Garmin GPS Receiver StrettPilot III User Manual

StreetPilot III  
portable GPS with  
auto-routing and voice  
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Keypad Usage  
Quick Start  
POWER (Red Bulb Symbol) – Press and hold to turn the StreetPilot III on and off. Press momentarily while  
Keypad Usage  
power is on to display the backlight/contrast adjustment window.  
PAGE – Switches between main pages and returns display from an option window back to a main page.  
QUIT – Returns display to a previous page. When entering data, restores the previous value (cancels  
data entry).  
ENTER/MARK – Confirms a selected menu option. When entering data, it allows you to initiate entry, and  
then to accept the selected value(s). Press and hold to capture your present position and save it as a  
waypoint. ENTER/MARK can also capture the location of the panning arrow on the Map Page.  
ROCKER KEYPAD – Selects menu options and enters data. Also controls movement of the panning cursor  
on the Map Page.  
Zoom IN and OUT – Adjusts map scale to show a smaller area (more detail) or a larger area (less detail).  
FIND – Searches the database for Cities, Interstate Exits, Waypoints, and Recently Found Places. If a data  
card is installed containing MapSource City Navigator or MetroGuide map data, it also searches for Points  
of Interest, Addresses, and Intersections. The listed items may be saved as waypoints, viewed on a map  
or selected as destinations.  
NOTE: When the external speaker is connected, your  
StreetPilot III provides audible prompts during route  
navigation. These ‘spoken’ prompts include approaching  
turn notification (direction of turn and distance), off  
course notification, and arrival at destination. Spoken  
messages are also provided for poor GPS coverage and  
low battery power. Automatic voice prompting can be  
turned off via a system setup option (but can always be  
triggered by pressing the VOL/SPEAK key).  
MENU – Displays a menu of options for the current page. Press twice to display System Setup options.  
ROUTE – Displays a pop-up window of route navigation features.  
VOL/SPEAK – Adjusts the speaker volume. Press and hold until the controller appears on the left side  
of the screen. To hear the volume count (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) press up or down on the rocker  
keypad. Each press will activate the audio number. Pressing VOL/SPEAK also triggers the voice repeat  
function when navigating.  
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Features and Entering Data  
Quick Start  
Cursor— A highlighted area on the screen which can be moved up/down/left/right with the  
ROCKER KEYPAD to select individual fields on the display. Moving the cursor to a given location allows  
you to begin data entry or scroll through a list.  
Features/Data Entry  
Default— A system-selected format, built into the operating software or the units memory, that will  
be followed unless the user chooses a different setting. For example, the default setting for speed readings  
is ‘miles per hour’ but can be changed to ‘kilometers per hour’. Once a setting is changed, the new setting  
is retained until another change is made or the ‘Restore Original Settings’ menu option is selected.  
Field— The location on a page where a group of characters or an option is entered and displayed.  
The cursor is placed on a field (using the ROCKER KEYPAD to begin data entry or select options.  
To enter data in a data field:  
An example of an on-screen button—the ‘Route to It’ button  
on the Waypoint Marked Page.  
1. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight the desired data field. Press ENTER to begin data entry.  
2. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to enter the desired data. UP/DOWN to select the desired character and  
RIGHT to move to the next character field. LEFT allows you to back up to the previous character field  
or, when at the left-most character field, to clear the entire data field.  
3. Once the desired data has been entered, press ENTER to confirm.  
On-Screen Button— Similar to “Field”. Place the cursor on a button and press ENTER to select  
the action corresponding to that button. An example of an on-screen button is the ‘Route to It’ button  
appearing at the bottom of the Waypoint Marked Page (see example at left).  
When viewing a list of items too long to display on a  
single page, a scroll bar will appear along the right-hand  
side of the list. Also, using the Left/Right portion of the  
Rocker Keypad will scroll information one full screen at  
a time.  
Scroll Bar— When viewing a list of items too long to display on a single page, a scroll bar will appear  
along the right-hand side of the list (see example at left). The position of the scroll bar indicates which  
portion of the list is currently being displayed. The height of the scroll bar indicates the number of items  
in the list. To scroll through a list of items, use the UP/DOWN portion of the ROCKER KEYPAD.  
