SPECTRUM Enterprise Manager
Device Management
Sm artSwitch 6000
Su pports Man agem en t Modu les SM-CSI1076, 1082, 1088
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Error Source (Selection).....................................15
Fast Ethernet Operation (Check) .......................15
Fast Ethernet Operational Mode (Check)...........15
FDDI Operation (Check).....................................16
Firmware (Upgrade) ...........................................16
Model a SmartSwitch 6000 ................................16
Performance Statistics (View) ............................16
Port Operation (Monitor).....................................16
Port Operational Mode (Set) ..............................16
Ports (Configure)................................................16
Power Supply Status (Check) ............................16
Remote Hardware Received Tech (Check)........16
Repeater Frame Size and Protocols (View).......16
Repeater Performance (Check) .........................16
Repeater Port Status (Check) ............................16
Repeater Port Speed (Set).................................17
Repeater Port Condition Display (Change)........17
Topology (Check)...............................................17
Traps (Set Up)....................................................17
Virtual Channel Operation (Check) ....................17
Purpose and Scope ........................................................7
Required Reading ...........................................................7
Supported Devices..........................................................8
Networking Characteristics..........................................8
Management Modes....................................................9
Distributed Mode......................................................9
Standalone Mode.....................................................9
Mixed Mode .............................................................9
6C105 Chassis ..........................................................10
SmartSwitch 6000 Modules.......................................11
6E Ethernet Modules .............................................11
6M146-04 Carrier Module......................................12
The SPECTRUM Model................................................12
Views Summary ............................................................14
Advertised Ability (Check) ..................................15
Alarm Thresholds (Set) ......................................15
Applications (Change) ........................................15
ATM Operation (Check) .....................................15
Backplane Connections (Monitor) ......................15
Bridging Information (View) ................................15
Chassis Information (View) ................................15
Concentrator Status (Check)..............................15
Device Performance View.............................................19
Bridging Performance View ..........................................19
Interface Performance View..........................................19
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C o n t e n t s
C o n t e n t s
Repeater Port Performance View .................................20
Supported Applications............................................. 40
Fast Ethernet Application View .................................... 40
Fast Ethernet Port Table........................................... 40
ATM Client Application ................................................. 41
ATM Client Application VCL Table............................ 42
Virtual Channel Link View......................................... 44
CsRipEnetRpt Repeater Application......................... 46
Download Application................................................... 46
Chassis Device View ....................................................21
Chassis Module Icon .................................................22
Module Identification Labels......................................23
Module Icon Subviews...............................................23
Application Label .......................................................24
Interface Labels.........................................................25
Repeater Labels ........................................................26
Repeater Frame & Error Breakdown View.............27
Repeater Frame Size & Protocols View.................27
Repeater Port Display Form ..................................27
Repeater Port Labels.................................................28
Chassis Information...................................................29
Interface Icon.............................................................31
Backplane Device View ................................................32
Backplane Module Icon .............................................34
Backplane Module Icon Subviews ................................34
Module Identification Labels......................................35
Backplane Connections Labels .................................35
Chassis Information...................................................35
Physical Device View....................................................36
Device Configuration View ........................................... 47
Interface Configuration Table.................................... 48
Port Configuration - CSIIfPort View.............................. 49
FddiMAC Device Configuration View ........................... 49
Station Configuration ................................................ 49
ATM Client Configuration View .................................... 52
Fast Ethernet Configuration View................................. 54
Operational Mode ..................................................... 54
Advertised Ability ...................................................... 55
Received Technology ............................................... 55
Repeater Configuration View ....................................... 56
Repeater Management ............................................. 56
Trap Configuration .................................................... 57
Alarm Configuration .................................................. 57
Error Source.............................................................. 58
Ethernet Based Configuration ...................................... 58
Application Icons .......................................................39
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C o n t e n t s
C o n t e n t s
Introduction ...................................................................61
AutoDiscovery vs. Manual Modeling.............................61
Manual Modeling Overview...........................................62
Container View..............................................................62
Preparation for Modeling...............................................63
Modeling Using the Chassis IP .....................................63
New Model By IP Option ...........................................65
Positioning the Chassis Device Icon .........................66
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This section introduces SPECTRUM Device Management documentation for SmartSwitch 6000 devices.
Th e section is organ ized as follows:
an d n avigation tech n iqu es, refer to th e
docu m en tation listed u n der Required Rea ding.
• Purpos e a nd Scope
• Required Readin g
• Supported Devices (pa ge 8)
• The SPECTRUM Model (pa ge 12)
Required Reading
To u se th is docu m en tation effectively, you m u st
be fam iliar with th e in form ation covered by th e
oth er SPECTRUM on lin e docu m en tation topics
list below:
Purpose and Scope
Use th is docu m en tation as a gu ide for m an agin g
Sm artSwitch 6000 devices with th e SPECTRUM
m an agem en t m odu les SM-CSI1076, SM-CSI1082,
an d SM-CSI1088. Th e docu m en tation describes
th e icon s, m en u s, an d views th at en able you tor
rem otely m on itor, con figu re, an d trou blesh oot
Sm artSwitch 6000 devices th rou gh software
m odels in you r SPECTRUM database.
• Get t in g St a r t ed wit h SPECTRUM for
Op er a t or s
• Get t in g St a r t ed wit h SPECTRUM for
Ad m in is t r a t or s
• How t o Ma n a ge You r Net wor k wit h
• SPECTRUM Men u s
On ly in form ation specific to th e su pported
m an agem en t m odu le is in clu ded u n der th is topic.
For gen eral in form ation abou t device
m an agem en t u sin g SPECTRUM an d for
explan ation s of basic SPECTRUM fu n ction ality
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I n t r o d u c t i o n
S u p p o r t e d D e v i c e s
Networking Characteristics
Supported Devices
Th e Sm artSwitch 6000 is design ed with a fu lly
distribu ted switch in g arch itectu re with in each
m odu le, wh ich allows th e m odu les to be m an aged
as a sin gle en tity, with a sin gle m odu le actin g as a
proxy agen t for th e ch assis, see odesManagem en t
Modes (page 9).
Th e SPECTRUM m an agem en t m odu les SM-1076,
SM-1082, SM-1088 cu rren tly allow you to m odel
th e following Ch assis an d Sm artSwitch 6000
• Th e 6C105 Ch assis (page 10), wh ich is a
m odu lar ch assis th at can in corporate two
load sh arin g power su pplies an d u p to five
Sm artSwitch 6000 m odu les.
port tru n kin g, broadcast con trol, Qu ality of
Service (QoS), VLAN, an d topology protocol, all in
eith er tradition al 802.1d m ode or Cabletron ’s
Secu reFast m ode. Option al RMON su pport is also
• Th e Sm artSwitch 6000 Modu les (page 11),
wh ich in clu de Eth ern et, Fast Eth ern et,
Gigabit Eth ern et, an d Carrier m odu les.
• Option al High Speed In terface Modu les
(HSIM), Very High Speed In terface Modu les
(VHSIM), an d Fast Eth ern et Port Interface
Modu les (FEPIM) th at plu g in to th e
Th e Sm artSwitch 6000 can provide th e followin g
port con n ectivities:
• Switch ed Eth ern et
Sm artSwitch 6000 m odu les and provide h igh
speed backbon e in terfaces to Fast Eth ern et,
FDDI, ATM, WAN, an d Gigabit Eth ern et.
• Switch ed Fast Eth ern et
• MicroLAN Eth ern et or Fast Eth ern et
• Gigabit Eth ern et u plin ks
Th is gu ide does n ot provide device
m an agem en t in form ation for th e HSIM
an d VHSIM In terface Modu les .
Not :
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I n t r o d u c t i o n
S u p p o r t e d D e v i c e s
Standalone Mode
Management Modes
In th is m ode, each in stalled m odu le provides its
own m an agem en t fu n ction s. You con figu re all of
th e m odu les in th e ch assis to Stan dalon e m ode
an d assign separate IP addresses for each
m odu le. SPECTRUM m an agem en t is th rou gh th e
represen tative Device icon s created for each
m odu le du rin g discovery an d m odelin g.
You can con figu re th e Sm artSwitch 6000 to
operate in th ree m an agem en t m odes: Distribu ted,
Stan dalon e, an d Mixed.
Refer to th e appropriate Sm artSwitch
6000 m odu le u s er’s gu ides for
in s tru ction s on con figu rin g th e m odu les
for th es e m an agem en t m odes .
Not :
Mixed Mode
Th is m ode provides a m eth od of operation ally
isolatin g a m odu le (or m odu les) for secu rity
pu rposes. You set an IP address for th e ch assis
an d con figu re all n on -secu re m odu les in
Distribu ted m ode. Th e secu re m odu le gets its own
IP address an d is con figu red in Stan dalon e m ode.
SPECTRUM m an agem en t is th rou gh th e
represen tative Device icon s created.
Distributed Mode
In th is m ode, th e 6C105 ch assis can be viewed as
a sin gle en tity with a sin gle IP address. Th e
ch assis m an agem en t fu n ction s are distribu ted to
all in stalled m odu les. Th is m ean s th at a sin gle
m odu le in th e ch assis (su ch as a 6E233-49) can
be u sed to m an age all in stalled m odu les. You
con figu re all of th e m odu les in th e ch assis to th e
Distribu ted m ode an d assign a sin gle IP address
to th e ch assis. SPECTRUM discovery an d
m odelin g resu lts in a sin gle Device icon bein g
created in th e Topology view for each
m an agem en t m odu le. Th is icon represen ts th e
m an agin g m odu le. SPECTRUM m an agem en t of
th e m odu les is th rou gh th ese Device icon s.
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I n t r o d u c t i o n
S u p p o r t e d D e v i c e s
Figu re 1 : Sm art Swit ch 60 0 0 Ch assis
6C105 Chassis
Figu re 1 sh ows th e ch assis with two power
su pplies in stalled an d n o Sm artSwitch 6000
m odu les installed.
Wh en in stalled, th e m odu les in terface to th e
Fram e Tran sfer Matrix (FTM) backplan e in th e
ch assis, thu s each m odu le h as a separate,
in depen den t backplan e con n ection to every oth er
m odu le in th e ch assis.
100 • 125 VAC
200 • 250 VAC
50 • 60 Hz
100 • 125 VAC
200 • 250 VAC
50 • 60 Hz
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I n t r o d u c t i o n
S u p p o r t e d D e v i c e s
6E Ethernet Modules
Th ese m odu les provide th e fron t pan el ports an d
in terface u plin k con n ectivities listed in Table 2.
SmartSwitch 6000 Modules
Th e m odu les are divided in to th ree grou ps
represen tin g th ree tech n ologies: Eth ern et, Fast
Eth ern et, an d Carrier. Th e grou ps are su pported
by SPECTRUM Man agem en t Modu le produ cts as
listed in Table 1.
Table 2 : 6 E Series Con n ect ivit ies
Table 1 : SPECTRUM Produ ct s
6E122-26 24 10BaseT ports via RJ 45s plu s two FEPIM
Module Group
6E Eth ern et m odu les
6E132-25 24 10BaseT ports via RJ 45s plu s on e HSIM
6E123-26 48 10BaseT ports via two telcos plu s two
FEPIM slots
6H Fast Eth ern et m odu les
6M Carrier Modu le
6E133-25 24 10BaseT ports via two telcos plu s on e
HSIM slot
6E128-26 24 ports via MMF STs plu s two FEPIM slots
6E129-26 24 ports via SMF STs plu s two FEPIM slots
6E138-25 24 ports via MMF STs plu s on e HSIM slot
6E139-25 24 ports via SMF STs plu s on e HSIM slot
Most of th e Sm artSwitch 6000 m odu les in clu de
slots for option al HSIMs, VHSIMs, or FEPIMs.
All m odu les su pport all n in e levels of RMON an d
Cabletron ’s Secu reFast n etwork services.
