Lenovo Laptop G40 Series User Manual

ThinkPad® G40 Series  
Service and Troubleshooting Guide  
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ThinkPad® G40 Series  
Service and Troubleshooting Guide  
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Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under  
Second Edition (June 2005)  
© Copyright Lenovo 2005.  
Portions © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005.  
All rights reserved.  
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© Copyright Lenovo 2005. © Portions Copyright IBM Corp. 2005.  
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iv ThinkPad® G40 Series Service and Troubleshooting Guide  
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Σηµαντικꢀς οδηγꢁες σχετικꢂ µε την ασϕꢂλεια  
Παρακαλο!µε διαβꢀστε πρ τα τις σηµαντικꢁς πληροϕορꢂες για την  
Οι πληροϕορꢂες αυτꢁς µπορο!ν να σας βοηθꢃσουν να χρησιµοποιεꢂτε τον  
προσωπικ& σας υπολογιστꢃ ThinkPad µε ασϕꢀλεια. Ακολουθꢃστε και ϕυλꢀξτε &λες  
τις πληροϕορꢂες που παρꢁχονται µαζꢂ µε τον υπολογιστꢃ σας. Οι πληροϕορꢂες που  
περιꢁχονται σε αυτ& το ꢁγγραϕο δεν τροποποιο!ν τους &ρους της σ!µβασης αγορꢀς  
που συνꢀψατε ο!τε τη ∆ꢃλωση Περιορισµꢁνης Εγγ!ησης της Lenovo.  
Η ασϕꢀλεια των πελατ ν µας εꢂναι σηµαντικꢃ. Τα προϊ&ντα µας εꢂναι σχεδιασµꢁνα  
να εꢂναι ασϕαλꢃ και αποτελεσµατικꢀ. Ωστ&σο, οι προσωπικοꢂ υπολογιστꢁς εꢂναι  
ηλεκτρονικꢁς συσκευꢁς. Τα καλ δια ρε!µατος, οι µετασχηµατιστꢁς και ꢀλλα  
εξαρτꢃµατꢀ τους µπορο!ν να δηµιουργꢃσουν κινδ!νους που θα µπορο!σαν να  
ꢁχουν ως αποτꢁλεσµα την πρ&κληση τραυµατισµ ν  ζηµι ν, ειδικꢀ σε περꢂπτωση  
κακꢃς χρꢃσης τους. Για να µει σετε αυτο!ς τους κινδ!νους, ακολουθꢃστε τις  
οδηγꢂες που παρꢁχονται µε το προϊ&ν σας, δ στε σηµασꢂα σε &λες τις  
προειδοποιꢃσεις που υπꢀρχουν στο προϊ&ν και στις οδηγꢂες λειτουργꢂας και  
διαβꢀστε προσεκτικꢀ &λες τις πληροϕορꢂες που περιꢁχονται σε αυτ& το ꢁγγραϕο.  
Ακολουθ ντας προσεκτικꢀ τις πληροϕορꢂες που περιꢁχονται σε αυτ& το ꢁγγραϕο  
και παρꢁχονται µε το προϊ&ν σας, µπορεꢂτε να συµβꢀλετε στην προστασꢂα σας απ&  
κινδ!νους και να δηµιουργꢃσετε ꢁνα ασϕαλꢁστερο περιβꢀλλον εργασꢂας.  
Σηµεꢀωση: Οι πληροϕορꢂες αυτꢁς περιꢁχουν αναϕορꢁς σε µετασχηµατιστꢁς και  
µπαταρꢂες. Πꢁραν των ϕορητ ν προσωπικ ν υπολογιστ ν, ορισµꢁνα  
προϊ&ντα (π.χ. ηχεꢂα και οθ&νες) παρꢁχονται µε εξωτερικο!ς  
µετασχηµατιστꢁς. Αν ꢁχετε ꢁνα τꢁτοιο προϊ&ν, οι πληροϕορꢂες αυτꢁς  
ισχ!ουν για το προϊ&ν σας. Επιπρ&σθετα, ο υπολογιστꢃς σας µπορεꢂ να  
περιꢁχει µια εσωτερικꢃ µπαταρꢂα σε µꢁγεθος νοµꢂσµατος, η οποꢂα  
τροϕοδοτεꢂ µε ηλεκτρικ& ρε!µα το ρολ&ι του συστꢃµατ&ς σας ακ&µα  
και &ταν ο υπολογιστꢃς εꢂναι αποσυνδεδεµꢁνος. Εποµꢁνως οι  
πληροϕορꢂες σχετικꢀ µε την ασϕꢀλεια των µπαταρι ν ισχ!ουν για  
&λους τους υπολογιστꢁς.  
© Copyright Lenovo 2005. © Portions Copyright IBM Corp. 2005.  
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Καταστꢂσεις που πρꢀπει να αντιµετωπꢁζονται ꢂµεσα  
Τα προϊꢁντα µπορο ν να υποστο ν ζηµιꢂς λꢁγω κακꢃς χρꢃσης ꢃ αµꢂλειας. Σε  
ορισµꢂνες περιπτꢄσεις, οι ζηµιꢂς ꢀσως εꢀναι τꢁσο σοβαρꢂς ꢄστε το προϊꢁν να µην  
πρꢂπει να χρησιµοποιηθεꢀ ξαν" ꢂως ꢁτου ελεγχθεꢀ και, αν εꢀναι αναγκαꢀο,  
επισκευαστεꢀ απꢁ εξουσιοδοτηµꢂνο τεχνικꢁ.  
#πως και µε κ"θε ηλεκτρονικꢃ συσκευꢃ, πρꢂπει να προσꢂχετε το προϊꢁν ꢁταν  
βρꢀσκεται σε λειτουργꢀα. Σε πολ σπ"νιες περιπτꢄσεις, µπορεꢀ να αντιληϕθεꢀτε µια  
οσµꢃ ꢃ να παρατηρꢃσετε καπνꢁ ꢃ σπꢀθες να εξꢂρχονται απꢁ τον υπολογιστꢃ σας.  
Επꢀσης, µπορεꢀ να ακο σετε ꢃχους που υποδηλꢄνουν κ"ποιο πρꢁβληµα. Οι συνθꢃκες  
αυτꢂς ꢀσως απλ" να σηµαꢀνουν ꢁτι ꢂχει υποστεꢀ βλ"βη κ"ποιο εσωτερικꢁ εξ"ρτηµα,  
µε ασϕαλꢃ και ελεγχꢁµενο τρꢁπο. &σως ꢁµως υποδηλꢄνουν πιθανꢁ πρꢁβληµα  
ασϕ"λειας. Ωστꢁσο, µη διακινδυνꢂψετε και µην προσπαθꢃσετε να διαγνꢄσετε το  
πρꢁβληµα µꢁνοι σας.  
Ελꢂγχετε συχν" τον υπολογιστꢃ σας και τα εξαρτꢃµατ" του, ꢄστε να εντοπꢀζετε  
τυχꢁν ζηµιꢂς, ϕθορ" ꢃ ενδεꢀξεις κινδ νου. Αν υπ"ρχει οποιαδꢃποτε αβεβαιꢁτητα  
σχετικ" µε την κατ"σταση ενꢁς εξαρτꢃµατος, µη χρησιµοποιꢃσετε το προϊꢁν.  
Επικοινωνꢃστε µε το Κꢂντρο Υποστꢃριξης Πελατꢄν ꢃ µε τον κατασκευαστꢃ του  
προϊꢁντος για οδηγꢀες σχετικ" µε τον ꢂλεγχο του προϊꢁντος και, αν εꢀναι απαραꢀτητο,  
την επισκευꢃ του. Στην ενꢁτητα “Worldwide telephone list” στη σελꢀδα 59 µπορεꢀτε  
να βρεꢀτε ꢂναν κατ"λογο µε τους αριθµο ς τηλεϕꢄνου που µπορεꢀτε να καλꢂσετε για  
να ζητꢃσετε υπηρεσꢀες επισκευꢃς και υποστꢃριξης.  
Στην απꢀθανη περꢀπτωση που παρατηρꢃσετε οποιαδꢃποτε απꢁ τις συνθꢃκες που  
αναϕꢂρονται παρακ"τω, ꢃ αν ꢂχετε οποιεσδꢃποτε ανησυχꢀες σχετικ" µε την  
ασϕ"λεια του προϊꢁντος, σταµατꢃστε να το χρησιµοποιεꢀτε και αποσυνδꢂστε το απꢁ  
την πρꢀζα και απꢁ τις τηλεπικοινωνιακꢂς γραµµꢂς ꢂως ꢁτου επικοινωνꢃσετε µε το  
Κꢂντρο Υποστꢃριξης Πελατꢄν για περαιτꢂρω καθοδꢃγηση.  
v Καλ δια ρε!µατος, ϕις, µετασχηµατιστꢁς, επεκτꢀσεις καλωδꢂων, συσκευꢁς  
προστασꢂας απ& υπꢁρταση  τροϕοδοτικꢀ που ꢁχουν κοπεꢂ, ραγꢂσει, σπꢀσει   
υποστεꢂ ζηµꢂες.  
v Ενδεꢂξεις υπερθꢁρµανσης, καπνο!, σπꢂθας  ϕωτιꢀς.  
v Ζηµιꢁς σε µια µπαταρꢂα (&πως ρωγµꢁς  παραµ&ρϕωση), αποϕ&ρτιση µπαταρꢂας  
 συσσ ρευση ξꢁνων ουσι ν επꢀνω στη µπαταρꢂα.  
v Περꢂεργοι ꢃχοι  δυνατꢃ οσµꢃ προερχ&µενη απ& το προϊ&ν.  
v Ενδεꢂξεις &τι ꢁχει χυθεꢂ υγρ&  ꢁχει πꢁσει κꢀποιο αντικεꢂµενο επꢀνω στον  
υπολογιστꢃ, το καλ διο ρε!µατος  το µετασχηµατιστꢃ.  
v @κθεση του υπολογιστꢃ, του καλωδꢂου ρε!µατος  του µετασχηµατιστꢃ σε νερ&.  
v Πτ ση του προϊ&ντος  ꢀλλες ζηµιꢁς στο προϊ&ν.  
v Μη κανονικꢃ λειτουργꢂα του προϊ&ντος παρꢀ τη χρꢃση του σ!µϕωνα µε τις  
οδηγꢂες λειτουργꢂας.  
vi ThinkPad® G40 Series Service and Troubleshooting Guide  
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Σηµεꢀωση: Αν παρατηρꢃσετε τꢁτοιες συνθꢃκες σε προϊ&ν (π.χ. µια επꢁκταση  
καλωδꢂου) που δεν ꢁχει κατασκευαστεꢂ απ&  για τη Lenovo,  
σταµατꢃστε να χρησιµοποιεꢂτε αυτ& το προϊ&ν ꢁως &του  
επικοινωνꢃσετε µε τον κατασκευαστꢃ του προϊ&ντος για περαιτꢁρω  
οδηγꢂες,  ꢁως &του προµηθευτεꢂτε κατꢀλληλο προϊ&ν  
Γενικꢀς οδηγꢁες ασϕꢂλειας  
Τηρεꢂτε πꢀντα τις ακ&λουθες προϕυλꢀξεις για να µει σετε τον κꢂνδυνο  
τραυµατισµο! και πρ&κλησης ζηµι ν.  
Συντ ρηση  
Μην επιχειρꢃσετε να κꢀνετε συντꢃρηση εν&ς προϊ&ντος µ&νοι σας, εκτ&ς αν σας  
ζητηθεꢂ συγκεκριµꢁνα απ& το Κꢁντρο Υποστꢃριξης Πελατ ν. Χρησιµοποιεꢂτε  
µ&νο εξουσιοδοτηµꢁνο παροχꢁα υπηρεσι ν, εγκεκριµꢁνο για την επισκευꢃ του  
συγκεκριµꢁνου προϊ&ντος.  
Σηµεꢀωση: Ορισµꢁνα εξαρτꢃµατα µπορο!ν να αναβαθµιστο!ν  να  
αντικατασταθο!ν απ& τον πελꢀτη. Τα εξαρτꢃµατα αυτꢀ ονοµꢀζονται  
Μονꢀδες Αντικαθιστ µενες απ& τον Πελꢀτη (Customer Replaceable  
Units - CRU). Η Lenovo προσδιορꢂζει ρητ ς τα εξαρτꢃµατα που  
αποτελο!ν µονꢀδες CRU και παρꢁχει τεκµηρꢂωση µε οδηγꢂες &ταν  
ενδεꢂκνυται η αντικατꢀστασꢃ τους απ& τον πελꢀτη. Πρꢁπει να  
ακολουθεꢂτε πιστꢀ &λες αυτꢁς τις οδηγꢂες &ταν αντικαθιστꢀτε µονꢀδες  
CRU. Να βεβαι νεστε πꢀντα &τι ꢁχετε σβꢃσει και αποσυνδꢁσει το  
προϊ&ν απ& οποιαδꢃποτε πηγꢃ ρε!µατος πριν επιχειρꢃσετε να  
πραγµατοποιꢃσετε την αντικατꢀσταση. Για οποιεσδꢃποτε ερωτꢃσεις   
διευκρινꢂσεις, επικοινωνꢃστε µε το Κꢁντρο Υποστꢃριξης Πελατ ν.  
Αν και δεν υπꢀρχουν κινητꢀ µꢁρη στον υπολογιστꢃ αϕο! αποσυνδꢁσετε το  
καλ διο ρε!µατος, απαιτο!νται οι ακ&λουθες ειδοποιꢃσεις για λ&γους  
πιστοποꢂησης UL.  
Επικꢀνδυνα κινητ" µꢂρη. Αποϕ γετε την επαϕꢃ µε τα δ"χτυλ" σας και µε "λλα µꢂρη του  
Προσοχꢃ: Προτο! ξεκινꢃσετε την αντικατꢀσταση µονꢀδων CRU, κλεꢂστε τον  
υπολογιστꢃ και περιµꢁνετε τρꢂα ꢁως πꢁντε λεπτꢀ µꢁχρι να µειωθεꢂ η θερµοκρασꢂα  
στο εσωτερικ& του υπολογιστꢃ πριν ανοꢂξετε το κꢀλυµµα.  
Σηµαντικꢁς οδηγꢂες σχετικꢀ µε την ασϕꢀλεια vii  
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Καλ!δια ρε"µατος και µετασχηµατιστꢀς  
Χρησιµοποιεꢂτε µ&νο τα καλ δια ρε!µατος και τους µετασχηµατιστꢁς που  
παρꢁχονται απ& τον κατασκευαστꢃ του προϊ&ντος. Το καλ διο ρε!µατος και ο  
µετασχηµατιστꢃς προορꢂζονται αποκλειστικꢀ για χρꢃση µε αυτ& το προϊ&ν. ∆εν  
πρꢁπει να χρησιµοποιηθο!ν σε καµꢂα περꢂπτωση µε οποιοδꢃποτε ꢀλλο προϊ&ν.  
Ποτꢁ µην τυλꢂγετε ꢁνα καλ διο ρε!µατος γ!ρω απ& το µετασχηµατιστꢃ  ꢀλλο  
αντικεꢂµενο. Αν το κꢀνετε, µπορεꢂ το καλ διο να καταπονηθεꢂ, µε αποτꢁλεσµα να  
ϕθαρεꢂ, να κοπεꢂ  να τσακꢂσει. Αυτ& µπορεꢂ να εꢂναι επικꢂνδυνο.  
Να εξασϕαλꢂζετε πꢀντα &τι τα καλ δια ρε!µατος δεν περνο!ν απ& σηµεꢂα &που  
µπορεꢂ να πατηθο!ν, να γꢂνουν αιτꢂα να σκοντꢀψει κꢀποιος  να τρυπηθο!ν απ&  
Να προστατε!ετε τα καλ δια και τους µετασχηµατιστꢁς απ& υγρꢀ. Για παρꢀδειγµα,  
µην αϕꢃνετε τα καλ δια  τους µετασχηµατιστꢁς κοντꢀ σε νεροχ!τες, µπανιꢁρες   
τουαλꢁτες,  σε δꢀπεδα που καθαρꢂζονται µε υγρꢀ καθαριστικꢀ. Τα υγρꢀ µπορο!ν  
να προκαλꢁσουν βραχυκ!κλωµα, ειδικꢀ αν το καλ διο  ο µετασχηµατιστꢃς ꢁχει  
ϕθαρεꢂ λ&γω κακꢃς χρꢃσης. Τα υγρꢀ µπορο!ν επꢂσης να προκαλꢁσουν σταδιακꢃ  
διꢀβρωση των ακροδεκτ ν του καλωδꢂου ρε!µατος ꢃ/και του µετασχηµατιστꢃ, κꢀτι  
που µπορεꢂ να προκαλꢁσει υπερθꢁρµανση.  
Πꢀντα να συνδꢁετε τα καλ δια ρε!µατος και τα καλ δια σꢃµατος µε τη σωστꢃ  
σειρꢀ και να εξασϕαλꢂζετε &τι &λα τα καλ δια ρε!µατος ꢁχουν συνδεθεꢂ πλꢃρως  
και µε ασϕꢀλεια στις υποδοχꢁς.  
Μη χρησιµοποιꢃσετε οποιονδꢃποτε µετασχηµατιστꢃ στον οποꢂο υπꢀρχουν  
ενδεꢂξεις διꢀβρωσης στους ακροδꢁκτες εισ&δου εναλλασσοµꢁνης τꢀσης ꢃ/και  
ενδεꢂξεις υπερθꢁρµανσης (π.χ. παραµορϕωµꢁνο πλαστικ&) στην εꢂσοδο  
εναλλασσ&µενης τꢀσης  σε οποιοδꢃποτε σηµεꢂο του µετασχηµατιστꢃ.  
Μη χρησιµοποιεꢂτε καλ δια ρε!µατος στα οποꢂα υπꢀρχουν ενδεꢂξεις διꢀβρωσης   
υπερθꢁρµανσης στους ακροδꢁκτες σε οποιοδꢃποτε ꢀκρο  αν το καλ διο ꢁχει  
υποστεꢂ οποιεσδꢃποτε ϕθορꢁς.  
Επεκτꢂσεις καλωδꢁων και σχετικꢀς συσκευꢀς  
Εξασϕαλꢂστε &τι οι επεκτꢀσεις καλωδꢂων, οι συσκευꢁς προστασꢂας απ& υπꢁρταση,  
οι µονꢀδες αδιꢀλειπτης παροχꢃς ρε!µατος και τα πολ!πριζα που χρησιµοποιεꢂτε  
καλ!πτουν τις ηλεκτρικꢁς προδιαγραϕꢁς του προϊ&ντος. Ποτꢁ µην υπερϕορτ νετε  
αυτꢁς τις συσκευꢁς. Αν χρησιµοποιηθο!ν πολ!πριζα, το ϕορτꢂο δεν πρꢁπει να  
υπερβαꢂνει τις προδιαγραϕꢁς του πολ!πριζου. Για οποιεσδꢃποτε ερωτꢃσεις  
σχετικꢀ µε τα ηλεκτρικꢀ ϕορτꢂα και τις προδιαγραϕꢁς, συµβουλευτεꢂτε ꢁναν  
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Φις και πρꢁζες  
Αν κꢀποια πρꢂζα που σκοπε!ετε να χρησιµοποιꢃσετε µε τον υπολογιστꢃ ꢁχει  
ενδεꢂξεις ζηµι ν  διꢀβρωσης, µην τη χρησιµοποιꢃσετε ꢁως &του αντικατασταθεꢂ  
απ& ηλεκτρολ&γο.  
