Crestron electronic Crestron C2N CAMIDJ User Manual

Cam era Control overview  
Video cameras are an integral part of today’s AV and  
automation system designs, supporting videoconferencing,  
broadcast, AV presentation, observation, surveillance, and  
documentation purposes in boardrooms, courtrooms,  
council chambers, residences, operating rooms, focus  
group rooms, and houses of worship. Crestron delivers  
high-performance products and solutions to streamline the  
integration of today’s generation of professional cameras  
as part of any complete system.  
Crestron’s family of camera control products takes full  
advantage of the steadfast Cresnet® control network to  
support up to 252 pan/tilt heads, camera controllers, and  
other devices, all under the command of a 2-Series control  
system. Ethernet connectivity solutions are offered as  
well to enable control over existing infrastructure from any  
remote distance. User interface options are virtually unlimited,  
including intuitive and reliable joystick control and extending to  
color video touchpanels and Crestron’s advanced IP-based  
e-Control®2 XPanel control solutions.  
Typical M ulti Cam era Application  
C a m e r a C o n t r o lle r  
Digital Joystick Cam era Controller C 2 N -C A M ID J  
C o n n e c t o r s  
NET: 4-pin 5m m detachable term inal block  
Cresnet slave port, connects to Cresnet control netw ork  
P o w e r R e q u ir e m e n t s  
Cresnet Pow er Usag e: 4 Watts (0.17 Am ps @ 24 Volts DC)  
En v ir o n m e n t a l  
Tem perature: 41° to 113°F (5° to 45°C)  
H um idity: 10% to 90% RH (non-condensing)  
En c lo s u r e  
Black/silver m etal, tabletop consolette w ith integral w rist-rest  
D im e n s io n s  
H eig ht: 5.33 in (13.54 cm )  
W idth: 9.44 in (23.98 cm )  
Depth: 7.71 in (19.58 cm )  
W e ig h t  
3.2 lbs (4.5 kg)  
435 | 800.237.2041 | 201.767.3400  
© 2007 Specifications subject to change without notice  
P a n /Tilt H e a d  
C 2 N -C A M ID SPT Digital Servo Pan/Tilt Head  
C r e s n e t® N e tw o r k C o n tr o lDesigned for use w ith the  
2-Series control system , the C2N-CAM IDSPT takes full  
advantage of the steadfast Cresnet control netw ork to  
support up to 252 pan/tilt heads, cam era controllers,  
touchpanels, and other devices. Up to 100 user presets  
are stored directly onboard the pan/tilt head, significantly  
reducing netw ork traffic by m inim izing the need for reporting  
position data to the control system . Ethernet connectivity  
is easily attained through the control system , enabling full  
control over existing infrastructure from any rem ote distance.  
Digital Servo Technology  
Ultra fast, quiet, and precise pan/tilt operation  
Bidirectional RS-232 and analog lens control ports  
Supports camera/lens combinations up to 15 lbs.  
100 onboard user presets  
The C2N-CAM IDSPT is a state-of-the-art cam era pan/tilt  
head offering ultra fast, quiet and precise cam era and lens  
control for videoconferencing, recording, distance learning,  
in-house television, and live video applications. The com pact  
device supports a vast range of popular cam eras and lenses  
w eighing up to 15 lbs (6.8 kg). Full control of the pan/tilt  
m ovem ent, plus cam era and lens functions, can be provided  
using the C2N-CAM IDJ Digital Joystick Controller or any  
Crestron touchpanel or rem ote.  
Cresnet network communication  
P e r f o r m a n c e  
Pan Travel: ±177° using soft stops; ±170° using hard stops  
Tilt Travel: ±90° using soft or hard stops  
Pan Speed: 60 degrees per second m axim um  
Tilt Speed: 60 degrees per second m axim um  
Repeatability: ±3 arc m inutes  
W eig ht Capac ity: 15 lbs (6.8 kg) m axim um (properly  
balanced load)  
Presets: 100 stored locally; unlim ited via Cresnet  
D ig ita l Se r vo Te c h n o lo g yWith pan and tilt speeds of  
60 degrees per second, the C2N-CAM IDSPT offers the  
fastest perform ance in its league. Pulse-w idth m odulation  
and digital servo technology deliver quick, sm ooth response  
w ith rem arkably quiet operation. Nearly 360 degrees of pan  
and 180 degrees of tilt travel provide essentially lim itless  
m ovem ent w ith extrem ely precise positioning achieved using  
digital optical encoders instead of analog potentiom eters.  
