ConnectPRO MIT CAT5 8 User Manual

8 and 16 Port KVM User Guide  
North American HQ  
Asian HQ  
Walnut, California  
Taipei, Taiwan  
Tel: 1 (909) 444 9288  
Tel: 886-2-2253-5077  
Vers. 5.03.04  
32. Control software system requirements..............................................................21  
33. Connecting the RS232 Serial cable...................................................................21  
34. Installing and running the Control software......................................................21  
35. Computer icons..................................................................................................22  
36. Communication Error.........................................................................................23  
37. The View menu...................................................................................................23  
38. Selecting a computer..........................................................................................23  
39. The toolbar buttons.............................................................................................23  
40. Get Status............................................................................................................24  
41. Read Configuration..............................................................................................24  
42. Write Configuration.............................................................................................24  
43. Loading a saved configuration.............................................................................26  
44. The factory default settings..................................................................................26  
45. Reminder!.............................................................................................................26  
46. Password protection.............................................................................................27  
47. Upgrading the CAT5 KVM firmware..................................................................28  
48. System requirements for the CAT5 KVM Update software................................28  
49. Connecting the CAT5 KVM System....................................................................28  
50. Connecting the RS232 Serial cable.......................................................................28  
51. Installing the software...........................................................................................28  
52. Starting and configuring the CAT5 KVM Update................................................29  
53. Verifying the version numbers..............................................................................30  
54. Obtaining new firmware........................................................................................31  
55. Updating the firmware...........................................................................................31  
56. Reset .....................................................................................................................32  
57. Troubleshooting tips.............................................................................................32  
58. USB SUN Combo keys........................................................................................34  
59. Technical specifications........................................................................................35  
1. Welcome  
Technical precautions  
This equipment generates radio frequency energy and if not installed in accordance with the  
manufacturer’s instructions, may cause radio frequency interference.  
This equipment complies with Part 15, Subpart J of the FCC rules for a Class A computing device.  
This equipment also complies with the Class A limits for radio noise emission from digital  
apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulation of the Canadian Department of  
Communications. These above rules are designed to provide reasonable protection against such  
interference when operating the equipment in a commercial environment. If operation of this  
equipment in a residential area causes radio frequency interference, the user, and not ConnectPRO  
Inc. Limited, will be responsible.  
Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by ConnectPRO Inc.  
Limited could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  
ConnectPRO Inc. Limited assumes no responsibility for any errors that appear in this document.  
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.  
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic  
or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of ConnectPRO Inc.  
© 2003 ConnectPRO Inc. Limited. All rights reserved.  
PS/2 is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. All other  
trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.  
2. Introduction  
Access and control multiple multi-platform computers from one Keyboard Video Mouse (KVM)  
console with the Multi-Platform CAT5 KVM (CAT5 KVM) system. The CAT5 KVM comes in 8  
and 16 port models. Connect up to 8 computers to the 8 port model, and up to 16 to the 16 port  
3. Features  
Hot-Swap - disconnect and reconnect computers without rebooting  
• Scan-mode operation with variable time interval  
• 1U Rack mountable  
• Operate the system using an On Screen Display (OSD) or Control software or front panel push  
buttons or keyboard hotkeys  
• Create multi-level cascade arrangements. For example by cascading the CAT5 KVM 16 Port  
model, connect up to up to 256 computers in the system  
• The computers can be placed up to 10m/33ft from the CAT5 KVM  
• Multi-platform — supports PS/2, SUN, and USB computers/servers  
4. System components  
The CAT5 KVM system consists of:  
• Multi-Platform CAT5 KVM 8 or 16 port  
• Computer Interface Module (CIMs) – PS/2, SUN, USB  
• CAT5 cables (1.5m provided)  
• RS232 Serial cable  
• Rack mounts for the CAT5 KVM and the CIMs  
• VGA Extender cable  
5. Compatibility  
The CAT5 KVM is compatible with:  
• PS/2, SUN and USB computers/servers  
• VGA, SVGA, or XGA monitors  
• DOS, Windows (3X, 9X, 2000, NT4, ME, XP), LINUX, UNIX, HP UX, QNX, SGI, FreeBSD,  
BeOS, Open VMS, Novell 3.12-6  
6. The CAT5 KVM system configuration  
Figure 1 illustrates the basic configuration of the CAT5 KVM system.  
