Polaroid Scanner SprintScan 45 User Manual

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3 Ca re a n d m a in t e n a n c e  
Limited One Year Equipment Warranty  
Polaroid Offices and Service Centers  
Radio and television interference  
Ap p e n d ix A: S p e c ific a t io n s  
In d e x  
© Copyright 1996 Polaroid Corporation  
All rights reserved.  
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Quick Scanning Guide  
Use this guide as a quick reference for scanning. For details,  
see the pages indicated.  
S e e p a g e :  
1 Install a SCSI host adapter card in your computer  
(PC-compatibles only).  
2 Change the SCSI ID number of the scanner, if necessary. The  
factory setting is 5.  
3 With all equipment turned off, connect the scanner to your  
computer using the SCSI cable provided. If the scanner is the  
last device in the chain, use a terminator at the scanner.  
4 Plug the power cable into the scanner and into a grounded  
power outlet.  
5 Turn on the scanner, then your computer.  
6 Install the software according to the software manual.  
7 To scan an image, place the transparency or negative in one of  
the carriers, using an adapter for formats smaller than 4x5  
8 Lift the carrier access door and insert the loaded carrier into  
the front slot.  
9 Initiate the scan from the software (see the software manual).  
When the scan is complete, pull out the carrier. Remove the  
original transparency or negative, and store it properly.  
Quick Scanning Guide  
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1 Introduction  
The Polaroid SprintScan 45 multi-format film scanner allows  
you to capture and convert film images into electronic files  
that you can edit and incorporate into your documents and  
presentations. The scanner can be connected to a Macintosh  
computer, or an IBM-compatible computer with a SCSI host  
adapter installed (see page 2-6).  
For Macintosh users, the SprintScan 45 is shipped with a soft-  
ware plug-in that allows you to acquire images in any Adobe  
PhotoShop plug-in compliant application, then edit and print  
them from within the application. For users of the Windows  
operating system, the SprintScan 45 is shipped with a Micro-  
soft Windows 95-compliant 16-bit driver. For information on  
installing and using the software, see the software manual.  
The scanner can accommodate 4x5, 2 /4 x 2 /4, 2 /4 x 2 /4,  
and 35mm film formats. In the 35mm format size, up to four  
images can be scanned at once. The unit can operate at volt-  
ages from 100V to 240V.  
The SprintScan 45 scanner captures images at 12 bits per  
color channel and converts that image data into 24-bit color  
images with over 16 million colors. It features multiple scan-  
ning modes, error-detection and self-diagnostic capability.  
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S c a n n in g m o d e s  
The digitized images can contain up to 4000 dpi (dots per  
inch) of image information. Color is achieved with a tri-color  
CCD in combination with a cold cathode fluorescent light  
source. Two modes are available:  
• 8-bit mode: Each dot can be represented by an 8-bit RGB  
code per color, resulting in 256 levels of gray, or 16.7 million  
colors. The original is scanned at 12-bits per channel, and the  
results are optimized to 8-bits per channel to produce a 24-bit  
RGB image.  
• 12-bit mode: Each dot can be represented by a 12-bit code  
per color, resulting in 4096 levels of gray or 68.7 billion RGB  
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System requirements  
Ma c in t o s h s ys t e m s  
• A Macintosh Quadra or PowerPC computer.  
• System 7.1 or higher is required; System 7.5 is recommended.  
• 16MB of RAM is required; 32MB or more of RAM is recom-  
• An 8-bit (or better) color monitor is required; a 24-bit color  
monitor is recommended.  
• At least 20MB of free hard disk space is required; a 2GB hard  
disk is recommended.  
• A removable storage device is recommended.  
P C s ys t e m s  
Microsoft Windows 3.1 (DOS 5.0) or higher, or Windows 95  
operating systems.  
• A PC with a 386SX, 25MHz or better microprocessor is  
required; an Intel Pentium microprocessor is recommended.  
• 16MB of RAM is required; 32MB or more of RAM is recom-  
• An 8-bit color monitor is required; a 24-bit color monitor is  
• At least 20MB of free disk space is required; a 2GB hard disk  
is recommended.  
