Qualcomm Cordless Telephone GSP 1600 User Guide

QUALCOMM Globalstar  
GSP-1600 Tri-Mode Phone  
User Guide  
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Finding entries .....................................................................................19  
Editing entries .....................................................................................20  
Erasing entries ....................................................................................20  
Making entries secret ..........................................................................20  
Viewing numbers .................................................................................21  
Prepending numbers ...........................................................................21  
Sending tones .......................................................................................21  
Speed dialing ........................................................................................22  
One-touch dialing ................................................................................22  
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Find Home ............................................................................................52  
Version .................................................................................................52  
Service Provider ...................................................................................55  
Territory ...............................................................................................55  
Manual Mode .......................................................................................56  
Auto Mode ............................................................................................56  
NAM Select ..........................................................................................57  
My Numbers ........................................................................................58  
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Accessor ies ................................................................................................67  
Battery .................................................................................................67  
Leather case .........................................................................................67  
AC wall charger ...................................................................................67  
Universal travel charger .....................................................................67  
Cigarette lighter adapter ....................................................................67  
Data cables ...........................................................................................67  
Hands-free car kit ................................................................................68  
Tr ou blesh oot in g ......................................................................................69  
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Cautions and Warnings  
Wa r n in g  
On ly u se th e b a tt er ies, a n ten n a s, a n d ch a r ger s p r ovid ed b y  
QUALCOMM. Th e u se of a n y ot h er t yp e m a y b e d a n ger ou s.  
Wa r n in g  
Allow on ly a u t h or ized p er son n el t o ser vice t h e p h on e a n d it s  
a ccessor ies. Un a u t h or ized ser vice ca n in va lid a t e th e w a r r a n ty.  
Ca u t ion  
An y ch a n ges or m od ifica tion s to th is eq u ip m en t n ot exp r essly  
a p p r oved in th is d ocu m en t cou ld void you r w a r r a n t y a n d you r  
a u t h or ity t o op er a t e th is eq u ip m en t .  
Ca u t ion  
Avoid exp osin g th e p h on e a n d a ccessor ies to r a in or oth er  
liqu id s. If t h e p h on e gets w et, tu r n t h e p ow er off im m ed ia tely  
a n d r em ove th e b a tt er y p a ck . See Ba tter y Ca r e a n d Ma in t en a n ce,  
p a ge 59, for m or e in for m a tion .  
Not e  
When using the QUALCOMM Globalstar Tri-Mode Phone near a  
television or radio, the phone can cause interference. Regulatory  
agencies in your area, such as the United States Federal  
Communications Commission (FCC) or Canadian Industry  
Canada (IC), can require you to stop using the phone if such  
interference cannot be eliminated. If you need assistance, contact  
your satellite or cellular service provider.  
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Cautions and Warnings  
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Getting Started  
It is very important that you read this section because your tri-mode phone  
is unique – it combines satellite technology and cellular technology in one  
phone. For more detailed information on usage, refer to the other sections  
in this guide. If you need further assistance, see Solving problems, page 1.  
Understanding your phone  
Consider your phone as two phones in one” because it requires operation  
in two distinct ways to make and receive two different types of calls:  
Satellite calls – Calls made via satellite. This is known as Globalstar  
satellite mode.  
Cellular calls – Calls made by cellular phone technology. There are two  
cellular modes: digital mode and analog mode.  
The calling mode has probably been preset on your phone. To  
view or change the current setting, set your mode preference (see  
Auto Mode, page 56) so the mode is automatically selected when  
you turn your phone on (see Manual Mode, page 56).  
Contacting customer service  
You may have different service providers for Globalstar satellite service  
and cellular service. Contact the appropriate service provider for customer  
Solving problems  
If you have problems using your phone, see Troubleshooting, page 69. If you  
still have trouble, contact your satellite or cellular service provider.  
Understanding this guide  
These conventions or representations are used in this guide:  
Type of Action Example  
Key Presses  
Press key briefly.  
Press key for more than one  
Press and hold  
Using SMART  
KEY™ options  
Press the SMART KEY button  
under the appropriate  
option on the screen.  
Scroll to select  
yes” or no.”  
Press either the volume  
buttons on the side of the  
phone or  
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Getting Started  
Manually selecting call mode  
When you are ready to make a call, you can quickly select the call mode you  
prefer. You can select Globalstar, cellular (digital or analog), or Auto Mode.  
If you select Auto Mode, the phone looks for service as specified by the Auto  
Mode setting (see Auto Mode, page 56).  
To manually select a call mode:  
Press and hold  
to display the mode menu, and press the menu  
number of the appropriate call mode.  
Preparing for satellite calls  
If the security module is not properly installed, you can only make calls  
to emergency numbers and you cannot receive calls. Your satellite  
service provider installs and maintains the security module (see  
Security module, page 10, for more information).  
Charge and properly install the battery. See Battery Care and  
Maintenance, page 59.  
Rotate the Globalstar satellite antenna located on the back of the  
phone (see Phone features and keypad, page 7). The antenna will  
automatically extend as you rotate it and automatically retract when  
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Getting Started  
Move the antenna to its optimal position (pointing straight up to the  
sky) until it sets into one of three positions. You cannot make or  
receive a satellite call with the Globalstar satellite antenna stored.  
The following shows right and wrong antenna positions when  
making satellite calls:  
Position yourself outdoors so that you can see the whole sky to  
prevent dropped calls. If a call is dropped, a fade alert sounds if that  
feature is turned on (see Fade, page 46). For best performance, move  
away from tall obstacles such as buildings or trees. If you can see the  
whole sky, the satellites will have a clear view of you and the phone.  
The phone will not operate inside a building or a vehicle unless you  
are using the car kit.  
Not e  
You can make cellular calls in all of the following locations.  
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Getting Started  
Making satellite calls  
1. Rotate the satellite antenna (see Preparing for satellite calls, page 2).  
2. Press and hold  
to turn your phone on.  
3. Select call mode, if necessary (see Manually selecting call mode,  
page 2).  
Not e  
The roaming indicator ( ) usually displays immediately if the  
network roams to find a satellite service provider. Occasionally,  
the roaming indicator displays after you press  
may not see the indicator.  
, and you  
4. Enter the phone number that you want to call (see Entering numbers,  
page 12). To make international calls, see International dialing,  
page 13.  
Not e  
When using the keypad or viewing the screen in Globalstar  
satellite mode, keep the antenna pointing up to maintain service.  
5. Press  
. A message displays if the phone is locked, if the phone  
number is restricted, or if there is another problem.  
Making cellular calls  
1. Press and hold  
to turn your phone on.  
2. Select call mode, if necessary (see Manually selecting call mode,  
page 2).  
3. Fully extend the cellular antenna.  
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Getting Started  
4. Enter the phone number that you want to call (see Entering numbers,  
page 12).  
5. Press  
. A message displays if the phone is locked, if the phone  
number is restricted, or if there is another problem.  
Making data calls  
If your satellite service provider offers Globalstar packet data service, you  
can make data calls in Globalstar mode. The QUALCOMM Globalstar  
packet data kit allows you to access the Internet or other networks with  
packet data service.  
You need the data cable that connects your computer or Palm™ handheld  
to your tri-mode phone, and you need to set up your computer or Palm  
handheld. See the QUALCOMM Globalstar packet data kit user  
documentation that comes with your data cable for more information on  
connecting and setting up your computer to your tri-mode phone.  
You can then use your computer to send and receive email, use TelNet or  
FTP, or browse the Internet. See your satellite service provider for more  
Receiving satellite or cellular calls  
To receive a satellite or cellular call  
1. Turn your phone on.  
2. Rotate the Globalstar antenna or extend the cellular antenna to find  
When you receive a call, the phone rings, the indicator light flashes,  
and Incoming Call” flashes on the screen until you answer the call.  
Not e  
To receive satellite calls, the satellite antenna must also be  
rotated with a view of the whole sky. You can position the phone  
on its side for better stability:  
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Getting Started  
Not e  
If you miss a call, you can press either  
ok to return to  
standby mode or  
view to display the call history list for  
details about the missed call.  
3. To answer a call, do one of the following:  
From standby mode, press any key except  
Answer is set to on(see Any-Key Answer, page 45).  
if Any-Key  
Ending calls  
. The total time of the call briefly displays. You can also  
obtain the total time of each call in the call history list.  
Displaying your phone number  
The currently registered phone number briefly displays when you turn  
your phone on or press from standby mode.  
To display all three phone numbers (NAMs), press  
then press for My Numbers. (See My Numbers, page 58.)  
menu and  
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Phone Basics  
Learn about these topics in this section:  
Phone features and keypad  
Display indicators  
Security module  
Antenna basics  
Information key  
Phone features and keypad  
1. Light indicator – Flashes when turning phone on, when receiving  
incoming calls, or when receiving text or voice mail messages.  
2. Earpiece  
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Phone Basics  
3. Volume buttons – Adjust ringer volume when not on a call. Scroll  
through the menu items if a scroll arrow displays. Scroll through call  
history and phone book. Move the cursor when editing alphabetic  
characters or digits.  
4. SMART KEY options – Select the option on the screen by pressing the  
below it.  
5. SMART KEY buttons– Press the SMART KEY  
appropriate option on the screen.  
to select the  
6. Information key – Insert pauses and hyphens. Additional help is  
available if  
registers and  
displays on the screen (for example, when the phone  
and the current phone number).  
7. Send key – Originate or answer a call. Also used for features such as  
call waiting.  
8. Message key – Access text messages and voice mail notifications. See  
Messages Menu, page 25.  
9. Punctuation key – Add punctuation or spaces when entering letters.  
10. International dialing or plus (+) key – Make international calls (see  
International dialing, page 13).  
11. Mode select – Press and hold to manually select Globalstar satellite,  
digital, analog, or auto mode (see Manual Mode, page 56).  
12. Security module – Required to activate phone for Globalstar satellite  
service (see Security module, page 10).  
13. Cellular antenna  
14. Display indicators – Show phone and battery status (see Display  
indicators, page 9).  
