Excalibur electronic Games E123 User Manual

LCD Chess Wizard  
Model No. E123  
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You’ll see the piece flash on its from  
square and move to its to square. You're  
already playing a game! Enjoy the con-  
Install the Batteries  
Using a small Phillips screwdriver,  
remove the screw from the battery-com-  
partment panel on the back of LCD  
Chess. Install two fresh, alkaline AAA  
batteries, making sure to follow the dia-  
gram in each battery slot so that the polar-  
ity (+ or -) of the batteries is correct.  
Putting a game “on hold”  
Any time it's your move and you wish to  
stop playing for a while, just press the  
ON/OFF key. LCD Chess will switch off  
and go into a sleep mode. It will remem-  
ber the last position, including the  
elapsed time, as long as you do not inter-  
rupt the power supply-for example, by  
removing the batteries. To resume play,  
just press the ON/OFF key.  
Replace the battery compartment panel.  
When replacing the screw, secure it gen-  
tly, do not force or over-tighten it.  
Play a Game Right Away  
After you have installed the batteries, the  
display will show the chess board with all  
the pieces on their starting squares. The  
LCD will also show PLAY. If it does not  
display PLAY, press RESET using a  
thin pointed object.  
NOTE: If it is not "thinking," LCD Chess  
will automatically turn off after a period  
of time, saving your game position. Use  
the ON/OFF key to resume the game.  
Unless you instruct it otherwise, LCD  
Chess gives you the White pieces—the  
ones at the bottom of the board. White  
always moves first. You’re ready to play!  
The way you select and make your move  
is very simple.  
• Press the NEXT PIECE or PREVI-  
OUS PIECE key to choose the piece  
you want to move.  
Key Functions  
Press repeatedly to scan backwards to  
select a piece to move.  
• The first move for that piece will flash.  
If you wish to select a different move for  
that piece, press the NEXT MOVE or  
(If you want to make a capture, it will be  
quicker to use the PREVIOUS MOVE  
key instead of the NEXT MOVE key).  
• Press the GO key to enter your select-  
ed move into the computer.  
Press repeatedly to scan forewards to  
select a piece to move.  
Press repeatedly to scan backwards  
through all legal moves of the selected  
piece. NOTE: This key shows all legal  
After you make your move, LCD Chess  
will reply with its move automatically.  
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capture moves first. If you want to make a  
capture, use this key to quickly select  
your capture move.  
To setup or modify a position. (see page  
Press repeatedly to scan forward through  
all legal moves of the selected piece.  
Use this key to start a new game whenev-  
er it is your turn.  
/ KEY  
Use this key to turn LCD Chess off and  
on. LCD Chess will remember the board  
position while it is off.  
Press this key to see the contrast setting ,  
Cn 4for example. Use the + or - keys  
to change the setting. Press the / ꢁ  
again or press CLEAR to resume play.  
During SETUP use this key to change  
color to move or the color of the piece  
being setup (see page 9).  
Press this key to see the current level.  
Press the + or - keys to increase or  
decrease the level. Press the LEVEL key  
again to change the level type. Press  
CLEAR to resume play. (see page 7)  
Pressing the OPTIONS key displays a  
number of options. To view a different  
option, press the OPTIONS key again, or  
the / key. Press CLEAR to resume  
Press this key to select a training position  
at the beginning of a game. Use the + or  
the - key to select one of eight training  
positions. Positions with the Black king  
in the middle give you practice in check-  
mating the Black king. Press CLEAR to  
start play. (see page 8)  
Also use this key to flash the piece that is  
threatened when the threat warning “!”  
ICON is on.  
Press this key if you want to get hints  
from your LCD Chess partner. It displays  
HINTand flashes a recommended move  
on the screen. To make the hint move,  
just press the GO key.  
Use this key to exit any of the special  
modes like OPTIONS, SETUP, and  
LEVEL. Also use this key during move  
entry to clear your move entry , and start  
the move entry process over.  
If the hint is a book move or a replay  
move, OPENor RPLYwill be shown  
instead of HINT.  
When you are in check, you  
have very few moves. If you find  
you can’t select the move you  
want to make, look for the ‘+’  
check sign. You probably forgot  
you are in check.  
Also use this key during SETUP mode to  
select the next piece type.  
This key lets you take back a move or  
moves you’ve decided against. Press this  
key repeatedly to continue taking back  
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moves. After you take back a move, you  
can use the GO key to replay the taken-  
back move or moves.  
scoring totals the following values:  
Pawns—1, Knights—3, Bishops—3,  
Rooks—5, and Queen—9.  