• A removable storage device is recommended.  
• An ASPI-compliant SCSI-2 interface board (not included)  
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Technical Support  
Ha rd w a re s u p p o rt  
If you need additional help with your Polaroid SprintScan 45  
scanner, call us toll-free from within the continental United  
States at 1-800-432-5355, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to  
8 p.m., Eastern Time. We offer a variety of Customer Support  
Services; call us for details and applicable fees. You may also  
write to Electronic Imaging Technical Support, Polaroid  
Corporation, 565 Technology Square 3B, Cambridge, MA  
02139. In Canada, call toll free at 1-800-268-6970. Outside  
the U.S.A. and Canada, please consult the Polaroid office  
nearest you (see pages 3-4–3-5).  
S o ft w a re s u p p o rt  
If you need additional help with your application software,  
please contact the manufacturer of the software.  
Registration card  
Be sure to fill out and mail your registration card. As a regis-  
tered owner, youll receive information about software  
updates and about the availability of new scanning products  
from Polaroid.  
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The SprintScan 45 scanner is a precision instrument. Handle it  
as carefully as you do your hard drive. Save the protective  
packing materials and carton in case you need to move or ship  
the scanner.  
If you are missing any of the following components, contact  
your dealer immediately.  
a Scanner  
b Power cable  
c This manual  
d Pass-through terminator  
e SCSI cable (25-pin to 50-pin)  
f Film carrier for 4x5 film  
g Adapter for 120 film, 2 /4 x 2 /4 in.  
h Adapter for single 35mm slide (spacer shown on page 2-2)  
i Adapter for 120 film, 2 /4 x 2 /4 in.  
j Four-slide film carrier  
k Two magnets for 120 film (shown on page 2-2)  
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2 Setup and use  
The scanner and accessories  
a Power/Ready indicator lights  
b Film carrier slot  
c Carrier access door  
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Re a r p a n e l  
a Air intake  
d Power connector  
b SCSI ID switch  
c Power switch  
e SCSI connectors (25, 50)  
Ac c e s s o rie s  
a 4x5 carrier  
e Magnets for c and d  
Four-slide film carrier  
f Single 35mm slide adapter  
c 2 /4 x 2 /4 in. film adapter g 35mm slide spacer  
d 2 /4 x 2 /4 in. film adapter  
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Positioning the scanner  
Place the scanner on a flat, stable surface, free of vibration.  
Leave at least 2 inches (50mm) of space around all sides and  
the top of the scanner for adequate ventilation, and leave  
room at the back to reach the power switch on the rear panel.  
Ca u t io n : As with any highly sensitive optical equipment,  
vibrations or bumping the scanner during use may result in  
picture defects. Locate the unit where it will not be disturbed  
during use.  
SCSI guidelines  
Ab o u t S CS I c h a in s  
The SCSI system uses special cables and termination to achieve  
communication between the computer and peripheral devices.  
To function properly, the combined length of the entire cable  
system must not exceed 19 1/2 feet (6 meters) and must include  
the appropriate number of terminators. Termination maintains  
the clarity of the SCSI signal along the chain of devices. A  
SCSI chain must always be terminated at both ends. Incorrect  
termination can permanently damage the computer, scanner,  
or any other device along the SCSI chain. Refer to the following  
guidelines and diagrams for more information.  
Te rm in a t io n  
The SCSI chain must be terminated at both ends of the chain.  
The beginning of the chain is typically the computer. Most  
Macintosh computers include a hard disk which is internally  
terminated. (If your computer does not include an internally-  
terminated hard disk, you must place an external terminator  
on the first device after the computer, between the device and  
the SCSI cable to the computer.)  
Intermediate devices in the chain should not be terminated. If  
you have an internally-terminated device, place it at the end of  
the chain. (Check the manual for the device to determine if it  
is internally terminated or not.) If none of your devices are  
internally terminated, place an external terminator on the last  
Setup and use  
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The SprintScan 45 scanner is unterminated. If it is the last  
device in the chain, add a terminator. See the illustrations on  
pages 2-9–2-10.  
