Fluke Child Tracker 90100 User Manual

Model 90100  
Operators Manual  
May 2006  
Manual No. 37826 Rev. 9  
©2006 Fluke Corporation, All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.  
All product names are trademarks of their respective companies  
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Table of Contents  
Section 1: General Information...................................................................................... 1-1  
Introduction.................................................................................................. 1-1  
Features....................................................................................................... 1-2  
Before You Start - Safety Precautions......................................................... 1-3  
Safety Terms ............................................................................................... 1-3  
Manual Addenda.......................................................................................... 1-3  
Specifications............................................................................................... 1-3  
Model 35300A Detector.......................................................................... 1-3  
Model 35360A Tracker Display .............................................................. 1-5  
Interface Cable – Detector To Display.................................................... 1-6  
Unpacking And Inspection ........................................................................... 1-6  
Section 2: Operation ....................................................................................................... 2-1  
Introduction.................................................................................................. 2-1  
Rear Panel Familiarization........................................................................... 2-2  
Powering The System ............................................................................ 2-2  
Detector Input......................................................................................... 2-2  
RS-232 Computer Interface.................................................................... 2-4  
Positioning The Model 35300A Detector In The Beam................................ 2-4  
Operation Instructions.................................................................................. 2-6  
Front Panel Controls............................................................................... 2-6  
Powering Up The Model 35360A Tracker Display.................................. 2-8  
Powering Down The Model 35360A Tracker Display ............................. 2-8  
Using The Test/Detector Button ............................................................. 2-8  
Using The Units Select Button................................................................ 2-9  
Using The Air Density Button ............................................................... 2-10  
Using The Gain Select Button .............................................................. 2-10  
Using The Measure Select Button........................................................ 2-11  
Absolute Measurements ................................................................. 2-11  
Percent-Of-Center Measurements .................................................. 2-12  
Underranging And Overranging Conditions .................................... 2-13  
Battery And Bias Annunciators............................................................. 2-13  
Gain Setting Mode................................................................................ 2-14  
Changing Front Panel Gain Factor’s From The Measurement ....... 2-15  
Saving the FPGF Changes ............................................................. 2-15  
Aborting the FPGF Changes........................................................... 2-15  
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Section 3: Theory of Operation...................................................................................... 3-1  
Introduction.................................................................................................. 3-1  
Overall Function Description Of The Model 35360A TRACKER Display ..... 3-1  
Power Supply ......................................................................................... 3-2  
300 Volt Electronic Bias Supply.............................................................. 3-3  
Front Panel Switches.............................................................................. 3-3  
Processor ............................................................................................... 3-3  
VFD Display ........................................................................................... 3-3  
Serial Communications Port................................................................... 3-4  
Electrometer........................................................................................... 3-4  
Multiplexer and A/D Converter ............................................................... 3-4  
Model 35300A Ion Chamber Detectors........................................................ 3-5  
Air Density Corrections ................................................................................ 3-5  
Basic Operating Equations .......................................................................... 3-6  
Charge.................................................................................................... 3-6  
Current ................................................................................................... 3-6  
Absolute Dose........................................................................................ 3-6  
Absolute Dose Rate................................................................................ 3-6  
Percent-of-Center................................................................................... 3-6  
Basic Operating Quantities .......................................................................... 3-7  
Section 4: Maintenance and Service ............................................................................. 4-1  
Introduction.................................................................................................. 4-1  
Troubleshooting........................................................................................... 4-2  
Line Fuse Replacement............................................................................... 4-7  
Interface Connector Cleaning ...................................................................... 4-9  
Cleaning The Instrument.............................................................................. 4-9  
Replaceable Parts Information..................................................................... 4-9  
Recalibration & Repair Information/Technical Assistance.......................... 4-10  
Section 5: Customization ............................................................................................... 5-1  
Introduction.................................................................................................. 5-1  
Make A Working Disk................................................................................... 5-2  
Connection To The Computer...................................................................... 5-2  
Starting The Customization Software........................................................... 5-2  
Screen Formats ........................................................................................... 5-2  
Definitions.................................................................................................... 5-5  
Setting The Electrometer Gains And Offsets ............................................... 5-6  
Usage Examples.......................................................................................... 5-8  
Errors......................................................................................................... 5-10  
Appendix A: Using Build-Up ..........................................................................................A-1  
Build-Up, Peg, And Retainer Kit Options .....................................................A-1  
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General Information  
Section 1  
General Information  
1.1 Introduction  
The Model 90100 TRACKER is a radiation measurement system intended for use in quality assurance  
programs for high-energy accelerators and Co60 machines. While its ease of operation makes it ideal for  
daily checks of beam constancy, symmetry, and flatness, its portability makes it a good choice for field  
service engineers and consulting physicists. The two main components of the system are the Model  
35360A TRACKER Display, and the Model 35300A Detector, see Figure 1-1.  
Figure 1-1.  
Model 35360A TRACKER Display and Model 35300A Detector  
The 35360A TRACKER Display contains a five-channel electrometer capable of producing  
measurements of both dose and dose rate. A microcontroller performs air density corrections and  
displays the measurement results on the 4 line by 20 character vacuum fluorescent display (VFD) directly  
in the user's choice of radiological units. An integrated rechargeable battery and a 300 V electronic bias  
supply greatly simplify maintenance of the system. Another important feature built into the 35360A  
TRACKER Display includes the capability for fully remote and automated operation via an RS-232  
computer interface (software is not included).  
The 35300A Detector contains an array of four orthogonally placed ion chambers on 10 cm radii from a  
fifth isocentrally located ion chamber. The five ion chambers are of a vented, circular, parallel-plate  
configuration and are fully guarded for low leakage. An overlay label on the outside of the 35300A  
Detector marks the ion chamber locations for alignment with a therapy source light field system. The  
35300A Detector connects to the 35360A TRACKER Display through a lightweight interface cable. This  
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Model 90100  
Operators Manual  
cable is of a design that provides a high degree of flexibility and allows it to flatten to fit under a treatment  
room entrance door.  
Included with each 90100 TRACKER System is an MS-DOS based Customization program that provides  
a means of performing field customization and calibrations. Some of the items that may be field  
customized include the measurement display units, temperature and pressure units, the ion chamber  
calibration factors, and the number of minutes to power down. This program may also be used to  
generate a printed report containing all of the customization and calibration settings.  
A number of optional accessories including a carrying case for storage and transport, build-up plates of  
various thickness/materials, and a build-up retaining hardware kit are available also.  
1.2 Features  
Measurement values from peripheral ion chambers may be displayed in either absolute dose  
measurement units or as a percentage of the center ion chamber's measurement value.  
A wide AC Line Input Range of 100 to 240 VAC and the use of an IEC 320/C13 style receptacle  
provide worldwide operation by use of the proper line cord.  
The levels of the internal 300 V electronic bias supply and the rechargeable battery supply are  
continuously monitored. Annunciators appear on the display if an abnormal bias voltage or low  
battery voltage level is detected.  
All front panel settings are automatically stored at power down and restored at power up eliminating  
the need to reconfigure the front panel settings upon each use.  
Dose measurement values may be displayed in units of roentgens, rads, sieverts, grays, or monitor  
units. Dose rate measurement values may be displayed in units of roentgens/min, rads/min,  
sieverts/min, grays/min, or monitor units/min.  
Front panel gain settings allow the user to easily match displayed measurement values to the linear  
accelerator's monitor readout or to a precision calibration.  
Precision five-channel electrometer provides ± 0.003% linearity and a long-term stability of better  
than 0.25% of reading per year.  
The system may be operated from either AC line power source or from its internal battery. The  
batteries will be charged during use from AC line power.  
A high performance rechargeable battery system provides 8 hours of continuous operation from a  
3-hour charge. A low battery annunciator indicates when 30 minutes or less of operation remains.  
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General Information  
Before You Start- Safety Precautions  
1.3 Before You Start - Safety Precautions  
This product is designed for quality assurance testing of therapeutic radiation treatment machines. It is  
not for machine calibration nor is it intended as a substitute for a precision dosimeter system (Farmer-type  
Probe and Electrometer with official calibration). Its use should be restricted to the monitoring of  
constancy of output, flatness, and symmetry. It is the responsibility of the user to establish the correct  
procedure of uses including the initial configuration of the device, (via the Customization program  
included). Quality assurance testing should be done by qualified personnel under the supervision of a  
trained medical physicist. The Model 90100 TRACKER System should be used only by people who are:  
aware of and understand the limitations of the device as they relate to the measurement of radiation  
knowledgeable about safety procedures observed when working with radiation sources, such as  
therapy radiation machines;  
aware of safety precautions required to avoid possible injury when using electrical/electronic  
Please take the time to read this manual carefully before operating this instrument.  
1.4 Safety Terms  
The following terms are used in this manual.  
death. Always read the associated information very carefully before performing the indicated procedure.  
heading used in this manual explains dangers that might result in personal injury or  
heading used in this manual explains hazards that could damage the instrument.  
Such damage may invalidate the warranty.  
1.5 Manual Addenda  
Any improvements or changes concerning the instrument or manual will be explained in an addendum  
included with the manual. Be sure to note these changes and incorporate them into the manual.  
1.6 Specifications  
1.6.1 Model 35300A Detector  
Source Modes and Energies  
Photons: 300 keV to 25 MeV, with suitable build-up material  
Electrons: 2 MeV to 25 MeV, with suitable build-up material  
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Model 90100  
Operators Manual  
Recommended Operation Conditions  
Source Distance: 100 cm  
Collimated Field Size: 25 × 25 cm  
Source Dose Rate Range: 50 to 500 rads/min  
Nominal Ion Chamber Characteristics  
Wall and Window Material: Continental Polymers ACRYCAL-CP or equivalent  
Window Area Density: 600 mg/sq cm (0.51 cm acrylic plastic)  
Window Transmission: 95% for 662 keV photons; for electrons, transmission through window occurs  
above 1.5 MeV.  
Sensitivity: 3.52 R/nC at 22°C and 760 mm Hg  
Active Volume: 0.93 cc ±5%  
Active Diameter: 1.162 cm  
Active Cross-Sectional Area: 1.06 sq cm  
Collector-to-Bias Separation: 0.44 cm  
Ion Transit Time: 0.418 ms @ bias voltage of 300V  
Collection Efficiency: >99% at 500 rads/min pulsed; >99.9% at 500 rads/min continuous  
Leakage: Less than 0.5 pA over the full operating temperature range  
Ion Chamber Factory Calibration  
Method: Each of the 5 ion chambers within the detector array is calibrated by comparison with a  
reference standard ion chamber in a Co beam. The comparison is performed in free air and results  
in an R/nC Calibration Factor for each of the five ion chambers.  
Comparison Standard: 0.6 cc NE Farmer Probe with 3 MeV buildup cap.  
Uncertainty: 2.5% using IEC/NIST guidelines.  
