Victor 1280 7 User Manual

Congratulations on your choice of the Victor 1280-7 electronic calculator. Careful  
design, quality materials, and advanced research and production facilities have given you  
a calculator that with proper care will provide years of trouble-free service.  
Table of Contents  
1 - 2  
General Maintenance  
How to Feed the Paper  
Replacing the Ribbon  
Keyboard Layout  
Key and Slide Switch Features  
Display Symbols  
4 - 10  
Reset Button  
Using the Wireless Data Relay  
Resetting the Wireless USB Connection  
Application Examples  
14 - 23  
Remove the tape holding the ink ribbon in place.  
1. Remove the tape holding the printer cover in place.  
2. Dispose of the tape.  
3. Lift the printer cover up and then off.  
4. Remove and dispose of the tape holding the ribbon in place.  
(Fig. 1)  
(Fig. 2)  
Replacing the Ribbon  
Your calculator is shipped with a 2-color ribbon already in place. You do not need to  
install or change it before you begin using the calculator. When you have been using  
your calculator for some time, however, the print will gradually become faint, indicating  
that you should change the ribbon. To change the ribbon, follow these steps.  
Remove the paper roll, tearing the paper at the rear of the calculator. Use the  
Paper Advance () key to feed the remaining paper tape through the printer.  
Then remove the printer cover.  
Remove the old ribbon by pulling it upward. (Fig 6 shows the printer without  
a ribbon.)  
Install the ribbon spool with the black edge up. Victor recommends the Victor  
7010 (Fig. 5).  
Place the spool with the greater amount of ribbon on the left post.  
Next unwind the ribbon as it is placed along the outside of the guides and in  
front of the print wheel. (Fig. 7)  
Rotate the spools to take up any slack. Replace the printer cover and the  
paper tape.  
(Replace with the Victor #7010 Ink Ribbon)  
(Fig. 5)  
(Fig. 6)  
(Fig. 7)  
Keyboard Layout  
This section describes the mode switches, data entry keys, and operating keys provided  
on your calculator.  
Key and Slide Switch Features  
OFF The power is OFF.  
ON The power is ON.  
Print Mode: The printer is activated as long as the calculator is turned on.  
Non Print Mode: The printer is activated only when the paper feed key or the  
non-add / date key (#/S) is pressed. This is also called the display only mode.  
PC Mode: In this mode the calculator will send the information entered to a  
computer just as it would to the paper in a printer. The number entered will  
appear in the first column and the operation performed will appear in the second  
column. This is also called the Paperless Tape Mode.  
The Wireless Data Relay device must be installed into the computer’s USB  
port when using any of the three PC Modes.  
Wireless Data Relay (Fig. 9)  
5/4 ▼  
Round Up Mode: The setting causes an answer to a calculation to  
automatically round up.  
Split Rounding Mode: This setting causes automatic round off. If the first digit  
of the answer beyond the decimal setting is 0 to 4, the value is rounded down.  
Otherwise the value is rounded up.  
Round Down Mode: Causes calculations to automatically round down.  
Σ GT  
Sigma Mode: When the slide switch is in the Sigma position, the results of  
multiplication or division calculations completed by the = or % keys are  
automatically added to the accumulator. The accumulated answer can be recalled  
by pressing the T key.  
The calculator is in neither Sigma mode nor Grand Total mode.  
Grand Total Mode: Any total created with the T key is automatically  
accumulated to memory. The accumulated Grand Total can be recalled by  
pressing the MT key.  
A 0 2 3 F Kpad  
Monetary Add Mode: In this setting, amounts entered are assumed to be  
monetary. The calculator automatically supplies a decimal point to the left of the  
last two digits entered.  
0 2 3 Fixed Digit Mode: These settings specify the number of digits to the right of the  
decimal point that are shown in the result.  
Floating Decimal Point Mode: This setting specifies that all digits of the result  
are shown, up to a maximum of 12. If the result exceeds these capacities, excess  
digits to the right of the decimal point are dropped. No rounding takes place.  
Kpad Keypad Mode: In this mode, the calculator acts as a keypad for the operator’s  
computer. As numbers keys are pressed the entry is instantly sent to the  
computer’s display. The T (Total) key acts as an Enter key and the Memory keys  
act as Arrow keys to move cell to cell in a spreadsheet.  
The Wireless Data Relay device must be installed into the computer’s USB  
port when using any of the three PC Modes.  
Key Functions  
0 – 9, 00, . Numeric Keys: The calculator uses the conventional 10 – key indexing  
keyboard, and includes the double zero and decimal point keys. Whole numbers are  
entered exactly as they are written.  
Paper Feed Key: Used to advance the paper.  