Figure 1 The CAT5 KVM system configuration  
7. The CAT5 KVM models  
Figure 2 illustrates the front panel of the CAT5 KVM16 port model. The 8 port model is the same  
but with only 8 rows of LEDs.  
Figure 2 CAT5 KVM front panel  
The figure below illustrates the rear panel of the CAT5 KVM16 port unit. The 8 port model is the  
same but with only 8 Computer ports.  
Figure 3 CAT5 KVM 16 port rear panel  
8. Pre-installation guidelines  
Switch off all computers  
• Place cables away from fluorescent lights, air conditioners, and machines that are likely to  
generate electrical noise  
• Ensure that the maximum distance between each computer and the CAT5 KVM, does not exceed  
9. Connecting the CAT5 KVM system  
Connect each computer to the CAT5 KVM system using the appropriate CIM and CAT5 cables.  
Figure 4 illustrates the CAT5 KVM system connections with the appropriate CIM connected to a  
PS/2, SUN and USB computer/server.  
Figure 4 CAT5 KVM system connections  
The CIMs  
The CIMs draw their power from the computer’s keyboard port (CIM PS/2, SUN) or from the USB  
port (CIM USB).  
Connecting a PS/2 CIM  
Figure 5 illustrates the CIM.  
To connect the PS/2 CIM:  
1. Connect the Screen connector to the computer’s Video card.  
2. Connect the Keyboard connector to the computer’s Keyboard port.  
3. Connect the Mouse connector to the computer’s Mouse port.  
Figure 5 PS/2 CIM  
Connecting a SUN CIM  
Figure 6 illustrates the SUN CIM and its connections.  
To connect the SUN CIM:  
1. Connect the Screen connector to the computer’s Video card.  
2. Connect the Keyboard connector to the computer’s Keyboard port.  
Figure 6 SUN CIM  
Connecting a USB CIM  
The CIM USB supports Windows 98 SE and later, MAC, SUN and SGI. Figure 7 illustrates the  
USB CIM and its connections.  
To connect the USB CIM:  
1. Connect the Screen connector to the computer’s Video card.  
2. Connect the USB connector to the computer’s USB port.  
Figure 7 USB CIM  
VGA Extender cable  
Where the CIM’s Screen connector won’t reach the computer’s Video card, connect the VGA  
Extender cable to the CIM and then follow the instructions below.  
Connecting the CAT5 cables  
1. Connect one connector to the CIMs RJ45 port.  
2. Connect the other connector to one of the CAT5 KVM’s Computer ports.  
3. Follow the above 2 steps for each computer.  
Connecting the KVM console  
To connect a KVM console to the CAT5 KVM:  
1. Connect the monitor’s connector to the CAT5 KVM’s Monitor port.  
2. Connect the keyboard’s connector to the CAT5 KVM’s Keyboard port.  
3. Connect the mouse’s connector to the CAT5 KVM’s Mouse port.  
10. Connecting the power supply  
1. Connect the CAT5 KVM to the power supply using the Power cable provided.  
2. Switch on the computers.  
11. Updating the LEDs  
The front panel CPU onputers when you do one of the following:  
• Open the OSD (On Screen Display) – see below  
• Press the 2 front panel Select buttons simultaneously.  
12. Resetting the Switch  
To reset the Switch press the 2 front panel Select buttons simultaneously. The CIMs are unaffected  
by this reset.  
Resetting can also be performed through the software – explained later.  
13. Rack mounting the CAT5 KVM  
Use the L-shaped brackets and screws provided to mount the CAT5 KVMon a server rack as  
illustrated below.  
14. Rack mounting the CIMs  
You can attach the CIMs to a server rack or computer using the Velcro strips provided. Or connect  
it using the bracket provided.  
