Western Telematic Switch Remote Power Boot Switch User Manual

RPB+; Remote Power Boot Switch -- User's Guide  
WTI Part No.: 12651  
Rev. B  
Remote Power Boot Switch  
User's Guide  
5 Sterling, Irvine, California 92618-2517 USA  
U.S. & Canada: (800) 854-7226  
Phone: (949) 586-9950  
Fax: (949) 583-9515  
Table of Contents  
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RPB+; Remote Power Boot Switch -- User's Guide  
Throughout this manual, typefaces and characters have been used to denote the following:  
Indicates characters typed on the keyboard. For example, /Sor /3  
[Bold Font]  
Text set in bold face and enclosed in square brackets indicates a  
specific key. For example, [Enter] or [Esc].  
2. Unit Description  
2.1. Front Panel  
Figure 1: Front Panel  
As shown in Figure 1, the RPB+ front panel includes a series of LED indicators which  
function as follows:  
1. POWER ON: Lights when AC Power is applied to the RPB+.  
2. DATA INPUT: Flashes when ASCII commands are received at the Control Port.  
3. PLUG ON (Plugs 1 - 5): Lights when the corresponding plug is switched On.  
2.2. Back Panel  
Figure 2: Back Panel  
As shown in Figure 2, the RPB+ back panel includes the following items:  
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RPB+; Remote Power Boot Switch -- User's Guide  
1. Switched AC Outlets (Plugs 1 - 5): For connection to up to five AC devices. Each  
outlet is capable of switching up to 15 Amps. The total for all five outlets must not  
exceed 15 Amps.  
2. SetUp Switches (RATE): A bank of four DIP Switches which set the Control Port  
baud rate, select the Off Time duration, enable/disable the Password Option, and  
enable/disable the Read Only Mode.  
3. RS232 (Control) Port: For connection to an external modem or local PC. The  
RPB+ accepts ASCII commands via the Control Port.  
4. DEFAULT Button: Reads Rate Switch settings and sets parameters accordingly.  
This allows the user to change Rate Switch settings without re-booting the RPB+ and  
connected devices. The Default Button can also be used to bypass the Password  
5. Power Cable (115 VAC Units)  
Power Cable Receptacle (230 VAC Units)  
6. Circuit Breaker: 15 Amps  
7. Power Switch  
3. Installation  
3.1. SetUp Switches  
The SetUp Switches select the baud rate and Off Time, and enable/disable the Password  
feature and Read Only Mode. If switch settings are changed while the unit is powered On,  
press the Default Button to re-read switches. The Default Button allows the user to change  
switch settings while power is on, without re-booting the RPB+ and connected devices.  
Note: If Rate Switch settings are changed while the unit is powered on, new  
parameters will not take effect until the Default Button is pressed, or the RPB+  
is powered Off and On.  
Off Time: When a boot cycle is initiated, the "Off Time" determines the length of time the  
device will remain off until power is restored.  
Password: When enabled, a password is required in order to access the RPB+ Command  
Mode (Default = [Enter]). To re-define the Password, refer to Section 4.  
Read Only Mode: When enabled, the /P command (Define Parameters) is suppressed. This  
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RPB+; Remote Power Boot Switch -- User's Guide  
allows the user to invoke On/Off/Boot commands, but prevents redefinition of parameters  
such as the Password and Power-Up Default.  
Switch Function  
2400 bps 9600 bps*  
10 sec. 5 sec.*  
Control Port Baud  
Off Time  
Password Function  
Read Only Mode  
Disable Enable*  
Enable Disable*  
* = Factory Setting  
3.2. Control Port Connection  
The male, DB9 connector (labeled "RS232") is used for connection to an external modem or  
local PC. The RS232 Port uses a DTE configuration, similar to an AT computer. Figure 3  
describes the Control Port interface.  
Figure 3: RS-232 (Control Port) Interface Schematic  
3.2.1. Connecting to a Modem  
When connecting directly to an external modem, use a standard AT to Modem cable. Make  
certain the modem is initialized at the same baud rate as the RPB+ (SetUp Switch 1). The  
modem must be placed in Auto-Answer mode, and set to answer in one ring. Please refer to  
the user's guide for your external modem in order to determine the appropriate AT command  
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RPB+; Remote Power Boot Switch -- User's Guide  
3.3. Power Connection  
The Power Switch located on the back panel must be "On" in order for the RPB+ to operate.  
Each time the unit is powered On, the five AC outlets will be switched On or Off, as  
dictated by the Power-Up Default String (see Section 4.1). Each outlet is capable of  
switching up to 15 Amps of AC power. The total for all 5 outlets cannot exceed 15 Amps.  
