Metz MF 72TL68 MF 82TL95 User Manual

Operating instructions  
604 47 2017.A1  
1. Installation  
Take care that no bright artificial light or sunshi-  
ne falls directly on the screen. This could cause  
reflections which have a negative effect on the  
brilliance of the picture.  
5x cm  
• The optimum viewing distance is about  
five times the screen diagonal dimen-  
sion. For TV sets with a 70 cm screen, it  
is thus about 3.5 metres.  
• The antenna cable and any other components  
(such as a video recorder) connected between  
the antenna socket in the wall and the TV set  
must comply with the European standard  
EN 60966-2-4.  
• There may be no magnetic fields in the immedi-  
ate vicinity of the TV set. Keep loudspeaker  
boxes well away from the set.  
• The antenna cable used for connecting the TV  
set must have a screening attenuation of at least  
75 dB.  
• The use of non-approved cables will invalidate  
the operating permission for the TV set.  
• For details of how to connect peripheral devices  
such as video recorders, DVD players, etc. press  
the „INFO“ key to call the help function, select  
„Connecting AV devices“ with the cursor and  
press „OK“ to display the information.  
2. Safety notes  
• Always place the monitor on a solid, stable sur-  
• If a cold TV set is moved to a warm room,  
always allow any condensation on the screen to  
evaporate before switching it on.  
• The TV set is intended for use in a dry room. If,  
in exceptional circumstances, you use it out-  
doors, take care that is protected against moi-  
sture (rain, splashed water, dew).  
• TV sets need adequate ventilation. Never cover  
the openings on the rear of the set with curtains,  
doilies, newspapers, etc. Also take care that the  
slits in the bottom of the case are freely accessi-  
ble so that the intake of the cooling air is not  
• If you place the TV set in a wall unit, leave suffi-  
cient space on all sides for the circulation of  
cooling air.  
• Do not place the TV set close to a radiator, since  
this would effect adequate cooling.  
• Do not place  
burning candles or  
vessels containing liquids (vases, etc.)  
on top of the TV set, since any hot wax or water  
dripping into the set could cause serious damage  
to the electronic components and could also jeo-  
pardize the electrical safety of the set.  
2. Safety notes  
• Lightning can damage electrical equipment. A  
lightning flash entering the power cable or the  
aerial cable can damage the TV set even if it is  
switched off. You should therefore disconnect  
the power cable and aerial cable from their out-  
lets or from the TV set in the case of a thunder-  
• The monitor may be opened and repaired only  
by a qualified person.  
If repairs should be necessary, consult your  
local dealer.  
• Always switch off the TV set before cleaning it.  
• Do not hold the remote control directly in front  
of your eyes and press a button. The remote  
control emits infrared radiation!  
• Do not place rechargeable batteries in the bat-  
tery compartment of the remote control.  
Use only two 1.5 V dry batteries of the type  
LR03/AM4/AAA (Micro).  
• The TV set is intended only for the reception and  
reproduction of picture and sound signals.  
• The TV set may be operated only from a mains  
voltage of 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz.  
Australia: 240 VAC.  
• Lay the power cable so that nothing stands on it  
and no-one can trip over it.  
3. Remote control unit  
The remote control unit transmits com-  
mands to the TV set with the aid of infra-  
red light. You should always point the  
remote control unit directly at the TV set.  
The remote control unit may possibly  
interfere with other infrared devices (such  
as infrared headphones) within its range.  
Sunlight falling directly on the TV set may  
interfere with the operation of the remote  
control unit, because the TV set cannot  
detect the infrared signals from it. The TV  
set must first be switched on with the  
main switch before the remote control unit  
can be used.  
The most important keys in normal  
³ ON:  
with programme position 1 or the pro-  
grammed initial programme position  
OFF (standby)  
Numeric keys (direct station selection)  
P+ / P-: next/previous programme  
Volume control  
Also used to change settings in the  
ƹ Return to previously selected program-  
me position  
ƻ Display the station table  
Never load rechargeable batteries  
into the battery compartment of the  
remote control unit!  
Only use two 1.5V LR03/AM4 batte-  
ries, size AAA.  
3. Remote control unit  
Overview of key functions  
Switch to satellite radio mode  
Switch on from standby mode to satellite radio mode  
(1) only if a SAT upgrade module is fitted)  
Function keys F1 ... F3  
Press F1 or F3 briefly to return all settings to the factory defaults  
Press F1 or F3 longer to display the available special functions  
Press F2 to change the sound settings  
Cursor control key in the „Information“ and the TV menu  
OK - confirmation key  
Change settings in the TV menu  
Sound mute  
Call the TV menu  
In the menu: return to the previous main menu item  
Call Teletext  
Call the „Information“  
In the „Information“: return to the contents  
Frame freeze  
In the „AV devices“ menu: delete  
ƹ Return to previously selected programme position  
In the TV menu: call „Configuration“  
Display date and time  
In the TV menu: call „Timer“  
ƻ In the TV menu: call the „Station table“ or display station attributes  
Call the sound settings  
In the TV menu: call „AV devices“  
Call the picture settings  
In the TV menu: call „Picture and sound“  
Return to the TV picture  
Switch from satellite radio mode1) to TV mode Switch on from  
standby mode to TV mode (1) only if a SAT upgrade module is fitted)  
AV playback/record menu  
Switch on from standby mode to AV mode  
4. Daily operation  
Switching on  
Adjusting the volume  
You can adjust the volume with the  
Switch on the TV set with the main  
switch. The red standby indicator lights.  
Then enter the desired programme posi-  
tion on the numeric keys of the remote  
control unit.  
Adjusting picture and sound set-  
Call the picture settings with the blue key  
or the sound settings with the yellow  
If you have defined an initial program-  
me position (see page 46), pressing the  
key with the TV set in standby mode  
will select this programme position.  
At the bottom left of the screen, you will  
then see the setting box with the various  
functions. Select the desired function  
Switching off  
Press the  
key to switch the TV set to  
with the rocker key „P+/P-“ and adjust  
standby mode or press the main switch  
on the TV set to switch it off completely.  
the setting with the  
5. Setting the operating mode  
The TV set can be switched on at the desired ope-  
rating level with the keys "TV", "AV" and "R".  
These keys can also be used to switch between the  
operating levels.  
When the TV set is switched on with one of these  
keys, the station which was last selected at this  
operating level is again set.  
TV = television mode  
AV = audio-visual mode for use with AV devices  
R = radio mode 1)  
(1) available only if a SAT receiver is installed)  
6. Selecting stations  
Call the menu  
Station selection and programme posi-  
tion management  
Your TV set can manage up to 999 programme  
positions in the station table. You can select these  
programme positions with the numeric keys, with  
the oval „P+/P-“ rocker key or via the station  
When you enter a position number on the nume-  
ric keys, the first digit you enter is the „hundreds“  
digit. If there are less than 100 programme posi-  
tions defined, this digit automatically moves to the  
„tens“ position. If less than 10 programme posi-  
tions exist, it automatically moves to the „ones“  
After pressing any numeric key, you have three  
seconds to enter further digits.  
Selecting programmes from the station  
In normal TV mode, you can open the  
14 MDR  
13 Nord 3  
12 RTL  
11 SAT 1  
10 Nord 3  
station table with the white key  
. In  
the table which is then displayed, you  
can select a station with the oval „P+/P-“  
rocker key. Then press the „OK“ key to  
switch to this station.  
If more than 20 stations are stored in the  
station table, you can display the next  
10 stations by pressing the oval cursor  
control key.  
Kabel 1  
PRO 7  
West 3  
Hessen 3  
Bayern 3  
Return to previous station  
With the red key  
, you can switch back and  
forth between the last two stations you selected.  
Call the info  
7. Help function (Information)  
When designing this TV set, we have tried to  
make its operation as easy as possible so that  
you will enjoy learning how to use it.  
The TV set itself can provide the answers, with the  
menu „Information“, to any questions you may  
have during installation and switching on.  
To use this function, simply press the „INFO“ key  
to display the table of contents of the  
„Information“ on the screen.  
The menu „Information“ (help function)  
In the table of contents, or in the index, you can  
then select the information you need with the cur-  
sor control key.  
„Cursor right“ ̈: move to next page of the  
Contents (1/2)  
„Cursor left“ ̇: scroll backwards through  
the index.  
„Cursor up“ ̆: select the previous underli-  
ned text or the arrow -->.  
Programme selection  
Pictures settings  
Sound settings  
AV playback / recording / satellite recording  
Function keys  
„Cursor down“ ̄: select a line in the list.  
Satellite radio mode  
Then press the „OK“ key to display this  
Use the cursor to select an underlined text.  
OK: further information  
INFO: help index  
Previously visited pages: © backwards © forwards  
You can select any underlined words in the  
table of contents, the index or the explana-  
tory text with the cursor and press „OK“ in order  
to display further information about them.  
You can scroll back and forth through previously  
selected help pages with the aid of the red and  
green keys.  
8. Using the menus  
With the „TV menu“, we help you to find your  
way through the many operating functions of  
your TV set.  
Call the menu  
Do not hesitate to try out the options in the  
various menus. Any changes you make become  
permanently effective only if you save  
them by pressing the „OK“ key. If you  
Main menu items  
are not sure that you want to retain a  
AV devices  
Station table  
new setting, you can simply exit from  
the menu by pressing the „TV“ key. The  
new setting is then discarded.  
While you are in the TV menu, you can  
return to the main menu item at any  
time by pressing the „MENU“ key. If you  
do not understand a menu item, press  
the „INFO“ key for more information.  