The figure below illustrates the bracket.  
15. Operating the CAT5 KVM system  
Switch between the connected computers by either  
• The front panel Select buttons  
• Keyboard hotkeys  
• The OSD (On Screen Display)  
The OSD is also the place to adjust various settings as explained below.  
When switching computers the illuminated LED of the top bank indicates which computer is  
currently selected.  
16. The keyboard hotkeys  
To switch to the next computer forwards press Shift then, +. Release Shift, before pressing +.  
To switch to the next computer backwards press Shift then, -. Release Shift, before pressing -.  
Note! With a US English keyboard you can use the + of the alphanumeric section or of the numeric  
keypad. With a Non-US English keyboard only use the + of the numeric keypad.  
17. The OSD  
To display the OSD:  
Press Shift twice. The OSD Main window appears. See Figure 8. Lines with blue text show active  
computers. Lines with grey text show inactive computers.  
The Type column indicates whether a computer “C” or another switch “S” is connected to the port.  
Figure 8 The OSD Main window  
18. Navigating the OSD  
To navigate up and down use the Up and Down arrow keys.  
To jump from one column to the next (when relevant) use the Tab key.  
To exit the OSD or return to a previous window within the OSD press Esc.  
19. Selecting a computer  
To select a computer:  
1. Navigate to the desired computer line.  
2. Press Enter. The selected computer is accessed. An confirmation label appears showing which  
computer is accessed.  
Note! When the OSD is displayed you cannot select computers using the front panel Select buttons  
or the keyboard hotkeys.  
20. The OSD settings (F2)  
Press F2. The OSD Settings window appears see Figure 9.  
Figure 9 The Settings window  
Note! When the OSD is password protected (explained below) only the Administrator has  
access to the F2 settings window.  
21. The General settings  
With the blue line on the word GENERAL, press Enter. The General settings window appears see  
Figure 10.  
Figure 10 The General Settings window  
From this window you can do the following:  
The OSD comes with an advanced password security system that contains 3 different security  
levels. Each security level has different access rights to the system.  
These levels are as follows:  
Administrator (Status A)  
The Administrator can:  
• Set and modify all Passwords and security profiles  
• Fully access any computer  
• Use all OSD functions  
Supervisor (Status S)  
The Supervisor can:  
• Fully access any computer  
• Access the following OSD functions only –F4 Scan, F5 Tune and F6 Moving the  
Confirmation label.  
User (Status U)  
There are 6 different Users in the CAT5 KVM system. Each User has a Profile set by the  
Administrator that defines the access level to different computers. There are 3 different access  
levels, these are explained on page 17.  
Activating password protection  
By default OSD access is not password protected. Only the Administrator can password-protect the  
OSD or disable password protection.  
To do so:  
1. In the General settings window navigate to the Security line.  
2. Press the Space bar to toggle between Security On and Off. The password box appears.  
3. Type the Administrator’s password (default is “admin”).  
4. Press Enter. The new security status is set.  
Changing the OSD hotkey  
By pressing Shift, Shift the OSD appears. You can replace Shift, Shift with any of the following:  
• Ctrl, Ctrl  
• Ctrl, F11  
• Print Screen  
To change the hotkey:  
1. Navigate to the Hotkey line.  
2. Press the Space bar to toggle between options. To display the OSD in future press the new  
With the Autoskip feature, the arrow keys only access the active computer lines on the OSD. When  
Autoskip is Off, The arrow keys access both active and inactive computer lines.  
To change the Autoskip setting:  
1. Navigate to the Autoskip line.  
2. Toggle between the options using the Space bar.  
Serial port  
The Serial port is used for the Control Management program. Serial port On means the program can  
be used.  
To change the Serial port setting:  
1. Navigate to the Serial port line.  
2. Toggle between the options using the Space bar.  
Changing the Keyboard language  
The keyboard is preset to US English, this can be changed to French (FR) or German (DE), as  
1. Navigate to the Keyboard language line.  
2. Toggle between the options using the Space bar.  
Editing the Switch name  
You can substitute up to 18 characters in the line. A space constitutes a character. When there is  
more than one switch in the system give each Switch’s Osd a different name.  
