Oracle Audio Technologies Server A86828 01 User Manual

Oracle9i Application Server  
Oracle HTTP Server powered by Apache Performance Guide  
Release 1.0.2 for AIX-Based Systems, Compaq Tru64 UNIX, HP 9000 Series HP-UX,  
Linux Intel, and Sun Solaris Intel  
October 2000  
Part No. A86828-01  
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Send Us Your Comments.................................................................................................................. vii  
Preface............................................................................................................................................................ ix  
System Throughput...................................................................................................................... 1-4  
Wait Time....................................................................................................................................... 1-4  
Critical Resources ......................................................................................................................... 1-5  
Effects of Excessive Demand....................................................................................................... 1-6  
Setting Performance Targets ............................................................................................................. 1-7  
Setting User Expectations.................................................................................................................. 1-7  
Performance Methodology ............................................................................................................... 1-8  
Architecture........................................................................................................................................ 1-10  
Monitoring Your Web Server  
Monitoring Processor Use ................................................................................................................. 2-2  
Using the sar Utility (AIX, HP-UX, Intel Solaris)..................................................................... 2-2  
Using the top Utility..................................................................................................................... 2-3  
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Using the mod_status Utility ...................................................................................................... 2-4  
Logging Server Statistics to a File............................................................................................... 2-6  
Monitoring JServ Processes .............................................................................................................. 2-8  
HTTP Server Memory Requirements ........................................................................................ 3-4  
Determining Java Heap Size ....................................................................................................... 3-4  
Number of JServ Processes.......................................................................................................... 3-6  
Optimizing HTTP Server Performance  
TCP Tuning .......................................................................................................................................... 4-2  
MaxClients ........................................................................................................................................... 4-9  
SSL Session Caching ........................................................................................................................ 4-10  
HTTP/1.1 ............................................................................................................................................. 4-11  
Persistent Connections............................................................................................................... 4-11  
JServ Overview .................................................................................................................................... 5-2  
Optimizing Servlet Performance ..................................................................................................... 5-3  
Loading Servlet Classes ............................................................................................................... 5-3  
Automatic Class Reloading ......................................................................................................... 5-3  
Load Balancing.............................................................................................................................. 5-4  
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OracleJSP Page Performance Tuning .............................................................................................. 5-8  
Impact of Session Management.................................................................................................. 5-8  
Developer Mode ........................................................................................................................... 5-9  
Buffering ........................................................................................................................................ 5-9  
Enhancing OracleJSP Performance ............................................................................................ 5-9  
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Send Us Your Comments  
Oracle9i Application Server, Oracle HTTP Server powered by Apache Performance Guide,  
Release 1.0.2  
Part No. A86828-01  
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This guide is written for Oracle Internet Application Server 8i developers and  
system administrators who are responsible for configuring and tuning the Oracle  
HTTP Server powered by Apache.  
There are many sources of information on configuring and tuning web servers,  
Apache in particular. This guide refers to those sources when expedient, and, where  
practical, quantifies the performance gains resulting from configuration actions  
found in those sources. Any recommendations not validated by our in-house testing  
are cited as such, with attribution to the original source.  
All of our in-house tests were run on a dedicated 100 Mbps network, in order to  
achieve repeatable test results. Your results will vary based on network  
configuration and contention characteristics.  
This manual uses the following typographical conventions:  
Identifies file names,  
and URLs  
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Identifies a variable in text; replace this place  
holder with a specific value or string.  
angle brackets  
Identifies a variable in code; replace this  
place holder with a specific value or string.  
owsctl start wrb Text to be entered exactly as it appears. Also  
used for functions.  
square brackets  
[-c string]  
Identifies an optional item.  
Identifies a choice of optional items, each  
separated by a vertical bar (| ), any one  
option can be specified.  
Identifies a choice of mandatory items, each  
separated by a vertical bar (| ).  
Indicates that the preceding item can be  
repeated any number of times.  
The term, Oracle Server, refers to the database server product from Oracle  
The term, oracle, refers to an executable or account by that name.  
The term, oracle, refers to the owner of the Oracle software.  
Oracle Services and Support  
A wide range of information about Oracle products and global services is available  
http:/ /  
The sections below provide URLs for selected services.  
Oracle Support Services  
Technical Support contact information worldwide is listed at:  
http:/ / support  
Templates are provided to help you prepare information about your problem before  
you call. You will also need your CSI number (if applicable) or complete contact  
details, including any special project information.  
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Product and Documentation  
For U.S.A customers, Oracle Store is at:  
http:/ /  
Links to Stores in other countries are provided from this site.  
Product documentation can be found at:  
Customer Service  
Global Customer Service contacts are listed at:  
http:/ / support  
Education and Training  
Training information and worldwide schedules are available from:  
http:/ /  
Oracle Technology Network  
Register with the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) at:  
http:/ /  
OTN delivers technical papers, code samples, product documentation, self-service  
developer support, and Oracle key developer products to enable rapid  
development and deployment of application built on Oracle technology.  
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Performance Overview  
This chapter discusses performance and tuning concepts, and briefly describes  
Oracle9i Application Server architecture.  
Setting Performance Targets  
Setting User Expectations  
Evaluating Performance  
Performance Methodology  
Performance Overview 1-1  
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Performance Terms  
Performance Terms  
Following are performance terms used in this book:  
The ability to handle multiple requests simultaneously.  
Threads and processes are examples of concurrency  
The time that one system component spends waiting for  
another component in order to complete the entire task.  
Latency can be defined as wasted time. In networking  
discussions, latency is defined as the travel time of a  
packet from source to destination.  
response time  
The time between the submission of a request and the  
completion of the response.  
The ability of a system to provide throughput in  
proportion to, and limited only by, available hardware  
A scalable system is one that can handle increasing  
numbers of requests without adversely affecting response  
time and throughput.  
service time  
think time  
The time between the initiation and completion of the  
response to a request.  
The time the user is not engaged in actual use of the  
wait time  
The number of requests processed per unit of time.  
The time between the submission of the request and  
initiation of the response.  
What is Performance Tuning?  
Performance must be built in. You must anticipate performance requirements  
during application analysis and design, and balance the costs and benefits of  
optimal performance (see "Setting Performance Targets" on page 1-7). This section  
introduces some fundamental concepts:  
Response Time  
System Throughput  
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What is Performance Tuning?  
Wait Time  
Critical Resources  
Effects of Excessive Demand  
Adjustments to Relieve Problems  
Response Time  
Because response time equals service time plus wait time, you can increase  
performance in this area by:  
Reducing wait time  
Reducing service time  
Figure 1–1 illustrates ten independent tasks competing for a single resource.  
Figure 1–1 Sequential processing of independent tasks  
In this example, only task 1 runs without waiting. Task 2 must wait until task 1 has  
completed; task 3 must wait until tasks 1 and 2 have completed, and so on.  
(Although the figure shows the independent tasks as the same size, the size of the  
tasks will vary.)  
Performance Overview 1-3  
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What is Performance Tuning?  
In parallel processing with multiple resources, more resources are available to the  
tasks. Each independent task executes immediately using its own resource: no wait  
time is involved.  
System Throughput  
System throughput is the amount of work accomplished in a given amount of time.  
You can increase throughput by:  
Reducing service time  
Reducing overall response time by increasing the amount of scarce resources  
available. For example, if the system is CPU bound, and you can add more  
Wait Time  
While the service time for a task may stay the same, wait time will lengthen with  
increased contention. If many users are waiting for a service that takes one second,  
the tenth user must wait 9 seconds. Figure 1–2 shows the relationship between wait  
time and resource contention.  
Figure 1–2 Wait time rising with increased contention for a resource  
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What is Performance Tuning?  
Critical Resources  
Resources such as CPU, memory, I/ O capacity, and network bandwidth are key to  
reducing service time. Adding resources increases throughput and reduces response  
time. Performance depends on these factors:  
How many resources are available?  