P o w e rb o o k n o t e : According to Apple Computer, even  
though this computer has an internal hard disk, you should  
treat it as an unterminated device. This means that you must  
have two terminators on the SCSI chain. Apple also advises  
that if you have only one device connected to a Powerbook,  
you must have two terminators on this one device. Refer to  
the documentation included with your PowerBook.  
Co n n e c t io n t ip s  
• Always make SCSI connections firmly, connecting the clips or  
tightening the screws that secure cables and terminators. Most  
problems with SCSI devices are connection problems along  
the SCSI chain.  
• The SprintScan 45 scanner has two SCSI connectors; one has  
50 pins and one has 25. A SCSI cable can be connected to  
either port without affecting the performance of your equip-  
• Each device on a SCSI chain must have a unique SCSI ID  
number. These numbers are described in the following  
• If a 50-to-50 pin cable is required, be sure to use a cable  
which meets the SCSI-2 specification, such as an Apple cable.  
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SCSI ID numbers  
Each device on a SCSI chain must have a unique SCSI ID  
number from 0 to 6. The Apple Macintosh always uses SCSI  
ID number 7. The Macintosh internal hard drive usually uses  
SCSI ID number 0 or 1. Th e S p rin t S c a n 4 5 s c a n n e r is s e t  
a t t h e fa c t o ry t o S CS I ID n u m b e r 5 . If this number con-  
flicts with your hard drive or any other device on your SCSI  
chain, you must change either the SCSI ID number of the  
scanner or the SCSI ID number of the other device. Valid SCSI  
ID numbers are from 0 to 6.  
Ch a n g in g t h e S CS I ID  
o f t h e s c a n n e r  
The scanner is shipped with the SCSI ID number set to 5.  
To change the ID number, do the following:  
1 Turn the scanner off and disconnect it from your computer  
and all other SCSI devices.  
2 Locate the SCSI ID switch on the back of the scanner (picture  
1). Pressing the button marked (-) or (+) above and below the  
switch, change the number to an ID number that is unique  
from other numbers in the chain, from 0 to 6.  
3 The new number will take effect the next time the scanner is  
turned on.  
Setup and use  
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Installing a SCSI adapter in a PC  
If you are using a PC-compatible computer, you must have a  
SCSI host adapter installed in your computer for connection  
to the scanner. We recommend an Adaptec SCSI host  
adapter. Before connection, be sure the settings are correct;  
check the documentation for your adapter. The SprintScan 45  
scanner is compatible with most Windows ASPI-supported  
adapters (such as Adaptec).  
For detailed information about installing the card, refer to the  
instructions provided with your adapter card.  
Connecting the scanner to your computer  
1 Turn off your computer, and then turn off the scanner.  
2 Connect the 25-pin end of the data cable to the SCSI port on  
the back of your computer and the 50-pin end to the 50-pin  
port on the back of the scanner (picture 2).  
Wa rn in g : Use only the cable supplied with the scanner.  
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The second port (25-pin) can be used to connect another SCSI  
device to the chain, using another SCSI cable.  
3 Terminate the signal at the last device in the chain. If the scan-  
ner is the last device, connect the terminator provided to the  
50-pin port. Then connect the SCSI cable to the terminator  
(picture 3). Be certain to use only SCSI-specified cables for all  
connections in the chain. For details, see pages 2-8–2-9.  
The diagrams on the following pages will serve as a reference  
to correct SCSI connections for various system configurations.  
4 Change the SCSI address of the scanner, if necessary, by press-  
ing the button marked (-) or (+) above and below the switch;  
see page 2-5 for details.  
Setup and use  
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Diagrams of various SCSI configurations  
The following diagrams illustrate different configurations.  
Find the appropriate configuration for your hardware, and  
follow the connection diagram and instructions.  
No t e : The shorter the SCSI chain, the better it will work. Use  
SCSI cables that are only as long as necessary. The chain may  
not exceed 19 /2 ft. (6m) total.  
