X10 Wireless Technology Outdoor Timer MT12A User Manual

Model MT12A  
Mini Timer  
Owner's Manual  
X10.com, a division of X10 Wireless Technology, Inc.  
3824 North 5th St., Suite C,  
North Las Vegas, NV 89032  
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The X10 Mini Timer controls up to 8 X10 Modules automatically or instantly. You can  
have your outside lights as well as inside lights and appliances go on and off at preset  
times to give your home a lived-in look while you are away.  
You can program your Modules to go on and off at the same time every day or you can  
set your radio to wake you up “Once” only, for an early morning flight. There is even a  
“Security” Mode that automatically varies your programmed time each day so your  
home doesn’t look like it’s controlled by a timer.  
You can keep the Mini Timer by your bedside and it will wake you up on weekdays. It  
has a snooze feature so you can sleep a while longer and you can turn the alarm off on  
You can manually turn off your child’s radio or night light from your bedside. You can  
turn on ALL lights connected to Lamp Modules and Wall Switch Modules with the touch  
of a button if you hear a suspicious noise at night. You can even turn off everything in  
the system with one button.  
Before you begin  
Keep in mind that your X10 System will always turn lamps and appliances on or off the  
instant you press the buttons. That’s obvious - but there can be some unexpected  
For example, an empty coffee pot can be remotely turned on. If that should happen,  
your coffee pot may be damaged from overheating. If an electric heater is turned on by  
remote control while clothing just happens to be draped over it, a fire could result.  
Therefore, do not use with high power heating devices such as portable heaters.  
Always be aware of what appliance you are turning on or off so that potentially  
dangerous situations will not occur.  
What it does  
The Mini Timer plugs into any AC outlet in your home and you set it like a digital alarm  
clock. Channel number 1 also activates an internal buzzer so you can us it as an alarm  
clock too! You can program up to 8 X10 Modules from the Mini Timer and you also have  
instant control of 8 Modules.  
There is a handy snooze feature which lets you cancel the alarm buzzer by pressing  
any key. This will stop the buzzer and will set the alarm off again in 10 minutes. You can  
do this indefinitely.  
Advancing to a particular time (in the Prog Set/Review mode) and then pressing a  
number ON or OFF key will set an on or off time for that Module, every day. However, if  
(within 4 seconds) you press “Once” you will change that program to occur only once, if  
you press “security” you will change the program to occur at different times each day  
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How it works  
The Mini Timer plugs into any AC outlet in your home and transmits digitally encoded  
signals over your house wiring instantly or at the times you set. These signals are  
received by the X10 Modules.  
You Plug a lamp up to 300 watts into a Lamp Module, an appliance such as a radio, fan,  
or coffee pot into an Appliance Module and replace important indoor or outdoor security  
lights up to 500 watts with the Wall Switch Module (modules sold separately).  
Setting it up  
Connect the power supply to the Mini Timer and plug the power  
supply into any convenient AC outlet.  
NOTE: you must use the power supply that came with the Mini Timer.  
The power supply contains circuitry required to control your X10  
modules, so you CANNOT replace it with a regular 12V power  
Install two AA alkaline batteries in the compartment on the back, if  
desired (to protect the time and programmed events if there's a  
power outage).  
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Quick Tour  
Let’s quickly review the functions of each part of the keyboard (you can go to page 7 for  
a step by step tutorial if you prefer). Referring to the diagram below and the cutaway  
sections that follow you will see that the keyboard on the Mini Timer consists of 7 basic  
2. ON/OFF  
1. Mode  
Time Adjust Rocker  
4. Set  
5. All Units Off Button  
6. Mode Button  
7. All Lights On Button  
1. Mode Switch. This is used to select whether you want to  
set or review a timed event, change the Housecode, or  
set the clock. See page 13 to change the Housecode.  
2. ON/OFF Buttons. There are 4 sets of ON/OFF buttons.  
They let you turn Modules 1 through 4 (or 5 through 8)  
on and off instantly by pressing either the ON or OFF  
In the “Prog Set/Review” mode these button are used to  
set on and off times for the selected number (1 to 4 or 5  
to 8).  
3. Time Adjust Rocker. This is used to set the time of the  
clock and the time you want to set for each programmed  
4. Alarm. The number 1 button also sets the time for the  
internal alarm buzzer.  
5.All Units Off Button. Instantly turns Off ALL Modules including Appliance Modules.  
