Epson PL 735c User Manual

EPSON PowerLite 735c  
Multimedia Projector  
User’s Guide Supplement  
Installing and Setting Up Wireless Projecting for Macintosh  
Using EMP NS Connect for Wireless Projecting  
Using Projector Groups  
Using E-Mail Alerts  
Projecting Movies Through EasyMP  
Your EPSON PowerLite 735c projector includes new features for  
Macintosh® and Windows® user that are not covered in the User’s  
Guide. The following features are now available:  
Presenting through a wireless network from a Macintosh  
A new version of NS Connection (for Windows and Macintosh)  
that supports improved performance in wireless presenting,  
including the ability to connect to four projectors at once  
Support for SXGA+ and UXGA video modes  
If you want to monitor the  
projector using HP  
E-mail notification through the wired or wireless connection  
when an error occurs on the projector  
OpenView, you can request  
an SNMP management  
plug-in from EPSON.  
The ability to play MPEG2 movies and view PNG files from a  
memory card in the projector  
This booklet provides instructions for using the new features.  
Installing and Setting Up Wireless  
Projecting for Macintosh  
The EMP NS Connection software is now available for Macintosh.  
This allows you to project wirelessly from Apple® Macintosh systems  
equipped with an 802.11b wireless network interface.  
System Requirements  
Before you install the software, make sure your Macintosh meets the  
following requirements:  
Power Macintosh® series, iMac®, PowerBook,® or iBook® series  
system, running Mac OS X 10.2.4 or above  
802.11b wireless network interface (AirPort)  
At least 256MB of RAM  
At least 128MB of free hard disk space  
SVGA (800 × 600) or better display adapter and monitor  
Installing the Software  
Follow these steps:  
1. Insert the EasyMP software CD-ROM in your drive. You see a  
window containing the EMP NS Connection.pkg icon.  
2. Double-click the EMP NS Connection.pkg icon.  
3. Click Continue. You see the software license agreement.  
4. Click Continue, then Agree.  
5. Select the destination drive, then click Continue. You see the  
following install window:  
6. Click Install. When installation is complete, close the window.  
Configuring Your Network Connection  
Follow the instructions in your Projector User’s Guide to start EasyMP  
and insert the EPSON 802.11b card in the projector.  
Determine whether you will use Ad Hoc mode or Access Point mode  
to connect to the projector. Follow the instructions in your Projector  
User’s Guide to configure the projector for the mode you will be using.  
Then follow the instructions beginning on page 5 to set up your  
Macintosh in either Ad Hoc mode or Access Point mode.  
EMP NS Connection does  
not support Macintosh  
Channel Ad Hoc mode.  
Before you can connect to the projector, you need to make sure the  
network settings on your Macintosh match the settings on the  
1. From the Apple pull-down menu, select System Preferences.  
Then double-click the Network icon. You see the Network  
Settings window:  
Make sure that only one port  
is selected.  
Check the port you want to use  
2. Under Port Configurations, select AirPort for a wireless  
network or Built-in Ethernet for a wired network.  
3. Click Apply Now. Then close the window.  
For optimal performance, set your screen resolution to  
1024 × 768 or lower with a color depth of Thousands  
(16 bit).  
When making Location settings, you can select the desired  
location and change all the network settings one at a time.  
4. Make sure the following is displayed in the communication status  
bar in the top right corner of the screen:  
If the projector has been assigned an ESSID name, click the  
communication status icon and select the projector’s ESSID  
name from the menu.  
If you are using the wired LAN Connection mode, click Turn  
AirPort Off.  
Using EMP NS Connect for Wireless  
Your projector now includes version 1.20 of EMP NS Connection for  
Windows (equivalent to version 1.0 for Macintosh). If you are using a  
Macintosh, the screens will look different from those shown in this  
section, but the same features are available.  
Follow the instructions in your Projector User’s Guide to install the  
software, start EasyMP, and set up your projector and computer in  
either Ad Hoc mode (computer to computer) or Access Point mode.  
Then follow these steps:  
If you see a message during  
installation that the  
EPSON GDI Monitor  
Driver has not passed  
Windows Logo testing, click  
Continue Anyway.  
1. Make sure you’ve installed your wireless 802.11b card. Then do  
one of the following:  
Windows: select EMP NS Connection from the Start menu.  
