Nokia Network Card AD 5B User Manual

User Guide for the Nokia  
Wireless Audio Adapter  
Issue 1  
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C o n t e n t s  
1. Introduction ....................................................................... 4  
2. Getting started................................................................... 6  
Overview........................................................................................................... 6  
Using the adapter for the first time......................................................... 7  
Pairing the device...................................................................................... 8  
Pairing multiple headsets ....................................................................... 9  
Resetting headsets..................................................................................... 10  
Switching the Nokia wireless audio adapter off............................... 10  
Modes of the light indicator ................................................................... 10  
Transferring audio signals........................................................................ 12  
Accidental disconnection of the wireless audio adapter................ 13  
Optimising the adapter use ..................................................................... 13  
Care and maintenance ......................................................... 15  
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I n t r o d u c t i o n  
1. Introduction  
The Nokia Wireless Audio Adapter AD-5B enables the use of  
headsets with Bluetooth technology with Nokia phones that  
have a Pop-Port™ connector but do not offer integrated  
Bluetooth functionality. This gives you more freedom for  
making and receiving calls while on the move or at the office.  
Read this user’s guide carefully before using the Nokia Wireless  
Audio Adapter AD-5B. Not following the user’s guide may be  
dangerous or illegal. More detailed information, including  
important safety and maintenance information, is provided in  
the user guides for your phone and your headset.  
Note: There may be restrictions on using devices  
with Bluetooth wireless technology in some  
locations. Check with your local authoritites or  
service provider.  
Features using Bluetooth wireless technology, or allowing them  
to run in the background while using other features, increases  
the demand on battery power and reduces the battery life.  
All wireless devices may be susceptible to interference, which  
could affect performance.  
The Nokia Wireless Audio Adapter operates with compatible  
Nokia headsets (and other compatible headset products), but  
not with other types of products with Bluetooth technology.  
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I n t r o d u c t i o n  
The Nokia Wireless Audio Adapter sales package includes the  
adapter and the user’s guide. Note that the Bluetooth passkey,  
which you need when using the adapter with the headset, is in  
the card provided in the headset’s sales package. Keep the  
passkey in a secure place.  
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G e t t i n g s t a r t e d  
2. Getting started  
The Nokia Wireless Audio Adapter contains the following parts:  
1 - Control key: Switches  
the adapter on and off. The  
control key also changes  
modes in the adapter.  
2 - Indicator light:  
Displays the current status  
of the adapter. See ”Modes  
of the light indicator” on  
page 10.  
Note that you should avoid covering the adapter in order to  
optimise the Bluetooth connection.  
Note that since the Wireless Audio Adapter is an enhancement  
to Nokia phone models that do not support Bluetooth wireless  
technology, there are no menus or user interfaces in the phone  
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G e t t i n g s t a r t e d  
Using the adapter for the first time  
Before you can use the Wireless Audio Adapter, you need to  
associate, "pair", it with the headset you want to use. The  
compatible headset must support Bluetooth Specification 1.1.  
For pairing you need the adapter, a compatible phone, and the  
headset including its PIN code. You only need to pair each  
individual headset once.  
Attach the Nokia Wireless Audio Adapter into the Pop-Port  
connector of your phone. Note that your phone should be in  
standby mode, ready to use, and it should not have any  
characters keyed in. The adapter blinks once briefly in green to  
indicate that the power is on. If the adapter has not been  
paired with any headsets, the state is indicated with a slow,  
continuous red blink.  
Note that if you have the  
keylock of your phone on,  
the keylock is automatically  
deactivated after you have  
attached the adapter into  
the phone. Note also that if  
you have the Silent profile  
on in your phone, the  
automatic answering does  
not work. Also Lights off mode in your phone should be  
activated, because having the lights continuously on reduces  
the battery life.  
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G e t t i n g s t a r t e d  
Pairing the device  
Switch on the headset power before you start to pair your  
headset with the Nokia Wireless Audio Adapter. Make sure no  
other headsets or other compatible audio devices are active  
within a 10 metre range.  