6E123-50 48 MicroLan 10BaseT ports via RJ 21 telcos
6E133-49 48 MicroLan 10BaseT ports via RJ 21 telcos
plu s on e HSIM slot
6E233-49 48 Eth ern et ports via RJ 21 telcos plu s on e
HSIM slot
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I n t r o d u c t i o n
T h e S P E C T R U M M o d e l
6H Fast Ethernet Modules
Th ese m odu les provide th e fron t pan el ports an d
in terface u plin k con n ectivities listed in Table 3.
Th ree RJ 21 telcos (12 ports each in an y
com bin ation of au to-n egotiatin g 10BaseT
Eth ern et or 100BaseT Fast Eth ern et) plu s
on e HSIM slot
Table 3 : 6 H Series Con n ect ivit ies
24 port 10/ 100 switch in g m odu le via two
RJ 21 ports
Six 10/ 100Base-TX ports via RJ 45s plu s
two FEPIM slots
12 port 10/ 100 switch in g m odu le via on e
RJ 21 con n ector
16 10/ 100Base-TX ports via Cat 5 RJ 45
16 MMF ports via MT-RJ con n ectors an d
on e VHSIM slot
Six MMF SC ports an d two FEPIM slots
Six SMF SC ports an d two FEPIM slots
24 10/ 100 Fast Eth ern et ports via RJ 45s
6 fixed RJ 45 ports an d 2 FEPIM slots
6M146-04 Carrier Module
Th is is a Sm artSwitch carrier u plink m odu le. It
provides two HSIM slots an d two FEPIM slots.
16 10/ 100 Fast Eth ern et ports via RJ 45s
an d on e VHSIM slot
Th ree RJ 21 telcos (12 ports each in an y
com bin ation of au to-n egotiatin g 10BaseT
Eth ern et or 100BaseT Fast Eth ern et) plu s
on e HSIM slot
SPECTRUM lets you m odel an d m an age
in dividu al m odu les or grou ps of m odu les on a
n etwork in stalled in , or con n ected to, th e ch assis.
Th e m odels provide access to th e in form ation
n eeded to m an age th e m odu les, in clu din g
software em u lation of th e actu al m odu le
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I n t r o d u c t i o n
T h e S P E C T R U M M o d e l
attribu tes an d fu n ction ality. Refer to Modelin g
(page 61) for m odelin g in stru ction s.
Figu re 2 : Device Icon s
IP Address
Flash Green Enabled
Model Information
Primary Application
Ctrl +c
Th e m odel type design ators for th e Sm artSwitch
6000 u se an u n derbar to replace th e dash in th e
device m odel n u m ber. For exam ple, 6E122_26
refers to th e m odel type for th e 6E122-26 m odu le.
IP Address
SPECTRUM’s Au toDiscovery (as well as m an u al
m odelin g procedu res) resu lts in th e creation of
Device icons th at represen t th e m odu les. Th ese
icon s provide dou ble-click zon es an d Icon
Su bviews m en u s th at let you access views
displayin g perform an ce and con figu ration
in form ation .
Figu re 2 sh ows exam ples of th e icon s an d Icon
Su bviews m en u .
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I n t r o d u c t i o n
V i e w s S u m m a r y
• ATM Clien t Con figu ration View (page 52)
Views Summary
(available with option al HSIM or FEPIM)
• Fast Eth ern et Con figu ration View (page 54)
• Repeater Con figu ration View (page 56)
• Eth ern et Based Configu ration (page
58)(available for GPIM m odels)
Device icons provide access to views, su bviews,
an d tables th at let you m an age th e m odeled
device. Figu re 2 sh ows a gen eral exam ple of th e
Icon Su bviews m en u for a Device icon . Th e views
listed below are accessible directly from th is
m en u an d are described in dividu ally in
su bsequ ent section s of th is docu m en tation .
• Perform an ce Views (page 18)
• Ch assis Device View (page 21)
• In terface Device View (page 30)
• Backplan e Device View (page 32)
• Ph ysical Device View (page 36)
• Device Topology View (page 37)
• Fast Eth ern et Application View (page 40)
• FddiMAC Device Con figu ration View (page 49)
(available with option al HSIM)
• ATM Clien t Application (page 41) (available
with option al HSIM)
• CsRipEn etRpt Repeater Application (page 46)
• Down load Application (page 46)
• Device Con figu ration View (page 47)
• Port Con figu ration - CSIIfPort View (page 49)
• FddiMAC Device Con figu ration View (page 49)
(available with option al HSIM or FEPIM)
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T a s k s
V i e w s S u m m a r y
This section identifies various management and troubleshooting tasks that can be performed for the
SmartSwitch 6000 using the views, icons, and labels referenced within this document.
Advertised Ability (Check)
Chassis Information (View)
• Advertised Ability (page 55)
• Ch assis Device View (page 21)
Alarm Thresholds (Set)
Concentrator Status (Check)
• Model In form ation View (page 60)
• FddiMAC Device Con figu ration View (page 49)
Applications (Change)
• Error Sou rce (page 58)
Fast Ethernet Operation (Check)
• Fast Eth ern et Con figu ration View (page 54)
• Fast Eth ern et Application View (page 40)
• Operation al Mode (page 54)
ATM Operation (Check)
• ATM Clien t Con figu ration View (page 52)
• ATM Clien t Application (page 41)
• Advertised Ability (page 55)
• Received Tech n ology (page 55)
• Eth ern et Based Configu ration (page 58)
Backplane Connections (Monitor)
• Backplan e Device View (page 32)
• Backplan e Modu le Icon (page 34)
Fast Ethernet Operational Mode (Check)
• Fast Eth ern et Con figu ration View (page 54)
Bridging Information (View)
• Application Label (page 24)
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T a s k s
V i e w s S u m m a r y
FDDI Operation (Check)
Port Operational Mode (Set)
• FddiMAC Device Con figu ration View (page 49)
• In terface Labels (page 25)
• Th e cu rren t operation al m ode of th is port.
FDDI MAC Application (page 41)
Ports (Configure)
• Fast Eth ern et Con figu ration View (page 54)
• Eth ern et Based Configu ration (page 58)
Firmware (Upgrade)
Power Supply Status (Check)
• Ch assis In form ation (page 29)
Model a SmartSwitch 6000
• Modelin g (page 61)
• Modelin g Usin g th e Ch assis IP (page 63)
• Position in g th e Ch assis Device Icon (page 66)
Remote Hardware Received Tech (Check)
Repeater Frame and Error Stats (View)
Performance Statistics (View)
(page 27)
Port Operation (Monitor)
• Ch assis Modu le Icon (page 22)
• In terface Labels (page 25)
• In terface Icon (page 31)
• Adm in istrative Statu s Label (page 31)
• Backplan e Modu le Icon (page 34)
• Device Con figu ration View (page 47)
• Port Con figu ration - CSIIfPort View (page 49)
Repeater Frame Size and Protocols (View)
• Repeater Fram e Size & Protocols View (page
Repeater Performance (Check)
• Repeater Label Icon Su bviews(Table 8)
Repeater Port Status (Check)
• Repeater Con figu ration View (page 56)
• CsRipEn etRpt Repeater Application (page 46)
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T a s k s
V i e w s S u m m a r y
Repeater Port Speed (Set)
• Repeater Port Labels (page 28)
Repeater Port Condition Display (Change)
• Repeater Port Display Form (page 27)
Topology (Check)
• Device Topology View (page 37)
Traps (Set Up)
• Device Con figu ration View (page 47)
• Trap Con figu ration (page 57)
Virtual Channel Operation (Check)
• ATM Clien t Application VCL Table (page 42)
• Virtu al Ch an n el Lin k View (page 44)
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P e r f o r m a n c e V i e w s
Performance Views
This section provides brief descriptions of Performance views available for models of SmartSwitch 6000 devices
Perform an ce views provide statistical in form ation
abou t th e operation of th e device an d packet
in form ation for th e device an d its ports. Th e
followin g perform an ce views are described in th is
section :
Figu re 3 : Device Perform an ce View
IP address of type 6E132_25 of Lan dscape VNMHost: Prim ary
File View
Net Addr
Model Name
Sys Up Time
Device Type
Serial Number
• Device Perform an ce View (page 19)
• Bridgin g Perform an ce View (page 19)
• In terface Perform ance View (page 19)
• Repeater Port Perform an ce View (page 20)
Peak Value
%Receive Rtr
For m ore in form ation on Perform an ce views, refer
to th e Sp ect r u m Views docu m en tation .
%Trans Rate
0:40:0 0:30:0
Graph Properties Scroll to Date-Time
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P e r f o r m a n c e V i e w s
D e v i c e P e r f o r m a n c e V i e w
Device Performance View
Interface Performance View
Acces s : From the Icon S u bviews menu for the
Sma rtSw itch 6000 Device icon, select Per for m a n ce.
Acces s : From the Icon Su bviews menu of the Interfa ce
icon, s elect Per for m a n ce.
Th is view (Figu re 3) provides th e followin g cu rren t
an d h istorical fram e tran sm ission statistics for
th e device:
Th is view provides th e followin g in form ation on
cu rren t an d h istorical packet tran sm ission
statistics, an d error load statistics for th e selected
in terface:
• Received Rate‘
• % Filtered
• % Forwarded
• Tran sm itted Rate
• % Tran sm itted
• % Discarded
• % Error
• % Host Bou n d
• In Packet Rate
• Ou t Packet Rate
• Total Packet Rate
• In Load
Bridging Performance View
Acces s : From the Applica tion la bel of the Cha ssis
Module icon, select Br id ge Per for m a n ce.
• Ou t Load
• Total Load
Th is view provides th e followin g in form ation on
cu rren t an d h istorical fram e rate statistics for th e
bridgin g application :
• Received Rate
• % Filtered
• % Forwarded
• Tran sm itted Rate
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P e r f o r m a n c e V i e w s
R e p e a t e r P o r t P e r f o r m a n c e V i e w
Repeater Port Performance
Acces s : From the Cha ss is Module icon, select Repea ter
La bel, Rep ea t er Per for m a n ce.
Th is view provides th e followin g cu rren t, average,
peak fram e rate an d error statistics for repeater
ports on the 6E123-50, 6E133-49, 6H123-50,
an d 6H133-37 m odu les:
• Load
• Fram e Rate
• % Error
• % Collision s
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D e v i c e V i e w s
Device Views
This section describes the Device views and subviews available for models of SmartSwitch 6000 devices in
Device views u se icon s an d labels to represen t th e
m odeled device an d its com pon en ts, su ch as
m odu les, ports, an d application s. Th ere are fou r
types of Device views for th e Sm artSwitch 6000
m odels.
Figu re 4 : Ch assis Device View
6C105 of type 6C105 of Landscape x: Primay
*File View
Model Name
Net Addr
Sys Up Time
Device Type
Serial Number
• Ch assis Device View (page 21)
• In terface Device View (page 30)
• Backplan e Device View (page 32)
• Ph ysical Device View (page 36)
Chassis Information
Model Name
PS #1 Status:
PS #2 Status:
e2 FWD
e3 FWD
e4 FWD
e5 FWD
e6 FWD
e7 FWD
e8 FWD
e9 FWD
e10 FWD
e11 FWD
e12 FWD
e13 FWD
e14 FWD
e15 FWD
e16 FWD
e17 FWD
e18 FWD
e19 FWD
e20 FWD
e21 FWD
e22 FWD
e23 FWD
e24 FWD
Chassis Fans:
Chassis Device View
Chassis Information
Th is view con tain s icon s th at represen t th e
variou s ph ysical m odu les in stalled with in th e
ch assis of th e m odeled devices. It also con tain s a
Ch assis Inform ation pan el th at sh ows ch assis
power in form ation . Figu re 4 is an exam ple of th e
view with a device in stalled in Slot 4 of th e
ch assis. The Ch assis Modu le icon is described
u n der Ch assis Modu le Icon (page 22). Th e
Ch assis Inform ation pan el is described u n der
Ch assis Inform ation (page 29).
Chassis Module Icon
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D e v i c e V i e w s
C h a s s i s D e v i c e V i e w
Figu re 5 : Ch assis Modu le Icon
Chassis Module Icon
Th is icon is a logical represen tation of th e
ph ysical m odu le, its location in th e ch assis, its
fron t pan el in terfaces an d ports.