Macintosh: double-click the EMP NS Connection icon in  
your Applications folder.  
The first time you start NS Connection in Windows, you see a  
window asking you to select your network.  
If you don’t see your network  
adapter’s IP address, allow a  
minute for it to appear. If  
your access point uses  
DHCP, sometimes it takes a  
minute for the server to pick  
up the IP address.  
2. Select the IP address for your computer’s network adapter card  
and click OK.  
You see the screen below. (If you have previously started NS  
Connection, or you’re using a Macintosh, this is the first screen  
you see.)  
If you don’t see the Switch  
network window and you  
want to change to a different  
network adapter, click the  
Extension button. In  
Windows, click Switch  
LAN. On Macintosh, click  
Set up network.  
Select projector  
This box indicates  
projector status  
If the connection is working properly, you see your projector  
listed. If you have additional EPSON projectors on the network,  
they are also listed, along with their status.  
The color of the status icon indicates the projector’s status:  
The status icon colors may  
be easier to see on the  
projected image than on the  
Gray: the projector is not connected  
Red: the projector is connected to another computer  
Green: the projector is connected to your computer.  
3. If you don’t see your projector, check the following:  
Make sure your wireless signal is strong enough to establish a  
connection (see your computer documentation for details).  
Make sure your computer’s SSID matches the ESSID you  
assigned to the projector (for example, CONF ROOM).  
Remember that both the SSID and ESSID are case-sensitive.  
If you are using Access Point mode, make sure the projector  
and your computer are on the same subnet.  
Make sure the projector and your computer are  
Restart your computer and start NS Connection again.  
If you still don’t see your projector and you are using Access  
Point mode, follow the instructions in “Connecting in IP  
Connect Mode” on page 11 to connect to the projector.  
4. Once the name of your projector appears, select it and click  
Connect. If more than one projector is listed, you can select up to  
four projectors and connect to them at the same time.  
If you want your  
presentation encrypted,  
click Extension and select  
Use encrypted  
This step enhances security  
but decreases the data  
transmission speed.  
If the selected projector is already being used by another person,  
you can still connect to it; however, doing so automatically  
disconnects the other user.  
If you set up the projector to prompt you for a keyword before  
connecting, you see this screen:  
Enter keyword  
5. Type in the four-digit number displayed on the EasyMP Network  
screen and click OK.  
Once the connection is established, you see your computer’s  
image transmitted to the projector, and a floating control bar:  
6. If necessary, drag the control bar out of the way, or minimize it.  
7. When done with your presentation, click Disconnect on the  
control bar.  
Using the Control Bar  
Clicking one of the buttons on the control bar may cause a submenu  
to appear above the control bar. For example, clicking the  
displays the following submenu:  
If you are using more than one projector, you can use the Projector  
drop-down menu to select the projector to which you want to make  
any of the following changes:  
Increase or decrease brightness  
Click + to narrow the top edge of the screen, or - to narrow the  
bottom edge (this option functions like the Sync buttons on the  
projector’s control panel)  
Increase or decrease image contrast  
Color Mode  
Lets you select from five preset modes to adjust the color and  
brightness for specific environments: sRGB for computer displays  
(the default when projecting from a computer with analog video),  
Meeting for presentations in bright rooms, Presentation for  
presentations in dark rooms, Theatre for optimizing movie  
images (the default for video display), and Game for video games  
Clicking the  
button displays the following screen and allows you  
to modify the zoom magnification and position:  
When you’re done making changes, click the arrow in the upper right  
corner to close the menu.  
Giving a Wireless Presentation  
When projecting a PowerPoint® presentation, you can use the Page  
down and Page up buttons on the remote control to move through  
your slideshow. This works the same way as when you connect your  
computer to the projector with the USB cable.  
Connecting in IP Connect Mode  
Even if your projector and computer are on a different subnet (Access  
Point mode only) or connecting over different routers, you can  
establish a connection manually using IP Connect Mode.  
Depending on your network,  
your projector and computer  
may connect over different  
routers even if they are in  
the same room. Try this  
method if you are unable to  
connect automatically.  
1. Start NS Connection on the computer to which you want to  
connect. You see this screen:  
Click here  
2. Click the Extension button.  
You see this screen:  
Select this box  
3. Select Use IP connect mode and click OK. You see the following  
Click here  
4. Click IP connection. You see this screen:  
Enter the IP  
address and click  
You can add up to 16  
projectors to the list and  
connect to four projectors at  
the same time. If you add  
more, NS Connection begins  
to delete projectors from the  
list, starting with the first  
projector added.  
