Polaroid Spectra AF User Manual

S P E C T R A A F  
Use color in pictures (p. 20)  
Keep background sim ple (p. 20)  
Mantegna un fondo sencillo (p. 42)  
Use el color en las fotografías (p. 42)  
Flash off: facial shadows (p. 8)  
Add foreground interest (p. 20)  
Flash: apagado som bras en la cara (p. 30) Anada interes al fondo (p. 42)  
Distant background: too dark (p. 10)  
Close background: good picture (p. 10)  
Fondo distante: demasiado oscuro (p. 32) Fondo cercano: buena fotografía (p. 32)  
As with any battery-operated equipm ent, observe  
these basic safety precautions:  
Th e c a m e ra  
The cam era  
The control panel  
Us in g t h e c a m e ra  
Open the cam era  
Check the control panel  
Load the film  
Position your subject  
Take the picture  
To rem ove an em pty film pack  
Fe a t u re s  
The autofocus system  
The viewfinder displays  
The program m ed flash  
The recharge indicator  
Flash range  
The exposure control  
The self-tim er  
Photographing through glass  
Gu id e t o b e t t e r p ic t u re s  
Lens care  
Picture care  
Film care  
For inform ation and help  
Troubleshooting guide  
Picture-taking tips  
Cam era, film specifications  
The cam era  
Th e c a m e ra  
So n a r ra n g e fi n d e r  
Ha n d s t ra p (adjustable)  
(sends out sound waves  
to m easure the distance  
to your subject).  
Re le a s e la t ch (opens  
and closes the cam era).  
View fi n d e r  
Film d o o r re le a s e  
Film d o o r  
Ne ck s t ra p c o n n e c t o r  
(see attachm ent instruc-  
tions that com e with  
neck strap).  
Film exit s lo t  
P h o t o c e ll-s ilic o n p h o t o -  
d io d e s (m easures light  
from the scene and light  
from the flash, indoors  
and outdoors).  
Trip o d s o cke t (under-  
neath the cam era).  
Tw o -s t a g e s h u tt e r b u t -  
t o n (press halfway to  
restore the green light;  
press the rest of the way  
to take the picture.To  
delay ejecting the pic-  
ture, hold the shutter  
button down).  
Film s h a d e (protects the  
picture from light as it  
exits the cam era).  
Pro g ra m m e d fl a s h  
Se lf-t im e r in d ic a t o r  
Pa t e n t e d Qu in t ic le n s  
(three elem ent, 125m m  
lens system .)Ten-zone  
focusing from 2 feet  
(0.6m ) to infinity.  
The cam era  
Th e c o n t ro l p a n e l  
Fe e t o r m e t e rs s e le c -  
t o r (slide it down using  
the tip of a ball-point  
pen, and the distance  
reading in the view-  
Pro g ra m m e d fl a s h  
(slide the switch down to  
turn off the flash).  
Exp o s u re c o n t ro l  
(adjust it to lighten or  
darken a picture).  
finder will be in m eters).  
Au d io s ig n a l s w it ch  
(slide it down when you  
want to turn off the  
warning tone, beeps, or  
chim es).  
Ra p id -re ch a rg e in d ic a -  
t o r: Green /;gM (m eans  
the flash is ready to fire  
and you can take a pic-  
Se lf-t im e r s w it ch (slide  
it down to get into your  
P ic t u re c o u n t e r (counts  
down to show how  
m any pictures are left in  
the film pack).  
So n a r a u t o fo c u s ove r-  
rid e (slide the switch  
down to turn off the  
autofocus system ).  
Using the cam era  
Op e n t h e c a m e ra  
Place both hands under the cam era as shown. Slide the  
(pictures 3, 4)  
release latch back.The cam era will open autom atically.  
To close the cam era (picture 4): When you have finished  
using the cam era, close it to protect the lens. Hold the  
cam era as shown. Slide the release latch back. Push both  
sides of the cover down until it locks.  
Ch e ck t h e  
When you want the cam era to be fully autom atic, be sure  
c o n t ro l p a n e l  
all the switches are in a row as shown in picture 2.  
Note: When the switches are not in the autom atic m ode,  
there is a red m ark (or green sym bol for the self-tim er) vis-  
ible on the panel.  
Lo a d t h e fi lm  
(pictures 5, 6)  
Use only Polaroid Spectra color film . Other Polaroid film s  
cannot be used with this cam era.  
Push the film door release dow n.The film door will open.  
Hold the film pack by its edges only and slide it all the way  
into the cam era.  