Module Identification Labels
Slot Number/Application View
Model Type/Model Information View
Model Name/Device Configuration View
Model Name
Figu re 5 sh ows an exam ple of a Ch assis Modu le
icon . Th e callou ts displayed in th e illu stration
iden tify th e labels an d, wh en applicable, th e view
to wh ich they provide dou ble-click access.
Application Label/Performance View
(Accesses Bridging Icon Subviews)
Th e followin g pages describe th e in form ation
available from th e Ch assis Modu le icon :
Interface Labels
Interface Type Label
Interface Status Label
• Modu le Iden tification Labels (page 23)
• Application Label (page 24)
• In terface Labels (page 25)
• Modu le Icon Su bviews (page 23)
• Repeater Labels (page 26)
Chassis Module Icon Subviews
Repeater Labels
Repeater Index/Configuration View
Repeater Status/Performance View
• Repeater Port Labels (page 28)
Repeater Port Labels
Repeater Port Number/Port Notes View
Repeater Port Status
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D e v i c e V i e w s
C h a s s i s D e v i c e V i e w
Table 4 : Modu le Icon Su bviews Men u Opt ion s
Module Identification Labels
below (see Figu re 5).
Opens the...
Slot Number
Device Topology view described in
Th e m odu le’s location in th e ch assis. Dou ble-click
th is label to open th e Application view described
u n der Application s View (page 38).
Application s View (page 38).
Con figu ration
Device Con figu ration View (page 47).
Model Type
Th e type of m odu le in th is ch assis slot (e.g.,
6E132-25). Dou ble-click th is label to open th e
Model In form ation view described in th e
In form ation
Model In form ation view described in
In terface
In terface Device View (page 30).
Application selection dialog box,
wh ich allows you to select th e
Model Name
Th e u ser -defin ed or defau lt (IP address) m odel
n am e. Dou ble-click th is label to open th e Device
Con figu ration View (page 47).
application to be displayed in th e
Application label. Exam ple: Bridgin g.
Basic Alarm s
Basic Alarm s view described in th e
SPECTRUM Por t a ble Ma n a gem en t
Ap p lica t ion for t h e Sm a r t Swit ch
6 0 0 0 Us er ’s Gu id e.
Module Icon Subviews
Table 4 describes each of th e device-specific Icon
Su bviews m en u selection s available for th e
Sm artSwitch 6000 m odu les.
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D e v i c e V i e w s
C h a s s i s D e v i c e V i e w
Table 5 : Bridgin g Applicat ion Icon Su bviews
Application Label
Th is label displays th e application cu rren tly
selected, wh ich is eith er Bridgin g, 802.1Q, or
Ph ysical. Bridgin g is th e defau lt application . To
ch an ge th e application , h igh ligh t th e Ch assis
Modu le icon an d select View > Icon S u b views >
Ap p lica t ion Dis p la y.
Opens the...
Bridge Perform an ce view described
in SPECTRUM Views .
Perform an ce
Bridge Detail
Bridge Detail view described in
Br id gin g Ap p lica t ion s.
Dou ble-click th e Application label to open th e
Perform an ce view, wh ich is described in
Bridge Model
In form ation
Model In form ation view described in
S P E CTRUM Vie w s .
Sm art
Tru n kin g
Sm artTru n kin g Con figu ration an d
Statu s screen described in SPMA
views .
Th e Application label provides access to the Icon
Su bviews m en u . Table 5 describes th e Bridgin g
Application Icon Su bviews m en u selection s. Th ere
are n o specific Icon Su bviews m en u selection s for
th e Ph ysical Application .
Span n in g Tree
In form ation
Span n in g Tree In form ation view
described in Br id gin g Ap p lica t ion s.
Static Database Static Database Table view described
in Br id gin g Ap p lica t ion s.
Tran sparen t
In form ation
Tran sparen t Bridge In form ation view
with Forwardin g Database an d Port
tables described in Br id gin g
Ap p lica t ion s .
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D e v i c e V i e w s
C h a s s i s D e v i c e V i e w
Table 6 : Bridgin g Applicat ion In t erface
St at u s
Interface Labels
Th ese labels represen t th e in terfaces located on
th e fron t pan el of th e m odu le. Each label provides
access to an Icon Su bviews m en u , wh ich con tain s
th e following th ree device-specific selection s:
Blu e
Bridge port is forwardin g.
Port is disabled.
• Operat ion al Mode Con figu rat ion allows you
to set th e in terfaces operation al m ode to
eith er Stan dard or Fu ll Du plex.
Magen ta LST
Magen ta LRN
Bridge is in th e listen in g m ode.
Bridge is in th e learn in g m ode.
• En able an d Disable allow you to con trol th e
Blu e
Bridge port is in th e stan dby
m ode.
port’s operation al statu s.
Oran ge
Bridge port is in th e blockin g
m ode.
Each In terface label displays two in form ation
labels: an In terface Type label an d an In terface
Statu s label.
Bridge port is broken .
Th e statu s is u n kn own .
Blu e
Interface Type Label
Th is label iden tifies th e type an d n u m ber of th e
in terfaces represen ted. For exam ple, “e1” refers to
Eth ern et in terface n u m ber on e for th at m odu le.
Table 7 : Ph ysical Applicat ion In t erface St at u s
Port is operation al.
Interface Status Label
Th is label in dicates th e in terface’s operation al
statu s relative to th e application u sin g th e colors
an d legen ds listed in Table 6 an d Table 7. See
Application Label (page 24) for in form ation on
selectin g th e application to be displayed.
Blu e
Port is off.
Port is in th e test m ode.
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D e v i c e V i e w s
C h a s s i s D e v i c e V i e w
Repeater Status
Repeater Labels
Displays th e repeater operation al statu s an d
provides dou ble-click access to th e Perform an ce
View, wh ich is described in SPECTRUM Views .
Th e 6E123-50, 6E133-49, 6H123-50, an d 6H133-
37 m odu les h ave repeater ports. Th e repeater
ports on th e 6E123-50 an d 6E133-49 h ave a fixed
port speed of 10Mb wh ile th ose on th e 6H123-50
an d 6H133-37 can be switch ed between 10 Mb
an d 100 Mb. Th e repeater application
(CsRipEn etRptr) is u sed for 10 Mb an d 100 Mb
su pport on all of th ese m odu les, see th e
CsRipEn etRpt Repeater Application (page 46).
Th e Repeater labels also provide access to th e
Icon Su bviews m en u listed in Table 8.
Table 8 : Repeat er Label Icon Su bviews Men u
Opens the...
Th e Ch assis Modu le Icon provides repeater
m an agem en t via th e Repeater labels, wh ich
an d fram e statistics in form ation .
Perform an ce
Perform an ce view described in
Repeater Fram e Repeater Fram e & Error Breakdown
& Error
View (page 27).
Th e Repeater labels also let you con trol wh at type
of statu s is displayed on th e Repeater Port labels
Repeater Port Display Form (page 27). Th e
Repeater Port Labels (page 28) let you set th e
repeater port speed. Th e Repeater labels con tain
th e following labels.
Repeater Fram e Repeater Fram e Size & Protocols View
Size & Protocols (page 27).
Con figu ration
Repeater Model
In form ation
Model In form ation view described in
Repeater Port
Display Form
Repeater Port Display Form (page 27),
wh ich lets you select th e type of
statu s displayed.
Repeater Index
Iden tifies th e repeater an d provides dou ble-click
access to th e Repeater Con figu ration View (page
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D e v i c e V i e w s
C h a s s i s D e v i c e V i e w
Repeater Frame & Error Breakdown
Th is view displays fram e an d error statistical
in form ation for a selected repeater port. The
statistics are displayed in th e form of pie ch arts
an d tables.
Restarts th e cou n ter. Th e valu es will con tin u e to
accu m u late u n til Clear is selected or an oth er
represen tation m ode is selected.
Selectin g Tot a l, Delt a , or Accu m affects
th e nu m erical as well as graph ical
repres en tation of every item con tribu tin g
Not :
Th e Fram e Breakdown displays th e n u m erical
an d statistical breakdown of all th e fram es
tran sm itted an d received th rou gh th e selected
to th e total.
For m ore in form ation on the in dividu al error
types, refer to How t o Ma n a ge You r Net wor k
Th e Error Breakdown displays th e n u m ber of
traffic errors in an error -per -secon d form at.
Th e bu ttons at th e bottom of th e view affect h ow
th e statistics are represen ted in th e pie ch arts
an d tables, as described below.
Repeater Frame Size & Protocols View
Th is view displays a statistical breakdown of
fram e sizes an d protocols for a selected repeater
port. Th e fram e size an d protocol breakdown s are
displayed in th e form of pie ch arts an d tables (as
described above for th e Repeater Fram e & Error
Breakdown view).
Displays th e cu rren t statistical in form ation for all
item s con tribu tin g to th e total valu e.
Displays the differen ce between the previou sly
polled valu es an d th e cu rren t valu e of every item
con tribu tin g to th e total.
Repeater Port Display Form
Th is option on th e Repeater label Icon Su bviews
m en u provides th ree ch oices: Adm in , Lin k, an d
Speed. Th ese ch oices determ in e wh ich
operation al con dition is displayed on th e
associated Repeater Port labels. For exam ple, if
Displays the accu m u lated statistical in form ation
for all item s sin ce th e Accu m bu tton was last
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D e v i c e V i e w s
C h a s s i s D e v i c e V i e w
you select Adm in via th e E1 Repeater label, th e
Repeater Port labels associated with E1 (i.e., Ports
1 th rou gh 12) will display th e adm in istrative
statu s.
Table 9 : Repeat er Port Label Icon Su bviews
Port Notes
Open s a n ote pad for you r u se.
Repeater Port Labels
Port Fram e &
an d Error
Open s th e Repeater Port Fram e &
Error Breakdown view.
Th e 6E123-50 an d 6E133-49 m odu les h ave 10
Mb repeater ports wh ile th e 6H123-50 an d
6H133-37 m odu les h ave th e capability of
switch in g ports between 10 Mb an d 100 Mb
h ave th ree 100 Mb repeater m odels, bu t
repeater m odels, th ree at 10 Mb an d th ree at 100
Mb. Th e CsRipEn etRptr application is u sed for all
th ese m odu les for eith er 10 Mb or 100 Mb
su pport.
Port Fram e Size
& Protocols
Open s th e Repeater Port Fram e Size &
Protocols view.
En able/ Disable Open s a dialog box th at lets you
en able or disable th e port.
Set Port Speed
Open s a dialog box th at lets you set
th e port speed to Au to, 10 Mbps, or
100 Mbps.
Repeater Port Number
Sh ows an in dex n u m ber iden tifyin g a particu lar
repeater port.
Th e Ch assis Modu le Icon provides Repeater Port
labels, wh ich allow you to perform repeater port
Repeater Port label Icon Su bviews m en u are listed
in Table 9.
Repeater Port Status
In dicates th e port activity statu s.
Th e Repeater Port Fram e & Error Breakdown view
an d Repeater Port Fram e Size & Protocols view
provide pie ch arts an d tables th at are sim ilar to
wh at is described for th e Repeater Fram e & Error
Breakdown View (page 27) an d th e Repeater
Fram e Size & Protocols View (page 27).
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D e v i c e V i e w s
C h a s s i s D e v i c e V i e w
PS #1 Status
Displays th e cu rren t statu s of power su pply on e.
Chassis Information
Th is area of th e Ch assis Device view provides
in form ation for th e ch assis power m odu les an d
coolin g fans. Figu re 6 sh ows th e Ch assis
In form ation fields as displayed in th e Ch assis
Device view.
PS #2 Status
Displays th e cu rren t statu s of power su pply two.
Chassis Fans
Displays th e operation state of th e ch assis fan s.
Table 10 lists th e possible states an d color
in dication for th e power su pplies an d ch assis
fan s.
