Sunrise Medical Wheelchair V 521 User Manual

Quickie V-521  
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1 1 . T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S  
1 1 1 . Y O U R C H A I R A N D I T S P A R T S  
i. Pneumatic Tires .................................................................................... 21  
j. Positioning Belts (Optional) .............................................................. 22  
k. Push Handles ........................................................................................ 22  
l. Rear Wheel Locks (Optional) .......................................................... 22  
m.Seating Systems .................................................................................... 23  
n. Upholstery Fabric ................................................................................ 23  
VIII. TIPS FOR ATTENDANTS .............................................................. 24  
a. To Climb a Curb or Single Step........................................................ 24  
b. To Descend a Curb or Single Step .................................................. 24  
IX. SET UP,ADJUSTMENT & USE .................................................... 25  
a. Notes ...................................................................................................... 25  
b. ToolsYou Will Need............................................................................ 26  
c. Check-Out ............................................................................................ 26  
d. To Find & Correct A Problem .......................................................... 27  
e. Batteries ................................................................................................ 27  
f. Swing-Away Footrests ........................................................................ 27  
g. Elevating Legrest (Optional) .............................................................. 28  
h. Integral Joystick Installation .............................................................. 28  
i. Joystick Swing-Away Retractable Mount (Optional).................... 28  
j. Dual-Post Height-Adjustable Armrests .......................................... 28  
k. Height Adjustable Armrests (Optional) .......................................... 29  
l. Rear Wheel Locks (Optional) .......................................................... 30  
m.Folding and Unfolding.......................................................................... 30  
X. OPERATING GUIDE ........................................................................ 31  
a. Performance Control Settings .......................................................... 31  
b. Quickie QTRONIX Programming Pad (Optional) ...................... 31  
c. Thermal Roll-Back................................................................................ 32  
d. Circuit Breakers.................................................................................... 32  
e. Integral Controller .............................................................................. 33  
f. Motor Locks.......................................................................................... 34  
X1. BATTERIES ............................................................................................ 35  
a. Introduction .......................................................................................... 35  
b. Battery Charger.................................................................................... 36  
c. Acid Burns.............................................................................................. 37  
d. Connecting Batteries in Battery Box(es) ...................................... 37  
e. Charging Batteries................................................................................ 38  
f. Disposing of Batteries ........................................................................ 39  
XII. MAINTENANCE.................................................................................. 40  
a. Notes ...................................................................................................... 40  
b. Cleaning.................................................................................................. 40  
c. Storage Tips .......................................................................................... 40  
d. Battery Maintenance............................................................................ 41  
e. Pneumatic Tires .................................................................................... 42  
f. To Repair or Replace a Tire .............................................................. 42  
g. Motor Brushes...................................................................................... 43  
h. Ordering Parts...................................................................................... 43  
i. Maintenance Chart .............................................................................. 43  
XIII. WIRING DIAGRAM .......................................................................... 44  
XIV. SUNRISE LIMITED WARRANTY .............................................. 45  
Q U I C K I E V - 5 2 1  
1. Push Handle  
2. Joystick  
9. Caster Tire  
10. Backrest  
3. Integral Controller  
4. Swing-away Footrest  
5. Heel Loop  
6. Foot Plate  
7. Cross Brace  
8. Caster Fork  
11. Drive wheel  
12. Motor  
13. Battery Box  
14. Swing-away  
Release Latch  
15. Arm Rest  
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1 1 1 . Y O U R C H A I R A N D I T S P A R T S  
1 V . N O T I C E — R E A D B E F O R E U S E  
Sunrise provides a choice of many power wheelchair styles, sizes and adjust-  
ments to meet the needs of the rider. However, final selection of a wheelchair  
rests solely with you and your health care professional. Choosing the best  
chair for you depends on such things as:  
Frame Dimensions  
Frame width: Standard - 14", 16",  
18", 20"  
86 lbs. without batteries  
83 lbs. without batteries and front  
1. Your size, disability, strength, balance and coordination.  
2. Your intended use, and your level of activity.  
Sling depth: 14", 16", 18"  
3. The types of hazards you must overcome in daily use (in areas where you are  
likely to use your chair).  
4. The need for options for your safety and comfort (such as positioning belts  
or special seat systems).  
Drive Wheels  
Short - adjustable from 15"-16"  
Medium - adjustable from 17"-18"  
Tall - adjustable from 19"-20"  
12" Mag pneumatic  
Tire types:  
Standard - pneumatic  
Option - airless insert  
Standard - Integral to controller  
(right hand or left hand mount)  
Option– Swing-away mount (right  
hand or left hand mount)  
Standard - Swing-away with composite  
footplates and heel loops.  
Option - elevating legrests  
Option - Adult andle adjustable  
You need to work with your doctor, nurse or therapist, and your supplier, to fit this  
chair and adjust the controller settings for your level of function and ability level.  
Before using this chair you, and each person who may assist you, should read  
this entire manual and make sure to follow all instructions. Review the warnings  
often, until they are second nature to you.  
Standard - 8"pneumatic  
Option - 8" airless insert  
Standard - 1 box required for UI  
batteries only  
Option - 2 boxes required for  
group 22 batteries or U1 batteries  
Option - 22 NF - gel, UI - deep  
cycle gel  
Standard - flip back with desk pad  
or full length pad  
Option - Flip-back, height-adjustable  
with desk pad or full length pad  
Wheel Locks  
The word “WARNING” refers to a hazard or unsafe practice that may cause  
severe injury or death to the you or to other persons.The “Warnings” are in  
three main sections, as follows:  
Battery Charger  
1. V — EMI  
Standard - dual mode (Schauer)  
Option - dual mode (Lester)  
Option - Push-to-lock, pull-to lock  
Option - 6" extension handles  
Here you will learn about electromagnetic interference and how it can affect  
your chair.  
Refer to Order Form.  
Option - QTRONIX Programming Pad  
Here you will find a safety checklist and a summary of risks you need to be  
aware of before you ride this chair.  
Here you will learn about your chair. Consult your supplier and your health care  
professional to help you choose the best set-up and options for your safety.  
All features may not be available with  
some chair setups or in conjunction  
with another chair feature. Please  
consult your supplier for more  
information.Your authorized supplier  
can also provide you with more  
information on accessories.  
Here you will learn about battery and charger safety, and how to avoid injury.  
Note: Where they apply, you will also find “Warnings” in other sections of this Manual.  
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V . E M I ( E L E C T R O M A G N E T I C I N T E R F E R E N C E )  
V . E M I ( E L E C T R O M A G N E T I C I N T E R F E R E N C E )  
2. Medium-Range MobileTransceivers:  
These include two-way radios used in police cars, fire trucks, ambulances and  
taxi cabs.The antenna is usually mounted on the outside of the vehicle.  
3. Long-RangeTransceivers:  
Heed all warnings to reduce the risk of unintended brake release or chair movement:  
1. Beware of the danger from hand-held transceivers. Never turn on or use a  
hand-held transceiver while power to your chair is on. Use extra care if you  
believe that such a device may be in use near your chair.  
2. Be aware of nearby radio orTV stations, and avoid coming close to them.  
3. If unintended movement occurs, turn your chair off as soon as it is safe to do so.  
These include commercial radio and TV broadcast antenna towers and amateur  
(HAM) radios. Note: The following are not likely to cause EMI problems: Lap-top  
computers (without phone or fax), Cordless phones,TV sets or AM/FM radios, CD or  
tape players.  
1. EMI means: electromagnetic (EM) interference (I). EMI comes from radio wave  
sources such as radio transmitters and transceivers. (A “transceiver” is a  
device that both sends and receives radio wave signals).  
