fitting. The water heater is shipped with condensate hose that
attaches to the fitting on the condensate boot. No other Tee or
fitting is required. See Figures 17, 20 and 21.
Number of
90° Elbows
2” Maximum
Pipe - ft. (m)
3” Maximum
Pipe - ft. (m)
4” Maximum
Pipe - ft. (m)
20 (6.1)
15 (4.6)
10 (3.0)
60 (18.3)
55 (16.8)
50 (15.2)
45 (13.7)
40 (12.2)
35 (10.7)
120 (36.6)
112 (34.1)
104 (31.7)
96 (29.3)
88 (26.8)
80 (24.3)
This water heater is a condensing unit and requires a drain to be
locatedincloseproximitytoallowcondensatetodrainsafely. Onehose
from blower housing, two flexible hoses from blower outlet adaptor,
along with another flexible hose from VAAif installed, run to barb fittings
on vent pipe assembly #2. Hose is clamped by rubber clips and flexible
hoses by a clamp on jacket top cover. See Figure 17. Condensate
drains from the unit at the exhaust tee located at the bottom of the unit
(see figure 16). Condensate from this water heater is mildly acidic.
Please note that some local codes require that condensate is treated
by using a pH neutralizing filter prior to disposal.
The minimum vent lengths for each of the pipe sizes is one 90°on top of
the unit plus 2’ (61cm) of straight pipe and the appropriate termination.
note: The equivalent feet (m) of pipe listed above are exclusive
of the termination. That is, the termination, with an installed
screen, is assumed to be in the system and the remainder of the
system must not exceed the lengths discussed above.
3. The blower discharge adapter is made to accept only straight
sections of 2” pipe. To start, a minimum of 2 inches (5.1 cm) of 2”
pipe must be attached to the blower discharge, see Figure 17.
NOTE: It is important that the field supplied drain lines beyond the 1/2”
adaptor of vent pipe assembly #1 should be installed continuously
tilted downward toward an appropriate drain. See Figure 16. If these
instructions are not followed or if condensate drain line is blocked, water
will spill from condensate trap. Do not block the holes in the hex plug on
top of a small tee in vent pipe assembly #1. As with every water heater
installation, a drain pan should be used to prevent water damage to
surrounding area. If necessary, a condensate pump with an incorporated
reservoir may be used to pump water to an appropriate drain. To avoid
condensate spillage, select a pump with an overflow switch.
If using 2” inch vent pipe:
A minimum of 2 inches (5.1 cm) must be attached to the blower
before the first elbow. After the first elbow add the additional
venting required for the installation. The total system cannot
exceed the lengths discussed above, where each elbow is equal
to 5 feet (1.5 m) of straight pipe.
If using 3” or 4” inch vent pipe:
adding a reducer to acquire desired pipe diameter. An appropriately
must be obtained with an equivalent screen (supplied in vent kit).
The total system cannot exceed equivalent pipe lengths discussed
above where each elbow is equal to 5 feet (1.5 m) of straight pipe
(3” vent pipe) or 8 feet (2.4 m) of straight pipe (4” vent pipe).
Caution must be used to ensure that drain is free and clear of debris
and will not allow backflow through the condensate drain line.
Consideration must be given to avoid freezing of the condensate lines
which could result in excessive build up of condensate inside the water
heater. Waterproof heat tape may be required to prevent freezing of
condensate lines. Please ensure that the outlet of condensate drain
does not create a slippery condition which could lead to personal
injury. Care should be taken to ensure there is no kink or twist in any
condensate hose. If a VAA is not installed, the unused barb fitting in
vent pipe assembly #2 should be plugged using one of the break-
away plugs.
note: This unit can be vented with PVC pipe materials (DWV
ASTM-D2665 or CSA B181.2; Schedule 40, 80, 120 ASTM-D1785 or
CSA B137.3; or SDR Series ASTM-D2241 or CSA B137.3), CPVC pipe
materials (CPVC41 ASTM-D2846 or CSA B137.6; Schedule 40, 80
ASTM-F441 or CSA B137.6; or SDR Series ASTM-F442), ABS pipe
materials (Schedule 40 DWV ASTM-D2661 or CSA B181.1). Fittings,
other than TERMINATION should be equivalent to PVC-DWV fittings
meeting ASTM D-2665 (Use CPVC fittings, ASTM F-438 for CPVC
pipe and ABS fittings, ASTM D-2661/3311 for ABS pipe). If CPVC or
ABS pipe and fittings are used, then proper cement must be used for
all joints, including joining pipe to Termination (PVC Material). If local
codes do not allow use of PVC termination when a material other than
PVC is used for venting, then an equivalent fitting of that material may
be substituted if screen in PVC terminal is removed and inserted
into new fitting.
Breathing Hazard - Carbon Monoxide Gas
Do NOT block the holes in the hex plug of vent pipe
assembly #1.
Do NOT elevate any portion of the field supplied drain
line beyond the 1/2" adaptor above the adaptor. This
must be true for entire length of the drain line including
the exit into an appropriate drain
Condensate lines must be free and clear of debris and
must not allow back flow through drain line. Condensate
lines must be able to flow freely to an appropriate drain.
PVC Materials should use ASTM D-2564 Grade Cement; CPVC
Materials should useASTM F-493 Grade Cement andABS Materials
should use ASTM D-2235 Grade Cement.
Do not allow condensate lines to become crimped closed.
Analyze entire vent system to make sure that condensate
will not become trapped in a section of vent pipe and
therefore reduce open cross sectional area of vent.
If water heater is being installed as a replacement for an existing power
vented heater in pre-existing venting, a thorough inspection of existing
venting system must be performed prior to any installation work. Verify
have been met. Carefully inspect entire venting system for any signs
Breathing carbon monoxide can cause brain damage or death.
Always read and understand instruction manual.
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The condensate trap may be primed by filling the CONDENSATE
U-ASSEMBLY with tap water while the water heater is not operating.
The system is fully primed when the water level reaches the adaptor
connected into the Tee. In most installations the water heater will
self-prime the condensate trap during the first full heat-up cycle. If
a sound of air bubbling through water (gurgling) is heard while the
blower is operating after the first heat-up cycle, then turn the unit off
and contact your plumber or service representative.
6. Make sure the ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position and that
the outer harness is connected from the blower control box to
the connector on the bottom side of the gas valve.
7. If the outer harness is not factory installed, make sure the ON/
OFF switch is in the OFF position and then connect the outer
harness from the blower control box to the connector on the
bottom side of the gas valve.
If these instructions are not followed, the condensate build-up will
block the exhaust outlet, which will cause improper operation.
block or
plug any
hole in this
hex plug.
0.25" (6.35 mm)
8. Do not plug in power cord until vent system is completely installed.
The Power Vent operates on 110-120 Vac. therefore a grounded
outlet must be within reach of the 6 foot (1.8 m) flexible power cord
supplied with the vent (See Figure 1). The power cord supplied
may be used on a unit only where local codes permit. If local
codes do not permit use of flexible power supply cord:
fIGure 16.
