Form No. 4002
(Rev. 7/08)
Boiler Accessories
Improved performance and
longevity for commercial
and industrial boilers
Since 1916
operating cost by re-using condensate
Compact Boiler Feed Systems
Capacities from 20 to 80 boiler HP
15 through 150 PSI boilers
The Bryan compact boiler feed system requires a min-
imal amount of boiler room space while providing
many of the same rugged features as competitive
stand-mounted feed systems.
• Atmospheric tank built from heavy ¼" minimum
steel thickness
• Tank sizes from 20 to 80 gallons
• Factory packaged for ease of installation
• Packages based on 1 gallon storage per
1 BHP minimum
• Available with simplex and duplex
pump packages
• Top mounted pumps for ease of maintenance
and replacement
• TEFC pump motors are standard
Model CFS-100-80-80-D
• All units designed to fit through standard
36" doorway
Horizontal Transfer Systems
Capacities to 1000 boiler HP
15 through 250 PSI boilers
The Bryan horizontal transfer system is also used as a
boiler feed system when dished heads are preferred or
more than 500 gallons is needed for storage.
• Atmospheric tank with dished heads
• Tank sizes from 60-1000 gallons
standard. Larger sizes available upon request.
• Factory packaged for ease of installation
• Packages based on 1 gallon storage per
1 BHP minimum
• Available with multiple pumps and different
electrical packages
• Various pump manufacturers available
mounted and wired
• TEFC pump motors and NEMA 12
enclosures are standard
• Heavy duty stand with pump platform
• Integral steam preheater optional
Model HTS-150-100-100-D
Reduce costs/improve efficie
Why deaerate
boiler feedwater?
There are many advantages to deaerating water prior
to boiler input, but they all boil down to reduced cost
Spray Type and Tray
Type Deaerator Features
• Constructed and Stamped to ASME
Section VIII, Division 1 for 50 psig
• Water is heated during deaeration to near the
temperature of the boiler water, thus minimizing the
risk of thermal shock damage to a high value
boiler system.
• The deaerating process removes noncondensible
gases (oxygen and carbon-dioxide) which tend
to act as insulators inhibiting the transfer of heat
within the boiler.
• Removal of corrosive oxygen and carbon-dioxide
controls corrosion within the boiler and piping,
extending the life expectancy of the system and
reducing maintenance cost.
• 1/16" corrosion allowance
• Easily accessible manway
• 10 minutes of deaerated water
storage to overflow
• All internal surfaces that contact
undeaerated water are constructed
of stainless steel
• 2-stage deaeration
• Structural steel stand/pump platform
• Available as completely packaged
unit including pumps and control
• Higher temperature feedwater reduces the drop in
boiler operating pressure which can occur when
cold water is added.
• Recycling of steam from vents and flash steam from
traps that would otherwise be vented to the atmos-
phere can result in appreciable energy savings.
• Mechanical deaeration by a feedwater deaerator can
cut the amount of chemical consumables used for
water conditioning for a continuing operating
cost saving.
Spray Type Deaerator
Capacities from 5,000 pph - 60,000 pph
Bryan spray-scrubber type deaerators offer a competi-
tive alternative for feedwater deaeration. The initial
investment is lower, yet they offer comparable results,
particularly where wide or rapid fluctuations in load are
not anticipated. The spray type deaerator may also be
advantageous in situations where headroom in the
boiler room is restricted.
The Bryan spray type deaerator is rated for oxygen
removal to .005cc/l (7 PPB) and CO2 to zero measurable
across its entire operating range. With its all stainless
steel spring loaded spray valve and second stage steam
scrubber, the spray type deaerator is a good choice for
most deaerator applications.
Model DSH-150-5-2-2
Units are available with a complete range of boiler feed-
pumps and control options making them a total deaera-
tor package with minimal amount of field assembly.
ency by pre-heating/deaerating boiler feed water
Tray Type Deaerator
Capacities from 5,000 pph - 300,000 pph
and beyond
The Bryan tray type deaerator is unsurpassed in per-
formance and reliability. These units are ASME Code
pressurized units, and are guaranteed to deliver deaer-
ated water at a maximum oxygen content of .005cc/l
(7 PPB) and zero measurable CO2. All internal surfaces
that come in contact with undeaerated water are con-
structed of type 304L stainless steel for long life and
low maintenance. Residence time for undeaerated
water inside a tray type deaerator is longer, providing
more efficient deaeration, particularly where wide load
swings occur. A large diameter hinged door affords easy
access to internal trays. Spray tubes are accessible from
outside of the vessel for maintenance and replacement.
A complete line of boiler feedpump and control pack-
ages is available making the Bryan tray deaerator a
completely packaged unit ready for installation
with the minimum amount of field assembly.
Model DTA-150-300-60-4
The Bryan “Low Profile”
tray type deaerator is the
industry leader in com-
pact, space saving
Model DTV-150-5-1-2
design. This series packs
all of the same high per-
formance design features
as other Bryan tray type
deaerators. The combi-
nation of the Bryan tray
type deaerator and the
industry’s first true 1'
Model LDTV-150-5-1-1
NPSH pump has resulted
in a true space saving
unit. The overall height
saved is unparalleled.