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Turning the StreetPilot III On and Off  
Quick Start  
Press and hold the POWER key to turn the unit on (a power tone will momentarily sound). The  
Welcome Page appears briefly, followed by the MapSource Copyright Page. Press ENTER to acknowledge  
the copyright, or wait briefly until the Safe Driving Warning Message appears. Once again, press ENTER  
to acknowledge the warning or wait until the Warning Page is replaced by the Map Page. When the Map  
Page appears, the unit is ready for operation.  
Power, Backlighting,  
Contrast and Volume  
When you are ready to turn the unit off, press and hold the POWER key.  
Adjusting the Backlight, Contrast, and Speaker Volume  
The StreetPilot III display and keys can be illuminated  
for operation at night or in bright sunlight. Backlight  
intensity and screen contrast are adjustable. When oper-  
ating the StreetPilot III at extreme temperatures, you may  
find that minor adjustments are needed to obtain the  
clearest screen.  
Your StreetPilot III is equipped with a ‘Safe Mode’  
feature to improve driver safety. By default, this  
feature is enabled, but can be turned off to  
allow a passenger to operate the unit. When  
your vehicle is moving, Safe Mode disables  
StreetPilot III functions which require significant  
operator attention and may become a distraction to use  
while driving. Disabled functions include:  
To adjust screen backlighting and contrast:  
1. Press the red POWER key momentarily. An on-screen window appears allowing you to adjust the  
backlight and contrast levels.  
2. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to adjust the backlight and the contrast to the desired level. (Alternatively,  
backlighting can be cycled between three settings by repeatedly pressing the red POWER key.) The  
backlight and contrast window will disappear after a few seconds of inactivity.  
• Map Panning  
• All FIND key functions (except Recent List)  
• All MENU key functions  
• Creating new routes  
To adjust the external speaker volume:  
1. Press and hold the VOL/SPEAK key. A slider adjustment window appears.  
2. Adjust the speaker volume by using the ROCKER KEYPAD. The loudest setting is eight, the softest is  
one. (Alternatively, volume can be cycled between three settings by repeatedly pressing VOL/SPEAK.)  
When you come to a complete stop, these features are  
automatically re-enabled.  
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Unit Pages at a Glance  
Quick Start  
There are three main pages on the StreetPilot III: the Map Page, Trip Information Page, and Current  
Main Page Sequence  
Route Page. Press the PAGE or QUIT key to sequence through these pages.  
Appears only when a destination is selected.  
Current Route Page  
Trip Information Page  
Map Page  
The first time you use your new StreetPilot III, it will  
need to search for GPS satellites and determine its  
location. This process may take several minutes.  
Virtual Tour  
Lets use the StreetPilot IIIs built-in simulator to select a destination, plan a route, and see how the  
unit would operate in actual use. This simulated trip will involve the use of the FIND key to show you  
how the StreetPilot III guides you through every turn with audible directions. First, if you haven’t already  
done so, take the StreetPilot III outside and let it determine your current location.  
To determine your current position:  
1. Turn the StreetPilot III on by pressing the red POWER key. Make sure the antenna is pointing upward  
and you are located in an area with a clear view of the sky.  
2. Press ENTER to acknowledge the power-on pages. The power-on process is complete when the Map  
Page appears (see page 8).  
StreetPilot III is ready to guide you when the “Ready to  
Navigate” message appears.  
3. Observe the message banner at the top of the Map Page. When the message changes from “Acquiring  
Satellites” to “Ready to Navigate” your StreetPilot III has determined your current position.  
You may now continue the remainder of the Virtual Tour indoors. Find a comfortable chair, sit  
back and enjoy the trip!  
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To use the StreetPilot III indoors or simulate a trip:  
1. With the StreetPilot III turned on, press the MENU Key.  
2. Select ‘Use Indoors’ using the ROCKER KEYPAD and press ENTER.  
Quick Start  
Finding a Destination  
3. Press ENTER again to acknowledge the “GPS turned off” message banner. The StreetPilot III is now  
in a simulated operation mode.  
NOTE: In normal use you WILL NOT follow the steps above to enable the built-in simula-  
tor. Simply turn the StreetPilot III on, select a destination (see steps below) and drive!  
Finding a Destination  
Your StreetPilot III includes a built-in database of cities and interstate highway exits. If you’ve  
already programmed the data card using your City Navigator CD, or if your StreetPilot III came with a  
preprogrammed data card, you’ll also have access to a second database that includes Points of Interest,  
Address lookup and road Intersections (the data card must be in the unit in order to search for  
addresses, points of interest, and some intersections). In this Virtual Tour we’ll use examples for cities  
(built-in) and points of interest (data card). Once you’ve read through these examples feel free to  
experiment on your own with other categories.  