2. There are a number of sources of intense EMI in your daily environment.  
Some of these are obvious and easy to avoid. Others are not, and you may not  
be able to avoid them.  
3. Powered wheelchairs may be susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI)  
emitted from sources such as radio stations,TV stations, amateur radio (HAM)  
transmitters, two way radios, and cellular phones.  
EM energy rapidly becomes more intense as you get closer to the source.  
For this reason, EMI from hand-held devices is of special concern.  
(See C.1 above) A person using one of these devices can bring high  
levels of EM energy very close to your chair without you knowing it.  
1. The level of EMI is measured in volts per meter (V/m). Every power wheel-  
chair can resist EMI up to a certain level.This is called its “immunity level”.  
2. The higher the immunity level, the less the risk of EMI. It is believed that a  
20V/m immunity level will protect the power wheelchair user from the more  
common sources of radio waves.  
3. The configuration tested and found to be immune to at least 20V/m is Quickie  
V-521 with a right hand mounted Penny & Giles Pilot integral controller, 18"  
seat width, 18" seat depth, single post armrests, swing-away hangers and 22NF  
gel cell batteries.  
4. EMI can also be produced by conducted sources or electro-static discharge (ESD).  
1. EMI can cause your chair, without warning, to:  
Release its brakes  
Move by itself  
Move in unintended directions  
If any of these occurs, it could result in severe injury to you or others.  
2. EMI can damage the control system of your chair.This could create a safety  
hazard, and lead to costly repairs.  
There is no way to know the effect on EMI if you add accessories or modify this chair.  
Any change to your chair may increase the risk of EMI. Parts from other suppliers  
have unknown EMI/RFI properties.  
The sources of EMI fall into three broad types:  
1. Hand-HeldTransceivers:  
The antenna is usually mounted directly on the unit.These include:  
Citizens band (CB) radios  
Security, fire and police radios  
Cellular phones  
Lap-top computers with phone or fax  
Other personal communication devices  
You should promptly report any unintended movement or brake release.  
Be sure to indicate whether there was a radio wave source near your chair  
at the time.  
Contact: Sunrise Medical Customer Service Department at (800) 333-4000.  
Note: These devices can transmit signals while they are on, even if not in use.  
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V I .  
G E N E R A L W A R N I N G S  
V 1 .  
G E N E R A L W A R N I N G S  
Heed all warnings in this section. If you fail to do so a fall, tip-over or loss of control may  
occur and cause severe injury to you or others.  
1. Never exceed a total weight of 250 pounds (113.6 kilograms) for rider plus  
items carried.  
2. Never use this chair for weight training if the total weight (rider plus additional  
weights) exceeds 250 pounds.  
3. Exceeding the weight limit is likely to damage the seat, frame, or fasteners, and  
may cause severe injury to you or others from chair failure.  
4. Exceeding the weight limit will void the warranty.  
1. Before using this chair, you should be trained in safe use by your health  
care professional.  
2. Every wheelchair is different.Take the time to learn the feel of this chair  
before you begin riding.  
3. Be aware that you must develop your own methods for safe use best suited to  
your level of function and ability.  
4. Have someone help you practice bending, reaching and transfers until you learn  
how to do them safely.  
5. Never try a new maneuver on your own unless you are sure it is safe.  
6. Get to know the areas where you plan to use your chair. Look for hazards and  
learn how to avoid them.  
Be aware that you may need to adjust the controller settings of your chair to  
reduce the risk of a collision, fall or tip-over.  
1. Check and adjust the settings every six to twelve months (or more often,  
if needed).  
2. Consult your supplier to adjust the control settings immediately if you notice any  
change in your ability to:  
Control the joystick.  
Hold your torso erect.  
Avoid running into objects.  
E. EMI  
Make sure you heed all warnings and follow all instructions in each section of  
this manual. (Be aware that warnings that apply to the rider also apply to you).  
1. You need to work with the rider, and the rider’s doctor, nurse or therapist, to  
develop safe methods best suited to your abilities and those of the rider.  
2. To manually push the chair you must release the motor locks.  
Read SectionV to learn about EMI.To reduce the risk of unintended brake  
release or chair movement:  
1. Never turn on or use a hand-held transceiver while power to your chair is on.  
Use extra care if you believe that such a device may be in use near your chair.  
2. Be aware of nearby radio or TV stations, and avoid coming close to them.  
3. If unintended movement or brake release occurs, turn your chair off as soon as it is safe.  
Make sure you have full control over the chair when you release the  
motor locks.When you do so the chair will not have brakes.  
3. Propel this chair by the push handles only.They provide secure points for  
you to hold the rear of the chair to prevent a fall or tip-over.  
Before each use of this chair:  
1. Make sure the chair operates smoothly. Check for noise, vibration, or a change in ease  
of use. (They may indicate low tire pressure, loose fasteners, or damage to your chair).  
Check to make sure push handle grips will not rotate or slip off.  
If you detect a problem, make sure to repair or adjust the chair.Your supplier  
can help you find and correct the problem.  
1. To prevent injury to your back, use good posture and proper body mechanics.  
When you lift or support the rider or tilt the chair, bend your knees slightly  
and keep your back as upright and straight as you can.  
2. Before each use, tell the rider what you plan to do, and explain what you  
expect the rider to do.This will put the rider at ease and reduce the risk  
of an accident.  
2. Make sure batteries are charged. Green lights on charge indicator will light up  
when charge is full.Yellow lights indicate battery charge level is getting low. Red  
lights indicate batteries are in immediate need of charging.  
3. Go straight up and straight down a curb or stair. If you turn, or climb or  
descend at an angle, a fall or tip-over is likely.  
4. Remind the rider to lean back when you tilt the chair backward.  
5. Lower the chair slowly. Do not let the chair drop to the pavement or ground.  
Doing so may damage the chair or injure the rider.  
Never use non-Quickie parts or make a changes to your chair unless authorized by  
Sunrise. (Doing so will void theWarranty, and may create a safety hazard).  
1. If you modify or adjust this chair it may increase the risk of a fall or tip-over.  
2. Modifications unauthorized by Sunrise constitutes remanufacturing of the wheelchair.  
This voids the warranty.The rider then assumes all future liability for the wheelchair.  
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V I .  
G E N E R A L W A R N I N G S  
V I .  
G E N E R A L W A R N I N G S  
1. Always turn off all power to your chair when you are parked, even for a  
In most states, power chairs are not legal for use on public roads. Be alert to  
the danger of motor vehicles on roads or in parking lots.  
moment.This will prevent:  
Accidental movement from contact with the joystick by you or others.  
Unintended brake release or movement from EMI sources. (See SectionV)  
1. At night, or when it is hard to see, use reflective tape on your chair and clothing.  
2. It may be hard for drivers to see you. Make eye contact with drivers before  
you proceed.When in doubt, yield until you are sure it is safe.  
2. Make sure that persons who help you (for example, store clerks) are aware  
of the joystick and do not touch it. If they do, your chair may move suddenly  
when you do not expect it.  
Wheelchair belts are designed to position the rider only and will not protect  
you in an accident; further injury may result from the belts.  
Your chair is not designed for use in a heavy rain storm, or in snowy or icy conditions.  
1. Contact with water or excessive moisture can cause an electrical malfunction.  
The frame, motors and other chair parts are not water-tight and may rust or  
corrode from the inside.To avoid a chair failure:  
To date, the U.S. Department of Transportation has not approved any tie down  
system for transporting a wheelchair in a motor vehicle.  
