Kettler Fitness Equipment UM6786 User Manual

07628-,,en,fr,nl,es,it,pl,pt,da,cs_Layout 1 23.02.13 14:59 Seite 1  
Trainings- und Bedienungsanleitung  
UM 678x  
2 – 13  
14 – 25  
26 – 37  
38 – 49  
50 – 61  
62 – 73  
74 – 85  
86 – 97  
98 – 109  
110 – 121  
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Brief Description  
The electronics has an area of operation with buttons and a display  
area (display) with changeable icons and graphics  
Display Area  
Area of Operation  
Rotary Switch (Encoder)  
The electronics features the following functions:  
• Memory and defaults for 4 people  
• 4 training areas:  
MANUAL = manual load adjustment,  
PROGRAM = default profiles,  
PERSONAL = own profile,  
H.R.C. = pulse-controlled program  
• Training defaults for saveable time, distance, energy consumption, pulse value monitoring  
• Monitoring with visual and acoustic information  
• Age-dependent target pulse  
• Display of a fitness mark from 1 to 6, calculated with the recovery pulse value after 1 minute  
• Motor-driven brake stage adjustment  
• Own load profile can be saved  
• Calculation of the energy consumption according to brake stage and cadence  
• Selection of the display for energy consumption [Kjoule or Kcal]  
Temperature display in standby [°C]  
• Integrated pulse receiver for uncoded chest strap e.g. T34 from POLAR  
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Brief Instructions  
Area of Operation  
The 5 buttons are briefly explained below.  
All Buttons  
• Display wakes up from standby mode  
RECOVERY (recovery pulse with fitness mark)  
With this function button, in the case of active pulse measure-  
ment, the recovery pulse function is started and a fitness  
mark determined.  
RESET (press briefly) before the training  
With this function button, the current display is cleared.  
RESET (press for longer)  
• Clear the display for a restart.  
Encoder (turn right)  
• In the case of selection: jumps one menu item further  
• In the case of inputs: increases the input  
Encoder (turn left)  
• In the case of selection: jumps one menu item further  
• In the case of inputs: reduces the input  
Encoder (press briefly)  
• The selection or input is adopted.  
The next menu item is called up.  
Encoder (press for longer)  
• The training selection of the current person is displayed  
• The display is cleared with subsequent program or person  
Kjoule > Kcal > Kjoule  
RESET + Encoder (at the same time)  
• Conversion of the energy consumption from Kilojoules to Kilo-  
• Start of training. The training time counts upwards.  
• Training stop with STOP display. The training time is paused.  
The average Ø of the brake stages is briefly displayed.  
• “MANUAL” program is started. The training time counts  
Pulse Measurement  
Your pulse can be measured using 3 sources:  
1. Ear clip  
2. Hand pulse sensors  
3. Chest strap  
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Display Area /Display  
The display informs about the different functi-  
Program selection from 4 training areas  
MANUAL: The load stages are adjusted manually by the person training.  
PROGRAM: 12 programs (profiles) adjust the load stages.  
PERSONAL: Own profile adjusts the load stages  
H.R.C.: The program for pulse training with the default of a training pulse  
Person (USER)  
U0 = guest, U1-U4  
Load profile  
Level = stage1-16  
Start position = left  
Age: 10-99  
Pulse Display  
40 - 220  
55%, 75%,  
90%, Tag  
Calculated pulse  
values according to  
Training time  
0:00 > 99:59  
99:00 > 0:00  
14 – 199  
- 99,9 km/h  
0:00 > 99:59  
99:00 > 0:00  
Kcal Kjoule  
Energy consumption  
0 > 9999  
9990 > 0  
Interruption to training  
Standby mode with temperature display  
The cadence in the instructions refers to a home trainer  
60 rpm = 21.3 km/h.  
In the case of a crosstrainer, the assignment is  
60 rpm = 9.5 km/h  
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Training and Operating Instructions  
Quick Start (For Familiarising)  
Quick Start:  
Without Particular Settings  
• Press “QUICKSTART”.  
