FieldServer FS 8707 06 User Manual

A Sierra Monitor Company  
Driver Manual  
(Supplement to the FieldServer Instruction Manual)  
FST OPC Server for FieldServers  
Effective for all systems manufactured after May 1, 2001  
Driver Version:  
Document Revision: 7  
FS-8707-06 FST OPC Server for FieldServers  
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FST OPC Server for FieldServers Description  
This OPC Server (I/O Driver) communicates with the FieldServer. The method of data transfer  
is called Data Array Access (DAA). The Data Arrays are arrays of typed data memory in the  
FieldServer. The source of the information in the Data Arrays can be any one of the standard  
FieldServer I/O Drivers. It is incumbent on the user to configure the ports and the Map  
Descriptors on the FieldServer. The Map Descriptors are FieldServer objects containing polling  
instructions for an I/O Driver to copy data from the Low level Devices into a Data Array. One of  
the many advantages of this architecture is that it allows many disparate proprietary devices  
PLC/DCS’s etc. to share common data in a reliable embedded device (FieldServer) while  
providing access to the SCADA/PC application level via this OPC Server. Please refer to the  
FieldServer Configuration Manual for instructions on configuration on the FieldServer side, the  
tools required are not part of this package.  
Note for Users with a Client that uses the Syncio Interface: Please note that the Device mode is  
preferred over Cache mode when using this driver. The driver does support Cache mode, and  
this can be used if necessary.  
OPC Version Supported  
The FST OPC Server supports OPC Version 2  
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA  
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: [email protected]  
FS-8707-06 FST OPC Server for FieldServers  
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Driver Scope of Supply  
2.1. Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver  
FieldServer Technologies  
PART #  
UTP cable (7 foot) for Ethernet connection  
Driver Manual  
Provided by the Supplier of 3rd Party Equipment  
Required 3rd Party Software  
This OPC Server package must be installed on a Client supplied PC with the following  
Operating Systems: One of the Windows NT Family - Win NT 4SP4, Windows 2000  
or Windows XP. The software does not run on any other version of windows.  
Machine requirements :  
o Pentium 200 MHZ  
o Memory – Minimum requirements of OS is sufficient, 64MB for Win2000 or  
128MB for XP  
o Drive Space 2MB  
Other Required Software : Any OPC Client  
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA  
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: [email protected]  
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Hardware Connections  
The FST OPC Server communicates with the FieldServers via standard Ethernet & TCP/IP  
connections. Please refer to the FieldServer Configuration Manual for instructions on setting up  
the FieldServer side.  
Before proceeding to configure the OPC Server we recommend that you have a proper TCP/IP  
network setup - verify this by PINGing a FieldServer. Refer to the Microsoft documentation for  
the setup of the TCP/IP networking on the PC.  
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA  
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: [email protected]  
FS-8707-06 FST OPC Server for FieldServers  
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Installing the FST OPC Server for FieldServers  
From the CD run the file Setup.exe  
You will be guided through a series of dialogs prompting you for an Installation directory. When  
asked if you wish to install a Client or Server, “Server” is the default & recommended. Only  
Select Client If you wish to run the OPC Server on a different machine from the one where the  
OPC Client (usually a SCADA System) is running.  
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA  
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: [email protected]  
FS-8707-06 FST OPC Server for FieldServers  
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Quick Start Steps to Implement a simple OPC configuration  
1. Configure a FieldServer with a valid IP address. Make sure that at least one Data Array  
exists. An N1 or N2 connection must be configured with the SMT protocol (SMT is default  
so the protocol field can be blank). This Nx connection must be the one used to connect to  
the OPC Server machine.  
2. Open a DOS box and “PING” the FieldServer from this machine to check that the networking  
is correctly setup. Take note of the IP address.  
3. Configure Data Arrays in the FieldServer & note their names and data types (Read  
FieldServer Configuration Manual for more info)  
4. Run the “FST Configurator” (This is in the Start menu program group you selected when you  
installed the OPC Server), and add an Ethernet connection to the config tree  
5. Add a FieldServer to the config tree, edit the IP address & change the default name to  
something meaningful (note for future steps)  
6. Add a Data Array to the config tree  
Set the Name to that used inside the FieldServer. The name is not case sensitive and  
will be forced to uppercase.  
The default “offset” is 0, and you will use this in 99% of cases.  
Set the length to the number of elements in the FieldServer/Data Array or less. The  
maximum length is determined by the datatype of the Data Array. If you require more,  
make another poll block with offset > end of first block.  