1. Never sit in this chair while in a moving vehicle. In an accident or sudden  
stop you may be thrown from the chair.  
Minimize exposure of your chair to a rain storm or very wet conditions.  
Never take your chair into a shower, tub, pool or sauna.  
Do not use your chair in fresh or salt water (such as at the edge of a  
stream, lake, or ocean).  
Wheelchair belts are designed to position the rider only and will not protect  
you in an accident; further injury may result from the belts.  
2. Always move to an approved vehicle seat.You must be secured with proper  
motor vehicle restraints.  
3. Never transport this chair in the front seat of a vehicle. It may shift and  
interfere with the driver.  
Make sure battery covers are secure.  
Replace joystick boot if it becomes torn or cracked.  
Make sure all electrical connections are secure.  
Dry the chair as soon as you can if it gets wet, or if you use water to clean it.  
4. Always secure this chair so that it cannot roll or shift.  
2. Proceed slowly and use extra care if you must operate your chair on a wet  
or slick surface.  
Do so only if you are sure it is safe.  
Stop if one or both main wheels lose traction. If this occurs, you may lose  
control of your chair or fall.  
The point where this chair will tip forward, back, or to the side depends on its  
center of balance and stability.  
Never operate your chair on a slope or ramp if there is snow, ice, water  
or oil film present.  
When in doubt, have someone help you.  
1. The seat height and seat angle.  
2. A change in your body position, posture or weight distribution.  
3. Using this chair on a ramp or slope.  
3. When not in use, keep your chair in a clean, dry place.  
4. The use of a back pack or other options, and the amount of added weight.  
1. This chair is designed for use on firm, even surfaces such as concrete, asphalt  
and indoor flooring.  
1. Consult your supplier for information on modifications authorized by  
Sunrise before you modify or adjust this chair.  
2. Do not operate your chair in sand, loose soil or over rough terrain. Doing so  
may damage wheels, bearings, axles or motors, or loosen fasteners.  
Note:You may need to make additional changes to correct the center of balance.  
2. Use extreme care until you know the balance points of this chair and how to  
avoid a fall or tip-over.  
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V I .  
G E N E R A L W A R N I N G  
V I .  
G E N E R A L W A R N I N G S  
It is dangerous to transfer on your own. It requires good balance and agility.  
Be aware that there is a point during every transfer when the wheelchair seat  
is not below you.To avoid a fall:  
Reaching or leaning affects the center of balance of your chair. If done improperly,  
a fall or tip-over is likely.When in doubt, ask for help or use a device to extend  
your reach.  
1. Always turn off power before you transfer to or from your chair. If you fail  
to do so you may touch the joystick and cause your chair to move when you  
do not expect it.  
2. Make sure motor locks are engaged.This keeps the chair from moving when  
you transfer.  
1. Never reach or lean if you must shift your weight sideways or rise up off the seat.  
2. Never reach or lean if you must move forward in your seat to do so.Always  
keep your buttocks in contact with the backrest.  
3. Work with your health care professional to learn safe methods.  
3. Never reach with both hands (you may not be able to catch yourself to prevent a  
fall if you lose your balance).  
4. Never try to pick up an object from the floor by reaching down between  
your knees.  
Learn how to position your body and how to support yourself during a transfer.  
Have someone help you until you are sure you can do a safe transfer  
on your own.  
4. Move your chair as close as you can to the seat you are transferring to.  
If possible, use a transfer board.  
5. Never put pressure on the footrests while reaching.This may cause the chair  
to tip if you lean too far.  
5. Rotate the front casters until they are as far forward as possible.  
6. Be careful of the footrests. If you can, remove or swing them out of the way.  
6. Never reach or lean over the top of the seat back.This may damage the back-  
rest and cause you to fall.  
Never stand on footrests when you transfer. Doing so may damage them or  
cause your chair to tip.  
Remember to:  
Make sure your feet do not “hang up” or get caught in the space between  
the footrests.  
1. Move your chair as close as you can to the object you wish to reach.  
2. Rotate the front casters until they are as far forward as possible.This makes the  
chair more stable. Note:To do this: Move your chair past the object you want to  
reach, then back up alongside it. Backing up will rotate the casters forward.  
3. Turn off all power to your chair. If you fail to do so, you may touch the joystick  
and cause your chair to move when you do not expect it.  
7. Make sure armrests do not interfere.  
8. Transfer as far back onto the seat surface as you can.This will reduce the risk  
that you will miss the seat or fall.  
4. Firmly grasp a rear wheel or an armrest with one hand.This will help to  
prevent a fall if the chair tips.  
Be aware that your weight will shift if you dress or change clothes while seated  
in this chair.To make the chair more stable, rotate the front casters until they  
are forward.  
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V I .  
G E N E R A L W A R N I N G S  
V I .  
G E N E R A L W A R N I N G S  
Obstacles you may have to overcome in daily use include door thresholds, lifts,  
ramps and hazards such as potholes and broken pavement.These can damage  
your chair and may cause a fall, tip-over or loss of control.  
1. Never use your chair on a slope unless  
you are sure you can do so without  
losing traction.  
2. Always go as straight up and as straight  
down as you can.  
1. Be aware that thresholds are very dangerous. (Even a small change in height  
may stop a caster wheel and cause your chair to tip).You may need to:  
Remove or cover threshold strips between rooms.  
Install a ramp at entry or exit doors.  
Do not “cut the corner” on a slope  
or ramp.  
Fig. 1  
2. Keep your eyes moving when you ride; scan the area well ahead of your chair.  
3. Make sure the floor areas where you use this chair are level and free of obstacles.  
4. To help correct your center of balance:  
Do not turn or change direction  
on a slope.  
Lean your upper body forward slightly as you go up over an obstacle.  
Press your upper body backward as you go down from a higher to  
a lower level.  
3. Always stay in the center of the ramp. Make  
sure ramp is wide enough that you are not  
at risk that a wheel may roll off the side.  
4. Lean or press your body uphill.This will  
help adjust for a change in the center of  
balance caused by the slope. (Fig. 1)  
5. Keep your chair moving at a slow,  
steady speed. Keep control over the  
chair at all times.  
Use extra care when you drive your chair in reverse.You may lose control or  
fall if one of the rear wheels hits an object.  
1. Operate your chair slowly and at an even speed.  
On a descent, do not let your chair  
accelerate beyond its normal speed.  
If the chair picks up speed, center the  
joystick to slow down or stop.  
2. Stop often and check to make sure your path is clear of obstacles.  
Note: The solid state controller of your chair  
has a logic system that will help control your  
speed when driving on a slope or up hill.  
The center of balance of your chair changes when you are on a slope.  
Note: “Slope” includes a ramp or side hill.Your chair is less stable when it is at an  
angle. Never use this chair on a slope unless your are sure it is safe.When in doubt,  
If you stop, re-start slowly.  
have someone help you.  
Beware Of:  
1. Steep slopes. Do Not use this chair on a slope steeper than 10%. (A 10% slope  
means: One foot in elevation for every ten feet of slope length).  
2. Wet or slippery surfaces (such as when ice, snow, water or oil film is present).  
A loss of traction may cause a fall or tip-over.  
6. Never use rear wheel locks to try to  
slow or stop your chair.This is likely to  
cause the chair to veer out of control.  
3. A change in grade on a slope (or a lip, bump or depression).These may  
cause a fall or tip-over.  
4. A drop-off at the bottom of a slope. (A drop-off of as small as 3/4 inch can stop a  
front caster and cause the chair to tip forward).  
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V I .  
G E N E R A L W A R N I N G S  
V I .  