Figure 4: RPB+ Cable Connections  
4. Start-Up / Configuration  
1. Access the RPB+ Command Mode: The RPB+ is transparent to parity and will  
accept 7 or 8 bit characters, but will always answer back at 8 bits, no parity. Make  
certain your communications program (e.g. ProComm) is set for the appropriate baud  
rate, bits, and parity. It is also recommended to set the communications program for  
TTY mode.  
. Via Modem: Start your communications program. Dial the external modem  
connected to the RPB+. Wait for the Connect message and proceed to Step 2.  
b. Via Local PC: Start your communications program.  
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RPB+; Remote Power Boot Switch -- User's Guide  
2. Password: If the Password function is enabled, the unit will display a prompt. Key  
in the Password and press [Enter]. If the password has not yet been defined, just  
press [Enter].  
The Password feature is case sensitive.  
If you forget your password, press the Default Button when the Password  
Prompt appears, then invoke the /P command to display the Password.  
3. The RPB+ will display the Status Screen (Figure 5).  
Default: 01110  
Plug Label  
5 FAX  
Command Summary:  
/S Status  
/P Enter Parameters  
/D Set Plugs to Default  
/X Exit  
To Switch /n s Where n = Plug #, * = All, and s = ON/OFF/BOOT  
Figure 5: The Status Screen  
4. When the "RPB+>" prompt appears, type /P [Enter] to define system parameters.  
The unit will display a series of prompts.  
RPB+ commands are not case sensitive.  
To skip a prompt without changing its current definition, press [Enter].  
To exit from the Define Parameters function, press [Esc] at any time.  
Parameters defined up to that point will be saved.  
. Location: Key in a text string that describes the RPB+ location (up to 23  
b. Password: The currently defined password is displayed next to the prompt. To  
re-define the password (Default = [Enter]), key in the new password (up to 8  
characters) and press [Enter]. The password can include blank spaces and  
higher order ASCII characters. Note that the Backspace key will not function  
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RPB+; Remote Power Boot Switch -- User's Guide  
during password definition.  
c. Default (Power-Up Default): Allows the user to define default On/Off  
conditions for each switched plug as described in Section 4.1. Key in the  
desired Power-Up Defaults and press [Enter].  
d. Echo Mode: When Echo Mode is enabled, commands sent to the RPB+ will be  
echoed back to your PC or terminal, allowing keyboard entries to be displayed  
by your communications program. To enable or disable the Echo Mode, type Y  
or N, press [Enter], then continue with the parameter definition routine. When  
the "RPB+>" prompt returns, type /D [Enter].  
The Echo Mode will not be enabled / disabled until the /D command is  
If the Default String includes invalid or missing characters, the /D  
command will not function.  
e. Plug Labels: Allows the user to identify the device connected to each plug  
(e.g. "SERVER"). Key in the desired name (up to 16 characters) and press  
4.1. The Power-Up Default String  
The Power-Up Default String allows the user to select default On/Off conditions for each  
switched AC outlet. When the RPB+ is powered up, or when the /D command (Set  
Defaults) is invoked, each outlet will be set according to the Default String.  
The Power-Up Default String includes five characters; each character  
determines the default On/Off condition for the corresponding plug. The  
first character applies to Plug 1, the second character applies to Plug 2,  
and etc.  
To set a plug to default "ON" enter a one (1); to set a plug to default  
"OFF", enter a zero (0).  
If the Default String includes invalid or missing characters, plugs will be  
switched "Off" when the unit is powered up, regardless of the conditions  
shown by the Status Screen. In addition, the /D command will not  
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RPB+; Remote Power Boot Switch -- User's Guide  
Example 1: To set default On/Off conditions as follows:  
ON: Plugs 1 and 5  
OFF: Plugs 2, 3, and 4  
The Power-Up Default String would be defined as "10001".  
Example 2: To set default plug conditions as follows:  
ON: Plugs 3, 4, and 5  
OFF: Plugs 1 and 2  
The Power-Up Default String would be defined as "00111".  
5. Operation  
The device connected to the Control Port must send ASCII characters at the same data rate  
as the RPB+. The unit accepts 8 bits no parity, or 7 bits even or odd parity, but will always  
answer back at 8 bits, no parity.  
Access the RPB+ Command Mode as described in Section 4, Step 1. When the "RPB+>"  
prompt appears, the user may invoke the following commands.  
Commands are not case sensitive.  
Wait for the "RPB+>" prompt to appear before entering commands. The  
prompt will not re-appear until the previous command is complete.  
If an invalid command or parameter is entered, the RPB+ will respond  
with the "?" message.  
