Furman Sound Power Supply PL 8 PRO II User Manual

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pro SErIES II 20 amp powEr CondItIonErS  
only. Do not use solvents or abrasive cleaners.  
Never pour liquid on or into the unit.  
WA R N I N G  
To reduce the risk of electrical shock, do not  
expose this equipment to rain or moisture.  
7. Your Pro Series II unit should be serviced by  
Dangerous high voltages are present inside the  
qualified service personnel when:  
enclosure. Do not remove the covers. refer  
servicing to qualified personnel only. The  
lightning flash with an arrowhead symbol, is  
intended to alert the user to the presence of  
un-insulated dangerous voltage within the  
product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient  
magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock.  
• The power supply cord or the plug has been  
frayed, kinked, or cut.  
• Objects have fallen or liquid has spilled into  
the unit.  
• The unit has been exposed to rain or other  
• The unit does not appear to operate normally.  
• The “Protection OK” indicator is not lit.  
• The unit has been dropped, or the enclosure  
has been damaged.  
(Please read prior to installation)  
• The retractable LED lights have failed. (not  
applicable to the P8-PRO II)  
1. Please read and observe all safety and  
operating instructions before installing your  
Series II unit. retain these instructions for  
future reference.  
8. Your Pro Series II unit requires that a safety  
ground be present for proper operation. Any  
attempt to operate the unit without a safety  
ground is considered improper operation and  
could invalidate the warranty.  
2. The unit should not be used near water – for  
example, near a bathtub, washbowl,  
kitchen sink, laundry tub, in a wet basement,  
near a swimming pool, etc.  
9. Do not attempt to service your Pro Series II  
unit beyond what is described in this manual.  
All other servicing should be referred to  
qualified service personnel.  
3. Do not place your unit near heat sources  
such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or  
other appliances that produce heat.  
4. The units should only be connected to a  
120 VAC, 60Hz, 20 amp grounded electrical  
outlet. Do not defeat the ground or change  
polarization of the power plug.  
PL-8 Pro Series II  
The PL-8 Pro II features LED rack lights  
which produce virtually no heat and provide  
an extremely long life span. A dimmer control  
for the rack lights allows the user to adjust the  
level of illumination or simply switch the lights  
off. A rear mounted BNC jack accepts any  
standard (12VAC 0.5 amp) gooseneck lamp for  
rear rack illumination.  
5. route the power cord and other cables so  
that they are not likely to be walked on, tripped  
over, or stressed. Pay particular attention to  
the condition of the cords and cables at the  
plugs, and the point where they exit your Pro  
Series II unit. To prevent risk of fire or injury,  
damaged cords and cables should be replaced  
6. Clean your Series II unit with a damp cloth  
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pro SErIES II 20 amp powEr CondItIonErS  
are so high that operation would be impossible  
and shuts the power down before damage  
o PE rATI o N  
can occur. Upon initially applying power to  
retractable rack Lights, rear panel Lamp  
these units, the Extreme Voltage indicator  
and dimmer Control:  
LED will light if the input voltage is above the  
The PL-8 Pro II utilizes a dimmer control for  
extreme voltage cutoff, and power will not be  
the two retractable front panel light tubes.  
applied to the unit’s outlets. If the unit has been  
The dimmer knob controls the brightness  
operating with an acceptable input voltage and  
subsequently that voltage exceeds 135V, it will  
of both light fixtures. Turn it clockwise to  
increase brightness; turn it counterclockwise  
shut off power to the outlet and the Extreme  
to decrease brightness. When the lights are  
Voltage LED will light.  
not in use, we recommend turning the dimmer  
fully counterclockwise to maximize the life  
notE: The P8-Pro II and PL-8 Pro II do not  
of the LED’s, however, this is not absolutely  
compensate for extremely high or low line  
necessary. Whether the light tubes are  
voltage. If you frequently move your rack  
to different locations, derive power from  
generators, use long extension cords, travel  
internationally, or are in an area prone to  
brownouts, you should use of one of Furman’s  
AC Line Voltage regulators.  
retracted or flush with the front panel, there will  
be no appreciable heat regardless of dimmer  
setting due to the efficiency of our full light  
spectrum LED’s. The Series II’s front panel  
LED lamps must be replaced by qualified  
Furman service personnel.  
