RCA Conference Phone 25425 User Guide

4-Line Intercom Speakerphone  
with Answering System and Caller ID  
User’s Guide  
on Pgs.  
Please read this manual  
before operating product  
for the first time.  
Model 25425  
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Important Information  
you the opportunity to correct the situation; and (3) inform you of your right to bring  
a complaint to the Commission pursuant to procedures set forth in Subpart E of Part  
68, FCC Rules and Regulations.  
The telephone company may make changes in its communications facilities, equipment,  
operations or procedures where such action is required in the operation of its business  
and not inconsistent with FCC Rules and Regulations. If these changes are expected to  
affect the use or performance of your telephone equipment, the telephone company  
must give you adequate notice, in writing, to allow you to maintain uninterrupted  
Interference Information  
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following  
two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference; and (2) This device  
must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired  
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital  
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reason-  
able protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.  
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed  
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio  
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a  
particular installation.  
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which  
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to  
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna (that is, the antenna for radio or television  
that is “receiving” the interference).  
Reorient or relocate and increase the separation between the telecommunications  
equipment and receiving antenna.  
Connect the telecommunications equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from  
that to which the receiving antenna is connected.  
If these measures do not eliminate the interference, please consult your dealer or an expe-  
rienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. Also, the Federal Communi-  
cations Commission has prepared a helpful booklet, “How To Identify and Resolve Radio/TV  
Interference Problems.” This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office,  
Washington, D.C. 20402. Please specify stock number 004-000-00345-4 when ordering  
Notice: The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for  
compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  
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Important Information  
FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement  
This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncon-  
trolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum  
distance of 20 centimeters between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not  
be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.”  
For body worn operation, this phone has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure  
guidelines when used with the belt clip supplied with this product. Use of other accessories  
may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines.  
Licensed under US Patent 6,427,009.  
Hearing Aid Compatibility  
This telephone system meets FCC standards for Hearing Aid Compatibility.  
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Table of Contents  
EquipmEnt ApprovAl informAtion ..........................2  
intErfErEncE informAtion......................................3  
fcc rf rAdiAtion ExposurE stAtEmEnt .................4  
licEnsing .............................................................4  
HEAring Aid compAtibility ....................................4  
introduction ........................................................7  
pArts cHEcklist....................................................8  
tElEpHonE JAck rEquirEmEnts................................8  
importAnt instAllAtion informAtion.......................8  
bAsE lAyout.........................................................9  
importAnt instAllAtion guidElinEs.......................10  
instAlling tHE pHonE..........................................10  
dAtA port .........................................................12  
systEm vErificAtion............................................13  
otHEr systEm pHonEs.........................................13  
Answering system.......................................13  
Auto AttendAnt ......................................................14  
progrAmming tHE tElEpHonE ...............................14  
LAnguAge .................................................................14  
ringer VoLume ..................................................14  
speAkerphone, hAndset, And heAdset VoLume 14  
ringer tone.............................................................15  
priority Line ............................................................15  
deLAy ring...............................................................16  
phone id .................................................................16  
phone nAme ............................................................16  
intercom Auto Answer...........................................17  
FLAsh time ...............................................................17  
cALL ALert tone ......................................................18  
no unknown/BLocked............................................18  
dispLAy contrAst.....................................................18  
LocAL AreA code.....................................................19  
regionAL AreA codes..............................................19  
mAnuALLy setting the time And dAte.....................20  
hour FormAt...........................................................20  
restoring the deFAuLt settings..............................21  
progrAmming tHE AnswEring systEm ..................21  
pickup deLAy............................................................21  
messAge Length ......................................................22  
cALL screening........................................................22  
messAge interrupt ..................................................22  
remote pAssword....................................................23  
mAiLBox ...................................................................23  
progrAmming tHE Auto AttEndAnt......................24  
Auto AttendAnt pickup deLAy ................................24  
set dAy time For Auto AttendAnt..........................24  
set night time For Auto AttendAnt ......................25  
set night time on / oFF......................................25  
set weekend greeting............................................26  
set VALid id............................................................26  
bAsic opErAtion.................................................26  
mAking cALLs with the hAndset ............................27  
mAking cALLs with the speAkerphone....................27  
mAking cALLs with the optionAL heAdset .............27  
Answering cALLs.....................................................28  
switching Between the speAkerphone, hAndset,  
And heAdset.......................................................28  
do not disturB.......................................................29  
pLAcing A cALL on hoLd ...................................29  
reLeAsing A cALL From hoLd ............................29  
reViewing the rediAL numBers...............................30  
trAnsFerring A cALL to Another stAtion...............30  
receiVing A trAnsFerred cALL  
From Another stAtion.......................................30  
proViding priVAcy .............................................31  
conFerence cALLs....................................................31  
intErcom cAlls .................................................32  
one-touch intercom ..............................................32  
Answering An intercom cALL.................................32  
intercom hoLd ........................................................32  
intercom conFerence cALLs....................................33  
pAging ALL stAtions................................................33  
cAllEr id..........................................................34  
summAry screen.....................................................34  
receiVing And storing cid records......................34  
reViewing cid records....................................34  
sAVing A cid record to the intercom/memory  
Log or to phone Book memory.......................34  
deLeting A cid record.....................................35  
deLeting ALL cALL records...............................35  
diALing BAck .....................................................35  
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Table of Contents  
iF you progrAmmed your LocAL AreA code .........35  
iF you did not progrAm your LocAL AreA code.35  
cALL wAiting cALLer id..........................................36  
memory Log And phone Book memory ................36  
storing A numBer And nAme in memory .......36  
reViewing phone Book memory ......................37  
reViewing the intercom/memory Log .............37  
editing A nAme or numBer stored in phone  
Auto AttEndAnt.................................................44  
turn Auto AttendAnt on/oFF................................44  
Auto AttendAnt sequence For cALLers..................44  
recording Auto AttendAnt greetings ...................44  
pLAyBAck And erAsing Auto AttendAnt greetings 45  
using muLtipLe Auto AttendAnts...........................46  
displAy mEssAgEs ..............................................46  
opErAtion by bAttEry.........................................47  
opErAtion witHout powEr...................................47  
cordlEss pHonE option ......................................47  
troublEsHooting guidE .......................................47  
gEnErAl product cArE .......................................48  
sErvicE ..............................................................49  
wArrAnty AssistAnvcE .......................................49  
limitEd wArrAnty ..............................................50  
Book (directory) memory ...............................37  
editing A nAme or numBer stored in the inter-  
com/memory Log..............................................37  
storing the LAst numBer diALed .....................37  
storing A pAuse in memory.............................38  
diALing A stored numBer.................................38  
memory deLete/cLeAr.......................................38  
cLeAr ALL memories .........................................39  
chAin diALing....................................................39  
AnswEring systEm .............................................40  
Answering system ..................................................40  
turning the Answering system on/oFF................40  
recording A greeting .............................................40  
pLAyBAck And erAsing A greeting ..........................40  
recording incoming messAges ..............................41  
monitoring incoming cALLs...................................41  
memo recording ....................................................41  
two-wAy recording ..............................................41  
messAge pLAyBAck...................................................42  
deLeting messAges..................................................42  
Accessing the Answering system From Another  
LocAtion .............................................................42  
connecting with the Answering system ...............42  
toLL sAVer operAtion..............................................43  
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Connections & Setup  
CAUTION: When using telephone equipment, there are basic safety instructions that  
should always be followed. Refer to the IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS provided  
with this product and save them for future reference.  
Your Four-Line Speakerphone is a full-featured phone ideally suited for home-office use.  
It is designed to receive calls on up to four incoming telephone lines and to serve up to 16  
station users. Your phone features 16 memory locations, 94 phone book memories, hold,  
conference call, intercom, call transfer, Caller ID display, and speakerphone capabilities. It  
also features an Auto Attendant function, which will pick up and redirect incoming calls to  
other extensions in the system per the caller’s input. It is possible to enhance your phone  
to a cordless feature with the additional purchase of the H5401 accessory handset and  
This telephone is designed to be simple to use, however, you can reach its full potential  
more quickly by taking a few minutes to read this user’s guide.  
IMPORTANT: In order to use all of the Caller ID features of this telephone, you must subscribe  
to two separate services available from your local telephone company: the standard Name/  
Number Caller ID Service to know who is calling when the phone rings and Call Waiting  
Caller ID Service to know who is calling while you are on the phone.  
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Connections & Setup  
Parts Checklist  
Make sure your package includes the following items:  
AC power  
Handset cord  
Line cords  
Telephone Jack Requirements  
To use this phone, you will need an RJ11C (for a single line) or a RJ14C (for two lines) type  
modular phone jack, which might look like the one pictured here, installed in your home  
or office. If you don’t have either modular jack, call your local phone company to find out  
how to get one installed.  
VERY IMPORTANT: In order to achieve full system operation (i.e.  
