Wayne Dalton Network Card WDSF 10 User Manual

USB Z-Wave® Adapter  
with Stand  
User Manual  
for Models WDUSB-10, WDUSB-10R, WDSF-10  
Create, Manage and automate  
your Home Control System from  
your PC  
Thank you for purchasing the USB Z-Wave® Adapter. Z-Wave® products by Wayne-Dalton allow you to  
control your home by remote control. You can create a complete Home Control and Access Network by  
combining your USB Z-Wave® Adapter with other Z-Wave® certified products. Indoor and outdoor lighting,  
security systems, garage door openers, and thermostats are just a few of the items you can easily control  
with additional Z-Wave® certified products.  
Your new USB Z-Wave® Adapter is compatible with the complete range of Wayne-Dalton Z-Wave® certified  
products. Furthermore, other Z-Wave® enabled modules, regardless of brand, will also work with your  
Wireless Gateway. Please consult with your module supplier for more details.  
Home Control Basics  
Z-Wave® certified products will allow you to easily control multiple devices in a home with the push of a  
button in what is known as a “scene”. Turning on all of the lights as you come home is an example of a  
scene. Dimming lights and closing your curtains to watch TV, it’s also a scene.  
and other Z-Wave® certified products.  
USB Z-Wave® Adapter  
USB Stand  
Software on CD  
Quick Start Guide  
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Copy – See Replicate.  
Delete erase transmitter or scene information from Controller. Also known as exclude.  
Device – Any item that is connected to a module (for example, lamps).  
Exclude – Remove a module, transmitter or scene from the controller.  
Include – Add a module to the controller. Also known as Inclusion.  
Module – Any HomeSettings or Z-Wave® product that is controlled with a HomeSettings or  
Z-Wave® remote controller. A module can be part of more than one scene.  
Network A collection of Z-Wave® modules controlled by primary and secondary controllers  
operating on the same system. A network has its own unique identification code so that no one  
else can control the system.  
Node – Single Z-Wave® endpoint (controller or module) on a network .  
Operator – Garage door opener or garage door operator.  
Primary Controller – The first controller used to set up your modules and network.  
NoTe: only the Primary Controller can be used to include or delete modules from a network. It is  
recommended that you mark the primary controller for each network for ease in modifying your  
Replicate – Copy from one controller to another.  
Scene A scene is a series of Z-Wave® modules programmed to turn to a specific level (on, off  
or dim) with the push of a button on a controller.  
Schedule - A timer based event in the software that will activate a scene or turn on/off a zone at  
a specified time of day, or at sunrise or sunset.  
Secondary Controller A controller containing network information about other modules within  
the network, and is created FRoM the primary controller. Secondary controllers cannot include or  
delete modules to the network.  
Sunrise/Sunset Function -- Allows the software to follow sunrise or sunset times.  
Thinkessentials® will automatically adjust schedules as daylight length increases or decreases,  
without the need to be reprogrammed.  
Zone - Zones can include one or more modules in your network, allowing them to be turned on or  
off when pressed or based on a schedule. Also known as groups.  
Safety Precautions  
This software is intended to be used in normal household circumstances and is expressly not for  
use in applications where health or safety are dependent on the accurate and timely functioning  
of the software or in circumstances where a malfunction or error could result in the loss of  
valuable property.  
You should not use this software in conjunction with wireless devices or with items connected to  
or powered by wireless devices which are not designed for unattended operation.  
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USB Z-Wave® Adapter Basics  
The Wayne-Dalton USB Z-Wave® Adapter with Thinkessentials® software allows you to use your PC  
to create, manage and automate your Z-Wave® home control system.  
The USB Z-Wave® Adapter, WDUSB-10R, using Thinkessentials® software is designed to work with  
your Z-Wave® network as either a primary or secondary controller and requires that you have one  
or more Z-Wave® modules. With your controller you can create scenes for controlling multiple  
Z-Wave® modules including lighting devices, thermostats, window coverings and appliances.  
Some of the features of the Thinkessentials® software are:  
• Set up and control up to 230 Z-Wave® devices  
• Draw a basic floor plan of your home with ease and see the state of all your devices  
• Activate mood lighting (scenes) in your home or turn on/off zones of devices  
• Schedules – activate scenes or zones at specific times of day, including sunrise/sunset  
• Schedules can be set for every day, individual days of the week, or multiple days of the week  
• Turn all devices on or off with the push of one button  
optimize and repair your network of Z-Wave® devices  
To begin using Z-Wave® Home Control technology it is helpful to understand that each Z-Wave®  
module, including the USB Z-Wave® Adapter, communicate with each other using a low power  
radio transmitter and receiver. Large metal objects, house wiring, walls, furniture, refrigerators,  
microwaves and similar items can interfere with communication between the modules to reduce  
the range or even prevent communication. Therefore, placement of the USB Z-Wave® Adapter  
and Z-Wave® modules is very important. A USB adapter stand is included to allow for optimum  
placement of the USB Z-Wave® Adapter.  
A Z-Wave® network is a collection of Z-Wave® modules in a mesh type of network. Therefore,  
each Z-Wave® module, regardless of manufacturer, communicates with all the other modules  
within its range to route and repeat the signals from one device to the next, thus creating a highly  
robust transmission throughout the home.  
A Z-Wave® network can have only one primary controller. The primary controller establishes the  
network security to ensure your network will not operate your neighbors network and vice-versa. It  
is a good practice to label and protect your primary controller since it is the only Z-Wave® controller  
that can add modules to or remove modules from your network. It is easy to add secondary  
controllers as your network grows.  
For more tips and great ideas on how to use and expand your network please visit our website,  
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Screen Layout Information  
The number below corresponds to the bubble number above.  
1. Minimize, Maximize and Close Buttons control Wayne-Dalton Thinkessentials® window.  
2. Home Tab for application operations and Settings Tab for global software settings.  
3. Design, Scenes and Zones Tabs for specific tasks within the Home Tab  
4. Specific task Buttons within each Task tab.  
5. Hide Pane Button to hide task buttons.  
6. Lock/Unlock Button.  
7. example of Floor plan showing multiple named rooms.  
8. example of Slider Bar to adjust dim level on a dimming module.  
9. example of highlighted Switch indicating module is oN.  
10. example of greyed out Switch indicating module is oFF.  
11. example of Thermostat module.  
12. example of greyed out module that has dimming capability indicating it is oFF.  
13. example of highlighted duplex switch module indicating it is oN.  
14. example of window shade module icon.  
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Installing ThinkEssentials®  
Use this procedure to install the  
ThinkEssentials® software on your Personal  
1. Insert the Thinkessentials® CD into your  
Windows XP, Vista, or newer computer.  
2. The installer program should run  
automatically. If the program does not start,  
double-click SeTUP.eXe found on the CD.  