S c a n n e r is t h e o n ly  
S CS I d e vic e  
The hard disk of the computer is internally terminated.  
Therefore, you need to add the terminator to the scanner.  
Place the terminator between the SCSI cable and the scanner.  
Use the SCSI cable provided.  
S c a n n e r a n d a n o t h e r  
S CS I d e vic e w h ic h is  
in t e rn a lly t e rm in a t e d  
Place the terminated device at the end of the chain and do not  
add any additional terminators. If any other external device  
has an internal terminator, the terminator will have to be  
removed according to the manufacturers directions. Use only  
approved SCSI cables.  
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S c a n n e r a n d a n o t h e r  
u n t e rm in a t e d d e vic e  
Place the scanner at the end of the chain and use the termina-  
tor provided. Do not add any additional terminators. If one  
external device has an internal terminator, see the previous  
example. Use only approved SCSI cables.  
Turning on the scanner  
1 With the scanner off, plug the power cord provided into the  
scanner (picture 4), and then into an appropriate grounded  
outlet. The scanner can operate over a voltage range from 100  
to 240 VAC.  
2 Turn on the scanner; the switch is next to the power  
connector. The POWER indicator light on the front of the unit  
will light, the cold cathode lamp will come on (visible  
through the slit on the top of the unit), and the READY indica-  
tor will flash briefly. The scanner will perform a self-test that  
lasts for a few seconds. If no problems are detected, the  
READY light will stay lit. The cold cathode lamp will also  
stay on.  
3 Once the ready light is lit, turn on your computer.  
Setup and use  
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Using the film carriers  
Th e fo u r-s lid e  
film c a rrie r  
1 With the text facing up and the hinge at the top, open the  
carrier flat as shown (picture 5).  
2 Place up to four mounted 35mm slides in the spaces provid-  
ed. Be sure the slide mounts fit properly in the recessed areas.  
The images should be right-side up and right-reading as you  
do so (picture 6). The emulsion side will face down.  
3 Close the carrier carefully.  
Th e 4 x5 c a rrie r  
1 To unlock the carrier, squeeze the two halves of the carrier  
together at the bottom edge (near the locking knob) with one  
hand while turning the locking knob in either direction, until  
the slot in the knob points to UNLOCK (picture 7).  
(fo r 4 x5 film )  
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2 Open the carrier flat. Insert a 4x5 chrome or negative so that  
the left edge is against the positioning pins (picture 8).  
Position the film so the image is right-reading and right-side  
up (emulsion-side down). No t e : The emulsion side is the dull  
3 Close the carrier. Squeeze the carrier at the bottom edge and  
turn the knob to lock it.  
Setup and use  
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Th e 1 2 0 film a d a p t e rs  
(fo r 2 1 /4 x 2 1 /4 a n d  
2 1 /4 x 2 3 /4 in . film )  
1 Open the 4x5 carrier as described previously.  
2 Locate the appropriate adapter for your image. One is  
designed for 2 /4 x 2 /4 in. images, and one is for 2 /4 x  
2 /4 in. square images. No t e : The frame of film must be cut  
from the film strip in order to be scanned.  
3 Orient the adapter so that the words THIS SIDE UP (on the  
adapter) face up, and the notches are at the left edge (picture  
9). Place the unmounted film over the opening, within the  
raised ridges of the adapter. Position the film so the image is  
right-reading and right-side up. Secure the film with the two  
magnets provided, on the top and bottom edges. Be sure the  
magnets are also within the raised ridges (picture 10).  
4 Place the adapter in the 4x5 carrier, sliding the notches into  
the pins on the left edge. The film and magnets should be face  
up, as shown (picture 11).  
5 Close the carrier. Squeeze the carrier at the bottom edge and  
turn the knob to lock it (picture 12).  
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Th e s in g le -3 5 m m  
c a rrie r  
1 Open the 4x5 carrier as described previously.  
2 Locate the single-35mm adapter. No t e : You can use a nega-  
tive, or a mounted or unmounted slide.  
3 Orient the adapter so the metal tabs face up, and the notches  
are at the left edge. Slide the film into the channel, under the  
two metal tabs. Position the film so the image is right-reading  
and right-side up (picture 13).  