Wall plate  
intercom, page, etc.), Line 1 must be connected and must be  
common to all phones connected to the system. Only other 25423,  
25424, 25425, 25413, 25414, 25415, 25403 and 25404 models are  
compatible for full system operation. Connecting phones other  
than the 25423, 25424, 25425, 25413, 25414, 25415, 25403 and  
25404 to Line 1 may inhibit the intercom and paging operations.  
telephone line  
For proper operation of intercom, page function, etc., DO NOT  
connect a DSL modem to Line 1.  
To transfer a call from one station to another, the two stations  
should be connected to the same line.  
Important Installation Information  
Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.  
Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed for  
wet locations.  
Never touch non-insulated telephone wires or terminals, unless the telephone line is  
disconnected from the network.  
Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.  
Temporarily disconnect any equipment connected to the phone such as faxes, other  
phones, or modems.  
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Connections & Setup  
Base Layout  
MEMORY 1-16  
VOLUME +/-  
LINE 4  
LINE 3  
LINE 2  
LINE 1  
(for speakerphone)  
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Connections & Setup  
Important Installation Guidelines  
Install telephone near both a telephone (modular) jack and an electrical power outlet.  
Avoid sources of noise, such as a window by a busy street, and electrical noise, such as  
motors, microwave ovens, and fluorescent lighting.  
Avoid heat sources, such as heating air ducts, heating appliances, radiators, and direct  
Avoid areas of excessive moisture or extremely low temperature.  
Avoid dusty locations.  
Avoid other cordless telephones or personal computers.  
CAUTION: Always disconnect all phone cords from the base unit before battery  
installation or replacement.  
Installing the Phone  
The phone may be connected to two 2-line (RJ14C) wall jacks or four single line (RJ11C)  
wall jacks to accomodate all four lines.  
IMPORTANT: Install batteries and connect the AC power supply to the base unit as  
outlined in steps 1 through 3 below prior to connecting the telephone line cords to  
insure for proper base station ID assignment.  
1. Choose an area near an electrical outlet and telephone wall jack. Your phone  
should be placed on a level surface, such as a table top or desk.  
2. Install 4 AAA-size alkaline batteries (not included) for back up power in the event of a  
power failure.  
• Insert a flat bladed screw driver into the battery door latch recess  
area and gently pry upward to release the battery door from the  
base cabinet bottom.  
• Insert the batteries as shown on the diagram inside the battery  
• Position the two (2) battery door tabs into the base cabinet bottom slots and push  
downward until the door latch “snaps” closed.  
NOTE: If the low battery icon appears in the display, you need to replace the batteries. It  
is important that you replace them as soon as possible to maintain unit operation when  
electrical power is off. As a precaution, you may want to write down any stored information  
you do not want erased.  
IMPORTANT: If you are not going to use the telephone for more than 30 days, remove the  
batteries because they can leak and damage the unit.  
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Connections & Setup  
3. Plug the power supply cord into the power jack on the back of the base and the other  
end into an electrical outlet.  
CAUTION: To reduce risk of personal injury, fire, or damage use only the 5-2777 power  
adaptor listed in the user’s guide. This power adaptor is intended to be correctly  
orientated in a vertical or floor mount position.  
4. Connect the telephone line cords:  
If you have two dual line wall jacks installed in your home or office, plug one end of  
the straight telephone line cord tagged as “LINE 1+2” into the jack marked LINE 1 + 2  
and one end of the other straight line cord into the other jack on the back of the base.  
Plug the other end of each line cord into the dual-line wall jacks.  
If you have four single-line wall jacks installed in your home or office, you must use  
adaptors/couplers (not included) to combine the four single telephone lines into two  
dual lines. The adaptor/coupler may look similar to the one pictured here and can be  
purchased from your local telephone products retailer.  
NOTE: To use four lines, you must have four telephone lines with unique telephone numbers.  
If you only have one telephone line, this phone will still operate, but only as a single line  
Unit Initialization:  
After you connect the power supply and Line 1 to the unit, the system automatically  
searches for and sets up a phone ID.  
• If the phone cannot find an ID, determine if there are too many phones connected to the  
system. A maximum of 16 phones can be connected in the system.  
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Connections & Setup  
• The Phone ID (01 to 16) is unique. When more than one phone using the same Phone ID is  
detected, only one phone with that ID will be valid. The phone IDs for the other phone(s) is  
automatically erased, and the phone(s) intercom indicators blink. You must use the Menu  
options to select a new Phone ID for each phone.  
VERY IMPORTANT: In order to achieve full system operation (i.e. intercom, page, etc.), Line 1  
must be connected and must be common to all phones connected to the system. Only other  
25423, 25424, 25425, 25413, 25414, 25415, 25403 and 25404 models are compatible for full  
system operation. For proper operation of intercom, page function, etc., DO NOT connect a  
DSL modem to Line 1.  
• To set your own Phone ID, or change your phone ID, follow the steps in the Phone ID  
You may connect up to 16 RCA 25423, 25424 and/or 25425 phones to the system at  
one time. Features like intercom, page and call transfer may be used among the units,  
but Line 1 must be common for all 25423, 25424, or 25425 units for these features to  
work properly. You may choose to share or privatize lines 2, 3 and 4.  
5. Connect the handset cord:  
Connect one end of the coiled handset cord to the jack on the side of the base and the  
other end into the jack in the handset, and place the handset in the cradle.  
6. Check for a dial tone:  
Lift the handset and listen for a dial tone. If you hear a dial tone, the phone is properly  
Data Port  
This phone has a data port jack to connect an auxiliary phone device, such as a fax ma-  
chine, computer modem, answering system, or even a cordless phone.  
The data port switch on the back of the phone controls the data port jack so you can  
choose line 1, line 2, line 3, or line 4.  
Use the data port to hook up your fax machine, for example, and then set the data port  
switch to line 4 in order to receive faxes on the phone number for line 4.  
If you are talking to someone on line 4 and want that person to fax something to you,  
change the data port switch to line 2 or line 3, and give the person on-line the phone  
number for line 2 or line 3. Your fax machine now can receive calls on line 2, line 3,  
or line 4.  
IMPORTANT: Be sure to switch the fax machine back to the normal line when you are done  
because outside callers who do not know that you have switched lines will not be able to  
reach your fax machine if they dial the line 4 number.  
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Connections & Setup  
System Verification  
Use the following procedures to test system configuration and identify possible line con-  
nection errors. The phone must be connected to the power outlet, Line 1 must be con-  
nected to the LINE 1 + 2 jack, and the phone must have a phone ID.  
VERY IMPORTANT: In order to achieve full system operation (i.e. intercom, page, etc.), Line  
1 must be connected and common to all phones on the system. Only other 25423, 25424,  
25425, 25413, 25414, 25415, 25403 and 25404 models are fully compatible.  
Other System Phones  
1. Press LINE 1.  
2. Look at all the other stations. If they all indicate line 1 is being used, the connection is  
1. Press the INTERCOM button. The display shows INTERCOM and ENTER CALLING  
2. Enter a phone ID by pressing an Intercom/Memo Log button (1-16). The display shows  
the phone ID you entered. If the phone ID you entered is connected to the system, you  
will hear a ring back tone (call through tone) at your phone. If the phone ID is not con-  
nected to the system, you will hear an error tone. NO ANSWER shows in the display and  
intercom is cancelled.  
Answering system  
Turn on the answering system by pressing the ANSWERER button, a blue indicator will  
light up. Select preferred Mailbox setting. (Personal Mailbox allows you to have the system  
answer transferred or incoming calls for a selected line, or choose General Mailbox to have  
it answer calls for all 4 lines.)  
To set the Mailbox:  
1. Press MENU button.  
2. Press the VOL (+ or -) button to scroll to ANSWERING SYSTEM.  
3. Press SELECT button.  
4. Press the VOL (+ or -) button to scroll to MAILBOX.  
5. Press SELECT button, and then press the VOL (+ or -) button to make your selection.  
6. Press SELECT to confirm your selection.  
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Programming the Telephone  
Auto Attendant  
Turn on auto attendant function by pressing the ATTENDANT button, the blue indicator  
will light. For detail information on auto attendant setting, please refer to Auto Attendant  
Programming the Telephone  
When programming the phone, if at any time you wish to discontinue or stop program-  
ming, press the “Exit” button. Also , whenever you have made a program selection by press-  
ing the Sel/Save button the display will shown “OK” for several seconds then will return to  
the MAIN MENU prompt display.  
Set the display language to show messages in either English, Spanish, or French.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode. The cursor in the display points to SET  
2. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
3. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to ENGLISH, ESPANOL, or FRANCAIS.  
The default is English.  
4. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
The ringer, speaker, and handset/headset volume is set independently with the  
VOL (+ or -) buttons. There are 8 possible volume settings per mode. The volume indicator  
scale is displayed during volume adjustment.  
Ringer Volume  
1. While the phone is on the hook, press the VOL (+ or -) button. The phone rings  
according to the current setting.  
2. Tap the VOL (+ or -) buttons to adjust the volume one level at a time. The phone stores  
the setting after the last button press.  
NOTE: To turn the ringer off, on, or change the ringing pattern, see Setting the Ringer Tone.  