3. Follow the instructions provided by the  
installer program. once complete, a shortcut to  
the Thinkessentials® program will be placed in  
your Start menu.  
4. Your CD contains additional information  
which can be found by browsing to the CD  
Note: Do not lose the CD jacket. Located on the  
jacket is the license key which will be needed in  
later set-up steps.  
Installing the USB Z-Wave® Adapter  
Use the following procedure to install the  
Wayne-Dalton USB Z-Wave® Adapter to  
your Personal Computer. ThinkEssentials®  
requires the USB Z-Wave® Adapter to  
communicate with a Z-Wave® network.  
1. Plug the USB Z-Wave® Adapter into the  
supplied USB extension cable with stand.  
2. Plug the USB extension cable with stand into  
an available USB port on your Personal Computer  
and place the stand in an open area away from  
walls or other dense materials or metal, for best  
optionally, you may plug the USB Z-Wave®  
Adapter directly into a USB port on your  
computer, although this may reduce performance  
and range.  
Install USB Adapter and USB stand  
into computer USB port.  
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ThinkEssentials® Setup  
Use the following procedure to initially setup  
your ThinkEssentials® software.  
1. Find the icon on your desktop, or find the  
link in your Start Menu (Programs), entitled  
Thinkessentials® and double-click it to get it  
2. When prompted for the license key, simply  
enter this number or code and then press the  
“Activate” button. The license key for your  
software is printed on a sticker on the back of  
the CD jacket accompanying the CD.  
3. Select the location nearest you, by first  
selecting your country, then state/province and  
then your city. If your city does not appear in the  
list, select the city nearest you instead.  
Use CHANGe LoCATIoN link to set  
your physical location.  
Note: Your location is used to program sunrise  
and sunset times. It may be changed at any time  
by choosing CHANGe LoCATIoN in the SeTTINGS  
Z-Wave® Network Setup  
Use the following procedure to setup your  
Z-Wave® network with the Wayne-Dalton USB  
Z-Wave® Adapter as your primary controller.  
Setting up your network refers to assigning  
Z-Wave® modules to the USB  
Z-Wave® Adapter’s network. All modules  
must be assigned to the Z-Wave® USB  
Adapter’s network before any configuration  
or control functions can be accomplished.  
Note: Devices, such as lamps and appliances,  
should be plugged into a Z-Wave® module  
before adding them to the network.  
example of  
a Z-Wave®  
Note: If you are adding the Z-Wave® USB  
Adapter to an existing network, please see  
the section titled “Joining ThinkEssentials to  
an Existing Network” on page 22.  
Plug in lamp  
or appliance  
Continued next page...  
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Adding Modules to the Network  
1. From the Design tab, press the  
ADD DeVICe button. A message  
window will ask you to press the  
button on the device to add.  
2. Press-and-release the  
PRoGRAM button on the Z-Wave®  
module. If successful, a message  
window will appear stating that  
the device has been successfully  
added. Repeat this procedure if a  
message window states that the  
module failed to be included.  
Press ADD DeVICe to add a Z-Wave® module.  
NoTe: For your security, the USB  
Z-Wave® Adapter must be within  
3 feet of the Z-Wave® module to  
be added. If this is not possible,  
please set up your network with  
a portable remote controller and  
then copy this information to  
the USB adapter (See “Joining  
Thinkessentials® to existing  
Networks”, page 22).  
PRoGRAM button on  
NoTe: Please see the User  
Manual or Instruction Manual for  
the specific Z-Wave® module  
being programmed to locate the  
PRoGRAM button and for specific  
programming information. To add  
a new controller as a secondary  
controller to the network, please  
see the section “Adding a Controller  
to the Network” page 24.  
TIP: If the Z-Wave® module fails  
to be included in the network it  
may have previously been used in  
another network and needs to be  
reset. Press the ReMoVe DeVICe  
button in Thinkessentials® and then  
press and release the PRoGRAM  
button on the Z-Wave® module.  
Device added successfully message window.  
NoTe: The process of adding  
modules to a network is often  
referred to as INCLUSIoN.  
Continued next page...  
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Adding Modules to the Network  
3. The added Z-Wave® module will  
appear as an icon in the lower right  
corner of the Thinkessentials®  
window. You may move these icons  
around by clicking and dragging  
them into open spaces or into rooms  
(see Drawing a floor plan, page  
Icon of Z-Wave® module appears in lower right  
corner of screen. NoTe: You may need to click the  
HIDe PANe Button or DeSIGN tab to reveal the icon.  
4. To name each icon, press-and-  
hold the left mouse button while  
hovering over the Z-Wave® module  
icon or right click the icon, then  
select the ReNAMe DeVICe menu  
Name the icon by right-clicking on the icon and  
selecting ReNAMe DeVICe.  
To view the name of a Z-Wave®  
module in the Thinkessentials®  
window, hover over its icon with  
your mouse and the name will pop  
up automatically. If the module does  
not have a name, it will be named  
UNNAMeD and the internal Z-Wave®  
node ID will follow in brackets.  
Hover over module to see current name of module.  
5. Repeat Steps 1 thru 4 for each  
device you wish to add to the  
Unnamed modules have the name “Unnamed”.  
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Controlling Modules  
Use the following procedures for  
controlling Z-Wave® modules  
individually. For more advanced  
control functions please see  
the section titled “Creating/  
Modifying Schedules”, page  
1. To turn a specific Z-Wave®  
module oN or oFF, simply click on  
the icon of the intended module.  
Clicking repeatedly will typically  
toggle the module on and off.  
Typically, the icon will appear  
dimmer or greyed out when the  
Z-Wave® module is in the oFF  
Module appears bright indicating it is in oN position.  
In the case of window shades,  
clicking the icon will typically open  
or close the shade.  
Advanced functionality for a module  
can be accessed by pressing-and-  
holding the left mouse button while  
hovering over an icon or by right-  
clicking the icon. For example,  
lamp modules and dimmable light  
switches pop up a dimmer bar. If  
a menu pops up instead, you may  
click the lock icon in the bottom-left  
corner to switch to LoCkeD mode  
to suppress the additional options.  
Dimming Bar button can be  
Module appears dim indicating it is in oFF position.  
manually adjusted with the mouse  
to the level desired.  
example of Dimming bar.  
NoTe: Many types of Z-Wave®  
modules have not been invented  
yet or are not known to the  
software, and may appear as  
question marks in the software  
interface. Additionally, some  
modules will not react when their  
icons are clicked on. There may  
be an upgrade available online  
com/access/Te which enables  
functionality for more types of  
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Drawing Floor Plan  
You may optionally draw a basic  
floor plan or room layout in the  
software for organizing your  
Z-Wave® modules.  
1. To draw a room, click the DRAW  
RooMS button in the Design pane.  