22. F7 Defaults  
Press F7 to return the OSD to the factory default settings. Note! All changes made will be removed.  
23. The Ports settings  
In the Settings window navigate to the Ports line and press Enter. The Ports settings window  
appears see Figure 11.  
Figure 11 Ports Settings window  
Editing the computer name  
In this window you can edit the computer names with up to 15 characters.  
To erase a character:  
Select it and press the Space bar. Blank spaces remain in place of the erased character.  
To erase an entire line:  
Place the cursor at the beginning of the line. Keep the Space bar depressed until the line is erased.  
Keyboard (KB)  
The CAT5 KVM operates with Windows, Linux, HP UX, Alpha UNIX SGI, DOS, Novell, MAC,  
USB or Open VMS.  
By default the keyboard mode is set to PS for Intel based computers.  
For the other systems set the KB column as follows:  
• U1 for HP UX  
• U2 for Alpha UNIX, SGI, Open VMS  
• U3 for IBM AIX  
Adding/changing a hotkey (HKEY)  
Cascade the CAT5 KVMby connecting another Multi-Platform CAT5 KVM to a Computer port  
instead of a computer, and then connecting more CIMs to the second Switch. Connect a third and  
fourth Switch in the same way. With the CAT5 KVM 16 Port model, connect up to up to 256  
computers through cascading.  
You must define a hotkey to display the OSD of each Switch. These hotkeys must be different for  
the top and bottom layers. The hotkeys can be any of the choices as set out above on page 14.  
To add/change a hotkey:  
1. On the line to which the Switch is connected, press Tab to jump to the HKEY column.  
2. Toggle between the options using the Space bar.  
24. The Time settings  
In the Settings window navigate to the Time line and press Enter. The Time settings window  
appears see Figure 12.  
Figure 12 Time settings window  
Scan (SCN) - Label (LBL) - Time out (T/O)  
SCN SCN column, change the scan period.  
LBL - In the LBL column, change the display period of the OSD label showing which computer is  
currently accessed.  
T/O - When password protection is activated you can automatically disable the Management  
keyboard, mouse and screen after a preset time of non-use. Set this Timeout period in the T/O  
To set the above periods:  
1. On the desired line press Tab to jump to the desired column.  
2. Place the cursor over one of the 3 digits and type a new number. Enter a leading zero where  
necessary. For example, type 040 for 40 seconds.  
Typing 999 in the LBL column displays the label continuously. Typing 000 – the label will not  
Typing 999 in the T/O column disables the Timeout function. Typing 000 – the Timeout  
function works immediately.  
Typing 999 in the SCNn displays the screen for 999 seconds. Typing 000 – the computer screen  
is skipped.  
25. Users  
In the Settings window navigate to the Users line and press Enter. The Users settings window  
appears see Figure 13.  
Figure 13 The Users settings window  
There are 3 different access levels. These are:  
• Y – Full access to a particular computer. Plus access to the F4, F5 and F6 OSD functions  
• V –Viewing access only, to a particular computer (No keyboard/mouse functionality)  
• N – No access to a particular computer – A TIMEOUT label appears if access is attempted  
To give each user the desired access level:  
1. Navigate to the desired computer line and User.  
2. Toggle between the options using the Space bar.  
26. Security  
In the Settings window navigate to the Security line and pressEnter. The Security settings window  
appears see Figure 14.  
Figure 14 The Security settings window  
The ‘T’ column on the right hand side stands for Type of password.  
There can only be 1 Administrator password, 1 Supervisor password, and 6 User passwords.  
To change a user name or password:  
1. Navigate to the desired line and column.  
2. Type a new user name / password. Userauthentication is done solely via the password there is no  
security significance to the names.  
By default the User Profile settings are full access.  
27. The OSD HELP window – F1  
To access the HELP window press F1. The HELP window appears, see Figure 15.  