15. Screen  
16. Clear key – Delete characters (see Entering numbers, page 12, and  
Entering letters and other characters, page 17). Return to previous  
17. End key – End a call. If not on a call, return to standby mode.  
18. Scroll keys – Scroll through menu items if a scroll arrow displays on the  
screen. Move cursor.  
19. Power key – Turn the phone on or off.  
20. Microphone  
21. Globalstar satellite antenna (see Preparing for satellite calls, page 2).  
22. Battery  
23. Battery release latch  
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Phone Basics  
Display indicators  
The indicators on the screen show the status of the phone and the battery  
charge level at a quick glance.  
Phone operating in Globalstar satellite mode  
Phone operating in digital mode  
Phone operating in analog mode if neither  
Signal strength ranging from a strong signal (four lines) to an  
extremely weak signal (one line)  
Call in progress  
No service available. If service is unavailable, the phone sounds  
a beep when you try to make a call.  
Roaming – found service outside home area  
Text message received  
Voice mail notification received  
Battery charge. Ranges between four diagonal bars (full charge)  
to one bar (minimal charge) to no bars and blinking (no charge).  
Help available; press  
. For example, displays when the phone  
is registered and service provider information and the current  
phone number.  
Designates additional level of call privacy (digital) or encryption  
Designates the menu option currently selected  
Indicates that you can scroll between screens using the volume  
buttons or  
Indicates that either the selected text message is locked or the  
keypad is locked  
Indicates that the text message is unlocked  
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Phone Basics  
Security module  
The security module activates your phone when in Globalstar satellite  
mode. It is located on the lower left side of the front of the phone. The  
security module that comes with your phone works only with that phone  
and is not interchangeable.  
Ca u t ion  
Do n ot r em ove th e secu r ity m od u le.  
When in Globalstar satellite mode, the security module must be properly  
installed to make or receive calls. If it is not properly installed, you can only  
make calls to emergency numbers.  
Not e  
If you use the same phone number (or NAM) for both Globalstar  
satellite and cellular calls, the security module may also have to  
be installed for non-emergency cellular calls.  
For more information, contact your satellite service provider, who installs  
and maintains the security module.  
Antenna basics  
Phone performance depends on the strength of the signal it receives. As you  
fully extend the cellular antenna or rotate the Globalstar satellite antenna,  
the signal strength indicator shows the strength of the signal received in  
that particular antenna position. You cannot make or receive a satellite call  
with the Globalstar satellite antenna stored.  
It is important to use the antennas properly for the best performance.  
Follow these guidelines for the Globalstar satellite and cellular antennas:  
Never hold the phone by the antenna.  
Do not use the phone if either antenna is damaged, unless you are  
using the phone with the car kits antenna.  
For more information on how to use the antennas, see Preparing for  
satellite calls, page 2, and Making cellular calls, page 4.  
Information key  
The Info (Information) key  
has several different functions:  
Provides help if  
When the phone registers and  
displays on the screen.  
displays on the screen, press  
service provider information and the current phone number.  
Displays your current phone number while on a call.  
Insert pauses and hyphens when entering a phone number.  
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Calling Basics  
Learn about these topics in this section:  
Turning the phone on and off  
Standby and power save modes  
Entering numbers  
Making emergency calls, redialing, and muting  
Possible service provider services (international dialing, call waiting,  
three-way calling, and caller ID)  
Turning the phone on  
1. Make sure that the battery is charged and properly installed (see  
Battery chargers, page 60, and Battery replacement, page 61).  
2. Press and hold  
until the indicator light illuminates (about one  
second). The phone is now in standby mode (see Standby mode,  
page 11) and starts looking for service. The message that displays on  
the screen depends on the service mode selected (see Manual Mode,  
page 56 or Auto Mode, page 56).  
3. Press any key to stop animation, if desired.  
Turning the phone off  
1. Press and hold  
until Powering Off” displays.  
2. Release  
Not e  
If you press  
for less than one second, the phone does not turn  
Standby mode  
After you turn the phone on, it is in standby mode while it looks for service.  
The following screens show the message that displays when looking for  
service depending on the service mode selected (see Manual Mode, page 56):  
After your phone finds service, your banner, the date and time, and the  
appropriate icons display.  
Not e  
The date and time may not be available in all modes of service.  
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Calling Basics  
Power save mode  
If your phone does not find service while in standby mode, it switches to  
power save mode. Power save mode maximizes battery life by periodically  
looking for service. The following message displays when your phone is in  
power save mode:  
To return to standby mode, press any key.  
Entering numbers  
You can enter up to 32 numbers and other characters (hyphens and pauses).  
Not e  
All 32 characters do not always display on certain screens and  
may be replaced by periods (...). To display the entire number,  
use the View # option in the Phone Book menu (see Finding  
entries, page 19) or the Call History menu (see Viewing call  
history details, page 24).  
To enter numbers  
1. From standby mode, enter the numbers.  
2. Do one of the following:  
to place the call.  
save to save the number in the phone book.  
To edit numbers  
Move the cursor by pressing the volume buttons.  
Not e  
You cannot use  
to move the cursor when  
entering or editing numbers because these keys are used to enter  
# or *.  
To delete numbers  
Position the cursor over a number (press the volume buttons), and  
press to delete.  
Press and hold  
to delete one previous character at a time.  
to delete the entire entry.  
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Calling Basics  
Making emergency calls  
Locking or restricting the phone does not prevent you from making calls to  
emergency numbers. Contact your satellite or cellular service provider for  
emergency numbers.  
To make an emergency call  
1. Enter the emergency number (for example, 911).  
2. Press  
Redialing a call  
To redial the last outgoing number  
Muting a call  
While you are on a call, you can mute the microphone so that the caller  
cannot hear you.  
To turn mute on  
mute. The word Mute” replaces the word Time” on the  
screen until you end the call or turn mute off.  
To turn mute off  
mute. The word Time” replaces the word Mute” on the  
Possible service provider services  
International dialing  
To make international calls in Globalstar satellite mode  
1. Enter the international access code, the country code, and the phone  
Shortcut: Press and hold  
until a plus (+) displays on the screen,  
and then enter the country code and phone number.  
2. Press  
If international dialing is supported in your network, contact your satellite  
service provider for more information.  
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Calling Basics  
Call waiting  
Call waiting lets you know that you are receiving an incoming call by  
sounding a beep. For instructions on how to use call waiting, contact your  
satellite or cellular service provider.  
Three-way calling  
Three-way calling allows you to talk to two callers at the same time. For  
instructions on how to use three-way calling, contact your satellite or  
cellular service provider.  
Caller ID  
Caller ID displays an incoming calls phone number on the screen, if  
available. If the phone number of the caller matches one stored in your  
phone book, the name also displays with the number.  
For more information on caller ID, contact your satellite or cellular service  
Not e  
Flash hook” is sometimes referred to when using call waiting,  
three-way calling, or caller ID. This means quickly press and  
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Menu Basics  
Learn how to access and navigate through the phone menus in this section.  
The phone menus are designed so that you can easily access and navigate  
through them. The following road map shows the various menus on the  
main menu, which is accessed by pressing  
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Menu Basics  
Accessing main menu  
1. Turn the phone on. The phone is now in standby mode (see Standby  
mode, page 11).  
2. Press  
menu and the first three main menu items display. If scroll  
arrows display on the screen, you can scroll between screens to access  
additional menu options.  
Each main menu item is explained in sequential order in separate  
sections of this guide.  
page 17  
page 23  
page 25  
page 29  
page 31  
page 35  
page 39  
page 51  
page 58  
Navigating and using menus  
To navigate the menus  
To access additional menu items when a scroll arrow displays on the  
screen, press the scroll keys.  
To select a menu item, press the corresponding number.  
To save changes or a setting  
Press ok.  
To return to previous screen without saving changes  
To return to standby mode without saving changes (if not on a call)  
To return to standby mode without saving changes (if on a call)  
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Phone Book Menu  
Learn about using the phone book, entering letters and other characters,  
entering pauses, speed dialing, and one-touch dialing in this section.  
Entering letters and other characters  
To enter letters and other characters  
1. Press a key repeatedly to display the letters in uppercase, then  
lowercase, and finally the number. For example, if you repeatedly press  
, the following characters display:  
2. Do one of the following:  
Enter the next character if it is on a different key.  
If the next character is on the same key, move the cursor forward  
by pressing  
3. Press ok after you enter the name.  
To edit letters and other characters  
or the down volume button.  
Move the cursor by pressing  
or by pressing the volume  
To delete letters and other characters  
Position the cursor over a letter or character, and press  
Press to delete previous letters or characters one at a time.  
Press and hold  
to delete.  
to delete the entire entry.  
To enter spaces  
or the down volume button.  
To enter punctuation or spaces  
Press repeatedly, and the punctuation or space displays in the  
following order:  
– <space> @ & ( ) : . ‘ # * , 1  
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Phone Book Menu  
Entering pauses  
When using automated phone services, such as voice mail or online  
banking, you can use pauses when entering a series of numbers. You can  
also enter pauses manually, or you can save pauses in phone book entries.  
Each pause counts as one character. There are two types of pauses:  
Hard Pause – Stops until you press  
number sequence.  
resume to send the rest of the  
Timed Pause – Stops for two seconds and then resumes automatically.  
Not e  
If Auto Hyphen is set to on” and you manually enter pauses,  
Auto Hyphen is temporarily set to off.” (See Auto Hyphens,  
page 43 and Manual Hyphens, page 43.)  
To enter pauses when entering numbers  
1. Press  
and the following displays on the screen:  
2. Press  
for Hard Pause or  
for Timed Pause.  
displays for  
hard pauses and  
displays for timed pauses.  
3. Continue entering numbers.  
Saving entries  
The phone saves up to 99 entries. Each entry contains a name (up to 12  
characters) and phone number (up to 32 numbers) stored in location  
numbers 1 through 99. See Entering numbers, page 12.  
You can also save pauses in phone book entries when automated phone  
services, such as voice mail or online banking, require personal  
identification or account numbers. See Entering pauses, page 18.  