G E N E R A L W A R N I N G S  
Make sure ramps meet all Building Codes for your area.  
1. For your safety, have a licensed contractor build or remodel ramp to meet  
all standards.  
2. Note: The proper design will vary, depending on such things as: the length and height  
of the ramp; the need for an intermediate platform; landing size; doors, and the direction  
of swing, and; whether the ramp includes a turn or angle.  
1. Your chair is not designed to drive up or down a curb or step more than  
2" high. Doing so may:  
Result in a fall or tip-over.  
Damage the frame, wheels, axles or other chair parts, or loosen fasteners.  
2. To prevent a fall or tip-over, use wheelchair access ramps or have someone  
help you.  
Note: Failure to follow these warnings may result in a fall and possible injury.  
3. If you must climb or descend a curb or step alone do so at your own risk  
and use extreme care.  
At A Minimum:  
Go as straight up or straight down as you can. Never turn or climb or  
descend at an angle as a fall or tip-over is likely.  
Proceed slowly, at a steady speed.  
1. Open sides of ramp must have side rails to prevent your chair from going  
over the edge.  
2. Slope must not be steeper than one inch in height for every one foot of  
slope length.  
3. Ramp surface must be even, and have a non-skid surface.  
4. You may need to add a section at the top or bottom to avoid a lip or drop-off.  
5. Ramp must be sturdy.Add bracing if needed, so ramp does not “bow” when  
you ride on it.  
4. Make sure that persons who assist you review the “Tips For Attendants”  
and heed all warnings.  
Never use this chair to go up or down stairs, even with an attendant.  
Doing so is likely to cause a fall or tip-over.  
Wheelchair lifts are used in vans, buses, and buildings to help you move from  
one level to another.  
Never take this chair on an escalator, even with an attendant. Doing so is  
likely to cause a fall or tip-over.  
1. Always turn off all power to your chair when you are on a lift. If you fail to  
do so, you may touch the joystick by accident and cause your chair to drive  
off the platform. (Be aware that a “roll-stop” at the end of the platform may  
not prevent this).  
2. Make sure there is not a lip or drop-off at the top or bottom of the platform.  
These may cause a fall or tip-over.When in doubt, have someone help you.  
3. Always secure the rider with a positioning belt to help prevent falls during transfers.  
4. Avoid moving forward if a wheel is “hung up” on the lip of the ramp. Backup,  
reposition the caster for a more direct approach.And slowly try again.  
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V I I .  
W A R N I N G S : C O M P O N E N T S  
O P T I O N S  
V I I .  
W A R N I N G S : C O M P O N E N T S  
O P T I O N S  
Note: If you use parts or make changes not authorized by Sunrise it may create  
a safety hazard and will void the Warranty.  
1. At the lowest point, footrests should be at least 21/2 inches off the ground.  
If set too LOW, they may “hang up” on obstacles you can expect to find in  
normal use.This may cause the chair to stop suddenly and tip forward.  
2. To avoid a trip or fall when you transfer:  
Make sure your feet do not “hang up” or get caught in the space  
between the footrests.  
Never remove or alter anti-tip levers.They help keep your chair from tipping  
over backward in normal use. Make sure rubber rollers are in good condition.  
Avoid putting weight on the footrests, as the chair may tip forward.  
Remove or swing the footrests out of the way, if possible.  
3. Never lift this chair by the footrests. Footrests detach and will not bear  
the weight of this chair. Lift this chair only by non-detachable parts of the  
main frame.  
Armrests detach and will not bear the weight of this chair.  
1. Never lift this chair by its armrests.They may come loose or break.  
2. Lift this chair only by non-detachable parts of the main frame.  
1. Do not engage or disengage motor locks unless power to the chair is off.  
2. Be aware that the chair will not have brakes when motor locks are in the  
free-wheel position.  
3. Make sure that the person pushing the chair has full control when motor  
locks are disengaged.  
1. To prevent an acid spill, always keep batteries upright.  
2. Never smoke or hold an open flame near batteries.They are a known  
explosion hazard.  
3. Always wear rubber gloves and safety glasses when you handle batteries.  
4. Read all of section XI Batteries before attempting to charge or change batteries.  
1. Never use the ON/OFF switch to stop the chair except in an emergency.  
This will result in an abrupt stop, and may cause you to fall.  
2. To slow your chair to a stop, return the joystick to neutral.  
1. Quickie sling seats, standard foam cushions, and other body supports, are not  
designed for the relief of pressure.  
2. If you suffer from pressure sores, or if you are at risk that they will occur, you  
may need a special seat system or a device to control your posture.  
Consult your doctor, nurse or therapist to find out if you need such a  
device for your well-being.  
Proper inflation extends the life of your tires and makes your chair easier to use.  
1. Do not use this chair if any of the tires is under- or over-inflated. Check  
weekly for proper inflation level, as listed on the tire sidewall.  
2. Low pressure in a tire may cause the chair to veer to one side and result in a  
loss of control.  
3. An over-inflated tire may burst.  
4. Never use a gas station air pump to inflate a tire. Such pumps provide air at  
high volume, and could cause the tire to burst.To prevent tire damage:  
Many of the screws, bolts and nuts on this chair are special high-strength  
fasteners. Use of improper fasteners may cause your chair to fail.  
1. Only use fasteners provided by Sunrise.  
2. If fasteners become loose, tighten them as soon as you can.  
3. Over- or under-tightened fasteners may fail or cause damage to chair parts.  
Use a hand pump (or a low volume air pump) to inflate tires.  
Use a tire gauge to check pressure.  
5. Driving over sharp objects may cause damage to tires and tubes.  
See Section IX,Set-Up & Adjustment”, for proper torque settings.  
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V I I .  
W A R N I N G S : C O M P O N E N T S  
O P T I O N S  
V I I .  
W A R N I N G S : C O M P O N E N T  
O P T I O N S  
Use a positioning belt only to help support your posture. Improper use of  
such belts may cause severe injury or death.  
1. Use of a seating system not approved by Sunrise may alter the center of  
balance of this chair.This may cause a fall or tip-over.  
2. Never change the seating system of your chair unless you consult your  
supplier first.  
1. Make sure you are not at risk to slide down in the wheelchair seat. If this occurs,  
you may suffer chest compression or suffocate due to pressure from the belt.  
2. A pelvic wedge or a similar device can help keep you from sliding down in the  
seat. Consult your health care professional to find out if you need such a device.  
3. The belt must be snug, but must not be so tight that it interferes with breathing.You  
should be able to slide your open hand, flat, between the belt and your stomach.  
4. Make sure you can easily remove the belt in an emergency.  
5. Never use a positioning belt:  
1. Replace worn or torn fabric of seat sling and seat back as soon as you can.  
If you fail to do so, the seat may fail and cause you to fall.Worn fabrics may  
increase the potential for a fire hazard.  
2. Sling fabric will deteriorate with age and use. Look for fraying or thin spots,  
or stretching of fabric at rivet holes. Replace fabric as required.  
3. “Dropping down” into sling seat will weaken fabric and result in the need to  
inspect and replace sling on a more frequent basis.  
In place of a motor vehicle seat belt. In an accident or sudden stop you  
may be thrown from the chair.A positioning belt will not prevent this,  
and further injury may result from the belt.  
As a restraint.A restraint requires a doctor’s order.  
On a rider who is comatose or agitated.  
4. Be aware that washing may reduce flame retardation of the fabric.  
1. Push handles provide secure points for an attendant to propel and control the  
chair.This helps to prevent a fall or tip-over.  