Μη λυγꢂζετε  τροποποιεꢂτε το ϕις. Αν το ϕις ꢁχει υποστεꢂ ζηµꢂες, επικοινωνꢃστε  
µε τον κατασκευαστꢃ για να το αντικαταστꢃσετε.  
Ορισµꢁνα προϊ&ντα ꢁχουν ϕις τρι ν ακροδεκτ ν. Το ϕις αυτ& µπορεꢂ να συνδεθεꢂ  
µ&νο σε γειωµꢁνη ηλεκτρικꢃ πρꢂζα. Αυτ& γꢂνεται για λ&γους ασϕꢀλειας. Μην  
παρακꢀµψετε αυτꢃ την προϕ!λαξη επιχειρ ντας να συνδꢁσετε το ϕις σε µη  
γειωµꢁνη πρꢂζα. Αν δεν µπορεꢂτε να συνδꢁσετε το ϕις στην πρꢂζα, επικοινωνꢃστε  
µε ꢁναν ηλεκτρολ&γο για να προµηθευτεꢂτε ꢁναν εγκεκριµꢁνο προσαρµογꢁα  για  
να αντικαταστꢃσετε την πρꢂζα µε ꢀλλη, κατꢀλληλη πρꢂζα. Ποτꢁ µην  
υπερϕορτ νετε µια πρꢂζα. Το συνολικ& ϕορτꢂο του συστꢃµατος δεν πρꢁπει να  
υπερβαꢂνει το 80% του ϕορτꢂου που προβλꢁπεται απ& τις προδιαγραϕꢁς του  
κυκλ µατος διακλꢀδωσης. Για οποιεσδꢃποτε ερωτꢃσεις σχετικꢀ µε τα ηλεκτρικꢀ  
ϕορτꢂα και τις προδιαγραϕꢁς του κυκλ µατος διακλꢀδωσης, συµβουλευτεꢂτε ꢁναν  
Βεβαιωθεꢂτε &τι η πρꢂζα ρε!µατος που χρησιµοποιεꢂτε εꢂναι σωστꢀ καλωδιωµꢁνη,  
ε!κολα προσβꢀσιµη και βρꢂσκεται κοντꢀ στον εξοπλισµ&. Μην τεντ νετε τα  
καλ δια ρε!µατος µε τρ&πο που µπορεꢂ να προκαλꢁσει ϕθορꢀ στα καλ δια.  
Συνδꢁετε και αποσυνδꢁετε τον εξοπλισµ& προσεκτικꢀ απ& την πρꢂζα.  
]λοι οι προσωπικοꢂ υπολογιστꢁς που κατασκευꢀζονται απ& τη Lenovo περιꢁχουν  
µια µη επαναϕορτιζ&µενη µπαταρꢂα που παρꢁχει ηλεκτρικ& ρε!µα στο ρολ&ι του  
συστꢃµατος. Επꢂσης, πολλꢀ ϕορητꢀ προϊ&ντα, &πως οι ϕορητοꢂ υπολογιστꢁς  
ThinkPad, χρησιµοποιο!ν µια επαναϕορτιζ&µενη µπαταρꢂα για την παροχꢃ  
ρε!µατος στο σ!στηµα &ταν δεν εꢂναι συνδεδεµꢁνο σε πρꢂζα. Οι µπαταρꢂες που  
παρꢁχονται απ& την Lenovo για χρꢃση µε το προϊ&ν σας ꢁχουν υποβληθεꢂ σε  
δοκιµꢁς συµβατ&τητας και πρꢁπει να αντικαθꢂστανται µ&νο µε εγκεκριµꢁνες  
Ποτꢁ µην επιχειρꢃσετε να ανοꢂξετε  να επισκευꢀσετε µια µπαταρꢂα. Μη  
χτυπꢃσετε, τρυπꢃσετε  κꢀψετε µπαταρꢂες και µη βραχυκυκλ σετε τις µεταλλικꢁς  
επαϕꢁς. Μην εκθꢁσετε τη µπαταρꢂα σε νερ&  ꢀλλα υγρꢀ. Η επαναϕ&ρτιση της  
µπαταρꢂας πρꢁπει να γꢂνεται µ&νο σ!µϕωνα µε τις οδηγꢂες που περιλαµβꢀνονται  
στην τεκµηρꢂωση του προϊ&ντος.  
Η κακꢃ χρꢃση  ο κακ&ς χειρισµ&ς µπαταρι ν µπορεꢂ να προκαλꢁσει  
υπερθꢁρµανση της µπαταρꢂας, η οποꢂα µπορεꢂ να ꢁχει ως αποτꢁλεσµα την ꢁκλυση  
αερꢂων  ϕλ&γας απ& τη µπαταρꢂα. Αν η µπαταρꢂα σας ꢁχει υποστεꢂ βλꢀβη  αν  
παρατηρꢃσετε οποιαδꢃποτε διαρροꢃ απ& τη µπαταρꢂα  συσσ ρευση υλικ ν στα  
Σηµαντικꢁς οδηγꢂες σχετικꢀ µε την ασϕꢀλεια ix  
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ꢀκρα της µπαταρꢂας, σταµατꢃστε να τη χρησιµοποιεꢂτε και αντικαταστꢃστε τη µε  
καινο!ργια απ& τον κατασκευαστꢃ της µπαταρꢂας.  
Οι µπαταρꢂες µπορο!ν να υποστο!ν βλꢀβη &ταν παραµꢁνουν αχρησιµοποꢂητες για  
µεγꢀλες χρονικꢁς περι&δους. Για ορισµꢁνες επαναϕορτιζ&µενες µπαταρꢂες (και  
ειδικꢀ για µπαταρꢂες λιθꢂου-ι&ντων), η παραµονꢃ της µπαταρꢂας εκτ&ς χρꢃσης σε  
κατꢀσταση αποϕ&ρτισης µπορεꢂ να αυξꢃσει τον κꢂνδυνο βραχυκ!κλωσης της  
µπαταρꢂας, η οποꢂα µπορεꢂ να µικρ!νει τη διꢀρκεια ζωꢃς της µπαταρꢂας, αλλꢀ και  
να αποτελꢁσει κꢂνδυνο για την ασϕꢀλεια. Μην αϕꢃνετε τις επαναϕορτιζ&µενες  
µπαταρꢂες λιθꢂου-ι&ντων να αποϕορτꢂζονται πλꢃρως και µην τις αποθηκε!ετε σε  
κατꢀσταση αποϕ&ρτισης.  
Θερµꢃτητα και εξαερισµꢃς  
Οι υπολογιστꢁς παρꢀγουν θερµ&τητα &ταν βρꢂσκονται σε λειτουργꢂα καθ ς και  
κατꢀ τη ϕ&ρτιση των µπαταρι ν. Οι ϕορητοꢂ υπολογιστꢁς παρꢀγουν σηµαντικꢃ  
ποσ&τητα θερµ&τητας λ&γω του µικρο! τους µεγꢁθους. Τηρεꢂτε πꢀντα τις  
ακ&λουθες προϕυλꢀξεις:  
v Μην αϕꢃνετε τη βꢀση του υπολογιστꢃ σε επαϕꢃ µε το µηρ&  ꢀλλο µꢁρος του  
σ µατ&ς σας για µεγꢀλο χρονικ& διꢀστηµα &ταν εꢂναι σε λειτουργꢂα ο  
υπολογιστꢃς  &ταν ϕορτꢂζεται η µπαταρꢂα. Ο υπολογιστꢃς παρꢀγει κꢀποια  
θερµ&τητα κατꢀ τη διꢀρκεια της κανονικꢃς λειτουργꢂας του. Η παρατεταµꢁνη  
επαϕꢃ µε το σ µα µπορεꢂ να προκαλꢁσει δυσϕορꢂα  ακ&µα και εγκα!µατα.  
v Μη χρησιµοποιεꢂτε τον υπολογιστꢃ  ϕορτꢂζετε την µπαταρꢂα κοντꢀ σε  
ε!ϕλεκτα υλικꢀ  σε περιβꢀλλον &που υπꢀρχει κꢂνδυνος εκρꢃξεων.  
v Οι σχισµꢁς εξαερισµο!, οι ανεµιστꢃρες ꢃ/και οι ψ!κτρες του προϊ&ντος  
παρꢁχονται για σκοπο!ς ασϕꢀλειας, ꢀνεσης και αξι&πιστης λειτουργꢂας. Εꢀν  
τοποθετꢃσετε το προϊ&ν επꢀνω σε κρεβꢀτι, καναπꢁ, χαλꢂ  ꢀλλη µη σταθερꢃ  
επιϕꢀνεια ꢂσως ϕρꢀξετε κατꢀ λꢀθος αυτꢀ τα εξαρτꢃµατα. Ποτꢁ µην ϕρꢀσσετε,  
καλ!πτετε  απενεργοποιεꢂτε αυτꢀ τα εξαρτꢃµατα.  
Πρꢁπει να ελꢁγχετε τον επιτραπꢁζιο υπολογιστꢃ σας για συσσ ρευση σκ&νης  
κꢀθε τρεις µꢃνες. Πριν απ& τον ꢁλεγχο, απενεργοποιꢃστε τον υπολογιστꢃ και  
αποσυνδꢁστε το καλ διο παροχꢃς ρε!µατος απ& την πρꢂζα. Στη συνꢁχεια,  
αϕαιρꢁστε τη σκ&νη απ& τα ανοꢂγµατα εξαερισµο! καθ ς και απ& τις οπꢁς στην  
πρ&σοψη. Εꢀν παρατηρꢃσετε συσσ ρευση σκ&νης στο εξωτερικ& του υπολογιστꢃ,  
πρꢁπει να ελꢁγξετε και το εσωτερικ& του υπολογιστꢃ και αν αϕαιρꢁσετε τη σκ&νη  
απ& την ψ!κτρα, τα ανοꢂγµατα εξαερισµο! του τροϕοδοτικο! και τους ανεµιστꢃρες.  
Πριν ανοꢂξετε το κꢀλυµµα του υπολογιστꢃ απενεργοποιꢃστε τον υπολογιστꢃ και  
αποσυνδꢁστε το καλ διο παροχꢃς ρε!µατος. Εꢀν εꢂναι δυνατ&ν, αποϕ!γετε τη  
χρꢃση του υπολογιστꢃ σε σηµεꢂα &που παρατηρεꢂται ιδιαꢂτερη αυξηµꢁνη  
κινητικ&τητα. Εꢀν αυτ& δεν εꢂναι δυνατ&, θα πρꢁπει να ελꢁγχετε και, αν εꢂναι  
απαραꢂτητο, να καθαρꢂζετε τον υπολογιστꢃ σας συχν&τερα.  
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Για την ασϕꢀλειꢀ σας και για τη βελτιστοποꢂηση της απ&δοσης του υπολογιστꢃ,  
να παꢂρνετε πꢀντα τις ακ&λουθες βασικꢁς προϕυλꢀξεις &σον αϕορꢀ τον  
επιτραπꢁζιο υπολογιστꢃ:  
v ]ταν ο υπολογιστꢃς εꢂναι συνδεδεµꢁνος σε πρꢂζα παροχꢃς ρε!µατος, να  
διατηρεꢂτε το κꢀλυµµα του κλειστ&.  
v Να ελꢁγχετε συχνꢀ το περꢂβληµα του υπολογιστꢃ για συσσ ρευση σκ&νης.  
v Να αϕαιρεꢂτε τη σκ&νη απ& τα ανοꢂγµατα εξαερισµο! καθ ς και απ& τις οπꢁς  
στην πρ&σοψη. Σε σηµεꢂα µε ιδιαꢂτερη κινητικ&τητα και υψηλꢃ συσσ ρευση  
σκ&νης, απαιτεꢂται συχν&τερος καθαρισµ&ς.  
v Μην αποκ&ψετε και µην περιορꢂσετε τη ροꢃ του αꢁρα µπροστꢀ απ& τον  
v Μην ϕρꢀξετε τα ανοꢂγµατα εξαερισµο! στο πꢂσω µꢁρος του υπολογιστꢃ.  
v Μην αποθηκε!ετε και µη χρησιµοποιεꢂτε τον υπολογιστꢃ µꢁσα σε ꢁπιπλα καθ ς  
ꢁτσι αυξꢀνεται ο κꢂνδυνος υπερθꢁρµανσης.  
v Η θερµοκρασꢂα της ροꢃς του αꢁρα στο εσωτερικ& του υπολογιστꢃ δεν πρꢁπει να  
υπερβαꢂνει τους 35° C.  
v Μη χρησιµοποιεꢂτε συσκευꢁς ϕιλτραρꢂσµατος αꢁρα που δεν ꢁχουν σχεδιαστεꢂ  
για το ThinkCentre.  
Ασϕꢂλεια των µονꢂδων CD και DVD  
Οι µονꢀδες CD και DVD περιστρꢁϕουν δꢂσκους µε µεγꢀλη ταχ!τητα. Αν κꢀποιο  
CD  DVD ꢁχει ρωγµꢁς  ꢀλλη ϕυσικꢃ ζηµιꢀ, µπορεꢂ να σπꢀσει  να διαλυθεꢂ κατꢀ  
τη χρꢃση της µονꢀδας CD. Για να προστατευθεꢂτε απ& πιθαν& τραυµατισµ& σε  
τꢁτοια περꢂπτωση και να µει σετε το κꢂνδυνο βλꢀβης του υπολογιστꢃ σας, κꢀντε  
τα ακ&λουθα:  
v Αποθηκε!ετε πꢀντα τους δꢂσκους CD/DVD στην αρχικꢃ τους συσκευασꢂα.  
v Αποθηκε!ετε πꢀντα τους δꢂσκους CD/DVD µακριꢀ απ& τις ακτꢂνες του ꢃλιου και  
απ& πηγꢁς θερµ&τητας.  
v Αϕαιρεꢂτε τους δꢂσκους CD/DVD απ& τον υπολογιστꢃ &ταν δεν  
v Μη λυγꢂζετε τους δꢂσκους CD/DVD και µην τους βꢀζετε βꢂαια µꢁσα στον  
υπολογιστꢃ  στη θꢃκη τους.  
v Ελꢁγχετε τους δꢂσκους CD/DVD πριν απ& κꢀθε χρꢃση για να βεβαιωθεꢂτε &τι  
δεν ꢁχουν ρωγµꢁς. Μη χρησιµοποιεꢂτε δꢂσκους που ꢁχουν ρωγµꢁς  ꢀλλες  
Σηµαντικꢁς οδηγꢂες σχετικꢀ µε την ασϕꢀλεια xi  
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Πρꢃσθετες πληροϕορꢁες ασϕꢂλειας  
Το ηλεκτρικꢁ ρε µα στα καλꢄδια ρε µατος, τηλεϕꢄνου και επικοινωνꢀας εꢀναι επικꢀνδυνο.  
Για να αποϕ γετε τον κꢀνδυνο ηλεκτροπληξꢀας, ꢁταν εγκαθιστ"τε, µετακινεꢀτε ꢃ ανοꢀγετε τα  
καλ µµατα του προϊꢁντος ꢃ των προσαρτηµꢂνων συσκευꢄν, συνδꢂετε και αποσυνδꢂετε τα  
καλꢄδια ꢁπως περιγρ"ϕεται παρακ"τω. Αν παρꢂχεται τριαγωγικꢁ καλꢄδιο ρε µατος µε αυτꢁ  
το προϊꢁν, πρꢂπει να συνδεθεꢀ σε σωστ" γειωµꢂνη πρꢀζα.  
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Μειꢄστε τον κꢀνδυνο πυρκαγι"ς και ηλεκτροπληξꢀας τηρꢄντας π"ντα τις βασικꢂς  
προϕυλ"ξεις, ꢁπως:  
v Μη χρησιµοποιεꢀτε τον υπολογιστꢃ µꢂσα ꢃ κοντ" σε νερꢁ.  
v Κατ" τη δι"ρκεια καταιγꢀδας:  
 Μη χρησιµοποιεꢀτε τον υπολογιστꢃ σας µε καλωδιακꢃ τηλεϕωνικꢃ σ νδεση.  
 Μη συνδꢂετε ꢃ αποσυνδꢂετε το καλꢄδιο απꢁ την τηλεϕωνικꢃ υποδοχꢃ στον τοꢀχο.  
Το πακꢂτο µπαταριꢄν πρꢂπει να αποθηκε εται σε θερµοκρασꢀα δωµατꢀου, ϕορτισµꢂνο σε  
ποσοστꢁ περꢀπου 30 - 50 % της χωρητικꢁτητ"ς του. Συνιστο µε το πακꢂτο µπαταριꢄν να  
ϕορτꢀζεται µꢀα ϕορ" ετησꢀως, ꢄστε να αποϕε γεται η υπερβολικꢃ αποϕꢁρτισꢃ του.  
Αν το πακꢂτο επαναϕορτꢀσιµων µπαταριꢄν δεν αντικατασταθεꢀ µε το σωστꢁ τρꢁπο, υπ"ρχει  
κꢀνδυνος ꢂκρηξης. Το πακꢂτο µπαταριꢄν περιꢂχει µικρꢃ ποσꢁτητα επιβλαβꢄν ουσιꢄν. Για να  
αποϕ γετε τυχꢁν τραυµατισµꢁ:  
v Αντικαταστꢃστε τη µπαταρꢀα µꢁνο µε µπαταρꢀα του προτεινꢁµενου απꢁ τη Lenovo τ που.  
v Κρατꢃστε το πακꢂτο µπαταριꢄν µακρι" απꢁ ϕωτι".  
v Μην το εκθꢂσετε σε νερꢁ ꢃ βροχꢃ.  
v Μην επιχειρꢃσετε να το αποσυναρµολογꢃσετε.  
v Μην το βραχυκυκλꢄσετε.  
v Κρατꢃστε το µακρι" απꢁ παιδι".  
Μην πετ"τε το πακꢂτο µπαταριꢄν σε απορρꢀµµατα που καταλꢃγουν σε χωµατερꢂς ꢃ χꢄρους  
υγειονοµικꢃς ταϕꢃς απορριµµ"των. Η απꢁρριψη της µπαταρꢀας πρꢂπει να γꢀνεται σ µϕωνα  
µε τις τοπικꢂς διατ"ξεις ꢃ κανονισµο ς και τις προδιαγραϕꢂς ασϕ"λειας της εταιρεꢀας σας.  
Σηµαντικꢁς οδηγꢂες σχετικꢀ µε την ασϕꢀλεια xiii  
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Αν η εϕεδρικꢃ µπαταρꢀα δεν αντικατασταθεꢀ µε το σωστꢁ τρꢁπο, υπ"ρχει κꢀνδυνος ꢂκρηξης.  