To save entries  
1. Do one of the following:  
Enter a phone number from standby mode and press  
Select a number on the call history list, and press  
options, and save.  
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Phone Book Menu  
Enter a number into the scratchpad, and press  
options and  
save (see Scratchpad, page 29).  
Select a number on the screen, such as Caller ID, and press  
2. Enter a name and press  
3. Do one of the following to select a location number:  
If the phone book is not full, you are asked to accept an empty  
location. You can either:  
ok to accept the empty location.  
Enter a location number of your choice and press  
Scroll to select an empty location and press  
If the phone book is full, enter a location number that you want to  
reuse and replace with the new information. You will lose the old  
Finding entries  
You can find entries by name, phone number, or location number. You can  
also quickly advance to groups of ten entries or scroll through each entry  
one at a time.  
To find an entry  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Do one of the following:  
Scroll through each entry one at a time.  
To advance to groups of ten entries, enter 1 through 9. (For  
example, if you enter 6, location number 60 is selected. If 60 is  
empty, the previous filled location is selected.)  
To find specific entries:  
for Name,  
for Phone #, or  
Enter one or more characters.  
Not e  
Searches ignore differences between upper- and lowercase  
find and, if necessary, scroll through the entries.  
view to see the entry.  
Do one of the following:  
to call the number.  
options to edit, erase, make secret, view  
number, prepend (add), or send tones.  
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Phone Book Menu  
Editing entries  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Find the entry and press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
5. Press  
to Edit.  
to edit Name,  
to edit Phone #, or  
to edit  
6. Edit the name or phone number and press  
ok, or do one of the  
following to edit a location number:  
ok to use the same location number.  
Enter a location number of your choice and press  
Scroll to select an empty location and press  
Erasing entries  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Find the entry and press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
5. Press  
to Erase.  
Making entries secret  
To prevent a phone number from displaying on the screen, you can make  
the entry Secret.” To view or change a secret entry, you must use your lock  
code. (See Lock code, page 35.)  
Not e  
When receiving an incoming call, caller ID prevents the name  
from displaying if the entry in your phone book is secret.  
To make an entry secret or nonsecret  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Find the entry you want to make secret.  
3. Press  
4. Press  
5. Press  
and scroll to select:  
Yes – Makes the entry secret  
No – Makes the entry nonsecret  
6. Press  
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Phone Book Menu  
To view or change a secret entry  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Find the secret entry and enter your lock code.  
3. Press ok to accept any changes you make.  
Viewing numbers  
You can view an entrys entire phone number. When viewing a number, you  
can also prepend (add) numbers at the beginning of a phone number and  
save those changes.  
To view numbers  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Find the entry and press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for View #.  
5. Do one of the following:  
ok to return to the previous menu.  
to return to standby mode.  
Prepending numbers  
You can permanently prepend (add) numbers, such as an area code or  
country code, at the beginning of a phone number in an existing phone book  
To prepend (add) numbers  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Find the entry and press  
3. Press  
for Prepend. The phone number displays.  
4. Press  
5. Enter the numbers.  
6. Press save.  
Sending tones  
You can send DTMF (dual tone multi-frequency) tones over the air when  
using automated phone services, such as voice mail or online banking. To  
send tones, you must be on a call. You can send tones by manually entering  
numbers or sending numbers stored in your phone book. You can also send  
tones for numbers entered in the scratchpad (see Scratchpad, page 29).  
Not e  
The length of the key beep, the sound you hear when pressing the  
keys, affects the DTMF tones in analog mode. Check your key  
beep length before sending tones (see Key Beep Length, page 41).  
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Phone Book Menu  
To send tones manually  
While on a call, enter the appropriate numbers. The tones associated  
with the numbers are immediately sent over the air.  
To send tones saved in your phone book  
1. While on a call, press  
2. Find an entry and press  
3. Press  
for Send Tones. The tones associated with the numbers are  
4. Press  
immediately sent over the air.  
Speed dialing  
You can speed dial a phone number if you know the location number of the  
phone book entry. You can speed dial any of the 99 location numbers unless  
the phone is restricted (see Restricting the phone, page 36). If you restrict  
the phone, only the first nine phone book locations are available for speed  
To speed dial a phone number  
1. Enter the location number.  
2. Press  
One-touch dialing  
If you set one-touch dial to on,” you can dial any of the 99 location numbers  
without pressing  
. To set one-touch dial, see One-Touch Dial, page 48.  
To one-touch dial a location number  
1. Set one-touch dial to on(see One-Touch Dial, page 48).  
2. Press and hold the location number. For double-digit locations, press  
and release the first digit, and then press and hold the second digit. For  
Press and hold  
for location number 3.  
for location number 32.  
Press and then press and hold  
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Call History Menu  
You can access a call history list of the last ten incoming or outgoing  
satellite or cellular calls (numbered 0 to 9) and view details about each call  
Called By  
Incoming calls, if caller ID is available (see Caller  
ID, page 14)  
Call To  
Outgoing calls  
Scratchpad entries (see Scratchpad, page 29)  
Unanswered incoming calls, if caller ID is available  
Caller ID information received  
Caller ID  
Call Waiting  
Call-waiting information received during a call  
The most recent call is numbered 0 and displays at the top of the list and  
the oldest call at the bottom (separated by a dashed line). When the list is  
full, a new call takes the first position in the list and the oldest call is  
deleted. The list is saved after you turn the phone off.  
Names display in the call history list if the callers phone number is stored  
in the phone book. If more than one name matches a call back number, the  
entry with the lowest phone book location number displays.  
Accessing call history list  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press for Call History.  
3. Press the scroll keys to access the last ten calls. For example:  
4. Scroll down to select a call from the most recent to the oldest calls, or  
scroll up to select a call from the oldest to the most recent.  
5. Do one of the following:  
To call the number, press  
To save the number in your phone book, press  
view and  
save (see Saving entries, page 18).  
To exit call history without calling or storing a number, press  
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Call History Menu  
Viewing call history details  
1. Scroll to select a call on the list.  
2. Press  
3. Press  
options and select one of the following:  
Date/Time – Display the date and time of the call.  
Duration – Display the duration of the call.  
Save – Save the number in your phone book.  
View # – View the entire number.  
Send – Make a call to the number.  
Send Tones – Send DTMF tones while on a call. (For more  
information on DTMF tones, see Sending tones, page 21.)  
Prepend – Add numbers, such as an area code or country code, at  
the beginning of the phone number and save it in your phone book.  
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Messages Menu  
Learn about retrieving SMS (short message service) messages in this  
section. SMS includes both text and voice mail notification messages.  
Contact your satellite or cellular service providers for information  
regarding the availability of text and voice mail notifications.  
You can retrieve text messages and voice mail notifications from satellite or  
cellular service provider voice mail systems. When the phone is turned on  
and you receive SMS messages, the phone alerts you by flashing the  
indicator light, sounding a beep, and displaying the text message indicator  
or voice mail notification indicator  
on the screen. The text message  
and voice mail notification indicators display until all messages are read.  
When you read a message, new messages are accessed before old messages.  
If the message contains a call back number matching one in your phone  
book, the corresponding name displays in place of the number. If more than  
one name matches a call back number, the entry with the lowest phone book  
location number displays.  
Voice messages  
If someone leaves you a voice mail message, your phone receives a voice  
mail notification and alerts you. You can then access the voice mail  
notification. (Service providers may provide different details about the  
message.) To hear the voice mail message, call your voice mail system.  
If you have one or more voice mail systems, the total number of voice mail  
messages received by all systems displays on the screen. For example, if you  
have two voice mail systems and you receive two voice mail messages from  
one system and two from the other system, the total number of voice mail  
notifications displays under Old:  
If new voice mail messages are received, the total number of voice mail  
notifications is updated.  
To access voice mail notifications  
1. From standby mode, press  
messages received displays under Old.”  
2. Press voice. The voice mail notification displays either a call  
. The total number of voice mail  
back number or a name if the call back number matches one in the  
phone book. If more than one name matches a call back number, the  
entry with the lowest phone book location number displays.  
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Messages Menu  
3. Do one of the following:  
next to read the next voice mail notification.  
view to display more detail, if available, which  
automatically scrolls on the screen and pauses so you can read it.  
Press a scroll key to manually scroll.  
To call your voice mail system  
1. Press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
5. Press  
next to find the voice mail notification you want.  
. The phone number for the voice mail system displays, if  
available. Go to Step 6. If it does not display, the message No Voice  
Mail Number received” displays, and you must manually enter the  
voice mail phone number.  
6. If necessary, prepend (add) digits before the voice mail phone number.  
For example, if you are out of the area of your voice mail phone number,  
prepend the area code or country code.  
7. Press  
8. Follow the voice mail system instructions to retrieve your messages.  
To erase voice message notifications  
1. Press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
5. Press  
6. Press  
next to find the voice mail notification you want.  
erase to erase the message.  
Text messages  
Text messages can include call back numbers, messages, urgency stamps,  
time and date stamps, and possibly names if the call back number matches  
one in the phone book. The phone stores as many text messages as available  
memory allows. For more information on managing phone memory, see  
Storing text messages, page 27.  
To access text messages  
1. Press  
. The number of new and old text messages displays.  
2. Press  
text. The newest unread messages display first followed by  
the newest read messages, if any. The number of messages under Old”  
is the number of messages you accessed.  
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Messages Menu  
3. Do one of the following:  
next to read the next message.  
view to display more detail, if available, which  
automatically scrolls on the screen and pauses so you can read it.  
Press a scroll key to manually scroll.  
To call back numbers in text messages  
1. Press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
5. Press  
next to find the message you want.  
. The call back number displays, if available.  
6. If necessary, prepend (add) digits before the call back number. For  
example, if you are out of the area of the phone number, prepend the  
area code or country code.  
7. Press  
To erase text messages  
1. Press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
text. A text message displays.  
view to display more detail, if available, which  
automatically scrolls on the screen and pauses so that you can read it.  
Press a scroll key to manually scroll.  