Select ‘Use Indoors’ when you want to use simulate  
To find a destination location:  
1. Press the FIND key. The Find window appears asking what type of location you are looking for.  
2. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to select the desired location type (in this case, Cities) and press  
3. The StreetPilot III will search its internal database and present a list of nearby cities.  
Press FIND and select ‘Cities’ to display a list of nearby  
cities and select a destination.  
4. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight a nearby city on the list and press ENTER. An information  
page will appear showing the city name, size, direction and distance to the city (from present  
position) and several buttons at the bottom of the page.  
(continued on next page)  
NOTE: You can find cities by name or from the nearest list. We’ll use the nearest list in this  
demonstration, but experiment on your own later (see Owners Manual page 27).  
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5. To select this city as a destination, use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight the ‘Route To It’ button and  
press ENTER. (Otherwise, press QUIT to return to the nearest city list and repeat step #4.)  
Quick Start  
6. A pop-up window will appear for you to indicate a route preference. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to  
select ‘Faster Time’ (higher speed roads) or ‘Shorter Distance’ according to your driving preferences and  
press ENTER (‘Off Road’ will create a straight-line route instead of a turn-by-turn automatic route).  
Map Page  
7. SIMULATED OPERATION ONLY: A second pop-up window will appear asking “Do you want to simulate  
driving this route?” Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight the ‘Yes’ button and press ENTER.  
Map Page  
Your current position is symbolized on the Map Page by a pointer arrow moving along the route  
(a magenta line).  
Vehicle Direction  
If you just want to view the route on the map without  
the unit simulating navigation, select “No” and press  
Route Line  
Vehicle Speed  
Distance to Go  
Time to Go  
Your Current  
Driving Instructions  
Map Scale  
The Map Page displays turn-by-turn directions as you “drive”. Along the right-hand side of the page  
you’ll find your speed, distance travelled or distance to next turn, and the time remaining to the next  
turn. The map display also shows the map scale (bottom left corner) and geographic details such as  
lakes, rivers, highways and towns. You can use the IN and OUT keys to change the map scale.  
The map can be displayed in a square, wide or full  
screen configuration for custom viewing. The square con-  
figuration is shown to the right, the wide configuration is  
shown above. Both square and wide configurations show  
navigation information along the right side of the page.  
To change the map scale:  
1. Press the IN zoom key to display more detail for a smaller area.  
2. Press the OUT zoom key to display a larger area.  
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Current Route Page  
Quick Start  
When the StreetPilot III is navigating a route, the Current Route Page is displayed between the Map  
Page and the Trip Information Page. The Current Route Page shows pointers which indicate the next  
three turns, and the destination (turn direction arrow, turn description, distance and time for each).  
Current Route Page  
Driving Instructions  
Time to Go  
Direction of Turn  
Scroll Bar  
Distance to Go  
You can change the displayed time to show arrival times  
or time to reach each turn.  
If the Current Route Page is not currently displayed, press PAGE (repeatedly) until the  
Current Route Page appears.  
The time displayed on the Current Route Page can be time to reach each turn or arrival time at  
each turn.  
To change the time displayed on the Current Route Page:  
1. With the Current Route Page displayed, press MENU.  
2. Either ‘Show Times to Go’ or ‘Show Arrival Time’ is displayed. Press ENTER.  
NOTE: The Current Route Page only appears when a destination has been selected.  
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Trip Information Page  
Quick Start  
If the Trip Information Page is not currently displayed, press PAGE (repeatedly) until  
the Trip Information Page appears.  
Trip Information Page  
The last of the main pages is the Trip Information Page. On long trips, you will find the Trip  
Information Page very useful. This page indicates your current speed and many helpful statistics about  
your trip including:  
Driving Status Information— Displayed at the top of the page. Shows the next intersection (the  
crossroad name) or interstate exit if one is approaching. Otherwise, it shows the road you are on.  
Speed— This is the current vehicle speed.  
Odometer— A running total of distance traveled, based upon the distance between second-by-  
second location readings, since the Trip Computer was last reset.  
You can reset the trip information by pressing MENU  
and selecting ‘Reset Trip Computer’.  