To return to the menu, press the „INFO“  
key twice.  
Coloured keys:  
call menü  
TV: return to TV  
The five main sections of the menu can be opened  
with the coloured keys. The help information is  
shown in the form of two card files containing the  
subjects (blue) and the sections of the selected  
subject (yellow). You can select the sub-  
Picture pos., vertica  
Comb filter  
Noise reduction  
jects and sections with the aid of the red  
triangular cursor, which is moved with  
the oval key.  
AV devices  
Station table  
Pressing the „OK“ key then moves you to  
the setting window below the file boxes.  
The current setting is displayed here and  
Sound set.prog.po Picture sharpness  
Sound settings, gen. Colour intensity  
Pict. set.,prog. posn.* Contrast  
you can change it with the  
Pict. settings, gen. Luminance  
To save the new setting, press the „OK“  
key. This also returns you to the file of  
yellow section cards. If you do not want  
: select  
menu item  
These settings apply to all programme positions.  
to save the new setting, press the „MENU“ key to  
return to the related main menu item or press the  
„TV“ key to exit from the menu.  
Setting window  
You can delete your input by pressing the ll key.  
* The number of subjects and sections  
displayed here depends on the opera-  
ting scope setting in the menu.  
Call the menu  
9. Teletext  
Teletext is a free information service provided  
by many TV stations. Within this „electronic  
newspaper“, you can scroll through the pages  
in various ways.  
Calling Teletext:  
• Press the „TEXT“ key.  
If the station you are watching trans-  
TV Guide 2  
ARD morgen  
ARD heute  
TV Guide  
Sport 1  
mits „TOP“ teletext, two file-card boxes  
are displayed (see the picture on the  
left). Otherwise, page 100 appears  
(see the lower picture).  
• In the case of „TOP“ stations, you  
can select a file card with the cursor  
control key.  
Next BookMark  
Set BookMark Übersicht  
Cursor: select  
Subjects / Section.  
OK: display page  
• After selecting a card, press „OK“ to  
open it.  
Controlling Teletext when the pages are displayed directly:  
The blue key  
selection function.  
is used to preselect the subject  
The yellow key  
is used to preselect the section  
Blue preselection key  
Yellow preselection key  
White preselection key  
selection function.  
The white key  
the page selection function.  
is used to preselect  
After pressing one of these preselection  
keys, you can step through the sub-  
jects, sections or pages with the rocker  
switch „P+/P-“.  
You can also move directly to a page  
by entering its number with the nume-  
ric keys. If multiple sub-pages exist for  
the selected page, their numbers are  
displayed in black. In the example on  
the left, there are five sub-pages.  
You can scroll through the sub-pages  
with the cursor control key.  
100 100 SAT.1 21.05.02  
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09  
9. Teletext  
Up to 10 marks can be set on each  
Double font size  
programme position. The total  
number of marks (on all program-  
me positions) is restricted to 128.  
When viewing Teletext pages, you can  
switch to a larger font with the F1 key.  
The first time you press this key, the  
upper third of the page is displayed with  
the large font. Pressing it again displays  
the centre third of the page and pres-  
sing it a third time displays the bottom  
third of the page. Pressing the key a  
fourth time returns to the full-page  
display with the normal font size.  
Riddle solution key  
Function key F2 is programmed to  
display hidden text on a Teletext page,  
such as the solutions to riddles.  
Return to last contents page  
You can return directly to the last con-  
tents page at any time by pressing the  
Teletext: scrolling by marks3)  
With Teletext active, you can scroll  
sequentially through all marked pages by  
repeatedly pressing the green key  
You can even view your favourite pages  
directly from the TV mode with the  
„TEXT“ key. Pressing the „TEXT“ key  
opens Teletext and selects the first marked  
page. You can then scroll through the  
marked pages with the „TEXT“ key.  
Pressing the „TEXT“ key with the last mar-  
ked page displayed switches back to the  
TV programme.  
Teletext: displaying active marks3)  
If marks are set for a programme position,  
pressing the F3 key displays a list of all  
marks, showing where they are set.  
Pressing F3 again hides the list.  
With the list displayed, you can select  
any desired mark with the numeric keys.  
Teletext: deleting marks3)  
Teletext: setting marks3)  
You will probably have your favourite  
Teletext pages, such as stock exchange  
reports, news, weather forecasts, which  
you visit frequently.  
To permit rapid access to such pages,  
you can set so-called „marks“ on these  
Call the teletext page whose mark you  
want to delete and press the red key  
To do this, first go to the page on which „Clear mark“ to delete the mark.  
you want to set the mark.  
• Then press the red key  
for „Set  
mark“ to set a mark on this page. A  
„paper-clip“ symbol appears at the top  
left corner of the page. If the page has  
sub-pages, the mark is always set and  
displayed on the currently displayed  
3) Not possible with an external  
satellite receiver!  
9. Teletext  
Teletext: subtitles  
Your TV set can display subtitles transmitted on  
Teletext together with the programme. If such sub-  
titles are available, the station normally displays a  
message at the beginning of the programme, tel-  
ling you where to find the subtitles.  
• Press the „TEXT“ key to open Teletext.  
• In the case of „TOP“ stations, press the „OK“  
key to open any page.  
• Use the numeric keys to enter the number of the  
page containing the subtitles.  
10. AV playback  
Call the menu  
AV playback  
(Devices with switching voltage)  
AV playback is the term for playing back video-  
cassettes, DVDs, etc. from an AV device for vie-  
wing them on a TV set.  
In order to view the pictures, you must program-  
me your TV set so that it automatically switches to  
the AV programme position when a signal is  
received at the EURO socket to which the AV  
device is connected.  
Programming automatic switching  
In a menu with two asterisks (**),  
the settings for this menu item can-  
not be changed.  
AV devices  
Station table  
EURO sockets*  
Station search  
Programme switching is set to  
"On" in the factory for both EURO  
EURO 2  
EURO 1  
: select,  
OK: go to  
Change stations on  
• Press the „MENU“ key to open the TV  
• Press the red key  
to open the menu  
• Use the cursor control key to select „EURO  
• Use the cursor control key to select „EURO 1 or  
„Euro 2“.  
• Press the „OK“ key and then, in the setting win-  
dow, set „Programme switching“ to „ON“ with  
• Press the „OK“ key to save the new setting.  
• Press the „TV“ key to close the TV menu.  
When you subsequently start a playback opera-  
tion on the connected AV device, the TV set swit-  
ches to playback mode, regardless of the current-  
ly selected programme position.  
* The number of subjects and sections  
displayed here depends on the opera-  
ting scope setting in the menu.  
Call the menu  
10. AV playback  
AV playback  
(Devices without switching voltage)  
In order to view the pictures, you must manually  
switch your TV set to playback mode.  
• Select any programme position.  
• Press the „AV“ key.  
Press the numeric key for the desired AV device.  
• The TV set now switches from the cur-  
rent programme to playback mode.  
AV menu Playback  
DVD/Videorec. 1  
• Start the playback operation on the  
AV device. Playback mode remains  
active until you switch to another pro-  
gramme position.  
DVD/CD Player  
Front of TV set  
Picture quality when playing  
back from tape machines  
The VCR function provides the best possi-  
ble picture quality when playing back  
recordings from a tape machine, such as a camcor-  
der or video recorder.  
Setting the VCR function  
In a menu with two aste-  
risks (**), the settings for  
the menu item "VCR" can-  
not be changed.  
• Select the appropriate programme position.  
• Press the „MENU“ key to open the TV menu.  
• Press the „OK“ key to open the menu „Picture  
and sound“.  
• Use the cursor control key to select „Picture set-  
tings for Pr xy“.  
• Press the „OK“ key and then use the cursor  
control key to select „VCR“.  
• Press the „OK“ key for confirmation and use the  
-/+ key to select „Opt. 1“. If this setting does  
not produce a satisfactory picture quality,  
switch to „Opt. 2“.  
• Press the „OK“ key to save the new setting.  
10.1 Copying between  
AV devices  
• Select any programme position.  
• Press the „AV“ key to display the „AV menu  
• Select the AV playback device with the numeric  
The TV set switches from the current programme  
to the selected playback device.  
• Press the „AV“ key again.  
• Then press the red key  
ding device.  
to select the recor-  
• Press the green key to lock the selected signal  
connection. If a Data Logic video recorder is  
connected, it will immediately start to record,  
providing there is a cassette with a protection  
tag inserted.  
• Start recording with the recording AV device.  
• Play back with the playback AV device.  
Call the menu  
11. Picture settings, general  
In a menu with two asterisks (**), the set-  
tings for certain menu items cannot be  
You can adjust the picture settings (brightness,  
contrast, chrominance, etc.) for all programme  
positions and save these settings as the standard  
values. These standard values can be recalled at  
any time by pressing the „OK“ key.  
Defining the picture settings:  
• Press the „MENU“ key to open the TV menu.  
• Press the „OK“ key to open the menu  
Picture pos., vertica  
„Picture and sound“.  
• Use the cursor control key to select the  
individual picture settings.  
AV devices  
Comb filter*  
Noise reduction*  
Picture sharpness*  
Colour intensity  
• Press the „OK“ key and then use the  
Sound set.prog.po  
Sound settings, gen.  
Pict. set.,prog. posn.*  
Pict. settings, gen.  
Station table  
key to change the setting in the  
setting window.  
• Use the cursor control key to select the  
3rd line in the setting window "...  
accept as a standard value: OK".  
• Save the new setting as the standard  
value by pressing the „OK“ key.  