Po s it io n yo u r  
s u b je c t  
You can take the m ost pleasing pictures of people, both  
indoors and outdoors, when they are 3 to 5 feet (0.9m to  
1.5m ) away.  
Indoors:Your subject should be within the 2 to 15 foot (0.6m  
to 4.6m ) flash range. For best results, your subject should  
also be near a light-colored background.  
Outdoors:Your subject should be at least 2 feet (0.6m ) away  
from the cam era.  
Using the cam era  
Ta ke t h e p ic t u re  
Slide your left hand through the hand strap and hold  
the cam era as you would a pair of binoculars.  
(pictures 7, 8)  
For horizontal pictures, hold the cam era as shown in  
picture 7. For vertical pictures, position the cam era with  
the flash on top as shown in picture 8 to get the best  
To re m ove a n e m p t y  
fi lm p a ck  
(pictures 5 & 9)  
After you take the tenth picture, the picture counter  
sets to zero and three chim es sound to rem ind you to  
rem ove the em pty film pack.  
Push the film door release dow n to open the film door.  
Pull the blue tab to rem ove the film pack.  
When the cam era contains an em pty film pack:  
You wilI hear three chim es when you open the cam era  
You will hear three chim es and then see a flashing zero  
in the viewfinder when you press and hold the shutter  
button h a lfw ay  
Th e a u t o fo c u s s ys t e m  
As you press the shutter button, your cam era sends  
sound waves - within 10 thousandths of a second - to the  
central part of the scene (approxim ate area circled in  
white, see illustration).  
The sound waves are used to m easure the distance to  
the person or object (in the central part of the scene) that  
is closest to the cam era.  
A built-in com puter then uses this m easurem ent to pro-  
vide the correct lens setting, so be sure that:  
The sound waves m ust have a clear path to your subject. If  
an object (candlestick, centerpiece, etc.1 prevents the  
sound waves from reaching your subject, the lens will  
focus on that object, and your subject will not be clear  
and in focus.  
When photographing m ore than one person, place  
everyone the sam e distance from the cam era.  
When taking a picture through glass, turn off the auto-  
focus system .  
Th e view fi n d e r d is p lays  
When you have a film pack in the cam era and press the  
shutter button halfway, a display appears in the viewfinder  
to help you take the best possible picture.  
When you see a num ber in the view finder, it tells you the  
distance to your subject (in feet or m eters).This num ber  
will help you follow the distance recom m endations  
throughout this book.  
When you see a green “good picture” sym bol, the condi-  
tions are right for taking a good picture. Press the shutter  
button the rest of the way.  
The good picture sym bol  
When you see a flashing yellow “caution” sym bol and hear a  
warning tone, you should correct a problem before taking  
the picture.The distance reading will help you identify the  
problem . When you see:  
The num ber 1:Your subject is too close. Release the shutter  
button and stand at least 2 feet (.6m ) from subject.  
A num ber from 16 to 20:Your subject is beyond the flash  
range. Release the shutter button and m ove closer to your  
subject to keep within the 2 to 15 foot (0.6m to 4.6m ) flash  
A num ber from 2 to 15:The flash is off.  
Slide the flash switch up to turn the flash  
back on.  
Note: Distance readings do not appear when your subject  
is beyond 20 feet (6.2m ).  
Th e p ro g ra m m e d fl a s h  
(pictures 10, 11)  
Every tim e you take a picture, indoors or outdoors, your  
cam era blends light from the scene with just enough  
flash to provide the right lighting for the best possible  
In the sam ple outdoor scene, photographed w ithout  
flash (picture 10), bright sunlight has created harsh facial  
Your cam era blends sunlight with just the right am ount  
of flash to soften shadows and reveal facial details (pic-  
ture 11).  
Th e re ch a rg e  
in d ic a t o r  
The Polaroid Spectra features a rapid recharge flash with  
recharge tim es usually less than a second.The green  
light on the control panel will com e on and the flash will  
autom atically begin to charge every tim e you:  
Load film into the cam era  
Take a picture  
Press the shutter button halfway  
Open the cam era  
When the green light com es on, the flash is ready to fire.  
The light will stay on for 20 to 30 seconds.  
If you want to take a picture after the green light has  
gone off, lightly press and release the shutter button to  
turn the green light back on.  
Fla s h ra n g e  
Indoors: Your subject should be 2 to 15 feet (0.6m  
to 4.6m ) from the cam era.  
Outdoors:Your subject should be at least 2 feet  
(0.6m ) away.  