Mechanical Specifications  
Detector Configuration: The detector array consists of four orthogonally placed ion chambers on 10 cm  
radii from a fifth centrally located ion chamber.  
Dimensions: 33.7 cm wide x 43.8 cm deep x 2.2 cm high (13.25 in. x 17.25 in. x 0.875 in.). Depth  
dimension assumes handle is fully extended; height dimension assumes no accessory pegs or build-up  
Weight: 4 kg (8.8 lbs)  
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General Information  
1.6.2 Model 35360A TRACKER Display  
Measurements Mode  
The measurement mode is user-selected from the front panel prior to the start of the exposure.  
Dose (rad): Electrometer is operated in integrating mode with capacitive feedback.  
Dose Rate (rad/min): Electrometer is operated in non-integrating mode with resistive feedback.  
Display Mode  
The display mode is user-selected from the front panel and may be selected before, during, or following  
the exposure.  
Absolute: All five ion chamber measurement values are displayed in absolute dose measurement units  
(typically rads or rad/min) as defined by the dose measurement unit's description.  
Percent-of-Center: Only the center ion chamber measurement value is displayed in absolute dose  
measurement units (typically rad or rad/min) as defined by the dose measurement unit's description.  
Four peripheral ion chamber measurement values (top, bottom, left, and right) are displayed as a  
percentage of the center ion chamber measurement value.  
Electrometer / A-D Converter  
Nominal Full Scale Output: 3 volts.  
A/D Converter Resolution: 16 bits unipolar.  
Nominal Full Scale and Sensitivity in Electrical Units:  
A-D Dose  
Full Scale  
A-D Dose  
A-D Rate  
Full Scale  
A-D Rate  
1000.0 nC 2%  
0.015 nC/count  
1000.0 nC/min 2%  
0.015 (nC/min)/count  
An overrange indication will be displayed when the input current or charge have exceeded the full-scale  
values. The full-scale value of any unit is guaranteed not to differ from nominal values by more than  
Long Term Stability: Expected to be less than 0.25% of reading per year.  
Non-linearity: Less than ± 0.4% of range.  
Display Resolution: 0.003% of range (4-3/4 digits) for both dose and dose rate. Display resolution is  
limited by the following relationship for all display units;  
1 A-D Count 1 Display Count < 10 A-D Counts.  
This relationship insures that the resolution of the measurement display values is as high as possible  
without exceeding the inherent resolving capability of the  
A-D converter.  
Gain Temperature Stability: Less than 0.4% of reading over operating range of 10°C to 35°C.  
Measurement Noise: Charge and Current measurement noise are less than 1 count at the display  
exclusive of source noise effects. Typical effects from a Co source are on the order of 0.2 rad/min  
at 100 rad/min. Source noise effects during dose rate measurements on a linear accelerator may be  
Measurement Accuracy: Fluke Biomedical factory calibration will provide a basic Charge (Current)  
measurement accuracy of ±1% of reading ± 0.3 nC (± 0.3 nC /min) exclusive of long-term drift and  
temperature effects. Similar results may be obtained in the field using a suitable calibration source  
such as the Keithley Instruments, Inc. Model 263 Calibrator/Source and the included Customization  
Current Leakage: Less than 1 pA (typically 1 rad in 5 minutes)  
Zero Offset Voltage: Factory trimmed to 0 counts at the display.  
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Offset Temperature Drift: The zero offset voltage will drift less than ± 1 count at the display over the  
operating range of 10°C to 35°C.  
High Performance Battery Charger  
Battery Type and Capacity: 6V (3 cell) Lead Acid (5 AH) provide 8 hours of continuous operation.  
Recharge Time: Fast recharge time on the order of 2 - 3 hours even during operation.  
Battery Life Span: On the order of 8-10 years due to multiple level charging circuit (2000  
charge/discharge cycles typically).  
Low Battery Annunciator: Displayed when 30 minutes or less of operation remains.  
Operating: 0°C to 35°C, up to 70% relative humidity.  
Storage: -25°C to +65°C.  
Dimensions: 21.6 cm wide x 8.9 cm high x 26 cm deep (10 in. x 9.4 in. x 4 in.)  
Weight: 5 kg (11 lbs.)  
1.6.3 Interface Cable - Detector to Display  
Part Number: 37783-X where X denotes cable length in meters.  
Standard Length: 15 m and 30 m.  
Maximum Total Length: 60 m ( 197 ft.).  
Ion Chamber Signal Cable Type: Five channels of RG-174 low noise coaxial.  
Leakage: Less than 0.5 pA over the full operating temperature range.  
Connector Type: Display interface end has five AMP male coaxial connectors and three AMP male  
single conductor connectors housed in a single DB-37 type housing. Detector interface end has a five  
AMP female coaxial connectors and three AMP female single conductor connectors housed in a single  
DB-37 type housing. Multiple cables may be interconnected to form other lengths.  
Minimum Conduit Diameter: 7.6 cm (3 in.) without disassembly. Cable may be run through smaller  
opening by using special tool for disassembly. Consult factory for further details.  
Weight: 2.25 kg (5 lbs.) at 15 m (weight is approximately proportional to cable length for other lengths).  
* Specifications subject to change without notice.  
1.7 Unpacking and Inspection  
The 90100 TRACKER System was carefully inspected before shipment. Upon receiving the 90100  
TRACKER System, carefully unpack all items from the shipping carton and check for any obvious signs of  
physical damage that might have occurred during shipment. Report any damage to the shipping agent at  
once. Retain the original packing material in case reshipment becomes necessary. The items in Figure  
1-3 are included with every 90100 TRACKER System.  
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General Information  
Unpacking and Inspection  
Standard System Contents  
Model 35360A TRACKER Display  
Model 35300A Detector  
15 m Detector to Display Interface Cable (37783-15)  
AC Line Cord  
Customization Software Kit (37827): Contains disk, cable, and adapters.  
Optional Equipment  
System Carrying Case (37780): Dimensions are 41.9 cm wide x 45.2 cm long x 22.2 cm deep  
(16.50 in. x 17.75 in. x 8.75 in.). Empty weight is 0.9 kg (2 lbs.).  
Cable (37783-30): 30 m Detector to Display Interface Cable  
Build-Up Kit (37825): Contains 10 pieces of 0.44 cm acrylic part number 37051-1. Kits containing  
other quantities of plates, plate materials, and plate thicknesses are available.  
Pegs and Retainer Kit (37825): Contains eight each, pegs and retainers for attach build-up plates  
to detector.  
Customization Software Kit (37827)  
Pegs and Retainer Kit  
Build-Up Kit  
System Carrying Case  
Model 35300A Detector  
Model 35360A TRACKER Display  
15m Detector to  
Display Interface Cable  
Model 90100  
TRAKCER System  
Instruction Manual  
Figure 1-3.  
Model 90100 TRACKER System Parts and Accessories  
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Model 90100  
Operators Manual  
(Blank page)  
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Section 2  
2.1 Introduction  
This section contains set-up and connection procedures for the Model 90100 TRACKER System in order  
to measure therapy beam characteristics.  
If you want to use build-up to simulate tissue, you can put plates of either "solid water" or acrylic (optional  
accessories) securely on one or both sides of the Model 35300A Detector. Build-up pegs and retainer  
rings for securing the plates to the 35300A Detector are optional with the 90100 TRACKER System. See  
Appendix A for additional information.  
It is recommended that the user customize his Model 35360A TRACKER Display prior to its first use as a  
quality assurance tool. This customization may involve selecting the desired display units, display units  
conversion factor, temperature units, and pressure units. Procedures for carrying out the customization is  
covered in Section 5.  
2.2 Rear Panel Familiarization  
100-240V 50/60 Hz 50VA  
Figure 2-1.  
Model 35360A TRACKER Display Rear Panel  
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Model 90100  
Operators Manual  
2.2.1 Powering the System  
The Model 35360A TRACKER Display may be operated from either line or battery power. The line  
receptacle at the rear panel of the Model 35360A TRACKER Display mates with a 3-wire line cord to  
provide a connection to line voltage (high, neutral and earth ground).  
When powering the 35360A TRACKER Display  
from an AC line, always use a 3-wire grounding  
type line cord such as the one supplied with the  
90100 TRACKER System.  
In addition, only  
connect the 35360A TRACKER Display to an AC  
power outlet employing a third wire safety ground.  
Failure to ground the Model 35360A TRACKER  
Display may result in personal injury or death in the  
event of a short circuit or malfunction.  
The 35360A TRACKER Display operates on battery power for eight hours after a full charge. The  
35360A TRACKER Display can be recharged quickly, usually in two to three hours, even during  
instrument operation. A low battery annunciator is displayed when 30 minutes or less of operation  
remains. When the battery pack is fully discharged, the instrument automatically shuts off and will not  
operate until AC line power is connected.  
The Model 35360A TRACKER Display operates from line voltage ranging from 100 to 240 VAC without  
operator switching. An IEC 320/C13 style receptacle provides worldwide operation by simply changing  
line cords.  
2.2.2 Detector Input  
The Model 35360A TRACKER Display connects to the Model 35300A Detector through an interface  
cable. The cable connects to an 8-pin D connector on the back of the 35360A TRACKER Display  
housing (see Figure 2-1).  
Before you attach the 35300A Detector to the 35360A TRACKER Display, you must perform the following  
procedure (refer to Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3).  
1. Turn the 35360A TRACKER Display OFF.  
Always turn the Model 35360A TRACKER Display's  
power off prior to connecting or disconnecting the  
interface cable. Failure to do so may result in an  
electrical shock.  
2. Firmly press the 8-pin D connectors at either end of the interface cable into the 35360A TRACKER  
Display and the 35300A Detector, see Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3.  
This interface cable has different mating pins for  
both the 35300A Detector and 35360A TRACKER  
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Real Panel Familiarization  
Display. Be sure to use the correct end of the  
3. Secure the cable at each end by twisting the thumbscrews in a clockwise direction until tight.  
Model 35300A Detector  
To Model 35360A TRAKCER Display  
Figure 2-2. Connecting the Interface Cable to the Model 35360A TRACKER Display  
Rear panel of the M odel 35360A TRACKER Display  
100-240V 50/60 Hz 50VA  
Model 35300A  
Figure 2-3. Connecting the Interface Cable to the Model 35300A Detector  
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4. Power can now be applied to the system. Wait for the Test/Detector screen shown below before  
pressing any keys.  
Reverse the above procedure to disconnect the interface cable from the 35300A Detector.  
Always turn the Model 35360A TRACKER Display's  
power off prior to connecting or disconnecting the  
interface cable. Failure to do so may result in an  
electrical shock.  
2.2.3 RS-232 Computer Interface (RJ-45 Style)  
The RS-232 Computer Interface provides a means for computer controlled factory test and calibration. It  
is also used in conjunction with the Customization program during the user customization process.  
2.3 Positioning the Model 35300A Detector in the Beam  
Proper and consistent positioning of the 35300A Detector is necessary for reliable measurement results.  