Also use this key during SETUP mode to  
select the previous piece type.  
HELP: When turned on, all legal moves  
for the selected piece will be shown at  
one time.  
Press this to to register your move, or  
press this key twice before you register  
your move to switch sides (colors) with  
your LCD Chess. (Between presses, the  
display will show FLIP.) Also use GO  
to replay moves in the takeback move  
mode (see "-UNDO,” on left).  
NOTE: When the HELP option is on,  
possible capturing moves are shown by  
flashing the captured pieces central black  
figure. Do not confuse this with selecting  
a capture move, which flashes the entire  
piece that is to be captured.  
inFO: When turned on, this option will  
display the score, depth of search (num-  
ber of moves LCD Chess is "thinking  
ahead"), best move it is considering  
playing, and clock times. These will be  
displayed while the computer is thinking  
at its higher levels.  
Use the + or the - keys to change the  
condition of the following options.  
Options Menu  
Press OPTIONS to enter the options  
menu and repeatedly press to cycle  
through the menu of options. Press the  
CLEAR key to resume play.  
FLiP: Use this option to turn the chess  
board around.  
SLEP: Adjust the automatic shut off  
time with this key. Setting it to ‘0’ will  
disable auto shut-off altogether.  
Menu Options Before the Game Starts  
OPEN: Use the + or the - key to select  
one of 32 book opening lines of play.  
(See page 6.)  
CLbr: Pressing the GO key now, will  
enter SETUP mode with the chess board  
with only the White king. You must place  
a White and Black king on the board to  
exit SETUP mode. Use this option to  
clear the chess board for easier problem  
Options Before and During the Game  
bEEP: Use this option to turn the sound  
On or off.  
Playing the Black Pieces  
PLYr: Select between: ‘1’—Human vs  
Computer; ‘2’—Human vs Human;  
0’—Computer vs Computer.  
When you want to play the Black pieces  
(to let LCD Chess move first) press the  
GO key before you make your first move  
as White. You’ll see the White and Black  
pieces switch places immediately!  
SCOr: Turn this option OFFto display  
the move counter instead of the score. If  
you want to see the piece-score of your  
current position, turn this option on. The  
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auto play at any time by pressing the GO  
key. Doing so will set the number of play-  
ers back to one.  
Draw Messages  
During the game, your LCD Chess will  
display the word drAUif a three-time  
repetition of position occurs, or if there  
has been no pawn moved and no  
exchanges for 50 moves. When either of  
these situation takes place, the rules of  
chess state that a player can claim a draw.  
If you wish, you can ignore the message  
and continue the game. When a stalemate  
is reached, the display will show StAL.  
Book Opening Trainer  
LCD Chess makes it easy for you to learn  
the same openings that world chess  
champions play! At the beginning of a  
game, you may choose to learn one of 32  
popular book openings—ways to begin  
the game—used by chess masters. Press  
the OPTIONS key to display OPEN, and  
then press the + or - button to select the  
number of the opening you want to learn.  
(See below.) Press the CLEAR key to  
return to normal play.  
Game-Ending Messages  
LCD Chess will announce mate in two  
(MAtE2) and mate in three (MAtE3).  
It will also display +MAtEwhen exe-  
cuting a checkmate or when you check-  
mate LCD Chess.  
Now play a move. If your move is not the  
correct opening move, an error buzz will  
sound. To learn the correct move press  
HINT. When the computer comes back  
with its move, you will briefly see the  
word OPENon the screen if you have  
another opening move to make. If the  
word OPENdoes not appear, you may  
continue normal play sinceyou have com-  
pleted the training for that opening line.  
Screen Symbols  
When a +’ appears on the screen, it is a  
reminder that you are in check. When an  
‘=’ appears, it indicates you are in two  
human player mode. And lastly when an  
‘!’ appears on the screen, you are being  
warned that one of your pieces is threat-  
ened with capture. (This is similar to the  
friendly "en garde" warning sometimes  
used by human players when they are  
attacking an opponent’s queen.) To see  
which of your pieces is threatened, press  
the OPTIONS key.  