Set the data storage type to the data type of the Data Array in the FieldServer (this is  
important, as you may get incorrect values if set incorrectly)  
7. Press the green “Start” button  
8. Press the “Stats” button & check that we are sending & receiving, if not re-check the names  
of the Data Arrays, the IP address of the FieldServer. Keep your first configuration as  
simple as possible, one Data Array only.  
9. You have now configured the OPC Server side; from here the user is expected to  
understand the operation of their specific OPC Client, the wording that follows is generic  
OPC terminology.  
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA  
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: [email protected]  
FS-8707-06 FST OPC Server for FieldServers  
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Configuring Your OPC Client to use the FST OPC Server for FieldServers  
OPC Server.  
The OPC Client refers to the Application Using the data available in the FieldServer. Normally  
this is a SCADA system or other third party software.  
From your Client browse the OPC Servers installed on the machine. Select the one named  
“FieldServer.7.16k”. If you installed the Server on this machine then your Client should find this  
listed. If the FST OPC Server for FieldServers is on another machine then browse to that  
machine and select “FieldServer.7.16k”. If it is not visible, check that the hidden application  
“OPCENUM.EXE” is running on the Server machine. If this fails please refer to the  
troubleshooting section  
You have now successfully connected to the Server; next browse the Server. (If your Client  
does not have a browse facility, you will need to enter addresses manually see below). The  
Browse hierarchy has two levels - FieldServers & Data Arrays. Each entry under Data Arrays is  
a hint, pointing to the first element of the Data Array, The user needs to delete the hint text and  
edit the offset number on the end to enter the desired address.  
I/O addresses are in the following format (Analog & Bit Datatypes)  
<FieldServerName>:<Data Array name>:<offset>  
Address format for packed bits in Integer types  
<FieldServerName>:<Data Array name>:<offset>:<bit>  
* note for packed bits the OPC datatype MUST be VT_BOOL  
OPC datatypes  
This driver only has 2 canonical datatypes : VT_BOOL & VT_R4 (float). The default if no  
datatype is specified is VT_R4 (floating point).  
datatype forcing the default.  
Many OPC Clients do not specify the  
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA  
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: [email protected]  
FS-8707-06 FST OPC Server for FieldServers  
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Quick Start Steps to Implement a Simple Intellution Fix Configuration  
1. Configure a FieldServer with a valid IP address. Make sure that at least one Data Array  
exists. An N1 or N2 connection must be configured with the SMT protocol (SMT is default  
so the protocol field can be blank). This Nx connection must be the one used to connect to  
the OPC Server machine.  
2. Open a DOS box and “PING” the FieldServer from this machine to check that the networking  
is correctly set up.  
3. Configure Data Arrays in the FieldServer & note their names and data types (Read  
FieldServer Configuration Manual for more info)  
4. Run the “FST Configurator” (This is in the Start menu prrogram group you selected when  
you installed the OPC Server), and add an Ethernet connection to the config tree  
5. Add a FieldServer to the config tree, edit the IP address & change the default name to  
something meaningful (note for future steps)  
6. Add a Data Array to the config tree  
Set the Name to that used inside the FieldServer. The name is not case sensitive and will  
be forced to uppercase.  
The default “offset” is 0, and you will use this in 99 % of cases.  
Set the length to the number of elements in the FieldServer/Data Array or less. The  
maximum length is limited to 500. If you require more, make another poll block with offset  
Set the data storage type to the data type of the Data Array in the FieldServer (this is  
important, as you may get incorrect values if set incorrectly)  
7. Press the green “Start” button  
8. Press the “Stats” button & check that we are sending & receiving, if not re-check the names  
of the Data Arrays, the IP address of the FieldServer. Keep your first configuration as  
simple as possible, one Data Array only.  
Now go to the Options | Setup menu & set the default path to filename - <fix node name>  
& path = \FIX32\PDB or \Dynamics\PDB  
10. Now Save the configuration to this location, It is not necessary to save every time you  
make a change. Fix simply requires this file to exist on disk.  
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA  
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: [email protected]  
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11. In the Fix Database Builder add a new block (AI,AO,DI,DO,MDI) and set the I/O Device to  
enter I/O addresses in the following format for AI & AR blocks & DI & DR & MDI blocks to bit  
datatype addresses.  
<FieldServerName>:<Data Array name>:<offset>  
enter I/O addresses in the following format for DI & DR & MDI blocks to packed bit  
addresses in Integer datatypes.  