2. Check to make sure push handle grips will not rotate or slip off.  
If you request them, we will install rear wheel locks at Sunrise.  
1. Rear wheel locks are not designed to slow or stop a moving wheelchair.  
Never apply them when your chair is moving. Doing so may cause you to  
veer out of control.  
Use wheel locks only to keep the rear wheels from rolling when your  
chair is at a complete stop.  
2. Low pressure in a rear tire may cause the wheel lock on that side to slip and  
may allow the wheel to turn when you do not expect it.  
3. Make sure lock arms embed in tires at least 3/8 inch when locked. If you fail  
to do so, the locks may not work.  
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I X . S E T - U P , A D J U S T M E N T  
U S E  
V I I I . T I P S F O R A T T E N D A N T S  
1. Work Surface For Set-Up:  
1. Persons who help a rider do one of the following tasks should review and  
heed the warnings “Notice to Attendants” and all warnings in this Manual  
for that task.  
Use a flat surface, such as a table, to assemble, adjust and check your chair.  
This makes the steps easier and helps ensure a correct set-up.  
2. Fasteners:  
2. The “Tips” that follow are suggestions only. Be aware that you will need to  
learn safe methods best suited to the rider and to your abilities. Consult  
your health care professional for instructions.  
Many of the screws and bolts on this chair are special high-strength  
fasteners and may have special coatings.  
Many nuts are of the Nylock type.They have a plastic insert to help  
prevent loosening.  
Only use screws, bolts and nuts provided by Sunrise.  
The following is one way to safely help a rider climb a curb or single step  
going forward:  
1. Stay behind the chair.  
2. Face the curb and tilt the chair up on the rear wheels so that the front casters  
clear the curb or step.  
3. Move forward, placing the front casters on the upper level as soon as you are  
sure they are past the edge.  
1. Use of improper fasteners may cause the chair to fail.  
2. Over-or under- tightened fasteners may fail or cause damage to chair parts.  
3. If bolts or screws become loose,tighten them as soon as you can. Loose bolts  
or screws can cause damage to other chair parts causing them to fail.  
3. Washers & Spacers:  
Note the position of washers and spacers before disassembly.  
To avoid damage to the frame, replace all washers and spacers when you  
reassemble parts.  
4. Continue forward until the rear wheels contact the face of the curb or step.  
Lift and roll the rear wheels to the upper level.  
4. Torque Settings:  
A torque setting is the optimal tightening for a particular fastener. Use a  
torque wrench that measures inch-pounds to secure screws, nuts and bolts  
on this chair.  
Note: Unless otherwise noted, use a torque setting of 60 inch-pounds for all fasteners.  
The following is one way to safely help a rider descend a curb or single step  
going backward:  
1. Stay at the rear of the chair.  
2. Several feet before your reach the edge of the curb or step, turn the chair  
around and pull it backward.  
3. Proceed carefully. Look over your shoulder and carefully step back until you  
are off the curb or stair and standing on the lower level.  
4. Pull the chair toward you until the rear wheels reach the edge of the curb or  
step.Then allow the rear wheels to slowly roll down onto the lower level.  
5. When the rear wheels are safely on the lower level, tilt the chair back to its  
balance point.This will lift the front casters off the curb or step.  
6. Keep the chair in balance and take small steps backward. Be sure to look  
where you are going.Turn the chair around and gently lower front casters  
to the ground.  
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I X . S E T U P , A D J U S T M E N T  
U S E  
I X . S E T - U P , A D J U S T M E N T  
U S E  
1 First: Follow steps in this section to make  
sure set-up is correct.  
2. Second: If step 1 does not work, consult  
your supplier for help.  
3. IfYou Still Have A Problem: contact  
Sunrise Medical Customer Service at  
(800) 333-4000.  
1. BasicTool Kit:  
To set-up, adjust and maintain your chair you will need the following tools:  
7/16" box and open-end wrench  
1/2" box and open-end wrench  
3/4" box and open-end wrench  
5/32" Allen wrench  
3/16" Allen wrench  
Phillips screwdriver #2  
E. BATTERIES (See Section XI)  
Custom axle wrench (or a 1/2" open-end wrench)  
1. Installation  
You can obtain a multi-purpose tool kit from Sunrise, or buy the tools you  
need from a hardware store.  
a. Place swing-away pivot pin (B) into the  
2. Torque Wrench:  
locating hole (C) on top of the hanger  
mount with the footrest facing out-  
ward from frame.  
If you plan to adjust and maintain this chair yourself, Sunrise recommends that you  
use a torque wrench.  
Note:The wrench must measure inch-pounds.You can buy a torque wrench and proper  
sockets from a hardware store.  
b. Rotate the footrest inward until latch  
plate locks (D) into place on locking  
2. Removal  
Be sure this chair performs to your chosen operational settings. If it does not,  
turn the chair off immediately and reprogram with the Quickie QTRONIX  
Programming Pad. If you do not own a Quickie QTRONIX Programming Pad  
have your supplier reprogram your wheelchair as needed. Or, you can order a  
Quickie QTRONIX Programming Pad for your own use, from your supplier.  
Note: Repeat this procedure until the chair performs to your specifications.  
Note: Quickie’ Smart Pad Programmer or Smart Box Programmer are not compatible  
with theV-521 controller.  
a. To remove footrest, press quick-  
release lever (E).  
b. Rotate footrest outward and lift.  
3. Height Adjustment  
a. Remove both bolts (F) in the hanger  
frame tube.  
b. Reposition footrest height.  
c. Re-tighten all bolts (F).  
When properly set-up, this chair will operate smoothly. Check to see that all components  
work properly. If you detect a problem, be sure to correct it before use.  
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I X . S E T - U P , A D J U S T M E N T  
U S E  
I X . S E T U P , A D J U S T M E N T  
U S E  
1. Installation  
1. Installing Armrest  
a. Insert front and rear posts into arm-  
rest receivers.  
b. Engage levers (A and B) to secure  
To install or remove Elevating Legrest  
(ELR) see instructions for Swing-away  
Footrest installation page 29.  
2. Set-up for Flip-back Operation  
a. Disengage lever (A) so front post  
is able to come free.  
b. Armrest now has the ability to be  
flipped back without removal.  
3. Set-up for Removal  
2. Adjustment  
a) To raise legrest, lift to desired position.  
Legrest will automatically lock in place.  
b) To lower legrest, while seated in chair,  
first lift slightly then press release  
lever (F) down and lower legrest to  
desired position.  
a. Disengage levers (A and B) so front  
and rear posts are able to come free.  
b. Armrest can now be easily removed  
for transferring.  
1. To Connect  
4. Height-Adjustment (option)  
a. Release the upper securing lever (C).  
b. Set at desired height  
a. Connect left and right motor to respec-  
tive motor plug.Align ridges (A).  
b. Connect battery plug to battery box.  
Refer to wire diagram.  
c. Return securing lever to locked  
d. Move armrest up or down to allow  
armrest to snap into place  
1. Installation  
2. To Disconnect  
Pinch lower edges of plug to release barb  
mechanism (B). Pull apart.  
The joystick is mounted with a mechanism  
which allows the control to be locked in a  
forward or retracted position using magnets.  
a. Slide the outer armpost into the  
receiver mounted to the wheelchair  
b. The armrest will automatically lock  
into place.  
2. Height Adjustment  
a. Rotate release lever to second stop.  
b. Slide armrest pad up or down to  
desired height.  