protection oK Indicator:  
Although the Furman SMP+ circuit assures  
virtually protection from transient voltage  
spikes and surges, nature has a way of  
Both units feature a rear rack BNC socket  
which will accept any 12 VAC (0.5A)  
gooseneck lamp assembly, (such as the  
Furman GN-LED or GN-I). Simply slide the  
occasionally creating electrical forces that are  
BNC plug over the socket and rotate clockwise  
beyond the capabilities of any TVSS device to  
until the connector snaps into the locked  
absorb without some degree of damage. In  
position. The rear rack lamp can be powered  
the rare instance that this occurs, the green  
on or off with the rear light power switch  
“Protection OK” LED indicator located on your  
located on the far left of the front panel.  
front panel will dim. If this happens some level  
of protection from voltage surges will remain,  
on/off Circuit Breaker:  
but the Furman’s clamping voltage rating will  
This 20 amp capacity magnetic circuit breaker  
be compromised. The unit must be returned  
switch is specifically designed to stand up to  
the enormous high inrush current demands  
of many Power Amplifiers. Additionally, the  
to Furman Sound, or an authorized Furman  
Service center for repair.  
switch is shielded from accidental power  
notE: If the mains power is above the high  
disconnection with a hinged cover.  
cutoff voltage and has caused the unit to  
remove power from its outlets, it cannot restore  
Extreme Voltage Shutdown (EVS) Indicator:  
power without the operator manually turning  
This LED is normally off. It monitors a hazard  
the unit off, then on again. Avoid turning the  
common in the entertainment industry: wiring  
faults – for example, accidental connection  
to 220VAC where 120VAC is expected, or an  
open neutral from a 208 or 240VAC feed. The  
unit back on, without first checking the source  
of the problem, and perhaps changing the AC  
Series II SMP+ circuit senses voltages that  
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pro SErIES II 20 amp powEr CondItIonErS  
contain can be considerable, enough to  
damage sensitive solid-state components  
in audio and computer equipment. Spikes  
can also foul switch contacts and degrade  
1.) Symptom: No power to the AC outlets.  
wiring insulation. They are an unavoidable  
possible Cause: Circuit breaker switch has  
component of electric power. They are caused  
tripped to the off position, due to excessive  
unpredictably by electric motors switching  
on or off (on the premises or outside), utility  
company maintenance operations, lightning  
action needed: remove one piece of  
strikes and other factors. Spikes (also called  
equipment from the Series II unit, open the  
surges or transients) are absorbed by special  
hinged switch / breaker cover, and reset the  
components in the series II Series Multi-Stage  
switch to the on position.  
Protection Plus circuitry to provide safe voltage  
levels to protect your equipment.  
2.) Symptom: No power to the AC outlets,  
“Protection OK” indicator is not lit.  
(radio Frequency Interference) or EMI (Electro  
possible Cause: Either the AC outlet to which  
Magnetic Interference) involves lower voltages  
your Series II device is connected has no AC  
and less energy than is found in spikes, but it  
voltage present, or the unit has been subjected  
to a sustained voltage in excess of 400 Volts.  
is continuous rather than transient in nature.  
It is not likely to cause damage, but it can  
certainly be annoying, producing static in audio  
circuits, “snow” on video screens, or garbled  
data in computers. Noise can be introduced  
action needed: Plug the Series II unit into an  
AC receptacle where AC voltage is present. If  
the problem persists, the protection circuit may  
into AC lines by nearby radio transmitters,  
be damaged, and require factory service.  
certain kinds of lighting, electric motors, and  
other sources. Because noise occurs at higher  
frequencies than the 50 or 60 Hz AC line, it  
3.) Symptom: Extreme Voltage indicator lit.  
can be effectively reduced through use of low-  
pass filtering.  
possible Cause: Input voltage is above 135-  
140 volts (270 – 280 volts E version), causing  
power to the unit’s outlets to be shut down.  
Additionally, if the voltage is below 85 - 90 volts  
at turn on, the unit will not allow AC voltage to  
reach the outlets.  
Furman Sound, Inc., having its principal place  
action needed: Correct the line voltage, then;  
turn the unit on. Consider installing a Furman  
voltage regulator.  