How many clients need the resource?  
How long must they wait for the resource?  
How long do they hold the resource?  
Figure 1–3 shows that as the number of units requested rises, the time to service  
completion rises.  
Figure 1–3 Time to service completion vs. demand rate  
To manage this situation, you have two options:  
Limit demand rate to maintain acceptable response times  
Add resources  
Performance Overview 1-5  
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Effects of Excessive Demand  
Excessive demand increases response time and reduces throughput, as shown in  
Figure 1–4. If there is any possibility of the demand rate exceeding the achievable  
throughput, a demand limiter (such as MaxClients in the Oracle HTTP Server and  
security.maxConnections in JServ) is essential. Look at the possible demands that  
may be placed on the system and design the application or configure the system  
with these constraints in mind.  
Figure 1–4 Increased Demand/Reduced Throughput  
Adjustments to Relieve Problems  
Performance problems can be relieved by making adjustments in the following  
unit consumption  
Reducing the resource (CPU, memory)  
consumption of each request can improve  
performance. This might be achieved by  
pooling and caching.  
functional demand  
Rescheduling or redistributing the work  
will relieve some problems.  
Increasing or reallocating resources (e.g.,  
CPUs) relieves some problems.  
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Evaluating Performance  
Setting Performance Targets  
Whether you are designing or maintaining a system, you should set specific  
performance goals so that you know how and what to optimize. If you alter  
parameters without a specific goal in mind, you can waste time tuning your system  
without significant gain.  
An example of a specific performance goal is an order entry response time under  
three seconds. If the application does not meet that goal, identify the cause (for  
example, I/ O contention), and take corrective action. During development, test the  
application to determine if it meets the designed performance goals.  
Tuning usually involves a series of trade-offs. Once you have determined the  
bottlenecks, you may have to modify performance in some other areas to achieve  
the desired results. For example, if I/ O is a problem, you may need to purchase  
more memory or more disks. If a purchase is not possible, you may have to limit the  
concurrency of the system to achieve the desired performance. However, if you  
have clearly defined goals for performance, the decision on what to trade for higher  
performance is simpler because you have identified the most important areas.  
Setting User Expectations  
Application developers, database administrators, and system administrators must  
be careful to set appropriate performance expectations for users. When the system  
carries out a particularly complicated operation, response time may be slower than  
when it is performing a simple operation. Users should be made aware of which  
operations might take longer.  
Evaluating Performance  
With clearly defined performance goals, you can readily determine when  
performance tuning has been successful. Success depends on the functional  
objectives you have established with the user community, your ability to measure  
whether or not the criteria are being met, and your ability to take corrective action  
to overcome any exceptions.  
Ongoing performance monitoring enables you to maintain a well tuned system.  
Keeping a history of the applications performance over time enables you to make  
useful comparisons. With data about actual resource consumption for a range of  
loads, you can conduct objective scalability studies and from these predict the  
resource requirements for anticipated load volumes.  
Performance Overview 1-7  
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Performance Methodology  
Performance Methodology  
Achieving optimal effectiveness in your system requires planning, monitoring, and  
periodic adjustment. The first step in performance tuning is to determine the goals  
you need to achieve and to design effective usage of available technology into your  
applications. After implementing your system, it is necessary to periodically  
monitor and adjust your system For example, you might want to ensure that 90% of  
the users experience response times no greater than 5 seconds and the maximum  
response time for all users is 20 seconds. Usually, it’s not that simple. Your  
application may include a variety of operations with differing characteristics and  
acceptable response times. You will need to set measurable goals for each of these.  
Figure 1–5 Adjusting Capacity and Functional Demand  
You will also need to determine variances in the load. For example, users might  
access the system heavily between 9:00am and 10:00am and then again between  
1:00pm and 2:00pm. If your peak load occurs on a regular basis, for example, daily  
or weekly, the conventional wisdom is to configure and tune systems to meet your  
peak load requirements. The lucky users who access the application in off-time will  
typically achieve better response times than your peak-time users. If your peak load  
is infrequent, you may be willing to tolerate higher response times at peak loads for  
the cost savings of smaller hardware configurations.  
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Performance Methodology  
Factors in Improving Performance  
Performance spans several areas:  
Application design: Designing applications that efficiently utilize hardware  
Sizing and configuration: Determining the type of hardware needed to support  
your performance goals. See Chapter 3, "Sizing and Configuration".  
performance for your application. See Chapter 5, "Optimizing Apache JServ"  
and Chapter 4, "Optimizing HTTP Server Performance".  
Performance monitoring: Determining what hardware resources are being used  
by your application and what response time your users are experiencing. See  
Chapter 2, "Monitoring Your Web Server".  
Troubleshooting: Diagnosing why an application is using excessive hardware  
resources, or why the response time exceeds the desired limit.  
Performance Overview 1-9  
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Figure 1–6 shows the architecture of Oracle9i Application Server.  
This guide addresses the performance and configuration of these components:  
Oracle HTTP Server powered by Apache  
Apache JServ  
See the Oracle9i Application Server Overview Guide for a list of publications that  
describe other components.  
Figure 1–6 Oracle9i Application Server architecture  
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Monitoring Your Web Server  
This chapter describes utilities and processes you can use to gather information  
from your system. This information helps you to determine the best use of your  
Monitoring Processor Use  
Monitoring the Web Server  
Monitoring the Web Server  
Monitoring JServ Processes  
Monitoring Your Web Server 2-1  
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Monitoring Processor Use  
Monitoring Processor Use  
To determine process utilization, you should gather CPU statistics. You should also  
monitor system scalability by adding users and increasing the system workload.  
Use utilities such as sar (System Activity Reporter) and mpstat to monitor process  
Using the sar Utility (AIX, HP-UX, Intel Solaris)  
You can use sar to sample cumulative activity counters in the operating system at  
specified intervals.  
Report CPU Utilization  
To determine process use, use the following sar command:  
$ sar -u 5 5  
This command samples CPU usage five times, in five second intervals, as shown  
$ sar -u 5 5  
The statistics above show that the CPU was only 9% idle for the given time interval.  
If your performance criteria specify that CPU usage must be below a certain  
percentage, you can use sar to sample usage at a chosen interval during peak load  
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Monitoring the Web Server  
The sar command (-u option) provides the following statistics:  
Table 2–1 CPU statistics, as reported by the sar utility  
CPU Statistics  
percentage of time in which the processor is running in user  
percentage of processes running in system time  
percentage the processor spends waiting on I/ O requests  
percentage that the processor is idle  
Using the top Utility  
You can use the top utility to view the ongoing processor activity in real time. Please  
refer to the man pages for usage.  
$ top  
4.:16pm up 15 days, 5:39 23 users, load average: 0.51, 0.38, 0.49  
265 processes: 261 sleeping, 3 running, 1 zombie, 0 stopped  
CPU states: 7.1% user, 44.3% system, 0.0% nice, 48.4% idle  
Mem: 2009664K av, 1954828K used, 54836K free, 75288K shrd, 1448352K buff  
Swap: 2096440K av, 10376K used, 2086064K free  
250576K cached  
20892 oasport  
20928 oasport  
20936 rkonanga  
15187 oasport  
20728 oasport  
1 root  
6 0 13908 13M 5068 R  
7 0 13652 13M 4896 R  
0 24.9 0.6 0:06 oraweb  
0 24.9 0.6 0:05 oraweb  
0 1.4 0.0 0:00 top  
5 0 1252 1252  
916 R  
0 0 2232 2232 1372 S  
0 0 2984 2984 1604 S  
0 0.4 0.1 0:02 xterm  
0 0.1 0.1 0:00 oasoorb  
0 0.0 0.0 0:04 init  
0 0.0 0.0 0:10 kflushd  
0 0.0 0.0 6.35 kupdate  
0 0  
0 0  
0 0  
156 136  
92 S  
0 SW  
0 SW  
2 root  
3 root  
Monitoring the Web Server  
Monitoring is essential to performance tuning. The Oracle HTTP Server provides  
server side status information, including current server statistics, via the  
mod_statusmodule. To obtain these server status reports, you must configure the  
web server as described below.  