Condensate is likely to form in the venting system attached to this
water heater. The vent pipe should be sloped downward away from
the blower assembly (not less than 1/8” (3.2 mm) nor greater than 1/2”
(12.7 mm) per foot (30 cm) maximum). If the vent piping is vented level
or sloped upwards away from the blower assembly, then adequate
means for draining and disposing of the condensate needs to be made
by the installer. Two 3/8” condensate hoses should be connected to
the built in drain ports of blower outlet adaptor. If a VAA is installed,
a 3/8” condensate hose should be connected to the barb fitting on it;
otherwise the unused barb fitting on vent pipe assembly #2 should be
plugged with one of the break-away plugs. See Figure 17.
A. Make sure the unit is unplugged from the wall outlet. Remove
the plastic top cap. Remove screws and open panel on the
front of the control box on the blower.
B. Cut the flexible power cord, leaving enough to be able to make
connections. Remove the strain relief fitting from the box.
C. Install a suitable conduit fitting inside the enclosure.
D. Splice field wiring into existing wiring using code authorized
method (wire nuts, etc).
Condensate neutralizer kits are available. Contact your distributor
or Service Agency.
E. Be certain that neutral and line connections are not reversed
when making these connections.
Blower asseMBlY InstallatIon
F. Ground heater properly. This water heater must be grounded
in accordance with the National Electrical Code NFPA 70
and/or local codes. These must be followed in all cases.
1. This power vented water heater comes with blower assembly installed.
2. After unit is set in place, make sure blower assembly is still
mounted securely. Make sure there is no damage to blower.
The water heater must be connected to a grounded metal,
permanent wiring system; or an equipment grounding
conductor must be run with the circuit conductors and
connected to the equipment grounding terminal or lead on
the water heater, see Figure 19.
3. Condensate drains from three locations on blower assembly.
See Figure 17. One flexible hose runs from bottom of blower
housing; two run from the ports of rubber connector at the outlet
of blower. All these three condensate hoses are connected to
barb fittings at vent pipe assembly #2. The hose from bottom
of blower housing is clamped by two clamps and the two hoses
from rubber connector are harnessed by another clamp. Make
sure there is no kink or twist.
G. Close the panel on the control box. Make sure that the access
panel is secured shut.
9. Theblowerdischargebootismadetoacceptonlystraightsectionsof
2” pipe. To start off with an elbow, a short section of the furnished
pipe, a minimum of 2 inches (5.1 cm), must be cut and glued into
the end of the elbow that will mount on the discharge boot.
InstallatIon of vent sYsteM
Before beginning installation of piping system thoroughly read the
section of this manual VENT PIPE PREPARATION.
If you are installing your system so that it vents through roof, please
refer to section titled INSTALLATION OF VERTICAL VENT
fIGure 17.
4. Make sure there is no packing material in the inlet or discharge
of the blower.
vent terMInal InstallatIon, sIdewall
5. Make sure that the plastic tubing is still attached from the air
pressure switch to the port on the blower housing. Make sure
the plastic tubing is not folded anywhere between the pressure
switch and the blower housing.
1. Install the vent terminal by using the cover plate as a template to
mark the hole for the vent pipe to pass through the wall. BEWARE
2. If the Vent Terminal is being installed on outside of a finished wall, it
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may be easier to mark both the inside and outside wall. Align holes by
drilling a hole through center of the template from the inside through to
the outside. The template can now be positioned on the outside wall
using the drilled hole as a centering point for the template.
bead of caulking (not supplied) around the gap between the pipe and
cover plate. Apply enough to fill some of the gap between the pipe
and wall. Place some of the caulking on the back of the plate to hold it
against the wall after installation. If the vent pipe is installed up to the
wall, with a coupling on the end against the wall opening, the pipe with
the vent terminal can be prepared for gluing before inserting through
the wall. Slide the pipe through the wall and insert into the coupling on
the other side of the wall, making sure that the vent terminal ends up
Chisel an opening approximately one half inch (1.3 cm) larger
than the marked circle.
pointed in the correct position, see Figure 18.
Drill a pilot hole approximately one quarter inch (0.64 cm) outside
of the marked circle. This pilot hole is used as a starting point
for a saws-all or sabre saw blade. Cut around the marked circle
staying approximately one quarter inch (0.64 cm) outside of the
line. (This will allow the vent to easily slide through the opening.
The resulting gap will be covered up by the Vent Terminal cover
plate.) Repeat this step on inside wall if necessary.
sequence of InstallatIons, fIGure 18
Cut a length of PVC pipe about 3.5 inches (8.9 cm) longer than wall
thicknessattheopening. Glueventterminaltothissectionofpipe. Slide
the wall plate over the pipe to stop against the vent terminal. Place a
vent terMInatIon - fIGure 18.
power vent wIrInG scheMatIc - fIGure 19.
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additional vent pipe when calculating maximum equivalent
feet of venting.
InstallatIon of vent sYsteM, sIdewall
With the route of the venting system and selection of materials completed,
as discussed in the section of this manual titled PLANNING THE VENT
SYSTEM, the through the wall vent terminal in place and the first section
of piping, up to first elbow, installed at the blower it is time to complete the
installation of the venting system for the sidewall installation.
InstallatIon of vertIcal vent sYsteM
A proper flashing or “BOOT” should be used to seal the pipe
where it exits the roof. The total vent system should not exceed
the equivalent feet of pipe as listed in Table 1.
Provide support for all pipe protruding through the roof. All piping should
be properly secured. The vent system piping should be supported
every 5 feet (1.5 m) of vertical run and every 3 feet (91 cm) of
horizontal run. Follow vent pipe manufacturer’s instructions for proper
joining procedures.
*MIN. 12” (30cm)
*MIN. 12” (30 cm)
fIGure 21
fIGure 20
It is recommended that the completion of the venting system start
at the blower assembly and run to the coupling on the inside wall
of the vent terminal, Figure18.
The vent system must terminate so that proper clearances
are maintained as cited in local codes or the current edition
of the National Fuel Gas Code (ANSI Z223.1) or the Natural
Gas and Propane Installation Code (CAN/CSA-B149.1) and as
listed below:
The vent system piping should be supported every 5 feet (1.5 m)
of vertical run and every 3 feet (91 cm) of horizontal run. Follow vent
pipe manufacturer’s instructions for proper joining procedures.
If necessary to achieve the 12” minimum clearance above
the highest anticipated snow level, install a snorkel as shown
in bottom portion of Figure 20.
1. Vent Termination must extend a minimum of 12 inches (30 cm)
above roof or 12 inches (30 cm) above the anticipated snow level
to prevent blockage of the vent termination, as shown in Figures
20 and 21.
note: With the installation of a snorkel it is necessary to
use two 90° elbows that shall be considered along with the
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4. Make sure the VAA and vent pipe is supported securely to
a permanent fixture (stud or wall). Use standard support
straps (not supplied with kit) that may be found at a local
hardware store. Failure to properly support the VAA and the
surrounding vent pipe could create a hazardous situation. DO
NOT puncture any surface of the VAA.
vent attenuatIon asseMBlY
InstallatIon InstructIons
The Vent Attenuation Assembly (VAA) is designed to provide a
reduction in fan noise created in the blower wheel. This installation
of this VAA is optional. Review directions thoroughly prior to installing
the new VAA. Please contact the manufacturer of the water heater as
shown in the instruction manual with any questions or for additional
product support.