The 35300A Detector has a printed overlay on both of its flat surfaces to indicate the location of the five  
detectors inside the assembly. The overlays also include a black cross-hair to aid in centering the device  
in the treatment beam.  
The 35300A Detector should be placed so that the center detector will be in the center of the treatment  
beam. For a gantry angle of 0 degrees, place the 35300A Detector on the treatment table with the axis  
label face up, and the connector facing away from the gantry. The "TOP" chamber should be the one  
nearest the gantry. This placement is shown in Figure 2-4.  
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Positioning the Model 353300A Detector in the Beam  
To Model 35360A  
TRACKER Display  
To Model 35360A  
TRACKER Display  
Figure 2-4.  
Setup for 0-Degree Gantry Angle (NOTE: Build-up not shown for clarity)  
For those who have purchased the optional Build-Up Peg and Retainer Kit, gantry angles other than 0  
degrees may be used. For gantry angles of 90 or 270 degrees, place the 35300A Detector on its side so  
the label faces the head. Orient the connector away from the gantry. This placement is shown in Figure  
Operating the 35300A Detector on edge without  
build-up pegs constitutes a tip-over hazard and  
could result in personal injury.  
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Model 90100  
Operators Manual  
Gantry arm  
Cable to  
35360A TRACKER Display  
90 degrees  
Treatment table  
To 35360A  
TRACKER Display  
270 degrees  
Figure 2-5.  
Setup for 90- and 270-Degree Angles (NOTE: Build-up not shown for clarity)  
2.4 Operation Instructions  
This section contains detailed instructions on the front panel operation of the Model 35360A TRACKER  
Display. The 35360A TRACKER Display front panel keys and display are explained. Please note that  
the display examples shown here correspond to a particular customization set-up. Other customization  
set-ups will produce different results.  
2.4.1 Front Panel Controls  
Figure 2-6 shows the front panel of the 35360A TRACKER Display. The front panel consists of control  
buttons and a display. The following paragraphs describe the operation of each control button and the  
corresponding display screens.  
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Operation Instructions  
Radiation Measurements  
Figure 2-6.The Model 35360A TRACKER Display Front Panel  
The POWER button toggles the system power on or off.  
The TEST/DETECTOR button displays and sequences the Test/Detector screens.  
Units Select  
The UNITS SELECT button displays the Units Select screen. Subsequent presses toggle the  
measurement units between dose and dose rate units.  
Air Density  
The AIR DENSITY button displays the Air Density screen. Subsequent presses advance the cursor  
through the temperature, pressure, and Air Density Correction Factor (ADCF) fields.  
Gain Select  
The GAIN SELECT button displays the Gain Select screen. Holding the GAIN SELECT key for three  
seconds toggles the 35360A TRACKER Display between the Gain Setting and Normal Operation  
modes. In the Gain Setting Mode, pressing the GAIN SELECT button advances the cursor through the  
Front Panel Gain Factor (FPGF) fields.  
Measure Select  
The MEASURE SELECT button displays the Measurement screen. Subsequent presses toggle the  
display mode between absolute and percentage presentations.  
The RESET button zeroes all measurement readings when dose units are selected. This button  
displays the Measurement screen if it is not already displayed.  
The UP button function depends on the displayed screen. It increments the temperature, pressure, or a  
front panel gain. It toggles the state of the air density correction annunciator or the front panel gain  
annunciator. For the Test/Detector screen or the Measurement screen, it displays the previously  
displayed screen.  
The DOWN button function depends on the displayed screen. It decrements the temperature,  
pressure, or a front panel gain. It toggles the state of the air density correction annunciator or the front  
panel gain annunciator. For the Test/Detector screen or the Measurement screen, it displays the next  
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Model 90100  
Operators Manual  
2.4.2 Powering Up the Model 35360A TRACKER Display  
Pressing the POWER button turns on the instrument. Initially, it runs self-tests, restores the temperature,  
pressure, air density correction factor, front panel gain factors and measurement units to their previous  
values, and waits for the bias supply to  
When attempting to turn the instrument on, firmly  
press the power ON/OFF button and hold for  
approximately one second. Always allow several  
seconds between retries.  
During this self-test period, the 35360A TRACKER Display displays a sequence of screens on its VFD.  
The first screen to appear after pressing the POWER ON/OFF button is the Pixel Test screen shown in  
Figure 2-7.  
Figure 2-7. The Pixel Test Screen  
This screen will remain visible for approximately two seconds and be followed by the General Information  
Test Screen shown in Figure 2-8. After an additional two seconds, the display will change to the Bias and  
Battery Voltage Test Screen shown in Figure 2-10. As soon as this screen is displayed, the 35360A  
TRACKER Display is fully operational and ready to respond to further panel key presses.  
2.4.3 Powering Down the Model 35360A TRACKER Display  
Pressing the POWER ON/OFF button turns the instrument off. As part of the power down sequence, the  
35360A TRACKER Display saves all of its front panel settings and is thus able to restore these settings  
during the next power up sequence.  
2.4.4 Using the TEST/DETECTOR Button  
Press the TEST/DETECTOR button to display the first Test/Detector screen, see Figure 2-8. Use the  
TEST/DETECTOR, UP, and DOWN buttons to cycle through the three Test/Detector screens. These  
screens contain information about the instrument's calibration date, firmware revision date, serial number,  
ion chamber calibration factors, current operating state, and an optional text line. The optional text line,  
shown in Figure 2-10, can be customized using the Customization software.  
Figure 2-8.  
Test/Detector Screen 1 - General Information  
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Figure 2-9.  
Test/Detector Screen 2 - Ion Chamber Calibration Factors  
Figure 2-10.  
Test/Detector Screen 3 - Bias and Battery Voltages Plus an Option Text Line  
In Figure 2-10, the battery current, "+0.1 A", is displayed to the right of the battery voltage, "6.8 V". A  
positive current value of up to 2.5 amperes indicates that the battery is being charged from the AC line.  
As the battery approaches full charge, this current will decrease to near zero. A negative current value  
will be shown when the instrument is operated from battery power, and indicates the actual current  
consumption of the instrument.  
The battery voltage number displayed is the terminal voltage of the battery. During a charging cycle, the  
voltage can be anywhere from 5.5 volts to 8.5 volts. After the battery reaches its full charge, the charging  
circuit switches to trickle charge mode with a corresponding terminal voltage of approximately 7 volts.  
The unit will remain in this trickle charge mode as long as the instrument is attached to an AC line. When  
the instrument is operated with battery power, the voltage will read between 6.5 volts (battery fully  
charged) and 5.4 volts (low battery shutdown voltage).  
2.4.5 Using the UNITS SELECT Button  
Pressing the UNITS SELECT button displays the Units Select screen, see Figure 2-11. The "X" cursor  
points to the currently selected measurement unit. Press the UNITS SELECT button to toggle the "X"  
cursor between the dose and dose rate measurement units.  
Figure 2-11.  
The Units Select Screen with Dose Measurement Units Selected  
The Display Units Conversion Factor (DUCF) is displayed at the bottom of the Units Select screen. The  
35360A TRACKER Display uses the DUCF to convert from the detector calibration units to the display  
units selected during the customization process (see Section 5).  
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2.4.6 Using the AIR DENSITY Button  
Pressing the AIR DENSITY button displays the Air Density screen, see Figures 2-12 and 2-13. This  
screen contains the temperature value, pressure value, and Air Density Correction Factor (ADCF). Press  
the AIR DENSITY button to advance the "X" cursor to the next field. To change the value or state of an  
item at the "X" cursor, use the UP and DOWN arrows. The 35360A TRACKER Display displays the Air  
Density Correction (ADC) annunciator in the upper left-hand corner of most screens if the air density  
correction is enabled, see Figure2-12.  
Figure 2-12.  
The Air Density Screen With Air Density Corrections Enabled  
To disable the air density correction, advance the "X" cursor to the ADC annunciator at the upper left of  
the VFD. With the "X" cursor at this position, pressing the UP and DOWN keys will toggle the air density  
correction on and off.  
Figure 2-13.  
The Air Density Screen With Air Density Corrections Disabled  
2.4.7 Using the GAIN SELECT Button (Normal Mode)  
Pressing the GAIN SELECT button displays the Gain Select screen, see Figures 2-14 and 2-15. This  
screen displays the five Front Panel Gain Factors (FPGF) and the Front Panel Gain annunciator "FPG".  
The "X" cursor points to the FPG annunciator.  
Figure 2-14.  
The Gain Select Screen With the Front Panel Gain Enabled  
Figure 2-15.  
The Gain Select Screen With the Front Panel Gain Disabled  
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Operation Instructions  
The FPGF for the center ion chamber is displayed  
on the bottom line of the VFD.  
Use the UP and DOWN buttons to toggle the FPG annunciator on or off. The FPG annunciator in the  
upper right-hand corner of the display signifies that FPG corrections are enabled, see Figure 2-15. When  
the FPG annunciator appears, the 35360A TRACKER Display multiplies each ion chamber's exposure  
value by its FPGF before displaying the reading. See section 2.4.10 for information on how to set the  
front panel gain factors.  
2.4.8 Using the MEASURE SELECT Button (Normal Mode)  
Press the MEASURE SELECT to display the Measurement screen. The 35360A TRACKER Display can  
present the measurement data in an absolute form, or as a percentage of the center ion chamber. While  
the Measurement screen is displayed, press the MEASURE SELECT button to toggle the display mode  
between the percentage-of-center and absolute presentations. Absolute Measurements  
Figure 2-15 shows the ion chamber layout for the Measurement screen in the absolute display mode.  
The 35360A TRACKER Display displays the four outside ion chamber readings in a diamond pattern  
above the center channel. All five readings are in the selected units ("rads" in this case).  
center units  
Figure 2-16.  
Measurement Screen Showing the Ion Chamber Layout  
The measurement value corresponding to the  
central ion chamber is always displayed on the  
bottom line of the VFD.  
Figure 2-17. An Absolute Dose Measurement With Air Density Corrections and the Front Panel Gain  
Factors Enabled  
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Figure 2-18. An Absolute Rate Measurement With Air Density Corrections and the Front Panel Gain  
Factors Disabled  
Prior to making a dose measurement, press the RESET button to zero all ion chamber readings.  
Pressing this button has no affect when performing dose rate measurements. Percent-of-Center Measurements  
The Percent-of-Center Measurement screen displays the central ion chamber's reading in absolute  
measurement units and the four peripheral ion chamber's readings as a percentage of the center ion  
chamber's reading.  
x 100%  
x 100%  
x 100%  
x 100%  
Figure 2-19.  
A Percentage Measurement Showing How the Ratios are Calculated  
Figure 2-20. A Percentage Dose Measurement With Air Density Corrections and the Front Panel Gain  
Factors Enabled  
Figure 2-21.  