Right Shift Key: Used to delete the right most character of a live entry.  
Percent Key: Completes percent calculations when Multiplication or Division  
keys are used.  
Division Key: The Division key performs division, automatic constant division,  
and intermediate sequential operations. It establishes the next amount as a  
constant divisor. Each divisor entry is retained as a constant until the X, ÷, or  
Clear (C/CE) keys are depressed.  
Equal Key: Press the equal key to get the result for a multiplication or division  
Format Key: The Equals key is also used as the Format Key when programming  
the Date. The operator may choose to change the way the date is displayed  
(MM/DD/YYYY, DD/MM/YYYY, OR YYYY/ MM/DD) by pressing this key  
while in the Date setting mode.  
Multiplication Key: The Multiplication key performs multiplication, automatic  
constant multiplication, and intermediate sequential operations. It establishes the  
amount as a constant multiplicand.  
AM/PM Key: The Multiplication key is also used in the Time setting mode to  
switch from AM to PM or vice versa.  
Time / Date Key: Used to display the Time or Date. Press once to see the Date  
and press a 2nd time to see the Time. To change either the Date or the Time, press  
the IC / SET key while displaying the Date or the Time.  
Change Sign Key: Inverts the sign of the displayed number at key entry.  
12 / 24 Key: The change sign key is also used to toggle between the 12  
(AM/PM) or 24 hour clock mode.  
IC Key: Prints the current Item count.  
SET Key: Used to set the Date and Time. Press and hold until the Date starts to  
flash on the display (Approximately 3 seconds). Enter the correct Date and press  
the Set key again to set the Time.  
Clear / Clear Entry Key: Clears a live entry by pressing the key once. Press  
twice to clear the accumulator or pending calculation. The Clear key does not  
clear the Memory. To clear the memory, press the MT key.  
Minus Key: Subtracts an amount from the accumulator. To subtract the same  
amount more than one time (repeat subtraction), enter that amount once and  
depress the Minus key as many times as necessary. If this key is depressed  
immediately after the (%) key, it works as a percent minus key.  
Plus Key: Adds an amount to the accumulator. To add the same amount more  
than one time (repeat addition), enter that amount once and depress the Plus key  
as many times as necessary. If this key is depressed immediately after the (%)  
key, it works as a percent add key.  
Send To PC Key: This key is used to send the information in the calculator’s  
display to the cursor of a personal computer. The information is sent exactly as it  
is displayed on the calculator.  
The Wireless Data Relay device must be installed into the computer’s USB  
port when using any of the three PC Modes.  
Wireless Data Relay (Fig. 10)  
Non Add Key: Will print a live entry as an identifier or as an invoice number  
without adding the number to the accumulator. The number will appear on the  
left hand side of the tape with the “#” sign.  
Subtotal Key: Prints a subtotal, but does not clear the accumulator.  
Total Key: Prints and clears the accumulator. This key will also print the total of  
multiplication and division calculations when the slide switch is in the Sigma  
mode (Σ).  
Enter: When the calculator is in the Kpad mode, the T/Enter key acts as an Enter  
key on a computer keyboard.  
Memory + Key: Adds an amount to Memory. If there is a live calculation  
pending, the Memory Plus key will complete the calculation and accumulate the  
Key: Acts as an arrow key on a computer keyboard to move the cursor to the  
right while the calculator is in the Kpad mode.  
Memory – Key: Subtracts an amount from Memory. If there is a live calculation  
pending, the Memory Minus key will complete the calculation and subtract the  
amount from Memory.  
Key: Acts as an arrow key on a computer keyboard to move the cursor to the  
left while the calculator is in the Kpad mode.  
Memory Subtotal Key: Displays a subtotal of the memory contents. If the  
calculator is in the Print mode, this subtotal will also print. Memory Subtotal  
does not clear the contents of Memory.  
Key: Acts as an arrow key on a computer keyboard to move the cursor down  
while the calculator is in the Kpad mode.  
Memory Total Key: Prints and clears the total in Memory.  
Key: Acts as an arrow key on a computer keyboard to move the cursor up while  
the calculator is in the Kpad mode.  
Cost Sell Margin Keys  
Cost, Sell, Margin keys are used for calculating cost, selling price, and profit  
margin. Enter the value of any two variables to calculate the third. (Example:  
Enter the cost of an item and press the Cost key. Next enter the selling price of an  
item and press the Sell key. The Margin % will appear on the display and the  
paper tape.)  
Rate and Tax Keys  
Tax 1 and Tax 2 keys are used to calculate an amount of tax using the preset tax  
rate. Use the “+” key for calculating an amount including TAX, and the “-“ key  
for calculating an amount excluding TAX.  