5. Locate flexible tubing. Slide one end of tubing over the hose
barb located near end of the VAA. The ridges on the hose
barb should prevent the tubing from sliding off, however,
to ensure there are no leaks and possible dislocation from
hose barb, use a wire tie or hose clamp (not supplied with kit)
and secure.
vent attenuatIon asseMBlY KIt parts lIst
The kit consists of the following items. If a part is missing, use the
contact information in the instruction manual to acquire missing
6. Take the other end of the flexible tubing and slide it through
the hose clamp on the jacket top cover and install it into one
of the four barb fittings in vent pipe assembly #2.
• vent attenuation assembly
• flexible tubing
• instruction sheet
7. Once installed along with the rest of the vent configuration,
make sure to operate the unit through at least one heat up
cycle to ensure there is no leakage around the hose barb or
any joints of the VAA or vent pipe system.
vent attenuatIon asseMBlY InstallatIon
The VAA is designed for both vertical and horizontal installations.
The vertical installation and horizontal installations will require that
the flexible condensate hose to be attached to the condensate hose
barb located on the bottom of the VAA to release condensate. See
instructions and diagrams that follow for a more detailed description.
Breathing Hazard - Carbon Monoxide Gas
Do NOT block the holes in the hex plug of vent pipe
assembly #1.
Do NOT elevate any portion of the field supplied drain
line beyond the 1/2" adaptor above the adaptor. This
must be true for entire length of the drain line including
fIGure 22: typical vertical Installation
the exit into an appropriate drain
Condensate lines must be free and clear of debris and
must not allow back flow through drain line. Condensate
lines must be able to flow freely to an appropriate drain.
horizontal vaa Installations
1. The VAA is designed to accept two inch PVC pipe into the
adapters on both ends. The VAA must be installed with the
condensate hose barb pointing downward. See Figure 23. The
VAA has an embossed flow arrow to reflect proper orientation.
For optimum performance, install VAA as close as possible
to the blower assembly.
Do not allow condensate lines to become crimped closed.
Analyze entire vent system to make sure that condensate
will not become trapped in a section of vent pipe and
therefore reduce open cross sectional area of vent.
Breathing carbon monoxide can cause brain damage or death.
Always read and understand instruction manual.
2. Use standard PVC cement (not included with kit) and glue the
two inch PVC pipe coming from the blower into the VAA.
Vertical VAA Installations (Recommended)
3. Perform the same sequence on the PVC pipe coming from the
1. The VAA is designed to accept two inch PVC pipe into
the adapters on both ends. The VAA must be installed with the
condensate hose barb pointing downward. See Figure 22. The
VAA has an embossed flow arrow to reflect proper orientation.
For optimum performance, install VAA as close as possible to
the blower assembly.
exhaust side (vent terminal side) of the VAA.
4. Make sure the VAA and vent pipe is supported securely to a
permanent fixture (stud or wall). Use standard support straps
(not supplied with kit) that may be found at a local hardware
store. Failure to properly support the VAA and the surrounding
vent pipe could create a hazardous situation. DO NOT puncture
any surface of theVAA.
2. Use standard PVC cement (not included with kit) and glue the two
inch PVC pipe coming from the blower into the VAA.
5. Locate flexible tubing. Slide one end of tube over the hose
barb located near end of the VAA. The ridges on the hose
barb should prevent the tube from sliding off, however, to
ensure there are no leaks and possible dislocation from hose
3. Perform the same sequence on the PVC pipe coming from the
exhaust side (vent terminal side) of the VAA.
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barb, use a wire tie or hose clamp (not supplied with kit)
and secure.
6. Take the other end of the flexible tubing and slide it through
the hose clamp on the jacket top cover and install it into one
of the four barb fittings in vent pipe assembly #2.
7. Once installed along with the rest of the vent configuration, make
sure to operate the unit through at least one heat up cycle to
ensure there is no leakage around the hose barb or any joints
of the VAA or vent pipe system.
FIGURE 24: Typical Installation for Vertical Vent with 3 or 4 inch Pipe
Installation of VAA with 3 & 4 inch Pipe for Horizontal Vent
Some applications may require the use of 3 or 4 inch vent pipe for
longer vent lengths. Please refer to the Figure 25 as you review these
instructions. Refer back to the horizontal VAA installation steps but
with the following changes to the vent construction.
3 inch vent (Horizontal VAA Installations)
The VAA is designed to accommodate only 2 inch vent pipe. The
installer must use 2 inch vent pipe between blower assembly and inlet
into the VAA. On the outlet side of the VAA, a short run of 2 inch vent
pipe is required. From this point on, a 2 inch to 3 inch adapter may
be used. From the 2 inch to 3 inch adapter, installer may use up to 52
equivalent feet (15.8 m) of pipe. This is 8 equivalent feet (2.4 m) less
than the original 60 equivalent feet (18.3 m) specified with one elbow
due to the 2 inch elbow instead of a 3 inch elbow required for vent from
fIGure 23: typical horizontal Installation
Installation for VAA with 3 & 4 inch Pipe for Vertical Vent
Some applications may require the use of 3 or 4 inch vent pipe for
longer vent lengths. Please refer to Figure 24 as you review these blower to the inlet of VAA, see Figure 25 for typical installation.
instructions. Refer back to the vertical VAA installation steps but with
the following changes to the vent construction.
4 inch vent (Horizontal VAA Installations)
The VAAis designed to accommodate only 2 inch vent pipe.The installer
must use 2 inch vent pipe between the blower assembly and the inlet into
3 inch vent (Vertical VAA Installations)
the VAA. On the outlet side of the VAA a short run of 2 inch vent pipe is
The VAA is designed to accommodate only 2 inch vent pipe. The
required. From this point on, a 2 inch to 4 inch adapter may be used. From
installer must use 2 inch vent pipe between the blower assembly
and the inlet into the VAA. On the outlet side of the VAA, a short
the 2 inch to 4 inch adapter, the installer may use up to 102 equivalent feet
(31.1 m) of pipe. This is 18 equivalent feet (5.5 m) less than the original
run of 2 inch vent pipe is required. Each of the short pieces of 2
inch pipe entering and exiting the VAA must not exceed 6 inches
(15 cm) in length. From this point on, a 2 inch to 3 inch adapter
may be used. From the 2 inch to 3 inch adapter, the installer may
use up to 65 equivalent feet (19.8 m) of pipe, see Figure 24 for
typical installation.
