Bosch Appliances Home Security System D9112B User Manual

Program Entry Guide  
EN Control Panel  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | Contents  
EN | 3  
RAM Parameters............................................22  
RAM Passcode ............................................................ 22  
Log % Full .................................................................... 22  
RAM Call Back........................................................... 23  
RAM Line Monitor .................................................... 23  
Answer Armed............................................................ 23  
Answer Disarmed ...................................................... 23  
Ram Ph ......................................................................... 24  
Table of Contents  
Panel Wide Parameter..................................8  
Phone .................................................................8  
Phone 1............................................................................8  
Phone 2............................................................................9  
Phone 3............................................................................9  
Phone 4............................................................................9  
Modem Format..............................................................9  
Point/User Flag ...........................................................10  
DTMF Dialing .............................................................11  
Phone Supv Time .......................................................11  
Alarm On Fail..............................................................11  
Two Phone Lines ........................................................11  
BFSK Duress Code .....................................................12  
Expanded Test Rpt.....................................................12  
Cancel Report .............................................................12  
Ground Start................................................................12  
Area Wide Parameters............................... 25  
Area Parameters.............................................25  
Area #........................................................................... 25  
A# Area On................................................................. 25  
A# Acct Number ........................................................ 25  
A# FA Bypass Max .................................................... 25  
A# Delay Res .............................................................. 26  
A# Exit Tone............................................................... 26  
A# Exit Dly Time....................................................... 26  
A# Auto Watch........................................................... 26  
A# Verify Time .......................................................... 26  
Phone Routing ................................................12  
Bell Parameters...............................................27  
Ph# Fire Alarm/Res...................................................17  
Ph# Tbl/Res .................................................................17  
Ph# Alarm/Res/Cncl .................................................17  
Ph# Trouble.................................................................17  
Ph# Open/Close .........................................................17  
Ph# Test/Stat Rpt .......................................................18  
Ph# Diagnostic ............................................................18  
Ph# Relay .....................................................................18  
Ph# Skeds .....................................................................18  
Ph# RAM......................................................................18  
Ph# Power/Phone.......................................................18  
Ph# Service..................................................................19  
Area #........................................................................... 27  
A# Fire Time............................................................... 27  
A# Fire Pat................................................................... 28  
A# Burg Time ............................................................. 28  
A# Burg Pat................................................................. 28  
A# Single Ring............................................................ 29  
A# Bell Test................................................................. 29  
Opening and Closing.....................................29  
Open and Close Options ..............................29  
Area............................................................................... 30  
A# Acct O/C ............................................................... 30  
A# Area O/C .............................................................. 31  
A# Restricted O/C..................................................... 32  
A# Perimeter O/C..................................................... 33  
A# Disable O/C in Window.................................... 33  
A# Auto Close ............................................................ 34  
A# Fail To Open ........................................................ 34  
A# Fail To Close ........................................................ 34  
Power Supervision..........................................19  
AC Fail Time ...............................................................19  
AC Fail/Res Rpt..........................................................19  
AC Tag Along..............................................................19  
AC/Battery Buzz .........................................................19  
Bat Fail/Res Rpt..........................................................20  
O/C Windows................................................35  
Printer Parameters..........................................20  
Window ........................................................................ 35  
W## Sunday................................................................ 35  
W## Monday.............................................................. 35  
W## Tuesday.............................................................. 35  
W## Wednesday........................................................ 35  
W## Thursday............................................................ 36  
W## Friday ................................................................. 36  
W## Saturday............................................................. 36  
Printer Address ...........................................................20  
P## Scope ....................................................................20  
P## Area Assign.........................................................21  
P ## Supervision ........................................................21  
P## Prt Points..............................................................21  
P ## Prt O/C................................................................21  
P## Prt Non Alrm ......................................................21  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | Contents  
EN | 4  
W## Open Early Begin.............................................36  
W## Open Window Start ........................................36  
Perim Delay................................................................. 51  
L## Perim Delay .........................................................52  
Watch Mode ................................................................ 53  
L## Watch Mode ........................................................53  
Perim Partial ............................................................... 53  
L## Perim Partial.........................................................53  
View Area Stat............................................................ 53  
L## View Area Stat.....................................................53  
View Event Mem........................................................ 53  
L## View Event Mem ................................................53  
View Pt Status............................................................. 54  
L## View Pt Stat..........................................................54  
Walk Test ..................................................................... 54  
L## Walk Test .............................................................54  
Fire Test........................................................................ 54  
L## Fire Test................................................................54  
Send Report................................................................. 55  
L## Send Report .........................................................55  
Chg Display................................................................. 55  
L## Chg Display .........................................................55  
Chg Time/Date........................................................... 55  
L## Chg Time/Date....................................................55  
Chg Passcode............................................................... 55  
L## Chg Passcode.......................................................55  
Add Passcode .............................................................. 56  
L## Add Passcode.......................................................56  
Del Passcode................................................................ 56  
L## Del Passcode ........................................................56  
Extend Close ............................................................... 56  
L## Extend Close........................................................56  
View Log...................................................................... 56  
L## View Log..............................................................57  
Print Log....................................................................... 57  
L## Print Log...............................................................57  
User Cmd 7.................................................................. 57  
L## User Cmd 7..........................................................57  
User Cmd 9.................................................................. 57  
L## User Cmd 9..........................................................57  
Bypass a Pt ................................................................... 58  
L## Bypass a Pt ...........................................................58  
Unbypass a Pt.............................................................. 58  
L## Unbypass a Pt ......................................................58  
Reset Sensors............................................................... 58  
L## Reset Sensors .......................................................58  
Relay Control.............................................................. 58  
L## Relay Control.......................................................58  
Remote Program ........................................................ 58  
Programming Two Opening Windows  
on the Same Day ............................................37  
Programming to Link Two Days Over  
Midnight ..........................................................37  
W## Close Early Begin.............................................37  
W## Close Window Start.........................................38  
W## Close Window Stop.........................................38  
W## Xept Holiday.....................................................39  
Holiday Indexes for O/C Windows.............39  
W## Holiday 1............................................................39  
W## Holiday 2............................................................39  
W## Holiday 3............................................................39  
W## Holiday 4............................................................39  
W## Area #.................................................................39  
Opening/Closing Windows Worksheet.......40  
Command Center...........................................42  
Cmd Cntr Assignment...................................42  
Cmd Center #..............................................................42  
CC# Supervised..........................................................42  
CC# Scope ...................................................................42  
CC# Area .....................................................................43  
Area Text.........................................................43  
Area ...............................................................................43  
Area # Is On ................................................................43  
Area # Not Ready.......................................................43  
Area # Is Off ................................................................43  
Area # Acct Is On.......................................................43  
Custom Function ............................................44  
Custom Function ###................................................44  
CF### Text .................................................................44  
CF### Key Strokes....................................................44  
Programming Custom Function Keystrokes45  
User Interface................................................45  
Commands ......................................................45  
Command Menu and Custom Functions ....45  
Cmd Center Function....................................46  
Authority Lvl Assign......................................46  
L## Disarm...................................................................47  
Master Arm..................................................................48  
L## Master Arm...........................................................48  
Mstr Arm Inst...............................................................49  
L## Master Arm Inst...................................................50  
Perim Instant................................................................50  
L## Perim Inst..............................................................51  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | Contents  
EN | 5  
L## Remote Program..................................................59  
Move to Area...............................................................59  
L## Move to Area........................................................59  
Display Rev..................................................................59  
L## Display Rev ..........................................................59  
Service Walk................................................................59  
L## Service Walk.........................................................60  
Default Text.................................................................60  
L## Default Text..........................................................60  
Change Skeds..............................................................60  
L## Change Skeds.......................................................60  
UW## Holiday 4 ........................................................ 65  
Passcode Worksheet.................................... 66  
Duress ........................................................................... 66  
User ............................................................................... 67  
U## Passcode.............................................................. 67  
U## User Window..................................................... 67  
U## Area 1 Auth........................................................ 68  
U## Area 2 Auth........................................................ 68  
U## Area 3 Auth........................................................ 68  
U## Area 4 Auth........................................................ 68  
U## Area 5 Auth........................................................ 68  
U## Area 6 Auth........................................................ 68  
U## Area 7 Auth........................................................ 68  
U## Area 8 Auth........................................................ 68  
Authority Level Opening and Closing  
Options ............................................................60  
L## Force Arm.............................................................60  
L## Area O/C..............................................................61  
L## Restricted O/C.....................................................61  
L## Perimeter O/C......................................................61  
L## Send Duress..........................................................61  
L## Passcode Arm.......................................................62  
L## Passcode Disarm ..................................................62  
Point Index.................................................... 69  
Point Index #............................................................... 69  
P## Type...................................................................... 69  
P## Pt Response......................................................... 72  
P## Entry Delay......................................................... 73  
P## Entry Tone Off................................................... 73  
P## Silent Bell............................................................ 73  
P## Ring Until Restored.......................................... 73  
P## Audible After 2 Failures .................................. 74  
P## Invisible............................................................... 74  
P## Buz on Fault........................................................ 74  
P## Watch Point ........................................................ 74  
P## Relay Follows Point .......................................... 75  
P## Local While Disarmed ..................................... 75  
P## Local While Armed .......................................... 76  
P## Disable Restorals............................................... 76  
P## Returnable .......................................................... 76  
P## Bypassable........................................................... 77  
P## Swinger Bypass.................................................. 77  
P## Report Bypass at Occurrence......................... 77  
P## Defer Bypass Report......................................... 78  
P## Fire Point............................................................. 78  
P## Alarm Verify ...................................................... 78  
P## Resettable............................................................ 78  
Command Menu...........................................62  
Menu Item ....................................................................62  
M## Function..............................................................62  
M## CC Address 1.....................................................63  
M## CC Address 2.....................................................63  
M## CC Address 3.....................................................63  
M## CC Address 4.....................................................63  
M## CC Address 5.....................................................63  
M## CC Address 6.....................................................63  
M## CC Address 7.....................................................63  
M## CC Address 8.....................................................63  
User Access Windows..................................64  
User Window # ...........................................................64  
UW## Sunday.............................................................64  
UW## Monday ...........................................................64  
UW## Tuesday ...........................................................64  
UW## Wednesday.....................................................64  
UW## Thursday .........................................................64  
UW## Friday...............................................................64  
UW## Saturday..........................................................64  
UW## Access Window Start....................................64  
UW## Access Window Stop....................................64  
Point Assignments ....................................... 79  
Point Assignments..........................................79  
Point Number.............................................................. 79  
P## Point Index.......................................................... 79  
P### Area Assign...................................................... 79  
P### Debounce.......................................................... 79  
P### BFSK/Relay...................................................... 79  
P### Point Text......................................................... 80  
Holiday Indexes for User Access Windows65  
UW## Xept Holiday..................................................65  
UW## Holiday 1.........................................................65  
UW## Holiday 2.........................................................65  
UW## Holiday 3.........................................................65  
Command 9....................................................80  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | Contents  
EN | 6  
Point Index...................................................................80  
BFSK Code...................................................................80  
Point Text .....................................................................81  
S## Friday ................................................................... 93  
S## Saturday............................................................... 93  
S## Xept Holiday ...................................................... 93  
S## Holiday 1 ............................................................. 93  
S## Holiday 2 ............................................................. 93  
S## Holiday 3 ............................................................. 93  
S## Holiday 4 ............................................................. 94  
Command 7 ....................................................81  
Point Index...................................................................81  
BFSK Code...................................................................81  
Point Text .....................................................................81  
Relay Parameters .........................................82  
Holiday Indexes........................................... 94  
Area Wide Relays...........................................83  
Add/Change/Delete ......................................94  
Area ...............................................................................83  
A# Alarm Bell .............................................................83  
A# Fire Bell..................................................................83  
A# Reset Sensors ........................................................83  
A# Late To Close........................................................83  
A# Force Armed.........................................................84  
A# Watch Mode..........................................................84  
A# Area Armed ..........................................................84  
A# Area Fault..............................................................84  
A# Duress.....................................................................84  
A# Keypad Fail...........................................................84  
A# Perim Fault............................................................84  
A# Silent Alarm..........................................................84  
A# Command 7...........................................................85  
A# Command 9...........................................................85  
Date............................................................................... 94  
Holiday Index 1.......................................................... 94  
Holiday Index 2.......................................................... 95  
Holiday Index 3.......................................................... 95  
Holiday Index 4.......................................................... 95  
View Holidays................................................95  
Index 1 Days................................................................ 95  
Index 2 Days................................................................ 95  
Index 3 Days................................................................ 95  
Index 4 Days................................................................ 95  
Panel Wide Relays..........................................85  
Printer 17 Fail..............................................................85  
Printer 18 Fail..............................................................85  
Printer 19 Fail..............................................................85  
AC Failure....................................................................85  
Battery Trouble...........................................................85  
Phone Fail.....................................................................85  
Comm Fail....................................................................85  
Log % Full.....................................................................86  
Summary Fire..............................................................86  
Summary Alarm..........................................................86  
Summary Fire Tbl.......................................................86  
Summary Trouble.......................................................86  
Skeds ...............................................................86  
Sked Number...............................................................86  
S## Function Code ....................................................87  
S## Time......................................................................92  
S## Date.......................................................................92  
S## Sunday..................................................................92  
S## Monday ................................................................93  
S## Tuesday ................................................................93  
S## Wednesday..........................................................93  
S## Thursday ..............................................................93  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | Contents  
EN | 7  
Table of Tables  
Table 1: Modem II Communication Format Data –  
User ID Numbers (Point/User Flag)..............10  
Table 2: Modem II Communication Format Data –  
Point Numbers (Point/User Flag)...................10  
Table 3: Phone Routing ...............................................13  
Table 4: Phone Routing Worksheet – Fire Alarm/Res  
(Fire Alarm/Restoral)....................................13  
Table 5: Phone Routing Worksheet – Fire Tbl/Res  
(Fire Trouble/Restoral).................................13  
Table 6: Phone Routing Worksheet – Alarm/ Res/Cncl  
(Non-Fire Alarm/Restoral/ Cancel)............14  
Table 7: Phone Routing Worksheet – Trouble (Non-  
Fire Trouble)..................................................14  
Table 8: Phone Routing Worksheet – Diagnostics ...14  
Table 9: Phone Routing Worksheet –Relay ..............14  
Table 10: Phone Routing Worksheet – Open/Close15  
Table 11: Phone Routing Worksheet – Skeds...........15  
Table 12: Phone Routing Worksheet – Test/Stat Rpt  
(Test and Status Reports)............................16  
Table 13: Phone Routing Worksheet – RAM...........16  
Table 14: Phone Routing Worksheet – Power/Phone17  
Table 15: Phone Routing Worksheet – Service ........17  
Table 16: Verify Time Examples................................27  
Table 17: Programming for Two Opening Windows on  
the Same Day ..............................................37  
Table 18: Programming to Link Two Days Over  
Table 19: W# Close Window Stop Programming  
Example .......................................................38  
Table 20: Opening/Closing Windows Worksheet....40  
Table 21: Opening/Closing Windows........................40  
Table 22: Normal Store Hours*..................................41  
Table 23: Delivery Schedule*......................................41  
Table 24: Monthly Auditor’s Schedule*.....................41  
Table 25: CF## Keystrokes ........................................44  
Table 26: CF## Custom Function Keystrokes .........45  
Table 27: Command Center Function Selections.....46  
Table 28: Authority Level Selections .........................47  
Table 29: BFSK User ID Report Format ...................66  
Table 30: Point Response Table .................................72  
Table 31: BFSK/Relay Codes .....................................80  
Table 32: Relay Status..................................................82  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 1.0 Panel Wide Parameter  
EN | 8  
A Comm Restoral event generates after another  
reporting event successfully transmits to any of the  
receiver phone numbers. This Comm Restoral report  
is sent according to the routing for Power/Phone in  
Phone Routing. When you receive a Comm Restoral  
report, use RAM to download the event log to  
1.0 Panel Wide Parameter  
Use this programming module to define the operating  
characteristics that affect panel-wide functions. This  
module has five categories:  
determine which events did not send, and which phone  
number(s) failed. Receiving the Comm Restoral report  
does not mean that all phone lines are restored, only  
that at least one phone line operates.  
Phone Operation  
Phone Routing  
Power Supervision  
Printer Parameters  
Phone 1  
Remote Account Manager (RAM) Parameters  
Phone 1 is the telephone number the D9112 dials to  
contact the central station receiver when sending event  
reports (see Phone Routing).  
The D9112 can dial up to four different telephone  
numbers when sending event reports. The program  
items in this category describe panel wide  
characteristics for telephone dialing, receiver format,  
and supervision. All telephone numbers use the same  
receiver format.  
The D9112 is preprogrammed with a seven sec. dial  
tone detect period. When a dial tone is detected or the  
waiting period ends, the D9112 begins to dial. To  
extend the dial tone detect, program a D before the  
phone number. To insert a pause during or after  
dialing, use C in the number sequence. For example, if  
the D9112 hangs up before it hears a Modem II ack  
tone from the D6500, it programs extra Cs after the  
phone number. The D9112 waits on the line for three  
extra seconds for each C programmed.  
Communications Failure: When only a primary  
phone destination is programmed for a report (see  
Phone Routing), the D9112 generates a communication  
failure (Comm Fail) event if the panel does not reach  
the receiver:  
Enter up to 24 of the characters in the following table  
to define dialing characteristics:  
After ten attempts if the panel contains software  
revision 2.93 or lower.  
Using both phone data entry lines: The first  
After five attempts if the panel contains software  
revision 2.94 or higher.  
line of the phone number data entry line  
must be filled (12 characters) before  
pressing the [ENT] key to move on to the  
second line. If you enter characters on the  
second line, and there are less than twelve  
characters on the first line, the second line  
clears when you press [ENT].  
When both primary and backup phone destinations are  
programmed for a report, the panel alternates between  
the primary destination and the backup destination.  
If the panel is equipped with software revision 2.93  
or lower, it makes a total of 20 attempts (ten to  
each phone destination).  
If the panel is equipped with software revision 2.94  
or higher, it makes a total of ten attempts (six to  
the primary and four to the backup).  
If these attempts fail, the D9112 generates a Comm  
Fail event.  
A Comm Fail event appears at the command center as  
SERV COMM FAIL. A Comm Fail event is placed in  
the event log if Comm Fail occurs on both the primary  
and backup phones. Comm Fail does not report to the  
D6500 except during Test reports (You must program  
Expand Test Rpt YES).  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 1.0 Panel Wide Parameter  
EN | 9  
Up to 24 characters (do not enter [SPACE])  
0 - 9  
Numbers zero through nine  
3 sec. pause  
7 sec. dial-tone detect.  
The same as pressing this key on a telephone keypad when manually dialing. For example, you may  
need an asterisk (*) to access your long distance service. Do not use these characters when pulse  
# or *  
Panel dials no phone number.  
Programming this item Blank does not disable phone routing. To disable reporting to this phone see  
Phone Routing.  
(See explanation of Phone 1.) This number is  
“Phone 3,” referenced in Phone Routing Parameters.  
Phone 2  
Phone 4  
Selection Up to 24 characters (do not enter  
Up to 24 characters (do not enter  
(See explanation of Phone 1.) This number is  
“Phone 3,” referenced in Phone Routing Parameters.  
(See explanation of Phone 1.) This number is  
“Phone 4,” referenced in Phone Routing Parameters.  
Phone 3  
Selection Up to 24 characters (do not enter  
Modem Format  
The central station receiver format for transmitting reports, Modem Format provides many reporting advantages  
over the BSFK format (see the D6500 Report Directory for more information about the effect of reporting  
Selection Yes or No  
Modem II (requires Bosch Security Systems D6500 Receiver with MPU EPROM version 6.00 or  
higher and Line EPROM version 6.00 or higher)  
Modem II format reports identify points as 001 through 135 and passcode User ID codes as 00  
through 99 at the D6500 receiver (unless Point/User Flag is programmed YES, see the next prompt).  
When reporting point events, Modem II also sends point text to the D6500 as programmed in Point  
BFSK (2300 Hz or 1400 Hz acknowledgment tone).  
Basic reporting functions are available, but reporting options are limited to account opening and  
closing (see A# Acct O/C and A# Area O/C), users are identified by only one digit as programmed  
in Point Assignments P### BFSK/Relay.  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 1.0 Panel Wide Parameter  
EN | 10  
Point/User Flag  
When Modem Format is YES, the D9112 sends  
This program item determines how point and User  
ID numbers are presented at the D6500 display,  
printer, and computer RS-232 output.  
expanded Modem II reports to the receiver.  
Point/User Flag affects Modem II data as shown in  
the following table. The leading zero in the User ID  
Number with Point/User Flag programmed NO is  
added by the Bosch Security Systems D6500  
When Modem Format is YES, the D9112 sends  
expanded Modem II reports to the D6500. If your  
central station data files are not set up for D9112  
point and User ID number reporting, you can use  
this program item to convert these numbers to  
D8112 style ZONEX and COMEX reports.  
Yes or No  
The D9112 sends a “flag” with each report telling the D6500 to convert D9112 point numbers to  
D8112 style ZONEX format and User ID numbers to D8112 style COMEX format. The conversions  
are shown in Table 1 and Table 2. [No matter how the D6500 is programmed for output to the  
computer system, points and User ID numbers are converted when this item is YES. (See the  
D6500:MPU Program Entry Guide, CompOut program item.)]  
The D9112 does not send the “flag.” The D6500 outputs point numbers as 001 to 135 (rather than  
100 to 815) and User ID numbers as 000 to 099 (rather than 000 to F08), as indicated in Table 1 and  
Table 2.  
Table 1: Modem II Communication Format Data –  
User ID Numbers (Point/User Flag)  
Table 2: Modem II Communication Format Data –  
Point Numbers (Point/User Flag)  
001 to 005  
006 to 013  
014 to 021  
022 to 029  
030 to 037  
038 to 045  
046 to 053  
054 to 061  
062 to 069  
070 to 099  
001 to 005  
601 to 608  
701 to 708  
801 to 808  
B01 to B08  
C01 to C08  
D01 to D08  
E01 to E08  
F01 to F08  
001 to 008  
009 to 024  
025 to 040  
041 to 056  
057 to 071  
073 to 088  
089 to 104  
105 to 120  
121 to 135  
100 to 800  
101 to 116  
201 to 216  
301 to 316  
401 to 415  
501 to 516  
601 to 616  
701 to 716  
801 to 816  
Independent Zone Control Notice: When using  
Independent Zone Controls (I.Z.C.) to send  
Opening/Closing reports by point, do not duplicate  
reporting independent point numbers with User ID  
reports (see Passcode Worksheet). For example: If an  
I.Z.C. is connected to point 8, User ID 8 should not  
be used.  
D6000: Opening/Closing User ID numbers are  
identified at the receiver as "ZONEs" (same  
identification as independent points).  
User ID 1 = ZONE B  
User ID 2 = ZONE C  
User ID 3 = ZONE D  
User ID 4 = ZONE E  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 1.0 Panel Wide Parameter  
EN | 11  
User ID 5 = ZONE F  
Phone line trouble responses:  
User ID 6 = ZONE 6  
Command centers display SERVC PH LINE #and  
sound the trouble tone.  
User ID 7 = ZONE 7  
Restoral reports identify the previously failed line  
after it restores when a single phone line is used, if  
Power/Phone is enabled in Phone Routing.  
User ID 8 = ZONE 8  
User ID 91 = ZONE 1  
User ID 92 = ZONE 2  
User ID 93 = ZONE 3  
User ID 94 = ZONE 4  
User ID 95 = ZONE 5  
User ID 96 = ZONE 0  
COMMAND 1 = ZONE 9 (only closing)  
Trouble and restoral events are reported if  
Power/Phone is enabled in Phone Routing, a Dual  
Phone Line Module is installed, and one of the  
phone lines is operational.  
Alarm On Fail  
Selection: Yes or No  
Generate alarm responses in Area 1  
D6500 Receiving BFSK Format: Opening/closing  
User ID numbers are identified at the receiver as ZN  
(same identification as independent points). The ZN  
numbers are based on the “tens” digit of the User ID  
and trouble responses in all other areas  
when a phone line fails. Phone Supv  
Time must be programmed to use this  
DTMF Dialing  
Use DTMF (dual-tone multi-frequency) to dial the  
central station receiver phone number(s) for event  
reports, and/or the D5300 Remote Account  
Phone Failure Alarm Responses: An  
alarm tone sounds at command centers  
assigned to Area 1. The alarm bell  
relay for Area 1 activates. The Phone  
Fail relay activates if programmed in  
Relay Parameters.  
