Sony WM EX372 User Manual

3-861-488-13 (1)  
• To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit  
to rain or moisture.  
• Do not use headphones/ earphones while driving,  
cycling, or operating a motorized vehicle. It may create  
a traffic hazard and is illegal in some areas. It can also  
be potentially dangerous to play your headphones/  
earphones at high volume while walking, especially at  
pedestrian crossings. You should exercise extreme  
caution or discontinue use in potentially hazardous  
Ca sse t t e Pla ye r  
Lo ca t io n o f p a rt s a n d co n t ro ls  
Operating Instructions  
Mode demploi (au dos)  
WALKMAN is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.  
WALKMAN est une marque déposée de Sony Corporation.  
©1997 by Sony Corporation Printed in China  
• To prevent shock hazards, never open the unit while it  
is connected to the power source.  
(Tape Selector)  
• Do not use headphones/ earphones at high volume.  
Hearing experts advise against continuous, loud and  
extended play. If you experience a ringing in your ears,  
reduce volume or discontinue use.  
• Keep the volume at a moderate level. This will allow  
you to hear outside sounds and to be considerate to the  
people around you.  
Fo r t h e cu st o m e rs in t h e Un it e d St a t e s  
The model number is located at the rear and the serial  
number is located inside the cassette holder. Record  
these numbers in the spaces provided below. Refer to  
them whenever you call upon your Sony dealer regarding  
this product.  
Model No.  
Serial No.  
To avoid battery leakage, fire, damage, explosion, etc.,  
follow the descriptions below.  
Pre p a ra t io n s  
To In se rt b a t t e rie s  
Pla yin g a t a p e  
• Do not carry dry batteries with coins or other metallic  
objects. It can generate heat if the positive and negative  
terminals of the batteries are accidentally contacted by a  
metallic object.  
Select NORM or CrO2/ METAL to match  
the tape type.  
• Excluding EX172/ EX170 for U.S.A., Canada and  
Europe: Use only the recommended AC power adaptor  
(not supplied). Check also the local voltage to avoid a  
short circuit to the AC power adaptor.  
• Excluding EX172/ EX170 for U.S.A., Canada and  
Europe: To disconnect the AC power adaptor, only use  
the plug and not the cable.  
R6 (AA) x 2  
DC IN 3V  
Ba t t e ry life (a p p ro xim a t e h o u rs)  
Insert a cassette and press 9 PLAY.  
Sony alkaline  
LR6 (SG)  
R6P (SR)  
• Do not charge a dry battery.  
Check the ] and } on the batteries, and be sure to  
insert them like the illustration in this manual.  
* Measured value by the standard of EIAJ (Electronic  
Industries Association of Japan). (Using a Sony HF  
series cassette tape)  
• When you are not going to use your Walkman for a long  
time, remove the batteries to prevent damage from  
battery leakage and corrosion.  
No t e s  
• The BATT indicator dims when the batteries become  
weak or exhausted. Replace them with new ones.  
• The battery life may shorten depending on the  
operation of the unit.  
• If the battery compartment lid comes off, attach it as  
Press or Sw itch  
Ab o u t Th is Ma n u a l  
Stop playback*  
The instructions in this manual are for WM-EX372, WM-  
EX172 and WM-EX170. Before you start reading, check  
your model number. WM-EX372 is the model used for  
illustration purposes. Any differences in operation are  
clearly indicated in the text, for example, “EX372 only”.  
or rewind the tape  
Change sides  
DIR (EX372 only)  
Play both sides once  
MODE to Å (EX372 only)  
MODE to a (EX372 only)  
Play both sides  
Pre ca u t io n s  
* When the tape direction is set to Å mode, the  
depressed button 9 PLAY is released automatically at  
the end of the reverse side (Auto shut-off function)  
(EX372 only).  
• Do not leave the unit in a location near heat sources, or  
in a place subject to direct sunlight, excessive dust or  
sand, moisture, rain, mechanical shock, or in a car with  
its windows closed.  