A percentage rate measurement with both air density corrections and the front panel  
gain factor disabled  
Pressing the RESET button while performing a  
dose measurement causes all percentages to  
immediately change to "UNDER". This is normal  
operation (see section for more  
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Operation Instructions  
2 Underranging and Overranging Conditions  
The 35360A TRACKER Display displays an underrange indicator when a preset threshold has not yet  
been reached, and an overrange indicator when the electrometer’s maximum limit has been exceeded  
(see Figures 2-22 and 2-23).  
An underrange occurs in the percent-of-center measurement mode when the central exposure is too  
small to precisely calculate percentages.  
Figure 2-22.  
Underranging the Electrometer  
Figure 2-23.  
Overranging the Top and Night Channels of the Electrometer  
Table 2-1 summarizes the underrange and overrange conditions and results.  
Table 2-1. Underrange and Overrange Conditions  
Measurement Mode  
Chamber Reading  
Overrange a chamber  
OVER for chamber  
Exposure at center chamber too small to  
calculate percentages  
UNDER for all peripheral chambers  
A peripheral chamber overranges  
while center chamber is within range limit  
OVER for peripheral chamber  
OVER for all chambers  
Center chamber overranges  
2.4.9 Battery and Bias Annunciators  
As already discussed, the 35360A TRACKER Display continuously monitors the ion chamber bias and  
battery voltages. If either one of these values is outside the specified range, the 35360A TRACKER  
displays an annunciator to indicate the error. Table 2-2 specifies these annunciators.  
Table 2-2. Bias and Battery Annunciators  
Low Bias voltage  
High Bias voltage  
Low Battery voltage  
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Figure 2-24 illustrates the locations of the annunciators on the VFD. The High Bias annunciator would  
appear in place of the Low Bias annunciator should this condition be detected.  
Figure 2-24.  
Positions of the Battery and Bias Annunciators  
See Section 4 for information on how to deal with the LoBat, HiBias, and LoBias conditions.  
2.4.10 Gain Setting Mode  
The 35360A TRACKER Display uses several variables to determine an exposure's value: the  
electrometer reading in Coulombs and Coulombs/min, the Display Units Conversion Factor (DUCF), an  
Ion Chamber Calibration Factor (ICCF), the Air Density Correction Factor (ADCF), and a Front Panel  
Gain Factor (FPGF). The FPGF's provide a means of adjusting the measurement readings from the front  
panel of the 35360A TRACKER Display.  
The 35360A TRACKER Display must be in the Gain Setting Mode before an FPGF can be changed. To  
enter or exit the Gain Setting Mode, press and hold the GAIN SELECT button for approximately three  
seconds. Entry into the Gain Setting Mode is indicated by a movement of the "X" cursor from the FPG  
annunciator to one of the five FPGF values as shown in Figure 2-25.  
Figure 2-25.  
The Gain Select Screen in the Gain Setting Mode  
The FPGF's are automatically enabled upon  
entering the Gain Setting Mode. They cannot be  
disabled while the instrument is in this mode.  
Subsequent presses of the GAIN SELECT button advance the "X" cursor through the FPGF's. Press the  
UP or DOWN button to increase or decrease an FPGF.  
While in the Gain Setting Mode, all of the screens may be viewed and the measurement system will  
function as it does in the Normal Mode. The FPGF's may be set either from the Gain Select screen, or  
from one of the Measurement screens. Pressing the MEASURE SELECT button cycles the VFD through  
a sequence consisting of the Absolute Measurement Screen, the Percent-of-Center Measurement  
Screen, and back to the Gain Select Screen.  
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Operation Instructions  
2 Changing Front Panel Gain Factor's From the Measurement Screen  
The five FPGF's may be set by adjusting the measurement readings to achieve a set of desired values.  
Press the MEASURE SELECT button until the desired Measurement screen is displayed. Press the  
GAIN SELECT button to advance the "X" cursor among the five measurement values. Next use the UP  
and DOWN buttons to adjust the selected measurement value.  
When the measurement values are displayed in the absolute form, see Figure 2-26, pressing the UP or  
DOWN arrow increments or decrements the selected chamber's FPGF. For example, increasing the left  
dose value by 2% will increase the left FPGF by  
Figure 2-26. An Absolute Dose Measurement With the Center Ion Chamber Selected for FPGF  
When the measurement values are displayed in the percent-of-center form, see Figure 2-27, and the "X"  
cursor is pointing at one of the percentage values, pressing the UP or DOWN arrow will increment or  
decrement the selected chamber's FPGF. For example, increasing the left percentage value by 2% will  
increase the left FPGF by 2%.  
When the measurement values are displayed in the percent-of-center form and the "X" cursor points to  
the center ion chamber's absolute measurement value, pressing the UP or DOWN arrow increments or  
decrements all five of the FPGF's. This causes the FPGF of the center channel to increase, while  
allowing the four peripheral ratios to remain unchanged. For example, increasing the center chamber's  
absolute dose value by 2% will increase all five of  
the FPGF's by 2%.  
Figure 2-27. A Percentage Dose Measurement With the Left Ion Chamber Selected for FPGF  
Modification the FPGF Changes  
To save any changes made to the FPGF's, press and hold the GAIN SELECT button for approximately  
three seconds. These settings become permanent and will be used when the 35360A TRACKER Display  
displays the FPG annunciator. the FPGF Changes  
To abort any changes made to the FPGF's, turn off the instrument while in the Gain Setting Mode. This  
causes the 35360A TRACKER Display to discard the new FPGF settings and use the values previously  
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Theory of Operation  
Section 3  
Theory of Operation  
3.1 Introduction  
The Model 90100 TRACKER System is a radiation measurement system intended for use in quality  
assurance programs for high-energy accelerators and Co60. The two main components of the system are  
the Model 35300A Detector and the Model 35360A TRACKER Display. This section describes the basic  
theory of operation of these devices. For more information regarding radiation dosimetry and ion  
chamber measurement theory, the reader should refer to one of the standard radiology physics texts.  
The section begins with a simplified hardware block diagram of the Model 35360A Display accompanied  
by a short description of the most important blocks. Next follows a short description of the Model 35300A  
Detector and a discussion of air density corrections. The section concludes with a description of the  
system's basic operating parameters and equations.  
3.2 Overall Functional Description of the Model 35360A  
TRACKER Display  
The 35360A TRACKER Display contains a five-channel electrometer capable of producing  
measurements of dose and dose rate. Its 4 line by 20 character vacuum fluorescent display (VFD) can  
display the measurement results directly in the user's choice of radiological units. These readings may  
include air density corrections if desired. An integrated rechargeable battery and a 300 V electronic bias  
supply greatly simplify maintenance of the system. The 35360A TRACKER Display includes an RS-232  
serial communication port that allows complete computer control of the measurement system. This  
communications port, in conjunction with internal non-volatile memory, also provides a means of  
customization and calibration of the 35360A TRACKER Display.  
Figure 3-1 is a simplified hardware function block diagram for the 35360A TRACKER Display. While the  
most important interblock connections have been shown, many interconnections have been omitted in  
order to maintain clarity. Three external connections are illustrated. These are the AC Line, the RS-232  
Computer Interface, and the Detector Input.  
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Figure 3-1.  
Hardware Block Diagram of the Model 35360A TRACKER Display  
3.2.1 Power Supply  
The Power Supply converts AC line power in the range of 100 to 240 VAC, or 6 VDC from the internal  
rechargeable battery pack, to the various DC voltage levels that are used to power all of the other blocks  
of the system. These interconnections have been omitted from the diagram for clarity. The Power Supply  
also includes a high performance charger for the internal Battery Pack. This Battery Pack will normally  
provide a continuous operational life of approximately 8 hours on one charge. The batteries may be  
charged in about 2 to 3 hours and charging will take place even when the instrument is in use. When the  
batteries have reached their fully charged level, the charger automatically enters a trickle charge mode.  
During trickle charging, the user need not be concerned about over charging the batteries. This mode will  
maintain the Battery Pack at its fully charged condition indefinitely.  
When operating from batteries, an automatic turn off feature may be used to power down the unit after a  
user-defined period of inactivity. A low battery annunciator is displayed when less than 30 minutes of the  
useful battery life remains, and an automatic power down will occur when the Battery Pack is completely  
exhausted. All front panel settings are automatically stored at power down and restored at power up.  
Thus, the need to reconfigure the front panel settings upon each use has been eliminated.  
Although the Power Supply is under the control of the microcontroller during normal operation through the  
Power Control connection shown, it is forced to turn on when the operator presses the front panel Power  
On/Off button. The BATTERY STATUS connection between the Power Supply and the Processor blocks  
provides the means by which the microcontroller can monitor the battery voltage and thus detect low and  
exhausted batteries. This voltage is automatically displayed during the power up sequence and may be  
viewed at any time on one of the test screens.  
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Theory of Operation  
Overall Functional Description of the Model 35360A Tracker Display  
3.2.2 300-VOLT Electronic Bias Supply  
The 300 volt ionization potential is generated internally by an electronic bias supply circuit. The supply  
eliminates the need for the 35360A TRACKER Display to contain high voltage batteries. As explained  
below, the ion chamber collector and guard are maintained at the same potential as the chassis of the  
35360A TRACKER Display, and the ion chamber bias plates are negatively biased at 300 VDC. A  
readout of the bias potential is facilitated by a divided bias signal generated within the bias supply block  
and connected to the A-D converter.  
The output of the electronic bias supply is highly regulated and filtered. In addition, the output energy and  
current have been limited should the operator make direct contact. Since the bias voltage at the detector  
input connector is automatically discharged at power down, the operator should always turn the  
instrument off before attempting to make or break a connection involving the detector interface cable.  
During operation, the Bias Supply output level is continuously measured and verified. Any abnormal level  
will be indicated by an annunciator on the VFD.  
3.2.3 Front Panel Switches  
The nine front panel switches are of the momentary contact type, and are continuously monitored by the  
microcontroller for detection of contact closure. At the detection of any contact closure, the  
microcontroller scans the switch set to determine which key has been pressed, and then takes the  
appropriate action. The dedicated function of each key is described in Section 2.  
3.2.4 Processor  
The Processor block is based on the Motorola 68HC11 microcontroller and includes 256 KBytes of factory  
programmed memory (EPROM) containing all of the executable code (firmware). The revision date  
associated with this code is displayed during the power up sequence on the VFD. Also contained within  
the Processor block is 32 KBytes of RAM memory which is used to hold all volatile variables (those  
whose values are lost when the instrument is powered down).  
A 512 byte block of nonvolatile memory (EEPROM) has also been provided. A portion of the EEPROM is  
automatically reprogrammed during each power down sequence to hold all of the user's front panel  
selections. Thus the units, front panel gain, temperature, and pressure settings in effect at power down  
can be automatically restored at the next power up. The EEPROM is also used to hold all of the internal  
electrical calibration factors for the unit, as well as all of the customization selections installed by the user  
over the RS-232 via the Customization program.  