Last user is displayed  
Select person  
“MANUAL” programme is started. The training time  
counts upwards.  
• Pedal  
Cadence, speed, distance and energy consumption count  
upwards. Pulse, if a pulse measurement is active.  
The current bar changes every 15 seconds.  
Changing Load  
• “Encoder right”  
Load is increased in single steps.  
• “Encoder left”  
Load is decreased in single steps.  
Interruption to Training  
• Press “START STOP”  
The average value (Ø) of the load is briefly displayed.  
Cadence and speed display “0 values”  
The training time TIME and STOP are displayed as flas-  
Continuing Training  
• Press “START STOP”  
• Pedal  
End of Training and Standby Mode  
The display switches to standby mode with temperature  
display 4 minutes after training has ended.  
It is possible to continue the last training session if the dis-  
play is reactivated by pressing a button or pedalling.  
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MANUAL Training Area  
(Manual Load Adjustment)  
Flashing areas can be changed.  
• Turn “Encoder” to change.  
• Press “Encoder” to adopt.  
Inputting Personal Data  
• Actuate “Button” or “Encoder”.  
Last user is displayed as flashing.  
Determine person  
Adopt person (here, Person1)  
Input age  
From the age input, the target pulse value is calculated in  
the H.R.C program according to the relationship of 220  
minus age.  
Adopt age (here, 50)  
Training Selection  
Set MANUAL training area  
Adopt MANUAL  
Specifying Training Values  
Skip load (brake stage) or determine and adopt load  
(here; stage 8)  
Skip training time or determine and adopt training time  
(here, stage of 20:00 minutes)  
The set training time is converted to 16 profile bars. If no  
time is specified, the current bar changes every 15  
Skip distance or determine and adopt distance  
(here, 7.00 km)  
Skip energy consumption or determine and adopt energy  
(here, 300 Kjoules)  
Skip pulse value or determine and adopt pulse value  
Again, training time, etc. (here, 130 strokes/min)  
• Press “START STOP”  
• Pedal  
Defaults for time, distance, energy consumption count  
downwards. In the case of active pulse measurement, the  
pulse is monitored and the value flashes if it is exceeded  
as a warning.  
Changing Load  
• “Turn Encoder right or left”  
Load is increased or reduced  
Interruption to Training  
• Press “START STOP”  
The average value (Ø) of the load is briefly displayed.  
Cadence and speed display “0 values”.  
The training time and STOP are displayed as flashing.  
Continuing Training  
• Press “START STOP”  
• Pedal  
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Training and Operating Instructions  
If a default is reached (0 value flashes, 8 signal tones), the dis-  
play shows interruption to training with flashing time display  
and STOP. The default values are displayed again. With the  
“START STOP” button and pedalling, the display is active again  
until the next default is reached.  
PROGRAM Training Area  
Selection from 12 programs (profiles) which automatically adjust  
the load stages.  
Input or confirm personal data  
Select PROGRAM  
Selection from 12 programs  
(Here, P1)  
Specifying Training Values  
Skip training time or determine and adopt training time  
(Here, 16:00 minutes)  
The set training time is converted to 16 profile bars. In the case  
of 16 minutes, one bar corresponds to 1 minute. If no time is  
specified, the current bar changes every 15 seconds.  
Skip distance or determine and adopt distance  
Skip energy consumption or determine and adopt energy con-  
Skip pulse value or determine and adopt pulse value  
Again, training time, etc.  
• Press “START STOP”  
• Pedal  
Defaults for time, distance, energy consumption count  
downwards. In the case of active pulse measurement, the pulse  
is monitored and the value flashes if it is exceeded as a war-  
Changing Load  
• “Turn Encoder right or left”  
Load is increased or reduced  
Interruption to Training  
• Press “START STOP”  
The average value (Ø) of the load is briefly displayed.  
Cadence and speed display “0 values”.  
The training time and STOP are displayed as flashing.  