Figu re 6 : Ch assis In form at ion
Table 1 0 : Ch assis In form at ion St at us
Defin it ion s
Chassis Information
Norm al
PS #1 Status:
PS #2 Status:
Not in stalled
Not operation al
Un kn own
Chassis Fans:
Blu e
Power Redundancy
Displays the sou rce of power for th e ch assis.
“Redu n dan t” in dicates th at power from th e
secon dary sou rce is bein g u sed for th e ch assis.
“NON-Redu n dan t” in dicates th at power from th e
prim ary power sou rce is bein g u sed.
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D e v i c e V i e w s
I n t e r f a c e D e v i c e V i e w
Interface Device View
Acces s : From the Icon S u bviews menu of the
Sma rtSw itch 6000, s elect Device > In t er fa ce.
IP Address on type 6E122_26 of Landscape x: Primary
File View
System Up Time
Device Type
Model Name
Network Address
Th is view (Figu re 7) provides dyn am ic
con figu ration an d perform an ce in form ation for
each of th e device’s serial/ n etwork I/ O ports,
wh ich are represen ted by In terface icon in th e
bottom pan el of th e view, as sh own in Figu re 8.
Th e m iddle pan el of th e view also displays a
Device icon, wh ich allows you to m on itor th e
device operation an d access oth er device-specific
Serial Number
Model Name
Network Information
Interface Description
e1 ON e5 ON e9
b5 OFF
0:01D:17:2F:3C 0:01D:17:2F:3C 0:01D:17:2F:3C 0:01D:17:2F:3C
e6 ON e10
b1 OFF
e2 ON
0:01D:17:2F:3C 0:01D:17:2F:3C 0:01D:17:2F:3C
e7 ON b2 OFF
e3 ON
0:01D:17:2F:3C 0:01D:17:2F:3C
e8 ON b4 OFF
e4 ON
0:01D:17:2F:3C 0:01D:17:2F:3C
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D e v i c e V i e w s
I n t e r f a c e D e v i c e V i e w
Interface Number Label
Interface Icon
Th is label iden tifies th is interface (”e” in dicates an
Eth ern et in terface, “b” in dicates a backplan e
in terface, an d th e n u m eral represen ts th e
in terface n u m ber on th is m odu le).
Th is icon is a logical represen tation of a n etwork
in terface or port, see In terface Device View (page
30). Figu re 8 sh ows a sam ple In terface icon , its
labels an d dou ble-click zon es.
Interface Type Label
m odu le (e.g., Eth ern et, FDDI, etc.).
Figure 8 : Net work In t erface Modu le Icon
Interface Icon Subviews Menu
Interface Icon Subviews
Table 11 describes each of th e Icon Su bviews
m en u selection s available for th e In terface icon .
Table 1 1 : In t erface Icon Su bviews
Menu Selection
Opens the...
Con figu ration
Port Con figu ration - CSIIfPort View
(page 49).
Secon dary
Address Pan el
Pan el th at provides th e secon dary
address an d m ask for th e in terface.
ATM Clien t Application (page 41).
(a) Interface Number Label
(b) Status Label/Port Configuration
(c) Interface Type Label
(d) MAC Address Label/Model Information
(with HSIM on ly)
In form ation
Model In form ation view described in
(e) Network Information Label/Secondary Address Panel
(f) Gauge Label/Port Performance
Administrative Status Label
Th is label displays th e state of th is port (On , Off,
Testin g). Table 12 an d Table 13 list th e possible
states relative to th e application selected. Th e
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D e v i c e V i e w s
B a c k p l a n e D e v i c e V i e w
defau lt application for th is view is Ph ysical (MIB-
II). To select th e application to be displayed
(Ph ysical or Bridgin g), click th e Filter m en u
bu tton in th e In terface Option s pan el. Th is label
provides dou ble-click access to Port Con figu ration
- CSIIfPort View (page 49).
Table 1 3 : Bridgin g Applicat ion
Adm in ist rat ive St at u s
Blu e
Bridge port is forwardin g
Port is disabled
MAC Address Label
Magen ta LST
Magen ta LRN
Bridge is in listen in g m ode
Bridge is in learn in g m ode
Bridge port is in blockin g m ode
Bridge port is broken
Th is label displays th e ph ysical address of th e
n etwork in terface m odu le an d accesses th e CSI
Port Model In form ation view described in
Oran ge
Network Information Label
Gauge Label
Th is label displays th e n etwork address, n am e, or
su bn et m ask, wh ich you select u sin g th e
In terface Option s pan el. Th e defau lt is n etwork
address. Dou ble-click th is label to access th e
Secon dary Address Pan el described in
Th is label displays th e perform an ce statistic th at
you set in th e Gau ge Con trol Pan el, wh ich is
accessible from th e In terface Option s pan el.
Dou ble-click this label to access th e Perform an ce
view. For m e in form ation seeth e in form ation in
th e SPECTRUM Views docu m en tation .
Table 1 2 : Ph ysical Applicat ion
Adm in ist rat ive St at u s
Backplane Device View
Acces s : From the Cha s sis Device view , select View >
Pa ge > Ba ck p la n e.
Port is operation al
A sam ple Backplan e Device view is sh own in
Figu re 9. Th e view con tain s Backplan e Modu le
icon s th at represen t th e backplan e con n ection s
Blu e
Port is off
Port is in th e test m ode
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D e v i c e V i e w s
B a c k p l a n e D e v i c e V i e w
for each of th e m odu les in stalled in th e ch assis,
see, Backplan e Modu le Icon (page 34).
Figu re 9 : Back plan e Device View
6C105 of type 6C105 of Landscape x: Primary
* File View
Th e Backplan e Device view also con tain s a
Ch assis Inform ation pan el, wh ich sh ows th e
sam e in form ation as a sim ilar pan el on th e
Ch assis Device view, see Ch assis In form ation ,
Ch assis Inform ation (page 29).
Model Name
Net Addr
Sys Up Time
Device Type
Serial Number
Model Name
Chassis Information
PS #1 Status:
PS #2 Status:
Chassis Fans:
Chassis Information
Backplane Module Icon
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D e v i c e V i e w s
B a c k p l a n e M o d u l e I c o n S u b v i e w s
Backplane Module Icon
Backplane Module Icon
Table 14 describes th e device-specific Backplan e
Modu le Icon Su bviews m en u selection s for th e
m odu le.
Figu re 10 sh ows a sam ple Backplan e Modu le
icon , wh ich displays in th e Backplan e Device
view. Th is icon represen ts th e ph ysical m odu le,
its location in th e ch assis, an d its backplan e
in terfaces.
Figu re 1 0 : Back plan e Modu le Icon
Open the...
Module Identification Labels
Slot Number/
Device Topology view described in
Application View
Model Type/
Model Information
Application s View (page 38).
Model Name
Model Name/
Device Configuration
Con figu ration
Device Con figu ration View (page
Backplane Connections Labels
Model In form ation
In terface
Model In form ation view described
in SPECTRUM Views .
Backplan e Modu le
Icon Su bviews
In terface Device View (page 30).
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D e v i c e V i e w s
B a c k p l a n e M o d u l e I c o n S u b v i e w s
h as a gray Backplan e Con n ection label (b4),
wh ich correspon ds with in terface fou r of th e
ch assis backplan e.
Module Identification Labels
Th ese labels provide th e followin g in form ation
th at iden tifies a specific device.
Table 15 describes th e possible operational states
of th e backplan e con n ection s.
Slot Number
Th e m odu le’s location in th e ch assis. Dou ble-click
th is area to open th e Application view described
Table 1 5 : Back plan e Con n ect ion St at u s
Model Type
Operation al
Th e type of m odu le in th e ch assis (for exam ple
6E132-25). Dou ble-click th is area to open th e
Model In form ation view.
Magen ta
Blu e
Operation al bu t n ot lin ked
Operation al test
For m ore in form ation on th e Model In form ation
view, refer to th e SPECTRUM Views
docu m en tation .
Operation ally an d adm in istratively
Model Name
Operation ally down bu t
adm in istratively en abled
A u ser -defin ed n am e; oth erwise, it defau lts to th e
IP address. Dou ble-click th is area to open th e
Device Con figu ration View (page 47).
Un kn own
Chassis Information
Th ese labels represen t th e in terfaces between th e
m odu le and th e FTM backplan e. Th e device-
specific Icon Su bviews m en u selection for th ese
labels is Con figu rat ion , wh ich open s a dialog box
th at lets you en able or disable th e selected port.
Note in Figu re 15 th at th e Backplan e Modu le icon
Th e Ch assis In form ation pan el with in th e
Backplan e Device view provides th e sam e
in form ation as a sim ilar pan el in th e Ch assis
Device view described u n der Ch assis In form ation
(page 29).
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D e v i c e V i e w s
P h y s i c a l D e v i c e V i e w
Figu re 1 1 : Ph ysical Device View
Physical Device View
Th is view provides a static im age of th e ch assis
an d th e m odu les in stalled in it. Figu re 11 shows a
sam ple Ph ysical Device view with two power
su pplies and a m odu le in stalled in Slot 4.
6C105 of type 6C105 of Landscape x: Primary
File View
Model Name
Net Addr
Sys Up Time
Device Type
Serial Number
SBN0096520019 SBN0096520019
100 • 125 VAC 100
200 • 250 VAC 200
50 60 Hz 50
125 VAC
250 VAC
60 Hz
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D e v i c e T o p o l o g y V i e w
Device Topology View
This section provides brief descriptions of the Device Topology views available for models of SmartSwitch 6000
devices in SPECTRUM.
Acces s : From the Icon S u bviews menu for the
Sma rtSw itch 600 Device icon, s elect DevTop
Figu re 1 2 : Device Topology View
IP Address of type 6H203_24 of Landscape x: Primary
Device Topology views (Figu re 12) sh ow th e
con n ection s between a m odeled device an d oth er
n etwork en tities. Th e lower pan el of th e Device
Topology view for th e Sm artSwitch 6000, u ses
in terface icon s to represen t th e device’s
File View
Model Type
Model Type
serial/ n etwork I/ O ports. These icon s provide th e
sam e in form ation an d m en u option s as th ose in
th e In terface Device View (page 30). If th ere is a
device conn ected to a particu lar in terface, a
device icon appears on th e vertical bar above th e
in terface icon alon g with an icon represen tin g th e
n etwork grou p th at con tain s th e device.
Model Type
Model Type
For fu rth er in form ation on Device Topology views,
refer to th e SPECTRUM Views docu m en tation .
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A p p l i c a t i o n s V i e w
Applications View
This section describes the Application view and the associated application-specific subviews available for
models of SmartSwitch 6000 devices in SPECTRUM.
Acces s : From the Icon S u bviews menu for the
Sma rtSw itch 6000 Device icon, select Ap p lica t ion .
Figu re 1 3 : Applicat ion View
IP Address of type 6E132_25 of Landscape VNM: Primary
Wh en a device m odel is created, SPECTRUM
au tom atically creates a m odel for each of th e
m ajor an d m in or application s su pported by th e
device. Th e Application view iden tifies all of th ese
application m odels, sh ows cu rren t con dition
statu s, an d provides access to application -specific
su bviews.
File View
Net Addr
Sys Up Time
Device Type
Serial Number
Model Name
Figu re 13 sh ows an d Application view in its
defau lt m ode(Icon ) wh ere each of th e application
m odels is represen ted by an Application icon (see
Figu re 14 for a close-u p). Th e Application icon s
are arran ged h ierarch ically u n der a Device icon ,
with m ajor application s in th e top row an d th eir
respective m in or application s stacked directly
If you prefer to see application s displayed by
n am e on ly in a sin gle vertical list, select View >
Mode > List .
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A p p l i c a t i o n s V i e w
Figu re 1 4 : Applicat ion Icon
Application Icons
Wh en th e Application view is in Icon m ode, each
of th e application m odels is represen ted by an
Application icon (Figu re 14). Dou ble-clickin g th e
Model Nam e label (a) at th e top of th e icon open s
th e associated Model In form ation view-Model
In form ation View (page 60). For som e
applications, th e Model Type label (c) at th e
bottom of th e icon is also a dou ble-click zon e,
wh ich open s an application -specific view. An y
views accessible th rou gh th ese dou ble-click zon es
are also accessible from th e Application icon ’s
Icon Su bviews m en u .
a Model Nam e Label/ Model In form ation View
b Con dition Statu s Label
c Model Type Label / Application Specific View
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A p p l i c a t i o n s V i e w
F a s t E t h e r n e t A p p l i c a t i o n V i e w
Supported Applications
Sm artSwitch 6000 devices su pport both com m on
Table 1 6 : Com m on Applicat ion s
an d device-specific application .