This will enable DRAW RooMS  
mode. To exit this mode, click the  
DRAW RooMS button again.  
once in this mode, you may draw  
one or more rooms.  
Click on DRAW RooMS to enter  
or leave drawing mode.  
To draw a room:  
• Move your mouse pointer to the  
location in the open center area of  
the software interface where you  
would like to draw your room. This  
will be one corner of the room.  
• Press the left button on your  
mouse and then move your mouse  
diagonally to where the opposite  
corner of the room should be.  
• To complete the room, release  
the left mouse button.  
example of Floor Layout.  
• When prompted, type a name  
for the room.  
To draw a non-rectangular room:  
• Draw the largest rectangular  
section of the room per the above  
• To draw an additional segment  
of the room, press the left mouse  
button inside the room and then  
move your mouse diagonally to an  
empty area outside of the room.  
• To complete the extension to  
the room, release the left mouse  
• To erase unwanted sections  
of the room, use the eRASe mode  
(See next section).  
Continued next page...  
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Drawing Floor Plan (continued)  
To erase a room or rooms, or parts  
of a room or rooms, click the eRASe  
button in the Design pane. This  
will enable eRASe mode. To exit  
this mode, click the eRASe button  
once in this mode, you may erase  
part or all of one or more rooms. To  
Click on eRASe to enter or leave erase drawing mode.  
• Move your mouse pointer to the  
location in the open center area of  
the software interface where you  
would like to begin erasing. This  
will be one corner of your erasing  
• Press the left button on your  
mouse and then move your mouse  
over the area you would like to  
example showing sections erased.  
• When you have finished selecting  
the area you would like to erase,  
release the left mouse button.  
To erase an entire room, you may  
also press-and-hold the left mouse  
button over that room or right-click  
the room and then select ReMoVe  
RooM from the pop-up menu.  
example showing upstairs erased.  
To rename an existing room, press-  
and-hold the left mouse button over  
the room or right-click the room  
and then select ReNAMe RooM  
from the pop-up menu.  
Press-and-Hold left mouse button or right click to get the  
options to ReNAMe RooM or ReMoVe RooM.  
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Removing Modules from Network  
Use the following procedure to  
remove Z-Wave® modules from  
your Z-Wave® network.  
1. From the Design tab, press the  
ReMoVe DeVICe button. A message  
window will ask you to press the  
button on the device to remove.  
Press ReMoVe DeVICe to remove a Z-Wave® module  
2. Press-and-release the PRoGRAM  
button on the Z-Wave® module. If  
successful, a message window will  
appear stating that the device has  
been successfully removed. Repeat  
this procedure if a message window  
states that the module failed to be  
NoTe: Please see the User  
Manual or Instruction Manual for  
the specific Z-Wave® module  
being programmed to locate the  
PRoGRAM button and for specific  
programming information.  
PRoGRAM button on  
NoTe: The process of removing  
modules from a network is often  
referred to as eXCLUSIoN.  
NoTe: You can also reset modules  
in other networks using the ReMoVe  
DeVICe button. If the target module  
is part of another network, it will  
be reset instead of removed from  
your network. Please note that  
some modules do not support being  
reset in this manner and so this  
procedure will fail; in such cases,  
refer to the module’s documentation  
for manual reset instructions.  
Device removed successfully message window.  
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Remove/Replace Broken  
Use the following procedure  
to remove or replace a module  
has been physically removed  
from the premises without being  
removed from the network or  
is broken. A broken module is  
indicated by a red circle with  
a slash over the module. A  
broken module will slow down  
your network because the  
network will try multiple times  
to reach the broken node each  
time ThinkEssentials® polls the  
module or it is used in a Scene  
or Zone.  
Red Circle with Slash  
indicates a broken module.  
1. Press-and-hold the left mouse  
button or right-click on the broken  
or missing module’s icon. You have  
a choice of either, a) Replacing the  
broken module, or b) Removing the  
broken module from your network.  
Right-click and select ReMoVe BRokeN DeVICe.  
2. To remove the module from  
the network, select the ReMoVe  
BRokeN DeVICe option.  
3. To replace the module with  
another module, select the  
RePLACe BRokeN DeVICe option.  
a) Press-and-release the  
PRoGRAM button on the Z-Wave®  
module you wish to use as a  
PRoGRAM button on  
If successful, a message window  
will appear stating that the device  
has been successfully added.  
Repeat this procedure if a message  
window states that the module  
failed to be included.  
NoTe: You should remove modules from the  
network, such as Christmas light plug-in  
modules, before unplugging them for a period  
of time. For best results, this functionality  
should only be used in case of actual module  
TIP: Verify the replacement  
module does not belong to any  
other network by resetting it. See  
section “Removing Modules from  
Network”, page 13, for a detailed  
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Locking/Unlocking ThinkEssentials®  
Use the following procedure to lock/unlock  
Thinkessentials® software operates in two  
modes: a) locked and, b) unlocked. Unlocked  
mode is generally used for setup and con-  
figuration of the network. Most users run  
Thinkessentials® in locked mode for day-to-day  
use, and unlock the software to make con-  
figuration changes. To toggle between these  
two modes, simply click on the lock icon in the  
corner of the software interface or its accompa-  
nying text.  
In LoCkeD mode the software:  
• Does not allow changes to modules, devices,  
layout, scenes, zones, or other settings.  
• Prevents the adding or removing of modules  
in the network.  
• Does allow general control, such as turning  
modules on or off or activating scenes.  
• Gives quick access to dimming or other regu-  
larly used controls by right-clicking on modules.  
LoCkeD/UNLoCkeD link is located in lower  
left hand corner of Thinkessentials® window.  
In UNLoCkeD mode the software:  
• Allows creation and modification of Designs,  
Scenes, Zones and Settings.  
• Allows user more options such as renam-  
ing or configuring devices by right-clicking on  
NoTe: Some options, such as ADD DeVICe and  
ReMoVe DeVICe may still be unavailable when  
the software is unlocked if your USB  
Z-Wave® adapter is a secondary controller in  
the network. only Primary Controllers can add  
or remove modules to or from a network.  
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Creating Scenes and Zones  
Thinkessentials® makes it easy to set up scenes and zones. These two features are similar but  
are uniquely powerful.  
Scenes activate a certain set of modules together, with each module changing to its own preset  
level. An example of this is “movie mode”, where the living room lights dim to the oFF position,  
the living room blinds close, and the kitchen light turns on to 20% for a bit of background light.  
other popular scenes include “romantic”, “dinner time”, etc. Be creative!  
Zones turn on or off a set of modules together. The modules do not change to preset modes,  
but instead all of them turn on or off. This is very useful for turning on porch or holiday lights or  
outdoor lighting at sunset, and turning them off again around midnight, as one example.  