Selection: Yes or No  
Trouble responses when a phone line  
fails. Phone Supv Time must be  
programmed to use this feature.  
Dials the programmed phone  
number(s) using DTMF.  
Pulse dialing only  
Two Phone Lines  
Use when a Dual Phone Line Module is connected  
to the D9112. Both lines must operate the same,  
either ground start or loop start. NFPA standards  
prohibit the use of ground start phone lines in  
systems monitoring fire points.  
Phone Supv Time  
Sets the amount of time the panel continues to  
monitor a faulted phone line before initiating phone  
line trouble responses.  
Selection: Blank or 10 to 240  
Selection: Yes or No  
Dual Phone Line Module installed.  
No phone line supervision.  
The LEDs on the module light to  
indicate primary or secondary line  
trouble and Comm Fail.  
Initiate phone line trouble response if  
the phone line continues to be faulted  
after the programmed amount of  
seconds expire. After a faulted phone  
line restores, it takes the same amount  
of time to initiate restoral responses.  
10 to 240  
No Dual Phone Line Module.  
Make settings in ten sec. increments.  
IMPORTANT! Program Phone Supv Time  
when using two phone lines.  
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EN | 12  
Ground Start  
BFSK Duress Code  
Use only when the panel is connected to Ground  
Start telephone lines.  
Some newer ground start telephone exchange  
switches require a shorter amount of time to initiate  
a dial tone. If the panel cannot initiate a dial tone on  
the ground start line with the default (Long) setting,  
try the Short setting.  
Selection: 0 to 9  
When transmitting in BFSK (Modem Format is  
programmed NO), you must assign a number to  
identify Duress reports at the central station. Duress  
is enabled in Duress in the Passcode Worksheet.  
Both lines must be of the same operation, either  
ground start or loop start. NFPA standards prohibit  
the use of ground start phone lines in systems  
monitoring fire points.  
Expanded Test Rpt  
Use to add system event information to scheduled  
Test reports. Test reports are set up as scheduled  
events in the Skeds Parameters section of the program.  
Short or Long  
Selection: Yes or No  
Test report includes the following  
Standard duration of ground. Use  
this setting for most ground start  
telephone systems. The duration is  
700 ms.  
system events if the panel is currently in  
the condition listed: Log Threshold, Log  
Overflow, Point Bus Failure, Successful  
Local Programming, Bad Call to RAM,  
User Code Tamper, SDI Failure,  
Communications Failure, AC Failure,  
Battery Missing, Battery Low, Parameter  
Bad Checksum.  
Shorter duration of ground. Use this  
setting for telephone systems where  
specified. The duration is 250 ms.  
Phone Routing  
Phone Routing lets you direct groups of event  
reports to four different telephone numbers. The  
phone numbers and operating characteristics are  
programmed in the previous category Phone.  
Do not send system event information  
with Test reports.  
Fire alarm events have priority over all other events  
that must be reported. An event that was not  
reported to the primary or backup phone has a  
higher priority than an event that needs to be  
reported to a duplicate phone.  
Cancel Report  
Use to control whether or not Cancel reports are  
A Cancel report is created when a passcode is  
entered to silence an Alarm Bell or Fire Bell before  
the bell time expires. The cancel event is stored in  
the panel’s event log, and sent to local printers as a  
point event.  
Event report groups that you do not send to the  
central station may be annunciated locally (at the  
command centers), printed on a local printer (D9131  
required), or retrieved later by the Remote Account  
Manager (RAM).  
Use Burg Time and Fire Time in the Bell Parameters  
section of the program to program bell times.  
Program Alarm and Fire Bell relay outputs in Relays.  
Each of the Report Groups can be programmed to  
report to one or more of the phone numbers. The  
phones can be used as primary, backup, or duplicate  
reporting paths for each of the Report Groups.  
Selection: Yes or No  
Send Cancel reports according to  
Phone Routing.  
Do not send Cancel reports to the  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 1.0 Panel Wide Parameter  
EN | 13  
Table 3: Phone Routing  
Report Group  
Not reported to this phone number.  
Primary: Send all reports from this group to this phone number. Only one primary phone  
allowed per group.  
Backup: Send reports from this group to this phone if the report is not received by the primary  
phone number. A primary phone route must also be programmed for this Report Group in order  
to dial the backup phone number. Only one backup phone allowed per group.  
Duplicate: Send all reports from this group to this phone number after they are sent to the  
other phone (primary or backup). A primary phone route must be programmed in order to send  
a duplicate report. Only one duplicate phone allowed per group. Failure to send a duplicate  
report does not generate any user notification or central station report.  
Press the [SPACE] bar to scroll through the  
selections. Press [ENT] when the correct selection  
appears in the display.  
If the D5200 buzzes when you make an  
entry, you made a routing error. If you enter  
the same route on two different phones for  
a particular Report Group the D5200  
buzzes. When it buzzes, it accepts the entry  
currently in the display, and changes the  
matching routing entry to blank. This  
disables routing the Report Group to the  
other phone.  
Recheck the phone routing for the Report  
Group for each phone if the programmer  
Table 4: Phone Routing Worksheet – Fire  
Alarm/Res (Fire Alarm/Restoral)  
Report Type  
Phone 1  
Phone 2  
Phone 3  
Phone 4  
Fire Alarm  
Fire Restoral (after alarm)  
Table 5: Phone Routing Worksheet – Fire Tbl/Res (Fire Trouble/Restoral)  
Report Type  
Phone 1  
Phone 2  
Phone 3  
Phone 4  
Fire Trouble  
Fire Walk Start  
Missing Fire  
Fire Restoral (after Trouble or Missing)  
Fire Walk End  
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EN | 14  
Table 6: Phone Routing Worksheet – Alarm/  
Res/Cncl (Non-Fire Alarm/Restoral/  
Report Type  
Phone 1  
Phone 2  
Phone 3  
Phone 4  
Alarm Report  
User Alarm CMD 9  
Restoral Report  
User Code Tamper  
Missing Alarm  
User Alarm CMD 7  
Cancel Alarm  
Table 7: Phone Routing Worksheet – Trouble (Non-Fire Trouble)  
Report Type  
Phone 1  
Phone 2  
Phone 3  
Phone 4  
Fire Trouble  
Fire Walk Start  
Missing Fire  
Fire Restoral (after Trouble or Missing)  
Table 8: Phone Routing Worksheet – Diagnostics  
Report Type  
SDI Failure  
Phone 1  
Phone 2  
Phone 3  
Phone 4  
Parm Cksum Fail  
SDI Restoral  
Watchdog Reset  
Table 9: Phone Routing Worksheet –Relay  
Report Type  
Sensor Reset  
Relay Set  
Phone 1  
Phone 2  
Phone 3  
Phone 4  
Relay Reset  
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EN | 15  
Table 10: Phone Routing Worksheet – Open/Close  
Report Type  
Phone 1  
Phone 2  
Phone 3  
Phone 4  
Point Opening  
Late to Open  
Closing Early  
Extn Close Time  
Perim Dlay Armed  
F Close Early  
F Close Pr Dlay  
Command Bypass  
Swinger Bypass  
Early to Open  
Fail to Open  
Closing Late  
Fail to Close  
Was Force Armed  
F Close Late  
Forced Point  
Sked Bypass  
Opening Report  
Point Closing  
Closing Report  
Perim Inst Armed  
Forced Close  
F Close Pr Inst  
Point Bypass  
RAM Bypass  
Table 11: Phone Routing Worksheet – Skeds  
Report Type  
Phone 1  
Phone 2  
Phone 3  
Phone 4  
Sked Executed  
Sked Changed  
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EN | 16  
Table 12: Phone Routing Worksheet – Test/Stat Rpt (Test and Status Reports)  
Report Type  
Sub Group  
Phone 1  
Phone 2  
Phone 3  
Phone 4  
Test Report (Includes  
expanded panel wide  
events as shown)  
Log Threshold  
Prog Access OK  
SDI Failure  
Battery Missing  
Pt Bus Trouble  
AC Failure  
Log Overflow  
Bad Call to RAM  
Comm Failure  
Battery Low  
User Tamper  
Params Bad Cksm  
Status Report (includes  
area events as shown)  
S: Alarm  
S: Opening  
S: Perim Delay  
Point Bypass  
S: Trouble  
S: Closing  
S: Perim Instant  
Forced Point  
Table 13: Phone Routing Worksheet – RAM  
Report Type  
Phone 1  
Phone 2  
Phone 3  
Phone 4  
Log Threshold  
Bad Call to RAM  
RAM Access OK  
Parameters Changed  
RAM Access Fail  
Remote Reset  
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EN | 17  
Table 14: Phone Routing Worksheet – Power/Phone  
Report Type  
Comm Restoral  
AC Failure  
Battery Low  
Phone Line Fail  
AC Restoral  
Battery Restore  
Phone Restoral  
Battery Missing  
Phone 1  
Phone 2  
Phone 3  
Phone 4  
Table 15: Phone Routing Worksheet – Service  
Report Type  
Phone 1  
Phone 2  
Phone 3  
Phone 4  
Usr Code Change  
Prog Access Bad  
Usr Code Delete  
Date Change  
Prog Access OK  
Time Change  
Ph# Alarm/Res/Cncl  
Selection: 1 to 4  
Selection: Blank, P, B, or D  
Enter the phone’s number for which you are  
selecting report group routing.  
See the introduction to Phone Routing for a  
description of the selections.  
Ph# Fire Alarm/Res  
Ph# Trouble  
Selection: Blank, P, B, or D  
Selection: Blank, P, B, or D  
See the introduction to Phone Routing for a  
See the introduction to Phone Routing for a  
description of the selections.  
description of the selections.  
Ph# Tbl/Res  
Ph# Open/Close  
Selection: Blank, P, B, or D  
Selection: Blank, P, B, or D  
See the introduction to Phone Routing for a  
See the introduction to Phone Routing for a  
description of the selections.  
description of the selections.  
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EN | 18  
Ph# Test/Stat Rpt  
Ph# Relay  
Selection: Blank, P, B, or D  
Selection: Blank, P, B, or D  
See the introduction to Phone Routing for a  
See the introduction to Phone Routing for a  
description of the selections.  
description of the selections.  
Test reports and Status reports are enabled in the  
Skeds section of the program. For Test reports, see  
Sked Function Code #9. For Status reports, see  
Sked Function Code #10.  
Ph# Skeds  
Selection: Blank, P, B, or D  
Test and Status reports are identified at the D6500  
using the account number for Area 1.  
See the introduction to Phone Routing for a  
description of the selections.  
If Expand Test Rpt in Phone is YES, the Test report  
includes additional system events, if the panel is  
currently in one of these conditions: Prog Access  
OK, SDI Failure, Comm Failure, Battery  
Missing, Battery Low, Pt Bus Trouble,  
AC Failure, Params Bad Cksm, Log  
Threshold, Log Overflow, Bad Call to  
RAM, and User Tamper.  
The panel uses Skeds 18 to 49 for opening and closing  
windows and Skeds 50 to 64 for User Access  
Windows. Routing Skeds activity to a receiver when  
using these features can result in excessive receiver  
Ph# RAM  
After a Reset-Bye or disable restart, the panel  
checks to see if the following conditions exist. If they  
do, the panel sends appropriate reports with the test  
report: Log Threshold, Log Overflow, Bad Call  
to RAM, and User Tamper. All other system events  
are cleared and do not report at test time.  
Selection: Blank, P, B, or D  
See the introduction to Phone Routing for a  
description of the selections.  
To clear Bad Call to RAMand User Tamper  
events, simply contact the panel with RAM II. To  
clear Log Thresholdand Log Overflow  
contact the panel with RAM II and perform a  
Receive Log and Set Pointer function from the  
Logger menu.  
These events are associated with RAM functions.  
RAM reports are identified at the D6500 using the  
account number for Area 1.  
RAM Access Fail may indicate a wrong  
passcode when communicating with the panel, or a  
valid RAM session was terminated by a means other  
than a Good-bye or Reset-bye command. Log  
Thresholdis programmed in RAM Parameters Log  
% Full. Remote Resetindicates a Reset-Bye  
command issued from RAM. Bad Call to RAM  
indicates that the panel called RAM but was unable  
to connect.  
Ph# Diagnostic  
Selection: Blank, P, B, or D  
See the introduction to Phone Routing for a  
description of the selections.  
Ph# Power/Phone  
If a Parameter Checksum Fail (Parm Cksum Fail)  
report is received, the user can silence the panel’s  
buzzer, but cannot clear the system trouble display.  
To correct a Parameter Checksum Fail condition, re-  
load the program into the panel using RAM or the  
Selection: Blank, P, B, or D  
See the introduction to Phone Routing for a  
description of the selections.  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 1.0 Panel Wide Parameter  
EN | 19  
Ph# Service  
AC Tag Along  
Send AC Failure report as an additional message  
(tag along) with other reports. To comply with UL  
864 requirements for Commercial Fire Systems,  
program AC Tag Along YES.  
Selection: Blank, P, B, or D  
See the introduction to Phone Routing for a  
description of the selections.  
Selection: Yes or No  
Yes When AC fails, the report is not sent  
Power Supervision  
AC Fail Time  
until another event occurs. The AC  
Fail report is sent to the receiver with  
subsequent event reports until the AC  
Restoral report is sent. These AC Fail  
reports are routed to the phone  
destination of the event with which it is  
sent. If AC power restores before any  
other event occurs, the report is not  
Selection: 1 to 90 sec. (Blank and 0 are invalid)  
Amount of time (in seconds) that AC power must be  
off before the D9112 responds to the AC failure.  
The response to restoral of AC power is delayed for  
the same amount of time. The panel always monitors  
AC. To disable audible and reporting failure  
responses, program the following items NO: AC,  
Fail/Res Rpt, AC Tag Along, and AC/Battery  
If both AC Fail/Res Rpt and AC  
Tag Along are YES, two AC  
Failure reports are sent to the  
Power/Phone telephone number(s),  
once as the primary message, and once  
as the “tag along” report.  
Visual AC Failure Response: When a  
failure occurs, the SERVC AC FAIL  
message displays at command centers.  
You can program other AC failure  
responses in the program items that follow,  
and you can program a relay to activate in  
Relay Parameters.  
AC Fail reports are not tag along  
AC/Battery Buzz  
AC Fail/Res Rpt  
Turn the command center trouble buzzer on when  
AC fails or the battery is low or missing. This  
program item does not prevent the SERVC AC  
FAILor SERVC BATT LOWdisplays.  
AC Power Supervision reports are sent to the  
central station when they occur. To comply with UL  
864 requirements for Commercial Fire Systems,  
program AC Fail/RES Rpt NO.  
Selection: Yes or No  
Selection: Yes or No  
Buzz command center sounder when  
AC Failure and AC Restoral reports  
AC fails or the battery is low or missing.  
To comply with NFPA standards for fire  
systems, program this item YES.  
are sent to the central station when the  
panel generates the event. They are  
routed to the telephone number for  
Power/Phone events. AC Failure is  
reported as Trouble Zone 0when  
transmitting in BFSK.  
Do not audibly indicate AC failure or  
battery trouble on the command center.  
AC Failure and AC Restoral reports  
are NOT sent when they occur. They  
can still be sent with subsequent  
reports if AC Tag Along is  
programmed YES.  
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EN | 20  
Bat Fail/Res Rpt  
The battery must be discharged below 12.1 VDC for  
16 sec. before the D9112 responds to a low battery  
(see the D9112 Operation and Installation Guide for  
discharge schedule).  
Determines if battery (DC) power supervision  
reports are sent.  
Selection: Yes or No  
Battery Failure and Restoral reports are sent to the central station. They are routed to the telephone  
number programmed for Power/Phone events.  
Modem Reports:  
Missing or shorted  
Discharged below 12.1 VDC  
Missing, shorted, low battery  
BFSK Reports:  
Battery Failure and Restoral reports are NOT sent to the central station.  
When a battery problem occurs, the trouble buzzer sounds at the command centers unless it is disabled by AC/Battery  
Buzz (see AC/Battery Buzz).  
Printer Parameters  
Printer Address  
Default: 17  
Up to three D9131 Printer Interface Modules can be  
connected to the D9112’s SDI bus. Each printer is  
identified by an address of 17, 18, or 19. Options  
are available for Routing reports and area  
Selection: 17, 18, or 19  
The printer address you are programming.  
P## Scope  
Press the [SPACE] bar to scroll through the selections. Press [ENT] when the correct selection appears in the  
No Printer  
No Printer  
Panel Wide  
No Printer, Panel Wide, Account, and Area  
Printer disabled  
Printer prints all designated events that occur panel-wide. A panel-wide printer crosses account  
Printer prints all designated events that occur in the area where the printer is assigned and all other  
areas that are assigned to the same account. A single account printer displays all the information in  
the account but cannot cross boundaries.  
Printer prints all designated events that occur in the assigned area.  
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EN | 21  
P## Area Assign  
P## Prt Points  
Point events include every event that can be  
generated by a point. Events include all of the events  
listed in the Fire Alarm/Restoral, Fire Tbl/Rest,  
AlarmRest/Cancel, and Trouble logs shown in the  
Phone Routing Worksheet.  
Selection: 1 to 8  
Assign each installed printer to an area of the  
D9112. This allows the proper routing of events as  
determined by the Printer Scope. Assign printers  
with Panel Wide scope to Area 1. Assign printers  
with Account scope to an area within the account  
number you want to record.  
Selection: Yes or No  
Print point events according to the  
System events such as power supervision, passcode  
changes, RAM events and such, are only sent to the  
printer assigned to AREA 1. To record these events,  
make sure a printer is assigned to Area 1 and that  
PRT Non Alrm is programmed YES for that  
Printer Scope and Area Assignment.  
All point events are printed on the  
local printer regardless of how many  
points are programmed.  
Do not print any point events.  
P ## Prt O/C  
P ## Supervision  
O/C events are all of the events listed in the  
Opening and Closing log shown in the Phone Routing  
Use this prompt to determine if any responses are  
generated when the printer at this address fails. See  
the D9131 Printer Interface Operation and Installation  
Guide for conditions that are supervised.  
Selection: Yes or No  
Selection: Yes or No  
Print Opening and Closing events  
according to the Printer Scope and  
Area Assignment. All arming and  
disarming events are printed on the  
local printer regardless of the  
programming of any other prompts  
associated with openings and closings.  
No report or local annunciation if this  
printer fails.  
Send an SDI Fail report identifying the  
printer address (17, 18, or 19) to the  
receiver if this printer fails. (Program  
Diagnostic reports for a primary  
phone destination in the Phone Routing  
Worksheet). Sends a message to all other  
printers as non-alarm events. Display  
SERVC PRINTERat all command  
centers. A relay can be assigned to  
indicate printer trouble (see Relay  
Do not print any Opening and Closing  
P## Prt Non Alrm  
Non-Alarm Events are all of the events except Point  
events and Opening/Closing events. Non-Alarm  
events include all of the events listed in the  
Test/Status, Diagnostic, Relay, Skeds, RAM,  
Power/Phone, and Service logs shown in the Phone  
Routing Worksheet. Information from Expanded Test  
reports is not printed when the Test report is  
Selection: Yes or No  
Print non-alarm events according to the  
Printer Scope and Area Assignment.  
Do not print any non-alarm events.  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 1.0 Panel Wide Parameter  
EN | 22  
If communication with RAM is not successful, or if  
there is no phone number programmed in RAM Ph,  
the panel sends a Log Threshold and a Bad Call to  
RAM report to the D6500. This indicates that the  
log is filling and the panel cannot download its  
RAM Parameters  
These program items are used to enable RAM  
functions in the D9119.  
RAM Passcode  
If there is no RAM Ph programmed, the panel sends  
the Log Threshold and Bad Call to RAM reports  
immediately. If there is a RAM Ph programmed, the  
panel makes multiple attempts to reach RAM before  
sending the reports. See RAM Ph for an explanation  
of dialing characteristics.  
Selection: 0 to 9, A to F (6 characters required)  
RAM programming security passcode. Enter six  
characters. Do not use [SPACE] in the passcode.  
The RAM passcode must be typed into the RAM  
computer terminal and transmitted to the D9112  
before the D9112 allows RAM Access.  
The panel will not call RAM again until it  
downloads the log and the Log % Full percentage is  
again reached. These events are also sent to the  
panel’s event log and to the local printer(s) if  
When the panel is programmed to send reports in  
Modem Format, if the RAM makes contact with the  
panel and the passcode is incorrect, the panel sends  
a Ram Access Fail report to the D6500. Ram  
Access Fail is also generated when the call is not  
terminated with either a Good-bye or Reset-bye  
The panel continues to log events after the Log  
Threshold report is sent. When it reaches 100%  
capacity, the panel generates a Log Overflow event  
and stores it in the local event log but does not send  
any report to the D6500. Log Overflow events are  
sent with Test reports if Expand Test Rpt is  
programmed YES. When the log overflows, the  
oldest events are overwritten by new events. If the  
log is not downloaded to RAM and the log pointer is  
not reset, no additional LOG OVERFLOW events  
are sent to the log.  
Valid RAM Access is sent according to phone  
routing when a Good-bye command is entered from  
RAM to terminate the call.  
When a Reset-bye is used to terminate the call, a  
Remote Reset report is sent to the D6500, and a  
Valid RAM Access is placed into the panel’s event  
log. Reports in the event log that have not been sent  
prior to the Reset-bye are never sent to the D6500.  
Every time an event is generated, the event is sent to  
the log. Many events have “modifiers” attached to  
them which are stored in the log as separate events.  
For example, each time an area is force armed,  
several events are sent to the log. The log in the  
D9112 can store up to 499 events.  
Parameters Changed is sent to the D6500 with the  
Ram Access Fail or Valid RAM Access report  
whenever programming parameters are changed by  
RAM. A Parameters Changed report sent without  
the Valid RAM Access report indicates  
Blank disables the Log Threshold and Log  
Overflow events. These events are not put in the log  
or reported to the D6500 or to the local printer.  
programming with a D5200.  
To disable remote programming, enter Blank in  
both Answer Armed and Answer Disarmed.  
Log % Full  
Selection: 1 to 99 or Blank  
When the event log in the D9112 reaches this  
percentage of its capacity, the D9112 calls the  
number programmed in RAM Ph. When the panel  
connects to RAM, it waits for instructions from the  
RAM to download its event log. (See the RAM II  
Operation and Installation Guide for further  
information on call pick-up procedures.)  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 1.0 Panel Wide Parameter  
EN | 23  
RAM Call Back  
Used to add an additional level of communication security to RAM sessions.  
Selection: Yes or No  
When the D9112 hears the proper RAM passcode, it hangs up the phone, seizes the phone line, then  
dials the programmed RAM phone number (see RAM Ph). This ensures that the D9112 only  
communicates with RAM units connected to the programmed phone number.  
The RAM session is initiated immediately. No call back is required. The D9112 can engage in RAM  
sessions when called from any phone number and a proper RAM passcode is identified.  
RAM Line Monitor  
Enables an answering machine work-around.  
Yes or No  
When a telephone answering machine is programmed to pick up the phone before the D9112, the  
panel listens for RAM lead-in tone. If the RAM tone is identified, the panel seizes the phone line  
from the other device and begins a RAM session.  
You must program Answer Armed and/or Answer Disarmed and the panel must be in the  
proper armed state.  
If RAM Call Back is programmed YES, the panel hangs up on the phone after the RAM tone and  
a proper RAM passcode is identified, then it calls the RAM phone number.  
The item should be programmed NO if you are not using RAM.  
This item should be programmed NO if the panel is not sharing the phone line with an answering  
This item should be programmed NO if it causes false seizures of the phone line. (This indicates a  
device using the same frequency tone is also using the phone line to which the panel is connected.)  
Answer Armed  
Answer Disarmed  
Set telephone ring counter to answer when all areas  
are master armed. If any area in the panel is  
perimeter armed or disarmed, the Answer  
Disarmed ring counter is used.  
Set telephone ring counter to answer when any area  
is in a perimeter armed or disarmed state.  
Selection: 1 to 15, or Blank  
No answer.  
1 to 15, or Blank  
No answer.  