Besides its role as a controller of the other hardware blocks, the Processor Block performs several  
computational functions. It applies a number of correction factors to the displayed dose and dose rate  
values including the air density correction factor, the ion chamber calibration factor, the display units  
conversion factor, and the front panel gain settings. It also performs the ratio calculations necessary to  
display the percentage-of-center measurement values for the peripheral ion chambers.  
3.2.5 VFD Display  
All display functions are handled by a 4 line by 20 character alpha-numeric VFD module. The module is  
under the direct control of the microcontroller and is capable of displaying all of the user's front panel  
selections as well as the numerical measurement results along with their appropriate units. Other  
informational items including the battery and bias voltage, calibration date, and ion chamber calibration  
factors may be displayed. The VFD has a distinct advantage over other display technologies, such as  
LCD, in that it provides good visibility, and a wide viewing angle in all lighting conditions.  
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3.2.6 Serial Communications Port  
A computer interface has been provided in the form of a DCE configured RS-232 port. This port is  
configured for operation at 9600 baud and uses a standard Xon/Xoff handshaking protocol. The  
associated RJ-45 type connector is located on the 35360A TRACKER Display's rear panel. This interface  
provides the means for production testing and calibration, field customization by the user, and fully  
programmable operation using appropriate software.  
3.2.7 Electrometer  
This block contains a fully guarded, five channel, single range, dual measurement mode electrometer. It  
is capable of providing both dose and dose rate measurements from the five detector channels. The  
connection to the electrometer's inputs is made through five coaxial inserts in a D-style receptacle located  
on the 35360A TRACKER Display's rear panel. Also located within this connector are three single  
conductor outputs for safety ground, signal ground, and ion chamber bias.  
The measurement mode is user-selected from the front panel prior to the start of the exposure. In the  
dose mode, the electrometer is operated in integrating mode with capacitive feedback. Prior to each  
exposure the user must manually reset the electrometer to zero by pressing the front panel "RESET"  
button. During dose rate measurements, the electrometer is operated in a non-integrating mode with  
resistive feedback.  
3.2.8 Multiplexer and A/D Converter  
This block consists of an six channel analog multiplexer and 16 bit A/D Converter which operates under  
the direct control of the microcontroller. Its main function is to convert the five analog voltage signals  
produced by the Electrometer Block into digital signals for use by the microcontroller. It is also used to  
measure the output of the 300 Volt Electronic Bias Supply. Although the 16 bit A/D Converter operates in  
a unipolar mode, its zero measurement point is offset slightly below the zero output level of the  
electrometer. This configuration provides optimal matching between the A/D's input span and  
electrometer's 3 Volt full scale output swing. It also provides the ability to read the small negative  
voltages which might result from electrometer leakage and offset drift.  
A second 8-bit A/D Converter (actually located within the microcontroller) is used for measuring non-  
critical internal parameters such as the battery voltage and current.  
Full scale electrometer and A/D Converter values in electrical units are given in Table 3-1. The  
corresponding values in radiological units are given in Table 3-2.  
Table 3-1. Nominal Full Scale and Sensitivity in Electrical Units  
Full Scale  
Full Scale  
1000.0 nC  
1000.0 nC/min  
Table 3-2. Nominal Dose and Rate Display Ranges in Radiological Units  
Full Scale  
Full Scale  
3,520 R  
3,093 rad  
30.93 Gy  
30.93 Sv  
0.1 R  
0.1 rad  
1 mGy  
1 mSv  
3,520 R/min  
3,093 rad/min  
30.93 Gy/min  
30.93 Sv/min  
0.1 R/min  
0.1 rad/min  
1 mGy/min  
1 mSv/min  
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Theory of Operation  
Overall Functional Description of the Model 35360A Tracker Display  
Above values assume nominal electrical and radiological sensitivity, air density correction and front panel  
gain factors set to unity, and nominal value for the Display Units Conversion Factors. The following unity  
conversion factors were used; 3.52 R/nC, 0.879 rad/R, 0.00879 Gy/R, and 0.00879 Sv/R. The sensitivity  
values have been selected so the display resolution will not exceed the resolving capability of the A-D  
3.3 Model 35300A Ion Chamber Detectors  
The Model 35300A Detector contains an array of four orthogonal placed ion chambers on 10 cm radii  
from a fifth centrally located ion chamber. The five ion chambers are of a vented, circular, parallel-plate  
configuration and are fully guarded for low leakage. The 35300A Detector connects to the 35360A  
TRACKER Display through a light weight interface cable.  
Each of the 35300A Detector's five ion chambers may be depicted as containers of air, whose inside  
surfaces (bias plates) have been given a conductive coating. Located centrally in the air volume is a  
plastic disc (collector) which also has a conductive coating. The collector is electrically insulated from the  
bias plates and connected to the electrometer input through the 37783-15 detector interface cable.  
Photons or electrons from the linear accelerator or Co60 source pass through and are absorbed into the  
chamber's materials and internal air volume. Absorption may also take place in external build-up  
materials when they are present. The primary absorption takes place in the chamber's windows and  
build-up materials when the incident photons or primary electrons interact with the atoms of these  
materials. When absorption occurs, high speed electrons are emitted from the interacting atoms. The  
high speed electrons spray into the ion chamber's air volume and produce many ionization tracks  
consisting of lower velocity electrons and "air" ions. The 300 V bias voltage separates the secondary  
electron cloud from the cloud of positive ions before recombination can occur. The sweeping of the  
electron cloud onto the ion chamber's collector produces a charge (or current) whose magnitude may be  
measured by the electrometer.  
3.4 Air Density Corrections  
For any vented ion chamber, the measurement of exposure (in roentgens) depends upon the mass of air  
from which the ionization charge is collected. The ion chamber calibration factors (ICCF's) supplied by  
Fluke Biomedical expresses this sensitivity in terms of R/nC. These ICCF's are specified for a  
temperature of 22 °C and a pressure of 760 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). Since the 90100  
TRACKER System may be used under ambient conditions which significantly differ from these, the  
corresponding changes in the sensitivity of the ion chamber must be accounted for. The air density  
correction factor (ADCF) has been defined as follows:  
ADCF = (760 mm Hg / P) * (T / 295.15 K)  
where the pressure "P" is expressed in mm Hg and the temperature "T" is in Kelvin.  
When the user has customized the 35360A TRACKER Display to use other temperature and pressure  
units, the corresponding values entered by the user at the instrument's front panel are automatically  
converted to mm Hg and K before use in the above equation. The equations used for these conversions  
are listed in the following table.  
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mm Hg = inch Hg 25.4  
K = (5/9) (°F -32) - 273.15  
K = °C + 273.15  
mm Hg = 760 (54,041 - feet ASL) / (54,041 + feet ASL)  
mm Hg = 760 (16,472 - meters ASL) / (16,472 + meters ASL)  
mm Hg = mB 0.75006  
mm Hg = hPa 0.75006  
3.5 Basic Operating Equations  
This section lists the basic operating equations used within the 35360A TRACKER Display to produce its  
dose and dose rate measurement values for display on the VFD. These equations are expressed in  
terms of a set of basic operating quantities which are described in Table 3-3.  
3.5.1 Charge  
Although charge is not a value which can be displayed directly by the 35360A TRACKER Display, it is an  
intermediate result upon which the dose value directly depends.  
Q [nC] =(ADC[counts] - ADZ [counts] )× QG[nC/count]  
3.5.2 Current  
Although current is not a value which can be displayed directly by the 35360A TRACKER Display, it is an  
intermediate result upon which the dose rate value directly depends.  
I[nC/Min] =(ADC[counts] - ADZ [counts]) ×IG[(nC/Min)/count]  
3.5.3 Absolute Dose  
×DUCF[DisplayUnits/IonChamberCalUnits]× ADCF×FPGF  
3.5.4 Absolute Dose Rate  
I[nC/Min]×ICCF [Ion Chamber CalUnits/nC]  
Absolute Rate Display [Display Units/Min] =  
×DUCF[Display Units/ Ion Chamber CalUnits]× ADCF×FPGF  
3.5.5 Percent-of-Center  
Absolute RateDisplay for Perhiperal Channel  
Percentage Display for Perhiperal Channel [%] = 100 [%]×  
Absolute RateDisplay for Center Channel  
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Theory of Operation  
Basic Operating Quantities  
3.6 Basic Operating Quantities  
Table 3-3. Basic Operation Quantities  
Electrical current delivered to readout in  
response to radiation incident upon  
Electrical charge delivered to readout in  
response to radiation incident upon  
Electrometer output level returned by  
A-D Converter during dose or dose rate  
A-D Counts  
Electrometer output level returned by  
A-D Converter while operating in the  
dose rate measurement mode and in  
the absence of radiation. A-D Zero  
levels are field programmable via  
Customization Software.  
Overall electrical charge gain of the  
electrometer / A-D combination when  
measuring in the dose mode. Charge  
gain values are field programmable via  
Customization Software.  
Overall electrical current gain of the  
electrometer and A-D combination  
when measuring in the dose rate mode.  
Current gain values are field  
programmable via Customization  
A-D Zero  
Charge Gain  
Current Gain  
nC / Count  
(nC/Min) / Count  
Specific R/nC values are supplied by  
factory for each of the five ion chamber  
channels. Values are field  
Ion Chamber  
Ion Chamber  
Calibration Units  
/ nC  
programmable via Customization  
Display Units  
Air Density  
Display Units  
/ Radiation Calibration  
Factory default of 0.879 rad/R is  
supplied. Value is field programmable  
via Customization Software.  
Calculated by instrument and depends  
on front panel Temperature and  
Pressure settings.  
Front Panel  
Gain Factor  
User specified via front panel gain  
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Maintenance & Service  
Section 4  
Maintenance & Service  
The Model 35360A TRACKER Display and 35300A  
Detector contain no internal operator serviceable  
parts. Disassembly of either unit could result in  
electrical shock.  
Always turn the 35360A TRACKER Display's power  
off prior to connecting or disconnecting the  
interface cable. Failure to do so may result in an  
electrical shock.  
When powering the 35360A TRACKER Display  
from an AC line, always use a 3-wire grounding  
type line cord such as the one supplied with the  
90100 TRACKER System.  
In addition, only  
connect the 35360A TRACKER Display to an AC  
power outlet employing a third wire safety ground.  
4.1 Introduction  
This section outlines steps that the operator may take to identify and correct problems. It also gives  
instructions on how to order replacement parts or arrange for service if necessary.  
For the purposes of troubleshooting, the system consists of three major components: detector, display,  
and an interface cable. Even though these major components contain no internal operator serviceable  
parts, a number of problems can be dealt with by the operator in the field environment.  
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Model 90100  
Operators Manual  
4.2 Troubleshooting  
This system contains a number of troubleshooting procedures that may be executed by the user in the  
field. Each procedure is illustrated in the form of a flow chart and is directed toward resolving the specific  
symptom listed in the first block of the chart.  
The 35360A TRACKER Display's VFD does not illuminate when  
POWER key is pressed.  
See Figure 4-1.  
Low Battery annunciator is displayed on the 35360A TRACKER  
Display's VFD.  