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Creating Scenes/Zones  
Use the following procedure to  
create or add Scenes and Zones  
in ThinkEssentials®.  
To add a scene or zone:  
1. Go to the Scene or Zone tab, then  
Click the ADD SCeNe or ADD ZoNe  
button, respectively. This button is found  
at the bottom of the list of scenes or  
Click the ADD SCeNe button.  
2. The software will prompt you to name  
the scene or zone. enter a name, and  
then press the button to continue. You  
may also be presented with additional  
3. To include modules into this scene  
or zone, simply click on the icon of  
the module(s) you wish to add. The  
module’s icon will be circled on the  
screen indicating that it is now part of  
the scene or zone.  
a.) When including dimming modules  
into a scene, the module’s level will be  
recorded for use when the scene is ac-  
tivated. To change the module’s desired  
level for the scene, press-and-hold the  
left mouse button or right-click on the  
module’s icon and utilize the pop-up  
Click the modules you wish to add to that scene.  
b.) There are two special scenes built  
into the scenes tab: ALL oN and ALL  
oFF. These scenes will turn the selected  
modules to the oN or oFF position when  
activated, and changing these scenes  
will affect the ALL oN and ALL oFF  
features of all remote controllers in the  
network. Changing the modules’s cur-  
rent level will not be reflected in these  
Click the scene button you just created.  
c.) When including modules into a zone,  
the current level of the module is not  
relevant. Modules in a zone all turn on  
or off together.  
4. To record the scene or zone, press  
the same Scene or Zone button you  
created in Step 2. The highlight on the  
button will then go away.  
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Modifying Scenes/Zones  
Use the following procedure  
to modify existing Scenes and  
Zones in ThinkEssentials®.  
To modify a scene or zone:  
1. Press-and-hold the left mouse  
button or right-click the button  
for the scene or zone you wish to  
2. To rename the scene, select the  
ReNAMe SCeNe or ReNAMe ZoNe  
3. To modify a scene or zone,  
select the MoDIFY SCeNe or  
MoDIFY ZoNe option. Follow  
steps 3 and 4 in “Creating Scenes/  
Zones”, page 16-17, to select or  
de-select devices and re-record  
the scene or zone.  
Right-Click to see option for MoDIFY SCeNeS oR ZoNeS.  
Removing Scenes/Zones  
Use the following procedure  
to remove Scenes or Zones in  
To remove a scene or zone:  
1. Press-and-hold the left mouse  
button or right-click the button  
for the scene or zone you wish to  
2. Select the ReMoVe SCeNe or  
ReMoVe ZoNe option respectively.  
Right-Click to see option for ReMoVe SCeNe oR ZoNe.  
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one of the most powerful features of Thinkessentials® is the ability to create schedules.  
Thinkessentials® can help you save energy, make life more convenient, or increase the security of  
your home by automatically activating scenes or zones at certain times of the day or at sunrise or  
sunset. These schedules can be activated or deactivated at any time, and can occur on one or more  
days of the week.  
Creating/Modifying Schedules  
Use the following procedure to  
create or modify schedules for  
scenes and zones in  
To modify the schedule for a scene  
or zone:  
1. Press-and-hold the left mouse  
button or right-click the button for  
the scene or zone.  
2. Select the MoDIFY SCHeDULe  
Right-Click to see option for MoDIFY SCHeDULe.  
3. To add a new schedule item, click  
on the CLICk To ADD SCHeDULe  
ITeM pull-down. To modify an  
existing schedule item, locate the  
item in the list. If you cannot locate  
the item, check the SHoW ALL  
SCHeDULeS check box in the  
lower-left corner.  
Click on pull-down menu.  
4. If the desired scene or zone is  
not already selected, select it now.  
In the case of zones, select whether  
to turn the zone on or off.  
Select Scene/Zone and Action desired.  
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Creating/Modifying Schedules  
5. Click on the days of week when  
the schedule item should occur.  
6. Click on the time pull-down near  
the right to change the time of day  
when the schedule item should  
occur. You may also choose sunrise  
or sunset.  
Select desired time and days of week.  
7. To enable the schedule item,  
make sure that the check box on the  
left side is checked. To disable the  
schedule item, un-check its check  
8. When done, close the Schedules  
pop-up window.  
NoTe: You may choose to let your  
computer go to sleep (into standby  
mode) when it is not used for a  
Check box to eNABLe/DISABLe schedule.  
period of time. Thinkessentials®  
will attempt to wake your computer  
from standby when a schedule item  
should occur. If your computer has  
trouble waking from standby mode,  
disable standby on your computer.  
NOTE: The sun does not rise or set  
on certain days for  
locations in the Arctic and  
Antarctic circles. On these days,  
any schedule items assigned to  
sunrise or sunset may not be  
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Viewing/Modifying Schedules  
Use the following procedure  
to view or modify schedules in  
To view or modify all schedules:  
1. Switch to the SeTTINGS tab.  
2. Click the VIeW ALL SCHeDULeS  
Modify the desired fields per  
instructions in the section  
“Creating/Modifying Schedules”,  
pages 19-20.  
NoTe: You can also check the  
SHoW ALL SCHeDULeS check box  
while modifying schedules for any  
scene or zone to view all schedule  
on Settings tab, select VIeW ALL SCHeDULeS.  
Deleting Schedules  
Use the following procedure to  
delete a schedule in  
To delete the schedule for a scene  
or zone:  
1. Press-and-hold the left mouse  
button or right-click the button for  
the scene or zone.  
Right-Click and select MoDIFY SCHeDULe.  
2. Select the MoDIFY SCHeDULe  
3. To remove an existing schedule  
item, locate the item in the list. If  
you cannot locate the item, check  
the “Show All Schedules” check box  
in the lower-left corner. Change the  
Select Action drop down box to “No  
Action (remove item.)”  
4. When done, close the Schedules  
pop-up window.  
Click No ACTIoN (remove item)  
to delete the scheduled action.  
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Joining ThinkEssentials® to  
Existing Networks  
Use the following procedure to join an  
existing network or add  
ThinkEssentials® as another  
controller (secondary) to the network.  
To join Thinkessentials® to an existing  
Z-Wave® network as a secondary  
1. Activate the RePLICATIoN SeND mode  
on your Primary Controller. This option  
may also simply be referred to as ADD  
Select SWITCH To (oR JoIN) ANoTHeR NeTWoRk.  
Note: Please see the User Manual  
or Instruction Manual for the specific  
Z-Wave® controller being used for  
information on how to RePLICATe SeND  
or CoPY To, node and scene information.  