The names of the openings are:  
1. Ruy Lopez, Open Defense  
2. Ruy Lopez, Zaitsev Defense  
3. Ruy Lopez, Exchange  
4. Scotch Game  
5. Scotch Four Knights  
6. Giuoco Piano  
7. Two Knights Defense  
8. Four Knights  
9. Petroff’s Defense  
10. Sicilian Alapin Variation  
11. Sicilian, Najdorf Variation  
12. Sicilian, Dragon Variation  
13. Sicilian, Keres Attack  
14. Caro-Kann Defense  
15. Panov-Botvinnik Attack  
16. Caro-Kann Excahnge Variation  
Auto Play  
If you would like to watch the computer  
finish a game for you automatically, press  
the OPTIONS key repeatedly until the  
option PLYris showing. Use the + but-  
ton to change the number of players to  
zero. Press CLEAR to exit the OPTIONS  
mode. Now press the GO key twice and  
watch the game play itself. You may stop  
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17. Queen’s Gambit Declined  
18. Lasker Defense, Queen Gambit Declind  
19. Queen Gambit Declined Exchange Var.  
20. Slav Defense  
Beginner Level Type  
Press the + or - button to select 1, 2, 3, 4,  
5, 7, 10, or 15 seconds per move.  
21. Queen’s Gambit Accepted  
22. Nimzo-Indian Defense, Classical Var.  
23. Nimzo-Indian Defense, Rubinstein Var.  
24. Semi-Slav Defense  
25. Queen’s Indian Defense  
26. Queen’s Indian Defense, Petrosian Var.  
27. Bogolubow Indian Defense  
28. Catalan  
29. Gruenfeld Defense  
30. King’s Indian Defense  
31. Modern Benoni Defense  
32. Benko Gambit  
B 001 B 002 B 003 B 004  
B 005 B 007 B 010 B 015  
Fixed Time Level Type  
Press the + or - button to select 1, 2, 3, 5,  
10, 15, 20, 30, 45 seconds, and 1:00,  
1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00, 5:00 minutes per  
move. FIXED Time Level "inf" is infinite  
time, and will only stop thinking when  
the GO key is pressed, or a mate is found.  
F 001 F 002 F 003 F 005  
F 010 F 015 F 020 F 030  
F 045 F 100 F 130 F 200  
F 230 F 300 F 500 F inF  
Sudden Death Level Type  
The moves and explanations of these famous  
openings are given in many books on chess.  
Entering Your Own Opening  
LCD Chess also allows you to set up any  
book opening you want—or even an  
opening you invent—to practice. Press  
OPTIONS repeatedly until the display  
shows PLYr. Use + button to set play-  
ers to 2. Press CLEAR, then make moves  
for both sides until the opening position  
you want to practice is reached. Now  
press OPTIONS repeatedly until the dis-  
play shows PLYr. Use the + button to  
set players to 1. Press CLEAR and play  
against the computer in this position.  
Press the + or - button to select the  
amount of time in minutes for the entire  
game. If you run out of time you lose or  
forfeit, FrFt will be shown on the dis-  
play. After every move, you receive a  
bonus 10 seconds to make up for the time  
it takes to enter your move.  
S 05 S 10 S 15 S 20  
S 30 S 45 S 60 S 90  
Tournament Level Type  
Levels of Play  
Press LEVEL to see the current level.  
When you are finished reviewing the  
level or changing the level, press CLEAR  
to return to normal play.  
Press the + or - button to select the the  
amount of time in MINUTES to play the  
number of moves shown on the left side  
of the display. If you run out of time  
before you play the indicated number of  
moves, you lose or forfeit, FrFt will  
be shown on the display. After every  
move, you receive a bonus 10 seconds to  
make up for the time it takes to enter your  
At this point you may press LEVEL  
again to change to a different level type.  
There are six types of levels.  
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these basics, just as a concert pianist con-  
tinues to practice the scales so that they  
remain second nature. Like any great  
trainer, LCD Chess will play you these  
special practice games.  
40T 030 45T 045 40T 060 40T 090  
35T 090 45T 115 40T 120 45T 145  
PLy Level Type  
First make sure you are at the start of a  
game. Now press TRAIN button, then  
repeatedly press the + key. The mini-  
games always include the king and pawns  
for both sides. In fact, one mini-game  
contains just this material (see figure on  
Press the + or - button to select the depth  
of search from 1 to 8 ply. A ply is one half  
PLY 1 PLY 2 PLY 3 PLY 4  
PLY 5 PLY 6 PLY 7 PLY 8  
MAtE Solver Level Type  
The other four mini-games use kings and  
pawns, but add a different single piece to  
the exercise-knight, bishop, rook, and  
then queen.  
Press the + or - button to select the num-  
ber of moves to mate the program will  
search. nOnE will appear if no mate is  
Start with the basic king and pawns mini-  
MAt 1 MAt 2 MAt 3 MAt 4  
MAt 5 MAt 6 MAt 7 MAt 8  
Make your first move. Your object, as in  
regular chess, is to checkmate the king.  