Armrest Key  
1. Outer armpost  
2. Standard receiver  
3. Release lever  
4. Armrest pad  
5. Transfer bar  
6. Side panel  
7. Outer armpost tension  
adjustment set screws  
8. Inner armpost  
9. Receiver adjustment bolts  
10.Release Lever  
a. To retract joystick, push outward on  
the inside of joystick.  
c. Return lever to locked position  
against armpost.  
d. Push arm pad until upper armpost  
locks firmly into place.  
b. Push joystick away from front of arm-  
rest until it locks into retracted position.  
c. To return to forward position, push  
joystick forward until it locks into  
3. Removing Armrest  
a. Rotate release lever to first stop and  
remove the armrest.  
The dual-post flip-back armrest can be used  
as either a flip-back armrest or a removable  
4. Replacing Armrest  
a. Slide armrest back into receiver.  
b. Return release lever to locked posi-  
tion against armpost.  
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I X . S E T U P , A D J U S T M E N T  
U S E  
X . O P E R A T I N G G U I D E  
5. Adjusting Armrest Receiver Fit  
To tighten or loosen the fit of the outer armpost in the receiver:  
1. It is vital to match control settings to your level of function and ability.  
2. Consult your health care professional and your supplier to select the best  
control settings for you.  
a. Loosen the four bolts on the sides of the receiver.  
b. With the armrest in the receiver, squeeze the receiver to achieve the  
desired fit.  
3. Check and adjust the settings every six to twelve months (or more often, if needed).  
4. Adjust the control settings immediately if you notice any change in  
your ability to:  
c. Tighten the four bolts.  
6. Adjusting Inner Armpost Fit  
Control the joystick.  
Hold your torso erect.  
Avoid running into objects.  
a. Two set screws are installed in the outer armpost.  
b. Turn the set screws in or out until the desired fit is achieved.  
5. Control Settings are adjusted through the use of the Quickie QTRONIX  
Programming Pad. See your supplier if you do not own a Quickie QTRONIX  
Programming Pad.  
When requested, rear wheel locks are installed  
by Sunrise.  
Note: Quickie’s Smart Pad Programmer or Smart Box Programmer are  
not compatible with the QuickieV-521controller.  
1. Note: Use a torque setting of 70-80 inch-  
pounds to tighten wheel lock bolts.  
Program settings beyond the ability of the rider can result in serious injury. Consult  
your health care advisor before you alter settings.  
2.To Adjust:  
a. Use an open-end wrench and Alan  
wrench to loosen two bolts (8) on  
brake bracket (6).  
b. Adjust (6) clamp toward rear wheel until  
lock arm (7) embeds in tire at least 1/8”  
when locked.  
1. Notes:  
The Quickie QTRONIX Programming Pad  
lets you adjust the control settings of the  
V-521.You can customize a program for  
yourself or select the standard program.  
c. Retighten bolts (8).  
d. Repeat steps on other side.  
acceleration rate  
deceleration rate  
turn acceleration  
turn deceleration  
forward speed  
reverse speed  
turn speed  
When folding or unfolding the chair do so cautiously to avoid pinching your  
fingers between seat rails and side frames.  
2. To ProgramYour Chair:  
a. Turn off power to the chair.  
b. Insert QTRONIX Programming Pad  
plug (1) into the charger socket.  
c. Turn on power to the chair; program  
as needed.  
1.To Fold:  
a. Remove the batteries and battery cage by following the instructions in section  
XI item D.  
d. Remove plug and drive chair.  
Note: Review the Quickie QTRONIX  
Programming Pad Owner’s Manual for more  
details on how to program your chair.  
Note: Quickie’s Smart Pad Programmer or  
Smart Box Programmer are not compatible  
with the QuickieV-521 controller.  
Note: Program settings that are not  
matched for the capabilities of the rider  
can result in serious injury. Do Not alter  
settings without the advice of your health  
care professional.  
b. Flip up both the left and right footplates.  
c. Remove any seat cushions or add-on solid backrests.  
d. Grasp the seat sling in the mid-front and mid-rear part of the seat sling.  
Pull up on the sling until chair is folded.  
2.To Unfold:  
a. Push down on the seat rails until the chair is fully expanded and the seat rails  
are located in the seat saddles on the main frame.  
b. Flip down the left and right footplates.  
c. Replace any cushions or solid backs.  
d. Replace the batteries and battery cage as described in section XI item D.  
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X . O P E R A T I N G G U I D E  
X . O P E R A T I N G G U I D E  
The standard integral joystick controls the  
chair’s performance. It consists of the follow-  
ing parts:  
1. Speed Control or Drive Mode  
Selection Buttons (A and B)  
To decrease the speed level depress button  
A. Or, when 1- 5 Drive modes are pro-  
grammed, depress button A to activate lower  
drive mode(s).  
Your chair has a thermal roll back circuit.  
This protects the controller from damage  
due to overheating. In extreme conditions  
(such as repetitive hill climbing) the circuit  
will decrease the power to your motors.  
This allows the chair to operate at a  
reduced speed.When the controller cool,  
the chair will return to normal speed.  
To increase speed level, depress button B. Or,  
when 1- 5 Drive modes are programmed,  
depress button B to activate higher drive  
Speed level active, or Drive Mode selected, is  
indicated on display (C) by a series of five  
lights. One light indicates slowest level/mode  
currently active, while five lights indicates  
highest level/mode currently active.  
2. Battery Charge Indicator (D)  
1. Notes:  
Your Quickie V-521 has two styles of  
battery box; Single (one circuit breaker)  
and Dual (two circuit breakers, one on  
each box)  
Integral Joystick  
In the unlikely event of a short circuit  
or heavy overload, all power to your  
chair will be shut off.  
To reset your chair, depress the circuit  
breaker button(s) on the battery box  
lids.A few minutes wait is required  
before the circuit breaker(s) will reset.  
Green lights indicate that batteries are  
fully charged.  
Yellow lights indicate that batteries  
need recharging.  
When the lights stay in the red band,  
the batteries must be recharged.  
2. Repeated Shutdown:  
If the chair continues to shut down  
after resetting, have it serviced by  
a supplier.  
3. On/Off Button (E)  
Turning the chair on or off is accomplished by  
depressing button E.  
4. Horn (F)  
5. Joystick (G)  
The joystick controls the direction and speed  
of your chair.Turn the chair on and move the  
joystick in the direction you want to go.  
Moving the joystick from the neutral  
(center) position disengages the motor  
locks, allowing the chair to move.  
The chair will move faster the more you  
move the joystick away from neutral.  
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X . O P E R A T I N G G U I D E  
X I . B A T T E R I E S  
Note: If your speed becomes hard to manage, release the Joystick and the chair will come  
to a complete stop.  
1. Notes:  
When you release the joystick it will return to neutral; the chair will slow  
to a stop and the motor locks will reengage.  
We recommend that you switch the chair off if you stop for any length of  
time.This will conserve battery power.  
Batteries supply the power for your chair.They contain a finite amount of  
energy and have limits on how long they can store and supply energy.  
You can charge batteries only a certain number of times before they will  
fail and no longer hold a charge.  
Note: Once the chair stops, switching the chair off will not affect the motor locks.  
6. Joystick Boot (H)  
For answers to questions about batteries, consult your Sunrise supplier.  
2. Use Proper Batteries:  
Make sure the boot is not torn or cracked (this could allow debris, water or  
moisture to enter). If the boot is torn or cracked, replace it as soon as you can.  
Your chair operates on two 12 volt batteries.  
They should be 22 NF or U1 size with a minimum of 30 ampere hour rat-  
ing. Only deep cycle sealed case construction batteries should be used  
in this device.  
1. Never use the ON/OFF switch to stop your chair except in an emergency.  
This will result in an abrupt stop, and may cause you to fall.  