Adjustable hard stops on both pan and tilt axes can be set  
to lim it m ovem ent and prevent potential dam age to the  
cam era and lens. Setup is m ade easy using the built-in  
5-w ay m ini joystick to provide local position and lens control.  
C o n n e c t o r s  
LEN S: (1) DB15HD fem ale  
Output Voltages: ±12V, ±8V, or ±6V m otor; 2.5/7.5V servo  
Provides zoom , focus, and iris control plus additional lens functions  
RS-2 3 2 : (1) DB9 m ale  
Bidirectional RS-232 port for device control and firm w are upload  
Up to 38.4K baud, hardw are handshaking support  
NET: (1) 4-pin 5m m detachable term inal block  
Cresnet slave port, connects to Cresnet control netw ork  
Le n s Pe r s o n a lity M o d u le s —External plug-in personality  
m odules define the C2N-CAM IDSPT’s lens configuration,  
w ith m odules provided for 6, 8, and 12 Volt m otorized lenses  
as w ell as 2.5 to 7.5 Volt servom otor lenses. Both “position”  
and “speed” m odes are available for controlling servom otor  
lenses, allow ing im m ediate m ovem ent to a specified position  
as w ell as sm ooth variable speed control. Lenses equipped  
w ith potentiom eter feedback are also supported, and a fully  
program m able RS-232 port is built in to provide bidirectional  
com m unication for control of serial-controllable cam eras and  
double hot shoe type lenses.  
C o n t r o ls  
M IN I JOYSTICK: (1) 5-w ay m iniature button/joystick for local  
position and lens control  
SETUP: Used for touch-settable ID (TSID)  
L ED In d ic a t o r s  
PW R: (green) Indicates 24 Volts DC pow er supplied from Cresnet  
control netw ork  
NET: (yellow ) Indicates com m unication w ith Cresnet system  
SETUP: (red) Indicates TSID or dow nload in progress  
436 | 800.237.2041 | 201.767.3400  
© 2007 Specifications subject to change without notice  
P a n /Tilt H e a d  
Digital Servo Pan/Tilt Head C 2 N -C A M ID SPT  
P o w e r R e q u ir e m e n t s  
Cresnet Pow er Usag e: 60 Watts (2.5 Am ps @ 24 Volts DC)  
Requires dedicated CNPWS-75 or dedicated channel of  
C2N-SPWS300, both sold separately  
En v ir o n m e n t a l  
Tem perature: 41° to 104°F (5° to 40°C)  
H um idity: 10% to 90% RH (non-condensing)  
En c lo s u r e  
Wall or ceiling m ount installation (cam era bracket included; w all and  
ceiling m ounts sold separately)  
D im e n s io n s  
H eig ht: 6.52 in (16.56 cm )  
W idth: 5.52 in (14.02 cm )  
Depth: 5.49 in (13.94 cm )  
(Dim ensions do not include cam era or cam era bracket)  
W e ig h t  
12.0 lbs (5.44 kg)  
C2 N -CAM I-W M T  
CN PW S-75  
C2 N -SPW S3 0 0  
Wall Mount  
Custom Serial Interface Cable  
75 Watt Cresnet Power Supply  
300 Watt Cresnet Power Supply  
C2 N -CAM I-W M T  
Ceiling Mount  
437 | 800.237.2041 | 201.767.3400  
© 2007 Specifications subject to change without notice  
A c c e s s o r ie s  
C 2 N -C A M I-W M T W a ll M o u n t fo r C 2 N -C A M ID SPT  
The C2N-CAM I-WM T is a w all m ount accessory  
for the C2N-CAM IDSPT Digital Servo Pan/Tilt Head.  
Designed for installation to any secure vertical  
surface, the C2N-CAM I-WM T is constructed of steel  
and finished in black w ith an overall length of 19.75  
inches (50.17 cm ) to provide adequate support and  
clearance for m ost cam era/lens com binations. The  
m axim um load rating is 40 pounds (88 kg).  
C 2 N -C A M I-C M T C e ilin g M o u n t fo r C 2 N -C A M ID SPT  
The C2N-CAM I-CM T is a ceiling m ount accessory  
for the C2N-CAM IDSPT Digital Servo Pan/Tilt Head.  
Designed for installation to any secure horizontal  
surface, the C2N-CAM I-CM T is constructed of steel  
and finished in black w ith a height of 8.0 inches  
(20.32 cm ) to provide adequate clearance and  
easy positioning to accom m odate m ost cam era/  
lens com binations. The m axim um load rating is  
40 pounds (88 kg).  
438 | 800.237.2041 | 201.767.3400  
© 2007 Specifications subject to change without notice  

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