1 to 15  
The D9112 answers the phone after the  
specified number of rings when any  
area in the system is in a perimeter or  
disarmed state.  
1 to 15  
The D9112 answers the phone after  
the specified number of rings when  
all areas are master armed.  
Perimeter armed is considered a disarmed state for this  
Perimeter armed is considered a disarmed state for this  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 1.0 Panel Wide Parameter  
EN | 24  
Ram Ph  
The phone number the panel dials to contact RAM.  
The panel dials the programmed number as a result  
of the following events:  
Selection: Up to 24 characters  
0 to 9  
Numbers zero through nine  
Three sec. pause  
Log % Full threshold is achieved  
The panel is contacted by RAM and RAM Call  
Back is programmed YES  
Seven sec. dial tone detect  
# or *  
Used for the same purpose as pressing  
this key on a telephone keypad when  
manually dialing. For example, an  
asterisk (*) may be needed to access  
your long distance service.  
Command 43 is initiated and the user selects the  
CALL RAM option  
Once in contact with RAM, RAM issues instructions  
to the panel. (See the RAM II Operation and  
Installation Guide for further information on call pick-  
up procedures.)  
Panel does not dial a phone number for  
RAM. Use Blank when the panel is  
connected directly to the RAM modem  
(Demo Mode: the panel seizes the line  
then waits for instructions from RAM).  
When dialing the RAM phone number, the D9112  
immediately makes two attempts to reach the RAM.  
If the D9112 does not reach the RAM on the first  
two attempts, it waits ten min. then tries eight more  
times with a ten min. interval between each attempt.  
One hour after the last failed attempt, the D9112  
starts dialing the RAM phone number again. It  
immediately makes two more attempts then waits  
ten min. and tries eight more times with ten min.  
intervals between each attempt before generating a  
Bad Call to RAM report and abandoning the effort.  
Command 43 Dialing Exception: When dialing the  
RAM phone number in response to the Command 43  
CALL RAM option, the D9112 makes only one  
attempt. If it does not make contact with RAM, the  
panel abandons the effort and creates a Bad Call to  
RAM report.  
The D9112 is pre-programmed with a seven sec. dial  
tone detect period. When dial tone is detected or the  
waiting period ends, the D9112 begins to dial. To  
extend the pause or dial tone detect, program a C  
and/or D before the prefix/area code.  
Enter up to 24 of the characters in the following  
table to define dialing characteristics:  
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A# Acct Number  
2.0 Area Wide Parameters  
This programming module contains three  
programming categories:  
This program item determines the account number  
reported for this area. An account number must be  
assigned to each active area.  
Area Parameters  
Account numbers are used to group areas together.  
Each area can have a different account number, or  
several areas may share the same account number.  
The D9112 uses the account number as a reference  
for arming and command center text displays.  
Bell Parameters  
Opening and Closing  
Area Parameters  
Area #  
Selection: For BFSK: 0000 to 0999, 0BBB to  
Selection: 1 to 8  
For Modem: 0000 to 9999, BBBB to  
Enter the area number you are programming.  
Only the last three digits are  
transmitted. Insert a 0 as the first digit  
of the account number. Example: 0 2 3  
A# Area On  
Use this program to enable or disable the area  
Area 1 must be enabled: System events such as power  
and phone supervision will not report properly if Area  
1 is disabled.  
If you want to send opening and closing  
reports and identify the user who armed  
or disarmed, assign a different account  
number to each active area.  
Yes (Area 1 only)  
Modem II  
Enter four characters.  
Selection: Yes or No  
Area is enabled.  
A# FA Bypass Max  
Area is disabled.  
Points assigned to this area do not  
generate events.  
Selection: 0 to 134  
The maximum number of controlled points that can  
be faulted (Force Armed) or bypassed when arming  
this area.  
Command centers with Area scope that  
are assigned to this area display AREA  
Force arming allows the area to be armed when  
points are not normal. Points that are not normal can  
be left out of the system during the arming  
procedure and do NOT detect violations. Other  
points operate as programmed.  
When arming and disarming, this area  
number is not displayed at command  
centers with scope to view this area.  
Status for this area is not reported with  
Bypassing a point allows you to take a point out of  
the system at any time.  
Status reports.  
All user authority in this area is turned  
off while the area is disabled.  
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A# Delay Res  
A# Exit Dly Time  
Default: 60  
Selection: 0 to 600  
Selection: Yes or No  
Exit delay time for this area. Select an entry that is a  
five sec. increment.  
Restoral report is delayed until the  
area bell time expires, and the point  
returns to normal.  
Points programmed for “instant” alarms generate  
alarms immediately. Even during exit delay.  
Restoral reports are sent when point  
restores, regardless of bell time.  
Fail to Close reports require exit delay time: If Fail  
To Close in Opening and Closing is programmed  
YES, you must enter an exit delay time.  
A# Exit Tone  
Selection: Yes or No  
Sound an exit tone during exit delay at command  
centers assigned to this area.  
A# Auto Watch  
Selection: Yes or No  
When disarmed, this area automatically goes into watch mode regardless of the status of Watch  
Mode before the area is armed.  
Automatic Watch does not affect manual Watch Mode toggle. You can still control Watch Mode  
using Command 6.  
Watch Mode status is maintained between arm/disarm cycles. If the Watch Mode was ON at the  
time the area was armed, it will be ON again when the area is disarmed. If the Watch Mode was  
OFF at the time the area is disarmed, it will be OFF when the area is disarmed.  
Watch Mode does not work while the area is perimeter armed.  
To enable alarm verification on a point, program  
Point Index Fire Point, Alarm Verify , and  
Resettable as Yes.  
A# Verify Time  
Default: 60  
When an alarm verification point trips, the D9112  
automatically removes power to all resettable points  
connected to the areas Reset Sensors relay. The  
sensor reset removes power to the sensors for the  
amount of time programmed in Verify Time. When  
power is reapplied, a 60 sec. confirmation window  
begins. If the detector is still in alarm, or trips again  
during the confirmation window, or if a different  
resettable verification point in the area trips, an  
alarm is generated.  
Selection: 10 to 60 sec.  
Alarm Verification is designed for use with smoke  
detectors to reduce the number of false fire alarms.  
When Verify Time is programmed, the panel can  
double check smoke detector point activations  
before generating alarm signals.  
Check with your Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)  
to determine the maximum verification time allowed.  
Example 1:  
Points are programmed individually to activate the  
verification feature. See Point Index. Any resettable  
fire point can activate alarm verification for the area  
to which it is assigned. Bosch Security Systems  
recommends the use of separate area alarm-  
verification relays.  
Verify Time is set for 20 seconds. The alarm  
verification cycle starts when the detector trips. No  
report is generated.  
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Immediately after the detector trips, the area’s sensor  
reset relay interrupts power to points connected to it  
for the time in Verify Time.  
Example 2:  
Verify Time is set for 50 seconds. The alarm  
verification cycle starts when the detector trips. The  
following events happen as described in example 1,  
except the sensor reset is 50 seconds.  
When power is restored to the points, the 60 sec.  
confirmation window is established. If any detector  
reset during the verification time is tripped again  
during the confirmation window, an alarm is  
generated. If no activity occurs during this period,  
no alarm is generated and the verification window  
ends. If a verification point trips again after the  
window ends, a new verification cycle begins.  
Table 16: Verify Time Examples  
Verification Point  
Verify Time/Reset Confirmation  
Restart Alarm  
Verification Cycle  
if an Alarm  
Verification Point  
Generate alarm if  
additional activity  
Power Removed  
Ignore Activity  
Example 1: Total Cycle  
time 80 seconds  
Example 2: Total Cycle  
time 110 seconds  
20 Seconds ■  
50 Seconds ■  
Bell Parameters  
The output for the fire bell is determined by  
programming in the Relays section of the program.  
Relay A is the programmed default providing fire  
bell output for all eight areas. Relay A is the D9112’s  
on-board relay providing powered alarm output  
from terminal 6. An optional D136 Relay can be  
installed on the D9112 to provide powered alarm  
output from terminal 7 (known as relay “B”).  
Area #  
Selection: 1 to 8  
Enter the area number you are programming.  
A# Fire Time  
Because the relay number is programmable by area,  
you may change the relay number to provide  
separate fire alarm outputs for each area. The relay  
assigned provides bell output for the number of  
minutes specified in Fire Time and follows the  
parttern set in Fire Pat.  
Selection: 1 to 90  
Enter the number of minutes the bell rings for fire  
alarm points.  
The bell output begins as soon as the fire alarm  
occurs. When the panel’s internal clock begins a new  
minute, it considers the first minute expired. It shuts  
off the bell when the programmed number of  
minutes expire.  
A Summary Fire relay is also available in the Relays  
section of the program. It does not follow bell  
pattern or time.  
If a passcode is entered to silence the bell before the  
time expires, and Cancel report is programmed  
YES in Phone, a Cancel report is generated and sent  
to the same phone that the alarm message is routed  
Check with your AHJ to determine the appropriate  
time in your application.  
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A# Fire Pat  
Select the bell pattern this area uses to signal an alarm on a fire point.  
Press the [SPACE] bar to scroll through the selections. Press [ENT] when the correct selection appears in the  
Selection: Steady, Pulse, CaStnd, TmCod3  
Steady output  
Pulse March Time: 120 beats per minute at an even tempo  
California Standard: 10 sec. audible + 5 sec. silent + 10 sec. audible + 5 sec. silent.  
This sequence repeats until bell time expires.  
Temporal Code 3: 0.5 to 1.0 sec. audible + 0.5 sec. silent + 0.5 sec. to 1.0 sec. audible + 0.5 sec. silent  
+ 0.5 sec. to 1.0 sec. audible + 2.5 sec. silent.  
This sequence repeats for a minimum of three min. with 25% timing tolerance (1991 NFPA standards  
allow automatic silencing as permitted by the AHJ, and carry a minimum ring time of five min.).  
Because the relay number is programmable by area,  
you may change the relay number to provide  
A# Burg Time  
separate alarm outputs for each area. The relay  
assigned provides bell output for the number of  
minutes specified in Burg Time and follows the  
pattern set in Burg Pat.  
Selection: 1 to 90  
Enter the number of minutes the bell rings for non-  
fire alarm points.  
A Summary Alarm relay is also available in the  
Relays section of the program. It does not follow bell  
pattern or time.  
The bell output begins as soon as the alarm occurs.  
When the panel’s internal clock begins a new  
minute, it considers the first minute expired. It ends  
the timing and shuts off the bell when the  
A# Burg Pat  
programmed number of minutes expires.  
If a passcode is entered to silence the bell before the  
time expires, and Cancel report is programmed  
YES in Phone, a Cancel report is generated and sent  
to the same phone that the alarm message is routed  
Selection: Steady, Pulse, CaStnd, TmCod3  
Select the bell pattern this area uses to signal an  
alarm on a non-fire point.  
See Fire Pat for a description of each selection.  
The output for the alarm bell is determined by  
programming in the Relays section of the program.  
Relay A is the programmed default providing non-  
fire alarm bell output for all eight areas. Relay A is  
the D9112’s on-board relay providing powered  
alarm output from terminal 6. An optional D136  
Relay can be installed on the D9112 to provide  
powered alarm output from terminal 7 (known as  
relay “B”).  
Press the [SPACE] bar to scroll through the  
selections. Press [ENT] when the correct selection  
appears in the display.  
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A# Single Ring  
Bell test may be erratic. If several areas  
This program item determines if an alarm from a  
non-fire point can restart the alarm bell time with  
each alarm event, or only initiate alarm output once  
per arming period.  
programmed for bell test are armed at the  
same time, and all the areas share the same  
alarm bell relay, the relay operation may be  
erratic, or longer than expected.  
This does not silence the command center alarm bell  
tone, nor prevent any reports. This feature does not  
affect fire points. Fire points restart bell time with  
each new alarm.  
For example, if all eight areas are  
programmed for bell test, share the same  
alarm bell relay, have the same exit delay  
time, and are armed at the same time, the  
bell may ring for as long as 16 sec. during  
the bell test.  
Selection: Yes or No  
Opening and Closing  
One bell output per arming. After one  
alarm during the armed period, alarms  
on non-fire points in the same area  
cannot restart the bell.  
Use this programming category to define opening  
and closing supervision characteristics for each area  
in the D9112. In this category are two programming  
modules: Open/Close Options and O/C Windows.  
Additional programming in Authority Lvi Assign and  
Phone Routing modules can affect Opening and  
Closing reports. Bosch Security Systems  
Restart bell output with each alarm  
A# Bell Test  
recommends that you review all four of these  
modules before programming the D9112.  
Selection: Yes or No  
All arming and disarming activities create local  
events which are stored in the panel’s event log and  
printed on the local printer, if installed.  
Programming determines if the reports are sent to  
the central station.  
Provide alarm output from the programmed Alarm  
Bell Relay for two sec. after arming the area.  
In areas that report opening and closing activity, the  
bell test happens after the panel sends the Closing  
report and receives the acknowledgement from the  
receiver. For proper operation of the bell, test in an  
area where closings are reported:  
About the default programming: To enable  
typical area Opening and Closing report  
supervision in Modem II, the only programming  
change needed is to select a phone destination for  
the reports in Phone Routing, Open/Close.  
Program a phone number and appropriate  
routing for the Open/Close report group.  
Open and Close Options  
Program Area O/C YES.  
There are two different ways to generate Opening  
and Closing reports from a D9112. You can  
generate Opening and Closing reports according to  
account status and/or according to area status.  
Do not suppress Opening and Closing reports  
in O/C Windows.  
Make sure all users have the authority to  
generate Closing reports.  
Account Opening and Closing Reports  
Whether Account Opening and Closing reports  
are generated or not depends on programming in  
A# Acct O/C in this section of the program.  
Do not restrict Opening and Closing reports.  
If you are using opening and closing windows,  
be sure that Disable O/C in Window is  
programmed NO in Open/Close Options.  
Area Opening and Closing Reports  
Whether Area Opening and Closing reports are  
generated or not depends on programming in A#  
Area O/C in this section of the program.  
In areas that do NOT report opening and closing  
activity, the alarm bell relay output for this area is  
activated for two sec. after exit time expires. For  
proper operation of the bell test, program Area O/C  
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Selective Combinations of Account and Area  
Opening and Closing Reports  
Closing Reports: In this configuration, when areas  
in the account are independently armed, each area  
generates an Area Closing report. In addition,  
when the last area is armed, it also generates an  
Account Closing report.  
You can eliminate Area Opening and Closing  
reports from selected areas in the account by  
programming A# Area O/C NO for those areas. If  
an area that is not programmed for Area Opening  
and Closing reports is the first to open, or the last to  
close, only the Account Opening and Closing  
report is sent.  
Opening Reports: In this configuration, when the  
first area in the account is disarmed, it generates an  
Account Opening report along with an Area  
Opening report. Then when the rest of the areas in  
the account are disarmed, each area will generate an  
Area Opening report.  
You can suppress Area Opening and Closing  
reports from selected users by programming A#  
Area O/C YES, then programming L## Area O/C  
NO for their authority level. If a user, not  
programmed for Area Opening and Closing  
reports, opens the first area in the account, or closes  
the last area in the account, only the Account  
Opening and Closing report is sent.  
Additional Opening/Closing Supervision Features  
This section of the program also provides several  
other features you can use to supervise opening and  
closing activity by area. Auto Close, Fail to Open,  
and Fail to Close all work independently of the A#  
Acct O/C feature. To use these features however,  
you must program O/C Windows.  
Combining Account and Area Opening and  
Closing Reports  
To send both Account openings and closings, and  
individual Area openings and closings for all areas in  
the account, program A# Acct O/C YES for all  
areas in the account, program A# Area O/C YES  
for all areas in the account, and program L## Area  
O/C YES for the authority levels used in the areas.  
Selection: 1 to 8  
Enter the area number you are programming.  
A# Acct O/C  
This program item determines if Account Opening and Closing reports are generated by this area. Program this  
item the same for all areas in the account.  
Selection: Yes or No  
Send Opening and Closing reports by account.  
Use this selection if the panel reports to an automation system that cannot interpret multiple area  
Opening/Closing reports, or if Modem Format is programmed NO in the Phone category (BFSK  
Format is in use and Opening and Closing reports are enabled).  
An Account Opening report is generated when the first area in an account is opened (disarmed).  
After the Account Opening report is sent, disarming other areas in the account does not generate  
another Account Opening report. An Account Closing report is generated only when the last area  
in an account is closed (armed). Account Opening and Closing reports do not contain any area  
Opening and Closing Windows affect Account Opening and Closing reports: If an account opening or  
closing is generated while an opening or closing window for this area is in effect, and Disable O/C in  
Window is programmed YES, the report is not sent. Bosch Security Systems recommends that all areas  
sharing the same account number use the same Opening and Closing Window times.  
Do not send Opening and Closing reports by account.  
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A# Area O/C  
An Area Opening report is sent to the central station when each individual area is opened (disarmed). An Area  
Closing report is sent to the central station when each individual areas is closed (armed). This report includes the  
area information.  
Selection: Yes or No  
Generate Area Opening and Closing reports for this area. Do NOT use this selection if the panel  
reports to an automation system that cannot interpret multiple Area Opening/Closing reports.  
Whether Area Opening and Closing reports are sent or not depends on two factors:  
Authority Level Assignment: The first factor is the authority level of the passcode entered. If a  
passcode is required to arm or disarm, and the Authority Lvl Assign program item L## Area O/C is  
disabled for the user’s authority level, the report is not sent. See the User Interface Authority Lvl Assign  
section, L## Area O/C prompt.  
If a passcode is not required for arming or disarming and this item is YES, the area sends Opening and  
Closing reports. Since there is no need to enter a passcode, there is no authority level screening to prevent the  
report from being sent.  
Opening/Closing Window: The second factor is whether or not an opening or closing “window” is  
in effect at the time of the opening or closing. When a window is in effect, programming in Disable  
O/C in Window determines whether or not the report is sent.  
Do not generate Area Opening and Closing reports for this area.  
Use this selection if the panel reports to an automation system that cannot interpret multiple Area  
Opening/Closing reports, or if Modem Format is programmed to NO in the Phone category (BFSK  
Format is in use and Opening and Closing reports are enabled).  
Even if L## Area O/C is Enabled for the authority level of the passcode used to arm or disarm, openings  
and closings are not reported by area when this item is NO.  
Programming this item NO does NOT prevent Account Opening and Closing reports if they are enabled  
in A#Acct O/C.  
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A# Restricted O/C  
This item determines if this area can restrict Opening and Closing report activity.  
A Restricted Opening report refers to the panel sending an Area Opening report ONLY when the area is  
disarmed after a non-fire alarm.  
A Restricted Closing report refers to the panel sending an Area Closing report ONLY when the area has been  
master armed with controlled points that were faulted during the arming sequence. The sequence of reports  
generated by a restricted closing are: Was Forced Armed, Forced Point, Forced Close, then Closing Report.  
Selection: Yes or No  
Restrict Opening and Closing reports for this area. A# Area O/C must be programmed YES to  
generate Restricted Opening and Closing reports.  
If a passcode is not required for arming or disarming and this item is YES, the area only sends Restricted  
Opening and Closing reports. In this case, restricted reports are sent without User ID.  
Opening /Closing Window does not affect this report: Windows do not prevent Restricted  
Opening and Closing reports from being sent. Early or late designations are NOT added to  
Opening/Closing reports when they are sent according to the rules for restricted Opening/Closing  
Do not restrict Opening and Closing reports for this area.  
Regardless of programming in Authority Levels L## Restricted O/C, reports are not restricted in this  
area when this item is programmed NO.  
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A# Perimeter O/C  
This item determines if this area can send Perimeter Opening and Closing reports to the central station.  
Modem Format reporting is required.  
A Perimeter Opening report refers to the panel sending an Opening report when the area is disarmed after  
being in a perimeter armed state. A Perimeter Closing report refers to the panel sending a Closing report  
when the area is perimeter armed.  
The area can be perimeter armed using either the perimeter instant, or perimeter delayed arming options. In these  
cases, the area is only partially armed and is considered in a disarmed state for the following: Account Opening  
and Closing reports and RAM II programming.  
Selection: Yes or No  
This area can send Perimeter Opening and Closing reports.  
Whether Perimeter Opening and Closing reports for a particular user are sent or not depends on  
the user’s authority level. If a passcode is required to arm or disarm, and the Authority Lvl Assign  
program item L## Perimeter O/C is disabled for the Authority Level, Perimeter Opening and  
Closing reports are disabled for that user. See the User Interface, Authority Lvl Assign section of the  
program, L## Perimeter O/C prompt.  
If a passcode is not required for perimeter arming or disarming and this item is YES, the area sends  
Perimeter Opening and Closing reports. In this case, the report is sent without User ID.  
Opening/Closing Window does not affect this report: Windows do not prevent Perimeter Opening  
and Closing reports from being sent.  
There are no reports for Perimeter Partial arming (Command 8).  
This area can not send Perimeter Opening and Closing reports.  
Even if L## Perimeter O/C is Enabled for the authority level of the passcode used to perimeter arm or  
disarm the area, reports are not sent when this item is programmed NO.  
A# Disable O/C in Window  
This item determines if opening and closing activity is reported when it occurs inside an Opening or Closing  
window as programmed in O/C Windows.  
Reports are always logged and printed on a local printer, if installed.  
Yes or No  
Do not send Opening and Closing reports to the central station if they occur inside an active  
If an Opening or Closing report occurs outside of a window, send it with an early or late modifier.  
See O/C Windows.  
The active window must be a closing window for Closing reports. It must be an opening window  
for Opening reports.  
Send Opening and Closing reports to the central station even when they occur inside a  
programmed window. If an opening or closing occurs outside of the appropriate window, it reports  
but does NOT have an early or late modifier.  
If you want to monitor all opening and closing activity, but you also want to use features provided  
by Opening and Closing Windows, program this item to NO, and program appropriate O/C  
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A# Auto Close  
The panel can automatically arm the area at the end of the closing window.  
Yes or No  
The area automatically arms at the end of the close window.  
When the area is armed automatically, the area sends a Closing report without a user ID if A#  
Area O/C is programmed YES. If A# Area O/C is programmed NO, the area automatically arms,  
but no Area Closing report is sent. See also A# Acct O/C.  
When the panel is armed automatically at the end of the closing window, all faulted points  
(including non-bypassable points) are force armed, even if the number of faulted points exceeds the  
limit set in A# Force Arm Max.  
Do not automatically arm the area at the end of the close window.  
A# Fail To Open  
This entry allows you to determine if Fail to Open reports are sent.  
0 or 1  
Fail to Open reports are sent to the central station, logged, and recorded on a local printer (if  
installed) at the end of the opening window if the area has not been disarmed. Normal Opening  
and Closing reports do not need to be programmed to use this feature.  
No Fail to Open reports or log events are generated.  
A# Fail To Close  
This entry allows you to determine if Fail to Close reports are sent.  
0 or 1  
Fail to Close reports are sent to the central station, logged, and recorded on a local printer (if  
installed) at the end of the closing window if the area was not armed. An exit delay time must be  
programmed in Exit Dly Time. Normal Opening and Closing reports do not need to be  
programmed to use this feature.  
If Auto Close is programmed YES, a Fail to Close report is sent. If Disable O/C in Window is  
YES, the Fail to Close report is followed by Closing Late or F(orce) Close Late.  
No Fail to Close reports or log events are generated.  
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Exceptions: To prevent the windows from  
O/C Windows  
activating on certain days of the year, program Xept  
Holiday YES, and enable at least one Holiday  
Index. When Xept Holiday is YES, the window  
executes on the days of the week programmed  
unless the date is designated as a Holiday by the  
Holiday Index selected.  
Set a schedule for disarming and arming. The  
disarming and arming schedules provide several  
independent features:  
Suppress normal Opening and/or Closing  
reports when A# Disable O/C in Window is  
programmed YES.  
If opening and/or closing windows are only needed  
on certain days of the year, do not program the  
windows to execute on any days of the week.  
Instead, program Xept Holiday NO, and select a  
Holiday Index with the days of the year you want  
the window to be active.  
Generate a Fail to Open report if the area is not  
disarmed on schedule when A# Fail To Open  
is programmed YES.  
Provide a warning tone and PLEASE COME  
NOWdisplay at the command center when it is  
time to arm the area.  
Generate a Fail to Close report if the area is not  
armed on schedule when A# Fail To Close is  
programmed YES.  
