Nokia MW1122 User Manual

Nokia MW1122  
ADSL/WLAN Routerā  
MW1122 User Manual  
2 Installing MW1122  
Beforeyou install MW1122 you may want to familiarise yourself with  
the interfaces and indicator lights of MW1122. From section 2.3 you  
will find a step-by-step installation procedure, which shows the  
physical installation of MW1122.  
2.1 Interfaces  
MW1122 has one ADSL line interface and two LAN interfaces:  
WLAN and ETH (wireless LAN and 10Base-T Ethernet). It also has a  
local management interface (CLI) for management purposes. The  
ADSL line interface is compatible with ITU-T G.992.1 specification.  
The wireless LAN port interface supports Nokia’s 11 Mbit/s IEEE  
802.11b WLAN PC Card.  
Power switch  
ADSL line  
Mains connector  
Local management interface WLAN (PC card)  
Figure 2  
MW1122 back panel  
2.2 Indicator lights  
MW1122 has six indicator lights on the front panel: PWR, STA,  
WLAN, COL, ETH, and DSL. STA indicator is red. Other indicators  
are green.  
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Figure 3  
MW1122 front panel indicators  
ADSL link is down.  
Blinks ADSL connection is being established.  
ADSL link is up.  
Ethernet is down.  
10Base-T Ethernet is functional  
Blinks Receives traffic from Ethernet.  
Blinks Collisions on the Ethernet. Note, that it is normal that some  
collisions occur on the Ethernet.  
No stations on the WLAN or WLAN PC Card not  
Stations on the WLAN but no traffic.  
Blinks Receives traffic through the WLAN interface.  
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MW1122 User Manual  
Hardware malfunction during startup.  
Power off.  
Power on.  
2.3 Step-by-step installation procedure  
1. Plug the mains power cord to a mains outlet.  
2. Plug the antenna into the antenna connector of the wireless LAN  
card, if included.  
3. Insert the wireless LAN card, if included, gently into the MW1122  
WLAN slot on the MW1122 back panel. Ensure that the card is  
aligned correctly.  
4. Switch on MW1122. The PWR indicator lights up.  
5. Ensure that wireless LAN clients (that is, the wireless devices you  
want to use in your network) have the same configuration as the  
wireless LAN card in the MW1122 modem and that they are in the  
Infrastructure mode. The default wireless LAN configuration of  
MW1122 is the following:  
regulatory-domain according to your location of use (Europe,  
Canada, USA, or Japan)  
network name  
MW-wxyz (case-sensitive), where wxyz are  
the last four numbers from your MW1122  
serial number  
When you have set the network name to your wireless client, the  
wireless connection is established and the WLAN indicator on  
MW1122 fron panel will be lit.  
6. Connect the 8-pin Ethernet cable between your PC and the  
Ethernet connector on the MW1122 back panel if you want use a  
PC equipped with a 10Base-T Ethernet card. Switch on your PC.  
The ETH indicator will be lit.  
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7. Connect the 6-pin ADSL line cable between the ADSL connector  
on the MW1122 back panel and your ADSL line wall socket. If  
you want to use telephone and data services simultaneously  
connect a splitter according to Figure 4. After a while, the DSL  
indicator starts blinking indicating that the ADSL connection is  
being established. After the connection has been established  
successfully the DSL indicator remains lit.  
Figure 4  
MW1122 and splitter connected  
Now, your MW1122 has been connected and you can check the  
connections according to your service providers instructions.  
3 Configuring MW1122  
Your service provider has configured your MW1122 for the service.  
However, youmaywanttochangethesettingsregardingyourwireless  
network. You will find these settings on the WirelessLANandWLAN  
Clients web pages. Do not change other settings unless specifically  
asked by your service provider. You can change MW1122 settings  
with an ordinary web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or  
Netscape Navigator.  
If the WLAN indicator is lit on the MW1122 front panel, you can use  
your WLAN client for configuration. Of course, you can also use a PC  
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MW1122 User Manual  
connected to the ETH port of MW1122. In this case the ETH indicator  
should be lit.  
