Aerobie AeroPress User Manual

Getting the Most from Your A  
Coffee and Espresso Maker  
5. Pour heated water slowly into the chamber.  
4. Put ground coffee into the chamber - one scoop for  
each espresso or five ounce American cup, up to a  
Congratulations. As the owner of an AeroPress coffee  
maker, you have in your hands a device for making the  
best coffee or espresso you've ever tasted. It's easy  
and fun.  
maximum of four scoops.  
Grinding Coffee:  
We recommend drip grind when  
using two or more scoops because  
it's easy to push and yields rich  
flavor. For single-scoop pressings,  
espresso grind will yield more  
flavor yet still be easy to push.  
You can make from one to four cups per pressing.  
Each pressing only takes about a minute, so you can  
serve a houseful of guests in a few minutes. Just  
follow these easy steps.  
Measuring and Pouring the Water:  
The chamber is marked 1, 2, 3, and 4 for the number  
of scoops of coffee which corresponds to the number  
of servings.  
A funnel is provided for use with a coffee grinder. Use  
the scoop to measure the beans into the grinder. Grind  
only the scoops you need for each pressing. Then use  
the funnel to empty the grinder into the AeroPress  
1. Remove the plunger and the cap from the chamber.  
With 1 or 4 scoops, just fill with hot water to the number  
1 or 4 on the chamber.  
Coffee lovers agree that grinding just before brewing is  
important for great flavor. Remember too, that freshly  
roasted beans yield a richer flavor.  
With 2 or 3 scoops you can choose from the bottom of  
the ovals marked 2 or 3 for a richer brew to the top of the  
ovals for an average strength brew.  
If American coffee is your goal, use the top of the ovals.  
For espresso, adjust the quantity of water to brew the  
strength desired. For latte, use the bottom of the ovals.  
A richer brew makes the best tasting latte.  
2. Put a micro-filter inside the cap and twist the cap  
Water Temperature:  
onto the chamber.  
Everyone we tested, from coffee lovers to professional  
coffee tasters, preferred coffee brewed with the water  
temperature between 165 and 175o F (75 to 80o C).  
Lower temperature water makes a smoother brew.  
If you have instant hot water in your kitchen, spend a  
few minutes adjusting the temperature to 175o F (80oC).  
That's also the best temperature for tea.  
Dribble the water slowly into the chamber for the first  
few seconds to wet the grounds. Then fill to the desired  
level. Never fill higher than number 4.  
The plunger can be used to measure water. Just fill to  
the appropriate number. You can also use the plunger  
to heat water in a microwave oven.  
Be careful, hot liquids can cause serious injury.  
6. Stir the water and coffee together with the paddle  
3. Stand the chamber on a sturdy mug. A glass mug  
If you heat the water in a microwave or kettle, experiment  
with time. About three-quarters of the time to the first  
bubbles will yield the ideal temperature.  
is fun. It lets you watch the process.  
for about ten seconds.  
165 - 175oF water tastes best.  
Do not use boiling water.  

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