Yes or No  
Activate this window on Sundays.  
Do not activate this window on  
Automatically arm the area at the end of the  
closing window when A# Auto Close is  
programmed YES.  
W## Monday  
Opening and closing schedules can be set up  
independently. For example, if you only want to use  
features provided by closing windows, leave times  
blank in the opening window prompts and program  
closing window times.  
Yes or No  
Activate this window on Mondays.  
A worksheet is provided at the end of this section for  
your convenience. Following the worksheet are  
examples of how to program opening and closing  
windows for particular applications.  
Do not activate this window on  
W## Tuesday  
About the Program Record Sheet: Two columns  
labeled “Sked #” appear on the Program Record Sheet  
provided with the D9112. These numbers appear in  
D6500 reports and local printer reports when the  
window Begin Time executes.  
Yes or No  
Activate this window on Tuesdays.  
Do not activate this window on  
W## Wednesday  
1 to 16  
Enter the window number you want to program.  
Yes or No  
W## Sunday  
Activate this window on Wednesdays.  
Do not activate this window on  
This prompt, and the next six days of the week  
prompts, select the days of the week that the  
opening and/or closing windows are active.  
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Disarming the area between the Open  
Window Start and Open Window Stop  
time creates a local event in the D9112 log,  
but does not send the Opening report to  
the central station.  
W## Thursday  
Yes or No  
Activate this window on Thursdays.  
Disarming the area after the Open Window  
Stop and the next window’s Open Early  
Begin time (or midnight, whichever comes  
first) generates an Opening report and  
adds a Late to Open modifier.  
Do not activate this window on  
W## Friday  
If Disable O/C in Window is NO, disarming  
the area generates an Opening report without  
the “early” or “late” modifier, regardless of when  
the area is disarmed.  
Yes or No  
Activate this window on Fridays.  
When you are programming multiple windows to  
activate on a single day, program the windows in  
chronological order. Be careful not to program a  
window’s Open Early Begin time for a time that is  
between any other window’s Open Window Start  
and Open Window Stop time.  
Do not activate this window on  
W## Saturday  
Disabled windows have a blank “Begin”  
Yes or No  
time. If the entry for this prompt is blank, but  
times are programmed for Open Window  
Start and Open Window Stop the window  
is disabled.  
Activate this window on Saturdays.  
Do not activate this window on  
To disable the window, both the hours and minutes  
spaces must be blank.  
W## Open Early Begin  
00:00 is Midnight, 23:59 is 11:59 p.m. Make entries  
using a 24 hr. clock. For example, 7:00 a.m. is  
entered as 07:00; 2:45 p.m. is entered as 14:45.  
_ _ : _ _  
HH:MM (hours and minutes)  
00:00 to 23:59  
Disable/Restart the panel to activate today’s  
This program item is one of three required to create  
an opening window. To finish programming an  
opening window, Open Window Start and Open  
Window Stop must be programmed.  
window. If you are programming a window  
that needs to activate on the same day that  
you are programming it, do a disable/restart  
after programming.  
Use Open Early Begin to set the time that you want  
the panel to look for an opening window. When  
Opening and Closing reports are enabled,  
disarming the area between midnight and the Open  
Early Begin time generates an Opening report. In  
W## Open Window Start  
_ _ : _ _  
HH:MM (hours and minutes)  
Enter the time that you want the panel to start the  
opening window. The window goes into effect at the  
beginning of the minute.  
If Disable O/C in Window is YES:  
Disarming the area between the Open Early  
Begin time and the Open Window Start  
time generates an Opening report and adds  
an Early to Open modifier. (If the Open  
Early Begin time is the same as the Open  
Window Start time, the EARLY TO OPEN  
modifier is not sent.)  
See Open Early Begin for report feature  
Do not use a time of 23:59 as a window  
stop time unless another window begins on  
the next day at 00:00.  
Fail to Open reports are not sent for  
windows that stop at 23:59.  
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Programming Two Opening Windows on the Same Day  
Table 17: Programming for Two Opening Windows on the Same Day  
Day of Week  
Stop eXcept On Holiday  
06:00 07:00 08:00  
13:00 14:00 15:00  
Yes No  
Yes No  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
S M T W T F S  
S M T W T F S  
1 2 3 4  
Do not program a single window to cross the midnight boundary. This window stop time must be later  
than the window start time. To program a window that effectively crosses the midnight boundary, you  
have to program two windows.  
For example, to program two windows for an area that opens between 11:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m., five  
days a week, use two windows as shown in Table 18:  
Programming to Link Two Days Over Midnight  
Table 18: Programming to Link Two Days Over Midnight  
Day of Week  
Stop eXcept On Holiday  
22:00 23:30 23:59  
00:00 00:00 00:30  
Yes No  
Yes No  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
S M T W T F S  
S M T W T F S  
1 2 3 4  
Arming the area between the Close  
Window Start and the Close Window  
Stop time creates a local event in the D9112  
log but does not send the Closing report to  
the central station.  
W## Close Early Begin  
_ _ : _ _  
HH:MM (hours and minutes)  
00:00 to 23:59  
Arming the area after the Close Window  
Stop and the next window’s Close Early  
Begin time (or midnight, whichever comes  
sooner) generates a Closing reports and  
adds a Closing Late modifier.  
This program item is one of three required to create  
a closing window. To finish programming a closing  
window, Close Window Start and Close Window  
Stop must be programmed.  
If Disable O/C in Window is NO, disarming  
the area generates a Closing report without the  
“early” or “late” modifier, regardless of when the  
area is armed.  
Use Close Early Begin to set the time you want the  
panel to look for a closing window. When Opening  
and Closing reports are enabled, arming the area  
between midnight and the Close Early Begin time  
generates a Closing report. In addition:  
When you are programming multiple windows to  
activate on a single day, program the windows in  
chronological order. Be careful not to program a  
window’s Close Early Begin time for a time that is  
between any other window’s Close Window Start  
and Close Window Stop time.  
If Disable O/C in Window is YES:  
Arming the area between the Close Early  
Begin time and the Close Window Start  
time generates a Closing report and adds a  
Closing Early modifier. (If the Close  
Early Begin time is the same as the Close  
Window Start time, the CLOSING EARLY  
modifier is not sent.)  
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See Close Early Begin for report feature  
Disabled windows have a blank “begin”  
time. If the entry for this prompt is blank, but  
the times are programmed for Close  
Window Start and Close Window Stop the  
window is disabled.  
W## Close Window Stop  
_ _ : _ _  
HH:MM (hours and minutes)  
To disable the window, both the hours and minute  
spaces must be blank.  
Enter the time that you want the panel to start the  
closing window. The window stops at the end of a  
00:00 is Midnight and 23:59 is 11:59 p.m. Make  
entries using a 24 hr. clock. For example, 7:00 a.m.  
is entered as 07:00, and 2:45 p.m. is entered as  
If the area is not armed by the time the Close  
Window Stop time expires, the panel generates a  
Fail to Close report if enabled in Fail To Close.  
Disable/Restart the panel to activate today’s  
window. If you are programming a window  
that needs to activate on the same day that  
you are programming it, do a disable/restart  
after programming.  
See Close Early Begin for other report feature  
Do not use a time of 23:59 as a window  
stop time unless the window continues on  
the next day at 00:00. Fail to Close reports  
are not sent, and the Auto Close feature  
does not work for windows that stop at  
W## Close Window Start  
_ _ : _ _  
HH:MM (hours and minutes)  
Do not program a single window to cross  
the midnight boundary. The window stop  
time must be later than the window start  
time. To program a window that effectively  
crosses the midnight boundary, you have to  
program two windows.  
Enter the time that you want the panel to start the  
closing window. The window goes into effect at the  
beginning of the minute.  
A warning tone sounds and PLEASE CLOSE NOW  
displays at the command center if the area is not  
armed when the Close Window Start time comes.  
To temporarily silence the tone, press the [ESC] key  
on the command center. The warning tone restarts  
in ten min. if the area is not armed.  
For example, to program windows for an  
area that closes between 11:30 p.m. and  
12:30 a.m., five days a week, use two  
windows as shown in Table 19  
Table 19: W# Close Window Stop Programming Example  
Stop Early  
Day of Week  
eXcept On Holiday  
Yes No  
Yes No  
1 2 3 4  
23:30 23:59  
00:00 00:30  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
S M T W T F S  
S M T W T F S  
1 2 3 4  
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W## Xept Holiday  
W## Holiday 2  
You can determine if the window is disabled on  
holidays, or is active only on holidays.  
Yes or No  
To prevent the windows from activating on certain  
days of the year, program Xept Holiday YES, and  
enable at least one Holiday Index. When Xept  
Holiday is programmed YES, the window executes  
on the days of the week programmed unless the  
date is designated as a Holiday by the Holiday  
Index(es) selected.  
Use Holiday Index 2 with this  
Do not use Holiday Index 2 with this  
W## Holiday 3  
Yes or No  
Yes or No  
Do not activate this window on  
Use Holiday Index 3 with this  
To use this selection, the window  
must be programmed to activate on at  
least one day of the week and a  
Holiday Index must be enabled.  
Do not use Holiday Index 3 with this  
W## Holiday 4  
A holiday will not prevent this  
window from activating.  
Yes or No  
You also use this selection if opening  
and/or closing windows are only  
needed on certain days of the year.  
Do not program the windows to  
execute on any days of the week.  
Instead, program Xept Holiday NO,  
and select at least one Holiday Index  
with the days of the year you want the  
window to be active.  
Use Holiday Index 4 with this  
Do not use Holiday Index 4 with this  
W## Area #  
Eight separate program items determine whether a  
particular window activates in each of the eight areas  
of the panel.  
Holiday Indexes for O/C Windows  
You can enable up to four Holiday Indexes for use  
with Opening/Closing Windows. Enable at least one  
Holiday Index if W## Xept Holiday is  
programmed YES for this window, or if you want  
this window to activate only on specific dates.  
Holidays are programmed in the Holiday Indexes  
section of the program.  
Yes or No  
Activate the window in the area  
number (#) specified.  
Disable the window in the area  
number (#) specified.  
W## Holiday 1  
Yes or No  
Use Holiday Index 1 with this  
Do not use Holiday Index 1 with this  
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2.4.4 Opening/Closing Windows Worksheet  
EN | 40  
Use Table 21 to determine the proper entries for your application.  
Table 20: Opening/Closing Windows Worksheet  
W# Day of Week  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4  
Yes No  
Yes No  
Yes No  
Yes No  
Yes No  
Yes No  
Yes No  
Yes No  
Yes No  
Yes No  
Yes No  
Yes No  
Yes No  
Yes No  
Yes No  
Yes No  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
S M T W T F S  
S M T W T F S  
S M T W T F S  
S M T W T F S  
S M T W T F S  
S M T W T F S  
S M T W T F S  
S M T W T F S  
S M T W T F S  
S M T W T F S  
S M T W T F S  
S M T W T F S  
S M T W T F S  
S M T W T F S  
S M T W T F S  
S M T W T F S  
Table 21: Opening/Closing Windows  
Activating an  
Day of Week  
Program at least one  
Window *  
Day(s) of the Week  
eXcept On Holiday  
Holiday Index  
Program at least one  
day as Yes.  
area as Yes.  
Program at least one  
day as Yes.  
Program at least one  
day as Yes.  
Day(s) of the Week,  
but NOT on Holidays  
Day(s) of the Week,  
PLUS Holidays  
Select at least one  
Select at least one  
Program at least one  
area as Yes.  
Program at least one  
area as Yes.  
All days must be  
programmed No.  
Only on Holidays  
Select at least one  
Program at least one  
area as Yes.  
* This column describes how to activate an Opening/Closing Window. Use the guidelines shown in the other columns to  
choose the appropriate entries.  
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Table 22: Normal Store Hours*  
W# Day of Week  
23:00 23:59  
00:00 01:00  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4  
Yes No  
Yes No  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
S M T W T F S  
S M T W T F S  
_ _:_ _ _ _:_ _  
_ _:_ _ 00:00  
* Monday through Friday, Opening between 5 and 6 a.m. Closing between 11:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m.  
Table 23: Delivery Schedule*  
W# Day of Week  
Yes No  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
S M T W T F S  
Day(s) of the week, but NOT on holidays.  
at least  
Program at  
least one area  
as Yes.  
Program at  
least one day  
as Yes.  
Monday and Wednesday, In between 2:45 and 3:00 a.m. Out between 3:15 and 3:30 a.m.  
Another alternative for delivery schedules is to automatically bypass specific points using Skeds.  
Table 24: Monthly Auditor’s Schedule*  
W# Day of Week  
Yes No  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
S M T W T F S  
Only on holidays.  
at least  
Program at  
least one area  
as Yes.  
All days must  
* Sunday, In between 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. Out between 2:30 and 5:00 p.m.  
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EN | 42  
System Security Notice: Install unsupervised  
command centers inside the protected area. All  
equipment installed outside of the protected area  
should be enclosed in tamper resistant housing.  
Command Center  
This programming module contains three  
programming categories:  
Cmd Cntr Assignment  
Area Text  
CC# Scope  
Scope determines if the command center is capable  
of viewing the status and arming and disarming  
areas other than the one to which the command  
center is assigned.  
Custom Function  
Cmd Cntr Assignment  
Determines if the command center is supervised and  
which area information the command center  
A Security System Owner’s Guide is  
provided with each panel. This guide further  
explains how Scope and other relationships  
like Authority Levels and Skeds affect  
command center displays and operation.  
Cmd Center #  
Press the [SPACE] bar to scroll through the  
selections. Press [ENT] when the correct selection  
appears in the display.  
1 to 8  
Enter the command center address you want to  
program. Corresponding DIP switches on the  
command center are set to identify each command  
center. See the D9112B Program Record Sheet for DIP  
switch settings for each address.  
PanelWide (address 1 only)  
PanelWide, Account. Area, or No  
Keypad 0 or 1  
A Panel-Wide Command Center can  
view information and perform arming  
and disarming functions for all areas  
in the panel. A Panel-Wide command  
center can cross account boundaries.  
CC# Supervised  
This entry tells the panel if the command center at  
the address specified is supervised. The panel polls  
the command centers by address number. If a  
supervised address does not respond, an SDI Fail  
report with the address number is sent to the log.  
SERVC KEYPADdisplays at all other command  
centers, and a report is sent to the Diagnostic phone  
route, if programmed.  
An Account Command Center can  
view information, and perform arming  
and disarming functions for all areas  
that are assigned to the same account  
as the area where the command  
center is assigned. An Account  
command center cannot cross  
Yes or No  
Only one command center can be installed  
with this address number (see the command  
center manual for address switch settings).  
An Area Command Center can view  
information and perform arming and  
disarming functions only for the area  
to which it is assigned.  
If the address number is supervised and the  
DIP switches for more than one command  
center are programmed for this address, the  
command centers intermittently sound the  
keypad encoding tone.  
No Keypad No command center installed at this  
displays at command centers  
programmed for this address.  
More than one command center can be  
installed with this address number.  
Command centers with the same address  
echo the operation of all other command  
centers with the same address (in other  
words, they all show the same displays and  
emit the same tones at the same time).  
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The text for each area is programmed separately, so  
each area can have a custom display.  
CC# Area  
Check the Program Record Training Sheet (P/N: 74-  
06447-000) for default text.  
1 to 8  
Area # Is Off  
Each installed command center must be assigned to  
an area of the D9112. This allows proper event  
displays as well as user authority operations.  
See Program Record Sheet  
16 alphanumeric characters - enter  
alphabetic characters A to Z in capital  
Blank entries are not acceptable.  
Area Text  
Create custom “Idle Text” displays for the command  
Period (.), comma (,), percent (%), parenthesis [()],  
equal (=), greater/less than (<>), exclamation (!),  
and colon (:) are not allowed.  
Text that displays at command centers assigned to  
this area when the area is disarmed. Enter the text  
that displays at command centers when the area is  
ready to be armed (there are no faulted controlled  
1 to 8  
Each area number you are programming.  
Area # Is On  
The text for each area is programmed separately, so  
each area can have a custom display.  
See Program Record Sheet  
16 alphanumeric characters - enter  
alphabetic characters A to Z in capital  
Check the Program Record Sheet (P/N: 74-06447-000)  
for default text.  
Area # Acct Is On  
Period (.), comma (,), percent (%), parenthesis [()],  
equal (=), greater/less than (< >), exclamation (!),  
and colon (:) are not allowed.  
16 alphanumeric characters - enter  
alphabetic characters A to Z in capital  
Text that displays at command centers assigned to  
this area when the area is master armed. The text for  
each area is programmed separately, so each area  
can have a custom display.  
Period (.), comma (,), percent (%), parenthesis [()],  
equal (=), greater/less than (< >), exclamation (!),  
and colon (:) are not allowed.  
Check the Program Record Sheet (P/N: 74-06447-000)  
for default text.  
When all areas in the account are master armed, the  
Area # Is On text is replaced by Acct Is On text.  
The Acct Is On text appears at all command centers  
that are assigned to this area. (See Cmd Cntr  
Assignment CC# Area, and Area Parameters Account  
Area # Not Ready  
See Program Record Sheet  
16 alphanumeric characters - enter  
alphabetic characters A to Z in capital  
Each area can have unique Acct Is On text, or you  
can program the same text in each area of the  
Period (.), comma (,), percent (%), parenthesis [()],  
equal (=), greater/less than (< >), exclamation (!),  
and colon (:) are not allowed.  
A blank entry disables the Acct Is On display for  
this area. Each area’s armed text continues to display  
after the last area in the account is armed.  
Text that displays at command centers assigned to  
this area when the area is disarmed and has faulted  
points. Enter the text that displays at command  
centers when the area has faulted controlled points.  
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2.5.3 Custom Function  
EN | 44  
Period (.), comma (,), percent (%), parenthesis [()],  
Custom Functions are a way to simplify the use of  
complex keystroke sequences that can be entered at  
the command center. These items are similar to  
“speed dialing” on a telephone. In other words, they  
can be programmed to perform a series of  
keystrokes that automatically perform specific  
functions with a single menu entry.  
equal (=), greater/less than (< >), exclamation (!),  
and colon (:) are not allowed.  
Determines the menu text displayed at the  
command center for the Custom Function item. Use  
this text to represent the functions performed by this  
menu item. You can program up to 16 characters for  
each Custom Function.  
Each menu item has a 16 character programmable  
title (see CF# Text). Use the text to describe the  
function so that the user understands what happens  
when using the menu item.  
CF### Key Strokes  
See Training Sheet  
Once programmed the Custom Function item  
number can be added to the Command Menu. The  
user accesses the Command Menu using the  
[MENU/ESC] key at the command center.  
Up to 32characters: 0 to 9, A, B, C, D,  
and E  
The keystrokes simulate any sequence of keystrokes  
the user can perform at a command center. You can  
program up to 32 keystrokes for each Custom  
Function. Use Table 25 to enter appropriate  
Access to menu items from specific command center  
addresses is determined by programming Command  
Menu in the User Interface section of the program.  
The user must have the appropriate authority level  
to use the functions executed by the Custom  
Function. The Scope of the command center used to  
access the Custom Function item must also be  
considered. This is especially important when the  
Custom Function is used to execute arming and  
disarming functions. For a further discussion see  
CF# Key Stroke.  
Table 25: CF## Keystrokes  
0 to 9  
0 to 9  
PREV (Previous)  
ESC (Escape)  
up arrow  
down arrow  
Test all Custom Functions! Incorrect entries  
in CF### Key Stroke can cause  
unexpected operation. For example, with  
certain combinations of entries, a portion of  
the function can start repeating in an  
endless loop and may disable the panel. If  
this happens during testing, reboot the  
panel using the reset pin and reprogram the  
keystrokes for the function.  
ENT (Enter)  
D5200 Data Entry:  
Use the D5200 down-arrow key to move the  
cursor to the first data entry line. When you  
want to enter more than 16 keystrokes, the  
first line of the data entry line must be filled  
before you move on to the second line. If  
you make entries on the second line, and  
the first line has less than 16 characters, the  
second line clears when you press [ENT].  
Custom Function ###  
128 to 143  
Enter the Custom Function number you want to  
program. You can program up to 16 Custom  
Functions, which are numbered 128 to 143.  
Command Center Function/Authority Lvl  
Assign affects how a Custom Function executes:  
Depending on the programming in User Interface,  
some functions may require a passcode before a  
function executes. When a passcode is required,  
either embed the passcode within the function, or  
make the function requiring the passcode the LAST  
one in the keystroke string.  
CF### Text  
See Program Record Sheet  
16 alphanumeric characters - enter  
alphabetic characters A to Z in capital  
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Command Center Scope affects how a Custom  
Function executes:  
3.0 User Interface  
The Scope of the command center where the  
Custom Function is accessed can affect the way the  
Custom Function operates.  
This programming module contains three  
programming categories: Cmd Center Functions,  
Authority Lvl Assign, and Command Menu. Use these  
programming categories, and Custom Function in the  
Command Center module, to enable user interface  
Programming Custom Function  
Find the command you want to execute on the  
User Interface page of the Program Record Sheet.  
There are two ways to access command center  
functions: Commands and the Command Menu.  
The Security System User’s Guide provides instructions  
on how to access the Command Menu along with  
step by step instructions for basic command center  
functions. The Security System Owner’s Manual  
explains the more advanced features.  
Single digit commands must be programmed  
with “9” as the second digit.  
Table 26: CF## Custom Function Keystrokes  
1 (Master Arm Area)  
2 (Perimeter Instant Arm)  
3 (Perimeter Delay Arm)  
6 (Watch Mode)  
“Commands” is the same method of command  
initiation used in previous Bosch Security Systems’  
products. This method is made available to provide  
continuity in the arming commands across product  
line and to make an easy transition for dealers using  
other Bosch Security Systems products. With  
commands, the end user presses the [COMMAND]  
key and then the numeral of the command they  
want to initiate. For example pressing [Command]  
[2]” arms the perimeter of the area.  
7 (Special Alert)  
8 (Perimeter Partial Area)  
9 (Special Alert)  
0 (Bypass a Point)  
Some functions cannot be entered directly using  
a Command number because they are nested  
inside a higher level function. To automatically  
execute these functions, you must add the  
appropriate keystrokes.  
The D9112 Program Record Sheet lists the commands  
available with the D9112 system. Command  
numbers are shown in the third column (labeled  
“Command”) next to the function name. If a  
particular function does not have a command  
number, it can only be accessed through the  
Command Menu.  
For example, in the Change Display (CMD 49)  
function there are three sub-functions:  
Bright Display: Enter [A] [4] [9] [E]  
Dim Display: Enter: [A] [4] [9] [D] [E]  
If the end user is going to use only commands to  
operate their system, along with arming and  
disarming by entering a passcode, then you do not  
need to program Custom Function or Command Menu.  
Date/Time Display: Enter [A] [4] [9] [B]  
Command Menu and Custom  
Custom Functions can perform several tasks at  
once. For example: To toggle relays 7, 8 and 9  
in one Custom Function enter: [A] [5] [4] [7] [E]  
[E] [8] [E] [E] [9] [E] [E] [C]  
The Command Menu is accessed when the user  
presses the [ESC]/[MENU] key while the command  
center is displaying idle text. Each command center  
address can display a unique list of functions to suit  
the application. The function name shown in the  
second column on the Program Record Sheet appears  
in all capital letters in the command center display  
when the function is programmed for the Command  
Menu. See Command Menu for instructions.  
To program multiple area arming or disarming  
functions, use keystroke sequences including  
[COMMAND][50] (Move to Area) and  
The previous examples assume none of the  
functions require a passcode.  
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Custom functions simplify the use of the command  
center by providing a method of displaying complex  
functions in a simplified form using custom text.  
Custom Functions can only be accessed through the  
Command Menu.  
See the Security System User’s Guide for  
descriptions and operating instructions for  
the most commonly used functions. See  
the Security System Owner's Guide for  
advance command center functions.  
In order to use command center functions in  
Custom Function programming, the functions must  
be enabled as described in Cmd Center Functions.  
Fill out the worksheets in the Owner’s  
Guide when you are done, or remove the  
Appendix section of the Owner’s Guide.  
If a function that requires the use of a passcode is  
programmed for a Custom Function, the user’s  
passcode must have the authority to execute the  
function in at least one of the areas within the scope  
of the command center, otherwise, NO  
Cmd Center Function  
Programming choices in this section of the program  
determine if command center functions are disabled  
(Blank), enabled (E), or restricted (P) panel-wide.  