120 equivalent feet (36.6 m) specified with one elbow due to the 2 inch
elbow instead of a 4 inch elbow required for the vent from the blower to
the inlet of the VAA, see Figure 25 for typical installation.
remember to operate the unit for at least one heat cycle to ensure
there are no air leaks in the vent joints of the vaa and the vent pipe
system. Air leaks will allow flue gas by-products to disseminate
into the room creating an unsafe environment and could cause
illness, asphyxiation and/or even death.
4 inch vent (Vertical VAA Installations)
The VAA is designed to accommodate only 2 inch vent pipe. The
installer must use 2 inch vent pipe between the blower assembly
and the inlet into the VAA. On the outlet side of the VAA, a short
run of 2 inch vent pipe is required. Each of the short pieces of 2
inch pipe entering and exiting the VAA must not exceed 6 inches
(15 cm) in length. From this point on, a 2 inch to 4 inch adapter
may be used. From the 2 inch to 4 inch adapter, the installer may
use up to 128 equivalent feet (39.0 m) of pipe, see Figure 24 for
typical installation.
remember to operate the unit for at least one heat cycle to
ensure there are no air leaks in the vent joints of the vaa and
the vent pipe system. Air leaks will allow flue gas by-products to
disseminate into the room creating an unsafe environment and
could cause illness, asphyxiation and/or even death.
FIGURE 25: Typical Installation for Horizontal Vent with 3 or 4 inch Pipe
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vent pIpe preparatIon
It is recommended that Tetrahydrofuran (THF) be used to prepare the
surfaces of pipe and fittings for solvent welding. Do not use water,
rags, gasoline or any other substitutes for cleaning PVC or CPVC
surfaces. A chemical cleaner such as MEK may be used.
1. InItIal preparatIon
A. Make sure the solvent cement you are planning to use is
designed for the specific application you are attempting.
B. Know the physical and chemical characteristics and limitations of
the PVC and CPVC piping materials that you are about to use.
The cement should be a bodied cement of approximately 500 to
1600 centipoise viscosity containing 10-20% (by weight) virgin PVC
material solvated with tetrahydrofuran (THF). Small quantities of
dimethyl formamide (DMF) may be included to act as a retarding
agent to extend curing time. Select the proper cement; Schedule 40
cement should be used for Schedule 40 pipe. Never use all-purpose
cements, commercial glues and adhesives or ABS cement to join
PVC or CPVC pipe and fittings.
C. Know the reputation of your manufacturer and their products.
D. Know your own qualifications or those of your contractor. The
solvent welding technique of joining PVC and CPVC pipe is a
specialized skill just as any other pipe fitting technique.
E. Closely supervise the installation and inspect the finished
job before start-up.
F. Contact the manufacturer, supplier, or competent consulting
agency if you have any questions about the application or
installation of PVC and CPVC pipe.
G. Take the time and effort to do a professional job.
Shortcuts will only cause you problems and delays in
start-up. By far, the majority of failures in PVC and CPVC
systems are the result of shortcuts and/or improper
joining techniques.
Select a suitable pure bristle type paint brush. Use a proper width
brush or roller to apply the primer and cement (see chart below).
Speedy application of cement is important due to its fast drying
characteristics. IMPORTANT NOTE:Adauber type applicator should
only be used on pipe sizes 2” and below. For larger diameter pipe,
a brush or roller must be used.
2. selectIon of MaterIals
Cutting Device - Saw or Pipe Cutter
Deburring Tool, Knife, File, or Beveling Machine (2” and above)
Brush - Pure Bristle
taBle 3.
recoMMended Brush* sIZe for prIMer
Rag - Cotton (Not Synthetic)
and ceMent applIcatIons
nominal pipe
Primer and Cleaner
size Brush width
Solvent Cement - PVC for PVC Components and CPVC for
CPVC Components
1.5” (3.8 cm)
Containers - Metal or Glass to hold Primer and Cement. Select
the type of PVC or CPVC materials to be used on the basis of
their application with respect to chemical resistance, pressure
rating, temperature characteristics, etc.
1.5” - 2.5” (3.8 cm - 6.4 cm)
*use onlY natural BrIstle
Insertion Tool - Helpful for larger diameter pipe and fittings 6
inches (15.2 cm) and above.
3. MaKInG the joInt
a. cutting
Pipe must be squarely cut to allow for the proper interfacing of the
pipe end and the fitting socket bottom. This can be accomplished
with a miter box saw or wheel type cutter. Wheel type cutters are
not generally recommended for larger diameters since they tend
to flare the corner of the pipe end. If this type of cutter is used,
the flare on the end must be completely removed.
NOTE: Power saws should be specifically designed to cut plastic pipe.
step a
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B. deburring
Use a knife, plastic pipe deburring tool, or file to remove burrs from the
endofsmalldiameterpipe. Besuretoremoveallburrsfromaroundthe
insideaswellastheoutsideofthepipe. Aslightchamfer(bevel)ofabout
10°-15° should be added to the end to permit easier insertion of the pipe
into the end of the fitting. Failure to chamfer the edge of the pipe may
remove cement from the fitting socket, causing the joint to leak.
step e
f. joint assembly
Working quickly, insert the pipe into the fitting socket bottom and
give the pipe or fitting a 1/4 turn to evenly distribute the cement.
Do not continue to rotate the pipe after it has hit the bottom of the
fitting socket. A good joint will have sufficient cement to make a
bead all the way around the outside of the fitting hub. The fitting
will have a tendency to slide back while the cement is still wet
so hold the joint together for about 15 seconds.
step B
C. Test dry fit of the joint
Tapered fitting sockets are designed so that an interfaced fit should
occur when the pipe is inserted about 1/3 to 2/3 of the way into the
extremes, it will be possible to fully insert dry pipe to the bottom of
the fitting socket. When this happens, a sufficient quantity of cement
must be applied to the joint to fill the gap between the pipe and fitting.
The gap must be filled to obtain a strong, leak-free joint.
d. Inspection, cleaning, priming
Visually inspect the inside of the pipe and fitting sockets and remove
alldirt, greaseormoisturewithacleandryrag. Ifwipingfailstoclean
the surfaces, a chemical cleaner must be used. Check for possible
damage such as splits or cracks and replace if necessary.
step f
Marking the depth of entry is a way to check if the pipe has reached
the bottom of the fitting socket in Step F. Measure the fitting depth
and mark this distance on the pipe O.D. You may want to add
several inches to the distance and make a second mark as the
primer and cement will most likely destroy your first one.
G. cleanup and joint movement
Remove all excess cement from around the pipe and fitting
with a dry cotton rag. This must be done while the cement is
still soft.
Apply primer to the surface of the pipe and fitting socket with
a natural bristle brush. This process softens and prepares the
PVC or CPVC for the solvent cementing step. Move quickly and
without hesitation to the cementing procedure while the surfaces
are still wet with primer.
The joint should not be disturbed immediately after the cementing
procedure, and sufficient time should be allowed for proper curing
of the joint. Exact drying time is difficult to predict because it
depends on variables such as temperature, humidity and cement
integrity. For more specific information, you should contact your
solvent cement manufacturer.
e. application of solvent cement
• Apply solvent cement evenly and quickly around outside of pipe
at a width a little greater than the depth of the fitting socket.