Normally, this means both sides will try  
to force a pawn through to the other side  
of the board safely to promote it to a  
queen. You'll learn lots of principles,  
tricks, and traps in this training mode that  
will win you many full-fledged chess  
Note: You can only change the level  
while it is your turn to play.  
Checkmate Training  
The main objective in the game of Chess  
is to checkmate your opponents king.  
LCD Chess, has three special positions  
that are shown after the five piece train-  
ing mini games. The Black king will be in  
the center of the board in those positions.  
Select one of those positions to practice  
and improve your technique to check-  
mate your opponent’s king.  
Kings & Pawns Training  
Piece Training  
There are five special mini-games and  
three mate training positions. The most  
famous and successful chess teachers in  
the world take their beginning students  
from the simple to the complex by having  
them play "mini-games" of chess that  
concentrate on just one or more types of  
pieces. Even advanced players practice  
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Using Setup Mode  
/button. The color icons and  
below PrOb will show the side to  
At any time during a game when it is your  
move, you may change the position on  
the board by adding a piece, removing a  
piece, or changing any of the pieces—for  
example, from a queen to a knight.  
MOVE buttons to move the king to the  
square the White king is on. Press GO to  
place that the piece on the board.  
Removing A Piece  
Press SETUP then use the PREVIOUS  
MOVE, NEXT MOVE buttons to move  
the king cross over a piece. Press GO to  
remove the piece. Press CLEAR to con-  
tinue the game.  
MOVE buttons to move the king to the  
square the Black king is on., and then  
press the / button to change the  
White king to a Black king. Press GO to  
place that the piece on the board.  
Adding or Changing a Piece  
Press SETUP then use the PREVIOUS  
MOVE, NEXT MOVE buttons to move  
the king cross to the desired square. Now  
press the + or - buttons for the desired  
piece. Press GO to place that the piece on  
the board. Press CLEAR to continue the  
Next, pick out another piece in the prob-  
lem or position you want to set up. Now  
press +HINT button repeatedly to select  
the correct piece. Use the PREVIOUS  
MOVE, NEXT MOVE buttons to move  
to the desired square. Press GO to place  
that the piece on the board.  
Setting Up Special Positions  
Follow this procedure until all the pieces  
in the problem or position are completely  
set up. Finally, press CLEAR to play or to  
have LCD Chess analyze the position.  
This is another terrific feature that allows  
you to solve problems that you see in  
magazines or newspapers, or that you  
make up yourself. It also allows you to  
enter game positions you want to play, or  
that you want LCD Chess to look at, per-  
haps using the Infinite Search level.  
NOTE: You must place a White and  
Black king on the board to exit SETUP  
mode with the CLEAR key.  
Normally, it is easier to start from an  
empty board to set up such problems. So  
first, press OPTIONS repeatedly until  
CLbr(clear board) is displayed. Then  
press the GO key. You’ll see that the dis-  
play chessboard will have only the white  
king, and PrOb is displayed.  
Make sure that LCD Chess knows which  
color is to move. You may change the  
color of the side to move by pressing the  
General Rules of Chess  
1. The two players must alternate in mak-  
ing one move at a time. The player with  
the white pieces moves first to start the  
2. With the exception of castling (see  
below), a move is the transfer of a piece  
from one square to another square which  
is vacant or occupied by an enemy piece.  
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3. No piece, except the Knight may cross piece. See also Castling (below.)  
a square occupied by another piece. 3. The Bishop can move to any square  
4. A piece moved to a square occupied by along the diaganols on which it stands,  
an enemy piece captures it as part of the but cannot pass over an enemy piece.  
same move. The captured piece must be 4. The Knight move is in the shape of an  
immediately removed from the chessboard “L”, moving two squares up or down, and  
by the player making the capture.  
then one square over. Or it can be one  
5. When one player moves into a position square up or down, and then two over.  
whereby he can attack the King, the King 5. The Pawn can move one square for-  
is in “Check”. His opponent must either  
a) move the King  
b) block the path of the attacking piece  
with another piece, or  
c) capture the attacking piece.  
ward. On it’s first move it may move two  
squares forward. When capturing, it  
moves diaganolly (forward) one square.  
See also en passent (below.)  
6. The King can move one square in any  
6. The game is over when there is no direction, as long as it is not attacked by  
escape for the King from an attacking an enemy piece. See also Castling(below)  
piece. This is known as “Checkmate”.  