: select,  
OK: go to  
Standard value  
Accept 61 as the standard value:  
• Press the „TV“ key to close the menu  
If these standard settings are unsatisfactory  
for some programme positions, you can  
define special individual settings for these  
positions as described on the next page.  
This function can be used to compensate for the  
effects of the Earths magnetic field. Normally, this  
adjustment should be necessary only when you  
first install the TV set, or if you move it to a diffe-  
rent location, and the picture is not aligned hori-  
zontally on the screen.  
* The number of subjects and sections  
displayed here depends on the opera-  
ting scope setting in the menu.  
2) Available only on TV sets which are equipped  
with this option.  
11. Picture settings, general  
Call the menu  
In a menu with two asterisks (**), the set-  
tings for certain menu items cannot be  
Panorama2) function  
This setting can be made only on 16:9 TV  
The panorama function can be used to expand  
"normal" programmes in 4:3 format to the 16:9  
format. This is done by increasing the width of the  
picture to fill the complete width of the screen.  
Setting Panorama2) mode:  
Picture pos., vertica  
• Press the "MENU" key to open the TV  
• Press the "OK" key to open the menu  
"Picture and sound".  
• Use the cursor control key to select  
AV devices  
Station table  
Comb filter*  
Noise reduction*  
Picture sharpness*  
Colour intensity  
Sound set.prog.po  
Sound settings, gen.  
Pict. set.,prog. posn.*  
Pict. settings, gen.  
• Press the "OK" key and then, in the  
: select,  
OK: go to  
setting window, use the  
change the setting for "Panorama".  
key to  
On, zoom 1 Mode  
• Use the cursor control key to select the  
menu item "Mode" and use the  
either "linear" or "non-linear".  
key to select  
• Press the "OK" key to save your changes.  
The picture shows the factory setting.  
• Press the "TV" key to close the TV menu.  
The functions "Panorama2)" and "Zoom"  
can also be used together.  
2) Available only on TV sets which are equipped  
with this option.  
* The number of subjects and sections  
displayed here depends on the opera-  
ting scope setting in the menu.  
11.1 Picture settings for a specific  
programme position ...  
Call the menu  
In a menu with two asterisks (**), the pictu-  
re settings for a specific programme posi-  
tion cannot be changed.  
If the standard settings are not satisfactory for cer-  
tain programme positions, you can define diffe-  
rent settings for these positions with the menu item  
„Picture settings for Pr ...“. These settings apply  
only to the selected programme position and can-  
not be overwritten by the standard settings.  
Defining different picture settings  
for Pr. xy:  
Colour standard  
Colour offset  
AV devices  
• Select the programme position for  
which you want to define different pic-  
ture settings.  
• Press the „MENU“ key to open the TV  
Comb filter  
Sound set.prog.po  
Sound settings, gen.  
Pict. set.,prog. posn.*  
Pict. settings, gen.  
Noice reduction  
Picture sharpness  
Colour intensity  
Station table  
• Press the „OK“ key to open the menu  
„Picture and sound“.  
These settings apply to the currently selected  
programme position.  
: select,  
OK: go to  
• Use the cursor control key to select the  
item „Picture settings for Pr. xy“.  
• Press the „OK“ key and then select the setting  
you want to change.  
• Press the „OK“ key to confirm your selection  
and then, in the setting window, use the  
to change the setting.  
• Press the „OK“ key to save the new setting.  
• Press the „TV“ key to close the menu.  
You can also define and recall the individu-  
al picture settings in the station table.  
2) Available only on TV sets which are equipped  
with this option.  
* The number of subjects and sections  
displayed here depends on the opera-  
ting scope setting in the menu.  
12. Sound settings, general  
Call the menu  
In a menu with two asterisks (**), the set-  
tings for certain menu items cannot be  
You can adjust the sound settings (volume, treble,  
bass, etc.) for all programme positions and save  
these settings as the standard values. These stan-  
dard values can be recalled at any time by pres-  
sing the „OK“ key.  
Defining the sound settings:  
• Press the „MENU“ key to open the TV menu.  
• Use the blue key  
to select the menu „Picture  
and sound“ and press the „OK“ key to  
open it.  
• Use the cursor control key to select the  
item „Sound settings, general“.  
• Press the „OK“ key and then select the  
setting you want to change.  
Stereo wide*  
Spatial sound*  
AV devices  
Tone settings  
Sound set.prog.po Volume headphones  
Sound settings, gen. Bass  
Pict. set.,prog. posn.* Treble  
Station table  
• Press the „OK“ key to confirm your  
selection and then, in the setting win-  
Pict. settings, gen.  
: select,  
OK: go to  
dow, use the  
key to change the set-  
Satandard value  
Accept 55 as the standard value: OK  
• Use the cursor control key to select the third line  
"Use ... as new standard value: OK".  
• Press the „OK“ key to save the new setting as  
the standard value.  
• Press the „TV“ key to close the menu.  
If these standard settings are unsatisfactory  
for some programme positions, you can  
define special individual settings for these  
positions as described on the next page.  
* The number of subjects and sections  
displayed here depends on the opera-  
ting scope setting in the menu.  
12.1 Sound settings for a specific  
programme position ..  
Call the menu  
In a menu with two asterisks (**), the set-  
tings for certain menu items cannot be  
If the standard settings are not satisfactory for  
certain programme positions, you can define dif-  
ferent settings for these positions with the menu  
item „Sound settings for Pr...“. These settings  
apply only to the selected programme position  
and cannot be overwritten by the standard set-  
Defining different sound settings for Pr.  
• Select the programme position for  
which you want to define different  
sound settings.  
AV devices  
Sound set.prog.po  
Sound settings, gen.  
Pict. set.,prog. posn.*  
Pict. settings, gen.  
Station table  
Forced mono*  
Tone settings*  
Volume correction  
• Press the „MENU“ key to open the TV  
• Use the blue key  
„Picture and sound“ and press the  
„OK“ key to open it.  
to select the menu  
These settings apply to the currently selected programme  
: select  
menu item  
• Use the cursor control key to select the item  
„Sound settings for Pr. xy“.  
• Press the „OK“ key and then select the setting  
you want to change.  
• Press the „OK“ key to confirm your selection  
and then, in the setting window, use the  
to change the setting.  
• Press the „OK“ key to save the new setting.  
• Press the „TV“ key to close the menu.  
You can also define and recall the individu-  
al sound settings in the station table.  
* The number of subjects and sections  
displayed here depends on the opera-  
ting scope setting in the menu.  
13. Colour standard  
Call the menu  
In a menu with two asterisks (**), the set-  
tings for the menu item "Colour standard"  
cannot be changed.  
Your TV set normally detects the colour standard  
automatically. If this automatic function does not  
work, you can select the colour standard manually.  
The colour standard function is set in the factory  
to „Automatic“.  
Setting the colour standard:  
• Select the programme position for  
which you want to set the colour stan-  
• Press the „MENU“ key to open the TV  
009 MDR  
008 SW 3  
007 N24  
006 PRO 7  
005 RTL  
004 SAT 1  
003 Bayern 3  
002 ZDF  
Sound correction  
Colour standard*  
Picture corrections*  
Picture quality*  
Enter Logo  
AV devices  
Station table  
• Press the white key  
„station table“.  
to open the  
TV Standard*  
001 ARD  
• Move the cursor to „Colour standard“.  
• Press the „OK“ key to confirm your  
selection and then, in the setting win-  
: select,  
OK: go to  
Colour standard Automatic mode  
dow, use the  
key to select the  
appropriate colour standard.  
• Press the „OK“ key to save the new setting.  
• Press the „TV“ key to close the menu.  
2) Available only on TV sets which are equipped  
with this option.  
* The number of subjects and sections  
displayed here depends on the opera-  
ting scope setting in the menu.  
Call the menu  
14. Automatic zoom  
The menu item "automatic zoom" cannot  
be selected in a menu with two asterisks  
The menu item "automatic zoom" is availa-  
ble only on TV sets with the aspect ratio  
If the automatic zoom function is active, program-  
mes in "widescreen" format (such as the aspect  
ratio 16:9) are adjusted automatically to fill as  
much of the screen as possible.  
If this function is not active, no automatic  
adjustment of such programmes is car-  
ried out.  
AV devices  
Station table  
EURO sockets*  
Station search  
Scope of operation  
Activating automatic zoom2):  
• Press the „MENU“ key to open the TV  
EPG settings  
Automatic zoom2)*  
Sound setting  
Init. prog. position*  
• Press the red key  
to open the menu  
: select,  
OK: go to  
Automatic zoom on  
• Use the cursor control key to select  
„Operation“ and then „Automatic  
• Press the „OK“ key.  
• Use the  
key to switch the automatic zoom  
function on or off  
• Press the „OK“ key to save the new setting.  
• Press the „TV“ key to close the menu.  
2) Available only on TV sets which are equipped  
with this option.  
* The number of subjects and sections  
displayed here depends on the opera-  
ting scope setting in the menu.  
15. Childlock  
Call the menu  
With this function, you can determine when the  
TV set can be switched on and which program-  
mes may be viewed at specific times. The child-  
lock may be set:  
a) for all programmes,  
b) so that one to six programmes (Prog A ... Prog  
F), called permitted programmes can still be  
c) so that all or all permitted programmes may be  
viewed during a preset period (between the  
specified start and end times).  