AUTHORITY displays.  
Fill out the Program Record Sheet as you  
design the system.  
Table 27: Command Center Function Selections  
To enable a function panel wide with no  
restrictions, enter an “E” in the fourth  
column. To completely disable it, enter a  
blank in the fourth column. To restrict use to  
users with a particular authority level, place  
a “P” in the fourth column next to the  
Disable the function panel-wide.  
Accessing the function using a command  
or the Command Menu displays NO  
Enable the function panel-wide. The  
function can be executed without entering  
a passcode.  
Passcode required. When the passcode  
is entered at the command center, the  
panel checks the authority level. See  
Authority Lvl Assign.  
You only need to program Authority Levels  
for functions restricted by passcode. To  
enable a function for a particular authority  
level, put an “E” under the authority level  
column. A blank under an authority level  
disables the function for the authority level  
Authority Lvl Assign  
Use this section to program command center  
functions so that they can be used by specific User  
Authority Levels.  
In the User Interface section of this guide, descriptions  
of prompts found in Cmd Center Functions and  
Authority Lvl Assign are combined. This makes the  
relationship between the two sections easier to  
understand when you are learning how to program  
the panel.  
Programming Time Saver: Only functions that are  
programmed to require a passcode (P) in the Cmd  
Center Functions section of the program need to be  
programmed in Authority Lvl Assign.  
Functions that are disabled (Blank) in Cmd Center  
Functions are disabled panel-wife for all authority  
levels. Functions that are enabled (E) in Cmd Center  
Functions are enabled panel-wide for all authority  
Cmd Center Function prompts are shown  
in plain boxes. Authority Lvl Assign prompts  
are shown in dashed boxes.  
In the D5200 programmer, the prompts for Cmd  
Center Functions and Authority Lvl Assign appear in  
separate sections of the User Interface module.  
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Table 28: Authority Level Selections  
Disable this function for the authority level specified.  
Enable this function for the authority level specified. When the passcode is entered at the command  
center, the panel checks the authority level. The panel executes the function only in areas where the  
passcode has the authority to use the function.  
When a passcode is entered into a command center that has either Account or Panel-Wide scope, the  
user can use any panel-wide feature (such as Send a Report or Display Rev) as long as the user has  
authority for the feature in at least one area where the command center has scope. If the function is area  
specific the authority must be set for the specific function such as, Watch Mode.  
There are two disarming functions enabled by this prompt: Disarm All Areas and Disarm An Area. Blank and E  
are not valid entries for this item.  
Disarm All Areas: Disarms all areas according to the Scope of the command center where the function is  
entered (see Cmd Cntr Assignment).  
Disarm An Area: Disarms a single area. When this function is accessed the command center displays the armed  
status of areas within its Scope.  
How Command Center Scope affects area execution: An Area Command Center can execute this  
function only in the area where the command center is assigned. An Account command center can  
execute this function in all areas in the account where the user has authority. A Panel-Wide Command  
Center can execute this function in all areas in the panel where the user has authority.  
Passcode is always required for this function. When the passcode is entered at the command center,  
the panel checks the authority level.  
The panel disarms areas where the passcode is authorized within the Scope of the command  
center. The command center display shows the disarmed areas.  
Programming in O/C Options Area O/C and Restricted O/C determines whether Opening and  
Closing reports can be generated for a particular area.  
L## Disarm  
See Training Sheet  
Blank or E  
Disable this function for Authority Level (L##) specified.  
Enable this function for Authority Level specified. When the passcode is entered at the command  
center, the panel checks the authority level. The panel executes the function only in areas where the  
passcode is authorized.  
Programming in O/C Options Area O/C and Restricted O/C determines whether Opening and  
Closing reports can be generated for a particular area.  
Whether Opening and Closing reports are generated by this user or not depends on the L##  
Area O/C and L## Restricted O/C prompts in Authority Lvl Assign.  
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Master Arm  
There are three arming functions enabled by this prompt:  
Master Arm All Areas: Arms all areas according to the Scope of the command center where the function is  
entered (see Cmd Cntr Assignment).  
Master Arm an Area: Allows the user to select a single area to arm.  
Command 1: Local area arming; only arms the area where the command center is assigned.  
How command center Scope affects area execution:  
An Area Command Center can execute this function only in the area where the command center is  
assigned. An Account Command Center can execute this function in all areas in the account where the  
user has authority. A Panel-Wide Command Center can execute this function in all areas in the panel  
where the user has authority.  
Blank, E, or P  
Disable the function panel-wide. Attempting to access the function displays NO AUTHORITY.  
Enable this function panel-wide. The function can be executed from any area within the command  
center’s Scope without entering a passcode.  
Programming in O/C Options Area O/C and Restricted O/C determines whether Opening and Closing  
reports can be generated for a particular area.  
Passcode required. When the passcode is entered at the command center, the panel checks the  
authority level.  
The panel only arms areas where the passcode is authorized that are within the Scope of the  
command center. The command center display shows the areas it is arming.  
Force Arming: If a passcode is not required to arm these functions, all authority levels can force arm. To  
disable force arming in an area, enter 0 in FA Bypass Max in the Area Parameters section of the program.  
L## Master Arm  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
Disable this function for Authority Level (L##) specified, if this item in Command Center Function  
requires a passcode (P).  
Enable this function for Authority Level specified. When the passcode is entered at the command  
center, the panel checks the authority level. The panel executes the function only in areas where the  
passcode is authorized.  
Programming in O/C Options Area O/C and Restricted O/C determines whether Opening and  
Closing reports can be generated for a particular area.  
Whether Opening and Closing reports are generated by this user or not depends on the L##  
Area O/C and L## Restricted O/C prompts in Authority Lvl Assign.  
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Mstr Arm Inst  
Master Arm Instant: [COMMAND] [1] [1]  
There are three instant master arming functions enabled by this prompt: Master Arm All Areas Instant, Master  
Arm An Area Instant, and Command 11 Local Area Arm Instant.  
Normally, these instant master arming functions provide no entry or exit delay, however, if a disable restart is  
performed while the area is instant master armed, then an entry delay is provided for the current armed cycle.  
Master Arm All Areas (Instant): Arms all areas according to the Scope of the command center where the  
function is entered (see Cmd Cntr Assignment). No entry or exit delays are provided with this arming function.  
Master Arm An Area (Instant): Allows the user to select a single area to arm. No entry or exit delays are  
provided with this arming function.  
Command 11: Only arms the area where the command center is assigned. No entry or exit delays are provided  
with this arming function.  
How command center Scope affects area execution:  
An Area command center can execute this function only in the area where the command center is  
assigned. An Account command center can execute this function in all areas in the account where the  
user has authority. A Panel-Wide command center can execute this function in all areas in the panel  
where the user has authority.  
Blank, E, or P  
Disable the function panel-wide. Accessing the function using a command, the Command Menu, or  
a custom function, displays NO AUTHORITY.  
Enable this function panel-wide. The function can be executed from any area within the command  
center’s Scope without entering a passcode.  
Programming in O/C Options Area O/C and Restricted O/C determines whether Opening and  
Closing reports can be generated for a particular area.  
Passcode required. When the passcode is entered at the command center, the panel checks the  
authority level.  
The panel only arms areas where the passcode is authorized and within the Scope of the command  
center. The command center display shows the areas it is arming.  
Force Arming: If a passcode is not required to arm these functions, all authority levels can force arm. To  
disable force arming in an area, enter 0 in FA Bypass Max in the Area Parameters section of the program.  
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L## Master Arm Inst  
Master Arm  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
Disable this function for Authority Level (L##) specified, if this Command Center Function item  
requires a passcode (P).  
Enable this function for Authority Level specified. When the passcode is entered at the command  
center, the panel checks the authority level. The panel executes the function only in areas where the  
passcode is authorized.  
Programming in O/C Options Area O/C and Restricted O/C determines whether Opening and  
Closing reports can be generated for a particular area.  
Whether Opening and Closing reports are generated by this user or not depends on the L##  
Area O/C and L## Restricted O/C prompts in Authority Lvl Assign.  
Perim Instant  
Perimeter Instant Arm [COMMAND] [2]:  
This command center function arms all perimeter points (see Point Index Point Type) in the area where the  
command center is assigned. No entry or exit delays are provided with this arming function.  
Blank, E or P  
Disable the function panel-wide. Accessing the function using a command, the Command Menu, or  
a custom function, displays NO AUTHORITY.  
Enable the function panel-wide. The function can be executed without entering a passcode.  
Programming in O/C Options Perimeter O/C determines whether Perimeter Closing reports can  
be generated for a particular area.  
Passcode required. When the passcode is entered at the command center, the panel checks the  
authority level. The panel only arms the area if the passcode is authorized.  
Force Arming: If a passcode is not required to arm these functions, all authority levels can force arm. To  
disable force arming in an area, enter 0 in FA Bypass Max in the Area Parameters section of the program.  
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L## Perim Inst  
Perimeter Instant Arm  
See Training Sheet  
Blank or E  
Disable this function for Authority Level (L##) specified, if this Command Center Function item  
requires a passcode (P).  
Enable this function for Authority Level specified. When the passcode is entered at the command  
center, the panel checks the authority level. The panel executes the function only in areas where the  
passcode is authorized.  
Programming in O/C Options Perimeter O/C determines whether Perimeter Closing reports can be  
generated for a particular area.  
Whether Perimeter Closing reports and subsequent Opening reports are generated by this user or  
not depends on the L## Perimeter O/C prompt in Authority Lvl Assign.  
Perim Delay  
Perimeter Delay Arm [COMMAND] [3]:  
This command center function arms all perimeter points (see Point Index Point Type) in the area where the  
command center is assigned. No entry or exit delays are provided with this arming function.  
Blank, E, or P  
Disable the function panel-wide. Accessing the function using a command, the Command Menu, or  
a custom function, displays NO AUTHORITY.  
Enable the function panel-wide. The function can be executed without entering a passcode.  
Programming in O/C Options Perimeter O/C determines whether Perimeter Closing reports can  
be generated for a particular area.  
Passcode required. When the passcode is entered at the command center, the panel checks the  
authority level. The panel only arms the area if the passcode is authorized.  
Force Arming: If a passcode is not required to arm this function, all authority levels can force arm. To  
disable force arming in an area, enter 0 in FA Bypass Max in the Area Parameters section of the program.  
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L## Perim Delay  
Perimeter Delay Arm  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
Disable this function for Authority Level (L##) specified, if this item in Command Center Function  
requires a passcode (P).  
Enable this function for Authority Level specified. When the passcode is entered at the command  
center, the panel checks the authority level. The panel executes the function only in areas where the  
passcode is authorized.  
Programming in O/C Options Perimeter O/C determines whether Perimeter Closing reports can  
be generated for a particular area.  
Whether Perimeter Closing reports and subsequent Opening reports are generated by this user or  
not depends on the L## Perimeter O/C prompt in Authority Lvl Assign.  
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Watch Mode  
View Area Stat  
Blank, E, or P  
Blank, E, or P  
Watch Mode [COMMAND] [6]:  
View Area Status: This command center function  
allows the user to view the armed status of areas  
other than the one to which the command center is  
assigned. This function shows the following status for  
areas where the passcode is authorized: armed,  
disarmed, perimeter armed (partial, instant, delayed)  
not ready to arm, account armed text, exit delay  
text, entry delay text.  
This command center function operates only in the  
area where the command center is assigned. No  
entry or exit delays are provided with this arming  
This function provides command center and  
optional relay annunciation of faults from points that  
are programmed as Watch Points in Point Index.  
L## View Area Stat  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
L## Watch Mode  
View Area Status: See Authority Level Selections in  
the introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
View Event Mem  
Watch Mode: See Authority Level Selections in the  
introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign programming  
module for descriptions of selections.  
Blank, E, or P  
Perim Partial  
View Event Memory [COMMAND] [4] [O]:  
View prior alarm and trouble activity that occurred  
during the last armed period. The user can view  
activity in areas within the Scope of the command  
center where the function is entered (see Cmd Cntr  
Assignment). Event memory is not cleared until the  
area is rearmed.  
Blank, E, or P  
This command center function arms only perimeter  
points which are not faulted in the area where the  
command center is assigned. Entry and exit delays  
are provided with this arming function.  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign programming  
module for descriptions of selections.  
This function ignores the A# FA Bypass Max entry  
in Area Parameters.  
No Closing report is sent to the central station,  
however, a Perimeter Delay event is recorded and  
faulted points are identified as “forced” in the event  
L## View Event Mem  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
View Event Memory: See Authority Level Selections  
in the introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
L## Perim Partial  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
Perimeter Partial Arm: See Authority Level Selections  
in the introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
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View Pt Status  
Fire Test  
Blank, E, or P  
Blank, E, or P  
View Point Status: View points assigned to the area  
where the command center is assigned. This function  
shows point text and the electrical condition  
Fire Test [COMMAND] [5] [8]:  
Test 24-Hour points in areas within the Scope of the  
command center where the function is entered.  
When a Fire Test is initiated one person can  
typically test a fire system without assistance. The  
following features are provided with the Fire Test  
(normal, open, short) of each point in the area.  
Points 72 and 136 appear in the Point Status  
List. Notice that text for Commands 7 and 9  
is followed by a MISSING condition on point  
72 and point 136. Points 72 and 136 serve  
dual purposes. They are used for Command  
7 and Command 9, and they are also used to  
supervise the data expansion bus. When you  
see that points 72 and 136 are missing, do  
not be alarmed. When these points are  
missing the point bus is normal.  
Central station report is transmitted when the  
Fire Test Mode is initiated and when it is  
Local alarm annunciation without report  
All reports from 24-Hour points within the  
Scope of the command center are  
suppressed during Fire Test.  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
Automatic smoke detector reset (executing Reset  
Sensors from the Function Menu is not required  
after each device is tested).  
L## View Pt Stat  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
Command centers equipped with an alpha-  
numeric display show a sequential count after  
each point is activated and restored.  
View Point Status: See Authority Level Selections in  
the introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
Printed record of each alarm test response is  
available if a local printer is installed and has the  
Scope required to record events from the area  
being tested (D9131 Printer Interface required).  
Walk Test  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
Blank, E, or P  
Walk Test [COMMAND] [4] [4]:  
L## Fire Test  
Test controlled points in disarmed areas within the  
Scope of the command center without sending  
reports to the central station.  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
Fire Test: See Authority Level Selections in the  
introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign programming  
module for descriptions of selections.  
L## Walk Test  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
Walk Test: See Authority Level Selections in the  
introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign programming  
module for descriptions of selections.  
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L## Chg Display  
Default: See Program Record Sheet  
Selection: Blank or E  
Send Report  
Blank, E, or P  
Change Display: See Authority Level Selections in the  
introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign programming  
module for descriptions of selections.  
Send Report [COMMAND] [4] [1] and  
[COMMAND] [4] [2]:  
Test the communications link between the panel and  
the central station receiver(s). It can send a Test  
report or a Status report to the phone numbers as  
programmed in Phone Routing. The Test report  
includes additional information if Expand Tst Rpt is  
enabled in the Phone section.  
Chg Time/Date  
Blank, E, or P  
Change Time and Date [COMMAND] [4] [5]:  
Test/Stat Rpt in Phone Routing must be  
Set the time and date in the panel. This is a panel-  
wide function that can be executed from any  
command center with the scope to view an area  
where the user has authority to perform this  
programmed with a primary destination. If no  
routing is programmed for the report, the  
command center displays SENDING  
REPORTbut the confirming message  
REPORT SENTnever displays.  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
This is a panel-wide function that can be executed  
from any command center assigned to an area where  
the user has authority.  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
L## Chg Time/Date  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
L## Send Report  
Change Time and Date: See Authority Level  
Selections in the introduction to the Authority Lvl  
Assign programming module for descriptions of  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
Send Report: See Authority Level Selections in the  
introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign programming  
module for descriptions of selections.  
Chg Passcode  
Chg Display  
Blank or P  
Change Passcodes [COMMAND] [55]:  
Blank, E, or P  
Change the passcode numbers for users already  
programmed into the panel. This is a panel-wide  
function that can be executed from any command  
center assigned to an area where the user has  
Change Display [COMMAND] [4] [9]:  
This command center function affects only the  
command center address where the function is  
entered. The user can select either a bright or dim  
display with loud or soft command center warning  
tones, Chg Display also turns on the continuous  
time and date display. (The time and date display  
clears when a higher priority message needs to be  
If you enter E, the panel treats the entry as P.  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
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L## Chg Passcode  
L## Del Passcode  
Default: See Program Record Sheet  
Selection: Blank or E  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
Change Passcodes:  
Delete Passcode: See Authority Level Selections in the  
introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign programming  
module for descriptions of selections.  
See Authority Level Selections in the introduction to the  
Authority Lvl Assign programming module for  
descriptions of selections.  
Extend Close  
Add Passcode  
Blank, E, or P  
Blank, E, or P  
Extend Close:  
Add Passcode [COMMAND] [5] [6]:  
Change the expected closing time for the area where  
the function is entered. The window cannot be  
adjusted until the Close Early Begin time has  
passed and the closing window is active.  
Add user numbers, associated passcodes, and assign  
authority levels for each area. This is a panel-wide  
function that can be executed from any command  
center assigned to an area where the user has  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
Bosch Security Systems recommends this item be  
programmed P or disabled.  
L## Extend Close  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
L## Add Passcode  
Extend Close: See Authority Level Selections in the  
introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign programming  
module for descriptions of selections.  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
View Log  
Add Passcode: See Authority Level Selections in the  
introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign programming  
module for descriptions of selections.  
Blank, E, or P  
Del Passcode  
View Log: This is a panel-wide function that can  
be executed from any command center assigned to  
an area where the user has authority.  
Blank, E, or P  
This command center function allows the user to  
view all of the events stored in the D9112 log. This  
is particularly useful for system troubleshooting.  
Delete Passcode:  
Delete user numbers and associated passcodes from  
the system. This is a panel-wide function that can  
be executed from any command center assigned to  
an area where the user has authority.  
Every time an event is generated, the event is sent to  
the log. Many events have “modifiers” attached to  
them. Modifiers are stored in the log as separate  
events. For example, each time an area is force  
armed several events are sent to the log.  
Bosch Security Systems recommends this item be  
programmed P or disabled.  
The log in the D9112 can store up to 499 events  
panel-wide. When the number of stored events  
exceeds 499, the panel overwrites the oldest event,  
regardless of the area in which it occurred. See Log  
% Full in RAM Parameters for more information  
about the event log.  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
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See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
This function generates an Alarm report each time it  
is activated, but only one alarm appears in the alarm  
memory count at the local area command centers. If  
this function is activated in more than one area  
within the scope of the command center, the alarm  
memory count is increased.  
L## View Log  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
See the Point Assignment module, Command 7 section  
for additional programming requirements for the  
Command 7 function.  
View Log: See Authority Level Command Center  
Function Selections in the introduction to the Authority  
Lvl Assign programming module for descriptions of  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
Print Log  
L## User Cmd 7  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
Blank, E, or P  
Print Event Log: Print all of the events stored in the  
D9112. Events are printed on Printer 17 (D9131  
Printer Interface required).  
User Command 7: See Authority Level Selections in  
the introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
The D9912 log can store up to 499 events panel-  
wide. When the number of stored events exceeds  
499, the panel overwrites the oldest event, regardless  
of the area in which it occurred. See Log % Full in  
RAM Parameters for more information about the  
event log.  
User Cmd 9  
Blank, E, or P  
User Command 9 [COMMAND] [9]:  
This is a panel-wide function that can be executed  
from any command center assigned to an area where  
the user has authority.  
This command center function generates a special  
manually activated alarm.  
This function generates an Alarm report each time it  
is activated, but only one alarm appears in the alarm  
memory count at the local area command centers. If  
this function is activated in more than one area  
within the scope of the command center, the alarm  
memory count is increased.  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
L## Print Log  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
See the Point Assignment module, Command 9 section  
for additional programming requirements for the  
Command 9 function.  
Print Event Log: See Authority Level Selections in the  
introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign programming  
module for descriptions of selections.  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
User Cmd 7  
L## User Cmd 9  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
Blank, E, or P  
User Command 7 [COMMAND] [7]:  
User Command 9: See Authority Level Selections in  
the introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
This command center function generates a special  
manually activated alarm.  
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See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
Bypass a Pt  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
L## Reset Sensors  
Blank, E, or P  
Bypass a Point [COMMAND] [0]: Bypass points in  
areas within the Scope of the command center  
where the function is entered (see Cmd Cntr  
See Training Sheet  
Blank or E  
Assignment). Bypassed points do not respond to faults.  
Reset Sensors: See Authority Level Selections in the  
introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign programming  
module for descriptions of selections.  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
Relay Control  
L## Bypass a Pt  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
Blank, E, or P  
Relay Control [COMMAND] [5] [4]: Manually  
operate relays installed in the D9112 system. This is  
a panel-wide function that can be executed from  
any command center assigned to an area where the  
user has authority. See the D9112 Operation and  
Installation Manual for information about optional  
Bypass a Point: See Authority Level Selections in the  
introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign programming  
module for descriptions of selections.  
Unbypass a Pt  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
Blank, E, or P  
Unbypass a Point [COMMAND] [0] [0]: Unbypass  
points in areas within the Scope of the command  
center where the function is entered (see Cmd Cntr  
Assignment). When unbypassed, a point can detect  
faults and respond according to programming.  
L## Relay Control  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
Relay Control: See Authority Level Selections in the  
introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign programming  
module for descriptions of selections.  
L## Unbypass a Pt  
Remote Program  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
Blank, E, or P  
Unbypass a Point: See Authority Level Selections in  
the introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
Remote Programming [COMMAND] [4] [3]:  
Initiate Remote Account Manager (RAM) sessions.  
This is a panel-wide function that can be executed  
from any command center assigned to an area where  
the user has authority. Reports concerning the  
remote programming session are generated as Area  
1 events.  
Reset Sensors  
Blank, E, or P  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
Reset Sensors [COMMAND] [4] [7]: Activate the  
Reset Sensors function in areas within the Scope of  
the command center where the function is entered  
(see Cmd Cntr Assignment). See Relays section for  
information about Reset Sensors relay activation.  
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L## Remote Program  
L## Display Rev  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
Remote Programming: See Authority Level Selections  
in the introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
Display Software Revision: See Authority Level  
Selections in the introduction to the Authority Lvl  
Assign programming module for descriptions of  
Move to Area  
Service Walk  
Blank, E, or P  
Blank, E, or P  
Move to Area [COMMAND] [5] [0]:  
Service Walk Test: This test is similar to a Walk  
Test. The Service Walk test can also display points  
from all disarmed areas in the panel when the  
Service Walk test is initiated from a command center  
with Panel-Wide Scope. The service walk test can  
be initiated from command centers with Account or  
Area Scope but the test is limited to the areas within  
the command center’s Scope.  
This command center function allows the user to  
temporarily switch the command center’s assignment  
to a different area. Users are limited to performing  
functions enabled by the authority level they have in  
the area that the command center is moved to.  
While the Move to Area function is active, the  
command center has the same Scope and  
Command menu in the new area (as programmed in  
Cmd Cntr Assignment and Command Menu).  
Extra Points: points with a blank P### Point  
Index are “extra” points.  
After fifteen sec. of no activity at the keypad, the  
command center reverts back to the original area as  
programmed in Cmd Cntr Assignment.  
If the panel is not in the service walk test mode  
when an extra point trips, the panel responds to it as  
a local Trouble event at the command center. It  
displays the custom text for the point number set in  
the point’s DIP switch or on-board point location.  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
When an extra point is tripped during the service  
walk test, it reports as an EXTRA POINTin the  
panel’s event log (View Log function) and at the  
local printer if it is installed. Once an extra point is  
identified, you can check the programming to see if  
it has a Point Index, determine if the index is  
appropriate for the application, and make sure the  
area assignment is correct.  
L## Move to Area  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
Move to Area: See Authority Level Selections in the  
introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign programming  
module for descriptions of selections.  
If you incorrectly set the switches on a POPIT, you  
may create both a missing and extra point. When  
you find a missing point, performing a Service Walk  
test for extra points may help diagnose the problem.  