Bridgin g
For more info, see...
Applications th at are com m on to m an y of th e
differen t of kin ds of an d m akes of devices are
listed in Table 16 alon g with th eir correspon din g
docu m en tation .
Br id gin g Ap p lica t ion
(SNMP2_Agen t)
MIB II Ap p lica t ion s
Th e views an d su bviews available for th e
Sm artSwitch 6000 device-specific application s
are described in th e rest of th is section , grou ped
by m ajor application listed below:
Stan dard RMON St a n d a r d RMON
Fast Ethernet Application View
Acces s : From the Icon Su bviews menu for the
Applica tion icon, s elect Fa s t Et h er n et or Double-click
the Applica tion icon.
• Fast Eth ern et Application View (page 40)
• Th e cu rren t operation al m ode of th is port.
FDDI MAC Application (page 41) (available
with option al HSIM)
• ATM Clien t Application (page 41) (available
with option al HSIM)
• CsRipEn etRpt Repeater Application (page 46)
Down load Application (page 46)
Th is view provides access to th e Model
In form ation view (described in SPECTRUM
Views ) an d th e Fast Eth ern et Port Table
described below.
Fast Ethernet Port Table
Th is section of th e Fast Eth ern et Application
views provides th e in form ation described below,
an d also provides access to th e Fast Eth ern et
Con figu ration View (page 54) wh en you dou ble-
click an y en try in th e table. Th e Fast Eth ern et
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A p p l i c a t i o n s V i e w
A T M C l i e n t A p p l i c a t i o n
Con figu ration view carries th e In terface, Port
Grou p, an d Port in form ation over from th is table.
Station List
Open s th e FDDI Station List view
described in Mis cella n eou s
Ap p lica t ion s.
Ackn owledge
Con figu ration
Allows you to ackn owledge an alarm
con dition .
Th e in terface n u m ber of th e port for wh ich th is
Fast Eth ern et in form ation pertain s.
Open s th e Device Con figu ration View
(page 47).
Port Group
Th e port grou p n u m ber for wh ich th is Fast
Eth ern et in form ation pertain s.
In form ation
Open s th e Model In form ation view
described in SPECTRUM Views .
Th e ph ysical port n u m ber for wh ich th is Fast
Eth ern et in form ation pertain s.
ATM Client Application
Operational Mode
Th e cu rren t operation al m ode of th is port. FDDI
MAC Application
Th is application is u sed to m on itor an d con trol
Table described below. Table 18 lists th e
application -specific su bviews available for th e
application .
Application, wh ich is available for m odu les h avin g
th e option al HSIM in stalled.
Table 17 lists th e application -specific su bviews
available from th e Icon Su bviews m en u for th e
FDDI MAC application .
Table 1 7 : FDDI MAC Icon Su bviews
Menu Selection
Open s th e Device Topology view
described in SPECTRUM Views .
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A p p l i c a t i o n s V i e w
A T M C l i e n t A p p l i c a t i o n
Last Change
Table 1 8 : ATM Clien t Applicat ion Icon
Su bviews
Th e valu e of s ys UpTim e at th e tim e th is VCL
en tered its cu rren t operation al state. If th e
cu rren t state was en tered prior to th e last re-
in itialization of th e agen t, th en th is field con tain s
a zero valu e.
Opens the...
Con figu ration
Device Con figu ration View (page 47).
In form ation
th e Model In form ation view described in
RTD (Receive Traffic Description) Index
Th e valu e of th is field iden tifies th e row in th e
ATM Traffic Descriptor Table th at applies to th e
receive direction of th is VCL.
VCL Table
In terfaces
ATM Clien t Application VCL Table
described below.
Port Con figu ration - CSIIfPort View (page
49) an d th e CSIIfPort Perform an ce view
described in SPECTRUM Views .
TTD (Transmit Traffic Description) Index
Th e valu e of th is field iden tifies th e row of th e
ATM Traffic Descriptor Table th at applies to th e
tran sm it direction of this VCL.
AAL (ATM Adaptation Layer) Type
ATM Client Application VCL Table
An in stan ce of th is field on ly exists wh en th e local
VCL en dpoin t is also th e VCC en dpoin t an d AAL
is in u se. Th e field in dicates th e type of AAL u sed
on th is VCC, wh ich in clu des AAL1, AAL3/ 4, an d
AAL5. Th e “oth er” type is a u ser -defin ed AAL type.
Th e “u n kn own ” type in dicates th at th e AAL type
can n ot be determ in ed.
Admin Status
Im plem en ted on ly for a VCL th at term in ates a
VCC (i.e., on e th at is n ot cross-con n ected to oth er
VCLs). Its valu e (“Up” or “Down ”) specifies th e
desired adm in istrative state of th e VCL, i.e.,
wh eth er traffic flow is en abled or disabled.
Oper Status
Transmit Size
In dicates th e cu rren t operation al statu s of th e
VCL. “Up” an d “Down ” in dicate wh eth er th e VCL
is operation al. “Un kn own ” in dicates th at th e
statu s of th is VCL can n ot be determ in ed.
An in stan ce of th is field on ly exists wh en th e local
VCL en dpoin t is also th e VCC en dpoin t an d AAL5
is in u se. Th e field in dicates th e m axim u m AAL5
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A p p l i c a t i o n s V i e w
A T M C l i e n t A p p l i c a t i o n
CPCS SDU size in octets that is su pported on th e
tran sm it direction of th is VCC.
Row Status
Th is field is u sed to create, delete, or m odify a row
in th is table. To create a n ew VCL, th is field is
in itially set to “createAndWait” or “createAn dGo.”
Th is field m u st n ot be set to “active” u n less th e
followin g colu m n ar fields exist in th is row:
Receive Size
Th is field is u sed wh en th e local VCL en dpoin t is
also th e VCC en dpoin t an d AAL5 is u sed. It
in dicates th e m axim u m AAL5 CPCS SDU size in
octets th at is su pported on th e receive direction of
th is VCC.
• RTD In dex
• XTD In dex
• AAL Type (if th e local VCL en dpoin t is also th e
VCC en dpoin t)
• Tran sm it Size (for AAL5 con n ection s on ly)
• Receive Size (for AAL5 con n ection s on ly)
• En caps Type (for AAL5 con n ection s on ly)
Encaps Type
An in stan ce of th is field on ly exists wh en th e local
VCL en dpoin t is also th e VCC en dpoin t an d AAL5
is in u se. Th e field in dicates th e type of data
en capsu lation u sed over th e AAL5 SSCS layer.
(Referen ce RFC 1483, Mu ltiprotocol
En capsu lation over ATM AAL5, an d th e ATM
Foru m LAN Em u lation specification .)
Th e Com mu n ity Nam e field in th e
Com mu n ication In form ation pan el of th e
Model In form ation view mu s t be s et to
“private” in order to ch an ge th e fields in
th e table views .
Not :
VCL CC (Cross Connect) Id
Th is field is im plem en ted on ly for a VCL th at is
cross-con n ected to oth er VCLs th at belon g to th e
sam e VCC. All su ch associated VCLs h ave th e
sam e valu e as th is field, an d all th eir cross-
con n ection s are iden tified by en tries in th e Cross
Con n ect Table for wh ich VCL CC Id h as th e sam e
valu e. Th e valu e of th is field is in itialized after th e
associated en tries in th e Cross Con n ect Table
h ave been created.
To m ake a ch an ge to th e rows in th e table view,
do th e followin g:
In th e Com m u n ication In form ation pan el,
ch an ge th e Com m u n ity Nam e field to
From the Icon Su bviews m en u , select Table
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A p p l i c a t i o n s V i e w
A T M C l i e n t A p p l i c a t i o n
Set th e path in form ation for th e row you wish
to create, ch an ge, or rem ove.
VCI (Virtual Channel Identifier)
Displays th e VCI valu e of th e VCL. Th e m axim u m
VCI valu e can n ot exceed th e valu e allowable by
th e In terface MaxVCI Bits.
Press Ret u rn an d click OK.
To create or ch an ge a row, click th e Creat e
bu tton , ch an ge th e applicable fields in th e
Ch an ge view an d click th e right m ou se
bu tton . Click OK.
Admin Status
Im plem en ted on ly for a VCL th at term in ates a
VCC (i.e., on e th at is n ot cross-con n ected to oth er
VCLs). Its valu e (Up or Down ) specifies th e desired
adm in istrative state of th e VCL, i.e., wh eth er
traffic flow is en abled an d disabled for th is VCL.
Click th e Validat e Row bu tton an d retu rn to
th e application table view to see th e ch an ge.
To rem ove a row, h igh ligh t it, click th e
Rem ove bu tton , an d th en th e Updat e bu tton .
Oper Status
In dicates th e cu rren t operation al statu s of th e
VCL. “Up” an d “Down ” in dicate th at th e VCL is
operation al or n ot operation al, respectively.
Un kn own in dicates th at th e statu s of th is VCL
can n ot be determ in ed.
Th e row will th en be rem oved from th e table view.
Dou ble-clickin g a field en try open s th e in terface-
specific ATM Switch Application Virtu al Ch an n el
Lin k view, wh ich is described below.
Row Status
Used to create, delete or m odify a row in th is
table. To create a n ew VCL, th is field is in itially
set to “createAn dWait” or “createAn dGo”. Th is
field m u st n ot be set to “active” u n less th e
followin g colu m n ar fields exist in th is row:
Virtual Channel Link View
Acces s : From the Icon S u bviews of the ATM
Applica tion icon, select Vir t u a l Ch a n n el Lin k .
• RTD In dex
• XTD In dex
• AAL Type (if th e local VCL en dpoin t is also th e
VCC en dpoin t)
Displays the in terface in dex for th is VPI an d VCI.
VPI (Virtual Path Identifier)
Displays th e VPI valu e of th e VCL. Th e m axim u m
VPI valu e can n ot exceed th e valu e allowable by
th e In terface MaxVPI Bits.
• Tran sm it Size (for AAL5 con n ection s on ly)
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A p p l i c a t i o n s V i e w
A T M C l i e n t A p p l i c a t i o n
• Receive Size (for AAL5 con n ection s on ly)
• En caps Type (for AAL5 con n ection s on ly)
are iden tified by en tries in th e Cross Con n ect
Table for wh ich VCL CC Id h as th e sam e valu e.
Th e valu e of th is field is in itialized by th e agen t
after th e associated en tries in th e Cross Con n ect
Table h ave been created.
Encaps Type
On ly exists wh en th e local VCL en dpoin t is also
th e VCC endpoin t, an d AAL5 is in u se. Th e field
in dicates th e type of data en capsu lation u sed over
th e AAL5 SSCS layer. (Referen ce RFC 1483
Mu ltiprotocol En capsu lation over ATM AAL5 and
th e ATM Foru m LAN Em u lation specification .)
Xmit Descr Index
Iden tifies th e row of th e ATM Traffic Descriptor
Table th at applies to th e tran sm it direction of th is
Transmit Size
AAL (ATM Adaptation Layer) Type
On ly exists wh en th e local VCL en dpoin t is also
th e VCC en dpoin t, an d AAL5 is in u se. Th e
m axim u m AAL5 CPCS SDU size in octets th at is
su pported on th e tran sm it direction of th is VCC.
On ly exists wh en th e local VCL en dpoin t is also
th e VCC endpoin t, an d AAL is in u se. Th e field
in dicates th e type of AAL u sed on th is VCC, wh ich
in clu des AAL1, AAL3/ 4, an d AAL5. Th e valu e
“Oth er” is a u ser -defined AAL type. “Un k n own ”
in dicates th at th e AAL type can n ot be determ in ed.