1. Check the headset user guide to familiarise yourself with  
how to pair your headset .  
2. Attach the adapter to the Pop Port connector of your  
phone. Wait for the slow red blink. Select the PIN entry  
mode by pressing the Control key once in the Wireless  
Audio Adapter to make the adapter find the compatible  
If there are no headsets with compatible Bluetooth  
wireless technology within a 10 metre range, the light  
indicator blinks red to indicate an error situation. The  
adapter then goes into Init mode and blinks slowly a red  
light. See ”Modes of the light indicator” on page 10.  
3. If a compatible headset is found, the light indicator of the  
adapter is continuously green for 20 seconds. Key in your  
four-digit Bluetooth passkey on the phone to pair the  
headset in this time period. The digits appear on the phone  
display. End your passkey entry by pressing  
The Bluetooth passkey is marked on the card that is  
provided in the sales package of the headset.  
If the pairing is successful, the phone display is cleared. The  
light indicator on the Nokia Wireless Audio Adapter is  
turned off and  
appears on the phone display.  
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G e t t i n g s t a r t e d  
The headset whose passkey you enter first becomes the  
default device for the Wireless Audio Adapter.  
The Wireless Audio Adapter and the headset are now ready  
to be used.  
Note that all audios, including the call alert tones, are now  
routed to the headset.  
4. If the pairing is unsuccessful, either press the Control key  
once briefly or detach the adapter from your phone and  
start the pairing procedure again from step one above.  
Pairing multiple headsets  
To pair another headset to the adapter, repeat the procedure  
above. However, make sure that the headset that has already  
been paired is turned off, and that only the new unpaired  
headset is within a 10 metre range of the adapter. Note that  
the adapter can be simultaneously paired with two headsets  
When using the headsets, the adapter first tries to find the  
default user, which is the first paired headset, and then the  
secondary headset. If you want to pair more headsets, the new  
headset replaces the secondary user. You can replace the  
secondary user as many times as you want. If you want to  
replace the default user, you need to reset the adapter. Note  
that since the reset clears the memory of the adapter, the  
secondary user is reset as well.  
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G e t t i n g s t a r t e d  
Resetting headsets  
Reset clears all pairing and user data information. To reset the  
adapter, press and hold the Control key for 10 seconds. The  
reset is confirmed with an alternating red and green blink for  
another 10 seconds.  
Your headset may accept only a limited number of pairings and  
may need to be reset to make the pairings. For resetting your  
headset, refer to the user guide for the headset.  
Switching the Nokia wireless audio  
adapter off  
You can also switch the adapter off, if for instance the adapter  
will not be used for a while. If you want to switch the adapter  
off, press the Control key for 2 seconds. The adapter blinks  
once red and  
disappears from the phone display. When the  
adapter is turned off, the phone operates as if there was no  
adapter attached to it. To switch the adapter back on, press the  
Control key once.  
Modes of the light indicator  
The light indicator has the following modes:  
Slow red blink (on for 0.2 seconds, off for 5 seconds)  
The adapter is in the Init mode. This means that the  
adapter is attached to a phone. The adapter stays in the  
Init mode permanently until you press the Control key to  
search for a new headset or switch off the adapter.  
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G e t t i n g s t a r t e d  
Fast green blink (on for 0.2 seconds, off for 0.8 seconds)  
The adapter is either  
in Inquiry mode, which means that the adapter is  
searching for a headset with Bluetooth technology. If a  
headset is found, the adapter switches itself to Pairing  
mode. If a headset is not found, the adapter returns to Init  
or in Page mode, which means that it is searching for  
paired headsets.  
Continuous green (on for 20 seconds)  
The adapter is in Pairing mode. This means that you have  
20 seconds to start keying in the Bluetooth passkey on your  
phone. If the pairing is successful, the adapter switches to  
Idle mode. If the pairing fails, the adapter returns to Init  
Green blink (on for 0.2 seconds, off for 2 seconds)  
The adapter is in Idle mode. The icon  
is shown on the  
phone display. The phone and the headset with Bluetooth  
technology are ready to be used.  
