Kicker Ventilation Hood VCVR10 User Manual

VCVR10 / VCVR1 2  
Ve n t e d En clo su re Syst e m s  
Congratulations! You have just purchased one of the most flexible subwoofers  
yet from KICKER. Your CompVR sub is designed to give you great bass perform-  
ance in a wide variety of applications. These installations instructions will help you  
get the most out of your new KICKER sub. Thanks for buying KICKER. Enjoy!  
In s t a lla t io n In s t r u ct io n s  
VCVR Series vented enclosures com bine KICKER’s Com pVR subwoofer with  
com puter designed and hum an-fine-tuned enclosures. They offer a level of  
bass perform ance never before thought possible from a com m ercially avail-  
able enclosure. The VCVR Series enclosures are covered in carpet for protec-  
tion and pre-loaded with a Com pVR woofer.  
The location and orientation of your VC enclosure will affect the quality  
and quantity of the bass. Designed for use in SUVs and sedan type vehicles,  
the enclosure offers you several m ounting options.  
The first rule you m ust rem em ber is that the vent opening in these enclo-  
sures cannot be obstructed. Around the tuning frequency of the vent a  
substantial am ount of bass is created. Therefore we recom m end you leave  
at least four inches of clear space around the vent.  
If the enclosure is to be m ounted all the way in the back of the vehicle, it  
works best to point the woofer toward the front of the vehicle. Conversely,  
if the enclosure is going to be m ounted closer to the back seat, pointing the  
woofer toward the rear of the vehicle will give you the best results. These  
guidelines are good for when the enclosure is m ounted cross-ways in the  
vehicle as shown below.  
Fro n t Mo u n t in g , w o o fe r face s t h e b ack o f t h e car!  
Re ar Mo u n t in g , w o o fe r face s t h e fro n t o f t h e car!  
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(Mo u n t in g co n t .)  
Sp e cif ica t io n s  
Im p.  
(In., cm )  
(In., cm )  
(In., cm )  
(In., cm )  
8-5/ 16, 21.1 11-1/ 4, 28.6  
13-1/ 2, 34.3  
15, 38.1  
30, 76.2  
30, 76.2  
10-3/ 4, 27.3  
14, 35.6  
The use of a subsonic filter will significantly increase the power handling.  
The power handling specifications listed in the chart above include the use  
of a 24 db/ octave subsonic filter. A m inim um of 12dB/ octave subsonic fil-  
ter is recom m ended.  
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Kicker warrants this product to be free from defects in m aterial and workm anship under norm al use  
for a period of THREE (3 ) MONTHS from date of original purchase. When purchased from an  
Authorized KICKER Dealer it is warranted for ONE (1 ) YEAR from date of original purchase. If the product  
is labeled B Stock” and purchased from an Authorized KICKER Dealer, it is warranted for THREE (3)  
MONTHS from date of purchase, regardless of place of installation. Should service be necessary under this  
warranty for any reason due to m anufacturing defect or m alfunction during the warranty period, Kicker  
will replace or repair (at its discretion) the defective m erchandise with equivalent m erchandise at no  
charge. Warranty replacem ents on B-Stock” m erchandise m ay have cosm etic scratches and blem ishes.  
Discontinued products m ay be replaced with m ore current equivalent products.  
This warranty is valid only for the o r ig in a l p u r ch a s e r and is not extended to owners of the product  
subsequent to the original purchaser. Any applicable im plied warranties are lim ited in duration to a period  
of the express warranty as provided herein beginning with the date of the original purchase at retail, and  
no warranties, whether express or im plied, shall apply to this product thereafter. Som e states do not  
allow lim itations on im plied warranties, therefore these exclusions m ay not apply to you.  
This warranty gives you specific legal rights; however you m ay have other rights that vary from state to  
Defective m erchandise m ust be returned to your local Authorized Stillwater Designs (Kicker) Dealer for  
warranty. Assistance in locating an Authorized Dealer can be obtained by writing or calling Stillwater  
Designs direct. You can confirm that a dealer is authorized by asking to see a current authorized dealer  
window decal.  
If it becom es necessary for you to return defective m erchandise, call the Kicker Custom er Service  
Departm ent at (405)624-8510 for a Return Authorization (RMA) num ber. Package all defective item s in the  
original container or in a package that will prevent shipping dam age, and return to  
St illw a t e r De s ig n s, 5 0 21 No r t h Pe r kin s Ro a d , St illw a t e r, OK 7 4 0 7 5  
The RMA num ber m ust be clearly m arked on the outside of the package. Return only defective com po-  
nents. Return of entire cabinets, system packs, pairs, etc. increases your return freight charges. Non-  
defective item s received will be returned freight collect.  
Include a dated p r o o f -o f -p u r ch a s e stating the Custom er nam e, Dealer nam e, product purchased  
and date of purchase. Warranty expiration on item s without proof-of-purchase will be determ ined from  
type of sale and the m anufacturing date code. Freight m ust be prepaid; item s received freight collect will  
be refused.  
Failure to follow these steps m ay void your warranty. Any questions can be directed to the Kicker  
Custom er Service Departm ent at (405)624-8510.  
This warranty is valid only if the product is used for the purpose for which it was designed.  
It does not cover:  
Item s previously repaired or m odified by any  
unauthorized repair facility  
Return shipping on non-defective item s  
Products with tam pered or m issing barcode labels  
Products returned without a Return Authorization  
(RMA) num ber  
Dam age due to im proper installation  
Subsequent dam age to other com ponents  
Dam age caused by exposure to m oisture,  
excessive heat, chem ical cleaners, and/ or UV  
Dam age through negligence, m isuse, accident  
or abuse. Repeated returns for the sam e  
dam age m ay be considered abuse.  
Any cost or expense related to the rem oval or  
reinstallation of product  
Freight Dam age  
The cost of shipping product to Kicker  
Service perform ed by anyone other than Kicker  
Speaker with any foreign caulk used for gasket  
m aterial  
Speakers dam aged due to am plifier clipping or  
Kicker strives to m aintain a goal of 24-hour service for all returns. Delays m ay be incurred  
if lack of replacem ent inventory or parts is encountered.  
Contact your International Kicker dealer or distributor concerning specific  
procedures for your countrys warranty policies.  
P.O. Box 459 • Stillwater, Oklahom a 74076 • U.S.A. • 405 624-8510  
KICKER drivers are capable of producing sound levels that can perm anently  
dam age your hearing! Turning up a system to a level that has audible distor-  
tion is m ore dam aging to your ears than listening to an undistorted system at  
the sam e volum e level. The threshold of pain is always an indicator that the  
sound level is too loud and m ay perm anently dam age your hearing.  
Please use com m on sense when controlling volum e!  
August 2002  
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