4 If the film is unmounted or the mount is thin, use the slide  
spacer provided. Position the slide spacer underneath the slide  
(picture 14). The film should fit snugly into the adapter. (The  
spacer also ensures that the image will be at the correct dis-  
tance from the scanning mechanism.)  
5 Place the adapter in the 4x5 carrier, sliding the notches into  
the pins on the left edge. The slide and tabs should be facing  
up (picture 15).  
6 Close the carrier. Squeeze the carrier at the bottom edge and  
turn the knob to lock it (picture 16).  
Setup and use  
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Inserting the carrier into the scanner  
1 Open the carrier access door (picture 17).  
2 Insert the carrier gently and firmly into the carrier slot as  
shown, until you feel it stop (picture 18).  
3 Close the carrier access door. The scanner will not scan if the  
door is open.  
No t e : Do not open the carrier access door while a scan is in  
process; the scan will be interrupted. The scan will resume  
when the door is closed, but the quality of the scan may be  
reduced. Scan again with the door closed for best scanning  
4 Initiate the scan from your software. The software will  
prompt you when the scan is finished.  
Removing the carrier  
1 When the scan is complete, open the door and remove the  
carrier. Remove the film and store it properly to protect it  
from dust and fingerprints.  
2 Close the carrier access door. The door should be kept closed  
at all times to protect the mechanism from dust.  
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3 Care and maintenance  
Keep the carrier access door closed when the scanner is not in  
use, to protect it from dust.  
Cle a n in g t h e c a b in e t  
Clean with a mild detergent solution. Keep the sponge or  
cloth barely moist. Do not let moisture inside the scanner.  
La m p a n d fu s e  
re p la c e m e n t  
The lamp and fuse inside the Sprintscan 45 scanner are not  
user-serviceable. If they require replacement, the scanner must  
be returned to a designated service location; call Polaroid  
Technical Support for information on returning your scanner.  
The lamp should be replaced if the READY indicator fails to  
come on.  
Wa rn in g  
Nothing inside the scanner is user serviceable. Do not  
attempt to disassemble the scanner. To do so could result in  
severe electrical shock and damage to the scanner. This action  
may also void your warranty. Contact Polaroid Technical  
Support or your authorized repair facility if the scanner is  
malfunctioning. See Technical Support on page 1-4.  
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When the scanner is powered up, the POWER indicator should  
come on and the READY indicator should flash. A few seconds  
later, after the scanner's self-test is completed, the READY  
indicator should shine steadily. The scanning lamp will come  
on and should stay on all the time.  
Problems can usually be detected when the power is first  
turned on. This section covers the most common problems  
and their solutions.  
Th e P OWER in d ic a t o r fa ils t o lig h t u p  
Turn the power switch off. Make sure that the scanner's  
power cord is grounded and plugged into an AC outlet. Then,  
try turning on the power again.  
If the scanner indicator still fails to light up, the fuse probably  
needs to be replaced.  
Th e P OWER in d ic a t o r lig h t s u p b u t t h e READY in d ic a t o r  
fa ils t o s t o p fla s h in g  
This can be caused by:  
• a faulty indicator  
• a faulty or loose lamp  
• detection of a malfunction during the scanner's power-on  
Try initiating a scan in the software; the software may report  
the solution to you.  
Th e P OWER a n d READY in d ic a t o rs lig h t u p b u t s o ft w a re  
re t u rn s "S c a n n e r n o t re a d y" o r s im ila r m e s s a g e  
Make sure that the software is set for the correct SCSI ID and  
that no other device on the SCSI chain uses the same ID.  
Th e READY in d ic a t o r c o n t in u e s fla s h in g  
The READY indicator flashes if you try to scan while the  
front cover of the scanner is open. Close the front cover and  
try scanning again.  