Bias error annunciator is displayed on the 35360A TRACKER  
Display's VFD  
One or more dose measurement value(s) exhibits a drift rate of  
greater than two counts per minute in the absence of radiation.  
One or more dose rate measurement values does not return to  
within one count of zero in the absence of radiation.  
See Figure 4-2.  
See Figure 4-3.  
See Figure 4-4.  
See Figure 4-5.  
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Maintenance & Service  
35360A TRACKER Display will not turn on (display will not light)  
35360A TRACKER Display's  
VFD does not illuminate when  
POWER key is pressed.  
When attempting to turn the instrument on,  
firmly press the POWER key and hold  
for approximately one second. Always  
allow several seconds between retries.  
The Model 35360A TRACKER Display and 35300A  
Detector contain no internal operator serviceable  
Disassembly of either unit could result in electrical  
Operating from AC power source?  
Always turn the 35360A TRACKER Display's power off  
prior to connecting or disconnecting the interface  
Failure to do so may result in an electrical  
Connect 35360A TRACKER  
Display to an AC power source  
and press the POWER key.  
When powering the 35360A TRACKER Display from  
an AC line, always use a 3-wire grounding type line cord  
as the one supplied with the 90100 TRACKER System.  
In addition, only connect the 35360A TRACKER Display to  
AC power outlet employing a third wire safety  
35360A TRACKER Display  
VFD illuminates?  
Verify voltage present at AC line  
receptical by connecting and  
powering some other device.  
Commence operation from AC line  
power or charge batteries.  
AC line voltage present?  
Check AC line fuses at rear panel  
of 35360A TRACKER Display.  
Fuses OK?  
Replace 35360A TRACKER  
Display's AC line fuses.  
Refer to Section 5.3.  
Return 35360A TRACKER Display  
to Keithley for repair.  
Figure 4-1.  
No Display Flowchart  
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Operators Manual  
Low Battery Indication at the Display  
Low Battery annuciator is displayed on  
35360A TRACKER Display's VFD.  
The Model 35360A TRACKER Display and 35300A  
Detector contain no internal operator serviceable  
Disassembly of either unit could result in electrical  
Always turn the 35360A TRACKER Display's power off  
prior to connecting or disconnecting the interface  
Failure to do so may result in an electrical  
Operating from  
AC power source?  
When powering the 35360A TRACKER Display from  
an AC line, always use a 3-wire grounding type line cord  
as the one supplied with the 90100 TRACKER System.  
In addition, only connect the 35360A TRACKER Display to  
AC power outlet employing a third wire safety  
Connect 35360A TRACKER  
Display to an AC power source  
and press the POWER key.  
Low battery  
annuciator displayed?  
Verify voltage present at AC line  
receptical by connecting and  
powering some other device.  
Commence operation from AC line  
power or charge batteries.  
AC line voltage present?  
Check AC line fuses at rear panel  
of 35360A TRACKER Display.  
Fuses OK?  
35360A TRACKER Display is faulty and  
will require repair or replacement.  
Replace 35360A TRACKER  
Display's AC line fuses.  
Refer to Section 5.3.  
Figure 4-2  
Low Battery Flowchart  
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Maintenance & Service  
Bias Error (LoBias or HiBias) Indication at the Display  
Bias error annuciator is displayed on  
35360A TRACKER Display's VFD.  
The Model 35360A TRACKER Display and 35300A  
Detector contain no internal operator serviceable parts.  
Disassembly of either unit could result in electrical shock.  
Always turn the 35360A TRACKER Display's power off  
prior to connecting or disconnecting the interface cable.  
Failure to do so may result in an electrical shock.  
Disconnect interface cable from 35360A  
TRACKER Display and recheck VFD  
for bias error indication.  
When powering the 35360A TRACKER Display from  
an AC line, always use a 3-wire grounding type line cord such  
as the one supplied with the 90100 TRACKER System.  
In addition, only connect the 35360A TRACKER Display to an  
AC power outlet employing a third wire safety ground.  
Bias error annuciator displayed?  
(35360A TRACKER  
Display only)  
Reconnect interface cable to the 35360A  
TRACKER Display without the 35300A  
Detector and recheck VFD for bias  
error indication.  
35360A TRACKER Display's electronic  
bias circuit is faulty. 35360A TRACKER  
Display will require repair or replacement  
Bias error annuciator displayed?  
(35360A TRACKER Display  
and interface cable)  
Connect the 35300A Detector to the interface  
cable and recheck VFD for bias error indication.  
Interface cable is faulty and will require repair or  
Bias error  
annuciator displayed?  
(35360A TRACKER Display,  
35300A Detector, and  
interface cable)  
The bias error has disappeared. Repeat the  
troubleshooting procedure if the error indication  
The 35300A Detector is faulty and  
will require repair or replacement.  
Figure 4-3.  
Bias Error Flowchart  
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Operators Manual  
Dose Measurement Value Drifts Prior to (or following) the Exposure  
One or more dose measurement values  
exhibits a drift rate of greater than two  
counts per minute in the absence of  
The Model 35360A TRACKER Display and 35300A  
Detector contain no internal operator serviceable parts.  
Disassembly of either unit could result in electrical shock.  
Disconnect interface cable from  
35360A TRACKER Display  
and recheck dose drift.  
Always turn the 35360A TRACKER Display's power off  
prior to connecting or disconnecting the interface cable.  
Failure to do so may result in an electrical shock.  
When powering the 35360A TRACKER Display from  
an AC line, always use a 3-wire grounding type line cord such  
as the one supplied with the 90100 TRACKER System.  
In addition, only connect the 35360A TRACKER Display to an  
AC power outlet employing a third wire safety ground.  
Excessive dose drift?  
(35360A TRACKER  
Display only)  
Reconnect interface cable to the 35360A  
TRACKER Display without the 35300A  
Detector and recheck the dose drift.  
Clean 35360A TRACKER Display's  
interface connector via procedure  
given later in this section and  
recheck dose drift.  
Excessive dose drift?  
(35360A TRACKER Display  
+ interface cable)  
Clean interface cable connectors via  
procudure given later in this section  
and recheck dose drift.  
Excessive dose drift?  
(35360A TRACKER  
Display only)  
Excessive dose drift?  
(35360A TRACKER Display  
+ interface cable)  
Attempt to clean 35360A TRACKER  
Display's interface connector was  
unsuccessful. 35360A TRACKER  
Display will require repair or replacement.  
Attempt to clean interface cable  
connectors was unsuccessful. Cable  
will require repair or replacement.  
Connect the 35300A Detector to the  
interface cable and recheck complete  
system leakage.  
Excessive dose drift?  
(35360A TRACKER Display,  
35300A Detector, and  
interface cable)  
Clean 35300A Detector's interface  
conncector via procedure given later in  
this section and recheck dose drift.  
The drift problem has been  
eliminated and the system is ready  
for use.  
Excessive dose drift?  
(35360A TRACKER Display,  
35300A Detector and  
interface cable)  
Attempt to clean the 35300A Detectors's  
interface connectors was unsuccessful.  
35300A Detector will require  
repair or replacement.  
The drift problem has been  
eliminated and the system is ready  
for use.  
Figure 4-4.  
Leakage Flowchart  
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Maintenance & Service  
Dose Rate Measurement Value Does Not Return to Zero in the Absence of a Radiation Beam  
One or more dose rate measurement  
The Model 35360A TRACKER Display and 35300A  
Detector contain no internal operator serviceable parts.  
Disassembly of either unit could result in electrical shock.  
values do not return to within one  
count of zero in the absence of  
Always turn the 35360A TRACKER Display's power off  
prior to connecting or disconnecting the interface cable.  
Failure to do so may result in an electrical shock.  
When powering the 35360A TRACKER Display from  
an AC line, always use a 3-wire grounding type line cord such  
as the one supplied with the 90100 TRACKER System.  
Switch 35360A TRACKER Display  
In addition, only connect the 35360A TRACKER Display to an  
AC power outlet employing a third wire safety ground.  
to the dose measurement mode  
and check for excessive leakage drift.  
Dose measurement leakage drift  
greater than 2 counts per minute?  
The problem appears to be caused by  
one or more improper A-D Zero  
setting. Use the TRACKER  
Customization Software to readjust  
the A-D Zero setting for each  
drifting channel.  
The problem appears to be caused  
by current leakage in one or more  
measurement channels. Use the  
Dose Leakage Troubleshooting chart,  
Figure 5-4, to further diagnose the  
Figure 5-5  
Dose Rate Measurement Zero Problem Flowchart  
4.3 Line Fuse Replacement  
Disconnect the 35360A TRACKER Display from  
other equipment along with the AC line power and  
turn off power before continuing with this section.  
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Model 90100  
Operators Manual  
1. Position the instrument on its display face.  
Model 35360A  
TRACKER Display  
Rear Panel  
100-240V 50/60 Hz 50VA  
Fuse Drawer  
Fuse Drawer  
Figure 4-6.Model 35360A TRACKER Display Fuse Replacement  
2. Remove the fuse drawer. With your fingernails, squeeze together the two ends of the fuse drawer  
and pull it out of its slot.  
3. Replace the fuses with IEC 127 type FST5X20, 0.63 A, 250 V time-lag fuses.  
Use only the recommended fuse type. The use of  
a higher current rating than specified above may  
cause damage to the instrument, which will void  
any or all warranties currently in effect.  
4. Place the fuse drawer back into its slot. Press on the fuse drawer firmly until it snaps back into  
place. Both sides of the fuse drawer should snap into place.  
If fuses continue to blow - return instrument for  
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Maintenance & Service  
Interface Connector Cleaning  
4.4 Interface Connector Cleaning  
Always turn the 35360A TRACKER Display's power  
off prior to cleaning the interface connectors.  
Failure to do so may result in an electrical shock.  
The presence of dust or lint at the interface connectors can produce leakage currents which may have a  
detrimental affect upon the accuracy of radiation measurements.  
The ends of the interface cable typically pick up dust and lint as the cable touches the floor during  
packing and unpacking. Dirt may later be transferred to the interface connectors located on the 35300A  
Detector or on the 35360A TRACKER Display during mating with the interface cable.  
In some cases, the offending foreign matter may be removed by gently blowing across the connector with  
dry air. Air containing moisture or other contaminants should be avoided. A suitable source of dry air is  
available where camera accessories are sold. They are intended for use in cleaning fine and delicate  
camera equipment.  
If this cleaning method fails to produce satisfactory results, then service by Fluke Biomedical will be  
A procedure for troubleshooting excessive leakage is given earlier in this section.  
4.5 Cleaning the Instrument  
To clean the exterior of the instrument, follow these steps:  
1. Turn off the instrument and disconnect all input connectors.  
2. Place the cap on the detector connector.  
3. Moisten a soft cleaning cloth with a solution of three parts water and one part liquid dishwashing  
Do not soak the cloth in the solution; you must not  
let the solution drip inside the instrument.  