After setting, the childlock must be saved with a  
4-digit „Code“  
Setting the childlock:  
• Press the „MENU“ key to open the TV  
AV devices  
End viewing time*  
• Press the green key  
menu „Timer“.  
a) Setting the childlock for all programmes:  
Use the cursor control key to select  
„Childlock“ and press the „OK“ key.  
to open the  
Time settings  
Timer control  
Start viewing time*  
Code input  
Permitted programmes*  
Station table  
: select,  
OK: go to  
Activation off  
In the setting window, use the  
to set the childlock to „Active“.  
• Press the „OK“ key to save the new setting.  
b) Permitted programmes*  
Activate the childlock as described in step a),  
Use the cursor control key to open the file card  
„Permitted programmes“ and press the „OK“  
key. In the setting window, use the numeric  
keys to enter the numbers of the permitted pro-  
gramme positions or press the „AV“ key to per-  
mit use of the AV programme position.  
• Press the „OK“ key to save the new setting.  
* The number of subjects and sections  
displayed here depends on the opera-  
ting scope setting in the menu.  
Call the menu  
15. Childlock  
c) Start* and end times*  
Use the cursor control key to open the file card  
„Start viewing time/End viewing time“„ and  
press the „OK“ key. In the setting window, enter  
the start and end times with the numeric keys.  
Protecting the childlock settings with a code  
• Use the cursor control key to open the file card  
„Code input“ and press the „OK“ key. In  
the setting window, enter your personal  
code with the numeric keys.  
AV devices  
Make a note of the code, since the  
childlock can be switched off only  
by entering it again!  
End viewing time*  
Start viewing time*  
Code input  
Permitted programmes*  
Time settings  
Timer control  
Station table  
• Press the „OK“ key to save the code.  
• Press the „TV“ key to close the menu.  
• Switch off the TV set with the  
: select,  
OK: go to  
Code * * * *  
The childlock is activated only  
when the TV set is switched off.  
Deactivating the childlock  
If the childlock is active, this is indicated by the  
display of a message when you switch the TV set  
on. If you then enter the correct code, the child-  
lock is temporarily deactivated and the TV set can  
be operated „normally“ as long as it remains  
switched on. If you wish to permanently deactiva-  
te the childlock, proceed as follows:  
• Press the „MENU“ key to open the TV menu.  
• Press the green key  
to open the menu  
• Use the cursor control key to select „Childlock“  
and press the „OK“ key.  
• In the setting window, use the  
childlock to „Inactive“.  
key to set the  
• Press the „OK“ key to save the new setting.  
16. Reminder  
Call the menu  
In a menu with two asterisks (**), the set-  
tings for the menu item "Reminder" cannot  
be changed.  
If you want to be reminded of something while  
watching television, you can set a reminder time.  
At this time, a box with the reminder appears on  
the screen of the TV set.  
Setting the reminder time  
• Press the „MENU“ key to open the TV menu.  
• Press the green key  
to open the menu  
• Use the cursor control key to select  
• Press the „OK“ key twice and then, in  
the setting window, enter the desired  
time (four digits) with the numeric  
AV devices  
Time settings  
Timer control  
Station table  
Reminder time*  
• Press the „OK“ key to save the new  
• Press the „TV“ key to close the menu.  
: select,  
OK: go to  
Time - - : - -  
At the specified time, a box with the reminder  
appears on the screen of the TV set. You can  
clear this display by pressing any key.  
If you do not want the reminder to appear  
each day, you must clear it in the menu by  
pressing the ll key.  
* The number of subjects and sections  
displayed here depends on the opera-  
ting scope setting in the menu.  
17. Timer control  
Call the menu  
In a menu with two asterisks (**), the set-  
tings for the menu items "Switch-on time"  
and "Switch-off time" cannot be changed  
In the menu item „Timer control“, you can pro-  
gramme a switch-on time, a switch-off time and a  
sleep timer (switch off after ...).  
Switch-on time*: the TV set is switched on at the  
specified time.  
Switch-off time*: the TV set is switched off at the  
specified time.  
Switch off after ...: (Sleep Timer): the TV set is  
switched off after the period you specify (in incre-  
ments of 15 minutes).  
Setting the times  
• Press the „MENU“ key to open the TV  
AV devices  
• Press the green key  
menu „Timer“.  
to open the  
Time settings  
Timer control  
Station table  
• Use the cursor control key to select  
„Switch-on time“ or „Switch off time“.  
• Press the „OK“ key twice and then, in  
the setting window, enter the desired  
time (four digits) with the numeric  
Switch off after...  
Switch-off time*  
Switch-on time*  
: select  
Power-on time, power-off time and sleep timer can  
be set here.  
menu item  
• Press the „OK“ key to save the new setting.  
• Press the „TV“ key to close the menu.  
At the specified switch-on time, the TV set swit-  
ches from standby mode (red LED on) to normal  
TV mode. If you do not press any key on the  
remote control unit within 10 minutes, the TV set  
switches back to standby mode. This ensures that  
the TV set does not remain switched on if you are  
not at home.  
If you do not want the TV set to switch  
itself on or off each day, you must clear  
the times in the menu by pressing the ll  
* The number of subjects and sections  
displayed here depends on the opera-  
ting scope setting in the menu.  
17. Timer control  
Call the menu  
Normally, the TV set gets the date and time from  
the data transmitted with the programme (if this  
station transmits Teletext) and sets the internal  
clock accordingly.  
If the data are not received correctly, or if the sta-  
tion you are watching does not send such data,  
you can set the date and time manually.  
Normally, this function is not needed: even the  
changeover between summer and winter time is  
executed automatically.  
Setting the time and date  
• Press the „MENU“ key to open the TV menu.  
• Press the green key  
menu „Timer“.  
to open the  
• Use the cursor control key to select the  
file card „Set time“.  
AV devices  
• Press the „OK“ key twice.  
• In the setting window, enter the current  
time with the numeric keys.  
• The clock starts running from this time  
when you press the „OK“ key.  
• Use the cursor control key to select the  
file card „Current date“.  
Time settings  
Timer control  
Station table  
Local time offset  
Current date  
Current local time  
You can set the date and time manually if they have not  
been set automatically.  
: select,  
OK: go to  
• Press the „OK“ key.  
• In the setting window, enter the current date  
with the numeric keys.  
• Press the „OK“ key to save the new setting.  
• Press the „TV“ key to close the menu.  
The local time offset is the difference between  
the local time and Greenwich Mean Time  
(GMT). This time difference and any necessary  
switching between summer time and winter  
time are normally detected automatically by the  
TV set.  
They need to be set manually only if the TV set  
does not detect them automatically.  
18. Special functions  
Picture format  
Call the menu  
The function "Picture format" is available  
only on TV sets with the aspect ratio 16:9.  
Calling the picture format3) function:  
Briefly press the F1 key to display the pop-up  
menu for special picture functions.  
You can use the "P+/P-" rocker key to  
select the various functions. You can  
also set the zoom factor for the selec-  
ted picture format within the next five  
16:9 full picture  
Standard 4:3  
Standard 4:3  
16:9 Vollbild  
• The settings made here (except for the  
automatic zoom in the TV menu)  
remain stored until you switch to anot-  
her programme position or switch off  
the TV set.  
16:9 full picture  
After selecting the "Zoom" function, you  
can adjust the zoom factor with the  
In addition to adjusting the zoom factor, you can move  
the picture up or down on the screen so that, for exam-  
ple, the station logo or subtitles remain visible. To do  
this, press the F1 key and then the key and move the  
picture with the "P+/P-" rocker key.  
Standard 4:33)  
This is the standard setting for all programmes  
with the aspect ratio 4:3.  
With the Panorama function, you can adjust the  
picture of a programme in 4:3 aspect ratio to fill  
the 16:9 format of the screen (only on sets with  
16:9 screen). The picture is expanded uniformly in  
the horizontal direction. You can also zoom the  
picture. The Panorama function can be switched  
on and off in the menu "Picture and Sound" under  
the heading "Picture settings, general".  
16:9 full screen3)  
This function is used to display the picture format  
of external devices (such as 16:9 video recorders)  
with the correct aspect ratio.  
3) This menu item is available  
only on TV sets with a 16:9  
18. Special functions  
Call the menu  
The following description applies only to TV sets  
with a 4:3 screen.  
Calling the zoom function:  
• Briefly press function key „F1“  
The small window "Zoom" is displayed  
at the bottom left corner of the screen.  
• The zoom factor can now be adjusted  
with the  
The new zoom factor is stored until it is  
changed again and can be recalled at  
any time with the „F1“ key.  
18. Special functions  
Picture position  
Call the menu  
The function "Picture position" is available  
only on TV sets with a 16:9 screen.  
Calling the picture-position function3):  
• Press and hold the function key "F1" for  
at least one second. The window  
"Special functions" appears on the  
functions 1  
Picture format  
Picture pos., vertical  
• Press numeric key  
to open the  
function "Picture position".  
• Use the  
key to move the picture down  
or up to the desired position (e.g. so that  
the station logo or subtitles are visible).  
This setting is not stored. However,  
you can save the picture position  
globally by following the instructions in  
Section 11.1.  
3) This menu item is available  
only on TV sets with a 16:9  
19. EPG - NexTView  
NexTView is an Electronic Program Guide (EPG)  
for all important programme providers. This EPG  
is transmitted by various stations and also con-  
tains the programme data for the other stations.  
The TV set needs about 30 minutes to collect the  
large amount of data for the first time.  
• On TV sets with two tuners (standard configura-  
tion) the data are collected by the second tuner  
(see the next page) during normal operation of  
the TV set. When the data have been collected,  
the TV set stores the EPG in a special memory.  