4. Scroll to the bottom of the message and press  
5. Press  
for Erase.  
Not e  
You can erase a text message even if it is locked.  
6. Press ok to erase the message.  
Storing text messages  
Text messages are saved until you erase them or until the phone memory is  
full. If more than 75% of the phones memory is full, a message displays the  
amount of memory used:  
When the phone is out of memory, the oldest unlocked messages are  
automatically deleted as necessary to receive new messages.  
To prevent messages from being deleted, you can lock them. However, if all  
messages are locked when a new message is received and the phone is out  
of memory, the new message is lost. The network may try to deliver it later.  
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Messages Menu  
To avoid running out of memory  
Erase locked or unlocked messages that you no longer need. When the  
phone is out of memory and all text messages are locked, it no longer  
accepts new messages and this message displays:  
The network may try to deliver lost messages later.  
Locking and unlocking text messages  
To prevent messages from being automatically deleted if the phone is out of  
memory, you can lock them. You can manually erase a text message even if  
it is locked.  
To lock or unlock text messages  
1. Press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
text. The newest text message displays.  
view to display more detail, if available, which  
automatically scrolls on the screen and pauses so that you can read it.  
Press a scroll key to manually scroll.  
4. Scroll to the bottom of the message and press  
5. Press for Lock or for Unlock.  
The lock indicator or the unlock indicator  
the SMART KEY options.  
displays to the left of  
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Features Menu  
Key Guard  
The key guard locks the phone keys to prevent accidental use. If you receive  
an incoming call when the key guard is on, you can answer the call by  
. The key beeps are silenced when the keyguard is set to on.”  
To turn the key guard on  
Shortcut: From standby mode, press and hold  
. The lock indicator  
and KeyGuard On” displays.  
To turn the key guard off  
Not e  
You can also lock your phone to prevent unauthorized use. See  
Locking the phone, page 35.  
You can enter numbers on the scratchpad to add to call history, save to your  
phone book, or send tones over the air for automated phone services, such  
as voice mail or banking online. To add to call history or save to your phone  
book, you can be on a call or in standby mode. To send tones, you must be  
on a call.  
To access the scratchpad  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
for Features.  
3. Press  
for Scratchpad.  
4. Enter numbers.  
5. Press  
6. Press:  
to AddToHist; the number is added to call history.  
to Save to your phone book (see Saving entries, page 18).  
to Send Tones; the tones are immediately sent over the air.  
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Features Menu  
With this feature, you can set the baud rate when making data calls. The  
baud rate is the speed at which the phone communicates the data to or from  
the attached terminal equipment (for example, your computer or Palm™  
To set the baud rate:  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
for Features  
for Data.  
3. Press  
4. Scroll to select baud rate 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200.  
5. Press ok.  
See the QUALCOMM Globalstar packet data kit user documentation that  
comes with your data cable for more information on making data calls.  
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Call Information Menu  
The Call Information menu contains counters that allow you to track the  
number of calls and airtime for billing purposes.  
Last Call  
Last Call displays the duration of the last call in minutes and seconds. If  
Call History is empty, None” displays on the screen.  
To display last call information  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Call Information.  
for Last Call.  
Home Calls  
Home Calls displays the number and duration of all incoming and outgoing  
calls made in your home service area. You can reset this counter to zero (see  
Resetting call counters, page 33).  
To display home calls information  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Call Information.  
for Home Calls.  
Roam Calls  
Roam Calls displays the number and duration of roam calls. Roaming  
occurs when you move out of your home service area. You can reset this  
counter to zero (see Resetting call counters, page 33).  
To display roam calls information  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Call Information.  
for Roam Calls.  
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Call Information Menu  
Recent Calls  
Recent Calls displays the number and duration of calls made or received  
since resetting the counter. You can reset this counter to zero (see Resetting  
call counters, page 33).  
To display recent calls information  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Call Information.  
for RecentCall.  
Data Calls  
Data Calls displays the number of bytes received or transmitted and the  
duration of data calls made since resetting the counter.  
To display data calls information  
1. From standby mode, press  
for Call Information.  
for Data Calls.  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Scroll to view the number of bytes received or transmitted and the  
duration of the calls.  
5. Press  
See the QUALCOMM Globalstar packet data kit user documentation that  
comes with your data cable for more information on making data calls.  
All Calls  
All Calls displays the number and duration of all calls (both voice and data)  
for the lifetime of your phone. You cannot reset this counter.  
To display all calls information  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Call Information.  
for All Calls.  
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Call Information Menu  
Resetting call counters  
You can only reset the Home Calls, Roam Calls, Recent Calls, and Data  
Calls counters to zero. You can also undo the counter reset, but you must do  
it before you press  
ok, which confirms resetting the counter.  
To reset the counter to zero  
1. Press  
Not e  
After you press  
ok, you cannot undo the counter reset.  
2. Press  
To undo the counter reset  
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Call Information Menu  
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Security Menu  
Lock code  
When you access the Security menu for the first time, enter the lock code  
supplied by your satellite or cellular service provider. If you forget your lock  
code, contact your satellite or cellular service provider.  
Locking the phone  
You can lock the phone so that you can only make calls to priority numbers  
and emergency numbers and receive calls. There are no shortcuts for  
dialing emergency numbers or priority numbers when your phone is locked.  
All other functions are locked. To unlock the phone, use the lock code, the  
same one that you use to access the Security menu.  
To lock the phone  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
for Security and enter your lock code.  
for Lock Phone.  
3. Press  
4. Scroll to select one of these options:  
Never – The phone cannot be locked.  
Now – Immediately locks the phone for one time only.  
On Power Up – Locks the phone every time you turn the phone on.  
To unlock the phone  
1. Press  
2. Enter your lock code to return to the main menu. (Use the same lock  
code used to access the Security menu.)  
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Security Menu  
Restricting the phone  
When you restrict your phone, you can only make calls to emergency  
numbers, priority numbers, and phone book locations 1 to 9. You cannot  
make changes to the phone book when you restrict your phone.  
To restrict the phone  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
for Security and enter your lock code.  
for Restricted.  
3. Press  
4. Scroll to select one of these options:  
Yes – Make calls to emergency numbers, priority numbers, and  
phone book locations 1 to 9 only. There are no shortcuts for dialing  
emergency numbers or priority numbers unless you add them to  
your phone book.  
No – Make calls to any number.  
Entering a new lock code  
The lock code is used to access the Security menu and unlock your phone.  
Contact your satellite or cellular service provider for information about  
entering a new lock code.  
Entering priority numbers  
You can call priority numbers when the phone is locked or restricted. You  
can store up to three priority numbers (up to 32 digits each).  
To enter a priority number  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
for Security and enter your lock code.  
for Priority #.  
3. Press  
4. Scroll to Priority#1, Priority#2, or Priority#3.  
5. Press edit.  
6. Enter the phone number.  
7. Press  
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Security Menu  
Erasing call history list  
To erase the entire call history list  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
5. Press  
for Security and enter your lock code.  
for Erase Call.  
ok to erase the entire call history list, or press  
if you  
do not want to erase it.  
Erasing phone book entries  
To erase all entries in the phone book  
1. From standby mode, press  
for Security and enter your lock code.  
for Erase Book.  
ok to erase all entries in the phone book, or press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
5. Press  
you do not want to erase them.  
Erasing SMS messages  
You can erase all SMS (short message service) messages, which include all  
locked or unlocked text messages and all voice mail notification messages.  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
5. Press  
for Security and enter your lock code.  
for Erase SMS (short message service).  
ok to erase all messages, or press  
if you do not want  
to erase them.  
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Security Menu  
Resetting preferences  
You can reset all preferences to the original settings (defaults) that were  
previously set by your satellite or cellular service provider. These  
preferences include those described in Preferences Menu, page 39, with  
these exceptions:  
The banner is not reset.  
The Service Provider Preferred and Prohibited Lists are deleted (see  
Service Provider Select, page 52).  
The lock code is not reset.  
The phone book, call history, or SMS messages are not erased.  
To reset preferences  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
5. Press  
for Security and enter your lock code.  
for Reset Prefs.  
ok when prompted to reset all preferences.  
Entering PIN  
When making analog calls, your cellular service provider may support the  
use of your own PIN (personal identification number) for verification before  
connecting your call.  
If you want to be prompted for your PIN before making analog calls, set  
Send PIN accordingly (see Send PIN, page 49). Contact your cellular service  
provider for more information.  
Each PIN is associated with a different phone number, or NAM (number  
assignment module). When you enter a PIN, it becomes associated with the  
currently selected phone number, so be sure to select the appropriate phone  
number before entering your PIN.  
To enter your PIN  
1. Select the appropriate phone number (NAM) (see NAM Select,  
page 57).  
2. From standby mode, press  
3. Press  
for Security and enter your lock code.  
for Enter PIN.  
4. Press  
5. Enter the four-digit PIN.  
6. Press  
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Preferences Menu  
You can set ringer type, ringer volume, earpiece volume, key beep sound,  
key beep volume, key beep length, and mute stereo.  
Ringer Type  
You can change the ringer for incoming calls to one of eight different rings  
or songs.  
To set the ringer type  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Sounds.  
for Ringer Type.  
5. Scroll to select the ringer type or song.  
6. Press ok.  
Ringer Volume  
Do one of the following from standby mode:  
Press the volume buttons.  
Press menu.  
for Preferences.  
for Sounds.  
for Ringer Vol.  
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Preferences Menu  
Scroll to select the volume level from 1 (lowest) to 9 (highest) or  
Silent to turn the ringer off. While in standby mode, -Ringer Off-”  
alternates on the screen with the time.  
To silence the ringer when receiving a call  
Earpiece Volume  
You can adjust the earpiece volume to one that is comfortable for you. You  
can adjust the volume while on a call or from standby mode. If you are using  
the car kit, this feature adjusts the speaker volume or the privacy handset  
volume, depending on which one you use.  
To adjust the earpiece volume  
While on a call, press the volume buttons.  