3.1 Browser management  
You can use your PCs web browser software to access the web  
configuration pages in MW1122. To access the web pages you must  
knowtheIPaddressofyourMW1122or,alternatively, thenamethat  
your MW1122 recognises.  
Before using your web browser for configuration, you must know the  
IP address or the name assigned to your MW1122.  
There are three ways to find out whether to use a name or an IP  
D Your service provider has given you an IP address for MW1122.  
D Your MW1122 uses Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol  
(DHCP) and Domain Name Server. In this case the name is  
D Your MW1122 uses DHCP. In this case run winipcfg.exe  
(Windows 95) or ipconfig.exe (Windows NT). The IP address of  
MW1122 is the Default Gateway address shown by the ipconfig  
3.1.1 Opening a connection  
To open a connection to the Nokia MW1122:  
1. Start your web browser.  
2. Enterthename(MW1122)orIPaddressofyourNokiaMW1122  
in the browsers Location or Address field and press Enter.  
3. Type in the username/password as requested. If no  
username/password is required, just click OK to proceed. The  
Nokia MW1122 Main Page appears.  
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3.1.2 Main Page  
Main Page is shown first when you use a web browser to connect to  
MW1122.The list on the left shows the current page highlighted.  
Clicking an item on the list (Wireless LAN, WLAN Clients, Service  
Providers, Local Network, Statistics, Restart, and Save Config) takes  
you to the corresponding page. Typically, you will only have to change  
the Wireless LAN and WLAN Clients settings.  
When you make modifications to the configuration, remember to save  
the configuration and restart your MW1122 for your changes to take  
Figure 5  
Main Page  
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MW1122 User Manual  
The Main Page shows you the statuses of the DSL line, Ethernet  
interface, and wireless LAN interface. It also shows the number of  
wireless LAN clients on your network, wireless LAN network name  
and the channel in use. Software and hardware versions and the serial  
number of MW1122 are shown in the bottom of the page.  
3.1.3 Wireless LAN page  
You can change wireless LAN network settings on the Wireless LAN  
Figure 6  
Wireless LAN page  
When you click the Apply button, the WLAN subsystem will be  
reseted automatically. If you have changed the network name and you  
are accessing MW1122 through the wireless connection, the wireless  
link will be disconnected. You must reconfigure the network name to  
your wireless LAN client to continue configuration. The Reload  
buttonrestores the settings if you have not saved the configuration yet.  
Network name identifies your network and must be the same in all  
wireless LAN clients on your network. The default network name is  
MW-wxyz (case-sensitive), where wxyz are the last four numbers  
from your MW1122 serial number.  
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Set Regulatory domain according to your location of use. The  
Regulatory domain setting affects the available Radio channels. The  
radio channels corresponding to the regulatory domains are:  
Change Transmit powerifyourwirelessnetworkbecomesweakonthe  
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MW1122 User Manual  
3.1.4 WLAN Clients page  
On the WLANClients page you can enable access control based on the  
MAC addresses of your wireless LAN clients. When access control is  
enabled, only the wireless stations on the Client table are allowed  
access to your wireless network. On this page, you can also activate  
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and set the encryption key  
parameters. Note, that unless you have encryption enabled other  
WLAN clients nearby have the possibility of monitoring the traffic on  
your wireless network  
Figure 7  
WLAN Clients page  
Enabling access control  
You can add a wireless station to the Client table by typing its MAC  
address to the MACaddress field and clicking the Addnew button. Use  
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lower case characters only when typing the MAC address. You must  
identify the wireless station by filling the Name field. Activate the  
ClienttablebyselectingClienttableMACaddress fromtheAdmission  
method pull-down list and clicking the Apply button. Click Remove  
button if you want to remove a client from the Client table.  