6. Mode Button cycles through Daily, Once, and Security Modes.  
7.All Lights On Button. Instantly turns on ALL Lamp Modules and Wall Switch  
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Quick Tour  
How to Program a timed event  
1. Place the mode switch in “Prog Set/Review” position.  
2. Advance to the desired time.  
3. Set the 1-4/5-8 switch to the desired position.  
4. Press any of the 4 ON or OFF buttons to set an On or Off time for that Module. This  
will program the Mini Timer to turn that Module on (or off) at that time every day.  
5. Advance to another time, and press another ON or OFF button as desired.  
6. Set the Mode switch back to RUN.  
Special Programming Buttons  
1. Mode button. If within 4 seconds after setting an On or Off time, you press  
the “Mode” button once or twice until Once shows in the display, you will  
modify the program to carry out your programmed event only Once and it  
will not repeat on the next day.  
Press again (within 4 seconds after setting an On or Off time) until Security  
is shown in the display, to modify the program so that your lights (or  
appliances) will go on or off at a slightly different time every day (within the  
programmed hour). With each press the display shows whether you've  
selected Once, or Security. If neither Once nor Security is displayed, the  
event happens at the same time every day.  
2. Clear Button. Pressing this (in the Prog/Review Mode) cancels the On time  
or Off time being displayed.  
3. Wakeup Switch. In the “ON” position an internal wake up buzzer will sound  
at the time programmed for Module number 1. When this sounds you can  
turn it off by pressing any button to obtain the “snooze” feature. This will  
turn the buzzer back on in 10 minutes and will do so each time you operate  
The alarm can be cancelled by moving the Buzzer switch to “OFF” and back  
to “ON” (for wake up the next morning).  
4. Selector Switch. Used to select whether you want your Mini Timer to  
instantly control Modules set to Unit Codes 1 thru 4 or 5 thru 8. You can  
move the selector switch back and forth to achieve instant control of 8 X10  
Modules. You can also move the switch during programming to select which  
modules (1-4 or 5-8) you are setting times for.  
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Setting up the Mini Timer  
Setting the clock  
Plug the Mini Timer into any convenient AC outlet. Fit two AA alkaline batteries in the  
battery compartment to protect the time and program for up to 48 hours in the event of a  
power outage. If the battery is low, dead, or not installed, the low battery indicator will  
show in the display.  
When you first plug in the Mini Timer the display will flash. It will also flash if you have  
had a power outage and have not installed two AA alkaline batteries or if the batteries  
are dead.  
1. Set the mode switch to “Clock Set.”  
2. Press the top of the “Time” rocker to advance to the correct time. A  
quick press on the rocker will advance the time by 1 minute. If you  
hold the rocker down the display will advance to the correct time  
faster. If you overshoot, you can use the bottom rocker to go back.  
Controlling X10 Modules  
Follow the steps below to make sure you can control your Modules before you program  
the Mini Timer.  
1. Install and set up all of your X10 Modules referring to the instructions included with  
them. Be sure to turn off the power at the main circuit breaker panel when  
installingWall Switch Modules.  
2. Set all of your Modules to the same Housecode as the Mini Timer (default is A).  
3. Set each Module to a Unit Code Between 1 and 8.  
4. Set the Mode Switch on the Mini Timer to the “RUN” position.  
5. To turn On a particular Module, set the selector switch to 1-4 or 5-8, then press the  
ON button corresponding to the number you set on the Module you want to control.  
6. To turn Off a particular Module, set the selector switch to 1-4 or 5-8, then press the  
OFF button corresponding to the number you set on the Module you want to control.  
The display shows On or Off next to the module number for the button you pressed.  
To turn on ALL lights connected to Lamp Modules and Wall Switch Modules (with the  
same Housecode as the Mini Timer), press the “All Lights On” button. This does not  
affect appliances.  
To turn off ALL lights AND appliances connected to any kind of X10 Module (with the  
same Housecode as the Mini Timer), including Appliance Modules, press the “All Off”  
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Setting up the Mini Timer  
Setting something to happen every day at the same time.  
After you have installed all of your Modules and checked that they are working instantly  
from the Mini Timer you are ready to program timed events.  
1. Set the Mode Switch to the “Prog Set/Review” position.  
2. Set the 1-4/5-8 switch as desired.  
3. Press the “Time” advance rocker key to advance to the desired  
on or off time. When you first press the rocker the time will  
advance by 1 minute. If you hold the top of the rocker down the  
display will “speed up” so you can get to the desired time faster.  
When you get close to the desired time, you can “tap” the rocker  
a few times to get to the exact time you want. If you overshoot,  
you can press the bottom of the rocker to go back.  