1. Switch Plug(s) On: To power-on one or all of the five switched plugs, type /n ON  
[Enter]. Where "n" is a plug number from 1 to 5 and an asterisk (*) indicates the  
command should be applied to all plugs.  
2. Switch Plug(s) Off: To power-off one or all of the five switched plugs, type /n  
OFF [Enter]. Where "n" is a plug number from 1 to 5 and an asterisk (*) indicates  
the command should be applied to all plugs. Note that "OFF" can also be entered as  
3. Boot Plug(s): To initiate a Boot cycle at one or all of the switched plugs, type /n  
BOOT [Enter]. Where "n" is a plug number from 1 to 5 and an asterisk (*) indicates  
the command should be applied to all plugs. Note that "BOOT" can also be entered as  
"B". The RPB+ will display a series of periods (dots) while the Boot cycle is in  
4. Status: To display the Status Screen, type /S[Enter].  
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RPB+; Remote Power Boot Switch -- User's Guide  
5. Enter Parameters: To define parameters, such as the Location I.D., Power-Up  
Default, and Plug Labels, type /P [Enter] and refer to Section 4, Step 4.  
6. Set Plugs to Default: To set all plugs to the Power-Up Defaults, type /D [Enter].  
Note that if the Default String includes missing or invalid characters, the /D command  
will not function.  
7. Exit: To exit from command mode, type /X [Enter].  
Note: When the /n ON/OFF/BOOTcommand is invoked, the port (n) must  
be specified by number. The Port Label cannot be used to specify the desired  
ON / OFF / BOOT Examples:  
To Switch Plug 3 ON, type /3 ON[Enter].  
To switch all plugs ON, type /* ON[Enter].  
To switch plug 5 OFF, type /5 OFF[Enter].  
To switch all plugs OFF, type /* OFF[Enter].  
To initiate a boot cycle at Plug 2, type /2 BOOT[Enter].  
To initiate a boot cycle at all plugs, type /* BOOT[Enter].  
Appendix A. Specifications  
Switched Power Plugs: 5 code-selectable AC plugs rated 15 amps max. Each. Total  
switched power for all plugs not to exceed 15 amps. Unit initially powers up to ON  
RS232 Port:  
DB9 Connector: A 9 Pin Male connector wired in a DTE configuration.  
Pin Signal I/O  
DCD Carrier Detect  
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RPB+; Remote Power Boot Switch -- User's Guide  
RXD Data Input  
TXD Data Output  
DTR Ready Output  
GND Signal Ground  
(NC) Not Connected  
RTS RTS Output  
(NC) Not Connected  
(NC) Not Connected  
Coding: Asynchronous. 7-8 bits, any parity  
Data Rate: 2400, 9600 bps (Switch Selectable)  
LEDs: Power ON, Control Input, Plug On (5)  
Temperature: 0° C to 30° C (operating)  
115 VAC Model: Internal 115 VAC 60 Hz  
(15 Amps Maximum Load).  
230 VAC Model: Internal 230 VAC 60 Hz  
(15 Amps Maximum Load).  
Size: 1.75" x 17.00" x 6.5" (H x W x D).  
Requires one rack space.  
Mounting: 19" Rack Mount Bracket Included.  
24" Rack Mount Bracket Optional.  
Weight: 5 pounds shipping weight  
Appendix B. Customer Service  
Customer Service hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, PST, Monday through Friday.  
When calling, please be prepared to give the name and make of the unit, its serial number  
and a description of its symptoms. If the unit should need to be returned for factory repair it  
must be accompanied by a Return Authorization number from Customer Service.  
WTI Customer Service  
5 Sterling  
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RPB+; Remote Power Boot Switch -- User's Guide  
Irvine, California 92618  
Toll Free (U.S. & Canada): 1-800-854-7226  
Phone: 949-586-9950  
Fax: 949-583-9514  
FCC Statement  
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following  
two conditions:  
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and  
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may  
cause undesired operation.  
Trademark and Copyright Information  
WTI and Western Telematic are trademarks of Western Telematic Incorporated. All other  
product names mentioned in this publication are trademarks of their respective companies.  
Information and descriptions contained herein are the property of Western Telematic, Inc..  
Such information and descriptions may not be copied, disseminated or distributed without  
the express written consent of Western Telematic, Incorporated.  
© Copyright Western Telematic, Inc., 1998. All right reserved.  
Printed in the United States of America.  
October 1998; March 2000 (HTML Version)  
WTI Part Number: 12651 Rev. B  
Western Telematic, Inc.  
5 Sterling, Irvine, California 92618-2517 USA  
U.S. & Canada: (800) 854-7226  
Phone: (949) 586-9950  
Fax: (949) 583-9515  
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