2. Switch to the SeTTINGS tab, and then  
click the SWITCH To (oR JoIN) ANoTHeR  
NeTWoRk link. The controller will then  
automatically send the USB Z-Wave®  
adapter a full listing of all the modules  
in the network as well as routing  
Note: By joining another network, all existing  
information on the USB adapter will be lost.  
information. The software will indicate if  
the process was successful. If it was not  
successful, it will be necessary to repeat  
this step.  
NoTe: If the USB Z-Wave® adapter joins  
an existing network and becomes a  
Secondary Controller, you cannot use the  
software to add or remove modules from  
the network.  
NoTe: Any time you add or remove a  
module using the Primary Controller,  
Thinkessentials® and other Secondary  
Controllers should be updated. See  
section “Receiving Network Updates”,  
page 23.  
Message window indicating software  
is ready to receive replication.  
NoTe: The process of joining a network  
is often referred to as ReCeIVe  
ReCeIVe mode. The overall process is  
often called CoNTRoLLeR RePLICATIoN.  
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Receiving Network Updates  
Use the following procedure  
to update network informa-  
tion in ThinkEssentials® when  
ThinkEssentials® is a secondary  
example of  
When you add or remove modules  
using the Primary Controller, those  
changes will generally not be reflected  
in the Thinkessentials® software when  
Thinkessentials® is a secondary  
controller in the network until it is  
updated using the following procedure.  
1. Activate the RePLICATIoN SeND  
mode on your Primary Controller. This  
option may also simply be referred to as  
Initiate Primary Controller to SeND RePLICATIoN.  
Note: Please see the User Manual  
or Instruction Manual for the specific  
Z-Wave® controller being used for  
information on how to RePLICATe  
SeND or CoPY To, node and scene  
2. Switch to the SeTTINGS tab, and  
then click the ReCeIVe UPDATe FRoM  
The controller will then automatically  
send the USB Z-Wave® adapter a full  
listing of all the devices in the  
network as well as routing information.  
Thinkessentials® will indicate if the  
process was successful. If it was not  
successful, it will be necessary to repeat  
this step.  
NoTe: Any time you add or remove a  
device using the Primary Controller,  
Thinkessentials® should be updated by  
repeating this process.  
NoTe: The process of receiving network  
updates is often referred to as ReCeIVe  
ReCeIVe mode. The overall process is  
often called CoNTRoLLeR RePLICATIoN.  
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Adding a Controller  
to the network  
Use the following procedure to  
add secondary controllers to a  
network where ThinkEssentials®  
is the primary controller.  
Adding another controller to your  
network as a secondary controller  
is similar to the procedure “Adding  
modules to the Network” (see page  
8-9), but put the target controller  
into JoIN NeTWoRk, ReCeIVe  
ReCeIVe mode.  
1. From the Design tab, press the  
ADD DeVICe button. A message  
window will ask you to press the  
button on the device to add.  
Press ADD DeVICe to add a secondary controller.  
2. Place the secondary controller  
into ReCeIVe RePLICATIoN or CoPY  
FRoM mode. (Please see the User  
Manual or Instruction Manual for  
the specific Z-Wave® controller  
being programmed for detailed  
programming information.)  
example of  
If the operation is successful,  
a message window will appear  
stating that the device has been  
successfully added. Repeat this  
procedure if a message window  
states that the module failed to be  
included. There is No icon for a  
secondary controller.  
Initiate Secondary Controller to ReCeIVe RePLICATIoN.  
NoTe: For your security, the USB  
Z-Wave® Adapter must be within 3  
feet of the controller to be added.  
NoTe: The process of adding a  
controller to a Z-Wave® network  
is often referred to as SeND  
SeND mode. The overall process  
is often called CoNTRoLLeR  
Device added successfully message window.  
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Removing Controllers  
from the network  
Use the following procedure to  
remove secondary controllers  
from a network where  
ThinkEssentials® is the primary  
It is best practice to remove a  
secondary controller from your  
network prior to re-setting it when  
it is no longer needed or if the  
secondary controller is to be reset  
for any reason. This procedure is  
similar to the procedure “Adding  
a Controller to the Network” (see  
page 24), but “Remove Device”  
from Thinkessentials®.  
Press ReMoVe DeVICe to remove a secondary controller.  
1. From the Design tab, press  
the ReMoVe DeVICe button. A  
message window will ask you to  
press the button on the device to  
example of  
2. Place the secondary controller  
into ReCeIVe RePLICATIoN or CoPY  
FRoM mode. (Please see the User  
Manual or Instruction Manual for  
the specific Z-Wave® controller  
being programmed for detailed  
programming information.)  
If the operation is successful,  
a message window will appear  
stating that the device has been  
successfully added. Repeat this  
procedure if a message window  
states that the module failed to be  
Initiate Secondary Controller to ReCeIVe RePLICATIoN.  
NoTe: For your security, the USB  
Z-Wave® Adapter must be within  
3 feet of the controller to be  
Device removed successfully message window.  
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Updating Secondary Controllers  
Use the following procedure to update  
secondary controllers in a network  
where ThinkEssentials® is the pri-  
mary controller.  
It is best practice to update the network  
information in your secondary controllers  
whenever Z-Wave® modules are added  
or deleted from the network by the  
primary controller. This will improve the  
overall performance of your network and  
the controllers in it.  
To update the network and routing  
information in an existing secondary  
controller on your network, follow the  
same procedure as “Adding a controller  
to the network” (see page 23), but put  
the target controller into JoIN NeTWoRk,  
Press ADD DeVICe to add a secondary controller.  
RePLICATIoN ReCeIVe mode.  
1. From the Design tab, press the ADD  
DeVICe button. A message window will  
ask you to press the button on the device  
to add.  
example of  
2. Place the secondary controller into  
FRoM mode. (Please see the User  
Manual or Instruction Manual for the  
specific Z-Wave® controller being  
programmed for detailed programming  
If the operation is successful, a message  
window will appear stating that the  
device has been successfully added.  
Repeat this procedure if a message  
window states that the module failed  
to be included. There is No icon for a  
secondary controller.  
Initiate secondary controller to ReCeIVe RePLICATIoN.  
NoTe: For your security, the USB  
Z-Wave® Adapter must be within 3 feet  
of the controller to be added.  
NoTe: The process of adding a controller to  
a Z-Wave® network is often referred to as  
mode. The overall process is often called  
Device added successfully message window.  
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Optimize/Repair Network  
over time, you may notice the software  
response slowing down or there may be  
communication failures in your  
Z-Wave® network indicated by the red  
circle slash. This condition may be  
caused by one or more reasons such as  
Z-Wave® modules with burned out light  
bulbs, weak antenna strength, missing  
or broken modules, or modules which  
have been moved in the network. To  
optimize and repair the communication  
paths in your network, switch to the  
SeTTINGS tab and click the oPTIMIZe  
AND RePAIR NeTWoRk link.  
on Settings tab, select oPTIMIZe AND RePAIR NeTWoRk.  