To set TAX 1, press and hold the RATE key until the display flashes. Enter the  
TAX Rate and then press TAX 1. TAX 1 is now set. To set TAX 2, follow the  
same steps substituting TAX 2 for TAX 1.  
Display Symbols  
A number has stored into memory.  
Error or over flow of capacity.  
The displayed value is negative.  
RESET Button  
Electromagnetic interference or electrostatic discharge may cause the display to  
malfunction or the contents of the Memory to be lost or altered. Should this occur, use  
the tip of a ball point pen or a paper clip to press the RESET button at the back of the  
After resetting the calculator set the calendar, clock, and tax rate again.  
Using the Wireless Data Relay Device  
The Victor 1280-7 has three different modes of operation when connected via the USB  
1. SEND TO PC MODE – Press this key to send the contents of the display to  
the connected PC.  
Example: User needs the total of the calculation 100 + 200 + 300 sent to  
the computer. Enter 100 + 200 + 300 T into the calculator. Next press the  
SEND TO PC key and the answer (600) will be sent to the computer.  
2. KPAD MODE – In this mode, the calculator acts as a keypad for the  
operator’s computer. As number keys are pressed the entry is instantly sent to  
the computer’s display. The T (Total) key acts as an Enter key and the  
Memory keys act as Arrow keys to move cell to cell in a spreadsheet.  
3. PC / PAPERLESS TAPE MODE – In this mode the calculator will send the  
information entered to a computer just as it would to the paper in a printer.  
The number entered will appear in the first column and the operation  
performed will appear in the second column.  
(Fig. 9)  
The Wireless Data Relay device must be installed when using any of the three  
PC Modes.  
Wireless Data Relay (Fig. 10)  
*Note: The Victor 1280-7 Wireless Calculator will not work with Apple  
Resetting the Wireless USB Connection  
There may be a need to occasionally repair or reset the connection between the calculator  
and the USB device. Symptoms that can cause the connection to be lost include periods  
of non-use, interference from another device, or connecting the USB device to a different  
computer. If the connection is lost, please follow these instructions to re-connect the  
calculator to the USB device:  
1. Start your computer and your spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel.  
2. Push the power switch to “ON” on your calculator.  
3. Push to the right-most slide switch to “Kpad” on your calculator.  
4. Plug the Victor 1280-7 Wireless USB receiver into a USB port on the computer.  
5. Wait until your computer recognizes the USB device. A pop-up box may appear  
in the lower right corner of your display. This should take no more than 30  
6. Press the blue “RATE” key and hold for about 2 seconds. The calculator display  
will show “--------------“ until the Wireless USB receiver is connected.  
7. Once the connection is complete, the calculator display will show “– PC –“  
8. Select a cell in your spreadsheet (position your cursor in the spreadsheet).  
9. Test the connection by pressing the number “3” on your calculator and pressing  
“ENTER” (the “T” key)  
If the above steps do not result in a connection try this alternative method:  
2. Press the blue “RATE” key and hold for about 2 seconds. The calculator display  
will show “--------------“.  
3. Plug the Victor 1280-7 Wireless USB receiver into a USB port on the computer.  
4. Wait until your computer recognizes the USB device. A pop-up box may appear  
in the lower right corner of your display. This should take no more than 30  
5. Once the connection is complete, the calculator display will show “– PC –“  
6. Select a cell in your spreadsheet (position your cursor in the spreadsheet).  
7. Test the connection by pressing the number “3” on your calculator and pressing  
“ENTER” (the “T” key)  
If the alternative method does not result in a connection, you may see “ERROR” on the  
display. Turn the machine off and on again and repeat the above procedures. If a  
connection is still not made, please call 1-800-628-2420 for assistance.  
The Wireless Data Relay device must be installed when using any of the three  
PC Modes.  
Wireless Data Relay (Fig. 8)  
If your Wireless Data Relay is lost or damaged and a new Relay is purchased from  
Victor, these steps will need to be completed the first time the Relay is used.  
12 Digit, Fluorescent  
Printing Speed  
Printing Paper  
4.6 Lines / Second  
Width 2.25”, Diameter 3.15” Max  
Width 57mm, Diamter 80mm Max  
120V / 60 Hz (USA, CANADA)  
0°C ~ 40°C (32°F ~ 104°F)  
Power Sources  
Ambient Temperature  
Power Consumption  
120V / 0.16A / 19.2W  
12.75” (L) X 8.75” (W) X 3.25 “ (H)  
323 mm (L) X 220 mm (W) X 80 mm (H)  
VICTOR 7010 (Twin Spool, C Wound Ribbon)  
2 – Color (Negative numbers in red)  
3.0 lbs. (1655 g)  
Ink Ribbon  
Printing Color  

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