From standby mode:  
a. Press  
b. Press  
c. Press  
d. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Sounds.  
for EarpiecVol.  
e. Scroll to select the volume level from 1 (lowest) to 9 (highest).  
f. Press ok.  
Key Beep Sound  
You can set the key beep, the sound you hear when pressing the keys, to  
either a tone or a click.  
To adjust the key beep sound  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Sounds.  
for KeyBeepSound.  
5. Scroll to select tone” or click.”  
Not e  
If you select click” and you are on a call, keys pressed for voice  
mail sound as tones.” Other keys pressed in menus sound as  
6. Press  
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Preferences Menu  
Key Beep Volume  
You can adjust the volume of the key beep, the sound you hear when  
pressing the keys.  
To adjust the key beep volume  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Sounds.  
for KeyBeepVol.  
5. Scroll to select the volume level from 1 (lowest) to 9 (highest) or Silent  
to turn the key beep off.  
6. Press  
Key Beep Length  
You can set the length of the key beep, the sound you hear when pressing  
the keys. The standard key beep is short and fixed in length. The custom  
key beep sounds as long as you press a key.  
Using the standard key beep setting is recommended unless a service or  
device, such as an answering machine, requires a custom key beep.  
Not e  
In analog mode, the key beep length affects the DTMF tones used  
for sending tones over the network for automated phone services,  
such as voice mail or online banking. Select the appropriate key  
beep length before sending tones (see Sending tones, page 21).  
To set the key beep length  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Sounds.  
for KeyBeepLen.  
5. Scroll to select one of the following:  
Standard – Key beep is short and fixed in length.  
Custom – Key beep sounds as long as you press a key.  
6. Press  
Mute Stereo  
To use this feature, the car kit mute line must be connected to the stereo  
mute line. (Contact your service provider or car kit installer for more  
information on implementing this in your vehicle.) While using the car kit,  
you can set this feature to automatically mute the stereo in your vehicle so  
you cannot hear it. This occurs when you receive incoming calls or press  
when making calls.  
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Preferences Menu  
To mute the stereo  
1. Be sure that the car kit mute line is connected to the stereo mute line.  
2. From standby mode, press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
5. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Sounds.  
for Mute Stereo.  
6. Scroll to select yes” or no.”  
7. Press  
You can set the backlight, edit the banner, display the time, set the auto  
hyphen feature, and set the Globalstar time zone.  
You can set the screen and keypad backlighting to maximize battery life.  
To set the backlight  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Display.  
for Backlight.  
5. Scroll to select one of the following:  
Always Off – The backlight is always off, which significantly  
increases battery life.  
7 Seconds – Turns the backlight off 7 seconds after the last key  
15 Seconds – Turns the backlight off 15 seconds after the last key  
30 Seconds – Turns the backlight off 30 seconds after the last key  
Always On – The backlight is always on, which significantly  
decreases battery life.  
6. Press  
To turn the backlight on  
Press any key.  
Not e  
If this feature is set to Always Off,” pressing any key does not  
turn the backlight on. You must select a different setting.  
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Preferences Menu  
You can enter a banner or personal greeting (up to 12 characters), such as  
a company name or a personal reminder. The banner displays when you  
turn the phone on.  
To edit the banner  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
5. Press  
6. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Display.  
for Banner.  
edit. See Entering numbers, page 12.  
ok to confirm banner changes.  
7. Do one of the following:  
ok to return to standby mode.  
edit to change the banner.  
Auto Hyphens  
You can use this feature to automatically insert hyphens when you enter  
phone numbers. As the following example shows, hyphens are inserted  
automatically when numbers are entered:  
# – ### – ### – ####  
You can also manually enter hyphens (see Manual Hyphens, page 43).  
To set auto hyphen  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Display.  
for AutoHyphen.  
5. Scroll to select yes” or no.”  
6. Press ok.  
Manual Hyphens  
You can manually enter hyphens from standby mode or when editing phone  
numbers in the phone book. You can also set Auto Hyphen to on” so that  
hyphens are automatically entered (see Auto Hyphens, page 43). Each  
hyphen counts as one character.  
To manually enter a hyphen  
1. Press  
and the following displays on the screen:  
2. Press  
to display a hyphen on the screen.  
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Preferences Menu  
Show Time  
You can set the time format using this feature. Initially, while in Globalstar  
satellite mode, UTC (universal coordinated time) displays. While in digital  
or analog mode, local time displays where available. To change the time  
zone that is used to display time while in Globalstar satellite mode, see  
Globalstar Time Zone, page 44.  
To set the time format  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Display.  
for Show Time.  
5. Scroll to select one of the following:  
12 hour – Time displays in 12-hour format  
24 hour – Time displays in 24-hour format  
UTC (universal coordinated time) – 24-hour time scale maintained  
by the Bureau International de LHeure  
Off – Time does not display  
6. Press  
Globalstar Time Zone  
When in Globalstar satellite mode, this feature allows you to select the  
display of a different time zone instead of UTC (universal coordinated time)  
time. The time zone remains selected until you change it and is only valid  
for Globalstar satellite mode. You can also choose UTC plus or minus any  
hour if your time zone is unavailable.  
The time zones for selection include the following:  
European GMT  
Greenwich Mean Time  
British Summer Time  
Irish Summer Time  
Western Europe Time  
same as UTC  
UTC + 1 hour  
UTC + 1 hour  
same as UTC  
UTC + 1 hour  
UTC + 1 hour  
UTC + 2 hours  
UTC + 2 hours  
UTC + 3 hours  
UTC + 3 hours  
UTC + 4 hours  
WEST Western Europe Summer Time  
CET Central Europe Time  
CEST Central Europe Summer Time  
EET Eastern Europe Time  
EEST Eastern Europe Summer Time  
Moscow Time  
Moscow Summer Time  
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Preferences Menu  
U.S. and  
Atlantic Standard Time  
UTC – 4 hours  
Atlantic Daylight Saving Time  
Eastern Standard Time  
UTC – 3 hours  
UTC – 5 hours  
UTC – 4 hours  
UTC – 6 hours  
UTC – 5 hours  
UTC – 7 hours  
Eastern Daylight Saving Time  
Central Standard Time  
Central Daylight Saving Time  
Mountain Standard Time  
Mountain Daylight Saving Time UTC – 6 hours  
Pacific Standard Time  
UTC – 8 hours  
UTC – 7 hours  
UTC – 10 hours  
UTC – 9 hours  
UTC – 8 hours  
Pacific Daylight Saving Time  
Hawaiian Standard Time  
AKST Alaska Standard Time  
AKDT Alaska Daylight Saving Time  
To select a different time zone  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Display.  
for G* TimeZone.  
5. Scroll to select the appropriate time zone.  
6. Press  
SMS Time  
With this feature, you can adjust the time stamp displayed for SMS  
messages (probably UTC, or universal coordinated time) to one you select  
with the Globalstar Time Zone feature.  
To set the SMS time stamp  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Display.  
for SMS Time.  
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Preferences Menu  
5. Scroll to select one of the following:  
As received – Time displays as received, probably in UTC format  
Adjust – Adjusts one selected under Globalstar Time Zone (see  
Globalstar Time Zone, page 44)  
6. Press  
You can select the language displayed on your phones screen.  
To set the language  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Display.  
for Language.  
5. Scroll to select English, Español, Français, or Português.  
6. Press  
For your convenience, you can set alerts that sound a tone.  
The fade alert sounds a tone when any network drops a call.  
To set the fade alert  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Alerts.  
for Fade.  
5. Scroll to select onor “off.”  
6. Press  
The minute alert sounds a tone ten seconds before the end of every minute.  
To set the minute alert  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Alerts.  
for Minute.  
5. Scroll to select onor “off.”  
6. Press  
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Preferences Menu  
Service Change  
This alert sounds a tone and displays a message when the phone enters or  
leaves service.  
To set the service change alert  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Alerts.  
for Service.  
5. Scroll to select onor “off.”  
6. Press ok.  
New Message  
The new message alert sounds a tone when you receive a new text message  
or voice mail notification.  
To set the new message alert  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Alerts.  
for New Message.  
5. Scroll to select one of the following:  
Off – Phone does not sound a beep when a new message is received  
Once – Phone sounds one beep when a new message is received  
Periodic – Phone sounds a beep periodically when a new message  
is received until you retrieve the message by pressing  
6. Press  
You can set the Calling features to automatically answer the phone or  
redial a busy number. You can also set one-touch dial or any-key answer to  
Auto Answer  
You can set the number of times the phone rings before it automatically  
answers a call. If you use this feature, your phones ringer is automatically  
set to Standard.  
To set auto answer  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Calling.  
for AutoAnswer.  
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Preferences Menu  
5. Scroll to select one of the following:  
Off – Phone does not automatically answer  
After 1 ring – Phone automatically answers after 1 ring  
After 2 rings – Phone automatically answers after 2 rings  
Car kit only 1 ring – Phone automatically answers when installed  
in the car kit after 1 ring  
Car kit only 2 rings – Phone automatically answers when installed  
in the car kit after 2 rings  
6. Press  
ok. If you select an option other than off,” the message  
“-Auto Answer-” alternates on the screen with the time while in  
standby mode.  
Auto Redial  
You can use this feature to set the time interval in which the phone  
automatically redials a number when the network is busy or unavailable,  
but not when the phone line is busy. While the phone is in standby mode,  
the phone automatically redials at that interval until the call connects or  
you press  
. If you change service, auto redial stops.  
To set auto redial  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Calling.  
for Auto Redial.  
5. Scroll to select one of the following:  
Off – Do not automatically redial  
Every 10 seconds – Automatically redial every 10 seconds  
Every 30 seconds – Automatically redial every 30 seconds  
Every 60 seconds – Automatically redial every 60 seconds  
6. Press  
One-Touch Dial  
If you set one-touch dial to on,” you can dial any of the 99 phone book  
location numbers without pressing  
To set one-touch dial  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Calling.  
for One-Touch Dial.  
5. Scroll to select yes” or no.”  
6. Press ok.  
See One-touch dialing, page 22, for more information.  