Monitoring Your Web Server 2-3  
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Monitoring the Web Server  
Using the mod_status Utility  
To enable monitoring, edit the httpd.conf file to replace your_domain.comwith  
the hostname of the server you want to monitor.  
<Location /server-status>  
SetHandler server-status  
Order deny, allow  
Deny from all  
Allow from  
Ensure that the ExtendedStatusdirective is set to On,so that the maximum  
amount of information is displayed.  
When you allow access from all domains, instead of just, you  
can monitor the server from machines outside of your domain, but be aware of the  
security implications of this: your server status is accessible from any site. It is  
probably best to specify the domain(s) from which you want to monitor your  
With monitoring enabled, you can view current statistics from  
http://hostname:port/server-status. These statistics help you to gain  
insight on how busy your system is.  
The display includes:  
Hostname for which status is displayed  
Server version  
Date server was built  
Current time, restart time, uptime  
Number of requests currently being processed  
Number of httpd processes serving requests  
Number of idle httpd processes  
Current server state (e.g., waiting for connection, reading request, sending  
reply, etc.  
Figure 2–1 is a screen capture of a server status page with ExtendedStatus  
turned on.  
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Monitoring the Web Server  
Figure 2–1 Server status page  
Interpreting Server Status Information  
The display (with ExtendedStatusenabled) shows that 6 requests are being  
processed and four servers are idle. You can determine what stage of processing  
each server is in from the value in the M (Mode column). In Figure 2–1, 6 servers are  
sending replies and 4 servers are waiting for connections.  
If your system has poor response times, or you suspect that httpd processes have  
stopped responding, look at the Req (request) column. It shows the number of  
milliseconds required to process the most recent request. Check to see if this  
number is greater than the time expected to service the request. If, after a request  
Monitoring Your Web Server 2-5  
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Monitoring the Web Server  
has been completed, there is a W in the M (mode) column for the process, the  
process is probably not responding.  
Another situation that is important to monitor is that of the system being CPU  
bound, where CPU utilization is around 90%. The server status page displays CPU  
usage and the number of processes spawned. If the system is approaching the httpd  
process limit (the MaxClientsdirective’s setting in httpd.conf), performance is  
poor, and the processes are all always busy, you may need to change your  
MaxClientssetting. See "MaxClients" on page 4-9.  
Customizing the Server Status display  
Figure 2–1 is a snapshot of a server for a moment in time. You can get updated  
server statistics at any interval you choose by including the refresh parameter in the  
server-status URL:  
http:/ / servername:port/ server-status?refresh=x  
where x is an integer representing the number of seconds after which the data is  
refreshed. For example, specify refresh=3to update statistics every 3 seconds.  
You may also find it useful to have the statistics displayed in a machine-readable  
format, for processing in a data analysis or spreadsheet program. To do this, add  
autoto the end of the URL, as shown below:  
http:/ / servername:port/ server-status?auto  
Figure 2–2 Server statistics display  
Logging Server Statistics to a File  
The Apache Group provides a Perl script,, to automate server  
monitoring. It is included in the $ORACLE_HOME/ Apache/ Apache/ bin/  
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Monitoring the Web Server  
The script is designed to be run by cron (or an equivalent daemon that executes  
commands at intervals). To use the script, you must modify the following  
configuration variables:  
Table 2–2 Log status script variables  
The pathname of the log file location, for example:  
The script creates a file name, such as: 20010945.  
Port number of the server to monitor. The default is 80.  
The server host name. The default is localhost.  
The server status request with the auto parameter as entered in  
the browser, for example:  
Enabling server status is very useful if an httpd process is not responding, and you  
need to identify that process. Operating system utilities such as ps, top, or pmap do  
not identify which process is not responding.  
For more information on mod_status, see:  
http:/ / pub/ a/ apache/ 2000/ 04/ 21/ wrangler.html  
http:/ / docs/ mod/ mod_status.html  
Monitoring Your Web Server 2-7  
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Monitoring JServ Processes  
Monitoring JServ Processes  
After you start the Oracle9i Application Server, you can check to ensure that all  
JServ processes have started normally.  
1. Remove the comments in the JServ status handler section of the jserv.conf file to  
enable monitoring and specify the host(s) that can access JServ status (the  
default is localhost). Be aware of security implications when selecting the hosts  
that will be allowed to access status information on your system.  
<Location /jserv/>  
SetHandler jserv-status  
order deny, allow  
deny from all  
allow from  
2. Type the following into your browser:  
The port must be the port on which the web server listens (found in the  
httpd.conf file). Always include the trailing slash (/ ) in this URL. A “not found”  
error occurs if you omit the trailing slash.  
A Configured Hosts column displays links to hosts.  
3. Click the host to monitor.  
The JServ status information for the host displays as shown in Figure 2–3.  
Note: The JServ status monitor shows all of the JServ processes  
that are configured in the jserv.conf file, but not all of these may  
have been started. For example, Figure 2–3 shows four processes,  
but only two have a Status of Up (indicating that the process is able  
to service requests).  
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Monitoring JServ Processes  
Figure 2–3 JServ status display  
The Status column shows the current shared memory (shm) state of each  
Monitoring Your Web Server 2-9  
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Monitoring JServ Processes  
Note: The Status column is populated only for processes that are  
started in manual mode. It is not populated for a single process  
started in automatic mode.  
The symbols that appear in parentheses after the word Up or Down have the  
following meanings:  
Symbol Meaning  
The process is running.  
The process is stopped.  
The process was terminated in a harsh shutdown.  
The process was terminated in a graceful shutdown  
(existing requests were handled before the process was  
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Sizing and Configuration  
This chapter provides guidelines for sizing and configuration which can help you  
meet performance goals. It also discusses performance factors, such as memory  
consumption, I/ O issues, and network and software constraints.  
Sizing your Hardware and Resources  
Understanding Concurrent Users and User Population  
Determining CPU Requirements  
Determining Memory Requirements  
In addition to the minimum installation recommendations, your hardware  
resources need to be adequate for the requirements of your specific applications. To  
avoid hardware-related performance bottlenecks, each hardware component should  
operate at no more than 80% of capacity. See "Using the sar Utility (AIX, HP-UX,  
Intel Solaris)" on page 2-2 for information on measuring CPU utilization.  
Processor and memory resources in particular should be allocated generously, for  
the maximum user load expected.  
Understanding Concurrent Users and User Population  
The amount of hardware resources required varies based on the application. A  
common mistake is to use resource estimates that do not incorporate user think time  
and network latencies. In sizing applications, you must have some idea of the  
Sizing and Configuration 3-1  
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Understanding Concurrent Users and User Population  
relationship between the number of potential users and the number of concurrent  
users. This is determined by the think time and the average response time for your  
To determine memory requirements, you also need to consider the number of  
concurrent executing users (not the total user population) times the cost per user.  
Note: The MaxClients setting in your httpd.conf file limits the  
number of concurrently executing users. See "MaxClients" on  
page 4-9 for information on the MaxClients directive.  
Table 3–1 provides an example of the impact of think time and service time on the  
concurrency and resulting performance of a system.  
Table 3–1 Concurrent executing users  
response Requests per CPU  
Think Service  
time time  
population1 (sec)2 (sec)3  
Range of  
concurrent Time  
(throughput)6 (%)7  
User population - total users.  
Think time - the time the user is not engaged in actual use of the processor (the time between  
Service time (seconds) - elapsed time to complete the operation measured for a single user.  