Th e exp o s u re c o n t ro l  
Use the picture control when you want to retake a  
picture to m ake it lighter or darker.  
When retaking a picture to m ake it lighter:  
Slide the control all the way up (a).  
When retaking a picture to m ake it darker:  
Slide the control all the way dow n (b).  
Any partial adjustm ents will not affect your exposure.  
The control m ust be adjusted all the way in either  
After you have finished taking the picture, do not forget  
to return the control to the norm al position (c).  
b darken  
S p e c ia l s it u a t io n s  
Pictures taken of people in highly reflective beach or  
snow scenes often turn out too dark.You m ay want to  
set the control all the way up to the lighten setting (a)  
before taking this type of picture.  
c center  
10 Features  
Ba ck g ro u n d s t o o d a rk ?  
(pictures 12, 13)  
If the background of a flash picture is too dark but your  
subject is well illum inated (picture 12), the background is  
too far away.  
Moving the control to the lighten setting will not correct  
this problem , so be sure the exposure control is in the  
norm al position.  
Retake the picture, placing your subject near a background  
and keeping both within the 2 to 15 foot (0.6m to 4.6m )  
flash range (picture 13).  
Features 11  
Th e s e lf-t im e r  
The self-tim er lets you get into your picture.  
To use this feature, place the cam era on a tripod or other  
steady support. If you attach the cam era to a table tripod,  
be sure the cam era is positioned over one of the tripods  
legs for proper support.  
Fram e your picture in the viewfinder and press the shutter  
button halfway to be sure you get the green “good pic-  
ture” sym bol.Then release the shutter button.  
Slide the self-tim er switch all the way dow n (a).You now  
have 12 seconds to get into your picture.  
During the first 10 seconds, the cam era will beep and you  
will see a flashing red light (b) on the front of the cam era.  
Two seconds before the cam era takes the picture, the red  
light will stay on and the beeps will becom e a steady sig-  
nal to rem ind you to hold still and sm ile.  
After the cam era has taken the picture, it will not eject the  
film until you slide the self-tim er switch up (c). Do not  
close the cam era before you slide the switch up.  
If you want to stop the 12-second countdown, slide the  
switch up (c) to turn off the tim er.  
Note: When the self-tim er switch is on there is a green cir-  
cle visible in the control panel.  
12 Features  
P h o t o g ra p h in g t h ro u g h g la s s  
To avoid focusing on the glass and getting a flash  
reflection, turn off the autofocus and flash system s by  
sliding both switches dow n, as shown (a, b).  
When you turn off the autofocus system , the lens sets  
for distant scenes (15 feet (4.6m ) to infinity), requiring  
the picture to be taken in a special way:  
Be sure the scene is at least 15 feet (4.6m ) from the  
cam era and in daylight.  
Fram e the picture in the viewfinder and press the  
shutter button halfway (you will not see a distance  
reading because the autofocus system is off).  
When you see the green “good picture” sym bol, take  
the picture.  
If you see the flashing yellow “caution” sym bol and  
hear a warning tone, there is not enough light to take a  
good picture.  
Im portant  
When you have finished taking the picture, turn on the  
autofocus and flash system s by sliding both switches  
up (c, d).  
Guide to better pictures  
Le n s c a re  
It is im portant to avoid touching the lens.To rem ove dust  
or fingerprints, breathe on the lens and wipe it gently  
with a clean, soft facial tissue. Do not use silicone-treated  
eyeglass tissues.  
P ic t u re c a re  
The developm ent process takes place inside the film ;  
therefore, developing Spectra pictures can be stacked.  
During the first 60 seconds of developm ent, handle the  
picture gently. Fanning or bending the picture will disturb  
the developm ent process. Wind can also affect develop-  
m ent as the picture exits the cam era.You can delay eject-  
ing the picture by holding the shutter button down until  
you can protect the picture from the wind. Hold the devel-  
oping picture by its wide white border.  
Note: Keep the developing picture away from hot sur-  
faces like the hood of a car.  
Film c a re  
For best results, use Spectra film between 55°F (13°C) and  
95°F (35°C). See film box for m ore details.  
14 Guide to better pictures  
Fo r in fo rm a t io n a n d h e lp  
If you are unable to get good pictures, review this instruc-  
tion book. Picture problem s are often due to incorrect use  
of the cam era. lf you need further help, and before you  
return your cam era for repair, please see your dealer or  
contact the nearest Polaroid office. If you write, please  
explain the nature of the problem and, if possible, enclose  
sam ple pictures. Include your return address.  