Speakerphone, Handset, and Headset Volume  
While the phone is in use, during the desired mode, press the VOL (+ or -) buttons until you  
reach a comfortable listening level. The phone stores the setting after the last button press.  
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Programming the Telephone  
Ringer Tone  
The ringers for all four lines may be set independent of one another.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET PHONE OPTIONS.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET RING TONE.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button. The ringer tone settings for each of the four telephone lines  
show in the display.  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to select each ringer tone for LINE 1.  
A sample ringer tone is generated when you scroll to individual ringer tones. Choose  
from eight different tones, or turn the ringer OFF.  
NOTE: If you select OFF, the cursor automatically moves to the CID ON/OFF option. Use  
the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to select CID ON or OFF. (ON allows the unit  
to detect and display CID records for the corresponding telephone line. OFF disables the  
function for the corresponding telephone.) Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save. The cursor automatically moves to LINE 2.  
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each telephone line. After you select the ringer tone for LINE  
4, press the EXIT button.  
NOTE: The line indicators flash for incoming calls even if the ringer is disabled.  
Priority Line  
The priority line (one of the four lines) has precedence over the other three lines. When  
you pick up the handset or press the SPEAKER button, the unit automatically selects the  
priority line first. If the priority line is in use by another party, the unit will select the next  
available line.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET PHONE OPTIONS.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET PRIORITY LINE.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to 1, 2, 3, or 4. The default is LINE 1.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
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Programming the Telephone  
Delay Ring  
Use this setting to delay the Central Office ring.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET PHONE OPTIONS.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET DELAY RING.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to 0 ring up to 10 rings.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
NOTE: The default Delay Ring is 0. If your system has a phone with the auto attendant ON, we  
suggest that you set the Delay Ring to 2 rings. This allows the auto attendant to pick up the  
incoming call before it rings in.  
Phone ID  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET PHONE OPTIONS.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET PHONE ID.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. Press the SEL/SAVE button again to automatically set the phone ID, or press any  
memory button (1-16) to assign a phone ID.  
NOTE: The INTERCOM indicator will flash red and blue if the ID is not programmed.  
NOTE: The Phone ID (01-16) is unique. If you manually select a phone ID that belongs to  
another unit on the system, NOT AVAILABLE shows in the display. Press SEL/SAVE or choose  
another memory button.  
NOTE: If the phone cannot find an ID, determine if there are too many phones connected to  
the system. A maximum of 16 phones can be connected in the system at one time.  
NOTE: You may press the EXIT button at any time to exit , except during the ID search.  
Phone Name  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET PHONE OPTIONS.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET PHONE NAME.  
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Programming the Telephone  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. Use the touch-tone pad to enter the phonebook name (up to 8 characters). More than  
one letter is stored in each of the number keys. For example, to enter “Lorraine,” press  
the 5 key three times for the letter L. Press the 6 key three times for the letter O. Press  
the 7 key three times for the first letter R. Press the 7 key three times for the second  
letter R. Press the 2 key once for the letter A. Press the 4 key three times for the I. Press  
the 6 key two times for the letter N. Press the 3 key twice for the letter E.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
NOTE: The Phone Name and ID shows in the display when the phone is idle.  
Intercom Auto Answer  
For “hands-free” operation, the phone can be set to answer an intercom call by automati-  
cally activating the speaker.  
TIP: You may also use this feature for room monitoring.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET PHONE OPTIONS.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to INTERCOM AUTO ANS.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to choose YES or NO.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
Flash Time  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET PHONE OPTIONS.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET FLASH TIME.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down through the flash time options. The  
default setting is 600ms.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
NOTE: You may press the EXIT button at any time to exit.  
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Programming the Telephone  
Call Alert Tone  
Turn on the Call Alert to hear a tone for incoming calls while you are on the telephone. This  
function notifies you that there is a incoming call while you are using the phone. If you do  
not want this tone to disturb your conversation, you can set it to OFF.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET PHONE OPTIONS.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to CALL ALERT TONE.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to ON or OFF.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save. The cursor automatically moves to LINE 2.  
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each telephone line. After you select a tone for Line 4, press  
the EXIT button.  
No Unknown/Blocked  
This option allows you to decide whether the unknown or blocked caller ID calls are saved  
or not. If you select YES, the unknown or blocked calls will be saved.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET PHONE OPTIONS.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to NO UNKNOWN/BLOCKED.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to YES or NO. The default is YES.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
Display Contrast  
Adjust the display contrast to one of four contrast levels.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET LCD CONTRAST.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button. The MIN and MAX contrast scale shows on the display.  
4. Use the DIR or CID (left/right) buttons to adjust the contrast. The display instantly  
adjusts with each press of the button.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save the desired contrast level.  
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Programming the Telephone  
Local Area Code  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET AREA CODE.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to LOCAL AREA CODE.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button. Enter Number shows in the display.  
6. Use the touch tone pad on your phone to enter your local area code.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
NOTE: If you make a mistake, press DELETE to erase all digits.  
Regional Area Codes  
Depending on your location, you may need to set up to six regional area codes. Setting  
Regional Area Codes helps the phone determine the number format to display when a  
valid CID record is received. Call records matching any of the set regional area codes are  
displayed as 10 digits.  
NOTE: If the CID telephone number does not display correctly, you may not be able to dial  
back the number from the Caller ID menu.  
You may need to set regional area codes if you reside in an area which:  
• uses multiple area codes  
• uses overlapping area codes  
• requires 10-digit dialing.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET AREA CODE.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to REGIONAL AREA CODES.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button. All six regional area code fields and Enter Number show in  
the display.  
6. Use the touch tone pad on your phone to enter up to six regional area codes.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
NOTE: If you make a mistake, press the DELETE button to erase all digits.  
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Programming the Telephone  
Manually Setting the Time and Date  
The time and date is automatically set when you receive the first CID call. To manually reset  
the time and date, follow the steps below.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET TIME & DATE.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET CLOCK.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button, and the cursor moves to the hour field.  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to select the hour.  
NOTE: AM or PM will be set accordingly with selected hour.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button, and the cursor moves to the minute field.  
8. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to select the minutes.  
9. Press the SEL/SAVE button, and the cursor moves to the month field.  
10. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to select the month.  
11. Press the SEL/SAVE button, and the cursor moves to the date field.  
12. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to select the date.  
13. Press the SEL/SAVE button, and the cursor moves to the day field.  
14. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to select the day.  
15. Press the SEL/SAVE button, and the cursor moves back to the hour field.  
16. Press the EXIT button.  
NOTE: You may press EXIT at any step in the process. It is not necessary to re-program the  
complete time and date if you only want to adjust certain fields (i.e.; hour only).  
Hour Format  
You may set this phone to a 12 or 24-hour format. The default is 12-hour format.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET TIME & DATE.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET HOUR FORMAT.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
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Programming the Answering System  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to select 12-HOUR or 24-HOUR.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
Restoring the Default Settings  
This feature allows you to reset the menu to the original factory default settings.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to RESTORE TO DEFAULTS.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to YES or NO.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
Programming the Answering System  
Pickup Delay  
This sets the number of rings before the answering system picks up the call.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to ANSWERING SYSTEM.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to PICKUP DELAY.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to select from 3 rings up to10 rings,  
or Toll Saver. The default is 5 rings.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
NOTE: Toll Saver can save you the cost of a call when you access your message from another  
- If you have new messages, the unit answers after the 3rd ring.  
- If you have no new messages, the unit answers after the 5th ring.  
- You can hang up after the 3rd or 4th ring and save the pay telephone or long  
distance charge.  
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Programming the Answering System  
Message Length  
This sets the maximum recording time for the caller to leave a message when the answer-  
ing function is on.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to ANSWERING SYSTEM.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to MESSAGE LENGTH.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to No Limit, 1 minute, 2 minutes, or  
Greeting Only. The default is No Limit.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
NOTE: If you select Greeting Only, once the call is picked up by answering system, it will  
announce “Sorry, no one is available to answer the call. Please call again.” and then  
drop the call.  
Call Screening  
If activated, it allows you to listen to incoming messages as they are recorded.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to ANSWERING SYSTEM.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to CALL SCREENING.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to choose ON or OFF.  
The default is ON.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
Message Interrupt  
If this feature is activated it allows you to pick up the call from another extension while  
the caller is leaving a message with the answering system.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to ANSWERING SYSTEM.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to MESSAGE INTERRUPT.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
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Programming the Answering System  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to choose ON or OFF.  
The default is ON.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
Remote Password  
To set the remote access password;  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to ANSWERING SYSTEM.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to REMOTE PASSWORD.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to choose ON, OFF or SET UP PASS-  
WORD. The default is OFF and the password is 000.  
7. Scroll to SET UP PASSWORD and then press the SEL/SAVE button to start remote pass-  
word entry. Use the touch tone pad to enter your remote password.  
8. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
NOTE: If you set the remote password to OFF, the unit will not accept the remote access of  
answering system.  