Figure 15 The HELP window  
Please note! All the functions set out in the Help window are performed from the Main window.  
The Help window is merely a reminder of the hotkeys and their functions.  
28. Scanning computers– F4  
Where necessary adjust the scan time in the Time Settings window, see above.  
To activate scanning:  
1. Press Shift twice to open the OSD.  
2. Press F4. Your screen displays each active computer sequentially, with the Scan label appearing  
in the top left corner.  
To deactivate scanning:  
Press F4.  
29. Tuning – F5  
You can tune the image of any remote computer screen from the Select Computer  
To adjust the screen image:  
1. Navigate to the remote computer you wish to adjust.  
2. Press F5. The screen image of the selected computer appears, together with the  
Image Tuning label.  
3. Adjust the image by using the RightLeft Arrow keys.  
4. When the image is satisfactory, press Esc.  
Note! Picture quality is relative to distance. The further away a remote computer is from the CAT5  
KVM, the lower the image quality, and the more tuning needed. So place the higher resolution  
computers closer to the manager unit.  
30. Moving the label – F6  
Position the OSD label anywhere on the screen.  
To position the label from the Main window:  
1. Navigate to the desired computer using the Up and Down arrow keys.  
2. Press F6. The selected screen image and Identification label will appear.  
3. Use the arrow keys to move the label to the desired position.  
4. Press Esc to save and exit.  
31. Using the Control software  
As an alternative to the OSD you can operate the CAT5 KVMsystem with the Control software  
located on the Marketing & Documentation CD. With the OSD you operate the system and view  
the computer screens on the same monitor. The Control software requires 2 monitors 1 for the  
software and 1 to view the computer screens.  
With the Control software you can:  
• View computers  
• Edit OSD settings  
• Save configurations for future use  
• Read configurations from and write configurations to the Multi-Platform CAT5 KVM  
32. Control software system requirements  
Pentium 166 or higher computer  
• 16Mb RAM  
• Windows 98, NT4 (SP6), 2000, ME, XP or 2003 server  
• Free Serial port  
33. Connecting the RS232 Serial cable  
To run the software, connect the RS232 Serial cable to the computer containing the software, and to  
the CAT5 KVM. See the figure below.  
Figure 16 Connecting the RS232 Serial cable  
34. Installing and running the Control software  
Note! The CAT5 KVM system must be fully connected BEFORE running the Control software.  
Failure to first connect the system will lead to the software working in demo mode.  
Start the Marketing & Documentation CD and choose Multi-Platform CAT5 KVM Softpack. The  
Multi-Platform CAT5 KVM Softpack window appears.  
To install the software choose Install CAT5 KVM RS232 Control Software. Once the software  
is installed, a shortcut icon appears on the Desktop .  
To run the software double-click the icon.  
Or choose Start / Programs / CAT5 KVM RS232 Control / CAT5 KVM RS232 Control.  
To run the software from the CD:  
Choose Run CAT5 Smart switch RS232 Control Software from CD.  
Selecting a Com port  
During the Setup process you will be prompted to choose a Com port. Choose the Com port to  
which the RS232 Serial cable is connected. Failure to select the correct Com port will result in the  
software running in demo mode.  
Once Setup is complete the Control window appears. See the figure below.  
Figure 17 The Control window  
35. Computer icons  
Icon Meaning  
Computer is connected and switched on  
Computer is switched off or unconnected  
Connected and switched on computer with a Local . After remaining idle for the Timeout  
period, it changes to yellow.  
When you first open the Control window the software automatically gets the status of the  
CAT5 KVM system, including the security access settings.  
36. Communication Error  
If a Communication Error box appears when trying to scan the system – see Figure 18.  
Figure 18 Communication Error  
Check that:  
• The RS232 Serial cable is connected to the computer’s and CAT5 KVM Manager’s serial  
• The Com Port settings in Options / Com Port are set correctly. After changing the Com port  
exit and re-enter the Control software.  
37. The View menu  
From the Viewmenu choose to display:  
• All computers, or only active switched on computers.  
