JAI Security Camera CV M40 User Manual

Double Speed Progressive Scan CCD Camera  
Oper at ion Manual  
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Table of Contents  
CE declaration ............................................................................................................................. 2  
1. General .................................................................................................................................... 4  
2. Main features .......................................................................................................................... 4  
3. Standard composition ............................................................................................................. 4  
4. Location and functions ............................................................................................................ 5  
5. Pin assignment ........................................................................................................................ 6  
5-1 12 pin connector (DC IN/ SYNC connector) .................................................................... 6  
5-2 6 pin connector (TRIGGER connector) .......................................................................... 7  
6. Functions and operations ........................................................................................................ 8  
6-1 Input/ output of HD/ VD signal ...................................................................................... 8  
6-2 Ext. trigger/ readout mode ........................................................................................... 8  
7. Mode setting ......................................................................................................................... 15  
7-1 SW1 switch on the rear panel ..................................................................................... 15  
7-2 Jumpers on board ...................................................................................................... 17  
8. External appearance ............................................................................................................. 20  
9. Specification ......................................................................................................................... 21  
10. Appendix ............................................................................................................................ 22  
11. Users Record ...................................................................................................................... 23  
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1. General  
The CV-M40 is a 1/ 2CCD progressive scan camera, incorporating double speed and partial  
scan techniques, housed in a compact and robust package.  
Using the latest CCD sensor technology with square pixels provides excellent resolution and  
signal to noise ratio, together with flexible asynchronous random trigger functions and  
multitude of user settings.  
2. Main Features  
1/ 2" IT monochrome CCD sensor  
654 (h) x 494 (v) x 9.9 µm square pixels (compatible with VGA format)  
60 full progressive frames per second over a single video output  
120 frames per second using vertical binning (half vertical resolution, pixel aspect ratio 1:2)  
Internal, external, HD/ VD or random synchronization  
3 external trigger/ readout modes : Edge pre-select, pulse width and frame-delay readout  
Shutter speed 1/ 125 to 1/ 12,000  
24.5 MHz pixel frequency and 31.468 kHz line frequency  
Video output with or without sync.  
Set-up by RS 232C or switches  
Up to 233 frames per second with partial scan (user selectable)  
3. Standard composition  
Camera main body  
x 1  
x 1  
x 1  
2) Tripod mount plate (MP-40)  
3) Operation manual  
Optional accessories  
12 pin connector (HR10A-10P-12S-01)  
2) 6 pin connector (HR10A-7P-6S)  
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4. Locations and functions  
1/ 2 “ IT CCD sensor  
C-mount type  
1. CCD sensor  
2. Lens mount  
Note :  
Rear protrusion on C-  
mount lens must be less  
than 10 mm (0.4 inch  
When IR-cut filter is used, it  
must be less than 7.0 mm  
(0.28 inch approx).  
Video output (VS 1.0 Vpp at 75 Ohm)  
Shutter speed and function modes selection  
RS 232 input and output / ext. trig input  
+12V DC power / video output / sync. input and output  
Gain level adjustment  
3. BNC connector  
4. SW1 switch  
5. 6 pin multi connector  
6. 12 pin multi connector  
7. Gain potentiometer  
8. Tripod mount plate  
9. Screw holes for  
Tripod mount plate  
When you mount the camera on your system, please make sure to use screws  
which have the length less than 5 mm from the camera bottom plate, as it may  
cause a serious damage to the PCB inside the camera when the length is  
more than 5 mm.  
Please be advised that the supplied 4 screws for Tripod mount plate are to be  
used exclusively for MP-40, but not for any other mounting adaptor.  
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5. Pin assignment  
5-1. 12 pin connector (DC IN/ SYNC connector)  
HR10A-10R-12PB-01 (Hirose) male  
* Note : To change the signal output on pin no. 6, 7 and 9, it is necessary to make jumper setting.  
See “7-2. Jumpers on board” for more informations.  
When trigger signal is input at #5 of 6 pin multi connector, do not input/ output HD signal at #6 of 12 pin multi  
connector, as it causes a failure in Ext. trigger mode.  
Do not use video output at the same time both from #4 of 12 pin multi connector and BNC connector, as it  
causes a failure on video signal due to double termination  
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5-2. 6 pin connector (TRIGGER connector)  
HR10A-7R-6P (Hirose) male  
* Note : 1. To change the signal output on pin no. 5 and 6, it is necessary to make jumper setting.  
See “7-2. Jumpers on board” for more informations.  
2. Do not input HD or VD signal at pin no.5, when the camera is set at Continuous mode.  
When trigger signal is input at #5 of 6 pin multi connector, do not input/ output HD signal at #6 of 12 pin multi  
connector, as it causes a failure in external trigger mode.  