NoTe: With some versions of Z-Wave®  
firmware, this link will not be available  
unless the USB Z-Wave® Adapter is  
acting as Primary controller. If this link  
is not available, try to repair the network  
using your Primary controller and then  
update the USB Z-Wave® Adapter using  
CoNTRoLLeR feature.  
Use the following procedure to  
modify the polling interval in  
Thinkessentials® will query every  
Z-Wave® device in your network  
at a specific time interval in order  
to update the Z-Wave® modules’  
icons on the Thinkessentials® user  
interface with their latest states.  
By default, the polling interval is 5  
on Settings tab, select CHANGe PoLLING INTeRVAL.  
1. To change the polling interval to  
be more or less frequently, switch to  
the SeTTINGS tab and click CHANGe  
2. Use the slider bar to adjust to the  
desired interval.  
Use slider bar to set desired interval.  
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Transfer Primary Role  
from Thinkessentials®  
Use the following procedure to transfer  
the Primary Controller role from  
ThinkEssentials® to another controller.  
Transferring the primary controller  
role between controllers is sometimes  
necessary or convenient when working  
with your Z-Wave® network. For  
example, to add a new Z-Wave® module  
to a network where Thinkessentials®  
is set-up as the primary controller and  
is running on a desktop computer,  
would be difficult since the desktop  
computer is generally not very portable.  
It would be much easier to temporarily  
transfer the primary controller role from  
Thinkessentials® on the desktop to a  
portable controller, add the new Z-Wave®  
module with the portable controller and  
then transfer the primary controller role  
back to Thinkessentials®.  
on Settings tab, select TRANSFeR PRIMARY  
1. Switch to the SeTTINGS tab and click  
ANoTHeR CoNTRoLLeR link.  
Initiate TRANSFeR in Thinkessentials®.  
2. Put the target controller in JoIN  
RePLICATIoN ReCeIVe mode. (Please see  
the User Manual or Instruction Manual  
for the specific Z-Wave® controller being  
programmed for detailed programming  
of Portable  
NoTe: If the target controller is a  
secondary remote in different network, it  
will need to be reset before it will accept  
the primary controller role transfer. See  
the User Manual for the specific controller  
being programmed for details.  
Initiate secondary controller to ReCeIVe RePLICATIoN.  
NoTe: For your security, the USB  
Z-Wave® Adapter must be within 3 feet of  
the controller to be added.  
NoTe: The process of transferring  
the primary controller role to another  
controller may delete all previous network  
information on the target controller. See  
the User Manual for the specific controller  
being programmed for details.  
Confirmation of successful transfer.  
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Transfer Primary Role  
to Thinkessentials®  
Use the following procedure to  
transfer the Primary Controller  
role from another controller to  
Transferring the primary controller  
role between controllers is sometimes  
necessary or convenient when working  
with your Z-Wave® network. For  
example, if you started your network  
with a portable controller as your primary  
controller and now want the safety and  
security of using Thinkessentials® in a  
stationary position, you can transfer the  
primary role to Thinkessentials®.  
on Settings tab, select SWITCH To (oR JoIN)  
ANoTHeR NeTWoRk.  
1. Switch to the SeTTINGS tab and click  
on the SWITCH To (oR JoIN) ANoTHeR  
NeTWoRk link.  
2. Put the existing primary controller in  
mode. (Please see the User Manual or  
Instruction Manual for the specific  
Initiate TRANSFeR in Thinkessentials®.  
Z-Wave® primary controller being used  
for detailed programming information.  
Note that some controllers do not support  
the Controller Shift command.)  
of Portable  
NoTe: For your security, the USB  
Z-Wave® Adapter must be within 3 feet  
of the controller to be added.  
NoTe: If Thinkessentials®  
was a secondary controller in the same  
network prior to being promoted to the  
primary controller role, all configuration,  
scene and zone data will remain intact.  
Initiate primary controller to do CoNTRoLLeR SHIFT.  
NoTe: If Thinkessentials® and the USB  
Z-Wave® Adapter were a secondary  
remote in different network, they will  
need to be reset before accepting the  
primary controller role transfer. See the  
section on “Resetting Thinkessentials®”  
on page 38 for details.  
Confirmation of successful transfer.  
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Backup Network Settings  
Use the following procedure to  
backup your ThinkEssentials®  
configuration to the drive and  
directory of your choice.  
The Wayne-Dalton USB Z-Wave®  
adapter stores basic information about  
the devices in your network, but the  
layout, scenes and zones, and many  
other configuration options are stored  
by Thinkessentials® on your computer.  
on Settings tab, select BACkUP oR ReSToRe NeTWoRk SeTTINGS.  
When moving the Thinkessentials®  
software from one computer to  
another, you’ll generally want to  
BACkUP your network settings on the  
original computer, move the software  
to the new computer, and then  
ReSToRe your network settings on  
the new computer. This will preserve  
your device and floor plan layout and  
You may also wish to store the backup  
file on a disk or other backup storage  
drive as security in the event of hard  
drive failure with your PC.  
1. Switch to the SeTTINGS tab and  
click the BACkUP oR ReSToRe  
NeTWoRk SeTTINGS link.  
2. Select the BACkUP FLooR PLAN  
AND NeTWoRk SeTTINGS link. Save  
the file to the computer drive and  
directory location you desire.  
3. Save the file to the computer drive  
and directory location you desire and  
click on SAVe to complete the process.  
Select the drive and directory location for back up.  
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Restore Network Settings  
Use the following procedure to  
restore your ThinkEssentials®  
configuration to the drive and  
directory of your choice.  
The Wayne-Dalton USB Z-Wave®  
adapter stores basic information about  
the devices in your network, but the  
layout, scenes and zones, and many  
other configuration options are stored  
by Thinkessentials® on your computer.  
on SeTTINGS tab, select BACkUP oR ReSToRe NeTWoRk SeTTINGS.  
If you have previously backed up  
your Wayne-Dalton Thinkessentials®  
configuration, you may restore it using  
the ReSToRe command.  
1. Switch to the SeTTINGS tab and  
click the BACkUP oR ReSToRe  
NeTWoRk SeTTINGS link.  
2. Select the ReSToRe FLooR PLAN  
AND NeTWoRk SeTTINGS option and  
browse to the location of the stored  
backup file.  
3. Click on oPeN to complete the  
process and click on ok to restart  
Browse to the drive and directory location for the backup file.  
Select ok to complete the process.  
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Command Line Option:  
Custom Latitude and Longitude  
Use the following procedure to  
set a specific and custom latitude  
and longitude.  
Wayne-Dalton Thinkessentials®  
allows for setting a custom latitude  
and longitude by using a command  
line configuration option. The  
custom latitude and longitude will  
remain programmed each time  
Thinkessentials® is started until it is  
changed. The following instructions  
assume the user has knowledge of  
Windows and command line syntax.  