When you buy a replacement, insist on a deep cycle sealed case type.  
Do not use a car starter battery.  
2. To slow or stop your chair, return the joystick to neutral.  
3. Breaking In:  
A battery requires “breaking-in” for the first 6 to 12 charges. It will not  
accept a full charge for this period.  
It is best to limit the length of your trips until you break the batteries in  
and you know the range of your chair.  
Disconnect the motor locks when you need to manually push the chair.  
(For example, in an emergency, or if batteries fail).  
4. Discharged Batteries:  
Never allow a battery to completely discharge. If you operate your wheelchair  
until it has almost stopped, you will greatly reduce the life of your batteries.  
Never let a battery sit in a discharged condition. Give unused or stored  
batteries a full charge once per month.  
1. Do not disengage motor locks unless power to the chair is off.  
2. Be aware that the chair will not have brakes in the free-wheel position.  
3. Make sure that the person pushing the chair has full control when motor  
locks are disengaged.  
Always fully charge the batteries. Avoid “topping off” with frequent charges.  
1. To Disengage Motor Locks:  
a. Turn off power to the chair.  
b. Facing the rear of the chair, rotate  
lever (A - left side) clockwise.  
Never connect a life support or auxiliary device to a wheelchair battery.The electrical  
system may fail, and result in severe injury to or death of rider.  
c. Rotate lever (B - right side) counter  
2. To Engage Motor Locks:  
a. Turn off power to the chair.  
b. Face the rear of the chair; rotate lever  
(A - left side) counter clockwise.  
c. Rotate lever (B - right side) clockwise.  
Note: Chair will move freely, power on or  
power off, with the motor locks disengaged.  
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X I . B A T T E R I E S  
X I . B A T T E R I E S  
Acid in batteries is corrosive. It can cause serious burns to the eyes and skin  
and can damage floors, furniture, clothing and your wheelchair.  
A battery charger produces a direct current (DC).When applied to a discharged  
battery, this reverses the chemical reaction that led to its discharge.  
1. Charge Rate. How fast a battery will charge depends on:  
Its electrical capacity; state of charge; electrolyte temperature, and;  
internal condition.  
The DC output of the charger. (The charge rate will vary if the alternating  
current (AC) supply is higher or lower than 110 volts).  
1. Use extreme care not to spill acid when you handle batteries.  
Keep batteries upright.  
2. Avoid contact of acid with bare skin or clothing.  
3. Always wear rubber gloves and safety glasses when you handle batteries.  
4. If acid contacts your skin or clothing, wash immediately with soap and water.  
5. If acid contacts your eyes, immediately flood eyes with cold running water for at least  
15 minutes. Seek medical attention immediately.  
2. Caution To Avoid Damage to the Charger:  
Never place the charger on top of a battery during charging. (Gases from  
the battery can damage the charger and may lead to an explosion or fire).  
Never place a battery on top of the charger.  
Never expose charger to rain or snow.  
Never unplug charger by pulling on the electrical cord.This will damage  
the cord.  
1. Batteries weigh up to 40 lbs.Take care to avoid injury when lifting.  
2. Keep batteries upright.Take care not to spill acid (wet cell batteries).  
3. Always wear rubber gloves and safety glasses when you handle batteries.  
4. Before working around batteries, remove all metal personal affects, such as necklaces,  
rings, watches, pins and other metal jewelry that might contact the battery terminal  
and cause a short.  
Never open a charger or attempt to repair it yourself. Return charger to  
Sunrise or have repairs made only by a qualified person.  
Keep cord out of the way, where it will not be stepped on, tripped over,  
or damaged.  
3. Caution To Avoid Damage to the Battery:  
Make sure you use the correct setting (located on the charger) for  
“wet” or “gel” type batteries.  
Never charge a frozen battery.A fully charged battery will rarely freeze,  
but the fluid in a discharged battery can freeze at 16 degrees Fahrenheit  
(minus 9 degrees Centigrade). If you suspect a battery is frozen, thaw it  
before charging.  
Note: Refer to page 44 for a battery wiring diagram, or refer to the battery box lid  
for a wiring diagram.  
1. Lift battery into battery box base.  
2. Connect and disconnect battery cables  
with caution. Connect the red lead to the  
positive terminal and the black lead to the  
negative terminal. In the single (UI) battery  
box connect the red lead to a different  
battery than the black lead. Connect the  
remaining positive terminal to the negative  
terminal at the other battery using the  
range jumper connector.  
Lead acid batteries generate explosive gas while charging. Completely read and follow  
all warnings about the batteries in this user instruction manual and any labels applied  
to the product. Failure to do so could result in fire, explosion, injury and/or death.  
3. Tighten all the terminal fasteners using  
two wrenches.  
4. Place the battery lids on the bases and  
secure with the battery box strap.  
5. Place battery box into battery cage.  
Connector on box lid should face the chair.  
6. Connect the harness lead to the battery  
box connector on the lid.  
7. Lift the battery cage on to the locating pins  
found on the gear boxes. Make sure cage is  
seated properly.  
8. Lock the battery cage into place by pushing  
down on the battery cage handle.  
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X I . B A T T E R I E S  
X I . B A T T E R I E S  
1. Use the charger that comes with your  
wheelchair. Read and follow all instruc-  
tions and warnings.  
Never make direct contact across both battery terminals, as an explosion may occur.  
A spark may result in an explosion and/or fire resulting in severe injury or death.  
2. Use the correct switch setting (located  
on the charger) for the type of  
batteries being used (wet or gel).  
3. Make sure room is well ventilated.  
4. Turn off all power to your chair.  
5. Connect and disconnect battery cables  
with caution. Only connect the charger to  
the power supply after the charger has  
been connected to the chair  
To avoid the risk of severe injury or death from electrical shock, fire or explosion  
while charging:  
Integral Joystick  
1. Never connect charger to a 240 volt source.The main input voltage is 110 volts.  
2. Never touch the charger after it is connected to an electrical outlet.This may cause  
electrical shock.  
6. Make sure to allow enough time to fully  
charge batteries.  
Connect charger to the power supply ONLY AFTER you connect charger to  
the battery.  
Note: Batteries should never be left for long  
periods in the discharged state. Unused or  
stored batteries should be given a charge once  
per month.  
Never connect or disconnect charger from battery while there is power to  
the charger.  
3. Never use an extension cord. Use of an improper cord could damage the charger, or  
cause a fire or electrical shock.  
7. Charge batteries by engaging the battery charg-  
er connector (A) to the charger/programming  
port (B) located on the joystick  
4. Do not use charger if it has been dropped or damaged.  
5. A battery emits explosive hydrogen gas during charging.To reduce the risk of fire  
or explosion:  
Make sure area is well vented. Never charge battery in a closed-in area.  
Never smoke or allow a spark, flame or high heat near battery during changing.  
Never allow metal tools or chair parts to contact battery.  
1. All batteries once they have reached the  
end of their useful life are deemed to be  
hazardous waste.  
6. Never look directly into cells when charging battery.  
2. For further information on handling and  
recycling contact your local  
recycling authority.  
3. Always dispose of product through a  
recognized agent.  
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X I I . M A I N T E N A N C E  
X I I . M A I N T E N A N C E  
1. Proper maintenance will improve performance and extend the useful life  
of your chair.  
2. Clean your chair regularly.This will help you find loose or worn parts and will  
make your chair easier to use.  
1. To prevent an acid spill, always keep batteries upright.  
2. Never smoke or hold an open flame near batteries.  
3. To protect your investment, have all major service and repair work done by  
your supplier.  