Selecting General Mailbox allows you to have the system answer transferred or incoming  
calls to all 4 lines. Or you may choose Personal Mailbox to have it answer calls to a selected  
line only. If you select Transfer Call Only, then the unit will answer only transferred calls.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to ANSWERING SYSTEM.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to MAILBOX.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to choose among the following set-  
tings: General, Personal L1, Personal L2, Personal L3, Personal L4, or Transfer Call Only.  
If you select “Personal L2”, the unit can answer all the transferred calls and incoming  
calls from L2 by answering system. The default setting is General.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
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Programming the Auto Attendant  
Programming the Auto Attendant  
Auto Attendant will pick up and redirect incoming calls to other extensions in the system  
per the caller’s input. After you have finished programming this feature, press the AT-  
TENDANT button on the base to activate. The button will light when Auto Attendant is  
Auto Attendant Pickup Delay  
This sets the time delay before the call is picked up by the Auto Attendant.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to AUTO ATTENDANT.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to AUTO ATT PICKUP.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to select from 6 seconds to 13 sec-  
onds. The default pickup delay time will depend on the phone ID number.  
with ID# set to 1 or 2, the default pickup delay time is 6 seconds  
with ID# set to 3 or 4, the default pickup delay time is 7 seconds  
with ID# set to 5 or 6, the default pickup delay time is 8 seconds  
with ID# set to 7 or 8, the default pickup delay time is 9 seconds  
with ID# set to 9 or 10, the default pickup delay time is 10 seconds  
with ID# set to 11 or 12, the default pickup delay time is 11 seconds  
with ID# set to 13 or 14, the default pickup delay time is 12 seconds  
with ID# set to 15, or 16, the default pickup delay time is 13 seconds  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
TIP: Set different Auto Attendant pickup delay times in different 25425’s.  
Set Day Time for Auto Attendant  
The Auto-Attendant Day outgoing message will be played during the Day Time you pro-  
gram. The pre-recorded announcement is: “Hello, please enter your party’s extension. If you  
do not know the extension number, press zero (0), zero (0).”  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to AUTO ATTENDANT.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET DAY TIME.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button, and the curser moves to the hour field.  
The default is 8:00 AM.  
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Programming the Auto Attendant  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to select the hour. AM or PM will be  
set accordingly with the selected hour.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save, and the curser moves to the minutes field.  
8. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to select the minute.  
9. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
10. Press the EXIT button.  
Set Night Time for Auto Attendant  
The Auto-Attendant Night outgoing message will be played during the Night Time you  
program. The pre-recorded announcement is: “Hello, please enter your party’s extension. If  
you do not know the extension number, press zero (0), zero (0).”  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to AUTO ATTENDANT.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET NIGHT TIME.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button, and the curser moves to the hour field.  
The default is 5:00 PM.  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to select the hour. AM or PM will be  
set accordingly with the selected hour.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save, and the curser moves to the minutes field.  
8. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to select the minute.  
9. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
10. Press the EXIT button.  
Set Night Time ON / OFF  
If this feature is set to ON, the Auto Attendant Day Greeting will play during the time you  
designate as Day Time, and during the time you have designated as Night Time, the Auto  
Attendant Night Greeting will be activated.  
If this feature is set to OFF, the unit will play the Auto Attendant Day Greeting at all times.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to AUTO ATTENDANT.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to NIGHT TIME ON/OFF.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
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Basic Operation  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to choose ON or OFF.  
The default is OFF.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
Set Weekend Greeting  
There are two options for you to select from for your Weekend Greeting. The Night Greet-  
ing option will play your Night Greeting from Friday night until Monday morning, the  
Same As Weekday greeting will play your weekday greeting throughout the weekend.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to AUTO ATTENDANT.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to WEEKEND GREETING.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to choose NIGHT GREETING or  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
Set Valid ID  
When auto attendant is turned on, the call can be forwarded to any listed extension num-  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to AUTO ATTENDANT.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET VALID ID.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. Use the MEMORY LOG number key (M1 to M16) to add or delete the corresponding  
listed extension number.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save.  
Basic Operation  
Your phone provides the convenience of accessing four separate telephone lines, each ob-  
tained from the telephone company and each having its own phone number. This is gener-  
ally applicable to small offices. It provides for 16 telephones (or stations) to share multiple  
lines. Each station is interconnected to all others by an intercom.  
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Basic Operation  
Making Calls with the Handset  
1. Pick up the handset and the phone automatically selects the priority line. If the priority  
line is occupied, it selects an open line.  
Pick up the handset and press a LINE button to select a line.  
2. Wait for a dial tone, then dial a phone number.  
3. Hang up the handset when finished.  
Making Calls with the Speakerphone  
1. Press the SPEAKER button and the phone automatically selects the priority line. If the  
priority line is occupied, it selects an open line.  
Press a LINE button to select a line.  
2. Wait for a dial tone then dial a phone number.  
3. Press SPEAKER button when finished.  
NOTE: Only one-way conversation is possible in speakerphone mode. When you are speaking,  
you are transmitting. When you are listening, you are receiving. You can’t do both at  
the same time. The phone will automatically switch between transmitting and receiving  
depending on the level of the voice or the room noise picked up by the speakerphone mic.  
NOTE: If a line goes off-hook, the call timer counts time until all the lines go on hook. The  
timer serves for 4 lines.  
Making Calls with the Optional Headset  
1. Connect the headset plug into the HEADSET jack on the left side of the base.  
2. Adjust the headset to rest comfortably on top of your head and over your ear.  
3. Move the microphone to approximately 2 to 3 inches from your mouth.  
4. Press the HEADSET button and the phone automatically selects the priority line. If the  
priority line is occupied, it selects an open line.  
5. Wait for a dial tone, then dial a phone number.  
6. Press HEADSET when finished.  
CAUTION: Use only the Thomson Inc. 5-2425 headset that is compatible with this unit.  
NOTE: If the headset is not connected (or if not completely inserted into headset jack), an  
error tone is heard when the HEADSET button is pressed and the display will show Error for  
several seconds.  
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Basic Operation  
1. With the phone idle and the handset on the cradle, manually enter the telephone num-  
ber. The telephone number shows in the display.  
2. Press the DIAL or SPEAKER button, or lift the handset to take a line, and the telephone  
number is automatically dialed.  
Answering Calls  
If you receive a call on the priority line,  
1. Pick up the handset (handset mode), OR  
2. Press the SPEAKER button (speakerphone mode), OR  
3. Press the HEADSET button (headset mode).  
4. When finished, hang up the handset, or press the SPEAKER button or press the HEAD-  
SET button.  
If you receive a call on a line other than the priority line,  
1. Pick up the handset and press the corresponding line button (handset mode), OR  
2. Press the SPEAKER button and press the corresponding line button (speakerphone  
mode), OR  
3. Press the corresponding line button, and then press the HEADSET button (headset  
4. When finished, hang up the handset, or press the SPEAKER button, or press the HEAD-  
SET button.  
NOTE: Whether you are making or receiving a call, the caller is disconnected if you press  
another line without putting the call on hold first.  
Switching Between the Speakerphone, Handset, and Headset  
To switch to the speakerphone, press SPEAKER. The speakerphone indicator turns on. Put  
handset back in cradle.  
To switch to the handset, pick up the handset. The speakerphone or headset turns off.  
To switch to the headset, press the HEADSET button to enable the headset, and the headset  
indicator turns on. Hang up the handset.  
To have a private, off-line conversation, use the MUTE feature. The party on the other end  
of the line cannot hear you, but you can still hear them.  
1. Press MUTE to activate the mute feature. The mute indicator turns on.  
2. Press MUTE again to turn it off.  
NOTE: Switching from speakerphone to handset cancels mute.  
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Basic Operation  
Do Not Disturb  
This feature is set at individual telephones to disable (silence) an incoming ring signal,  
intercom ring, or page. When there is an incoming call or an intercom call, the status indi-  
cators function as normal but the phone will not ring.  
1. When the unit is idle, press the PRIVACY button. The Privacy indicator flashes and the  
last setting is displayed.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to select the duration. You may  
choose from 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, or 2 hours and increase the  
duration by 1 hour intervals up to 24 hours.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button to confirm. The indicator blinks and the display shows how  
long the ringer will be disabled.  
4. To cancel, press PRIVACY again or hang up the handset.  
NOTE: If Intercom Auto Answer is turned ON, the unit automatically answers the intercom  
call even if the Do Not Disturb function is activated.  
Placing a Call on Hold  
Press the HOLD button to put the line in use on hold. The line indicator for the line on hold  
flashes blue. The phone emits a beep every 30 seconds as a reminder. At the other stations,  
the indicator blinks red but no beep is heard.  
NOTE: If you put a call on HOLD while in PRIVACY mode, no one but you can access the line  
on hold. Anyone trying to access the line receives an error tone.  
Releasing a Call from Hold  
Press the HOLD button or the corresponding LINE button to release hold.  
NOTE: If you want to change modes, lift the handset to switch to the handset, or press the  
HEADSET button to use the headset.  
NOTE: The call on hold can be picked up at any station using this procedure.  