Before you begin, you must eXIT  
Thinkessentials®. See page  
Initiate command line function.  
37 for instructions on “exiting  
1. Please see your computer  
operating System documentation  
for information on how to start  
the command line option. In the  
Windows XP example shown, the  
command line option is started by  
clicking on START and then clicking  
on RUN. This will open a RUN  
dialog box.  
Change to drive and directory where Thinkessentials® is  
located. Note: The default parent directory is  
c:/program files/controlthink/thinkessentials.  
2. In the RUN dialog box type in  
CMD and click on ok to open the  
Command line window.  
3. Navigate to the drive and  
directory where Thinkessentials® is  
4. Type the program name,  
“Thinkessentials” followed by the  
latitude/longitude command as  
noted in the following example  
substituting your custom  
Add latitude and longitude coordinates in decimal format.  
Thinkessentials /lat=XX.XXX /lon=YY.YYY  
Negative Values are West or South.  
There is a single space prior to  
5. Press the eNTeR key and  
Thinkessentials® will start.  
The Custom coordinates will be  
displayed under the earth and Clock  
icon in the Location and Schedules  
section on the Settings tab.  
Custom coordinates displayed under earth and Clock icon.  
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Adding Command Line Option to  
ThinkEssentials® Shortcut  
Use the following procedure to  
add a command line option to  
your ThinkEssentials® shortcut.  
Command line options (other than  
latitude and longitude) used with  
Thinkessentials® must be initiated  
each time Thinkessentials® is  
started. To make your command  
line option easier to start and  
permanent, you can add it to your  
Windows shortcut icon on your  
1. Right-click on the shortcut  
icon for Thinkessentials® on your  
desktop and select PRoPeRTIeS.  
The Properties window for the  
shortcut will open.  
Right-click the Thinkessentials®  
icon and then select PRoPeRTIeS.  
2. Under the shortcut tab, you will  
see an are that says “Target” and  
this will list the exact directory  
location of the Thinkessentials® file  
within quotation marks. Modify the  
target by adding the command line  
variables after the last quotation  
If there is more than one command  
line option to be added, they are  
added in the same fashion, one after  
another, with a leading space.  
3. Click APPLY, then ok, and the  
“Properties” window will close.  
4. Start Thinkessentials® using the  
Thinkessentials® icon.  
Modify the Target , then click on APPLY, then ok.  
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Command Line Option:  
Multiple Z-Wave® USB Adapters  
Use the following procedure to  
run more than one instance of  
Multiple instances of  
Thinkessentials® may be run on  
one computer simultaneously.  
each instance of Thinkessentials®  
will require its own USB Z-Wave®  
adapter. It is important to note that  
each instance of Thinkessentials®  
is running separately and do not  
create “one network” from two  
separate networks.  
1. Please see your computer  
operating System documentation  
for information on how to start  
the command line option. In the  
Windows XP example shown, the  
command line option is started by  
clicking on START and then clicking  
on RUN. This will open a RUN  
dialog box.  
Initiate command line function.  
2. In the RUN dialog box type in  
CMD and click on ok to open the  
Command line window.  
3. Navigate to the drive and  
directory where Thinkessentials® is  
Change to drive and directory where Thinkessentials® is located.  
4. Type the program name,  
“Thinkessentials” followed by the  
multiple command as noted in the  
following example:  
Type in the /multi command line option.  
Thinkessentials /multi  
5. Press the eNTeR key and  
Thinkessentials® will start.  
6. Choose the Z-Wave USB adapter  
you wish to use in this instance  
and click on CoNNeCT to start the  
Repeat Step 4-6 for each instance  
of Thinkessentials® you want to run.  
Click on desired Z-Wave® USB  
adapter and click on CoNNeCT.  
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Command Line Option:  
Use the following procedure  
to set the poll rate in  
ThinkEssentials® by the number  
of seconds.  
You can temporarily establish  
a specific poll rate in  
Thinkessentials® using seconds  
as the unit. one second is the  
minimum poll rate. Please be  
aware that polling too frequently  
in a Z-Wave® network can cause  
negative performance behavior  
for the network by not allowing  
enough time for each module  
to report back to the controller.  
Before you begin, you must exit  
Thinkessentials®. See page  
37 for instructions on “exiting  
Initiate command line function.  
1. Please see your computer  
operating System documentation  
for information on how to start  
the command line option. In the  
Windows XP example shown, the  
command line option is started  
by clicking on START and then  
clicking on RUN. This will open a  
RUN dialog box.  
2. In the RUN dialog box type in  
CMD and click on ok to open the  
Command line window.  
Change to drive and directory where  
Thinkessentials® is located.  
3. Navigate to the drive and  
directory where Thinkessentials®  
is located.  
4. Type the program name,  
“Thinkessentials” followed by  
the poll command as noted in the  
following example:  
Type in the /poll command line  
option with your desired value.  
Thinkessentials /poll=500  
Note in the example 500 is the  
maximum number of seconds  
between polling requests.  
5. Press the eNTeR key and  
Thinkessentials® will start.  
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Refresh Shortcut  
Use the following shortcut to poll  
the Z-Wave® modules one time  
to refresh the ThinkEssentials®  
Press the F5 key on the keyboard  
to refresh and poll the Z-Wave®  
modules in the network.  
Press F5 to refresh and poll the network.  
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Exiting ThinkEssentials®  
Use the following procedure to  
exit and completely shut down  
and close the ThinkEssentials®  
Thinkessentials® will run in the  
background if schedules are  
programmed and will not completely  
shut down when the X (CLoSe  
button located in the upper right  
corner) on the window is pressed.  
There are 3 ways to confirm  
Thinkessentials® is running in the  
a) The Thinkessentials® icon  
appears in the system tray.  
b) Thinkessentials® appears as a  
process in the Task Manager.  
c) When Thinkessentials® is  
restarted, the “loading” progress bar  
does not appear.  
To completely shut down and close  
the software do the following:  
Thinkessentials® icon located in the  
system tray.  
1. Right-click on the  
Thinkessentials® icon in the system  
2. Select eXIT. Thinkessentials® will  
Note: If no schedules are  
programmed, Thinkessentials® will  
shut down completely when the  
CLoSe or X button is pressed on the  
Right-click the Thinkessentials® icon and select eXIT.  
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Resetting Thinkessentials®  
Use the following procedure to reset your  
USB Z-Wave® Adapter to factory conditions.  
WARNING: If your USB Z-Wave® Adapter and  
ThinkEssentials® software are the Primary  
Controller in a network, and you reset your  
USB Z-Wave® Adapter, you will no longer  
be able to add or remove modules from  
your network without recreating the entire  
To reset the USB Z-Wave® Adapter:  
1. Switch to the SeTTINGS tab, and then  
click the ReSeT USB ADAPTeR To FACToRY  
DeFAULTS link.  