Η µπαταρꢀα λιθꢀου περιꢂχει λꢀθιο και µπορεꢀ να εκραγεꢀ αν ο χειρισµꢁς ꢃ η απꢁρριψꢃ της δεν  
γꢀνει µε το σωστꢁ τρꢁπο.  
Αντικαταστꢃστε τη µꢁνο µε µπαταρꢀα του ꢀδιου τ που.  
Για να αποϕ γετε τυχꢁν τραυµατισµꢁ ꢃ θ"νατο, µην: (1) την πετ"ξετε ꢃ τη βυθꢀσετε σε νερꢁ,  
(2) την εκθꢂσετε σε θερµοκρασꢀες µεγαλ τερες των 100°C (212°F), ꢃ (3) επιχειρꢃσετε να την  
επισκευ"σετε ꢃ να την αποσυναρµολογꢃσετε. Η απꢁρριψꢃ της πρꢂπει να γꢀνεται σ µϕωνα µε  
τις τοπικꢂς διατ"ξεις ꢃ κανονισµο ς και τις προδιαγραϕꢂς ασϕ"λειας της εταιρεꢀας σας.  
Κατ" την εγκατ"σταση ꢃ ρ θµιση της επιλογꢃς CDC ꢃ Mini PCI, ακολουθꢃστε τις  
παρακ"τω οδηγꢀες:  
Για να αποϕ γετε τυχꢁν ηλεκτροπληξꢀα, αποσυνδꢂστε ꢁλα τα καλꢄδια και το  
µετασχηµατιστꢃ εναλλασσꢁµενου ρε µατος ꢁταν εγκαθιστ"τε την επιλογꢃ CDC ꢃ Mini PCI  
ꢃ ανοꢀγετε τα καλ µµατα του συστꢃµατος ꢃ προσαρτηµꢂνων συσκευꢄν. Το ηλεκτρικꢁ ρε µα  
στα καλꢄδια ρε µατος, τηλεϕꢄνου και επικοινωνꢀας εꢀναι επικꢀνδυνο.  
#ταν ꢂχετε προσθꢂσει ꢃ αναβαθµꢀσει µια κ"ρτα CDC ꢃ Mini PCI ꢃ µια κ"ρτα  
µνꢃµης, µη χρησιµοποιꢃσετε τον υπολογιστꢃ πριν κλεꢀσετε το κ"λυµµα. Ποτꢂ µη  
χρησιµοποιεꢀτε τον υπολογιστꢃ ꢁταν το κ"λυµµα εꢀναι ανοιχτꢁ.  
Η λ"µπα ϕθορισµο που περιꢂχεται στην οθꢁνη υγρꢄν κρυστ"λλων (LCD) περιꢂχει  
υδρ"ργυρο. Μην την πετ"τε σε απορρꢀµµατα που καταλꢃγουν σε χωµατερꢂς ꢃ  
χꢄρους υγειονοµικꢃς ταϕꢃς απορριµµ"των. Η απꢁρριψꢃ της πρꢂπει να γꢀνεται  
σ µϕωνα µε τις τοπικꢂς διατ"ξεις ꢃ κανονισµο ς.  
Η οθꢁνη υγρꢄν κρυστ"λλων εꢀναι κατασκευασµꢂνη απꢁ γυαλꢀ και υπ"ρχει κꢀνδυνος  
να σπ"σει αν ο υπολογιστꢃς χτυπηθεꢀ ꢃ πꢂσει κ"τω. Αν η οθꢁνη υγρꢄν κρυστ"λλων  
σπ"σει και το υγρꢁ που περιꢂχεται σε αυτꢃν ꢂρθει σε επαϕꢃ µε τα µ"τια ꢃ τα χꢂρια  
σας, πρꢂπει αµꢂσως να τα πλ νετε µε νερꢁ για τουλ"χιστον 15 λεπτ". Αν  
παρατηρꢃσετε οποιαδꢃποτε συµπτꢄµατα µετ" την πλ ση, ζητꢃστε ιατρικꢃ ϕροντꢀδα.  
xiv ThinkPad® G40 Series Service and Troubleshooting Guide  
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Για να ελαττꢄσετε τον κꢀνδυνο πυρκαγι"ς, ηλεκτροπληξꢀας ꢃ τραυµατισµο κατ" τη χρꢃση  
τηλεϕωνικο εξοπλισµο , τηρεꢀτε π"ντα τις βασικꢂς προϕυλ"ξεις, ꢁπως:  
v Ποτꢂ µην εγκαθιστ"τε τηλεϕωνικ" καλꢄδια κατ" τη δι"ρκεια καταιγꢀδας.  
v Ποτꢂ µην εγκαθιστ"τε υποδοχꢂς τηλεϕωνικꢄν γραµµꢄν σε υγρ" σηµεꢀα, εκτꢁς αν η  
υποδοχꢃ εꢀναι ειδικ" σχεδιασµꢂνη για υγρꢂς συνθꢃκες.  
v Ποτꢂ µην αγγꢀζετε µη µονωµꢂνα τηλεϕωνικ" καλꢄδια ꢃ ακροδꢂκτες, εκτꢁς αν η  
τηλεϕωνικꢃ γραµµꢃ ꢂχει αποσυνδεθεꢀ απꢁ το δꢀκτυο.  
v Η εγκατ"σταση ꢃ τροποποꢀηση τηλεϕωνικꢄν γραµµꢄν απαιτεꢀ προσοχꢃ.  
v Αποϕε γετε τη χρꢃση τηλεϕꢄνων (εκτꢁς αν εꢀναι ασ ρµατου τ που) κατ" τη δι"ρκεια  
καταιγꢀδας. Ενδꢂχεται να υπ"ρχει µικρꢁς κꢀνδυνος ηλεκτροπληξꢀας απꢁ κεραυνꢁ.  
v Σε περꢀπτωση διαρροꢃς αερꢀου, µη χρησιµοποιꢃσετε τηλꢂϕωνο στο χꢄρο της διαρροꢃς για  
να την αναϕꢂρετε.  
v Χρησιµοποιεꢀτε µꢁνο καλꢄδιο τηλεϕꢄνου Αρ. 26 AWG ꢃ µεγαλ τερο (παχ τερο).  
∆ λωση σχετικꢂ µε τις προδιαγραϕꢀς των συσκευ!ν laser  
Η οπτικꢃ µονꢀδα αποθꢃκευσης, π.χ. µονꢀδα CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD-ROM,  
DVD-ROM  SuperDisk, που µπορεꢂ να εꢂναι εγκατεστηµꢁνη στον υπολογιστꢃ  
ThinkPad εꢂναι προϊ&ν laser. Η παρακꢀτω ετικꢁτα σꢃµανσης προϊ&ντος laser  
Κατηγορꢂας 1 βρꢂσκεται στην επιϕꢀνεια της µονꢀδας.  
Η µονꢀδα εꢂναι πιστοποιηµꢁνη απ& τον κατασκευαστꢃ ως προϊ&ν που καλ!πτει τις  
απαιτꢃσεις του Κ δικα Οµοσπονδιακ ν Κανονισµ ν 21 του Υπουργεꢂου Υγεꢂας  
και Ανθρωπꢂνων Υπηρεσι ν των ΗΠΑ (DHHS 21 CFR) και συγκεκριµꢁνα του  
Υποκεϕαλαꢂου J για προϊ&ντα laser Κατηγορꢂας 1.  
Σε ꢀλλες χ ρες, η µονꢀδα εꢂναι πιστοποιηµꢁνη ως προϊ&ν που καλ!πτει τις  
απαιτꢃσεις των προτ!πων IEC825 και EN60825 για προϊ&ντα laser Κατηγορꢂας 1.  
Σηµαντικꢁς οδηγꢂες σχετικꢀ µε την ασϕꢀλεια xv  
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Μην ανοꢀξετε την οπτικꢃ µον"δα αποθꢃκευσης. ∆εν υπ"ρχουν στο εσωτερικꢁ της µον"δας  
εξαρτꢃµατα που µπορο ν να επισκευαστο ν απꢁ το χρꢃστη ꢃ ρυθµꢀσεις που µπορο ν να  
γꢀνουν απꢁ το χρꢃστη.  
Η διαϕορετικꢃ απꢁ την περιγραϕꢁµενη χρꢃση κουµπιꢄν και ρυθµιστꢄν ꢃ εκτꢂλεση  
διαδικασιꢄν µπορεꢀ να ꢂχει ως αποτꢂλεσµα την ꢂκθεση σε επικꢀνδυνη ακτινοβολꢀα.  
Τα προϊ&ντα laser Κατηγορꢂας 1 δεν θεωρο!νται επικꢂνδυνα. Ο σχεδιασµ&ς του  
συστꢃµατος laser και της οπτικꢃς µονꢀδας αποθꢃκευσης εξασϕαλꢂζει τη µη ꢁκθεση  
σε ακτινοβολꢂα laser, πꢀνω απ& το επꢂπεδο της Κατηγορꢂας 1, σε συνθꢃκες  
συνꢃθους λειτουργꢂας, συντꢃρησης απ& το χρꢃστη  παροχꢃς υπηρεσι ν.  
Ορισµꢁνες µονꢀδες περιꢁχουν ενσωµατωµꢁνη δꢂοδο laser Κατηγορꢂας 3Α.  
Σηµει νονται τα ακ&λουθα:  
Εκπꢁµπει ορατꢃ και α&ρατη ακτινοβολꢂα laser &ταν το κꢀλυµµα εꢂναι ανοικτ&.  
Αποϕε!γετε την απευθεꢂας ꢁκθεση των µατι ν στην ακτινοβολꢂα. Μην κοιτꢀτε  
απευθεꢂας στην κατε!θυνση της δꢁσµης και µην την εξετꢀζετε µε οπτικꢀ εργαλεꢂα.  
Αποθηκε στε τα υλικ" συσκευασꢀας σε ασϕαλꢃ χꢄρο µακρι" απꢁ παιδι" για να αποϕ γετε  
τον κꢀνδυνο ασϕυξꢀας απꢁ πλαστικꢂς σακο λες.  
Πολλꢀ προϊ&ντα και προαιρετικꢀ τµꢃµατα PC περιꢁχουν καλ δια  σ!ρµατα, π.χ.  
καλ δια ρε!µατος  καλ δια σ!νδεσης του προαιρετικο! τµꢃµατος µε το PC. Αν το  
προϊ&ν αυτ& ꢁχει τꢁτοια καλ δια  σ!ρµατα, ισχ!ει η ακ&λουθη προειδοποꢂηση:  
ΠΡΟΕΙ∆ΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ: Ο χειρισµ&ς του καλωδꢂου αυτο! του προϊ&ντος  των  
καλωδꢂων των προαιρετικ ν τµηµꢀτων που πωλο!νται µε αυτ& το προϊ&ν, θα σας  
εκθꢁσει σε µ&λυβδο, χηµικꢃ ουσꢂα που η Πολιτεꢂα της Καλιϕ&ρνιας θεωρεꢂ &τι  
προκαλεꢂ καρκꢂνο και γενετꢃσια ελαττ µατα  ꢀλλες αναπαραγωγικꢁς βλꢀβες.  
Πλꢀνετε τα χꢀρια σας µετꢁ το χειρισµꢂ των καλωδꢃων.  
Φυλꢀξτε αυτꢁς τις οδηγꢂες.  
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Important notice for users  
Important regulatory notice for users  
The ThinkPad G40 Series computer complies with the radio frequency and safety standards of any  
country or region in which it has been approved for wireless use. You are requested to install and use  
your ThinkPad computer in strict accordance with the local RF regulations. Before you use the ThinkPad  
G40 Series computer, please find and read ThinkPad G40 Series Regulatory Notice, the notice that  
supplements this Service and Troubleshooting Guide. The notice is included in the package with this  
Information about hard disk capacity  
Instead of providing a recovery CD or a Windows® CD with your computer, Lenovo provides simpler  
methods of accomplishing the tasks typically associated with these CDs. The files and programs for  
these alternative methods are on your hard disk, which eliminates having to locate misplaced CDs and  
problems associated with using an incorrect CD version.  
The complete backup of all the files and programs that Lenovo preinstalled on your computer resides in  
a hidden section, or partition, of the hard disk. Although hidden, the backups in the partition consume  
hard disk space. Therefore, when checking the capacity of your hard disk according to Windows, you  
might note that the total capacity of the disk appears to be smaller than anticipated. This discrepancy is  
explained by the contents of the hidden partition. (See Recovering pre-installed softwareon page 31.)  
For more information about recovering your hard disk to the original preinstalled contents, refer to your  
on-system help source, Access IBM. Press the blue Access IBM button or click the Access IBM icon on  
your desktop, and then browse the Learn section for various topics that cover backing up and  
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xviii ThinkPad® G40 Series Service and Troubleshooting Guide  
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Finding information with Access IBM  
The blue Access IBM button can help you in many situations when your  
computer is working normally, and even when it is not. At your desktop,  
press the Access IBM button to open Access IBM. Access IBM is your  
on-board computer help center that brings you informative illustrations and  
easy-to-follow instructions for getting started and staying productive. You can  
also use the Access IBM button to interrupt the startup sequence of your  
computer and start Rescue and Recovery. If Windows does not start  
correctly, press the Access IBM button during the startup sequence of your  
computer and start Rescue and Recovery. Use this program to run diagnostics,  
restore your backups (assuming you have made backups using the Rescue  
and Recovery program), restore the hard drive to the original factory state (ie,  
what was there when you received your computer), start a utility that enables  
you to change your startup sequence, and get essential system information,  
and start the BIOS Setup Utility where you can check and change BIOS  
Press the Access IBM button to open the application that brings all of  
Lenovos resources to you. On the next page, you will see the Welcome page  
of Access IBM that explains what each part of Access IBM holds to help you.  
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Some of the topics in your help system contain brief video clips that show  
you how to perform certain tasks, such as replacing your battery, inserting a  
PC Card, or upgrading your memory. Use the controls shown to play, pause,  
and rewind the video clip.  
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Chapter 1. Overview of your new ThinkPad computer  
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Your ThinkPad at a glance  
Your ThinkPad at a glance  
Front view  
Volume control buttons  
Access IBM button  
TrackPoint buttons  
Computer display  
Power/System-status indicators  
PC Card slots  
Optical storage drive in the fixed  
bay, depending on model  
TrackPoint pointing stick  
Rear view  
Wireless antenna (on some models)  
Power status  
Power jack  
Modem connector  
Ethernet connector  
Audio jacks  
Floppy disk drive  
USB connectors  
USB connectors  
PS/2 connector  
Parallel connector  
Monitor connector  
Security keyhole  
ThinkPad® G40 Series Service and Troubleshooting Guide  
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v Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor  
v Intel® Celeron® Processor  
v Built-in: 128 MB, 256 MB, or 512 MB, depending on the model  
v Maximum: 2048 MB  
Storage device  
v 2.5-inch hard disk drive: 20 GB, 40 GB, 60 GB, or 80 GB, depending on the  
The color display uses TFT technology:  
v Size: 14.1 inch or 15.0 inch  
v Resolution:  
LCD: 1024 x 768 or 1400 x 1050, depending on the model  
External monitor: Up to 2048 x 1536  
v Brightness control  
v 87-key, 88-key, or 92-key  
v TrackPoint®  
v Fn key function  
v Access IBM button  
v Volume control buttons  
v Forward and Back keys  
Chapter 1. Overview of your new ThinkPad computer  
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Diskette drive  
To get the best performance from your diskette drives, use high-quality  
diskettes (such as IBM diskettes) that meet or exceed the following standards:  
v 1-MB, 3.5-inch, unformatted diskette (2DD):  
ANSI (American National Standards Institute) X3.137  
ISO (International Standards Organization) 8860  
ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association) 100  
v 2-MB, 3.5-inch, unformatted diskette (2 HD):  
ANSI X3.171  
ISO 9529  
ECMA 125  
External interface  
v Parallel connector (IEEE 1284A)  
v PS/2 mouse/keyboard combination connector  
v External-monitor connector  
v PC Card slots (Type II: two slots; Type III: one slot)  
v Headphone jack  
v Microphone jack  
v Four Universal Serial Bus (USB 2.0) connectors  
v RJ11 telephone connector  
v RJ45 Ethernet connector  
v Integrated wireless LAN feature (on some models)  
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v Width: 329 mm (12.95 in.)  
v Depth: 282.5mm (11.2 in.)  
v Height: 37.1 mm 50.9 mm (1.46 in. 2.00 in.)  
v Maximum altitude without pressurization: 3048 m (10,000 ft)  
v Temperature  
At altitudes up to 2438 m (8000 ft)  
- Operating with no diskette: 5° to 35°C (41° to 95°F)  
- Operating with a diskette: 10° to 35°C (50° to 95°F)  
- Not operating: 5° to 43°C (41° to 110°F)  
At altitudes above 3048 m (10,000 ft)  
- Maximum operating temperature, 31.3°C (88° F)  
Note: When you charge the battery pack, its temperature must be at least  
10°C (50°F).  
v Relative humidity:  
Operating with no diskette in the drive: 8% to 95%  
Operating with a diskette in the drive: 8% to 80%  
Heat output  
v 120 W (410 Btu/hr) maximum  
Power source (ac adapter)  
v Sine-wave input at 50 to 60 Hz  
v Input rating of the ac adapter: 100-240 V ac, 50 to 60 Hz  
Battery pack  
v 12cell Lithium-ion (Li-Ion) battery pack  
Nominal voltage: 10.8 V dc  
Capacity: 8.8 AH  
v 6cell Lithium-ion (Li-Ion) battery pack  
Nominal voltage: 10.8 V dc  
Capacity: 4.4 AH  
Chapter 1. Overview of your new ThinkPad computer  
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Caring for your ThinkPad computer  
Caring for your ThinkPad computer  
Though your computer is designed to function reliably in normal work  
environments, you need to use common sense in handling it. By following  
these important tips, you will get the most use and enjoyment out of your  
Important tips:  
Be careful about where and how you work  
v Do not leave the base of your computer in contact with your lap or any  
part of your body for an extended period when the computer is functioning  
or when the battery is charging. Your computer dissipates some heat during  
normal operation. This heat is a function of the level of system activity and  
battery charge level. Extended contact with your body, even through  
clothing, could cause discomfort or, eventually, a skin burn.  
v Place liquids away from your computer to avoid spills, and keep your  
computer away from water (to avoid the danger of electrical shock).  
v Store packing materials safely out of the reach of children to prevent the  
risk of suffocation from plastic bags.  
v Keep your computer away from magnets, activated cellular phones,  
electrical appliances, or speakers (within 13 cm/5 in).  
v Avoid subjecting your computer to extreme temperatures (below 5°C/41°F  
or above 35°C/95°F).  
Be gentle with your computer  
v Avoid placing any objects (including paper) between the display and the  
keyboard or under the keyboard.  
v Do not drop, bump, scratch, twist, hit, vibrate, push or place heavy objects  
on your computer, display, or external devices.  
v Your computer display is designed to be opened and used at an angle  
slightly greater than 90 degrees. Do not open the display beyond 180  
degrees, as this might damage the computer hinge.  