Encrypting wireless connection  
If you want to activate WEP, you have two options:  
D Use a fixed default key for all stations. There are four default keys  
available and the key is selected by clicking the corresponding  
radio button. Typically, there is no need to use any other key than  
number 1.  
D Use a separate station-specific key. Enter this key in the Client  
table Wep key field.  
Before you type the encryption key, select the key length from the  
pull-downlist. Availablelengthsare40bitsand128bits. Ifyouselecta  
40-bit key, you must enter a key with 10 characters. If you select a  
128-bit key, you must enter a key with 32 characters. The key is a  
hexadecimal string, so the available characters are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,  
8, 9, 0, a, b, c, d, e, and f.  
Remembertoconfigurethesamekeytoyourwirelessclient. Ifyouuse  
your wireless client for web configuration, you can copy the key from  
the Key fieldandpasteittothewirelessLANclientsoftware.Thenyou  
can click the Apply to activate encryption. Note, that if you enable  
encryption on either client or MW1122 only, the wireless link will be  
disconnected until you have enabled encryption on both devices.  
There are five security modes which can be chosen from Encryption  
mode pull-down list:  
D No encryption; In this mode, encryption is always disabled. If a  
stationtries shared-key authentication, a failed authenticationwill  
D Allowed; In this mode, a station may use either open-key or  
shared-key authentication. If a station uses open-key  
authentication, encryption is disabled. If a station uses shared-key  
authentication, encryption is used.  
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D Required; In this mode, it is mandatory to use shared-key  
authentication. If open-key authentication is used, a failed  
authentication will result. When a station uses shared-key  
authentication, encryption is always used. Default keys are used if  
nostation-specific key exists. Broadcast and multicast data will be  
encrypted using the default key.  
D Required, Wifi; In this mode, a station may use either open-key or  
shared-key authentication and in both cases encryption is always  
used. Default keys are used if no station-specific keys exist.  
Broadcast and multicast data will be encrypted using the the  
default key.  
D Required, specific keys; In this mode, a station must use  
shared-key authentication and station-specific key. If the station  
uses open-key authentication or station-specific key is not  
available, a failed authentication will result. Successful  
shared-key authentication results encryption using the  
station-specific keys. Broadcast and multicast data will be  
encrypted using the default key.  
In most cases, it is acceptable to use default keys. Most modes also  
allow concurrent use of station-specific and/or user-specific keys at  
the same time. Wifi mode provides lower authentication support but it  
supports all certified WLAN clients. Wifi mode is recommended if  
other than Nokia wireless LAN cards are used.  
Figures 8 and 9 show Wlan Clients page with default key and  
station-specific keys used, respectively. In Figure 8, the station PC1”  
on the Client table uses the default key 1. Additonally, the Client table  
is used as a MAC address -based access control list. In Figure 9,  
stations PC1and PC2use the station-specific key given in the  
WEPkey field on the Client table. The MAC address -based access list  
is not needed, but the default key is used to encrypt the  
broadcast/multicast traffic.  
If you are using a station-specific key, you must also configure the  
default key because it is used for broadcast.  
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When you click the Apply button, the WLAN settings become active.  
Ifyou have enabled the access list or changed the encryption mode and  
you are accessing MW1122 through the wireless link, the connection  
will be lost. You must reconfigure the wireless LAN client to continue  
Figure 8  
WLAN Clients page and default key encryption  
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Figure 9  
WLAN Clients page and station-specific key  
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3.1.5 Service Providers pages  
The Service Providers page can be used to set authentication for ATM  
VCCs with PPP encapsulation (Figure 10). You can set the  
Authentication method and the corresponding Username and  
Password. You can also view Network connection information in the  
bottom of the page. If you are using PPTP encapsulation, you can  
change the name of the connection through the Service Providers page  
(Figure 11).  
Figure 10  
Service Provider page with PPP configuration  
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Figure 11  
Service Providers page with PPTP configuration  
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3.1.6 Local Network pages  
TheLocal Network page as four sub pages: Localports, DHCP, NAPT,  
and Routing.  