4. When you reach the desired time press the ON or OFF button  
for the Unit Code you want to program an On or Off time for.  
For example: If you advance to 12:45 PM and then press the ON button for number 2,  
you will program the Module set to Unit Code 2 to go On at 12:45 PM every day.  
If you advance to 7:00 AM and then press the OFF button for number 2, you will  
program the Module set to Unit Code 2 to go Off at 7:00 AM every day.  
You can now advance to another time and press another ON or OFF button (or the same  
button) to program another time.  
You can program a total of 64 On or Off times. These are distributed between the 8 unit  
codes (selected with the 4 ON/OFF buttons). You could for example program Module  
number 1 to go On 32 times and Off 32 times, but then that would use up all the memory  
and you wouldn't be able to program any times for any of the other 7 unit codes. Or, you  
could program modules 1 thru 8 to go On and Off 4 times each. I.E. you could program 4  
On and Off times for modules 1 thru 4, then slide the selector switch to the 5-8 position  
and program another 4 On and Off times for modules 5 thru 8.  
If you try to set an on or off time and the memory is full, the display will read FULL. To  
clear this, press the Clear button.  
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Programming ON and OFF times  
Setting a timed event to occur Once only  
If (within 4 seconds after setting an On or Off time) you press the “Mode” button once or  
twice until Once shows in the display, you will modify the program for that particular Unit  
Code to occur only Once.  
The event you have programmed will happen (at the time you have programmed) within  
the next 24 hours, and will then be automatically cleared from memory and will not  
happen again the next day.  
You can mix Once and Daily events for the same Unit Code (up to the 64 maximum  
events for all 8 unit codes). See note at bottom of previous page.  
Setting a timed event to occur in theSecuritymode  
If you advance to a specific time, and then press one of the ON or OFF buttons, you will  
set an On or Off time for that Unit Code to occur every day at exactly the same time.  
If however, within 4 seconds after setting an On or Off time, you press the “Mode” button  
once or twice until Security is shown in the display, you will modify the program for that  
particular Unit Code to occur every day at a slightly different time each day.  
The event you have programmed will happen at the time you have programmed on the  
first day, and will then happen at a different time on each subsequent day (within the  
hour you have programmed). For example:  
If you advance to 7:35 PM, press the ON button for number 2 and then (within 4  
seconds) press the Mode button once or twice until Security shows in the display, the  
Module(s) set to Unit Code number 2 will go On at exactly 7:35 PM on the first day and  
any time between 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM every day after that. This time will vary each  
day so that the Module doesn’t go on at the same time each day (to give your home a  
lived-in look).  
You can mix Once, Daily, and Security events for the same Unit Code (up to the 64  
maximum events for all 8 unit codes). See note at bottom of previous page.  
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Programming ON and OFF times  
Reviewing timer events  
Set the Mode Switch in the “Prog Set/Review” position. If no events exist in memory 0:00  
is displayed, otherwise the first event found in memory is displayed.  
If (while in Prog/Review Mode) one of the 4 module ON (or OFF) buttons is pressed  
without modifying the current time, and no events are in memory for that module, 0:00  
is displayed.  
If (while in Prog/Review Mode) one of the 4 module ON (or OFF) buttons is pressed  
without modifying the current time, and events do exist, each press of the module ON  
(or OFF) button cycles through (and displays) all the ON (or OFF) events for that particular  
module. I.E. you are "Reviewing" the times that are set. The display also shows whether  
the event is a Once event or a Security event. Note if it's a Security event the actual time  
that the next event will occur will be shown. If neither Once nor Security is displayed, the  
event is a Daily event.  
If (while in Prog/Review Mode) one of the 4 module ON (or OFF) buttons is pressed after  
modifying the current time, then the time is stored as a new event for that module. I.E.  
you can program new events while reviewing the current programmed events.  
While displaying any time for any module it can be deleted using the Clear key. All events  
for a module can be cleared by pressing Clear multiple times until the display shows  
If an event time is modified and you do not want to store it to any module ON/OFF button,  
press Clear. The previous event is now displayed and can be deleted if desired by  
pressing Clear again.  
If the Mode switch is moved after a time has been changed and without a module ON/  
OFF button being pressed, this time is discarded and is not stored in memory.  
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Programming ON and OFF times  
If the display shows FULL  
If FULL is displayed when you try to enter a programmed time, this means that you have  
tried to enter an additional time when you have already used up all the available  
memory. Cancel one or more of your set times by pressing a number ON (or OFF)  
button, then press Clear to clear that event. Then enter another timer event. See note at  
bottom of page 8.  