Carry your computer properly  
v Before moving your computer, be sure to remove any media, turn off  
attached devices, and disconnect cords and cables.  
v Be sure your computer is in standby or hibernation mode, or turned off,  
before moving it. This will prevent damage to the hard disk drive and data  
v When picking up your open computer, hold it by the bottom. Do not pick  
up or hold your computer by the display.  
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Caring for your ThinkPad computer  
v Use a quality carrying case that provides adequate cushion and protection.  
Do not pack your computer in a tightly packed suitcase or bag.  
Handle storage media and drives properly  
v Avoid inserting diskettes at an angle and attaching multiple or loose  
diskette labels, as these can lodge in the drive.  
v If your computer comes with an optical drive such as CD, DVD, or  
CD-RW/DVD drive, do not touch the surface of a disc or the lens on the  
v Wait until you hear the CD or DVD click into the center pivot of an optical  
drive such as CD, DVD, or CD-RW/DVD drive before closing the tray.  
v When installing your hard disk, diskette, CD, DVD, or CD-RW/DVD drive,  
follow the instructions shipped with your hardware, and apply pressure  
only where needed on the device. See Access IBM, your on-board help  
system, for information on replacing your hard disk drive (open Access  
IBM by pressing the Access IBM button).  
Take care in setting passwords  
v Remember your passwords. If you forget a supervisor or hard disk  
password, Lenovo authorized service provider will not reset it, and you  
might have to replace your system board or hard disk drive.  
Other important tips  
v Your computer modem might use only an analog telephone network, or  
public-switched telephone network (PSTN). Do not connect the modem to a  
PBX (private branch exchange) or any other digital telephone extension line  
because this could damage your modem. Analog phone lines are often used  
in homes, while digital phone lines are often used in hotels or office  
buildings. If you are not sure which kind of phone line you are using,  
contact your telephone company.  
v Your computer might have both an Ethernet connector and a modem  
connector. If so, be sure to connect your communication cable to the correct  
one, so your connector is not damaged. See Access IBM, your on-board help  
system, for information on the location of these connectors (press the Access  
IBM button to open Access IBM).  
v Register your ThinkPad products with Lenovo (refer to the Web page:  
www.lenovo.com/register). This can help authorities return your computer  
to you if it is lost or stolen. Registering your computer also enables Lenovo  
to notify you about possible technical information and upgrades.  
v Only an authorized ThinkPad repair technician should disassemble and  
repair your computer.  
v Do not modify or tape the latches to keep the display open or closed.  
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Caring for your ThinkPad computer  
v Take care not to turn your computer over while the ac adapter is plugged  
in. This could break the adapter plug.  
v Turn off your computer if you are replacing a device in a device bay, or else  
verify that the device is warm-or hot-swappable.  
v If you exchange drives in your computer, reinstall the plastic bezel faces (if  
v Store your external and removable hard disk, diskette, CD, DVD, and  
CD-RW/DVD drives in the appropriate containers or packaging when they  
are not being used.  
v Before you install any of the following devices, touch a metal table or a  
grounded metal object. This action reduces any static electricity from your  
body. The static electricity could damage the device.  
PC Card  
Smart Card  
Memory Card, such as SD Card, Memory Stick, and MultiMediaCard  
Memory module  
Mini-PCI Card  
Communication Daughter Card  
Cleaning the cover of your computer  
Occasionally clean your computer as follows:  
1. Prepare a mixture of a gentle kitchen-use detergent (one that does not  
contain abrasive powder or strong chemicals such as acid or alkaline). Use  
5 parts water to 1 part detergent.  
2. Absorb the diluted detergent into a sponge.  
3. Squeeze excess liquid from the sponge.  
4. Wipe the cover with the sponge, using a circular motion and taking care  
not to let any excess liquid drip.  
5. Wipe the surface to remove the detergent.  
6. Rinse the sponge with clean running water.  
7. Wipe the cover with the clean sponge.  
8. Wipe the surface again with a dry, soft lint-free cloth.  
9. Wait for the surface to dry completely and remove any cloth fibers from  
the computer surface.  
Cleaning your computer keyboard  
1. Absorb some isopropyl rubbing alcohol on a soft, dust-free cloth.  
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Caring for your ThinkPad computer  
2. Wipe each keytop surface with the cloth. Wipe the keys one by one; if you  
wipe several keys at a time, the cloth may hook onto an adjacent key and  
possibly damage it. Make sure that no liquid drips onto or between the  
3. Allow to dry.  
4. To remove any crumbs and dust from beneath the keys, you can use a  
camera blower with a brush or cool air from a hair drier.  
Note: Avoid spraying cleaner directly on the display or the keyboard.  
Cleaning your computer display  
1. Gently wipe the display with a dry, soft lint-free cloth. If you see a  
scratchlike mark on your display, it might be a stain transferred from the  
keyboard or the TrackPoint pointing stick when the cover was pressed  
from the outside.  
2. Wipe or dust the stain gently with a soft, dry cloth.  
3. If the stain remains, moisten a soft, lint-free cloth with water or a 50-50  
mixture of isopropyl alcohol and water that does not contain impurities.  
4. Wring out as much of the liquid as you can.  
5. Wipe the display again; do not let any liquid drip into the computer.  
6. Be sure to dry the display before closing it.  
Chapter 1. Overview of your new ThinkPad computer  
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Caring for your ThinkPad computer  
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Solving computer problems  
Diagnosing problems  
If you have a problem with your computer, you can test it by using  
PC-Doctor® for Windows. To run PC-Doctor for Windows, do as follows:  
1. Click Start.  
2. Move the pointer to All Programs (in Windows other than Windows XP,  
Programs) and then to PC-Doctor for Windows.  
3. Click PC-Doctor.  
4. Choose one of the tests, from either Device Categories or Test Scripts.  
Running any tests may take up to several minutes or longer. Make sure  
you have time to run the entire test; do not interrupt the test while it is  
The System Test of the Test Scripts runs some tests of critical hardware  
components, but it does not run all of the diagnostic tests in PC-Doctor for  
Windows. If PC-Doctor for Windows reports that all of the tests in the System  
Test have been run and that it has found no problems, consider running more  
of the tests in PC-Doctor for Windows.  
If you are preparing to contact the Support Center, be sure to print the test log  
so that you can rapidly provide information to the help technician.  
If you do not find your problem here, refer to Access IBM, your on-board help  
system. Open Access IBM by pressing the Access IBM button. The following  
section only describes problems that might prevent you from accessing this  
help system.  
Error messages  
1. In the charts, x can be any character.  
2. The version of PC-Doctor referred to here is PC-Doctor for Windows.  
0175: Bad CRC1, stop  
POST task  
The EEPROM checksum is not correct (block #6). Have the computer  
0177: Bad SVP data, stop The EEPROM checksum of the supervisor password is not correct. Have the  
POST task. computer serviced.  
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Solving computer problems  
0182: Bad CRC2. Enter  
BIOS Setup and load  
Setup defaults.  
The EEPROM checksum CRC2 is not correct. Enter BIOS Setup Utility and  
load default setting.  
0185: Bad startup  
The EEPROM checksum of the startup sequence is not correct. Enter BIOS  
sequence settings. Enter Setup Utility and load default setting.  
BIOS Setup and load  
Setup defaults.  
0187: EAIA data access  
The access to EEPROM has failed. Have the computer serviced.  
The EEPROM checksum is not correct (block # 0 and 1). The system board  
0188: Invalid RFID  
Serialization Information should be replaced, and the box serial number needs to be reinstalled. Have  
the computer serviced.  
0189: Invalid RFID  
information area  
The EEPROM checksum is not correct (block # 4 and 5). The system board  
should be replaced, and the UUID needs to be reinstalled. Have the  
computer serviced.  
0190: Critical low-battery The computer turned off because the battery is low. Connect the ac adapter  
to the computer and charge the battery, or replace the battery with a fully  
charged one.  
0191: System Security -  
Invalid remote change  
The system configuration change has failed. Confirm the operation and try  
again.To clear the error, enter the BIOS Setup Utility.  
0199: System Security -  
This message is displayed if you enter a wrong supervisor password more  
Security password retry than three times. Confirm the supervisor password and try again. To clear  
count exceeded.  
the error, enter the BIOS Setup Utility.  
01C9: More than one  
Ethernet devices are  
found. Remove one of  
them. Press <Esc> to  
Your ThinkPad computer has a built-in Ethernet feature, and you cannot  
add another such feature by installing an Ethernet device. If this error  
message is displayed, remove the Ethernet device that you installed.  
Otherwise press Esc to ignore the warning message. If this does not solve  
the problem, have the computer serviced.  
0200: Hard disk error  
The hard disk is not working. Make sure that the hard disk drive is attached  
firmly. Run the BIOS Setup Utility; then make sure the hard disk drive is not  
disabled in the Startup menu.  
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Solving computer problems  
021x: Keyboard error  
Make sure that there are no objects placed on the keyboard, or if you have  
one, the external keyboard. Turn off the computer, and turn off all attached  
devices. Turn on the computer first; then turn on the attached devices.  
If you still see the same error code, do the following:  
If an external keyboard is connected, do the following:  
v Turn off the computer and disconnect the external keyboard; then turn on  
the computer. Make sure that the built-in keyboard operates correctly. If it  
does, have the external keyboard serviced.  
v Make sure that the external keyboard is connected to the correct  
Test the computer by using PC-Doctor.  
v If the computer stops during the test, have the computer serviced.  
0230: Shadow RAM error The shadow RAM failed. Test your computers memory with PC-Doctor. If  
you added a memory module just before turning the computer on, reinstall  
it. Then test the memory with PC-Doctor.  
0231: System RAM error The system RAM failed. Test your computers memory with PC-Doctor. If  
you added a memory module just before turning the computer on, reinstall  
it. Then test the memory with PC-Doctor.  
0232: Extended RAM  
The extended RAM failed. Test your computers memory with PC-Doctor. If  
you have increased memory just before turning the computer on, reinstall it.  
Then test the memory with PC-Doctor.  
0250: System battery  
The backup battery, which is used to preserve the configuration information,  
such as the date and time, while the computer is turned off, is depleted.  
Recharge the battery for one hour by connecting the ac adapter to the  
computer and run BIOS Setup Utility to verify the configuration. If you still  
have a probelm, replace the battery and run the BIOS Setup Utility to verify  
the configuration. If you still have a problem, have the computer serviced.  
0251: System CMOS  
checksum bad  
The system CMOS might have been corrupted by an application program.  
The computer uses the default settings. Run the BIOS Setup Utility to  
reconfigure the settings. If you still see the same error code, have the  
computer serviced.  
0260: System timer error Have the computer serviced.  
0270: Real time clock  
Have the computer serviced.  
0271: Date and time  
Neither the date nor the time is set in the computer. Set the date and time,  
using the BIOS Setup Utility.  
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Solving computer problems  
0280: Previous boot  
Your computer was previously unable to complete the boot process.  
Turn the computer off; then turn it on to start the BIOS Setup Utility. Verify  
the configuration and then restart the computer either by choosing the Exit  
Saving Changes option under the Restart item or by pressing F10. If you  
still see the same error code, have the computer serviced.  
02D0: System cache error The cache is disabled. Have the computer serviced.  
02F4: EISA CMOS not  
Have the computer serviced.  
02F5: DMA test failed  
Have the computer serviced.  
Have the computer serviced.  
02F6: Software NMI  
02F7: Fail-safe timer NMI Have the computer serviced.  
1802: Unauthorized  
network card is plugged  
in - Power off and  
remove the miniPCI  
network card.  
The Mini-PCI network card is not supported on this computer. Remove it.  
1803: Unauthorized  
daughter card is plugged  
in - Power off and  
remove the daughter  
The daughter card is not supported on this computer. Remove it.  
1804: Unauthorized  
battery is detected-  
Replace it with a battery  
of the correct model.  
You cannot use the attached battery with this computer. Replace it with a  
battery of the correct model.  
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Solving computer problems  
1810: Hard disk partition A problem in recognizing the layout of the partition on the hard disk has  
layout error  
halted the computer startup. Either the Predesktop Area has been deleted, or  
the hard disk contains corrupt data. To try to restart your computer,  
complete one of the following:  
v If the Predesktop Area has been deleted  
1. Press F1 to open BIOS Setup Utility.  
2. Select Security > Predesktop Area> Access IBM Predesktop Area.  
3. Set this item to Disabled.  
4. Save and exit.  
v If the above fails  
1. Press Enter.  
2. Double-click RECOVER TO FACTORY CONTENTS and follow  
on-screen instructions.  
Note: This will permanently erase the entire contents of the hard disk,  
and then install software preinstalled.  
Press F1 to open BIOS Setup Utility, or Enter to start the Predesktop Area.  
If the computer still does not start, call the Support Center. Telephone  
The power-on password A power-on password or a supervisor password is set. Type the password  
and press Enter to use the computer. If the power-on password is not  
accepted, a supervisor password might have been set. Type the supervisor  
password and press Enter. If you still see the same error message, have the  
computer serviced.  
The hard disk password A hard disk password is set. Type the password and press Enter to use the  
If you still see the same error message, have the computer serviced.  
Hibernation error  
The system configuration changed between the time your computer entered  
hibernation mode and the time it left this mode, and your computer cannot  
resume normal operation.  
v Restore the system configuration to what it was before your computer  
entered hibernation mode.  
v If the memory size has been changed, re-create the hibernation file.  
Operating system not  
Verify the following:  
v The hard disk drive is correctly installed.  
v A startable diskette is in the diskette drive  
If you still see the same error message, check the boot sequence, using the  
BIOS Setup Utility.  
Fan error  
The cooling fan has failed. Have the computer serviced.  
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Solving computer problems  
EMM386 Not Installed  
Unable to Set Page  
Frame Base Address.  
Edit C:\CONFIG.SYS and change a line from  
device=C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE RAM  
and save this file.  
CardBus Configuration  
Go to the BIOS Setup Utility. Press F9 and then Enter to load the default  
Error Device Disabled setting.  
Press F10 and then Enter to restart the system.  
The thermal sensor is not functioning correctly. Have the computer serviced.  
Thermal sensing error  
Errors without messages  
When I turn on the machine, nothing appears on the screen and the  
machine does not beep while starting up.  
Note: If you are not sure whether you heard any beeps, turn off the  
computer; then turn it on again, and listen again. If you are using  
an external monitor, refer to Computer screen problemson page  
If a power-on password is set, press any key to display the power-on  
password prompt, and then type the correct password and press Enter.  
If the power-on password prompt does not appear, the brightness level  
might be set to minimum brightness. Adjust the brightness level by  
pressing Fn+Home.  
If the screen still remains blank, make sure that:  
v The battery is installed correctly.  
v The ac adapter is connected to the computer and the power cord is  
plugged into a working electrical outlet.  
v The computer power is on. (Turn on the power switch again for  
If these items are properly set, and the screen remains blank, have the  
computer serviced.  
When I turn on the machine, nothing appears on the screen, but I hear  
two or more beeps.  
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Solving computer problems  
Make sure that the memory card is installed correctly. If it is, but the  
screen is still blank, and you hear five beeps, have the computer serviced.  
If you hear 4 cycles of 4 beeps each, the Security Chip has a problem.  
Have the computer serviced.  
When I turn on the machine, only a white pointer appears on a blank  
Reinstall your operating system, and turn on the computer. If you still see  
only the pointer on the screen, have the computer serviced.  
My screen goes blank while the computer is on.  
Your screen saver or power management may be enabled. Touch the  
TrackPoint or press a key to exit the screen saver, or press the power  
switch to resume from standby or hibernation mode.  
The DOS full-screen looks smaller.  
If you use a DOS application that supports only 640×480 resolution (VGA  
mode), the screen image might look slightly distorted or appear smaller  
than the display size. This is to maintain compatibility with other DOS  
applications. To expand the screen image to the same size as the actual  
screen, start the ThinkPad Configuration Program and click LCD; then  
select the Screen expansion function. (The image might still look slightly  
A password problem  
I forgot my password.  
If you forgot your power-on password, you must take your computer to a  
Lenovo authorized servicer or a marketing representative to have the  
password canceled.  
If you forgot your hard disk password, a Lenovo authorized servicer can  
not reset your password or recover data from the hard disk. You must take  
your computer to a Lenovo authorized servicer or a marketing  
representative to have the hard disk drive replaced. Proof of purchase is  
required, and a fee will be charged for parts and service.  
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Solving computer problems  
If you forgot your supervisor password, a Lenovo authorized servicer can  
not reset your password. You must take your computer to a Lenovo  
authorized servicer or a marketing representative to have the system board  
replaced. Proof of purchase is required, and a fee will be charged for parts  
and service.  
A power switch problem  
The system does not respond, and you cannot turn off the computer.  
Turn off the computer by pressing and holding the power switch for 4  
seconds or more. If the computer is still not reset, remove the ac adapter  
and the battery.  
Keyboard problems  
Some or all of the keys on the keyboard do not work.  
If the problem occurred immediately after the computer returned from  
standby mode, enter the power-on password if one has been set.  
If an external PS/2® keyboard is connected, the numeric keypad on your  
computer does not work. Use the numeric keypad on the external  
If an external numeric keypad or a mouse is connected:  
1. Turn off the computer.  
2. Remove the external numeric keypad or the mouse.  
3. Turn on the computer and try using the keyboard again.  
If the keyboard problem is resolved, carefully reconnect the external  
numeric keypad, external keyboard, or mouse, making sure that you have  
seated the connectors properly.  
If the external keypad, external keyboard, or mouse are not attached, and  
any keys on the keyboard still do not work, have the computer serviced.  
A number appears when you type a letter.  
The numeric lock function is on. To disable it, press and hold Shift; then  
press NumLk.  
Some or all of the keys on the external numeric keypad do not work.  
Chapter 2. Solving computer problems 19  
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Solving computer problems  
Make sure that the external numeric keypad is correctly connected to the  
TrackPoint problems  
The pointer drifts when the computer is turned on or after it resumes  
normal operation.  
The pointer might drift when you are not using the TrackPoint during  
normal operation. This is a normal characteristic of the TrackPoint and  
is not a defect. The pointer drifts for several seconds under the  
following conditions:  
v When the computer is turned on.  
v When the computer resumes normal operation.  
v When the TrackPoint is pressed for a long time.  
v When the temperature changes.  
The mouse or the pointing device does not work.  
Make sure that the TrackPoint is set to Automatic in the ThinkPad  
Configuration Program. Then detach the mouse or the pointing  
device, and try using the TrackPoint. If the TrackPoint works, the  
error might be due to the mouse or the pointing device.  
Make sure that the cable for the mouse or the pointing device is  
securely connected.  
If your mouse is incompatible with the PS/2 mouse, disable the  
TrackPoint, using the ThinkPad Configuration Program.  
Note: For more information, see the manual supplied with the mouse.  
The mouse buttons do not work.  