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Preferences Menu  
Any-Key Answer  
With this feature, you can press any key to answer an incoming call while  
in standby mode, except  
to answer calls.  
. If this feature is not set to yes,” press  
To set any-key answer  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Calling.  
for AnyKeyAnsw.  
5. Scroll to select yes” or no.”  
6. Press  
Send PIN  
If your cellular service provider supports this feature, you can use a PIN  
(personal identification number) for verification before connecting analog  
To enter your own PIN, see Entering PIN, page 38. Contact your cellular  
service provider for more information.  
Each PIN is associated with a different NAM (number assignment module),  
or phone number. When you enter a PIN, it becomes associated with the  
currently selected NAM, so be sure to select the appropriate NAM before  
setting Send PIN (see NAM Select, page 57).  
To set Send PIN  
1. From standby mode, press  
Not e  
Be sure to select the appropriate NAM before setting Send PIN  
(see NAM Select, page 57).  
2. Press  
for Preferences.  
for Calling.  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Send PIN.  
5. Scroll to select one of the following:  
Never – Does not prompt you for or send a PIN  
Prompt – Prompts you for a PIN after you enter the phone number  
6. Press  
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Preferences Menu  
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System Menu  
When your phone is in Globalstar satellite mode, this feature provides  
status for the state of the phones Globalstar satellite antenna, car kit,  
security module, battery, memory, lock, and self-test:  
J Indicates a good condition or ready for use  
L Indicates a faulty condition or not ready for use  
Indicates not in use  
To access status information  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
for System.  
for Status:  
3. Press  
Antenna Up – If J displays, the Globalstar satellite antenna is  
rotated properly. If the antenna is rotated and L displays, contact  
your satellite service provider.  
Car Kit – If J displays, the car kit is operating properly. If L  
displays, reconnect the phone in the cradle or contact the  
installation technician.  
Battery – If J displays, the battery is installed properly. If L  
displays, remove and replace your battery or contact your satellite  
service provider.  
Security – If J displays, the valid security module is inserted  
properly. (There may be a brief delay in displaying J.) If L  
displays, contact your satellite service provider.  
Memory – If J displays, there is enough available phone memory.  
If L displays, delete text messages and voice mail notifications.  
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System Menu  
Unlocked – If J displays, the satellite or cellular service provider  
has not locked your phone. If L displays, contact your service  
Self-test – If J displays, the phone has made a successful self-test.  
If L displays, contact your satellite or cellular service provider.  
4. Press  
Find Home  
With this feature, you can quickly find your home satellite service provider.  
The phone disconnects and attempts to find your home satellite service  
provider, if available. If not, the phone attempts to find service based on  
your Auto Mode selection (see Auto Mode, page 56). This feature is helpful  
if you want to stop roaming.  
To force the phone to find home  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for System.  
for Find Home.  
This feature displays the version number of the software installed on your  
To display the software version number  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
for System.  
for Version.  
3. Press  
4. Scroll to read the information.  
5. Press or  
Service Provider Select  
This feature allows you to select satellite service providers and force service  
provider selection. Three lists are used to select satellite service providers:  
Known List – Shows all of the known satellite service providers that  
you can add to the Preferred or Prohibited Lists. This list is  
programmed by the satellite service provider. New satellite service  
providers are automatically added as they become available.  
Preferred List – Shows your preferred order of priority for satellite  
service providers. Always shows the home satellite service provider  
highlighted first on the screen. The number to the left of the satellite  
service provider name identifies the order of priority.  
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System Menu  
Prohibited List – Shows the satellite service providers in alphabetical  
order that you choose not to use. You cannot add the home satellite  
service provider to this list.  
Not e  
You cannot add or delete your home service provider from any  
When you look at the Known List, satellite service providers you have  
placed on other lists display as follows:  
Satellite service providers placed on the Preferred List are highlighted.  
Satellite service providers placed on the Prohibited List are crossed  
Satellite service providers placed on both the Preferred and Prohibited  
Lists are highlighted and crossed out.  
Registering phone  
Registration means your phone is looking for service and obtains service  
after network approval. If the service change alert is set to on,” the alert  
sounds a tone and displays a menu when the phone enters or leaves service.  
(See Service Change, page 47.) After your phone is registered and an  
displays on the screen, press  
current phone number.  
for service provider information and the  
Changes made to the Preferred or Prohibited Lists do not take effect until  
the phone is registered again with the network. To register the phone, do  
one of the following:  
Turn the phone on and off  
Find your home satellite service provider (see Find Home, page 52)  
Force service provider selection (see Force Service Provider Selection,  
page 55)  
If you add the currently registered satellite service provider to the  
Prohibited List, the phone will automatically reregister.  
Viewing lists  
To view the Known, Preferred, or Prohibited Lists  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
for System.  
for SP (service provider) Select.  
for Known List, for Prefr List, or  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for Prohb  
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System Menu  
5. Press  
view to display the satellite service providers MCC (mobile  
country code) and MNC (mobile network code).  
If the satellite service provider is on the Preferred List, the  
preferred location number displays (Pref Loc).  
If the satellite service provider is on the Prohibited List, yes”  
displays (Prohib).  
If the satellite service provider is on both the Preferred and the  
Prohibited Lists, the preferred location number and yes” displays.  
6. Press  
Adding to lists  
To add to the Preferred or Prohibited Lists  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for System.  
for SP (service provider) Select.  
for Known List.  
5. Scroll to select a satellite service provider.  
6. Press  
7. Press  
8. Press  
for Preferred or  
for Prohibited.  
9. Reregister your phone (see Registering phone, page 53).  
Editing lists  
To edit (reorder or delete) from the Preferred List  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for System.  
for SP (service provider) Select.  
for Prefr List.  
5. Scroll to select a satellite service provider.  
6. Press edit.  
7. Do one of the following:  
provider to a new position, and press  
Press for Delete, and press  
satellite service provider from the list.  
8. Press ok.  
for Reorder, scroll to move the selected satellite service  
ok to delete the selected  
9. Reregister your phone (see Registering phone, page 53).  
Erasing from Prohibited List  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
for System.  
for SP (service provider) Select.  
3. Press  
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System Menu  
4. Press  
for Prohb List.  
5. Scroll to select a satellite service provider.  
6. Press  
7. Press  
8. Reregister your phone (see Registering phone, page 53).  
Force Service Provider Selection  
This feature forces the phone to register with a satellite service provider in  
the following order of priority:  
1. The phone attempts to register with your home satellite service  
2. The phone attempts to register with satellite service providers on the  
Preferred List.  
3. The phone attempts to register with satellite service providers on the  
Known List.  
To force satellite service provider selection  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
5. Press  
for System.  
for SP (service provider) Select.  
for Force SPS (service provider selection).  
Service Provider  
To display the current satellite service provider’s name  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for System.  
for SrvcPrvder.  
This feature displays the current satellite service providers MCC (mobile  
country code) and MNC (mobile network code).  
To display the territory information  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for System.  
for Territory.  
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System Menu  
Manual Mode  
The phone operates in Globalstar satellite, digital, or analog mode. You can  
manually select one of these modes or select auto mode by using this  
feature. Auto mode means that the phone automatically selects a mode  
based on your auto mode setting (see Auto Mode, page 56).  
The mode you select remains selected until you turn the phone off, and then  
it resets to your auto mode setting. If one of the modes is currently  
unavailable, it will not display on the screen.  
To manually select a mode  
1. Shortcut: From standby mode, press and hold  
. The following  
2. Press:  
to select Auto Mode. The message Initiating Automatic  
System Acquisition” displays.  
for Globalstar satellite mode. The message Initiating  
Globalstar System Acquisition” displays.  
for Digital mode. The message Initiating Digital System  
Acquisition” displays.  
for Analog mode. The message Initiating Analog System  
Acquisition” displays.  
Auto Mode  
You can set each phone number (or NAM) to automatically look for service  
using one or more modes in the order of priority that you specify:  
GStar only – Look for Globalstar satellite service only.  
Cell only – Look for cellular service only. For cellular service (cell only),  
you choose between digital or analog using the Cell Pref menu.  
GStar Pref – Attempt to look for Globalstar satellite service first and  
cellular service last.  
Cell Pref – Attempt to look for cellular service first and Globalstar  
satellite service last.  
To set auto mode  
1. Select the appropriate NAM (see NAM Select, page 57).  
2. From standby mode, press  
3. Press  
for System.  
4. Press  
for Auto Mode  
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System Menu  
5. Scroll to select one of the following:  
GStar Only – Look for Globalstar satellite service only. Press  
ok, and the phone returns to standby mode.  
Cell Only – Look for cellular service only. Press  
Cell Pref menu displays. Go to Step 6.  
ok, and the  
GStar Pref – Look for Globalstar satellite service first and either  
digital or analog mode last. Press  
displays. Go to Step 6.  
ok, and the Cell Pref menu  
Cell Pref – Look for cellular service first and Globalstar last. Press  
ok, and the Cell Pref menu displays. Go to Step 6.  
6. If the Cell Pref menu displays, scroll to select one of the following:  
Analg Only – Prefer analog service only  
Digtl Only – Prefer digital service only  
Digtl Pref – Prefer digital service over analog  
Analg Pref – Prefer analog service over digital  
7. Press  
NAM Select  
The phone allows one Globalstar NAM (number assignment module), or  
phone number, and two different cellular-only NAMs. The NAMs are  
entered into the phone by your service providers. (See My Numbers,  
page 58, to display the NAMs entered.)  
Before making or receiving calls, you must activate a NAM, but only one  
can be active at a time. With this feature, you can access these options:  
Auto NAM – Automatically switches NAMs, if appropriate, during  
system searches to look for home area service.  
Set NAM – Manually sets the NAM.  
Set System – Sets your system preference for each NAM. Set System  
only affects cellular service. It does not affect Globalstar service.  
Your service provider can configure the Globalstar NAM for both Globalstar  
and cellular service (digital and analog). In Globalstar mode, the phone  
always uses the Globalstar NAM. In cellular mode, the phone uses the  
selected cellular NAM (NAM1, NAM2, or G*NAM).  