Rcv Descr Index
Iden tifies th e row in th e ATM Traffic Descriptor
Table th at applies to th e receive direction of th is
Last Change
Th e valu e of “s ys UpTim e” at th e tim e th is VCL
en tered its cu rren t operation al state. If th e
cu rren t state was en tered prior to th e last re-
in itialization of th e agen t, then th is field con tain s
a zero valu e.
Receive Size
On ly exists wh en th e local VCL en dpoin t is also
th e VCC en dpoin t, an d AAL5 is in u se. Th e
m axim u m AAL5 CPCS SDU size in octets th at is
su pported on th e receive direction of th is VCC.
Cross Connect Id
Im plem en ted on ly for a VCL th at is cross-
con n ected to oth er VCLs th at belon g to th e sam e
VCC. All su ch associated VCLs h ave th e sam e
valu e of th is field, an d all th eir cross-con n ection s
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A p p l i c a t i o n s V i e w
D o w n l o a d A p p l i c a t i o n
CsRipEnetRpt Repeater
Download Application
Th is application provides down load fu n ction ality
for th e m odu le. Th e m odel type for th is
application is CtDown LoadApp.
Acces s : Double-click the Cs Rip En et Rp t Rep ea t er
Applica tion icon.
Th e Down load Application view is an SPMA view
an d is described in S P E CTRUM P o r t a b le
Ma n a g e m e n t Ap p lic a t io n To o ls Gu id e .
Th e CsRipEn etRpt su pports th e 6H123_50,
6E133_49, 6H123_50, an d 6H133_37 m odel
Table 19 lists all th e application -specific su bviews
available from th e Icon su bviews m en u for th is
Table 1 9 : CsRipEn et Rpt Applicat ion Icon
Su bviews
Open the...
Device Topology view described in
S P E CTRUM Vie w s .
Con figu ration Repeater Con figu ration View (page 56).
In form ation
Repeater Model In form ation view described
in S P E CTRUM Vie w s .
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C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w s
Configuration Views
This section describes the various Configuration views and subviews available for models of SmartSwitch 6000
devices in SPECTRUM.
Con figu ration views (Figu re 15) allow you to view
an d m odify cu rren t settin g for th e m odeled device
an d its in terfaces, ports, an d application s. Th e
followin g Con figu ration views are available for
m odels of th e Sm artSwitch 6000:
Figu re 1 5 : Device Con figu rat ion View
IP Address of type 6E132_25 of Landscape VNMHost: Primary
File View
Device Configuration View
Net Addr
Sys Up Time
Device Type
Serial Number
• Device Con figu ration View (page 47)
• Port Con figu ration - CSIIfPort View (page 49)
Device Name
Contact Status
No. Interfaces
• FddiMAC Device Con figu ration View (page 49)
(available with option al HSIM or FEPIM)
• ATM Clien t Con figu ration View (page 52)
(available with option al HSIM or FEPIM)
• Fast Eth ern et Con figu ration View (page 54)
• Repeater Con figu ration View (page 56)
• Eth ern et Based Con figu ration (page 58)
(available with GPIM m odels)
Interface Configuration Table
Number of Interfaces
Component Table
Index Type Phy Address Max Frame Size
Oper Status
DownLoad Application
Trap Table
Device Configuration View
Acces s : From the Icon Su bviews menu the
Sma rtSw itch 6000 Device icon, select Con figu r a t ion .
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C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w s
D e v i c e C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w
Th is view (Figu re 15) provides statu s an d
con figu ration in form ation abou t th e device as a
wh ole as well as on a port-by-port basis. Fields
an d Colu m n h eadin g with th e Device
Con figu ration view an d its su bviews are explain ed
in fu rth er detail in th e SPECTRUM Views
docu m en tation .
Open s a dialog box th at lets you set u p you r
workstation to be n otified of traps received an d
sen t by a m odu le.
Interface Configuration Table
Th is section of th e Device Con figu ration views
Contact Status
In dicates wh eth er a con n ection h as been
establish ed with th e m odu le.
provides th e followin g in form ation :
Number of Interfaces
Th e n u m ber of in terfaces available from th e
m odu le.
Accesses the Com m u n ity Nam e view. For
in form ation on u sin g th e Com m u n ity Nam e view,
refer to SPECTRUM Por t a ble Ma n a gem en t
Ap p lica t ion Tools Gu id e.
Th e n u m erical valu e iden tifyin g th e port.
Th e type of h ardware in terface for th e port.
Download Application
Phy Address
Th e MAC address of th e port.
Accesses the TFTP Down Load dialog box, wh ich
lets you u pgrade firm ware for th e m odu le from
th e TFTP Boot or Bootp Server. For m ore
in form ation , refer to SPECTRUM Por t a ble
Ma n a gem en t Ap p lica t ion Tools Gu id e.
Max Frame Size
Th e m axim u m fram e size for th e m odu le.
Oper Status
Th e cu rren t operation al state of th e port (Up,
Down , or Testin g).
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C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w s
P o r t C o n f i g u r a t i o n - C S I I f P o r t V i e w
Port Configuration - CSIIfPort
FddiMAC Device Configuration
Acces s : From the Icon Su bviews menu for the Cha ss is
Device view s, select FIDDI Con figu r a t ion , from the
Icon Su bviews m en u of the FddiMa c Applica tion icon,
s elect Con figu r a t ion .
Acces s : From the Icon S u bviews of the Sma rtSw itch
6000 Interfa ce Icon, s elect CS IifPor t .
Th is view displays in terface-specific MIB
Th is view provides in form ation on th e
Interface Index
Th e n u m erical valu e iden tifyin g th e port.
con figu ration an d operatin g statu s of th e
con cen trator. Th e view is divided in to two areas,
Station Con figu ration an d SMT In form ation .
Interface Type
Th e type of in terface for th e port (e.g., Eth ern et,
FDDI, etc.).
Station Configuration
Th is area of th e FddiMAC Device Con figu ration
view provides in form ation specific to th e FDDI
station .
Operation Status
Th e cu rren t operatin g state of th e port. Possible
valu es are On , Off, or Test.
Admin Status
Ring State
A bu tton that lets you ch an ge th e cu rren t
adm in istrative statu s of th e port. Possible valu es
are On , Off, or Test.
Th e cu rren t state of th e FDDI rin g. Table 20 lists
th e possible states an d th eir description s.
MAC Configuration
IF Description
Allows you to en ter a textu al description of th e
in terface.
Displays the actual configuration of the station.
Table 21 lists the possible configu ration states and
their descriptions.
Current MAC Path
Th e rin g th at th is station resides on . Possible
valu es are Prim ary, Secon dary, Local, or Isolated.
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C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w s
F d d i M A C D e v i c e C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w
MAC Address
Non Master Ports
Th e MAC (ph ysical) address of th is station .
Th e n u m ber of n on -m aster ports on th is station .
MAC Count
Master Ports
Th e n u m ber of MACs su pported by th is station .
Th e n u m ber of m aster ports on th is station .
Table 2 0 : FDDI Rin g St at s
Ring State
Th e con cen trator is n ot attach ed to th e rin g.
Th e con cen trator is attem ptin g to en ter th e rin g.
Th e rin g is operation al.
Non -Op
Rin g-Op
Th e claim / beacon process of th e FDDI rin g protocol h as exceeded on e secon d. Th is in dicates a poten tial
problem .
Non -Op-Du p
Th e rin g failed to com plete th e claim / beacon process becau se a du plicate FDDI address h as been
Rin g-Op-Du p
Th e rin g is operation al, bu t a du plicate FDDI address h as been detected.
Th e claim / beacon process did n ot com plete with in n in e secon ds. Th e con cen trator is n ow sen din g
directed beacon s to in dicate a problem .
A problem h as been detected with th e station or its u pstream n eigh bor. A trace is bein g sen t to n otify th e
u pstream n eigh bor of th e problem . Th e con cen trator an d all station s between th e con cen trator an d its
u pstream n eigh bor can perform self-tests.
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C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w s
F d d i M A C D e v i c e C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w
Table 2 1 : SMT MAC Con figu rat ion St at es
Ring State
Th e port is n ot in serted in to an y path .
Th e A port is in serted in to a local path an d th e B port is n ot.
Th e B port is in serted in to a local path an d th e A port is n ot.
Both A an d B ports are in serted in to a local path .
Th e S port is in serted in to a local path .
Th e secon dary path is wrapped to th e A port.
Th e secon dary path is wrapped to th e B port.
Th e prim ary path is wrapped to th e B port an d th e secon dary path is wrapped to th e A port.
Th e prim ary port is wrapped to th e S port.
Th e prim ary an d secon dary path s are join ed in tern ally in th e station an d wrapped to th e A port. Regardin g
token flow, all resou rces on th e secon dary path precede th ose of th e prim ary path .
Th ru
Th e prim ary an d secon dary path s are join ed in tern ally in th e station an d wrapped to th e B port. Regardin g
token flow, all resou rces on th e secon dary path precede th ose of th e prim ary path .
Th e prim ary an d secon dary path s are join ed in tern ally in th e station an d wrapped to th e S port. Regardin g
token flow, all resou rces on th e secon dary path precede th ose of th e prim ary path .
Th e prim ary path en ters th e A port an d em erges from th e B port. Th e secon dary path en ters th e B port an d
em erges from th e A port.
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C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w s
A T M C l i e n t C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w
SMT Information
Th is area of th e FddiMAC Device Con figu ration
view provides th e followin g con figu ration
in form ation on th e FDDI SMT:
ATM Client Configuration View
Th is view provides VPI/ VPC con figu ration
in form ation on th e ATM in terfaces.
Max VPCs (Virtual Path Connections)
Th e m axim u m n u m ber of VPCs su pported at th is
ATM in terface. At th e UNI (User Network
In terface), th e m axim u m n u m ber of VPCs ran ges
from 0 to 256.
SMT Version
Th e version of Station Man agem en t (SMT)
ru n n in g.
OBS Present
In dicates wh eth er an Optical Bypass Switch
(OBS) is con n ected.
Max VCCs (Virtual Channel Connections)
Th e m axim u m n u m ber of VCCs su pported at th is
ATM in terface.
T-Notify (sec)
Th e tim er valu e, in secon ds, u sed in Neigh bor
Notification Protocol. Th e allowed ran ge is from 2
to 30 secon ds.
Conf VPCs
Th e n u m ber of VPCs con figu red for u se at th is
ATM in terface. At th e UNI (User Network
In terface), th e con figu red n u m ber of VPCs ran ges
from 0 to 256.
T-Req (milli sec)
Th e Target Token Rotation Tim e (TTRT) bid, in
m illisecon ds, m ade by th is con cen trator.
Conf VCCs
Th e n u m ber of VCCs con figu red for u se at th is
ATM in terface.
T-Neg (milli sec)
Th e win n in g TTRT bid, in m illisecon ds, on th e
rin g.
Max VPI (Virtual Path Identifier) Bits
Th e m axim u m n u m ber of active VPI bits
con figu red for u se at this ATM in terface. At th e
UNI (User Network In terface), th e m axim u m
n u m ber of active VPI bits con figu red for u se
ran ges from 0 to 8.
TVX (milli sec)
Th e valid tran sm ission tim e, in m illisecon ds.
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C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w s
A T M C l i e n t C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w
Max VCI (Virtual Channel Identifier) Bits
Th e m axim u m n u m ber of active VCI bits
con figu red for u se at th is ATM in terface.
Man agem en t Station can sen d SNMP m essages as
IP datagram s to UDP port 161 in order to access
n etwork m an agem en t in form ation con cern in g th e
operation of th at system .
ILMI (Interim Local Management Interface) VPI
Th e VPI valu e of th e VCC su pportin g th e ILMI at
th is ATM in terface. If th e valu es of both ILMI VPI
an d ILMI VCI equ al 0, th en th e ILMI is n ot
su pported for th is ATM in terface.