5. Enter the projector’s IP address and click Search.  
The IP address appears in the Projector list and a  
icon displays:  
This icon  
indicates search  
is in progress  
This icon appears if  
the search fails to  
find the projector  
If the search fails to find a projector with the specified IP address,  
the searching icon turns into a question mark. If this happens, run  
EasyMP to check the projector’s IP address, then repeat this step.  
6. Click the projector you want to connect to, then click the  
Connect button. If more than one projector is listed, you can  
select additional projectors and connect to them at the same time.  
7. If you are prompted for a keyword, enter the four-digit number  
displayed on the EasyMP Network screen and click OK.  
The computer’s image is transmitted to the projector. See the  
Projector User’s Guide and page 9 for details about using the  
floating control bar.  
Using Projector Groups  
Use a static IP address when  
configuring a projector for  
the network if you plan to  
use it in a group. If you use  
DHCP, the projector’s IP  
address will change every  
time you turn it off and on  
again, and you will have to  
recreate the projector group.  
You can register projectors as a group if you want to provide quick and  
easy access to other computers. You can also export or import group  
information as a file to another computer. Projectors must be  
connected to the network in Access Point mode, and must be on the  
same network segment as the computer used to create the group, or  
the computers that import or export group information.  
Creating a Group  
You can register up to 16 projectors as a group, and all projectors must  
be part of your wireless network.  
1. Start NS Connection. Then click the Extension button on the  
EMP NS Connection screen. You see this screen:  
Select these  
two boxes  
2. Select Use IP connect mode and Use Group List.  
3. Click the Advanced button. You see this screen:  
4. Enter a name for the group in the Connection Group box. Then  
enter the IP address of the projector you want to register in the IP  
address box:  
You cannot use the addresses or  
5. Click Add. The IP address appears in the list of registered  
printers, and the searching icon appears beside it. If the  
projector is found, its name appears in the projector list.  
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each projector you want to add to the  
To remove a projector from  
the group, select it from the  
projector list and click  
7. Click OK to save the projectors as a group. When you see a  
confirmation message, click Yes.  
8. Click Close to close the Advanced screen.  
9. Click OK to close the Extension screen, then close  
NS Connection.  
Connecting to a Projector in a Group  
Follow these steps to connect to a projector in a group:  
1. Start NS Connection. Then click the Extension button on the  
EMP NS Connection screen. You see this screen:  
Select these  
two boxes  
2. Select Use IP connect mode and Use Group List. You see the  
following screen:  
3. From the Connection Group list, choose the group you want to  
connect to and click OK. You see this screen:  
If this says IP  
mode, skip  
step 4.  
4. Click IP connection. (If the upper left button on the screen says  
IP connect mode rather than Automatic search mode, skip  
this step.) You see this screen:  
Select the  
Then click  
5. Select the projector you want to connect to and click Connect.  
6. If you want, repeat step 5 to connect to additional projectors. The  
computer’s image appears on the projector screen.  
Exporting a Projector Group  
You can export group information as a file to another computer on  
the wireless network. This is useful, for example, if you want to share  
group access with multiple users.  
You must export all of the  
groups in the Connection  
Group list. You can’t export  
individual groups.  
1. Start NS Connection. Then click the Extension button on the  
EMP NS Connection screen. You see this screen:  
Even if a projector is  
registered in a group, you  
don’t have to use the group  
to connect to it. If your  
laptop is configured for your  
wireless network, you can  
connect to a projector as  
described on page 6.  
Select these  
two boxes  
2. Select Use IP connect mode and Use Group List. Then click  
the Advanced button.  
You see this screen.  
If you haven’t created any  
groups, the Export button  
will be grayed out. You must  
create at least one group  
before the Export button is  
3. Click Export to export a file for all groups in the Connection  
Group list.  
4. Highlight the file name (NSGroup.ini), and then select Save to.  
Choose a location on the second computer and click Save.  
To connect to the projector from the new computer, follow the steps  
beginning on page 17.  
Importing a Projector Group  
You can also import group information as a file to another computer  
on the wireless network.  