4. Use the moistened cloth to wipe the instrument’s exterior cover.  
5. Let the instrument dry completely before using.  
4.6 Replaceable Parts Information  
Fluke Biomedical maintains a complete inventory of all normal replaceable parts (see Table 4-1). To  
place an order, or to obtain information concerning replaceable parts, contact Fluke Biomedical at  
440.498.2564, or Fax 440.542.3682.  
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Model 90100  
Operators Manual  
Table 4-1. Replaceable Parts List  
Part Number  
Therapy Beam Evaluator  
System Carrying Case  
AC Line Cord (USA)  
AC Line Cord (Europe CEE 7/7)  
AC Line Cord (UK & Ireland)  
AC Line Cord (Denmark)  
AC Line Cord (Italy)  
AC Line Cord (Switzerland)  
15 m Interface Cable  
30 m Interface Cable  
Customization Kit  
DB-9 Female Wiring  
7 Ft. RJ-45 Cable (L-COM)  
Customization Software Disk  
Build-Up Plate  
Pegs and Retainer Kit  
Hex-key Wrench  
Fuse Drawer  
4.7 Recalibration & Repair Information / Technical Assistance  
If your instrument needs recalibration or repair, we request that you consult Fluke Biomedical at  
440.498.2564, or Fax 440.542.3682.  
More information concerning the operation, application, or service of your instrument may be obtained  
from the applications engineer at the previously listed numbers.  
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Section 5  
5.1 Introduction  
From the factory, the Model 35360A TRACKER Display arrives with valid settings allowing you to make  
measurements immediately. Should the need arise to change or modify any of the Items described  
below, the Customization software provides a friendly environment for customizing the 35360A  
TRACKER Display to meet your needs. The Customization software allows you to modify the power  
down interval, temperature and pressure units, an optional message, serial number of the detector you  
are using with the 35360A TRACKER Display, units of calibration for the detector, and the 35360A  
TRACKER Display's units and units conversion. Additionally, the electrometer gains and zeros, and the  
ion chamber calibration factors may be changed.  
The basic features of the Customization software are its ease of use, an on-line help facility, printer  
support, and of course full customization capability for the 35360A TRACKER Display.  
The Customization software has the following requirements:  
IBM Personal Computer or compatible  
EGA or VGA display  
one floppy drive (5¼ or 3½ inch)  
DOS version 3.0 or higher  
512k memory  
one serial port (COM1: or COM2:)  
If you want to produce a record of the customized items, you must also have a printer and printer port  
Do not use this software until you are fully familiar  
with both the setup and operation of the Model  
90100 TRACKER System.  
understanding of the Basic Operating Equations  
Quantities as contained in Sections 3.5 and 3.6 of  
this manual is an important prerequisite for  
adjusting the electrometer gains and offsets.  
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Operators Manual  
5.2 Make a Working Disk  
Before using the Customization software, we recommend that a working disk be made. To make a  
working disk, simply copy all of the files from the disk to a blank, formatted disk. Store the original in a  
safe place.  
Always operate the Model 90100 TRACKER  
System from an AC line power source during the  
customization/calibration process to eliminate the  
possibility that the 35360A TRACKER Display will  
automatically shut off prematurely.  
5.3 Connection to the Computer  
To prepare the 35360A TRACKER Display for customizing, insert the RS-232 cable into the instrument.  
Connect the other end of the RS-232 cable to the computer's serial port. Personal computers have serial  
ports that are either 9 or 25-pin. Determine which you have and use the appropriate adapter included  
with your 35360A TRACKER Display. Use COM1 if it is available, otherwise use COM2. Turn on the  
35360A TRACKER Display. Wait approximately five seconds after turning on the instrument before  
starting the Customization software. Place the working disk into the floppy drive. If you wish to operate  
the Customization software from the hard drive, copy all of the files from the working disk to a directory on  
the hard drive.  
5.4 Starting the Customization Software  
1. If you are operating from a floppy drive, log onto the drive by typing the drive letter followed by a  
colon and press Enter (e.g., for drive A, type a: and Enter).  
2. Start the Customization software by typing CUSTOM. If you connected the instrument to COM2 on  
your personal computer, type CUSTOM /2.  
We recommend that you print a copy of the customization report as your first step in the customization  
process. This report will contain all of the customization/calibration values and thus serve as a guide for  
returning to the original settings should an operator keyboard error occur during the process. Additionally,  
print a copy of the customization report as the final step in the customization process. Use this final  
report to verify the new customization/calibration parameter values and then save it in a safe place for  
future reference.  
5.5 Screen Formats  
The customization software contains two different screens: Display Customization Items (Figure 5-1) and  
Display Calibration Items (Figure 5-2).  
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Screen Formats  
35360A TRACKER Display Customization  
TRACKER Display  
FW Rev: 13AUG92  
Power Down  
rad and  
4 Sep  
Detector Serial  
Ion Chamber Cal  
Display Units  
Display Units  
Last Calibration  
8Jun92 A  
The power down interval specifies the  
minutes the Dosimeter remains powered  
periods of inactivity. Enter 0 to disable  
Automatic Power Down. The power down  
may be set to any duration from 5 to 255  
F1 Help  
F2 Edit  
F6 Print F10 Exit Down PgDn Calibration  
Figure 5-1.  
Display Customization Items Screen Appearance  
In the middle of the both screens, you may select any Item by placing the cursor on it. As you move  
through the list, the Help box updates its information to reflect the cursor position. This is the Selection  
35360A TRACKER Display Calibration  
IC Cal Fctr  
1.0000e+00 1.0000e+00 1.0000e+00  
1.0000e+00 1.0000e+00 1.0000e+00  
3.460e+00 3.460e+00  
The Charge Gain provides conversion from  
counts to nC for five electrometer channels  
operating in the dose mode. The units of  
Charge Gain is nanoCoulombs per  
Specify the Ion Chamber Calibration Factor in units of  
F1 Help  
F2 Edit  
F6 Print F10 Exit Down PgDn Customization  
Figure 5-2.  
Display Calibration Items Screen Appearance  
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Operators Manual  
At the bottom of both screens, the Customization software displays the active keys and a short definition  
for each key.  
On the Display Customization screen, the serial number of the 35360A TRACKER Display, the firmware's  
version, and the current date appear. The date of the last calibration appears in the bottom box. This  
date changes to the current date if you make a change to any item.  
Finally, in the upper right corner, the status indicator for the RS-232 connection appears. For normal  
operation, the status indicator should be two blocks connected by a line (Û⎯⎯⎯Û). If the connection is  
severed, the status indicator will indicate so.  
F1 Help (On-Line Help for using the Customization software)  
Press F1 to view the On-Line Help for the Customization software. The text includes help on editing and  
F2 Edit (Item Editing)  
To edit any Item, place the cursor on it and press F2. The Customization software enters Edit mode. The  
Item is blanked and a blinking cursor appears to show the position of the next character. Enter text or a  
value from the keyboard. For Items that require a choice, use the up and down arrow keys or the space  
bar to change the Item.  
To exit Edit mode with the changes made to the Item, press Enter. After you press Enter, the  
Customization software downloads the new information to the 35360A TRACKER Display. In this  
manner, the Customization screens always reflects the information in the instrument. When the download  
finishes, the Customization software displays the text, value, or choice it received back from the  
instrument. If the returned information does not match the information sent down, an error message  
appears indicating a mismatch. The Customization program retains the original text or value if this error  
To enter large or small values, use scientific notation. The accepted format for this type of entry is  
x.xxxE+xxx. For example, 1.234E+001 would be equivalent to 12.34; 1.234E-001 would be equivalent to  
.1234. It is not necessary to specify all three exponent digits. The program accepts an entry of "1e9" to  
represent 1,000,000,000.  
To exit Edit mode without change to the Item, press Escape. The Item will appear in the Selection area  
as it did before you entered Edit mode.  
F6 Print (Report Printing)  
Press F6 to print a report of the customization and calibration items (both screens). The report is one  
F10 Exit  
Press F10 to exit the Customization software. When the confirmation box appears, press "Y" to exit,  
press "N" to return to the Selection mode.  
PgDn (Navigation)  
Press the Page Down key to move between the Display Customization Items and the Display Calibration  
Items screens.  
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5.6 Definitions  
This section describes all of the Items that may be customized with the Customization software. It is split  
into two sections matching the two screens.  
Power Down Interval  
The power down interval is used to specify the number of minutes the 35360A TRACKER Display  
remains powered during periods of inactivity. If the 35360A TRACKER Display senses no operator input  
in the form of a key press, exposure, or RS-232 command for the duration of the power down interval, it  
will turn itself off. This interval must be in the range of 5 to 255 minutes. An entry of zero will disable the  
automatic power down feature.  
Temperature Units  
This Item provides a selection of temperature scales for use on the 35360A TRACKER Display's Air  
Density screen. The choices are: Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin.  
Pressure Units  
This Item provides a selection of pressure scales for use on the 35360A TRACKER Display's Air Density  
screen. The choices are: millimeters of mercury (Hg), inches of mercury, feet from sea level, meters from  
sea level, millibars, and hectoPascals.  
Optional Message  
Text entered for this Item will appear on the bottom line of the 35360A TRACKER Display's Test screen.  
The Item is limited to a maximum of 20 characters.  
Ion Chamber Calibration Units (ICCU)  
The Ion Chamber Calibration Units Item defines the units in which the ion chambers in the 35300A  
Detector were calibrated. The default is roentgens per nanocoulomb.  
This means that the Ion Chamber Calibration Factor (ICCF) given on the Display Calibration Items screen  
MUST be in units of R/nC. Choices for units are roentgens per nanocoulomb, grays per nanocoulomb,  
sieverts per nanocoulomb, and rads per nanocoulomb.  
Display Units  
The Display Units Item defines the units in which measurements will be displayed on the 35360A  
TRACKER Display screen. The choices are roentgens, grays, sieverts, rads, and monitor units. The  
default is rads.  
Display Units Conversion Factor (DUCF)  
The 35360A TRACKER Display uses the Display Units Conversion Factor (DUCF) Item to convert the  
output of the ion chambers (in units defined by the Ion Chamber Calibration Units) to the units required for  
display (defined by Display Units).  
You must set the Display Units Conversion Factor  
correctly and accurately to convert the ion chamber  
output to displayed units. The default is 0.879  
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Model 90100  
Operators Manual  
The 35360A TRACKER Display supports four units of radiation. To convert between these units, use  
Table 5-1. This table was developed from accepted definitions of radiation units. While Table 5-1 shows  
sieverts and grays as equivalent, we acknowledge that other factors may contribute to this conversion.  
Additionally, the instrument allows you to display readings in monitor units. Because monitor units are not  
defined in terms of radiation units, and monitor units could vary from machine to machine, we suggest  
that you develop your own conversion factor from the Ion Chamber Calibration Units to monitor units.  