Selector switch  
1-4 position - With the “Selector” switch in the 1-4 position the 4 ON and  
OFF buttons control (and set times for) Modules set to Unit Codes 1 thru 4  
5-8 position - With the “Selector” switch in the 5-8 position the 4 ON and  
OFF buttons control (and set times for) Modules set to Unit Codes 5 thru 8  
Instantly Controlling Modules  
With the Mode switch in the RUN position you can slide the Selector Switch back and  
forth to instantly control Modules set to 1 thru 4, or 5 thru 8. Also, in the Prog Set/Review  
mode you can set events for modules 1 thru 4, then move the selector switch and  
program more events for modules 5 thru 8. See note at bottom of page 8 for maximum  
number of events you can program..  
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Alarm settings  
Setting the Alarm Buzzer  
With the “Wake” switch in the “ON” position, any program you set for Module  
number 1 will also set the internal alarm buzzer.  
A bell icon will show in the display to indicate that a time for the Buzzer is set.  
For example: If you connect your bedside lamp to a Lamp Module set to Unit Code 1  
and then program Module number 1 for an On time of 7:00 AM - At 7:00 AM your  
bedside lamp will turn on and the internal buzzer in the Mini Timer will sound. You can  
turn the buzzer off (when you wake up) by sliding the Buzzer switch to the OFF position.  
You can turn off your bedside lamp by pressing the OFF button for Module 1.  
You can leave the Buzzer switch in the OFF position if you don’t want to use the wake up  
feature. This will not affect any programs you have entered for Module 1.  
Alternatively, if the Buzzer switch is OFF and you place the Mode switch in the Clock Set  
position, you will “suspend” both the buzzer AND any times you have set for Module 1.  
This is useful to suspend the wake-up function on weekends. See next page.  
The backlight and the buzzer do not operate when the unit is running on the backup  
To Cancel/Snooze the wake-up alarm  
When the alarm sounds at the time you have set, you can cancel it in one of two ways:  
1.Slide the Buzzer switch to the OFF position. This will cancel the alarm permanently.  
Slide the switch back to “ON” if you want the alarm to wake you up the next morning.  
2.Press any key. This will give the “snooze” feature. Pressing any key while the buzzer  
is sounding will turn the buzzer off and will automatically turn it back on in 10 minutes  
time. You can do this indefinitely.  
The buzzer will automatically turn off, and stay off, after 10 minutes if you ignore it.  
Any Module(s) you have installed and set to Unit Code 1 will turn On when the buzzer  
sounds and will stay On after you turn the Buzzer switch to OFF or cancel buzzer using  
the snooze feature. You will need to press the OFF button for number 1 to turn the  
Module(s) off. Alternatively, you could program it/them to turn off later.  
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Alarm settings  
Suspending the wake up function  
If you set channel 1 for an On time of 7:00 AM and number 1 is your bedside lamp, at  
7:00 AM every day, your bedside lamp will turn on and the internal buzzer will sound. If  
you turn the Buzzer switch off on Friday nights the buzzer will not wake you up the next  
morning but your bedside lamp will still turn on.  
To suspend the program for channel 1 turn the Buzzer switch to OFF, AND place the  
Mode switch in the “Clock Set” position. The On program for BOTH the Alarm buzzer  
AND the bedside lamp will then be suspended.  
You can control Modules instantly with the Mode switch in the “Clock Set” position, just  
as you can when it's in the RUN position, but remember to place the Mode switch back  
to RUN and put the Buzzer switch back to the ON position on Sunday night to resume  
the wake-up program for weekdays.  
Note: Pressing the ON button for Module number 1 with the Mode switch in the RUN  
position or Clock Set position does not activate the internal buzzer. This buzzer only  
sounds at the times you set.  
Changing the Housecode  
When you first plug in the Mini Timer it controls X10 Modules set to Housecode A.. If  
you want to change the Housecode:  
1. Set the Mode switch to “Housecode Set.”  
2. Press the up or down "Time" rocker to select the desired  
Housecode (as shown in the display).  
3. Set the Mode switch back to RUN.  
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Setting up the Lamp Module  
SettingThe Lamp Module’s Code  
(modules sold separately)  
Using a small screwdriver, set the red House  
Code dial to the same letter as your Mini  
Timer. Set the Black Unit Code dial to any  
unused number.  