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6. Functions and operations  
6-1. Input/ output of HD/ VD signal  
a) Input of external HD/ VD signal (Factory pre-set)  
To input ext. HD/ VD signal, make JP9/ JP11 short-circuited, and JP12/ JP13 open-circuited.  
To change the termination of ext. HD/ VD signal, it is neccessary to make the jumper JP8/ JP10  
short-circuited. All jumpers are located on PK8273 board. For details, please refer to 7-2-  
3. Jumpers on PK8273 board.  
Note : Factory pre-set is set at HD/ VD input (TTL) .  
b) Output of internal HD/ VD signal  
To output int. HD/ VD signal, make jumper JP9/ JP11 open-circuited, and JP12/ JP13 short-  
circuited. All jumpers are located on PK8273 board. Please refer to 7-2-3. Jumpers on  
PK8273 board.  
Int. HD/ VD signal is effective only at 75 Ohm termination.  
6-2. Ext. trigger/ readout mode  
Ext. trigger mode of CV-M40 allows 3 different driving modes, as follows.  
Edge pre-select trigger : Asynchronous reset by the external trigger pulse  
Exposure period controlled by 8-step fixed shutter steps  
Pulse-width control  
: Asynchronous reset by the external trigger pulse  
Exposure period controlled by the pulse width of the external trigger pulse.  
Frame-delay readout  
Asynchronous reset by the external trigger pulse  
Exposure period controlled by 8 fixed shutter steps  
Video readout timing controlled by rising edge of the external trigger  
6-2-1. Edge pre-select mode  
In this mode, the exposure starts at the falling edge of the external trigger pulse. The WEN  
pulse originates from the camera.  
The shutter speed is controlled by the SW1 switch on the rear panel of the camera and the RS  
232C serial interface.  
For details, refer to the timing charts section of this manual.  
To use this mode, set up the camera as follows ;  
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Set SW1-5 at ON, and SW1-6 at OFF to select the Edge pre-select mode.  
b) Set SW1-1 to SW1-3 to select the appropriate shutter speed. For controlling the shutter  
speed by the RS 232C serial interface, set SW1-8 at ON.  
Set the SW1-4 switch to ON to select the Binning mode and set the switch SW1-7 to OFF  
to select the Partial scan mode.  
The pulse width of the external trigger pulse must be 2H to 1300H.  
6-2-2. Pulse width control mode  
In this mode, the exposure time is controlled by the pulse width of external trigger pulse. The  
exposure starts at the falling edge of the external trigger pulse and ends at the rising edge of  
the external trigger pulse. The WEN pulse is generated and output from the camera.  
For details, refer to the timing charts section of this manual.  
To use this mode, set up the camera as follows ;  
Set SW1-5 at OFF, and SW1-6 at ON to select the Pulse width control mode.  
Set the SW1-4 switch to ON to select the Binning mode and set the switch SW1-7 to OFF  
to select the Partial scan mode.  
The pulse width of the external trigger pulse must be 2H to 525H.  
6-2-3. Frame-delay readout mode  
In this mode, the timing of the video output is controlled by the width of the external trigger  
pulse. The exposure starts at the falling edge of the external trigger pulse and ends according  
to the shutter setting. The video signal is output at the rising edge of the external trigger signal.  
The WEN pulse is generated and output from the camera.  
For details, refer to the timing charts section of this manual.  
To use this mode, set up the camera as follows ;  
Set SW1-5 at ON, and SW1-6 at ON to select the Frame-delay readout mode.  
Set SW1-1 to SW1-3 to select the shutter speed.  
Set the SW1-4 switch to ON to select the Binning mode and set the switch SW1-7 to OFF  
to select the Partial scan mode.  
The minimum value of pulse width for the external trigger pulse depends on the exposure time, as follow.  
Minimum : pulse width (more than 3H) > exposure time  
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6-2-4. Timing charts  
1. Video out (H)  
2.Ext. sync mode  
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3.Edge pre-select mode  
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4.Pulse width control mode  
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5.Frame-delay readout mode  
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7. Mode setting  
7-1. SW1 switch on the rear panel  
Note : The above switches are set at OFF position by factory pre-set.  
7-1-1. Shutter speed (SW1-1, SW1-2, SW1-3)  
SW1-1, SW1-2 and SW1-3 switches are effective only when the SW1-8 switch is set at OFF position.  
Exposing the CCD to direct or scattered bright light or to AC powered light, the following may appear.  
Strong smear and/ or blooming.  