Slow green blink (on for 0.2 seconds, off for 5 seconds)  
The adapter is in the Audio linked mode, which means that  
there is a call in progress and the audio has been linked to  
the headset.  
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G e t t i n g s t a r t e d  
Alternating red and green blink for 10 seconds (on for 0.5  
seconds, off for 0.8 seconds)  
The adapter is in the Reset mode. When the reset has been  
successful, the light indicator blinks red.  
No indication from the light indicator  
The adapter is in Power saving mode, which means that it  
is switched off. When the adapter is switched off, the light  
indicator blinks once in red for confirmation. In this mode  
the icon  
disappears from the phone display and the  
calls are routed to the phone normally. To return to Init  
mode, press Control key once.  
Transferring audio signals  
If you press Control key once briefly during a call in Audio  
Linked mode, the audios are transferred to the phone and the  
call is continued normally. If you want to transfer the audios  
back to the headset, press Control key of the adapter or  
Headset key.  
If your phone is in Idle mode, you can transfer the audios from  
the headset to the phone by pressing Control key once briefly.  
To transfer the audios back to the headset, press Control key of  
the adapter or Headset key.  
Note that when the audios have been transferred to the  
headset, all audios including the call alert tones are routed to  
the headset.  
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G e t t i n g s t a r t e d  
Accidental disconnection of the  
wireless audio adapter  
If, during a call, the adapter is accidentally disconnected from  
the Pop-Port connector or the headset battery runs flat, the  
call is transferred to the phone and is continued normally. The  
pairing information stays stored in the permanent memory of  
the adapter.  
If the 10 metre range between the adapter and the headset is  
exceeded, or for some other reason the radio connection  
between the headset and the adapter is lost, the adapter and  
the headset try to restore the lost connection for a short while.  
If the connection cannot be re-established, the call is  
transferred to the phone and continued normally, and the  
wireless audio adapter returns to Idle.  
Optimising the adapter use  
The following will help you to use your adapter in an optimal  
You should set the phone’s back light settings in  
Automatic mode to prevent unnecessary battery  
consumption. In most Nokia phones, select Automatic at  
the phone menu under Settings =>Accessory settings=>  
Handsfree =>Lights. Then select Automatic.  
The phone’s internal vibrator works only when the adapter  
is in Power saving mode.  
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G e t t i n g s t a r t e d  
You should not use the Silent profile in your phone,  
because then you are not able to hear the ringing tone and  
you might not notice the call. The Automatic answer does  
not work when the Silent profile is active.  
If you have switched your phone off and you have the  
adapter attached to it, the adapter switches to Init mode  
when you connect the charger to the phone.  
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C a r e a n d m a i n t e n a n c e  
Care and maintenance  
Your device is a product of superior design and craftsmanship  
and should be treated with care. The suggestions below will  
help you to fulfil any warranty obligations and to enjoy this  
product for many years.  
Keep all accessories out of the reach of small children.  
Keep the device dry. Precipitation, humidity and all types of  
liquids or moisture can contain minerals that will corrode  
electronic circuits.  
Do not use or store the device in dusty, dirty areas. Its  
moving parts can be damaged.  
Do not store the device in hot areas. High temperatures can  
shorten the life of electronic devices, damage batteries,  
and warp or melt certain plastics.  
Do not store the device in cold areas. When it warms up (to  
its normal temperature), moisture can form inside, which  
may damage electronic circuit boards.  
Do not attempt to open the device. Non-expert handling  
may damage it.  
Do not drop, knock or shake the device. Rough handling  
can break internal circuit boards.  
Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong  
detergents to clean the device.  
Do not paint the device. Paint can clog the moving parts  
and prevent proper operation.  
If the device is not working properly, take it to your nearest  
qualified service facility. The personnel there will assist you  
and, if necessary, arrange for service.  
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