Local ports  
On the Local Network Local Ports sub page you can assign IP  
addresses to Ethernet and wireless LAN ports. If you set PhysicalLAN  
interfaces as Single subnet, you dont have to set the IP address and  
subnet mask to the WLAN port. Instead, the Ethernet IP address is  
used for both LAN ports (WLAN slaved to LAN).  
When you click Apply, the IP addresses are changed immediately. If  
the IP address of the interface you are using changes the connection  
will be lost. You have to reconfigure the IP address of the accessing  
host. For example, in Windows programs winipcfg.exe or  
ipconfig.exe must be used first to release the old address and then to  
renew to request new address.  
Figure 12  
Local Network Local Ports page  
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MW1122 User Manual  
On the Local Network DHCP subpage you can enable/disable  
Dynamic Host Control Protocol and set the Address ranges from  
which the addresses are distributed to the DHCP clients on your  
network. You can also set the Domain Name Server addresses here.  
Start address is the first address in the address range. The Range size  
defines how many addresses the range contains. Subnet mask is the  
subnet mask of the addresses in the range. Primary and Secondary  
DNSs set the domain name servers for the corresponding address  
range. Lease time defines how often the DHCP client must renew its  
lease. Domain name defines the domain name for the range.  
The DHCP server can be enabled towards LAN, WLAN and  
VBRIDGE (gateway interface) ports. When the DHCP server is  
enabled, up to two scopes (address ranges) are automatically  
generated and bound to LAN/WLAN/VBRIDGE interfaces, in this  
order if the interface has an IP address. If your LAN and WLAN  
interfaces have separate IP addresses you must configure two address  
ranges, oneforeachinterface. InFigure13, scope(a)ishasbeenbound  
to Ethernet interface and scope (b) to WLAN interface. When the  
address ranges are not defined, MW1122 uses the default values for all  
DHCP parameters. The default values are:  
D Start address is the interface IP address  
D Subnet mask  
D Range size of up to 253 addresses starting from the interface IP  
D DNS address is the interface IP address  
D Lease time is 60 minutes  
D Domain name is null string  
If at least one address range has been defined, then IP address, DNS,  
domain name and lease time, if defined, override the default values.  
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Figure 13  
Local Network DHCP page  
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If Network Address Port Translation (NAPT) has been activated,  
servers on your local network are not visible outside your network. On  
NAPT page, you can configure pinholes through which you can  
provide outside access to your web server from the Internet, for  
In the example shown in Figure 14, a pinhole has been added on the  
Server list. This example means that all TCP traffic coming from the  
Internet through VCC1 to ports 80...89 will be mapped to the IP  
address ports 90...99 on your local network.  
Figure 14  
Local Network NAPT page  
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Routing page  
On the Local Network Routing sub page you can set static routes and  
enable/disable dynamic routing protocols (Routing Information  
Protocol version 1 and 2).  
To enable dynamic routing to a particular interface select the Routing  
protocol version from the pull-down list and click the Apply button.  
RIPversions1and2aresupported. Sendv1-compat. v2 option enables  
the sending of RIPv2 packets using broadcast. Receive v1-compat. v2  
option enables the receiving of both RIPv1 and RIPv2 packets.  
To add a static route, type in the Destination network IP address, the  
Subnet mask of the destination network, and the Gateway and the  
Interface through which the destination network can be reached. Then  
click the Add new button. There are two static routes in Figure 15.  
Figure 15  
Local Network Routing page  
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3.1.7 Statistics page  
The Statistics page lets you view a selection of MW1122 statistics. to  
view statistics of a particular function, click the corresponding button  
and the statistics view is opened on a separate window.  
Figure 16  
Statistics page  
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3.1.8 Restart page  
On the Restart page, you can reset subsystems and restart MW1122.  