3. Always wear rubber gloves and safety glasses when you handle batteries.  
1. Maintenance Schedule:  
This varies for different types of batteries.Always follow the instructions  
supplied with your batteries.  
Note: Always wear rubber gloves and safety glasses when you handle or service batteries.  
2. Adding Water: (Wet Cells Only)  
1. Your chair needs regular maintenance for peak performance and to avoid injury from  
chair failure, damage or premature wear.  
2. Inspect and maintain this chair strictly per the “Maintenance Chart”. (p. 41)  
3. If you detect a problem, make sure to service or repair the chair before use.  
4. At least once a year, have a complete safety check and service of your chair performed  
by a supplier.  
Wet-type lead acid batteries need periodic replacement of water lost due  
to evaporation.  
Note: use distilled water only.  
Check the battery fluid level about once a week.When you remove the  
stoppers (on top of the battery) there should be one-eighth to one-quarter  
of an inch of fluid above the internal plates. Do not overfill.  
1. Paint Finish:  
3. Corrosion:  
Clean the paint finish with mild soapy water monthly.  
Protect the paint with a coat of non-abrasive auto wax every three months.  
Check battery terminals often for corrosion.  
a. If corrosion is present, use a wire brush to clean the terminals.  
Note: Always wear safety glasses and rubber gloves.  
b. Use baking soda to neutralize acid.  
c. Use petroleum jelly to re-grease the terminals after connecting cable to  
battery. (Completely cover the terminal nut and bolt, cable clip and any  
exposed cable with jelly).  
2. Motors:  
Clean around motor area weekly with a slightly damp (not wet) cloth.  
Wipe off or blow away any fluff, dust, or dirt on or around the motors.  
Note: You do not need to grease or oil the chair.  
3. Upholstery:  
Hand-wash only as needed. Machine washing may damage fabric.  
Drip-dry only. Heat from a dryer may damage fabric.  
4. For AnswersTo Questions: Contact your supplier.  
Note: Washing the fabric may decrease fire retardant properties.  
1. Store your chair in a clean, dry area. If you fail to do so, parts may rust or corrode.  
2. Before using your chair, make sure it is in proper working order. Inspect and  
service all items on the “Maintenance Chart”. (See p. 41)  
3. If you store this chair for more than three months, have it inspected by a sup-  
plier before use.  
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X I I . M A I N T E N A N C E  
X I I . M A I N T E N A N C E  
2. 12" Drive Wheels:  
a. Elevate and securely support chair so that wheel is off the ground. Release  
all air from tire.  
b. Remove plastic dome plug.  
c. Remove lock nut and tab washer.  
d. Remove wheel.  
1. Do not use this chair if any of the tires in under- or over-inflated.  
2. Low pressure in a tire may cause the chair to veer to one side and result in loss  
of control.  
3. An over-inflated tire may burst.  
e. Repair or replace inner tube.  
4. Never use a gas station pump to inflate a tire. Such pumps provide air at high  
volume, and may cause tire to burst.  
f. Install wheel on chair by replacing center tab washer and locknut. Use a  
torque setting of 35 ft.-lbs. to re-tighten nuts. Install plastic  
dome plug.  
1. Check for signs of wear and correct  
air pressure in pneumatic tires weekly.  
2. For best performance, inflate tires to  
the same pressure level, as shown  
on the tire sidewall:  
g. Inflate tire to proper pressure level (listed on tire sidewall).  
Check the motor brushes every three (3) months for wear.The brushes  
should be clean and shiny. Replace worn or blackened brushes.  
8" pneumatic casters - 30 to 40 psi  
12" pneumatic drive wheels -  
35 to 45 psi  
When you order parts, provide the following:  
1. Model of chair  
3. Caution:  
To prevent tire damage:  
2. Serial number of chair  
Use a hand pump (or a low  
volume air pump) to inflate tires.  
Use a tire gauge to check pressure.  
3. Left hand or right hand control  
4. Part number, description and quantity of parts you need.  
5. State reason for replacement.  
You should check the items on this chart at the indicated intervals. If any of  
the items are loose, worn, bent or distorted, immediately have them checked  
and/or repaired by your authorized Sunrise supplier. Frequent maintenance  
and servicing will improve performance and extend wheelchair life.  
Residual air pressure in tires can cause severe  
injury. Make sure you release all air in tire  
before attempting to service or repair tires.  
1. 8" Caster Wheels:  
a. Release all air from tire.  
b. Remove caster wheel from fork.  
c. Make sure there is no residual air in  
tire before you remove bolts that hold  
the two rim halves together.  
d. Remove four bolts from rim. Separate  
two halves of rim.  
Charge Batteries  
Check tires for proper inflation level  
Check batteries for proper electrolyte level (wet only)  
e. Repair or replace inner tube.  
f. Reassemble the caster wheel; make  
sure the bearing spacer is in place and  
all four bolts are secure.  
Note: Use a torque setting of 240 inch-  
pounds when tightening bolts.  
g. Mount caster wheel onto fork.  
Replace washers correctly.  
h. Inflate fire to proper pressure level.  
Check plugs and connectors for proper connections  
Check all moving parts for wear  
Inspect all nuts, bolts and fasteners for looseness or wear  
Inspect upholstery for wear  
Remove and inspect motor brushes  
Servicing by authorized Supplier  
930485 Rev. A  
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X I I I . W I R I N G D I A G R A M  
X I V . S U N R I S E L I M I T E D W A R R A N T Y  
Wiring Diagram Detail  
We warrant the main frame of this wheelchair against defects in materials  
and workmanship for lifetime use of the first consumer purchase.  
We warrant Sunrise-made components of this wheelchair against defects  
in materials and workmanship as follows:  
a. Main electronic controllerFor two (2) years from the date of first  
consumer purchase.  
b. Motors, gear boxes and remote joystickFor one (1) year from the  
date of first consumer purchase.  
c. All other original components (such as wheels, upholstery, plastic,  
rubber parts and painted surfaces)For three (3) months from the  
date of first consumer purchase.  
a. We do not warrant damage due to:  
Neglect, misuse, or improper installation or repair.  
Use of parts or changes not authorized by Sunrise.  
Exceeding the weight limit of 250 pounds.  
b. This warranty is void if the original chair serial number tag is  
removed or altered.  
c. This warranty applies in the USA only. Check with your supplier to  
find out if international warranties apply.  
50 AMP  
Our sole liability is to repair or replace covered parts.This is your only  
remedy for consequential damages.  
a. Return the warranty card.  
b. Obtain from us, while this warranty is in effect, prior approval for  
return or repair covered parts.  
c. Return the wheelchair or part(s), freight pre-paid, to Sunrise Mobility  
Products Division at: 2842 Business Park Ave., Fresno, CA 93727-1328.  
d. Pay the cost of labor to install or repair parts.  
There are no other express warranties.To the extent permitted by law,  
any implied warranty (including a warranty of merchantability or fitness  
for a particular purpose) is limited to:  
50 AMP  
a. One (1) year from the first consumer purchase, and;  
b. Repair or replacement of the defective part only.  
This warranty gives you certain legal rights.You may also have other  
rights that vary from state to state.  
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Sunrise Medical  
7477 East Dry Creek Parkway • Longmont, Colorado • 80503 USA  
(800) 333-4000  
In Canada (800) 263-3390  
Manufactured under one or more of the following patents:  
U.S. Patent # 5,062,677; 5,149,173; 5,211,446; 5,352,023; 5,407,248; plus other foreign patents.  
© 2002, Sunrise Medical 12.02  
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