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Limited One Year Equipment Warranty  
Polaroid Corporation warrants your Sprintscan 45 scanner  
equipment against defects in manufacture for a period of one  
year from the date of purchase. To verify the warranty period,  
you should keep the sales slip or other proof of the purchase  
Should this product, or any component or accessory included  
with it, except software, become defective at any time during  
the warranty period, Polaroid Corporation will, at its discre-  
tion, either replace or repair this item, without charge, provid-  
ed the product is returned to a designated service location  
(prepaid and insured). For the software warranty, please refer  
to the Software Warranties under the License Agreements.  
This Limited Warranty does not apply to product damage  
resulting from accident, incorrect installation, unauthorized  
modification, misuse or abuse. A charge will be made for  
repair of such damage.  
Th is w a rra n t y e xc lu d e s a ll c o n s e q u e n t ia l d a m a g e a n d  
d o e s n o t a ffe c t yo u r s t a t u t o ry rig h t s .  
No t e : Polaroid Corporation reserves the right to make  
changes or improvements in the product described in this  
manual at any time and without notice.  
U.S .A. a n d Ca n a d a  
If your Sprintscan 45 scanner requires service, please call  
Polaroid Electronic Imaging Technical Support from within  
the U.S.A. at 1-800-432-5355, Monday through Friday, 8  
a.m. to 8 p.m., Eastern Time. In Canada, call 1-800-268-  
6970. We can help you determine what is at fault, and advise  
you on how and where to get service in the quickest and most  
convenient way.  
Ou t s id e No rt h Am e ric a  
Please contact your nearest Polaroid dealer (see the section  
immediately following).  
Care and maintenance  
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Polaroid Offices and Service Centers  
Ma s s a c h u s e t t s  
De u t s c h la n d  
Polaroid Corporation  
Tel.: Toll free 1-800-432-5355  
Polaroid GmbH  
Sprendlinger Landstrasse 109  
63069 Offenbach  
Tel.: 069 8404 444  
069 8404 999  
Au s t ra lia  
Polaroid Australia Pty Ltd  
13–15 Lyonpark Road  
PO Box 163  
Es p a ñ a  
North Ryde, NSW 2113  
Tel.: (02) 950 7000  
Fax: (02) 887 2209  
Polaroid (España), S.A.  
Paseo de la Castellana, 130-7ª Plta.  
Tno.: 34-1-411.38.36  
Fax: 34-1-411.40.73  
Be lg iq u e /Be lg ië  
Polaroid (Belgium) S.A.-N.V.  
rue Colonel Bourg 111  
Kolonel Bourgstraat 111  
1140 Bruxelles-1140 Brussel  
Tel.: +32 2 726 97 00  
Fra n c e  
Polaroid (France) S.A.  
B.P. 47  
78391 Bois d'Arcy Cédex  
Tel.: (1) 30 85 60 60  
Fax: +32 2 726 92 99  
Toll free line: 32 2 78 155 905  
Gre a t Brit a in  
Bra s il  
Polaroid (U.K.) Ltd.  
Wheathampstead House  
Codicote Road  
Hertfordshire AL4 8SF  
Freefone.: 0800 010119  
Polaroid do Brasil Ltda.  
Av. Paulista, 1776/11º andar  
Cerqueira Cesar  
São Paulo - Capital  
Ho n g Ko n g  
Polaroid (Far East) Ltd.  
32/F Windsor House  
311 Gloucester Road  
Causeway Bay  
Ca n a d a  
Polaroid Canada Inc.  
350 Carlingview Drive  
Rexdale, ON M9W 5G6  
Toll free: 1-800-268-6970  
Tel.: (852) 2894 0333  
Fax: (852) 2895 1382  
It a lia  
Polaroid (Italia) S.p.A.  
Via Piave 11  
Da n m a rk  
Polaroid a.s.  
Blokken 75  
Postboks 9  
21051 Arcisate (Varese)  
Tel.: 0332-470031  
Fax: 0332-478249  
3460 Birkerød  
Tlf.: 42 81 75 00  
Fax: 42 81 70 26  
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J a p a n  
Ös t e rre ic h  
Nippon Polaroid Kabushiki Kaisha  
Mori Building, No. 30  
2-2 Toranomon 3-chome  
Polaroid Ges.m.b.H.  