Noticeable flicker in the picture.  
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7-1-2. Binning mode (SW1-4)  
This switch selects the Binning mode.  
OFF : Normal mode (60 frames/ sec.)  
ON : Binning mode (120 frames/ sec.)  
At the Binning mode, please note that vertical resolution would be lower (1/ 2 approx.) of normal mode.  
7-1-3. Ext. trigger/ readout modes (SW1-5, SW1-6)  
These switches select the ext. trigger/ readout mode, as below.  
7-1-4. Partial scan (SW1-7)  
This switch selects the Partial scan mode. The effective number of lines can be set via RS  
232C, or by jumpers.  
OFF : Normal readout mode  
ON : Partial scan mode  
7-1-5. RS 232C interface (SW1-7)  
This switch selects the RS 232C interface.  
OFF : All functions can be set by switches and jumpers.  
ON : RS 232C interface is activated.  
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7-2. Jumpers on board  
7-2-1. Jumpers on PK8201 board  
Jumpers JP1 and JP2 are used to select the gamma setting. See table below for options.  
Please note that both jumpers must be in the “open” position to allow RS 232C setting of  
gamma. If no setting is provided via RS 232C, the camera will default to gamma 1.0.  
Note : Gamma is set at “Setting by RS 232C interface” with 1.0.  
Do not set the jumpers both JP1/ JP2 at short circuited, as it causes a serious damge to the camera.  
7-2-2. Jumpers on PK8202 board  
Jumpers JP5, JP6 and JP7 enable or disable the ext. trigger input, the WEN output and pixel  
clock output, respectively.  
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7-2-3. Jumpers on PK8273 board  
a) Jumpers JP8 thru JP13 control the input/ output state as well as the termination of the HD  
and VD signals on pin #6 and #7 of the 12 pin connector.  
b) Jumpers JP14 thru JP17 control the effective number of lines in the partial scan mode.  
Note : Partial scan is set at 120 (v) as factory pre-set.  
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c) JP22 WEN Polarity Reversing  
When JP22 is set to OPEN, WEN is output, and only 1H period becomes HIGH level before  
video output starts. The periods from WEN output and video start may differ at each mode.  
When JP22 is set to SHORT, WEN’s image output period becomes LOW level, and after finish-  
ing output, it becomes HIGH level.  
The periods from WEN output and video start is same at each mode.  
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8. External appearance  
Unit : mm (inch)  
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9. Specification  
Note : Above specifications are subject to change without notice.  
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10. Appendix  
10.1. Precautions  
Personnel not trained in dealing with similar electronic devices should not service this camera.  
The camera contains components sensitive to electrostatic discharge. The handling of these devices  
should follow the requirements of electrostatic sensitive components.  
Do not attempt to disassemble this camera.  
Do not expose this camera to rain or moisture.  
Do not face this camera towards the sun, extreme bright light or light reflecting objects.  
Even when this camera is not in use, put the supplied lens cap on the lens mount.  
Handle this camera with the maximum care.  
Operate this camera only from the type of power source indicated on the camera.  
Power off the camera during any modification such as changes of jumper and switch setting.  
10.2. Typical CCD Characteristics  
The following effects may be observed on the video monitor screen. They do not indicate any fault of the  
CCD camera, but do associate with typical CCD characteristics.  
V. Smear  
Due to an excessive bright object such as electric lighting, sun or strong reflection, vertical smear may  
be visible on the video monitor screen. This phenomenon is related to the characteristics of the  
Interline Transfer System employed in the CCD.  
V. Aliasing  
When the CCD camera captures stripes, straight lines or similar sharp patterns, jagged image on the  
monitor may appear.  
Some pixel defects can occur, but this does not have en effect on the practical operation.  
Patterned Noise  
When the CCD camera captures a dark object at high temperature or is used for long time integration,  
fixed pattern noise (shown as white dots) may appear on the video monitor screen.  
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11. Users Record  
Camera type:  
Scanning system:  
(Revision C)  
Serial No.  
Users Mode Settings  
Users Modifications  
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JAI Corporation, Japan  
JAI America, Inc., USA  
JAI A·S, Denmark  
German Industry Center  
1-18-2 Hakusan, Midori-ku  
Kanagawa 226-0006, Japan  
Phone +81 45 933 5400  
Fax +81 45 931 6142  
Suite 450  
Produktionsvej 1, 2600 Glostrup  
Copenhagen, Denmark  
Phone +45 4457 8888  
Fax +45 4491 8880  
23046 Avenida de la Carlota  
Laguna Hills, CA 92653  
Phone +1 949 472 5900  
Fax +1 949 472 5908  
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