Use the FLASH button to activate custom calling services such as call waiting or call for-  
warding, which are available through your local phone company.  
1. Pick up the handset (handset mode), or press the SPEAKER button (speakerphone  
mode), or press the HEADSET button (headset mode) and the priority line is automati-  
cally selected,  
Press a line button to select other line.  
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Basic Operation  
2. Press the REDIAL/FORMAT button  
NOTE: The redial function will not operate if the number to be redialed contains more than  
32 digits. If the number is longer than that, you will hear an error tone.  
Reviewing the Redial Numbers  
Your phone records up to six previously dialed phone numbers.  
1. When the phone is idle, press the REDIAL/FORMAT button.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to view the last six previously dialed  
3. While the preferred number is displayed, pick up the handset or press the SPEAKER,  
DIAL, or a line button to dial the phone number.  
NOTE: If you do not select a line button, the line is automatically seized and the number is  
dialed accordingly.  
Transferring a Call to Another Station  
1. With the caller on the line, press the TRANSFER button.  
2. Press the INTERCOM/MEMORY LOG button (1-16) for the station you want to transfer  
the call to. The line’s indicator blinks purple until the party picks up the transferred call.  
Once the call is picked up, the indicator stays red. The indicator on the receiving party’s  
line rapidly flashes red and rings during call transfer.  
• If the transferred call is not picked up at the other station within 45 seconds. The  
transfer cancels, the line is put on hold, and the line indicator flashes blue.  
• If the party at the other station doesn’t pick up the transferred call, and you want to  
attempt to transfer to another station, press the line button and repeat the transfer  
process from step 1.  
Receiving a Transferred Call from Another Station  
If a call is transferred to your station, the line indicator flashes red. To answer the call, press  
that line button.  
If you are on the line when a call is transferred to you, you will hear beeps to alert you of  
the incoming call. Put your current call on hold by pressing HOLD, and then pick up the  
incoming call by pressing the corresponding line button.  
NOTE: During the transfer, the only two stations that can access the line are: a) the  
transferring station, or; b) the station receiving the transfer.  
VERY IMPORTANT: To transfer a call from one station to another, the two stations should be  
connected to the same line.  
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Basic Operation  
While in use, a line can be secured so that no one else can listen to the conversation. This  
feature only applies to 25423, 25424, 25425, 25413, 25414, 25415, 25403 and 25404  
phones. However, other phone which are not compatible with these models can still access  
the line.  
Providing Privacy  
At any time during a conversation, you can use the privacy feature to secure the line.  
1. While on a line, press the PRIVACY button. The indicator turns on.  
2. To cancel, press PRIVACY again or hang up.  
NOTE: If you put a call on hold while in privacy mode, no one but you can access the line on  
Conference Calls  
This feature allows you to have a 3-way conversation using any combination of 2 lines.  
To connect and conference:  
1. To make a call, press the line you want and dial the telephone number. If you already  
have someone on the line, skip to step 2.  
2. Press the HOLD button to place the call on hold.  
3. Press another line button and dial the telephone number of the party you want to  
conference with.  
4. Press the CONFERENCE button.  
5. Speak to both parties.  
NOTE: If you have more than one line on hold, and you want to have a conference call, you  
must first select the line on which you want to conference.  
To disconnect one party:  
Press the line button for the person you want to continue speaking with, and the other  
party is automatically disconnected.  
To disconnect both parties:  
Hang up the handset, or press the SPEAKER or HEADSET button.  
NOTE: If you press the HOLD button to put them on hold first, you may then disconnect from  
each party individually.  
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Intercom Calls  
Intercom Calls  
One-Touch Intercom  
NOTE: If the INTERCOM indicator is turned on (solid red), the intercom is in use. You must  
wait until the indicator turns off before making an intercom call.  
1. Press the INTERCOM/MEMORY LOG button (1-16) for the station you want to intercom  
with. The SPEAKER turns on.  
Alternately, you may press the INTERCOM button, then press the INTERCOM/MEMORY  
LOG button (1-16) for the stations you want to intercom with. The speakerphone auto-  
matically turns on.  
NOTE: If you want to switch to the handset, pick it up and continue speaking. To switch to  
the headset press the HEADSET button.  
NOTE: The handset, headset, or speakerphone cannot be active when an intercom call is  
initiated (the handset should be on the cradle and the speakerphone and headset turned  
NOTE: To abort intercom call, press SPEAKER button.  
2. To end the intercom call, hang up.  
NOTE: If the receiving station does not answer within 45 seconds, the intercom call is  
cancelled. You will hear an error tone and NO ANSWER shows in the display. NOTE: If the  
intercom is in use. You will hear an error tone and ERROR INHIBITED shows in the display.  
Answering an Intercom Call  
When you receive an INTERCOM call, the INTERCOM indicator flashes red, and the display  
shows the caller’s name and phone ID.  
NOTE: If you want to answer with the speakerphone, press the INTERCOM or SPEAKER  
button. If you want to answer by headset, press the HEADSET button (the headset must be  
connected). To answer by handset, lift the handset.  
NOTE: Press SPEAKER or lift the handset to automatically select a party. If you receive an  
incoming call and intercom call at the same time the unit automatically selects the ringing  
Intercom Hold  
1. Make an intercom call or answer an intercom call.  
2. Press the HOLD button. The Intercom indicator flashes blue.  
• When the intercom is on hold, you may not receive another intercom.  
• If the other party terminates intercom, intercom hold is also released.  
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Intercom Calls  
Intercom Conference Calls  
This feature allows you to have a 3-way conversation using the intercom feature and an  
open line.  
1. Place a call or make an intercom call.  
2. Press the HOLD button.  
3. Place a call on another line or make an intercom call.  
4. Press the CONFERENCE button.  
5. Speak to both parties.  
NOTE: If you have more than one party on hold (telephone line or intercom), you must select  
the line for the party you want to conference with.  
To disconnect one party:  
Press the line or intercom button for the person you want to continue speaking with, and  
the other party is automatically disconnected.  
To disconnect both parties:  
Hang up the handset, or press the SPEAKER button.  
NOTE: If you press the HOLD button to put them on hold first, you may then disconnect from  
each party individually.  
Paging All Stations  
1. Lift the handset.  
2. Press the PAGE button and listen for the beep. The other stations not in use automati-  
cally activate their speakerphones and receive your page.  
3. Speak into the handset. You have 30 seconds to page in this mode. After 30 seconds,  
the page is cancelled.  
4. When finished, hang up the handset.  
NOTE: You will not receive a page when Do Not Disturb is turned on.  
NOTE: Paging can be done with optional headset. plug in headset, press HEADSET button, the  
press PAGE button.  
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Caller ID  
Caller ID  
Summary Screen  
The summary screen shows the current time, current date, number of CID records to be re-  
viewed and total number of records saved to CID memory. It is displayed until any button is  
pressed. Within 60 seconds of receiving a new call, the new caller information is displayed.  
Name of  
Phone ID  
Battery indicator  
CID records  
Time and date  
to be reviewed  
Number of records in CID  
Receiving and Storing CID Records  
This unit receives and displays information transmitted by your local phone company. This  
information can include the phone number, date and time; or the name, phone number,  
date and time. The unit can store up to 99 calls for later review. When the memory is full,  
a new call automatically replaces the oldest call in memory. NEW appears in the display  
for calls received that have not been reviewed. The line number for the call received is also  
Reviewing CID Records  
•Press the CID button , and then use the VOL (+ or -) buttons  
to scroll through the call records.  
•When you scroll to the start/end of the list, START/END ap-  
pears in the display.  
Saving a CID Record to the Intercom/Memory Log or to Phone Book Memory  
1.While a name and telephone number shows in the display, if you need to edit the  
information, press the SEL/SAVE button and follow the steps for Storing a Name and  
Number in Memory.  
2. If you do not need to edit the name or number, press the STORE button.  
3. To store data in the Phone Book Directory, press the DIRECTORY button,  
To store data in the Intercom/Memory Log, press a memory log button (1-16).  
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Caller ID  
Deleting a CID Record  
To delete the record shown in the display, press the DELETE  
button once.  
Deleting All Call Records  
This feature allows you to clear all CID records at once.  
1. While viewing a CID record, press and hold the DELETE button. PRESS DELETE AGAIN  
CLEAR ALL CALLER ID shows in the display.  
2. Press the DELETE button again to confirm.  
Dialing Back  
When reviewing CID records, you can dial back the numbers showing on the display by  
pressing the DIAL button.  
If You Programmed Your Local Area Code  
1. Press the CID button , and then use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to display the number you  
want to dial.  
2. If you see a number with 7 digits (i.e.555-1234), then the call was received from within  
your area code. However, this does not guarantee the call is a local call. If you see a  
number with 11 digits (i.e.1-234-555-1234), then the call received was not from your  
area code.  
3. To adjust the phone number format, use the REDIAL/FORMAT button. For instance, a 7-  
digit local number sometimes cannot be dialed because it requires a 10-digit or 11-digit  
format. Use the REDIAL/FORMAT button to scroll through 7, 10 and 11-digit numbers.  