• The Legend  
• The toolbar  
38. Selecting a computer  
To select a computer:  
Click on the computers icon. The system switches to that computer. The connected icon appears  
with a red background  
. Control and monitor the selected computer from the keyboard and  
mouse connected to the CAT5 KVM.  
39. The toolbar buttons  
The toolbar buttons are explained below.  
40. Get Status  
If for whatever reason there is a break in communication between the Control software and the  
CAT5 KVMsystem, click  
to get the current status of the computers in system. The  
system automatically updates the status before every switching.  
41. Read Configuration  
To see the current settings of the entire CAT5 KVM system (names, scan settings etc.) click  
. All current settings are received. You view the computer settings from the  
Control window and other settings from the Edit menu – discussed below.  
42. Write Configuration  
With the Control software you can make changes to all OSD settings. You can then save these  
configurations in a file to use in the future by selecting SaveSaveAs from the File menu.  
Note! SaveorSaveAs will have no affect on the OSD.  
To change the OSD settings you must press  
or choose Write Configuration  
from the File menu after making changes. The changes will then be sent to the CAT5 KVM  
Manager, and the OSD will reflect these changes.  
Renaming a computer  
To rename a computer:  
1. Type the new name in the box below the computer icon.  
2. Click  
to send the new name to the CAT5 KVMsystem.  
Or click SaveSaveAs from the File menu to save the change in a file and not alter the OSD names.  
The Edit menu  
You can edit all OSD fields. Edit the following from the Edit menu.  
• Logo  
• Passwords  
• Settings  
Logo and Passwords  
You can edit the logo that appears at the top of the OSD window. You can also edit the names and  
passwords for the Administrator, Supervisor and 6 Users.  
1. Edit the Logo and Passwords by choosing them from the Edit menu. See figures below.  
Figure 20 The names and passwords  
Figure 19 The logo  
2. Make the desired changes.  
3. Click OK.  
Choose Settings from the Edit menu. The Computers’ Properties box appears. See Figure 21.  
Figure 21 The Settings box  
Here you can edit all the data that can be edited in the OSD. This includes:  
Scan times, Confirmation label display time, Timeout, mouse type, keyboard type, User access,  
password mode, Autoskip mode, keyboard mode – Display hotkey.  
To edit a setting:  
1. Select the desired computer or group of computers.  
2. Make the desired changes.  
3. Check the Select box next to the changed setting.  
4. Click OK.  
Single computer settings  
To see all the settings of a single computer right click on the computer icon. The settings appear as  
in the figure below.  
Note! There is no Select box to check.  
Figure 22 The single computer Settings box  
43. Loading a saved configuration  
To load a saved configuration:  
From the File menu choose Open.  
44. The factory default settings  
To view to the factory default settings:  
From the File menu choose New.  
45. Reminder!  
All changes done with the Control software are only reflected in the OSD AFTER pressing  
46. Password protection  
When the CAT5 KVM system is password protected, the Control software behaves in exactly the  
same way as the OSD. You must type in the required password to access the Control software. The  
access you gain depends on the security status – exactly as with the OSD.  
To change the security access, close and reopen the Control software, and type in the different  
Administrator (Status A)  
The Administrator can:  
• Set and modify all Passwords and security profiles  
• Fully access any computer  
• Use all functions  
Supervisor (Status S)  
The Supervisor can:  
• Fully access any computer  
• Scan computers.  
User (Status U)  
There are 6 different Users in the CAT5 KVM system. Each User has a Profile that defines the  
access level to different computers. There are 3 different access levels. These are:  
• Y – Full access to a particular computer  
• V –Viewing access only, to a particular computer (No keyboard/mouse functionality)  
• N – No access to a particular computer  
The Administrator defines the desired access levels of each User Profile. This is done in the Setting  
box. By default the User Profile settings are full access.  
47. Upgrading the CAT5 KVM firmware  
With the CAT5 KVM Update software program you can upgrade the firmware for the:  
• OSD  
• Manager  
• CIMs  
CAT5 KVM Update enables you to add new features and fix bugs in a quick and efficient manner.  