To set Auto NAM  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for System.  
for NAM Select.  
for Auto NAM.  
5. Scroll to select yes” or no.”  
6. Press ok.  
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System Menu  
To set the NAM  
1. From standby mode with Auto NAM set to no,” press  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for System.  
for NAM Select.  
for Set NAM.  
5. Scroll to select the NAM.  
6. Press ok.  
To set the system  
1. Select the appropriate NAM (see NAM Select, page 57).  
2. From standby mode, press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
5. Press  
for System.  
for NAM Select.  
for Set System.  
6. Scroll to select one of the following:  
Automatic – Use home system, but if not found use another system  
No Roaming – Use only the home system  
A only – Use cellular A” system only  
B only – Use cellular B” system only  
My Numbers  
You can display your three phone numbers (NAMs) and service provider  
name. (The NAMs are entered by your service provider. See NAM Select,  
page 57.)  
To display your three phone numbers  
1. From standby mode, press  
2. Press for My Numbers.  
3. Scroll to select one of the following:  
PhoneNo 1 – Displays cellular phone number  
PhoneNo 2 – Displays cellular phone number  
PhoneNo G* – Displays Globalstar satellite phone number  
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Battery Care and Maintenance  
Learn about battery care, battery charging, and battery removal and  
replacement in this section.  
The phone comes with a rechargeable battery that is located on the back of  
the phone:  
The following is typical battery performance:  
Service Mode  
Globalstar satellite  
Talk Time  
3.5 hours  
4.5 hours  
2.5 hours  
Standby Time  
9 hours  
72 hours  
14 hours  
Battery care and charging  
The battery charge level indicator is shown at the top right of the screen  
and ranges between four diagonal bars (full charge) to one bar (minimal  
charge). If the indicator has one blinking bar, the battery has no charge.  
Fully charge the battery immediately after purchasing the phone to  
maximize the talk and standby times. The battery does not need to be  
completely drained before you recharge it. See Low battery, page 60, for  
more information.  
Follow these guidelines for batteries:  
Only use QUALCOMM batteries and chargers designed for your phone.  
Do not use any other battery or charger. You cannot overcharge  
QUALCOMM batteries with QUALCOMM chargers.  
To maximize battery life, set the backlight option to off” (see  
Backlight, page 42).  
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Battery Care and Maintenance  
To prevent damage, do not charge the battery in temperatures less  
than +32 °F (0 °C) or greater than +104 °F (+40 °C). Do not use the  
battery in temperatures less than –4 °F (–20 °C) or greater than  
+140 °F (+60 °C).  
Do not use the battery charger in direct sunlight or in places with  
excessive humidity, such as a bathroom.  
Keep the metal contacts at the top end of the battery clean.  
Never dispose of the battery in a fire or trash compactor.  
Do not try to disassemble or short circuit the battery.  
Recharge the battery if the phone has not been used for several months.  
Do not store batteries in places where temperatures are below –22 °F  
(–30 °C) or above +140 °F (+60 °C).  
Battery chargers  
Charge the batteries with the AC wall charger, universal travel charger, or  
cigarette lighter adapter (see Accessories, page 67).  
Not e  
When using the AC wall charger, plug the charger into the power  
source first, and then into the phone.  
You can use the phone while charging the battery. However, it will charge  
more quickly if the phone is turned off. The battery does not need to be  
completely drained before you recharge it.  
The universal travel charger allows you to charge the battery while it is  
attached to the phone whether the phone is turned on or off. You can also  
charge another battery at the same time.  
After you connect the phone to one of the chargers, check the charging  
If the battery is charging, a message displays and the bars on the  
battery indicator flash in sequence.  
If the phone is turned off, a message displays on the screen when  
charging is complete.  
The typical charge time to 90% charge level for the universal travel charger,  
cigarette lighter adapter, or AC wall charger is 2-1/2 hours.  
Low battery  
The phone alerts you when the battery is low. To turn off the battery alert,  
set the ringer volume to zero (0).  
The battery indicator flashes.  
The phone beeps three times (if you are on a call, the phone continues  
to beep every minute).  
The message Low Battery! Recharge Battery Soon” displays on the  
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Battery Care and Maintenance  
If the battery level gets too low, the phone turns off and loses any function  
in progress. Before turning off, the phone alerts you with five beeps and the  
message Low Battery, Turning Off Phone Now” displays on the screen.  
Battery removal  
1. Turn the power off to avoid losing data.  
2. Press and hold the battery release latch in the direction of the arrow to  
release it from the phone.  
Battery replacement  
1. If a battery is already installed, turn the power off to prevent losing  
data and then remove the battery.  
2. Insert the new replacement battery by lining up the positioning tabs  
(see arrows) and rotating it into place.  
3. Press down on the battery until it locks.  
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Battery Care and Maintenance  
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Safety Information  
Learn the safety information for wireless handheld phones in this section.  
Exposure to radio frequency signals  
Your wireless handheld portable telephone is a low power radio transmitter  
and receiver. When it is ON, it receives and also sends out radio frequency  
(RF) signals.  
In August, 1996, the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) adopted  
RF exposure guidelines with safety levels for hand-held wireless phones.  
Those guidelines are consistent with the safety standards previously set by  
both U.S. and international standards bodies:  
ANSI C95.1 (1992)  
NCRP Report 86 (1986)  
ICNIRP (1996)  
Those standards were based on comprehensive and periodic evaluations of  
the relevant scientific literature. For example, over 120 scientists,  
engineers, and physicians from universities, government health agencies,  
and industry reviewed the available body of research to develop the ANSI  
Standard (C95.1).  
The design of your phone complies with the FCC guidelines (and those  
Antenna care  
Use only the supplied or an approved replacement antenna. Unauthorized  
antennas, modifications, or attachments could damage the phone and may  
violate FCC regulations.  
Phone operation  
Normal POSITION: Hold the phone as you would any other telephone  
with the antenna pointed up and over your shoulder.  
TIPS ON EFFICIENT OPERATION: For your phone to operate most  
Extend your antenna fully.  
Do not touch the antenna unnecessarily when the phone is in use.  
Contact with the antenna affects call quality and may cause the phone  
to operate at a higher power level than otherwise needed.  
1. American National Standards Institute  
2. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements  
3. International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection  
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Safety Information  
Check the laws and regulations on the use of wireless telephones in the  
areas where you drive. Always obey them. Also, if using your phone while  
driving, please:  
Give full attention to driving – driving safely is your first  
Use hands-free operation, if available;  
Pull off the road and park before making or answering a call if driving  
conditions so require.  
Electronic devices  
Most modern electronic equipment is shielded from RF signals. However,  
certain electronic equipment may not be shielded against the RF signals  
from your wireless phone.  
The Health Industry Manufacturers Association recommends that a  
minimum separation of six (6) inches be maintained between a handheld  
wireless phone and a pacemaker to avoid potential interference with the  
pacemaker. These recommendations are consistent with the independent  
research by and recommendations of Wireless Technology Research.  
Persons with pacemakers:  
Should ALWAYS keep the phone more than six inches from their  
pacemaker when the phone is turned ON;  
Should not carry the phone in a breast pocket;  
Should use the ear opposite the pacemaker to minimize the potential  
for interference.  
If you have any reason to suspect that interference is taking place, turn  
your phone OFF immediately.  
Hearing aids  
Some digital wireless phones may interfere with some hearing aids. In the  
event of such interference, you may want to consult your service provider.  
Other medical devices  
If you use any other personal medical device, consult the manufacturer of  
your device to determine if they are adequately shielded from external RF  
energy. Your physician may be able to assist you in obtaining this  
Turn your phone OFF in health care facilities when any regulations posted  
in these areas instruct you to do so. Hospitals or health care facilities may  
be using equipment that could be sensitive to external RF energy.  
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Safety Information  
RF signals may affect improperly installed or inadequately shielded  
electronic systems in motor vehicles. Check with the manufacturer or its  
representative regarding your vehicle. You should also consult the  
manufacturer of any equipment that has been added to your vehicle.  
Posted facilities  
Turn your phone OFF in any facility where posted notices so require.  
FCC regulations prohibit using your phone while in the air.  
Switch OFF your phone before boarding an aircraft.  
Blasting areas  
To avoid interfering with blasting operations, turn your phone OFF when  
in a “blasting area” or in areas posted: Turn off two-way radio. Obey all  
signs and instructions.  
Potentially explosive atmospheres  
Turn your phone OFF when in any area with a potentially explosive  
atmosphere and obey all signs and instructions. Sparks in such areas could  
cause an explosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or even death.  
Areas with a potentially explosive atmosphere are often but not always  
clearly marked. They include fueling areas such as gasoline stations; below  
deck on boats; fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities; vehicles using  
liquefied petroleum gas (such as propane or butane); areas where the air  
contains chemicals or particles, such as grain, dust, or metal powders; and  
any other area where you would normally be advised to turn off your vehicle  
For vehicles equipped with an air bag  
An air bag inflates with great force. DO NOT place objects, including both  
installed or portable wireless equipment, in the area over the air bag or in  
the air bag deployment area. If in-vehicle wireless equipment is improperly  
installed and the air bag inflates, serious injury could result.  
Battery care  
The phones battery stores a large amount of energy when fully charged. If  
the battery is punctured, crushed, severely overheated, or charged in a  
non-QUALCOMM charger, this energy can be released suddenly and result  
in potential injury. Do not overheat the battery by leaving it on a heater or  
in the sun, and do not dispose of the battery in a trash compactor or  
incinerator. Use only charging accessories manufactured by QUALCOMM,  
and discontinue use of the battery if it becomes damaged.  
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Safety Information  
Other safety issues  
In order to avoid the potential for confusing the phone as a weapon, the  
phone features a distinctive flame orange band at the tip of the antenna,  
which is a convention used by manufacturers of various devices and is  
familiar to safety officers in the country of manufacture and other  
countries. Do not remove or cover the band, and avoid using or handling  
the phone in a threatening manner or so as to suggest that the phone is a  
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The optional accessories described in this section are available from your  
satellite or cellular service provider.  