7-digit telephone number (i.e.555-5555)  
3-digit area code +7-digit telephone number (i.e.425-555-5555)  
long distance code 1 +3-digit area code +7-digit telephone  
number (i.e. 1-425-555-5555)  
4. To dial the displayed number, select a line or press DIAL again.  
If You Did Not Program Your Local Area Code  
1. Press the CID button , and then use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to display the number you  
want to dial. You will only see 10-digit numbers (i.e. 234-555-1234).  
2. Press DIAL to dial back. You may adjust the number format by pressing the REDIAL/  
FORMAT button before dialing.  
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Call Waiting Caller ID  
This feature allows you to see who is calling when you hear the call waiting beep. The caller  
identification information appears in the display after you hear the tone.  
• Press the FLASH button to put the person to whom you’re talking on hold and answer  
the incoming call.  
IMPORTANT: To use all the features of this unit, you must subscribe to either the standard  
Name/Number Caller ID Service or Caller ID with Call Waiting Service. To know who is calling  
while you are on the phone, you must subscribe to Caller ID with Call Waiting Service.  
Memory Log and Phone Book (Directory) Memory  
You may store data in the Phone Book Directory (up to 94 memories) or an INTERCOM/  
MEMORY LOG (16 buttons located to the right of the number pad on the base). The Phone  
Book and each INTERCOM/MEMORY LOG stores up to 21 characters and 32 digits.  
Storing a Number and Name in Memory  
NOTE: To cancel the storing procedure at any time, press EXIT.  
1. Press the STORE button. ENTER NUMBER is displayed.  
2. Use the touch tone pad on your telephone to enter the telephone number you want to  
store. The numbers you enter show in the display.  
NOTE: If you make a mistake, use the DIR or CID buttons (left/right) to move the cursor to  
the incorrect digit, and press the DELETE button to delete.  
3. Press SEL/SAVE. ENTER NAME is displayed.  
4. Use the touch-tone pad to enter a name (up to 21 characters). More than one letter  
is stored in each of the number keys. For example, to enter Bill Smith, press the 2 key  
twice for the letter B. Press the 4 key 3 times for the letter I. Press the 5 key 3 times for  
the letter L. Press the 5 key 3 times for the second letter L, and press the 1 key to insert  
a space between the first and last name. Press the 7 key 4 times for the letter S; press  
the 6 key once for the letter M; press the 4 key 3 times for the letter I; press the 8 key  
for the letter T; press the 4 key twice for the letter H.  
NOTE: If you make a mistake, use the DIR or CID buttons (left/right) to move the cursor to  
the incorrect digit, and press the DELETE button to delete.  
5. Press STORE button. ENTER LOCATION is displayed.  
6. Enter memory location:  
Press the DIRECTORY button to save the record in the Phone Book memory,  
Press a INTERCOM/MEMORY LOG button (1-16) to save the record in that memory loca-  
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NOTE: If there is a record stored in selected memory location “OVERWRITE?” shows in the  
display. Press STORE to confirm overwrite or press the EXIT button, then select a new location.  
7. Repeat steps 1-6 for any additional names and numbers you want to store, up to 94, in  
phone book memory.  
NOTE: The storage procedure automatically cancels after 30 seconds if no keys are pressed.  
Reviewing Phone Book (Directory) Memory  
1. Press the DIR button. The first memory in the phone book is displayed (memories are  
stored in alphabetical order).  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down through the phone book memories,  
or use the touch tone pad on your phone to enter the corresponding letters for the  
memory you want to review. For example, press the 5 key to display phone book memo-  
ries that start with the letter J. Press the 5 key twice to go to memories starting with  
the letter K.  
3. Press the EXIT button when you are finished reviewing memories.  
Reviewing the Intercom/Memory Log (memory location)  
1. Press the DIR button.  
2. Press the INTERCOM/MEMORY LOG button (1-16).  
3. Press the EXIT button when you are finished reviewing memories.  
Editing a Name or Number Stored in Phone Book (Directory) Memory  
1. Press the DIR button.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to the desired memory record.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button and edit the content according to the steps in the Storing a  
Name and Number in Memory section.  
Editing a Name or Number Stored in the Intercom/Memory Log (Memory Location)  
1. Press the DIR button.  
2. Press the INTERCOM/MEMORY LOG button (1-16).  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button and edit the content according to the steps in the Storing a  
Name and Number in Memory section.  
Storing the Last Number Dialed  
1. When the phone is idle, press the REDIAL/FORMAT button.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to view the last six previously dialed  
3. While viewing the desired number, press the SEL/SAVE button twice.  
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4. Add the name as explained in the Storing A Name and Number in Memory section.  
5. Press the STORE button. ENTER LOCATION shows in the display.  
6. Press the DIR button to store the redial number in the Phone Book memory or press  
an INTERCOM/MEMORY LOG button (1-16) to store the redial number in that memory  
Storing a Pause in Memory  
Press the #PAUSE button twice to insert a pause in the dialing sequence of a stored  
telephone number when a pause is needed (for example, when you must dial a 9 to get an  
outside line or when you must enter codes to access your bank’s information line).  
Dialing a Stored Number  
1. Pick up the handset, or press SPEAKER to automatically select a line. Or press the line  
you want to use.  
2. Wait for a dial tone.  
3. Press the INTERCOM/MEMORY LOG button (1-16) for the person you want to call.  
The number automatically dials.  
1. Press the DIR button.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down through the phone book memories, or  
use the touch tone pad to enter the corresponding letters for the memory you want to  
review. For example, press the 5 key to display phone book memories that start with the  
letter J. Press the 5 key twice to go to memories starting with the letter K.  
3. Press the DIAL button. The number automatically dials.  
Memory Delete/Clear  
To delete a Phone Book memory:  
1. Press the DIR button.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to the memory you want to delete.  
3. Press the DELETE button to delete. DELETE -DELETE AGAIN shows in the display.  
4. Press the DELETE button again to confirm.  
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1. Press the DIR button.  
2. Press the corresponding button (1-16) for the Intercom/Memory Log you want to  
3. Press the DELETE button to delete, DELETE -DELETE AGAIN shows in the display.  
4. Press the DELETE button again to confirm.  
NOTE: Press the EXIT button to cancel the “delete” function.  
Clear All Memories  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to SET PHONE OPTIONS.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to CLEAR ALL MEMORIES.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to Yes or No, No is the default.  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to confirm.  
NOTE: If you select YES, all the directory memories and direct access memories are cleared.  
Chain Dialing  
This process allows you to dial a succession of stored numbers from separate memory  
locations. This is useful when you must dial several sequences of numbers, such as with  
frequent calls via a telephone company long distance provider.  
For example  
Memory location  
Local access number of long distance company  
Authorization code (ID)  
Long distance phone number  
1. Press the line you want.  
2. Press memory location 6.  
3. Press memory location 7.  
4. Press memory location 8.  
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Answering System Operation  
Answering System  
You can set one or more additional phones to act as an Answering System (up to 16 units  
in the system), each Answering System can pick up only one line at a time. To prevent  
several Answering System units picking up the same call, you should assign different pickup  
delay times for each Answering System unit.  
The Answering System can store approximately 60 minutes of messages, memos, and all the  
announcements, for a total of up to 99 messages. The maximum recording time for each  
incoming message can be set in MENU.  
Turning the Answering System On/Off  
Press the ANSWERER button to switch this function on or off. The ANSWERER light is lit  
when the function is activated.  
Recording a Greeting  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to ANSWERING SYSTEM  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to RECORD GREETING.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. Wait for the beep. Then speak toward the phone in a normal tone of voice. You have a  
maximum 30 seconds to record your greeting  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save, and the user’s recorded greeting will playback once.  
(The default greeting is “Please leave a message after the tone.”)  
Playback and Erasing a Greeting  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to ANSWERING SYSTEM.  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to PLAYBACK GREETING.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. The system plays the previously recorded greeting.  
7. To erase the recorded greeting, press DELETE button during greeting playback. Press DE-  
LETE again to confirm the deletion. Then the default greeting will playback once after  
8. To stop playback, press EXIT.  
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Answering System Operation  
Recording Incoming Messages  
The unit will answer incoming calls or routed calls after X rings (pickup delay set in MENU)  
and play the outgoing greeting. After hearing the greeting followed by a long beep, the  
caller can leave a message. The message counter shows new number of messages.  
If there is a new message recorded in the unit, the “NEW MESSAGE” indicator will blink.  
Note: Your unit will record a message up to the maximum length of time you set as long as  
the caller continues speaking. To save recording capacity, your unit will automatically stop  
recording after 7 seconds of silence or if there is a steady dial tone for 7 seconds.  
Monitoring Incoming Calls  
Whenever an incoming message is being recorded you can hear it through the speaker if  
Call Screening is on. To take the call, pick up the handset and the system stops recording.  
You can interrupt the recording from another extension, if you have Message Interrupt set  
to ON in the menu.  
Memo Recording  
1. Press and hold the MEMO button for 2 seconds until you hear a beep.  
2. After the beep, speak toward the phone in a normal tone of voice and record your  
3. To stop recording, press MEMO button again or press EXIT button. This is considered  
standard message and will be included in the message counter.  