Range of concurrent users - the number of users measured on the server, taken in snapshots from the  
server-status display (requests currently being processed). See "Using the mod_status Utility" on  
page 3-3 for information on server-status.  
Average response time - response time measured at the client under load.  
Requests per second (throughput) - number of requests processed.  
CPU utilization - average total CPU utilization as a percentage.  
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Determining Memory Requirements  
Determining CPU Requirements  
For most applications, the majority of the CPU utilization is spent in processing the  
applications code. The CPU requirement of any application depends on its  
complexity and workload, as shown in Table 3–2.  
You will need to monitor the CPU requirements of applications throughout the  
development cycle. See Chapter 2, "Monitoring Your Web Server" for information  
on how to do this.  
Table 3–2 Application CPU requirements  
CPU requirement  
(per request)  
Static page, 20K  
5 ms  
Simple servlet, JDK 1.2  
Simple servlet, JDK 1.1.8  
Medium application  
Complex application  
20 ms  
40 ms  
100-200 ms  
400-600 ms  
Secure Sockets Layer Impact on CPU Requirements  
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a protocol used for transmitting documents securely  
over the Internet. URLs for Web pages that require an SSL connection begin with  
httpsinstead of http.  
Establishing an SSL connection is costly in terms of response time and CPU  
utilization. For example, a request with a response time of 0.5 seconds without SSL  
generated a response time of 1.7 seconds with SSL (measured on an internal 100  
Mbps network). Most of the performance cost in using SSL is in establishing the  
connection (approximately 125 ms of CPU time per connection on a 336 Mhz  
The high connection cost is incurred for the first connection in a client’s SSL session,  
because the HTTP Server can cache the SSL session information, reducing the  
overhead for subsequent connections. For more information, see "SSL Session  
Caching" on page 4-10.  
Determining Memory Requirements  
This section discusses memory requirements for the following components:  
Sizing and Configuration 3-3  
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Determining Memory Requirements  
JServ Memory Requirements  
Determining Java Heap Size  
Servlet and OracleJSP pages Memory Requirements  
Number of JServ Processes  
Memory for Non-HTTP Server Software and Operating System  
In an idle system with memory resources freely available, your operating system  
statistics may indicate that the resident memory usage is close to the virtual size. As  
users place more load on the system, the operating system reclaims unneeded  
memory from these processes, and the amount of resident memory they consume  
decreases. If you are monitoring your own system, take snapshots of processes at  
varying usage levels.  
Refer to your operating system hardware and software documentation for more  
information on measuring and tuning operating system memory usage. You can  
monitor memory usage and processor statistics with standard operating system  
tools. See Chapter 2, "Monitoring Your Web Server" for more information.  
HTTP Server Memory Requirements  
In a series of tests of listener memory usage, each HTTP listener used (at startup)  
approximately 400K of resident memory. This size increased by 500-600K per  
process when the listener was active. When it was dormant, the operating system  
reduced the listeners memory usage back to the startup size.  
Using standard operating system tools, you can examine resident memory sizes. If  
you look at a listener process, you will see that it is larger than the figure above  
because the displayed size includes shared memory.  
JServ Memory Requirements  
A JServ process using JDK 1.2 requires 12-15 MB at startup. Using JDK 1.1.8, it  
requires 10 MB.  
Determining Java Heap Size  
For JDK 1.1.8, the default maximum heap size is 16MB. For JDK 1.2, it is 24MB.  
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Determining Memory Requirements  
To maximize performance, set the maximum heap size to accommodate application  
requirements. To determine how much Java heap you need, include calls in your  
program to the Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()and  
Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemorymethods in the java.langpackage.  
Subtract free memory from total memory; the difference is the amount of heap that  
the application consumed.  
Suppose you determine that you need 128MB of heap. To change the heap size, you  
would set the maximum Java heap size in the file for automatic  
In manual mode, if more than one JServ process is running, the heap size must be  
set on the command line for each JServ process.  
When a JServ process exceeds its maximum heap size, the process terminates. In  
automatic mode, a new process is started, but performance is degraded  
significantly. In manual mode, a terminated process will not be restarted, so ensure  
that the heap size is sufficient.  
Note: The process size reported by utilities such as top or ps will  
be larger than the maximum heap size, because private memory is  
added to the maximum heap size.  
Servlet and OracleJSP pages Memory Requirements  
OracleJSP pages (Oracle’s implementation of Suns JavaServer Pages) and servlets  
require different amounts of memory, depending on the version of the JDK used.  
The chart below compares memory requirements for a simple servlet and an Oracle  
JSP page under load with 10-30 active threads. The servlet did not use sessions. The  
OracleJSP page had sessions on (the default).  
Table 3–3 Servlet and OracleJSP pages memory  
JDK 1.1.8  
JDK 1.2  
OracleJSP page  
Sizing and Configuration 3-5  
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Determining Memory Requirements  
The amount of memory needed depends on whether sessions are used; a session  
consumes about 0.5KB. For maximum performance, if sessions are not being used,  
turn them off in the OracleJSP application as follows:  
<%@ page session=”false” %>  
As a starting point, figure that each active user consumes at least 150K to 200K for  
Java applications, plus the size of the server processes. For Java applications, the  
base process is approximately 12-15 MB.  
An applications memory needs also depend on its size, the amount of data cached,  
and other factors.  
See the OracleJSP Developers Guide and Reference in the Oracle Internet Application  
Server 8i documentation library for more information on OracleJSP pages.  
Number of JServ Processes  
Oracle recommends about 2 JServ processes per CPU as a starting point. The default  
thread setting (security.maxConnections=50) in the JServ configuration file is  
also a good starting point. (See "Load Balancing" on page 5-4 for instructions on  
changing parameters in the configuration files.)  
If your application code performs a lot of synchronization, or creates many new  
Java objects, then you should consider increasing the number of JServ processes,  
while limiting the number of threads per process to between 10 and 20. In this way  
you avoid increased queuing and processing required for object synchronization in  
the JVM. This is because the httpd process (mod_jserv) sends incoming requests to  
the JServ processes in a distributed fashion. See "Load Balancing" on page 5-4 for  
details on how the requests are distributed among the available JServ engines.  
(Readers familiar with the Oracle Application Server will recall that requests are  
sent to a servlet engine until its thread limit is reached, and subsequent requests are  
sent to the next servlet engine.)  
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Determining Memory Requirements  
Figure 3–1 Request distribution  
Sizing and Configuration 3-7  
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Determining Memory Requirements  
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Optimizing HTTP Server Performance  
This chapter provides information on improving the Oracle HTTP Servers  
performance, including tuning TCP parameters, the effects of changing the  
MaxClientsparameter, SSL caching, and logging.  
TCP Tuning  
SSL Session Caching  
Impact of Logging  
HTTP/ 1.1  
Apache Versions  
Optimizing HTTP Server Performance 4-1  
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TCP Tuning  
TCP Tuning  
Correctly tuned TCP parameters can improve performance dramatically. This  
section contains recommendations for TCP tuning and a brief explanation of each  
The table below contains recommended TCP parameter settings.  
Table 4–1 Recommended TCP parameter settings for Intel Solaris  
Setting Comments  
See "Increasing TCP  
Connection Table Access  
Speed" on page 4-6.  
See "Specifying Retention time  
on page 4-7.  
tcp_close_wait_interval 60000  
tcp_time_wait_interval 60000  
for Connection Table entries"  
on page 4-7.  
See "Increasing the Handshake  
Queue Length" on page 4-7.  
Queue Length" on page 4-7.  
See "Changing the Data  
page 4-8.  
See "Changing the Data  
Transfer Window Size" on  
page 4-8.  
See "Changing the Data  
Transfer Window Size" on  
page 4-8.  