Figure 17  
Restart page  
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3.1.9 Save Config page  
When you change the configuration, all configuration changes are  
activated immediately without restart/reload. However, the  
configuration will not be saved into the nonvolatile memory. If  
MW1122 is restarted or powered down without saving the  
configuration,theoldconfigurationwillberestored. ClickingtheSave  
configuration button saves the configuration into the nonvolatile  
memory and the old configuration cannot be restored through the web  
Figure 18  
Save Config page  
4 Features  
MW1122 can operate as a bridge and/or Internet Protocol (IP) router  
between Ethernet, wireless LAN and the virtual channels of  
ADSL/ATM interfaces supporting both dynamic and static routing.  
4.1 Interfaces  
MW1122 has the following interfaces:  
D Ethernet interface (LAN)  
D Wireless LAN interface (WLAN)  
D 8 ATM VCC interfaces  
D ATM VCC management interface  
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D Gateway/bridge management interface. This interface is used as a  
bridge host interface or gateway interface depending on the  
operation mode. In this manual it is called VBRIDGE. On the  
MW1122 web pages, the interface is called gateway or bridge IP  
MW1122 can operate in four different main modes:  
D Bridging only  
D Routing/tunneling IP only  
D Routing/tunneling IP, bridging all but IP  
D Routing/tunneling IP and bridging all, including IP  
Themode in which MW1122 operates depends on the configuration of  
the units interfaces.  
LAN and WLAN interfaces  
LAN and WLAN interfaces can be configured individually to bridge  
and route packets. There are three different operational modes in both  
LAN and WLAN interfaces:  
D Bridging only; only bridging is activated in the interface. In this  
case the interface bridges all protocols.  
D Routingonly; only IP address is configured in the interface. In this  
case, the interface routes IP packets.  
D Bridging and routing; Bridging is activated in the interface and IP  
address is configured in the interface. In this case, the interface  
routes IP packets and bridges all other packets.  
Slaved WLAN operation  
The wireless LAN interface can be configured to operate as a slave to  
the Ethernet interface. In this case, there is no need to configure the IP  
address or bridging to the wireless LAN interface. The Ethernet and  
the wireless LAN interface are bridged together internally and both  
interfaces are treated as a single LAN interface. All LAN  
such as IP address, admin-disabled and RIP configuration address, are  
used for both LAN and WLAN interfaces.  
Internal host/gateway interface  
There is a special host/gateway logical IP interface within MW1122  
called VBRIDGE. This interface has a specific purpose in MW1122.  
In applications where some ATM virtual channel connections are used  
for bridging IP traffic and some other ATM virtual channel  
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MW1122 User Manual  
connections are used for routing IP traffic, the VBRIDGE interface  
must be used instead of LAN/WLAN IP addresses. Alternatively, this  
interface is used in bridge only application when the IP address is  
required for remote management purposes.  
Data VCC operation  
MW1122 supports the following encapsulations in each ATM data  
virtual channel individually:  
D RFC2684 LLC encapsulation for bridged IP (ETH-LLC)  
D RFC2684 LLC encapsulation for routed IP (IP-LLC)  
D RFC2364 Virtual circuit multiplexed PPP over AAL5 (PPP-VC)  
D RFC2364 Virtual circuit multiplexed PPP over AAL5 used to  
tunnel LAN/WLAN/VBRIDGE PPTP packets  
If an IP address is given to a virtual channel interface and bridging is  
enabled at that interface, then IP data at that interface is routed and all  
otherprotocols are bridged. The only encapsulation which allows both  
bridging and routing simultaneously is ETH-LLC. For example, it is  
possible to route ETH-LLC encapsulated packets and at the same time  
bridge, for example, PPPoE packets (PPPoE packets are transported  
directly over Ethernet frame, not within IP packets).  
4.2 Routing  
Routing is based on routing entries in a routing table. Static routes are  
RIP and RIPv2. Routing is done between the Ethernet 10Base-T  
interface, the wireless LAN interface and the virtual channel  
connection(VCC) of the ATM/ADSLinterface. MW1122 supportsup  
to 8 simultaneous VCCs.  