The EPG is updated regularly in this memory as  
long as the TV set is not switched off with the  
main switch.  
• On TV sets with only one tuner (e.g. if your set  
has been converted and has only one satellite  
- the set must be left tuned to the NeexTView pro-  
gramme position for at least 30 minutes, or  
- the data are collected during the night (between  
02:30 - 03:00) while the set is in standby mode.  
Not possible with an external satellite receiver!  
19.1 Activating the EPG NexTView  
Call the menu  
The EPG function can be switched on by pressing  
the keys "F3" if an EPG programme position is  
defined in the menu (see below).  
On all programme positions where NexTView is  
received, the TV set displays the following messa-  
ge after a short delay:  
This station is sending NexTView (EPG). Save it as  
the EPG programme position?  
• No  
The TV set is asking you whether you want to use  
this programme position for collecting the data for  
the EPG NexTView.  
Press the red key for "No" - this pro-  
gramme position is not used for recei-  
ving the NexTView data. The message is  
still displayed for all other programme  
positions where NexTView data are  
Press the green key for "Yes" - this pro-  
gramme position will be used for recei-  
ving the NexTView data. The message is  
then not displayed for other programme  
positions where NexTView data are  
AV devices  
Station table  
Scope of operation  
EPG settings  
EURO sockets*  
Station search  
Automatic zoom2)*  
Sound setting  
Configuration Language*  
Init. prog. position*  
: select,  
OK: go to  
Now showing  
on EPG prog. position  
Kabel 1  
If you know the programme position for a  
NexTView station, you can also enter its number  
directly on the numeric keys.  
You can overwrite any existing programme posi-  
tion number or delete the number by pressing the  
II key.  
* The number of subjects and sections  
displayed here depends on the opera-  
ting scope setting in the menu.  
Not possible with an external satellite receiver!  
19.2 Collecting NexTView data  
The EPG NexTView is transmitted by  
- the Teletext function "Subtitles" is acti-  
If the TV set is switched to standby mode  
while the data are being collected, the  
green LED remains on to remind you that  
this function is still running.  
various stations and the information pro-  
vided by each station may differ. You  
thus have a choice between several dif-  
ferent NexTView programme guides.  
• On TV sets with only one tuner (e.g. if  
your set has been converted and has  
only one satellite tuner):  
Switch to the NexTView programme  
Leave it on this programme position  
for at least 30 minutes.  
• TV sets with two tuners:  
The TV set collects the NexTView data  
with the aid of its second tuner.  
Special notes:  
Stations which are listed in the TV station  
list of the TV set with an automatic logo  
(set automatically by the TV set) are also  
shown in the EPG. Stations which carry  
two different programmes (such as a  
childrens programme in the daytime  
and another programme in the evening)  
must be stored in two different program-  
me positions.  
The collection operation is interrupted or  
cancelled if:  
- you switch the programme position  
from terrestrial to SAT or vice versa;  
- you call the "Picture in Picture" func-  
- you open the Teletext function;  
- a recording is programmed in the  
menu "AV recording";  
- a "timer recording" is running or will  
begin within the next hour;  
Not possible with an external satellite receiver!  
19.3 Using NexTView  
Call the menu  
Once all of the data have been collected, pres-  
sing the "F3" key displays the NexTView pro-  
gramme guide, showing the programme current-  
ly running on this programme position.  
The left column of the EPG shows the keys with  
special functions in this mode:  
P+/P- Select a programme  
Watch the selected programme or set a  
reminder for it  
Cursor control key ̇ ̈ Scroll forward  
- Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa So + 13.08  
20:00 RTL 2  
RTL II News  
20:00 ARD  
20:00 Nord 3  
20:00 West 3  
or back through the programme times  
Enter a time for which program-  
mes are to be displayed  
All programmes  
Return to the TV picture  
blue Display all programme types  
20:00 3 SAT  
yellow Display only programme types  
which match the current user  
and their preferences  
0..9: enter time  
OK: view  
white Set user preferences  
green Select a user (father, mother,  
teenager, child)  
Selected programme is ready for recor-  
ding (see Page 37)  
Selecting and viewing a programme, setting a  
In the EPG, you can select a programme with the  
"P+/P-" rocker key.  
• By pressing the "OK" key, you can  
- watch the programme if it is already running or  
- set a reminder for it if it starts later. In this case,  
a green check mark appears after the start  
• Press the "TEXT" key to display or hide the des-  
cription of the programme. This description  
cannot be displayed for all programmes.  
Not possible with an external satellite receiver!  
Call the menu  
19.3 Using NexTView  
Setting the user  
By repeatedly pressing the green key, you can set  
the current user (father, mother, teenager, child)  
for the NexTView programme guide.  
Setting preferences  
Each user can set the NexTView pro-  
gramme guide to reflect the personal  
PRO 7  
RTL 2  
SAT 1  
Bayern 3  
All programmes  
• Press the white key  
• Use the "P+/P-" rocker key to select  
one of the blue cards.  
• Use the cursor control key ̈ to switch  
to the yellow page.  
• Use the "P+/P-" rocker key to select  
the appropriate yellow cards and  
mark each one by pressing the "OK"  
Current affairs  
Feature film  
Station selection  
Display all stations  
Up to eight stations  
can be selected  
Up to eight preferences can be selected for  
each user.  
You can remove the red check marks again by  
pressing the "OK" key.  
• Save the selected preferences by pres-  
water sports  
motor sports  
sing the red key  
Current affairs  
Feature film  
Station selection  
All programmes  
team sports  
sport magazine  
special events  
sport (general)  
Up to eight stations  
can be selected  
motor sports  
sport magazine  
special events  
winter sports  
local sports  
team sports  
Not possible with an external satellite receiver!  
19.3 Using NexTView  
Call the menu  
Recording a programme  
If you have a Metz video recorder with dialogue  
system, the NexTView programme guide permits  
you to start a recording by pressing a single key.  
• Open the NexTView programme guide.  
• Use the "P+/P-" rocker key to select the pro-  
gramme you want to record.  
If a video recorder with dialogue system is con-  
- Switch on the video recorder.  
- Insert a cassette.  
- Press the red key  
on the remote  
control of the TV set.  
- Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa So + 13.08  
20:00 RTL 2  
RTL II News  
20:00 ARD  
20:00 Nord 3  
20:00 West 3  
If a normal video recorder is connected:  
- Switch on the video recorder.  
- Insert a cassette.  
- Press the red key  
control of the TV set - the TV timer is  
All programmes  
on the remote  
20:00 3 SAT  
- On the video recorder programme a  
timer with the date and time on the  
AV programme position so that the  
programme provided by the TV timer  
will be recorded.  
0..9: Zeit wählen  
OK: ansehen  
Nachrichten - News  
If you want to record a programme from a  
terrestrial station (received via antenna or  
cable), you must programme the video  
recorder itself.  
Not possible with an external satellite receiver!  
Call the menu  
20. Setting the language and country  
In a menu with two asterisks (**), the set-  
tings for the menu items "Language" and  
"Country" cannot be changed.  
Setting the language for the TV menu  
You can select one of the available languages for  
the display of the TV menu. All texts in the menu  
and in the help function (Information) are then  
displayed in the selected language.  
Setting the country  
After installing the TV set, you must select  
the country where it is installed (such as  
Great Britain). This information is used  
by the TV set to make certain basic set-  
tings (such as the channel spacing, the  
sorting sequence for the stations, etc.).  
AV devices  
Station table  
EURO sockets*  
Station search  
Setting the language and country:  
Press the "MENU" key to open the TV  
: select  
menu item  
Selected language English  
• Press the red key  
to open the menu  
• Use the cursor control key to select the desired  
language and your country.  
Great Britain  
• Use the cursor control key to select the  
desired language and your country.  
• Press the "OK" key to save the settings.  
• Press the "TV" key to close the menu.  
AV devices  
Station table  
EURO sockets*  
Station search  
Baltic states  
: select  
menu item  
Selected country Australia  
* The number of subjects and sections  
displayed here depends on the opera-  
ting scope setting in the menu.  
21. Programming stations  
Call the menu  
You can programme the TV stations in three diffe-  
rent ways.  
a) Automatic station search  
The automatic station search function searches the  
entire range of reception frequencies for TV stations.  
All stations which are found are placed in a station  
table, which is displayed at the end of the search  
operation. If you are not satisfied with the order in  
which the stations are stored, you can shift or delete  
stations (see Section 9, "Sorting stations").  
Executing an automatic station search  
• Press the „MENU“ key to call the TV menu  
• Press the red key  
to open the  
„Configuration“ menu.  
• Use the cursor control key to select  
"Automatic station search" and press  
the "OK" key.  
• If your TV set has the appropriate  
option2), you can select the desired  
AV devices  
Station table  
EURO sockets*  
Station search  
TV standard with the  
key in the  
Terr. station search  
setting window (in this example, the  
standard B/G is selected).  
: select,  
OK: go to  
TV standard B/G  
Station search (START)  
• Use the cursor control key > to select  
the menu item "Station search  
(START)" and press the "OK" key to confirm  
your selection.  
• A station table containing all stations which are  
found is displayed on the left side of the screen.  
• At the end of the search, all stations which were  
found are sorted and displayed.  
To delete any unwanted stations, select them  
with the cursor and press the II key.  
2) Available only on TV sets  
which are equipped with this  
To save the stations, press the "OK" key and  
enter, with the numeric keys, the number of the  
programme position where the first station is to  
be saved. The remaining stations are saved in  
the following programme positions.  