• Apply a light coat of cement evenly around the inside of the
fitting socket. Avoid puddling.
• Apply a second coat of cement to the pipe end.
step G
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teMperature reGulatIon
To avoid any unintentional changes in water temperature settings, the
control has a tamper resistant feature for changing the temperature
setting. To change the temperature setting follow these instructions:
It is recommended that lower water temperatures be used to avoid
the risk of scalding. It is further recommended, in all cases, that the
water temperature be set for the lowest temperature which satisfies
your hot water needs. This will also provide the most energy efficient
operation of the water heater.
1. “Wake Up” the temperature indicators by holding down both
“COOLER” and “HOTTER” temperature adjustment buttons at
the same time for one second, see Figure 26. One or two of the
temperature indicators will light up. These indicators will only
remain on for 30 seconds if no further buttons are pressed. After
30 seconds the control will go back to “Sleep” mode.
Short repeated heating cycles caused by small hot water uses can
cause temperatures at the point of use to exceed the thermostat setting
by up to 20°F (11°C). If you experience this type of use you should
consider using lower temperature settings to reduce scald hazards.
2. Release both of the temperature adjustment buttons.
a. To decrease the temperature press and release the “COOLER”
button until the desired setting is reached.
b. To increase the temperature press and release the “HOTTER”
button until the desired setting is reached.
NOTE: Holding down the button will not continue to lower or raise
the temperature setting. The button must be pressed and released
for each temperature change desired.
Should overheating occur or the gas supply fail to shuttoff, turn off
the manual gas control valve to the appliance.
Gas control valve - front vIew
HOT WATER CAN SCALD: Water heaters are intended to produce hot
water. Water heated to a temperature which will satisfy space heating,
clothes washing, dish washing, and other sanitizing needs can scald and
permanently injure you upon contact. Some people are more likely to be
permanently injured by hot water than others. These include the elderly,
children, the infirm, or physically/mentally handicapped. If anyone using
hot water from this heater fits into one of these groups or if there is a
local code or state law requiring a certain temperature water at the
hot water tap, then you must take special precautions. In addition
to using the lowest possible temperature setting that satisfies your
hot water needs, a means such as a mixing valve, should be used
at the hot water taps used by these people or at the water heater.
Mixing valves are available at plumbing supply or hardware stores,
see Figure 2. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for installation of
the valves. Before changing the factory setting on the thermostat,
in this manual, see Figure 26.
Never allow small children to use a hot water tap, or to draw their own
bath water. Never leave a child or handicapped person unattended
in a bathtub or shower.
Time to Produce
The water heater should be located in an area where the general
public does not have access. If a suitable area is not available, a cover
should be installed over the thermostat to prevent tampering.
2nd & 3rd Degree
Burns onAdult Skin
About 1/2 second
a B c
Water Temperature
C-Flashing = approx. 160°F (71°C)
C = approx. 150°F (66°C)
About 1-1/2 seconds
Less than 5 seconds
About 30 seconds
The water temperature setting was factory set at the lowest temperature;
B = approx. 140°F (60°C)
Pressing the “COOLER”
pressing the “HOTTER”
button decreases temperature and
button increases the temperature.
A = approx. 130°F (54°C)
= approx. 120°F (49°C)
More than 5 minutes
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Setting water heater temperature at 120°F (49°C) (Approx. “ ” mark
on temperature setting of gas valve) will reduce risks of scalds. Some
states or local codes require settings at specific lower temperatures.
WARM = approx. 80°F (27°C)
fIGure 26.
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for Your InforMatIon
do not remove the anode leaving the tank unprotected. By
start up condItIons
doing so, all warranty on the water heater tank is voided.
It is not uncommon to experience a small amount of smoke and odor
during the initial start-up. This is due to burning off of oil from metal
parts, and will disappear in a short while.
“aIr” In hot water faucets
stranGe sounds
Possible noises due to expansion and contraction of some metal parts
during periods of heat-up and cool-down do not necessarily represent
harmful or dangerous conditions.
Condensation causes sizzling and popping within the burner area
during heating and cooling periods and should be considered normal.
See “Condensate” in this manual.
operatIonal condItIons
HYDROGEN GAS: Hydrogen gas can be produced in a hot
water system that has not been used for a long period of time
(generally two weeks or more). Hydrogen gas is extremely
flammable and explosive. To prevent the possibility of injury
under these conditions, we recommend the hot water faucet,
located farthest away, be opened for several minutes before any
electrical appliances which are connected to the hot water system
are used (such as a dishwasher or washing machine). If hydrogen
gas is present, there will probably be an unusual sound similar to
air escaping through the pipe as the hot water faucet is opened.
There must be no smoking or open flame near the faucet at the
time it is open.
sMellY water
In each water heater there is installed at least one anode rod for
corrosion protection of the tank. Certain water conditions will cause a
reaction between this rod and the water. The most common complaint
associated with the anode rod is one of a “rotten egg smell” in the hot
water. The smell is a result of four factors which must all be present
for the odor to develop:
a. A concentration of sulfate in the supply water.
b. Little or no dissolved oxygen in the water.
c. Asulfate reducing bacteria which has accumulated within the water
heater (this harmless bacteria is nontoxic to humans).
d. An excess of active hydrogen in the tank. This is caused by the
corrosion protective action of the anode.
hIGh water teMperature shutoff sYsteM
This water heater is equipped with an automatic reset type high
limit (Energy Cutoff) sensor. The high limit switch interrupts the
main burner gas flow should the water temperature reach 195°F
(91°C). The high limit will automatically reset when the water
temperature drops below 140°F (60°C). After cooling the tank
temperature, turn off the water heater for at least 10 seconds by
using the switch on top of the unit. Turn on the water heater. If
this fails to correct the problem, contact your plumber or service
by replacing the anode(s) with one of less active material, and then
chlorinating the water heater tank and all water lines. Contact the local
water heater supplier or service agency for further information concerning
an Anode Replacement Kit and this chlorination treatment.
If the smelly water persists after the anode replacement and chlorination
treatment, we can only suggest that chlorination or aeration of the water
supply be considered to eliminate the water problem.
perIodIc MaIntenance
At least once a year a visual inspection should be made of the venting
system. You should look for:
ventInG sYsteM InspectIon
1. Obstructions which could cause improper venting. The combustion
and ventilation air flow must not be obstructed.
2. Damage or deterioration which could cause improper venting or
leakage of combustion products.
Be sure the vent piping is properly connected to prevent escape of
dangerous flue gasses which could cause deadly asphyxiation.
Obstructions and deteriorated vent systems may present serious
health risk or asphyxiation.
Chemical vapor corrosion of the flue and vent system may occur
if air for combustion contains certain chemical vapors. Spray can
propellants, cleaning solvents, refrigerator and air conditioner
refrigerants, swimming pool chemicals, calcium and sodium chloride,
waxes, bleach and process chemicals are typical compounds which
are potentially corrosive.