MW1122 supports IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)  
proxy receive function for IP multicast applications.  
4.3 Bridging  
Bridging is supported to provide full protocol transparency. Bridging  
can be used simultaneously with IP routing. MW1122 works as a  
self-learning bridge supporting up to 1024 MAC addresses. Bridging  
is done between the Ethernet 10Base-T interface, the wireless LAN  
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interface and each ATM VCC interface. Optionally, the bridging  
between the VCCs can be disabled.  
4.4 Network Address Port Translation  
MW1122 supports Network Address Port Translation (NAPT) for  
TCP/IP, UDP/IPandICMP/IPprotocols. WhenNAPTisused, asingle  
IP address is allocated to a VCC which leads to the public IP network.  
The Ethernet subnet has private IP addressing and is not visible to the  
VCC. NAPT translates the IP source address and source port number  
dynamically to the VCC IP address and port number. Similarly,  
packets coming from the VCC are mapped back to the original  
destination addresses. NAPT allows up to hundreds of hosts to share a  
singleVCCIPaddresstothepublicnetwork. TheprincipleofNetwork  
Address Port Translation is presented in Figure 19.  
Home network (LAN)  
Internet (WAN)  
NAPT router  
Figure 19  
Principle of Network Address Port Translation  
NAPT may restrict the operation of some IP applications. NAPT also  
operates as a simple IP firewall because translation is only allowed  
when the first packet is transmitted from the LAN. This means that the  
NAPT table entry is created only when a packet is sent from the home  
network to the Internet. With server support capability, the user can  
add static entries to the NAPT table allowing the translation always in  
both directions. This capability is used to add servers (HTTP, NNTP,  
and FTP), which are visible to the public IP network via the VCC, on  
the LAN subnet.  
NAPT supports most IP-based protocols. Because NAPT operates on  
the IP and transport layer, the application that includes IP address and  
portwithinthepayloadwillnotworkproperlythroughNAPT. In many  
cases, these applications can be passed through the NAPT using  
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MW1122 User Manual  
Application Layer Gateway functionality (ALG). MW1122 has ALG  
for the following protocols/applications:  
D H.323 including NetMeeting  
D CUSeeMe  
D IPSEC ESP tunnel mode and IKE  
Note, that most IPSEC implementations will fail when passed through  
NAPT. A typical reason is that the identification may fail if the  
identification is based on IP address. Also, only tunnel mode without  
Authentication Header (AH) works.  
4.5 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol  
MW1122 can act as a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)  
server for the PCs on the end-user home network. In this mode,  
MW1122 can assign up to 253+253 consecutive addresses from two  
separate address ranges (that is, 253 consecutive addresses per address  
range) to the PCs on the home network. Two separate address ranges  
are used when LAN and WLAN are operating as separate subnets.  
MW1122 can also act as a DHCP relay agent and relay the DHCP  
requests to an external DHCP server.  
4.6 ATM and ADSL  
MW1122 supports up to 8 simultaneous VCCs and supports UBR  
(Unspecified bit rate) traffic shaping on all VCCs. The maximum  
transmit rate on each VCC is the ADSL upstream capacity. If more  
than one VCC is transmitting simultaneously, the ADSL upstream  
capacityistemporarilysharedbetweentheseVCCs. WhenoneVCCis  
idle, the bandwidth is used by another VCC.  
The ADSL transmission is based on the DMT line code. MW1122  
provides a DMT line rate up to 8 Mbit/s downstream and up to 800  
kbit/s upstream. The DMT transceiver is rate adaptive and capable of  
providing faster rates over short distances or slower rates over long  
distances. The transceiver adapts itself to the line conditions.  
MW1122 supports also ADSL Lite. In the ADSL Lite mode, the  
maximum line rates are 1536 kbit/s downstream and 512 kbit/s  
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MW1122 supports both G.992.1 and G.992.2 ADSL  
recommendations defined by ITU-T.  