Change the mouse driver to Standard PS/2® Port Mouse, and then  
reinstall PS/2 TrackPoint. Drivers are provided in the  
C:\IBMTOOLS\DRIVERS directory on your hard disk drive. If your  
hard disk drive does not contain device drivers, refer to the ThinkPad  
Web site. To access this Web site, press the Access IBM button. The  
Access IBM panel opens. On it, click Get Help & Support, and then  
click Download & update. Select Device drivers & software  
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Solving computer problems  
The scrolling or magnifying glass function does not work.  
Check the mouse driver in the Device Manager window, and make  
sure that the PS/2 TrackPoint driver is installed.  
Standby or hibernation problems  
The computer enters standby mode unexpectedly.  
If the processor overheats, the computer automatically enters standby  
mode to allow the computer to cool and to protect the processor and other  
internal components. Also, check the settings for standby mode, using  
Battery MaxiMiser.  
The computer enters standby mode immediately after Power-on self-test  
(POST) (the standby indicator light turns on).  
Make sure that:  
v The battery is charged.  
v The operating temperature is within the acceptable range. Refer to  
If these items are correct, have the computer serviced.  
The critical low-battery error message is displayed, and the computer  
immediately turns off.  
The battery power is getting low. Connect the ac adapter to the computer,  
or replace the battery with a fully charged one.  
When you take action to return from standby mode, the computer display  
remains blank.  
Check whether an external monitor was disconnected while the computer  
was in standby mode. Do not disconnect the external monitor while the  
computer is in standby mode or hibernation mode. If no external monitor  
is attached when the computer resumes, the computer display remains  
blank and output is not displayed. This restriction does not depend on the  
resolution value. Press Fn+F7 to bring up the computer display.  
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Solving computer problems  
Note: If you use the Fn+F7 key combination to apply a presentation  
scheme, press Fn+F7 at least three times in three seconds, and the  
image is displayed on the computer screen.  
The computer does not return from standby mode, or the standby  
indicator stays on and the computer does not work.  
If the system does not return from standby mode, it may have entered  
standby or hibernation mode automatically because the battery is depleted.  
Check the standby indicator.  
v If the standby indicator is on, your computer is in standby mode.  
Connect the ac adapter to the computer; then press Fn.  
v If the standby indicator is off, your computer is in hibernation mode or  
power-off state. Connect the ac adapter to the computer; then press  
power button to resume operation.  
If the system still does not return from standby mode, your system may  
stop responding and you cannot turn off the computer. In this case, you  
need to reset the computer. If you have not saved your data, it may be  
lost. To reset the computer, press and hold the power button for 4 seconds  
or more. If the system is still not reset, remove the ac adapter and the  
Your computer does not enter standby or hibernation mode.  
Check whether any option has been selected that would disable your  
computer from entering standby or hibernation mode.  
The Fn+F12 key combination does not cause the computer to enter  
hibernation mode.  
The computer cannot enter hibernation mode. To enable hibernation mode,  
do as follows:  
1. Start the ThinkPad Configuration Program.  
2. Click Power Management.  
3. Click the Hibernate tab.  
4. Select the hibernate support checkbox.  
5. Click OK.  
Note: You can enter hibernation mode by pressing Fn+F12 only if the PM  
driver for Windows XP or Windows 2000 has been installed.  
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Solving computer problems  
Under Windows XP, the Fn+F3 key combination does not make the  
computer screen go blank.  
Windows XP enables multiple users to log on to the system at the same  
time. If you are the first user to have logged on to your computer, you can  
use the Fn+F3 key combination. Otherwise the combination will not work  
on your computer.  
Computer screen problems  
Problem: The screen is blank.  
v If the standby status indicator is on (is green), press Fn to resume from the  
standby mode.  
v If you are using the ac adapter, or using the battery, and the battery status  
indicator is on (is green), press Fn+Home to make the screen brighter.  
v Press Fn+F7 to bring up the image.  
Note: If you use the Fn+F7 key combination to apply a presentation  
scheme, press Fn+F7 at least three times in three seconds, and the  
image is displayed on the computer screen.  
v If the problem persists, do the Solutionin the problem below.  
Problem: The screen is unreadable or distorted.  
Solution: Make sure that:  
v The display device driver is installed correctly.  
v The display resolution and color depth are correctly set.  
v The monitor type is correct.  
To check these settings, do as follows:  
For Windows XP:  
1. Click Start.  
2. Click Control Panel.  
3. Click Appearance and Themes in the Pick a category section.  
4. Click Display in the Pick a Control Panel icon section.  
5. Click the Settings tab.  
6. Check if the Screen resolution and Color quality are correctly set.  
7. Click Advanced.  
8. Click the Adapter tab.  
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Solving computer problems  
9. Make sure Intel® 82852/82855 GM/GME Chipor NVIDIA GeForce FX  
Go5200is shown in the Adapter information window.  
10. Click the Monitor tab.  
11. Make sure the monitor type is correct.  
For Windows 2000:  
1. Double-click Display in the Control Panel. The Display Properties window  
2. Click the Settings tab.  
3. Check if the Colors and Screen area are correctly set.  
4. Click Advanced....  
5. Click the Adapter tab.  
6. Make sure Intel® 82852/82855 GM/GME Chipor NVIDIA GeForce FX  
Go5200is shown in the Adapter information window.  
7. Click the Monitor tab.  
8. Make sure the information is correct.  
Problem: The screen stays on even after you turn off your computer.  
Solution: Press and hold the power switch for 4 seconds or more to turn off  
your computer; then turn it on again.  
Problem: Missing, discolored, or bright dots appear on the screen every time  
you turn on your computer.  
Solution: This is an intrinsic characteristic of the TFT technology. Your  
computers display contains multiple thin-film transistors (TFTs). A small  
number of missing, discolored, or bright dots on the screen might exist all the  
Problem: A message, Unable to create overlay window,appears when you  
try to start DVD playback.  
You get poor or no playback while running video playback, DVD playback, or  
game applications.  
Solution: Do either of the following:  
v If you are using 32-bit color mode, change the color depth to 16-bit mode.  
v If you are using a desktop size of 1280×1024 or larger, reduce the desktop  
size and the color depth.  
v Attach the ac adapter.  
v Close programs not being used.  
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Solving computer problems  
Battery problems  
Problem: The battery cannot be fully charged by the power-off method in the  
standard charge time for your computer.  
Solution: The battery might be over-discharged. Do the following:  
1. Turn off the computer.  
2. Make sure that the over-discharged battery is in the computer.  
3. Connect the ac adapter to the computer and let it charge.  
If the battery cannot be fully charged in 24 hours, use a new battery.  
If the optional Quick Charger is available, use it to charge the over-discharged  
Problem: Your computer shuts down before the battery status indicator shows  
empty, -or- Your computer operates after the battery status indicator shows  
Solution: Discharge and recharge the battery.  
Problem: The operating time for a fully charged battery is short.  
Solution: Discharge and recharge the battery. If your batterys operating time  
is still short, use a new battery.  
Problem: The computer does not operate with a fully charged battery.  
Solution: The surge protector in the battery might be active. Turn off the  
computer for one minute to reset the protector; then turn on the computer  
Problem: The battery does not charge.  
Solution: You cannot charge the battery when it is too hot. If the battery feels  
hot, remove it from the computer and allow it to cool to room temperature.  
After it cools, reinstall it and recharge the battery. If it still cannot be charged,  
have it serviced.  
Hard disk drive problems  
Problem: The hard disk drive makes a rattling noise intermittently.  
Solution: The rattling noise might be heard when:  
v The hard disk drive starts accessing the data or when it stops.  
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Solving computer problems  
v You are carrying the hard disk drive.  
v You are carrying your computer.  
This is a normal characteristic of a hard disk drive and is not a defect.  
Problem: The hard disk drive does not work.  
Solution: In the startup menu in BIOS Setup Utility, make sure that the hard  
disk drive is included in the Boot priority orderlist. If it is included in the  
Excluded from boot orderlist, it is disabled. Select the entry for it in the list  
and press the x key. This moves the entry to the Boot priority orderlist.  
A startup problem  
The Microsoft® Windows operating system will not start.  
Use the Rescue and Recovery workspace to help solve or identify your  
problem. Starting the Rescue and Recovery workspace is easy. To open  
Rescue and Recovery, do the following:  
1. Turn off your PC, then turn it on again.  
2. Watch the screen carefully while your PC starts. When the To  
interrupt normal startup, press the blue Access IBM buttonmessage  
is displayed at the lower left of the screen, press the blue Access IBM  
button. The Rescue and Recovery workspace opens. A window such as  
this will appear:  
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Solving computer problems  
Note: The window may differ on some models.  
3. After the Rescue and Recovery workspace opens, you can do the  
v Rescue and Restore your files, folders, or backups.  
v Configure your system settings and passwords.  
v Communicate by using the internet and link to the ThinkPad  
support site.  
v Troubleshoot and diagnose problems using diagnostics.  
In the top panel of the Rescue and Recovery workspace, you can click the  
following to open other pages or exit the utility:  
v Events Log enables you to view a log that contains information about  
events, or tasks, associated with Rescue and Recovery operations.  
v System Information enables you to see key hardware and software  
information about your computer. This information might be valuable  
when trying to diagnose problems.  
Warranty Status enables you to see when your warranty expires, the  
terms of service for your computer, or list of replacement parts.  
v Help provides information about the various functions available in the  
Rescue and Recovery workspace.  
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Solving computer problems  
v Restart closes the Rescue and Recovery workspace and resumes the  
startup sequence that was interrupted.  
Other problems  
Problem: The computer locks or does not accept any input.  
Solution: Your computer might lock when it enters standby mode during a  
communication operation. Disable the standby timer when you are working  
on the network.  
To turn off the computer, press and hold the power switch for 4 seconds or  
Problem: The computer does not start from a device you want, such as a  
diskette drive.  
Solution: Refer to the Startup menu of the BIOS Setup Utility. Make sure that  
the startup sequence in the BIOS Setup Utility is set so that the computer  
starts from the device you want.  
Also make sure that the device from which the computer starts is enabled. In  
the startup menu in BIOS Setup Utility, make sure that the device is included  
in the Boot priority orderlist. If it is included in the Excluded from boot  
orderlist, it is disabled. Select the entry for it in the list and press the x key.  
This moves the entry to the Boot priority orderlist.  
Problem: The computer does not respond.  
Solution: IRQs for the PCI are all set as 11. The computer does not respond  
because it cannot share the IRQ with other devices. Refer to the ThinkPad  
Configuration Program.  
Problem: You may receive an Unsafe Removal of Devicemessage that  
mentions the USB 1.x device when you resume from suspend or hibernation  
in Windows 2000.  
Solution: You can safely close this message window. It is displayed because of  
a USB 2.0 driver problem in Windows 2000. You can get detailed information  
in the More Information section of the Microsoft Knowledge Base 328580 and  
323754. Visit the Microsoft Knowledge Base homepage at  
http://support.microsoft.com/, type the number of the knowledge base article  
you need in the search field, and click the Search button.  
Problem: The computer cannot play a CD, or the sound quality of a CD is not  
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Solving computer problems  
Solution: Be sure that the disk meets the standard for your country. Usually, a  
disk that meets the local standards is marked with a CD logo (as shown  
below) on the label. If you use a disk that does not meet these standards, we  
cannot guarantee that it will play, or that, if it does play, the sound quality  
will be good.  
Problem: The system shows slow performance.  
Solution: This problem may occur when the ac adapter is not attached. To  
prolong battery life with the higher frequency of Intels Pentium 4/Celeron  
processors, the ThinkPad G40 implements the Dynamic CPU Throttling  
feature, which reduces CPU frequency dynamically: 1) when the system  
operates in battery mode; 2) when the system increases power consumption;  
3) when system temperature increases.  
To avoid or reduce this problem, do one or all of the following:  
1. Attach the ac adapter.  
2. Close applications not being used.  
3. Try to lower system temperature by increasing the fan speed with the  
Battery MaxiMiser Wizard with Fan Control.  
Problem: Playback of DVD is not smooth.  
Solution: This problem may occur when the ac adapter is not attached. To  
prolong battery life with the higher frequency of Intels Pentium 4/Celeron  
processors, the ThinkPad G40 implements the Dynamic CPU Throttling  
feature, which reduces CPU frequency dynamically: 1) when the system  
operates in battery mode; 2) when the system increases power consumption;  
3) when system temperature increases.  
To avoid or reduce this problem, do one or all of the following:  
1. Attach the ac adapter.  
2. Close applications not being used.  
3. Try to lower system temperature by increasing the fan speed with the  
Battery MaxiMiser Wizard with Fan Control.  
Chapter 2. Solving computer problems 29  
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Starting BIOS Setup Utility  
Starting BIOS Setup Utility  
Your computer provides a program, called BIOS Setup Utility, that enables  
you to select various setup parameters.  
v Config: Set the configuration of your computer.  
v Date/Time: Set the date and time.  
v Security: Set security features.  
v Startup: Set the startup device.  
v Restart: Restart the system.  
Note: You can set many of these parameters more easily by using the  
ThinkPad Configuration Program.  
To start BIOS Setup Utility, do as follows:  
1. To protect yourself against accidental loss of data, back up your data and  
computer registry. For details see Data backup-and-restore toolsin  
Access IBM, your on-board help.  
2. Remove any diskette from the diskette drive, and then turn off the  
3. Turn on the computer; then, while the message, To interrupt normal  
startup, press the blue Access IBM buttonis displayed at the lower left of  
the screen, press the Access IBM button. The Rescue and Recovery  
workspace opens.  
4. Click Access BIOS. The System Restart Required window is displayed.  
5. Click Yes. The computer restarts, and the BIOS Setup Utility menu  
If you have set a supervisor password, the BIOS Setup Utility menu  
appears after you enter the password. You can start the utility by pressing  
Enter instead of entering the supervisor password; however, you cannot  
change the parameters that are protected by the supervisor password. For  
more information, refer to the on-board help.  
6. Using the cursor keys, move to an item you want to change. When the  
item you want is highlighted, press Enter. A submenu is displayed.  
7. Change the items you wish to change. To change the value of an item, use  
the F5 or F6 key. If the item has a submenu, you can display it by pressing  
8. Press F3 or Esc to exit from the submenu. If you are in a nested submenu,  
press Esc repeatedly until you reach the BIOS Setup Utility menu.  
Note: If you need to restore the settings to their original state as of the  
time of purchase, press F9 key to load the default settings. You can also  
select an option in the Restart submenu to load the default settings or  
discard the changes.  
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Starting BIOS Setup Utility  
9. Select Restart; then press Enter. Move the cursor to the option you want  
for restarting your computer; then press Enter. Your computer restarts.  
Recovering pre-installed software  
Your computer hard disk has a hidden, protected area for backups. Contained  
within this area is a complete backup of the hard disk as it was shipped from  
the factory and a program called Rescue and Recovery.  
If you installed the Rapid Restore Ultra program, Rescue and Recovery also  
contains additional Rapid Restore Ultra backups that reflect the contents of  
the hard disk, as it existed at various points in time.  
You can use the Rescue and Recovery workspace to restore the contents of the  
hard disk to an earlier state using any of the backup images stored in the  
protected area. Rescue and Recovery workspace runs independently of the  
Windows operating system. Therefore, you can start it by pressing the blue  
Access IBM button when prompted during startup.  
After the Rescue and Recovery workspace opens you can perform a recovery  
operation, even if you are unable to start Windows. For more information  
about the Rapid Restore Ultra program, see Backing up and restoring data”  
in Access IBM, your on-board help. For more information about the Rescue  
and Recovery, see Introducing Rescue and Recoveryin Access IBM.  
To recover the hard disk to its original contents, do the following:  
Note: The recovery process might take up to 2 hours.  
Attention: All of the files on the primary hard disk partition (usually drive C)  
will be lost in the recovery process. If possible, be sure to back up copies of  
the files you have saved on your drive C before you begin.  
Note: You might need to use a diskette drive in the recovery process. Use a  
drive that is compatible with your ThinkPad computer.  
1. If possible, save all your files and shut down your operating system.  
2. Turn off your computer.  
3. Turn on your computer. Watch the display carefully. When the following  
message is displayed, press the blue Access IBM button to open the  
Rescue and Recovery: To interrupt normal startup, press the blue Access  
IBM button.The Rescue and Recovery workspace opens.  
4. Click Restore factory contents.  
5. Follow the instructions on the screen.  
Chapter 2. Solving computer problems 31  
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Recovering pre-installed software  
6. When the recovery process finishes, press the Enter key. Your computer  
will restart with the pre-installed operating system, drivers, and software.  
Upgrading the hard disk drive  
You can replace a damaged hard disk drive yourself.  
Note: Replace the hard disk drive only if you have it repaired. The connectors  
and bay of the hard disk drive were not designed for frequent changes,  
or drive swapping. The Rescue and Recovery workspace and the  
Product Recovery program are not included in the replacement hard  
disk drive.  
Handling a hard disk drive  
v Do not drop the drive or subject it to physical shocks. Put the drive on  
a material, such as soft cloth, that absorbs the physical shock.  
v Do not apply pressure to the cover of the drive.  
v Do not touch the connector.  
The drive is very sensitive. Incorrect handling can cause damage and  
permanent loss of data on the hard disk. Before removing the hard disk  
drive, make a backup copy of all the information on the hard disk, and  
then turn the computer off. Never remove the drive while the system is  
operating, in standby mode, or in hibernation mode.  
To replace the hard disk drive, do the following:  
1. Turn off the computer; then disconnect the ac adapter and all cables  
from the computer.  
2. Close the computer display, and turn the computer over.  
3. Remove the battery.  
4. Remove the screw that secures the hard disk drive.  
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Upgrading the hard disk drive  
5. Open the computer display; then stand the computer on its side and  
remove the hard disk drive by pulling the cover away from the  
6. Do not remove the screws from the sides of the cover; instead, detach the  
cover from the hard disk drive by pulling in the direction of the arrows,  
first ꢀ1ꢁ and then ꢀ2ꢁ.  
Chapter 2. Solving computer problems 33  
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Upgrading the hard disk drive  
7. Attach the cover to a new hard disk drive.  
8. Insert the hard disk drive and its cover into the hard disk drive bay; then  
firmly install them.  
9. Turn the computer over so that its bottom side is up. Reinstall the screw.  
10. Reinstall the battery.  
11. Turn the computer over again. Connect the ac adapter and the cables to  
the computer.  
Replacing the battery  
1. Turn off the computer, or enter hibernation mode. Then disconnect the ac  
adapter and all cables from the computer.  
Note: If you are using a PC Card, the computer might not be able to enter  
hibernation mode. If this happens, turn off the computer.  
2. Close the computer display, and turn the computer over.  
3. Slide the battery latch to unlock it ꢀ1ꢁ; then remove the battery ꢀ2ꢁ.  
Note: The first position of the battery latch is for releasing the lock of the  
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Replacing the battery  
4. Align the side of a fully charged spare battery with the side of the battery  
space in the computer ꢀ1ꢁ; then gently push the battery into the space ꢀ2ꢁ.  