Display Rev  
Blank, E, or P  
Points assigned to a disabled area do not  
appear during a Service Walk Test.  
Display Software Revision [COMMAND] [5] [9]:  
Points assigned to an area that is currently  
in Walk Test or Fire Test mode do not  
appear during a Service Walk Test.  
This command center function allows the user to  
show the panel’s software revision number in the  
command center display.  
Points assigned to an area that is armed  
do not appear during a Service Walk Test.  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
See the D9112 Operation and Installation Manual for  
test instructions.  
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See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
L## Change Skeds  
Default: See Training Sheet  
Selection: Blank or E  
L## Service Walk  
Change Skeds: See Authority Level Selections in the  
introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign programming  
module for descriptions of selections.  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
Service Walk Test: See Authority Level Selections in  
the introduction to the Authority Lvl Assign  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
Authority Level Opening and  
Closing Options  
L## Force Arm  
Default Text  
Arm the area to be armed even if the controlled  
points are not normal. Points that are not normal are  
left out of the system during the arming procedure  
and do NOT detect violations. Other points operate  
as programmed.  
Blank, E, or P  
Display Default Command Center Text  
[COMMAND] [5] [7]: This command center  
function affects only the command center address  
where the function is entered. This command center  
function allows the user to display the non-  
customized command center idle text for the area  
where the command center is assigned. This may be  
helpful in troubleshooting if the service technician or  
user cannot remember the area number or meaning  
of custom idle text.  
This program item is used in conjunction with  
programming for other arming functions. When a  
passcode is required to arm, use this program item to  
restrict the ability to force arm.  
If a passcode is not required to arm using  
a particular function, all authority levels can  
force arm with that function. To disable  
force arming in an area, enter 0 in FA  
Bypass Max in the Area Parameters  
section of the program.  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
See Program Record Sheet  
Selection: Blank or E  
Blank Force Arming is disabled for users  
L## Default Text  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
with the authority level specified if a  
passcode is required to arm with the  
function used to initiate the force  
arming sequence.  
Display Default Command Center Text: See  
Authority Level Selections in the introduction to the  
Authority Lvl Assign programming module for  
descriptions of selections.  
Enable Force Arming for the  
authority level specified.  
Change Skeds  
Blank, E, or P  
Change Skeds [COMMAND] [5] [2]: A panel-  
wide function that can be executed from any  
command center assigned to an area where the user  
has authority. Use to make adjustments to Skeds  
numbered 1 to 17. See the Security System Owner’s  
Guide for operating instructions.  
See Command Center Function Selections in the  
introduction to the Command Center Functions  
programming module for descriptions of selections.  
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L## Area O/C  
L## Perimeter O/C  
Send Area Opening and Closing Reports:  
Determines if Perimeter Opening and Closing  
reports are sent to the central station or logged only  
when a user with this authority level perimeter arms  
the area.  
See Program Record Sheet  
Selection Blank or E  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
Blank Disable this function for the authority level  
Disable this function for the authority  
level specified.  
Send Opening and Closing by Area  
report when an area is disarmed or armed  
by a user with this authority level.  
Enable this function for the authority  
level specified. To send Perimeter  
Opening and Closing reports from  
an area, A# Perimeter O/C must be  
programmed YES in Open/Close  
To send Area Opening and Closing  
reports in Modem II format, A# Acct O/C  
must be programmed YES and A# Area  
O/C must be programmed NO in  
Open/Close Options.  
L## Send Duress  
To send Account Opening and Closing  
reports in BFSK Format, A# Acct O/C must  
be programmed YES and A# Area O/C  
must be programmed NO in Open/Close  
Determines if users with this authority level can send  
a duress alarm to the central station. See Passcode  
Worksheet Duress for an explanation of Duress.  
See Program Record Sheet  
L## Restricted O/C  
Selection: Blank or E  
Send Restricted Opening and Closing Reports:  
The area sends one Opening report after a non-fire  
alarm and one Closing report after force arming.  
Disable Duress for users with the  
authority level specified.  
Enable this function for the authority  
level specified.  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or E  
If a passcode is required to arm or  
disarm, restricted openings and  
closings are disabled for this user.  
If a passcode is required to arm or  
disarm, send only restricted openings  
and closings for users with this  
authority level.  
L## Area O/C must be enabled.  
A# Area O/C and A# Restricted  
O/C must be programmed YES in  
Open/Close Options.  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 4.0 Command Menu  
EN | 62  
L## Passcode Arm  
4.0 Command Menu  
Use this programming category to create a list of  
functions that appear in command center displays  
when the user presses the [ESC]/[MENU] key while  
the command center is displaying idle text. The  
Command menu is customized according to  
command center address.  
Determines the user’s ability to arm the panel  
without having to use the Command menu or an  
arming command. When enabled for an authority  
level, users with that authority level can arm the area  
by entering their passcode.  
If a bell is ringing in any area within the Scope of  
the command center and you enter a passcode, it  
silences the bell but does not arm the area.  
Each command center address can display a unique  
list of functions to suit the application. For example,  
command centers with Address 1 may be located in  
a secure area. Therefore, you want to enable all 32  
function displays. But command centers with  
Address 2 may be located in a part of the building  
where you do not want casual access to any  
functions. Disabling all of the function displays  
forces the user at Address 2 to initiate all functions  
using commands.  
Selection: Blank or E  
Blank The user cannot arm the area by  
See Program Record Sheet  
entering their passcode. NO  
AUTHORITYdisplays if the passcode is  
entered while the command center is  
displaying idle text.  
Area assignment and scope have no impact on  
which functions appear in the Command Menu,  
however these functions may affect the way that the  
functions operate when selected from the list.  
The user can arm the area by entering  
their passcode.  
To send Closing reports for users with  
this authority level A# Area O/C must  
be programmed YES in Open/Close  
Options. L## Area O/C must be  
enabled for this authority level.  
Menu Item  
1 to 32  
L## Passcode Disarm  
Enter the menu item number you are programming.  
Do not skip over menu item numbers. Do not leave  
M## Function blank within the sequential list.  
When the panel reaches a Menu Item with a blank  
Menu Function, it stops looking for more menu  
Determines the user’s ability to disarm the panel  
without having to use the menu structure. When  
enabled for an authority level, users with that  
authority level can disarm the area by entering their  
If a bell is ringing in any area within the Scope of  
the command center and you enter a passcode, it  
silences the bell and disarms the area.  
M## Function  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank, 1 to 35 and 128 to 143  
Selection: Blank or E  
Blank The user cannot disarm the area by  
See Program Record Sheet  
Enter the Command Center Function number you  
want to appear in at least one command center  
display. Use the D9112 Program Record Sheet to  
determine function number.  
entering their passcode. NO  
AUTHORITYdisplays if the passcode is  
entered while the command center is  
displaying idle text or the area is in  
entry delay.  
Function numbers 1 to 35 are shown in the first  
column on the User Interface Command Function page  
of the D9112 Program Record Sheet. The function  
name is shown in the second column labeled  
“Function.” The function name appears in the  
command center display as the user advances  
through the Command Menu.  
The user can disarm the area by  
entering their passcode.  
To send Opening reports for users with  
this authority level A# Area O/C must  
be programmed YES in Open/Close  
Options. L## Area O/C must be  
enabled for this authority level.  
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Function numbers 128 to 143 are programmed in  
the Custom Function section of the program. See the  
Command Center, Custom Function page of the D9112  
Program Record Sheet to determine which custom  
functions you can use in the Command menu. The  
text programmed for the custom function appears in  
the command center display as the user advances  
through the Command Menu.  
M## CC Address 5  
See Program Record Sheet  
Yes or No  
Should this menu item appear in Command Menu  
at Address #5?  
M## CC Address 6  
You can assign the Command Center Function to  
any menu item number. You can even assign the  
same Command Center Function to several menu  
item numbers if you want to customize the order in  
which they appear at different command center  
See Program Record Sheet  
Yes or No  
Should this menu item appear in Command Menu  
at Address #6?  
Do not leave any M## Function blank within the  
sequential list. If you no longer want a Function to  
display at any command centers, turn off the  
function by programming M## CC Address 1 to  
M## CC Address 8 NO, or change the Function  
M## CC Address 7  
See Program Record Sheet  
Yes or No  
Should this menu item appear in Command Menu  
at Address #7?  
M## CC Address 1  
M## CC Address 8  
See Program Record Sheet  
Yes or No  
See Program Record Sheet  
Yes or No  
Should this menu item appear in Command Menu  
at Address #1?  
Should this menu item appear in Command Menu  
at Address #8?  
M## CC Address 2  
See Program Record Sheet  
Yes or No  
Should this menu item appear in Command Menu  
at Address #2?  
M## CC Address 3  
See Program Record Sheet  
Yes or No  
Should this menu item appear in Command Menu  
at Address #3?  
M## CC Address 4  
See Program Record Sheet  
Yes or No  
Should this menu item appear in Command Menu  
at Address #4?  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 5.0 User Access Windows  
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UW## Thursday  
5.0 User Access Windows  
Yes or No  
Build up to 15 User Access Windows. Once the  
windows are set up, assign a window to selected  
passcodes. See User Window in the Passcode  
Worksheet section of the program.  
Is this User Window active on Thursday?  
UW## Friday  
When you assign a User Window to a passcode, the  
passcode is disabled except during the times  
programmed in the selected User Access Window.  
Yes or No  
If a User Access Window is not assigned, the  
passcode is enabled all the time.  
Is this User Window active on Friday?  
About the Program Record Sheet: A column  
labeled “Sked #” appears on the Program Record Sheet  
provided with the D9112. These numbers  
correspond to the Sked numbers that appear in  
D6500 reports and on the Local Printer when a  
window begins and ends.  
UW## Saturday  
Yes or No  
Is this User Window active on Saturday?  
User Window #  
UW## Access Window Start  
_ _:_ _  
HH:MM (hours and minutes)  
1 to 15  
Enter the window number you are programming.  
Enter the time of day that the window takes effect.  
The window takes effect at the beginning of the  
minute. Make entries using a 24 hr. clock (for  
example, 7:00 a.m. is entered as 07:00 and 2:45 p.m.  
is entered as 14:45).  
UW## Sunday  
Yes or No  
To disable the window, both the hours and minutes  
spaces must be blank.  
Is this User Window active on Sunday?  
To program a starting time:  
UW## Monday  
1. Press the two digits representing the hour.  
2. The cursor advances past the colon (:) in the  
3. Press the two digits representing the minutes.  
4. Press [ENT].  
Yes or No  
Is this User Window active on Monday?  
UW## Tuesday  
Disable/Restart the panel to activate today’s  
window. If you are programming a window  
that needs to activate on the same day that  
you are programming it, do a disable/restart  
after programming.  
Yes or No  
Is this User Window active on Tuesday?  
UW## Access Window Stop  
UW## Wednesday  
_ _:_ _  
HH:MM (hours and minutes)  
Yes or No  
Enter the time of day that the window ends. The  
window stops at the end of the minute. Make entries  
using a 24 hr. clock (for example, 7:00 a.m. is  
entered as 07:00 and 2:45 p.m. is entered as 14:45).  
Is this User Window active on Wednesday?  
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To disable the window, both the hours and minutes  
spaces must be blank.  
Holiday Indexes for User Access  
Do not program a single window to cross  
You can enable up to four holiday indexes to use  
with User Access Windows. Enable at least one  
Holiday Index if UW## Xept Holiday is  
programmed YES for this user window, or if you  
want this window active only on specific dates.  
Holidays are programmed in the Holiday Indexes  
section of the program.  
the midnight boundary. The window stop  
time must be later than the window start  
UW## Xept Holiday  
Determine if the window is disabled on holidays.  
To prevent the window from activating on certain days of the year, use the Xept Holiday program item with an  
appropriately programmed Holiday Index. When a Xept Holiday is programmed YES, the window executes on  
the days of the week programmed unless the date is designated as a holiday by the Holiday Index(es)  
selected for use with this window.  
Yes or No  
Do not activate this window on holidays.  
To use this selection, the window must be programmed to activate on at least one day of the week,  
and at least one Holiday Index must be used with this window.  
A holiday does not prevent this window from activating.  
Use this selection if the User Window is only needed on certain days of the year, or if you want the  
User Window to activate regardless of the holiday.  
To activate the User Window on certain days of the year, do not program the windows to activate  
on any days of the week. Instead, program XEPT Holiday NO and select at least one Holiday Index  
with the days of the year you want the window to be active.  
UW## Holiday 1  
UW## Holiday 3  
Yes or No  
Yes or No  
Use Holiday Index 1 with this User  
Access Window.  
Use Holiday Index 3 with this User  
Access Window.  
Do not use Holiday Index 1 with this  
User Access Window.  
Do not use Holiday Index 3 with this  
User Access Window.  
UW## Holiday 2  
UW## Holiday 4  
Yes or No  
Yes or No  
Use Holiday Index 2 with this User  
Access Window.  
Use Holiday Index 4 with this User  
Access Window.  
Do not use Holiday Index 2 with this  
User Access Window.  
Do not use Holiday Index 4 with this  
User Access Window.  
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station automation computer system can only accept  
ZONEX and COMEX style user IDs, see  
Point/User Flag in the Phone section of Panel Wide  
6.0 Passcode Worksheet  
The next 100 groups of entries determine the user  
passcodes and the authority level each user has in  
each area. Within these groups are entries to  
determine the supervision reporting for the user  
In BFSK, only one number is transmitted. This  
number represents a group of ten users as shown in  
Table 29. To report the proper User ID number with  
Opening and Closing reports see A# Area O/C  
and A# Acct O/C.  
Each user is identified by a two digit number. These  
numbers are called User ID Codes, and they range  
from 00 through 99. Both of these digits are logged  
in the D9112 memory with user events.  
Passcodes are generally used to arm and disarm a  
security system. In the D9112, a passcode can also  
be used to access a number of command center  
functions. Command center functions are enabled  
for each authority level in the User Interface module  
of the program.  
In reporting systems using Modem Format, both  
digits of the User ID Code are transmitted to the  
central station with associated reports. If the central  
Table 29: BFSK User ID Report Format  
00 to 09  
10 to 19 20 to 29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 59 60 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 89 90 to 99  
Create a secondary passcode. This secondary passcode has all the features of the user’s primary passcode. In  
addition, it can send DURESSalarm if enabled in Authority Lvl Assign Send Duress.  
To use a secondary passcode, the user increases the value of the last digit of their primary passcode when entering  
it at the command center. The Duress entry determines if users add one or two to the last digit of the passcode.  
All users use the same formula for the duress code. You only need to program Duress one time.  
Blank, 1, or 2  
Create a unique secondary (duress) passcode for each user where the last digit of the primary  
Passcode is increased by “1.”  
For example:  
If the primary passcode is 6123, 6124 is the secondary passcode.  
If the last digit of the primary pass code is 9, the last digit of the secondary passcode is 0.  
Create a unique secondary (duress) passcode for each user where the last digit of the primary  
passcode is increased by “2.”  
For example:  
If the primary passcode is 6123, 6125 is the secondary passcode.  
If the last digit of the primary pass code is 8, the last digit of the secondary passcode is 0.  
If the last digit of the primary pass code is 9, the last digit of the secondary passcode is 1.  
Do not create secondary passcodes (disable duress feature).  
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The D9112 generates a Usr Code Tamper report  
after six consecutive attempts to enter a passcode  
that does not exist in the system. There is no time  
limit for the consecutive attempts, but all attempts  
must be made from the same command center  
address. After a valid passcode is entered, the  
counter resets to zero. Entering a passcode with no  
authority to execute a function does not count as an  
attempt, as long as the passcode is programmed in  
the panel.  
0 or 1 to 99  
Enter the User number you are programming.  
User 0 is the Service Authority Level (Level  
15). The Program Record Training Sheet  
shows the functions enabled for Authority  
Level 15.  
The D9112 operation depends on the D5200 or  
D5300 programmer revision.  
You cannot change the programming for  
Authority Level 15 functions.  
In the D5200 revision 1.4 and the D5300 revision  
2.15, any passcode entered in the Passcode  
Worksheet can turn off bell relays within the scope  
of the command center. This is true even if the  
passcode has no authority level assigned for any  
The authority level cannot be changed for  
User 0, and no User Access Window can  
be assigned. The passcode number for  
User 0 can only be changed on the  
programmer, or by User 0 from the  
command center.  
In the D5200 revision 1.60 and the D5300 revision  
2.23 (or higher) , a passcode must be programmed  
with an authority level in the area in order to turn  
off bell relays for the area. Even if the authority level  
does not have the authority to perform any  
command center function, if the passcode is assigned  
any authority level for the area, it can be used to  
turn off bell relays in the area.  
As ENTER PASSCODE message displays  
at the command center when User 0 is  
entered in response to the User prompt in  
the DEL PASSCODE command center  
function. Only the Service Authority Level  
(User 0) can delete User 0. When a user  
other than User 0 tries to delete the  
passcode for User 0, the command center  
displays NOT IN USE.  
U## User Window  
User 0 cannot be added from the command  
center once it has been deleted. It must be  
re-entered using the programmer.  
Blank or 1 to 15  
When a User Window is assigned, the user’s  
passcode is valid during the time programmed for  
the User Window. Program User Window in User  
Access Windows.  
U## Passcode  
_ _ _ _ _ _  
Three to six digits ( 0 to 9)  
To enable the user’s passcode all the time, leave this  
item blank.  
Enter from three to six digits to enable a primary  
passcode for this User number.  
To enable the user’s passcode only during specific  
times, enter a User Window number.  
User ID Code 00 is the Service Authority Level. The  
default passcode for the Service Authority Level is  
The programmer does not allow you to enter any  
passcode number that could conflict with a  
secondary (duress) passcode. This rule applies even  
if Duress is disabled. For example, once a passcode  
of 654321 is entered, 654322, 654323, 654320, and  
654329 can not be entered.  
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U## Area 6 Auth  
User Window times cannot be changed  
from the command center.  
1 to 14 or Blank  
Once a window is assigned to a user  
number, the user number always has a  
window. The only way to turn the window  
off is by reprogramming the panel from the  
D5200 or RAM.  
Assign an authority level to the user for this area.  
Blank means the user has no authority in this area.  
U## Area 7 Auth  
If, for example, the command center is used  
to delete a passcode, then later to re-add a  
passcode, the new passcode automatically  
takes the User Window that was originally  
assigned to the first passcode.  
1 to 14 or Blank  
Assign an authority level to the user for this area.  
Blank means the user has no authority in this area.  
U## Area 1 Auth  
U## Area 8 Auth  
1 to 14 or Blank  
1 to 14 or Blank  
Assign an authority level to the user for this area.  
Blank means the user has no authority in this area.  
Assign an authority level to the user for this area.  
Blank means the user has no authority in this area.  
U## Area 2 Auth  
1 to 14 or Blank  
Assign an authority level to the user for this area.  
Blank means the user has no authority in this area.  
U## Area 3 Auth  
1 to 14 or Blank  
Assign an authority level to the user for this area.  
Blank means the user has no authority in this area.  
U## Area 4 Auth  
1 to 14 or Blank  
Assign an authority level to the user for this area.  
Blank means the user has no authority in this area.  
U## Area 5 Auth  
1 to 14 or Blank  
Assign an authority level to the user for this area.  
Blank means the user has no authority in this area.  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 7.0 Point Index  
EN | 69  
7.0 Point Index  
Point Index #  
Use this programming module to construct  
“personality types”: for points used in the D9112  
system. The index numbers are used in “point  
assignments.” Each unique Point Index number  
determines the D9112 responses to specific  
conditions occurring on the protective points.  
1 to 31  
The number of the point personality you are about  
to program. You can define up to 31 individual  
The NEW RECORD program contains default  
entries for Point Indexes. See the Program Record  
Training Sheet (P/N:74-06447-000) for defaults.  
P## Type  
This entry defines the “Point Type.” Definitions for each type of point follows:  
Keyswitch Points: Special rules apply to points used for keyswitch functions. These special point Types do not respond  
the same way to the Point Response entry as point Types 1, 2, and 3. Responses for keyswitch point types are described  
in 4 through 7.  
See Program Record Sheet  
0 to 7  
24-hour: A 24-hour point is not turned on and off from a command center. 24-hour points are  
armed all the time, and can be used for fire protection (see Fire Point), panic, medical, and police  
24-hour points can be programmed as bypassable; however, the application should be carefully considered  
before using the bypassable option. Bypassable 24-hour points should be programmed to Buzz on Fault.  
When a 24-hour point is bypassed, the report should be sent as it occurs. If the area contains all 24-hour  
points, the area is never armed or disarmed; therefore, a deferred bypass report is not sent.  
24-hour protection for fire doors, roof hatches, and so on.  
Instead of programming this type of protection as a 24-hour point, consider using a perimeter point type  
with a Point Response of 9 to D. 24-hour points do not show faults when an arming command is entered,  
but perimeter points do. When programming for this type of protection, you may also want to consider using  
the Buz on Fault and Local While Disarmed options.  
Perimeter: Perimeter points are armed with all arming commands. Points programmed as  
perimeter can also be armed as a group (using COMMAND 2, COMMAND 3, and COMMAND  
8) separately from points programmed as interior. This lets the user partially arm the system to  
establish perimeter protection and still occupy the interior of the protected premises.  
Perimeter points can be programmed to initiate entry delay time. If the point initiates entry delay, it  
can also initiate an entry tone.  
When a Perimeter point is programmed for entry delay, entry delay time is always provided. If the  
area is in entry delay when a second Perimeter Point trips, the panel compares the remaining entry  
delay time to the time programmed for the second Perimeter Point. If the second Perimeter Point’s  
entry delay time is less than the remaining time, it shortens the entry delay time.  
Perimeter Points programmed for instant Point Response generate an alarm immediately when  
tripped. Even during entry or exit delay.  
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Interior: Interior points are armed only by master arming the area. They are NOT armed when  
using perimeter arming commands (COMMAND 2, COMMAND 3, and COMMAND 8). These  
points are typically used to monitor interior detection devices such as interior doors, motion  
detectors, photoelectric beams, carpet mats, and so on.  
Instant Interior Points: Interior points are usually programmed for an instant alarm (see Point  
Response). Points programmed for instant alarms generate alarms immediately, even during entry  
or exit delay.  
Delayed Interior Points: Interior points can be programmed for a delayed Point Response. A  
delayed response means that if the point is tripped while the area is armed, it initiates entry delay. It  
does not generate an alarm until entry delay expires.  
When an interior point is programmed for entry delay, entry delay time is always provided. If the  
area is in entry delay when the interior point trips, the panel compares the remaining entry delay  
time to the time programmed for the interior point. If the interior point’s entry delay time is less  
than the remaining time, it shortens the entry delay time.  
Delayed points can also initiate an entry tone at the command center (see P## Entry Tone Off).  
In some cases you may need to create an interior point that causes an instant alarm only if entry delay  
protection is not tripped first. Use Interior Follower to create this type of protection.  
Interior Follower: Interior follower points are armed only by master arming the area. They are  
NOT armed when using perimeter arming commands (COMMAND 2, COMMAND 3, and  
An interior follower point does not create an alarm if it trips while the area is in entry delay. An  
interior follower does not change the amount of remaining entry delay time.  
In no entry delay is in effect when the interior follower trips, it creates an instant alarm.  
You must program a delayed Point Response (4, 5, 6, 7, or 8) for an Interior Follower point. The  
panel ignores the entry in P## Entry Delay for an Interior Follower point.  
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There are two ways to use Point Type 4 to arm and disarm an area:  
Keyswitch Maintain: Program Point Response as 1. Do not connect initiating devices to a  
Keyswitch point.  
Normal: The area is disarmed  
Open: When this point changes from normal to open, the area arms.  
Short: A short is a trouble while the area is disarmed.  
A short is an alarm while the area is armed.  
When this point changes from shorted to normal or open, it restores.  
Trouble and Restoral reports are not sent if Local Disarmed is YES.  
Alarm and Restoral reports are not sent if Local Armed is YES.  
D279: Program Point Response as 2. The D279 should be the ONLY point in the area. The scope  
of an account command center should be programmed to include the D279’s area.  
Cut the W1 jumper on the D279 to send Area Opening and Closing reports as programmed in  
Area Parameters and to provide bell control. If the D279’s W1 jumper is NOT cut then no Area  
Open or Area Close report is sent, and alarm bells can only be silenced from a command center,  
no matter how the D9112 is programmed.  