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TCP Tuning  
Table 4–2 Tuning HP-UX for Performance Benchmarking  
Default Value  
tcp_rexmit_interval_initial ndd/dev/tcp  
Table 4–3 Tru64 TCP/IP Tunables  
Tuned Value  
16 (as of 5.0)  
sysconfig -r inet  
sysconfig -r inet  
sysconfig -r inet  
sysconfig -r inet  
sysconfig -r inet  
sysconfig -r socket  
sysconfig -r socket  
sysconfig -r socket  
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TCP Tuning  
Table 4–4 AIX TCP Parameters (using no command)  
Recommended Value  
Linux Tunables  
Raising Network Limits on Linux Systems for 2.1.100 or greater  
Linux only allows you to use 15 bits of the TCP window field. This means that you  
have to multiply everything by 2, or recompile the kernel without this limitation.  
See Also: Tuning at Compile Time  
Tuning a Running System  
There is no sysctlapplication for changing kernel values. You can change the  
kernel values with an editor like VI.  
Tuning the Default and Maximum Size  
Edit the files listed below to change kernel values.  
Table 4–5 Linux TCP Parameters  
Default Receive Window  
Maximum Receive Window  
Default Send Window  
Maximum Send Window  
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TCP Tuning  
You will find some other possibilities to tune TCP in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/:  
There is a brief description of TCP parameters in  
Tuning at Compile Time  
All the above TCP parameter values are set default by a header file in the Linux  
kernel source directory /LINUX-SOURCE-DIR/include/linux/skbuff.h  
These values are default. This is run time configurable.  
#define SK_WMEM_MAX 65535  
#define SK_RMEM_MAX 65535  
# else  
#define SK_WMEM_MAX 32767  
#define SK_RMEM_MAX 32767  
You can change the MAX-WINDOW value in the Linux kernel source directory  
#define MAX_WINDOW 32767  
#define MIN_WINDOW 2048  
Note: Never assign values greater than 32767 to windows,  
without using window scaling.  
The MIN_WINDOWdefinition limits you to using only 15bits of the window field in  
the TCP packet header.  
For example, if you use a 40kB window, set the rmem_default to 40kB. The stack  
will recognize that the value is less than 64 kB, and will not negotiate a winshift. But  
due to the second check, you will get only 32 kB. So, you need to set the  
rmem_default value at greater than 64 kB to force a winshift=1. This lets you  
express the required 40 kB in only 15 bits.  
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TCP Tuning  
With the tuned TCP stacks, it was possible to get a maximum throughput between  
1.5 and 1.8 Mbits via a 2Mbit satellite link, measured with netperf.  
Setting TCP parameters  
To set the connection table hash parameter, on Intel Solaris, you must add the  
following line to your / etc/ system file, and then restart the system:  
set tcp:tcp_conn_hash_size=32768  
On Tru64, tcbhashsizecan be set at /etc/sysconfigtab.  
A sample script,, that changes TCP parameters to the settings  
recommended here, is included in the  
If your system is restarted after you run the script, the default settings will be  
restored and you will have to run the script again. To make the settings permanent,  
enter them in your system startup file.  
Increasing TCP Connection Table Access Speed  
If you have a large user population, you should increase the hash size for the TCP  
connection table. The hash size is the number of hash buckets used to store the  
connection data. If the buckets are very full, it takes more time to find a connection.  
Increasing the hash size will reduce the connection lookup time, but increases  
memory consumption.  
Suppose your system performs 100 connections per second. On Intel Solaris, if you  
set tcp_close_wait_intervalto 60000, then there will be about 6000 entries in  
your TCP connection table at any time. Increasing your hash size to 2048 or 4096  
will improve performance significantly.  
On a system servicing 300 connections per second, changing the hash size from the  
default of 256 to a number close to the number of connection table entries decreases  
the average round trip time by three to four seconds. The maximum hash size is  
262144. Ensure that you increase memory as needed.  
On Intel Solaris, to set the tcp_conn_hash_size, add the line below to your  
/etc/ system file. The parameter will take effect when the system is restarted.  
set tcp:tcp_conn_hash_size=32768  
On Tru64, tcbhashsizecan be set at /etc/sysconfigtab.  
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TCP Tuning  
Specifying Retention time for Connection Table entries  
The TCP connection table maintains data associated with connections. The server  
maintains a TCP connection table entry for some time after a connection is closed,  
so that it can identify and properly dispose of any leftover incoming packets from  
the client.  
Access speed to this table impacts performance; the access speed depends on the  
number of entries in the table, and on its hash size. The number of entries in the  
table depends on the rate of incoming requests, and the lifetime of each connection.  
You can control the length of time that TCP connection table entries are maintained  
with the tcp_close_wait_intervalparameter (renamed  
tcp_time_wait_intervalon Solaris 2.7). This parameter is commonly set to  
60,000 ms. Use the following command to set it (note the difference in parameter  
name for Solaris 2.6 and 2.7).  
On Solaris 2.6:  
prompt>/usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_close_wait_interval 60000  
On Solaris 2.7, and HP-UX:  
prompt>/usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_time_wait_interval 60000  
Note: If your user population is widely dispersed (with respect to  
Internet topology), you may want to set this parameter to a higher  
value. You can improve access time to the TCP connection table  
with the tcp_conn_hash_sizeparameter.  
Increasing the Handshake Queue Length  
During the TCP connection handshake, the server, after receiving a request (SYN)  
from a client, sends a reply, and waits to hear back from the client. The client  
responds to the servers message and the handshake is complete. Upon receiving  
the first request from the client, the server makes an entry in the listen queue. After  
the client responds to the servers message, it is moved to the queue for messages  
with completed handshakes. The second queue makes it possible for the server to  
continue servicing requests for which the handshake has been completed.  
On Intel Solaris, the maximum length of the queue for incomplete handshakes is  
governed by tcp_conn_req_max_q0, which by default is 1024. The maximum  
length of the queue for requests with completed handshakes is defined by  
tcp_conn_req_max_q(default is 128).  
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TCP Tuning  
On most web servers, the defaults will be sufficient, but if you have more than 1024  
concurrent users, these settings may be too low. In that case, connections will be  
dropped in the handshake state because the queues are full. You can determine  
whether this is a problem on your system by inspecting the values for  
tcpListenDrop, tcpListenDropQ0, and tcpHalfOpenDropwith  
netstat -s. If either of the first two values are nonzero, you should increase the  
The defaults are probably sufficient, but Oracle recommends that you increase the  
value of tcp_conn_req_max_q to 1024. You can set these parameters with:  
On Intel Solaris:  
prompt>/usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_conn_req_max_q 1024  
prompt>/usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_conn_req_max_q0 1024  
On HP-UX:  
prompt>/usr/sbin/ndd-set /dev/tcp tcp_conn_req_max 1024  
Changing the Data Transmission Rate  
Typically, all packets in a data transfer are sent at once. TCP implements a slow  
starting data transfer to prevent overloading a busy segment of the Internet. With  
slow start, one packet is sent, an acknowledgment is received, then two packets are  
sent. The number sent to the server continues to be doubled after each  
acknowledgment, until the TCP transfer window limits are reached.  
Some versions of Microsoft Windows (including NT 4.0 and 95) do not  
acknowledge receipt of a single packet when a connection is initiated, but if two  
packets are received, an acknowledgment is sent immediately. Because Solaris sends  
only one packet when initiating a connection (per the TCP standard), this can  
increase the connection startup time. This is especially apparent on fast local  
networks, where the latency is expected to be low.  
You can configure Solaris to start with two packets when initiating a data transfer:  
prompt>/usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_slow_start_initial 2  
Changing the Data Transfer Window Size  
The size of the TCP transfer windows for sending and receiving data determine  
how much data can be sent without waiting for an acknowledgment. The default  
window size is 8192 bytes. Unless your system is memory constrained, these  
windows should be increased to the maximum size of 32768. This can speed up  
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large data transfers significantly. Use the following commands to enlarge the  
On Intel Solaris:  
prompt>/usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_xmit_hiwat 32768  
prompt>/usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_recv_hiwat 32768  
On HP-UX:  
prompt>/usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_xmit_hiwater_def 32768  
prompt>/usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_recv_hiwater_def 32768  
Because the client typically receives the bulk of the data, it would help to enlarge  
the TCP receive windows on end users’ systems.  