Neighbor If Name
Th e n am e of th e in terface on th e n eigh bor system
at th e far en d of th is in terface, an d to wh ich this
in terface con n ects. If th e n eigh bor system is
m an ageable th rou gh SNMP an d su pports th e
object ifNam e, th e valu e of th is object m u st be
iden tical to th at of th e ifNam e for the ifEn try of
th e lowest level ph ysical in terface for th is port. If
th is in terface does n ot h ave a n am e, th e valu e of
th is object is a zero len gth strin g.
Th e VCI valu e of th e VCC su pportin g th e ILMI at
th is ATM in terface. If th e valu es of both ILMI VPI
an d ILMI VCI equ al 0, th en th e ILMI is n ot
su pported for th is ATM in terface.
Address Type
Th e type of prim ary ATM address con figu red for
u se at th is ATM in terface.
Admin Address
Th e address assign ed for adm in istrative
pu rposes. If th is in terface h as n o assign ed
adm in istrative address or if th e address u sed for
adm in istrative pu rposes is th e sam e as th at u sed
for th e ph ysical address, th en th is is an octet
strin g of zero len gth .
Neighbor Address
Th e IP address of th e n eigh bor system con n ected
to th e far en d of th is in terface to wh ich a Network
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C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w s
F a s t E t h e r n e t C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w
Figu re 1 6 : Fast Et h ern et Con figu rat ion View
Fast Ethernet Configuration
View of type 6E122_26 of Landscape
File View
Acces s : Double-Click a ny entry in the Fa s t Et h er n et
Por t Ta ble to open this view .
Net Addr
Model Name
Sys Up Time
Device Type
Serial Number
Description Cabletron 6E122_26 Rev 01.01.04 SmartSwitch
Th is view (Figu re 16) lets you con figu re ports for
Eth ern et, Fast Eth ern et, or Au to-Negotiation . Th e
Fast Eth ern et Con figu ration views con tain s th ree
pan els: Operation al Mode, Advertised Ability an d
Received Tech n ology, th at provide addition al
in form ation for con figu rin g th is device.
Primary Applica-
Port Group
Operational Mode
Advertised Ability
Received Technology
Operational Mode
Th is pan el, in th e Fast Eth ern et Con figu ration
view, sh ows th e cu rrent operation al m ode of th is
port. If you select Auto-Negotiation, you can
select as m an y m odes as n eeded from th e
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C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w s
F a s t E t h e r n e t C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w
Advertised Ability selection s. You can on ly select
on e Operation al Mode. Table 22 sh ows th e
cu rren t m odes, th eir valu es, an d description s.
can also dyn am ically con figu re th em selves for
Fu ll Du plex or Half Du plex (stan dard m ode)
operation wh en both en ds of th e lin k su pport
au to-n egotiation . Wh en on ly on e link partn er
su pports au to-n egotiation , th e m ode defau lts to
h alf du plex. Table 23 lists th e advertised ability
m odes, th eir valu es, an d description s.
Table 2 2 : Operat ion al Mode Valu es
Operational Mode Value
Au to Negotiation
Au to Negotiation / Parallel
Table 2 3 : Advert ised Abilit y Valu es
Fu ll du plex 10Base-T
Fu ll Du plex 10Base-T
Fu ll du plex 100Base-TX
Fu ll Du plex 100Base-TX
Fu ll Du plex 100Base-FX
Fu ll Du plex 100Base-FX
Advertised Ability
Th is pan el, in th e Fast Eth ern et Con figu ration
view, sh ows th e advertised ability of th e local
h ardware, wh ich on ly becom es active on ports
th at h ave Au t o-Negot iat ion en abled. Au to-
n egotiation allows th e FE-100TX RJ 45 port to
self-con figu re to 10 or 100 Mbps depen din g on
th e speed of th e attach ed m odu le. Th e in terfaces
Received Technology
Th is pan el, in th e Fast Eth ern et Con figu ration
view, sh ows th e received tech n ology of th e rem ote
h ardware, or lin k partn er. Table 24 lists th e
received tech n ology m odes, th eir valu es, an d
description s. Th ese m odes are read on ly.
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C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w s
Table 2 4 : Received Tech n ology Valu es
R e p e a t e r C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w
statu s of th e selected repeater in terface. Th is view
is divided in to th e fou r areas described below
(Repeat er Man agem en t , Trap Man agem en t ,
Alarm Con figu rat ion , an d Error Sou rce).
Un defin ed
Un defin ed
Repeater Management
Th is area of th e Repeater Con figu ration view
Au to-
Au to-Negotiation / Parallel
provides th e port in form ation described below.
Lin k Partn er does n ot su pport
Au to-Negotiation
Port Count
Displays th e total n u m ber of ports on th is LAN
segm en t.
Fu ll du plex 10Base-T
Ports On
Displays th e total n u m ber of ports cu rren tly in
th e ON state on th is n etwork.
100Base-TXFD 64
Fu ll du plex 100Base-TX
Ports Operational
Displays th e n u m ber of operation al ports on th is
n etwork.
100Base-FXFD 512
Fu ll du plex 100Base-FX
Network Ports
Allows you to en able th e n etwork ports on th is
n etwork segm en t. Possible states are: “NoEn able”
an d “En able”.
Repeater Configuration View
Acces s : From the Cha s sis Device view highlight the
a ppropria te Repea ter la bel on the Cha s sis Module icon,
from Icon S u bviews menu, the s elect the Rep ea t er
Con figu r a t ion .
Th e Repeater Con figu ration view provides
in form ation on th e con figu ration an d operatin g
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C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w s
R e p e a t e r C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w
Traffic Alarms
Allows you to en able or disable detection of Traffic
Alarm s.
Trap Configuration
Th is area of th e Repeater Con figu ration view
allows you to en able or disable th e followin g
Traffic Threshold
Displays th e th resh old valu e for th e n u m ber of
packets th at can be tran sm itted du rin g th e
Tim ebase before gen eratin g a traffic alarm . Th is
field is u ser -con figu rable from 1 to 4 billion .
Link Traps
Allows all packets in dicatin g a ch an ge in lin k
statu s to be reported with in th e trap database.
Possible m en u selection s are: Disable, En able,
an d oth er.
Collision Alarms
Allows you to en able or disable detection of
Collision Alarm s.
Segmentation Traps
Allows all packets in dicatin g a ch an ge in
segm en tation statu s to be reported with in th e
trap database. Possible m en u selection s are:
Disable, Enable, an d oth er.
Collision Threshold
Displays th e th resh old valu e with in th e alarm
tim ebase wh ich , on ce th at n u m ber of collision s
per good packet is exceeded, gen erates a collision
alarm . Th is valu e is u ser -con figu rable. Allowable
ran ge is 1 to 15 collision s per good packet.
Alarm Configuration
Th is area of th e Repeater Con figu ration view
provides con figu ration in form ation on gen eratin g
alarm s for th e selected m odu le. Th is area
con tain s the fields described below.
Broadcast Alarms
Allows you to en able or disable detection of
Broadcast Alarm s.
Broadcast Threshold
Displays th e th resh old valu e with in th e alarm
tim ebase wh ich , on ce th at n u m ber of broadcasts
received is exceeded, gen erates a broadcast
alarm . Th is valu e is u ser -con figu rable. Allowable
ran ge is 1 to ~4 billion .
Displays the u ser defin ed tim e in terval, in
secon ds, for th e Traffic Th resh old. Th e lowest
allowable valu e is 10.
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C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w s
E t h e r n e t B a s e d C o n f i g u r a t i o n
Error Alarms
Allows you to en able or disable detection of Error
Alarm s. Possible m en u selection s are: En able an d
Th e n u m ber of tim es th e m odu le ran ou t of
resou rces (i.e., lack of bu ffer space) an d cou ld n ot
accept packets.
Error Threshold
Displays th e th resh old valu e for th e percen tage of
errors per good packet th at m ay occu r within th e
Tim ebase before gen eratin g an error alarm . Th is
valu e is u ser -con figu rable from 1 to 100.
Packets received th at exceed 1518 bytes (n ot
in clu din g pream ble).
Ethernet Based Configuration
Acces s : From the Cha s s is Icon, s elect Et h er n et Ba sed
Error Source
Con figu r a t ion .
Th is area of th e Repeater Con figu ration view
provides a series of bu tton s th at let you select th e
types of errors to in clu de in th e error su m . Th e
selectable error types are as described below.
Th is view provides port con figu ration in form ation
for GPIM m odels. Th is view also sh ares fields with
th e Fast Eth ern et Con figu ration View (page 54)
an d th e sh ared fields are covered th ere. Th e fields
below detail th e device specific in form ation fou n d
with th is view.
Packets with bad Cyclical Redu n dan cy Ch ecks.
Auto Negotiate Mode
A packet th at is on e byte less th an th e stan dard
Eth ern et fram e of 64 bytes (n ot in clu din g
pream ble).
In dicates wh eth er Au to-Negotiation is en abled for
a specific port. If Au to-Negotiation is disabled th e
port will revert to th e speed, du plex, an d flow
con trol settin gs specified by th eir associated
leaves in th e Flow Con trol grou ps.
Collision s ou t of th e stan dard win dow du e to a
n etwork problem .
Remote Auto Signal
In dicates wh eth er th e rem ote en d of th e lin k is
operatin g in Au to-Negotiation sign alin g or n ot.
Misalign ed packets detected.
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C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w s
E t h e r n e t B a s e d C o n f i g u r a t i o n
Flow Control
Th e cu rren t or desired operation al statu s of th e
fu ll-du plex flow con trol on th is port.
Port Type
Gives th e n am e of th e device con figu red on th is
Link Status
Describes th e statu s of th e lin k for th e device
con figu red on th is port.
Advertised Abilities
Th is field is described u n der th e Fast Eth ern et
Con figu ration View (page 54).
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M o d e l I n f o r m a t i o n V i e w
E t h e r n e t B a s e d C o n f i g u r a t i o n
Model Information View
This section provides a brief description of the Model Information view available for the models of SmartSwitch
6000 devices in SPECTRUM.
Model In form ation views provide descriptive and
con figu ration in form ation abou t SPECTRUM
m odels of in dividu al devices, in terfaces, an d
applications. Figu re 17 sh ows an exam ple of th e
Model In form ation view accessed from th e Icon
Su bviews m en u for th e 6E132_25 m odel’s Device
Icon . Model In form ation views are also available
for each of th e In terface icon s in th e In terface
Device an d Device Topology views, an d for each of
th e Application icon s in th e Application view.
Alth ou gh th ese views m ay vary sligh tly depen din g
on th e particu lar en tity bein g m odeled, th eir basic
layou t an d con ten t are sim ilar for m ost
Figu re 1 7 : Model In form at ion View
IP Address of type 6E132_25 of Landscape VNMHost: Primary
File View
Model Information View
Net Addr
Model Name
Sys Up Time
Device Type
Serial Number
General Information
Communication Information
MM Name
DCM TimeOut
MM Part Number
MM Version Number
Model Type
DCM Retry
Community Name
Mgmnt Protocol
Model Creation Time
Model Created By
Poll/Log Information
Poll Interval
Model State
SPECTRUM m an agem en t m odu les. Th erefore
th ese views are described in th e m ore detail in th e
SPECTRUM Views docu m en tation .
Polling Status
Security String
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M o d e l i n g
This section describes how to manually model a 6C105 chassis and a SmartSwitch 6000 module installed in the
chassis and place the resulting device icons in their proper SPECTRUM views.
Au todiscovery in volves m an u ally m odelin g a seed
Th e followin g topics are covered in th is section :
rou ter, bridge, or switch (if su ch a m odel does
exist) an d th en ru n n in g Au toDiscovery on e or
m ore tim es to com plete th e n etwork m odel. You
th en refin e you r au todiscovered n etwork m odel to
im prove m an agem en t capabilities.
• Au toDiscovery vs. Man u al Modelin g (page 61)
• Man u al Modelin g Overview (page 62)
• Preparation for Modelin g (page 63)
• Modelin g Usin g th e Ch assis IP (page 63)
• Position in g th e Ch assis Device Icon (page 66)
Refer to Get t in g St a r t ed wit h
SPECTRUM for Ad m in is t r a t or s an d
How t o Ma n a ge You r Net wor k wit h
SPECTRUM for in s tru ction s on u s in g
Au toDis covery an d refin in g you r
n etwork m odel.