You can install the Multi-Platform CAT5 KVM Update on any computer, even one not part of the  
CAT5 KVMsystem.  
The CAT5 KVM Update software and latest firmware is on the Marketing & Documentation CD.  
To obtain the latest firmware for your system go to .  
48. System requirements for the CAT5 KVM Update software  
Pentium 166 or higher with 16 MB RAM and 10 MB free Hard Drive space.  
• Available Serial port.  
• Windows 98, 2000, ME, XP or Windows NT 4.0 SP (service pack) 3 or later.  
49. Connecting the CAT5 KVM System  
To update the firmware the CAT5 KVM system must be connected and switched on.  
50. Connecting the RS232 Serial cable  
To run the software, connect the RS232 Serial cable to the computer containing the software, and to  
the Multi-Platform CAT5 KVM. See page 21.  
51. Installing the software  
To install the Multi-Platform CAT5 KVMUpdate software:  
1. Insert the Marketing & Documentation CD. The CD menu runs automatically.  
2. Choose Multi-Platform CAT5 KVM Softpack.  
3. Either run the Multi-Platform CAT5 KVMUpdate software straight from the CD or install it  
on the computer’s hard drive and run it from there.  
52. Starting and configuring the CAT5 KVM Update  
1. Start the CAT5 KVM Update software. The CAT5 KVM Update window appears. See Figure  
Figure 23 TheMulti-Platform CAT5 KVM Update window  
The table below explains the functions of the buttons and boxes in the Multi-Platform CAT5 KVM  
Update window.  
Button or Box  
Selects all CIMs  
Unselects selected CIMs  
Starts firmware download  
Displays the firmware version number  
Displays the hardware version number  
Cancels selected function  
System time  
Displays download status  
Name of Update file  
2. From the Options menu choose Com Port. The Com Port box appears.  
See Figure 24.  
Figure 24 The Com Option box  
3. Choose an available Com Port and click OK.  
Note! The RS232 Serial cable must be connected to the selected Serial port.  
53. Verifying the version numbers  
Before upgrading the firmware, you must first verify which firmware and hardware versions you  
The OSD version number  
To verify the OSD version number:  
1. Open the Multi-Platform CAT5 KVMUpdate program.  
2. In the Switch Unit box, check the OSD option. See Figure 23.  
3. Click  
. The version number appears in the Switch box.  
The H/W Version button is grayed out, as there is no hardware relevant to the OSD.  
The CAT5 KVM Manager version number  
To verify the CAT5 KVM version number:  
1. Open the Multi-Platform CAT5 KVMUpdate program.  
2. In the Switch Unit box, check the CAT5 KVM Manager option.  
3. Click  
4. Click  
. The firmware version number appears in the Switch Unit box.  
. The hardware version number appears in the Switch Unit box.  
Verifying the CIM version number  
Before you can check a CIM, you must uncheck the Switch Unit box options.  
To verify the CIM version number:  
1. Open the Multi-Platform CAT5 KVMUpdate program.  
2. Check one or more or all of the CIMs.  
3. Click  
. The firmware version number appears after the CIM number.  
4. Click  
. The hardware version number appears after the CIM number.  
When “Not responding” appears, there is no computer connected, or it is switched off.  
54. Obtaining new firmware  
55. Updating the firmware  
Never switch off any computer connected to the CAT5 KVMsystem during the updating process.  
To update the firmware:  
1. Open the Multi-Platform CAT5 KVMUpdate program.  
2. In the Multi-Platform CAT5 KVMUpdate window, check the appropriate option in the Switch  
Unit box or the desired CIM.  
3. From the File menu, choose Open. The Openbox appears. See Figure 25.  
4. Navigate to the folder that contains the firmware update file. You may only see the files that  
match the file selection mask.  
Figure 25 The Open box  
5. Open the file.  
6. Click Start. The Multi-Platform CAT5 KVMUpdate flashes the firmware. On completion the  
firmware version number appears.  