The MaxClientsdirective limits the number of clients that can simultaneously  
connect to your web server, and thus the number of httpd processes. You can  
configure this parameter in the httpd.conf file up to a maximum of 1024 in Oracle9i  
Application Server v. 1.0.2 (in the previous version, the maximum was 256). The  
default is 150, which should be adequate for most uses. If the MaxClientssetting  
is too low, and the limit is reached, clients will be unable to connect.  
Increasing MaxClientswhen system resources are saturated does not improve  
performance. When there are no httpd processes available, connection requests are  
queued in the TCP/ IP system until a process becomes available, and eventually  
clients terminate connections.  
Note: If you are using persistent connections, you may require  
more concurrent httpd server processes. See "httpd Process  
Availability" on page 4-13 for a discussion of the relationship  
between persistent connections and the number of server processes.  
For dynamic requests, if the system is heavily loaded, it might be better to allow the  
requests to queue in the network (thereby keeping the load on the system  
manageable). The question for the system administrator is whether a timeout error  
and retry is better than a long response time. In this case, the MaxClientssetting  
Optimizing HTTP Server Performance 4-9  
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SSL Session Caching  
could be reduced, to act as a throttle on the number of concurrent requests on the  
SSL Session Caching  
The Oracle HTTP server caches a clients SSL session information by default. With  
session caching, only the first connection to the server incurs high latency. For  
example, in a simple test to connect and disconnect to an SSL-enabled server, the  
elapsed time for 5 connections was 11.4 seconds without SSL session caching. With  
SSL session caching enabled, the elapsed time for 5 round trips was 1.9 seconds.  
The SSLSessionCacheTimeoutdirective in httpd.conf determines how long the  
server keeps a session alive (the default is 300 seconds). The session information is  
kept in a file. You can specify where to keep the session information using the  
SSLSessionCachedirective; the default location is the  
$ORACLE_HOME/ Apache/ Apache/ logs/ directory. The file can be used by  
multiple Oracle HTTP Server processes.  
The duration of an SSL session is unrelated to the use of HTTP persistent  
Impact of Logging  
This section discusses types of logging, log levels, and the performance implications  
for using them.  
Access Logging  
For static page requests, access logging of the default fields results in a 2-3%  
performance cost.  
By default, the HostNameLookupsdirective is set to off. The server writes the IP  
addresses of incoming requests to the log files. When HostNameLookupsis set to  
on, the server queries the DNS system on the Internet to find the host name  
associated with the IP addresses of each request, then writes the host names to the  
Performance degraded by about 3% (best case) in Oracle in-house tests with  
HostNameLookupsset to on. Depending on the server load and the network  
connectivity to your DNS server, the performance cost of the DNS lookup could be  
high. Unless you really need to have host names in your logs in real time, it is best  
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to log IP addresses. You can resolve IP addresses to host names off-line, with the  
logresolve utility (found in the $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/ directory).  
For more information, see Dale Gaudets Apache Performance Notes at:  
http:/ / docs/ misc/ perf-tuning.html  
Error logging  
The server notes unusual activity in an error log. The ErrorLogand LogLevel  
directives identify the log file and the level of detail of the messages recorded. The  
default level is warn. There was no difference in static page performance on a  
loaded system between the warn, info, and debuglevels.  
For more information on the LogLevel directive, see:  
http:/ / docs/ mod/ core.html#loglevel  
The Oracle HTTP server can use HTTP/ 1.1. Netscape Navigator 4.0 still uses  
HTTP/ 1.0, with some 1.1 features, such as persistent connections. Internet Explorer  
uses HTTP/ 1.1. The performance benefit of persistent connections comes from  
reducing the overhead of repeatedly establishing and tearing down connections  
(one per request). A persistent connection accepts multiple requests from a user.  
For a small static page request, the connection latency can equal or exceed the  
response latency (the time to fulfill the request after the connection is established),  
so using persistent connections can result in major performance gains.  
For more information about performance and the HTTP/ 1.1 protocol, see:  
http:/ / Protocols/ HTTP/ Performance/ Pipeline.html  
Persistent Connections  
If your users’ browsers support persistent connections (the default behavior of  
HTTP/ 1.1), you can support them on the server using the KeepAlivedirectives in  
Apache. (Some browsers that do not support all HTTP/ 1.1 features do support  
persistent connections; for example, recent versions of Netscape.)  
Optimizing HTTP Server Performance 4-11  
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Shorter Response Times  
Persistent connections can improve total response time for a web interaction that  
involves multiple HTTP requests, because the delay of setting up a connection only  
happens once.  
Consider the total time required, without persistent connections, for a client to  
retrieve a web page with three images from the server.  
Establish connection  
Produce and send the text  
portion of the page  
Establish connection  
Transfer first image file  
Establish connection  
Transfer second image file  
Establish connection  
Transfer third image file  
With persistent connections, the response time for the same request is reduced:  
Establish connection  
Produce and send the text  
portion of the page  
Transfer first image file  
Transfer second image file  
Transfer third image file  
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This is a 20% reduction in service time. When the system is under load, the benefit  
of reducing connection time with persistent connections is even greater, due to the  
corresponding reduction of the TCP queue.  
Reduction in Server Workload  
Another benefit of persistent connections is reduction of the work load on the  
server. Because the server need not repeat the work to set up the connection with a  
client, it is free to perform other work. For a very inexpensive servlet (Hello World),  
the CPU ms per request was reduced by approximately 10% when the same client  
made 4 requests per connection. (The impact would be far less significant for a  
realistic servlet application that does more work.)  
httpd Process Availability  
There are some serious drawbacks to using persistent connections with Apache. In  
particular, because httpd processes are single threaded, one client can keep a  
process tied up for a significant period of time (the amount of time depends on your  
KeepAlivesettings). If you have a large user population, and you set your  
KeepAlivelimits too high, clients could be turned away because of insufficient  
httpd deamons.  
The default settings for the KeepAlivedirectives are:  
KeepAlive on  
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100  
KeepAliveTimeOut 15  
These settings allow enough requests per connection and time between requests to  
reap the benefits of the persistent connections, while minimizing the drawbacks.  
You should consider the size and behavior of your own user population in setting  
these values on your system. For example, if you have a large user population and  
the users make small infrequent requests, you may want to reduce the above  
settings, or even set KeepAliveto off. If you have a small population of users that  
return to your site frequently, you may want to increase the settings.  
There is a known problem with some browsers which will leave the server with a  
TCP connection in the FIN_WAIT_2 state. If too many connections are left in this  
state, the system will run out of the memory allocated for storing TCP connections,  
and stop.  
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Apache Versions  
The problem is that when a connection becomes idle, and the server closes it  
because the keep alive time limit has expired, the client host may not perform the  
TCP protocol steps required to complete the closure of the connection. The host,  
having sent the close request, is left with the connection in the FIN_WAIT_2 state  
taking up memory until it gets the appropriate packets back from the client, or until  
an internal flush occurs. If a connection is left in the FIN_WAIT_2 state, the httpd  
process with which the connection is associated is freed to service other requests as  
indicated, so this problem wont tie up web server processes.  
Apache Versions  
The difference between Apache versions 1.3.9 and 1.3.12 was primarily corrected  
bugs. With static page and servlet performance measurements, there was no  
performance difference measured between the versions.  
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Optimizing Apache JServ  
This chapter describes the JServ architecture, and discusses ways you can improve  
its performance. It also includes performance information on OracleJSP pages (the  
Oracle implementation of Sun Microsystems’ JavaServer Pages 1.1.)  