If after inspection of the vent system you found sooting or deterioration,
something is wrong. Call the local gas utility to correct the problem
and clean or replace the flue and venting before resuming operation
of the water heater.
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must be maintained. See “Locating the New Water Heater” section.
Combustible materials such as clothing, cleaning materials, or
flammable liquids, etc. must not be placed against or adjacent to the
water heater which can cause a fire.
Burner operatIon and InspectIon
Flood damage to a water heater may not be readily visible or immediately
detectable. However, over a period of time a flooded water heater will
create dangerous conditions which can cause DEATH, SERIOUS
BODILY INJURY, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. Contact a qualified installer
or service agency to replace a flooded water heater. Do not attempt to
repair the unit! It must be replaced!
anode rod InspectIon
At least once a year a visual inspection should be made of the main burner
and the hot surface igniter assembly for proper flame characteristics
and ignition sequences. This can be done by removing the Outer Door
and viewing the main burner operation through the Viewport on the
Inner Door, see Figure 1. The main burner should provide complete
combustion of gas, ignite rapidly, give reasonably quiet operation, and
cause no excessive flame lifting from the burner ports. If the proper flame
characteristics are not evident (see Figure 27), make sure that the flow
of combustion and ventilation air is not blocked.
combustion. A visual inspection of the main burner and HSI should
also be done at least once a year, see Figure 27.
Each water heater contains at least one anode rod, which will slowly
deplete (due to electrolysis) prolonging the life of the water heater by
protecting the glass-lined tank from corrosion. Adverse water quality,
hotter water temperatures, high hot water usage, and water softening
methods can increase the rate of anode rod depletion. Once the anode rod
is depleted, the tank will start to corrode, eventually developing a leak.
Soot build-up indicates a problem that requires correction before
further use. Turn “OFF” gas to water heater and leave off until repairs
are made, because failure to correct the cause of the sooting can result
in a fire causing death, serious injury, or property damage.
Certain water conditions will cause a reaction between the anode rod
and the water. The most common complaint associated with the anode
rod is a “rotten egg smell” produced from the presence of hydrogen
sulfide gas dissolved in the water. IMPORTANT: Do not remove this
rod permanently as it will void any warranties. The parts list includes a
special anode rod that can be ordered if water odor or discoloration occurs.
NOTE: This rod may reduce but not eliminate water odor problems. The
water supply system may require special filtration equipment from a water
conditioning company to successfully eliminate all water odor problems.
fIGure 27.
Artificially softened water is exceedingly corrosive because the process
substitutes sodium ions for magnesium and calcium ions. The use of
a water softener may decrease the life of the water heater tank.
Burner cleanInG
In the event your burner or burner air openings require cleaning, turn
the blower switch to the “OFF” position and allow the burner to cool.
Call a service agency to remove and clean the burner and correct the
problem that required the burner to be cleaned.
The anode rod should be removed from the water heater tank every
3 years for inspection. NOTE: artificially softened water requires the
anode rod to be inspected annually.
The following are typical (but not all) signs of a depleted anode rod:
* The majority of the rods diameter is less than 3/8”.
* Significant sections of the support wire (approx. 1/3 or more of the
anode rod’s length) are visible.
If the anode rod show signs of either or both it should be replaced.
Vacuum around base of water heater for dust, dirt, and lint on a
regular basis.
NOTE: Whether re-installing or replacing the anode rod, check for
any leaks and immediately correct if found.
In replacing the anode:
1. Turn off gas supply to the water heater.
2. Shut off the water supply and open a nearby hot water faucet to
depressurize the water tank.
3. Drain approximately 5 gallons of water from tank (Refer to “Draining
and Flushing” for proper procedures). Close drain valve.
4. Remove old anode rod.
5. Use Teflon® tape or approved pipe sealant on threads and install
new anode rod.
6. Turn on water supply and open nearby hot water faucet to purge air
from water system. Check for any leaks and immediately correct
any if found.
Restart the water heater as directed under “OperatingYour Water Heater.”
See the Repair Parts Illustration for anode rod location.
INSTALLED IN SUITABLE AREA: To insure sufficient ventilation
and combustion air supply, proper clearances from the water heater
fIGure 28. anode rod depletIon.
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teMperature-pressure relIef valve test
draInInG and flushInG
It is recommended that the water heater storage tank be drained and
flushed every 6 months to reduce sediment buildup. The water heater
should be drained if being shut down during freezing temperatures.
See Typical Installation section in this manual for location of the water
heater components described below.
• Burn hazard.
• Hot water discharge.
• Keep clear of Temperature-
Pressure Relief Valve
discharge outlet.
• Burn hazard.
• Hot water discharge.
It is recommended that theTemperature-Pressure Relief Valve should be
checked to ensure that it is in operating condition every 6 months.
• Keep hands clear of drain
valve discharge.
When checking theTemperature-Pressure Relief Valve operation, make
sure that (1) no one is in front of or around the outlet of the Temperature-
Pressure Relief Valve discharge line, and (2) that water discharge will
not cause any property damage, as water may be extremely hot. Use
care when operating valve as the valve may be hot.
to draIn the water heater storaGe tanK:
To check the relief valve, lift lever at the end of valve several times,
see Figure 28. The valve should seat properly and operate freely.
1. Turn off the electrical supply to the water heater.
2. Turn off the gas supply at the Main Gas Shutoff Valve if
the water heater is going to be shut down for an extended
If after manually operating the valve, it fails to completely reset and
continues to release water, immediately close the cold water inlet to
the water heater and drain the water heater, see DrainingAnd Flushing
on page 32. Replace the Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve with a
properly rated/sized new one, see Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve
on page 15 for instructions on replacement.
3. Ensure the cold water inlet valve is open.
4. Open a nearby hot water faucet and let the water run until the
water is no longer hot.
5. Close the cold water inlet valve to the water heater.
6. Connect a hose to the water heater drain valve and terminate
it to an adequate drain.
7. Open the water heater drain valve and allow all the water to
drain from the storage tank.
8. Close the water heater drain valve when all water in the storage
tank has drained.
fIGure 28.
If the Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve on the water heater weeps
or discharges periodically, this may be due to thermal expansion.
9. Close the hot water faucet opened in Step 4.
10. If the water heater is going to be shut down for an extended
period, the drain valve should be left open.
Note: Excessive water pressure is the most common cause of
Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve leakage. Excessive water system
pressure is most often caused by “thermal expansion” in a “closed
system.” See Closed Water Systems and Thermal Expansion on
page 14-15. The Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve is not intended
for the constant relief of thermal expansion.
to flush the water heater storaGe tanK:
11. Turn off the electrical supply to the water heater.
12. Ensure the cold water inlet valve is open.
Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve leakage due to pressure build
up in a closed system that does not have a thermal expansion tank
installed is not covered under the limited warranty. Thermal expansion
tanks must be installed on all closed water systems.
13. Open a nearby hot water faucet and let the water run until the
water is no longer hot. Then close the hot water faucet.