The Lamp Module can be used to control an incandescent lamp rated up to 300W. It is  
NOT suitable for other types of lamps such as fluorescent or energy saving lamps, low  
voltage lamps, or lamps that include a dimmer control. Caution: Do not connect an  
appliance such as a coffee pot or heater to a Lamp Module. It may damage the Module  
and/or the appliance and could cause a fire hazard. Use an Appliance Module instead.  
Plug the Module into  
the same wall outlet  
as your controller (see  
testing below).  
Set the House  
Code and Unit  
Plug a lamp into  
the Module.  
Testing The Lamp Module  
Make sure the lamp's switch is on. Plug the Module into the same wall outlet as your  
Mini Timer, press the ON and OFF buttons on the Mini Timer that correspond to the  
Unit Code setting on the Module. If the Module turns On and Off you can unplug the  
Module or Mini Timer and move it to its permanent location. If you can’t control the  
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Setting up the Appliance Module  
SettingThe Appliance Module’s  
Code (modules sold separately)  
Using a small screwdriver, set the red House  
Code dial to the same letter as your Mini  
Timer. Set the Black Unit Code dial to any  
unused number.  
The Appliance Module can be used to control an incandescent lamp rated up to 500W.  
It can also control other types of lamps such as fluorescent or energy saving lamps, low  
voltage lamps, or lamps that include a dimmer control. And of course it can be used to  
control appliances. Caution: Observe the ratings on the label on the back of the  
Appliance Module.  
Plug the Module into  
the same wall outlet  
as your controller (see  
testing below).  
Set the House  
Code and Unit  
Plug an appliance  
into the Module.  
TestingThe Appliance Module  
Make sure the appliance’s switch is on. Plug the Module into the same wall outlet as  
your Mini Timer, press the ON and OFF buttons on the Mini Timer that correspond to  
the Unit Code setting on the Module. If the Module turns On and Off you can unplug  
the Module or Mini Timer and move it to its permanent location. If you can’t control the  
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1. If a particular Module won’t go on or off from the buttons on the MiniTimer:  
Check that you have power to the outlet controlling the Module and the switch on the  
light or appliance is ON.  
Check that the Unit Code and Housecode on the Module are set correctly.  
Try plugging the Module and the Mini Timer into the same outlet. If the Module doesn’t  
work in ANY outlet, not even with the Module and the Mini Timer in the same duplex  
support if you need help.  
2. If you can’t control ANY Modules from the MiniTimer.  
Check that there is a time displayed on the Mini Timer and that you have power to the  
outlet it is plugged into.  
Check that the Housecode for the Mini Timer is set correctly (see page 13). Try plugging  
the Module and the Mini Timer into the same outlet. If NONE of your Modules work in  
ANY outlet, not even with the Module and the Mini Timer in the same duplex receptacle  
need help.  
Intercom systems  
Intercom systems which send voice signals over existing electrical wiring may interfere  
with the operation of the Mini Timer when the intercom is in use. If the Intercom system  
has its own separate wiring it will not cause a problem.  
Power interruptions  
When the power is restored after an outage, Lamp Modules and Wall Switch Modules  
will normally be OFF. Appliance Modules have a “latching relay mechanism” and will  
stay as they were before the interruption.  
This means that when you first plug in an Appliance Module which you have just  
purchased, it may in an ON or OFF state (the state it was in before unplugging it after  
factory testing).  
Battery backup  
If you install two AA alkaline batteries in the battery compartment of the Mini Timer your  
programmed times will be protected for up to 48 hours in the event of a power outage.  
The backlight and the buzzer do not operate when the unit is running on the backup  
Battery indicator  
If the batteries are low, dead, or not installed, the low battery indicator will be shown in  
the display. It is recommended that you check the condition of the batteries regularly  
and replace them at least once every 6 months.  
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Remote Switch  
Lamp Module  
A wide range of switch and control modules are available from X10, all of which can be  
controlled from the Mini Timer. Modules available include replacement wall switches,  
X10 controlled AC outlets, screw-in lamp modules, plug-in lamp and appliance modules  
and many others.  
You can add any number of Home Automation wireless remotes such as the handheld  
PalmPad™ remote which controls up to 16 modules around the home (requires a  
A range of plug-in controllers are available including the Touch-Tone Controller which  
lets you use any touch tone telephone to call home and control X10 modules, and  
products which allow any Windowsbased PC to control X10 Modules.  
Security System  
The Modules that come with your Mini Timer system also work with X10's Wireless  
Security Systems.  
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from defective material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the original date of  
if returned to X10 within the warranty period and with proof of purchase.If service is required  
under this warranty:  
Call1-800-442-5065,visitwww.x10.com,ore-mails[email protected].  
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