NoTe: If the USB Z-Wave® adapter is serving  
as a secondary controller, remove it from the  
network by clicking the ReCeIVe UPDATe FRoM  
PRIMARY CoNTRoLLeR link and instructing the  
Primary Controller to remove the USB Z-Wave®  
adapter. This may be referred to as ReMoVe  
DeVICe, or eXCLUDe CoNTRoLLeR.  
on the SeTTINGS tab, click on the ReSeT  
NoTe: If you reset your Primary Controller before  
removing all the Z-Wave® modules from your  
network, you must reset each of the modules  
(see “Removing modules from the network”,  
page 13) before adding modules to the network  
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• I cannot add or remove modules to or from my  
network. The ADD DeVICe and ReMoVe DeVICe  
buttons are faded out (dimmed).  
• The USB Z-Wave® adapter might be a  
Secondary Controller. only a Primary Controller  
may be used to add or remove modules to or  
from a network. Use the Primary Controller to  
add or remove modules, and then update your  
USB Z-Wave® adapter and software (see Joining  
a network, page 22).  
• The software may be in LoCkeD mode. Click  
on the lock in the lower left corner of your  
screen until the text UNLoCkeD appears.  
• I cannot add or remove a module to or from  
my network. I press the PRoGRAM button on the  
module but the software never responds.  
• If you cannot successfully add a module, try  
removing it from your network first using the  
ReMoVe DeVICe button. even if it is not in your  
network, this operation may reset the module.  
once the module has been reset, try adding it  
• For your security, the USB Z-Wave® adapter  
must be within a few feet of the module to be  
able to add it to your network. If this is not  
possible, please set up your network with a  
portable remote controller and then copy this  
information to the USB Z-Wave® adapter (see  
“Joining a network”, page 22).  
• The module had not been properly reset  
previously, and another module with its assigned  
ID was mistakenly identified. Reset the module  
again if necessary, and then re-add the module  
which was mistakenly removed.  
• I tried to reset a module, but another module  
was removed from my network instead.  
• To join a network, or to receive a network  
update, the USB Z-Wave® adapter must be  
within a few feet of the controller adding it to the  
network or sending the update.  
• I cannot join another network. I click SWITCH  
To (oR JoIN) ANoTHeR NeTWoRk but the pro-  
cess never starts.  
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• If the modules’s icon is covered by a red  
circle-slash (i.e. “broken” symbol), follow the  
troubleshooting steps for a broken module and  
then select the module again.  
• I am setting up a scene, but the software will  
not let me add a particular module to the scene.  
• Some modules do not support the  
functionality required to add them to a scene.  
• Check to be certain that the schedule item  
is enabled (by checking the check box to the  
left of the schedule item’s name), and that  
it is enabled on the desired days of week  
(by clicking on the desired days of the week  
between the event name and the event time).  
• Check to be certain that your computer’s  
date, time, and time zone are set correctly.  
You can access these through “Date and Time  
Properties” in the Windows Control Panel.  
• For sunrise and sunset schedules, ensure  
that the location nearest you is selected in the  
CHANGe LoCATIoN link on the SeTTINGS tab.  
• Your computer must be turned on for  
the schedule items to occur on time.  
• I have set up a schedule for a zone or scene,  
but the schedule is not being activated on time  
or is not being activated at all.  
Thinkessentials® will also attempt to wake  
your computer out of low-power standby mode,  
but some computers do not reliably wake up  
from standby. If your computer does not wake  
reliably from standby mode, ensure that it is  
always powered on so that the schedules work  
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• I joined a network instead of adding another  
controller to my network. Now, neither the  
software nor the controller can control anything.  
• You have accidentally overwritten your Primary  
Controller with a blank network. Reset both  
controllers and all modules in your network, and  
set up your network again.  
• I cannot control a module in my network, or  
am experiencing intermittent module failures or  
sluggishness controlling my modules.  
• Check to make sure that there is power  
supplied to the device.  
• For plug-in modules, ensure that the outlet  
is not a switched outlet, or that the outlet is  
switched on.  
• For modules with no neutral connection (such  
as dimmers), ensure that the attached load  
(such as a light bulb) is not burned out.  
• Your computer must be able to communicate  
with the module directly, or must be able to  
communicate by routing messages through  
other modules in your network. You may need  
to add additional modules to your network  
to provide for reliable communication (in  
between your computer and the sluggish/non-  
communicating module).  
ensure that there are no broken or missing  
modules in your network. It is possible that the  
network is trying to route messages through  
broken or missing modules, so removing them  
may enhance network performance. See  
“Removing or replacing broken modules” on  
page 14.  
• For best performance, attach the USB  
Z-Wave® adapter to the USB extension cable  
included in this package. Then, place the USB  
Z-Wave® adapter in an open area away from  
walls or other dense materials or metal.  
• Switch to the SeTTINGS tab, and click the  
oPTIMIZe AND RePAIR NeTWoRk link. If you  
are not using Thinkessentials® as your primary  
controller, remove the module from your network  
using the primary controller, add it while it is  
powered in its new location, and then update  
Thinkessentials® using the ReCeIVe UPDATe  
FRoM PRIMARY CoNTRoLLeR feature.  
• I moved a module, and now I cannot control it.  
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US and Foreign Patents pending  
ThinkEssentials® is a registered trademark of Controlthink LC  
Portions of this manual Copyright © 2005-2007 Controlthink LC. All Rights Reserved.  
Z-Wave® is a registered trademark of Zen-Sys Corporation  
Windows XP and Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation  
FCC and IC Statement  
FCC Regulatory Information:  
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15  
of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential  
installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in  
, there is no guarantee  
accordance with the instruction, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However  
that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or  
try and correct  
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to  
the interference by one or more of the following measures:  
a) reorient or relocate the receiving antenna,  
b) increase the separation between the equipment and receiver,  
c) connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.  
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  
IC Regulatory Information:  
ent Regulations. Operation  
This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference Causing Equipm  
is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)  
any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.  
this device must accept  
ne causant des règlements  
Cet appareillage numérique de la classe B répond a toutes les exigences de l’interférence canadien  
d’équipement. L’opération est sujette aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) ce dispositif peut ne pas causer  
et (2) ce dispositif doit accepter n’importe quelle interférence reçue, y compris l’interférence qui peut  
l’interférence nocive,  
causer l’opération peu  
could void the user’s  
WARNING: Changes or modifications to this receiver not expressly approved by Wayne-Dalton Corp.  
authority to operate this equipment.  
© Copyright 2007 Wayne-Dalton Corp.  
Part No. 0002420 Rev. A  
New 11/26/07  
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