Special Moves  
7. The game is over when the king of the  
1. Castling is a move of both the King  
player whose turn it is to move is not in  
and either Rook which counts as a single  
check and the player cannot make any  
move (of the King) and is executed as  
legal moves. This is known as “Stalemate”  
diagrammed below:  
and is considered a drawn game.  
Castling cannot occur if:  
a) the King has already been moved.  
b) the Rook has already been moved.  
c) there is any piece between the King  
and the Rook.  
d) the King’s original square, or the  
square which the King must cross, or the  
one which it is to occupy is attacked by  
an enemy piece.  
2. A Pawn may make an en passent cap-  
ture if it is a reply move to a double pawn  
move, and it is a Pawn which is side-by-  
side with the Pawn which made the dou-  
ble pawn move. The capture of a white  
Pawn is diagrammed on right:  
Individual Moves  
Turn on the HELPfeature (see page 5.)  
All legal moves for each selected piece  
will be shown at one time. You will  
quickly “learn by doing” the movements  
of all pieces.  
1. The Queen can move to any square  
along the same row, column, or diaganols  
on which it stands, but cannot pass over  
an enemy piece.  
2. The Rook can move to any square  
along the same row or column on which  
it stands, but cannot pass over an enemy  
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Battery Information  
Your LCD Chess uses 2 “AAA” batteries.  
Do not mix old and new batteries.  
Do not mix alkaline  
standard or  
3. A Pawn can be promoted if it advances  
all the way to the far side of the board. It  
is immediately promoted, as part of the  
same move, into a Queen, Rook, Bishop,  
or Knight, whichever its owner chooses.  
Since a Queen is the most powerful piece,  
it is nearly always chosen as the promo-  
tion piece. Through the promotion  
process, there may be more than one  
Queen on the board at the same time.  
rechargeable batteries.  
Install batteries so that the polarity  
(+ and -) matches the diagrams in the battery  
Use only batteries of the same type and  
Remove exhausted batteries from the unit.  
Do not short circuit battery terminals.  
Some Tips on Chess  
1. Castle your King into safety as soon as  
2. If you control the center squares you  
will achieve an advantage. To do this  
move your center Pawns and develop  
your Bishops and Knights early in the  
Special Care  
Avoid rough handling such as bumping or  
Avoid moisture and extreme temperatures.  
For best results, use between the temperatures  
of 39ºF and 100ºF (4ºC and 38ºC).  
Clean using only a slightly damp cloth.  
3. Take advantage of capture situations,  
particulary if you will gain material.  
Do not use cleaners with chemical agents.  
Computers can sometimes "lock  
up" due to static discharge or  
other electrical disturbances. If  
this should happen, use a slim,  
pointed object to press the but-  
ton marked “RESET.”  
Excalibur Electronics reserves the right to  
make technical changes without notice in the  
interest of progress.  
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FCC Notice  
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two  
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept  
any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital  
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable  
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,  
uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the  
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no  
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause  
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the  
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of  
the following measures:  
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  
-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is  
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  
Limited 90 Day Warranty  
rants to the original consumer that its products  
are free from any electrical or mechanical  
defects for a period of 90 Days from the date  
of purchase. If any such defect is discovered  
within the warranty period, EXCALIBUR  
ELECTRONICS, INC., will repair or replace  
the unit free of charge upon receipt of the unit,  
shipped postage prepaid and insured to the  
factory address shown at right.  
The only authorized service center in the  
United States is:  
Excalibur Electronics, Inc.  
13755 SW 119th Ave  
Miami, Florida 33186 U.S.A.  
Phone: 305.477.8080  
Fax: 305.477.9516  
Ship the unit carefully packed, preferably in  
the original carton, and send it prepaid, and  
adequately insured. Include a letter, detailing  
the complaint and including your daytime  
telephone number, inside the shipping carton.  
If your warranty has expired and you want an  
estimated fee for service, write to the above  
address, specifying the model and the prob-  
The warranty covers normal consumer use and does not  
cover damage that occurs in shipment or failure that results  
from alterations, accident, misuse, abuse, neglect, wear and  
tear, inadequate maintenance, commercial use, or unreason-  
able use of the unit. Removal of the top panel voids all war-  
ranties. This warranty does not cover cost of repairs made or  
attempted outside of the factory.  
Any applicable implied warranties, including war-  
ranties of merchantability and fitness, are hereby  
limited to 90 Days from the date of purchase.  
Consequential or incidental damages resulting  
breach of any applicable express or  
implied warranties are hereby excluded. Some  
states do not allow limitations on the duration  
of implied warranties and do not allow exclu-  
sion of incidental or consequential damages,  
so the above limitations and exclusions in  
these instances may not apply.  
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