Two-Way Recording  
While using the handset or headset, you can record a phone conversation.  
1. While on a call using the handset or headset, press MEMO to begin recording the con-  
2. Press MEMO again or press EXIT button to stop recording. This is considered standard-  
message and will be included in the message counter.  
Note: Before start to record the phone conversation, suggest you to tell the party you are  
speaking to that the conversation will be recorded.  
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Answering System Operation  
Message Playback  
In idle mode, press the PLAY button once. The unit starts to playback the messages.  
If the unit has new messages, only the new messages will be played, otherwise all messages  
will be played. Unit will play messages to the end, then return to standby mode.  
During each message playback, you can press CID button to skip the current message OR  
press DIR button to replay the message playing.  
If there are no messages, the unit will announce “You have NO messages.  
Deleting Messages  
To delete messages:  
1. Press the PLAY button while in idle mode.  
2. Use the DIR or CID (left/right) buttons to scroll to the message you want to delete.  
3. Press DELETE button and MESSAGE XX DELETE? shows in the display.  
4. Press the DELETE button again to confirm.  
To delete all the messages:  
1. Press and hold the DELETE button for 2 seconds during message playback or while in  
standby mode. DELETE ALL MESSAGES? shows in the display.  
2. Press the DELETE button again to confirm the deletion.  
NOTE: You cannot delete ALL messages while you are playing the new messages. You can only  
delete the messages one by one during playback.  
Accessing the Answering System from Another Location  
You can access many features of this answering system when you are away from your  
phone. To access your mailbox, you must turn on the remote function and set a three-digit  
remote password (see Remote Password section.)  
Connecting with the Answering System  
1. Call your phone number.  
2. After the unit answers, enter your three digit password after playback of the greeting.  
3. If the password was entered correctly, the Voice Menu will direct you to press the fol-  
lowing buttons on your keyboard:  
Press 2 to play messages, press 2 again to stop.  
Press 3 to skip.  
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Answering System Operation  
Press 1 to review.  
Press 0 while playing a message to erase.  
Press 4 to turn on and off.  
Press 6 to play greeting.  
Press 9 to record a greeting, press 9 again to stop taking message.  
Press 7 to review menu again.  
4. Enter the remote commands.  
5. To exit remote operation, hang up. The system will automatically disconnect the call if  
the user does not enter a command within 10 seconds.  
Toll Saver Operation  
This system has a built-in automatic toll saving feature to let you know if you have re-  
ceived any new messages before it answers, thus saving you on long distance costs.  
system from a remote location to check your messages, listen to the number of rings.  
1. NO New Messages Received  
If the phone rings more than three times, there are no new messages. You can hang  
up on the fourth ring before system answers, and save the cost of the call. Otherwise  
system will answer the call after fifth ring.  
2. New Messages Received  
If the system answers after only 3 rings, you have received new messages. Refer to Con-  
necting with Answering System for remote instructions.  
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Auto Attendant Operation  
Auto Attendant  
You can set this phone to function as the Auto-Attendant. A phone designated as an Auto-  
Attendant will pick up and redirect incoming calls to other extensions in the system. Each  
Auto-Attendant can pick up only one line at a time, so you may wish to have more than  
one Auto-Attendant within your system. You can designate up to 16 Auto-Attendants in  
your system. To prevent several units picking up the same call at once, you should assign  
different pickup delay times for each Auto-Attendant units.  
Turn Auto Attendant On/Off  
Press the ATTENDANT button to switch this function on or off. The ATTENDANT light is lit  
when the function is activated.  
Auto Attendant Sequence for Callers  
When Auto-Attendant is on, this phone automatically picks up a ringing line after the  
pickup time you programmed, and plays the designated Auto-Attendant greeting. When a  
caller enters an extension number after hearing the greeting, the Auto-Attendant transfers  
the call to that extension. If the requested extension doesn’t pick up within 45 seconds, the  
Auto-Attendant takes the call back and plays the general greeting. If Auto-Attendant unit  
is in use, the call will be placed on hold.  
If the caller does not enter an extension number after hearing the message, the  
Auto-Attendant waits about 5 seconds and replays the ATTENDANT OGA (out-going  
announcement) for the caller. If the caller still does not enter an extension number within  
5 seconds;  
a) the Greeting Only OGA “Sorry, no one is available to answer the call. Please call again.”  
will be played if the answering system is set to off.  
b) the greeting “Welcome to general delivery mailbox. Please leave your name and phone  
number after the tone.” will be played if the answering system is set to on and  
mailbox sets to general.  
If the caller presses 00 after hearing the message, the Auto-Attendant Auxiliary  
Outgoing Message plays. The caller can then enter an extension number, and the call will  
be redirected.  
Recording Auto Attendant Greetings  
There are three different Auto Attendant outgoing messages. They are Day Greeting, Night  
Greeting and Auxiliary Greeting.  
Day Greeting is played during the time you set as day time. The Default Day Greeting is  
“Hello, please enter your party’s extension. If you do not know the extension number, press  
zero (0), zero (0).”  
Night Greeting is played during the time you set as night time. The Default Night Greeting  
is “Hello, please enter your party’s extension. If you do not know the extension number,  
press zero (0), zero (0).”  
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Auto Attendant Operation  
Auxiliary Greeting is played when an outside caller presses the “0” key twice after hearing  
the Day or Night message. It is supposed to be recorded by you to tell the caller about the  
extension number list. The Default Auxiliary Greeting is “Please enter your party’s exten-  
You can follow the procedures listed below to record the your own greeting.  
NOTE: When recording your own Day or Night Greeting be sure to include the following  
statement to inform your callers of the extension list. “If you do not know the extension  
number, press zero (0), zero (0).”  
NOTE: When recording your own Auxilary Greeting you should include your extension listing.  
For example, “To reach Peter Jones, extension #1, for Mary Smith, extension #2, etc.  
1. Press the MENU button while in standby mode.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to AUTO ATTENDANT  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to RECORD GREETING,  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to DAY GREETING, or NIGHT GREET-  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
8. Wait for the beep. Then speak toward the phone in a normal tone of voice.  
9. Press the SEL/SAVE button to save, and the recorded greeting will be playback once.  
Playback and Erasing Auto Attendant Greetings  
1. Press the MENU button.  
2. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to AUTO ATTENDANT  
3. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
4. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to PLAYBACK GREETING.  
5. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
6. Use the VOL (+ or -) buttons to scroll up or down to DAY GREETING, or NIGHT GREET-  
7. Press the SEL/SAVE button.  
8. The system plays the previously recorded greeting.  
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Auto Attendant Operation  
9. To erase the recorded greeting, press DELETE button during greeting playback. Press  
DELETE again to confirm the deletion. The default greeting will play back once after  
NOTE: The default greeting cannot be deleted.  
10. To stop playback, press EXIT.  
Using Multiple Auto Attendants  
An Auto Attendant is in use and cannot answer the incoming call when someone at that  
extension is:  
- accessing messages, or  
- using any of the lines to make or answer a call, or  
- on an intercom call, or  
- programming the phone, or  
- when a message is being recorded at that extension.  
It is preferable to set one or more additional phones to act as Auto Attendant for occasions  
when the primary Auto Attendant is turned off or in use. The primary Auto Attendant is  
the unit having the shortest pickup time, others would have longer pickup times.  
Display Messages  
The following special messages indicate the status of a message or the unit:  
The Caller ID memory log is empty.  
The incoming call does not have Caller ID service or their service  
area is not linked to yours. If UNKNOWN CALLER appears along  
with a calling number, the name information for that number was  
not available.  
The caller is registered as “Private Number ”and their Caller ID  
information is withheld.  
Caller information has been interrupted or corrupted during trans-  
No Caller ID signal has been detected, or Caller ID service has not  
been activated.  
You are at the beginning or the end of the Caller ID memory log.  
Battery power level is low.  
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Troubleshooting Guide  
Operation By Battery  
If the power cord is not plugged into the unit, and the battery is available, the unit enters  
Battery Operation Mode. In this mode, the unit fully supports all operational features,  
except the intercom call function and cordless handset.  
NOTE: Under battery operation mode, the RF module (optional for use with cordless handset)  
is not supported.  
Operation without Power  
If the power cord is not plugged into the unit and no battery is installed, the unit enters  
into No Power Operation mode. in this mode, the user may:  
1) use the handset to manually make a call on line 1 only,  
2) answer a call on line 1 with the handset.  
Cordless Phone Option  
It is possible to enhance your phone to a cordless feature with the additional purchase of  
the H5401 accessory handset and module. The H5401 is packaged with an RF module, when  
the module is properly inserted into the back of the 25425 base, the antenna icon on the  
display will illuminate.  
Troubleshooting Guide  
No dial tone  
Check or repeat installation steps:  
Make sure the telephone line cords are connected to the phone and the wall jack. Make  
sure the line cords are not damaged.  
Make sure the hook switch pops up when the handset is lifted.  