14. Connect a hose to the drain valve and terminate it to an
adequate drain.
do not pluG the teMperature-pressure relIef valve
openInG. thIs can cause propertY daMaGe, serIous
InjurY or death.
15. Ensure the drain hose is secured before and during the entire
flushing procedure. Flushing is performed with system water
pressure applied to the water heater.
16. Open the water heater drain valve to flush the storage tank.
17. Flush the water heater storage tank to remove sediment and
allow the water to flow until it runs clean.
Explosion Hazard
Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve
must comply with ANSI Z21.22-
CSA 4.4 and ASME code.
Properly sized Temperature-Pressure
Relief Valve must be installed in
opening provided.
18. Close the water heater drain valve when flushing is
19. Remove the drain hose.
20. Fill the water heater - see Filling The Water Heater in this
Can result in overheating and
21. Turn on electrical supply to place water heater back in
excessive tank pressure.
Can cause serious injury or death.
22. Allow the water heater to complete several heating cycles to
ensure it is operating properly.
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If you are not thoroughly familiar with gas codes, your water heater,
and safety practices, contact your gas supplier or qualified installer
If a condition persists or you are uncertain about the operation of
the water heater contact a service agency.
to check the water heater.
Read this manual first. Then before checking the water heater make
sure the gas supply has been turned “OFF”, and never turn the gas
“ON” before the tank is completely full of water.
Use this guide to check a “Leaking” water heater. Many suspected
“Leakers” are not leaking tanks. Often the source of the water can
be found and corrected.
leaKaGe checKpoInts
Never use this water heater unless it is completely filled with water.
To prevent damage to the tank, the tank must be filled with water.
Water must flow from the hot water faucet before turning “ON” gas
to the water heater.
A *Condensation may be seen on pipes in humid weather or pipe
connections may be leaking.
B. *The anode rod fitting may be leaking.
C. Small amounts of water from temperature-pressure relief valve
may be due to thermal expansion or high water pressure in your
D. *The temperature-pressure relief valve may be leaking at the
tank fitting.
E. Water from a drain valve may be due to the valve being slightly
F. *The drain valve may be leaking at the tank fitting.
G. Combustion products contain water vapor which can condense
on the cooler surfaces of the tank. Droplets form and drip onto
the burner or run on the floor. This is common at the time of
start-up after installation and when incoming water is cold.
H. Water in the water heater bottom or on the floor may be
from condensation, loose connections, or the relief valve.
DO NOT replace the water heater until a full inspection of
all possible water sources is made and necessary corrective
steps taken.
Leakage from other appliances, water lines, or ground seepage
should also be checked.
To check where threaded portion enters tank, insert cotton
swab between jacket opening and fitting. If cotton is wet, follow
“Draining” instructions in the “Periodic Maintenance” section and
then remove fitting. Put pipe dope or teflon tape on the threads
and replace. Then follow “Filling the Water Heater” instructions
in the “Installing the New Water Heater” section.
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repaIr parts lIst
Key no.
part description
outer door
control valve assembly
Plastic Top
Blower assembly
switch and harness assembly
t&p valve
drain valve
wiring harness
anode outlet
vent pipe assembly #1
vent pipe assembly #2
vent pipe assembly #3
Inlet Tube
pipe nipple
Burner tube assembly
hot surface Igniter
Burner head assembly
embossed Inner door
Insulation - Inner door
Insulation - viewport
window - observation
Nut - Serrated Hex Flange
screw - sheet Metal, # 8-15
Orifice - Burner
vent Kit assembly
wall plate 2”
wall plate 3”
screen and vent terminal assembly
Instruction tag-wire screen f/e 3”
Instruction Tag-Wire Screen F/E 4”
Instruction sheet
Wire Screen 3”
Wire Screen 4”
Wall Plate 4”
flexible tubing
direct from the manufacturer listed on the rating plate on the water heater.
Be sure to provide all pertinent facts when you call or visit.
selling prices will be furnished on request or parts will be shipped
at prevailing prices and you will be billed accordingly.
34 35
The model number of your Gas Water Heater will be found on the
rating place located above the gas control valve.
thIs Is a repaIr parts lIst, not a pacKInG lIst. parts
are not drawn to scale.
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trouBleshootInG GuIdelInes
trouBle shootInG
Please check guidelines below. For your safety, water heater service should be performed only by a qualified service technician.
Read the GENERAL SAFETY INFORMATION section first.
led status
1 Ensure the wall outlet (power supply) is properly
The gas control valve/thermostat
has sensed inadequate or no earth
2 Ensure all ground connections/wires on the water
heater are securely connected.
1 Ensure the wall outlet/power supply is properly wired.
The gas control valve/thermostat
has sensed reversed polarity in the 2 Ensure all internal 120 VAC wiring connections and
120 VAC power supply.
wiring harness have no reversed wires. 120 VAC "hot"
wire must connect to the on/off switch.
Pressure switch circuit remaining
closed for more than 5 seconds
after heating cycle begins.
1 Ensure air pressure switch circuit wiring is correct and
the air pressure switch is not jumpered.
Blower may not start in this
2 Replace the air pressure switch.
1 Ensure the air pressure switch sensing tube is properly
connected at both ends and is not kinked or damaged.
2 Ensure the correct size of vent and intake air pipe (direct
vent products) was used per the installation instructions
in the manual that came with the water heater.
Pressure switch circuit remains
open longer than 5 seconds after
the blower is energized.
3 Ensure maximum number of elbows or maximum
equivalent feet of vent or intake air pipe has not been
exceeded per the installation instructions in the manual
that came with the water heater.
Blower may run continuously in
this condition.
4 Ensure there are no obstructions in the vent or intake air pipe.
1 Check wiring to the hot surface igniter assembly -
replace igniter assembly if wiring is damaged or worn.
2 Check resistance of the igniter at igniter assembly
plug - should be between 11 and 18 ohms at room
temperature (77° F at plug end) - replace igniter if open
or shorted.
The gas control valve/thermostat
has detected an open igniter circuit.
3 Check igniter assembly plug and the socket on the gas
control valve/thermostat for good connection.
4 Replace igniter assembly if the plug is worn or damaged.
5 Replace the gas control valve/thermostat if the igniter
assembly socket on the bottom of the control is worn or
1 Ensure flame sensor is making good contact with the
burner flame and ensure flame is steady. Also ensure
supply and manifold gas pressures are within the
requirements in the installation manual.
Ignition/flame failure.
2 Gas supply is turned off - pressure is too low.
The gas control valve/thermostat
has reached the maximum number
of retries (3) for ignition and is
currently locked out for one hour.
3 Ensure the flame sensor is clean - use fine steel wool
to clean the flame sensor.
4 Check igniter assembly plug and the socket on the
bottom of the gas control valve/thermostat for good
connection. Replace igniter assembly if the plug is worn
or damaged. Replace the gas control valve/thermostat if
socket is worn or damaged.
Cycle the power to the water heater
off and on to reset.