5. Slide the battery latch to lock it.  
Chapter 2. Solving computer problems 35  
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Replacing the battery  
6. Turn the computer over again. Connect the ac adapter and the cables to  
the computer.  
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Chapter 3. Getting help and service  
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Getting help and service  
Getting help and service  
If you need help, service, technical assistance, or just want more information  
about ThinkPad computers, you will find a wide variety of sources available  
from Lenovo to assist you. This section contains information about where to  
go for additional information about ThinkPad computers, what to do if you  
experience a problem with your computer, and whom to call for service  
should it be necessary.  
Microsoft Service Packs are the latest software source for Windows product  
updates. They are available via Web download (connection charges may  
apply) or via CD-ROM. For more specific information and links, go to  
www.microsoft.com. For technical assistance with installation of, or questions  
related to, Service Packs for your preloaded Microsoft Windows product, refer  
to the Microsoft Product Support Services Web site at  
http://support.microsoft.com/directory/, or you can contact Customer  
Support Center at the phone number(s) listed in Worldwide telephone list”  
on page 65. Some fees might apply.  
Getting help on the Web  
On the World Wide Web, the Lenovo Web site has up-to-date information  
about ThinkPad computers and support. The address for the ThinkPad  
computers home page is www.lenovo.com/think  
Lenovo provides an extensive Web site dedicated to mobile computing and to  
ThinkPad computers at www.lenovo.com/think/support. Research this Web  
site to learn how to solve problems, find new ways to use your computer, and  
learn about options that can make working with your ThinkPad computer  
even easier.  
Calling the Customer Support Center  
If you have tried to correct the problem yourself and still need help, during  
the warranty period, you can get help and information by telephone through  
the Customer Support Center. The following services are available during the  
warranty period:  
v Problem determination - Trained personnel are available to assist you with  
determining if you have a hardware problem and deciding what action is  
necessary to fix the problem.  
v Lenovo hardware repair - If the problem is determined to be caused by  
Lenovo hardware under warranty, trained service personnel are available to  
provide the applicable level of service.  
v Engineering change management - Occasionally, there might be changes  
that are required after a product has been sold. Lenovo or your reseller, if  
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Getting help and service  
authorized by Lenovo, will make selected Engineering Changes (ECs)  
available that apply to your hardware.  
The following items are not covered:  
v Replacement or use of non-ThinkPad parts or nonwarranted parts  
Note: All warranted parts contain a 7-character identification in the format  
v Identification of software problem sources  
v Configuration of BIOS as part of an installation or upgrade  
v Changes, modifications, or upgrades to device drivers  
v Installation and maintenance of network operating systems (NOS)  
v Installation and maintenance of application programs  
Refer to your Lenovo hardware warranty for a full explanation of Lenovo  
warranty terms. Be sure to retain your proof of purchase to obtain warranty  
If possible, be near your computer when you make your call in case the  
technical assistance representative needs to help you resolve a computer  
problem. Please ensure that you have downloaded the most current drivers  
and system updates, run diagnostics, and recorded information before you  
call. When calling for technical assistance, please have the following  
information available:  
v Machine Type and Model  
v Serial numbers of your computer, monitor, and other components, or your  
proof of purchase  
v Description of the problem  
v Exact wording of any error messages  
v Hardware and software configuration information for your system  
The telephone numbers for your Customer Support Center location are  
located in the Worldwide telephone list section of this guide.  
Note: Telephone numbers are subject to change without notice. For the latest  
list of Customer Support Center telephone numbers and hours of  
operation, visit the Support Web site at  
Getting help around the world  
If you travel with your computer or relocate it to a country where your  
ThinkPad machine type is sold and serviced, International Warranty Service is  
available for your computer.  
Chapter 3. Getting help and service 39  
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Getting help and service  
Service methods and procedures vary by country, and some services might  
not be available in all countries. International Warranty Service is delivered  
through the method of service (such as depot, carry-in, or on-site service) that  
is provided in the servicing country. Service centers in certain countries might  
not be able to service all models of a particular machine type. In some  
countries, fees and restrictions might apply at the time of service.  
To determine whether your computer is eligible for International Warranty  
Service and to view a list of the countries where service is available, go to  
www.lenovo.com/think/support, and click Warranty. Eligible ThinkPad  
computers are identified by their four-digit machine types.  
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Appendix A. Wireless related information  
Wireless interoperability  
Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Adapter is designed to be interoperable with any  
wireless LAN product that is based on Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum  
(DSSS) and/or Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) radio  
technology, and is compliant to:  
v The IEEE 802.11 Standard on Wireless LANs, as defined and approved by  
the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.  
v The Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) certification as defined by the WECA (Wireless  
Ethernet Compatibility Alliance).  
Usage environment and your health  
The Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Adapter emits radio frequency electromagnetic  
energy like other radio devices. However, the level of energy emitted is far  
less than the electromagnetic energy emitted by wireless devices like for  
example mobile phones.  
Because the Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Adapter operates within the guidelines  
found in radio frequency safety standards and recommendations, Lenovo  
believes the integrated wireless cards are safe for use by consumers. These  
standards and recommendations reflect the consensus of the scientific  
community and result from deliberations of panels and committees of  
scientists who continually review and interpret the extensive research  
In some situations or environments, the use of a Wireless LAN Mini-PCI  
Adapter card may be restricted by the proprietor of the building or  
responsible representatives of the organization. These situations may for  
example include:  
v Using integrated wireless cards on airplanes, or in hospitals  
v In environments where the risk of interference to other devices or services  
is perceived or identified as harmful.  
If you are uncertain of the policy that applies on the use of wireless devices in  
a specific organization (e.g. airport or hospital), you are encouraged to ask for  
authorization to use the Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Adapter prior to turning on  
the ThinkPad G40 computer.  
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Authorized Operation Within the United States and Canada  
The statement below regarding the extended channel mode is applicable when  
the system supports this function. To check the support of this function, see  
the properties of the installed wireless card by referring to the extended  
channel mode enablement instructions.  
For systems with 802.11b wireless function supporting Extended Channel  
This device may only be used with Access Points, which are authorized for  
use within the geography in which they are being used. The use of this device  
with an Access Point that is not Wi-Fi compliant and not authorized to be  
used in your geography could result in violation of government regulations.  
Consult the network administrator, the instruction manual, or the approval  
label for the Access Point to determine the authorization of your Access Point  
in your specific country or geographic region.  
Extended Channel Modeshould only be selected when the device is  
operated outside the USA and Canada to avoid the unlikely possibility of  
unauthorized operation. The use of this device outside the United States and  
Canada in Extended Channel Modemay use frequencies not authorized for  
use in the United States and Canada. When used with an authorized Wireless  
Access Point that is Wi-Fi compliant or in Ad Hoc mode, this device will  
operate in its authorized modes in all geographies.  
Please reconfigure selected frequencies when you travel from one country to  
Enabling Extended Channel Mode  
The statement below regarding the extended channel mode is applicable when  
the system supports this function. To check the support of this function, see  
the properties of the installed wireless card by referring to the extended  
channel mode enablement instructions.  
In countries other than the United States and Canada, extra IEEE 802.11b  
channels may be supported. If you have a problem to connect to an Access  
Point, contact your system administrator or check your Access Point to know  
which channel is used. And if the 802.11b channel is 12 or greater, you will  
need to enable Extended Channel Modeas follows.  
1. Start the computer and log on with administrative privileges.  
2. Click Start, then right-click My Computer (for Windows 2000, right-click  
My Computer on the desktop) and select Properties.  
3. Select the Hardware tab, and then click the Device Manager button.  
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4. Double-click Network adapters.  
5. Right-click the Wireless LAN Mini PCI Adapter and select Properties.  
6. Click the Advanced tab.  
7. Select Extended Channel Mode and set the value to Enable.  
Note: The above applies only to systems with the 802.11b wireless function  
that support Extended Channel Mode.  
Appendix A. Wireless related information 43  
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Appendix B. Warranty information  
Lenovo Statement of Limited Warranty  
LSOLW-00 05/2005  
Part 1 - General Terms  
This Statement of Limited Warranty includes Part 1 - General Terms, Part 2 -  
Country-unique Terms, and Part 3 - Warranty Information. The terms of Part 2  
replace or modify those of Part 1. The warranties provided by Lenovo Group Limited  
or one of its subsidiaries (called Lenovo) in this Statement of Limited Warranty  
apply only to Machines you purchase for your use, and not for resale. The term  
“Machine” means a Lenovo machine, its options, features, conversions, upgrades or  
peripheral products, or any combination of them. The term “Machine” does not  
include any software programs, whether pre-loaded with the Machine, installed  
subsequently or otherwise. Nothing in this Statement of Limited Warranty  
affects any statutory rights of consumers that cannot be waived or limited by  
What this Warranty Covers  
Lenovo warrants that each Machine 1) is free from defects in materials and  
workmanship and 2) conforms to Lenovos Official Published Specifications  
(Specifications) which are available on request. The warranty period for the  
Machine starts on the original date of installation and is specified in Part 3 -  
Warranty Information. The date on your invoice or sales receipt is the date of  
installation unless Lenovo or your reseller informs you otherwise. Unless  
Lenovo specifies otherwise, these warranties apply only in the country or  
region in which you purchased the Machine.  
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What this Warranty Does not Cover  
This warranty does not cover the following:  
v any software programs, whether pre-loaded or shipped with the Machine,  
or installed subsequently;  
v failure resulting from misuse, accident, modification, unsuitable physical or  
operating environment, or improper maintenance by you;  
v failure caused by a product for which Lenovo is not responsible; and  
v any non-Lenovo products, including those that Lenovo may procure and  
provide with or integrate into a Lenovo Machine at your request.  
The warranty is voided by removal or alteration of identification labels on the  
Machine or its parts.  
Lenovo does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of a Machine.  
Any technical or other support provided for a Machine under warranty, such  
as assistance with "how-to" questions and those regarding Machine set-up and  
installation, is provided WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND.  
How to Obtain Warranty Service  
Warranty service may be provided by Lenovo, IBM, your reseller if authorized  
to perform warranty service, or an authorized warranty service provider. Each  
of them is referred to as a Service Provider.”  
If the Machine does not function as warranted during the warranty period,  
contact a Service Provider. If you do not register the Machine with Lenovo,  
you may be required to present proof of purchase as evidence of your  
entitlement to warranty service.  
What Lenovo Will Do to Correct Problems  
When you contact a Service Provider for service, you must follow the problem  
determination and resolution procedures that we specify. An initial diagnosis  
of your problem can be made either by a technician over the telephone or  
electronically by access to a support website.  
The type of warranty service applicable to your Machine is specified in Part 3  
- Warranty Information.  
You are responsible for downloading and installing designated software  
updates from a support web site or from other electronic media, and  
following the instructions that your Service Provider provides. Software  
updates may include basic input/output system code (called BIOS), utility  
programs, device drivers, and other software updates.  
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If your problem can be resolved with a Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU)  
(e.g., keyboard, mouse, speaker, memory, hard disk drive), your Service  
Provider will ship the CRU to you for you to install.  
If the Machine does not function as warranted during the warranty period  
and your problem cannot be resolved over the telephone or electronically,  
through your application of software updates, or with a CRU, your Service  
Provider, will either, at its discretion, 1) repair it to make it function as  
warranted, or 2) replace it with one that is at least functionally equivalent. If  
your Service Provider is unable to do either, you may return the Machine to  
your place of purchase and your money will be refunded.  
As part of the warranty service, your Service Provider may also install  
selected engineering changes that apply to the Machine.  
Exchange of a Machine or Part  
When the warranty service involves the exchange of a Machine or part, the  
item your Service Provider replaces becomes Lenovos property and the  
replacement becomes yours. You represent that all removed items are genuine  
and unaltered. The replacement may not be new, but will be in good working  
order and at least functionally equivalent to the item replaced. The  
replacement assumes the warranty service status of the replaced item.  
Your Additional Responsibilities  
Before your Service Provider exchanges a Machine or part, you agree to  
remove all features, parts, options, alterations, and attachments not under  
warranty service.  
You also agree to:  
1. ensure that the Machine is free of any legal obligations or restrictions that  
prevent its exchange;  
2. obtain authorization from the owner to have your Service Provider service  
a Machine that you do not own; and  
3. where applicable, before service is provided:  
a. follow the service request procedures that your Service Provider  
b. backup or secure all programs, data, and funds contained in the  
Machine; and  
c. provide your Service Provider with sufficient, free, and safe access to  
your facilities to permit Lenovo to fulfill its obligations.  
4. (a) ensure all information about identified or identifiable individuals  
(Personal Data) is deleted from the Machine (to the extent technically  
possible), (b) allow your Service Provider or a supplier to process on your  
behalf any remaining Personal Data as your Service Provider considers  
necessary to fulfill its obligations under this Statement of Limited  
Warranty (which may include shipping the Machine for such processing to  
Appendix B. Warranty information 47  
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other service locations around the world), and (c) ensure that such  
processing complies with any laws applicable to such Personal Data.  
Limitation of Liability  
Lenovo is responsible for loss of, or damage to, your Machine only while it is  
1) in your Service Providers possession or 2) in transit in those cases where  
Lenovo is responsible for the transportation charges.  
Neither Lenovo nor your Service Provider are responsible for any of your  
confidential, proprietary or personal information contained in a Machine  
which you return for any reason. You should remove all such information  
from the Machine prior to its return.  
Circumstances may arise where, because of a default on Lenovos part or  
other liability, you are entitled to recover damages from Lenovo. In each such  
instance, regardless of the basis on which you are entitled to claim damages  
from Lenovo (including fundamental breach, negligence, misrepresentation, or  
other contract or tort claim), except for any liability that cannot be waived or  
limited by applicable laws, Lenovo is liable for no more than  
1. damages for bodily injury (including death) and damage to real property  
and tangible personal property for which Lenovo is legally liable; and  
2. the amount of any other actual direct damages, up to the charges for the  
Machine that is subject of the claim.  
This limit also applies to Lenovos suppliers, resellers and your Service  
Provider. It is the maximum for which Lenovo, its suppliers, resellers, and  
your Service Provider are collectively responsible.  
Governing Law  
Both you and Lenovo consent to the application of the laws of the country in  
which you acquired the Machine to govern, interpret, and enforce all of your  
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and Lenovos rights, duties, and obligations arising from, or relating in any  
manner to, the subject matter of this Statement of Limited Warranty, without  
regard to conflict of law principles.  
All of our rights, duties, and obligations are subject to the courts of the  
country in which you acquired the Machine.  
Part 2 - Country-unique Terms  
Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the Ordinary Commercial Court of the city of Buenos Aires.  
Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the courts of the city of La Paz.  
Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the court of Rio de Janeiro, RJ.  
Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the Civil Courts of Justice of Santiago.  
Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the Judges of the Republic of Colombia.  
Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the Judges of Quito.  
Appendix B. Warranty information 49  
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Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the Federal Courts of Mexico City, Federal District.  
Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the courts of the city of Asuncion.  
Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the Judges and Tribunals of the Judicial District of Lima,  
Limitation of Liability: The following is added at the end of this section:  
In accordance with Article 1328 of the Peruvian Civil Code the limitations and  
exclusions specified in this section will not apply to damages caused by  
Lenovos willful misconduct (dolo) or gross negligence (culpa  
Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the City of Montevideo Courts Jurisdiction.  
Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the Courts of the Metropolitan Area Of the City of Caracas.  
How to Obtain Warranty Service: The following is added to this Section:  
To obtain warranty service from IBM service in Canada or the United States,  
call 1-800-IBM-SERV (426-7378).  
Limitation of Liability: The following replaces item 1 of this section:  
1. damages for bodily injury (including death) or physical harm to real  
property and tangible personal property caused by Lenovos negligence; and  
Governing Law: The following replaces "laws of the country in which you acquired  
the Machine" in the first sentence:  
laws in the Province of Ontario.  
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Governing Law: The following replaces "laws of the country in which you acquired  
the Machine" in the first sentence:  
laws of the State of New York.  
What this Warranty Covers: The following paragraph is added to this section:  
The warranties specified in this Section are in addition to any rights you may  
have under the Trade Practices Act 1974 or other similar legislation and are  
only limited to the extent permitted by the applicable legislation.  
Limitation of Liability: The following is added to this section:  
Where Lenovo is in breach of a condition or warranty implied by the Trade  
Practices Act 1974 or other similar legislation, Lenovos liability is limited to  
the repair or replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods.  
Where that condition or warranty relates to right to sell, quiet possession or  
clear title, or the goods are of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal,  
domestic or household use or consumption, then none of the limitations in  
this paragraph apply.  
Governing Law: The following replaces "laws of the country in which you  
acquired the Machinein the first sentence:  
laws of the State or Territory.  
Governing Law: The following replaces "laws of the country in which you  
acquired the Machine" in the first sentence:  
laws of the State of New York, United States of America.  
Arbitration: The following is added under this heading:  
Disputes arising out of or in connection with this Statement of Limited  
Warranty shall be finally settled by arbitration which shall be held in  
Singapore in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of Singapore International  
Arbitration Center (SIAC Rules) then in effect. The arbitration award shall  
be final and binding for the parties without appeal and shall be in writing  
and set forth the findings of fact and the conclusions of law.  
The number of arbitrators shall be three, with each side to the dispute being  
entitled to appoint one arbitrator. The two arbitrators appointed by the parties  
shall appoint a third arbitrator who shall act as chairman of the proceedings.  
Vacancies in the post of chairman shall be filled by the president of the SIAC.  
Appendix B. Warranty information 51  
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Other vacancies shall be filled by the respective nominating party. Proceedings  
shall continue from the stage they were at when the vacancy occurred.  
If one of the parties refuses or otherwise fails to appoint an arbitrator within  
30 days of the date the other party appoints its, the first appointed arbitrator  
shall be the sole arbitrator, provided that the arbitrator was validly and  
properly appointed.  
All proceedings shall be conducted, including all documents presented in  
such proceedings, in the English language. The English language version of  
this Statement of Limited Warranty prevails over any other language version.  
Governing Law: The following replaces "laws of the country in which you  
acquired the Machine" in the first sentence:  
laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China.  
Limitation of Liability: The following replaces items 1 and 2 of this section:  
1. liability for bodily injury (including death) or damage to real property and  
tangible personal property will be limited to that caused by Lenovos  
negligence; and  
2. as to any other actual damage arising in any situation involving  
nonperformance by Lenovo pursuant to, or in any way related to the  
subject of this Statement of Limited Warranty, the charge paid by you for  
the individual Machine that is the subject of the claim.  
Arbitration: The following is added under this heading  
Disputes arising out of or in connection with this Statement of Limited  
Warranty shall be finally settled by arbitration which shall be held in  
Bangalore, India in accordance with the laws of India then in effect. The  
arbitration award shall be final and binding for the parties without appeal  
and shall be in writing and set forth the findings of fact and the conclusions  
of law.  
The number of arbitrators shall be three, with each side to the dispute being  
entitled to appoint one arbitrator. The two arbitrators appointed by the parties  
shall appoint a third arbitrator who shall act as chairman of the proceedings.  