Eitnergasse 5A  
1231 Wien  
Tel.: 869 86 27  
Fax: 869 81 00  
Tokyo (105)  
Tel.: 81-3-3438-8811  
Toll free: 0120-248716  
P o rt u g a l  
Polaroid (España) S.A.  
Sucursal em Portugal  
Edificio Monumental Avenida  
Praia da Vitória, 71-A 4º B  
1050 Lisboa  
Mé xic o  
Polaroid de México S.A. de C.V.  
Paseo de la Reforma 195-Piso 14  
C.P. 06500 México, D.F.  
Tel.: 703-1111  
Tel.: (01) 316.10.52  
Fax: 566-0505  
P u e rt o Ric o  
Polaroid Caribbean Corporation  
Centro de Seguros  
Del interior al 91 (800) 70-727  
Ventas 91 (800) 70-747  
Ne d e rla n d  
Polaroid Nederland B.V.  
Zonnebaan 45  
3606 CH Maarssen  
PO Box 1219  
Ave. Ponce de León 701  
Miramar, Santurce 00907  
Tel.: (809) 725-6240  
Fax: (809) 725-5462  
S c h w e iz/S u is s e /S vizze ra  
Polaroid AG  
Hardturmstrasse 133  
8037 Zürich  
3600 BE Maarssen  
Tel.: 31-30-410-420  
Fax: 31-30-411-969  
Tel.: (01) 277.72.72  
Polaroid (Europa) B.V.  
Hoge Bothofstraat 45  
7511 ZA Enschede  
S u o m i  
Polaroid Oy  
Sinikalliontie 10  
02630 Espoo  
Puh: 90-502 35 33  
Fax: 90-502 35 50  
Ne w Ze a la n d  
Polaroid New Zealand Ltd.  
Camera Services  
24-26 Anzac Avenue  
Tel.: (09) 377 3773  
S ve rig e  
Polaroid AB  
Ekholmsvägen 34  
Box 204  
No rg e  
127 24 Skärholmen  
Tel.: 08-710 08 50  
Fax: 08-740 73 68  
Polaroid (Norge) A/S  
Industriveien 8B  
Postboks 80  
1471 Skårer  
Tlf.: 67 90 47 10  
Fax: 67 90 51 73  
Care and maintenance  
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Radio and television interference  
FCC No t ic e (U.S .A.)  
No t e : This equipment (Model: CS-4500) has been tested and  
found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,  
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are  
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful  
interference in a residential installation. This equipment gen-  
erates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not  
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may  
cause harmful interference to radio communications.  
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not  
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause  
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which  
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the  
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or  
more of the following measures:  
• Reorient/relocate the receiving antenna.  
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different  
from that to which the receiver is connected.  
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for  
No t e : Shielded interface cable with ferrite core installed on  
scanner connector end must be used with this equipment.  
Ca u t io n : Changes or modifications not expressly approved  
by the manufacturer responsible for compliance could void  
the users authority to operate the equipment.  