of business at 1997 South McDowell Blvd.,  
Petaluma, CA 94954 (“Manufacturer”) warrants  
its P8-Pro and PL-8 Pro Series II Power  
Conditioners (the “Product”) as follows:  
Manufacturer warrants to the original  
SPIKE: This is a pulse of energy on the  
power line. Spikes can have voltages as  
high as 6000 volts. Though they are usually  
of very short duration, the energy they  
Purchaser of the Product that the Product sold  
hereunder will be free from defects in material  
and workmanship for a period of three years  
from the date of purchase. The Purchaser  
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pro SErIES II 20 amp powEr CondItIonErS  
of the product is allowed fifteen days from  
the date of purchase to complete warranty  
registration by mail or on-line at the Furman  
Furman Sound. This warranty also does not  
apply to Products upon which repairs have  
been affected or attempted by persons other  
website. If the Product does not conform to this than pursuant to written authorization by  
Limited Warranty during the warranty period  
(as herein above specified), Purchaser shall  
notify Manufacturer in writing of the claimed  
defects. If the defects are of such type and  
nature as to be covered by this warranty,  
Manufacturer shall authorize Purchaser to  
return the Product to the Furman factory or to  
and exclusive obligation of Manufacturer shall  
be to repair or replace the defective Product  
in the manner and for the period provided  
above. Manufacturer shall not have any other  
an authorized Furman repair location. Warranty obligation with respect to the Products or  
claims should be accompanied by a copy of  
the original purchase invoice showing the  
purchase date; this is not necessary if the  
any part thereof, whether based on contract,  
tort, strict liability or otherwise. Under no  
circumstances, whether based on this Limited  
Warranty registration was completed either via Warranty or otherwise, shall Manufacturer be  
the mailed in warranty card or on-line website  
registration. Shipping charges to the Furman  
factory or to an authorized repair location must  
be prepaid by the Purchaser of the product.  
Manufacturer shall, at its own expense, furnish  
a replacement Product or, at Manufacturer’s  
option, repair the defective Product. return  
shipping charges back to Purchaser will be  
paid by Manufacturer.  
liable for incidental, special, or consequential  
damages. Manufacturer’s employees or  
representatives’ orAL or oTHEr WrITTEN  
WArrANTIES, shall not be relied upon by  
Purchaser, and are not a part of the contract  
for sale or this limited warranty. This Limited  
Warranty states the entire obligation of  
Manufacturer with respect to the Product. If  
any part of this Limited Warranty is determined  
to be void or illegal, the remainder shall remain  
in full force and effect.  
A PArTICULAr PUrPoSE. Manufacturer  
does not warrant against damages or defects  
arising out of improper or abnormal use of  
handling of the Product; against defects or  
damages arising from improper installation,  
against defects in products or components  
not manufactured by Manufacturer, or against  
S E r V I C E  
Before returning any equipment for repair,  
please be sure that it is adequately packed and  
cushioned against damage in shipment, and  
that it is insured. We suggest that you save  
the original packaging and use it to ship the  
product for servicing. Also, please enclose  
a note giving your name, address, phone  
damages resulting from such non-Manufacturer number and a description of the problem.  
made products or components. This warranty  
shall be cancelable by Manufacturer at its  
sole discretion if the product is modified in  
any way without written authorization from  
NOTE: All equipment being returned for  
repair must have a return Authorization (rA)  
Number. To get an rA Number, please call the  
Furman Service Department: (707) 763-1010,  
ext. 121. Please display your rA Number  
prominently on the front of all packages.  
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pro SErIES II 20 amp powEr CondItIonErS  
P-8 Pro  
rear light switch Protection oK  
Switched outlet  
Power Switch  
Extreme Voltage  
Dimmer control for  
PL-8 Pro  
front rack lights  
rear light switch  
Protection oK  
Extreme Voltage  
Switched outlet  
Power Switch  
LED rack Lights  
rear of both  
Digital outlets  
BNC connector for  
optional gooseneck  
Analog outlets  
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Make sure to pick up one of Furman’s  
s -  
for your Series II unit.  
Current rating:  
20 amps  
Operating Voltage:  
90 to 140 VAC  
Over Voltage Shutdown:  
140 VAC typically  
Spike Protection Modes:  
Line to neutral, zero ground leakage  
Spike Clamping Voltage:  
188 Vpk @ 3,000 amps, (133 VAC RMS)  
Response time:  
1 nanosecond  
Maximum surge current:  
6,500 amps  
Noise attenuation:  
10 dB @ 10 kHz  
40 dB @ 100 kHz  
100 dB @ 10 MHz  
Linear attenuation curve from 0.05 - 100 ohms line impedance  
Dimensions: 1.75” H x 19” W x 10.5” D.  
Weight: 11 lbs (5 kg).  
Construction: Steel chassis, .125” brushed and black anod-  
ized aluminum front panel; glass epoxy printed circuit boards  
Power Consumption:  
12 watts  
Safety Agency Listings:  
Furman Sound, LLC.  
1997 South McDowell Blvd.  
Petaluma, California 94954-6919 USA  
Phone: 707-763-1010 Fax: 707-763-1310  
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