Check the SPEAKER button. Make sure the indicator is off.  
Disconnect the phone from the wall jack and connect another phone to the same jack.  
If there is no dial tone in the second phone, the problem might be your wiring or local  
You cannot be heard by the other party.  
Make sure the handset or headset cord is inserted properly and securely.  
Make sure the MUTE feature is not turned on.  
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Troubleshooting Guide  
Phone does not ring.  
Make sure the ringer is turned on.  
Make sure the Do Not Disturb feature is not activated.  
You may have too many extension phones on your line. Try unplugging some phones.  
See solutions for “No dial tone.”  
Incoming voice too low or none at all.  
Check volume setting.  
Memory dialing doesn’t work  
Did you program the memory location keys correctly?  
Did you follow proper dialing sequence?  
Battery icon is blank or shows only one bar  
The 4 “AAA” batteries need replacing or are improperly installed or not installed at all.  
Intercom does not function correctly  
Make sure line 1 is connected properly and common to all phones on the system.  
Make sure all phone ID’s (station numbers) involved have been assigned.  
Transfer does not function correctly  
Make sure receiver phones (stations) have same line connected.  
Intercom indicator turns red and blue alternately  
The station address needs to be re-assigned due to a duplicate station address in the  
system. See “Changing the Phone ID (Station Address).  
General Product Care  
To keep your telephone working and looking good, follow these guidelines:  
Avoid putting the phone near heating appliances and devices that generate electrical  
noise (for example, motors or fluorescent lamps).  
DO NOT expose to direct sunlight or moisture.  
Avoid dropping the handset, as well as other rough treatment to the phone.  
Clean the phone with a soft cloth.  
Never use a strong cleaning agent or abrasive powder because this will damage  
the finish.  
Retain the original packaging in case you need to ship the phone at a later date.  
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Warranty Information  
Warranty Assistance  
If trouble is experienced with this equipment, for warranty information, please contact  
customer service at 1-800-448-0329. If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone  
network, the telephone company may require that you disconnect the equipment until the  
problem is resolved.  
Any unauthorized repairs, changes or modifications not expressly approved by Thomson Inc.  
could void the user’s authority to operate this product. For instructions on how to obtain  
a replacement unit, refer to the warranty included in this guide or call customer service at  
Or refer inquiries to:  
Thomson Inc.  
Manager, Consumer Relations  
P O Box 1976  
Indianapolis, IN 46206  
Attach your sales receipt to this booklet for future reference or jot down the date this  
product was purchased or received as a gift. This information will be valuable if service  
should be required during the warranty period.  
Purchase date  
Name of store  
Accessory Information  
To place order, have your Visa, MasterCard, or Discover Card ready and  
AC power adaptor  
call toll-free 1-800-338-0376.  
A shipping and handling fee will be charged upon ordering.  
We are required by law to collect appropriate sales tax for each individual state, country,  
and locality to which the merchandise is being sent.  
Items are subject to availability.  
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Warranty Information  
Limited Warranty  
What your warranty covers:  
Defects in materials or workmanship.  
For how long after your purchase:  
Two years, from date of purchase. (The warranty period for rental units begins with the  
first rental or 45 days from date of shipment to the rental firm, whichever comes first.)  
What we will do:  
Provide you with a new or, at our option, a refurbished unit. The exchange unit is under  
warranty for the remainder of the original product’s warranty period.  
How you get service:  
Properly pack your unit. Include any cables, etc., which were originally provided with  
the product. We recommend using the original carton and packing materials.  
”Proof of purchase in the form of a bill of sale or receipted invoice which is evidence  
that the product is within the warranty period, must be presented to obtain warranty  
service.” For rental firms, proof of first rental is also required. Also print your name and  
address and a description of the defect. Send via standard UPS or its equivalent to:  
Thomson, Inc.  
11721 B Alameda Ave.  
Socorro, Texas 79927  
Pay any charges billed to you by the Exchange Center for service not covered by the  
Insure your shipment for loss or damage. Thomson, Inc. accepts no liability in case of  
damage or loss.  
A new or refurbished unit will be shipped to you freight prepaid.  
What your warranty does not cover:  
Customer instruction. (Your Owner’s Manual provides information regarding operating  
instructions and user controls. Any additional information, should be obtained from  
your dealer.)  
Installation and setup service adjustments.  
Damage from misuse or neglect.  
Products which have been modified or incorporated into other products.  
Products purchased or serviced outside the USA.  
Acts of nature, such as but not limited to lightning damage.  
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Warranty Information  
Product Registration:  
Please complete and mail the Product Registration Card packed with your unit. It will  
make it easier to contact you should it ever be necessary. The return of the card is not  
required for warranty coverage.  
Limitation of Warranty:  
How state law relates to this warranty:  
Some states do not allow the exclusion nor limitation of incidental or consequential  
damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts so the above limitations  
or exclusions may not apply to you.  
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you also may have other rights that  
vary from state to state.  
If you purchased your product outside the USA:  
This warranty does not apply. Contact your dealer for warranty information.  
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Accessing the Answering System from Another  
FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement  
Flash 29  
Accessory Information49  
Answering an Intercom Call  
Flash Time 17  
Answering Calls  
Answering System  
Auto Attendant  
Auto Attendant  
13, 40  
General Product Care 48  
Hearing Aid Compatibility  
Hold 29  
Auto Attendant Pickup Delay  
Auto Attendant Sequence for Callers  
Hour Format  
Base Layout  
If You Did Not Program Your Local Area Code35  
Basic Operation  
If You Programmed Your Local Area Code  
Important Installation Guidelines 10  
Important Installation Information  
Installing the Phone 10  
Call Alert Tone  
Call Screening  
Intercom Auto Answer17  
Call Waiting Caller ID 36  
Caller ID 34  
Intercom Calls  
Intercom Conference Calls  
Intercom Hold 32  
Interference Information  
Chain Dialing  
Clear All Memories  
Conference Calls  
Connecting with the Answering System  
Cordless Phone Option47  
Language 14  
Data Port 12  
Limited Warranty  
Local Area Code  
Delay Ring 16  
Deleting a CID Record 35  
Mailbox 23  
Making Calls with the Handset 27  
Making Calls with the Optional Headset  
Making Calls with the Speakerphone  
Manually Setting the Time and Date  
Dialing Back  
Display Contrast  
Display Messages  
Do Not Disturb  
Memo Recording  
Memory Delete/Clear 38  
Memory Log and Phone Book Memory  
Editing a Name or Number Stored in Phone  
Book (Directory) Memory 37  
Message Interrupt  
Message Length  
Editing a Name or Number Stored in the Inter-  
com/Memory Log 37  
Equipment Approval Information 2  
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Message Playback  
Monitoring Incoming Calls  
Mute 28  
Reviewing Phone Book Memory 37  
Reviewing the Intercom/Memory Log  
Reviewing the Redial Numbers 30  
Ringer Tone  
Ringer Volume  
No Unknown/Blocked 18  
Saving a CID Record to the Intercom/Memory  
One-Touch Intercom 32  
Operation By Battery 47  
Operation without Power  
Other System Phones 13  
Log or to Phone Book Memory  
Warranty Assistance 49  
Set Day Time for Auto Attendant 24  
Set Night Time for Auto Attendant  
Set Night Time ON / OFF  
Set Valid ID  
Paging All Stations 33  
Set Weekend Greeting 26  
Parts Checklist  
Phone ID 16  
Phone Name  
Pickup Delay  
Placing a Call on Hold 29  
Playback and Erasing a Greeting 40  
Speakerphone, Handset, and Headset Volume14  
Storing a Number and Name in Memory 36  
Storing a Pause in Memory 38  
Storing the Last Number Dialed 37  
Summary Screen 34  
Switching Between the Speakerphone, Handset,  
and Headset 28  
Playback and Erasing Auto Attendant Greetings  
System Verification 13  
Priority Line  
Privacy 31  
Programming the Answering System  
Programming the Auto Attendant24  
Programming the Telephone  
Table of Contents  
5, 6  
Telephone Jack Requirements  
Toll Saver Operation 43  
Transferring a Call to Another Station  
Troubleshooting Guide47  
Turn Auto Attendant On/Off  
Turning the Answering System On/Off  
Two-Way Recording 41  
Providing Privacy  
Receiving a Transferred Call from Another Sta-  
tion 30  
Receiving and Storing CID Records  
Recording a Greeting 40  
Recording Auto Attendant Greetings  
Recording Incoming Messages  
Using Multiple Auto Attendants 46  
Regional Area Codes 19  
Releasing a Call from Hold  
Warranty Assistance 49  
Remote Password  
Restoring the Default Settings 21  
Reviewing CID Records 34  
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Please do not send any products to the Indianapolis address listed in this manual or on the  
carton. This will only add delays in service for your product.  
Thomson Inc.  
101 West 103rd Street  
Indianapolis, IN 46290-1102  
© 2007 Thomson Inc.  
Trademark(s) ® Registered  
Marca(s) Registrada(s)  
Model 25425  
00020069 (Rev. 3 DOM E/S)  
Printed in China  
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