<FieldServerName>:<Data Array name>:<offset>:<bit>  
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA  
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: [email protected]  
FS-8707-06 FST OPC Server for FieldServers  
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Example Setup  
8.1. Sample FieldServer Setup  
In this example, the low level driver (Modbus) is irrelevant to the operation of the OPC Server, however the user needs to be  
aware of how field addresses map to Data Array addresses.  
// Server Side Connections  
Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, Address, Length, Scan_Interval  
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA  
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: [email protected]  
FS-8707-06 FST OPC Server for FieldServers  
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Example OPC Server Setup  
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA  
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: [email protected]  
FS-8707-06 FST OPC Server for FieldServers  
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Appendix A. Troubleshooting  
Appendix A.1. FAQ  
I cannot “see” the “FieldServer.7.16k” listed as an available data source?  
When Configuring an OPC Client link to the FieldServer OPC, your OPC Client will  
be browsing for available Servers using the OPC Foundation supplied utility  
OPCENUM.EXE (Installed with the FST OPC Server for FieldServers)  
1. If the Client & Server are on the same machine  
Check that OPCENUM.EXE is running in the background, it is installed as a service  
& should start when the Client needs it  
If you are running NT4 or Windows 2000 AND you Installed Explorer 6.x AND you  
get the following message on installation “IcatInformation interface not supported”  
OR you see this message “Incompatible Version of RPC Stub 0x80070725” then our  
recommendation is that you uninstall IE6. This is a known issue that needs to be  
resolved by Microsoft & the OPC foundation. This problem does not appear to be an  
issue on Windows XP  
If you are still are not able to see the Server listed in your Client, your Client “should”  
allow you to manually type the ProgID. In some cases you may need to type the  
2. If the Client & Server are different machines  
In this case the same issues apply as above with the following additions  
Make sure that the networking is correctly setup, that you can see the Server  
machine in the network neighbourhood  
OPCENUM.EXE needs to run on both machines, on the Server machine it needs to  
be running at startup which sometimes does not happen – check the services & set  
the startup mode of the OPCENUM service.  
Q: My OPC Client is just giving me OPC data quality bad - Why ?  
The first place to look is in the Configurator - select the Data Array containing the  
address you are looking at. Then press the “Stats” button  
The following are some of the Symptoms to lookout for:  
If the Timeout & retry counters are incrementing then the problem is with the  
communication to the FieldServer.  
o Make sure that you can “Ping” the FS.  
o Make sure that the Ethernet port on the FS is configured for SMT protocol  
To the Right of the “Last Error Field” there is a Text field that is “--” normally  
o If it Says “Bad DA name” it means this Data Array does not exist in the FS  
check your FS configuration  
o If it Says “Bad DA offset” it means that you are attempting to poll more data  
than exists in this DA – shorten the length  
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA  
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: [email protected]  
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Appendix A.2. The OPC Server – Limitations- Q&A  
Q: How many fieldServers can one OPC Server communicate with?  
A: Unlimited  
Q: How many Clients can connect to the Server and how many points are possible?  
Unlimited Clients & points, memory usage is about 2k/point/Client e.g.20 Clients with  
10000 tags ea = 400MB. Server creates a thread for each Client, default each Client  
is looping thru 10000 tags every 25 ms looking for change of state. Such a config  
will probably flatten a 2G P4.  
Q: Speed limitations?  
A: The FS is the bottleneck at ~ 50 poll blocks/sec (to test set poll rate to 0)  
e.g.. 2 FS total poll rate is ~100/s, if you have 10000 digitals in one DA on each FS  
that’s 2*50*10000 = 1 000 000 digitals per second.  
Q: Remote Clients possible? Limits?  
Yes I am running The Server & MB8PC under the debugger on my laptop, &  
Graphworx on another PC.  
This is not recommended for complexity / reliability reasons.  
Since the FieldServers are networked, rather run the Server on the Client machine -  
why bring a third layer in unnecessarily?.  
When running remotely you should be able to OPC browse onto the Server machine,  
if this fails make sure that the OPCENUM service starts & runs on Server.  
When running remotely the OPC Server is running under the app "dllhost.exe" in  
taskman. Because most Clients use OPC in asynchronous mode, the performance  
is almost indistinguishable for medium amounts of data.  
Q: Is this an inprocess or out of process Server?  
A: COM has 3 modes:- inprocess, local & remote  
Local & remote have similar performance - the overhead of each COM call is 1000's  
of times slower compared to inprocess.  
Since this driver is capable of inprocess that should be used if option in your Client.  
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA  
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: [email protected]  
FS-8707-06 FST OPC Server for FieldServers  
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FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA  
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: [email protected]  

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