JServ Overview  
Optimizing Servlet Performance  
What is OracleJSP?  
OracleJSP Page Performance Tuning  
Optimizing Apache JServ 5-1  
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JServ Overview  
JServ Overview  
Apache JServ is made up of an Apache module called mod_jserv, which runs in the  
httpd process, and a servlet engine, which runs in a Java process. mod_jserv, which  
is implemented in C, functions as a dispatcher, routing each servlet request to a  
JServ process for execution.  
The servlet engine runs in its own JVM and is solely responsible for parsing the  
request and generating a response. As Figure 5–1 shows, multiple JServs can service  
requests. The HTTP server process and the JServ process communicate using the  
Apache JServ Protocol 1.2.  
Figure 5–1 Apache JServ components  
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Optimizing Servlet Performance  
Optimizing Servlet Performance  
This section discusses strategies for optimizing JServ performance: loading servlets  
when starting the JVM, and load balancing.  
The terms “repository” and “zone” are used in this discussion. Servlets,  
repositories, and zones are analogous to files, directories and virtual hosts. A servlet  
is a single unit, a repository is a collection of servlets, and a zone is a collection of  
Loading Servlet Classes  
Apache JServ allows you to load servlet classes when the JVM is started. To do this,  
put the servlets to load in the servlets.startupdirective in the servlet zone  
properties file. When the servlet is loaded, its init()method is called. All other  
servlets (those not listed in servlets.startup) are loaded and initialized on first  
Using this facility increases the start-up time for your JServ process, but improves  
first-request latency for servlets.  
Pre-Loading with JSPs  
If you are using a JSP as the servlet (your code does not extend HttpServlet), you  
will be unable to use this pre-load option, but you could pre-load the JSP runner by  
including the oracle.jsp.jspServletin servlets.startup.  
If the first-request latency for your initialization routines is really a performance  
issue, you can achieve some of the results described above by creating a dummy  
servlet to call your one-time initialization routines in its init()method. You must  
add the name of the dummy servlet to servlets.startup.  
Automatic Class Reloading  
If autoreload.classesis set to true for a zone (the default), then each time one  
of that zones servlets is requested, every class that has been loaded from a  
repository in that zone is checked to see if it has been modified. If one of the classes  
has changed, then all previously loaded classes from the zones repositories are  
unloaded, which means that as the classes are needed, they will be loaded from  
their class files again.  
This is a useful development feature, because you can install new versions or drop  
in new class files without restarting the server. For optimal performance in  
production environments, however, you should set both automatic class reloading  
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Optimizing Servlet Performance  
parameters to false, since there is a performance cost in checking the repositories on  
every execution of a servlet. Change these parameters in the zone properties file:  
Load Balancing  
It is often beneficial to spread the servlet application load among multiple JServ  
processes, especially when the application is run on a multiprocessor or if the  
servlets and HTTP server are run on separate nodes. Running multiple Apache  
JServ processes generally results in higher throughput and shorter response time,  
even on a single-processor host. (See Chapter 3, "Sizing and Configuration" for  
specific recommendations.)  
This section explains how  
to balance incoming requests between two JServ  
processes running on the same host as the HTTP server. Examples from the files are included with the procedures; substitute your own port  
numbers and directory locations where needed.  
If you use load balancing, you must start and stop processes manually, because  
JServ cannot automatically start and stop more than one JServ process. (Sample  
scripts for starting and stopping the JServ processes and the Oracle HTTP Server are  
included in the $ORACLE_HOME/ Apache/ Apache/ bin/ directory.) This means  
To prevent  
that if a process terminates for any reason, JServ will not restart it.  
processes from terminating due to memory shortage, ensure that you have a  
sufficient maximum heap size set for your JServ processes. See "Determining Java  
Heap Size" on page 3-4.  
Configuring the JServ processes  
Each JServ process in your load balancing scheme must be configured to listen on  
its own port and to log to its own file. If you have a file containing  
the parameters needed to run your application, you can duplicate it to create a  
properties file for each JServ process.  
1. Create a properties file for each JServ process.  
2. Edit as follows:  
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Optimizing Servlet Performance  
3. Edit as follows:  
Note: If your HTTP server will be running on a different host than  
the JServ processes, you must also add the IP address of the host  
running the HTTP server to the security.allowedAddresses  
parameter in each file.  
If JServ is included in your CLASSPATH, you can start the JServ processes with  
these commands:  
java JServ  
java JServ  
To start and stop the processes and the web server, it is convenient to use scripts.  
Samples are included in the $ORACLE_HOME/ Apache/ Apache/ bin / directory  
(startJServ. sh and  
Modifying jserv.conf to distribute the load  
1. Set the flag to start processes manually.  
ApJServManual on  
2. Indicate where the servlet request is to be sent.  
a. Locate the ApJServMount directive.  
ApJServMount /servlets /root  
If the user requests http:/ / servlets/ testServlet, the  
ApJServMount directive above will execute testServlet in the zone called  
/ root.  
b. Change the zone identifier from /rootto balance://set/rootand  
then add the directives needed to describe the processes sharing the load:  
ApJServMount /servlets balance://JServ_set/root  
ApJServBalance JServ_set JServ1  
ApJServBalance JServ_set JServ2 2  
ApJServHost JServ1 ajpv12://  
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Optimizing Servlet Performance  
ApJServHost JServ2 ajpv12://  
ApJServRoute JS1 JServ1  
ApJServRoute JS2 JServ2  
ApJServShmFile /usr/local/apache/logs/jserv_shm  
The ApJServMountdirective, with /servlets  
balance://set/root, now balances requests for servlets in /servlets  
between JServ1 and JServ2.  
The ApJServBalancedirective identifies JServ1 and JServ2 as the  
processes that share the load. The 2’ following JServ2 is a weight value.  
It specifies that twice as many requests will be sent to JServ2 as would  
be otherwise, i.e., that JServ2 will get about 2/ 3 of all incoming  
requests. See "Distribution of JServ Requests" below for details.  
The ApJServHostdirective identifies the host and port on which the  
processes are listening.  
The ApJServRoutedirective associates JServ processes with sessions.  
JServ uses this information to keep all of a sessions requests together in  
one process. The JServ session mechanism sends the process route  
information back to the user (generally in a cookie). You need only  
modify it if your application uses sessions.  
The ApJServShmFiledirective specifies a shared memory file that the  
httpd processes may use to track the state of the JServ processes.  
Distribution of JServ Requests  
mod_jserv selects the JServ engine to handle a request using the process outlined  
1. An httpd process is started.  
2. mod_jserv creates a list of available JServs, with extra entries for JServs with a  
weight value greater than 1 (for example, JServ2 in our example above, as  
specified by ApJServBalance set JServ2 2).  
3. An httpd daemon receives a servlet request and hands it to mod_jserv.  
4. mod_jserv selects the JServ engine that will handle the request.  
a. mod_jserv checks to see if the request is part of a current session. If so, it  
uses the ApJServRoutedirectives to find the JServ that handled the other  
requests for that session.  
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Optimizing Servlet Performance  
b. If the request is not part of a session, mod_jserv selects an engine based on  
the process ID of the httpd process and the number of entries in the list of  
available JServs, as follows:  
JServ_id to handle the request = httpd_pid % number of JServs in the list  
This method distributes requests across the available JServ engines fairly  
Using Single Thread Model Servlets  
Oracle recommends that you write your servlets to implement the  
SingleThreadModel (STM) interface. An application that was modified to  
implement the STM interface demonstrated a 25% improvement in response time,  
probably due to a decrease in synchronization bottlenecks.  
It is also much easier to manage database connections with STM servlets. The  
database connection can be set up in the init()method of the servlet, and closed  
in the destroy()method. When executing the servlets doGet()or service()  
method, you need not be concerned with obtaining a database connection.  