Normal: When this point changes from open to normal, the area arms.  
Open: The area is disarmed. The alarm bell silences if an alarm occurred while the area was  
Short: A short is a trouble while the area is disarmed.  
A short is an alarm while the area is armed.  
When this point changes from shorted to normal or open, it restores but does not send a  
Restoral report.  
Keyswitch Momentary: Used for Area Arming and Disarming. Point Response must be  
programmed 1. Do not connect initiating devices to a Keyswitch point.  
NSN: When this point momentarily changes from normal to shorted to normal, it toggles the  
armed state of the area.  
Open: An open is a trouble while the point is disarmed.  
An open is an alarm while the point is armed.  
When this point changes from shorted to normal to open, it restores.  
Trouble and Restoral reports are not sent if Local Disarmed is YES.  
Trouble and Restoral reports are not sent if Local Armed is YES.  
Open/Close: Used for Point Arming and Disarming. Point Response must be programmed 1.  
Local bells are silenced through the command center.  
Normal: The point is armed and sends Point Closing. Point Closing is not sent if Local Alarm is  
Open: An open is an alarm while the point is armed.  
An open is a trouble while the point is disarmed.  
Alarm and Restoral reports are not sent if Local Disarmed is YES.  
Short: The point is disarmed and sends Point Opening. Local bells are silenced if they were  
sounding. Point Opening is not sent if Local Armed is YES.  
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Point Open/Close with a D279: Used for Point Arming and Disarming. Point Response must be  
programmed 1. Local bells are silenced through the command center (to have bell control at the  
D279 see Point Index entry 4).  
Cut the W1 jumper on the D279 to send Point Opening and Point Closing reports. If the D279’s  
W1 jumper is NOT cut then no Open or Close report is sent, regardless of the D9112  
Normal: The point is armed and sends Point Closing. Point Closing is not sent if Local Alarm is  
Open: The point is disarmed and sends a Point Opening. Point Opening is not sent if Local  
Armed is YES.  
Short: A short is an alarm condition.  
Alarm and Restoral reports are not sent if Local Disarmed is YES.  
P## Pt Response  
See Program Record Sheet  
0 to D  
Point Response defines the “Point Response to Opens and Shorts” for this point. Table 30 show each selection  
available for controlled (non-24-Hour) point types and 24-Hour point types.  
Table 30: Point Response Table  
Pt Response  
Controlled Points:  
I I I I D D I I D I I I I I  
I I I I I I D D D I I I I I  
Armed Open  
Armed Short  
Disarmed Open  
Disarmed Short  
I I T I  
I T I  
T T  
24-Hour Points:  
I T I T  
I I T T I T  
I T  
Key: I = Instant Alarm, D = Delayed Alarm, T = Trouble, Blank = no response  
Applications for Point response 9 to D  
Combine Point Responses 9 to D with Perimeter Point Types to create more flexible 24-hour protection.  
Unlike 24-hour points, a faulted perimeter point with a Point Response of 9 to D displays at the command  
center when arming. Like a 24-hour point, a point programmed this way can generate alarms whether the  
area is armed or disarmed.  
Combining Point Response 9 with the Local Disarmed feature provides off-site reporting when the area  
is armed, but only local alarm annunciation when the area is disarmed.  
Combining Point Response 9 with the Local Armed feature provides off-site reporting when the area is  
disarmed, but only local alarm annunciation when the area is armed.  
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P## Entry Delay  
P## Silent Bell  
See Program Record Sheet  
5 sec. to 600 sec.  
Yes or No  
This program item does not require an entry unless  
the point Type and Point Response entry provides  
entry delay on this point. The panel ignores this  
entry if the point Type does not provide entry delay.  
Activate the Silent Alarm relay when  
this point goes into alarm. Command  
centers do not sound the alarm tone  
for non-fire points.  
When a Perimeter or Interior point is programmed  
for entry delay, entry delay time is always provided  
when that point is tripped before an instant point.  
Activate either the Fire Bell or  
Alarm Bell relay and sound the  
alarm tone at command centers when  
this point goes into alarm. If this is a  
Fire Point it activates the Fire Bell  
replay programmed in Relay  
Parameters, otherwise, it activates the  
Alarm Bell relay. The amount of  
time and pattern of the relay  
Points programmed for “instant” alarms generate  
alarms immediately, even during entry or exit delay.  
If a delay point trips while the area is in entry delay,  
the panel compares the remaining entry delay time  
to the time programmed for the newly tripped point.  
If the newly tripped point’s entry delay time is less  
than the remaining time, it shortens the entry delay  
activation is programmed by area in  
Bell Parameters.  
P## Ring Until Restored  
Enter the time allowed prior to this delay point  
going into alarm. Make entries in five sec.  
increments. The programmer does not allow off-  
increment entries.  
See Program Record Sheet  
Yes or No  
The relay programmed to provide fire  
alarm output for this point cannot be  
de-activated until the point restores to  
normal. If the point restores and the  
fire alarm is not silenced from the  
command center, the fire alarm  
P## Entry Tone Off  
Enable/disable the entry delay warning tone for this  
This panel ignores this entry point if the Type does  
not provide entry delay.  
output continues until Fire Bell time  
expires. If the point does NOT  
restore, the fire alarm output  
continues even after bell time expires.  
Use this option for fire applications to  
meet the requirement that audible  
alarms cannot be silenced until the  
fault condition clears. The area cannot  
be armed until the bell is silenced.  
See Program Record Sheet  
Yes or No  
Disable entry delay tone. You may  
want to disable the entry tone in high  
security applications where you do  
not want to annunciate entry delay.  
The possibility of false alarms  
increases if the entry delay warning is  
not used.  
The relay programmed to provide fire  
alarm output for this point can be de-  
activated before the point restores to  
A tone sounds at command centers  
when this point initiates entry delay.  
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P## Audible After 2 Failures  
Yes or No  
Use with non-fire points programmed for “silent  
bell” to provide local alarm bell output in the event  
that the panel cannot send the Alarm report.  
Sound the command center buzzer for  
any fault on this point.  
The amount of time and pattern of the relay  
activation is programmed by an area in Bell  
Parameters. A# Burg Time must be programmed for  
at least four minutes. To allow time for reporting  
attempts. The bell timer starts when the alarm trips,  
but the bell output starts only after two failed  
attempts by the panel to communicate the report.  
If this is a Fire Point, COMMAND 4  
does not silence the tone. To silence  
the tone, the point must be restored to  
If this is a non-fire point,  
COMMAND 4 or a passcode can  
silence the tone. CHECK DEVICE  
displays until the point is restored to  
Yes or No  
Do not sound the command center  
buzzer for fault conditions. Only  
specific trouble conditions as  
programmed in Point Response  
generate a trouble buzzer.  
When this point goes into alarm, if the  
D9112 fails after two attempts to  
communicate the report, it activates  
the relay programmed to provide  
alarm output for the area where the  
point is assigned.  
P## Watch Point  
Points programmed for silent bell: do  
not activate the alarm relay if the  
panel cannot send the Alarm report.  
Yes or No  
This point activates Watch Mode  
responses if it is faulted while the  
panel is in Watch Mode. Alarm and  
Trouble responses override Watch  
Mode responses.  
P## Invisible  
Yes or No  
Command centers do not display  
alarm activity from this point. This  
option is designed for use with hold-  
up devices. Typically, an invisible  
point is NOT programmed to activate  
the “buzzer on fault.” Often invisible  
points are not programmed to create  
audible alarms, but instead provide a  
silent alarm output. Alarm events  
from invisible points can be viewed or  
printed using the event log.  
Do not activate Watch Mode  
responses for this point.  
The “relay follows point” option does  
not work for invisible points. Do not  
use this feature with invisible points.  
Activity from this point is visible at  
the command centers.  
P## Buz on Fault  
The “buzz on fault” option allows the point to  
generate a tone for any fault condition (open, short,  
or missing). Some common applications for this  
option are: annunciation of emergency exits during  
business hours, and pool gates.  
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P## Relay Follows Point  
Yes or No  
When this point goes into alarm, it activates a relay with the same address number. For example, if  
this were point #28, relay #28 activates when the point goes into alarm. When the alarm is  
acknowledged and COMMAND 4 is entered to clear alarm memory, the relay resets.  
The relay does not work for invisible points. Do not use this feature with invisible points, or points  
numbered 129 or higher.  
BFSK/Relay can activate relays too. BFSK/Relays 1 to 8 activate relays 73 to 80. If Relay  
Follows Point and BFSK/Relays are both used, two relays may activate. See Point Assignments  
BFSK/Relay for more information.  
Do not activate a follower relay for this point.  
P## Local While Disarmed  
Yes or No  
Suppress Alarm, Trouble, and Restoral reports from this point while the area it is assigned to is  
disarmed. Local annunciation of activity from this point is provided as programmed.  
Local While Disarmed does not work with 24-hour points.  
24-hour points are always armed, they are never disarmed. To provide 24-hour protection and limit  
central station Alarm reports:  
1. Program point Type as 1 (perimeter).  
2. Choose a Point Response from 9 to D that provides the appropriate response in both  
the armed and disarmed conditions.  
3. Enable and/or disable Local While Disarmed and Local While Armed as  
appropriate for the application.  
Local While Disarmed affects Keyswitch Points.  
When using this feature with keyswitch points, carefully test to make sure the desired reports are received at  
the central station under all conditions.  
Maintained with Point Response 1: Suppresses troubles and restorals.  
Momentary: Suppresses trouble and restorals.  
D279: Suppresses alarms, trouble, and restorals.  
Report events occurring from this point while the area is disarmed.  
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P## Local While Armed  
Yes or No  
This option suppresses Alarm, Trouble, and Restoral reports from this point while the area it is  
assigned to is armed. Local annunciation of activity from this point is provided as programmed.  
Local While Armed suppresses all reports from 24-hour points.  
24 hour points are always armed. To provide 24-hour protection and limit central station Alarm reports:  
1. Program point Type as 1 (perimeter).  
2. Choose a Point Response from 9 to D that provides the appropriate response in both  
the armed and disarmed conditions.  
3. Enable and/or disable Local While Disarmed and Local While Armed as  
appropriate for the application.  
Local While Armed affects Keyswitch Points.  
When using this feature with keyswitch points, carefully test to make sure the desired reports are received at  
the central station under all conditions.  
Maintained with Point Response 1: Suppresses alarms and restorals.  
Momentary: Suppresses trouble and restorals.  
D279: Suppresses openings and closings  
Report events occurring from this point while the area is armed.  
P## Disable Restorals  
P## Returnable  
Use this item to automatically put this point back  
into the system.  
Yes or No  
Disable Restoral reports for this  
Yes or No  
Enable Restoral reports for this point.  
When this option is enabled, a  
Restoral report is sent to the receiver  
when the point returns to normal after  
being in an alarm or trouble  
If this point was force armed, it  
automatically returns to the system  
when it restores to normal.  
If this point was bypassed, it  
automatically returns to the system  
when the area is disarmed.  
If this point is force armed, it stays out  
of the system until the area is  
If this point is bypassed, it stays out of  
the system through arming and  
disarming cycles. It can only be  
unbypassed by using Unbypass a  
Point (Command 00), sending the  
RAM II unbypass command, or  
executing an Unbypass a Point SKED.  
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P## Bypassable  
Bypass and force arm the point. Points can be bypassed by entering the Bypass a Point function at a command  
center, a RAM II command, or a “Bypass a Point” SKED.  
To automatically return a bypassed point to the system when disarming, program Returnable YES. Otherwise,  
you can use Unbypass a Point (Command 00), RAM II UNBYPASS command, or “Unbypass a Point” SKED.  
When a controlled point is force armed, it can return to the system when the fault clears if Returnable is  
programmed YES. If it is not returnable, the point stays out of the system until the area is disarmed.  
If the panel is reset while a point is bypassed, a Restoral report is not sent when the point is unbypassed and it  
returns to normal.  
Yes or No  
This point can be bypassed and force armed.  
24-hour points can be bypassable, but the application should be carefully considered. Buz on Fault and  
Report Bypass at Occurrence should be YES for bypassable 24-hour points.  
When a 24-hour point is bypassed, the report should be sent as it occurs. If the area does not send a  
Closing report, a Deferred Bypass report is not sent.  
Instead of programming a bypassable 24-hour point, consider a bypassable perimeter point type with a  
Point Response of 9 to D. 24-hour points do not show faults or bypasses when an arming command is  
entered, but perimeter points do.  
This point cannot be bypassed or force armed from the command center or RAM II. However, it  
can be force armed by automatic arming at the end of the closing window (see Opening & Closing  
Auto Close) or by a Sked programmed to arm the area.  
P## Swinger Bypass  
P## Report Bypass at Occurrence  
Automatically bypass a point if it generates four  
alarms or four troubles during one clock hour (for  
example, between 2:00 and 2:59). If the point has a  
partial count (less than four events during an hour),  
the count is reset to zero on the hour.  
Generate a Command Bypass report as soon as it is  
bypassed. This option should be enabled for all  
bypassable 24-hour points. You may also elect to  
report bypassed 24 –hour points at the time the area  
is armed. See Defer Bypass report.  
To return a swinger bypass point to the system:  
disarm the area, use the Unbypass a Point  
(Command 00) function, send the RAM II unbypass  
command, or execute an “Unbypass a Point” Sked.  
Yes or No  
Send a Command Bypass report at  
the time the point is bypassed.  
When a point is bypassed because of a swinger  
condition, a Swinger Bypass report is sent.  
Do not send Command Bypass at the  
time the point is bypassed.  
Yes or No  
Enable Swinger Bypass for this point.  
Disable Swinger Bypass for this point.  
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P## Defer Bypass Report  
Yes or No  
A 24-hour point generates a Point Bypass report if  
it was previously bypassed and is still bypassed at  
the time the area is armed. Closing reports must be  
This is a Fire point  
This is not a Fire point.  
(Bypassed or force armed controlled points are  
always reported with the Closing report. If a  
Closing report is not sent, no Point Bypass report is  
P## Alarm Verify  
Use only with Fire points to designate them for  
alarm verification.  
When an alarm verification point goes into alarm.  
The D9112 removes power to all re-settable points.  
The amount of time the power is removed is  
determined in Area Parameters Verify Time. If the  
point (or another re-settable point in the area) goes  
into alarm within 60 sec. after the reset, an alarm is  
Yes or No  
Send a Point Bypass report with the  
Closing report. The bypass report is  
not sent if the Closing report is  
suppressed for any reason. YES forces  
a Point Bypass report to be sent if  
this is a 24-point and it is bypassed at  
the time the Closing report is sent.  
Alarm verification is turned off during Fire Walk  
Test functions (Command 58).  
If Report Bypass at Occurrence and  
Defer Bypass Report are both  
enabled, a Command Bypass report  
is sent as soon as it occurs and a  
Point Bypass is sent with the Closing  
Yes or No  
Enable verification on this point.  
Alarm verification points must be  
programmed as Resettable.  
Disable alarm verification on this  
Do not send a Point Bypass report  
with the Closing report.  
P## Resettable  
If Report Bypass at Occurrence and  
Defer Bypass report are both NO,  
and this point index is for 24-hour  
points, points with this index never  
send reports or bypassed conditions.  
The re-settable point option is typically used with  
smoke detectors and glass break detectors. Enable  
this option if this is a powered point that requires  
interruption of power to reset a latch alarm  
P## Fire Point  
Power to this point is interrupted when a sensor reset  
is performed. When a sensor reset is initiated, the  
panel does not accept alarms from re-settable points  
during the five sec. reset time. (See Alarm Verify.)  
Fire points are separated from other kinds of 24-hour  
points using this option. Activity on a Fire point is  
given the highest priority in the panel.  
Fire points are identified at the command center, in  
the event log, and in central station reports when  
transmitting by Modem. Fire point activity is  
separated from all other activity in Phone Routing. A  
Fire point activates the Fire Bell relay programmed  
in Relay Parameters. The amount of time and pattern  
of relay activation is programmed by area in Bell  
Parameters Fire Pat.  
See Program Record Sheet  
Yes or No  
This point is reset by Command 47,  
or alarm verification.  
This point is not reset by Command  
47, or alarm verification.  
If you assign all your Fire points to a single  
area in a multiple area system, install a  
command center or other annunciator in  
each area of the system that is capable of  
annunciating the activity of the Fire points.  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 8.0 Point Assignments  
EN | 79  
P### Area Assign  
8.0 Point Assignments  
These entries assign Point Indexes to the points and  
the points to the areas. Also included in this section  
are parameters used to set the point’s debounce  
count, BFSK/Relay (for use when transmitting in  
BFSK or assigning relays to follow alarms for a  
group of points), and custom command center, and  
report text for each point.  
1 to 8  
The areas are numbered 1 to 8. Select the area  
number that controls the point.  
P### Debounce  
The Point Assignments section defines points 1 to 71  
and 73 to 135. The Command 9 and Command 7  
sections define how Command 7 and Command 9  
functions operate. Program these sections if User  
Cmd 7 and/or User Cmd 9 are enabled in Authority  
Lvl Assign module.  
1 to 15  
The de-bounce count is the number of times the  
panel scans a point before initiating an alarm. Scan  
cycles are 300 ms.  
For appropriate settings consult the manufacturer’s  
instructions for the device connected to this point.  
Point Assignments  
These entries assign Point Indexes to points 1 to 71  
and 73 to 135, and the points to the areas. Also  
included in this section are parameters used to set  
the point’s debounce count, BFSK/Relay (for use  
when transmitting in BFSK or assigning relays to  
follow alarms for a group of points), and custom  
command center and report text for each point.  
1 = 300 ms  
2 = 600 ms  
3 = 900 ms  
Point Number  
15= 4.5 secs.  
P### BFSK/Relay  
1 to 135 (except 72)  
See Program Record Sheet  
0 to 9  
Enter the point number you are programming.  
When transmitting in Modem II the three-digit point  
number is reported to the D6500. When transmitting  
in BFSK you must assign a “zone number” in  
Use this entry to determine the point number  
reported in BFSK when this point is tripped.  
Normally, you only use this item when transmitting  
reports to the central station in BFSK Format.  
However, it can also be used to activate a relay,  
even if the panel is programmed for Modem  
reporting (see “Activating Relays..” below).  
Point number 72 is invalid. Point 72 is reserved for a  
panel function.  
P## Point Index  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or 00 to 31  
Command centers and local printers  
display the actual point number (1 to 135)  
not the BFSK report code.  
Use to select one of the 31 Point Index Codes that  
define the points’ characteristics and determine how  
the D9112 responds to various point conditions.  
Activating Relays: A BFSK/Relay code can be  
assigned to a point to activate a relay as shown in  
Table xx on page xx:  
Point Index 00 (or blank) only works with  
Command 7 and Command 9. It is a silent,  
invisible, reporting point. Point Index 00  
disables a normal point.  
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Command 9  
Defines how the Command 9 function operates.  
Program this section if User Cmd 9 is enabled in the  
User Interface module.  
Table 31: BFSK/Relay Codes  
BFSK Code  
1 =  
Trips Relay  
This function generates an Alarm report from the  
area where the command center is assigned. A new  
report is generated each time it is activated, but only  
one alarm appears in the alarm memory count at the  
local area command centers. If this function is  
activated in more than one area within the scope of  
the command center, the alarm memory count is  
2 =  
3 =  
4 =  
5 =  
6 =  
7 =  
8 =  
Point Index  
Use these codes to activate relays on the D8129  
OctoRelay or C8137 Transmitter Interface. You can  
assign the same code to several points and effectively  
provide a “summary zone” alarm output.  
Blank or 00 to 31  
Enter the Point Index code used with Command 9.  
When the point goes into alarm the relay activates.  
When the alarm is acknowledged and is no longer  
scrolling in the command center display, the relay  
resets. To reset the relay when a silent point trips,  
enter a Passcode and press the [ENT] key, then a  
Passcode and the [ESC] key.  
Point Index 00 (or blank) only works with  
Command 7 and Command 9. It is a silent,  
invisible, reporting point. Point Index 00  
disables a normal point.  
Do NOT use a point index with Resettable  
programmed YES.  
The relay does not work for invisible points.  
Do NOT use a point index with Swinger  
Bypass programmed YES.  
Two relays may activate when this point goes into  
alarm if the Point Index used for this point is  
programmed YES for Relay Follows Point.  
BFSK Code  
P### Point Text  
See Program Record Sheet  
Blank or 0 to 9  
Enter Alphabetic characters A to Z  
in Capital Letters.  
Use this entry to determine the point number  
reported in BFSK when this point is tripped.  
Normally, you only use this item when transmitting  
reports to the central station in BFSK format.  
Period (.), comma (,), percent (%), parenthesis [()],  
equal (=), greater/less than (< >), exclamation (!),  
and colon (:) are not allowed.  
Command centers and local printers display  
the actual point number (1 to 135) not the  
BFSK report code.  
Enter up to sixteen characters of text to describe the  
point. This point text is displayed at command  
centers (if the point is programmed as “visible”) and  
reported to the D6500 when transmitting in Modem  
II format (if it is a reporting point).  
Activating Relays: To activate a relay on the  
D8129 OctoRelay or C8137 Transmitter Interface,  
see Relays A# Command 9.  
Bosch Security Systems recommends you include  
the point number in custom point text. This helps  
the user, for example, when viewing events or  
initiating bypasses, and can simplify troubleshooting.  
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Use this entry to determine the point number  
reported in BFSK when this point is tripped.  
Normally, you only use this item when transmitting  
reports to the central station in BFSK format.  
Point Text  
Command 9  
Up to 16 characters alphanumeric  
Command centers and local printers display the  
actual point number (1 to 135) not the BFSK report  
Enter alphabetic characters A to Z  
in capital letters  
Activating Relays: To activate a relay on the  
D8129 OctoRelay or C8137 Transmitter Interface,  
see Relays A# Command 7.  
Period (.), comma (,), percent (%), parenthesis [()],  
equal (=), greater/less than (< >), exclamation (!),  
and colon (:) are not allowed.  
Point Text  
Enter up to 16 characters of text to describe the  
Command 9 function. This point text is displayed at  
command centers (if the point is programmed as  
“visible”) and reported to the D6500 when  
Command 7  
Enter alphabetic characters A to Z  
in capital letters  
transmitting in Modem II ( if it is a reporting point).  
Command 7  
Period (.), comma (,), percent (%), parenthesis [()],  
equal (=), greater/less than (< >), exclamation (!),  
and colon (:) are not allowed.  
The Command 7 section defines how the Command 7  
function operates. Program this section if User Cmd  
7 is enabled in the User Interface module.  
Enter up to sixteen characters of text to describe the  
Command 7 function. This point text is displayed at  
command centers (if the point is programmed as  
“visible”) and reported to the D6500 when  
This function generates an Alarm report from the  
area where the command center is assigned. A new  
report is generated each time it is activated, but only  
one alarm appears in the alarm memory count at the  
local area command centers. If this function is  
activated in more than one area within the scope of  
the command center, the alarm memory count is  
transmitting in Modem II ( if it is a reporting point).  
Point Index  
Blank or 00 to 31  
Enter the Point Index code used with Command 7.  
Point Index 00 (or blank) only works with  
Command 7 and Command 9. It is a silent,  
invisible, reporting point. Point Index 00  
disables a normal point.  
Do NOT use a point index with Resettable  
programmed YES.  
Do NOT use a point index with Swinger  
Bypass programmed YES.  
BFSK Code  
Blank or 0 to 9  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 9.0 Relay Parameters  
EN | 82  
9.0 Relay Parameters  
Table 32: Relay Status  
Relays provide basic alarm system functions (such as  
Bell Output and Reset Sensors) as well as a number  
of more advanced functions typically used in  
association with system annunciation devices.  
Resumes Proper State  
within 1 min.  
Functions must be  
manually reset with  
Command 54  
Late to Close  
Command 9  
Force Armed  
Command 7  
Log % Full  
Up to three on-board voltage-output relays can be  
installed on the D9112 circuit board. (see the D9112  
Operation and Installation Manual for instructions).  
The D9112 can also control up to 128 dry contact  
form “C” relays when optional D8129 OctoRelay  
Modules are installed.  
Alarm Bell  
Perimeter Fault  
Summary Fire  
Summary Trouble  
Printer 18 Fail  
Communications Fail  
Silent Alarm  
One relay is provided with the D9112 to provide a  
+12 VDC Alarm Bell output from the D9112  
terminal 6 (Relay A).  