5 Replace igniter assembly.
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led status
1 Turn the power off for 10-20 seconds then on again to
clear these error codes.
Self diagnostic check has detected
a problem with the gas valve driver
circuit, internal microprocessor, or
other internal circuits.
2 If any of these error codes persist or cannot be cleared
- replace the gas control valve/thermostat.
1 Turn the power off for 10-20 seconds then on again to
clear these error codes.
The gas control valve/thermostat
has sensed main burner flame out
of proper sequence.
2 Replace the gas control valve/thermostat if this error
code persists.
1 Turn the power off for 10-20 seconds then on again to
clear these error codes.
Water temperature in the tank has
exceeded 195° F and has activated
the ECO (energy cut off) high
temperature limit.
2 Replace the gas control valve/thermostat if the error
code persists.
1 Press and release both temperature adjust buttons
several times - cycle water heater power off and on.
Self diagnostic check has detected
that one or both of the temperature
adjust buttons are stuck.
2 Replace the gas control valve/thermostat if the error
code persists.
Self diagnostic check has detected
the water temperature sensor
(located in the control valve's
immersion probe) is either open or
1 Turn the power off for 10-20 seconds then on again to
clear these error codes.
2 Replace the gas control valve/thermostat if the error
code persists.
1 Turn off power to the water heater. Ensure black
resistor wire is not cut, missing, and is installed
between pins 3 & 4 of ignitor assembly plug. Replace
ignitor assembly if damaged or defective.
Self diagnostic check has detected
a problem with black resistor wire
on the ignitor assembly plug;
resistor wire is open or shorted.
2 Replace the gas control valve/thermostat if the error
code persists.
1 Turn off power to the water heater.
Self diagnostic check has
determined resistance of the black
resistor wire on ignitor assembly
plug is not within tolerance.
2 Replace the igniter assembly plug.
3 Replace the gas control valve/thermostat if the error
code persists.
1 Ensure air pressure switch hose is not kinked or
clogged, ensure the blower housing is clear of any
The gas control valve/thermostat
has detected the air pressure switch
circuit is opening repeatedly during
one heating cycle.
2 Check vent temperature limit switch - if it is determined
that the vent temperature limit switch is opening its
contacts at normal operating temperatures during
heating cycle - replace the vent temperature limit
3 Ensure water heater is not over-firing. Call the technical
support for further assistance.
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trouBleshootInG GuIdelInes
These guidelines should be utilized by a qualified service agent.
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lIMIted resIdentIal Gas warrantY
b. Shipping and delivery charges for forwarding the new water heater
If the glass lined tank in this water heater shall prove upon examination by (the
warrantor)tohaveleakedduringthewarrantyperiodinnormalresidentialuse, dueto
OWNER a replacement water heater of equivalent size and current model, or a
replacement part for any component part which fails in normal use, in accordance
with the warranty terms and conditions specified below. THE WATER HEATER
will be determined by the original installation date of the water heater. PROOF-
VALIDATE THIS WARRANTY. This warranty is not transferable.
or replacement part from the nearest distributor and returning the
California where such charges are the manufacturer’s responsibility.
c. All cost necessary or incidental for handling and administrative
charges, and for any materials and/or permits required for
installation of the replacement heater or part.
lIMItatIon on IMplIed warrantIes
Implied warranties, including any warranty of merchantability imposed
on the sale of this heater under state law are limited to one year
duration for the heater or any of its parts. Some states do not allow
limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above
limitations may not apply to you.
claIM procedure
product line
6 50 YTVIT
Any claim under this warranty should be initiated with the dealer who sold
the heater, or with any other dealer handling the warrantor’s products.
6 50 YTVIT D
The warrantor will only honor replacement with identical or similar
water heater or parts thereof which are manufactured or distributed
by the warrantor.
When the water heater has been used for other than single family
residential application: 1. The Tank warranty shall be reduced to 3
years on 10 year models and 1 year on 6 and 8 year models. 2. The
parts warranty shall be reduced to 1 year for all models. Returned
parts which meet any of the following conditions are not covered by
this warranty: 1) improper installation or removal; 2) damaged by other
than normal wear; 3) replaced for cosmetic purposes; or 4) returned
with defaced date codes.
Dealer replacements are made subject to in-warranty validation
by warrantor.
condItIons and eXceptIons
This warranty shall apply only when the water heater is installed and
operated in accordance with: 1) all local fire codes and plumbing codes,
ordinances and regulations; 2) the printed instructions provided with it;
3) good industry practices; and 4) proper safety practices such as but
not limited to a properly sized drain pan if installed in an area where
leakage from connections of the tank would result in damage to the area
adjacent to the heater. In addition, a new temperature and pressure
relief valve, certified by the Canadian Standards Association must have
been properly installed and piped to the nearest drain.
This warranty shall apply only when the heater is:
owned by the original purchaser;
used at temperatures not exceeding the maximum calibrated
setting of its thermostat;
Some states do not allow the limitation or exclusion of incidental or
consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may
not apply to you.
not subjected to excessive water pressure fluctuations and not
subject to an operating pressure greater than 150 P.S.I.;
filled with potable water, free to circulate at all times and with the
tank free of damaging water sediment or scale deposits;
used in a non-corrosive and non-contaminated atmosphere;
used with factory approved anode(s) installed;
in its original installation location;
in the United States and its territories or possessions or Canada;
sized in accordance with proper sizing techniques for residential
water heaters;
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other
rights which vary from state to state. Should governmental regulations
or industry standards prohibit the Manufacturer from furnishing a
comparable model replacement under this warranty, the Owner will be
furnished with the closest comparable water heater meeting the current
governmental regulations and industry standards. A supplementary fee
may be assessed to cover the additional cost associated with the changes
made to meet applicable regulations and standards.
bearing a rating plate which has not been altered, defaced or
removed except as required by the warrantor;
used in an open system or in a closed system with a properly
sized and installed thermal expansion tank;
fired at the factory rated input using the fuel stated in the face of
the rating plate;
Fill out and keep with water heater.
IMportant InforMatIon
operated with inner and outer combustion chamber doors in place;
maintained in accordance with the instructions printed in the
manual included with the heater.
Model Number____________________________________________
Serial Number_____________________________________________
Installation Information:
Any accident to the water heater or any part thereof (including freezing,
fire, floods, or lightning), any misuse, abuse or alteration of it, any
operation of it in a modified form, or any attempt to repair tank leaks
or parts, will void this warranty.
Date Installed ____________________________________________
Company’s Name _________________________________________
Street or P.O. Box _________________________________________
City, State, and Zip Code ___________________________________
Phone Number _______________Plumber’s Name_______________
servIce and laBor responsIBIlItY
Such costs may include but are not limited to:
a. Labor charges for service, removal, or reinstallation of the water
heater or part thereof.
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500 Tennessee Waltz Parkway
Ashland City, TN 37015
Technical Support 800-365-4054
Parts 800-821-2017
Copyright © 2010 Reliance Water Heater Company. All rights reserved.
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