• Do not wind the headphones/ earphones cord around  
the unit. The buttons may be kept pressed, causing  
unnecessary battery usage.  
• Do not use cassettes longer than 90 minutes except for  
long continuous playback.  
• If the unit has not been used for a long time, set it in the  
playback mode to warm it up for a few minutes before  
inserting a cassette.  
• For cleaning the case, use a soft cloth slightly moistened  
with mild detergent solution. Do not use alcohol,  
benzine or thinner.  
To lim it t h e m a xim u m vo lu m e  
a u t o m a t ica lly  
To u se e xt e rn a l p o w e r (e xclu d in g EX172/  
EX170 fo r U.S.A., Ca n a d a a n d Eu ro p e )  
• For house current: Connect AC-E30HG AC power  
adaptor (not supplied) to the DC IN 3V jack. The  
polarity of the plug is as shown.  
• Specifications for AC-E30HG varies for each area. Check  
your local voltage and the shape of plug before  
Set AVLS (Automatic Volume Limiter System) to  
LIMIT. The maximum volume is kept down to  
protect your ears, even if you turn the volume up.  
To cancel the AVLS function, set AVLS to NORM.  
To e m p h a size so u n d  
Set the MEGA BASS switch to ON to produce deep  
and powerful sound.  
If you have any questions or problem concerning your  
Walkman, please consult your nearest Sony dealer.  
Turn the HIGH and LOW controls to get the  
desired tone (EX372/ EX172 only).  
Plarity of the plug  
To u se t h e b e lt clip  
Th is w a rra n t y is va lid o n ly in t h e Un it e d St a t e s.  
To p la y a t a p e re co rd e d w it h Do lb y* NR  
syst e m (EX372/EX172 o n ly)  
Set DOLBY NR to ON.  
* Dolby noise reduction manufactured under license from  
Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation.  
“DOLBYand the double-D symbol a are trademarks  
of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation.  
Wh e n Usin g He a d p h o n e s/Ea rp h o n e s  
Wear the “L” marked side to the left ear and the “R”  
marked side to the right ear.  
No t e s  
• When you set AVLS to LIMIT:  
- the MEGA BASS effect is reduced.  
- turn down the volume, if the bass-boosted sound  
becomes distorted or unstable.  
• Do not open the cassette holder while the tape is  
• To select the direction of the tape, set MODE to a for  
both sides repeatedly or Å for both sides once (from  
the front side to the reverse side only). If play begins  
from the reverse side, the tape stops at the end of that  
side (EX372 only).  
Sp e cifica t io n s  
-3V DC batteries R6 (AA) x 2  
-External DC 3V power sources (excluding EX172/ EX170 for  
U.S.A., Canada and Europe)  
• Pow er requirements  
• Dimensions  
88.5 x 111.5 x 37.6 mm (  
3 1/ 2 x 4 1/ 2 x 1 1/  
2 inches) (w/ h/ d)  
incl. projecting parts and controls  
• Mass  
EX372: Approx. 135g (4.8 oz) / Approx. 195g (6.9 oz) incl.  
batteries and a cassette  
EX172: Approx. 130g (4.6 oz) / Approx. 190g (6.8 oz) incl.  
batteries and a cassette  
EX170: Approx. 125g (4.5 oz) / Approx. 185g (6.6 oz) incl.  
batteries and a cassette  
• Supplied accessories  
Stereo headphones or Stereo earphones (1)/ Belt clip (1)  
Tro u b le sh o o t in g  
Th e vo lu m e is n o t t u rn e d u p .  
• AVLS is set to LIMIT.  
Th e so u n d is u n st a b le o r n o a u d io .  
• Insert two R6 (size AA) batteries properly.  
Replace all batteries if they are weak.  
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.  
Po o r t a p e p la yb a ck q u a lit y.  
• Clean the headphones/ earphones plug.  
• Dirty heads. Clean them with a cotton swab slightly  
moistened with cleaning fluid or alcohol.  

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