Table 5-1. A Guideline to Converting Between Units  
To Convert:  
roentgen (R)  
roentgen (R)  
roentgen (R)  
gray (Gy)  
gray (Gy)  
gray (Gy)  
sievert (Sv)  
sievert (Sv)  
sievert (Sv)  
Multiply By:  
gray (Gy)  
sievert (Sv)  
roentgen (R)  
sievert (Sv)  
roentgen (R)  
gray (Gy)  
roentgen (R)  
gray (Gy)  
sievert (Sv)  
Charge Gain (QG)  
The 35360A TRACKER Display uses the Charge Gain to convert the number from the analog-to-digital  
converter to charge. The Charge Gain must be in units of nanocoulombs per count.  
Current Gain, Current Zero (IG and ADZ)  
The 35360A TRACKER Display uses the Current Gain and Current Zero to convert the number from the  
analog-to-digital converter to current. The Current Gain must be in units of nanocoulombs per minute,  
and the Current Zero must be in units of counts.  
Ion Chamber Calibration Factor (ICCF)  
The 35360A TRACKER Display uses the Ion Chamber Calibration Factor to convert charge from the  
35300A TRACKER Detector ion chambers to radiation units. The factory calibrates the 35300A  
TRACKER Detector in units of roentgens per nanocoulomb. The accuracy of the calibration factor is  
5.7 Setting the Electrometer Gains and Offsets  
To set the electrometer gains, you must have a Keithley Instruments, Inc. Model 263 Calibrator/Source or  
equivalent. The current required for calibration procedure below must be 15 nanoamperes 0.07%; the  
charge required for calibration procedure below must be 950 nanocoulombs 0.5%. The Electrometer  
Offsets must be specified before the Electrometer Gains.  
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Setting the Electrometer Gains and Offsets  
The procedure for setting the electrometer offsets for current and charge is the same. For every  
electrometer channel, repeat this procedure once. Turn the instrument off and disconnect the interface  
cable if it is connected.  
Always turn the Model 35360A TRACKER Display's  
power off prior to connecting or disconnecting the  
interface cable. Failure to do so may result in an  
electrical shock.  
Turn on the instrument. Place the 35360A TRACKER Display in rate mode. Turn off the Front Panel  
Gain Factor (FPGF) and the Air Density Correction Factor (ADCF).  
1. Reset the instrument. Note the dose rate offset value for the channel under adjustment displayed  
on the VFD. Also note the old ADZ value for the channel under adjustment on the Display  
Calibration Items screen. Calculate a new ADZ value using the following equation:  
ADZNew = ADZOld + (Dose Rate Offset) / (Current Gain × ICCF × DUCF)  
2. Add the value calculated in Step 1 to the original ADZ. Enter this value into the Display Calibration  
Items screen of the Customization software. Be sure to enter it in the correct column and row. For  
example, if you are setting the charge offset for the Top chamber, enter the calculated value in the  
first column and second row.  
3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 if the value displayed on the 35360A TRACKER Display is not zero.  
The procedure for setting the electrometer gains differs for current and charge. For every electrometer  
channel, repeat the gain setting procedure for current and charge. Turn off the Front Panel Gain Factors  
and the Air Density Correction Factor. This procedure requires a special cable. Consult the factory for  
Electrometer Current Gain (IG)  
1. Apply 15 nanoamperes (900 nC/min) to the input of an electrometer channel.  
2. Check the measurement on the 35360A TRACKER Display's Front Panel. Calculate the new  
Current Gain factor using the equation below.  
900 x ICCF x DUCF  
New Current Gain = Old Current Gain  
where Measurement is the value on the 35360A TRACKER Display, and ICCF and DUCF are  
defined on page 60 and page 59 respectively.  
3. Enter the value calculated in Step 2 into the Display Calibration Items screen of the Customization  
software. Be sure to enter it in the correct column and row. For example, if you are setting the  
current gain for the Right chamber, enter the value calculated in Step 1 in the fourth column and  
third row.  
Electrometer Charge Gains (QG)  
1. Reset the instrument and apply 950 nanocoulombs to the input of an electrometer channel.  
2. Check the measurement on the 35360A TRACKER Display's Front Panel. Calculate the new  
Charge Gain factor using the equation below.  
950 x ICCF x DUCF  
New Charge Gain = OldCharge Gain  
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where Measurement is the value on the 35360A TRACKER Display, and ICCF and DUCF are  
defined on page 60 and page 59 respectively.  
Enter the value calculated in Step 2 into the Display Calibration Items screen of the Customization  
software. Be sure to enter it in the correct column and row. For example, if you are setting the  
charge gain for the Center chamber, enter the value calculated in Step 1 in the third column and  
first row.  
If you wish to use the Front Panel Gain Factor and the Air Density Correction Factor, be sure to  
enable them after the calibration is finished.  
5.8 Usage Examples  
1. Place the cursor on the Power Down Interval Item.  
2. Press F2. The field clears.  
3. Enter 10 and press Enter.  
4. The software indicates that it is downloading. When the Item reappears, the download was  
successful. The number that appears is the value returned from the 35360A TRACKER Display.  
1. Place the cursor on the Pressure Units Item.  
2. Press F2. The function key area indicates the keys used to make a choice.  
3. Press the spacebar or use the up and down arrow keys to change the units.  
4. Select millibars and press Escape. The original units remain and the Customization software  
returns to Selection mode.  
5. Repeat steps 2 and 3. Select millibars and press Enter.  
6. The software indicates that it is downloading. When the Item reappears, the download was  
This example changes the current value of a  
factory-set conversion factor. Make a note of the  
value BEFORE changing it so that it may be set to  
this value at the end of the example.  
1. Place the cursor on the Display Units Conversion Factor Item.  
2. Press F2. The field clears.  
3. Enter 0.765 and press Enter.  
4. The software indicates that it is downloading. When the Item reappears, the download was  
successful. The number that appears is the value returned from the 35360A TRACKER Display.  
5. Press F2.  
6. Enter the original value and press Enter.  
7. The software restores the original value in the instrument.  
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Usage Examples  
This example changes the current value of a  
factory-set calibration factor. Make a note of the  
value BEFORE changing it so that it may be set to  
this value at the end of the example.  
1. Press the Page Down key until the Display Calibration Items screen appears.  
2. Move the cursor to the Ion Chamber Calibration Factor for the Center chamber.  
3. IMPORTANT: Make a note of the current value.  
4. Press F2. The field clears.  
5. Enter 1.234 and press Enter.  
6. The software indicates that it is downloading. When the Item reappears, the download was  
successful. The number that appears is the value returned from the 35360A TRACKER Display.  
7. Press F2.  
8. Enter the original value and press Enter.  
9. The software restores the original value in the instrument.  
This example changes the current value of a  
factory set current gain. Make a note of the value  
BEFORE changing it so that it may be set to this  
value at the end of the example.  
1. Press the Page Down key until the Display Calibration Items screen appears.  
2. Move the cursor to the Current Gain for the Top chamber.  
3. IMPORTANT: Make a note of the current value.  
4. Press F2. The field clears.  
5. Enter 1e100 and press Enter.  
6. The software indicates that it is downloading. Because the value, 1e100, is not a valid value for the  
Current Gain, the software indicates a mismatch error. Press any key to clear the error. Note that  
the instrument returned a value but not the one that was entered.  
7. Enter the original value and press Enter.  
8. The software restores the original value in the instrument.  
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5.9 Errors  
During program operations, errors may appear. The error messages are grouped into input errors, a  
hardware error, and communication errors.  
Input errors may appear while changing Item values. When these errors occur, press any key to clear the  
error and enter a different value. After clearing the error, you may press Escape to end editing. The input  
errors are:  
Value must be greater than zero  
Must specify at least one digit  
Value must be less than 999.99  
A hardware error occurs when the program cannot perform a required hardware operation. The only  
hardware error is a printer error. If the Customization software cannot send information to the printer, the  
following message appears.  
Printer Error  
Press any key to clear the error. Correct the problem causing the error (for example, out of paper or the  
printer is not on-line), and try printing again.  
These errors indicate that the communications between the computer and the instrument is faulty.  
Generally, the icon in the upper right corner indicates the status of the RS-232 connection. The following  
errors indicate problems during actual communication. Press any key to clear the error.  
Dosimeter is not connected  
If the RS-232 connection becomes severed during communication, this error appears. Re-connect the  
line and try the download again.  
Upload/Download mismatch  
If the information received from the 35360A does not match that sent by the Customization software, this  
error appears. Generally, the downloaded information was out of the boundary given for the specific Item.  
The Customization software retains the ORIGINAL text or value.  
Finally, the Customization software checks the RS-232 connection at the beginning of the program. If it  
detects that no instrument is connected, the program ends and an error message occurs. Check the  
cable for breaks and confirm that the connections are solid. The program defaults to COM1: for the  
communications port. If that port is in use, specify COM2: by placing /2 on the command line:  
custom /2  
Also, make sure that the instrument has been on for at least five seconds.  
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Using Build-Up  
Appendix A  
Using Build-Up  
A.1Build-Up, Peg, and Retainer Kit Options  
If you want to use build-up to simulate tissue, you can put plates of either "solid water" or acrylic (optional  
accessories) securely on one or both sides of the Model 35300A Detector. Build-up pegs and retainer  
rings for securing the acrylic plates to the 35300A Detector are also available as optional accessories  
(see Figure A-1). The build-up pegs (a set of eight) screw into threaded holes in the 35300A Detector,  
(four build-up pegs can be installed on each side of the 35300A Detector). The retainer rings are held in  
position with set screws that are turned with a hex wrench also included with the Model 90100 TRACKER  
Retainer rings  
Threaded pegs  
screw into  
35300A Detector  
Model 35300A Detector  
Hex wrench tightens set  
screw on retainer ring  
Figure A-1.  
Installation of Pegs, Build-up and Retainer Rings  
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Recommended build-up for photons is given in Table A-1; recommended build-up for electrons is given in  
Table A-2. Table A-2 takes into account the 0.56 cm water-equivalent inherent in the 35300A Detector.  
Cobalt-60 radiation does not require any added build-up.  
Table A-1. Recommended Amount of Build-up to Use With the Model 35300A Detector to  
Attain Photons dmax for Linear Accelerators  
Accelerator Potential,  
Number of build-up  
"Solid Water"  
thickness (cm)  
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Using Build-Up  
Table A-2. Recommended Amount of Build-up to Use With the Model 35300A Detector to  
Attain Electrons d  
for Linear Accelerators. 37051C-1 Plates are 0.44 cm Each  
Accelerator Potential,  
Number of build-up  
"Solid Water"  
thickness (cm)  
The amount of underside build-up to be used depends on how closely you wish to approximate the back-  
scattering of a water bath or other test set-up. Generally, several inches are used: about eight 37051C-1  
plates (or about 4.0 cm of "Solid Water") regardless of the incident energy shown in the tables.  
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Fluke Biomedical  
Radiation Management Services  
6045 Cochran Road  
Cleveland, Ohio 44139  
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