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Appendix A: Specifications  
Me d ia c a p a b ilit y  
35mm to 4x5 in. format, positive and nagative, mounted and  
unmounted transparencies  
Ma xim u m s c a n t im e  
Ac t u a l re s o lu t io n  
De n s it y ra n g e  
26ms/RGB line  
Minimum: 72 dpi; Maximum: 2000 x 4000 dpi  
0.0 – 3.4 OD  
S e n s o r t e c h n o lo g y  
Bit s p e r c o lo r  
Single-pass, RGB CCD  
12-bit A/D conversion per RGB; 8-bit or 12-bit output to host  
Cold cathode fluorescent  
Lig h t s o u rc e  
S ig n a l p ro c e s s in g  
CCD c a lib ra t io n  
In t e rfa c e  
Software based, real-time color processing  
Automatic white point adjustment and dark field subtraction  
SCSI-2 (one 50-pin connector and one 25-pin connector)  
Voltage: 100–240VAC; Frequency: 47–66 Hz  
Op e ra t in g vo lt a g e  
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P o w e r  
Ac c e s s o rie s  
Film holders:  
4 x 5 in. (10.2 x 12.7cm)  
2.4 x 2.8 in. (6x7cm)  
2.4 x 2.8 in. (6 x 6cm)  
35mm four-at-once  
35mm single mount  
Dim e n s io n s (LxWxH)  
We ig h t  
21 x 13 x 7 in. (53.3 x 33 x 17.8cm)  
22 lb. (10 kilos)  
Ce rt ific a t io n s  
En viro n m e n t a l  
re q u ire m e n t s  
Operating temperature: 50 to 104 F (10 to 40 C)  
Storage temperature: 14 to 140 F (-10 to 60 C)  
Relative humidity: 20% to 80%  
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8-bit gray mode, 1-1  
Accessories, 2-2  
Acoustic noise, A-2  
Adaptec SCSI host adapter, 2-6  
Adapter for 35mm slide, 1-5, 2-2, 2-13  
Adapters for 120 film, 1-5, 2-2, 2-12  
Adobe Photoshop, 1-1  
Fan, 2-2  
FCC notice, 3-6  
Film carrier slot, 2-1  
Film carriers, 1-5, 2-2,  
for 4x5 film, 1-5, 2-2, 2-10-2-11  
four-slide film carrier, 1-5, 2-2, 2-10  
Film formats, 1-1  
Brightness, 1-1, A-1  
4x5 film, 2-11  
Carrier access door, 2-1, 2-14  
4x5 film carrier, see Film carriers  
Fuse replacement, 3-1, 3-2  
Carrier, see also Film carriers  
insertion, 2-14  
removal, 2-14  
Help, 1-4  
CD Writer, 1-3  
Humiditiy, A-2  
Cleaning procedure, 3-1  
Color images, 24-bit, 1-1–1-2  
Color monitor requirement, 1-3  
Connection, 2-6-2-9  
Contrast, 1-2, A-1  
Image sensor, A-1  
Lamp replacement, 3-1, 3-2  
Dimensions, A-2  
Macintosh system requirements, 1-3  
dpi (dots per inch), 1-2  
Maintenance, 3-1  
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adapter for a PC, 2-6  
Pass-through terminator, 1-5, 2-7  
PC system requirements, 1-3  
Plug-in module, 1-1  
cable, 1-5, 2-6, 2-8-2-9  
chains, 2-3  
Polaroid Offices and Service Centers,  
configuration diagrams, 2-8-2-9  
connectors, 2-2, 2-4, 2-6  
guidelines, 2-3-2-4  
Positioning the scanner, 2-3  
host adapter for the PC, 2-6  
SCSI ID number, 2-4, 2-5  
SCSI ID switch, 2-2  
cable, 1-5  
connector, 2-2  
consumption, A-2  
indicator light, 2-9, 3-2  
switch, 2-2, 2-9  
Self-test, 2-9  
Service, 3-3, 3-4–3-5  
Size of document, A-1  
Slide spacer, 2-13  
Power/Ready lights, 2-1  
Powerbook, 2-4  
Powering up, 2-9  
Specifications, A-1–A-2  
System requirements, 1-3  
Quick scanning guide, iii  
Technical Support, 1-4  
Temperature, A-2  
Termination, 2-3, 2-7, 2-8-2-9  
Transmission method, A-1  
Troubleshooting, 3-2  
Radio and television interference, 3-6  
Ready indicator light, 2-9, 3-2  
Registration card, 1-4  
24-bit color mode, 1-1  
Relative humidity, A-2  
Removing the carrier, 2-14  
Resolution, 1-2, A-1  
Unpacking, 1-5  
Scanner, description, 1-1  
Ventilation, 2-3  
accessories, 2-2  
front panel, 2-1  
rear panel, 2-2  
Voltage range, 1-1, 2-9  
Voltage requirements, A-2  
Warranty, 3-3  
frame, A-1  
Windows, 1-3  
modes, 1-2, A-1  
speed, A-1  
PXW8033 QX/CP 3/96 Printed in U.S.A.  
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