Ca u t ion  
Allow on ly a u t h or ized p er son n el t o ser vice t h e a ccessor ies.  
Un a u t h or ized ser vice ca n in va lid a t e th e w a r r a n ty.  
An extra battery allows you to have a charged battery available at all times.  
Leather case  
A leather case with a wrist strap protects your phone and provides carrying  
AC wall charger  
The North American and European version AC wall chargers supply power  
to the phone and fast charge the battery while it is attached to the phone.  
Both chargers operate at 110V and 220V.  
Universal travel charger  
The universal travel charger allows you to charge a battery attached to the  
phone. At the same time, you can charge a battery detached from the phone  
and installed in the universal travel charger. Three optional plugs are  
available to adapt the universal travel charger for use in different  
Cigarette lighter adapter  
The cigarette lighter adapter supports both U.S. and European vehicles.  
For European vehicles, insert the adapter into the sleeve.  
Plug the adapter into your vehicles cigarette lighter to supply power to the  
phone (with or without the battery attached). You can also fast charge the  
battery at the same time.  
Data cables  
Various data cables or adaptors are available that allow you to connect your  
phone directly to IBM® PC-compatible computers, Apple® Macintosh®  
computers, Palm™ handheld, or UNIX®-based computers. See the  
QUALCOMM Globalstar packet data kit user documentation that comes  
with your data cable for more information.  
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Hands-free car kit  
With the QUALCOMM Globalstar Hands-Free Car Kit, you can adapt your  
phone for hands-free operation in your vehicle. For more information, see  
the QUALCOMM Globalstar hands-free car kit user documentation.  
Ca u t ion  
Allow on ly a u th or ized p er son n el to in st a ll or ser vice t h e ca r k it.  
F a u lty in sta lla t ion or ser vice ca n b e d a n ger ou s a n d ca n  
in va lid a te th e w a r r a n t y.  
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If you have a problem with your phone that you cannot solve by following  
these troubleshooting tips, contact your satellite or cellular service  
provider. (You may have different service providers for Globalstar satellite  
service and cellular service.)  
Turning the phone on  
for more than one second.  
Check the battery installation.  
Recharge or replace the battery.  
Charging the battery  
Install only QUALCOMM batteries.  
Check that the battery contacts are  
clean and dry.  
Check the charger connection.  
If the battery does not charge at first,  
remove the charger plug from the  
phone, wait ten seconds, and then  
reinsert the plug.  
Check the battery temperature. If it is  
too warm, allow it to cool before  
recharging it.  
Replace the battery if it is several  
years old.  
Battery draining quickly  
Check that your Globalstar satellite  
antenna is pointing straight up and  
has a clear view of the sky to conserve  
battery life.  
Set the backlight option to off” (see  
Backlight, page 42).  
Replace the battery if it is several  
years old.  
Check the battery temperature. If  
temperatures are too warm or too cold,  
battery life is decreased.  
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Making calls  
Rotate or fully extend the appropriate  
In Globalstar satellite mode, be sure  
the satellite antenna has a clear view  
of the sky.  
Check that you selected the correct  
service mode:  
Globalstar: Press and hold  
display the mode menu, and press  
for Globalstar.  
Cellular: Press and hold  
display the mode menu, and press  
for Digital or for Analog.  
Remove all service providers from the  
Prohibited List (see Erasing from  
Prohibited List, page 54).  
If Service Not Found” displays, check  
the auto preference and mode  
selection settings (see Auto Mode,  
page 56, and Manual Mode, page 56).  
Check the signal strength indicator.  
Check that the security module is  
properly installed. If the security  
module was removed, turn the phone  
off and on.  
If Calling is Restricted” displays,  
check the Restrict Phone setting  
under the Security menu.  
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Receiving calls  
Check that the phone is turned on.  
Check that the ringer is loud enough.  
Rotate or fully extend the appropriate  
In Globalstar satellite mode, be sure  
that the satellite antenna has a clear  
view of the sky.  
Check that you selected the correct  
service mode:  
Globalstar: Press and hold  
display the mode menu, and press  
for Globalstar.  
Cellular: Press and hold  
display the mode menu, and press  
for Digital or for Analog.  
Remove all service providers from the  
Prohibited List (see Erasing from  
Prohibited List, page 54).  
Check the signal strength indicator.  
Check that the security module is  
properly installed. If the security  
module was removed, turn the phone  
off and on.  
Losing calls  
In Globalstar satellite mode, be sure  
that your satellite antenna is pointing  
straight up when placed next to your  
head and when using the keypad or  
viewing the screen.  
In Globalstar satellite mode, be sure  
that the satellite antenna has a clear  
view of the sky.  
Rotate or fully extend the appropriate  
Check the signal strength indicator.  
Remembering your lock code  
or PIN (personal  
identification number)  
Contact your satellite or cellular  
service provider for the lock code for  
the Security menu or phone lock  
Contact your cellular service provider  
for the PIN used to make analog calls.  
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AC wall charger 67  
accessories 67  
adaptors, data 67  
air bag safety 65  
alerts 46  
fade 46  
minute 46  
new message 47  
service change 47  
all calls 32  
call information menu 31  
caller ID 14  
analog mode indicator 9  
answering calls 5, 6  
antenna 10  
missed 6  
cellular 4  
safety 63  
satellite 2, 3  
redialing 13  
any-key answer 49  
auto answer 47  
auto hyphen  
pauses 18  
extending 4  
cellular mode 1, 56  
auto hyphens 43  
auto mode 56  
auto NAM 57  
backlight, settings 42  
banner 43  
charge indicator 59  
charge time 60  
charger indicator 9  
chargers 60  
undo resetting 33  
charging 59  
data cables 67  
decrease life 42  
guidelines 59  
increase life 42  
low charge 60  
removal 61  
making 5  
set baud rate 30  
replacement 61  
typical performance 59  
letters 17  
numbers 12  
digital mode indicator 9  
displaying phone number 6  
driving safety 64  
DTMF tones 21, 24  
call history  
accessing 23  
call types 23  
erasing 37  
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locked message 9  
earpiece volume 40  
banner 43  
letters 17  
numbers 12  
phone book entries 20  
electronic devices 64  
emergency calls 13  
encryption 9  
end key 16  
defined 8  
ending calls 6  
signal strength 9  
voice message 9  
information key 8, 10  
hyphens 43  
letters 17  
numbers 12  
pauses 18  
priority numbers 36  
punctuation 17  
spaces 17  
key beep length 41  
key beep sound 40  
all phone book entries 37  
all SMS messages 37  
call history list 37  
phone book entries 20  
language 46  
last call 31  
fade alert 46  
known 52  
preferred 52  
features menu 29  
key guard 29  
locking messages 27, 28  
locking phone 35  
scratchpad 29  
find home 52  
finding phone book entries 19  
force service provider selection 55  
Globalstar satellite mode 1, 56  
Globalstar time zone 44, 45  
main menu 16  
manual mode 56  
hands-free car kit 68  
hard pauses 18  
hearing aids 64  
home calls 31  
memory 27, 28  
text message 27  
entering automatically 43  
entering manually 43  
call history 23  
call information 31  
features 29  
messages 25  
my numbers 58  
phone book 17  
analog mode 9  
battery charge 9  
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preferences 39  
security 35  
system 51  
view or change secret entries 21  
phone lock 35  
messages 25  
call back numbers 27  
calling voice mail system 26  
erasing text 27  
locking 27, 28  
storing 27  
text 26  
unlocking 28  
alerts 46  
voice mail notifications 25  
messages menu 25  
minute alert 46  
calling 47  
cellular 1, 56  
display 42  
sounds 39  
power save 12  
satellite 1, 56  
standby 11  
mute phone 13  
mute stereo 41, 42  
my numbers 58  
deleting 54  
editing 54  
reordering 54  
viewing 53  
prohibited list 53  
adding 54  
NAM Select  
setting auto NAM 57  
setting NAM 58  
setting system 58  
navigating menus 16  
new message alert 47  
no service indicator 9  
deleting 12  
editing 12  
entering 12  
receiving calls 5  
manual 13  
one-touch dial  
setting 48  
using 22  
removing battery 61  
resetting call counters 33  
resetting preferences 38  
restricting phone 36  
ringer silencing 40  
ringer type 39  
one-touch dialing  
setting 48  
pacemakers 64  
pauses 18  
entering 18  
phone book  
editing entries 20  
erasing all entries 37  
erasing entries 20  
finding entries 19  
nonsecret entries 20  
ringer volume 39  
roam calls 31  
roaming 4, 52  
indicator 9  
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SMS messages  
SMS time 45  
software version 52  
standby time 59  
status 51  
air bags 65  
aircraft 65  
antenna 63  
blasting areas 65  
driving 64  
electronic devices 64  
explosive atmospheres 65  
hearing aids 64  
hospitals 64  
medical devices 64  
pacemakers 64  
radio frequency 63  
satellite antenna 2, 3, 10  
satellite calls  
making 4  
preparing for 2  
status 51  
satellite mode 1, 56  
satellite mode indicator 9  
saving menu changes 16  
scratchpad 29  
scroll arrows 9  
scroll keys 1, 8  
secret entries 20  
security menu 35  
enter PIN 38  
territory 55  
DTMF 21  
sending 21  
erase call history 37  
erase phone book 37  
erase SMS messages 37  
lock phone 35  
new code 36  
priority numbers 36  
resetting preferences 38  
restricted 36  
unlock phone 35  
security module 2, 10  
sending PIN 49  
sending tones 21  
call history 24  
manually 22  
phone book 22  
scratchpad 29  
universal travel charger 67  
unlocked message indicator 9  
unlocking messages 28  
unlocking phone 35  
service alert 47  
service provider  
accessing information 55  
force selection 55  
select 52  
show time 44  
signal strength indicator 9  
silence ringer 40  
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version 52  
voice mail 26  
voice mail notifications 25  
voice message indicator 9  
voice messages 25  
volume buttons 8  
wall charger 67  
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