Vacancies in the post of chairman shall be filled by the president of the Bar  
Council of India. Other vacancies shall be filled by the respective nominating  
party. Proceedings shall continue from the stage they were at when the  
vacancy occurred.  
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If one of the parties refuses or otherwise fails to appoint an arbitrator within  
30 days of the date the other party appoints its, the first appointed arbitrator  
shall be the sole arbitrator, provided that the arbitrator was validly and  
properly appointed.  
All proceedings shall be conducted, including all documents presented in  
such proceedings, in the English language. The English language version of  
this Statement of Limited Warranty prevails over any other language version.  
Governing Law: The following sentence is added to this section:  
Any doubts concerning this Statement of Limited Warranty will be initially  
resolved between us in good faith and in accordance with the principle of  
mutual trust.  
Limitation of Liability: The word SPECIALin item 3 of the fifth paragraph  
is deleted.  
What this Warranty Covers: The following paragraph is added to this section:  
The warranties specified in this section are in addition to any rights you may  
have under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 or other legislation which  
cannot be excluded or limited. The Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 will not  
apply in respect of any goods which Lenovo provides, if you require the  
goods for the purposes of a business as defined in that Act.  
Limitation of Liability: The following is added to this section:  
Where Machines are not acquired for the purposes of a business as defined in  
the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, the limitations in this Section are subject  
to the limitations in that Act.  
Governing Law: The following replaces laws of the country in which you  
acquired the Machinein the first sentence:  
laws of the State of New York, United States of America (except when local  
law requires otherwise).  
Limitation of Liability: Item 3 in the fifth paragraph is replaced by the following:  
Arbitration: The following is added: under this heading  
Disputes arising out of or in connection with this Statement of Limited  
Appendix B. Warranty information 53  
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Warranty shall be finally settled by arbitration which shall be held in Metro  
Manila, Philippines in accordance with the laws of the Philippines then in  
effect. The arbitration award shall be final and binding for the parties without  
appeal and shall be in writing and set forth the findings of fact and the  
conclusions of law.  
The number of arbitrators shall be three, with each side to the dispute being  
entitled to appoint one arbitrator. The two arbitrators appointed by the parties  
shall appoint a third arbitrator who shall act as chairman of the proceedings.  
Vacancies in the post of chairman shall be filled by the president of the  
Philippine Dispute Resolution Center, Inc.. Other vacancies shall be filled by  
the respective nominating party. Proceedings shall continue from the stage  
they were at when the vacancy occurred.  
If one of the parties refuses or otherwise fails to appoint an arbitrator within  
30 days of the date the other party appoints its, the first appointed arbitrator  
shall be the sole arbitrator, provided that the arbitrator was validly and  
properly appointed.  
All proceedings shall be conducted, including all documents presented in  
such proceedings, in the English language. The English language version of  
this Statement of Limited Warranty prevails over any other language version.  
Limitation of Liability: The words SPECIALand ECONOMICin item 3 in  
the fifth paragraph are deleted.  
The terms of this Statement of Limited Warranty apply to Machines purchased  
from Lenovo or a Lenovo reseller.  
How to Obtain Warranty Service:  
Add the following paragraph in Western Europe (Andorra, Austria, Belgium,  
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,  
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,  
Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Slovakia,  
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Vatican State, and any  
country subsequently added to the European Union, as from the date of accession):  
The warranty for Machines acquired in Western Europe shall be valid and  
applicable in all Western Europe countries provided the Machines have been  
announced and made available in such countries.  
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If you purchase a Machine in one of the Western European countries, as  
defined above, you may obtain warranty service for that Machine in any of  
those countries from a Service Provider, provided the Machine has been  
announced and made available by Lenovo in the country in which you wish  
to obtain service.  
If you purchased a Personal Computer Machine in Albania, Armenia, Belarus,  
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary,  
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Former Yugoslav  
Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovak  
Republic, Slovenia, or Ukraine, you may obtain warranty service for that  
Machine in any of those countries from a Service Provider, provided the  
Machine has been announced and made available by Lenovo in the country in  
which you wish to obtain service..  
If you purchase a Machine in a Middle Eastern or African country, you may  
obtain warranty service for that Machine from a Service Provider within the  
country of purchase, provided the Machine has been announced and made  
available by Lenovo in that country. Warranty service in Africa is available  
within 50 kilometers of a Service Provider. You are responsible for  
transportation costs for Machines located outside 50 kilometers of a Service  
Governing Law:  
The phrase "the laws of the country in which you acquired the Machine" is  
replaced by:  
1) the laws of Austriain Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,  
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan,  
Kyrgyzstan, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia,  
Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and FR  
Yugoslavia; 2) the laws of Francein Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso,  
Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo  
Republic, Djibouti, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea,  
French Guiana, French Polynesia, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau,  
Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte,  
Morocco, New Caledonia, Niger, Reunion, Senegal, Seychelles, Togo,  
Tunisia, Vanuatu, and Wallis & Futuna; 3) the laws of Finlandin Estonia,  
Latvia, and Lithuania; 4) the laws of Englandin Angola, Bahrain,  
Botswana, Burundi, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait,  
Liberia, Malawi, Malta, Mozambique, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar,  
Rwanda, Sao Tome, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda,  
United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, West Bank/Gaza, Yemen,  
Zambia, and Zimbabwe; and 5) the laws of South Africain South Africa,  
Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland.  
Appendix B. Warranty information 55  
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Jurisdiction: The following exceptions are added to this section:  
1) In Austria the choice of jurisdiction for all disputes arising out of this  
Statement of Limited Warranty and relating thereto, including its existence,  
will be the competent court of law in Vienna, Austria (Inner-City); 2) in  
Angola, Bahrain, Botswana, Burundi, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana,  
Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Liberia, Malawi, Malta, Mozambique, Nigeria,  
Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Rwanda, Sao Tome, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone,  
Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, West Bank/Gaza, Yemen,  
Zambia, and Zimbabwe all disputes arising out of this Statement of Limited  
Warranty or related to its execution, including summary proceedings, will be  
submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts; 3) in Belgium  
and Luxembourg, all disputes arising out of this Statement of Limited  
Warranty or related to its interpretation or its execution, the law, and the  
courts of the capital city, of the country of your registered office and/or  
commercial site location only are competent; 4) in France, Algeria, Benin,  
Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad,  
Comoros, Congo Republic, Djibouti, Democratic Republic of Congo,  
Equatorial Guinea, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Gabon, Gambia,  
Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali,  
Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Morocco, New Caledonia, Niger, Reunion,  
Senegal, Seychelles, Togo, Tunisia, Vanuatu, and Wallis & Futuna all  
disputes arising out of this Statement of Limited Warranty or related to its  
violation or execution, including summary proceedings, will be settled  
exclusively by the Commercial Court of Paris; 5) in Russia, all disputes  
arising out of or in relation to the interpretation, the violation, the  
termination, the nullity of the execution of this Statement of Limited Warranty  
shall be settled by Arbitration Court of Moscow; 6) in South Africa, Namibia,  
Lesotho and Swaziland, both of us agree to submit all disputes relating to  
this Statement of Limited Warranty to the jurisdiction of the High Court in  
Johannesburg; 7) in Turkey all disputes arising out of or in connection with  
this Statement of Limited Warranty shall be resolved by the Istanbul Central  
(Sultanahmet) Courts and Execution Directorates of Istanbul, the Republic of  
Turkey; 8) in each of the following specified countries, any legal claim arising  
out of this Statement of Limited Warranty will be brought before, and settled  
exclusively by, the competent court of a) Athens for Greece, b) Tel Aviv-Jaffa  
for Israel, c) Milan for Italy, d) Lisbon for Portugal, and e) Madrid for Spain;  
and 9) in the United Kingdom, both of us agree to submit all disputes  
relating to this Statement of Limited Warranty to the jurisdiction of the  
English courts.  
Arbitration: The following is added under this heading:  
In Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria,  
Croatia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, FYR Macedonia,  
Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan,  
Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and FR Yugoslavia all disputes arising  
out of this Statement of Limited Warranty or related to its violation,  
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termination or nullity will be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration  
and Conciliation of the International Arbitral Center of the Federal Economic  
Chamber in Vienna (Vienna Rules) by three arbitrators appointed in  
accordance with these rules. The arbitration will be held in Vienna, Austria,  
and the official language of the proceedings will be English. The decision of  
the arbitrators will be final and binding upon both parties. Therefore,  
pursuant to paragraph 598 (2) of the Austrian Code of Civil Procedure, the  
parties expressly waive the application of paragraph 595 (1) figure 7 of the  
Code. Lenovo may, however, institute proceedings in a competent court in the  
country of installation.  
In Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania all disputes arising in connection with this  
Statement of Limited Warranty will be finally settled in arbitration that will be  
held in Helsinki, Finland in accordance with the arbitration laws of Finland  
then in effect. Each party will appoint one arbitrator. The arbitrators will then  
jointly appoint the chairman. If arbitrators cannot agree on the chairman, then  
the Central Chamber of Commerce in Helsinki will appoint the chairman.  
The warranty for Machines acquired in EU countries is valid and applicable in  
all EU countries provided the Machines have been announced and made  
available in such countries.  
How to Obtain Warranty Service: The following is added to this section:  
To obtain warranty service from IBM service in EU countries, see the  
telephone listing in Part 3 - Warranty Information.  
You may contact IBM service at the following address:  
IBM Warranty & Service Quality Dept.  
PO Box 30  
Spango Valley  
Scotland PA16 0AH  
Consumers have legal rights under applicable national legislation governing  
the sale of consumer goods. Such rights are not affected by the warranties  
provided in this Statement of Limited Warranty.  
Limitation of Liability: The following replaces the terms of this section in its  
Except as otherwise provided by mandatory law:  
Appendix B. Warranty information 57  
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1. Lenovos liability for any damages and losses that may arise as a  
consequence of the fulfillment of its obligations under or in connection  
with this Statement of Limited Warranty or due to any other cause related  
to this Statement of Limited Warranty is limited to the compensation of  
only those damages and losses proved and actually arising as an  
immediate and direct consequence of the non-fulfillment of such  
obligations (if Lenovo is at fault) or of such cause, for a maximum amount  
equal to the charges you paid for the Machine.  
The above limitation shall not apply to damages for bodily injuries  
(including death) and damages to real property and tangible personal  
property for which Lenovo is legally liable.  
Limitation of Liability: The following replaces the terms of this section in its  
Except as otherwise provided by mandatory law:  
1. Lenovos liability for any damages and losses that may arise as a  
consequence of the fulfillment of its obligations under or in connection  
with this Statement of Limited Warranty is limited to the compensation of  
only those damages and losses proved and actually arising as an  
immediate and direct consequence of the non-fulfillment of such  
obligations (if Lenovo is at fault), for a maximum amount equal to the  
charges you paid for the Machine that has caused the damages.  
The above limitation shall not apply to damages for bodily injuries  
(including death) and damages to real property and tangible personal  
property for which Lenovo is legally liable.  
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The provisions of this Statement of Limited Warranty replace any  
applicable statutory warranties.  
What this Warranty Covers: The following replaces the first sentence of the first  
paragraph of this section:  
The warranty for a Lenovo Machine covers the functionality of the Machine  
for its normal use and the Machines conformity to its Specifications.  
The following paragraphs are added to this section:  
The limitation period for consumers in action for breach of warranty is the  
statutory period as a minimum. In case your Service Provider is unable to  
repair a Lenovo Machine, you can alternatively ask for a partial refund as far  
as justified by the reduced value of the unrepaired Machine or ask for a  
cancellation of the respective agreement for such Machine and get your  
money refunded.  
The second paragraph does not apply.  
What Lenovo Will Do to Correct Problems: The following is added to this  
During the warranty period, Lenovo will reimburse you for the transportation  
charges for the delivery of the failing Machine to IBM Service.  
Limitation of Liability: The following paragraph is added to this section:  
The limitations and exclusions specified in the Statement of Limited Warranty  
will not apply to damages caused by Lenovo with fraud or gross negligence  
and for express warranty.  
The following sentence is added to the end of item 2:  
Lenovos liability under this item is limited to the violation of essential  
contractual terms in cases of ordinary negligence.  
Limitation of Liability: The following replaces item 2 in this section:  
as to any other actual direct damages, Lenovos liability will be limited to the  
total amount you paid for the Machine that is the subject of the claim.  
Applicability of suppliers, resellers, and Service Providers (unchanged).  
Limitation of Liability: The following replaces the second sentence of the first  
paragraph of this section:  
Appendix B. Warranty information 59  
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In such instances, regardless of the basis on which you are entitled to claim  
damages from Lenovo, Lenovo is liable for no more than: (items 1 and 2  
What this Warranty Covers: The following replaces the first sentence of the first  
paragraph of this section:  
The warranty for a Lenovo Machine covers the functionality of the Machine  
for its normal use and the Machines conformity to its Specifications.  
The following paragraphs are added to this section:  
The minimum warranty period for Machines is twelve months. In case your  
Service Provider is unable to repair a Lenovo Machine, you can alternatively  
ask for a partial refund as far as justified by the reduced value of the  
unrepaired Machine or ask for a cancellation of the respective agreement for  
such Machine and get your money refunded.  
The second paragraph does not apply.  
What Lenovo Will Do to Correct Problems: The following is added to this  
During the warranty period, transportation for delivery of the failing Machine  
to Lenovo or IBM service will be at Lenovos expense.  
Limitation of Liability: The following paragraph is added to this section:  
The limitations and exclusions specified in the Statement of Limited Warranty  
will not apply to damages caused by Lenovo with fraud or gross negligence  
and for express warranty.  
The following sentence is added to the end of item 2:  
Lenovos liability under this item is limited to the violation of essential  
contractual terms in cases of ordinary negligence.  
Limitation of Liability: The following is added at the end of this section:  
The limitation and exclusion specified herein shall not apply to liability for a  
breach of contract damaging life, physical well-being, or health that has been  
caused intentionally, by gross negligence, or by a criminal act.  
The parties accept the limitations of liability as valid provisions and state that  
the Section 314.(2) of the Hungarian Civil Code applies as the acquisition  
price as well as other advantages arising out of the present Statement of  
Limited Warranty balance this limitation of liability.  
What this Warranty Covers: The following is added to this section:  
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Except as expressly provided in these terms and conditions, all statutory  
conditions, including all warranties implied, but without prejudice to the  
generality of the foregoing all warranties implied by the Sale of Goods Act  
1893 or the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980 are hereby  
Limitation of Liability: The following replaces the terms of section in its entirety:  
For the purposes of this section, a Defaultmeans any act, statement,  
omission, or negligence on the part of Lenovo in connection with, or in  
relation to, the subject matter of this Statement of Limited Warranty in respect  
of which Lenovo is legally liable to you, whether in contract or tort. A number  
of Defaults which together result in, or contribute to, substantially the same  
loss or damage will be treated as one Default occurring on the date of  
occurrence of the last such Default.  
Circumstances may arise where, because of a Default, you are entitled to  
recover damages from Lenovo.  
This section sets out the extent of Lenovos liability and your sole remedy.  
1. Lenovo will accept unlimited liability for death or personal injury caused  
by the negligence of Lenovo.  
2. Subject always to the Items for Which Lenovo is Not Liable below,  
Lenovo will accept unlimited liability for physical damage to your tangible  
property resulting from the negligence of Lenovo.  
3. Except as provided in items 1 and 2 above, Lenovos entire liability for  
actual damages for any one Default will not in any event exceed 125% of  
the amount you paid for the Machine directly relating to the Default.  
Items for Which Lenovo is Not Liable  
Save with respect to any liability referred to in item 1 above, under no  
circumstances is Lenovo, its suppliers, resellers or Service Providers liable for  
any of the following, even if Lenovo or they were informed of the possibility  
of such losses:  
1. loss of, or damage to, data;  
2. special, indirect, or consequential loss; or  
3. loss of profits, business, revenue, goodwill, or anticipated savings.  
Limitation of Liability: The following is added to the end of the last paragraph:  
The limitations apply to the extent they are not prohibited under §§ 373-386 of  
the Slovak Commercial Code.  
Limitation of Liability: The following is added to this section:  
Lenovos entire liability to you for actual damages arising in all situations  
Appendix B. Warranty information 61  
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involving nonperformance by Lenovo in respect of the subject matter of this  
Statement of Warranty will be limited to the charge paid by you for the  
individual Machine that is the subject of your claim from Lenovo.  
Limitation of Liability: The following replaces the terms of this section is in its  
For the purposes of this section, a Defaultmeans any act, statement,  
omission, or negligence on the part of Lenovo in connection with, or in  
relation to, the subject matter of this Statement of Limited Warranty in respect  
of which Lenovo is legally liable to you, whether in contract or tort. A number  
of Defaults which together result in, or contribute to, substantially the same  
loss or damage will be treated as one Default.  
Circumstances may arise where, because of a Default, you are entitled to  
recover damages from Lenovo.  
This section sets out the extent of Lenovos liability and your sole remedy.  
1. Lenovo will accept unlimited liability for:  
a. death or personal injury caused by the negligence of Lenovo; and  
b. any breach of its obligations implied by Section 12 of the Sale of Goods  
Act 1979 or Section 2 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982, or  
any statutory modification or re-enactment of either such Section.  
2. Lenovo will accept unlimited liability, subject always to the Items for  
Which Lenovo is Not Liable below, for physical damage to your tangible  
property resulting from the negligence of Lenovo.  
3. Lenovos entire liability for actual damages for any one Default will not in  
any event, except as provided in items 1 and 2 above, exceed 125% of the  
total purchase price payable or the charges for the Machine directly  
relating to the Default.  
These limits also apply to Lenovos suppliers, resellers and Service Providers.  
They state the maximum for which Lenovo and such suppliers, resellers and  
Service Providers are collectively responsible.  
Items for Which Lenovo is Not Liable  
Save with respect to any liability referred to in item 1 above, under no  
circumstances is Lenovo or any of its suppliers, resellers or Service Providers  
liable for any of the following, even if Lenovo or they were informed of the  
possibility of such losses:  
1. loss of, or damage to, data;  
2. special, indirect, or consequential loss; or  
3. loss of profits, business, revenue, goodwill, or anticipated savings.  
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Part 3 - Warranty Information  
This Part 3 provides information regarding the warranty applicable to your  
Machine, including the warranty period and type of warranty service Lenovo  
Warranty Period  
The warranty period may vary by country or region and is specified in the  
table below. NOTE: Regionmeans either Hong Kong or Macau Special  
Administrative Region of China.  
A warranty period of 3 years on parts and 1 year on labor means that Lenovo  
provides warranty service without charge for:  
a. parts and labor during the first year of the warranty period; and  
b. parts only, on an exchange basis, in the second and third years of the  
warranty period. Your Service Provider will charge you for any labor  
provided in performance of the repair or replacement(s) in the second and  
third year of warranty period.  