Continuing Training  
• Press “START STOP”  
• Pedal  
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PERSONAL Training Area  
Create and train own profile  
Input or confirm personal data  
There are 2 options: Creating the profile before training or  
during training.  
Creating Profile Before Training  
The first profile bar flashes and can be changed.  
• Turn “Encoder” to change.  
• Press “Encoder” to adopt the load and jump to the next bar  
• Press “Encoder” for longer (doing this saves the profile)  
Training time flashes and can be changed. (Here, 16:00 minu-  
tes). The set training time is converted to 16 profile bars. In the  
case of 16 minutes, one bar corresponds to 1 minute. If no time  
is specified, the current bar changes every 15 seconds.  
Skip distance or determine and adopt distance  
Skip energy consumption or determine and adopt energy con-  
Skip pulse value or determine and adopt pulse value  
Again, training time, etc.  
• Press “START STOP”  
• Pedal  
Defaults for time, distance, energy consumption count  
downwards. In the case of active pulse measurement, the pulse  
is monitored and the value flashes as a warning if it is excee-  
Creating Profile During Training  
The first profile bar flashes and can be changed.  
• Press “Encoder” for longer  
Training time flashes and can be changed. (Here, 16:00 minu-  
• Press “START STOP”  
• Pedal  
• “Turn Encoder right or left”  
Load is increased or reduced  
When jumping to the next bar, the stage is saved. If the time  
default is reached (0 value flashes, 8 signal tones), the display  
shows interruption to training with flashing time display and  
STOP. The default values are displayed again. The profile is  
With the “START STOP“ button and pedalling, the display is acti-  
ve again.  
When the PERSONAL training area is called up, the own profile  
is displayed.  
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Training and Operating Instructions  
H.R.C Training Area  
Pulse-Controlled Program  
If the current pulse is lower than the target pulse, the load is  
increased by one stage following 30 seconds. If it is higher, the  
load is reduced by one stage following 15 seconds.  
Input or confirm personal data  
Select H.R.C.  
Specifying Target Pulse  
There are 4 target pulse values, with 55%, 75%, 90% and Tag,  
to choose from. The pulse values to be displayed are calculated  
from the relationship of 220 minus the input age. In the case of  
50 years, in the case of 55% = 96, 75% = 132, 90% = 158,  
Tag = 170 is displayed.  
The Tag” value can be changed.  
55% flashes and can be changed.  
• Turn “Encoder” to select the target pulse.  
• Press “Encoder” to adopt the target pulse.  
In the case of Tag, the value flashes and can be changed.  
After specifying the target pulse, the pulse selection icon is dis-  
played together with the current pulse.  
Training time TIME flashes and can be changed. (Here, 16:00  
Skip distance or determine and adopt distance  
Skip energy consumption or determine and adopt energy con-  
Again, training time, etc.  
• Press “START STOP”  
• Pedal  
The first profile bar flashes and moves to the right during trai-  
Defaults for time, distance, energy consumption count  
The load stages are increased until the target pulse is reached.  
If the pulse measurement fails during the H.R.C. program, the  
load is reduced to stage 1 within 60 seconds.  
If the stage 1 remains unchanged for 30 seconds, brief signal  
tones are output and the display shows interruption to training  
with flashing STOP  
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RECOVERY Recovery pulse stage  
The RECOVERY function can be used after each exercise  
The RECOVERY button is used to initiate recovery pulse  
measurement at the end of exercising. Initial and final pulse  
during one minute are used to calculate deviation and a fit-  
ness score. In case of equal exercising, improvement of such  
score is a measurement for increase of fitness.  
When reaching the target values, end exercising and press  
the RECOVERY button; then, leave your hands at the hand  
pulse sensors. In case of previous pulse measurement, the  
display shows 00:60 for time, and the PULSE display shows  
the current pulse value (flashing). The countdown starts at  
00:60. Leave your hands at the hand pulse sensors until the  
countdown reaches >0<. The display will show on its right a  
value between F1 and F6. F1 is the best status; F6 is the  
worst status. The function can be ended by pressing again  
If no pulse is recorded during the time delay, the error message  
“Err” appears.  
