GPIB to USB Adapter
Features & Benefits
Enables GPIB Control of
Tektronix Instruments Through
the USB Port of Tektronix
Instruments Compliant with
USBTMC-USB488 Standards
GPIB Primary Address Is
Assignable Through the Host
Tektronix Instrument
Powered by USB Host or
Optional External Power Supply
LED Indicators Provide Power,
Adapter Status and USB Status
Can Be Used in Rackmount
Instrument Configurations
Applic ations
Digital Design
Research and Development
Manufacturing Test
ATE Environments
Service and Support
Tektronix Instrument GPIB Adapter
The TEK-USB-488 Adapter enables
communication between a GPIB bus
controller and the USB port of a
USBTMC-USB488 compliant Tektronix
instrument (for example, the DPO4000
Series Oscilloscopes).
Adapter configuration to controller and instrument.
O t h e r
Bulk Data Rate –
Specification not available at this time.
Front-panel Indicators –
Power Applied, Adapter Status and USB Status.
S y s t e m R e q u ir e m e n t s
Compatible with Tektronix instruments providing
USBTMC-USB488 compliant USB ports supporting
the protocol and USB extensions required for setting
the adapter’s GPIB primary address. For USBTMC-
USB488 instruments not supporting these USB
extensions and protocol, the GPIB address defaults
to address “1” and cannot be changed. Each
adapter controls one instrument and does not
support use of USB hubs.
En v ir o n m e n t a l
Te m p e r a t u r e
Operating – 0 ºC to +50 ºC.
Non-Operating – –20 ºC to +60 ºC.
H u m id it y
Operating –
(High) 40 ºC to 50 ºC, 10% to 60% relative
humidity; (Low) 0 ºC to 40 ºC, 10% to 90% relative
IEEE 4 8 8 (G P IB ) C o m p a t ib ilit y
Physical Connection –
GPIB interface connector provided on adapter.
Compliance – IEEE 488.2 compliant.
Non-Operating –
(High) 40 ºC to 60 ºC, 5% to 60% relative humidity;
(Low) 0 ºC to 40 ºC, 5% to 90% relative humidity.
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