U.S .A.  
Polaroid Custom er Care Center  
201 Burlington Road  
Bedford, Massachusetts 01731  
Representatives available weekdays  
from 8 a.m . to 8 p.m ., Eastern tim e:  
Te l: 1-8 0 0 -3 4 3 -5 0 0 0 TDD: 1-8 0 0 -4 4 8 -6 7 0 8  
Mé xic o  
Polaroid de México  
Paseo de la Reform a No. 195  
Col. Cuahtém oc  
06500 Mexico, D.F.  
Te l: (0 5 ) 7 0 3 -1111  
Ca n a d a  
Polaroid Canada, Inc.  
350 Carlingview Drive  
Rexdale, Ontario M9W 5G6  
Te l: (4 16 ) 6 7 5 -3 6 8 0  
To ll fre e : 8 0 0 -2 6 8 -6 9 7 0  
Guide to better pictures 15  
Wa rra n t y  
U.S .A.: Fu ll fi ve -ye a r  
Mexic o : Fu ll fi ve -ye a r  
If your cam era proves to be defective within the warranty  
period, we will, without charge, either repair it or at  
our option replace it with a fully reconditioned cam era.  
The warranty period begins from the original date of  
purchase. To verify the warranty period, you should  
keep the sales slip or other proof of the purchase date.  
Without this inform ation, the warranty period will be  
determ ined by the m anufacturing date on the cam era.  
The repair or replacem ent of your cam era is guaranteed  
for the rem aining warranty period on your original  
cam era.The warranty does not cover dam age caused  
by accident, m isuse, or tam pering with the cam era,  
and a charge will be m ade for such repairs.  
For warranty service, the cam era m ust be returned to  
and repaired by a Polaroid Service Center (see page 14).  
Please call us at the num ber listed for your location.  
U.S.A.: Full five-year warranty  
Mexico: Full five-year warranty (see p. 37)  
U.S.A.:This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and  
you m ay also have other rights, w hich vary from state  
to state.This warranty excludes all consequential dam -  
ages. Som e states do not allow the exclusion of conse-  
quential dam ages, so the foregoing exclusion m ay not  
apply to you.  
16 Guide to better pictures  
Blu rry p ic t u re  
Ca u s e  
So lu t io n  
When subject is not cen-  
tered in the picture, the  
sound waves pass by the  
subject and m easure the  
distance to the back-  
Center the subject in the  
picture. Or, if you want to  
keep your subject off cen-  
ter, fram e your subject in  
the m iddle of the view-  
finder. Press and hold the  
shutter button halfway to  
lock in the correct lens set-  
ting.Then refram e your  
subject off center and press  
the shutter button the rest  
of the way.  
ground.This causes the  
subject to be unsharp  
because the lens focuses  
on the background.  
Object in foreground pre-  
vented sound waves from  
m easuring correctly. Lens  
focuses on object, causing  
unclear and possibly dark  
The sound waves travel to  
the central part of the  
scene. Be sure there are no  
objects in front of your  
Hold the cam era steady as  
you take the picture, or  
place the cam era on a firm  
When picture is taken in  
low light (dusk, shade, etc.)  
shutter can stay open for as  
long as 2.8 seconds. Cam -  
era m ovem ent can cause  
the picture to be blurry.  
Guide to better pictures 17  
Re p e a t e d s p o t s o r  
b a r p a tt e rn  
Ca u s e  
So lu t io n  
Developer rollers inside the Open film door in indirect  
film door need to be  
light (do not rem ove film ).  
While turning rollers, clean  
them with a lint-free cloth  
dam pened with water.  
Da m a g e d p ic t u re  
Ca u s e  
So lu t io n  
Picture was shaken back  
and forth or bent shortly  
after it ejected from the  
cam era.  
During first 60 seconds of  
developm ent, handle print  
gently; hold it only by its  
wide white border, and do  
not wave or bend it.  
Picture was left in the exit  
slot, and cam era was set  
down on a table or other  
Rem ove print from exit slot  
as soon as it ejects.  
18 Guide to better pictures  
S u b je c t t o o d a rk  
Ca u s e  
So lu t io n  
Cam eras photocell m ea-  
sured the bright window  
light, causing the subject to  
be too dark.  
Reposition subject away  
from the bright back-  
Move the source of light to  
one side of your subject so  
it is not in the central part  
of the scene.  
When a bright source of  
light (lam plight, candle-  
light, etc.) is in the central  
part of the scene and in  
front of the subject, the  
cam eras photocell will  
m easure the bright light,  
causing the subject to be  
too dark.  