End of Training and Standby Mode  
The display switches to standby mode with temperature display  
4 minutes after training if there are no longer any buttons being  
pressed, no pulses arise owing to pedalling and no pulse is acti-  
It is possible to continue the last training session if the display is  
reactivated by pressing a button or pedalling.  
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Training and Operating Instructions  
• Attach the ear clip properly to your earlobe and look  
for the best point for the measurement (heart symbol  
blinks without interruption).  
General information  
System signals  
• Do not train directly under strong incidence of light,  
e.g. neon light, halogen light, spotlight, sun light.  
Activation of the device  
• Completely eliminate any shocks or bounces of the ear  
sensor and the cable. Always attach the cable with a  
clip at your clothing or, even better, at your headband.  
If you activate the device, a signal is emitted during the seg-  
ment test.  
With breast clip  
The internal pulse receiver is compatible to un-coded  
POLAR chest strap transmitters. For coded systems, wrong  
pulse values may be displayed. We recommend T34 by  
POLAR. Please observe the corresponding instructions.  
A short signal is emitted, if you reach a presetting like time,  
distance and KJoule/kcal.  
Exceeding of maximum pulse  
If the set maximum pulse is exceeded by one pulse beat, two  
short signals are emitted for the time of exceedance.  
A plug-in receiver is not necessary and should not be used  
for technical reasons.  
Calculation of fitness score  
The computer calculates and assess the difference bet-  
ween the training and recovery heart rate and the resul-  
ting "fitness score" according to the following formula:  
Only one way of pulse measurement is possible: either  
with ear clip or with hand pulse or with breast belt. If no  
ear clip is located in the pulse plug, hand pulse measure-  
ment is activated. If you insert an ear clip in the pulse  
plug, hand pulse measurement is automatically deactivat-  
ed. It is not necessary to disconnect the plug of the hand  
pulse measurement.  
Score (F) = 6 – 10 x (P1 – P2)  
P1 = Training pulse  
Score 1 = very good  
P2 = Recovery pulse  
Score 6 = poor  
A comparison of the training and recovery heart rate is a  
quick and easy way in which to determine physical fit-  
ness. The fitness score is an orientation value to asses  
your recovering ability after physical exercise. Before  
pressing the recovery heart rate button and determining  
your fitness score, you should train at your own level of  
intensity for a significant period of time e.g. 10 minutes.  
For regular cardiovascular training you will discover that  
your "fitness score" improves.  
Faults in the Training Computer  
If the computer display is not functioning correctly, please  
remove the power supply and switch off the machine.  
Possibilities for Pulse Measurement  
The pulse measurement starts as soon as the heart in the  
display blinks in time with your pulse beat.  
With hand pulse  
An extra-low voltage caused by the contractions of your  
heart is registered by the hand sensors and evaluated by  
the electronics assembly of the device.  
• Always grab the contact faces with both hands.  
• Avoid jerky grasping.  
• Hold your hands calmly and avoid contractions and  
rubbing on the contact faces.  
With ear clip  
For Your Safety:  
The pulse sensor works with infrared light and measures  
the variations in translucence in your skin, which are pro-  
duced by your pulse beat. Rub your ear ten times strongly  
to activate the blood circulation before attaching the  
pulse sensor to your earlobe.  
Before beginning your program of exercise, consult your  
doctor to ensure that you are fit enough to use the equip-  
ment. Base your program of exercise on the advice given  
by your doctor. Incorrect or excessive exercise may dama-  
ge your health.  
Avoid disturbing pulses.  
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Training Instructions  
This device has particularly been designed and developed  
for leisure time sportsmen. It is excellently suited for cardio-  
vascular training.  