Rate adaptation is done in steps of 32 kbit/s. The ADSL interface of  
MW1122 functions completely automatically and all configuration  
related to the ADSL connection is done at the access multiplexer in the  
operators premises. The network operator can set the data rates as a  
part of the network management functionality provided by Nokia  
4.7 Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)  
When PPTP local tunneling is used, a local network client initialises a  
PPTP-tunneled PPP connection (VPN) to Nokia MW1122. The  
modem terminates the tunnel and all data from that terminated local  
PPTPtunnel will be forwarded to an assigned ATM VCC by using PPP  
over AAL5 encapsulation. Thus, each local PPTP tunnel requires an  
equivalent ATM VCC assigned to it restricting the total number of  
local PPTP hosts to 8.  
Local tunneling is used when there is a need to have one or more  
computers connected independently to different networks. For  
example, in remote work application, the rest of the family may be  
gain access to their corporate networks. With local tunneling, these  
remote workers may be connected to a different network than the rest  
of the users.  
Local tunneling is activated using the PPTP client running, for  
example, in Windows The destination IP address must be MW1122  
LAN/WLAN/VBRIDGE IP address depending on the configuration.  
PPP packets within PPTP are mapped to the configured VCC.  
used for tunneling:  
D Automatic, chooses the first free VCC  
D Chooses the VCC number using C:number, where number is from  
1 to 8. C:number is fed after the MW1122 IP address (see Figure  
D Chooses the VCC number using N:name, where name is the  
VCCx description. N:name is fed after the MW1122 IP address.  
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Figure 20  
Choosing the VCC2 for tunneling example  
4.8 Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE)  
StandardPPPoE mode is used when MW1122 is operating as a bridge.  
PPPoE protocol defines how PPP sessions are mapped into Ethernet  
packets. When MW1122 operates as a bridge, this protocol is  
transparent to MW1122.  
4.9 Payload encapsulations  
usingeither RFC 2684 LLC/SNAP encapsulationorVCmultiplexing.  
MW1122 also supports PPP over AAL5 encapsulation, in which  
routedprotocols are first encapsulated in PPP (RFC 1661). PPP is then  
encapsulated in ATM according to the IETF PPP over AAL5 using  
RFC 2364 VC multiplexing or LLC/NLPID encapsulation.  
4.10 Access list authorisation  
When a wireless LAN is used, it is important to be able to control the  
clients accessing to MW1122. Therefore, MAC-address-based access  
control may be used. It prevents all communications to a such client  
whose MAC address does not appear on the access list. When a new  
client is brought to the network, its MAC address needs to be added to  
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the access list. This can be done manually through the local command  
line interface (CLI) or with a Web browser management.  
4.11 Wireless LAN and radio interface  
MW1122 supports wireless LAN to be used as one of the interfaces.  
The wireless LAN utilises Nokia C110/C111 Wireless LAN PC card  
which needs to be inserted to the designated PC Card slot on the back  
panel of the modem. Only Nokia C110 or C111 Wireless LAN cards  
can be used. Without a wireless LAN card, MW1122 operates as a  
normal ADSL terminal with one 10Base-T Ethernet interface. The  
wireless LAN card can be inserted to the PC Card slot while the  
modem is operating and the wireless LAN connectivity will be  
achieved without restarting the modem. Only the WLAN subsytem  
must be reseted through the web interface or the command line  
Wireless LAN used in MW1122 is based on IEEE802.11 standard  
operating at 2.4 GHz radio band. The band has been divided into  
subchannels which are dependent on local regulations. Typically, in  
Europe, there are 13 and, in USA, 11 channels. The transmission  
poweris limited to 100mW/MHzgivingtypicalindoorcoverageof20  
to 50 metres.  