Current Direction and Time— Displayed to the right of the speed and odometer.  
Power/Battery— Displayed to the left of the odometer. If the StreetPilot III is using internal AA  
batteries, a battery strength bar is shown (and labeled “Battery Power”). Notice the shaded area of the bar.  
The farther right the shading extends, the more battery power remains. When operating on batteries, the  
bar and the label turn red when power is low (20% or less). When operating from an external power  
source, a power plug symbol is shown in place of the bar (and labeled “External Power”).  
Driving Instructions  
Current Driving  
Direction and Time  
Battery Level Indicator  
Battery power is shown in the upper left corner of the  
Trip Information Page. When it turns red, its time to  
replace the batteries.  
Trip Speed  
Trip Timer Figures  
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Be certain to reset the Trip Computer before beginning your trip. Instructions can be found in the  
Owners Manual on page 25. If you make frequent stops, leave the StreetPilot III powered on and  
receiving satellites. This will allow the unit to accurately measure elapsed time during the trip. Some  
vehicles disconnect power to the cigarette lighter when the ignition is turned off. In such cases, leave a  
fresh set of batteries in the StreetPilot III. When external power is lost, a pop-up window will appear  
asking if you wish to continue operating from battery power.  
Quick Start  
Points of Interest  
Once you have reached your destination city, a checkered flag replaces the directional arrow telling  
you that the destination has been reached. With the external speaker connected, there is also a voice  
confirmation that the you have arrived at the destination.  
Searching for Points of Interest  
The Virtual Tour thus far has relied on built-in StreetPilot III data. If you’ve programmed the data  
card using the City Navigator CD, or if your StreetPilot III came with a preprogrammed data card, you  
can explore your area in more detail—searching for nearby restaurants, lodging, entertainment, shopping,  
etc. Lets take a brief look at how this works.  
Both flag and voice (below) confirm that you have arrived.  
To search nearby Points of Interest and find a destination:  
1. Press the FIND key. The Find Window appears asking what type of location you are looking for.  
2. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to select the desired  
location type (in this case, Points of Interest) and  
press ENTER.  
3. The StreetPilot III will ask for a Points of Interest  
category. For this tour select ‘Food & Drink’ and  
press ENTER.  
4. StreetPilot III even lets you define the type of  
With the City Navigator CD-ROM, you can program the  
data card and search for Points of Interest.  
restaurant you’re looking for! For this example, select All Types’ and press ENTER.  
5. The StreetPilot III will search its internal database and present a list of nearby restaurants. (continued)  
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6. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight a nearby restaurant on the list and press ENTER. An information  
page will appear showing the restaurant name, address, phone number and several buttons at the bottom  
of the page.)  
7. To select this restaurant as a destination, use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight ‘Route To It’ and press  
ENTER. (Otherwise, press QUIT to return to the nearby restaurant list and repeat step #6.)  
8. A pop-up window will appear for you to indicate a route preference. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to select  
‘Faster Time’ (higher speed roads) or ‘Shorter Distance’ according to your driving preferences. Press ENTER.  
9. SIMULATED OPERATION ONLY: A second pop-up window will appear asking “Do you want to simulate  
driving this route?” Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight the ‘Yes’ button and press ENTER.  
With your destination restaurant selected, take a few moments to again explore the main pages of your  
StreetPilot III and watch as the simulator drives the selected route.  
We’ve covered just some of the most important features of your StreetPilot III in this Quick Start Guide.  
To learn more, be sure to read the information in the Owners Manual. Some suggested additional reading  
topics include: Searching for cities or points of interest by name (page 27), Searching for a particular  
address (page 31), Using the Next Turn Page (page 21), setting speed/distance measurements to metric units  
(page 41).  
If you need more help with any of the features of the StreetPilot III, visit the GARMIN web site (, where you’ll find answers to many  
frequently-asked questions, or talk to a GARMIN dealer or technical support representative.  
© Copyright 2002 GARMIN Ltd. or its subsidiaries  
GARMIN International, Inc. 1200 East 151st Street, Olathe, Kansas 66062, U.S.A.  
GARMIN (Europe) Ltd. Unit 5, The Quadrangle, Abbey Park Industrial Estate, Romsey, SO51 9AQ, U.K.  
GARMIN Corporation No. 68, Jangshu 2nd Road, Shijr, Taipei County, Taiwan  
Part Number 190-00256-11 Rev. A  
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