Beginners should not start with training units of 30 to 60  
A beginner training could be organised as follows during the  
first four weeks:  
Training frequency  
Extent of training session  
The training methodically has to be organised on the princi-  
ples of stamina training. This will predominantly cause  
changes and adaptations of the cardiovascular system. This  
includes the reduction of the resting pulse frequency and of  
the load pulse.  
1st week  
3 times a week  
2 minutes of training  
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises  
2 minutes of training  
This gives the heart more time for filling the ventricles and for  
the blood circulation of the cardiac musculature (through the  
coronary vessels . Moreover, depth of breathing and the  
volume of air that can be breathed in (vital capacity) are  
increased. Further positive changes take place in the metabo-  
lic system. In order to achieve these positive changes, the  
training has to be planned according to certain guidelines.  
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises  
2 minutes of training  
2nd week  
3 times a week  
3 times a week  
3 times a week  
3 minutes of training  
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises  
3 minutes of training  
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises  
2 minutes of training  
Planning and control of your training  
The basis for your training planning is your current physical  
fitness condition. Your family doctor can diagnose your per-  
sonal fitness by means of an exercise tolerance test, which  
will constitute the basis for your training planning. If you  
have not undergone an exercise tolerance test, high training  
exertion and/or overstraining must be avoided in all cases.  
The following rule should be considered in your planning:  
stamina training is controlled via the scope of exertion as  
well as via the level / intensity of exertion.  
3rd week  
4 minutes of training  
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises  
4 minutes of training  
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises  
3 minutes of training  
4th week  
5 minutes of training  
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises  
4 minutes of training  
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises  
4 minutes of training  
Regarding exertion intensity  
The intensity of exertion should preferably be checked in  
your fitness training via your heart’s pulse rate. The maximum  
heart rate per minute of > 220 minus age must not be excee-  
ded. The optimum training pulse is determined by age and  
training target.  
In order to have a personal training documentation, you can  
enter the training values achieved in the performance table.  
Prior to and after every training unit gymnastic exercises  
lasting approx. 5 minutes serve the warming up and/or coo-  
ling down. There should be a day without training between  
two training units, if you later on prefer to train three times a  
week for 20 - 30 minutes each. Otherwise nothing can be  
said against a daily training.  
Training target: fat burning/weight reduction  
The optimum pulse frequency is calculated using the empi-  
rical formula (220 – age) x 0.65.  
Advice: fat burning for energy supply only gains signifi-  
cance after a minimum training period of 30 minutes.  
Training target cardio-vascular fitness:  
The optimum pulse frequency is calculated using the empiri-  
cal formula (220 – age) x 0.75.  
Fitness and Fat Burner  
(220 minus Age)  
The intensity is predetermined in your training by means of  
the braking levels, ranging from 1-16. As a beginner, you  
should avoid too high braking level settings for your training,  
as this will quickly lead to exceeding the recommended pulse  
rate range. Start by using a low braking level setting and  
then approach your optimum training pulse step by step. Do  
not forget to regularly check during your fitness training whet-  
her you still range within the intensity area according to the  
above stated recommendations.  
(75% of Max.Pulse)  
Fat combustion pulse  
(65% of Max.Pulse)  
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 90  
Sports physicians consider the following load factors to be  
positive for fitness:  
2-3 times weekly  
1-2 times weekly  
10 min  
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– GB – Performance table  
– E – Table de rendimiento  
– F – Tableau de performances  
– NL – Prestatientabel  
P 1  
P 2  
– D – Datum  
– GB – Date  
Belastungspuls Erholungspuls  
Stress pulse  
Recovery pulse  
Energy consumption Fitness Mark  
– F – Date  
– NL – Datum  
– E – Fecha  
Pouls au repos  
Pouls en change Pouls de récupération  
Belastingspols Ontspanningspols  
Ange d’inclination  
Dépense d’énergie  
Waard. cijfer  
Pulso en reposo Pulso bajo esfuerzoPulso de recuperación  
de carga  
Consumo de energia  
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docu 3074a/02.13  
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