Types of  
Country or Region of Purchase Warranty period  
US, Canada, Brazil, Mexico,  
Japan, and Australia  
Parts and Labor - 1 year  
Battery pack - 1 year  
All other countries except the  
US, Canada, Brazil, Mexico,  
Japan, and Australia  
Parts and Labor - 1 year  
Battery pack - 1 year  
US, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, and Parts and Labor - 3 years  
Battery pack - 1 year  
All other countries except the  
US, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, and Battery pack - 1 year  
Parts and Labor - 3 years  
Parts and Labor - 1 year  
Battery pack - 1 year  
Parts and Labor - 1 year  
Battery pack - 1 year  
Types of Warranty Service  
If required, your Service Provider will provide repair or exchange service  
depending on the type of warranty service specified for your Machine in the  
above table and as described below. Scheduling of service will depend upon  
the time of your call and is subject to parts availability. Service levels are  
response time objectives and are not guaranteed. The specified level of  
Appendix B. Warranty information 63  
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warranty service may not be available in all worldwide locations, additional  
charges may apply outside your Service Providers normal service area,  
contact your local Service Provider representative or your reseller for country  
and location specific information.  
1. Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU) Service  
Lenovo will ship CRUs to you for you to install, Tier 1 CRUs are easy to  
install whereas Tier 2 CRUs require some technical skill and tools. CRU  
information and replacement instructions are shipped with your Machine  
and are available from Lenovo at any time on your request. You may  
request that a Service Provider install CRUs, at no additional charge,  
under the type of warranty service designated for your Machine. Lenovo  
specifies in the materials shipped with a replacement CRU whether a  
defective CRU must be returned. When return is required, 1) return  
instructions and a container are shipped with the replacement CRU, and 2)  
you may be charged for the replacement CRU if Lenovo does not receive  
the defective CRU within 30 days of your receipt of the replacement.  
2. On-site Service  
Your Service Provider will either repair or exchange the failing Machine at  
your location and verify its operation. You must provide suitable working  
area to allow disassembly and reassembly of the Lenovo Machine. The  
area must be clean, well lit and suitable for the purpose. For some  
Machines, certain repairs may require sending the Machine to a designated  
service center.  
3. Courier or Depot Service *  
You will disconnect the failing Machine for collection arranged by your  
Service Provider. A shipping container will be provided to you for you to  
return your Machine to a designated service center. A courier will pick up  
your Machine and deliver it to the designated service center. Following its  
repair or exchange, the service center will arrange the return delivery of  
the Machine to your location. You are responsible for its installation and  
4. Customer Carry-In or Mail-In Service  
You will deliver or mail as your Service Provider specifies (prepaid unless  
specified otherwise) the failing Machine suitably packaged to a designated  
location. After the Machine has been repaired or exchanged, it will be  
made available for your collection or, for Mail-in Service, the Machine will  
be returned to you at Lenovos expense, unless your Service Provider  
specifies otherwise. You are responsible for the subsequent installation and  
verification of the Machine.  
5. CRU and On-site Service  
This type of Warranty Service is a combination of Type 1 and Type 2 (see  
6. CRU and Courier or Depot Service  
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This type of Warranty Service is a combination of Type 1 and Type 3 (see  
7. CRU and Customer Carry-In or Mail-In Service  
This type of Warranty Service is a combination of Type 1 and Type 4 (see  
When a 5, 6 or 7 type of warranty service is listed, your Service Provider  
will determine which type of warranty service is appropriate for the repair.  
* This type of service is called ThinkPad EasyServ or EasyServ in some  
To obtain warranty service contact a Service Provider. In Canada or the  
United States, call 1-800-IBM-SERV (426-7378). In other countries, see the  
telephone numbers below.  
Worldwide telephone list  
Phone numbers are subject to change without notice. For the most current  
phone numbers, go to http://www.lenovo.com/think/support and click  
Support phone list.  
Country or Region  
Telephone Number  
Africa: +44 (0)1475 555 055  
South Africa: +27 11 3028888 and 0800110756  
Central Africa: Contact the nearest IBM Business Partner  
0800-666-0011 (Spanish)  
131-426 (English)  
+43-1-24592-5901 (30 day up and running support)  
01-211-454-610 (Warranty service and support)  
02-210-9820 (30 day up and running support)  
02-225-3611 (Warranty service and support) (Dutch)  
02-210-9800 (30 day up and running support)  
02-225-3611 (Warranty service and support) (French)  
0800-0189 (Spanish)  
Sao Paulo region: (11) 3889-8986  
Toll free outside Sao Paulo region: 0800-7014-815  
(Brazilian Portuguese)  
1-800-565-3344 (English, French)  
In Toronto only call: 416-383-3344  
800-224-488 (Spanish)  
800 810 1818 (Mandarin)  
Appendix B. Warranty information 65  
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Country or Region  
Telephone Number  
China (Hong Kong S.A.R.)  
Home PC: 852 2825 7799  
Commercial PC: 852 8205 0333  
ThinkPad and WorkPad: 852 2825 6580  
(Cantonese, English, Putonghua)  
Costa Rica  
1-800-912-3021 (Spanish)  
284-3911 (Spanish)  
Czech Republic  
4520-8200 (30 day up and running support)  
7010-5150 (Warranty service and support) (Danish)  
Dominican Republic  
566-5161 ext. 8201  
Toll Free within the Dominican Republic: 1-200-1929  
El Salvador  
1-800-426911 (Spanish)  
250-5696 (Spanish)  
09-459-6960 (30 day up and running support)  
+358-001-4260 (Warranty service and support) (Finnish)  
0238-557-450 (30 day up and running support)  
0810-631-213 (Hardware Warranty service and support)  
0810-631-020 (Software Warranty service and support) (French)  
07032-15-49201 (30 day up and running support)  
01805-25-35-58 (Warranty service and support) (German)  
335-8490 (Spanish)  
Tegucigalpa & San Pedro Sula: 232-4222  
San Pedro Sula: 552-2234  
Alternate Toll Free: +91-80-26788940  
800-140-3555 (Bahasa, Indonesian, English)  
01-815-9202 (30 day up and running support)  
01-881-1444 (Warranty service and support) (English)  
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Country or Region  
Telephone Number  
02-7031-6101 (30 day up and running support)  
+39-800-820094 (Warranty service and support) (Italian)  
Toll free: 0120-887-870  
For International: +81-46-266-4724  
Toll free: 0120-887-874  
For International: +81-46-266-4724  
Both of the above numbers will be answered with a Japanese language  
voice prompt. For telephone support in English, please wait for the  
Japanese voice prompt to end, and an operator will answer. Please ask  
for English support please,and your call will be transferred to an  
English speaking operator.  
PC Software:  
Overseas calls: +81-44-200-8666  
1588-5801 (Korean)  
+352-298-977-5063 (French)  
1800-88-8558 (English/Bahasa Melayu)  
001-866-434-2080 (Spanish)  
+44 (0)1475-555-055  
Middle East  
New Zealand  
+31-20-514-5770 (Dutch)  
0800-446-149 (English)  
255-6658 (Spanish)  
6681-1100 (30 day up and running support)  
8152-1550 (Warranty service and support) (Norwegian)  
206-6047 (Spanish)  
0-800-50-866 (Spanish)  
1800-1888-1426 (English)  
+63-2-995-8420 (Philipino)  
+351-21-892-7147 (Portuguese)  
Appendix B. Warranty information 67  
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Country or Region  
Telephone Number  
Russian Federation  
+7-095-940-2000 (Russian)  
1800-3172-888 (English/Bahasa/Melayu)  
+34-91-714-7983, +34-91-397-6503 (Spanish)  
+94-11-2448-442 (English)  
Sri Lanka  
08-477-4420 (30 day up and running support)  
077-117-1040 (Warranty service and support) (Swedish)  
058-333-0900 (30 day up and running support)  
0800-55-54-54 (Warranty service and support) (German/French/Italian)  
886-2-8723-9799 (Mandarin)  
1-800-299-229 (Thai)  
00800-4463-2041 (Turkish)  
United Kingdom  
01475-555-055 (30 day up and running support)  
08705-500-900 (Hardware Warranty service and support)  
08457-151-516 (Software Warranty service and support) (English)  
United States  
1-800-426-7378 (English)  
000-411-005-6649 (Spanish)  
0-800-100-2011 (Spanish)  
For northern area and Hanoi: 84-4-8436675  
For southern area and Ho Chi Minh City: 84-8-829-5160  
(English, Vietnamese)  
Guarantee supplement for Mexico  
This supplement is considered part of Lenovos Statement of Limited  
Warranty and shall be effective solely and exclusively for products distributed  
and commercialized within Territory of the Mexican United States. In the  
event of a conflict, the terms of this supplement shall apply.  
All software programs pre-loaded in the equipment shall only have a thirty-  
(30) day guarantee for installation defects from the date of purchase. Lenovo  
is not responsible for the information in such software programs and/or any  
additional software programs installed by you or installed after purchase of  
the product.  
Services not chargeable to the guarantee shall be charged to the final user,  
prior an authorization.  
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In the event that warranty repair is required please call the Customer Support  
Center at 001-866-434-2080, where you will be directed to the nearest  
Authorized Service Center. Should no Authorized Service Center exist in your  
city, location or within 70 kilometers of your city or location, the guarantee  
includes any reasonable delivery charges related to the transportation of the  
product to our nearest Authorized Service Center. Please call the nearest  
Authorized Service Center to obtain the necessary approvals or information  
concerning the shipment of the product and the shipment address.  
To obtain a list of Authorized Service Centers, please visit:  
Manufactured by:  
SCI Systems de México, S.A. de C.V.  
Av. De la Solidaridad Iberoamericana No. 7020  
Col. Club de Golf Atlas  
El Salto, Jalisco, México  
C.P. 45680,  
Tel. 01-800-3676900  
Marketing by:  
Lenovo de México, Comercialización y  
Servicios, S. A. de C. V.  
Alfonso Nápoles Gándara No 3111  
Parque Corporativo de Peña Blanca  
Delegación Álvaro Obregón  
México, D.F., México  
C.P. 01210,  
Tel. 01-800-00-325-00  
Appendix B. Warranty information 69  
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Appendix C. Customer Replaceable Units (CRUs)  
For your ThinkPad computer, the following parts are designated Customer  
Replaceable Unit (CRU) parts.  
Listed below are the CRUs and the documentation where  
removal/replacement instructions are located.  
Service and  
Troubleshooting Setup  
Tier 1 CRUs  
Hard disk drive  
Optical drive  
AC adapter and  
power cord  
Phone line cord  
TrackPoint cap  
You can find instructions for replacing CRUs in Access IBM, your on-board  
help. To start Access IBM, press the blue Access IBM button on your  
If you are unable to access these instructions or if you have difficulty  
replacing a CRU, you can use either of the following additional resources:  
v The Online Hardware Maintenance Manual and Online Videos available  
from the Support Web site  
v The Customer Support Center. For the telephone number of the Support  
Center for your country or region, see Worldwide telephone liston page  
© Copyright Lenovo 2005. © Portions Copyright IBM Corp. 2005.  
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Appendix D. Notices  
Lenovo may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this  
document in all countries. Consult your local Lenovo representative for  
information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any  
reference to a Lenovo product, program, or service is not intended to state or  
imply that only that Lenovo product, program, or service may be used. Any  
functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe  
any Lenovo intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the  
users responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any other product,  
program, or service.  
Lenovo may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject  
matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not  
give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in  
writing, to:  
Lenovo (United States), Inc.  
500 Park Offices Drive, Hwy. 54  
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709  
Attention: Lenovo Director of Licensing  
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of  
express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement  
may not apply to you.  
This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.  
Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will  
be incorporated in new editions of the publication. Lenovo may make  
improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s)  
described in this publication at any time without notice.  
The products described in this document are not intended for use in  
implantation or other life support applications where malfunction may result  
in injury or death to persons. The information contained in this document  
does not affect or change Lenovo product specifications or warranties.  
Nothing in this document shall operate as an express or implied license or  
© Copyright Lenovo 2005. © Portions Copyright IBM Corp. 2005.  
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indemnity under the intellectual property rights of Lenovo or third parties. All  
information contained in this document was obtained in specific environments  
and is presented as an illustration. The result obtained in other operating  
environments may vary.  
Lenovo may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way  
it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.  
Any references in this publication to non-Lenovo Web sites are provided for  
convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those  
Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for  
this Lenovo product, and use of those Web sites is at your own risk.  
Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled  
environment. Therefore, the result obtained in other operating environments  
may vary significantly. Some measurements may have been made on  
development-level systems and there is no guarantee that these measurements  
will be the same on generally available systems. Furthermore, some  
measurements may have been estimated through extrapolation. Actual results  
may vary. Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their  
specific environment.  
Television output notice  
The following notice applies to models that have the factory-installed  
television-output feature.  
This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by  
method claims of certain U.S. patents and other intellectual property rights  
owned by Macrovision Corporation and other rights owners. Use of this  
copyright protection technology must be authorized by Macrovision  
Corporation, and is intended for home and other limited viewing uses only  
unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering  
or disassembly is prohibited.  
Electronic emissions notices  
The following information refers to ThinkPad G40, machine type 2881, 2882,  
and 2886  
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Declaration of Conformity  
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a  
Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are  
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a  
residential installation. This equipment generates, used, and can radiate radio  
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the  
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  
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However, there is no guarantee the interference will not occur in a particular  
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or  
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off  
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or  
more of the following measures:  
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to  
which the receiver is connected.  
Consult an authorized dealer or service representative for help.  
Lenovo is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by  
using other than recommended cables or connectors or by unauthorized  
changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes or  
modifications could void the users authority to operate the equipment.  
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to  
the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful  
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,  
including interference that may cause undesired operation.  
Responsible party:  
Lenovo (United States) Inc.  
One Manhattanville Road  
Purchase, New York 10577  
Telephone: (919) 254-0532  
Tested To Comply  
With FCC Standards  
Industry Canada Class B emission compliance statement  
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.  
European Union EMC Directive conformance statement  
This product is in conformity with the protection requirements of EU Council  
Directive 89/336/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States  
relating to electromagnetic compatibility. Lenovo cannot accept responsibility  
for any failure to satisfy the protection requirements resulting from a  
nonrecommended modification of the product, including the fitting of  
non-Lenovo option cards.  
This product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class B  
Information Technology Equipment according to CISPR 22/European  
Appendix D. Notices 75  
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Standard EN 55022. The limits for Class B equipment were derived for typical  
residential environments to provide reasonable protection against interference  
with licensed communication devices.  
Environmental notices for Japan  
If you are a company employee and need to dispose of a ThinkPad computer  
that is the property of the company, you must do so in accordance with the  
Law for Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources. The computer is  
categorized as industrial waste. It should be properly disposed of by an  
industrial waste disposal contractor certified by a local government. In  
accordance with the Law for Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources,  
IBM Japan provides, through its PC Collecting and Recycling Services, for the  
collecting, reuse, and recycling of disused computers. For details, visit the  
IBM Japan Web site at www.ibm.com/jp/services/its/r/env/pcrecycle.html  
Pursuant to the Law for Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources, the  
collecting and recycling of home-used computers by the manufacturer was  
begun on October 1, 2003. For details, visit the IBM Japan Web site at  
Disposing of a ThinkPad computer component containing heavy metal  
The printed circuit board of a ThinkPad computer contains heavy metal.  
(Soldering with lead is used on the printed circuit board.) To properly dispose  
of the disused printed circuit board, follow the instructions in Collecting and  
recycling a disused ThinkPad computer.  
Disposing of a disused lithium battery  
A button-shaped lithium battery is installed on the system board of your  
ThinkPad computer to back up the main battery.  
If you want to replace it with a new one, contact your place of purchase or  
ask for a repair service provided by IBM. If you have replaced it by yourself  
and want to dispose of the disused lithium battery, insulate it with vinyl tape,  
contact your place of purchase, and follow the instructions.  
If you use a ThinkPad computer at home and need to dispose of a lithium  
battery, you must comply with local ordinances and regulations.  
Handling a disused ThinkPad battery pack  
Your ThinkPad computer has a lithium ion battery pack or a nickel metal  
hydride battery pack. If you are a company ThinkPad computer user and  
need to dispose of a battery pack, contact the proper person in ThinkPad  
sales, service, or marketing, and follow that persons instructions. For details,  
76 ThinkPad® G40 Series Service and Troubleshooting Guide  
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visit the IBM Japan Web site at  
If you use a ThinkPad computer at home and need to dispose of a battery  
pack, you must comply with local ordinances and regulations.  
IBM Lotus Software Offer  
About the offer: As a qualifying ThinkPad computer customer, you are  
receiving a single, limited license for the Lotus Notes standaloneclient and  
a single license for the Lotus SmartSuite software. These licenses entitle you to  
install and use this software on your new ThinkPad computer using one of  
the following options:  
v Media for this software is not included in this offer. If you do not  
already have the appropriate Lotus Notes Client or Lotus SmartSuite  
software media, you can order a CD and install the software onto your  
computer. For more information, see To order a CDon page 78.  
v If you already have a licensed copy of the software, you are entitled to  
make and use one additional copy of the software you have.  
About IBM Lotus Notes: With your standalone, limited use Notes client, you  
can integrate your most valuable messaging, collaborative and personal  
information management (PIM) resources like e-mail, calendar, to-do list —  
allowing you to access them while connected to or disconnected from your  
network. The standalone license does not include the right to access any IBM  
Lotus Domino servers; however this stand-alone license may be upgraded to a  
full Notes license at a reduced price. For more information visit  
About IBM Lotus SmartSuite: Lotus SmartSuite contains powerful  
applications with timesaving features that give you a head start on your work  
and guide you through individual tasks.  
v Lotus Word Pro Word Processor  
v Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet  
v Lotus Freelance Graphics Presentation Graphics  
v Lotus Approach Database  
v Lotus Organizer Time, Contact, and Information Manager  
v Lotus FastSite Web Publisher  
v Lotus SmartCenter Internet Information Manager  
Customer Support: For support information and phone numbers to help with  
initial installation of software, visit http://www.lenovo.com/think/support.  
To purchase technical support beyond this initial installation support, visit  
Appendix D. Notices 77  
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International Program License Agreement:The software licensed to you  
under this offer does not include software upgrades or technical support, and  
is subject to the terms and conditions of the IBM International Program  
License Agreement (IPLA) that accompanies the software. Your use of the  
Lotus SmartSuite and Lotus Notes programs described in this offer constitutes  
acceptance of the terms of this Offer and the IPLA. For further information  
regarding the IBM IPLA, visit http://www.ibm.com/software/sla/sladb.nsf.  
These programs are not for resale.  
Proof of Entitlement: The proof of purchase for your qualifying ThinkPad  
computer, as well as this Offer document, should be retained as your proof of  
Purchasing Upgrades, Additional Licenses and Technical Support  
Software upgrades and technical support are available for a fee through IBMs  
Passport Advantage Program. For information about purchasing additional  
licenses for Notes, SmartSuite, or other Lotus products, visit  
http://www.ibm.com or http://www.lotus.com/passport.  
To order a CD:  
Important: Pursuant to this Offer, you may order one CD media per license.  
You will need to provide the 7 digit serial number of the new ThinkPad  
computer that you purchased. The CD is provided at no charge; however,  
applicable shipping, duties and taxes may be imposed by local jurisdictions.  
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