For efficient separation
Blowdown Separator
For new installations or retrofitting to existing boilers,
Bryan Blowdown Separator vents off pressure from
blowdown water and tempers it to an acceptable level
before draining to the outside. Dry steam vents to the
atmosphere. Stainless steel wear plate protects inlet
connection. Large vent connection insures quiet
operation. Constructed and stamped to ASME code
Sect. VIII for 150 psig. Standard sizes for boilers up to
250 psi, models for higher pressures available.
Model BDS-1630-D34-AC3
Blowdown Tank
The tanks are designed to hold
one boiler blowdown and they
meet stringent New Jersey and
National Board standards.
Stainless steel wear plate pro-
tects inlet connection. Large
vent connection assures quiet
operation. Constructed and
stamped to ASME code Sect. VIII
for 50 psig. Wide range of stan-
dard sizes for boilers up to 200
psig. Models for higher pressures
An optional
aftercooler with automatic
temperature regulating
valve can be used to
automatically cool blow-
down water entering the
drain to prevent release
of thermal pollution.
Model BDT-2447-50-D34
Softener Systems
Capacities to 100 gpm
The Bryan boiler feedwater softener uses the Kinetico®
non-electric control valve for efficient, low cost opera-
tion. The patented control valve is hydraulically driven
and eliminates the need for electric power or compo-
nents. Water pressure runs the system. As water pass-
es through, a metering device counts the number of
gallons of water that have been processed. The valve
initiates regeneration after the predetermined amount
of water has been treated.
The system comes standard with two media tanks.
When one tank is exhausted, the other comes on-line to
ensure an uninterrupted supply of conditioned water.
The exhausted tank regenerates while off-line to provide
an unlimited supply of clean, soft water. This configura-
tion uses soft water for the complete regeneration
process to substantially improve system efficiency and
water quality.
Model BKS-2000-2-1
®Kinetico is a registered trademark of Kinetico Incorporated.
of steam and water
Automatic Blowdown System
All boilers require proper care and maintenance to
assure optimal performance. In particular, steam boilers
will operate more efficiently if serviced by a surface or
bottom blowdown system. Bryan Steam can provide
these systems in either manual or automatic designs. A
regular blowdown procedure to remove accumulated
sludge will extend the life and performance of your boil-
er. A Bryan system will assure that your boiler has regu-
lar blowdown on a preset schedule.
Model ASBD-1
Steam Exhaust Head
Overflow Trap
Size ranges from 2" - 6"
Size ranges from 1" - 24"
Model HT-6
Overflow traps are primarily
The Bryan exhaust head
gives three levels of pro-
tection against oil and
water pollution: first, an
expansion chamber; sec-
ond, an impingement
cone; and third, a catch
trough and drain. What
one misses, another gets,
resulting in oil-free, water-
used on pressurized deaer-
ators in order to keep the
pressure in the deaerator,
but to also overflow water
to a drain if the deaerator
becomes flooded. Bryan
overflow trap bodies are
constructed of cast iron.
Inside the body, a double-seated brass valve is
automatically operated by a stainless steel ball float.
Model HEH-2
free exhaust steam.
Water Treatment
All boilers require proper
care and maintenance to
maintain optimal per-
formance. In particular,
steam boilers will operate
more efficiently if serv-
iced properly by chemical
feed systems, water
meters, and chemical
shot feeders. Bryan
Steam can provide all of
these enhanced boiler-
operating items.
Chemical Feed System
30 - 100 gallon capacity
Pumps 1.8 - 6 GPH
Shot Feeder
¾ - 5 gallon capacity
Up to 300 psi rating
Model BCFS-30-D
Model SF-2-HP
Bryan U-Tube
Heat Exchangers
Bryan’s U-tube heat exchangers are built to offer long life
and maximum performance in all applications, including
service water, space heating, radiation, swimming pool
heating and various process applications.
These instantaneous heaters operate with steam or
water on the shellside and water on the tubeside. Bryan
offers U-tube heat exchangers in sizes ranging from 4"
diameter to 12" diameter and lengths up to 10', in both
two and four pass designs.
Water to
Model UW-6-2-2
Steam to
Model US-8-5-2
Heat Exchanger Type
Pool Heater
All of the features and quality of the time proven Bryan
“Indirect Heaters” are now available using an existing
central boiler heating plant as the heat source. Hot
water or steam is taken from the heating main and cir-
culated thru the Exchanger shell. The pool water is
heated as it passes through the copper “Indirect” coil.
Model SH-16-32-PW
A Reputation
for Quality
Indirect Tank Heater
U-tube tank heaters are mounted in a new Bryan tank
or supplied for mounting in an existing tank.
Bryan continues to combine the advan-
tages of past experience with advanced
technology, moving into the future as the
leader in design, manufacture and appli-
cation of accessory equipment to opti-
mize performance and enhance longevity
of your boilers.
Model UT-10-10-2
This installation diagram
shows a typical application
of the tank heater installed
in the tank. Horizontal or
vertical tanks are available
with tank heater factory
Bryan Steam LLC — Leaders Since 1916
783 N. Chili Ave., Peru, Indiana 46970 U.S.A.
Fax:765-473-3074 •
Form No. 4002
©2008 Bryan Steam LLC
Printed in USA
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