* The number of subjects and sections  
displayed here depends on the opera-  
ting scope setting in the menu.  
Call the menu  
21. Programming stations  
b) Station search  
The station search function permits you to search  
for specific stations if you do not know their chan-  
nel number or frequency.  
Executing a station search  
• Press the „MENU“ key to display the TV menu.  
• Press the white key  
to display the station  
• Move the cursor to en empty programme posi-  
tion (or to a position containing a station you  
wish to replace with the new station).  
• Move the cursor to „Frequency/Channel“.  
• Press the „OK“ key.  
009 MDR  
• In the setting window which is then  
displayed, move the cursor to  
008 SW 3  
007 N24  
006 PRO 7  
005 RTL  
004 SAT 1  
003 Bayern 3  
002 ZDF  
Sound correction  
Colour standard*  
Picture corrections*  
Picture quality*  
Enter Logo  
AV devices  
Station table  
• Press the  
key to start the search.  
• The search stops when the first station  
is found.  
• If you want to save this station, press  
the „OK“ key.  
TV Standard2)  
: select,  
OK: go to  
001 ARD  
Cable channel  
Frequency 182.31 MHz  
Scan operation  
• If you do not want to save this station,  
press the  
key again to continue the  
c) Direct channel input  
You can programme a station directly by entering  
its channel number with the numeric keys (you  
must, of course, know the channel number of the  
desired station).  
Executing direct channel input  
2) Available only on TV sets  
which are equipped with this  
• Press the „MENU“ key to display the TV menu.  
• Press the white key  
to display the station  
* The number of subjects and sections  
displayed here depends on the opera-  
ting scope setting in the menu.  
• Move the cursor to en empty programme posi-  
tion (or to a position containing a station you  
21. Programming stations  
Call the menu  
wish to replace with the new station).  
• Move the cursor to „Frequency/Channel“.  
• Press the „OK“ key.  
• In the setting window which is then displayed,  
move the cursor to „Channel“ or „Special chan-  
• Enter the number of the channel or special  
channel with the numeric keys.  
• Press the „OK“ key to save the station.  
• Press the „TV“ key to close the menu.  
Fine tuning  
When you programme stations, each channel is  
automatically tuned to the centre frequency. This  
is normally sufficient. If this automatic  
function does not produce satisfactory  
results, you can carry out fine tuning.  
AV devices  
Executing fine tuning  
Station table  
• Select the desired programme position.  
• Press the „MENU“ key.  
• Press the white key  
tion table.  
• Move the cursor to the subject card  
to open the sta-  
Change value  
with + and –  
Confirm with OK  
Cable channel  
Frequency 182.31 MHz  
Scan operation  
• Press the „OK“ key to confirm your selection.  
• In the setting window, select „Frequency“ and  
use the  
key to change the frequency value  
until the picture is as clear as possible.  
• Save the new setting by pressing the „OK“ key.  
• Press the „TV“ key to close the menu.  
Call the menu  
22. Station logo  
Each station which transmits VPS signals also  
sends a station logo with up to eight characters,  
which is automatically assigned to this station in  
the station list. If this automatic function does not  
work correctly, or if you want a different station  
logo, you can overwrite the logo manually.  
Setting the station logo  
• Select the desired programme position.  
• Press the „MENU“ key.  
• Press the white key  
to open the station table.  
• Move the cursor to the subject card „Logo“.  
• Press the „OK“ key to confirm your selection. In  
the setting window, you can now enter  
the desired logo with the aid of the  
numeric keys.  
009 MDR  
008 SW 3  
007 N24  
006 PRO 7  
005 RTL  
004 SAT 1  
003 Bayern 3  
002 ZDF  
Sound correction  
Colour standard*  
Picture corrections*  
Picture quality*  
Enter Logo  
AV devices  
As long as the red cursor is selected, you  
can enter the desired letters and digits  
by pressing the numeric keys (e.g. key  
: J-K-L-5). If you make a mistake, you  
can delete the characters before the red  
cursor, one at a time, with the red key. To  
delete the entire logo, press the ll key.  
Station table  
TV Standard*  
001 ARD  
: select,  
OK: go to  
. , ABC DEF  
• When you are finished, press the  
„OK“ key to save the new logo.  
• Press the „TV“ key to close the menu.  
2) Available only on TV sets  
which are equipped with this  
* The number of subjects and sections  
displayed here depends on the opera-  
ting scope setting in the menu.  
23. Sorting stations  
Call the menu  
In the station table, you can shift or copy one or  
more stations to other programme positions. You  
can also delete any unwanted stations.  
Copying, shifting and deleting stations  
• Press the „MENU“ key to call the TV menu.  
• Press the white key  
to call the station table.  
• Press the „F1“ key to enable editing of the sta-  
tion table.  
• Use the cursor control key to select the pro-  
gramme position you want to copy, shift or  
• Press the „OK“ key to mark this programme  
position: the text colour changes to  
orange and an asterisk is displayed  
009 MDR  
008 SW 3  
007* N24  
006 PRO 7  
005 RTL  
004 SAT 1  
003 Bayern 3  
002 ZDF  
after the last digit of the programme  
position number (in the example on  
the left: position 007).  
To shift or copy this station, move the  
cursor to the programme position  
before or after which the selected sta-  
tion(s) is/are to be inserted. If these  
stations originally had a lower posi-  
tion number than this position, it/they  
Sound correction  
Colour standard*  
Picture corrections*  
Picture quality*  
Enter Logo  
AV devices  
Station table  
TV Standard*  
001 ARD  
F1: End  
White: Clear all  
Move, copy, delete: Select one or more stationswith OK.  
Move cursor to new position  
+ = copy, - = move, II = delete  
will be inserted before this programme position.  
Stations which originally had a higher number  
will be inserted after this programme position.  
• Press the  
key to copy (+) or shift (-) the  
selected station(s).  
To delete a station, press the ll key.  
• Press the „F1“ key to save the new settings  
Call the menu  
24. AV devices  
AV (Audio/Video) devices are devices which  
provide picture and/or sound signals for play-  
back on your TV set (for example, video cas-  
sette recorders, DVD players, etc.).  
In the menu „AV devices“, the setting window  
displays a list of all common AV units.  
Always connect AV devices exactly as  
shown in the connection diagram in the TV  
menu of your TV set!  
SVHS/Hi8 and Data Logic video recorders must  
always be connected as „Video recorder 1“. A  
„normal“ VHS video recorder may be  
Connect as follows:  
connected as „Video recorder 1“ or  
„Video recorder 2“.  
DVD/Videorec. 1  
Back of TV set  
AV devices  
Station table  
I I I I I I I I I I  
I I I I I I I I I I  
Connecting AV devices  
• Press the „MENU“ key to open the TV  
I I I I I I I I I I  
I I I I I I I I I I  
DVD / CD  
Front of TV set 2)  
• Press the yellow key  
to open the  
menu „AV devices“. In the factory, a  
video recorder is programmed for the  
EURO 1 socket and a DVD player for  
the EURO 2 socket. If you want to  
change these settings, you can select  
one of the AV devices with the cursor  
control key and delete it by pressing  
the ll key.  
Select device with  
cursor and call  
device attributes  
with OK  
Select a new device:  
Videorecorder 1  
DVD/Videorec. 2  
DVD / CD  
Decoder A  
Decoder B  
Other device  
Satellite / SetTop  
• Use the cursor control key to select the device  
you wish to connect to the TV set.  
• Press the „OK“ key to confirm your selection  
and, in the setting window, set the parameters  
„Signal OUT“ and „Signal IN“ to match the AV  
device (see the operating instructions for the AV  
device for details).  
• Press the „OK“ key. The newly connected device  
appears in the connection diagram.  
Caution: connecting a new device may  
cause an existing connection to be modi-  
fied. If this happens, you will have to move  
the cables for the affected AV device to the  
correct positions.  
24. AV devices  
Call the menu  
In a menu with two aste-  
risks (**), the settings for  
this menu item cannot be  
Data Logic video recorder  
„Data Logic“ is a system which permits a dialogue  
between the TV set and a video recorder. This  
„intelligent“ system provides such functions as:  
- Automatic transfer of the settings for terrestrial  
and cable stations to the video recorder.  
- One-touch recording: the video recorder records  
the programme you are currently watching.  
- Automatic switching to the AV programme position.  
- Direct control of recording from the timer menu  
of the TV set.  
- Automatically switching off the video recorder  
when the TV set is switched to standby mode.  
In the menu „AV devices“, activate the option  
„Data Logic“ under „Video recorder 1“  
and connect the video recorder to the  
EURO 1 socket.  
AV devices  
Station table  
Data Logic will function correctly  
only if the video recorder is connec-  
ted to the EURO 1 socket.  
EURO sockets*  
Station search  
Terr. station search  
Other comparable dialogue systems: Qlink  
(Panasonic), EasyLink (Philips), Megalogic  
(Grundig, SMARTLINK (Sony).  
: select,  
OK: go to  
Data transfer start Yes  
Data Logic: transferring the station table  
• Press the „MENU“ key to open the TV  
• Press the red key  
to open the menu  
• Use the cursor control key to select „Automatic  
station search“.  
• Press the „OK“ key and then use the cursor con-  
trol key to select „Data Logic“.  
• Press the „OK“ key and then, in the setting win-  
dow, select „Start data transfer: yes“ with the  
• Press the „OK“ key to transfer the stations table  
from the TV set to the video recorder  
• Press the „TV“ key to close the TV menu.  
