Itron Tech GOBOOK Q100 User Manual

IT RON IX GoBook® Handheld Com puter  
Mu lt id o ck Co m m u n ica t io n s Cra d le  
Use r Gu id e  
fo r t h e Go Bo o k Q100  
Ple a se re a d t h e se in st ru ct io n s b e fo re u sin g t h is e q u ip m e n t  
The Multidock Communications Cradle is an optional device used with the GoBook Q• 100  
handheld computer. It is designed for indoor use in an office-type environment. The Multidock  
Communications Cradle provides battery charging, convenient storage and network data  
communication for up to six handheld computers without the need for a PC.  
Available Cables and Acces s ories  
The Multidock Communications Cradle comes with up to three power cords for  
battery charging in the United States, United Kingdom, and Europe  
Overview of the Multidock Communications Cradle  
Handheld Comput er  
Mult idock Pocket  
Front View  
RJ45 Jack  
(Et hernet Connect or)  
115VAC / 230VAC  
Select or Swit ch  
Multidock Back View  
Dat a Act ivit y St at us  
LED (Yellow)  
Link St at us  
LED (Green)  
Docking Connect or  
Multidock Pocket Front View  
Ethernet Connector  
Features of the Multidock Communications Cradle  
When attached to external power, the Multidock Communications Cradle will simultaneously  
charge up to six GoBook Q• 100 handheld computers and allow USB data communication  
to the handheld computers through one 10/100 BaseT Ethernet connection.  
Power Connector and AC Power Supply  
Main 12VDC power to run and charge each handheld computer provided from an  
internal ATX PC power supply  
The internal ATX PC power supply includes a fan, ON/OFF switch, power cord  
receptacle and 115VAC / 230VAC selector switch on the back of the Multidock  
NOTE Before using the Multidock, make sure the selector switch is set to the same AC  
voltage as your power source and the appropriate power cord is attached  
The battery in each handheld computer will charge in approximately 3.5 hours  
Each unit charges independently of the others  
Charge status is indicated by the Charge Status LED on the handheld computer  
When no handheld computers are inserted, the power supply and power  
supply fan turn off automatically. They turn on automatically when a handheld  
computer is inserted in the Multidock Communications Cradle  
Each Multidock pocket provides a USB host data connection to each handheld  
computer for direct Ethernet connection  
One RJ45 Ethernet port to connect to customer premise Ethernet switches  
Keyboard and Screen  
The handheld computers keyboard and screen are accessible while in the  
Multidock Cradle  
Multidock Cradle Specifications  
Size: (L x W x H):10.5" x 17.5" x 7.5” (266.7mm x 444.5mm x 190.5 mm)  
Weight: 25 lbs (11.34Kg)  
Storage Temperature: + 71°C to -51°C  
Operating Temperature: + 50°C to 0°C  
NOTE At temperatures above 50°C and below 0°C, battery charging will be disabled  
by the handheld computer.  
Docking and Undocking a Q• 100 in the Multidock Communications Cradle  
To dock the handheld computer, orient the computer as shown below. Insert the computer  
into the pocket and press down firmly.  
To undock, pull the handheld computer straight up until it clears the pocket.  
Handheld Computer Docked  
Ethernet Setup  
To setup the Q• 100 Multidock Communications Cradle for Ethernet connectivity, you  
will firs t ne e d to download the following file s from  
product_support/downloads.asp to your Q• 100 computer(s):  
pscradle-Itonix-x.xarmppc.CAB (x.x represents the latest version of this file)  
the latest image files for the Operating System and Q• 100  
To ins tall and configure the PSCradle s oftware on the Q• 100:  
Click the pscradle-Itronix-x.x.armppc.CAB file to install the PSCradle  
Go to Start > Programs > Communication and select Ethernet Cradle  
Check the Enable Cradle Driver” check box.  
Set the Auto Detect field to “Always As s ume Cradle”.  
Then, set the On Detect field to “Auto Connect”.  
Disable ActiveSync on the Q• 100 by selecting Start > ActiveSync > Tools >  
Options. Make sure both check boxes on this screen are NOT checked.  
Select OK to accept these settings.  
MobileDox Net Software Setup  
MobileDox Net software provides configuration and management of the Itronix  
Multidock Cradle so it will fit the requirements of your network design.  
NOTE MobileDox Net software should only be used by network or system  
To Install MobileDox Net on Your Host PC running Windows 2000 or Windows XP:  
Download MdxSetup-Itronix-x.x.x.exe from  
product_support/downloads.asp (x.x.x represents the latest version of this file).  
Double-click MdxSetup-Itronix-x.x.x.exe to install the MobileDox Net cradle  
manager software on your host PC.  
Plug the Itronix Multidock Cradle into your existing ethernet network. By  
default, the Multidock Cradle will attempt to obtain an IP address from your  
DHCP server.  
Run MobileDox Net to view and manage the Multidock Cradle status.  
Maintaining the Multidock Communications Cradle  
CAUTION Th e re a re n o u s e r s e rvic e a b le p a rts in s id e th e Mu ltid o c k  
Communications Cradle or handheld computer. Do not attempt to open either  
Although the Q• 100 computer is rugged, waterproof and sealed against the rain, dirt  
and dust, the Multidock Communications Cradle is not. The Multidock Communications  
Cradle is intended to be used indoors.  
Recommended Precautions for the Multidock Communications Cradle  
We re comme nd the following p re ca utions to e ns ure tha t your Multid ock  
Communications Cradle provides many years of reliable service.  
Avoid subjecting the Multidock Communications Cradle to extremely damp or  
dusty conditions  
Never use solvents or abrasive cleaners of any kind on your Multidock  
Communications Cradle  
Avoid dropping your Multidock Communications Cradle  
Keep the pockets clean and avoid allowing moisture or contaminants to get into  
the pockets or on the docking connectors  
Troubles hooting the Multidock Communications Cradle  
If you encounter problems with your GoBook Q• 100 Multidock Communications Cradle,  
you should contact your system provider for help. However, here are a few troubleshooting  
tips that might help:  
Handheld computer doesnt • Make sure the Multidock Communications Cradle is  
turn on when docked  
connected to a good power source using the appropriate  
supplied power cord, and the power adapter is secure.  
Make sure the unit is seated correctly. The handheld  
computers Charge Status LED should illuminate.  
Printed in U.S.A.  

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