Not :
AutoDiscovery vs. Manual
SPECTRUM’s Au toDiscovery is recom m en ded if
you are m odelin g a n etwork for th e first tim e or
wan t to discover an d m odel a n etwork segm en t
after m aking ch an ges to it.
Th e m an u al m odelin g procedu res described in
th is section sh ou ld be u sed wh en m akin g m in or
ch an ges to th e n etwork. Th is in clu des su ch
action s as placin g an already discovered m odu le
in Mixed Man agem en t m ode or addin g a n ew
ch assis or m odu le to th e n etwork.
Au toDiscovery is n ot recom m en ded for u se wh en
th e Sm artSwitch 6000 is in Mixed Man agem en t
m ode, see Man agem en t Modes (page 9).
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M o d e l i n g
M a n u a l M o d e l i n g O v e r v i e w
For proper device m an agem en t, th e m odu le’s
Device icons appear in a Topology view an d you
m ay place th e ch assis’s Device icon in a Room
Location view. Th is is tru e wh eth er you u se
Au toDiscovery or m an u al m odelin g, In som e
in stan ces, th is m ay requ ire you to copy an d paste
Device icons in to th e proper SPECTRUM views.
Th e m an u al m odelin g in stru ction s given in th is
section describe h ow th is is accom plish ed.
th e ch assis Device icon in th e Fin d view.
Access th e Fin d you by selectin g View>New
View> Fin d. Select an attribu te by wh ich you
can search for you r Ch assis. Create a Room
Location view an d copy th e ch assis Device
icon in to th e Room Location view.
Th is on ly work s wh en m odels are in
th e dis tribu ted m ode.
Not :
Manual Modeling Overview
Th e followin g altern atives exist for m odelin g you r
n etwork com pon en ts m an u ally.
Container View
Acces s : From the Icon Su bviews men for the Cha s s is
Device icon, s elect Con t a in er.
• Modelin g u sin g t h e ch assis IP address in a
Locat ion View. Create a ch assis m odel with in
a Room Location view u sin g th e ch assis’s IP
address. On ce th e ch assis is m odeled,
SPECTRUM’s distribu ted m an agem en t
featu re iden tifies an d m odels th e m odu les
con tain ed in th e ch assis an d places th eir
Device icon s in th e ch assis’s Con tain er view.
You th en copy an d paste th e Device icon s in to
th e Topology view.
Th is view (Figu re 18) displays Location view
Device icon s for each m odu le m odeled in
SPECTRUM an d con tain ed in th e ch assis.
• Modelin g u sin g in t h e Topology view. You
can also create th e ch assis IP address in th e
Topology view by m odelin g with th e ch assis’s
IP address in th e Topology view an d all th e
m odels in th e ch assis will appear h ere. Locate
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M o d e l i n g
P r e p a r a t i o n f o r M o d e l i n g
Figu re 1 8 : Ch assis Con t ain er View
Preparation for Modeling
Before m odelin g th e chassis, you sh ou ld be
fam iliar with th e process of creatin g m odels an d
accessin g views. Refer to Get t in g St a r t ed wit h
SPECTRUM for Ad m in is t r a t or s and How t o
Ma n a ge You r Net wor k wit h SPECTRUM for
in stru ction s. You sh ou ld also be fam iliar with an y
n etwork m an agem en t an d firm ware requ irem ents
described in th e 6C105 ch assis firm ware
docu m en tation .
Primary Landscape 0x00400000 - VNM Host -
File View
Model One
Model Three
Model Two
For proper m odelin g, th e ch as s is an d its
in s talled m odu les m u s t n ot be in Mixed
Man agem en t m ode. Each m odu le s h ou ld
h ave its own IP addres s or th e ch as s is
s h ou ld be con figu red with a s in gle IP
addres s .
Model Four
Model Five
Modeling Using the Chassis IP
Th e ch assis m odel can on ly be place in a Room
Location view. Th e Room Location view is created
by startin g at th e Un iverse level view an d n avigate
in to th e Room Location level, as described below.
At th e Un iverse level, select View > New View
> Locat ion .
Th is places you at th e top level of th e Location
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M o d e l i n g
M o d e l i n g U s i n g t h e C h a s s i s I P
Access th e Edit m ode an d select Edit > New
Figu re 20 : Creat in g Bu ildin g Dialog Box
Creating Building
Please enter:
Th e Select Model Type dialog box displays
(Figu re 19).
Building Name
Security String
Figure 1 9 : Select Model Type Dialog Box
Select Model Type
En ter th e Bu ildin g n am e an d a Secu rity
Strin g (option al) an d click OK.
Th e Bu ildin g icon appears in th e Bu ildin g
Location view (Figu re 21).
Figu re 2 1 : Bu ildin g Locat ion View
Primary Landscape 0x00400000 - VNM Host -
File Edit
Select Bu ildin g an d th en click OK.
Th e Creatin g Bu ildin g dialog box displays
(Figu re 20).
Building Name
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M o d e l i n g
M o d e l i n g U s i n g t h e C h a s s i s I P
Exit th e Edit m ode an d dou ble-click th e
Bu ildin g icon to open its Location view.
15 Exit th e Edit m ode wh en th e ch assis Device
icon appears in th e Room Location view.
Access th e Edit m ode an d select View > New
New Model By IP Option
Th e Select Model Type dialog box displays.
Select Room an d th en click OK.
Th is option for m odelin g a m odu le or ch assis
proceeds as follows:
In th e appropriate Topology view, select File >
Edit to place the view in th e Edit m ode.
Th e Room Creation dialog box displays.
En ter a Room n am e an d a Secu rity Strin g
(option al) an d th en click OK.
Select Edit > New Model By IP.
Th e Select Model Type dialog box displays,
En ter th e IP address assign ed to th e m odu le.
Th e Room icon displays in th e Room Location
Exit th e Edit m ode.
En ter th e Com m u n ity Nam e th at h as been
assign ed locally to th e m odu le. Th e defau lt
Com m u n ity Nam e valu e is “pu blic.”
Th is places you in th e Room Location view,
wh ere you can create th e ch assis m odel.
See you r n etwork adm in is trator to verify
th at th e Com m u n ity Nam e h as n ot been
ch an ged from “pu blic” to an oth er acces s
10 Dou ble-click th e Room icon to open its
Location view.
Not :
policy n am e.
11 Access th e Edit m ode,
12 Select Edit > New Model.
Click OK.
Th e Select Model Type dialog box displays.
13 Select 6 C1 0 5 an d click OK.
SPECTRUM places th e Device icon
represen tin g th e m odu le at th e top of th e
Topology view.
Th e Creatin g 6C105 dialog box displays.
14 En ter th e Network Address (IP) an d click OK.
Select File > Close Edit to exit th e Edit m ode.
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M o d e l i n g
M o d e l i n g U s i n g t h e C h a s s i s I P
See Posit ion in g t h e Ch assis Device Icon ,
Exit th e Edit m ode.
below, to properly locate th e au tom atically
created ch assis Device icon .
Positioning the Chassis Device
Som e of th e m odelin g procedu res described above
au tom atically create a ch assis Device icon . Th is
icon can be copied in to a Room Location view.
Create a Room Location view u sin g Steps 1
th rou gh 10 in Modelin g Usin g th e Ch assis IP
(page 63).
To locate th e ch assis Device icon , activate th e
Topology view an d select View > New View >
Fin d.
Copy th e ch assis Device icon into th e Room
Location view as follows:
a With in th e Fin d view, select File > Edit .
b Select 6 C1 0 5 .
c From th e Edit m en u , select Copy.
d Access th e Room Location view an d select
File > Edit to en ter th e Edit m ode.
e Select Past e.
Th e icon appears in th e Room Location view.
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Collision Th resh old 57
Com m u n ity
6H Series Devices 12
6M146-04 Device 12
Backplan e
Nam e 48
Strin g 54
Basic Alar m s 23
Beacon 50
Con cen trator, Isolated 50
Con figu rin g Ports 54
Con tact Statu s 48
Coolin g Fan s In for m ation 29
CRC 58
Application Statu s 25
Detail 24
Cu rren t MAC Path 49
Cyclical Redu n dan cy Ch ecks 58
MAC 32
Mac 50
Type 53
Adm in
Model In form ation 24
Perform an ce 24
Address 53
Alarm s 57
Statu s 49
Th resh old 57
Detect, Rin g State 50
In form ation 22
DevTop View 23, 37
Directed 50
Adm in istrative Statu s 31
Advertised Ability 55
Alarm Con figu ration In fo 57
Align m en t 58
Application s 40
ATM Ch an n els In form ation 41
ATM Operation 15
Au toDiscovery 62
A 51
B 51
S 51
Ch assis 10
Error Sou rce 58
Ch assis In form ation 21, 29
Ch assis Modu le Icon 22
Claim / Beacon Process 50
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I n d e x
I n d e x
In form ation 25, 30
Nu m ber 31
Type 23, 35
Fast Eth ern et
Statu s 25
Mon itorin g Operation 16
Con figu ration 40
Operation 15
Isolated 51
FDDI Operation 16
FDDI Rin g States 50
FddiMAC Con figu ration View 49
Fram e Size 48
Address 53
If Nam e 53
Labels an d Icon s 14
A 51
Notification Protocol 52
Upstream 50
AB 51
B 51
S 51
Network In form ation 32
New Model By IP 65
No_Resou rce 58
Non Master Ports 50
Non -Op 50
Gian t Packets Received 58
Hardware Type 48
Address 32, 50
Con figu ration 49
Cou n t 50
OBS, Presen t 52
Oper Statu s 48
Operation al Mode 41
Optical Bypass Switch 52
Man agem en t Tasks 15
Icon s an d Labels 14
VCI 53
VPI 53
VCCs 52
VPCs 52
In dex 48, 49
In terface
VPI Bits 52
Con figu ration 48
Icon 31
In form ation 23, 60
Nam e 23, 35
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I n d e x
I n d e x
Statu s 26
Restricted Righ ts Notice 3
Rin g
Operation al 50
State 49
Rin g-Op, Du p 50
Ru n t Packets 58
Tradem arks 3
Traffic Th resh old 57
Tran sparen t Bridge In fo 24
Trap Con figu ration 57
T-Req 52
Trou blesh ootin g 15
Path , Cu rren t MAC 49
Perform an ce Statistics 18, 32
Ph ysical Address 48
Ph ysical Application Statu s 25
TVX 52
Con figu ration 49
Cou n t 56
En able/ Disable 35
Operation al Mode 54
Type 31
In form ation 52
MAC Con figu ration 51
Version 52
Upgradin g Firm ware 16
Upstream Neigh bor 50
Master 50
Non Master 50
On 56
Operation al 56
Power Su pply In form ation 29
Protocols 31
Sou rce Address Man agem en t 57
Span n in g Tree In form ation 24
Static Database Table 24
Station Man agem en t 52
Valid Tran sm ission Tim e 52
VCCs 52
VCI Bits 53
Views 14
Target Token Rotation Tim e 52
Th ru 51
Con figu ration View 56
Fram es & Errors 27
Fram es & Protocols 27
Port In form ation 28
Selectin g Con dition s 27
T-Neg 52
T-Notify 52
Token Rotation Tim e 52
Topology 37
Trace 50
Adm in Statu s 42, 44
Com m u n ication In form ation 43
Create 44
En caps Type 43, 45
In terface 44
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I n d e x
Last Ch an ge 42, 45
I n d e x
Oper Statu s 42, 44
Rcv Descr In dex 45
Receive Size 43, 45
Rem ove 44
Row Statu s 43, 44
RTD In dex 42
Tran sm it Size 42, 45
TTD In dex 42
Update 44
Validate Row 44
VCI 44
VCL CC Id 43, 45
VPI 44
Xm it Descr In dex 45
VPCs 52
VPI Bits 52
VPI/ VCI Con figu ration 52
A 51
AB 51
B 51
S 51
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