Ba ck g ro u n d t o o d a rk  
Ca u s e  
So lu t io n  
Background was too far  
from subject.  
Place subject near a back-  
ground and keep the pic-  
ture control in the norm al  
Subject m ay have been  
beyond flash range.  
Stay within flash range of  
2 to 15 feet (0.6m to 4.6m ),  
and keep the picture con-  
trol in the norm al position.  
Guide to better pictures 19  
P ic t u re t o o b lu e  
o r t o o re d /ye llow  
Ca u s e  
So lu t io n  
Pictures taken at tem per-  
atures below 55°F (13°C)  
can have a blue tint.  
In cold weather, keep cam -  
era and film as warm as  
possible. Im m ediately  
place developing picture in  
a warm pocket for at least a  
m inute, being careful not  
to bend it.  
Avoid storing cam era and  
film in hot places, such as  
glove or luggage com part-  
m ents of a car, or near a  
heat source, such as a  
Pictures taken at tem per-  
atures above 95°F (35°C)  
can have a red or yellow  
20 Guide to better pictures  
P ic t u re -t a k in g t ip s  
Co lo r  
(pictures 14, 17)  
Vibrant, bold colors are vividly reproduced on Spectra  
film (picture 14). Look for color when fram ing the scene  
in the viewfinder. Colorful props such as toys or flowers  
can add interest to the scene.  
Dis t a n c e  
You can take the m ost pleasing pictures of people  
when they are 3 to 5 feet (0.9m to 1.5m ) from the cam era  
(picture 15). Backgrounds becom e less distracting and  
attention focuses on your subjects.  
Ba ck g ro u n d  
Indoors, try to have a light-colored background.  
Outdoors, keep the background sim ple (picture 16).  
Co m p o s it io n  
When photographing landscapes, include som ething in  
the foreground to establish a feeling of depth or dim ension  
(picture 17).  
Guide to better pictures 21  
Ca m e ra , fi lm  
s p e c ifi c a t io n s  
Ap e rt u re /s h u tt e r s ys t e m s p e c i- P h o t o c e ll  
fi c a t io n s  
Dual-filter, silicon photodiodes.  
Green filtered cell m easures vis-  
ible light; black filtered cell m ea-  
sures infrared light for better  
indoor flash exposures.  
Apertures: from f/10 to f/45.  
Shutter speeds: from 1/245 to  
2.8 seconds.  
Ca m e ra b o d y s ize  
Length: 6.82 inches (17.3cm )  
Width: 5.46 inches (13.87cm )  
Height: 3.07 inches (7.78cm )  
Pow e r s o u rc e  
A fresh, 6-volt battery in each  
film pack powers all cam era  
Ca m e ra w e ig h t  
1 lb. 12 1/2 oz. (.8kg approx.),  
without a film pack.  
Pro g ra m m e d fl a s h  
Built-in fill flash designed to be  
used indoors and outdoors.  
Recharge tim e: from .1 to 2.8  
seconds. Flash duration: from 1/  
3000 to 1/20,000 of a second.  
Indoor flash range: from 2 to 15  
feet (0.6m to 4.6m ).  
Film a d va n c e  
Autom atic film advance; m otor-  
ized picture ejection.  
Film s ize  
Outer border: 4 x 4.06 inches  
(10.1 x 10.3cm )  
Im age area: 3.60 x 2.90 inches  
(9.1 x 7.2cm )  
So n a r a u t o fo c u s s ys t e m  
Com puterized autofocus sys-  
tem uses sound waves to m ea-  
sure accurately the distance to  
your subject and set the lens.  
Sonar ranging tim e: from 10 to  
50 thousandths of a second.  
Film s p e e d  
IS0 600/29° (approx.)  
Film t yp e  
Polaroid Spectra color film only.  
Starts developing in seconds.  
Ten pictures per pack.  
View fi n d e r  
100% viewing (no parallax) at 6  
feet (1.8m I - a popular picture-  
taking distance. Six lenses, two  
prism s, and four m irrors pro-  
vide sharp, clear viewing. View-  
finder m agnifications: .5x  
Le n s  
Patented Quintic, three ele-  
m ent, 125m m lens system .  
Ten-zone focusing from 2 feet  
(0.6m ) to infinity.  
(subjects appear half lifesize).  
22 Guide to better pictures  
“Polaroid “ and/y “Spectra”® Printed in Great Britain/Im reso en Gran Bretaña  
OPN7249A 11/94 English/Español  

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