* The number of subjects and sections  
displayed here depends on the opera-  
ting scope setting in the menu.  
Call the menu  
24. AV devices  
Some AV devices may use the composite colour  
signal for recording and playing back, while  
using the RGB signal to display the menus.  
We cannot state specifically whether this is the  
case for your AV device. The operating instruc-  
tions for the device may provide information  
about this.  
If you connect and configure such an AV device  
with the signal type "composite colour" and the  
picture of the recording you are playing back  
appears on the screen but there are no menus  
visible, you must change the signal type  
Connect as follows:  
to "RGB" in the menu "AV devices". This  
is done as follows:  
DVD/Videorec. 1  
Back of TV set  
AV devices  
Station table  
I I I I I I I I I I  
I I I I I I I I I I  
Setting the signal type  
• Press the MENU key to open the TV  
• Press the yellow key (..) to open the  
menu "AV devices.  
• Use the cursor key to select the affec-  
ted AV device in the connection dia-  
I I I I I I I I I I  
I I I I I I I I I I  
DVD / CD  
Front of TV set 2)  
Change value  
DVD/Videorec. 1:  
Signal OUT  
Data Logic  
with + and -  
Signal IN  
Confirm with OK  
• Press the "OK" key. The cursor is now located  
before "Signal-OUT" in the settings window.  
• Press the  
key to set "Signal-OUT" to "RGB".  
• Press the "OK" key. In the connection diagram,  
the signal type for the AV device is changed.  
Caution! It may happen that an existing  
connection diagram is modified. In this  
case, you must connect the AV devices to  
different input sockets, as shown in the dia-  
• Press the "TV" key to close the TV menu.  
25. Initial programme position  
Call the menu  
You can define a so-called initial programme  
position in this TV set. This is intended primarily to  
enable you to switch to the AV programme posi-  
tion when you are using an external SAT receiver.  
Setting the initial programme position  
In a menu with two asterisks (**), the set-  
tings for this menu item cannot be chan-  
In the menu „AV devices“ (see also section  
24, „AV devices“), select and connect a SAT recei-  
ver (SAT/SetTop).  
• Press the „AV“ key.  
AV devices  
Station table  
• In the „AV playback menu“, use the  
numeric keys to select the position  
Scope of operation  
EURO sockets*  
Station search  
EPG settings  
Automatic zoom2)*  
Sound setting  
• Press the „MENU“ key to open the TV  
Init. prog. position*  
: select,  
OK: go to  
• Press the red key  
to open the menu  
Switch on with this station? Yes  
• Use the cursor control key to select  
„Operation“ and then „Initial programme posi-  
• Press the „OK“ key and then, in the setting win-  
dow, use the  
key to select „Yes“.  
• Press the „OK“ key to save the new setting.  
After this, the AV programme position will  
be selected automatically if you switch your  
TV set on with the main switch and then  
press the key on the remote control unit.  
2) Available only on TV sets  
which are equipped with this  
* The number of subjects and sections  
displayed here depends on the opera-  
ting scope setting in the menu.  
26. Setting the operating scope  
The operating scope of the TV set can be set to  
three different levels in order to make it easier to  
find the functions you need in the many possible  
The operating scope of the TV set is indicated by  
one, two or three asterisks (*).  
1 Ȣ The motto here is "just watching TV". It is not  
possible to open the TV menu. Only the func-  
tions provided on the remote control can be  
used, namely:  
- Zapping  
- Programme selection with the numeric keys, with  
the P+/P- rocker switch or with the white key  
- Opening Teletext.  
- Displaying information with the INFO key.  
- Playing back films from a VCR or DVD player by  
pressing the AV key.  
- Pressing the F1 key and selecting functions from  
the "Special functions 1".  
- Pressing the F3 key and selecting functions from  
the "Special functions 3".  
- Pressing the blue key  
dard picture functions.  
and selecting the stan-  
- Pressing the yellow key .and selecting the  
standard sound functions  
- Pressing the F3 key to open the EPG function  
If your TV set is currently set to operating scope 1  
(*) and you want to use one of the extended  
menus, you can change the scope as follows:  
• Press and hold the MENU key for at least five  
seconds to open the TV menu.  
• The menu item "Operation" is pre-selected auto-  
• Use the  
key to select the desired operating sco-  
pe and press the OK key to save the new setting.  
26. Setting the operating scope  
Call the menu  
2 Ȣ Ȣ In the operating scope with two asterisks,  
you can control your TV set to suit your  
personal tastes. There is a simple TV  
menu. All functions available with one  
asterisk can be used, and the following  
additional functions are available:  
- Childlock  
- Timer control (sleep timer)  
- Automatic station search  
- Transfer of data from the TV station table to a  
DataLogic video recorder.  
- Setting functions in the station table  
AV devices  
Station table  
3 Ȣ Ȣ Ȣ The operating scope with  
three asterisks is for people  
Scope of operation  
EPG settings  
Automatic zoom2)*  
Sound setting  
EURO sockets*  
Station search  
who like to try out all of the  
available functions. The entire  
TV menu can be used.  
Configuration Language*  
Init. prog. position*  
: select,  
OK: go to  
Scope of operation  
Programming the operating scope  
Press the MENU key to open the TV menu.  
• Press the red key  
to open the configuration  
Use the cursor key to select „Scope of operating“.  
Press the OK key and use the cursor key to select  
Scope of operating".  
• Press the OK key and use the  
desired operating scope.  
key to select the  
• Press the OK key to save the new setting.  
27. Operation without the  
remote control unit  
The following procedures are intended only for  
cases where the batteries of the remote control  
unit are exhausted or the remote control unit is not  
The TV controls are located at the front of the set  
underneath a cover which can be opend with the  
Switching on  
Press the main switch on the TV set to switch to  
standby mode. To switch the set on with program-  
me position 1 selected, press and hold the key F  
until the green LED lights up.  
You can also execute the following functions with  
the controls on the front of the TV set. The prese-  
lected function remains active for 10 seconds.  
Changing programme positions:  
Press the -/+ keys.  
Press the preselection key F until the bar display  
for volume appears on the screen. Then press the  
- or + key to adjust the volume.  
Press the preselection key F until the bar display  
for contrast appears on the screen. Then press the  
- or + key to adjust the contrast.  
28. Technical data  
Mains voltage:  
230 V 50 / 60 Hz  
240 V (Australia only)  
Antenna input::  
75 Ohms unbalanced  
DIN 45325  
Reception bands:  
Standard channels 2 - 12,  
21 - 69  
Special channels S1 - S20,  
S21 - S41,  
S42 .. S46 (Belgium OIR channels)  
2 x 12 W  
(2 x 8 W)  
ca. 105 W  
ca. 108 W  
2 x 12 W  
(2 x 8 W)  
Power consumption per hour:  
See power consumption in Wh.  
Standby mode: approx. 1.5 W  
29. Options  
• Satellite upgrade kit 085 NL 1018  
similar to the above, but also capable of recei-  
ving ADR (Astra Digital Radio) stations.  
• DVB-S digital upgrade kit 027 NL 1119 (CI)  
for the reception of digital TV and radio stations  
from a satellite. The upgrade kit is installed in the  
TV set and no additional remote control is needed.  
• DVB-T upgrade kit 056 NH 1114 (CI)  
for the reception of digital TV and radio stations  
transmitted by terrestrial transmitters, which can  
be received with a rod antenna or a roof-mounted  
terrestrial antenna. The upgrade kit is installed in  
the TV set and no additional remote control is nee-  
For other upgrade kits, please consult your local  
Important note for users of the TV set:  
Unauthorised modification of this TV set, in parti-  
cular changing the high voltage or using a CRT of  
a different type, can result in the emission of high  
levels of X-ray radiation. TV sets modified in this  
manner no longer conform to the official appro-  
val for operation and may not be used.  
30. Connecting headphones  
The headphone socket is located on the front of  
the TV set. On many models, you must first open a  
cover by pressing at the marked location in order  
to expose the socket.  
We recommend using headphones with an impe-  
dance of at least 32 . The use of headphones  
with a lower impedance (about 8 ) will reduce  
the dynamic range.  
The headphone volume can be saved as one of  
the standard settings. In the case of dual-language  
programmes, you can listen to either sound chan-  
nel 1 or 2 on the headphones, regardless of the  
channel selected for the loudspeakers.  
31. Cleaning the TV set  
Always switch off the TV set with the main  
switch before cleaning it!  
Clean the case of the TV set only with a soft, dry  
(or slightly moistened) cloth. Do not use aggressive  
detergents or scouring powders, since these could  
damage the paintwork and/or remove the inscrip-  
tions. Clean the screen with a moist window leat-  
32. Glossary  
AV programme position  
AV devices have one or more sockets, depending  
on the model. These sockets are labelled on the  
device, for example with AV1.  
These sockets can be selected on the AV device  
and the selected socket is shown on the display of  
the AV device, for example A1 for socket AV1.  
The settings for the childlock are protected by a 4-  
digit numerical code which you can set a desired.  
Write down or remember the code you define. If  
you forget the code, ask your local dealer for assi-  
The CTI (Colour Transient Improvement) circuit is  
an electronic circuit which ensures precise transi-  
tions between differently coloured parts of the pic-  
ture, preventing the colour smearing which could  
otherwise occur. The CTI function is active for pro-  
grammes received via the antenna input and for  
picture signals from AV devices.  
Comb filter2)  
In conventional TV sets, the luminance signal and  
the chrominance information are separated from  
each other with a frequency separating filter.  