7. Check that the updated version number is correct by pressing  
Firmware Update generates one log file per session that displays a chronological list of actions.  
You can read the log file in any ASCII text editor. The log file is located in the Windows directory.  
56. Reset  
Reset the software for theCAT5 KVM Manager or CIMs when for example the unit hangs or when  
the mouse fails to work properly. Resetting is done via the Serial port, and avoids the need to shut  
down the computer.  
NOTE! The Reset function does not affect the parameters of the unit settings.  
Resetting the Switch or CIM units  
To reset the Switch or CIM units:  
1. For the Switch, check the Multi-Platform CAT5 KVM option in the Switch Unit box.  
For the CIMs, check one or more CIMs in the CIM Units box.  
2. From the Options menu choose Advanced / Reset. The units reset. The system should now be  
57. Troubleshooting tips  
When using Firmware Update software you may sometimes get a Communication Error message.  
When updating a unit and a Communication Error message appears, do the following:  
1. Check that the RS232 Serial cable’s RS232 connector is connected to the Switch’s  
Communication port.  
2. Check that the RS232 Serial cable’s DB9F connector is connected to the DB9M Serial port on  
the CPU’s rear panel.  
3. Restart the download process.  
Electricity failure  
If the electricity fails while updating the CAT5 KVMfirmware, do the following:  
If the electricity fails during the firmware update of the Switch, a Communication Error message  
appears. Simply resume the firmware update by opening the folder that contains the firmware  
update file and continue from there.  
If the electricity fails during the firmware update of the CIMs a Not Responding or Upgrade  
Error message appears. Restart the upgrade from the beginning.  
58. USB SUN Combo keys  
The connected PS/2 keyboard does not have a special SUN keypad to perform special functions in  
the SUN Operating System environment. So when a CIM USB or SUN is connected to a SUN  
computer, the CIM emulates these SUN keys using a set of key combinations called Combo keys.  
See the table below.  
SUN key  
Combo key  
Left Ctrl + Alt + F1  
Left Ctrl + Alt + F3  
Left Ctrl + Alt + F5  
Left Ctrl + Alt +F7  
Left Ctrl +Alt + F9  
Left Ctrl + Alt + F2  
Left Ctrl + Alt + F4  
Left Ctrl + Alt + F6  
Left Ctrl + Alt + F8  
Left Ctrl + Alt + F10  
Left Ctrl + Alt + F11  
Application key or Left Ctrl + Alt + Keypad *  
Scroll Lock  
Volume Up  
Left Ctrl + Alt + Keypad –  
Volume Down Left Ctrl + Alt + Keypad +  
Left Ctrl + Alt + F12  
Left Windows key  
Sun Left ? key  
Right Windows key  
Sun Right ? key  
Stop A  
Right Alt or Alt Gr  
Left Ctrl + Alt +1  
59. Technical specifications  
Operating Systems  
DOS, Windows (3X, 9X, 2000, NT4, ME, XP)  
LINUX, UNIX, QNX, SGI, FreeBSD, BeOS, Open VMS, Novell 3.12-6  
Local Mouse Driver  
PS/2, wheel mouse  
Transmission distance Up to 10m/33ft  
Multi-Platform CAT5 KVM  
Dimensions – 8/16  
Weight – 8/16 port  
266.5 x 110.5 x 41.3mm / 10.47 x 4.35 x 1.62in  
Product – 1Kg / 2.2lbs  
Shipping – 1.95Kg / 4.22lbs  
Internal switching 85-260 VAC 50 / 60 Hz  
Power supply – 8/16 port  
Local KVM  
0ºC to 40ºC/32ºF to 104ºF  
-40ºC to 70ºC/-40ºF to 158ºF  
80% non-condensing relative humidity  
Operating temperature  
Storage temperature  
Keyboard/Mouse MiniDin6  
From computer’s From USB port From computer’s  
Product weight  
Shipping weight  
91 x 41 x 24mm / 3.58 x 1.61 x 0.94in  

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