Alternatively, you can use JDBC connection caching.  
There are three parameters in the file that impact the performance  
of STM servlets in particular. These govern:  
The minimum number of servlet object instances that will be generated and  
available after the servlet class is loaded  
The maximum number that can be generated  
The number that should be generated if the available instances are insufficient  
Because it is very costly to generate instances while the system is running, Oracle  
recommends that you set your minimum to equal your maximum value. The  
optimum value depends somewhat on how many connections your database server  
Total DB connections / Number of JServ processes = Number of STM servlet  
instances per process  
See Chapter 3, "Sizing and Configuration" for suggestions on determining the right  
number of JServ processes for your application, and "Load Balancing" on page 5-4  
for the steps to configure them. Suppose youve determined that you want 10  
servlet instances per process. Then, in the properties file for your zone, set:  
Optimizing Apache JServ 5-7  
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What is OracleJSP?  
singleThreadModelServlet.initialCapacity = 10  
singleThreadModelServlet.incrementCapacity = 0  
singleThreadModelServlet.maximumCapacity = 10  
Warning: The value for  
singleThreadModelServlet.maximumCapacityin the zone  
properties file must be at least as large as the value for  
security.maxConnections in the file. If it is not,  
and the number of requests sent to the JServ process exceeds the  
maximum capacity, requests will fail.  
What is OracleJSP?  
OracleJSP is Oracle’s implementation of the Sun Microsystems JavaServer  
Pages 1.1 specification. Some of the additional features it includes are custom  
JavaBeans for accessing Oracle databases, SQL support, and extended data types.  
See the Oracle Internet Application Server 8i Overview Guide in the Oracle Internet  
Application Server 8i documentation library for detailed descriptions of the  
OracleJSP Page Performance Tuning  
This section explains how you can improve OracleJSP pages’ performance.  
Impact of Session Management  
In general, sessions add performance overhead; they consume about 0.5 KB of  
resident memory. You must turn off sessions if you do not want a new session to be  
created with each request. By default, sessions are enabled in OracleJSPs, so if they  
are not being used, turn them off by including the following line at the top of the  
<%@ page session="false" %>  
If you are going to use sessions, ensure that you explicitly close them. If you dont,  
they will linger until they time out (the default value for session timeout is 30  
minutes). To close a session manually, use the session.invalidate()method.  
See the OracleJSP Developers Guide and Reference in the Oracle Internet Application  
Server 8i documentation library for more information on configuring OracleJSP  
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OracleJSP Page Performance Tuning  
Developer Mode  
Another parameter that has a significant effect on performance is developer mode.  
It is a useful feature for debugging during development, but it degrades  
performance. The default value is true, so you will need to set it to false in the file as follows:  
With developer mode set to true, OracleJSP and the servlet engine examines every  
request to determine whether to reload or retranslate the page or application. With  
developer mode off, only the first request is examined.  
In a test using JDK 1.2 with 50 users, 128 MB heap, and the default TCP settings, the  
performance gains with developer mode off were 14% in throughput, and 28% in  
average response time.  
If an OracleJSP page is not using any features that do not require resetting the buffer  
(such as error pages, contextType settings, forwards, etc.), disabling the JSP page  
buffer will improve performance. This is because memory will not be used in  
creating the buffer, and the output can go directly to the browser. Use this page  
directive to disable buffering:  
<%@ page buffer=”none” %>  
The default size of an OracleJSP page buffer is 8 KB.  
Enhancing OracleJSP Performance  
The Oracle JavaServer Pages Developers Guide and Reference provide detailed  
information about Oracle JSP pages, implementation guidelines, configuration  
issues, and performance tips, listed below:  
Caching database connections  
Since creating database connections is very expensive, it is more performant to use a  
cache of connections. The OracleJSP application can then get a connection from the  
pool of database connections and return it when it is finished.  
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OracleJSP Page Performance Tuning  
Update statement batching  
The JDBC driver accumulates a number of execution requests (the batch value) and  
passes them to the database to be processed at the same time. You can configure the  
batch value to control how frequently processing occurs.  
JDBC statement caching  
Cache executable statements that are repeatedly used, to avoid re-parsing,  
statement object recreation, and recalculation of parameter size definitions.  
Pre-fetching rows  
During a query, pre-fetch multiple rows into the client to reduce round trips  
between the database and the server.  
Caching rowsets from the database  
Cache small sets of data that are accessed frequently and do not change often. This  
is not as beneficial for large data sets, since they consume more memory.  
Using static includes  
To invoke static includes, use the page directive:  
<%@ include file=“/jsp/filename.jsp” %>  
Static include creates a copy of the file in the JSP, thereby affecting its page size. This  
is useful in avoiding trips to the request dispatcher (unlike dynamic includes, which  
must go through the request dispatcher each time). However, file sizes should be  
small to avoid exceeding the 64K limit of the service method of the generated page  
implementation class.  
Dynamic include  
To invoke dynamic includes, use the page directive  
<jsp:include page=”/jsp/filename.jsp” flush="true" />  
This directive is analogous to a function call, and therefore does not increase the  
page size of the JSP. However, a dynamic include increases the processing overhead  
since it must go through the request dispatcher. Dynamic includes are useful for  
including other pages without increasing page size.  
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Apache JServ Protocol 1.2, 5-2  
ApJServMount, 5-5  
ApJServRoute, 5-6  
demand limiter, 1-6  
demand rate, 1-5, 1-6  
developer_mode, 5-9  
ApJServShmFile, 5-6  
ExtendedStatus, 2-4  
JServ, 5-2  
functional demand, 1-6  
database connections, 5-9  
SSL, 3-3  
capacity, 1-6  
graceful shutdown, 2-10  
defined, 1-2  
limiting, 1-7  
concurrent executing users, 3-2  
concurrent users, 3-2, 4-8  
connection caching, 5-7  
contention, 1-4  
JDBC, 5-7  
described, 5-2  
insufficient, 1-4  
statistics, 2-2  
usage, 2-2  
load balancing, 5-4  
process start-up time, 5-3  
processes per CPU, 3-6  
processes, load balancing, 5-4  
cron, 2-7  
starting and stopping processes, 5-4  
threads per, 3-6  
JServ Protocol 1.2, 5-2  
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jserv.conf, 2-8  
JSP, 5-8  
response time, 1-4  
defined, 1-2  
goal, 1-7  
improving, 1-3  
defined, 1-2  
first-request, 5-3  
network, 3-1  
logging, 4-10  
sar utility, 2-2  
monitoring, 2-2  
security.allowedAddresses, 5-5  
security.maxConnections, 3-6  
server statistics, 2-4  
server-side status information, 2-3  
service time, 1-3  
defined, 1-2  
concurrent users and, 3-2  
configuring, 4-9  
increasing, 2-6  
mod_jserv, 5-2, 5-6  
mod_status, 2-3, 2-7  
database connection and, 5-7  
engine, 5-2  
CPU usage, 2-2  
httpds processes, 2-4, 2-5  
JServ processes, 2-8  
server, 2-6  
SingleThreadModel interface and, 5-7  
zone properties file, 5-3  
servlets.startup, 5-3  
JServ processes and, 5-6  
SetHandler, 2-4  
server, automating, 2-6  
mpstat, 2-2  
shutdown, 2-10  
Oracle Internet Application Server 8i  
defined, 3-3  
performance cost, 3-3  
session caching, 4-10  
performance goals, 1-7, 3-1  
CPU, 2-2  
server, 2-4, 2-6  
Apache JServ 1.2, 5-2  
HTTP/ 1.1, 4-11  
SSL, 3-3  
status reports, 2-3  
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think time  
limit, 3-6  
increasing, 1-4  
unit consumption, 1-6  
uptime, 2-4  
sar, 2-2  
wait time  
defined, 1-2  
parallel processing and, 1-4  
zone, defined, 5-3, 5-7  
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