4.12 Wired Encryption Privacy (WEP)  
MW1122 supports full-speed WEP encryption and both  
authentication methods defined in IEEE 802.11b: Open-key and  
shared-key authentication. The encryption is 40-bit RC4 WEP  
encryption. Additionally, MW1122 supports 128-bit RC4 WEP  
4.13 Weighted Fair Queueing (Class of Service)  
As a Class of Service (CoS) function, MW1122 supports Weighted  
Fair Queueing (WFQ) for each ATM VCC. The CoS function ensures  
the Internet) direction. This may be necessary, in some cases, because  
to the Ethernet bandwidth on the office or home LAN. The WFQ CoS  
function classifies IP traffic flows based on IP address, protocol and  
port fields. It is capable of identifying the IP flow from all supported  
E Copyright Nokia Networks Oy  
MW1122 User Manual  
payload encapsulation formats. WFQ works properly only with  
IP-basedprotocols. IftheflowisIP-basedbutisencryptedusingIPSec  
or PPP encryption, then WFQ cannot identify the flows correctly. In  
this case, the default flow is used and the default flow is treated as a  
single flow.  
5 Technical specifications  
Physical layer  
ANSI T1.413 Issue 2 (ANSI ADSL), ITU-T  
G.992.1 (ITU-T ADSL), and ITU-T G.994.1  
(Handshake) compatible.  
ADSL line connector RJ-11  
ATM over ADSL  
ATM connections  
Service categories  
PVC, up to 8 virtual circuits  
RFC2684 ETH-LLC, RFC2684 IP-LLC,  
Ethernet interface  
10Base-T, half duplex  
DIXv2 (transmit), IEEE 802.3 and DIXv2 (re-  
Ethernet connectors  
Wireless LAN interface  
Wireless LAN  
IEEE 802.11b DSSS  
PC Card slot type 2  
Data connector  
Routing protocols  
RIPv1, RIPv2, and static routes  
NAPT, IGMP proxy, DHCP server, DNS relay,  
PPTP local tunneling  
Class of Service  
Weighted fair queueing  
E Copyright Nokia Networks Oy  
Self-learning bridge, bridges between all inter-  
faces. Possibility to disable bridging between  
WAN interfaces.  
MAC table  
1024 entries  
Class of Service  
Weighted fair queueing  
Command line interface (CLI) for local management  
Physical layer  
Electrically RS-232, TxD, RxD and GND sig-  
Data format  
Bit rate  
Asynchronous, 8+no parity  
9600 bps  
Flow control  
CLI connector  
Dedicated ATM management channel  
Service categories  
RFC2684 ETH-LLC, RFC2684 IP-LLC,  
RFC2364 PPP-VC  
IP addressing  
Statically configured  
Through IPCP when PPP over ATM is used  
Static routes  
RIPv1, RIPv2  
Management proto-  
Telnet/TCP/IP for command line interface,  
TFTP/UDP/IP for software and configuration  
download, HTTP/web server  
Management through payload  
Management proto-  
Telnet/TCP/IP for command line interface,  
TFTP/UDP/IP for software and configuration  
download, HTTP/web server  
Indicator lights  
ADSL line status  
Ethernet activity and status  
Wlan activity and status  
Ethernet collision  
MW1122 startup error  
Power on  
E Copyright Nokia Networks Oy  
MW1122 User Manual  
5.1 Connectors and pin numbering  
The pin numberings are given here if you want to obtain longer cables  
for your MW1122.  
Figure 21  
ETH connector  
MDI signal  
Transmit data +  
Transmit data –  
Receive data +  
Receive data –  
Table 1  
Ethernet interface pin-out numbering  
Figure 22  
DSL connector  
Table 2  
ADSL interface pin-out numbering  
E Copyright Nokia Networks Oy  
5.2 Ambient conditions, EMC and safety  
Ambient conditions  
Operating temperature range 5 to 45°C  
10% to 90%, non-condensing  
MW1122 complies with the following specifications provided that the  
device is connected to an earthed socket outlet:  
EN55022: 1998 class B  
EN55024: 1998  
EN300386-2: 1997  
ITU-T K.21  
E Copyright Nokia Networks Oy  
MW1122 User Manual  
E Copyright Nokia Networks Oy  

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