Fire Bell  
Two additional optional relay sockets are provided  
with the D9112. The D9112 provides a +12 VDC  
Alternate Alarm output from terminal 7 (Relay B),  
and a +12 VDC Switched Aux Power output from  
terminal 8 (Relay C). Optional relay sockets require  
Bosch Security Systems D136 Relays.  
AC Fail  
Summary Alarm  
Keypad Fail  
Printer 19 Fail  
Area Armed  
Watch Mode  
Area Fault  
Battery Trouble  
Summary Fire Tbl  
Printer 17 Fail  
Phone Fail  
If relay activity is reported to the receiver (see Phone  
Routing), on-board relays are reported as follows: A  
= 253, B = 254, C = 255.  
Up to sixteen D8129 OctoRelay Modules can be  
connected to the D9112 to provide 128 dry contact  
form “C” relays. You can set DIP switches on each  
D8129 to use a group of eight numbered relays as  
shown in the D9112 Operation and Installation Manual.  
Relay Follows Point  
Reset Sensors  
Check relay status after reprogramming or  
resetting the panel. All relays are turned off  
after the panel is reset. Certain relay  
functions are checked by the panel each  
minute and resume the correct state after  
the reset. Other relays must be manually set  
to the correct state (using Cmd 54).  
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Area Wide Relays  
The default program uses the same relay  
Each area can be assigned a unique relay number  
for each of the events listed in this section. Do not  
use the same relay for different functions, or share  
the same relay between areas, unless they are  
appropriate for sharing as indicated in the Program  
Record Sheet.  
that is assigned for Burglary Bell output in  
all areas. If both a Fire Alarm and a Burglary  
Alarm are activated at the same time, the  
Fire Alarm has priority. When assigning fire  
points to the area, it is recommended that  
you program the Fire Bell output for a  
different relay. For example, program the  
Fire Bell output for relay B and install a  
D136 relay in the panel.  
1 to 8  
The following point index entry combinations cause  
this relay to respond when the point goes into alarm:  
Enter the area number you are programming.  
Silent Bell: No  
Fire Point: Yes  
A# Alarm Bell  
A# Reset Sensors  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
This relay activates when a non-fire point assigned to  
the specified area causes an alarm bell response.  
Burg Time and Burg Pat must be programmed in  
Bell Parameters. This relay activates according to the  
bell pattern and remains active until the bell time  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
Activates for five sec. when the Reset Sensors  
function is entered at a command center assigned to  
the area specified. It also activates for the amount of  
time programmed in Area Parameters Verify Time  
when an alarm verification point assigned to the area  
goes into alarm (also see Point Index for an  
The following point index entry combinations cause  
the Alarm Bell relay to respond when the point goes  
into alarm:  
explanation of alarm verification points).  
Silent Bell: No  
If you use a common relay for several areas,  
program the command center scope to include the  
same common areas and make sure the user  
authority level for those areas includes the ability to  
Reset Sensors. Failure to do so can cause troubles in  
areas where the user has no control.  
Audible After 2 Failures: Yes (if the report  
does not get through to the receiver after two  
Fire Point: No  
When relay C is activated. It interrupts the positive  
12 VDC at terminal 8 on the D9112 circuit board.  
To use relay C, install a D136 relay in the panel.  
A# Fire Bell  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
A# Late To Close  
This relay activates when a fire point assigned to the  
specified area causes a fire alarm response. Fire  
Time and Fire Pat must be programmed in “Bell  
Parameters.” This relay activates according to the  
bell pattern and remains active until the bell time  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
Activates when the closing window expires for the  
specified area. It remains activated until midnight, or  
until another closing window starts, or the panel is  
reset, whichever occurs first.  
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A# Force Armed  
A# Duress  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
Activates when the specified area is Force Armed. It  
remains activated until the area is disarmed or the  
panel is reset. (Perimeter arming and disarming does  
not affect this relay.)  
Activates when a duress alarm is generated from a  
command center assigned the specified area. A Burg  
Time must be programmed in Bell Parameters. The  
relay provides steady output and remains active until  
the bell time expires or the panel is reset.  
A# Watch Mode  
Duress is a panel-wide function which is enabled in  
the Passcode Worksheet. Reporting can be  
suppressed by Authority Level.  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
A# Keypad Fail  
Activates when a perimeter point is tripped in the  
specified area while the area is in Watch Mode. It  
remains activated for two seconds.  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
A# Area Armed  
Activates when a supervised command center  
assigned to the area fails (does not respond when the  
address is polled). The relay remains activated until  
the command center responds. There may be a short  
delay between the time the command center fails or  
restores and the relay response.  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
This relay activates when the specified area begins  
the master arming sequence. The relay remains  
activated until the area is disarmed. Entry delay does  
not reset this relay.  
A# Perim Fault  
A typical application for this relay is to control an  
“Armed” LED on a keyswitch.  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
If multiple areas use the same relay, the relay sets  
when the last area begins the arming sequence. It  
resets when the first area disarms.  
Activates when a perimeter point assigned to the  
specified area is faulted. This relay activates  
regardless of the area’s armed state. This relay  
provides a steady output until all perimeter points in  
the area are normal, bypassed or force armed.  
A# Area Fault  
Any point programmed for Point Type “1” causes  
this relay to respond when the point is opened,  
shorted, or missing.  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
Activates whenever a perimeter or interior point is  
faulted. The relay remains activated until all  
perimeter and interior points in the area are normal,  
bypassed or force armed.  
A# Silent Alarm  
A typical application for this relay is to control a  
“faulted point” LED on a keyswitch to indicate that  
the area is not ready to arm.  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
Activates when a point assigned to the specified area  
and programmed for Silent Bell causes an alarm  
response. Burg Time must be programmed in Bell  
Parameters. The relay provides steady output and  
remains active until the bell time expires or the  
panel is reset.  
Point Index Silent Bell YES, causes this relay to  
respond when the point goes into alarm.  
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Activates when Printer 19 (SDI address 19) fails. It  
remains active until the printer responds. The printer  
must be supervised. Printer Supervision in Panel  
Wide Parameter must be programmed YES.  
A# Command 7  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
AC Failure  
Activates when Command 7 is executed at a  
command center assigned to the specified area. Burg  
Time must be programmed in Bell Parameters. The  
relay provides steady output and remains active until  
the bell time expires, a valid passcode is entered, or  
the panel is reset.  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
Activates when the panel responds to an AC power  
failure as programmed in AC Fail Time in the  
Power Supervision section. It remains active until AC  
power is restored. Buzz on AC/Low Battery Fail  
has no effect on this relay.  
A# Command 9  
Battery Trouble  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
Activates when Command 9 is executed at a  
command center assigned to the specified area. Burg  
Time must be programmed in Bell Parameters. The  
relay provides steady output and remains active until  
the bell time expires, a valid passcode is entered, or  
the panel is reset.  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
Activates when battery voltage falls below 12.1 V or  
is missing. Buzz on AC/Low Battery Fail has no  
effect on this relay.  
Panel Wide Relays  
Phone Fail  
One relay number can be assigned for each of the  
events listed in this section. All areas share the same  
relay for these events. Do not use the same relay  
number for two different functions.  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
Activates when a telephone line failure alarm is  
generated. (See Alarm On Fail in the Phone  
programming section.) This relay provides steady  
output until a phone line Restoral report is sent and  
acknowledged by the receiver.  
Printer 17 Fail  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
Activates when Printer 17 (SDI address 17 fails). It  
remains active until the printer responds. The printer  
must be supervised; Printer Supervision in Panel  
Wide Parameter must be programmed YES.  
Comm Fail  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
Printer 18 Fail  
Activates when the panel is unable to communicate  
a report. See Panel Wide Parameters Phone for an  
explanation of Comm Fail. This relay provides  
steady output until a report is successfully sent.  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
Activates when Printer 18 (SDI address 18) fails. It  
remains active until the printer responds. The printer  
must be supervised; Printer Supervision in Panel  
Wide Parameter must be programmed YES.  
Points can be programmed to be silent alarms that  
become audible after two attempts at communicating a  
report (see Point Index Audible After 2  
Failures). If you use silent points and never want  
them to become audible, do not use this relay in  
conjunction with an audible device.  
Printer 19 Fail  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 10.0 Skeds  
EN | 86  
Log % Full  
10.0 Skeds  
Use the Skeds module to program the D9112 to  
automatically execute functions on a specific date or  
day of the week. You can program up to seventeen  
Skeds in the D9112.  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
Enter the number of the relay that activates when  
the log has reached the programmed percentage of  
its capacity as programmed in RAM Parameters  
program item Log % Full. This relay provides a  
steady output until a “vacuum log” is performed  
from the RAM, or the panel is reset.  
Each Sked can be programmed with one of fifteen  
functions. Some functions codes require that you  
enter additional parameters. The functions and their  
associated parameters are listed in the “Sked  
Function Code Table” in the Program Record Sheet,  
and they are explained in detail following the S##  
Function Code prompt.  
Summary Fire  
Each Sked can be programmed with up to four  
Holiday Indexes. The Holiday Indexes can be used  
to execute the Sked on the holidays in the addition  
to the Date or Day(s) of the week, or they can be  
used to prevent the Sked from executing on the  
holidays (see S## Xept Holiday).  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
Enter the number of the relay that activates when a  
fire point goes into alarm. This relay provides a  
steady output until the alarm is cleared from alarm  
memory at the command center.  
Sked Number  
Summary Alarm  
1 to 17  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
Enter the number of the Sked you are programming.  
Enter the number of the relay that activates when a  
controlled point goes into alarm. This relay provides  
a steady output until the alarm is cleared from alarm  
memory at the command center.  
Summary Fire Tbl  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
Activates when any fire point in the panel is in  
trouble. This relay provides a steady output until the  
trouble is cleared from alarm memory at the  
command center.  
Summary Trouble  
Blank, 1 to 128, A, B, or C  
Activates when any on-fire point in the panel is in  
trouble. This relay provides a steady output until the  
trouble is cleared from alarm memory at the  
command center.  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 10.0 Skeds  
EN | 87  
S## Function Code  
Enter the function code you want this Sked to execute.  
The programmer automatically displays the parameter prompt after you enter the function code if the Sked  
function requires additional parameters.  
After you program the parameters associated with the Sked function, press [EXIT GROUP] to continue  
programming the Sked.  
1 to 15 (except 12)  
Default Description  
Arm Area. Entries in the Arm  
Yes Arm Area 1.  
S## Area 1  
Area prompts define the area(s) this  
Sked arms. The Sked can arm  
multiple areas. If any point is  
faulted when the Sked executes, it is  
force armed.  
Do not arm Area 1.  
Yes Arm Area 2.  
S## Area 2  
Do not arm Area 2.  
Yes Arm Area 3.  
S## Area 3  
S## Area 4  
S## Area 5  
S## Area 6  
S## Area 7  
S## Area 8  
Do not arm Area 3.  
Yes Arm Area 4.  
Do not arm Area 4.  
Yes Arm Area 5.  
Do not arm Area 5.  
Yes Arm Area 6.  
Do not arm Area 6.  
Yes Arm Area 7.  
Do not arm Area 7.  
Yes Arm Area 8.  
Do not arm Area 8.  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 10.0 Skeds  
EN | 88  
Default Description  
Disarm Area(s). Entries in the  
Disarm Area prompts define the  
area(s) this Sked disarms. The Sked  
can disarm multiple areas.  
Yes Disarm Area 1.  
S## Area 1  
Do not disarm Area 1.  
Yes Disarm Area 2.  
S## Area 2  
S## Area 3  
S## Area 4  
S## Area 5  
S## Area 6  
S## Area 7  
S## Area 8  
Do not disarm Area 2.  
Yes Disarm Area 3.  
Do not disarm Area 3.  
Yes Disarm Area 4.  
Do not disarm Area 4.  
Yes Disarm Area 5.  
Do not disarm Area 5.  
Yes Disarm Area 6.  
Do not disarm Area 6.  
Yes Disarm Area 7.  
Do not disarm Area 7.  
Yes Disarm Area 8.  
Do not disarm Area 8.  
Bypass a Point. The entry in the Bypass Point prompt defines the point this Sked bypasses. The point  
can be bypassed only if Bypassable is YES in the Point Index assigned to the point. The bypass is  
reported if Bypass reports are enabled in the Point Index assigned to the point. The Sked can bypass one  
point regardless of the area’s armed state.  
Unbypass a Point. The entry in the Unbypass Point prompt defines the point this Sked unbypasses.  
The Sked can unbypass one point regardless of the area’s armed state. The point can be bypassed only  
if Bypassable is YES in the Point Index assigned to the point. The bypass is reported if Bypass reports are  
enabled in the Point Index assigned to the point.  
Unbypass All Points. The entry in  
the Unbypass All prompt defines  
the area(s) where the Sked  
unbypasses all points. The Sked  
unbypasses all points in the area,  
regardless of how they were  
Yes Unbypass all points in Area  
S## Area 1  
S## Area 2  
S## Area 3  
S## Area 4  
Do not unbypass all points  
in Area 1.  
Yes Unbypass all points in Area  
bypassed. This Sked can unbypass  
all points in multiple areas.  
Do not unbypass all points  
in Area 2.  
Yes Unbypass all points in Area  
Do not unbypass all points  
in Area 3.  
Yes Unbypass all points in Area  
Do not unbypass all points  
in Area 4.  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 10.0 Skeds  
EN | 89  
Default Description  
Yes Unbypass all points in Area  
S## Area 5  
Do not unbypass all points  
in Area 5.  
Yes Unbypass all points in Area  
S## Area 6  
S## Area 7  
S## Area 8  
Do not unbypass all points  
in Area 6.  
Yes Unbypass all points in Area  
Do not unbypass all points  
in Area 7.  
Yes Unbypass all points in Area  
Do not unbypass all points  
in Area 8.  
Relay On. The entry in the Relay  
On prompt defines the relay this  
Sked activates. The Sked can  
activate one relay.  
Enter a relay number 1 to  
S## Relay Number  
S## Relay Number  
Relay Off. The entry in the Relay  
Off prompt defines the relay this  
Sked turns off. The Sked can turn  
off only relays that were set by a  
Sked. The Sked can turn off one  
Enter a relay number 1 to  
All Relays Off. This Sked function  
turns off all relays that were turned  
on by a Sked. This is a panel-wide  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 10.0 Skeds  
EN | 90  
Default Description  
Yes Defer the Test report.  
Test Report. This function  
generates a Test report from Area  
1. The report is sent to the Phone(s)  
programmed for Test and Status  
reports in Phone Routing (see Ph#  
Test/Stat Rpt).  
S## Defer Test  
Send the Test report on  
Yes Send the Test report every  
S## Hourly Report  
If Expand Test Rpt in Phone is  
programmed YES, the Test report  
also includes the following system  
events if the panel is currently in the  
condition listed: Log Threshold,  
Log Overflow, Point Bus Failure,  
Successful Local Programming,  
Failure to Call RAM, User Code  
Tamper, SDI Failure,  
Send the Test report only  
as scheduled.  
Communications Failure, AC  
Failure, Battery Missing, Battery  
Low, Parameter Checksum Failure.  
The Test report can be deferred if  
any other report was sent since the  
last Test report. To defer the Test  
report, program Defer Test.  
The Test report can be sent every  
hour beginning at the time  
scheduled in S## Time. To send a  
Test report every hour, program  
Hourly Rpt.  
Status Report. This function  
Yes Defer the Status report.  
S## Defer Status  
generates a Status report for each  
area that is enabled. The report is  
sent to the Phone(s) programmed  
for Test and Status reports in Phone  
Routing (see PH# Test/Stat Rpt).  
Send the Status report on  
The Status report can be deferred if  
any other report was sent since the  
last Status report. To defer the  
Status report, program Status  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 10.0 Skeds  
EN | 91  
Default Description  
Execute Custom Func. This  
Enter a command address,  
1 to 8.  
S## Cmd Center  
function executes one of the custom  
function items programmed in  
Custom Function. When a custom  
function is executed by a Sked, it is  
subject to the same command center  
scope and authority level  
Enter a Custom Function  
number, 128 to 143.  
S## Custom Func  
restrictions that are in place when  
the custom function is accessed by  
the user at the command center.  
You must make an entry in Cmd  
Center and in Custom Func.  
Avoid having multiple functions  
occur at the same time at the same  
address. Functions can clash and the  
effect on the panel is unpredictable.  
Do not program multiple Skeds  
to execute at the same address  
at the same time.  
Do not program Skeds to  
execute at times when a user is  
likely to be executing functions  
at the command center. If it is  
necessary to do so, there are two  
ways to work around the  
1. Program “CC” at the  
beginning of the Custom  
Function Key Strokes  
entry. This aborts the user’s  
function and allows the  
Sked to execute.  
2. Program the Sked to execute  
at an address (Cmd  
Center) that has no  
command center physically  
attached to it. The address  
must be assigned to an area,  
have appropriate Scope,  
and Supervised must be  
programmed NO.  
Adjust Time Forward One Hour. This Sked function is used to make adjustments to the panel’s  
clock. A typical application is to program this to take effect at 2:00 a.m. on the date that Daylight  
Savings Time begins (during the spring). No Time Change report is sent or logged, but the new time  
appears in the next report logged.  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 10.0 Skeds  
EN | 92  
Default Description  
Adjust Time Backward One Hour. This Sked function is used to make adjustments to the panel’s  
clock. A typical application is to program this to take effect at 2:00 a.m. on the date that Daylight  
Savings Time ends (during the fall). This function can operate only once in a day, even if multiple  
Skeds with this function are programmed. No Time Change report is sent or logged, but the new  
time appears in the next report logged.  
Sound Watch Tone at Command  
Center. This function sounds the  
Watch Tone at the command center  
address programmed. The Watch  
Tone sounds at all command  
centers set for the address  
Enter a command center  
address, 1 to 8.  
S## Cmd Center  
programmed. Press [ESC] to silence  
the tone.  
Sound Watch Tone. Defines the  
command center address where the  
Watch Tone sounds.  
3. Press the two digits representing the day of the  
S## Time  
4. Press [ENT].  
_ _:_ _  
S## Sunday  
HH:MM (hours and minutes)  
Enter the time the Sked executes.  
This prompt and the next six-day of the week  
prompts, select the days of the week that the Sked is  
active. (Day of Week, Sked Type 2).  
Disabled Skeds have a Blank time. If you  
copy the panel and the entry for this prompt  
is blank, but times were at one time  
programmed, the Sked may have been  
disabled from the command center using  
the CHANGE SKEDS function.  
Exceptions: To prevent the Sked from activating on  
certain days of the year, program Xept Holiday  
YES, and enable at least one Holiday Index. When  
Xept Holiday is programmed YES, the window  
executes on the days of the week programmed  
unless the date is designated as a holiday by the  
Holiday Index selected.  
To program a time:  
1. Press the two digits representing the hour.  
2. The cursor advances past the colon (:) in the  
3. Press the two digits representing the minutes.  
4. Press [ENT].  
If a Sked is only needed on certain days of the year,  
do not program the Sked to execute on any days of  
the week. Instead, program Xept Holiday NO, and  
select a Holiday Index with the dates you want the  
window to be active.  
S## Date  
_ _/_ _  
Yes or No  
MM/DD or Blank  
Activate this Sked on Sundays.  
Do not activate this Sked on Sundays.  
This entry selects the month and day that the Sked  
operates (Date of the Year, Sked Type 1).  
Leave this item blank if this Sked operates on a Day  
of the Week schedule.  
To program a date:  
1. Press the two digits representing the month.  
2. The cursor advances past the (/) in the display.  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 10.0 Skeds  
EN | 93  
S## Monday  
S## Xept Holiday  
Yes or No  
Yes or No  
Activate this Sked on Mondays  
Enter YES to prevent this Sked from  
operating on the holidays  
programmed in the Holiday Index(es)  
Do not activate this Sked on  
S## Tuesday  
Enter NO to have this Sked operate  
on holidays programmed in the  
Holiday Index(es) used with this Sked.  
Yes or No  
If no Days of the Week, or Date of the  
Year is programmed, this Sked  
operates only on the holidays  
programmed in the Holiday Index(es)  
used with this Sked. This Sked also  
operates if the holiday falls on a day  
of the week, or a date that is  
Activate this Sked on Tuedays  
Do not activate this Sked on  
S## Wednesday  
S## Holiday 1  
Yes or No  
Activate this Sked on Wednesdays  
If no Holiday Index is selected, the Sked operates  
regardless of any holiday.  
Do not activate this Sked on  
Yes or No  
S## Thursday  
Use Holiday Index 1 with this Sked.  
Do not use Holiday Index 1 with this  
Yes or No  
Activate this Sked on Thursdays  
S## Holiday 2  
Do not activate this Sked on  
If no Holiday Index is selected, the Sked operates  
regardless of any holiday.  
S## Friday  
Yes or No  
Yes or No  
Use Holiday Index 2 with this Sked.  
Activate this Sked on Fridays  
Do not activate this Sked on Fridays.  
Do not use Holiday Index 2 with this  
S## Saturday  
Yes or No  
Activate this Sked on Saturdays  
Do not activate this Sked on  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 11.0 Holiday Indexes  
EN | 94  
S## Holiday 3  
11.0 Holiday Indexes  
If no Holiday Index is selected, the Sked operates  
regardless of any holiday.  
This programming module has two sections:  
Add/Change/Delete and View Holidays. Use the  
Add/Change/Delete section to program the Holiday  
Indexes. The View Holiday section is a “view only”  
section provided for your convenience. Use View  
Holidays to review the dates programmed in the  
Holiday Indexes.  
Yes or No  
Use Holiday Index 3 with this Sked.  
Do not use Holiday Index 3 with this  
11.1 Add/Change/Delete  
Use this section to program the dates for each of the  
Holiday Indexes. You can program up to four  
Holiday Indexes in the D9112. Within each index,  
you can select up to 365 dates to be designated as  
S## Holiday 4  
If no Holiday Index is selected, the Sked operates  
regardless of any holiday.  
The Holiday Indexes function independently from  
each other. The same day can be programmed in all  
four schedules. Holiday Indexes are used in  
programming O/C Windows, User Access Windows, and  
Yes or No  
Use Holiday Index 4 with this Sked.  
Do not use Holiday Index 4 with this  
_ _/_ _  
This entry selects the month and day you are  
designating as a holiday.  
To program a date:  
1. Press the two digits representing the month.  
2. The cursor advances past the slash (/) in the  
3. Press the two digits representing the day of the  
4. Press [ENT].  
To delete a date:  
1. At the Date prompt, enter the month and day  
you want to delete and press [ENT].  
2. Advance to the Holiday Index # that you want  
to delete the date from. Change the entry to  
NO. Press [ENT].  
If you want the date completely removed as a  
holiday, it must be programmed NO for all the  
Holiday Index # entries.  
Holiday Index 1  
Yes or No  
Use this date in Holiday Index 1.  
Do not use this date in Holiday Index 1.  
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D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 11.0 Holiday Indexes  
EN | 95  
Holiday Index 2  
Index 3 Days  
Yes or No  
Enter Group or Press []  
Use this date in Holiday Index 2.  
Do not use this date in Holiday Index 2.  
Press [ENTER GROUP] to view the dates  
programmed in Holiday Index 1.  
Press the [] key to advance to the next Holiday  
Holiday Index 3  
Index 4 Days  
Yes or No  
Use this date in Holiday Index 3.  
Do not use this date in Holiday Index 3.  
Enter Group or Press []  
Press [ENTER GROUP] to view the dates  
programmed in Holiday Index 1.  
Holiday Index 4  
Press the [] key to advance to the next Holiday  
Yes or No  
Use this date in Holiday Index 4.  
Do not use this date in Holiday Index 4.  
11.2 View Holidays  
The View Holidays section is a “view only” section  
provided for your convenience. Use View Holidays to  
review the dates you programmed into each of the  
Holiday Indexes.  
You can view the first 100 dates programmed in  
each of the indexes.  
Index 1 Days  
Enter Group or Press []  
Press [ENTER GROUP] to view the dates  
programmed in Holiday Index 1.  
Press the [] key to advance to the next Holiday  
Index 2 Days  
Enter Group or Press []  
Press [ENTER GROUP] to view the dates  
programmed in Holiday Index 1.  
Press the [] key to advance to the next Holiday  
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© 2004 Bosch Security Systems  
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