1. Start NS Connection. Then click the Extension button on the  
EMP NS Connection screen. You see this screen:  
Select these  
two boxes  
2. Select Use IP connect mode and Use Group List. Then click  
the Advanced button. You see this screen.  
3. Click Import.  
4. On the next screen, select the file you want to import and click  
The names of all of the groups in the file are added to the  
Connection Group list on the Advanced screen.  
To connect to the projector from the new computer, follow the steps  
beginning on page 17.  
Using E-mail Alerts  
You can set up e-mail alerts to warn you of problems with the  
projector on either a wireless network or a wired LAN connection.  
1. Do one of the following:  
Insert the EPSON 802.11b wireless card and set up your  
projector to work in Access Point mode.  
Insert your LAN card and configure your projector for a  
wired network.  
2. Turn on your projector and remote control. Press the EasyMP  
button on the remote control to switch to EasyMP. You see the  
following screen:  
3. Select Config in the lower right corner of the screen and press  
Enter on the remote control.  
You see the following screen:  
If you’re connecting over a wired LAN network, go to step 5.  
If you’re connecting over a wireless network, continue with the  
next step.  
4. Wireless network only: On the Network Screen, select the  
Advanced button next to the Access point mode box. Press  
Enter on the remote control.  
5. When you see the screen below, select Mail and press Enter.  
The ESSID option is not  
displayed if you are  
connecting over a wired  
LAN network.  
You see the following screen:  
6. For Mail Notification Settings, select ON and press Enter on the  
remote control.  
7. Highlight the IP address of SMTP server box and press Enter.  
The outline of the box turns green to indicate you are in input  
mode. You can enter numbers between 0 and 255. However, you  
cannot use the following IP addresses:,  
note, or 127.x.x.x (where x is a number between 0 and 255).  
Use the up and down  
buttons on the remote  
control to enter letters and  
numbers. You will also see  
punctuation marks, such as  
a period (.) and symbols,  
such as @. When you see the  
letter or symbol you want,  
press Enter. Then press the  
right arrow to move to the  
next position. To correct a  
mistake, press the left arrow  
to return to the previous  
8. Highlight the Port Number box and press Enter. Then enter the  
SMTP server port number. The default value is 25, but you can  
enter numbers between 1 and 65535.  
9. Highlight the box for Destination address 1 and press Enter.  
Enter the e-mail address for the first computer that you want to  
receive e-mail alerts. You can enter a maximum of 53 single-byte  
alphanumeric characters.  
10. If you want to send e-mail alerts to one or two other computers,  
enter addresses for those computers in Destination address 2  
and Destination address 3.  
11. Select the conditions under which an e-mail alert will be sent.  
12. When done making your settings, highlight the OK button at the  
top of the screen, then press Enter. Highlight the OK button  
again and press Enter to return to the main EasyMP Network  
Understanding the Notification Messages  
If a projector experiences a problem, it sends an e-mail message to  
each of the addresses you provided using EMP NetworkManager. The  
message includes the heading “EPSON Projector” in the subject line.  
The body of the message contains:  
the name of the projector  
the projector’s IP address  
a description of the problem  
The problem descriptions are similar to the errors reported by EMP  
If a projector develops a  
critical problem, it may not  
be possible for it to report the  
Internal problem  
Fan-related problem  
Sensor problem  
Lamp timer failure  
Lamp burned out  
Lamp cover open  
Overheating (projection turned off automatically)  
High-speed cooling in progress (the projector is getting too hot  
but continues to operate)  
Lamp replacement notification (the lamp is nearing the end of its  
If a plus (+) sign appears before the description, it indicates that a  
problem has occurred. A minus (–) sign appears when the problem  
goes away or is resolved.  
Projecting Movies Through EasyMP  
Your projector now includes version 1.11 of the SlideMaker2 software  
(for Windows only). This upgrade allows you to add movies in the  
MPEG2 format and PNG files to a scenario. You can also incorporate  
the following PowerPoint transitions:  
random bars  
You can use the EasyMP CardPlayer program to play back MPEG2  
movies. This works the same way as playing a slideshow or displaying  
an image file in the EasyMP CardPlayer program.  
EasyMP supports MPEG2 movie files with the following  
Display size up to 720 x 480 pixels  
Bit rate up to 8Mbps  
MPEG1-Layer2 (MP2) audio  
For more information, see Chapter 5 in your projector User’s Guide.  
Printed in XXX  

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