However, this means that a certain amount of the  
luminance signal is still included in the colour sig-  
nal and can cause interference (cross-luminance)  
and that a certain amount of the colour signal  
causes interference in the luminance signal (cross-  
colour). The comb filter prevents these problems.  
Just like a comb, this filter extracts the colour sig-  
nal, which is located in the gaps of the luminance  
signal, without affecting the bandwidth of the  
luminance signal. The result is a TV picture with  
the maximum possible resolution and without  
cross-colour or cross-luminance interference.  
2) Available only on TV sets  
which are equipped with this  
32. Glossary  
Tone settings  
You can switch the tone settings between  
„Normal“ and „Speech“.  
Noise reduction  
This setting can be used to improve the quality of  
pictures with „snow“ or other noise resulting from  
poor reception conditions. Depending on the  
amount of interference, various correction facilities  
are available and the noise reduction can be set  
individually for each programme position.  
Standard settings  
Standard settings are all values (such as bright-  
ness, volume, chrominance, etc.) which are the  
same for all programme positions.  
Panorama 2)  
The panorama function permits "normal" pro-  
grammes in 4:3 format to be adapted to the 16:9  
format of the CRT. This is done by expanding the  
width of the picture to fill the entire width of the  
Noise reduction  
This setting can be used to improve the quality of  
pictures with „snow“ or other noise resulting from  
poor reception conditions. Depending on the  
amount of interference, various correction facilities  
are available and the noise reduction can be set  
individually for each programme position.  
This function can be used to compensate for the  
Earths magnetic field. It may be needed when the  
TV set is first installed, or if the TV set is moved to  
a different location, and the picture is not aligned  
horizontally on the screen.  
2) Available only on TV sets  
which are equipped with this  
The VCR function ensures optimum picture quality  
when playing back recordings from tape devices  
32. Glossary  
such as camcorders and video recorders.  
Forced mono  
In some cases, your TV set may switch from mono  
to stereo during a programme, although the station  
is not transmitting a stereo signal. This is normally  
due to the local reception conditions. If you activate  
„forced mono“ for the selected programme posi-  
tions, all programmes will be reproduced in mono,  
regardless of the received signal.  
2) Available only on TV sets  
which are equipped with this  
Possible cause  
The TV set does not • There is no visual contact bet- • Ensure that there are no  
react to commands  
from the remote con-  
trol unit.  
ween the remote control unit  
and the TV set.  
• Sunlight is falling directly on  
the infrared of the TV set.  
• Avoid direct exposure  
to sunlight.  
• Replace the batteries.  
• Switch on the TV set  
with the mains switch.  
• Switch the TV set off  
with the mains switch  
and then switch it on  
• The batteries in the remote  
control unit are exhausted.  
• The TV set has been switched  
off with the mains switch.  
• The microprocessor is faulty.  
Unnatural colours,  
coloured spots on  
the screen  
• Strong magnetic fields in the  
vicinity of the TV set (from  
loudspeakers or other devices)  
• Move the loudspeakers  
away from the TV set.  
• If the coloured spots per-  
sist, switch the TV set off  
with the mains switch, wait  
a few seconds and then  
switch it on again.  
After the TV set has • The childlock function has  
• Enter the code number  
with which the childlock  
function was pro-  
been switched on,  
the message „Please  
enter code“ is  
been programmed to prevent  
selection of any station.  
The TV set does not  
switch to the selected  
programme position.  
Instead, a list of sta-  
tions is displayed with  
a teddy-bear symbol.  
• The childlock function has  
been programmed to permit  
selection of only the stations  
shown in the list.  
• Enter the code number  
with which the childlock  
function was pro-  
You have switched  
off the TV set with  
• The TV set is currently collec-  
ting EPG (electronic program-  
me guide) data from the selec-  
ted NextView station.  
• Leave the TV set as it is.  
It will switch itself off  
automatically once all  
available data have  
been collected.  
key, but the  
green LED is still on.  
Possible cause  
Immediate recording • The Data Logic video recorder • Connect the Data Logic  
of a terrestrial sta-  
tion (received via  
your house antenna  
or cable) with Data  
Logic does not work.  
is not connected to the house  
antenna or cable outlet.  
video recorder to the  
house antenna or cable  
outlet with the aid of an  
antenna cable.  
General problems  
with an external AV  
device connected to  
the TV set.  
• The AV device has not been  
set up correctly in the TV set.  
• In the menu „AV devi-  
ces“, select the appro-  
priate device with the  
cursor, set the „Signal  
OUT/IN“ accordingly  
and press the „OK“ key.  
Connect the AV device  
only as shown in the  
connection diagram.  
Data Logic does not • The Data Logic video recorder • In the menu „AV devi-  
with data interchange has not  
been set up correctly in the TV  
ces“, define the Data  
Logic video recorder as  
video recorder 1 with  
„Datalogic ON“.  
• The Data Logic video recorder • Connect the Data Logic  
is not connected to the EURO1  
video recorder to the  
EURO1 socket with a  
Scart cable.  
• The Euro-AV (Scart) cable  
being used does not have all  
21 pins connected.  
• Use a Euro-AV (Scart)  
cable with all 21 pins  
Possible cause  
You are playing  
back a film in 16:9  
format from an AV  
device, but it appe-  
ars on the screen in  
4:3 format.  
You have not set the aspect  
ratio for the AV programme  
position correctly  
• Select the AV program-  
me position and set the  
aspect ratio to 16:9 or  
"Automatic" (see  
Section 14 or 18)  
The menu of a con-  
nected AV device  
(such as a DVD play-  
er) is not displayed  
on the screen of the  
TV set.  
• The AV device was entered in  
the TV menu with the signal  
type "Composite video blan-  
king and sync" (CVBS).  
• In the connection menu,  
set the signal type for  
the AV device to "RGB"  
(see page 46).  
Additional devices (see AV devices) . . . . . . . . 44  
Aspect ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30  
Automatic station search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39  
Automatic zoom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24  
AV devices, connecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44  
AV programme position. . . . . . . 25,37,45,47,54  
AV playback, devices without switching voltage16  
AV playback, devices with switching voltage . . 15  
Batteries for remote control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57  
Brightness (luminance). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18  
Camcorder, connecting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,44  
Channel frequency settings . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,41  
Childlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25  
Childlock, activating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25  
Childlock, deactivating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26  
Cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56  
Code for childlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,26,54  
Colour intensity (chrominance) . . . . . . . . . . . . 18  
Colour standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23  
Comb filter (see "Picture settings"). . . . . . . . . . 54  
Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38  
CTI (see picture settings). . . . . . . . . . . . 18,19,54  
DataLogic video recorder . . . . . . . . 17,44,45,58  
Decoder (D-Box), connecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44  
Display answer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  
Double font size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  
DVD player, connecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44  
Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) . . . . . . 32,33  
EPG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,33  
EURO sockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15  
External devices, connecting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44  
External devices, playback . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,16  
Fine tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41  
Font size, double. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  
Forced mono. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55  
Frame freeze. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7  
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54  
Headphones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53  
Help. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10  
Info (Information) (see "Help") . . . . . . . . . . . . 10  
Initial programme position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46  
Interests (see NexTView) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,36  
Language in TV menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38  
Mark-by-mark scrolling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  
Marks, deleting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14  
Marks, overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14  
Marks, setting in Teletext . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  
Menu language. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38  
Menu, menu control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11  
Multiple pages, sub-pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  
NexTView (see "EPG") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,33  
Noise reduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55  
Panorama2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19  
Picture format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30  
Picture position. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,31  
Picture quality with video recorder (see VCR) . . 16,56  
Picture settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,18,19,20  
Picture sharpness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,20  
Premiere decoder - see "AV devices"  
Programme guide (see "NexTView")  
Programme switching for AV devices . . . . . . . 15  
Puzzle key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I3  
Recording with NexTView (EPG) . . . . . . . . . . 58  
Reminder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27  
Rotation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,56  
Signal type (EURO sockets). . . . . . . . . . . . 44,46  
Sleep timer (see "Switch-off time") . . . . . . . . . 28  
Sound 1, sound 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53  
Sound effects – see "Stereo wide" or "Spatial sound"  
Sound settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21  
Spatial sound (see "Sound settings") . . . . . 21,55  
Spatial sound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54,58  
Standard picture settings (see standard settings)18  
Standard sound values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,22  
Standard time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28  
Standard values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,21,55  
Station logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42  
Station search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,40  
Station search, automatic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39  
2) Available only on TV sets  
which are equipped with this  
Station selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,9,50  
Station table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9  
Stations, deleting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43  
Stations, moving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43  
Stations, moving, copying, deleting . . . . . . . . 43  
Subtitles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14  
Summer time (see "Time settings"). . . . . . . . . . 29  
Switching voltage, devices without . . . . . . . . . 16  
Switching voltage, devices with . . . . . . . . . . . 15  
Switch-off time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28  
Switch-on time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28  
Teletext. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12  
Teletext, deleting marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14  
Teletext, font size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  
Teletext, overview of marks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14  
Teletext, scrolling by marks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  
Teletext, setting marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  
Thunderstorms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4  
Timer control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28  
Tone settings (see "Sound settings") . . . . . . 21,55  
Transferring recordings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17  
TV menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11  
VCR function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,56  
Video cassette, playing back . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15  
Video recorder, connecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44  
Video recorder, picture quality (see "VCR function")  
Video-recorder programme change . . . . . . . . 15  
Volume correction (see Section 12.1) . . . . . 22,55  
Winter time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29  
Zoom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,30,31  
Errors excepted. Subject to changes.  
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